
RAOFDear pulseaudio.  When I ask you for debug output, I'd ideally like it on stdout, not stderr.  kthxbye.00:10
slangasekis that conventional?00:12
RAOFI'd generally expect "pulseaudio -vvv | tee ~/pulselog" to have some output in ~/pulselog, yes.00:13
seb128wrong expectation then00:13
RAOFMaybe I don't do this often enough, then.00:14
LaserJockdebug output is generally considered error output isn't it?00:15
slangasekI would be inclined to expect it on stderr, myself00:16
RAOFHm.  My expectations are obvously wrong, then.00:18
LaserJockRAOF: don't worry, I always expect | to catch stderr :-)00:34
seb128NCommander: oh, you are there00:43
seb128NCommander: I though you didn't manage to reboot ;-) did you read my comments about the gtkmm update before?00:44
slangasekasac: is bug #229745 still in progress?00:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229745 in xulrunner-1.9 "after fix for #215728 - Committing to urlclassifier3.sqlite still causes excessive CPU usage and disk I/O (the 2nd)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22974500:47
seb128NCommander: the configure.in requires new libglib, libgtk, etc versions and you didn't upgrade the build-depends00:49
seb128anyway time to go to bed, you can work on fixing that until tomorrow ;-)00:49
keesasac: so, I'm still trying to figure out why n-m tries to DHCP for me.  Everything in /etc/network/interfaces is static.01:15
nxvlslangasek: are you planning the archive changes already?01:18
slangasek"the archive changes"?01:18
nxvlmaving it from main/universe to seeds01:19
nxvlas in team specific seeds01:19
slangasekI haven't been directly involved in that transition01:19
TheMusonxvl: Thats a long way off yet I believe.01:20
nxvlTheMuso: yeah, me too, just making sure01:20
nxvlbut it's going to be a jaunty goal to move everything to bzr, right?01:20
slangasekthat's been stated, yes01:21
slangasekbryce: ok, so I've added a 'USA' layout to my keyboard preferences, but I don't see anywhere in here that will let me /switch/ to it...02:50
slangasekoh, apparently if I drag and drop so that USA ends up as the default, it'll switch for me :P02:50
slangasekFn+F2 still gives me XF86AudioMute, tho02:51
persiaslangasek: You've clearly been using unintuitive interfaces for too long :)02:51
slangasekpersia: hmm?02:51
persiaslangasek: That you're looking for a widget to switch, rather than just dragging things about.02:51
slangasekpersia: er, why in God's name should I have to /drag/ anything to express "I want to change the current setting"?02:52
pooliebryce, fwiw Fn-F2 for Lock does work02:52
slangasekthe effect of dragging it appears to be to change the default02:52
slangasekI don't want to change the default, I want to change the current setting02:52
poolieFn-F4 (sleep) says "action is forbidden on this computer"02:52
poolieFn-F12 (hibernate) does nothing02:52
* persia retreats from an indefensible position intended humourously02:53
slangasekpersia: mmk :)02:53
slangasekpersia: sorry, perhaps you should try taking a position that's more obviously a parody rather than one that looks congruent to the position held by real "usability" folks :)02:54
ScottK-laptopIsn't that parody almost by definition?02:54
persiaHas it gotten to that point already?02:54
* ScottK-laptop looks around for seele...02:54
slangasekbryce: also, fwiw, I had the keymapping magically right itself before my last reboot; I don't know what I did to make that happen, but I can't reproduce the effect now02:57
slangasekmm, manually running setxkbmap -model evdev seems to fix the mapping per xev; why was that wrong?02:59
brycethis sounds familiar03:01
jcristauslangasek: new xkb-data wants rules=evdev, instead of model=evdev, in order to unbreak stuff like jp106 and abnt203:01
jcristauwhere 'new' is whatever version timo uploaded in the last few days03:01
slangasekwell, so be it; but why do I have to specify anything manually, given that this is a fresh X session from this morning? :)03:01
bryceslangasek: so with the right mapping, does sleep work?03:01
slangasekbryce: no03:02
brycewhat's the xev output now?03:02
slangasekhrm, /etc/default/console-setup is written out by gnome-keyboardboard-properties, I guess?03:02
persiajcristau: Really unbreak jp106, or just sorta unbreak it?03:02
slangaseknow I have XKBMODEL="pc104", that doesn't really help much03:03
* persia has been overriding with GNOME preferences since Dapper03:03
jcristaupersia: make it possible to unbreak it03:03
persiaOK :)03:03
slangasekbryce: XF86ScreenSaver03:03
slangasekthis is for Fn+F2, which is the lock icon, surely that's correct?03:05
jcristauslangasek: same keycode in both cases?03:10
slangasekI don't know, no one asked for that while it was still in my scrollback03:10
bryceslangasek: oh okay I assumed it was mapped to sleep03:11
bryceslangasek: does your sleep key work?03:11
slangasekI don't know, I'm not interested in sleeping? :)03:11
slangasekI believe I'm still running the kernel that the alpha-5 technical overview says will break on resume. :)03:12
bryceok well I guess I've done as much as I can on this bug.  It's quite different from what I see on dell03:13
bryceand unfortunately I don't have a thinkpad03:13
slangasekwell, I'm happy to test anything you want, or provide further debugging feedback03:14
slangasekI can even test sleep if necessary, but there's a general problem with the extra keys not being seen where they need to be, so I'd rather debug something with less destruction potential first03:14
jcristauslangasek: might be interesting to see the output of 'xkbcomp :0 -' in the broken case03:16
RAOFTheMuso: pulseaudio status report: 0.9.12/alsa-lib from your PPA/alsa-driver 1.1.18rc3 _still_ exhibit underruns.03:16
pooliebryce, still here?03:16
brycepoolie: yep03:16
TheMusoRAOF: Right.,03:16
slangasekjcristau: which broken case, the broken case where it sends the wrong keysyms, or the broken case where it sends the right ones but nothing picks them up the way it's supposed to?03:16
pooliebryce, on my x61s after rebooting (and getting past bug 263782)03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263782 in linux "intrepid hang with screen corruption during boot with 2.6.27-2-generic on x61" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26378203:17
TheMusoRAOF: what part of alsa are you using that is 1.0.18rc3?03:17
pooliethe sleep button says 'forbidden by policy' and the hibernate button does nothing03:17
jcristauslangasek: wrong keysyms03:17
RAOFTheMuso: alsa-driver.03:17
poolieis there a bug i should subscribe to or something?03:17
jcristauslangasek: the other one involves gnomeish stuff, which i'd rather not look at ;)03:17
TheMusoRAOF: Right.03:17
RAOFTheMuso: As in; grab the alsa-source package, update to 1.1.18rc3, disable a patch or two, and run module-assistant :)03:17
TheMusoRAOF: Yep I know what you mean.03:18
RAOFGood.  Just in case there was some ambiguity; ALSA's crazy!03:18
TheMusoRAOF: I might take this to the pulseaudio guys then. I'm suspecting it may be alsa specific, but its better to be sure.03:18
pooliewow amazing, hibernate works!03:21
slangasekjcristau: http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/xkbcomp-ftw.txt03:22
slangasekjcristau, bryce: re-selecting generic/evdev in gnome-keyboard-properties under 'layouts' is sufficient to recreate the b0rkage03:23
TheMusoRAOF: Are you RAOF if alsa-driver git fixes it, then we know where to start looking, and pick the commit we need and et it into the kernel.03:23
slangasekand setxkbmap -rules evdev clears it03:24
TheMusoRAOF: sorry started writing something, forgot to clear it. :)03:24
RAOFTheMuso: I am RAOF, yes.  And I'll pull alsa-driver git and module-assistant it.03:24
jcristauslangasek: yeah, that says 'key <I160> {         [   XF86AudioMute ] };03:24
TheMusoRAOF: hehe03:24
jcristauwhich is, err, wrong03:24
slangasekjcristau: sure; it seems to get a total of 9 keys wrong, looking at the diff03:25
brycepoolie: interesting... sounds like you're seeing a completely different issue than everyone else03:26
RAOFTheMuso: Heh.  I've just browsed alsa-driver git.  Turns out, 1.0.18rc3 _is_ git head.03:28
pooliebryce, i filed bug 268823, hth03:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268823 in ubuntu "x61s suspend and hibernate buttons don't work; suspend 'forbidden by policy'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26882303:29
pooliei'm pretty chuffed at least hibernate is working though03:29
brycepoolie: ok thanks03:29
bryceyeah neither sleep nor hibernate work for me03:29
jcristauslangasek: i think gnome-keyboard-properties shouldn't be allowed to set the model to evdev anymore.. not sure how that's been handled03:31
slangasekjcristau: well, it's changing the 'rules' that clears the breakage, not the 'model', does that make sense then?03:32
NCommanderhey TheMuso, I'm working on fixing a PPC specific issue in hardy (the changes are in proposed, just waiting for an archive admin to approve it to proposed)03:32
jcristauslangasek: aiui, the broken state is with rules=base, model=evdev, and setting the rules to evdev fixes it. is that right?03:33
bryce<slangasek> jcristau, bryce: re-selecting generic/evdev in gnome-keyboard-properties under 'layouts' is sufficient to recreate the b0rkage03:34
