
* elky_work huggles Myrtti00:37
ubottuIn ubottu, Aaqil said: This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.00:38
elky_workheh, someone's client is still /away00:39
Aaqilhello any human here all here bots too like ubottu?00:40
elky_workAaqil: forget to unset /away?00:40
AaqilI have sound problem elky_work how to unset? :-s I am new00:40
elky_worki've got no idea what you just asked.00:41
Aaqilmy ubuntu sounds problem. no audio etc00:41
elky_workalso, this is not a support channel.00:42
MyrttiAaqil: type /away00:42
Aaqilelky_work:  :((00:42
AaqilMyrtti:  ok00:42
Aaqiltyped /away00:43
Myrttiseems like you're now away anymore00:43
Aaqiltyped /away again :D00:43
elky_workAaqil: a  hint for getting help when asking in #ubuntu is to specify what kind of hardware you're expecting ubuntu to work with. i'm pretty sure a fix for a first generation soundcard is not going to be relevent to the latest00:43
AaqilRolls 4 6-sided dice: 3 2 1 400:43
Aaqilelky_work: oh ok00:44
Aaqilelky_work:  this channel is for what?00:45
elky_workAaqil: for the operators who manage the ubuntu channels to discuss channel management stuff00:45
Aaqilelky_work: :-s I thought play ground . sorry here was a channel by ubuntu for chat? #ubuntu-chat etc00:46
Myrttieven there are rules00:47
Aaqilok but I am in chatty mood tired due to a lot buntu learning :)00:47
Aaqilwhen I will go to college I will completely move to buntu b-)00:48
elky_workAaqil: that's talk for #ubuntu-offtopic, not here00:49
Aaqilelky_work: ok me jumping there :)00:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, amirman said: !unofficial is for unofficial ubuntu-based distrobutions of linux please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu-based_distributions#Unofficial_distributions00:54
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, J-_ said:  !something is <reply>whatever the hell you want00:55
Myrttisome tinyurl-love perhaps...00:55
* Myrtti pokes pici00:57
ubottuJ-_ called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (SegFaultAX rickrolled.)01:00
MyrttiI hope someone is awake02:52
Myrttisince I'm going to close my eyes and deem this day a semi successful one02:53
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MTecknology said: !pfsense is pfsense is a fork of m0n0wall. After m0n0wall reached it's goal of becoming a replacement for embedded systems, pfsense forked and became a more feature rich firewall/router. (http://www.pfsense.com)03:58
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !aubade is what the neighborhood watch had in mind.04:01
MTecknologyIs there any chance that factoid will get into ubottu?04:05
MTecknologyWouldn't be a big deal, just that people ask me whenever I bring it up.04:06
MTecknologyI was also wondering if there's any chance I could have a factoid about me. Maybe something just like "I don't know anything about MTecknology?"04:07
MTecknologyI'll bug off, sorry if this was outside of CoC.04:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !MTecknology is hearts in all of our router logs.04:13
* mneptok shakes the pollen from his anthers04:13
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !MTecknology is too modest.04:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:39
ompaulThe Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com  The address is also in the channel topic.07:42
ompauldoes that seem simple?07:42
ompaulI think it is simple - I will change it feel free to do anything else.07:44
ompaul!no paste is The Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts, so you don't flood the channel. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com  The address is also in the channel topic.07:44
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul07:44
ompaul!no paste is The Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts, so you don't flood the channel. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com (see topic)07:44
ompaullovely ohh well07:45
ubottupaste is The Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts, so you don't flood the channel. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com (see topic)07:45
ompaulhave a nice day07:45
FlannelThat sounds stupid08:45
FlannelDidhe seriously just rewrite that whole thing to remove four characters?08:46
* Flannel wonders if ompaul is having a midlife crisis.08:49
stdin!no paste is <alias> pastebin09:09
ubottuI'll remember that stdin09:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:09
FlannelThe interesting thing is if you (pre alias) did !paste and then !pastebin, you caught the repeat09:09
Flannelso... while not aliases, they weren't independent09:09
