
wat!swat > wat00:00
ubottuwat, please see my private message00:00
soundrayKrauss: http://resources.vr-zone.com/Shamino/DFI_RS482/DFI_RS482_BIOS2.jpg  -- UMA Framebuffer Size00:00
arttiHey everyone. I have small questions. Which text files change constantly. I know about log files. But is there some other files.00:00
Krausssoundray: Thanks00:00
ERICHMOBILEanyone know if gnucash can save as pdf??00:01
soundrayartti: you're looking for text files that change, but that aren't log files?00:01
ActionParsnipKrauss: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=13420100:01
soundrayERICHMOBILE: if it can print, it can save to PDF.00:01
carandrauglinkmaster03: I didn't thought about root being a diferent user at the moment. Mine was never locked (well, actually it's the first time I went to that menu but it's not now now)00:01
KraussActionParsnip: Thanks00:01
cheekysoundray: i wanted to it via terminal for learning purposes i should have mentoined it earlier my bad00:01
arttisoundray, well log files was first i found, now i look more.00:01
carandrauglinkmaster03: maybe there's something in gconf-editor00:02
bert1anyone know why i cant delete or move files i have just copyed to the desktop??? i keep getting permision denied errors...)00:02
linkmaster03carandraug: i'll just post on ubuntuforums :P00:02
soundraycheeky: check whether it's mounted by running the "mount" command with no parameters. If the mount point is /media/disk, then that's where you'll find the files00:02
soundrayartti: why, if I may ask?00:03
cheekysoundray: ahhh nice thnx00:03
bert1hi, I have a folder open with lots of pictures. how do i display a coloum that shows the dimensions of the pictures (1280x800 etc...)00:03
orgthingycan i get .deb of linux kernel?00:03
KraussAlright soundray and ActionParsnip, thanks for the help. I'm off to try and work this out. =D00:03
orgthingyim really scared to compile kernel00:03
arttisoundray, ehm, i got somekind game idea about four hours ago and now i've done that.00:04
Martiiniorgthingy: packages.ubuntu.org00:04
soundrayorgthingy: Ubuntu makes it unnecessary in all but the most extreme cases00:04
fozillassh session closes immediatley after opening when trying chroot users via jailkit, only info I could find was mounting /proc in the jail... still no luck, any ideas?00:04
abc1234567http://paste.ubuntu.com/45977/ can anyone help00:04
ActionParsnipKrauss: gl man00:04
cheekysoundray: i it spat out alot of mount points .. iam having a lil trouble finding wat my usb HDD is called00:04
orgthingyand, if i upgrade to 8.10 in october00:04
orgthingywill it upgrade kernel as well?00:04
carandraugImSoNewb: did you figure out what was wrong?00:05
ActionParsnipabc1234567: what command are you running to get that message?00:05
silokocheeky: ununtu usually mounts usb drives in /media - called something like disk-100:05
KraussThanks again ActionParsnip  and sounray00:05
ImSoNewbcarandraug: i rebooted, loaded up the live session, and ran the installer. at the partitioning screen, the same thing is happening. no hard disks displayed and i can't proceed.00:05
Martiiniorgthingy: it will upgrady everything to current versions when you do release upgrade00:05
strategywow, piping is really cool and useful..00:05
soundraycheeky: if your regular hard disk is /dev/sda, it's probably /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc -- so try 'mount | grep sd | grep media' to filter the results00:05
silokocheeky:  so to view from the commandline you need to type "nautilus /media/disk-1"00:06
abc1234567actionparsnip  : system - administatration update manager  then it asks if i want to do a partial upgrade or cancel00:06
cheekynautilus... that new ..whats that00:07
ActionParsnip!upgrade | abc123456700:07
ubottuabc1234567: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:07
ActionParsnipabc1234567: you following that guide ^?00:07
orgthingycheeky : nautilus sucks00:07
silokocheeky:  the gnome file manager00:07
strategycheeky, it's the file browser00:07
orgthingybut still best that i know00:07
ActionParsnip!nautilus | cheeky00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus00:08
orgthingyubottu : u know nothing00:08
soundraycheeky: have you seen the cli factoid?00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about u know nothing00:08
carandraugImSoNewb: that's really strange. Only thing that occurs to me is some problem with the disks installation. You'll have to ask around and say that nothing appears appears under "sudo fdisk -l"00:08
soundray!cli > cheeky00:08
ubottucheeky, please see my private message00:08
abc1234567action - running the latest version00:08
cheekysoundray:  wat cli ?00:08
ActionParsnip!cli | cheeky00:08
ubottucheeky: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:08
soundraycheeky: see the private message that ubottu sent00:09
silokocheeky: cli = command line interface00:09
abc1234567actionparsnip running sudo apt-update gets the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/45981/00:09
orgthingyGNOME-terminal is slow00:09
orgthingy<3 ROXterm00:09
adamonline45Hello, I have a server daemon running whos process I'm trying to kill from within top.  It keeps restarting itself, is there a way to stop it?  Which sig kill # thing should I pass it?00:09
TheMaxzillanot rly00:09
orgthingymuch faster00:09
clint_ok konqueror rawks00:09
cheekysiloko: thnnx00:09
ActionParsnipabc1234567: you need to get the key for that server to alieviate that00:09
ActionParsniporgthingy: yakuake :)00:10
abc1234567actionparsnip :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/45983/00:10
ActionParsniporgthingy: terminal goes as fast as the system. i dont see how a cli can be faster than another00:10
orgthingyGNOME-terrminal has slower start-up than ROXterm, a known fact00:10
ActionParsniporgthingy: ahh, loading times00:10
abc1234567actionparsnhip where do i get a key ?00:11
soundrayActionParsnip: gnome-terminal is renowned for slow font rendering (but it's improved a lot in recent years)00:11
orgthingyActionParsnip : yes, that matters a bit :P00:11
KraussPerfect. =D00:12
orgthingyis there a shell script/program that ables nautilus to rename multiple files at once?00:12
soundrayKrauss: you have more RAM now?00:12
Krausssoundray: Yup.00:12
ActionParsnipsoundray: orgthingy: my pc is always on and yakuake is always running00:12
Krausssoundray: You're a huge help00:12
Krausssoundray: thanks =D00:12
orgthingyyakuake ?00:12
KraussActionParsnip: thanks so much00:13
=== bobRoots is now known as bobroots
stinger1990can i make a server out of an 8GB HDD?00:13
InHisNameph0rensic: I tried adding "vesa" and got a scrambled login screen.  Went to ctrl-altf2 and put back "nv" into it. Still have the problem after logging in and before desktop creation.00:13
soundraystinger1990: no, you'd need a CPU as well00:13
stinger1990well, yeah i know this00:13
ActionParsnipabc1234567: http://www.backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instructions00:13
starnanyone know the name of the "software?"  that enables the 3d desktop crap? like the 3d cube? i know it starts with a C i keep wanting to say compiz am i right? i knwo this is a nooby question... but my memory is horrible00:13
Siph0nstarn, compiz ?00:13
soundraystinger1990: Ubuntu Server edition installs fine in 3GB HD00:14
InHisNameph0rensic: there must be another setting or conf file somewhere interfering with a bad setting.00:14
Siph0nstarn, compiz sounds right to me00:14
ActionParsniporgthingy: its the equiv of tilda in gnome00:14
soundray!server > stinger199000:14
art_this is going to be the most retarded question today, but how for heavens sake can i paste something in nautilus (preferably without terminal. I already tried googling it for 2 hours00:14
ubottustinger1990, please see my private message00:14
ActionParsnip!tilda | orgthingy00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tilda00:14
stinger1990so, I would be able to host an UT3 server fine?00:14
* orgthingy goes to wikipedia00:14
ActionParsniporgthingy: its like console in quake o halflife00:14
stinger1990with 2GB ram, and 1.8GHz Sempron00:14
ph0rensicInHisName: nothing comes to mind man sorry00:14
jribart_: nautilus?  the file browser?  just right click, paste00:14
starnSiph0n: oh ok thanks ^^ i never trust my memory lol for normaly it is wrong.00:14
soundrayart_: right-click and select Paste from the context menu?00:14
art_it wont00:14
art_i need permission00:14
orgthingyi have around 1GHZ laptop00:14
ActionParsniporgthingy: basically you can view or hide the terminal with a hot key00:14
orgthingywith ~300mb ram00:15
jribart_: what exactly are you trying to copy and where?00:15
orgthingyand crappy ATI graphics card00:15
orgthingy#1 worst pc of all time00:15
ActionParsnippeace out kids, im gone,00:15
art_a config file in /usr/local/games/enemy-territory00:15
ActionParsniporgthingy: sudo apt-get install tilda00:15
soundrayorgthingy: please keep it on one line and express yourself professionally00:15
orgthingywhat;s hot key though?00:15
starnSiph0n: hey um whats the dif in compiz fusion? and compiz?... i just got a little confused.00:16
orgthingysoundray : awww :'(00:16
soundrayorgthingy: hot key for what?00:16
orgthingysoundray : tilda00:16
Siph0nstarn, not sure :) ... compiz fusion may be the new name for it.... but dont quote me :)00:16
orgthingyActionParsnip : what alias do you have?00:16
orgthingymost of my alias begin with "mk" :P00:16
orgthingyit makes it sound more UNIXish :P00:16
Siph0nstarn, I thought two things combined to form compiz fusion00:16
ph0rensicstarn: I think compiz and beryl combined to make compiz fusion, so there are packages from both projects00:17
starnSiph0n: ok thanks :) might be.. um. i guess i shall download fusion..00:17
ph0rensicstarn: wait what os u on?00:17
austinHi room00:17
ph0rensicsasser lol00:17
starnph0rensic: ubuntu 8.0400:17
jrib!who | art_00:18
ubottuart_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:18
adamonline45Do I have to do anything special to boot a computer remotely, by NIC?  Or just acess it?00:18
ph0rensicstarn: do a sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manage00:18
starnph0rensic: and i know i dont have no dang 3d cube like my first install00:18
duxbarakwhat do i need to do to get a basic webcam to work?  i plugged it in and nothing happened automagically00:18
ph0rensicoops manager00:18
austinHow do you installl themes? i'm having a bit of trouble00:18
art_let me reformulate: what magic keycombination (e.g. alt-f4) lets my type in my password in nautilus, so i can paste something00:18
starnph0rensic: ok00:18
jribart_: you need to run 'gksudo nautilus'.  Be careful with what you do while that is open.  After you have copied the file, be sure to close this instance of nautilus00:18
Aaskereiai'm not able to use dbus in an ssh session.. I typed export `dbus-launch` and export $DISPLAY=:0.0 ... do I need to do anything else?00:18
