[00:34] ciao a tutti [00:36] nn so come funziona questa chat... [00:36] ma ho dei problemi a installare il driver di un touchscreen su un toughbook [00:37] nn so neanche se qualcuno parla italiano o no [00:37] sono a cavallo [02:59] hey all, is anyone here? [03:00] I have an issue (more of a newbie question) on videos and video cards. [03:01] I have an ATI graphics card (8500, 32mb) that I put in here with Xubuntu It runs great under xfce but I notice all my videos, mostly online so far (i.e. youtube.com, gamespot.com videos, etc) chop and don't "refresh" properly. [03:02] The sound works fine, but the video feels like in does in Windows when your system will show videos, but not well...or at least not well enough until you install the appropriate drivers. [03:02] Thanks for any input/help regarding this. [03:31] hi [03:31] hi [03:33] I installed Virtualbox OSE on xubuntu 8.04, but the keyboard didn't work [03:33] I am a newb lol [03:34] I have also asked a question, but cannot answer any ;) [03:34] It seems that [03:34] SCIM has conflict with virtualbox [06:24] I am having trouble getting my wifi card to work with 7.04 its a Dlink Dwl-G650, and I have read through a lot of the docs ubuntus page === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [08:57] Hello, I was just curious what login manager Xubuntu uses. Is it GDM? [09:00] Muhammad_Saad, yep [09:32] hey, how can i run xmodmap and xbindkeys at startup in XFCE? i tried adding lines to /etc/rc.local, but apparently it's running it too early and being canceled out or something.. [09:47] mdkaneda55: system->autostarted applications [09:47] mdkaneda55: write a short script and add it there [09:49] must be omitted option in Mythbuntu... can i place a bash script in ~/.config/autostart/ ? that the same idea? [09:50] mdkaneda55: no, in there you place a .desktop file [09:50] mdkaneda55: sorry, its system->settings manager->autostarted applications [12:54] hi is there a way to take a screenshot via a keyboard command? [13:19] Perhaps via imagemagick: import -window root -display :0 ~/Desktop/PIC.png [13:20] Ooops - gone :-[ [13:21] I have an ATI graphics card (8500, 32mb) that I put in here with Xubuntu It runs great under xfce but I notice all my videos, mostly online so far (i.e. youtube.com, gamespot.com videos, etc) chop and don't "refresh" properly. [13:21] The sound works fine, but the video feels like in does in Windows when your system will show videos, but not well...or at least not well enough until you install the appropriate drivers. === leche_y_galletas is now known as leche [15:59] test [16:02] has anybody successfully installed xubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron on XBOX (original, not 360)? [16:03] RHDfan: try http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:05] Odd-rationale: thank you for the link - I've read it and was able to install Breezy Badger on my Xbox, but breezy .iso had .xbe files and hardy .iso does not.. [16:06] RHDfan: ok. well i have not done the process myself... so i really can't help much further... [16:07] Odd- ok, thanks [16:08] When I log in to Xubuntu this error message comes up; [16:08] User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users. [16:09] Anyone know what I can do about that? [16:09] Markopotamus: have you been playing with file permissions... ? [16:10] Markopotamus: don't worry. there is a way to fix that... :P [16:10] Odd-rationale: Unfortunately I probably did, a while ago, before I had any idea what I was doing, trying to get Samba to work. [16:10] Odd-rationale: oh goodie [16:10] Markopotamus: but first, do you have another account that you can log into that has root access? [16:10] Odd-rationale: no... although I guess I could make one and delete this one. [16:10] Markopotamus: nevermind. then [16:10] Odd-rationale: Would that work? I don't mind loosing this one. [16:11] Markopotamus: we'll just boot into recovery mode. then select "drop into root shell" === whaletales is now known as aptanet [16:11] Markopotamus: are you on that machine right now? [16:11] Odd-rationale: *paying close attention* [16:12] Odd-rationale: yus. I could switch to the PC in the next room while doing as you say though. [16:12] Markopotamus: or are you on another machine? [16:12] Odd-rationale: I'm on the same machine right now, but there's another I could use for IRC. [16:12] Markopotamus: ok. well you can do that, or you can right down the following steps... [16:12] rightio [16:13] Markopotamus: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/41516 [16:14] Odd-rationale: Cheers, looking now. [16:14] Markopotamus: so basically, suppose $USER is the name of the locked out user. [16:14] Markopotamus: in recovery mode, do the following commands... [16:14] chmod -R 755 /home/$USERNAME [16:15] chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER [16:15] chmod 644 /home/$USER/.dmrc [16:15] then, shutdown -r now [16:16] Markopotamus: got that? [16:16] Odd-rationale: *writing* [16:17] Markopotamus: remember to replace $USER witht the name of the locked out user. [16:17] Odd-rationale: got it [16:17] Markopotamus: like: chmod -R 755 /home/mark [16:18] Odd-rationale: *nod* [16:19] Markopotamus: good luck! [16:19] Odd-rationale: Here I go! ttys, hopefully :p [16:23] Hi. I have been trying for the past two hours to erase and nullify all the ridiculous partition changes I've made to my USB stick in OSX. Everything seems to work fine, but in when I insert the disk in my xubuntu laptop everything just goes, er, topsytops. 