
lizzieCurrently ubottu can be told to private message someone who is not in the channel.  Why is this?00:06
Seeker`shouldn't it be able to?00:07
lizzieI don't think so.  Somebody who doesn't even share a channel with the bot should not have to worry about being annoyed by it.00:08
lizzieMore urgently, does it do anything to prevent factoids to be sent to nickserv, chanserv, etc?00:08
Seeker`so should someone not in a channel with another user "not have to worry about being annoyed by" them?00:08
lizziebecause an unlucky factoid could cause a security vulnerability, like if any factoids start with "unlink" or something00:09
lizzieSeeker`: I would argue that PMs from users are different from PMs from bots.00:09
lizzieSeeker`: A bot is there to help me when I need it.  I see no reason a bot should initiate a conversation.00:09
Seeker`the bot doesn't automatically PM someone, a user has to tell it to PM someone00:09
stdinlizzie: it always prefixes the message with "<person> wants you to know, ...". so you know who it's from and it can't do anything with nick/chanserv00:10
lizziestdin: good point, I didn't think of that00:10
* lizzie wonders if the nickname "unlink" is in use on freenode00:10
Seeker`lizzie: what is the problem with "unlink"?00:12
lizzieSeeker`: sorry, I meant "ungroup"00:13
lizzieSee, someone could log in as "ungroup", and then ask the bot to PM a factoid to nickserv.00:13
lizziewhich would then attempt to drop every word in the factoid as a nickname, possibly including the bot's own name in several factoids.00:13
Myrttidoesn't it still need a password?00:16
stdinapparently not00:16
stdin!fixed > lizzie00:17
ubottulizzie, please see my private message00:17
Seeker`group just links additional nicknames to the account00:18
Seeker`ungroup will drop associated nicknames, but not the original account00:18
lizziestdin: er, should have messaged you in this channel00:19
lizziestdin: I can still get private messages sent to people who aren't here.00:19
stdinPMs to another channel are still on, I don't see the point in disabling it (it's a useful feature)00:19
Seeker`lizzie: telling the bot to send messages to people who aren't in channels is potentially useful00:19
stdinbut it'll surround the nick with < and >00:19
lizziestdin: Ah, I see, that does help security then00:20
stdinwe often use '!bot > user' from here when someone in, say #ubuntu, starts speaking to the bot as if it's a person00:21
stdinit saves channel spam and is a little less embarrassing to the user00:22
mneptoklike someone whispering "you're fat" at the opera.00:31
* mneptok has no idea what that means00:31
lizziestdin: I can't imagine how it could possibly not be embarassing :P01:11
lizzie!bot >lizzie01:11
ubottulizzie, please see my private message01:11
* lizzie considers PMing people and claiming to be a bot next time they try to hit on me on IRC01:12
mneptok"365 Ways to Enhacne Your Love Life"02:01
mneptoknothing says "love life" like acne.02:01
Myrttinow my cv is almost done02:10
Myrttinini kids02:13
jribwho is this HostMark guy?  He is annoying02:22
jribHostMark | I will do don't worry, im here to make sure chat runs02:23
jrib                     smoothly and nicely :)02:23
elky_workmneptok: acne scars might be an improvement for some03:17
Flannelanyone awake with -ot ops?04:57
mneptokFlannel: aye04:58
* mneptok commutes05:04
FlannelAlright, anyone else?05:09
naliothFlannel: yes?05:37
* nalioth looks at the time stamps and hopes there's still not a problem . . .05:37
Flannelnalioth: not anymore, nope.05:38
elky_worklooking at the channel would have been useful too05:38
Flannelelky_work: Hmmm?05:39
elky_workthan looking at the time stamp and hoping someone'd give the green light05:42
naliothyeah, i typed before i looked05:44
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, magnetron said: !want is <reply> DO NOT WANT06:49
ubottuDaisuke_Ido called the ops in #kubuntu (freeRag)06:50
naliothDO NOT WANT06:51
* Madpilot wonders when ubottu replaced nalioth's brain07:27
naliothMadpilot:  what are you, kidding? ubottu IS my brain MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA07:29
Madpilotmust be interesting, having a brain lots of people can edit :)07:30
elky_workit was more interesting when s/lots of people/everyone/07:30
jussi01@reload Encyclopedia08:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:22
jussi01!info acroread medibuntu08:22
stdin!info acroread medibuntu | jussi0108:34
ubottujussi01: acroread (source: acroread): Adobe Reader - binary files - Medibuntu package. In component non-free, is extra. Version 8.1.2.su1-0.0medibuntu0.8.04.1 (medibuntu), package size 28851 kB, installed size 72172 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)08:34