ph0rensicstarn: Because fusion comes packaged with hardy .. you just have to enable the control for it by sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:19
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo00:19
starnph0rensic: ah... i see um it says couldn't find package. i'll check if i added a space from copy and past :D i know i am lazy00:19
soundray!webcam > duxbarak00:19
ubottuduxbarak, please see my private message00:19
soundrayAaskereia: please explain a bit more about what you are trying to do00:20
ph0rensicstarn: at the end did you copy the manage or manager?00:20
=== asdas is now known as LGKeiz
starnph0rensic: if its in apt-get wont it be in the package manager thingy?00:20
art_yeeeah, it worked00:20
art_thnx jrib and ubottu00:20
starnph0rensic: yes not suppose to?00:20
ph0rensicstarn: It should have the r at the end00:20
MindVirusAny audio visualization software on Linux?00:20
ph0rensicmanager not manage00:20
art_how can i close the instance?00:20
MindVirusYvonne, thanks for the link.00:21
jribart_: press the x00:21
soundrayMindVirus: do you mean eyecandy or envelope curves and such?00:21
starnph0rensic: wow that makes me feel dumb ty mate00:21
Aaskereiasoundray: I got Exaile running on my other computer. I SSH'd into that system and typed export $DISPLAY=:0.0 and export `dbus-launch`, but when I type "exaile -q", it says no running instance of Exaile found.. even though it's running. I'd liek to be able to control it via SSH00:21
ph0rensicsall good man00:21
MindVirussoundray, I wouldn't know. I mean something that looks pretty to music.00:21
art_somethings are so illogical to me as windows user that the logical seems to easy to be true00:22
MindVirusart_, it's OK. Not everyone's as smart as I am.00:22
guibbyI'm going to install dualboot with WinXP on my laptop, the Ubuntu documentation says you can just do a defrag of WinXP and then run the live CD to partition, is this really OK, or will I get better results reformatting and setting partitions then?00:22
soundrayAaskereia: forget about dbus and $DISPLAY and use 'ssh -CX user@othercomputer'. Then exaile will play on the other computer, but display on your local one.00:22
NotDamienGrayGosseyn77: Hiya.00:22
Gosseyn77is there persons living in china or usa please?00:22
watwhy is it telling methat I do not have permission to access a folder?00:23
MindVirusGosseyn77, here.00:23
watim the uhh OWNER00:23
orgthingywhat o_O00:23
starnph0rensic: thankyou i now got the one function i've been wanting my 3d cube00:23
MindViruswat, check its permissions.00:23
NotDamienGrayGosseyn77: USA here.00:23
orgthingyi dont need sudo to use rm?00:23
ph0rensicguibby: IMO reinstalling both from scratch works best if you can do that00:23
watit says owner root00:23
guibbyI can just huge pain!00:23
wathow do i let this folder know im root?00:23
MindViruswat, use sudo.00:23
MindVirusYou're not the owner if the owner is root.00:23
ph0rensicstarn: cool, be sure to enable cube caps and set images for those so the cube at the top and bottom isn't plain00:23
MindVirusRoot is the owner.00:23
soundray!sudo | wat00:23
shiloh7_ewwwwwww windows00:23
ubottuwat: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)00:23
MindVirusYou can be root if you have high privileges.00:23
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:24
Aaskereiasoundray, I'm SSH'ing into the system with a cellphone. I can't make it display X windows00:24
AliTabuger7guibby - I could be wrong, but i think defragging in windows puts all of the data in the very beginning of the disk, so that would mean that the data toward the end won't be erased.00:24
Aaskereiasoundray, something with dbus can't be done?00:24
ph0rensicguibby: Second best option is to use partition magic to resize the windows drive00:24
starnph0rensic: you mean you can fix that? wow my first install i just learned to ignore it.00:24
ph0rensicguibby: After a defrag etc00:24
guibbyOK then, I'll do that, I didn't have anything better to do tonight!00:24
soundrayAaskereia: I see... maybe use a cli audio player instead of exaile?00:24
ph0rensicstarn: Yes you can even set hotkeys to scroll through several differnt image options while your moving the cube00:25
watso how do i do gksudo to open up the file browser?00:25
SebNaitsabeswat: why do you want to do that?00:25
ph0rensicwat: gksudo nautilus00:25
soundraywat: hit Alt-F2 and type gksudo nautilus00:25
SebNaitsabeswat: be careful or you can screw Ubuntu up with that00:25
guibbySo then in terms of partition size, assuming I have about 15 GB or so space I can use for my Ubuntu install, how would you allocate space: 500 MB to swap, 8 to root and 7 to home, or more to root?00:25
Aaskereiasoundray: What I'm asking is if it's possible to do it with dbus00:25
soundraywat: please be very careful while you run nautilus with root privileges00:25
MindVirusDoes anyone something that looks pretty to music?00:25
strategyHow is ubuntu pronounced? ooh*boon*two ?00:26
watwhat? how come soundray?00:26
=== eddie is now known as Guest51834
NotDamienGrayStrategy: Yes00:26
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  I did not understand your question00:26
strategywat, you can accidentally delete something and fsck up your entire ubuntu install00:26
MindVirusSebNaitsabes, visualizer. Like AVS or Milkdrop in Windows.00:26
strategyNotDamienGray, thanks =]00:26
SebNaitsabesMindVirus: a pretty music program?00:26
soundraywat: strategy has put that very nicely00:26
ph0rensicguibby: What I did was assign 100 to root 2 to swap and home will install in root00:26
MindVirusSebNaitsabes, I guess.00:26
strategysoundray, ty :p00:27
NotDamienGrayStrategy: No problem.00:27
ZeroSerenityHere's a long question. I have Ubuntu that I use as a live CD. I want to know what I can use to connect to my home machine through SSH and VNC.00:27
SebNaitsabesMindVirus: you can try Wine  or you can run Windows inside Ubuntu00:27
soundrayAaskereia: I'm not sure why you are getting a dbus message there00:27
MindVirusI want something native.00:27
ph0rensicguibby: Although I have never seperated my root and home dirs before I know there is certainly advantages, although with not much space, you might be better with them combined00:27
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:   I have a link that maybe will help00:27
ZeroSerenityCurrently I just use puTTY and RealVNC (GUI) to pull this off. What can I use that doesn't need installation on Ubuntu to tunnel the proper port and do VNC?00:27
watokay here why I needed to do that i guess, i installed samba and im trying to share a folder but it tells me 'net usershare' returned error 255, etc etc cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. error permision denied and you do not have permission to create a usershare00:27
guibbySo you didn't want your documents on a different partition ph0rensic? In case you wanted to do an upgrade or anything00:27
cheekysoundray: i managed to get into my usb drive .. through the terminal thnks;but there is something i need to know; i wanna use the grep function .. so like there is a file called cheeky .. so i did a "grep cheeky" and i was in that current directory .. nothing happened when i pressed enter ..i did ctrl C ... did i type the grep funtion wrong ?00:27
Aaskereiasoundray: Because I have a script that uses Dbus to control exaile, which works locally on the machine00:28
watso im trying to figure out how to do this so I can share this folder oer my network so my windows PCs can use it etc00:28
strategyZeroSerenity, both ssh and vnc clients come preinstalled even with the livecd iirc00:28
Aaqilhi I got netbeans in .sh extension now how to install link please ?00:28
strategyAaqil, dont do that00:28
guibbyHmmm, good point.00:28
strategyAaqil, simply open a new terminal and type: sudo apt-get install netbeans00:28
strategyAaqil, in a few minutes, netbeans will be ready to use00:28
Aaqilstrategy: I did sudo apt-get install netbeans before it said package not found00:28
ph0rensicguibby: Well Im sure it would be better that way... Mostly I save backups to a NAS drive and have all my media, backup, etc there00:29
strategyAaqil, hm00:29
strategyone second00:29
NotDamienGrayWhat the hell? I'm banned from #php and #apache, even though I've never used those channels.00:29
soundraycheeky: yes, you have to give it one or more file names to search through. Try 'grep cheeky *' to search all files in the current dir.00:29
ZeroSerenitystrategy: How do I use them to pul off what I want?00:29
strategyAaqil, you sure?00:29
guibbyI'm just experimenting mostly, and I want to start to learn how to program and I'd rather do that on linux than windows00:29
strategyZeroSerenity, what exactly do you want?00:29
guibbyMost of my media will stay on the windows portion00:29
strategyZeroSerenity, i didnt hear you the first time sorry00:29
ph0rensicguibby: How big is your whole drive?00:29
Aaqilstrategy: yup I was here before and last instruction I got to download .sh file from netbeans web00:29
strategyAaqil, interesting. you're running hardy right?00:30
guibby80 GB00:30
DjViperguibby: what sort of programming are you looking to do?00:30
soundrayAaskereia: okay, got it now. This may not be solvable with ssh -- perhaps you can get a VNC client for your phone and setup remote desktop on the exaile machine?00:30
ph0rensicguibby: How much is windows currently using?00:30
guibbyJust learning for fun, I want to learn python00:30
ZeroSerenityUse SSH to tunnel port 5800 so I can use VNC through SSH.00:30
Gosseyn77someone know a china chat please?00:30
soundray!cn | Gosseyn7700:30
ubottuGosseyn77: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:30
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  42 of the best free Linux audio software  http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20080622143124178/Audio.html00:30
guibbyAlmost 45 GB. and 30 GB of that is music00:30
strategyAaqil, you should be able to apt-get netbeans..00:31
guibbyI'm reluctant to send all files to linux, because I have an ipod touch00:31
Gosseyn77soundray ubottu thanks :)00:31
starnph0rensic: um i got an image on top but none on bottom why??00:31
strategyAaqil, copy and paste this directly: sudo apt-get install netbeans00:31
MindVirusSebNaitsabes, I need a VISUALIZER.00:31
MindVirusSomething that looks good.00:31
MindVirusNot something that plays.00:31
cheekysoundray: so wildstar means present directory ?00:32
Aaskereiasoundray: uh, no, not what I'm looking to do00:32
Aaskereiathanks anyway00:32
ph0rensicguibby: hehe ok, so maybe do 60 for win and 20 for linux then give 1 Gig for swap, and 8 for root and 11 for home/?00:32
ph0rensicstarn: Did you set which images to load for cube caps?00:32
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  I don't think there is anything, but you can try    http://www.osalt.com  http://www.linuxeq.com  http://www.sf.net and  http://www.freshmeat.net00:32
rcbaxtIs anyone familiar with the Ruby1.9 package in Ubuntu?00:32
