
zulAdri2000: its being worked on its on my todo lsit00:17
Adri2000zul: have you uploaded the package to -proposed yet?00:22
zulAdri2000: yep it got rejected have to see why00:23
Adri2000zul: ok00:25
mib_lhfac4Someone know the correct alternative of "update-manager -d" for kubuntu?00:53
copprowhy doesn't ulimit -c work when I try to increase the core dump size limit?01:04
copproI can decrease it fine, but increasing it is a nogo01:04
copproa bad case of elision, possibly?01:05
slangasekcoppro: by definition, non-root users aren't allowed to raise ulimits of a session beyond the defined hard limit01:13
copprononono, I can't raise at all01:13
slangasekwell, that I don't know01:13
copproulimit -c 1 is okay, a subsequent call to ulimit -c 0 is okay, but another call to ulimit -c 1 fails01:13
copproit's like the opposite of renicing a process as a non-priveleged user01:14
slangasekin that case, you probably want to read the section on ulimit in the bash(1) manpage01:15
slangasek"If neither -H nor -S is specified, both the soft and hard limits are set."01:15
copproalways worked for me in the past :/01:16
slangasekI'm not sure why :)01:17
copproso I should just always use -S?01:19
slangasekif it's not your intention to set a hard limit, then yes01:20
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dholbachgood morning07:09
* slangasek waves to dholbach 07:09
* dholbach gives slangasek a hug07:09
* slangasek grins07:09
\shgood morning07:26
\shmotu-release: please review bug #239734 and ack...it's needed badly for launchpadlib07:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239734 in python-httplib2 "[Freeze Exception] python-httplib2 should be upgraded to 0.4.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23973407:26
emgentmorning \sh :)07:26
\shhey emgent...how's life? :)07:27
emgent\sh: I preferred to stay on vacation, but we must go back to work :)07:28
\shemgent: hehe..at least you had some vacation :)07:29
emgent\sh: yes, it`s true :)07:31
iulianGood morning.08:02
dholbachhiya iulian08:02
bobboHey guys, how many ACKs does an FFE need?08:03
iulianHello dholbach08:04
dholbachbobbo: 2 and it gets set to Confirmed08:05
bobbodholbach: ah cool08:06
bobbodholbach: for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blobwars/+bug/268678, now I have to ACKs, do I also need to get ACKs from u-u-s before I subscribe the archive admins to sync it?08:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268678 in blobwars "[FFE] Please sync blobwars 1.08-dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:07
slangasekyes, a freeze exception doesn't automatically double as sponsorship08:08
bobboslangasek: ok, thanks alot :)08:09
slangasekso just as you would need a sponsor for any other upload that's been approved for FFe, you should have a MOTU that sponsors your request for a sync08:09
dholbachbobbo: taking a look at it08:10
dholbachbobbo: ACKing it - technically this should not have required a FFe - it wasn't a new upstream release, was it?08:14
bobbodholbach: no it wasnt, but I asked in here and ScottK said I should get one...08:15
bobbodholbach: thanks alot :)08:15
dholbachhm, weird08:15
dholbachanyway.... it's ACKed now :)08:15
bobbothanks :)08:15
slangasekdholbach: FeatureFreeze is a freeze on features, not just those introduced in new upstream releases, though?08:16
slangasek(I haven't looked at the particulars here)08:16
dholbachslangasek: usually the team has examined new upstream releases (which is a bit wonky.... native packages, huge diffs that can be just applied instead of a new upstream version, etc)08:17
slangasekok; I guess FreezeExceptionProcess does imply, by omission, that only new upstream versions and new packages need exceptions08:19
stefanlsdIs there a way to pull stuff from packages.debian without having to go there and download the 3 files and dpkg-source them?08:42
stefanlsdorly_owl: yeah, was wondering if there was a better way08:44
* orly_owl shrugs.08:44
joaopintosebner, dget -x file.dsc08:44
joaopintoops, was stefanlsd08:44
iulianstefanlsd: Better go to packages.qa.d.o and dget the dsc file as joaopinto said.08:45
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stefanlsdiulian: thanks. that helps08:49
iulianThat's weird. I'm connected via PPP and it doesn't work anything, except ssh'ing. Any idea what could be the issue?08:53
iulianAlso firefox turns automatically to offline mode.08:54
