
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 11 Sep 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council
MootBotMeeting started at 07:00. The chair is davidm.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
davidmGood day everyone13:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 11 Sep 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 15:00: Server Team
davidmTime for our usual meeting, I'll start with the carried over actions, the first one I think will carry again as I've not had time to work with lool on it.13:01
davidm[topic] lool+davidm+... test new version of Ekiga (2.9)13:01
MootBotNew Topic:  lool+davidm+... test new version of Ekiga (2.9)13:01
davidmlool, have you had any time to play with your setup?13:01
loolI sent my test results of my own calls to misc echo services to the list13:01
loolBasically, the snapshots are very broken for me for a long list of reasons13:02
loolThe current version less so, but still many issues13:02
davidmAh, OK is that from the Crown Beach system?13:02
loolNo, just from my main intrepid desktop to start with13:02
loolI would have liked testing intrepid/lpia, but given I don't master ekiga on my desktop as a start, i didn't feel like adding another level13:03
loolAlso ekiga isn't built for lpia on ekiga.net AFAIK13:03
davidmOK, given you are still having  issues, with the desktop do we need to carry this over again:?13:03
loolAnd because I need to flip port redirections on my router when switching machines, it would also be painful to test on CB (plus it's not intrepid)13:03
loolI don't know; I think I've raised many issues with the snapshots some warranting fixing before anybody considers using them13:04
loolI don't think we should consider ekiga snapshots for mobile, so I think we don't need to track them further here13:04
davidmOK, then I'll leave it lay for now.13:04
davidm[topic] cgregan will try to test ThunderBird on 800x480 screen size and report findings.13:04
MootBotNew Topic:  cgregan will try to test ThunderBird on 800x480 screen size and report findings.13:04
loolI'll continue playing with ekiga on my own, hopefully setting up calls with coworkers13:04
davidmlool, sounds good13:05
cgreganCompleted that....TB looked just fine on 800x40013:05
* lool found it hard to configure ekiga and can only imagine that most people don't know how to run tshark or how to configure their router when they get the "network settings need to be set manually" popup13:05
cgreganWith a few changes in dialog sizes and some main screen config we would have a good replacement for Claws.13:06
davidmgood enough, sounds very good. Thanks for the test and the report.13:06
cgreganIt would also ad great integration with Firefox and Sunbird if we wanted to add them13:06
davidm[topic] rollcall13:08
MootBotNew Topic:  rollcall13:08
* lool 113:08
davidmogra, persia, amitk lool: moblie IRC meeting13:08
* ogra is here13:08
* cgregan 113:08
* lool thought people would count themselves by incrementing the int13:09
loolPerhaps I should have started at zero thouhg13:09
davidmJust getting in practice for future meetings we will start out with it. thanks.13:09
* cgregan blames it on 8am EST13:09
davidmHa, that is as good a reason as any13:09
davidmOK next topic13:09
davidm[topic] choice of mail client modest versus thunderbird13:09
MootBotNew Topic:  choice of mail client modest versus thunderbird13:09
cgreganI have not had time to evaluate modest against TB13:10
loolI did not have time to improve modest either13:10
cgreganJust TB against claws13:10
loolplease carry on13:10
davidmwill do13:10
StevenKThunderbird is currently seeded13:10
persiaIf it's TB against claws, let's keep TB.13:10
loolMy list of "should have happened before FF" things is going down, so hopefully more time soon13:10
loolpersia: It's not, it's "modest against TB", see topic13:10
davidm[action] choice of mail client modest versus thunderbird (CO)13:11
MootBotACTION received:  choice of mail client modest versus thunderbird (CO)13:11
davidm[topic] ogra to continue to chase support of Q1 touchscreen13:11
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra to continue to chase support of Q1 touchscreen13:11
persialool: Sure, but there's no modest today :)13:11
persia(and hardware hotkeys)13:11
loolpersia: There's a modest, but it's plagged by bugs13:11
davidmI suspect we may end up with TB by default13:11
ograwhich isnt necessarily a bad thing13:12
loolCertainly in the mobile seed at least13:12
davidmogra, any progress on the Q1 touchscreen?13:12
* cgregan celebrated the idea of being able to filter out spam email at the cafe on his crownbeach! :-)13:12
persiacgregan: You carred a crownbaach to a cafe?13:13
cgreganSure.....it's a MID right?13:13
loolYou need a large backpack and a UPS13:13
ogradavidm, pasting from my status report:13:13
ogra* evtouch: slow progress locally, not added to the evtouch package yet, callout script seems to work as expected, calibration tool not fixed/patched to work with the new setup yet13:13
ograwe should probably put the reports to the start13:14
ograso actions that are covered dont have to be pasted twice13:14
davidmI'll be sending them around but perhaps we need a better way13:14
ograwell, just do the as first thing in the meeting13:14
ograinstead of the end13:14
* lool +113:15
davidmOK next topic13:15
davidm[topic] status13:15
MootBotNew Topic:  status13:15
loolamitk is busy and wont report this week13:15
davidmYea I had a feeling13:15
davidmOK then13:16
davidmChrisGregan - QA13:16
cgreganKicking a few small shiny devices around the room for USG this week13:16
cgreganGrabbed the UME Daily13:16
cgreganLoading on Q1 today13:16
cgreganNo testing...just reference for cases13:17
cgreganhope to complete cases this week with help from persia....ahem.....spec. :-)13:17
persiaErr, right.13:18
davidmcgregan, persia do we need an action here?13:18
persiaYeah.  I'll take an action.13:18
* persia to write a spec for an installer13:18
davidm[action] persia to write a spec for an installer13:18
MootBotACTION received:  persia to write a spec for an installer13:18
cgreganthat's it for me13:18
cgreganone more thing13:19
cgreganGot an offer on my house in MD13:19
davidmcgregan, cool, hope it was a good one.13:19
cgregangood enough! ;-)13:19
davidmStevenK Status?13:19
loolcgregan: Oh good news13:19
StevenKdavidm: Dealing with images, helping persia13:20
StevenKSorting out what is showing up that shouldn't be, and removing it13:20
StevenKUploaded livecd-rootfs for installer goodness, but will need another upload when I get my metapackage13:21
davidmStevenK, any blockers currently?13:21
davidmStevenK, the kernel metapackage is happening13:21
StevenKdavidm: No blockers13:22