soundraycheeky: no, by itself, it means 'all files in the present directory'00:32
starnph0rensic: yes.00:32
ph0rensicstarn: I wasn't getting any images with mine so I had to add the image path for both00:33
guibbyWhy so much for swap?00:33
Aaqilstrategy: yup I am using hardy00:33
MindVirusSebNaitsabes, thanks anyways.00:33
strategyAaqil, interesting. did you copy & paste what i said?00:33
SebNaitsabesMindVirus: you can find pretty much any LInux program that exists on sf and freshmeat00:33
ph0rensicstarn: Maybe the bottom image is linked to a non existent file00:33
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  searching for audio visulizer or something on those two, could do the trick00:33
Aaqilstrategy:  hey now its working00:34
cheekysoundray: i wanna copy the a direcotry to my music folder in my / home directory  so would this work " "cp -r music /home/user/music/music"   ?00:34
strategyAaqil, probably typo'd before or something :)00:34
ph0rensicstarn: or one without read permissions...00:34
MindVirusSebNaitsabes, I'm not interested in SF. I want to find if it's in the package manager. If I wanted to get software not in APT I would have gotten it.00:34
MindVirusI should write something.00:34
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  I don't think there is in package manager00:34
Aaqilstrategy: now I am downloading before it was saying E package now found etc something like that00:34
starnph0rensic: i dont know.. i even tried two images think it is back ground image? some how? seeing how skydome seems to be that.00:34
=== root is now known as NotDamienGray
SebNaitsabesMindVirus:  ,but sure if you can program write your own for Linux00:35
SebNaitsabesMindVirus: and lisense under GPL of course :)00:35
MindVirusOf course.00:35
NotDamienGrayWhat's a good IRC client that will show up in the programs list? Konversation requires me to run it as root, and it seems that's why I'm banned from some channels.00:35
daggerxwhat program do we have that opens publisher docs00:35
jribNotDamienGray: konversation does not require you to run it as root...00:36
SebNaitsabesdaggerx:  now that's an interesting one00:36
Odd-rationaledde1ri01986: none...00:36
SebNaitsabesdaggerx:  Open Office can't do it00:36
Odd-rationaledaggerx: none00:36
NotDamienGrayjrib: Whenever I don't run it as root I get a lot of errors and it doesn't open.00:36
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: KOffice can't do it,  Scribus can't do it,  they say00:36
Winston_SmithVTNotDamienGray: irssi00:36
strategynever run anything as root unless it's absolutely required00:36
jribNotDamienGray: pastebin the errors you get00:36
ph0rensicskydome should be the background beyond the cube .. yah try a different image00:36
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: Scribus say that reverse engingering the publishser format and getting right is one of the hardest things to do, well something on those lines it's on the website00:36
Odd-rationaledaggerx: google for convert .pub to.pdf if you want to view them...00:36
guibbyOK, gonna go home and get ready for a night of reloading my hard drive again...Thanks for your help ph0rensic00:37
AaqilHello my sounds are not working with ubuntu00:37
SebNaitsabesdaggerx:  if you really must be able to open and use Publisher documents in Linux there is a way :D  a bit of a crappy way since not native, but it works00:37
NotDamienGrayjrib: http://pastebin.com/m1ad3f84f00:37
soundraycheeky: no, I think what you want is 'cp -r music /home/user/music/'. That way your music files will be e.g. /home/user/music/music/unchained_melody.mp300:37
AaqilRolls 2 6-sided dice: 1 100:37
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: that's right you can run Publisher under Wine00:37
Odd-rationaledaggerx: but as for editing .pub's... there is no software for linux to do that. unluss msoffice in wine...00:37
jribNotDamienGray: it's exactly because you run things as root that you are having this issue. You have files in your HOME owned as root now00:38
daggerxor vm and use office right?00:38
soundrayAaqil: read the troubleshooting info on the help pages and ask again if you get stuck:00:38
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: lol  VM for Offfice lol00:38
jribNotDamienGray: do: sudo chown $USER: ~00:38
soundray!sound > Aaqil00:38
ubottuAaqil, please see my private message00:38
Odd-rationaledaggerx: but we do have apps that are BETTER than publisher... :P00:38
jribNotDamienGray: do: sudo chown -R $USER: ~00:38
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: Office 2003 runs rather great under Wine, with the exception of Access and maybe Outlook which sucks00:38
SebNaitsabesdaggerx:  not sure about Office 2007, but I think that works pretty well under Wine to00:38
jscinozgetting openarena to work through my schools proxy is hard00:39
NotDamienGrayjrib: Done, but I still get those errors.00:39
=== alain is now known as Guest52560
jscinozatm im trying this:00:39
daggerxbut this doc that i need to view is .pub so ill convert it to pdf and see what happens i guess00:39
cheekysoundray: i wanna copy that folder to another folder named music under the music folder !00:39
jribNotDamienGray: did you run my second command?  As my first one was wrong00:39
cheekysoundray: is that posiible ?00:39
jscinozsocksify openarena > port 1080 localforwarded over ssh (through school's msproxy) to home box running danted > intertubes00:39
NotDamienGrayjrib: Okay, that outputs: "chown: cannot access `/home/damien/.gvfs': Permission denied"00:39
SebNaitsabesdaggerx:  Microsoft publisher document viewer in Wine?00:40
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: if you don't need to edit them, that will do the trick00:40
soundraycheeky: sure -- but do you really want "/home/user/music/music/music/unchained_melody.mp3" -- three nested folders with the same name?00:40
jribNotDamienGray: paste the command you ran here00:40
daggerxok kool thx00:40
NotDamienGrayjrib: sudo chown -R $USER: ~00:40
jribNotDamienGray: what does 'ls -ld /home/damien/.kde{,share}' return now?00:41
xteejxHi peeps I'm having serious lock-up problems with wireless can someone have a look at bug 269193 for me please? Or if you know how to change the TX power to lower it I'd appreciatethat, its a Realtek 818700:41
jribNotDamienGray: what does 'ls -ld /home/damien/.kde{,/share}' return now?00:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269193 in ubuntu "[hardy] Realtek 8187 wifi overheating problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26919300:41
SebNaitsabesdaggerx: Microsoft Office publisher doucment viewer yeah, or wahtever it's called for just viewing.  and  you can do Publisher 2003 under Wine as I said00:41
Sladeis ubottu's learn script publicly available?00:41
SebNaitsabesfor editing00:41
=== debanman is now known as Thebanman
NotDamienGrayls: cannot access /home/damien/.kdeshare: No such file or directory00:41
NotDamienGraydrwx------ 6 damien damien 4096 2008-08-21 23:27 /home/damien/.kde00:41
snadgewhy does an update show up for k3b that it wont let me tick to install?00:41
cheekysoundray:  true lol..but see like the folder was my back up music and within that i have more albums andstuff so iam like trying to use cli to organise these files at the same time famelirizing my self with linux00:41
jribNotDamienGray: and the second command?  use pastebin00:41
jribSlade: search for the ubuntu bots project on launchpad.net00:42
soundraycheeky: okay -- good way to learn probably00:42
bancaihello, i am new to linux, I see sometime, that when people offering some compiled linux binary to download, they offered in many version, like for fedora, suse, etc. cant one universal binary be used for all linux distro?00:42
ThebanmanCan i have a windows xp linux mixed osx ?00:42
NotDamienGrayjrib: http://pastebin.com/m2125f71000:42
SebNaitsabesbancai:  they are working on stuff like that I think, however most programs you can get as a Deb00:42
jscinozThebanman, what do you mean? like triple boot?00:43
xteejxThebanman: If you can make it I'm sure people wouldn't buy it lol this is linux00:43
bancaiSebNaitsabes, what do you mean by working on stuff like that?00:43
cheekysoundray: i hope so ;someo mentioned about a file system manager .. were they talking aboutit ..like its run in cli ?00:43
jribNotDamienGray: I don't know why you are getting an error on .gvfs, but I think everything else went okay.  Try running konversation now.  You probably want to log out and log back in anyway though00:43
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SebNaitsabesbtancai:   tar.gz  is  for like any distro00:43
NotDamienGrayjrib: Alright, I'll do that as soon as I'm done compiling open office.00:43
SebNaitsabesbtancai:  then we got t he Deb for  Debian based and RPM for Redhat based00:43
jribNotDamienGray: why compile it?  It's packaged in the repositories00:44
soundraycheeky: I've heard about one called midnight commander or mc -- no personal experience here00:44
xteejxbug 269193 anyone any ideas please?00:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269193 in ubuntu "[hardy] Realtek 8187 wifi overheating problems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26919300:44
ThebanmanNo i mean 1 that was created by bill gates00:44
NotDamienGrayjrib: I wanted to see if it really takes as long as people say.00:44
yaddleWhat is the name of the terminal window application? Like if I needed to provide a program with the path to the terminal window application so it could launch a terminal window for me, what would I specify the path as?00:44
jribNotDamienGray: heh00:44
soundray!info mc | cheeky00:44
ubottucheeky: mc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB00:44
bancaiSebNaitsabes, there is programm.linux.tar.gz and programm.fc.tar.gz for fedora core for example. why cant fedora just use the universal one?00:44
SebNaitsabesThebanman:   OSX  can run on a PC yes, but  that's not perfect.   uhmmmmm  you can run WIndows inside Linux00:44
ThebanmanSo it works properly because linux wont let me game00:44
jribNotDamienGray: make sure you use gksu or kdesu when you need to launch a gui app as root from now on, but you should really never need to00:45
cheekysoundray:  so you  u just navigate and manage files ..using nomal cli and assinging variables and using the alias command to make life easier .. with no cli file manager ?00:45
Aaqilhello I am using Intel AC97 and my sounds are not working00:45
strategywindows is such a resource hog..00:45
NotDamienGrayjrib: Alright, thanks.00:45
SebNaitsabesbancai:  well   there might be some distro specific stuff in that tar.gz , but usaully sites for programs wil have tar.gaz for all distros00:45
SebNaitsabesAaqil: not even a start up sound?00:46
bancaiSebNaitsabes, yes, there is a tar.gz for all distro, i just wondering why there is a special one for fc00:46
soundraycheeky: me personally? Yes, I get by without a file manager. I use the history extensively (Arrow up, Ctrl-R searchstring) and tab completion.00:46