bryce<slangasek> and setxkbmap -rules evdev clears it03:34
bryceis gnome-keyboard-properties forcing rules=base?03:34
TheMusoRAOF: bummer!03:39
RAOFTheMuso: There's possibly one interesting commit in alsa-lib after the patches you've applied to .17a, but 0.9.12 doesn't seem to check for the availability of the new API, so it's probably not going to do anything.03:40
TheMusoRAOF: What commit is interesting?03:41
RAOFTheMuso: The one just before 1.0.18rc3; adding snd_pcm_avail and snd_pcm_avail_delay; I only notice these because I seem to recall Lennart complaining about the lack of that API.03:42
TheMusoRAOF: Oh they are not in my alsa-lib package, because that introduces new symbols, and I thought it may be better staying away from that. I can drop that commit in my package if you like. Added to that, I'd say the next version of pulse may use that.03:43
RAOFYeah.  The next version may well, but it doesn't seem that pulseaudio git is using it yet.03:44
TheMusoRAOF: And if I was to add that, I may as well move alsa-lib to 1.0.18rc3.03:44
TheMusoNext cycle, I plan top get a better handle on the kernel side of things also. Its taken me a little while to get going with audio stuff, but I feel I'm almost on top of everything.03:45
bryceslangasek: hmm, setting my layout to dvorak and back to us isn't breaking for me03:47
RAOFTheMuso: Yay!03:48
jcristauslangasek: can't reproduce your broken keymap by playing with setxkbmap here. will try to look again tomorrow. xkb makes me sad.03:48
bryceand for me, input.xkb.rules = 'base'  (string)03:48
brycealthough oddly  lshal | grep xkb still shows layout='us' even when it's set to dvorak03:49
jcristaubryce: hal just has the default stuff for when the device is added to x03:50
jcristauso, that's everything but odd03:50
brycejcristau: is there a cmdline tool to see what the rules are currently set to?03:51
jcristauxprop -root _XKB_RULES_NAMES, or setxkbmap -print, assuming gnome sets that (i have no idea whether it does)03:51
bryceyep looks like it does03:53
bryce_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "base", "evdev", "us,us", ",dvorak", "grp:alts_toggle"03:53
slangasekbryce: _XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "evdev", "evdev", "us", "dvorak", "lv3:ralt_switch,grp:alts_toggle,altwin:menu,compose:rwin,compose:ralt"04:06
bryceslangasek: that is with it working properly or brokenly?04:07
slangasekbryce: that's with the wrong keysym being generated04:08
slangasekand there's no difference after I run setxkbmap -rules evdev04:08
bryceok, but running that fixed it last time?04:10
slangasekit still fixes the xev output04:10
slangasekbut it appears not to affect the xprop value04:11
ScottK-laptopslangasek: If you're still up and about, I'd appreciate it if you'd accept the kdenetwork in hardy-backports.04:54
tjaaltonslangasek: you have all the latest updates, meaning that gnome-settings-daemon no longer forces model=evdev?05:31
slangasektjaalton: it would be clearer if you would define "latest" in terms of package versions; I have 2.3.92-0ubuntu305:45
slangaseker, 2.23.92-0ubuntu305:46
tjaaltonslangasek: yeah, sorry. that's recent enough :)05:46
slangasektjaalton: it does appear, however, that this version only became available today, and that I downloaded it this afternoon, after my last restart05:48
slangasektjaalton: so did -0ubuntu2 still have the problem?05:48
tjaaltonslangasek: ubuntu2 was the one that no longer forced it05:48
slangasekthen I've had that installed since before my last reboot05:48
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
slangasekScottK-laptop: done06:14
slangasekasac: how do I get NM 0.7 to not stomp on my domain search preferences as configured in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and/or /etc/resolv.conf, without also having to hard-code a DNS server preference?06:29
NCommanderslangasek, is there a reason you can't configure those settings in NM?06:43
slangasekNCommander: ?06:56
RAOFslangasek: I can't see a way myself, no.06:57
NCommanderslangasek, WHy can't you set the domain search preference in NM?06:57
NCommanderslangasek, it allows you to set it06:58
slangasekNCommander: are you looking at the same version of NM that I am?06:58
NCommanderI dunno, how can I check?06:58
RAOFslangasek: You're asking for an option between "DHCP for everything" and "DHCP for IP only", right?06:58
slangasekNCommander: dpkg -l network-manager-gnome?06:58
slangasekRAOF: yes06:58
RAOFYeah.  I can't find one.06:59
* NCommander reread slangasek and realized the same06:59
slangasekRAOF: really, I want a statically-configured search domain that never, ever gets touched regardless of which network connection is active06:59
slangasekbut I would settle for being able to configure my domain search without having to statically configure DNS servers07:00
NCommanderslangasek, where is NM's development?07:00
RAOFI'm not even sure what the 'search domain' _is_ :)07:00
NCommanderRAOF, a search domain is a domain that is automatically searched if there isn't an entry in the hosts file07:00
NCommanderi.e., at my school, all computers are on rh.rit.edu07:00
slangasekthe domain, or list of domains, configured with the 'search' option in /etc/resolv.conf07:01
persiaRAOF: essentially let's you type "archive" and automatically get "archive.ubuntu.com" if you have it set.07:01
NCommanderNormally if I want to access goober on my network, it needs to be goover.rh.rit.edu07:01
RAOFThat's pretty cool.07:01
NCommanderBut if I was to set the domain to rit.edu, then I can type goover.rh07:01
* RAOF now wants to set one!07:01
persiaRAOF: Set lots, for extra fun :)07:01
slangasekRAOF: <boggle> hmm, now I have an inkling of why no one has complained about this missing feature before now :)07:01
slangasekNCommander: NM's development> in GNOME?07:02
RAOFNCommander: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/ if you want a url :)07:02
persiaslangasek: I suspect most of those that use the feature have been the same set of people who routinely purged network-manager on install.07:02
NCommanderpersia, doesn't having a lot of search domains cause a lot of unnecessary DNS traffic since it will ping those DNS servers before checking the rest07:02
slangasekpersia: all the other options for managing wireless on a laptop appear to suck at least as much, so I've been giving NM the benefit of the doubt :)07:02
slangasekpersia: it /looks/ like NM 0.7 is good enough that I can finally have proper kerberos logins on my laptop07:03
persiaNCommander: Well, depends on frequency of use of the domains.  At one nameless financial institution we used 14 search domains as a result of various mergers to support ease of access.07:03
NCommanderi.e., if i had ubuntu.com in my search domains, and then I tried to go to say somesite.com, won't it try somesite.com.ubuntu.com first?07:03
persiaslangasek: Yep.  NM 0.7 hit the threshold of usability, so now the hard bugs get exposed.07:03
NCommanderslangasek, since I've been in a similar boat before I got my current router, I'll look into coding this feature for you :-)07:03
* NCommander knows said pain07:03
StevenKNCommander: There's an option for that -- if the name contains more than n dots, it must be fully-qualified07:04
slangasekwell, this is a laptop - it's going to be connected to lots of networks, all of which will have the wrong domain search07:04
StevenKslangasek: Why Kerberos on your laptop?07:05
slangasekbecause Kerberos is the One True Way07:05
persiaActualy kerberos and reliable VPN on the laptop sounds like the right solution to lots of problems.07:05
StevenKYou went to Stanford, didn't you!07:05
StevenKDidn't you!07:05
slangaseknope, Iowa State07:06
* NCommander has used Kerberos with CVS07:06
NCommanderGod that hurt07:06
slangasekand we ran AFS and Kerberos at ISU too07:06
NCommanderKerberos is awesome ONCE you get it setup07:06
NCommanderBut it hurts getting it setup07:06
StevenKWe were planning to use it at $OLD_WORK07:06
StevenKAnd then I left. So now I don't care.07:06
NCommanderI got a crash course in kerberos adminning Windows Active Directory07:07
RAOFAny protocol named after the three headed dog guarding the underworld has _got_ to be cool.07:08
NCommanderslangasek, ping me tommorow or the day after, and I'll probably be able to tell you how much pain is in store for adding the necessary code to NM07:08
dholbachgood morning07:09
RAOFNCommander: Do you actually _sleep_?  Stop making me feel inadequate! :)07:09
slangasekso I'm going to ping you, and you're going to give me a pain quote? :)07:09
* slangasek waves to dholbach 07:09
NCommanderRAOF, you haven't seen my quit message07:09
NCommanderor away07:09
dholbachhi slangasek :-)07:09
StevenKslangasek: "Ouch, that ping hurt!"07:09
* NCommander has quit IRC (This creature sleeps beyond the reach of time itself)07:09
NCommander(ten geek points if you know the reference)07:10
* RAOF doesn't think so.07:10
slangasekNCommander: John McCain's introduction at the RNC07:10
NCommanderslangasek, O_o;, Uh, well, its actually from a 12 year old game07:11
RAOFThat sounds right up my alley.07:11
* StevenK tries to think what came out in 199607:11