4 different partitions, one of which accesses the files I've transfered from OSX onto the desk. Please, someone help me just delete everything and start all over with my usbstick. [16:23] one = none. [16:24] prinneh: try using gparted [16:24] prinneh: it is in the repos... try searching synaptics for gparted [16:25] Downloaded that, gave it a try - but the 'Boot OSX' partition is locked. [16:25] prinneh: did you mke sure the disk was unmounted? [16:26] before you try editing the partitiong? [16:26] partitions? [16:26] Actually, no, I didn't. Trying it now. [16:26] aha! [16:26] No more locks :) [16:26] :) [16:26] Is there a 'destroy everything' button in gparted ? [16:27] prinneh: just select each partition and delete it. [16:27] prinneh: changes will not take effect until you select apply. so it is safe to play around with partitioning schemes... [16:28] good good. Which filesystem would you recommend for usage on linux, osx and win ? [16:28] The fat one, maybe ? [16:29] prinneh: yeah. FAT32, or fat16 [16:29] Error :/ [16:30] 'delete' partition failed. [16:30] hmm.... [16:30] forget the '', there once no sense in surrounding the perfectly ordinary word 'delete' with the '' 's [16:30] was* [16:31] My typing is just awkward today. I blame my partitioning troubles. [16:32] prinneh: that is strange... you can try cfdisk... [16:32] ...cfdisk? [16:32] hey [16:33] prinneh: what device is the usb disk? [16:33] nbl: hi [16:33] prinneh: /dev/sdb ? [16:33] Kingston 4gb. [16:33] Ah [16:33] :/ [16:33] How embarrassing. [16:33] * prinneh fans himself in a shy Victorian manner [16:33] /dev/sdc [16:33] loll [16:33] i know this is a wrong channel, but i have a problem or found a bug in BackupPC [16:34] cfdisk! [16:34] prinneh: ok so first "sudo umount /dev/sdc" [16:34] the "pretty" fdisk [16:34] prinneh: then sudo cfdisk /dev/sdc [16:35] on my server that runs backupPC when i run perl -e 'print(gethostbyname("myhost") ? "ok\n" : "not found\n");' i get "ok" no mater what i put in my host [16:36] but nmblookup myhost works fine [16:36] sorry, my phone just rang. Quite insistingly. [16:36] sec. [16:37] nbl: idk much about BackupPC. have you tried thier wiki? [16:37] Sorry, yes, right, i've run cfdisk now. [16:37] What do I clickityclick ? [16:37] prinneh: do you see the partitions format? [16:38] prinneh: no click... all keyboard... :P [16:38] Odd-rationale: yea [16:38] Says 'free space', 4 gigs of it. [16:38] prinneh: that it? [16:39] prinneh: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" [16:39] Odd-rationale: the odd thing is in the code they first look up host by perl then if that fales, they try nmblookup [16:39] nbl: ok. well. idk then... sorry... :( i just use plain rsync... [16:40] !pastebin | prinneh [16:40] prinneh: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [16:40] where can i get help, or report this? [16:40] I'm on two different computers. I trying to fix the usb so that I can transfer an ubuntu image onto the usb from osx and then back to the linux laptop where I'll create an image with it, because osx fails to do so. If you give me a second though, I'll type it up for you. [16:40] nbl: well. on this page, there is a section on where to get help: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/ [16:41] Markopotamus: any luck? [16:41] I know pastebin, used it for products in the past. Still! Thank you for the information, it's delicious. [16:41] Odd-rationale: Yes! Thankyou very much, it worked. [16:41] Odd-rationale: I didn't type it right the first time but the second time it did the trick. [16:42] Markopotamus: what did you do the first time? [16:42] (and the wireless appears to be broken on the linux laptop) [16:42] Odd-rationale: just typos. Spaces in the wrong place. Caps wrong. Silly mistakes, I had to come back into my account to check. [16:43] However, it does actually as from fdisk -l that "Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table" [16:43] prinneh: oh ok... [16:45] Right. [16:45] Hello, i've been using ubuntu on my laptop and my girlfriend is interested in using a linux system on her laptop. She is not the most computer savy person and mainly just uses the