davidmStevenK, good, the metapackage might be a little slower then I had hoped, amitk is "busy"13:23
davidmstatus persia13:23
persiaWorking on the installer, helping StevenK, testing live images, testing the image-editing script.13:24
loolWhat's image editing script?13:24
StevenKThe script that ogra wrote13:24
loolIt repacks a squashfs?13:24
StevenKIt's on the wiki13:24
persiaCustomisation of the questions asked in the installer to force things (e.g. username, password) is currently blocked by bug #26859313:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268593 in ubiquity "installer fails with partman error code 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26859313:25
ogralool, the one i'm just bzr'ing to push to the new script branch13:25
persiaI believe we have the last required patches to livecd-rootfs and the d-i components merged, but am still tracking issues.13:25
ogralool, yes, it spawns a shell inside the squashfs, repacks and copies it into the .img13:25
loolOk; I personally have scripts to manage casper-rw overlays and browse / change loop mounts, but it wont work for squashfs obviously13:25
loologra: Ok, I found it easier here to use a casper overlay13:26
loolBut that's interesting13:26
ograit uses an overlay13:26
ograbut you dont need to boot the image13:26
persialool: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageModification13:26
loolSo it doesn't repack?13:26
ograi'll push it after the meeting13:26
persiaIt does repack.13:26
ograit resquashes and cp's the .squashfs into the .img afterwards13:26
davidm[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageModification13:27
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageModification13:27
loolOk; I use an overlay at runtime too, not just for modification13:27
persiaThat's a bit of a different use case.13:27
loolIt's cheaper13:28
loolAnyway, I'll contribute my own scripts as well soon enough13:28
loolJust two different things13:28
persiaRight, and both are useful, depending on what one is doing.13:28
looldavidm: right?13:29
davidmSounds like it to me13:29
davidmso right13:29
persiadavidm: Did you get a chance to test the script?13:29
davidmpersia, no, I've just tested the images so far.13:30
davidmpersia, who is working on the blocking bug?13:30
loolpersia: Can't you just include the installer despite it failing at this point?13:31
loolSo that we only have to push $package-to-fix when a fix is available13:31
StevenKWe have13:31
persiadavidm: cjwatson mentioned it to me.  It's blocking customisation, but not installation.  The main things that can go wrong currently are 1) the user can change the username (which means X doesn't work), and a password can be set (making admin hard on a device with no keyboard).13:31
StevenKubiquity is in $LIVELIST, so the next image will include it13:32
persialool: Yes, I'm including the preseed, but I'll not have ubiquity run in automatic mode until it works.13:32
davidmpersia, understood, so we are not blocked from using it now.13:32
davidmbut mis use will break  our installs13:32
ogrause will13:33
persiadavidm: No, only blocked on having the final state that we'll show users, as it will ask a couple questions that would otherwise be hidden.13:33
davidmOK thanks13:33
davidmpersia, any other items in your status?13:33
persiadavidm: Nope.13:34
davidmlool, status?13:34
loolI've been helping around fighting misc issues in the images and pushing misc things for intrepid; misc non community/public work kept me occupied as well; next week I plan working on elisa and cheese -- but cheese was just uploaded (gst still broken for gspca though) -- and mobile browser/xul tasks13:34
loolno particular blocker13:35
davidmlool, anything else?13:35
davidmstatus ogra ?13:36
ogra* netbook apps are all four in the archive now, included maximus and netbook-launcher into the ubuntu-mobile seed/metapackage13:36
ogra* there are massive issues with netbook-launcher i'm trying to fix now, sizes and positions are all hardcoded so i.e. using a 48px panel as ubuntu-mobile does for touchscreen use requires patching (which i'm currently working on)13:36
ogra* massive problems with netbook-launcher and clutter 0.8 font handling (swallows letters all the time), i'm trying to identify whats wrong but am slightly lost as i'm not a clutter dev13:36
ogra* evtouch: slow progress locally, not added to the evtouch package yet, callout script seems to work as expected, calibration tool not fixed/patched to work with the new setup yet13:36
ogra* started looking into hardy langpack updates13:36
ogra* set up a bzr branch to carry all our various scripts, owned by ubuntu-mobile-dev feel free to go wild and commit your hacks and scripts at:13:36
ograhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile-dev/ubuntu-mobile/mobile-scripts :)13:36
ogra* cmpc packages (cheese/gstreamer) are source and binary NEWed and were accepted for -proposed by the sru team waiting for test feedback ... (everyone: gstreamer regression tests of hard-proposed packages on normal ubuntu desktops would be appreciated)13:36
ogra* took new task for next week to look at hotkey support for Q1 as well13:36
ogra* sorting various smaller edubuntu and ltsp duties (trying to calm huge complaint thread on edubuntu-users ML because it doesnt get much developer attention anymore) ...13:36
davidmogra, wow you were just waiting for me ;-)13:37
ograno further blockers ...13:37
ograyeah, i'm lazy :)13:37
ograoh, any my car issues are sorted :)13:38
davidmogra, glad to hear that, in the Dallas TX area in the US you have to have a car or you are stuck.13:38
davidmI think Germany is a little different but still nice.13:39
ograi didnt have one for 2 years13:39
ograand didnt really miss it13:39
ograbut the one i got offered only has 10000miles (16000km) on the counter and was so cheap i couldnt say no13:39
davidmOK I have two activity reports already, and I'm just waiting for the rest of them to arrive and I'll post them to the list.13:40
davidmI'd like  to invite the rest of the community if they would like their status posted to send me an activity report and I'll include it into the report that is sent out.13:41
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
davidmOf course you don't have to wait for us but you are welcome to have me merge it if you like13:41
davidmOption is there for anyone that wants it.13:42
* ogra would find it massively cool to see what the community does/works on13:42
davidmOK the next topic was choice of mail client but we don't have enough info I think so I'll carry it13:42
StevenKI thought we covered that13:42
* ogra has TB on the ubuntu-mobile seed since it exists 13:43
davidmStevenK, we sort of did but it was somehow in twice.13:43
StevenKThunderbird is in -mid, too13:43