soundray!tab | cheeky00:46
ubottucheeky: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:46
ThebanmanWhat about letting bill gates make a linux would that not be cool00:46
SebNaitsabesbancai: as I said maybe stuff in that one that is only for Fedora00:46
LBIguy_how come when i install flash player the videos on youtube still won't work00:46
Thebanmanthen i can game00:46
AaqilSebNaitsabes: nope :(00:47
bancaiSebNaitsabes, and besides, if the binary is pre-compiled, how can it be used for others distro? wont you get dependency errs?00:47
jribLBIguy_: did you restart your browser?00:47
SebNaitsabesThebanman:  http://www.reactos.org  that's very alpha quality now so barely useable, but that will be an open source version of WIndows basically.00:47
SebNaitsabesThebanman:  3D games or non 3D?00:47
LBIguy_jrib u mean close it off and start it again yes00:47
cheekysoundray: yeah its cool like an art .. you create a your own unique ride to goaround the system :-[00:47
jribLBIguy_: what does this command return: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree mozilla-plugin-gnash00:47
Thebanman3d games like world of warcraft cod css qauke00:47
Thebanmanthings like that00:48
jribsoundray: . ..00:48
SebNaitsabesbancai:  well if it's a RPM for  Fedora  you can convert that to Deb with Alien or whatever00:48
bancaiSebNaitsabes, it is a binary00:48
filiusgood night00:48
soundrayjrib: oh no! Where did my unfinished novel go! :)00:48
bancaiSebNaitsabes, an executable binary00:48
yaddleDoes anyone know the path to the Terminal Window Application?00:48
=== DamienG is now known as NotDamienGray
yaddlefile path*00:48
ThebanmanI have wine but is sucks00:49
LBIguy_  Installed: (none)00:49
LBIguy_  Candidate: 0.8.2-0ubuntu300:49
LBIguy_  Version table:00:49
LBIguy_     0.8.2-0ubuntu3 000:49
FloodBot1LBIguy_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:49
jribyaddle: type 'which gnome-terminal' in a terminal00:49
SebNaitsabesThebanman:  I think WOW will run in Wine.  not sure.   you can find out about games in WIne at #winehq  ,but I was told that Worms 3D will work for example, but have not tested00:49
yaddlejrib: thanks00:49
benjickThebanman: I run wow thru wine00:49
danielm_mcwine?  no cedega?00:49
ThebanmanYe wow and css wurks but americas army does not00:50
benjickdanielm_mc: Never tried00:50
Thebanmanand other games00:50
SebNaitsabesI think you can probably get Americas Army working as well try #winehq00:50
danielm_mcyeah cedega has a much better influence00:50
Thebanmancedega is ever worst00:50
biggerfischdoes anyone know how to play a mp3 with amarok?00:50
wersI lost my usplash theme. now, whenever I boot, all I see is pure terminal. any idea?00:50
SebNaitsabesbiggerfisch: before MP3's even play on Ubuntu,  you need to install the propritary codec for them00:50
benjickThebanman: Check out http://appdb.winehq.org/00:50
filiusyou help me, pleases00:51
amenado2wers did you remove the splash option on your menu.lst ?00:51
Qsteris there a way to vnc to my remote desktop on a different user without disturbing another already logged in session?00:51
biggerfischSebNaitsabes: how do i do that?00:51
jribLBIguy_: you need to pastebin the full output (paste.ubuntu.com)00:51
filiushello benjick00:51
filiuscan you help me?00:51
benjickfilius: Err?00:51
SebNaitsabesbiggerfisch:  click on the MP3  and I think it might come up asking you to install the coded00:51
benjickfilius: State your question in the channel00:51
Aaqilintel ac 97 audio problem no system audio. just system beep.00:52
biggerfischSebNaitsabes: let me try00:52
benjickWhy not?00:52
IndyGunFreak!medibuntu | biggerfisch you can also add the medibuntu repository, and install w32codecs00:52
ubottubiggerfisch you can also add the medibuntu repository, and install w32codecs: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:52
filiuswait a moment please00:52
Odd-rationalebiggerfisch: or just: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras00:52
soundray!ccsm | filius00:52
ubottufilius: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:52
benjickThen why ask for help when you dont want it?00:52
biggerfischThank you00:52
wersamenado2, i cant see any splash option here. what line do I add?00:53
jscinozhi, I'm trying to set up a vpn connection from a machine inside a restrictive firewall (only 80 and 443 TCP allowed) to a machine outside with full access. I have ssh access to this machine on port 443, and i'm wondering what would be the best way to do this?00:53
filiushow can i see the ips connecteds to my pc?00:53
filiusi have UBUNTU 8.01.100:54
soundrayfilius: open a terminal and run 'ifconfig'00:54
jscinozi could install openvpn on the remote server then just localforward its port, and on the restricted machine connect to localhost:openvpnport, but i noticed ssh has this -w option which seems to be a VPN of sorts00:54
soundrayfilius: there is no such version00:54
amenado2wers-> nothing like   ro quiet splash  at the kernel line?00:54
jscinozwhere can i fidn more information on this00:54
Qsteris there a way to vnc to my remote desktop on a different user without disturbing another already logged in session?00:54
Swishfilius:  netstat -n00:54
benjickQster: That's not what VNC do00:55
wersoh yah. thanks, amenado2 :D00:55
Qsterbenjick: well is there anything that does? :P00:55
jscinozQster, which vncserver is being used?00:55
SebNaitsabesQster:  maybe, but have a look at this site http://www.nomachine.com  I still haven't figured out how to use this yet as such, but  I was able to use it to  get into  another account on this computer  using LAN.00:55
jscinoznomachine = free as in beer, not free as in speech00:55
starnwhat is the "super" key??00:55
filiusthanks, Swish00:55
jscinozstarn, windows key00:56
Swishwelcome filius00:56
filiusbut i dont want see it so00:56
Qsterjscinoz the one that comes with ubuntu00:56
jscinozQster, ie you configured it thorugh system > preferences > remote desktop?00:56
SebNaitsabesjsinoz: are you trying  to say it's propritary?00:56
filiusi wanna see real ips00:56
starnjscinoz: windows key? super? thats funny.. seeing how in windows it cuases me pain...00:56
Qsterjscinoz yes00:56
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: so what :D   VNC is  insecure unless it's some how tunnled over SSH00:57
benjickstarn: Well, windows adapted the superkey and made it the windows key00:57
jscinozQster, one moment theres another you can install in synaptic that starts its own session00:57
amenado2Qster-> what do you want done? you want another user to control your desktop?00:57
Qsterjscinoz wow thanks :)00:57
jscinozSebNaitsabes, yeah VNCoverSSH is pretty much required :P00:57
ThebanmanIs there a linux special for trolls ?00:57
starnbenjick: oh... and turned it into the worst thing ever? ;) anyways ty guys.00:57
filiusHello Swish00:57
benjickstarn: Hehe00:57
Qsterno amenado2 i want to log into my remote desktop on another user00:57
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: do you know how to do it?   Ubuntu to Ubuntu and  Ubuntu to WIndows.  and for that matter Windows to Ubuntu00:57
amenado2Qster that does not jive, my remote desktop and another user?00:58
jscinozQ_Contoxicated, vnc4server in the repository should do it00:58
NotDamienGraystarn: Windows key.00:58
Odd-rationaleSebNaitsabes: even nomachine cannot do windows --> ubuntu...00:58
jscinozQster, but there is no shiny GUI to configure it so you will have to consult the man pages and config files00:58
NotDamienGraystarn: nevermind, my text was scrolled up a bit.00:58
jscinozSebNaitsabes, VNC over ssh you want?00:58
SebNaitsabesOdd-rationale: you have used nomachine then?00:58
Qsterjscinoz ok ill give it a try00:58
benjickI guess you want something like windows terminal server?00:58
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: yeah and with listening. so the noobs don't have to open a port00:58
Odd-rationaleSebNaitsabes: sometime ago... but yes...00:58
filiushello benjick00:59
filiushow are you?00:59
benjickfilius: Why are you turning to me?00:59
benjickfilius: I'm good. But this is no place for chat :P00:59
filiusbut i wanna know anythings00:59
amenado2Odd-rationale-> umm you can use vnc or freenx from windows to ubuntu01:00
Odd-rationaleamenado2: i meant windows server. linux client...01:00
filiusi wanna see the ips connected in my red01:00
SebNaitsabesamenado2:  yeah freenx  that's what nomachine uses?01:00
Odd-rationaleSebNaitsabes: freenx is the open implementeation of nxserver01:01
filiusbut i wanna see it real ips01:01
benjickfilius: In your red?01:01
benjickWhat's that :P01:01
amenado2SebNaitsabes-> per Odd-rationale01:01
filiusthe IPs connected in my red01:01
jscinozschool pwnt my tunnel01:02
filiusor network01:02
filiusi am sorry01:02
jscinozSebNaitsabes, did you get the things i said about VNC over ssh?01:02
SebNaitsabesI don't really care how I do it just as long as it's secure.  so  listening.   they connect to me  use my open port which then shows  me and lets me control their desktop.   and at times maybe I want to let someone connect into my Ubuntu box securely.  from either Windows or Linux01:02
filiusi speak spanish01:02
jscinozand Qster did vnc4server work01:02
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: no I did not01:02
soundrayfilius: there are Spanish channels:01:02
soundray!es | filius01:02
ubottufilius: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:02
SebNaitsabesyep listening/reverse connecting so noobs don't have to open ports01:03
Qsterjscinoz: i believe it will if i can figure it out :)01:03
jscinozSebNaitsabes, Ubuntu client to any server all you do is ssh to the remote box with the option -L SOMEPORT:localhost:VNCPORT, then in your vnc client, connect to localhost:SOMEPORT, which forwards to the box you are ssh'd to, on whatever you said for VNCPORT01:03
jscinozQster, ok good luck :)01:03
Qsterjscinoz: thanks for your help01:03
aTypicalHi, all.  I'd like to install ubuntu, but only have a 7.10 disc.  If I use that will a dist-upgrade bring me current?  I would download and burn, but don't have any discs.01:03
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: on WIndows they seem to need putty so that SSH can be used.  and then to set up some sort of port forwarding in that01:03
benjickSebNaitsabes: You can use putty to tunnel traffic01:04
jscinozSebNaitsabes, is windows the server or client?01:04
jscinozSebNaitsabes, in putty, you can configure tunnels the same way, just go to tunnels, then make a local tunnel with SOMEPORT:localhost:VNCPORT01:04
craigbass1976Is there something different about hardy as far as ethernet goes?  I'm running xub hardy on a box that worked fine way back in the days of RH 7.3.  Router shows something is plugged in01:04
SebNaitsabesthe one that is being connected to is the server yes?  so  the server01:04
soundrayaTypical: yes, you can do that. There are ways of installing without a disk, though:01:04