joaopintoiulian, firefox relies on networkmanager to detect the offline/online status08:59
joaopintoit maybe related to Bug 23154009:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231540 in firefox "Firefox Offline Mode in 3G (with VMC) (Hardy 8.04) (dup-of: 191889)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23154009:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191889 in firefox-3.0 "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19188909:02
huatshello eveyrone09:21
slytheringeser: I have logged FFE for javassist - bug #26891410:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268914 in javassist "[FFE] Please sync javassist 1:3.8.1-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26891410:25
ScottKdholbach: I said an FFe was needed for blobwars because I think the repackaging of the non-free data represents a feature change.11:15
wgrantDoes it even run without it?11:16
ScottKAs I read the bug, (and maybe I was wrong) it was split into a data package.11:17
wgrantIsn't it completely unredistributable and as illegal as it gets?11:17
* ScottK just woke up, so will claim he doesn't recall.11:17
dholbachwgrant: yes, it runs11:18
persiaSome people claim it's completely undistributable.  Others claim it can be distributed.  I don't know of any ruling that has been issued.11:18
wgrantLast I heard, the author claimed that data didn't need to be covered by a license.11:18
persiaYes, that's about the state of things.11:19
wgrantThat is clearly wrong, so can be discounted.11:19
persiaWhether the actual content infringes is a different question11:19
dholbachScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4572011:20
dholbachyes, and some stuff went into the new blobwars-data package11:20
dholbachhi gaspa11:21
dholbachgaspa: how's the bug jam organisation going?11:21
gaspadholbach: lol. :) we still have to start. I'm preparing some slides to present the idea.11:22
dholbachgaspa: nice... do you use the ones from the Material section on the wiki as a start?11:22
gaspadholbach: yeah. of course! :D11:22
ScottKdholbach: The particular reason I thought that ought to have an FFe was that it went to New.11:23
dholbachScottK: right-o11:23
gaspadoko: i think i fixed rules.conf in gcj-4.2 ... should control file be regenerated by hand, or souys takes care of it?11:23
gaspa( in other terms: debdiff should include also changes to debian/control  or not? )11:23
\shnorsetto: replied to bug #23973411:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239734 in python-httplib2 "[Freeze Exception] python-httplib2 should be upgraded to 0.4.0" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23973411:53
norsetto\sh: well, I still would like to be sure that the other apps are still functional11:54
\shnorsetto: regarding the svn changes, they will...mostly bugfixes to old features...11:54
norsetto\sh: what svn changes? you mean the changelog?11:55
\shnorsetto: regarding the importance -> it's needed for lplib11:55
\shnorsetto: no...the upstream svn commit messages...11:55
\shnorsetto: http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/source/list11:55
norsetto\sh: I understand that11:55
norsetto\sh: btw, if launchpadlib needs 0.4.0 that should also be reflected in its depends ...11:57
\shnorsetto: bzr version...which will go into intrepid eventually, too11:58
norsetto\sh: so, the actual launchpadlib in intrepid doesn't need it11:58
stefanlsdhow does cdbs know in which order to apply diff's ?12:04
stefanlsdi guess i need to use numbers in front...12:05
ScottKstefanlsd: It's alpha-numeric order, so that'll work.12:07
stefanlsdScottK: thanks.12:07
persiastefanlsd: Be sure to be consistent in your patch names.  The application order is dependent on the locale in which the package is built.  While this is usually consistent, there are subtle differences sometimes.12:10
stefanlsdpersia: yeah thanks, ive seen the diff in UTF8 and POSIX12:11
\shnorsetto: launchpadlib is in bzr on 0.2 while in ubuntu is 0.1 so yes...intrepids version now is using still the old httplib2...and the new has to use the new httplib212:15
norsetto\sh: ok, then please add this info to the bug report and prepare an FFe for launchpadlib too12:16
\shnorsetto: FFe for launchpadlib needs to be discussed with the launchpadlib guys :) I'll talk to them...and theinfo that the new rel of launchpadlib needs httplib2 is written in the bug report by leonard12:17