ograStevenK, oh, i forgot we need to talk about patches to livecd-rootfs to build ubuntu-mobile images13:43
davidmmy bad likely, I edit that page right after this meeting and it's still quite early here.13:43
persiaWe're currently using Thunderbird: if we get modest in shape before e.g. UI freeze, let's reconsider.13:43
ograand to your script13:43
ograStevenK, trivial changes likely13:44
davidmSo floor is open13:44
StevenKogra: Yup. We'll want to talk to infinity too, since it will trigger script changes.13:44
ograbut i imagine its less than 10 lines13:45
StevenKWhich arch do you want it on?13:45
loolI'd like to mention maemo summit and associated matters13:45
loolNext week, davidm and myself are flying to Berlin; ogra are you coming?13:46
davidmlool, good idea13:46
loolFrom the 16th to the 21st, I'll be away from home13:46
davidmogra, is coming out too13:46
ogralool, i do :) have to sort out stuff with my friends and havent registered yet, but i want to test the car ;)13:46
loolIt might make it challenging to lead the IRC meeting, so someone please step up if davidm and I aren't around13:46
lool(and while I'm it, on a more personal note: I wont call coworkers either as I usually do on Tuesdays)13:47
* persia volunteers to chair13:47
davidmI'll be away from the 15th through the 23rd so some of my weekly calls are going to be challenging too.13:47
StevenKNo fair calling while you're on a plane13:47
loolIf you need anything urgent/important, try to mention it before monday to leave me some time to look at it before flying13:48
davidmStevenK, exactly, planes are hard13:48
ograthere are some with WLAN ... you could do VOIP :)13:48
ograchoppy though i bet13:48
loolSure, I'm just not sure of what will happen at that time so it might be more relevant to attend $thing than to give $call13:48
davidmI use VOIP a lot from the road, if I have good enough network it's fine13:49
ogradavidm, well, its like 2M for the whole plane ...13:49
lool(I don't think it's a matter of finding phone/voip coverage, just that the point is to attend OSIM and maemo summit :-)13:49
ograeven IRC is hard, i tried it once on a lufthansa flight13:49
davidmVery true, I'm working the show floor at OSiM World so I should meet some interesting people.13:50
davidm10 minute warning13:50
loolIf you people want us to bring up particular topics related to Ubuntu MID or Mobile during these events, shoot an email with the Q13:50
davidmbut I think we have covered everything13:50
loolWe'll report on these when coming back naturally13:51
davidmYes please.13:51
davidmLet us know.13:51
loolHappy to close meeting now13:51
loolMy baby rings13:52
davidmOk so if there is nothing else I'll close the meeting so going once ..................................................................................................13:52
looldavidm: Thanks for chairing13:52
davidmglad to do so.13:52
davidmclose the meeting so going twice .......................................13:53
MootBotMeeting finished at 07:54.13:54
pittihello everyone13:58
MacSlowhey seb128 , pitti13:58
* heno waves13:59
pittimvo, mpt, Riddell, tedg: there?13:59
tedgGood morning ya'll (/me is trying to learn Texan)13:59
pittitedg: howdy!14:00
MacSlowhi tedg14:00
pittimeeting prep and activity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-09-1114:00
pittihow's the desktop team, alright?14:00
MacSlowhey Riddell, mvo14:01
RiddellI'm great14:01
MacSlowpitti, we grew a bit recently :)14:01
pittiMacSlow: oh?14:01
RiddellI'm also in Edinburgh, yay14:01
pittiRiddell: but that didn't change recently, did it? :-)14:01
mvoMacSlow: you became taller?14:01
MacSlowpitti, well the "experience" part of the team :)14:01
pittiah, indeed14:02
MacSlowmvo, I gave up all hope regarding that :)14:02
pittiMacSlow: so ATM you're half/half desktop/experience?14:02
Riddellpitti: yes, but if you never noticed any different then that's all good :)14:02
pittiso, let's start with the outstanding actions14:02
pittimvo to talk to QA about the possibility of a "package-failures" component and triaging it.14:02
pittiTBH I don't quite like that approach, but let's see what came out of it14:03
Riddellwhat does component mean here?14:03
pittiRiddell: I think "LP project"14:03
mvostill not done :(14:04
mvoI was busy with meeting the UI freeze14:04
pittiso instead of having package inst failures reported against the particular package, it'd go to a seaparate project, like "hardy-backports"14:04
mvoyes, that was the idea14:04
pittimvo: are you still convinced that this is a viable and sane option?14:04
pittiif so, maybe you can do it this week, and we'll talk about it at the next meeting?14:05
mvoI never really was, but there were some concerns that the reports are not that useful14:05
mvoand clutter the buglist14:05
mvoI will do that, sorry for being so late about it again14:05
pittiOTOH few, if any people would actually read those mails, no?14:05
mptThat looks like a job for a tag14:05
pittiwe shuold clean up the messy input rather (better filtering, better reports, audo-dupes, etc.)14:05
henoQA would generally support getting bugs divided up into groups, there may be other ways though14:06
pittimpt: it already has, apport-package14:06
seb128my concern is not mails14:06
seb128I work on bug lists14:06
pittimails are not an issue14:06
seb128and that clutters the list14:06
pittithe bugs are private14:06
pittior, could be14:06
mvoI could prefer better filtering14:06
seb128pitti: upgrade issues are not private14:06
seb128and private bugs clutter the lists too :-p14:06
cjwatsonpersonally my main problem is that I've rarely seen one of the automatic package-failure bugs that I can ever actually figure out; I always have to go to mvo for help14:06
mptmvo, so you need the ability to subscribe to a tag? or what?14:06
pittiright, that's what I mean, they often are attached to the wrong package, etc.14:06
cjwatsonit would help if the dpkg output were much more clearly extracted, and there often seem to be problems with them being filed on the wrong packages14:06
seb128my experience is that 90% of those are either mis-assigned or local corruption issues14:07
mvompt: that would be useful, yes14:07
mptmvo, anything else?14:07
pittiso instead of shoving useless reports away to a dumpign ground project, we should rather improve them in the first place IMHO14:07
mvoseb128: I posted some data about that to ubuntu-desktop some weeks ago14:07
seb128improving bug reports is always a good idea no discussion there14:07
mvoI think its not 90%, but its cleary too much that is not useful14:07
seb128mvo: no you didn't14:08
mvobut for your specific set of packages its probably worse14:08
mvoseb128: no?14:08
pittiI saw the post14:08
seb128mvo: the only mail you sent to ubuntu-desktop this year is about sandbox, or I delete it by mistake or something14:08