craigbass1976and the ethernet card is lit up01:04
jscinozSebNaitsabes, ok does this server have ssh running?01:04
soundray!install | aTypical01:04
ubottuaTypical: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:04
amenado2aTypical-> you can use that, then you can use debootstrap to load the newer..and pkagaes after..i dont suggest upgrading, people had difficulty time with upgrades..dont know why01:05
jscinozSebNaitsabes, if its windows server, you need to get openssh for windows01:05
jakeAnything that is supposed to be see thru is showing a different than my desktop. It's ruining my themes and I can't figure out where this image was set to display.01:05
bluefox83ssh is being such a pain D:01:05
soundrayamenado2: most such difficulties arise from modifications of the gutsy install. A freshly installed gutsy will upgrade cleanly01:06
bert1hi, is there a way to display image size in list view in nautilus??01:06
amenado2aTypical-> just an fyi, a debootstrap installs the base, then installing the packages to complete it01:06
SebNaitsabesjscinoz:  what I want.   Windows/Linux noob to  connect to my open port which is listening.   then there computer loads up on mine.  and for that to be done securely.   I also would like Windows/lLinux noob or someone to maybe  connect to my computer, but securely.01:06
Aaqilhi after enabling BOT I am getting this message again and again on every installation http://paste.ubuntu.com/45995/01:07
amenado2soundray oh okay cool..i guess off the bat people tend to do an update that modifies and then do an upgrade..01:07
aTypicalThank you, soundray and amenado2.  I think a discless install would be cool.  I'll read the link.01:07
jscinozSebNaitsabes, alright, just to make sure i understand what you want. you have people using windows or linux, connecting to a VNC server running on a windows box?01:07
tuxicewhere can i download ubottu01:07
jscinozSebNaitsabes, is this correct?01:07
tuxicesource code01:07
kitchethink it's a supybot01:08
SebNaitsabesjscinoz:  a listening vnc server I guess it is01:08
jscinozSebNaitsabes, and the vnc server is on windows?01:08
kitchetuxice: yep a supybot01:08
SebNaitsabesor Ubuntu01:08
jscinozSebNaitsabes, ok, and i assume you need to do it over a ssh tunnel since the VNC servre you're using doesnt have built in SSL support?01:08
tuxicecan i download01:09
SebNaitsabesjscinoz:  I can give you a link for what I have been doing,  when it came to Ubuntu to Ubuntu, but that's not the secure way01:09
soundraySebNaitsabes: make sure your users know when you are connecting to their machines remotely01:09
SebNaitsabessoundray:  yes they know01:10
SebNaitsabessoundray: they have to accept the connection in fact01:10
SebNaitsabessoundray: by running vnc01:10
jahnkeanatercan i have php run commands in terminla01:10
kitchetuxice: yes supybot.com01:10
tuxiceis it possible to download ubottu01:10
soundraySebNaitsabes: just an aside01:10
jribtuxice: search for the ubuntu bots project on launchpad.net01:10
jahnkeanateri want to have a way to turn off my server remotly01:11
jscinozSebNaitsabes, what i think youcould try is, install putty on the client machines, make the configuration to connect to the windows server running openssh, then set up bookmarks in the vnc client to connect to localhost:VNCport this would make it easy for the users01:11
=== Guest69139 is now known as talntid
jscinozand the ubuntu users, just set out the details for the host in ~/.ssh/config then just make a script that connects to that ssh host, then runs vncviewer localhost:VNCPORT01:12
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: yeah exactly it should be easy for the people being remote connected01:12
jscinozSebNaitsabes, althugh if you can find a vnc server that has built in encryption01:12
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: however what your saying I do not know how to do01:12
jscinozitd probably be a lot easier01:12
jscinozsince you dont really need the ssh tunnel then01:12
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: that's what I thought http://www.nomachine.com basically was, a way to do SSH securely01:13
SebNaitsabeswith VNC01:13
soundrayjahnkeanater: install sshd, then you can run    ssh user@remote 'sudo shutdown -h now'01:13
bert1hi, is there a room here for nautilus questions?01:13
jscinozSebNaitsabes, i believe it is just a VNC server with built in encryption01:13
jscinozand has a custom vnc client with encryption support01:13
soundraybert1: not specifically. Try and ask here01:13
bert1hi, is there a way to display image size in list view in nautilus??01:14
sjeahi all01:14
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:14
SebNaitsabesjscinoz:  well  I told you what I want and you seem to understand that, but  problem is I am not at all sure how to  acheive  all that securely01:15
ScuniziI've put a couple of "drawers" on my upper panel.  Does anyone know of a way to auto populate a drawer with directory links that are inside of another directory?01:15
jscinozSebNaitsabes, give me a moment to have a look at if nomachine does what you want01:15
sjeahow do i turn off the internal firewall?01:15
SebNaitsabesjscinoz:  ok sure thanks01:15
sjealet my router do all the work01:15
SebNaitsabessjea: it's a good idea to have a software firewall so the one built into Ubuntu01:16
SebNaitsabessjea: as well as hardware so your router01:17
Scunizisjea: not a good idea.. because your router doesn't "do all the work" that it is suppose to.  Although most are very good.01:17
soundraybert1: I don't think so. It may be possible to extend nautilus with a script. I usually run 'jpeginfo *.jpg' or 'file *.png' in a terminal01:17
bert1soundray what i want to do is this...01:18
sjeahumm ok ic what i trying to do is a few things torrents and remote admin? but not sure how i have firestarter but seames like i allways have to start it up every time i turn it on01:18
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bert1i have a large folder of wallpapers, and i need to sort the in to folders of there image sizes...01:18
eightyeightshould /etc/hostname contain the fqdn for your domain, or just the sub?01:19
bert1but i cant find a way to achieve this...01:19
SebNaitsabesbert1: I think you can just do that in the file manager01:19
soundraybert1: what image format are they?01:19
bert1SebNaitsabes, how so?? there is no coloum...01:19
craigbass1976Oh man, all sorts of others have this trouble and it only "might" get fixed in Intrepid...01:19
SebNaitsabesbert1:  yes open your image folder.  and there should be the size colum and you press size and it does it01:19
bert1soundray, a mixture of jpg and png01:20
bert1SebNaitsabes, i mean "image" size, not file size01:20
soundraySebNaitsabes: I think bert1 means the image dimensions, not the file sizes01:20
jscinozSebNaitsabes, Im not sure but nomachien NXservre should work01:20
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: ok what do I need to do?01:21
bert1ive been happy with ubuntu so far, can;t believe i've been stomped on such a simple exercise... :(01:21
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: and what does the other person need to do as well, but yeah my end first :)01:21
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: maybe we can test this together also01:22
jscinozSebNaitsabes, it looks like the NXserver is linux only01:22
jahnkeanaterwaht do i have to do to get sshd runing01:22
soundraybert1: it's not simple. Remember, nautilus is a general purpose file manager, not an image manager01:22
jscinozand i believe you wanted them to be connecting to a indows desktop?01:22
bluefox83ok, who wants to help me ssh into my own box at home? i'm at work01:22
SebNaitsabesjahnkeanater:  sudo apt-get install openssh-server01:22
bert1soundray, yeah its looking that way... I guess i need to find an app to do it...01:22
soundraybert1: either that, or do it in the terminal01:23
soundraybert1: how many files need sorting?01:23
bert1about 150 lol01:23
bert1soundray, ^^^01:23
bluefox83i'm going to be a little peeved if i find out i can't ssh into my own box from work because my work firewall wont allow it >.>01:23
soundraybert1: and how many different sizes are there?01:23
jahnkeanaterim wondering how that will work01:23
SebNaitsabesjscinoz: well knowing how to Linux to Linux securely  with  NXserver is a start I guess01:23
jscinozSebNaitsabes, i cant talk for long, im actually at school now :P i have an exam in 2hrs so i must study some :P01:23
jahnkeanateri installed it in synaptic im googleing it now01:24
jscinozSebNaitsabes, email me at jscinoz@gmail.com if you have any issues and ill try help you when i get home after exam01:24
jscinozSebNaitsabes, linux-to-linux i'd still recommend ssh+vpn01:24
jscinozbye for now :)01:24
bert1mainly 1280x800 - 1440x900 - 1650x1050 & 1920x1200... soundray01:24
overlordpuppyI need help getting the right drivers for my ati card.01:24
AaqilHow to upgrade pidgin ?01:24
SebNaitsabesit will on it's own01:24
SebNaitsabesif the updates are on01:24
Odd-rationaleAaqil: try getdeb.net01:25
* bluefox83 is wondering if he's going to have to set up a vpn server on his home machine -_-01:25
SebNaitsabeswho is he? me?01:25
bluefox83i'm trying to ssh into my linux box at home, but i'm at work01:25
MoonlapseAnyone using a Radeon HD 4870 having trouble running any games under wine?01:25
craigbass1976bluefox83, it's not working?01:25
MoonlapseEven starcraft isnt working for me. It just bugs out01:26
bluefox83and when i try to ssh in (or anyone tries to for that matter) it just times out01:26
soundraybert1: okay, here's a sample procedure for moving png files that are 1280x800 in size:01:26
cheekyhas anyone able to connect their usb camera to pidgin?01:26
craigbass1976bluefox83, have you set up openssh-server?  Is there a hole (22) in your router?01:26
SebNaitsabescheeky: you mean web cam?01:26
bluefox83craigbass1976, yes and yes01:26
cheekySebNaitsabes: yeas sorry my bad01:27
SebNaitsabescheeky:  Pidgin does not suppourt web cam at the moment,  but  AMSN does, and I think Kmess as well01:27
craigbass1976bluefox83, do you have static ip at home?01:27
bluefox83i would really like to know why the heck the pidgin people are still dragging their feet on webcam support >.>01:27
kitchebluefox83: because they don't want it most likely01:27
craigbass1976bluefox83, too many pedofiles out there...01:27
cheekySebNaitsabes: does ksm ..like cauze system to act the new ubuntu  or still testing stages?01:27
soundraybert1: create the target folder with 'mkdir 1280x800', then run    file *.png | grep "1280 x 800" | cut -f : -d 1 | xargs -i cp '{}' 1280x800/01:27
bluefox83craigbass1976, the machine i'm ssh'ing into does...and i can connect to the router so that much should work01:27
SebNaitsabesbluefox83: well I upgraded Pidgin yesterday,  and :)  at last can see peoples MSN  display names and what they are listening to01:27