stdindon't try to understand the inner workings of ubottu, it'll only make your head implode ;)09:10
MyrttiMartiini seems to be working his way towards permaban10:13
Myrttisee #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic10:13
bazhangmartiini is trolling in +111:42
bazhanghe quit all ubuntu channels now11:44
jribthat name sounds familiar11:49
jribah yeah, they were offtopic when I first joined #ubuntu today11:49
jribstopped on their own though11:49
bazhangsaid some very nasty stuff in -ot11:49
=== repete1 is now known as GHOST
=== GHOST is now known as repete
elkbuntubazhang, awww, he only had to flare once more and i could have saved you guys from him14:36
bazhangelkbuntu, haha14:36
* elkbuntu hovers and waits14:39
Myrttiyou've had fun without me?15:46
Jack_SparrowThis is the same guy from awhile ago.. RU..  He can speak english.. but continues to disrupt15:55
bazhangmartiini in +1 again15:57
Myrttimake a wild guess who just subscribed me in Flickr as their contact?17:11
Myrttidingdingding and the grand prize goes to bazhang!17:12
bazhangdont know why he was not banned after those comments in -ot Myrtti17:13
bazhangbeyond the pale imo.17:13
MyrttiI don't usually kickban if I've not personally witnessed and been active at the time of "crime"17:14
Myrttiit's not according to dog training guides17:14
Myrttiit's like a dog left at home makes a mess while you're out17:14
Myrttiif you punish them when you get home, the dog gets wrong impression17:14
bazhangvery apt analogy17:15
Myrttisame goes with banning people without malbehaviour at current channel because of malbehaviour elsewhere17:16
Jack_SparrowSometimes that is warranted if they go from room to room causing issues17:20
Myrttitrue - but not most of the time17:20
Jack_SparrowIf the person is banned is two or more ub rooms ... he isnt learning anything17:21
Jack_Sparrowagreed, rare cases17:21
Jack_SparrowI have only done it once17:21
=== SWAT__ is now known as SWAT
Flanneljimmy_birer: How can we help you?17:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/17:44
jimmy_birerput me in ubuntu17:44
Jack_SparrowFlannel <jimmy_birer> ubuntu edgy eatcock17:44
bazhangjimmy_birer, you know why you were banned?17:44
FlannelJack_Sparrow: I just looked, yeah17:44
Jack_Sparrow<jimmy_birer> wtf17:44
Jack_Sparrow<jimmy_birer> ?17:44
jimmy_bireri know17:45
jimmy_bireri jokin17:45
jimmy_birerim not bad boy17:45
bazhangnot funny.17:45
jimmy_birerfor you17:45
jimmy_birerdo you ask others?17:45
bazhangcome back in a week.17:45
jimmy_bireryou are chinese17:45
jimmy_birerand you will remain17:46
jimmy_birerdont forget what we did to asians17:46
bazhangbest to part now jimmy_birer17:46
Jack_SparrowAnd a racist to boot17:46
jimmy_birerim not racist17:46
jimmy_birerwhy you forgot when you did a wall to protect you by turkish heroes?17:47
jimmy_birertell me17:47
bazhangjimmy_birer, a week.17:47
Jack_SparrowSee you in a week17:47
jimmy_bireri just said my words17:48
bazhangyou did.17:48
jimmy_bireri think it hurts17:48
bazhangand now time to leave.17:48
jimmy_birerif you are human17:48
jimmy_birergo and eat dogs17:48
Flanneljimmy_birer: You're not really helping you cause any here.  Read the code of conduct and the IRC guidelines, and try again in a week.17:48
* Myrtti waits for the grande finale before pressing enter17:48
jimmy_birershut the fuck up bitch17:49
Myrttiand there was grande finale.17:49
Jack_SparrowMake that 2 weeks eh17:49
Myrttithankyou thankyou, you've been a wonderful audience17:49
* Myrtti curtseys17:49
MyrttiId rather not do those17:50
Jack_Sparrowyea.. saw that17:50
Myrttiit sorta shows beforehand when they want to leave the channel with a great boom17:51
Jack_Sparrow<jimmy_birer> fuckin bitch17:52
Jack_Sparrow<jimmy_birer> you just have to ban17:52
Jack_Sparrow<jimmy_birer> but i will put my botclones17:52
Myrttiwhere's that?17:52
Myrttiin your pm?17:52
Jack_SparrowSorry for the profanity..17:52
bazhangruh roh the botclones17:52
Myrttiyou know, have I told you I've found this excellent script in irssi called "ignore_log"?17:53
MyrttiI can ignore as much as I want - the ramblings are still logged17:53
bazhangextreeeemely useful for -ot17:53
Myrttiwhich reminds me17:54
Myrttilocke hasn't come back17:54
bazhangnor icesword/etc17:54
Jack_SparrowI need to get ready for class...   See ya later17:54
bazhangbye Jack_Sparrow17:55
Jack_SparrowHow are those rodents these days17:55
Myrttijittery :-D17:55
Myrttithe lil one is totally mad17:55
Myrttihello kitche17:59
Myrttihow may we help you today?18:00
kitcheJack_sparrow just baned a guy and it looks like he's gonna try to flood #ubuntu with bots18:00
Flannelkitche: Did he message you about it?18:01
Myrttikitche: and what makes you think so?18:01