mvocjwatson: better extraction of the failure in the log is definitely a good point14:08
mvoseb128: hm, let me look for the message id, maybe is was ubuntu-devel?14:09
pittianyway, I think the current reports deserve a compete overhaul in order to be machine and human parseable14:09
seb128mvo: arg sorry, looked on the wron box14:09
pittimvo, seb128: let's find the mail after the meeting and link it to the report page14:09
pittimvo: so again, if you think it would be a good interim solution, please go ahead and talk to the QA team for their input14:09
mvoI will, thanks14:10
pittiotherwise discard it, and the action item, and we'll concentrate on improving the reports (which we shuold do anyway, FWIW)14:10
pittiok, other outstanding action item: seb128 to update whiteboard of intrepid-menus-review and better-login-speed for remaining todos14:10
mvoimprove the reports++14:10
seb128pitti: I did update those14:11
pittiseb128: ah, merci14:11
pitti"mvo: do I need a formal feature freeze expection for compiz or is there an expection like for gnome? a release is prepared currently and it would be nice to give them up-to-date packages for better testing exposure"14:11
pittis/expection/exception/, I take it14:11
mvosorry for the typo14:12
pittitraditionally we only gave a blanket exception for official GNOME components14:12
seb128neither of those are complete, but the specs are not really precise and have quite some upstream points which require work and I'm already streching over my limit only keeping GNOME uptodate and in shape so I didn't manage to work on those14:12
pittiso in this case I don't think we should handle it as implicitly granted without further consent by TB or RM14:12
seb128mvo: the freeze exception for GNOME is mainly because they have similar freeze14:12
seb128ie now they are feature, UI, string, API, ABI, etc frozen14:12
mvook, I will prepare a update in my PPA and ask the RM14:12
pittimvo: I'd prefer handling this as a normal FFE request; of course it will be considered appropriately, given how important it is for us14:13
kwwiibetter late than never :-)14:13
pittiseb128: right, understood; it is just good to have an up to date summary of the status14:13
pittihey kwwii14:13
mvoseb128: right, I kow that. compiz has much less of a formal process for this, but they are have a synced release cycle with us (and fedora)14:13
pittimvo: on that matter, when will compiz get enabled by default again?14:13
MacSlowhi kwwii14:13
mvoI certainly hope so :)14:13
pittiis it a matter of breage with the new GNOME session?14:14
pittiI'm interested in why it currently isn't14:14
mvognome-session was giving us some trouble here14:14
seb128pitti: it should already be at the moment14:14
seb128gnome-wm is the default in gnome-session since 2.23.9014:14
pittihm, not here (intel GMA945)14:14
seb128let's take that on #ubuntu-desktop after meeting14:14
seb128that's a bug14:14
pittiok, let's14:14
pittiso the state is that "it should work again like in hardy" now?14:15
pitti"Riddell: how to organise FOSSCamp and UDS sponsorships"14:15
seb128pitti: compiz? yes14:16
pittiI can't personally tell, Keybuk mainly did the preps; unless cjwatson can help out here?14:16
Riddellwe have this interesting new system jono announced, if we want people to come do they really have to find something on brainstorm to do?14:16
pittiRiddell: the rough plan that I know is that we stop proposing guests, but they have to actively apply themselves in order to get sponsored14:16
pittiI think jono blogged about it14:16
Riddelland I've not heard anything about FOSSCamp14:17
Riddellif it needs keybuk to explain it, I hope he gets well soon, deadline isn't too far away :)14:17
RiddellI hope he gets well soon anyway of course14:17
henoif there are people you think should be there you can help them throough that process, including finding some brainstorm topics and read their application before they post it14:18
pittiRiddell: well, I'd expect it to be a little less rigid; if their application points out some strong things which they'd like to work on, I could imagine that this is sufficient14:18
henowe wanted applicants to associate themselves with specs/projects and not just turn up to listen14:18
Riddellthe problem with brainstorm is it only covers a certain type of contribution, we have some great KDE main modules packaging going on in the kubuntu community and I'd like some of those people there, but it's not a brainstorm idea14:19
pittiheno: right, but e. g. I know people I'd really like to come which have done an awesome amount of work, but nevertheless not associated to brainstorm; rather to specs; I don't think we should impose too much red tape on them14:19
pittiso "specs/projects" should be a little wider than just "brainstorm"; blueprints should e. g. count as well14:20
henoRiddell: it's more important that they come to UDS with an idea of what they want to tyalk about than that it's already proposed in brainstorm14:20
henopitti: agreed14:20
cjwatsonbrainstorm is the default and for many people the easiest, but if people turn up with other specific proposals and they're any good, then that will likely be fine too14:20
pittino user will ever request somethign like "let's repackage the nvidia driver with dkms", nevertheless it's important and beneficial to do so14:20
cjwatsonthe main point is just to make sure that every sponsored attendee is motivated to achieve something specific14:21
cjwatsonmore than just "hey, they came last time and were kind of fun"14:21
pittiand their application should clearly point out what they're going to work on14:21
pittiof course there will always be people which *we* would like to come14:21
pittiand invite14:21
pittiI guess for those we'll have a slightly different process as well14:22
Riddelland FOSSCamp?14:22
pittiI quickly talked about this with Scott, and he agreed, but we didn't talk about details14:22
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
Riddellwell, I can ask him when he appears14:23
kwwiiI received an inviation to attend fosscamp from jcastro14:23
Riddellbut surely facebook isn't the only way its being organised :)14:23
pittiso, I think we should bring this up again when Scott returns14:24
Riddellyep, move on14:24
pittiRiddell: any other questions which we could discuss/answer right now?14:24
pitti"Riddell: 8.04 to 9.04 as an upgrade path?"14:24
pittiany particular reason for that?14:24
Riddellintrepid is a big step for Kubuntu users as an upgrade14:24
Riddellsame as Ubuntu..14:25
Riddellbut ubuntu is LTS so it won't prompt for upgraade until the next LTS14:25
pittifor people who didn't install the kde 4 variant in hardy, I guess14:25
Riddellwe can't do that since we're not LTS, so we had the idea it might make sense to prompt for upgrade not this release but next14:25