Aaqilcan I get email notifiers in ubuntu ? like gmail notifier etc pop3 mail notifier01:28
SebNaitsabescheeky: I did not understand01:28
bert1ok soundray i am going to give it a try now...01:28
craigbass1976bluefox83, can you ssh into it from another box in the house where the computer is?01:28
cheekySebNaitsabes: no m8 nvm01:28
bluefox83craigbass1976, yep01:28
craigbass1976bluefox83, fwah....01:29
SebNaitsabescheeky:  as for the new Ubuntu, I woudn't recommend upgrading untill at least Beta01:29
bluefox83i *think* i need to reset the router...we had a power outage recently...i think it just needs to be restarted01:29
bluefox83that's just a guess though >.>01:29
craigbass1976bluefox83, what about the static ip?01:29
cheekySebNaitsabes: i think i already have the new beta you mean hardy right ?01:29
bert1sorry soundray, i presume i put the path to the images before the "*.png" ???01:29
SebNaitsabescheeky:   lol no that's the stable01:29
ZeroSerenityMore questions. How can you go out of the GUI compoent and back to strictly command line?01:29
craigbass1976ZeroSerenity, Ctrl+Alt+F101:30
soundraybert1: no, you should cd to the source folder first01:30
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craigbass1976ZeroSerenity, F1 through F6 I think are each terminals01:30
cheekySebNaitsabes: snap my bad01:30
bluefox83craigbass1976, what about it's static ip? it's one i set on the box itself, the modem though is cable...so i do have a dynamic ip..it just takes a while to change01:30
soundraybert1: if you don't, the command will have to be adapted01:30
Augiehi all01:30
ThokuHey all01:30
ZeroSerenityDoes that close Gnome though?01:30
SebNaitsabescheeky:  Ubuntu goes through many testing stages before a final stable release comes out.  the releases are October and April01:30
SebNaitsabescheeky: unless something is delayed, which happended with some previous version which then came out in June01:31
craigbass1976bluefox83, can you confirm somehow that the address you're loggin into is in fact the public ip of your house?01:31
cheekyso like next month wow those cyles are months apart01:31
craigbass1976bluefox83, have someone on the other end go to whatismyip.com ?01:31
Augiei'm gonna install ubuntu, but last time i did i had to use the alternate cd, because of some problems with my ati x1400 card (laptop), i wanna know if it's still there so i can decide which cd to download01:31
SebNaitsabescheeky:  ,but I like to get next Ubuntu a bit early,  but not to early I did that once with a previous01:31
ThokuI let iTunes reorganise my music, now it can't be indexed by Rythmnbox. This a known issue?01:31
cheekythats the beuty of this ... it grows with humanity evolves asit does ... mutual worls01:32
cheekyi love it01:32
noname12 I have two computers, each with its own monitor.  I would like to use the same keyboard and mouse for both machines, without using a switch box.  Anyone know what software is available for doing this?01:32
SebNaitsabescheeky: alpha is like  testing developers only and really early adopters.   Beta is like this is a preview of what is to come01:32
bluefox83craigbass1976, i logged into my router just fine01:32
SebNaitsabescheeky:  then the release candiates and the final release.  take Firefox 3 for example  the 3rd RC was the same as the final01:32
soundraySebNaitsabes: no, generally alpha means "incomplete", and beta means "feature complete, but insufficiently tested"01:32
craigbass1976bluefox83, oh yeah, forgot that.01:33
SebNaitsabescheeky: well what soundray say01:33
jahnkeanaterhow do i run it01:33
craigbass1976bluefox83, did it give your ubuntu box an ip lately?01:33
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Does running on "unstable" give you the next release automatically when it enters beta? Or is unstable, just running unstable updates for the current release and therefore hardly any features included.01:33
jahnkeanatersshd i installed it but what do i do now01:33
bluefox83craigbass1976, i dunno...we used it to print this morning...01:33
cheekySebNaitsabes: wickd m8 solike you could take your home directory somwhere else and keep installing different ubuntu to check out01:33
soundraybert1: for the jpeg files, you need to 'sudo apt-get install jpeginfo' and modify the command somewhat01:33
SebNaitsabescheeky:  the safest way to try the next Ubuntu, would be a virtual machine inside your stable Ubuntu01:34
craigbass1976bluefox83, I'm out of ideas, unless someone can put their hands on it01:34
bert1ok soundray im try this now01:34
Qsterjscinoz: your awsome it works :)01:34
craigbass1976Anyone know how to instal dans web guardian on a stock install of xubuntu?  Is there a repo I've got to enable?01:34
ZeroSerenityNext question. How can I connect to a wireless network that has a hidden SSID?01:34
cheekySebNaitsabes: nice01:34
soundraybert1: jpeginfo | grep "1280 x 800" | cut -f " " -d 1 | xargs -i cp '{}' 1280x800/01:34
bluefox83craigbass1976, when i get home, i'm gonna do an old-fashioned unplug and see if that doesn't gel better ;)01:34
cheekySebNaitsabes: i have a lt to leanr b4 i could do that01:34
soundraybert1: arrgh, mistake01:34
soundraybert1: jpeginfo *.png | grep "1280 x 800" | cut -f " " -d 1 | xargs -i cp '{}' 1280x800/01:35
cheekySebNaitsabes: does ubuntu have a firewall ?01:35
SebNaitsabesThoku: yes  if you  get the unstable.  it should auto update fine untill the final release.  however  that was not quite the case when I got Ubuntu way to early with Gutsy Gibbon.  in fact updates made things worse in the end.   and  I had to just wait untill  the final was nearer.  ,but that's what I got for getting Ubuntu to early as a non developer :D01:35
craigbass1976bluefox83, try and make it work first though; see if you can figure out what happened.01:35
craigbass1976cheeky, not by defaut01:35
craigbass1976cheeky, last I knew, iptables was installed, but not doing anything01:35
soundraybert1: note, this will create copies rather than moving the files. If the copying works, you can try moving instead -- it will be faster.01:35
cheekySebNaitsabes: like i hated windows coz it was flooded with rubbish on the networlk always ...it just soo bad you get used to it .. it drives on nuts i say01:35
bluefox83craigbass1976, i'm thinking it just needs reset...once it gets reset it should take to new settings a little better01:36
soundray!firewall | cheeky01:36
ubottucheeky: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:36
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Ah lol01:36
bluefox83craigbass1976, sometimes when we have a power outage or a surge it kinda half-boots and then new settings don't work01:36
InHisNameHow do I find files in dir and lower that are less than 24 hrs since saving.  find . "and then what"01:36
cheekycraigbass1976: wa would i need to read in terms of securing my computer .. install iptables?01:36
craigbass1976bluefox83, ahh.  Got a parrot or something to reboot when this happens?01:37
cheekysoundray: thnks man01:37
bert1ok that seems to have worked, thanks soundray =)01:37
X_anyone understand this error I get when I try to install gparted01:37
X_W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gparted/gparted_0.3.5-1ubuntu3_i386.deb01:37
X_  Could not connect to localhost:4001 ( - connect (111 Connection refused)01:37
craigbass1976cheeky, what are you trying to protect?  If you're not running and listening services, then there's not too much you have to worry about01:37
soundrayInHisName: find . -mmin 144001:37
SebNaitsabesThoku:  if  your doing mission critical stuff on your compute probably best to wait untill the final.  if not  the beta should be fine01:37
djhashwhat do i need other than build-essentials to compile from source.01:37
bluefox83no, i usually find out after i need to make a change...and end up having to do it by hand myself...it's ok though i'll be home in half an hour anyways01:37
soundrayInHisName: sorry, mistake01:37
craigbass1976cheeky, running any, not running and.  sorry01:37
soundrayInHisName: find . -mmin -144001:37
SebNaitsabesThoku: and yes Ubuntu can be upgraded from release to release.01:37
SebNaitsabesThoku: no need to re install every time01:38
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Yeah, its just my desktop machine.01:38
AliTabuger7x_, I get something similar to that all the time, but yours looks really weird01:38
cheekycraigbass1976:  just my computer and wirelessconnection01:38
soundrayX_: you seem to have installed a web proxy, but it's not working or not set up correctly.01:39
craigbass1976cheeky, is your wireless connection already encrypted?01:39
SebNaitsabesThoku: some packages in the next one such as Banshee can actsaully get in Hardy01:39
AliTabuger7x_, it looks like you're using some kond of proxy or something because it is trying to connect to your own computer01:39
soundrayX_: edit /etc/environment and remove the proxy variable setting, then reboot and try again01:39
molgrumhow do i inactivate the ALT+SPACE shortcut in gnome terminal?01:39
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Ah sweet, so early versions can be picked up individually.01:39
SebNaitsabesfor some programs yes01:39
cheekycraigbass1976: prewvent adware and pop up rubbish when you cruing on the urge for knowlege .. yourmind was never free from those ads .. h8 windows ...01:39
SebNaitsabeswell it's not really an early version as such.  Hardy is behind with Banshee big time01:40
cheekycraigbass1976: i have no idea01:40
SebNaitsabesUbuntu only do security updates you see01:40
nickz327any of you guys could help me with a flash/java issue01:40
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Ah so its catching up with the latest version. I see01:40
soundraymolgrum: System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts, scroll down to Window Management-Activate Window Menu. Click on Alt-Space and hit Backspace.01:40
nickz327firefox crashes when a flash video is loaded01:40
SebNaitsabesThoku: so the next version will have later versions.  otherwise it's just security verisons. unless it's something like say Firefox01:40
molgrumsoundray: thanks :)01:41
jahnkeanaterin php if i do exec(sudo shutdown -h now)01:41
SebNaitsabesThoku: Ubuntu only does security updates,  unless it's a program like Firefox01:41
jahnkeanaterwill that shutdown the server01:41
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Something really high profile. OK01:41
soundraynickz327: make sure you don't have conflicting plugins installed. Adobe Flash and gnash, for example.01:42
SebNaitsabesThoku: Fedora Core for example is more cutting edge since it gets later packages rather soon after stable release01:42
tmapjcan someone help me run a program at startup01:42
soundray!boot | tmapj01:42
ubottutmapj: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:42
tmapjno soundray its not that simple01:43
Aeron|mtfi am trying to use movie player to play a dvd movie "BoogeyMan2" and it says "Error occured: could not read from source" what might have happened?01:43