kitchesorry client froze up18:03
bazhangarmy of botclones?18:03
kitcheyep that's it18:04
Flannelkitche: they joined?  I missed it.18:04
Myrttiso have I18:05
kitcheno they haven't joined yet18:05
Myrttibut how do you know about this plan of his?18:06
kitcheI m in #puppylinux18:06
Myrttidid he change his ip address?18:07
Myrttito other than
kitchenot that I know18:08
Seeker`hmm, interesting19:27
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
ubottuIn ubottu, Dan6688 said: Dan6688 is <reply> Stop talking about Lisp already!20:02
PriceChild!lisp > dan... no that'd be cruel20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lisp20:03
jussi01hey all!20:51
* jussi01 hugs PriceChild20:51
MyrttiI haz a new usplash.20:51
MyrttiI iz also bored21:06
naliothMyrtti: wanna trade chairs?21:10
* nalioth is looking at a hurricane21:10
christelnalioth: is it pretty?21:24
ompaulinvited soundray21:25
ompaulhi there21:26
soundrayHi ompaul21:26
soundrayWhat can I do?21:26
ompaul!sysrq In an emergency you may be able to reboot with: sysrq21:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:26
ompaulsoundray, thinking of that but a form of word for it21:27
ompaulwords taht is21:27
naliothchristel: not really, no.21:29
ompaul!sysrq In an emergency you may be able to reboot with: sysrq, do this press ALT + printscrn/sysrq and this sequence of keys   R E I S U B  (known as magic sysrq)21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
ompaul!sysrq is In an emergency you may be able to reboot with: sysrq, do this press ALT + printscrn/sysrq and this sequence of keys   R E I S U B  (known as magic sysrq)21:29
ubottuI'll remember that, ompaul21:29
soundrayubottu, sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:29
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, soundray said: ubottu, sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:29
ompaulno sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:30
ompaulsoundray, thanks21:30
ubottusysrq is In an emergency you may be able to reboot with: sysrq, do this press ALT + printscrn/sysrq and this sequence of keys   R E I S U B  (known as magic sysrq)21:30
ompaul!no sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:30
soundrayubottu, no, sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:30
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul21:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, soundray said: ubottu, no, sysrq is <reply> In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:30
ompaulsoundray, thanks that was good21:31
soundrayompaul: pleasure21:33
soundrayFlamesuits on, Limcore is back21:34
ompauldive dive dive21:34
soundrayHe's very modest today. None of the usual "another day, another ubuntu failure" stuff21:36
Myrttias long as wols stays away...21:37
PriceChildHow goes?21:38
ompaulPici,  jussi01, stdin I would like to suggest soundray as an editor .. your call (hope soundray does not mind)21:48
jussi01ompaul: hrm21:48
soundrayThanks ompaul. I don't mind. Do you want to discuss this amongst yourselves?21:50
ompaulthe others might ;-)21:50
ompaulbut I would like it21:50
soundrayOkay, I'll turn my back21:51
Seeker`hmm, sneaky ploy - the channel is logged, he can see what we say in logs :P21:52
ompaulbut even the logger has you on ignore ....21:52
* ompaul pours a big cold one for Seeker` 21:52
ubottuScottK-laptop called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()21:52
stdinompaul: I have no problem with it if others don't :)21:54
* Seeker` doesn't object, but doubts anyone would listen even if he did :P21:54
ompaulit appears the editors are only +v people21:54
* jussi01 does object. 21:55
PriceChildSoundray an op anywhere?21:55
jussi01not that I know of21:55
* ompaul wonders21:55
stdinmaking edits is a separate thing to being an op IMO21:55
stdinand one does not necessarily make you need the other21:55
Seeker`jussi01: why do you object?21:55
ompaulSeeker`, that was not the call - the call was ... do they need +v21:56
jussi01I disagree, they are connected. ops are there to protect the channels, protecting how the factoids are is part of that.21:56
Seeker`I reckon there are 3 types of people, normal users, ops, and people that are inbetween21:57
Seeker`they aren't ops, but they help watch the channel and are generally "useful"21:57
stdinfactoids have nothing to do with running channels, they are community tools21:57
jussi01also, if we start giving out editing rights to non-ops, then it will grow, and grow and grow...21:57
Seeker`candidates for being an op in future if you will21:57
stdinjussi01: is that necessarily a bad thing?21:57
naliothjussi01: only if we all agree on the recipient of the 'editorship'21:58