NCommanderRAOF, super nes07:11
NCommanderHrm, it might be older07:11
* NCommander checks a release date07:11
* RAOF never had a snes.07:12
NCommanderso 13 years07:12
RAOFOr, in fact, _any_ console but an xbox.07:12
* StevenK never had a SNES, either07:12
NCommanderHad a rather bad PS2 port07:12
* StevenK hugs his slimline PS207:12
NCommanderGeeze, you guys were deprived. Go play some final fantasy :-)07:12
NCommander(although this quote doesn't come from FF)07:13
RAOFOooh, no, I lie!  I also have a gamecube!07:13
NCommanderMan, I didn't think the reference was that obscure07:13
StevenKHaha. Where did it go?07:13
RAOFIt stayed in Hobart with my brother.07:13
RAOFActually, I think one of my friends has it at the moment.07:14
NCommanderanyway, the quote is from Chrono Trigger (1995 - Squaresoft)07:14
* RAOF remembers final fantasy: crystal chronicals as surprisingly fun multiplayer07:14
StevenKBrotherhood of the travelling gamecube?07:14
* StevenK hides07:14
* NCommander remembers as FF: CC as pain pure and simple07:14
NCommanderAnd not the good pain07:14
RAOFRepetitve music attack!07:16
NCommanderThe only cool part in that game was when you traveled through mana gates07:17
StevenKRAOF: I thought was Tetris?07:17
* NCommander loves Tetris07:17
NCommanderMy longest game lasted eight hours07:17
NCommanderDamn cheap game boy batteries07:18
slangasekNCommander: I'm pretty sure all my memories of Chrono Trigger (which is still in the house here, somewhere) have been pushed aside by more arcane matters, sorry :)07:18
NCommander\o/ - slangasek + 10 geek points!07:18
NCommander(for having PLAYED chrono trigger)07:18
NCommanderThat game was awesome07:19
NCommanderI plan to buy it when its released for the DS07:19
NCommanderThere goes another six months of my life07:19
NCommander(or one Ubuntu release cycle where I'm just going to probably be MIA)07:19
NCommanderslangasek, the quote is near the end of the game when you get Epoch, and you turn off the Nu, and then try to talk to it, it says "This creature now sleeps beyond the reach of time itself."07:20
superm1NCommander, yeah that is one of my favorite games too. i look forward to it on DS as well.  it's a shame the sequel to chrono cross never materialized07:21
NCommandersuperm1, I didn't really care for chrono cross. Radient Dreamers which CC was based off was awesome though if you like those types of games07:22
NCommanderOne of the most anonying but favorite games of mine is Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask07:24
superm1oh very indeed that was an annoying game, i fear i ended up referring to some guides with what i was "supposed" eg what time to meet people07:24
NCommanderIts one of the few games I couldn't beat without a guide07:25
NCommanderStone Tower was near impossible07:25
NCommanderEven with a guide, you have JUST enough time to get to the boss07:25
NCommanderStill, that game screws with your head07:25
TheMusoNCommander: Just like ubuntu development does sometimes.07:26
NCommanderTheMuso, I'm so screwed most of the time it makes sense07:26
NCommanderGo having no social life07:27
NCommander(until I was 16)07:27
NCommanderTwilight Princess was awesome, it does not have so much mind screwing as Majora's Mask which is why it once my second favorite07:28
* NCommander wishs Riven was available for Linux07:28
* NCommander finds the Song of Heading song for his cell phone07:35
NCommanderer, HEALING07:37
TheMusoNCommander: I remember seeing somewhere that riven runs well under wine.07:43
slangasektjaalton: so we established that I have the right version of gnome-settings-daemon... no other guesses? :)07:44
NCommanderTheMuso, now I'd just have to find it, and then go insane trying to beat the fire marble puzzle07:45
tjaaltonslangasek: so your keymap works otherwise, but not some of the special keys?07:46
slangasektjaalton: yes; the basic 104/105 keys (depending on whether I'm plugged into the KVM) seem to work ok07:47
NCommanderslangasek, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= - BTW, would you mind approving for -proposed the gnome-python-extras (it needs a binary only rebuild to resolve an issue on PPC)07:47
tjaaltonslangasek: good to hear. I need to check if the mappings are 1:1 between the old and new method (kbd vs. evdev), seems that they are not07:48
tjaaltonslangasek: and if true, it shouldn't be too hard to fix07:48
slangasekNCommander: not just now; I'll have a look at it Monday at the latest07:48
NCommanderslangasek, cool, thank you07:49
tjaaltonslangasek: do you know how the event flow worked on hardy? I don't know what role hal/gpm play in this07:49
slangasektjaalton: gpm shouldn't play any role in the stuff I'm interested in07:50
slangasektjaalton: I believe hal was involved and that something's gone askew in that regard in intrepid, but I don't know details07:51
tjaaltonslangasek: btw, would you ack bug 268055 and bug 26807107:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268055 in xorg-server "Please accept xorg-server 1.5.0-1ubuntu1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26805507:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268071 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Please accept xfree86-driver-synaptics 0.15.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26807107:53
tjaaltonslangasek: ok, I'll take a look at hal. AIUI acpi-support should be obsolete, so it's a bit confusing to have it installed by default..07:54
slangaseker, why do people keep asserting that it's obsolete?07:54
slangaseknothing else is handling my Fn+F5 (wireless toggle) key, and as far as I'm concerned, nothing else should be handling it07:55
tjaaltonok, so hal uses it?07:55
slangasekI don't know07:55
tjaaltonso confusing..07:55
slangasekbut acpi-support provides handling of certain acpi events directly07:55
tjaaltonhm, ok07:55
slangasekevents which I don't see any reason for hal to even touch07:56
slangasekwhy add 4 layers for events where 1 layer currently suffices?07:56
slangasekregarding the freeze exceptions, I don't have time to look at those tonight, I'll have a look in the morning07:56
tjaaltonslangasek: could I poke someone else closer to my timezone?07:57
slangasektjaalton: sure, I think every other member of the release team is closer to your timezone ;)07:58
tjaaltonah, lp shows a couple of candidates07:58
TheMusotjaalton: Are those packages in a PPA? I'd like to try them. If so, which PPA?08:05
tjaaltonTheMuso: synaptics is, xorg-server isn't since it wouldn't install (video drivers need to be rebuilt against it)08:07
tjaaltonTheMuso: http://ppa.launchpad.net/tjaalton/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xfree86-driver-synaptics/08:08
tjaaltonTheMuso: note that it's not the new 0.15.2 which was released yesterday08:08
tjaaltonalthough it has two patches that are in .208:10
TheMusotjaalton: oh ok08:12
TheMusoI was interested in 0.15.2. Never mind then, I'll wait to see if it hits the repo any time soon.08:13
lamontScottK: so on the script to un-chroot... do I have that one?08:30
tjaaltonhrm, subversion backport in hardy is broken, can't check certificates and complains08:33
tjaaltonScottK-laptop: do you know about that ^^08:34
pittiGood morning08:56
tkamppeter_Riddell, hi08:56
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
Martiinipitti .. where do you live08:56
tkamppeterpitti, I have tried your D-Bus interface. From the command line it works as advertized as long as the driver is not already installed.09:07
pittitkamppeter: right, if it is already installed it doesn't do anything09:08
tkamppeterWith the driver installed I got bug 26864909:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268649 in jockey "jockey-gtk crashed with DBusException in call_blocking() (dup-of: 253224)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26864909:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 253224 in jockey "jockey-gtk crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25322409:09
pittitkamppeter: thanks, could be a timeout (will look late)09:10
pittitkamppeter: that thing also still needs a progress dialog for "Searching for drivers..."09:10
pittitkamppeter: it's just barely working now and needs bug fixes09:10
tkamppeterpitti, but now to a new, independent problem: I do not succed to trigger the driver download window when doing the DBUS call from a Python program.09:11
tjaaltonScottK-laptop: I think libneon needs a backport as well09:11
tjaaltonScottK-laptop: see debian bug 47413909:11
ubottuDebian bug 474139 in libneon27-gnutls "libneon27: Breaks access to some Subversion repositories" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/47413909:12
tkamppeterpitti, see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/45673/09:12
tkamppeterThis program actually makes Jockey running (one sees it in the output of "top"), but the Jocky window does not open.09:13
tkamppeterpitti, splix is not installed on my box.09:13
tkamppeterRiddell, I want to know, how you made Qt/KDE outputting PDF when one sends a print job to CUPS. It is for a general documentation on how to make a system using the PDF printing workflow.09:15
pittitkamppeter: do you get a crash report for it?09:17
