
tjaaltonhmm, seems like it was the mesa update to 7.1 that broke dpms with intel with compiz10:41
tjaaltonrc3 works10:41
tjaaltondoesn't hang when I close the lid or let the screensaver to turn the screen off10:42
tjaaltonsigh, it's git-bisect time..10:54
tjaaltonNg: can you verify that installing the mesa 7.1rc3 debs fixes it for you?10:56
tjaaltonI have i386 debs around if you need them10:56
Ngtjaalton: nope, still don't have my laptop back :/10:59
tjaaltonoh ok10:59
tjaaltonwell, I'll try to git-bisect this anyway11:00
Ngand my home machine is having serious issues atm, I'm pretty sure the northbridge is busted beause of the display dropouts, but right now it logs in, you see the desktop for a few seconds and then X dies11:00
NgI've not had time to get the latest updates on it or figure out if that's something to do with -211:00
NgI'm pretty sure I'm going to RMA the mobo anyway11:00
Ngthe display dropouts can't be a X4000 driver issue, unless it's confusing the hardware, because I've had it happen in the bios as well11:01
tjaaltonyeah sounds like broken hw11:02
tjaaltongah, a bit hard to bisect mesa11:17
tjaaltonsince the dependencies have changed over time11:18
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tjaaltonhey bryce, did you have problems with the screensaver hanging on intel?16:28
tjaaltonI found the culprit, "sync to vblank by default" on mesa16:29
tjaaltonI've spent most of the day git-bisecting, so no news on the hotkey front :/16:30
Ngtjaalton: nice :)18:07
tjaaltonto try the workaround, put http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/drirc in /etc, and restart X18:14
pwnguinwhats the deal with nvidia in intrepid?21:22
tjaaltonpwnguin: why?21:24
pwnguini seem to be missing the kernel module21:27
tjaaltonyou need to clean up the dkms build directory, and reconfigure the kernel21:28
pwnguinwhat package should i reconfig?21:37
pwnguinwell thats strange. ran dkms, but modprobe still fails. is modprobe depricated?21:39
brycetseliot: I'm having some trouble downloading from your website; seems to be timing out21:39
tseliotbryce: what are you trying to download?21:40
brycegnome-control-center and gnome-desktop21:40
tseliotbryce: source or the repo?21:41
tseliotlet me check21:41
bryceit's the orig.tar.gz files that are failing; I guess I can just snag those from upstream, but let me retry21:42
tjaaltonpwnguin: see bug 261816 for details21:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261816 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "nvidia: Multiple versions in DKMS" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26181621:42
brycetseliot: ah, third try's the charm21:43
tseliotbryce: weird, I've just had the same problem21:44
tseliotbryce: do the patches apply to the latest release of the gnome-control-center?21:45
brycegonna check that out21:46
bryceI imagine they do21:46
tseliotI hope so21:46
bryceif not I can fix up21:46
bryceoh btw, do the changes in g-c-c depend on the changes in gnome-desktop?21:50
bryceif so we may have to alter the control file21:50
tseliotbryce: yes, since g-c-c uses gnome_rr_config.c which is part of gnome-desktop21:52
brycealright, I think that will necessitate we up the gnome-desktop version listed in the control file... maybe we should check with seb128 on that21:53
tseliotyes, that would be necessary as I had to move one function (to compute the virtual resolution) from the capplet to gnome_rr_config.c21:54
seb128what do you guys want to change?21:54
bryceseb128: tseliot has some changes to the screen resolution tool to make it work more smoothly21:55
tseliotseb128: so that when you try to set up a multiple screen layout21:55
seb128we are not going to change the abi in a distribution specific way21:56
tseliotand the 2 screens don't fit the framebuffer21:56
tseliotthe virtual resolution is modified21:56
seb128I though that was already the case?21:56
tseliotthe settings are not written to monitor.xml21:56
tseliotbut are put in a temporary xml21:56
tseliotwhich gnome-settings-daemon will load on next login21:57
tseliotafter checking the outputs and the virtual resolution21:57
tseliotseb128: would you like to have a look at the 2 patches?21:57
tseliotbtw I talked to federico1 about this too21:58
seb128tseliot: not tonight, it's late and I lack sleep from previous days already, but give me the number and I'll have a look tomorrow21:58
seb128tseliot: federico is not upstream though21:58
seb128I would like to have patch in the gnome bugzilla before ubuntu21:58
seb128we discussed it at the desktop team meeting today and the way people commit distro specific changes at the moment doesn't scale and we need to stop doing that21:59