Aeron|mtfis there a better program to use than movie player?01:43
ThokuSebNaitsabes: I guess its finding the right balance between latest features and stability01:43
SebNaitsabeshave you got the codecs for that?01:43
soundraytmapj: go on then01:44
X_When your in a gedit, and you can't save something because of root issues, how do i get past that01:44
SebNaitsabesThoku:   also  Ubuntu's repo is based on one of the Debian repos. so by the time the final is out,  the repo is already behind with tons of packages01:44
X_I'm also in root atm too01:44
tmapjhow do you use /etc/rc.local ?01:44
Aeron|mtfSebNaitsabes, was the codecs question for me?01:44
Aeron|mtfSebNaitsabes, if so, i have no idea if i have the codecs or not.  newbie here :D01:44
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:45
soundrayX_: you shouldn't be in root. As user, run 'gksudo filename' to edit "filename" with root privileges01:45
ThokuSebNaitsabes: Ah I had presumed that just the kernel and lower level stuff like that came directly from debian. But I suppose it makes sense.01:45
SebNaitsabesMP3 as well before you can play those you need to install the codec for that01:45
sjeawhat program would i use to open rar files?01:46
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:46
soundraytmapj: 'gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local', insert the command you want to run before the "exit" line01:46
craigbass1976anyone know why clamav is required for an apt-get install dansguardian ?01:46
craigbass1976just weird01:46
AaronMTQuestion, how come my Gnome-Trash Applet always displays full, yet there are no items inside. How can I fix this?01:46
SebNaitsabescraigbass1976: ,because it might have a virus :d01:46
craigbass1976stop... ;)01:46
SebNaitsabeswhat's that program for anyway?01:47
Winston_SmithVTAaronMT: Did you delete files of a usb drive?01:47
AaronMT@Winston_SmithVT: No.01:47
craigbass1976proxy type thing.  Trying an easy way to keep my kid off porn sites01:47
strategyIs it possible to create a custom theme instead of modifying another?01:47
soundraystrategy: it must be possible. Someone has created all those themes, after all01:48
strategysoundray, :p01:48
Winston_SmithVTAaronMT: I had the same problem, It was always full. Turns out if you delete files from a USB driver it writes the trash file to the USB drive01:48
SebNaitsabescraigbass19676:  there's a way I can't remember how,  to block domain names in Firefox pretty easilly also, but your kid if they are clever can use ip address to get round01:48
jribstrategy: art.gnome.org has a tutorial01:48
=== root__ is now known as ion-
strategythanks jrib01:48
MTeckgparted wants me to create a label for a new disk... what labeltype do i pick?01:48
AaronMT@Winston_SmithVT: What was your method of resolve?01:48
jribMTeck: default01:49
MTeckjrib: msdos?01:49
soundraytmapj: was I making sense?01:49
jribMTeck: yes01:49
soundrayMTeck: yes01:49
MTeckjrib: ty01:49
Winston_SmithVTAaronMT: I deleted the trash file off the U?SB drive, it was in a folder on the drive called .trash-100001:49
MTeckwhat is the labeltype?01:49
ion-I downloaded a program called KDX from http://www.haxial.com/products/kdx/index2.html, and the application is KDXClient.lexe What do I need to open this file?01:50
soundrayMTeck: it's the way the partitioning of the disk is organized.01:51
ckylecraigbass19676, you can block domain names in firefox by putting them in your /etc/hosts, which is resolved first, and pointing the domain in question to localhost - i do this for doubleclick and a couple of ad sites and it works well.01:51
SebNaitsabesckyle:  yeah I thought it was something like that,  there is a site I might block myself :)   since I don't like it poping up on me01:52
ckylefor /etc/hosts, put in a line like this: ad.doubleclick.net01:52
ooooooohhhhhhciao a tutti01:52
SebNaitsabesckyle: how does it work though?   web server says to Firefox this is the site. system says no not going on that01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about addon01:52
soundrayMTeck: MSDOS type is standard to the extent that no others play a role on PCs. Macs and Suns have different labeltypes.01:53
MTecksoundray: ty01:53
kulawendCan I run applications designed for KDE in the Gnome environment?01:53
SebNaitsabesand you don't need the whole of Kubuntu installed either to do it01:53
soundraykulawend: yes01:54
mouradhello server French01:54
clint_im removing firefox but i get an error saying i need to use the synaptic program manager???01:54
Tulimaqion-: ./KDXClient.lexe01:54
soundray!fr | mourad01:54
ubottumourad: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr01:54
kitche!fr | mourad01:54
clint_nevermind got it01:54
ckyleSebNaitsabes, your box will resolve /etc/hosts before using DNS - if it's in /etc/hosts, then it doesn't use DNS.01:54
remuhey guys, i need some help with my audio, I believe it is an Intel ICH9 family soundcard, I have a stuttering/looping problem, is anyone experienced with that?01:54
kulawendCan there be any compatibility issues running KDE software in Gnome?01:55
pygmymathahoy. anyone had issues booting amd_64 version of gutsy on a santa rosa macbook?01:55
ph0rensickulawend: You can run kde apps in gnome01:55
SebNaitsabesckyle: so website says to Firefox I want to go on this,   Firefox  looks at /etc/hosts  that website is not alloweed.  and blocks the website before  the browser would have otherwise connected to the DNS for the site?01:56
* ph0rensic makes way for the CPT. Captain Jack Sparrow01:56
thirdyusb or shared folders doesn't work, is there any other way for me to access my files in my xVM?01:56
clint_ok guys i updated firefox from ub7 to ub8 and its not the same01:56
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  which version of Virtualbox?01:56
doojinI have LG xnote e300 laptop. and the laptop's keyboard doesn't work in linux but only in grub.01:56
clint_the drop down of the address bar is different01:56
MolePrinceAny ideas why in hardy heron 64, USB/SD copy speeds might vary wildly between 2MB/s and 200KB/s, sometimes dwindling off to nothing?  This happens with almost every USB stick or SD card I've tried.01:56
soundraydoojin: can you get into the BIOS setup?01:57
pygmymathclint_: updated to firefox 3 from firefox 2?01:57
doojinI have LG xnote e300 laptop. and the laptop's keyboard doesn't work in linux but only in grub. My usb keyboard works fine in linux. how can I enable laptop keyboard in ubuntu?01:57
AliTabuger7Mole, what is the source your are copying from01:57
ckyleSebNaitsabes, it basically repoints the domain to a non-existent web server, so the web site doesn't show. It doesn't say anything like web-site blocked, or anything like that.01:57
doojinsoundray : yes i can01:57
clint_is that the difference?01:57
clint_how do i go about doing that?01:57
pygmymathclint_: ff3 has a lot more detail in the drop down..01:57
SebNaitsabesckyle:  so the Internet connection never even connects to that website?01:57
thirdySebNaitsabes, I have the latest? Using hardy01:57
clint_yea leme check the verz01:57
doojinsoundray : do you have a solution?01:57
soundraydoojin: is there an option that's called something like "USB legacy mode"?01:57
SebNaitsabesthirdy: did you get it from the repo?01:57
clint_Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.101:57
ckyleSebNaitsabes - correct.01:58
doojinsoundray : I am not sure01:58
doojinsoundray : what is that?01:58
pygmymathclint_: *thumbs up*01:58
clint_idk if i like that tho01:58
austinanyone want to help me?01:58
clint_i like the other drop down01:58
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  the one from Ubuntu network is the OSE and does not have support for USB01:58
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah I got it using apt-get01:58
clint_but i can live with it01:58
clint_using konq anyway now01:58
pygmymathclint_: i think you can still install ff2 but meh, ff3 is more up to date like01:58
pygmymathclint_: oooh, integrated :D01:58
soundraydoojin: it makes the BIOS present the input devices to the operating system in a slightly different fashion. Toggling that option may help.01:58
thirdySebNaitsabes, ok so I'll remove then install the working one?01:59
SebNaitsabesthirdy: you need to go to http://www.virtualbox.org and get the other one.  and set things up like USB if it won't just work that can be a little difficult.  the virtualbox manual is good and there is #vbox01:59
SebNaitsabeshttp://www.virtualbox.org :)01:59
doojinsoundray : my laptop keyboard is connected to ACPI. would it work with usb?01:59
dr_willisconnected to acpi?01:59
soundraydoojin: no, it isn't. ACPI is something else.01:59
doojinsoundray : Is my laptop keyboard a usb keyboard?02:00
thirdySebNaitsabes, I downloaded VMware-player, installing was very friendly, is it the best virtualization?02:00
dr_willisbuilt in laptop keyboards are normally usb or ps202:00
SebNaitsabesckyle: sounds good.   that annoying popup can go bye bye then02:00
soundraydoojin: yes, if it's like 99.9% of all laptops produced in the last 3 years02:00
X_which file system is best for a usb drive that will work on both linux and windows?02:00
pygmymathahoy. anyone had issues booting amd_64 version of gutsy on a santa rosa macbook?02:00
SebNaitsabesthirdy: oh VMware player LOL.  vmware player is far from the best.  Virtualbox is  the best probably :)02:00
doojinsoundray : ok02:00
doojinI try now02:00
dr_willisX_,  depends on the filessizes. ntfs is  fine in most cases these days.02:00
clint_how do i know im in my root dir? im showing "clint@clint:~$02:01
X_dr_willis: does that work on both systems?02:01
dr_willisclint_,  ~ is a shortcut name for the 'home' directory.02:01
soundrayX_: I've replied to your questions twice, and never knew whether what I was saying helped or not.02:01
thirdySebNaitsabes, I wish I never heard xVM, damn,02:01
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  VMware player needs an annoying config file.  and with that you could set up USB and stuff.  there is a site for making, but that's just annoying.  Virtualbox can even run VMware  virtual machines without needing their stupid vmx file02:01
dr_willisX_,  yes - linux can read/write ntfs. and windows can read/write ext2/3 now a days also with the right tools.02:01
clint_amazing, dell tech support aint got shit on you guys and gals02:01
clint_dell rocks02:01
FloodBot1clint_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
X_soundray: dr_willis: Sounds good, and yes soundray your answers helped solve my problem, ty02:02
SebNaitsabesthirdy: if you have already made VMware virtualmachines you can use them in Virtualbox02:03
darren_i could some onw tell me if i can compleatly shut down my buit in wifi from the command line02:03
thirdySebNaitsabes, but VMware can't run vdi right?02:03
clint_can someone suggest some good toilet literature on linux...02:03
pygmymathclint_: ~ means home which is your "root" if you like, but technically root is /02:03