ompauljussi01, it was the case that ops n editors were not the same at one stage21:58
stdinif we can get a trusted group of community members editing the bots factoids, I think that good21:58
Seeker`brb - time to go stab myself21:58
ompauljussi01, just like all members are not ops21:58
jussi01ompaul: Im familiar with that, actually it used to be that editors were much feiwer than ops21:59
stdinompaul: the only reason ops are editors now is because of a bot malfunction where it was open to everyone21:59
PriceChildI'm pretty sure I was given editors when I wasn't an op with any ubunt-irc channel, yet i still winged my way in eventually.21:59
Seeker`I'm an editor, and i'm olny an op in -uk21:59
jussi01the thing is, we have a moderation system for this - I really dont think we need more editors than we have.21:59
PriceChildHow is it decided who an editor is now? Is a list maintained in Ubottu, or is it the launchpad team or what?22:00
PriceChildBantracker too.22:00
ompauljussi01, my thinking is as follows, not all editors edit22:00
jussi01finally, one thing that has irked me a little as of late, is that factoids just get added, with no consensus on whether its good or not. nobody talks, and we get random factoids22:01
ompauljussi01, that is real meat then :)22:01
stdinPriceChild: the bot was broken somehow and everyone who registered became an editor. then I fixed that but didn't know who to keep and who to remove. so everyone who's on the ubuntu-ops team became an editor22:01
Myrttiisn't seekingtruth that religious troll?22:02
PriceChildstdin: What about the bantracker?22:02
ompaulMyrtti, lovely where?22:02
naliothah great, now the wind has kicked in . . .22:03
stdinPriceChild: the bantracker was closed to open access a while ago by seveas as you know. it used @btlogin to access it. that command was open to anyone who registered with the bot, I've changed that so it needs a special capability22:04
PriceChildstdin: so both bantracker & editor access are controlled by lists in ubottu, unrelated to anything else.22:04
stdinPriceChild: no, it pulls the list from launchpad22:05
PriceChildstdin: Which list, and the ubuntu-irc team?22:05
stdinyeah, it parses the ubuntu-irc LP page to get the users/IRC nicks22:06
PriceChildand they get bantracker access?22:06
stdinthe members of ubuntu-irc do, yes22:06
PriceChildeditors access is controlled on a separate list?22:07
PriceChildCould you email irc-council@l.u.c a copy of the editors list please?22:07
stdinsame list, all registered users are in one list, but editors get a separate capability22:07
stdinPriceChild: @editors22:07
PriceChildOk then I'm confused.22:08
PriceChildand yeah that would be clever22:08
stdinthe bot has a list of registered users, that's how supybot keeps track of who it knows. you can then give users "capabilities", which are basically tags22:08
PriceChildright ok22:09
stdinin the plugins we just check for the appropriate tags for the commands22:09
PriceChildI understand that but I'm confused as to where exactly the launchpad team fits in.22:10
PriceChild*I understand that now22:10
stdinthe bot pulls a list of members from the launchpad team and automatically adds them to it's user database. it also automatically give them the bantracker capability22:11
PriceChildThanks, I can move on now.22:11
PriceChildRemoved pelo from the editors list.. there's a few more that are a little out of date.22:12
stdinit was messed up because of a malfunction where *all* registered users became editors22:13
stdinwhich was more of a problem before we restricted bot commands to registered users22:14
ompaul<ubot5> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail22:17
ompaul<ubot5> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail22:17
ompaulthat was nice ;-)22:17
PriceChildPity he's muted22:19
ompaulPriceChild, no comment22:21
Myrttikeep an eye on Masteredu22:22
* Myrtti looks away from -ot and u22:24
MyrttiI want to slap people22:24
ompaulwho is current council atm?22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about council22:28
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:28
Myrttiompaul: elkie, nal, pricey, (lj?)22:28
ubottuThe Ubuntu IRC Council is the team governance council for the the Ubuntu IRC channels on the freenode network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil for more information22:29
ompaulok thanks I will pm them now22:30
Myrtti@bansearch 78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk22:34
ubottuNo matches found for 78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk!*@* in #ubuntu-ops22:34
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk22:34