gaspasomeone knows whether changes to autogenerated control files should appear also in debdiff or not??12:18
norsetto\sh: btw, opensync-plugin-google-calendar is a pretty popular application, so, please check that its not broken by this change12:18
\shnorsetto: I can't test opensync...:(12:18
\shor can I use it with evolution instead of an hotsync device?12:19
norsetto\sh: somebody ought to12:19
azeem\sh: or just with the plain file plugin12:20
persiagaspa: I always include changes in autogenerated control files in debdiffs.  The only thing I exclude is config.sub/configu.guess.12:21
gaspathat's ok.12:21
gaspapersia: thanks12:22
stefanlsddo i keep .in files in my debdiffs ?13:21
persiastefanlsd: If you changed them, typically.13:22
stefanlsdhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/45763/  is an example.     its a .in file of debian/control  and it was changed by    update-maintainers13:22
stefanlsdguess i should keep it then :)13:23
persiastefanlsd: Then you changed it (using a script), so it ought be included.13:23
stefanlsdpersia: k. thanks. makes sense.13:23
stefanlsdwhat happened between  dapper and feisty.   the e...    ?13:27
lagaedgy eft13:27
persiastefanlsd: It's gone out of support (18 months have passed)13:28
stefanlsdheh. yeah. thanks :)13:28
Archey guys13:29
Arcjust an update, the community and technical councils have resolved that AGPLv3 licensed software is suitable for main/universe13:29
Arcto the earlier conversations here on that subject13:30
slytherinDon't we generally rely on Debian Legal team to decide which licenses are Free13:33
ArcI'm refering to the Ubuntu Community/Technical councils13:34
Arcand yes, I know that.13:34
persiaslytherin: Not quite.  There are some differences between Ubuntu and Debian.  Most famously, GFDL.13:36
ArcUbuntu isn't part of the Debian project, even though many people are shared13:37
slytherinWhat I was wondering is why was there such a discussion.13:37
Arcslytherin: because many MOTU people believed that AGPLv3 licensed packages belong in multiverse13:37
* slytherin plans to read it over weekend. :-)13:37
Arcthe only difference between the GPLv3 and AGPLv3 is section 13.13:38
wgrantArc: Where is this discussion, or at least the announcement of the decision?13:38
Arcwgrant: no idea where such announcements are made.  I was just CC'ed on an email from shuttleworth this morning stating that enough time had passed and enough council members had given +1 that the license is clear13:39
slytherinpersia: I may not be able to attend java meeting. The only update I have is bunch of sync, move to universe and and ffe bugs. Please check MoveToUniverse page for details.13:41
james_wshould we drop apt-listbugs from the archive? It only displays stuff from Debian, so it confuses users.13:41
persiajames_w: Or patch it do be appropriate for our envionment.13:41
james_wyeah, but that's more work :-)13:42
Hobbseeooh, interesting.13:43
Hobbseethat might be easier to use than reportbug.13:43
james_wand we don't have versioning information, so it would never be as good13:43
Hobbseejames_w: i think the argument will be the same as ditching reportbug.13:43
james_wand you get things like  bug 6272013:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 62720 in update-manager "update-manager seems to hang when waiting for apt-listbugs prompting on the terminal" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6272013:43
Hobbseealthough, this doesn't send bugs, so will have even less reason to remove it.13:43
james_wI ask because of bug 26896613:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268966 in apt-listbugs "apt-listbugs does not show existing bugs!!!" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26896613:44
james_wI can see arguments for wanting to use reportbug on Ubuntu, but not apt-listbugs13:44
* Hobbsee would suggest that users actually read the long description, before installing things.13:44
Hobbseea package rename might be an idea, too, just to make it more obvious it's debian.13:45
Hobbsee apt-listbugs is a tool which retrieves bug reports from the Debian Bug13:45
Hobbsee Tracking System and lists them.13:45
Hobbseeshould make it pretty clear that there's no ubuntu stuff there.13:45
james_wyeah, that could work13:45
james_wI'll mail the list to see if there are any objections13:45