Riddellwhich would mean supporting a new upgrade path 8.04 -> 9.0414:26
Riddellthat might well be too much work14:26
Riddelland we should just put big warning in the pre-upgrade release notes14:26
Riddellbut if it's not too much work, would it be sensible?14:26
pittimvo: oh, u-m doesn't even offer a 8.04 -> 8.10 upgrade? I thought it just wouldn't create a notification bubble14:26
mvoI guess most of the work is the additional testing for 8.04->9.0414:27
mvopitti: its a configuration option in gnome-software-properties14:27
henoI think we could take on that testing14:27
mvoby default it will not offer the upgrade in update-manager14:27
pittiRiddell: in general I believe it is not significantly more work to support 8.04 -> 9.04 than to properly support 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.0414:27
mvoonly if you click on "prompt for all upgrades"14:27
henoby that time we should have better automation there14:27
pittiRiddell: if this is known from day 1 in 9.04, then we can be careful to not drop any preinsts etc.14:27
pittiwhich we can't do anyway, since we need to support 8.04 -> 10.04 (LTS -> LTS)14:28
pittimvo: ok, thanks14:28
pittiRiddell: so, IOW, if 8.04->9.04 won't work, then we'll have even more work with the next LTS upgrade14:28
pittiso we can just support it right away14:28
pittiRiddell, mvo: would it be possible and sensible to offer this differently in the gtk and kde UIs?14:28
mvoyes and yes14:29
pittiI don't think that ubuntu 9.04 will be special "enough" in order to change the current scheme14:29
pittibut I do see the purpose for KDE 3 -> 414:29
cjwatsonwe can't go dropping upgrade compatibility in 9.04 anyway, since otherwise we'll just have to put it back in for 10.0414:29
mvoI agree14:29
pittiRiddell: do you *actually* want 9.04, or wouldn't it be much more desirable to offer upgrade to 8.10?14:29
pitticjwatson: exactly14:30
cjwatsonoh, pitti already said that, jinx14:30
pitticjwatson: I like violent agreement :)14:30
Riddellpitti: I think we'd like people to activly want to upgrade to 8.10, so people can but they should have an idea that it'll be a big change14:30
Riddellwhich is what happens on the ubuntu side as I say14:30
pittiRiddell: or do you think 4.1 is still not mature enough to offer it to KDE 3 Hardy users?14:30
pittiRiddell: the button will show the release notes, so indeed it should be highlighted there14:31
pittiRiddell: so my Q is still why we should only offer it for 9.04 and not for 8.04 (KDE 4.1 is said to have become really stable and good, after all? or do you disagree?)14:31
Riddellpitti: there's still a lot of support for keeping KDE 3 on users desktops and I don't think that class of user should be pushed into KDE 4 yet14:31
pittiRiddell: alright14:32
pittiso, fine with me personally, anyone else have objections?14:32
RiddellI think it's stable and good but maybe not really stable and good :)  also the upgrade isn't very well tested yet14:32
jcastroRiddell: you're not the first person asking about KDE/brainstorm, I'll have an answer for you shortly.14:32
seelejcastro: +1 from me, i already complained to the source about it14:32
RiddellI'll talk more with the Kubuntu team and we'll work out just what we want and how to do it14:33
pitti"seb128: the new gnome-session dialog is available in intrepid, do we want to use this one?"14:33
Riddell(for the upgrade question)14:33
pittiRiddell: sounds good; but in general your proposal sounds sane IMHO14:33
pittiseb128: "this one" -> as provided by upstream, which is currently in intrepid14:33
pittias opposed to "something similar to hardy"?14:34
mvoRiddell: lets work out a plan how to do it in update-manager after the meeting (should be striaghtward)14:34
pittimpt: WDYT about the current one?14:34
seb128pitti: well, that's basically "what do we do for intrepid"14:34
vuntzpitti: (this new dialog is currently blocked in a bug upstream, fwiw)14:34
seb128pitti: should we escalade that to mdz?14:34
pittipersonally I really like the split between logging of and shutting down the computer, since they are pretty unrelated to each other, and (2) providing all in the same dialog makes it too big14:34
seb128vuntz: I distro patched it14:34
mptpitti, the current one in Intrepid? It's not pleasant14:34
mptIt's good that it explains each option14:35
vuntzseb128: I know, just wanted to make things clear. Sorry for spying :-)14:35
seb128mpt: did you find the hardy one pleasant?14:35
pittimpt: the workflow, or the UI, or both?14:35
mptseb128, no :-)14:35
pittivuntz: good to have you here14:35
seb128mpt: do you want to go back to the hardy one?14:35
* seb128 hugs vuntz14:35
mptbut the missing borders and the inconsistently-sized icons are weird14:35
seb128mpt: that's fixable14:35
mptseb128, if those two bugs are fixable today, then okay, otherwise I think the Hardy one would be better14:36
seb128mpt: using the hardy one means rewritting it, the code which was patched doesn't exist in intrepid14:36
vuntzmpt: I'd love a list of things to fix in this dialog. FWIW, calum prefers to stay with a standard dialog (what is currently in upstream).14:36
pittimpt: do you like the split between logging out/switchign users, and poweroff/reboot/suspend/hibernate? (I do)14:36
mptFlow-wise they're both meh :-)14:36
seb128mpt: so as long as we rewritte something we can as well write something we want14:37
seb128mpt: can you make a review of the issues in the new dialog? would make vuntz happy too apparently ;-)14:37
henoI also like the separation FWIW14:37
pittican we make this an action item offline?14:37
mptseb128, what we want is in the ExitStrategy spec, but that requires several person-months of work probably.14:38
pittimpt to review the current shutdown/logout dialog and give some recommendations/fixes to upstream and LP bugs14:38
pittimpt: ^ would that be ok for you?14:38
seb128if we keep the split we also need to decide what to do about the icon in the corner14:38
seb128not sure if it still makes sense when half of the options are listed14:38
mdzseb128: indeed14:38
mptThe icon in the corner is being replaced by the fusa-applet afaik14:38
pitti++ for that14:38
seb128ok, so:14:39
seb128- replace the icon by fusa14:39
seb128- mpt lists things to change in the current dialog for intrepid14:39
pittimpt ^ ok for you as well?14:39
seb128mpt: this spec is indeed not intrepid material14:39
pittigood, let's go on with our full schedule for today14:40
pitti"seb128: Seb: gnome-keyring has a configure option to disable the ACL dialogs "14:40
pittisorry, double-seb14:40
pittiseb128: can you please explain this a little further?14:40
tedgYou can never have too many seb's.14:40
* mpt thinks doubling seb would be an excellent idea14:40