ubottuNo matches found for *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk in #ubuntu-ops22:34
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk *22:34
ubottu(bansearch <nick|hostmask> [<channel>] [<sendlink>]) -- Search bans database for a ban on <nick|hostmask>, if <channel> is not given search all channel bans. If <sendlink> is given, and true, send a link to the bantracker log to you in a /msg.22:34
stdinit *should* ignore the channel when not given, *sigh*22:35
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk #ubuntu-offtopic22:35
ubottuNo matches found for *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk in #ubuntu-offtopic22:35
Myrtti@bansearch *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk #ubuntu22:35
ubottuNo matches found for *!*@78-105-161-221.zone3.bethere.co.uk in #ubuntu22:35
Seeker`when is the new council member election?22:36
Seeker`right now this second?22:37
PriceChildNot quite, sorta ongoing22:39
Seeker`who votes and how22:41
PriceChildnot sure yet, but will be done soon22:42
ompaulhere we go22:44
ompaulplease see -offtopic for logs anyone who is interested22:44
naliothScheissDrogen: can we help you?22:44
ompaulnalioth, check -ot for my ban22:44
ompaulScheissDrogen, you were removed after I asked you to change your nick22:45
ScheissDrogenompaul kicked me off #ubuntu-offtopic22:45
ompaulwe would not let someone into these channels22:45
ompaulcalling themselves shitdrugs22:45
ompaulin english22:45
ompauland where we can spell it in german french russian etc we don't like that22:46
ompaulin general22:46
Seeker`linkmaster03 doesn't seem nice22:46
ompaulScheissDrogen, so is there anything else or are you not going to change your nick?22:48
ScheissDrogenI don't understand your anger with that, why do you fell attcked ?22:49
ompaulI don't feel attacked22:49
ScheissDrogenbut ?22:49
ompaulthere is no but22:49
Seeker`ScheissDrogen: I think the problem is that the nickname is considered unsuitable / not family friendly22:49
ompaulyour nick is not what we would accept in english, so we won't accept it in german either22:50
ompaulAlles ist jetzt klar22:50
ScheissDrogenhmm, i don't wanna annoy you, what about StupidDrugs ?22:51
ScheissDrogenompaul ?22:52
Seeker`why do you need a reference to drugs in your nickname?22:52
ompaulfrankly I don't want a reference to drugs in the nick22:52
ompaulnor do I want shit/scheiss inthere22:53
ompaulgame over22:53
ompaulinsert a coin to continue22:53
ScheissDrogenk, i call me badburglered, then ......... k ?22:53
ScheissDrogento not get kicked by  you ?22:54
ScheissDrogenompaul, insert your coin..22:55
ompaulwhy not meet me in good faith, and change your nick so it refers not to crime, or chemicals in a way that might annoy/ depress someone22:55
ompaulin other words pick something that can't have bad memories for anyone22:55
Seeker`ScheissDrogen: How about FluffyBunny22:56
ScheissDrogenBrightSun !22:56
ompaulproprietary software :)22:57
ompaulbut yea22:57
ompauljust do it22:57
ompaulstop asking22:57
ScheissDrogenk, so I will change to not disturb your rosegarden ...cu22:57
* ompaul observes22:57
* ompaul waters the plants22:58
ompaulbut anyway22:58
ompaulremoved ban in good faith in -ot22:59
* jussi01 -> bed23:02
BrightSunnyBunnyhow to remove a nickname ?23:07
BrightSunnyBunnyompaul ?23:07
ompaul /nick brightSun23:08
ompaulor some such23:08
BrightSunnyBunnycan't register, have to remove ScheissDrogen23:08
ompaulBrightSunnyBunny, you want #freenode to help you with registration issues - afik you can /drop sch.... etc23:09
BrightSunnyBunnytrying #freenode23:10
ompaulohh noes its mneptok23:10
ompaulBrightSunnyBunny, anything else?23:11
BrightSunnyBunnylets save the world, nope23:12
PriceChildompaul: watching #freenode?23:26
mneptoki'd like some taquitos.23:35
ompaulmneptok, with or with even more23:36
mneptokinterestign choice23:36
ompaulmneptok, only the best for you23:42
* tritium sends mneptok some New Mexican taquitos with super-hot chile23:48
ompaulwhy ohh why tritium23:49
tritiumompaul: because it's so yummy delicious23:50
ompaulwhy ohh why is it hot and called chilly / chile23:50
ompaulI can't work this out23:50
ompauland I think it is one of life's great mysteries23:50
tritiumchili = a recipe.  chile = a pepper (or a country, if you capitalize it)23:50
tritium"chili" typically has more than just "chile" in it, including beans, meat, etc.23:51
tritiummneptok and I had this discussion when he visited :)23:51
tritiumBut, it can be hot and chile at the same time.  What irony.  ;)23:52
* tritium goes outside23:53
ompaultritium, watch out for falling pixels from that big blue monitor overhead :)23:55
tritiumompaul: :)23:58

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