internet, email, and myspace. I want to set her up with xubuntu but I would also like to give her the eye candy of compiz. Can I install compiz on a xubuntu system [16:46] prinneh: you said on cfdisk, there was 'free space' entry. was that the only entry? [16:46] smm289: yes you can [16:47] I used cfdisk to repartition the drive listed as free space as W95 fat32, then I used the fdisk -l command to see if it worked, and cfdisk now lists dev/sdc1 as Fat32, which is a lot better than before. [16:47] perfect. can i install any package that I use in ubuntu on an xbuntu system. Just that xbuntu comes by default with a very simple interface? [16:47] prinneh: ok good. no try gparted [16:47] smm289: correct. xubuntu has xfce. which is a lightweight desktop environment... [16:48] prinneh: now* [16:48] smm289: but, if your machine can run compiz, then you might be better off with ubuntu (gnome)... [16:48] I am really starting to love ubuntu :) especially the great community and its tech support [16:49] if I am running a live CD of xbuntu, can I install the compiz package to see how it works on her laptop [16:49] Odd-rationale, Gparted lists the space I just formatted as fat32 as unallocated. Plus an unknown partition at dec/sdc1 consisting of 31 kb. [16:49] prinneh: can you delete them now? [16:49] its fairly new, dell e1405 core 2 duo, it just has an integrated graphics [16:50] smm289: yeah, then ubuntu might give a better expereince into linux, also it integrates better with compiz, and there is much more/better support for ubuntu, than xubuntu.... [16:51] I can't delete the tiny one, but since it's so small, I'm thinking maybe that's okay? [16:51] ya i'm torn between the two. I just want to give her the simplest interface as possible. I figured a base install of xbuntu would do the job, and then I can add a few packages to spice it up a little, but mainly it would stay simple for her [16:52] smm289: ubuntu is quite simple... :D [16:52] Odd-rationale, I can't change the allocated space (3.something gb) to fat32 either though. [16:52] ya i know, just that xbuntu is even simplier ;) [16:52] prinneh: hmm. make sure it is not inside a logical partition. if it is, delete the logical partition too... [16:53] smm289: ok. well linux is all about choices... :P [16:53] !logicalpartition [16:53] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [16:53] very true [16:53] Odd-rationale, Sorry, what's a logical partition frame thing ? [16:53] prinneh: anyway you can get me a screen shot of the gparted window? [16:54] is there a way to search in xubuntu though file and folders [16:55] Wait a minute, gparted just gave me an error when I tried to change the tiny 'unknown' partition into fat32, and when I clicked ok then the partition was gone. [16:55] Now all I've got left is 'unallocated', 3.72 gb. [16:55] prinneh: ok whatever... :P can you put one big partition in there? [16:56] nbl: you can install something like tracker or beagle. or you can ues a terminal and the old-style locate command... :P [16:56] Yeah, I just did! [16:56] :D [16:56] prinneh: :D [16:57] Don't know how we got through that. Felt a bit like trying to fix a broken window with a penguin. [16:57] nbl: you might have to "sudo updatedb" to update the database for locate... [16:57] nbl: the the syntacs is simple: locate [16:57] can i give it a start dir [16:57] nbl: man locate fot more infl [16:57] info [16:58] also read about find [17:00] Odd-rationale, still can't mount it though. [17:00] how to i get out of man? [17:00] nbl: q [17:00] i dont think locate will help me [17:00] prinneh: after you create a fat16 partition, did you apply changes? [17:00] actually, it was a fat32, and yeah, I did. [17:01] Now I changed it to the default instead. [17:01] Still can't mount it. [17:01] prinneh: ok. can you: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt [17:01] ? [17:01] nbl: ok... [17:02] yeah... [17:02] Probably should have tried that. [17:02] prinneh: did that work? [17:02] Appears to be working, hold on, I'll just test with some file transfer. [17:03] prinneh: to unmount do: sudo umount /dev/sdc1 [17:03] Ok.. It's just that I can't transfer files there. [17:03] prinneh: you can't copy files over to /mnt? [17:03] There's a folder there, with a tiny cross, called lost+found. [17:03] No, I can't. [17:04] prinneh: no, don't move files into lost+found [17:04] prinneh: can you copy file over as root? [17:04] are you sure you created a fat32 partition? you usually don't get lost and found on fat [17:04] [18:00:49] actually, it was a fat32, and yeah, I did. [17:04] [18:01:00] Now I changed it to the default instead. [17:04] Yeah, I'm on that now. [17:05] yeah lost+found is usually found in journaling filesystem... [17:05] Yeah, it works as root. [17:05] prinneh: ok. well. ext3 is probably not the best chioce for a esb drive... [17:05] usb [17:05] Doesn't seem like it, no. [17:06] prinneh: and i know why you can only copy files as root... it is a slight bug in gparted... [17:07] sexy. [17:07] Give me a sec, I'll change it back. [17:07] ok [17:08] Now it's fat32 and without the lost+found. [17:08] prinneh: can create files on the usb drive? [17:08] still need to be root to copy anything over. [17:08] hmm. ok. unmount it... [17:09] if you manually mount it only root will have write permissions [17:09] zoredache: correct... [17:09] let's try to get hal to mount it... [17:09] device is busy :/ [17:09] cheers, Odd-rationale. Im off. [17:09] when you mount you can pass an option to set a uid mount /dev/fat /mnt -o uid=prinneh [17:10] prinneh: make sure you are not in the dir... [17:10] Oh I'm such a tosspot. [17:10] There wego. [17:10] * [17:11] prinneh: try removing the device from the usb port... and then plug it back in... see if it automounts now... [17:13] It did, and I don't have to be root to write! [17:13] Hurrah! [17:13] cool [17:13] see if it works on osx, too [17:14] It does! [17:14] ok good. [17:15] thank you! [17:15] np [17:15] prinneh: now what were you saying about you wireless in linux? [17:21] Odd-rationale: i could not find any help on there main page, and i cant find where they run the perl gethost lookup [17:21] running out of options.... [17:21] nbl: tried the mailing lists? [17:23] wont that be alittle to much to spam every one over a simple bug, or user error? [17:32] Odd-rationale, yeah, wireless disappeared. [17:32] Don't know where it got to. [17:32] prinneh: on upgrade? [17:32] Indeed. [17:33] prinneh: from gutsy? [17:33] From I don't know what :( [17:33] Yeah, gutsy to herring. [17:33] That's the latest one, right? [17:33] prinneh: gutsy --> hardy [17:33] Anyway, I updated and it went. [17:34] hmm. ok does lspci still list your card? [17:34] yeah. [17:34] prinneh: ok. does iwconfig list your wireless device? [17:35] lo, eth0, eth1, wlan0 ? [17:35] eth0 and lo is there, but no wireless extensions [17:35] ok. what chipset? [17:35] Atheros. [17:36] what does lspci | grep Network report? [17:36] "lspci | grep Network" [17:36] I have no idea how to do the | on my keyboard. [17:36] prinneh: above enter? [17:36] \| [17:36] *my Danish keyboard [17:37] oh ok... [17:37] copy paste? [17:37] I guess I could use the USB :D [17:37] haha [17:37] I'll do it! [17:37] ok nvermind.... [17:37] just get me the model number.... [17:37] etc [17:38] k, sec. [17:38] Just trying something, I'm not sure I need the wireless after all. [17:43] Okay, I do need the wireless, but I also need to leave. [17:43] Not the best combination, I know, but I have to. [17:43] ok. well the i'll see you later... [17:43] Thank you for all your help though, hopefully you'll be here when I return ;) [17:43] ok np [17:47] hi [17:48] got a prob with xubuntu 8.04 , gdm crashes after login [17:48] syslog says then kernel: [ 1089.295348] xfce4-session[8752]: segfault at b718933b eip b718933b esp bfe72520 [17:48] sascha_: after login? [17:49] yes.. username, password.... then the screen should appear, but restarts gdm [17:49] and then back to login [17:50] oh ok... must be xfce4-session that is crashing... [17:51] is this a new install? Or was it working and then broke? [17:52] working and then broke [17:53] I don't know that it will help, but I would be tempted to delete the session cache [17:53] sascha_: hmm. try this. go to ctrl+alt+f2. and login there. the do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "sudo startxfce4" [17:55] same behavior [17:56] now with a lot of different error messages from starting applets [17:56] sascha_: ok try then to rm -rf ~/.cache [17:57] and rm -rf ~/.config/xfce4-session [18:00] does this was supposed to kill my settings? [18:01] like desktop, autostart, applets [18:01] sascha_: not all. just (hopefully) the ones that may be causing problems [18:01] it runs... but all settings gone [18:02] sascha_: if you want to remove all your xfce settings, the remove (or rename) the entire ~/.config dir [18:02] sascha_: but you can log in now? right? [18:02] yes [18:02] via startxfce4 [18:02] will now try via gdm [18:02] sascha_: good enuf... :P [18:02] sascha_: ok. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart [18:04] works too.. with settings back, I fogort I was in a root shell [18:04] so looks good [18:04] ok. :D [18:04] so what made the final trick now? [18:05] whats in .config/xfce-sessio [18:05] n? [18:05] you can go look, it should have been recreated [18:06] On my system it is just a config file that stores info about if you want to use saved sessions [18:07] so not really important [18:07] i just (accidentally) pulled my power cord... :( [18:09] don't do that [18:14] anyway.. thanks [18:52] has anybody installed 0.9 from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=54192&package_id=179017 [18:54] what is that? [18:54] xubuntu for xbox [18:54] but it's based on breezy badger and I'm looking for hardy heron ;( [18:57] ## All officially supported packages, including security- and other updates [18:57] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted [18:57] deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted [18:57] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted [18:57] ## The source packages (only needed to recompile existing packages) [18:57] #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted [18:57] #deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted [18:57] #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted [18:57] ## All community supported packages, including security- and other updates [18:57] deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse [19:06] I burned the iso and it doesn't seem to be working properly could the iso be junk? [19:13] it could be [19:13] did you verify the checksum of the iso you downloaded? [19:23] What iso did you download firewall_03? [19:30] How do you simply add an icon theme in xubuntu? Been looking, but I dont figure it out. === Breakx is now known as BreakXX [19:31] HellO? [19:32] BreakXX: hi [19:32] Hey, how is it going? [19:32] !themes | jpotex [19:32] Are you Xubuntu support? [19:32] jpotex: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy [19:32] !changethemes [19:32] !changethemes [19:32] Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites [19:32] yeah :D [19:33] So you can help me, lol. [19:33] BreakXX: i hang around here... [19:33] Oh, well I have a question wanna give it a shot? [19:33] BreakXX: well, just ask. if anyone here know the answer, they will probably tell you :P [19:34] Okay [19:34] I am installing Xubuntu on an old Compaq Presario (just to mess around with) [19:34] Odd-rationale: Nice, thanks :) [19:34] jpotex: np [19:34] More specifically xubuntu 6.06 [19:34] BreakXX: why old version? [19:34] And I have tryed installing in text mode and oem mode, I choose to wipe the whole harddrive [19:35] But it always gets hung up while installing the base system [19:35] specifically at 6% [19:35] and says it cant download all these random files [19:35] BreakXX: have you tried 8.04? [19:35] Because xubuntu 8.04 did the same thing =) [19:35] I think it maybe because there is stuff on the harddrive [19:35] More spefically windows, but I choose to install it over windows (aka wipe the drive) [19:35] BreakXX: it is probably the best xubunt release yet.. :P [19:36] Okay, let me try it again, I'll tell you the errors it gives. [19:36] BreakXX: ok. well. did it give any erorr meesage? or just take a long time? [19:36] Error messages [19:36] Let me reburn 8.04 it will just take a minute =) [19:36] ok [19:37] also, 6.04 is no longer suported anyways.... [19:37] Yeah, I read that. [19:37] Okay [19:37] I have 8.04 [19:37] alternate [19:37] and desktop [19:37] The harddrive is already wiped [19:37] so I need the alternate? [19:38] yeah. the alt cd is probably better for older hardware... [19:38] I read that also =) [19:38] BreakXX: sorry, i meant 6.10 is no longer supported... [19:38] !edgy [19:38] Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. It is now in end of life, and is unsupported. Please upgrade to a newer release. [19:38] I really hate coming here but I burn the disk properly and it always gets hung up [19:39] 6.04 will be supported for one more year i think... [19:39] Oh [19:39] !dapper [19:39] Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. [19:39] June 2009 [19:39] Meh, the computer isnt to horrible. [19:39] It should be able to word process and browse pretty easily. [19:39] I should dual boot this computer. [19:39] But I have never messed with linux :-D [19:40] well, i hope you will enjoy it... [19:40] I hope I do to, if I could get the darn thing installed =) [19:40] i had my ubuntu install take a long at the 6% thing...but it eventually contiued... [19:40] Just through the research I have done I think it's awesome how effencient it is at using system resources. [19:40] Oh no, I get a lot of errors. [19:41] BreakXX: did you check the md5sum of the iso? [19:41] BreakXX: and the integrity of the disk? [19:41] Yes. [19:41] both? [19:41] Like when it boots up it offers the check disk thing [19:41] I did that [19:42] and I read before burning the disk to check the md5sum of the iso [19:42] I downlaoded from official sources and used InfraRecorder to burn the disk [19:42] It seems solid [19:42] BreakXX: ok how about md5sum? do they match? [19:43] Eh [19:43] You got me lost o.0 [19:43] !md5sum [19:43] Okay the computer booted [19:43] To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [19:43] Selecting the language [19:43] ok [19:44] It detects hardware and alll that just fine. [19:44] ok [19:44] Im at the usenrame part and network username [19:44] Let me do all this [19:44] ok [19:45] It's like your right beside me! [19:45] Okay it's at the pratition disks. [19:45] There is four methods [19:45] use entire disk? [19:45] I want to do Guided - use entire disk [19:45] yeah. [19:46] Then it asks to right changes [19:46] Click yes... [19:46] ok [19:46] Okay now it's installing the base system [19:46] at 6% [19:47] ok... [19:47] Lol, I bet you get annoying people like me all the time. [19:47] Okay here is the first warning [19:48] Debootrapt warning Warning: Couldnt download package netbase [19:48] I go to continue I am guessing? [19:48] boostrap* [19:48] hmm. you should check the integrity of the disk... [19:49] Okay [19:49] I do that at the boot screen correct? [19:49] yes [19:50] Okay checking it for defects [19:50] I did this yesterday and it ran through it all [19:51] Xubuntu better be fun to mess around in, lol all this effort. [19:54] At 40% no problems :-[ [19:57] Gheyy [19:57] Got an error. [19:57] hi anyone around that can help me? [19:57] !anyone [19:57] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:57] how do i get four workstation with compiz on xubuntu [19:58] ./pool/main/p/python2.4/python2.5-minimal_2.5.2-2ubuntu4_i386.deb [19:58] i haven unninstalled it cause all my windows and icons are being pushed up and dont the top part with the close,minimise, hide how do i fix that? [19:58] BreakXX: so failed? [19:59] Pirate_Hunter: do you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed? [19:59] Yes failed, I am redownloading it I guess, thank you for the help. [19:59] Odd-rationale: i had but didnt see the option there to add more worksations [20:00] Odd-rationale: im installing it again [20:00] BreakXX: before you redownload. check the md5sum of your current iso you have... [20:00] Pirate_Hunter: ok. well tell me when you have it... also, while you're at it. install emerald... you will need it for the window decorations... [20:01] !md5sum | BreakXX [20:01] BreakXX: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more [20:01] Odd-rationale: ok [20:01] BreakXX: if the md5sums are the same, then you probably just need to reburn... slooower... [20:02] BreakXX: Or, its possible, you have a bad burner. They do die. [20:02] Oh it was at maxburn rate. [20:02] Trying to find a windows md5sum checker [20:02] BreakXX: I've had several die on me. [20:02] Hm [20:02] True, but burning slower will help? [20:03] Odd-rationale: can you tell me how to fix my windows they are being pushed to the top left had corner of the screen, i cant move them or minimise them it really annoying, it started happening after installing compiz and still hasnt fixd itself? [20:03] BreakXX: I like http://www.md5summer.org/ === zoredache_ is now known as zoredache [20:03] Zoredache_: Thank you [20:03] BreakXX: yes. burning slower may help... [20:04] Pirate_Hunter: Your window manager is probably missing [20:04] Pirate_Hunter: do you have compizconfig-settings-manager now? [20:05] Odd-rationale: im looking at synatic now it shows the menu bar with file, edit etc but not the top menu bar with minimise, close, etc and yeah compiz is now installed with emrald [20:05] Pirate_Hunter: Hit ALT-F2 and either run "xfwm4" or "compiz --replace" depending on what you ahve. [20:05] Pirate_Hunter: I mean, what wm you want to run. [20:06] Pirate_Hunter: ok. well first you need ccsm. so that we can specify emerald as the wm for compiz... [20:06] bytor4232: ive just installed xubuntu a while ago and tried compiz which messed the default wm [20:06] Odd-rationale: i have to installed that? [20:07] Pirate_Hunter: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager [20:07] Odd-rationale: got that [20:07] bytor4232: yah thanx all i ahd to do is run xfwm4 to fix it for now, time to try getting compiz working again [20:07] Passed md5sum check [20:07] Pirate_Hunter: then go to applications --> settings --> CompizConfig Settings Manger [20:07] I am burning at 4x just to be safe =) [20:08] BreakXX: ok. try burning slower and then check the cd integrity... [20:08] Odd-rationale: done that [20:08] Thanks again guys, you all are really helpful. [20:08] Y'all should get payed or something! [20:08] Pirate_Hunter: ok go to window decoration [20:08] Pirate_Hunter: make sure it is enabled... [20:09] Odd-rationale: yup [20:09] Pirate_Hunter: where it says command, put "emerald" without the quotes... [20:10] the news is killing me. it seems like every time i start opening stories from the electronic newspaper i get from panama, everything gums up on my computer. i can only assume something on their pages doesn't get along with xubuntu. this is a page from it: http://prensa.com/t.asp?d=080911e1515485 , i wonder if any of you developer types might have a clue what causes the problem? [20:10] Pirate_Hunter: you have emerald installed, right? [20:10] Odd-rationale: yup [20:10] Odd-rationale: done [20:10] Pirate_Hunter: ok. now goto general options [20:11] Odd-rationale: done [20:11] Pirate_Hunter: in the desktop size tab, set H=4, V=1, and #of desktops =1 [20:12] then close and restart compiz... [20:12] Pirate_Hunter: Once you have your window manager set up the way you want it (either compiz or xfwm4) close everything and go to Applications - Quit, and log out or reboot. Make sure you select "save sessions for future" box is checked. [20:13] Pirate_Hunter: I actually add "compiz --replace" in Applications - Settings - Autostarted Apps just to make sure it starts. [20:13] Odd-rationale: yah it works will log out anyway just incase but why does the top of the box shows nothing it is yellow and ugly [20:13] Pirate_Hunter: you have to change the emerald theme... [20:14] bytor4232: did that and im sure xubuntu saves my session automatically it should... [20:15] Odd-rationale: thanx i thought xubuntu would be like ubuntu but i guess there are lots of differences and i need to get used to them [20:15] yummy [20:15] rice a roni [20:16] Pirate_Hunter: there are some differneces. but basically the same... [20:16] bytor4232: hmmm xubuntu didnt save the session with compiz, where would i find the option to force it to do so [20:16] that would be cool if xubuntu came with a gui front end for grep [20:16] it is just the ubuntu devs wrote stuff to automate most of this... [20:17] Odd-rationale: true i just need to know where everything is [20:17] ozkugh_: :? [20:18] likeo on the fm if there was a hotkey to open a search field and it looks up files as you type using grep [20:19] what is the point of having an automatic session save when it saves programs youve installed on that session but not the freaking compiz settings [20:19] i never used the save sessien option before [20:20] ozkugh_: in the fm. if you just start typing it will highlight the closest match... === ozkugh_ is now known as ozkugh [20:20] Odd-rationale: how do i make it start compiz on login, ive ticked automatically save session and tried compiz --replace but it doesnt work [20:20] Odd-rationale, im talking about searhing for text INSIDE the file [20:20] not the file name [20:20] ozkugh: oh ok... [20:20] Pirate_Hunter: add a new autostarted application? [20:20] the command grep already does this [20:21] cat | grep [20:21] Odd-rationale: lol thats what im doing now and what is the auto save session for doesnt xubuntu do that anyway especailly if you start stuff on login? [20:22] Pirate_Hunter: i think it should... i don't use it myself... [20:23] Pirate_Hunter: anyways, do you have a window border now? and four-sided cube? [20:23] Odd-rationale: hmmm weird using aut started app when i login it starts xubuntu without compiz than it enables compiz but yeah now i have it hooray [20:24] ok. well i gtg then... see you all in a bit... :P [20:24] Odd-rationale: bye ty [20:48] Odd-rationale, :) [21:09] BreakXX: any success? [21:09] prinneh: hi [21:12] Odd-rationale, just wanted to thank you again. I'm installing ubuntu-eee now, it's a notebook remix for the Asus eee. [21:12] Couldn't have done it without your help. [21:12] I'll return to xubuntu when I have a machine more worthy of it. [21:13] prinneh: you have an eeepc? [21:13] Yeah. [21:13] And an old ibook. [21:14] Kinda missing the days of huge noisy stationary machines. [21:14] ok cool... [21:15] you? [21:16] i have an old compaq... evo n800c [21:21] Wicked [21:21] http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts [21:56] Okay got another question [21:56] I have downlaoded Xubuntu 8.04 twice [21:56] Checked the md5sum [21:56] Burned very slowly [21:57] And it still fails the disk integrity check [21:57] What the hell o.0 [21:58] BreakXX: could be your burner... [21:59] I suppose so, Going to open up my case and put an old IDE burner in. [22:43] How come I can only choose 640x480 or 800x600 resolutions? How do I add more? [22:45] I would guess that it means your display adapter wasn't properly detected. Depending on your hardware you may need to insall something, or it may be as simple as reconfiguring the x11 server [22:46] you might need to run this command in a terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [22:49] ok trying it [22:52] zoredache, that seemed to have nothing to do with X11... [22:53] It just asked lots of questions about my keyboard [22:53] and I still only have the same two choices of resolutions [22:57] !xconfig [22:57] To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes [22:57] !fixres [22:57] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [22:57] you may need the -phigh [23:01] hello. why almost all apps on "Add/Remove" are marked as it can't be installed on my laptop? Is it because I'm using x64? [23:03] hey how do i tell what res my screen is at? [23:05] hvgotcodes: Settings -> Setting