seb128pitti: I gave the bug number which has details14:40
pittithat's pretty damn true!14:40
* mvo hugs seb25614:41
ubottuGnome bug 533493 in general "patch to disable allow/deny dialogs" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:41
ograseb128, note that NCommander said he would look at porting the hardy dialog while you were on holiday14:41
seb128that's to disable the ""Allow program X to access keyring Y"14:41
ograseb128, makes probably sense to notify him to stop that and not waste time if we dont go back14:41
seb128ogra: NCommander is doing way to many things ;-)14:42
pittiseb128: the whitelist solution?14:42
seb128ogra: will talk to him14:42
pittiseb128: completely disabling this question sounds a bit too much to me14:42
pittii. e. the bug is that the dialog appears with network-manager, not that it appears in situation where keyring access is in fact unexpected?14:43
mptso it should be asked once per program per computer, rather than once per program per session14:43
seb128pitti: the dialog are the "do you allow this application to access to the gnome-keyring"14:43
seb128pitti: not the one asking for a password14:44
pittiyeah, I know14:44
seb128ie if you try going on a sftp share in nautilus14:44
seb128you will gedit "gedit tries to acces to gnome-keyring" when opening a document14:44
pittiQUESTION: is everyone ok with extending the meeting today? or does anyone need to leave in 15 minutes?14:44
* Riddelll in no rush14:45
seb128that might be rather a list discussion14:45
pitti(I don't feel like cutting discussions just because we're out of time)14:45
seb128I put it there because I read about the option and fedora is using and I thought we should maybe consider it14:45
pittiseb128: but in fact we do expect n-m and pidgin to access the keyring, and they shuold be allowed without any question IMHO; that would make the dialog more useful14:45
tedgpitti: There may be another meeting though -- I think the Java guys are here.14:45
seb128let's move that to #ubuntu-desktop after meeting with interested people14:46
ograpitti, the java meeting is at 14:00 UTC14:46
pittilet's go on then14:46
pitti"seb128: what is exactly the policy about adding changes to desktop packages? gnome-control-center starts having quite some distribution changes for example, shouldn't those be sent upstream before being added to ubuntu?"14:46
seb128I guess we should keep this one for when scott will be back rather14:46
pittiour general policy nowadays should be to always forward patches upstream as well, including references to discussions and sketches, etc.14:47
pittiwe have all been guilty of applying ubuntu-only patches which we are sitting on now, but we should stop doing that14:47
seb128the tendency at the moment is to do distro change first and then forward or discuss that afterward as time permit14:47
pittiwe shouldn't go as far as blocking on upstream *accepting* our patches, but they should be reported and discussed with them14:48
seb128which often means people don't because they have too much to do14:48
pittiseb128: that shuold be done at the same time14:48
seb128because the other way around we just add maintainship workload on the ubuntu side14:48
pittiseb128: so if there are heavy patches, please prod their authors to submit them upstream and discuss it with them14:48
pittiseb128: and otherwise, ask them to update them to a new upstream version14:48
pittiseb128: but I don't think we can entirely get rid of carrying such patches14:49
pittithere are changes which originate in Ubuntu which we wnat in the next release14:49
pittiso we have to carry that pain to a certain degree14:49
pittibut we shuoldn't carry it indefinitely14:49
ogra.oO( we could just take over upstream)14:49
* ogra hides14:49
pittiseb128: e. g. the keyboard dialog changes you referenced; if that change is reported upstream, and they didn't outright say "no, that sucks", we shuold care about the patch for a while14:50
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 15:00: Server Team
pittido you all think that's a reasonable compromise?14:50
seb128pitti: the change is not reported upstream yet but mvo said he will do that14:50
pittiaction: mvo to submit the gnome-control-center changes upstream14:50
seb128pitti: yes, as long as people doing changes take discussions upstream too rather than just dropping that on the plate of people who maintain those packages14:50
seb128nothings against mvo there14:51
mvoI did before and the feedback was not that great, but I will try again14:51
* seb128 hugs mvo14:51
pittiI spent the entire weekend with cleaning up old cups patches, but it's so much better now :)14:51
seb128that was just this week example ;-)14:51
pittiyeah, but it was a pretty good one14:51
pittisince I know how much glade patches suck14:51
pittibut well, no short-term way around them14:51
pittiok, let's skip the sponsoring review this week; please everyone catch up on it14:52
pittirelease status: I don't think I personally have something that needs discussion with the entire team14:52
pittiI'd like to prod some of you later today about some spec status, to get an update for tomorrow's release meeting14:52
pittiso, AOB?14:53
seb128pitti: see we are on time ;-)14:53
* pitti apologizes for his rather aggressive meeting driving today; BTW, feedback about the general meeting format or discussion length/depth appreciated14:53
pittioh, and one note14:54
pittiScott, Matt, and I are in Portland next week, Linux Plumber's conference14:54
mvohave fun there14:54
pittiso if you want to have a team meeting, please just do an ad-hoc one and send notes to u-desktop@, or we just skip it14:55
pittiwould everyone agree to skipping it and putting urgent discussions to u-desktop@?14:55
seb128pitti: thanks for leading the meeting ;-)14:55
pittiseb128: my pleasure14:55
seb128pitti: I'm fine skipping next week meeting and discussing any issue on the list14:55
mptthanks pitti14:55
* mvo rushes off14:56
MacSlowso long14:56
pittiok, have a good day everyone, thanks all14:56
pittirock on, desktoppers14:56
pittipedro_, cjwatson1, heno: thanks for joining14:57
kwwiihave fun14:57
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 15:00: Server Team | 17 Sep 17:00: QA Team
persiaWho's here for the Java meeting?15:00
persiaHrm.  We're short today.15:02
Riddellldrat, no volunteers to package jambi or nepomuk for me then :)15:03
persiaLet's give it 5 minutes.  I know slytherin might not be able to make it.15:03
persiaRiddell: Actually, there's been a long-outstanding question in the team that you might be able to answer.15:03
persiaCurrently, there are "metal" and "gtk" bindings for some of the Java widgets, but there aren't any QT bindings.  Do you know of anyone who might like to work on that?15:04
persiaOK.  5 minutes up.15:06