tseliotseb128: ok, but there's a part of the 1st patch (a simple "if") which tests the existence of xkit21:59
tseliotI see your point21:59
tseliotbut x-kit has not been adopted by upstream yet22:00
tseliotupstream being gnome22:00
seb128every body always has a good reason to do distro changes22:00
seb128that's faster22:00
federico1tseliot: btw, søren added some new APIs to gnome-rr in his tree, and I have them in opensuse's package now as well.  If you need extra APIs there, it's doable... the repos are in http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~sandmann/gnome-desktop/ and http://gitorious.org/projects/gnome-desktop/repos/mainline22:00
seb128that's less work than discussing those upstream, etc22:00
federico1(also see gnome-settings-daemon in both of those)22:00
seb128and grrrr at people maintaining changes in random git22:00
federico1tseliot: btw, I'll need your x-kit really soon... do you have updated URLs for it / repos / etc?22:01
seb128but that's another topic ;-)22:01
tseliotfederico1: sure, let me find the link22:01
federico1seb128: grrrr at fucking gnome not using git yet22:01
pwnguindont worry, theres bzr playgrounds!22:01
tseliotfederico1: this is the link: https://launchpad.net/xorgparser22:02
seb128federico1: I don't care about that, fragmentation is not good if it means nobody knows what's going on upstream due to it22:02
federico1tseliot: next on my to-do list is support the "rotate" hotkey on tablets22:02
tseliotfederico1:  and here's the tarball: https://launchpad.net/xorgparser/+download22:02
seb128federico1: and git is the suck, I know you love it and try to convert the world to it but that's not everybody's opinion, but let's not start on that now ;-)22:02
tseliotfederico1: it seems interesting (I wish I had a tablet though...)22:03
federico1seb128: I just asked søren if we should just branch the modules upstream and commit this new stuff to trunk (gnome is frozen right now)... the point is that gnome is making it really hard to do experimental development, and people manage to do it on outside repos22:03
federico1tseliot: sweet, thanks22:03
federico1tseliot: and you also have some patches for g-c-c to use the PK helper, I assume?22:03
brycetseliot: anyway, aside from the abi stuff the only other comment I have on the patches is that there's some debug print's that could be removed22:03
seb128federico1: right, we need a proper way to document where those changes are happening then, so people know what is going on and don't duplicate work22:04
tseliotbryce: right22:04
brycetseliot: but those are just cosmetic so no other concerns.  But gnome isn't my area so perhaps for these changes just work directly with seb128 and/or upstream22:04
tseliotfederico1, seb128: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/gnome/final/gcp/106_screen-res-extra-support.patch22:04
federico1seb128: yeah - that's why I hang out on #fedora-desktop and #ubuntu-x and regularly poke people :)22:05
brycetseliot: you had some x-kit changes to upload too iirc?  I'll focus on that22:05
tseliotfederico1, seb128: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/gnome/final/gd/100_desired-settings.patch22:05
seb128tseliot: please attach that to launchpad somewhere, I'll have a look tomorrow22:05
federico1tseliot: fantastic, thanks :)22:06
tseliotbryce: thanks a lot but pitti reported 2 problems related to jockey and we worked together to fix a bug in x-kit. And he uploaded the bugfix release for me.22:06
bryceoh great!22:06
brycetseliot: cool, so anything else I can help you with?22:07
brycetseliot: sorry it took me so long to get to it... juggling a zillion issues22:07
tseliotfederico1: you will also need the latest release of screen-resolution-extra: https://launchpad.net/screen-resolution-extra22:07
tseliotwhich contains the policykit stuff so as to use x-kit with root privileges22:08
brycetseliot: do those screen-resolution-extra updates need uploaded?22:08
tseliotbryce: yes, there's something else I would like to talk to you about. Can we do it in private?22:09
pwnguinfederico1: when and how were you planning the rotate hotkey stuff?22:09
federico1tseliot: ah, I see, so you have two parts...22:09
brycetseliot: sure22:09
tseliotbryce: not until the 2 patches for gcp and gd are applied. Otherwise what we currently have in ubuntu will stop functioning22:09
federico1pwnguin: within the next two weeks... no real plans so far, but I'm leaning towards "hotkey_callback() { if (num_outputs == 1 and supports_rotation) rotate()"22:09
federico1nothing fancy22:09
brycetseliot: alright22:10
federico1pwnguin: i.e. I assume that people with tablets don't actually have an external output; it would get uncomfortable to hold :)22:10