pittitkamppeter: or does search_driver() return normally? (you don't print its result)09:18
tkamppeterThe small Python program does not cause a crash report.09:18
pittitkamppeter: or, rather, crash report -> exception message09:18
pittitkamppeter: (since you catch DBusErrors)09:18
tkamppeterThe program does not raise an exception. It prints the "Done." and not the "D-Bus Error".09:19
pittitkamppeter: ok, let's debug that in /msg09:20
didrockshi everyone09:24
didrocksI removed a NBS (icedtea-java7-jre) recently09:24
didrocksis it possible to remove it from the archives (and from people.ubuntu.com)09:25
tjaaltonasac: what's up with urlclassifier3.sqlite, seems to grow at a fast rate for some users (on hardy)?09:32
tjaaltonasac: ok, I see there are bugs about it..09:34
tjaaltonuser quota is 200MB, so ~50MB for that alone is a lot09:34
dholbachWTF... somebody tried to order an Acer laptop under my name?!09:34
* dholbach just got a call, that address was incomplete09:35
norsettoanyone has a link explaining what is the plan for the xen kernel on intrepid?09:38
wgrantnorsetto: domU is in the normal kernels, AFAIK. And dom0 support isn't planned, also AFAIK.09:46
EruditeHermitis it possible to report a bug for a PPA that contains packages that might enter intrepid?09:46
wgrantEruditeHermit: Only if an Ubuntu developer uploaded them to the PPA and explicitly says you're allowed to.09:47
EruditeHermitwgrant: if not, is there anything I can do?09:47
norsettowgrant: ok thx, I guess that means that the dependency on the linux-xen meta package we have on hardy can be dropped for intrepid09:47
EruditeHermitwgrant: I reported it upstream but they won't fix it until the next release which will miss intrepid09:48
wgrantEruditeHermit: What makes you think it will be in Intrepid?09:48
EruditeHermitwgrant: OOo309:49
EruditeHermitwgrant: I read in the forums it might make it09:49
wgrantcalc: ^^09:50
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by OpenOffice.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://openoffice.org/issues/xml.cgi?id=93399)09:50
EruditeHermitits late I have to sleep09:53
EruditeHermitperhaps I'll pursue it tomorrow09:53
EruditeHermitthanks wgrant09:54
wgrantNight EruditeHermit.09:56
tjaaltonasac: forcing urlclassifier.updatecachemax for now, will have to do until the quota is something larger :)10:05
asactjaalton: hmm10:19
asacgood point10:20
Riddellmvo_: can you remember why we kept the KDE 3 version of dist upgrader available?  it's causing problems when it cycles through what can be run http://paste.ubuntu.com/45680/10:55
tkamppeterRiddell, I want to know, how you made Qt/KDE outputting PDF when one sends a print job to CUPS. It is for a general documentation on how to make a system using the PDF printing workflow.11:02
mvo_Riddell: I kept it under the (incorrect) assumption that we need it for people without kde4, but I think that is not true so feel free to bzr rm11:02
mvo_Riddell: also I thought I removed it from the list of modules that are tried11:02
mvo_Riddell: let me check11:02
mvo_Riddell: could I get the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log from this? I'm curious why it tries to load the KDE version (it should try, gtk, kde4 and text in this order)11:04
Riddelltkamppeter: it's explained here http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qprinter.html11:04
Riddelltkamppeter: "On X11, QPrinter uses the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) or the standard Unix lpr utility to send PostScript or PDF output to the printer."11:04
Riddelltkamppeter: and this is what controls the output per application http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/qprinter.html#setOutputFormat11:05
tkamppeterRiddell, does this mean that you have patched all applications adding a setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat)?11:10
Riddelltkamppeter: no patch, it's what Qt does anyway, see this code http://paste.ubuntu.com/45717/11:10
Riddellso if CUPS is new enough Qt sets it to PDF11:11
tseliotpitti: what is "handler_id" that you pass update_driver_info_ui() in jockey-gtk?11:11
* Riddell points apachelogger towards mvo_ 11:11
tkamppeterRiddell, so then in the upstream world Qt were the first ones to switch to the PDF printing workflow?11:12
Riddelltkamppeter: yes I believe so11:12
ScottKtjaalton: Thanks.11:12
ScottKlamont: Russell Cocker emailed it to you.11:13
tkamppeterAlready before my Japanese co-workers finished the CUPS filters11:13
pittitseliot: the string from handler.id(); it should be stored in the tree model, so that you get it in the event handler11:14
pittitseliot: look at update_tree_model() in jockey-gtk11:14
tseliotpitti: can it be something like this? NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)11:16
pittitseliot: no, it's somethign like xorg:nvidia:17311:17
tseliotpitti: hmm11:17
Riddellmvo_: seems he doesn't have that log11:17
pittitseliot: the return values of Backend.available()11:17
pittitseliot: what you printed is Handler.name()11:17
tseliotpitti: ah, ok11:18
mvo__apachelogger: is that on a hardy->intrepid upgrade?11:25
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apacheloggermvo: yes, hardy KDE 3 -> intrepid to be precise11:26
tjaaltonpitti: btw, do you have time to ack bug 268055 and bug 268071?11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268055 in xorg-server "Please accept xorg-server 1.5.0-1ubuntu1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26805511:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268071 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Please accept xfree86-driver-synaptics 0.15.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26807111:26
mvoapachelogger: and you have no /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log when that fails?11:26
tjaaltonxorg-server is holding back xorg11:26
tjaaltonpitti: there's a newer synaptics upstream, which includes the two patches that my package has11:28
tjaaltonhmm I mentioned that on the bug..11:28
apacheloggermvo: getting one right now11:31
apacheloggermvo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45724/11:33
mvoapachelogger: thanks, I look into it11:36
Riddellmvo: it's probably in the way adept runs it11:37
tjaaltonScottK: I've built neon27 0.28-2 on hardy, and can't reproduce the problem with that, so svn should depend on that version11:38
tjaaltonScottK: ..once it's backported :)11:39
ScottKtjaalton: Thanks.11:39
Riddellmvo: yeah it is, we add  *proc << "--frontend" << "DistUpgradeViewKDE";11:39
mvoRiddell: oh, ok11:39
mvoRiddell: then I rename kde4 to kde and it should all be fine11:39
mvothanks for clarifiying11:39
broonieMeh. Why is there nothing except git-am for  applying patch serieses?11:40
mvoRiddell: is it worth keepng distupgradeviewkde3 around for reference or is the kde4 version complete and good enough so that this is not needed?11:43
james_wpitti: Hey, I saw someone ask yesterday about consolekit 0.3. Are we pulling that in now? I found a couple of Fedora patches we need if not.11:50
pittijames_w: unless there is a particular need to upgrade and do a FFE, we wouldn't11:50
pittijames_w: what do we need it for?11:50
james_wpitti: for me it just includes the patches I'll pull in, so I'm just interested in saving work if we do go to 0.311:51
james_wit sounds unlikely though, so I'll prepare a debdiff.11:51
pittijames_w: if 0.3 is by and large bug fixes, we can consider it; haven't looked at it at all11:52
james_wI haven't looked at it in that detail.11:52
ScottKtjaalton: From my reading of those bugs, the problems all occur with later versions of libneon than we have in Hardy.  I'm not sure I want to mess with it.  Did you have an actual problem with the hardy backport?  I also found http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=49835111:54
ubottuDebian bug 498351 in libneon27-gnutls "libneon27-gnutls: latest upgrades broke svn https auth" [Important,Open]11:54
tjaaltonScottK: the problem was with the subversion backport and current libneon11:55
james_wbit of a mix of fixes and new stuff11:55
TheMusoIs it just me, or is cdimage rather slow at the moment?11:55
TheMusoAccessing via http.11:55
ScottKtjaalton: Then I think you're having a different problem then the Debian bugs because those are all with later versions than we have in Intrepid even.11:56
tjaaltonScottK: but turns out that since RHEL5 has only 1.4.2 I need to back out the upgrade since using 1.5 also updates the local repo so 1.4 clients don't work anymore11:56
ScottKtjaalton: Yes, this is why the backport is important so that people who need access to 1.5 repos can get it.11:56
Riddellmvo: the qt 4 one is complete, no need for the old one11:57
ScottKtjaalton: I just woke up.  If you'd file a bug against hardy-backports, I'll look at it again later.11:57
tjaaltonScottK: that also means that I need to clear my own copy if I want to use RHEL511:57
tjaaltonScottK: heh11:57
TheMusohrm seems fine now.11:57
tjaaltonScottK: the error message I got was about the certificates, like on 47413911:58
tjaaltonupdating neon27 fixed that11:58
ScottKOK.  Please file the bug then.11:58
tjaaltonScottK: sure thing, thanks11:59