persiaKoon, do you have anything special to announce, or shall we postpone this meeting until next week?15:06
Koonpersia: yes I have15:06
Koonpersia: please have a look at the "KISS" design in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Specs/MavenSupportSpec15:07
Riddelllpersia: bindings?  or theme?15:07
Koonjust to know if it sounds possible to you (read: policy-compatible)15:07
Koonpersia: I've been struggling so much with maven-JPP that I found there might just be a very simple solution to our problem15:08
Koonit's so simple that I probably missed something, and wanted to discuss the design with the rest of the team15:09
Koonwhich means, you.15:09
persiaRiddell: Basically a final solution to bug #99445.  Someone from Sun called the required code "QT peers", but I'm not sure where it fits on the theme/bindings continuum15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 99445 in sun-java6 "Java 6 and KDE integration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9944515:11
persiaKoon: That looks like a nice clean hack to get it working now.15:12
KoonI tested that maven doesn't mind following links15:12
persiaIt's a bit of extra work for the packager of any maven-requiring package, but it means *lots* less infrastructural effort.15:12
Koonfrom a quick poc it seems to be working, I'll do a more complete when I'll have some free time15:12
persiaIt's policy compliant as long as there really aren't any .jar files left over in debian/ at the end, and it's just maven junk.15:12
Riddellpersia: reads like a theming issue, would be fiddly to do15:13
Koonpersia: it's also far easier to debug15:13
persiaIt would probably be good to get a common script together and put it in maven so packages build-depending on maven could just include the makefile snippet in rules, and add a config file to create the links.15:14
Koonpersia: sure15:14
persiaRiddell: OK.  Do you think it's worth pushing out as a call for work to be done, or do you think most Kubuntu users will be happy with metal?15:14
Koonslytherin: yay15:15
persiaslytherin: You made it!15:15
persiaWe're just talking about KDE peers and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Specs/MavenSupportSpec15:16
slytherinKoon: I am going to eb silent listener mostly15:16
Koonslytherin: when you'll have more time, please have a look at the "KISS solution" in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Specs/MavenSupportSpec15:17
Riddellpersia: you can try, but I suspect it's sufficiently tricky and sufficiently low priority that nobody would be interested15:17
Koonslytherin: just comment in the wikipage directly15:17
persiaRiddell: OK.  That's exactly the sort of feedback I sought: lack of interest means I'll drop it from my list of things that we might do.  If there's a couple killer apps, maybe someone will get interested.15:18
persiaRiddell: Thanks for your advice.15:18
Koonpersia: it's true it's more work for the packager. But he is the one with the energy to make it succeed. Waiting for some hypothetic infrastructure work before starting any maven packaging probably won't fly15:19
persiaKoon: I think you're right.  I like this idea a lot.15:19
persiaOnce we have a working PoC for a package, we ought take it to Debian to increase the pool of packagers.15:20
Koonpersia: the problem for a complete POC is the missing build deps15:20
Koonyou already have to package a few JARs to have a basic Maven helloWorld working15:21
* Koon looks15:21
persiaAren't most of the build-deps also dependent on maven?  I'd think we could do a PoC from somewhere on the bottom of the stack.15:21
Koonthe stack is kinda circular, if you see what I mean15:22
persiaHrm.  So we need to do some bootstrap analysis to figure out how to get started.15:23
Kooni'll start a page for tracking work to be done to get a helloWorld working15:23
Kooni'll present it at next meeting15:24
persiaKoon: Excellent, thank you.15:24
Koonthat's all from my side15:24
persiaOK.  Next, slytherin mentioned he's planning to not talk much, but left status at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/MoveToUniverse15:25
Koonhm. I've a little more15:25
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persiaLooks like we have 5 more packages on the way, including the dbus bindings15:25
KoonI've been working on tomcat5.5 fixes for Intrepid15:26
Koonat the moment it won't even install from scratch.15:26
KoonI plan to rollback a couple of fixes as an hardy SRU15:26
Koon(and that's really all)15:27
* slytherin raises hand15:27
slytherinpersia: dbus-java is dependent on libmatthew-java. I will try fixing libmatthew-java FTBFS today15:28
persiaKoon: When you say "roll back", what do you mean?  Is it more updates, or does stuff have to get pulled?15:28
persiaslytherin: OK.  So we're waiting on the FTBFS for that?15:29
persiaslytherin: Any other notes?15:29
slytherinbecause the dbus-java version which is supposed to move to universe has not yet built15:30
Koonpersia: for example, fixing the JDK_HOME list so that it runs with OpenJDK15:30
persiaKoon: OK.  I was just worried we might have to chase more freeze exceptions.  If it's just making something broken work, we ought be safe.15:30
persiaslytherin: OK.  Do you need anything for that, or are you making good progress?15:31
slytherinpersia: good progress. I may be filing few more FFE. I admit I should have done all this before FF.15:31
Koonfor tomcat5.5 in intrepid there are a few borderline cases, but i don't think they are FFe-relevant. Will check with my sponsor.15:32
persiaslytherin: OK.  While some of those are worth Feature Freeze exceptions, I don't think they will be worth BetaFreeze exceptions.  You've perhaps another week and a half to get everything for intrepid done.15:32
slytherinpersia: I should be done by weekend.15:33
persiaOK.  Cool.15:33
persiaAnd I suppose that I should mention that all the dependencies for NetBeans 6.1 finally got completed this week, so I'll be updating it and removing the old cruft.15:34
persiaAnyone have anything else?  Anyone need help with something specific?15:34
slytherinpersia: Congrats on netbeans work. :-) It wasn't easy.15:35
persiaslytherin: Full credit belongs to the NetBeans team, not to me.15:35
slytherinI know.15:35
slytherinStill reviewing the package is no minor accomplishment15:36
persiaLuckily I actually use it :)15:36
persiaOK.  Until next week then.15:36
persiaslytherin to complete the MoveToMain planning for intrepid.15:36
persiaKoon to do some preliminary analysis for bootstrapping maven15:37
persiapersia to file removals for old NetBeans cruft.15:37
Koonok, see you all next week then15:39
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leoquantgoede avond19:43
amireldorthere's a meeting soon, right?19:46
