
MythbuntuGuest08hi all00:17
MythbuntuGuest08need advice for playback settings pls00:18
MythbuntuGuest08anyone listening ?03:04
MythbuntuGuest08need advice for playback setting pls03:17
MythbuntuGuest08Asa_A: can u help pls03:19
Asa_A'k, whats your question?03:22
Asa_Aor problem03:22
MythbuntuGuest08the video play is freezing03:22
MythbuntuGuest08live tv or recorded ones03:23
MythbuntuGuest08if I open the saved .mpd in VLC .. its fine03:23
Asa_Ais vlc still fine if you play in fullscreen?03:25
MythbuntuGuest08yes it is fine03:26
Asa_Adoes it just play for a few seconds then stop?03:32
MythbuntuGuest08which one u mean .. tv or the VLC03:33
MythbuntuGuest08tv does not play .. VLC plays fine ..03:33
Asa_Aso mythtv doesn't even start the videos?03:34
MythbuntuGuest08it does just freezes ast first frame03:37
MythbuntuGuest08or max 2 -3 frames03:38
Asa_AI don't know what else to suggest. my guess would be that some of your hardware isn't fast enough, except that vlc plays fine03:44
MythbuntuGuest08logs r there03:50
MythbuntuGuest08can anything be made out of that ?03:50
Asa_Aits an audio problem. Do you know what buffer underrun means?03:51
MythbuntuGuest08I am sorry I am a newbie03:51
MythbuntuGuest08I donno much03:51
Asa_Anp, I don't know exactly whats causing it but I can try to explain whats happening.03:52
MythbuntuGuest08ok pls do03:53
Asa_Ayour sound card uses a buffer, its like a line at the bank. First person in line is the first person out. your sound card needs to have something in the buffer the whole time, but your sound card is processing faster than mythtv can fill the buffer. The underrun means that the line is empty, so your sound card has to stop and wait for mythtv to sends more audio.03:55
MythbuntuGuest08ok why is the video getting affected03:55
Asa_Aits probably trying to sync the audio and video, so if the audio stops, the video stops too03:56
MythbuntuGuest08ok any idea what i CAN DO03:57
Asa_Acheck Utilities/Setup > Setup > TV Settings > Playback03:58
Asa_Ado you have "Extra audio buffering" checked?03:58
MythbuntuGuest08lemme check03:58
MythbuntuGuest08yes it is checked04:00
MythbuntuGuest08i unchked it & still no use04:02
Asa_Acheck Utilities/Setup > Setup > TV Settings > Recording Profiles > Software Encoders > Live TV ... press Next until you get to the audio section. What is your sampling rate?04:06
Asa_Ait might need to be 44100 or 48000. I don't completely understand the sampling rate but I know i've had to change it before04:07
MythbuntuGuest08bit rate 4500, maxbit rate 600004:08
MythbuntuGuest08sampling rate 4800004:08
MythbuntuGuest08type layer II bit rate 384 kbps04:08
Asa_AI don't have a bitrate option on my screen04:08
MythbuntuGuest08I have a hardware encode donno if it makes a diff04:09
Asa_AI think it does, under Utilities/Setup > Setup > TV Settings > Recording Profiles what options do you have? I have "Software Encoders (v4l based)" and :Transcoders:04:10
MythbuntuGuest08MPEG-2 Encoders, Hardware DVB Encoders, Transcoders04:11
Asa_Ai'm not sure what else to try right now.04:18
MythbuntuGuest08pls see that it has more details04:18
Asa_A"Falling back to X11 video output over a network socket." Are you running mythtv from a remote computer, or running it as a different user on the same computer?04:19
MythbuntuGuest08I am running in same computer04:22
MythbuntuGuest08whats the default user ?04:22
Asa_AI think if you're using mythbuntu, the default user is named mythtv. I was just wondering if you were just running mythfrontend or running something like "sudo -u mythtv mythfrontend"04:24
MythbuntuGuest08just running mythfrontend04:24
Asa_AI don't know why it would fall back to running the video over the network. I still think the primary problem is the audio though, but the video seemed odd04:25
Asa_A"AudioOutput Warning: Mixer attach error -2: No such file or directory Check Mixer Name in Setup: '/dev/mixer'" <- this looks like a potential problem too... i'm looking for where /dev/mixer comes from04:27
Asa_Afrom a terminal run "ls -l /dev/mixer*"04:29
Asa_AI have /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer104:29
MythbuntuGuest08i have /dev/mixer04:30
Asa_Acrw-rw----+ 1 root audio 14,  0 2008-08-31 21:23 /dev/mixer <- does it look like this?04:31
Asa_Adoes the command "groups" show that you're in the audio group?04:33
Asa_Ai'm out of ideas at the moment :(04:39
MythbuntuGuest08thx appreciate ur help04:40
JDStoneisn't there some way to make MythTV transcode (is that the correct term?) recordings so they aren't so large in file size?05:06
