
loolStevenK: Would you be tempted to update the langpacks in the ppa?10:19
StevenKlool: Not really10:19
loologra: perhaps?10:19
ograi never touched langpackas in my life 10:20
loologra: Perfect10:20
StevenKI haven't either10:20
samjamIf you look on sernets log of todays irc you'll see someone has beeing talking about lang packs recently10:20
loologra: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lool/ubuntu-mobile-ppa-langpacks.txt10:21
loologra: The idea is to rescue data/mozilla.tar.gz in each langpack and carry it over in the new langpack from hardy-updates10:21
ograah, k10:22
loologra: I'd prefer someone else doing this this time around as to share kl10:22
loologra: Oh you don't know about the archive.mobile.u.c archive, do you?10:22
ogranot really, no10:23
loologra: Can I give you a phone call?10:23
ogragimme a sec to install my new phone :) 10:23
loolOk, so I'll call landline I guess :)10:23
ograyeah, i got a DECT headset thingie10:24
* StevenK hugs his DECT phones10:27
* lool is tempted to replace is DECT phone10:27
suihkulokkilandline? dect? did I enter a museum?10:27
loolsuihkulokki: Well my "landline" is connected to the DSL router which also provides SIP   :-P10:28
ogralool, line is up10:29
loologra: calling10:34
loolAnyone with a webcam tempted to try out ekiga?11:29
ALoGeNowhat is ekiga?11:33
loolvideo conferencing app11:35
ALoGeNooh okey :)11:35
persialool: Apparently the session upstart job has another race condition, and tends to start before hal, which causes issues with Xinput2 hotplug.  You had opinions about upstart vs. init.d in hardy.  Do you still hold them?  Do you see any issues moving this to an init script?12:33
loolIRC meeting in one minute on #ubuntu-meeting12:59
persiaDoes anyone happen to have an image up right now?  If so, could you share the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list?13:53
davidmI do not13:54
ograedit_squashfs.sh ./ubuntu-mid.img is faaast :)13:54
persiaogra: Thank you.  It's the directory I wasn't sure about, and I didn't want to run edit-image when I was already editing files in the VFAT.13:56
ograedit-image needs to start using $(tmpdir)13:58
ograthat way it wont clash13:58
persiaWell, also, what happens when you've two different tools editing the same files in two different locations from the same loopmount?13:58
persiaIt's just chancy.13:58
ografirst push to lp:~ubuntu-mobile-dev/ubuntu-mobile/mobile-scripts done :)13:59
loologra: please drop fusa from mobile :)15:17
ograah, sorry, used wrong channel 15:18
persiaWhy should fusa be dropped from mobile?  Imagine the case where a couple shares a subnotebook...15:19
ograby default it will have the ubuntu user15:19
ograthey are free to install it if tehy go away from the default setup15:19
persiaOK.  Makes sense.15:21
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ian_brasili tried to change .gtkrc-2.0 to show the blondie theme as opposed to mobilebasic ...is there something else i need to do?18:54
ian_brasilah, ok there is no index.theme18:56

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