pwnguinits nice to have a tablet on a podium22:10
pwnguinhooked up to a projector22:10
pwnguintheres a couple of bash scripts floating around, but i havent seen anyone figure out the hotkey callback part22:11
federico1pwnguin: or just rotate the lvds, I guess22:11
federico1tseliot: now that I remember...22:12
pwnguinrotate's also handy for my monitor, for reading papers ;)22:12
tseliotfederico1: I'm listening22:12
tseliotmetaphorically speaking22:13
federico1tseliot: when ssp/bryce/myself were working on this, we had a wiki page to centralize plans/urls/etc22:14
federico1let me find it22:15
federico1tseliot: http://live.gnome.org/RandR1.2 - everything there is outdated now, but let's revive it :)22:16
federico1give me a second to point it to my repo22:16
tseliotfederico1: oh, yes, I think I remember that page22:22
federico1tseliot: ok, updated 22:25
federico1tseliot: what's your email?  I'll mail out the URL for this22:25
tseliotfederico1: albertomilone@alice.it22:25
tseliotor you can have a look at my website: http://albertomilone.com/22:26
tseliotfederico1: if you have problems with x-kit or other stuff, just let me know22:31
bryceheya federico122:32
federico1tseliot: thanks!22:32
federico1bryce: my man22:32
federico1oh, btw22:32
federico1bryce: are you still working on inkscape?22:32
brycefederico1: not actively... X has been all consuming in recent months22:33
brycefederico1: what's up?22:33
federico1bryce: oh, ok --- was just going to ask you if you knew of any progress with the bug about inkscape not outputting clipping masks correctly to PDF (there's an unused/new/experimental PDF renderer, but the used/old code doesn't support this, it seems)22:38
federico1bryce: $some_real_people keep bothering me about that :)22:38
brycefederico1: have you tried against a recent svn snapshot?  The pdf code got a ton of work over the summer and I hear it's quite a bit better22:40
brycehowever the codebase in general has gotten somewhat more unstable than the last official release22:40
federico1bryce: oh, that's good to know.  I don't really follow the development; it's just that my friends are using a released version and keep bitching about that22:40
federico1"how come no one tested this!  you can't make beautiful artwork without this!"22:41
federico1"STFU, you hippie designer, and subscribe to this bug"22:41
brycethe pdf stuff was pretty new in that release and there were still a number of issues.  Any real Inkscape user knows to use nightlies ;-)22:42
brycegotta get a new release out... *sigh*22:42
brycewe talked about doing a 0.46.1 release but I think 0.46.0 burned out the release crew22:42
federico1inkscape still arouses me every time I think about it... back in the old gimp days, a vector illustration program was pretty holy-grail-ish22:42
bryceyeah it amazes me the advanced functionalities that have been going into it22:43
* pwnguin is still waiting on color profiles ;)22:44
federico1I miss autocad's snapping-fu22:44
pwnguinI have a feeling the graphic design department here can't do without ICC22:45
brycenow that pdf support in there, I think color management is pretty much the top major feature request now22:48
tjaaltonok, all video drivers uploaded for a rebuilt apart from the proprietary ones, since I don't have the bandwith for them..23:20
torkeltjaalton: any chance the gnome-screensaver/compiz locking X bug is fixed in the upload?23:22
tjaaltontorkel: no, it's in mesa/drm23:22
torkeltjaalton: doh. I have been hitting badly with that one lately :-(23:23
tjaaltonthen as a workaround, copy http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/drirc to /etc and restart your session23:23
torkeltjaalton: you are my hero (if the workaround works that is... :-)23:25
torkelI'll notice in the morning23:26
tjaaltonit's pretty quick to find out.. just shorten the time your screensaver/dpms kicks in23:27
torkeltjaalton: I'm heading for bed (it's past midnight) so I will not restart my session right now23:28
torkelbut I will find out in about 7 hours23:28
torkeltjaalton: should I add your workaround to the bug? (264953)23:29
tjaaltonbug 26495323:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264953 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[intrepid] gnome-screensaver + compiz makes Xorg freeze?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26495323:30
tjaaltonno, better mark it as a dupe of 26260523:31
tjaaltonand maybe add it there23:31
tjaaltonI've built a new kernel out of drm-next which should contain the proper fix23:31
tjaaltonwill test before I get to bed..23:32
tjaaltonbut first synaptics23:32
torkeltjaalton: both bugs updated23:35
tjaaltontorkel: ok, thanks23:41

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