Hobbseejames_w: and re> that bug, i'd suggest explaining that only recently has launchpad grown an API, and it's not stable, so there's very little software out there for it, and probably won't be for some time.13:46
wgrantAnd the API requires people to authenticate for even read-only operations.13:46
Hobbseeyay, launchpad!13:47
james_walso, apt-listchanges should be patched to retrieve from Ubuntu I imagine13:47
Hobbseejames_w: when launchpad actually has a stable API, and so doesn't need repeated SRU's every time the lp devs decide to change things, sure.13:47
persiaIt used to do that: not pulling from Ubuntu is a new change for hardy, and exceedingly annoying to those of us who *like* to read changelogs.13:47
Hobbseeafaik, that's not the case yet.13:47
Hobbseepersia: oh?  were they screenscraping?13:48
persiafixing apt-listchanges doesn't even need the LP API: LP changelogs are known broken and wrong (there's a new bug been filed every summer since 2006), but changelogs.ubuntu.com is accurate.13:48
persiaHobbsee: No, just pulling from changelogs.ubuntu.com13:48
Hobbseepersia: er, are you aware that this discussion is on apt-list*bugs*, not apt-list*changes*?13:49
persiaupdate-manager can do this today, on a per-package basis, and presents a nice interface, but I like to read them in a terminal.13:49
persiaHobbsee: I was commenting back to :47 <james_w> also, apt-listchanges ...13:49
Hobbseeoh, my bad, i misread james_w's latter statement.13:49
\shnorsetto: tested it with the opensync-plugin-google-calendar and file-plugin...works like a charm...14:07
\shnorsetto: bug #23973414:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239734 in python-httplib2 "[Freeze Exception] python-httplib2 should be upgraded to 0.4.0" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23973414:07
norsetto\sh: perfect! thx14:08
RainCT(to whoever didn't like the "index.py" in REVU's URL, now it's gone :P)14:08
persiaRainCT: Does it still forget which package you're examining when you make a comment?14:12
norsetto\sh: if you hadn't pointed out, nobody would have read it ;-)14:13
RainCTpersia: yes, but I shall have a look at that soon14:14
\shnorsetto: damn...I entered an event there (some couple of 12 or 14 HPs servers are delivered today..that's why I wrote that..." and wondered why I didn't remove it...but then it was too late...I just read it again when it was on LP ;)14:14
huatsnorsetto: hey14:19
huatshow are you ?14:19
norsettohuats: fine as a peach, you?14:20
huatsgreat too14:20
gaspapeaches are fine?14:21
directhexprincess peach from mario bros is.14:23
directhexeven if she always is in another castle14:23
leleobhzsomeone can explain to me the g77 to gfortran transition on ubuntu14:47
leleobhzImportError: /usr/lib/atlas/libblas.so.3gf: undefined symbol: _gfortran_st_write_done14:47
RainCTpersia: s/soon/now. Fixed :)14:48
persiaRainCT: Thank you.14:50
bddebianHeya gang15:02
iulianHello bddebian.15:33
bddebianHi iulian15:35
gaspawgrant: perhaps you could be interested in: http://hattory.no-ip.info/issues/edos/15:41
geserHi bddebian15:41
\shjames_w: hi...are you planing an UVE for launchpadlib 0.2?15:42
bddebianHeya geser15:42
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gaspawho are the mods of -devel mailing list?16:09
iuliangaspa: cjwatson iirc.16:10
gaspaiulian: thanks.16:10
iuliangaspa: Yes, he is running it.16:10
iuliangaspa: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel and scroll down.16:11
gaspacontributors are not allowed to wrote on the list.16:12
iuliangaspa: Right - "posting moderated for non-developers"16:14
iulianDo you have to be a MOTU or a core developer in order to post?16:14
gaspait seems16:15
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jdongiulian: yes, for ubuntu-devel posting is moderated, -discuss is not16:19
gaspaperhaps contributors could be admintted to post, though16:21
* gaspa feels selfish... :P16:21
iulianjdong: Got the idea but if you are a MOTU, you can post, right?16:21
ScottK-laptopiulian: Yes.  MOTU are ubuntu-dev so they can post.  Others are also allowed on a case by case basis.16:32
iulianScottK-laptop: Aha, thanks.16:34
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ScottKnorsetto: Would you please ack and approve Bug 269057.  This definitely needs to be done and the sooner the better.18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269057 in jockey "FF exception request: switch from guidance-backends to x-kit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26905718:19