henoamireldor: there is always a meeting soon in #ubuntu-meeting ;) (yes, the EMEA membership meeting)19:47
amireldorheno: good! so i'm finally in the right place and the right time19:48
ArcUTC trip ya up?19:50
amireldorArc it's 22:00 where i come from19:51
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu
Arc15:00 here19:53
amireldorArc you live in the past19:53
amireldori come from the future19:54
emgent!schedule rome19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about schedule rome19:57
emgent@schedule rome19:57
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 12 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 20:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 06:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 13:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 17:00: Server Team | 17 Sep 19:00: QA Team19:57
emgentit`snt scheduled..19:57
amireldorwhat not scheduled? i have been waiting for the EMEA meeting my entire life19:59
emgentwaiting people..19:59
ArcI thought their meetings were a little more frequent than that19:59
emgentwaiting stgraber and other Council people20:01
stgraberemgent: I'm unfortunately in the middle of a meeting, I'll do my best to follow the emea meeting though20:01
emgentstgraber: do you know who will take the chair in this meet ?20:02
emgentphanatic, Seveas ?20:03
henopopey, PriceChild: emea meeting ping20:03
emgentheya PriceChild :)20:04
henohey PriceChild :)20:04
PriceChildHmm, ubottu not change topics?20:04
* PriceChild files a bug20:04
stgraberemgent: not me :)20:04
phanatichey everyone20:04
didrocksPriceChild: ^^20:04
emgentah ok hehe20:04
emgentPriceChild: meeting not scheduled20:05
henoit's on the Fridge20:05
PriceChildemgent: pardon?20:05
ubottuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 12 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 18:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 11:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 15:00: Server Team | 17 Sep 17:00: QA Team20:05
PriceChildemgent: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/164820:06
didrocks(and http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event)20:06
ara_hello all20:08
PriceChildSo we have Me, phanatic, stgraber..20:08
didrockshi ara_20:08
PriceChildSeveas doodle'd he could make it I believe.20:08
stgraberPriceChild: only half of me is attending the meeting, the other is attending a real-life meeting :)20:08
amireldoris hunmaat20:09
hunmaatamireldor: pong20:09
amireldoryou are the first candidate i recon20:09
didrocksstgraber: real life ? O_o ok, this things with interactive people, isn't it? :)20:09
stgraberdidrocks: yeah20:10
didrocksstgraber: awesome ^^20:10
amireldorheno are you the host of the EMEA meeting?20:10
henono :)20:10
amireldoroh, so who is?20:10
henoI'm just visiting :)20:10
PriceChildamireldor: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-membership-board-emea/+members20:10
amireldorthanks PriceChild, is anyone of the members around at all?20:11
hunmaatamireldor: see above...20:11
PriceChildamireldor: If you would check the list, you would see I, phanatic & half of stgraber are present.20:12
didrocksso, 2 persons and half :)20:12
Arcis that quorum?20:12
PriceChildI would prefer we had half the team, ie 4 people present, definitely 3, not 2 and a half so I think we'll wait a little to see if Seveas appears?20:12
phanaticPriceChild: i agree20:13
amireldoroh hello PriceChild i just saw you are an EMEA member20:13
amireldori hope i'm not rude but aren't we suppose to check up with hunmaat ?20:15
PriceChildamireldor: pardon?20:15
amireldorhe is the first candidate for ubuntu membership, as i see on the EMEA wiki page20:15
PriceChildamireldor: 1221160376 0911T201256 < PriceChild> I would prefer we had half the team, ie 4 people present, definitely 3, not 2 and a half so I think we'll wait a little  to see if Seveas appears?20:15
amireldoroh so we are waiting for more people to come, i see20:15
amireldori'm just a little tight on schedule and not sure i have a lot of time for this meeting now20:16
PriceChildLooking at Seveas' last seen time, and the doodle we did, I don't believe we'll be seeing him tonight so I think it best we reschedule I'm afraid.20:18
Arcalan pope isn't showing up?20:18
PriceChildArc: he hasn't responded to a ping here.20:19
Arcyea he's been idle for 2+ hours20:19
PriceChildSorry folks.20:20
Arcany idea when the reschedule will be for?20:20
Arcit'd be nice for our LoCo to have at least one member come SFD20:20
henoHm, we should consider doing membership application in an asynchronous medium20:22
ArcI was thinking that too20:22
PriceChildThat's 20 minutes. We'll send a mail around and set a time for late next week hopefully, and get that announced on the wiki page & fridge by this weekend (i'll make sure to email the right list this time)20:22
didrocksif possible, it would be great :/20:22
nizaruswe can wait that the second half of stgraber :)20:23
leoquantno Seveas today20:23
stgraberthat'll still not make 420:23
leoquantSeveas is on holiday20:24
PriceChildstgraber: phanatic that sound ok?20:24
PriceChildleoquant: Yep, I think he's been planning it for some time.20:24
Arcis there a good chance at least 4 members will be able to attend a meeting next week instead?20:25
phanaticPriceChild: sure20:25
PriceChildArc: We'll do our best. Sorry for the trouble today.20:25
stefanlsdIs there nobody from any other regional councils that could attend. Or doesnt it that work like that...20:25
ara_if it is the same time as today, I am afraid I won't be able to attend next week20:25
Arcthe asian and american councils just had their meetings, it'll be a few weeks before they have another20:26
nizarusso PriceChild, meeting reported or not yet ?20:30
didrocks(and sure for next week?)20:31
PriceChildnizarus: pardon?20:31
Arcit seems like the membership councils were setup to answer growing workload, but without enough committed people to make it work20:35
Arcunless this is just an unusual circumstance20:36
didrocksPriceChild: I think that nizarus waited to confirm that the meeting is reported to another date and will not be held today20:39
PriceChildWe won't hold it today, but will put the new ate on our page and the fridge20:39
didrocksok, thanks PriceChild ;)20:39
nizarusthx PriceChild and didrocks20:40
didrocksso, see you soon everyone!20:40
ara_ok bye!20:43
nizarus @schedule tunis22:26
nizarus@schedule tunis22:26
ubottuSchedule for Africa/Tunis: 12 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Release | 14 Sep 20:00: Mozilla Team | 15 Sep 06:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 16 Sep 13:00: Community Council | 16 Sep 17:00: Server Team | 17 Sep 19:00: QA Team22:26
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