tseliotpitti: have a look at this: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/jockey/jockey-kde.png12:04
pittitseliot: nice! (something went wrong with the "Install" keyboard accelerator)12:05
tseliotpitti: I'll look into it12:06
Riddelltseliot, pitti: Qt uses & as accelarator indicator, GTK uses _ so it gets interprited as a literal underscore (and an automatic accelarator added anyway)12:07
pittiok, let's explain it here, was doing it in /msg12:07
Riddellreplace("_","&") or the like is the way to go12:07
pittiRiddell, tseliot:12:07
pittiui.py has all user visible strings12:07
pittiand uses _12:07
pittiand ui.py's _() method has a convert_keybindings argument which needs to be True for strings with accelerators12:08
pittiRiddell, tseliot: kde/jockey-kde's convert_keybindings() is not really implemented12:08
pittiit needs to convert _ to & and __ to _12:08
pittiI did that so that we don't have to translate all those strings twice, when they only differ by _ vs. &12:09
tseliotpitti: ah, ok, I'll do complete that method then12:09
pittitseliot: only gotcha is to not convert __ to &&12:09
pittii. e. a simple .replace() isn't enough12:10
tseliotpitti: yes, I know12:10
pittiwill probably become a regexp replace with look-ahead12:10
tseliotpitti: 'Turn o_ff Driver' i.e. 'Turn o&ff Driver' looks like this: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/jockey/jockey-kde1.png12:25
tseliotRiddel: any ideas on this ^^12:25
pittihm, weird; code-wise it looks alright?12:26
tseliotpitti: yes, I made the program print the string, just to be sure12:27
tseliotpitti, Riddell: this works though: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/jockey/jockey-kde2.png12:30
tseliotwhy is 'Turn o&ff Driver' useless while 'Turn &off Driver' is not?12:31
* tseliot > lunch. Bbl12:32
* pitti lunches as well12:32
Riddelltseliot: maybe something else is already using the f accelarator?12:53
Riddelltseliot: you can just miss out the accelarator entirely and it usually picks something sensible12:54
tseliotRiddell: I don't know if something else is using the f accelarator (automatically?) it is possible though.13:10
tseliotpitti: would it be ok if I set 'Turn _off Driver' instead of 'Turn o_ff Driver' in ui.py?13:10
sorenupdate-manager is not going to suggest upgrading to Intrepid for Hardy users is it?13:15
persiasoren: It depends on whether they are LTS users or regular users.13:19
wgrantmeta-release-lts != meta-release, so I presume not.13:19
wgrantpersia: How is that defined?13:19
sorenpersia: And how do we tell the difference?13:19
persiawgrant: If someone upgraded to hardy from gutsy, I expect they are still tracking meta-release.13:19
persiaFor new installs, it's probably meta-release-lts13:19
cjwatsonI didn't know update-manager tracked that13:20
wgrantI wasn't aware that it was set upon installation.13:20
wgrantBut I guess that might make sense.13:20
sorenMy meta-release config says:13:20
sorenURI = http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release13:20
sorenURI_LTS = http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts13:20
sorenSo if I were an "LTS user" both would point to -lts?13:21
sorenpersia: Or what are you saying exactly?13:21
persiasoren: I'm a little confused.13:21
mvosoren: not by default13:21
sorenjoin the club.13:21
persiaI thought it tracked at install, but I could be mistaken.13:21
pittitseliot: absolutely13:21
mpttseliot, it should be "Off", not "off"13:22
mpt(regardless of access key)13:22
tseliotmpt: ok, I'll fix it. Thanks13:23
mptoh, KDE version13:23
mptActually, I'm not sure of KDE capitalization rules13:24
RiddellI'd agree13:24
mptah yes, they're the same as for Gnome afaict13:26
tseliotmpt, Riddel: is there some document you can recommend me about capitalisation in uis?13:26
mpt<http://wiki.openusability.org/guidelines/index.php/Design_and_Layout:Visual_Design:Text_and_Fonts> is the relevant section of the draft KDE guidelines13:26
tseliotRiddell: I always forget the 2nd "l" in your name. I should use TAB to auto-complete your name13:27
tseliotmpt: thanks13:27
mptIt says that "Prepositions having less than five letters" should not be capitalized, and "Off" is a preposition, but in this particular label it's being used as an adverb rather than a preposition.13:27
mpt(Same with "Turn On".)13:27
tseliotRiddell: is there a way to make the UI adapt its size when the content of a label is changed and it's too long to fit in previously allocated space?13:33
mptHmm, KDE says "less than five letters", Gnome says "three or fewer letters" ... ooh, controversy ;-)13:33
Riddelltseliot: mm, it should do that magically13:36
Riddelltseliot: if a label is using word wrap somewhere in the layout that can confuse it, resize(self.sizeHint()) should work (but not when called in the same method as setting the new text)13:37
mvofunny that openusability uses colors to code "not started", .., "finished" - for me its difficult to see the difference between "not started" and "finished"  (the others are ok)13:37
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pittitkamppeter: cups uploaded to experimental and intrepid13:46
kwwiiasac: in firefox the menubar takes the text color from the menu itself it seems...is there any way around that? ie is there some subclass that it uses which I could reference in a gtk theme?13:56
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* ogra remembers a quest from mdz ages ago to get netpbm out of main ... 14:25
ogramdz, is that still necessary ? i just noticed it gets puled in by recommends14:26
mdzogra: it has been a security nightmare14:30
mdzogra: you can check with kees if that's still seen to be true14:30
radixIs there a way to subscribe to get notifications of all changes to a package?14:30
ograkees, ping, whats your opinion on netpbm ... seems recommends pull it in again in intrepid14:31
ograradix, easiest is to subscribe to $(release)-changes14:31
radixOk, I guess i'll just have to do a bunch of filtering :)14:31
ograbut that shows all uploads indeed14:31
ograbeyond that i bet you can use LP :)14:32
radixyeah, I was wondering if LP would do it, but I couldn't find anything14:33
jdstrandogra: well, I can answer that. it had 6 CVEs in 2005, 1 in 2006 and 1 in 2008. certainly not stellar14:34
ograjdstrand, well, that sounds like we could keep it14:35
jdstrand(and 3 more from earlier years)14:35
ograi just had that in the back of my head ... i thought it was licensing back then14:36
jdstranddon't remember...14:37
ograpredates your time i think14:37
jdstrandmaybe by a bit, but I was certainly kickin back then :)14:38
ograseb128, do you have a bug open for "switxh user option is shown if fusa isnt installed" in the logout dialog ?14:54
ogra*switch even14:55
seb128ogra: switch user doesn't required fusa, it just calls gdmflexiserver which is a gdm thing14:56
ronnymanaged to get a weird issue on my intrepid14:56
ronnyafter the last update, the up key is bound to making screenshoots instoead of up14:57
ograseb128, well, i'd like to have the possibility to disable it in the dialog14:57
tseliotRiddell: sizeHint() doesn't seem to solve the problem here. If I use adjustSize() then the dialog grows vertically (but I want it to grow horizontally)14:57
seb128ogra: having a gconf key for that would probably be nice14:58
ronnyhowever the key combination config says screenshoots are on the print key14:58
ograseb128, ubuntu-mobile works somewhat similar to a live system with autologin through gdm and a fixed system user ... there is no account to switch to14:58
ronnyany idea?14:58
ograits currently greyed out by default though ... but somewhat makes no sense to be shown at all14:58
tseliotRiddell: for example, "This driver is installed and currently" in this screenshot is only part of the content of the label: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/jockey/jockey-kde.png14:59
tjaaltonronny: upgrade again15:02
Riddelll_tseliot: are you calling it on the top widget or the label?15:02
tseliotRiddelll_: I tried both ways15:02
ronnytjaalton: no upgrades availiable ?!15:03
Riddelll_tseliot: are you calling it in the same method as where the text is set?  you typically have to call it after processEvents has happened15:03
tjaaltonronny: what mirror do you use?15:03
ronnytjaalton: which one should i use?15:04
tseliotRiddelll_: the method which is connected to a signal (when an item is selected in the treeview) calls several methods, among which there are both the one which changes the label and sizeHint()15:05
tjaaltonronny: what version of xkb-data is installed?15:05
tseliotRiddelll_: otherwise I wouldn't know when to call sizeHint15:05
Riddelll_tseliot: I sometimes resort to a QTimer.singleShot15:06
ronnytjaalton: 1.3-2ubuntu215:06
tkamppeterpitti, OK15:06
tjaaltonronny: and 'xprop -root |grep XKB', put it on pastebin.ubuntu.com15:07
tseliotRiddelll_: I do something like this: http://pastebin.com/d5aae5c7e15:07
amitkouch... a recent intrepid upgrade leaves with no desktop - only my wallpaper and a mouse cursor. Any pointers to debugging?15:09
amitk/s/leaves/left me/15:09
ronnytjaalton: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85014/15:10
amitkXorg.0.log has messages regarding "AUDIT <timestamp...> X: client 4 rejected from local host15:10