ScottKnorsetto: Nevermind.  It's in Main.18:20
norsettoScottK: isn't that in main?18:20
slytheringeser: there?18:20
norsettoslytherin: would you mind adding the info required in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess to your FFe?18:23
slytherinnorsetto: I files a bunch of FFE today. Which one are you talking about?18:23
norsettoslytherin: all18:23
slytherinnorsetto: diffstat and changelog.diff is sufficient right?18:25
norsettoslytherin: build and install log also, you have them already in any case I expect18:26
slytherinnorsetto: No I don't have them ready. But I plan to have them. I am currently updating my pbuilder.18:27
norsettoslytherin: no problem, thanks18:27
geserslytherin: yes, do you need an other ACK? :)18:32
slytheringeser: two syncs. bug #269074 and bug #269066. Please verify carefully. Hopefully they won't turn into FFE.18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269074 in cglib2.1 "Please sync cglib2.1 2.1.3.dfsg.2-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26907418:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269066 in libjrosetta-java "Please sync libjrosetta-java 1.0.1+gpl-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26906618:33
gesernorsetto: "Increase the upstream version number without changing the actual tarball to get the package uploaded to main." doesn't need a FFe, right?18:34
norsettogeser: now I heard them all :-) Doesn't look like it needs an FFe indeed18:36
geserslytherin: are the changes to cglib2.1 worth syncing?18:38
slytheringeser: I haven't actually checked that. But we will need that version to claim that package can be moved to universe as it has moved to Debian main18:39
sebnergeser: our problem with r-base is solved ^^18:39
norsettosebner: what problem with r-base?18:39
sebnernorsetto: r-base-core-sa to be exactly. Well we were discussing aobut a FFe but archive admins synced the actual version. (I filed an older sync request and dholbach ACKed)18:40
norsettosebner: r-base-core-ra you mean?18:41
geserslytherin: from the change it doesn't look worth syncing, and I hope that we don't need the sync just for the comment that it moved to Debian main. I already try to get it moved to universe, see bug 26781618:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267816 in cglib2.1 "Please move to universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26781618:41
sebnernorsetto: yep ah, right18:41
slytheringeser: yes I saw that.18:42
norsettosebner: wasn't that about the tmp problem?18:42
slytheringeser: you are the one to ack. Whatever you feel is right.18:42
sebnernorsetto: yes BUT later debian got a new upstream version and the archive admins synced it ( you know they automatically take the newest version available)18:43
norsettosebner: ah yes, hmmm, I don't remember if we do need to rebuild something18:43
geserslytherin: IMHO it's not really worth syncing, let's try first without it18:44
sebnernorsetto: We'll see but for now it seems to be ok18:44
slytheringeser: Ok. Anyway, I am working on FFE for javassist which should clear aspectwerkz2 and eventually cglib2.118:45
norsettosebner: r-cran packages are difficult beasts, we have to be carefull with build order wrt r-base18:49
sebnernorsetto: I see :\18:50
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Arcok to refresh my memory19:18
Arcwe have a PPA setup now on launchpad, and that can work for the next 6 months19:18
Arcthe process we should follow then is to put our package(s) up on REVU, since they cannot be included in Debian yet, and then next April if it's included in Jaunty we can request it be backported to 8.04 LTS?19:20
Arcis it possible to get a package added to 8.10 universe post-release but before Jaunty?19:21
lagaif it's deemed important enough19:22
lagait should be possible to get it into intrepid first and then do a backport19:22
lagabut it'll only be available to those using the intrepid-backports repo19:22
Arcwe're nowhere near ready for packaging for intrepid19:22
Arcok.  so our PPA for most people is good enough.19:22
lagawell, most packages don't need big changes for intrepid, not sure about yours19:23
Arcwe've never been packaged for Ubuntu19:23