Asa_AI think it kind of depends on what format you're recording in. transcoding is when it converts your file from one format to another or I think you can transcode to the same format to cut commercials (which doesn't save much)05:10
Asa_ADo you know what format you're currently using?05:10
Asa_AUtilities/Setup > Setup > TV Settings > Recording Profiles > ? (I've got "Software Encoders, but if you have a hardware encoder it'll be different) > Next > Next05:12
JDStoneI'm not using the mythfrontend05:13
JDStonecan I make these changes from mythweb?05:13
Asa_AI don't think so05:14
JDStonebut don't the settings in mythfrontend only apply when using mythfrontend?05:14
JDStonethat's where those settings are located05:15
JDStonethe ones you noted above05:15
Asa_Ayea, that logic makes sense, but they're in the frontend even though they control how the program is recorded.05:16
Asa_Ado you not have a monitor connected to the backend or something?05:17
planeracersomeone can help me scanner?05:21
planeracerchannel scanner05:21
JDStoneAsa_A: yes, I do05:22
JDStoneI just took a look at those settings05:22
JDStoneI have the PVR 25005:22
Asa_Awhat codec does it say in mythfrontend? under live or default05:24
JDStonePVR x50, 50005:24
JDStoneactually, let me check one more time05:24
JDStoneUnder Recording Profiles, I have:05:25
JDStoneMPEG-2 Encoders (PVR-x50, PVR-500)05:25
JDStone(Create new profile group)05:26
JDStoneIf I go to: MPEG-2 Encoders (PVR-x50, PVR-500)05:26
JDStonethe codec for default is MPEG-2 Hardware encoder05:26
JDStoneand I no other choices05:26
JDStonewith for Live05:26
Asa_Ayou have a hardware encoder in your card, so are there any other options for codecs?05:27
JDStonenope, that's the only codec I can choose05:28
JDStoneIs there a way to get more codecs?05:28
Asa_AI think you don't have other options because its a chip on your TV tuner that creates the file05:29
Asa_Ayou can transcode them into another format after they shows record though05:29
JDStoneif I do that05:29
JDStonewill it delete the original file and replace it with the transcoded one?05:30
Asa_Abtw, doing that kind of defeats th point of having a hardware tuner05:30
JDStonehow so?05:30
Asa_AI think theres a setting to determine that. I've come across it before but I don't remember exactly where it is or what the default is05:30
JDStonethe files are too big05:30
JDStonewhich is why I want to transcode them05:30
JDStoneI suppose I could lower the MPEG-2 Hardware encoder bitrate, huh?05:31
Asa_AI don't have a hardware tuner, so I get a raw stream and my computer has to encode them. it requires a much faster processor.05:31
Asa_Aare you running on a low-end system?05:31
JDStoneno, it's a Athlon 64 X205:32
JDStone2800+ I believe05:32
Asa_Athen its probably not a problem for you05:32
JDStone1 GB ram05:32
Asa_Ayou might consider adding more ram but it'll probably work as-is05:32
JDStonewell, I just tried to transcode an already recorded show through mythweb and I receive "exit status 255, job status was 'Errored'"05:33
JDStonewhat does that mean ^?05:33
Asa_AI think it means that its trying to use the "mythtranscode" command, but it didn't work. I'm not sure how to find out what the exact command is so you can run it and see if theres any more output from it05:36
JDStonehmm, alright.  Thanks for your help Asa_A, i really appreciate it05:36
Asa_A*mythtranscode requires passing several parameters05:37
JDStoneI'm going to mess around with it at some other time when I have time05:37
Asa_A'k, good luck05:37
JDStonebut shouldn't there be a default set of parameters for mythtranscode?05:37
Asa_A"mythtranscode --help" will show you want it accepts, when I run it without any parameters it says "Must specify -i OR -c AND -s options!"05:38
JDStonealright, thanks again05:39
JDStoneAsa_A: alright, I'm looking at the log of the mythbackend and it says:05:49
JDStoneTranscode: Using autodetect profile: MPEG205:49
JDStoneNo Video Information found!05:49
JDStonePlease ensure that recording profiles for the transcoder are set05:49
JDStoneI thought I did that05:49
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Asa_AJDStone: how much storage do your shows take? I think my shows tend to be about .75GB an hour06:02
Asa_A*using mpeg-4 encoding06:03
JDStoneabout a gig per hour07:01
JDStoneI think I've figured out how to configure this thing07:01
JDStonei'm going to bed07:01
JDStonethanks Asa_A07:01
MythbuntuGuest11Hi, I just installed mythbuntu Im a total noob at linux sorry, my card is a compro dvt 300 it picks up the card but when I try to scan for channels it cant connect to the card. Any ideas? cheers09:25