tkamppeterpitti, I have seen the mail notification of the closing bug 26304915:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263049 in cups "CUPS test page does not display correct print job data. pstopdf filter needs improvements, test page needs some changes" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26304915:10
tjaaltonronny: what about if you change the model to generic pc105?15:11
ronnytjaalton: now both entries are '"evdev", "pc105", "de", "", ""'15:16
ronnytjaalton: still no change on the breakage tho15:16
jcristauronny: what keycode/keysym does xev report when you press up?15:17
jcristauronny: i want the keypress, not keymapnotify15:19
jcristauif there is one, that is15:19
keesogra: I'm against netpbm going into main -- there are already several image libraries that can be used instead.  (and it is still gettings CVEs opened against it)15:20
mvoogra: what is pulling itin?15:21
ronnyjcristau: cant see one, might have missed it somewhere, is there a sensuble way to filter?15:21
ograkees, it *is* in main15:21
ogramvo, groff for one15:21
keesogra: arg, so it is.15:21
ogramvo, and i just saw that there was an oversigth in a tuxpaint merge15:21
ograi dont know how it got to main though15:21
ogranobody filed a MIR since it was demoted15:22
jcristauronny: not afaik15:22
keeswell, it's been in main since dapper, so unless it's easy to remove from main, I guess leave it as it stands.15:23
ronnyhmm, sems to work again15:23
ronnyjust had to kill x11 even more often15:24
tjaaltonronny: so you didn't restart your session in between?15:24
ograkees, weird ... i'm pretty sure it was demoted in hoary or breezy15:24
ronnytjaalton: a few times15:25
ronnyi just messed up somewhere in betwen15:25
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ronnyi just reconfigured everything again, killed x11 again, and this time it worked15:26
ronnythanks for the help15:26
tseliotRiddell: I have tried singleshot but it didn't work. I also tried to call sizeHint() when another button is clicked but nothing changes. The only solution is to resize the window manually...15:26
tjaaltonronny: no problem. if it breaks again, ask on #ubuntu-x15:26
ronnyoh, ok15:27
cjwatsonkees,ogra: groff's build-dependency on netpbm predates Ubuntu, so netpbm will always have been in main, since long before we were doing MIRs15:29
cjwatsonI'm certain that that build-dep was never broken15:29
amitkseb128: I just upgraded by intrepid machine and a reboot later after typing my password I only get my wallpaper and mouse cursor, no session15:39
seb128amitk: is your lo interface correctly working?15:40
amitkseb128: yes. ping localhost works.15:41
seb128amitk: anything in .xsession-errors?15:41
amitkseb128: I saw something in Xorg.0.log "AUDIT <timestamp....> X: client 4 rejected from local host"15:42
amitkseb128: .xsession-errors: Unable to create /home/amit/.dbus/session-bus15:44
seb128amitk: is dbus-x11 installed?15:45
amitkseb128: yes15:45
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amitkseb128: gnome-panel is not installed anymore15:47
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seb128amit: seems to be a dbus issue15:59
amitkseb128: got my desktop back. The previous upgrade was a partial one and I didn't look carefully enough. But for some reason gnome-panel and related stuff was uninstalled. Reinstalling ubuntu-desktop fixes it.16:02
seb128amitk: ah good16:04
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mvoamitk: oh? did you do a partial upgrade with update-manager?16:31
amitkmvo: yeah16:31
mvoamitk: and that removed ubuntu-desktop for you, hrm, that is bad16:33
amitkmvo: if /var/log/dist-upgrade helps, I can supply that16:34
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frafuseb128: Hello, if I am correct, your are maintainer of gdm in ubuntu. If so, could you please have a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/264834 ?   thanks.16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264834 in gdm "RFE: Add gesture to start onboard and mousetweaks at login (patch supplied)" [Undecided,New]16:56
seb128frafu: I've no clue about a11y and gesture17:00
frafuAll it takes, is to add a few lines to the AccessDwellMouseEvents file for gdm to recognize the two new gestures. The diff that I provided should add the necessary lines.17:03
seb128frafu: alright, will consider if for the next upload17:05
frafuseb128: thanks17:05
dendrobatescjwatson: is it possible to select and hide the server seed(Basic Ubuntu Server) in d-i?  I think having a tasksel task that needs to be selected is confusing.17:14
tkamppeterpitti. did you have a lokk at the Jockey/D-Bus issues?17:17
pittitkamppeter: not yet, still having 6 parallel /queries and ongoing discussions; a bit crazy ATM, but I'll get to it, promised17:17
pittitkamppeter: best is to file bugs and assign them to me17:17
cjwatsondendrobates: I think so, sure; I think I asked whether you wanted that to start with and you said no17:17
cjwatsondendrobates: can't do it now, but file me a bug on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+filebug17:18
cjwatsondendrobates: I thought it was shown in order to make it easy to deselect it; it's selected by default17:18
dendrobatescjwatson: if I did, I was horribly confused, which is believable.  I'll submit the bug right away.   ta17:19
Koonslangasek: could you please have a look at bug 25443417:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254434 in likewise-open "package libwbclient0 2:3.2.0-4ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libwbclient.so.0', which is also in package likewise-open" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25443417:20
Koonslangasek: to be complete the fix needs a Replaces/Conflicts for libwbclient0 in samba17:21
mathiazjames_w: does bzr bd still support building from the working tree ?17:21
james_wmathiaz: yeah, it's the default17:21
mathiazjames_w: in intrepid bzr bd --help says that the working-tree has no effect17:22
james_wmathiaz: the option has no effect, as it's the default17:22
asacpitti: there? could you look at the firefox -3.0 bits in bin NEW?17:35
pittiasac: there yes, just having a load of about 4 :)17:36
pittiasac: enough to do it during my archive day tomorrow?17:36
asacpitti: sure17:36
asacpitti: since you already know most of the details17:36
pittitseliot: merged jockey-generic to trunk and pushed17:51
tseliotpitti: ok, thanks17:51
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ScottK-laptopbryce: Any chance you're ready to see displayconfig-gtk go away?   I think it's about to be the last remaining user of guidance-backends.18:25
pittiScottK-laptop: you saw my FFE for moving jockey to x-kit?18:26
ScottK-laptoppitti: I did and I strongly endorsed it.18:26
ScottK-laptoppitti: I tried to approve it (forgot it was Main and not Universe).18:26
bryceScottK-laptop: yeah I've actually got the change committed to our xorg git tree, but unfortunately there's also some changes checked in there that require the xserver 1.5.0 merge go in first, and that was waiting on a FFe last I looked18:28
ScottK-laptopbryce: Is there a bug then then I can add my "please let guidance-backends die" endorsement to?18:29
tjaaltonwell, there's bug 26805518:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268055 in xorg-server "Please accept xorg-server 1.5.0-1ubuntu1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26805518:30
bryceyeah, indirectly getting that one approved would help unstick things18:31
bryceor I could just do a quickie xorg upload just with that one change18:32
pittimpt, mvo: "I think the rosette ribbon icon, that Add/Remove Programs previously used..." -> do you happen to have an icon name for that?18:32
ScottK-laptopbryce: If you can do an upload that makes it OK for guidance-backends to go away, I'll buy you a beer | $BEVERAGEOFCHOICE then next time I see you.18:33
tjaaltonbryce: noooo, don't give in :)18:33
pittimpt: do you mean /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/application-supported.png ?18:33
pittimpt: unfortunately it's too small, and only bitmap; I prefer SVG icons18:33
brycetjaalton: it'd be a welcome respite from headbanging on keyboard mapping bugs ;-)18:34
tjaaltonbryce: hehe18:34
tjaaltonpitti: did you notice when I asked about that FFE bug (and bug 268071)?18:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268071 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Please accept xfree86-driver-synaptics 0.15.1-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26807118:35
pittitjaalton: sorry, too much stuff going on today18:35
tjaaltonpitti: ok18:35
pittitjaalton: commented18:37
tjaaltonpitti: thanks. 0.15.1 is a bug fix release just like .218:38
pittitjaalton: no FF matter then18:38
tjaaltonok.. I thought all new upstream releases were18:39
tjaaltonsilly me :)18:39
pittino, hasn't been like that for quite some time18:39
pittitjaalton: don't worry, it's much better to be too cautious :)18:39
tjaaltonpitti: excellent, I'll upload those asap then18:40
tjaaltonpitti: another thing.. since we now rely on the evdev driver, I'd like to update the package to HEAD. includes bugfixes and properties support, bringing most of the features that -mouse had18:47