SlimGI accidentaly submitted the factoid-request "norsk" to ubot5, please ignore the request, sorry for the inconvenience10:22
jussi01SlimG: no probs :)10:24
jussi01SlimG: anything else we can do for you?10:24
SlimGNo, I'm pleased :) thanks jussi0110:26
jussi01SlimG: could I ask you to please take note of /topic then? :)10:27
jussi01!idle | SlimG10:28
ubottuSlimG: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.10:28
SlimGI got to get better at reading topics10:29
ubottuDJones called the ops in #ubuntu (panhack (Spamming his website - Did the same thing yesterday))10:56
SlimGIs there a system for translating the factoid-bots into ex.: norwegian ?11:08
jussi01SlimG: usually its done manually - some locos run their own bots.11:09
jussi01SlimG: the bot source is available if you want to "roll your own"11:10
SlimGmkay, thanks for your help, again :)11:10
Myrttiif only supybot would use gettext...11:12
Myrttior if there would be a way to translate the messages into gettext format and back11:12
SlimGIf I were to setup a norwegian factoid-bot on #ubuntu-no, Do you provide a server to run the bot on? or do we need to setup the bot on our own server?11:14
Myrttiyou do need to get your own server as ours runs on our personal servers too11:15
Myrttijussi01: do you still have Laku&Aleksi&Tuhina -video up in the net?11:22
Myrttior should I host it?11:23
MyrttiI can, if you don't mind11:23
jussi01Myrtti: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/20080628-130935-19062008015.mp411:27
jussi01Had to find it again11:27
Myrttiand I found it too with the logs :-D11:28
jussi01!botclone > SlimG11:29
soundrayIs something wrong with ubottu? It doesn't seem to respond to /msg15:21
Piciworks for me.15:23
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:24
PiciDid you just try a bunch of invalid commands in a row?15:24
Pici!find vimtutor15:28
ubottuFile vimtutor found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)15:28
jussi01I should really change that message...15:30
jussi01@search encyclopedia15:30
ubottusupybot.plugins.Encyclopedia, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.public, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.database, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.packagelookup, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.relaychannel, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.notfoundmsg, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.prefixchar, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.searchorder, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.datadir, supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.aptdir, (1 more message)15:30
jussi01@config  supybot.plugins.Encyclopedia.notfoundmsg15:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about %s15:30
Myrtti!search vimtutor15:31
ubottuFound: vimtutor15:31
Picioh, wait, thats !search, not !find15:32
jussi01stdin: any ideas?15:32
jribthe bot responds to me, stilly doing it soundray?15:33
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.15:33
Myrttiyou're silly bunch15:34
jussi01oh shaddup you :P15:34
MyrttiI love you all15:34
jribwe had two visitors preaching gentoo in #ubuntu today by the way15:34
Myrttithe more silly you are, the more I love you15:34
soundrayjrib: I was giving it the wrong triggers apparently. It won't respond to either 'source' or 'help', even once the private chat is open.15:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, soundray said: ubottu, no, en =~ s/english/English/15:53
Myrtti!en ~= /english/English/15:54
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti15:54
Picinooo, they be takin my karot15:55
soundrayOh, so it's that way round15:56
naliothubottu: ping15:57
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore15:57
Picijrib: I have him in PM. His ident is root, they have that banned.15:57
soundrayjrib: ubottu factoids for "help" and "source" appear to exist, but they are empty16:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:02
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:02
jribsoundray: when I ask ubottu in a pm he gives me supybot responses (maybe because I am registered with ubottu?)16:03
jribMy source is at http://supybot.com/   for example is what I get for "source"16:04
jribsoundray: !source   seems to work in a query with him though16:04
Picisoundray: help is also a supybot command.  Use !help if you mean to invoke the factoid.16:04
Picisame with !search16:06
soundrayI see, that explains it. Thank you!16:11
nomoahi, I changed my connection port to 8001, but I'm still banned from #ubuntu16:15