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datadevilI have problems changing channels using a mythbuntu backend server, and a laptop frontend running ubuntu with mythfrontend20:22
ZinnTo get help we will need some info.  Please look at the log files located in /var/log/mythtv/  Also be sure to tell us of any error messages.  You may need to start the offending program from the command line in order to see what is going on.  Please pastebin these logs at http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com20:25
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, we are going to need your backend log20:26
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: added problem, tried to re-setup the channels etc, and now the frontend has this;20:26
datadevilThe symptom of this is that regardless of what channel you select (using up, down, or typing in a number), the video source doesn’t actually change, but the OSD will. Re-run mythtv-setup as root and delete your cards/tuners. Then exit, and re-run mythtv-setup and add your tuner/card(s) as the mythtv user.20:26
datadevileh sorry20:26
datadevil2008-09-11 21:26:04.606 TV Error: StartRecorder() -- timed out waiting for recorder to start20:26
datadevilalso need backend logs for that?20:27
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, no, we need your whole /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log20:27
tgm4883_laptopit's for troubleshooting20:27
datadevilproblem seems worse then before; at least the output was working, now I screwed up something else it seems20:29
tgm4883_laptopis there a frontend on your backend machine?20:30
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, and what tuner do you have?20:31
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: yes, and i have a pvr15020:31
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, i'm assuming that you have issues using your frontend that is on your backend also?20:32
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: had other problems with that at first, the image wouldnt refresh, and as I want to use the one on the laptop only and that did work apart from channel changing I didn't test it now anymore20:33
tgm4883_laptopwhats hooked up to the pvr-150?20:34
tgm4883_laptopa cable, or a cablebox?20:34
tgm4883_laptopok, lets work on the backend first then20:38
tgm4883_laptopwe'll get that working, then move to the frontend20:38
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, what do you use for a guide data provider?20:39
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: nothing20:41
tgm4883_laptopyou didn't make a data source, or you made a data source with nothing?20:41
tgm4883_laptopand what command are you using to get into mythtv-setup?  sudo mythtv-setup or just mythtv-setup?20:43
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: i'm using the ubuntu menu for it now20:44
datadevilbut I also did use both versions on the command line20:44
datadevili might be better off resetting everything to 0 I get the feeling20:45
tgm4883_laptopyea you don't want to use sudo to run mythtv-setup20:45
tgm4883_laptopwe are going to need to resetup your tuners, as I feel thats probably one of the issues20:45
tgm4883_laptopgo ahead back into mythtv-setup, and delete your tuners, your data source20:46
datadevilyeah, what I did as I found a page hinting to that was delete them using sudo mythtv-setup, and then run it without sudo20:46
tgm4883_laptopok, let me know when those are deleted20:47
tgm4883_laptopthen we can start re-adding them20:47
datadevilok, so delete using sudo or doesnt that matter?20:47
tgm4883_laptopuse sudo to delete them, because I think thats how you added them20:48
tgm4883_laptopbut don't use sudo for that in the future20:48
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: originally I think I only ran it through the menu though, but doesn't hurt to try this20:50
datadevilk, done20:50
datadevilrestarted the setup now20:50
tgm4883_laptopactually, we might have to delete the channels too20:51
tgm4883_laptopbut you can do that from here too20:51
datadevilI deleted everything under video sources already, should suffice?.20:51
datadevilno channels anymore it seems20:52
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, what about like in step 5 or 620:52
tgm4883_laptopthe should be channels in ther20:52
tgm4883_laptopalthough they might have been deleted when you deleted the source20:53
datadevilthink so yeah20:53
tgm4883_laptopso lets go into step 1 and add the tuner20:53
tgm4883_laptopis this a single tuner system?20:53
