[01:16] Does anyone know if I have to subscribe to post to the kernel-team mailing list? [04:19] hello, i am trying to compile vanilla but when i run mmake-kpkg clean it errors with a few things. error is pasted here http://pastebin.ca/1199588 does anyone have any ideas? [15:55] xit [15:55] exit === amitk_ is now known as amitk [18:36] hello, i finally got vanilla to compile for me but now the headerfile deb that it creates is causing an error for others, they can no longer compile. the error is aparently "the directory doesnt exist.. /lib/modules/" === makke_ is now known as makke === sleepster is now known as evanescent === evanescent is now known as sleepster [22:40] anyone know what this kernel-helper boot process is up to? [22:40] its eating like 20 seconds at boot [22:41] pwnguin: It should run each time you get a new kernel. It will copy the kernel to last-good-boot. [23:01] http://people.cis.ksu.edu/~jld5445/intrepid-20080911-9.png [23:01] am i reading that right?