jribnomoa: did you ask the bots to test you?16:15
jribnomoa: it should tell you how to do so in the wiki page the topic links you to16:16
jribor in the actual topic even16:17
nomoaah ok, please forgive me... sorry :)16:17
jribno problem nomoa16:17
ubottusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu (hal_v2 abuse)16:56
ikoniadone it16:57
soundrayMyrtti: direct personal insults should lead to a kickban in my view17:02
ikoniasoundray: got the eye on him17:02
Myrttisoundray: not all of the users are knowledgeable in the code of conduct and what's expected of them. it's always a good idea to mediate before kickbanning, which may result into escalating the situation instead of calming it down17:05
ikoniaalthough it should be noted he's been banned before17:06
ikoniahe seems good now17:06
Myrttibut I prefer to give the users who misbehave enough slack rope to hang themselves, if they feel like it - or to save themselves17:07
ikoniait was a rude off the cuff comment, just seemed better to see if he was a genuine issue or a slip of the tounge in frustation17:07
FlannelAlways better to kick once in warning before a ban.  Warning shot across the bow, so to speak.17:32
Myrttiand even better to ask to stop before kicking, in my opinion17:34
ikoniaI asked - he stopped17:36
* Myrtti huggles ikonia 17:36
* ikonia returns to the recording studio17:37
ikoniaactually, it's raining, so maybe not17:38
naliothsociety is already breaking down here17:44
naliothgood manners are the first to go17:46
jussi01nalioth: society already broke down a long time ago...17:57
stdinjussi01: to fix !find (file search, not package search) I think it needs a restart :/17:57
naliothjussi01: no, we're having a hurricane here17:59
naliothand the media has society wound up really tight17:59
jussi01nalioth: ahh, yeah, you are in southern usa iirc18:00
naliothjussi01: i am in Houston, Texas.18:00
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.19:27
PiciI wonder if renaming @search to something may be a good idea.  Or maybe I'm just the only one that searches for stuff on the bot.19:29
Picibecause you dont need to use the prefix in /msg19:29
jussio1Pici: but if you do use the prefix, then you are fine19:33
Picijussio1: yep19:33
PiciThats why I said 'I wonder', instead of harshly demanding it.19:33
jussio1harsh demands get directed to /dev/null19:34
stdinPici: @search is built-in to supybot, so that would be non-trivial19:40
Picistdin: as is the rename command19:41
Pici@help rename19:41
ubottu(rename <plugin> <command> <new name>) -- Renames <command> in <plugin> to the <new name>.19:41
PiciOr are you saying that its not a command that you can even rename?19:41
stdinyou know, I've never tried ;)19:42
stdinok, that actually does work19:43
* stdin give Pici the "Pointing out something which should be obvious to stdin but wasn't for some reason" award :D19:44
stdinubottu: rename Config search csearch19:44
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
stdinthere we go19:44
PiciThanks :)19:44
PiciPriceChild: I should have asked him those questions before, I guess I assumed too much.19:46
PriceChildPici: If I had a penny for all the times "I could have...".19:47
PiciIt may be prudent to keep an eye on Martiini in #ubuntu-devel.  He was muted in #ubuntu the other day for being generally abusive, see the ban on 80-235-33-239-dsl.mus.estpak.ee in the bantracker.  I need to do some deadline stuff for work, otherwise I'd watch myself.20:18
jussi01someone with access may want to look into #ubuntu+1 Pici?20:19
PriceChildjussi01: No need for access to do something about it.20:21
jussi01PriceChild: you are correct of course. :)21:19
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (Martiini)22:04
PriceChildignoring martiini, seeing if he gives up22:08
PriceChildasked gnea do the same22:08
* PriceChild sighs22:09
PriceChildhe even agreed to it... then gave him more attention22:09
unfohi all, could you please kick or ban Martiini from #ubuntu for language22:09
stdinwe are watching, please just ignore him for now22:10
unfobtw Martiini mentions they "always get banned"... odd... why does a single ban not work?22:10
unfostdin: ok22:10
PriceChildunfo: I don't know if he has been banned for not.22:10
PriceChildunfo: he was also complaining whilst not being banned.22:10
PriceChildunfo: he *wanted* to be banned22:10
danbh_familyIf I may say so, Gnea can be an arrogant prick22:10
stdindanbh_family: there's no need for that22:10
danbh_familywell, he uses ubottu to intimidate people, and Martiini was just scared22:11
stdinscary, ubottu? who knew22:13
unfowhich ubottu factoids are intimidating?22:14
unfomaybe they should be changed22:14