tgm4883_laptopthen add it as a PVR-XXX hardware encoder card20:54
datadevilit says analog v4l card20:54
datadevilin card type20:54
tgm4883_laptopchange it20:54
datadeviland probed info is pvr15020:54
tgm4883_laptopyou should be able to hit left or right and change the card type20:55
datadevilok, that was the thing that probably did right the first time, and did wrong the second when attempting to fix the channel not changing problem20:55
datadevilchanged it20:56
tgm4883_laptopyep, that would have been a major problem20:56
tgm4883_laptopok, so now it's a PVR hardware encoder?20:56
datadevilthat explains the problem in the backend log about the codecs i guess20:56
datadevilk, I have to go make the baby boy a bottle, bb in 10, is that ok?20:57
* tgm4883_laptop goes to grab some lunch21:02
tgm4883_laptopi'm going to give you some instructions, and then get some lunch21:03
datadevilok, nice these timezones :-P21:03
datadevilnearly bed time for me :-P21:03
tgm4883_laptopstep 2 is video sources, we need to add one that is for none21:04
tgm4883_laptoperr, I guess thats step 3 on the menu21:05
tgm4883_laptopso step 4 is connecting that video source to your tuner card21:05
tgm4883_laptopI believe step 4 is also when you scan for channels21:05
tgm4883_laptopstep 5 isn't needed here, and step 6 (storage groups) should already be done from your last setup21:06
datadevilok, no grabber, and frequency europe-west for me21:07
datadevilscanning for channels now21:07
datadevildone with that now21:12
datadevilanything else?21:13
tgm4883_laptopnope, that will probably be goo21:15
tgm4883_laptopjust exit that and fire up the frontend on your backend and see if it works21:15
datadevilyeah, shows tv again, but still no switching of channels; it says it switches in the overlay stuff but it doesn't21:17
datadevilso we're at least back to some partially working system21:18
tgm4883_laptopis this on the backend/frontend or the remote frontend?21:23
tgm4883_laptopI need you to pastebin your whole /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log file again21:23
tgm4883_laptopso we can see what changed21:23
datadevilhttp://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m3ffe61a , pasted from a certain point I thought was interesting21:26
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: anything interesting inthere?21:31
tgm4883_laptopcan you pastebin the whole thing?21:35
tgm4883_laptopor at the very least, like the last 50 lines21:36
datadevilbetter I guess21:38
tgm4883_laptopok, lets try this21:39
tgm4883_laptopI'd like to clean out that log, then startup live tv, then try changeing the channel21:40
tgm4883_laptopthen pastebin that log again21:40
datadevilso stop the server I guess, how?21:42
datadevilsudo /etc/init.d/mythbackend-stop ?21:42
tgm4883_laptopno need to stop the server, unless you really want21:44
datadevildid stop it, echo'd "" to log, restarted21:44
datadevilnow starting frontend21:44
tgm4883_laptopbe sure to pastebin the whole thing again21:44
tgm4883_laptopnothing jumping out at me21:50
tgm4883_laptopyou have an audio issue, but I doubt thats related21:50
datadevilyeah, dont think so either21:50
tgm4883_laptopwhat are your channels numbered?21:52
tgm4883_laptoplike 2,3,4,5?21:52
tgm4883_laptopor like 1001, 100221:53
datadevilin the frontend they are unknown25, unknown26 etc21:53
datadevilI think the 25 and 26 are the frequencies21:54
tgm4883_laptopI think somewhere here lies the problem21:54
tgm4883_laptopfrom your log21:54
tgm4883_laptop2008-09-11 22:16:18.397 Finished recording Unknown: channel 102221:54
datadevilaccording to mythweb its E22, E25, E26,  and then 22, 26,,28,29 etc.. in the column channum21:55
datadevilso how to fix0r21:55
tgm4883_laptopdatadevil, there isn't an external channel changer that you set is there?21:59
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: I did play around with itvt-tune at some point22:00
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: to try and fix this, and maybe also a while back22:00
tgm4883_laptopbut did you set an external channel change script in mythtv-setup22:00
datadeviltgm4883_laptop: thanks so far, have to go to bed22:10
datadevilno last minute insights?22:11
tgm4883_laptopsorry not a one22:11
tgm4883_laptopi'll think about it though22:11
datadevilthanks for your help though22:11
TazgodXbeen a while since ive been in here, working a lot and buying new equiptment23:47
TazgodXso back to a question i never really got an answer to 4+ months ago. how does Mythbuntu play with AT&T's U-Verse?23:47

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