Arcour package is a set of Python extension modules19:24
sebnerDktrKranz: \o/19:36
DktrKranzhuhu sebner19:37
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CarlFKwhat is the policy for .py/c files in a .deb?  as in, they get installed by root, so written with root privs, which won't exist the first time they are run by a user, so the .pyc can't be written to the fs.20:44
CarlFKshould they be pre-compiled and the .pyc included in the .deb, should the .py be compiled at install time, or should a .pyc never exist?20:46
norsettoCarlFK: no pyc shall be included in a .deb, they shall be compiled and installed when the .deb is installed. For your future reference: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ and http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy20:49
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gdfuegoHey folks.  I was wondering if someone might be able to answer a question on what is covered under "package maintenance" according to the Ubuntu maintenance and life cycle document21:51
gdfuegoWe have a number of Gutsy desktops at my company, and we were bitten by a rather bad pidgin/xmpp bug before Hardy was released21:52
gdfuegothe bug was never fixed even though hardy was not yet released, and now it never will be21:52
RAOFgdfuego: Do you have the bug number handy?21:53
gdfuegoThe bug in question is 159020.  Pidgin fails to send user passwords to xmpp servers unless "save password" is checked.  You supply a password, and it throws it away21:53
RAOFgdfuego: That bug ha status "fixed released" in Hardy.21:55
gdfuegoYes, but we're not running Hardy yet.  The life cycle document states that the 6 month releases are provided "# Regular package maintenance until the next regular update or LTS, whichever comes first".  That seems to imply that this should have been fixed in the several months leading up to Hardy's release21:56
gdfuegoLonger term we need to move to Hardy, but we are going to hit the same type of issue a year into Hardy's life cycle when attention is moved onto the next 6 month or LTS release?21:57
RAOFFor bugs judged sufficiently serious we'd hope to do an SRU to fix it in previous versions, where possible.21:58
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:58
norsettoand that doesn't apply to universe in any case21:58
RAOFPidgin isn't in universe, though.21:59
norsettoah ok, didn't know you were talking about pidgin (why do you talk about pidgin in ubuntu-motu ;-))21:59
RAOFAnd, yes, Universe packages have no guarantees attached, although we certainly want to fix the most egrarious bugs.21:59
gdfuegoYeah, I was a bit surprised when #ubuntu suggested coming into here22:00
RAOFIt wasn't _bad_ advice, but ubuntu-devel may have been better.22:00
gdfuegoThis document was what I was looking for, although it concerns me a little bit22:01
gdfuegoIf the bug had been in Hardy rather than Gutsy, its not clear it would have been fixed in that release either22:01
RAOFIndeed, it may not have been, but is more likely to have been.22:01
RAOFWe _can't_ fix all the bugs in released versions of Ubuntu.  At least, not without introducing regressions/changing behaviour.22:02
RAOFThe SRU process is meant to be a compromise between "a release should work the same way tomorrow as it did today" and "it'd be nice to fix bugs".22:03
* norsetto thinks it'd be nice not to have bugs but he is old school22:03
sebnernorsetto: bugs are overrated :P22:03
gdfuegoYeah, I'm a big believer in stable releases with minimal changes myself22:03
RAOFIt would be nice not to have bugs, yes :P22:03
gdfuegoThe bug in this case is pretty bad, but probably didn't impact too many companies22:04
gdfuegoI just happened to be in the middle of a corporate xmpp rollout at the time, and we didn't want people storing their passwords in their pidgin config22:04
RAOFThe bug was marked as 'low' importance, and no one in the bug presented a rationale why it should be higher; for you it obviously was.22:07
gdfuegoOk, thanks for the help.  The StableReleaseUpdates document explains a lot22:08
* norsetto is undecided if he should go to bed or ask sebner to fix a bug22:20
hdevalencewhere is the correct place to request that a program be added into the APT repositories?23:15
Ampelbeinhdevalence: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages23:16
norsettonight all23:25

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