tjaaltonpitti: mvo has been using a snapshot for some time now without a problem ;)18:48
tjaaltonas have I18:48
pittitjaalton: properties support> would missing it mean a regression from hardy?18:50
tjaaltonpitti: well, it allows to set the options while the session is running..18:51
pittitjaalton: like mouse speed, etc.?18:51
tjaaltonso there's no need to edit an fdi fiel18:51
tjaaltondon't know about the speed18:51
pittimouse speed setting with the gnome applet currently works for me18:51
tjaaltonthat would still work18:51
slangasekseb128: do you know if anything you've uploaded would explain the disappearance of bug #252174 in the timeframe indicated in the bug log?18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25217418:52
pittitjaalton: if the chagnes are reasonably small and you tested them, please upload it now (right past an alpha)18:52
mvotjaalton: evdev? yes, I use it daily still. works fine for me18:52
tjaaltonpitti: I mean that it shouldn't cause regressions.. Right, will do18:52
pittitjaalton: no, what I meant is, would the lack of properties support with the current version be a regression from hardy?18:53
pittitjaalton: i. e. what kind of properties are we tlking about?18:53
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
tjaaltonpitti: well, regression in the sense that currently it doesn't support some options that -mouse used to support, and backporting only those is more work18:55
tjaaltonhmm, that sounds like I'm lazy ;)18:56
pittitjaalton: oh, you mean options in xorg.conf?19:00
pittitjaalton: ok, please go ahead then19:00
pittitjaalton: we'll probably want the bug fixes anyway19:01
tjaaltonpitti: yeah, for instance the one that after resume you might not have keyboard or mouse ;)19:01
pitti*shrug* who needs that...19:02
tjaaltonheh :)19:02
pittitjaalton: I got a shiny joystick yesterday :)19:02
tjaaltonpitti: ooh, which one?19:02
pittijust a simple one, Thrustmaster19:02
tjaaltonpitti: remember to paste the lshal output and file a bug, I need to add an fdi file anyway, at least for my logitech's19:02
pittiI discovered that current dosbox finally runs x-wing19:03
tjaaltonevdev doesn't necessarily handle them too well19:03
pittiand my old sidewinder (gameport) just doesn't work with inux19:03
pittitjaalton: well, I just need /dev/input/js0 for dosbox19:03
pittitjaalton: and I tested it with a LInux game, too (SearchAndRescue), worked fine19:03
pittitjaalton: I haven't tested the x input driver for it, though19:04
tjaaltonjust plug it in and see if every button and axis works19:05
NCommanderslangasek, I looked at network applet, it doesn't seem SO hard to be able to allow you to set search domains19:08
cjwatsondoko: have you noticed bug 247694?19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247694 in directfb "FTBFS in latest archive rebuild" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24769419:24
tripwyreHi, can someone point me to a Kernel Module API reference or cookbook style reference?19:45
Treenakstripwyre: http://www.amazon.com/Linux-Kernel-Development-Novell-Press/dp/067232720119:46
slangasekmpt: I take issue with the phrasing "install and turn on" in reference to a driver :)19:46
Treenakstripwyre: it might be a bit old in places (like any book about a moving target), but it's a good start19:47
slangasekmpt: how about "install and activate"?19:49
pittislangasek: alternative proposals were "Engage!" and "Make it so"19:50
slangasekpitti: hahaha19:50
slangasekwell, these are mostly video drivers, right?  So we could "main screen turn on"...19:50
pittislangasek: no, we have wifi and printer drivers, too, for example19:51
pittiwe had vmware, too19:51
tripwyreTreenaks: thanks, I expected something on the web.19:51
Treenakstripwyre: you asked for a book :)19:52
slangasek"main screen turn on", "print screen turn on", "faithful without cable talking turn on"19:52
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pittislangasek: (FWIW, the current German translation in jockey for the previous "Enable" string is pretty much "Activate"19:53
* slangasek thinks he deserves an honorary engrish degree for translating wifi as "faithful without cable talking"19:56
Martiinilangasek ..19:59
Martiinisteve langasek .. you tha man19:59
Martiinislangasek .. hello ..19:59
sebnerslangasek: around?20:01
Martiiniwhere is langasek from20:01
Martiiniis he check20:01
Martiiniczeckhoslovakian .. i mean20:01
_MMA_Czech or Slovak now. :)20:02
_MMA_(If I remember right)20:02
Martiiniok .. he isnt here apparently20:04
sebnerso I missed him for 10 minutes :P20:04
_MMA_Martiini: He is. You're not looking hard enough. :)20:04
Martiinisebner:  do you work with langasek20:04
sebnerMartiini: define "work with"20:05
Martiiniin the same office .. do you know langasek personally20:05
Martiiniis he from check20:06
MartiiniIm drunk btw20:06
Martiinibut not drunk beyond comprehension .. haha20:06
sebnerMartiini: no, sorry.20:06
MartiiniI posted a stupid thread to forums.debian.net .. tiled "Will linux become as good as OSX or vista" .. for which i got called troll .. obviously20:08
sebnerMartiini: alcohol is evil ;)20:08
Martiinido you guys think linux distros can become a dominating force like microsoft OS-s or apple OS-s20:09
Martiiniyea .. I know .. I know how people use linux . but whenever i use linux on my laptop .. it pisses me off ..like flash not working on firefox 3 .. and .. kde4 not compatible with gnome ..  updates break system ..  etc etc .20:10
MartiiniI bought sicpack of beer and its all gone .. haha20:11
slangasekMartiini: I'm of Czech descent; I'm from the US20:12
slangaseksebner: yo?20:12
sebnerslangasek: you remember nfdump bug filed by you20:13
slangaseksebner: yep20:13
sebnerslangasek: I contaced DM and he'll upload a new version to fix the stripping issue but he is right when he says that the -dbg package isn't empty. ;)20:13
Martiinislangasek:  were you born in US20:14
Martiinidoes it mean your parents are form czeck and you were born in US20:14
slangaseksebner: it's empty in Ubuntu; not in Debian20:14
slangasekMartiini: yes, why?20:14
sebnerslangasek: Why? I made a testbuild and it's apparently  *not* empty20:15
Martiiniok .. nice to make aquaintance20:15
norsettodoes anyone know if zul is alive?20:15
slangaseksebner: well, I think I mentioned in the bug that it's probably an adverse interaction between the package's own dbg stripping, and the Ubuntu buildd handling of automatic dbgsym packages20:15
LaserJocknorsetto: I sure hope so20:15
slangaseksebner: so you may need to install pkgbinarymangler to reproduce the rpoblem20:16
MartiiniCan you guys kick debian people in the ass .. so debian based distros can overtake Apple and Microsoft dominated software market20:16
sebnerslangasek: ah, I see20:16
sebnerslangasek: btw, he introduced it to find/fix a bug20:16
norsettoLaserJock: I mean, alive in the metaphorical sense ;-) If he is around or on holidays or whatever20:17
sebnerMartiini: lol20:17
Martiinii want to see EVERYONE use linux on their devices .. laptops, phones, servers20:18
norsettoMartiini: kitchen ovens, refigerators, food dispensers ...20:19
ion_I have OpenBSD on the router.20:19
Martiiniyes .. .everything on this planeet shoud run linux ..20:19
Martiiniwe need touchscreen devices running linux .. not OSX20:20
norsettoI'm quite sure we will one day have software operated toilet seats too20:20
Laneynorsetto: Imagine the core dumps...20:20
norsettoLaney: hehehe20:21
Martiininorsetto:  do they not have software operated toilets in japan20:21
mathiaznorsetto: zul is on vacation today - he should be back tomorrow.20:21
slangasekMartiini: so how did you come to ask if I was Czech?  Even some Czech people I've met didn't recognize my name as Czech without the diacritics. :)20:21
norsettomathiaz: ah ok, thx!20:21
Martiinislangasek:   i dont know .. let me think20:22
ion_slangasek: How is it written correctly?20:23
slangasekion_: Langášek20:23
Martiinislangasek:  I dont know how i thought you may b czeck .. heh .. maybe its on the internet somewher20:24
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Martiinislangasek:  do you work in california somwhere20:37
Martiinii didnt realise its 9/11 today . .. ha20:38
sebnerslangasek: if the empty dbg package acceptable since we'll fix the stripping issue which the next sync?20:38
slangaseksebner: yeah; I've questioned the legitimacy of the -dbg package existing at all in Debian, but that's not your problem :)20:43
slangasekMartiini: Oregon.20:43
sebnerslangasek: fine :) I'll file a sync request then when debian package was uploaded. thx again for the hint :)20:44
Ampelbeinhi... i guess somehow i managed to break the lemon-buildmachine with a package of mine. (https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/lemon) Can someone look into this issue? its been ~4 hours now in this state. i'm sorry.20:54
cjwatsoninfinity: ^-20:55
cjwatsonAmpelbein: the relevant people are all on European time this week due to a meeting, so it may take a little while20:55
Ampelbeinok. just wanted to say i'm really sorry. i don't know how this could have happened.20:56
cjwatsonhappens, don't worry too much about it20:56