stdinI don't think any are, unless anyone can point out the one(s)22:15
stdinall I saw used was !offtopic22:15
stdinoh, and !language22:16
PriceChildaccused of using ubottu to intimidate22:19
PriceChildnot necessarily that ubottu is intimidating22:19
* jussi01 cant sleep22:26
stdintry watching snooker, that always puts me to sleep ;)22:27
PriceChildjussi01: probably because of the guilt after trying to pretend you're an aussie for so long22:27
jussi01PriceChild: heheh... Im still an aussie22:27
jussi01PriceChild: you finished doing what you said you would? :D22:28
PriceChildIf its what I think it is, I'm afraid its still waiting on me I believe.22:29
PriceChildBut I'm almost done.22:29
jussi01great :)22:29
jussi01unfo: anything else we can help you with?22:30
jussi01!idle | unfo22:33
ubottuunfo: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.22:33
Myrttihi folks22:36
Myrttianything intresting going on?22:36
jussi01Myrtti: bed you. :P22:39
Myrttiam in bed22:39
Myrttioh oh22:39
Myrttidamn, now I forgot, no wait22:39
MyrttiYAY I've got my 770 back!22:40
Mezgot my phone back finally.22:56
jdonghaha, Picipod22:58
Myrttimakes me think of butterflies22:58
Myrttiand POKEMON!22:58
PicipodI'm actually on Mibbit. but the nick is on my account22:58
ompaulMez, where you been the last couple of weeks22:58
ompaulPicipod, get back into the factory22:59
PicipodYes sir!22:59
ompaulso you has two identities me seez22:59
* ompaul dances the dance of the bewildered23:00
PicipodYeah, I don't feel like downloading puTTY on my Dad's computer23:00
Mezompual, started a new job - been trying to get back into the swing of working night shifts, been extremely busy, and this is like - the first spare time I've really had (after spending about 3 hours putting all 200 phone numbers back in my phone manually, because samsung PC studio didnt want to import the csv it created.23:00
ompaulenjoying it?23:01
MezSamsung PC Studio?23:01
* ompaul tickles Mez under chin gotcha23:02
Mezyes and no. It's the same old shit, but for some reason - this place I actually seem to be able to talk to people.23:02
MezWhereas the last time I did this job I'd sit on my break with 4 other people and just get ignored... :(23:02
* Mez shrugs. So I'm enjoying it.23:03
MezThough... to be fair ... right now - I've just remembered I bought "watchmen" earlier... wanna go and read it23:04
PicipodMez: Its quite good, but time flies if you try to read it all in one sitting ;)23:04
ompaulMez, enjoy it all23:05
* Myrtti goes back to watch anime23:05
MezPicipod, well, I had to buy it, cause it's the new cover version23:07
MezI tell you what though - the movie looks amazing ;)23:08
MezI'm so going to go see that at the iMax23:08
Mezompaul, enjoy it all? work? or watchmen ?23:08
ompaulno point in having any of it bad23:08
Myrttismells oddly like cocoa butter... hmm23:13
ompaulTiredWolf, your a howl - after the day I had today this is as bad as it gets :)23:14
ompaulyou're sorry23:14
ompaulahhh no I is sorry23:14
* ompaul head desks23:14
TiredWolfOmpaul: the english language is hating you23:15
ompaulTiredWolf, that and I need about 48 hours sleep :)23:15
Mez... per day23:16
ompaulcd /home/time23:16
ompaulcd day23:16
ompaulcd ..23:16
TiredWolfcan it be any worse than here? I'm in a pub with two people playing droughts, another two tilting an ipod touch for some accelerometer game, and me joining irc23:17
ompaulbzip2 48hours.bz2 48hours/ ; mv 48hours.bz2 day/.23:18
ompaulTiredWolf, yes lots, your day seems positively enchanting, real people, not machines23:18
TiredWolfompaul: that's stupid. You should put each hour in a separate file, tar them, and then zip the tarball23:19
PicipodI didn't get to eat lunch today, was trying to test something for a deadline :/23:19
TiredWolfuhm, except the ipod and the phone i'm using to irc?23:19
TiredWolfi talk about ipods...23:20
ompaulTiredWolf, I has  36hours/ 48hours/ 72hours/ etc all the way for a month23:20
* ompaul yawns 23:20
MyrttiTiredWolf: I was just in a pub, two other talking about getting alcohol poisoning23:20
Myrttiand I was so bored I decided to IRC and left home before midnight23:21
TiredWolfmyrtti: alcohol poisoging, that,s an idea23:21
Myrttiapparently quite easy one too23:21
Myrttione pint of koskenkorva and some cranberries23:22
TiredWolfwell that's the worst thing. I can't go home because i came with the metro23:22
TiredWolfthe silly environmentalist that i am23:22
TiredWolf(not really, i just know what finding parking is like here)23:23
TiredWolfaha, use mibbit, you locked device user23:30
TiredWolfi get a real irc client23:30

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