Manager -> Display [23:06] robin001o: thanx [23:07] no problem [23:07] :) [23:07] i have a fresh xubuntu install (encrypted lvm, yeah!) -- when the machine is in hibernate, is it supposed to be turned back on by hitting the power button? [23:08] hvgotcodes: usually yes, is it a notebook? [23:09] robin001o: yes [23:09] sorry working 2 channels here so reaction time is slow [23:10] hahah me too :) [23:10] but yes hvgotcodes, it should back hitting the power button [23:10] my laptop works that way [23:12] robin001o: from hibernate mode, it looks like it is doing a full boot. but when the xubuntu splash goes away it just pops up in the state I left it. does that sound right? [23:12] do you see all the screen bootting up the kernel and stuff? [23:12] hvgotcodes: yes that is right :) [23:13] robin001o yes [23:13] robinOOlo: what do you mean by marked as can't be installed? [23:13] Odd-rationale: sweet - new latitude e6400 suspend and hibernate work out of the box [23:13] hvgotcodes: cool. [23:13] * Odd-rationale in envious.... [23:13] Odd-rationale: yep, I can't mark to install :( [23:14] of course suspending is probably not a good idea if you are really concerned about security [23:14] robinOOlo: hmm. any error messages? have you updated your repos? sudo apt-get update [23:14] dinner be back in a few [23:14] hvgotcodes: well, it doesn't sound right if its booting all again [23:14] hvgotcodes: ok bye! [23:14] the key for the lvm will still be in ram... People have been able to extract the keep by freezing the ram [23:15] Odd-rationale: not error, i just can't mark it and it has a message "your system or hardware isn't compatible blablabla" [23:15] i thought that only a few packages were not working on x64 [23:15] it's almost all [23:15] robinOOlo: how about in synaptics? the same? [23:16] Odd-rationale: not sure, let me try now [23:17] oops, installing java binaries [23:18] robinOOlo: maybe find one that you cant install on add/remove and try to install it with synaptic [23:18] I'll try Compiz [23:18] :( [23:18] robin001o: yeah it seems wierd [23:18] did you manually edit your sources.list or something? [23:18] zoredache: not me [23:19] its a fresh install here [23:19] I was using Linux Mint and Zenwalk for a time [23:19] zenwalk looked cool. i still have yet to try it... [23:20] it is very cool [23:20] but its too confusing if you're not used to linux yet [23:20] i'm too lazy and content with my system to look for a change... :P [23:21] and i had some problems with the drivers because i was trying on my note [23:23] omg [23:23] i got owned [23:24] :? [23:24] tried to run compiz [23:24] after installed it [23:24] now my window navigator has been killed [23:24] and i got a message error [23:25] maybe i tried to run it with compositor enabled? [23:26] robinOOlo: but you can install with synaptics? [23:26] well, I installed it [23:26] it was enabled] [23:26] and was very simple [23:31] god [23:31] need to reboot [23:32] ok [23:41] back [23:41] god i was owned by the compiz [23:41] already uninstalled [23:41] it [23:41] =( [23:51] hallo... [23:51] !hi | Izeman [23:51] Izeman: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [23:51] i've got a prob with xubuntu... [23:52] i can't connect to any network. [23:52] hi [23:52] how are you trying to connect? [23:52] Izeman: can you see any networks? [23:52] in the network settings there is no network adapter [23:52] i can see some wlan [23:53] but i want connect my xubuntu to my router. [23:54] the ethernet cable is installed... [23:54] Izeman: if you do "iwconfig" in a terminal... what entries do you see? lo, eth0, wlan0, etc? [23:54] but no ping is going out... [23:54] Izeman: wait. are you trying to do wireless? or wired? [23:55] eth0, ng, lo, wlan0 and wmaster0 [23:55] wired. [23:55] hey how do i tell which graphics driver i am using? [23:55] Izeman: ok. try the folloing commands... [23:56] sudo ifconfig eth0 down [23:56] hello [23:56] sudo dhclient -r eth0 [23:56] sudo ifconfig eth0 up [23:56] sudo dhclient eth0 [23:56] ping -c 3 www.google.com [23:57] hvgotcodes: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log [23:57] but i need static ips... [23:57] Izeman: oh static ip... [23:57] Odd-rationale: for intel card which driver will give best performance? [23:57] sorry... [23:57] forgotten to tell... [23:58] !find intel [23:58] Found: intel2gas, rng-tools, xserver-xorg-video-intel, xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg [23:58] xserver-xorg-video-intel <-- this one, hvgotcodes [23:58] Izeman: oook then... [23:58] sorry...my fault. [23:58] Odd-rationale: is that open source? [23:58] Izeman: sudo ifconfig eth0 down [23:58] done. [23:59] Izeman: sudo dhclient -r eth0 [23:59] Izeman: sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask up [23:59] Izeman: sudo route add default gw [23:59] Izeman: sudo dhclient eth0