Martiinislangasek:  hey .. when are yougoing to fix this major bug https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/121:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]21:12
norsettoMartiini: fixed already21:13
Martiinino its not21:13
MartiiniI will finf you some statistics21:13
norsettono need, I can see no microsoft in the market which is in front of my house every saturday21:14
Martiininorsetto:  how about this http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp21:15
Martiiniyes.. but major software developers write software for windows not linux21:16
Martiinii get called a troll for raising this subject on linux forums  .. but I know im right21:16
_MMA_Martiini: This isn't the channel to raise it either as this is a development channel. Not general chat.21:18
unfohi all, is there a ubuntu usability channel?21:22
_MMA_unfo: Good question. Maybe #ubuntu-desktop?21:23
* _MMA_ looks for the IRC list.21:23
_MMA_unfo: This might be of some help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels21:24
unfo_MMA_: i see from your link and from googling there is no such channel but that #ubuntu-desktop is close.  Thanks for the link.21:28
NCommanderjdong, for any backport I'm doing with source level changes should be uploaded to the PPA, right?21:36
ScottKNCommander: There's no requirement for that.  Debdiff in the bug is what we need.21:46
NCommanderScottK, the wiki seems to suggest otherwise21:46
ScottKHmmm. OK.21:46
NCommanderIts your call21:47
NCommanderSince either you or jdong will be uploading21:47
norsettoNCommander: I don't think jdong can upload actually21:48
NCommanderScottK, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/267391 - upload please :-)21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267391 in hardy-backports "Please Backport aMSN" [Undecided,New]21:48
ScottKNCommander: norsetto is right, because jdong is not core-dev.  I'm on my way out the door just now.  I'll add that with the Ada stuff to my stack.21:49
* NCommander loves (ab)using ScottK for backports :-)21:50
seb128slangasek: do you think this gvfs bug is a high priority issue?21:50
ScottKNCommander: In the meantime, please look at amule and do an FFe for it.21:50
NCommanderScottK, amule? What's wrong with it21:50
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ScottKNCommander: There's an open bug on it being outdated.  I didn't get to if before FF.21:51
ScottKIt's in the bug.21:51
slangasekseb128: the gvfsd-trash crasher?21:51
NCommanderScottK, I'll ask SRU for the FFe first, and if its granted, then do the packaging21:51
seb128slangasek: yes, we mainly see crashes due to apport21:52
ScottKNCommander: You mean motu-release, right?21:52
slangasekseb128: well, we see a lot of them though - 93 duplicates...21:52
NCommanderOh, yeah21:52
slangasekseb128: so if the bug still exists, I think it ought to be high-priority?21:52
seb128slangasek: I'm trying to push upstream to get it fixed for GNOME 2.2421:52
slangasekseb128: ok - has it been diagnosed then?21:53
slangasekthe backtraces I saw didn't look meaningful21:53
seb128slangasek: it's not trivial to fix, it seems to be due because dbus is used in threads which is not a thing to do21:53
norsettoNCommander: you better do the packing first, we need build and install logs21:53
slangasekseb128: ah, doh21:53
NCommanderAh, thank you norsetto21:54
norsettoNCommander: just in case, since its your first FFe (I think): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess21:55
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slangasekseb128: what are the consequences of gvfsd-trash crashing, btw?  does it manage to respawn itself somehow after the crash?22:11
seb128slangasek: no consequence, so crash seem to be mostly at shutdown and showing up next time the users log in, and yes the gvfs services are automatically spawned when required22:13
slangasekseb128: ok, so effectively this is apport-generated noise more than anything22:14
seb128right, and I've added an apport bug pattern now22:15
seb128so it should stop duplicates22:15
norsettoseb128: is it normal that /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libferret.so is common between libgail-common and libgtk2.0-0 yet they do not conflict with each other?22:15
seb128norsetto: there is still a libgail in intrepid?22:17
norsettoseb128: apparently22:17
norsettoseb128: libgail-common |   1.22.3-1 | intrepid/universe | amd64, i38622:18
seb128norsetto: you can file a remove request, libgail is in gtk now22:19
norsettoseb128: makes sense, thx!22:20
pochunorsetto: it has rdepends, shouldn't those be rebuilt/whatever first?22:25
norsettopochu: yes, I was checking that, glade has a depends on it and should be rebuild22:26
seb128NCommander: hi22:33
NCommanderhey seb12822:34
seb128NCommander: did you read my comments about gtkmm yesterday? ;-)22:34
NCommanderseb128, I have that odd feeling I had to do something for you22:34
NCommanderseb128, Yup22:34
NCommanderseb128, I remember now, sorry about that22:34
seb128NCommander: that's alright, no hurry ;-)22:34
NCommanderseb128, I am rolling a debdiff now22:34
* NCommander is having backporting fun22:34
norsettoseb128: libgail-gnome-module is not affected ?22:40
seb128norsetto: I didn't look at it in details but I think it's still useful22:41
norsettoseb128: ok, I'm asking since we need to rebuild glade and I see that its also quoted as a depends (as well as gail17 which should also obviously go)22:41
seb128norsetto: I'm surprised glade is buggy, mvo rebuilt it when the new gtk has been uploaded22:43
norsettoseb128: yes, but those depends are hard coded22:43
norsettoseb128: its the old glade (in universe) not glade-322:44
norsettoseb128: unless you tell me that the glade in universe doesn't make any sense (it has two rdepends with are recommends, I can check if they can use glade-3 instead)22:51
norsetto4 rdepends actually, still all recommends22:53
seb128norsetto: glade in universe has a sense, glade-3 has a different set of issues and some people still use the universe version22:53
norsettoseb128: ok, then I rebuild it without the harcoded depends and see if those 4 are broken by it or not22:54
tseliotseb128: I would like to talk to you about the g-c-p tomorrow, ok?22:57
seb128tseliot: what?23:01
tseliotseb128: about the gnome-control-panel23:01
seb128tseliot: tell now, I'll still be around for half an hour probably23:01
seb128I'm too tired to look at code changes but I'm fine discussing on IRC ;-)23:02
tseliotseb128: in my patch for gnome-desktop, the behaviour is preserved and the functions which were available before didn't change, at least not in their behaviour23:02
tseliotxrandr-capplet.c changed a bit but AFAIK is not meant to be used by anything else23:02
tseliotfrom what I remember I didn't break the ABI23:03
seb128tseliot: <tseliot> yes, that would be necessary as I had to move one function (to compute the virtual resolution) from the capplet to gnome_rr_config.c23:03
tseliotseb128: but xrandr-capplet.c doesn't even have a header file23:04
seb128tseliot: you are adding some non upstream api to libgnome-desktop apparently though, or I'm getting that incorrectly?23:04
tseliotseb128: yes23:04
seb128tseliot: if upstream comes with a similar function but change the name we either need to divert or to break api and abi then23:05
seb128if we drop the function you distro patched than an abi compatibility breakage23:05
tseliotseb128: I can talk to upstream. BTW Federico wants to include my work in opensuse.23:06
tseliotyes, I see your point23:06
seb128if you do an ubuntu specific api prefix the function name using ubuntu or protect it on UBUNTU_SPECIFIC defines or something23:07
seb128so it's clear it's not upstream and can break23:07
seb128but always a good idea to open bugs upstream about such changes too to get their opinion and let them know about the changes we do23:08
tseliotseb128: yes, sure I can do that.23:08
seb128tseliot: thanks, if you do that I'm fine with the changes23:08
tseliotseb128: the xrandr-capplet.c checks the existence of a python file which is specific to ubuntu (and soon to suse too)23:09
tseliottherefore I'll simply remove it23:09
tseliotand keep it as a patch23:09
tseliotwould this be ok too?23:09
tseliotso that the rest can be accepted by upstream23:10
seb128tseliot: looks good yes23:10
tseliotand we only add that check23:10
tseliotseb128: ok, great. Are there any deadlines for this?23:10
seb128tseliot: upstream or in ubuntu?23:10
tseliotseb128: both23:11
seb128in ubuntu you still have some weeks to do changes23:11
seb128GNOME is code frozen next week until GNOME 2.2423:11
seb128so GNOME changes are probably for either 2.24.1 or 2.2523:11
seb128hey lucas23:11
tseliotseb128: ok, thanks for your time23:12
seb128tseliot: np, thanks for your work on those changes ;-)23:16
norsettoseb128: filed, should I subscribe ubuntu-archive or you want to have the honour?23:24
seb128norsetto: please subscribe the team23:24
norsettoseb128: okki dokki23:24
seb128norsetto: thanks23:25
norsettoseb128: thx to you, and good night23:25
slangasekaugh, why are my volume up/down buttons on my keyboard adjusting a volume setting that's not reflected on the GNOME mixer applet?23:59

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