pygmymathclint_: laptop? :P02:03
SebNaitsabesthirdy: as far as I know it cannot run vdi02:03
clint_no i want a book02:03
clint_with paper and words02:03
SebNaitsabesthirdy: VMware player sucks big time compared to  Virtualbox also02:03
SapphI currently run Gutsy (because my NICs don't work in Heron).  What is the best webcam that is well supported in GG?02:03
clint_some pictures02:03
soundrayclint_: "Just for Fun" by L. Torvalds02:04
pygmymathclint_: don't know any myself, sorry02:04
darren_i agree viryalbox is very good02:04
thirdySebNaitsabes, why? does not support hardware well? like usb?02:04
SebNaitsabesdarren_:  didn't I help you out with that?  recentlly02:04
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  the open source version that you can get from apt-get does not suppourt USB, but the other version does02:04
favafrorungetty is not giving me autologin - is /etc/inittab still recognized if created?02:05
darren_SebNaitsabes: still does not show signel strength im going crazy with this02:05
SebNaitsabesdarren_: oh you were the one I tried to help I see02:05
thirdySebNaitsabes, sorry I remember I installed it using virtualbox-2.0_2.0.0-36011_Ubuntu_hardy_i386.deb02:05
darren_SebNaitsabes: yes going nits here02:05
SebNaitsabesdarren_:  maybe you should buy another adapter?02:05
SebNaitsabesthirdy: and downloaded from virtualbox.org ?02:06
moose_hey does anyone know how to connect PS3 to UBUNTU over the LAN network02:06
nandemonaiSapph, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lan02:07
Sapphnandemonai:  Thanks, muchly02:07
nandemonaiSapph, No worries.02:07
moose_has anyone installed Yellow Dog on PS302:08
thirdySebNaitsabes, no I never wen't there, I got it from Sun02:08
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  hummmm sounds like you got the right version02:08
SebNaitsabesthirdy: have you got a VM in it?02:08
darren_SebNaitsabes: i have tryed 3 diffrent adapters none show signel and i have tryed the 3 in my girlfinds laptop and my desktop pc  with the same drivers and same ubuntu and works on them just not my laptop, its strange because my buit in one works no problem02:08
SebNaitsabesuse the built in one then?02:08
Xcercaif i want to use lirc then do i have to somehow map my device /dev/usb/hiddev1 to /dev/lirc0  ,  what does irw read by default ?02:09
SebNaitsabesthirdy: if you open the settings of a VM   you can set things up like USB02:09
darren_SebNaitsabes: it does not pick up signel very well02:09
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah I have a 4gb vdi with WinXP installed, and it won't grow02:09
SebNaitsabesthirdy: you want it to grow?02:09
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah I choosed the "dynamically resize" option02:10
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  that's 4GB of your psyical hard disk space being taken up by a VM.   would have been better if you had gone  dynamically expanding02:10
thirdySebNaitsabes, I followed this tutorial http://hi.baidu.com/slong42/blog/item/f1638c54bec8df193b29357c.html02:10
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  4GB is  very small yes even for  dynamically expanding option02:10
SebNaitsabesthirdy: however the virtual machine itself probably take up hardly any space on your hard disk02:10
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah I choosed dynamically expanding but now xp won't stop complaining about Low Disk Space02:11
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  with a dynamically  expanding VM you could put  2TB if you really wanted to, even if  your host as in Ubuntu partition is not 2TB.02:11
doojinI chekced usb legacy support and it was enabled02:11
doojinIt's not usb maybe02:11
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  I would say for  XP  VM, put expanding and 100GB as the size.  even if  the partition it's in is no where near that size, because  the VM size and the amount it actsaully takes up is not the same02:12
SebNaitsabesthirdy: you can see that for your self02:12
SebNaitsabesthirdy: the VM you got there is probably much less than 4GB02:12
thirdySebNaitsabes, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-virtualbox-16-in-ubuntu-804hardy-heron-including-usb-support.html02:12
thirdythat's what I followed02:12
SebNaitsabesthirdy: yes I think that's the one I used02:13
thirdyusb won't still work02:13
SebNaitsabesthirdy: I got USB working in the end :)02:13
SebNaitsabesthirdy: it was a little hard to get working at first02:13
SebNaitsabesthirdy: ,but that's one thing  you got  a stupid sized  dynamically expanding VM02:13
=== favafro is now known as favro
doojinsoundf_ : are you soundry?02:13
SebNaitsabesthirdy: Windows thinks you only got 4GB.  and what you have said is this VM cannot ever expand to any bigger than 4GB.02:14
SebNaitsabesthirdy: have you  ever been in .virtualbox?  and is it a clean install of XP?02:14
thirdySebNaitsabes, ?02:15
SebNaitsabesthirdy: do you know about the dot (.)  folders in HOme?02:15
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah, but I've never been there02:15
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  well  your about to find out why you got a stupidly sized VM :)  if you do as I say02:15
thirdySebNaitsabes, creating a new Virtual Machine won't do the trick, I really need to get my files from my XP vdi02:16
SebNaitsabesthirdy: yes that can be done02:16
SebNaitsabesthirdy: so what's why you wanted USB?02:16
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah02:16
thirdySebNaitsabes, I'm thiking about vpn02:17
SebNaitsabesthirdy: vdi's can acstaully be resized, but it seems that's not so easy, and it's not worth it,  XP instaleld really fast right in Virtualbox?02:17
f4hyWhat is the correct course of action to request a newer version of a package, or even better what is the process for me to just package it myself and get it included02:17
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  I am thinking do a shared folder with your host Ubuntu02:17
lecapitanis any one here ?02:17
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah but when I paste from xp, it will show the blue screen with error msgs02:18
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  uhmmmmmmm   ok02:18
X_Im trying to segment my HD into 5 partitions with gparted, and was wondering what the best approach is02:18
SebNaitsabesthirdy: so you tried shared folder?02:18
thirdySebNaitsabes, yeah02:18
AliTabuger7X_ when you get into 5 you have to go logical i think02:18
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  ok well  get your USB working ?    the Virtualbox manual is good you can get form website02:19
wolihi... why when I put a launcher with a custom svg icon and stretch it, the icon looks like if it was not scalable?02:19
SebNaitsabesthirdy: it explains everything that can be done with Virtualbox02:19
X_AliTabuger7: How about 4, its a 500g HD02:19
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  also  I would suggest going here now #vbox02:19
SebNaitsabesthirdy: considering that people in there, will know more about Virutalbox then I do02:19
lecapitanso new ubuntu user here ...mainly trying to make ubuntu look like OSX  from the post on maketecheasier...just having trouble with avant window navigator ...was hoping some one could help02:19
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: why make it look like OS X?02:20
f4hyIs there a separate channel to discuss ibex matters, or is this the right place?02:20
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: and KXdocker is meant to be better than avant02:20
hpwhat is the launch date for 8.10?02:21
SebNaitsabesf4hy: yes #ubuntu+102:21
f4hySebNaitsabes, thanks02:21
SebNaitsabeshp: end of October02:21
lecapitansebnaitsabes...well i wanted an excuse to swithc to linux from windows every one said ubuntu and i was like okay and while looking at stuff i found this post on lifehacker and i was like i oh i have to do that02:21
S3Does anyone know if there is a way that I can have the users list show all the time in XChat-Gnome?02:21
* IndyGunFreak apologizes, wrong channel02:21
S3lecapitan: which post?02:22
lecapitanS3  is it okay to post URL's in here ?02:22
SebNaitsabeslecapitan:  lol  making it look like OS X isnn't a good excuse.  a proper excuse would be Beryl or Compiz :)  Youtube  those if you don't know what they are02:22
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: and yes you will have to have on a hard disk for real for that02:22
S3lecapitan: no idea, I'm newer than you!02:22
SebNaitsabesno virtual machine02:22
lecapitanyes I know ...i formated my computer :)02:22
AliTabuger7X_ I forgot what the limit is off the top of my head, but there is some kind of issue when you reach a certain number of partitions. So you get around it by creating an Extended partition, which can have multiple partitions inside of it.02:22
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: there are also some Mac like distros already02:22
lecapitanthis is a fresh insall02:22
lecapitani know but i wanted to stick with ubuntu since every one says its the best linux disto02:23
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: how new to Ubuntu?02:23
SebNaitsabeslecapitan:  there are ways to make it look like OS X I have done so before02:23
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: ,but you can make Ubuntu look nicer than OS X :)02:23
lepineHey guys, i'm having problems with the installer. on both of my computers, the language menu pops up. On my desktop, the keyboard seems frozen and i can't get out of it.Problem is, the alternate cd does NOT have a count down to  the installer as the normal cd does, so i'm essentially stuck there ...02:23
lecapitanumm days ....with linux  (i used mandriva/mandrake before)02:23
lepinewhat can i do ?02:23
dr_willisYou could make Ubuntu Look like a C64 also..02:24
S3lecapitan:  lol!02:24
lecapitani guess i make people laugh alot02:24
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: heh it's ok02:24
SebNaitsabeslecapitan:  I think a lot of us went through the02:24
X_AliTabuger7: Basically what im trying to do is be able to have my main distro Ubuntu, then a permanent secondary distro, and enough room left over to test others on02:24
SebNaitsabeslecapitan: let's make Ubuntu look like Mac OS X stage02:25
S3lecapitan: I'd like to know if you're able to get it all working, that's pretty cool looking02:25
lecapitanits an old p4 1.8 ghz  with 1 gig of ram ...it was either go buy a new PC or switch ... Idecided to switch02:25
* S3 wonders if Synergy will work on a Macbook Air02:25
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:25
lecapitani got it all to work except the stupid little doc02:25
lepineis there a way to remove the language menu from  the installer? or make it so it does NOT pop up by default?02:25
SebNaitsabeslecapitan:  http://mac4lin.sf.net02:26
SebNaitsabesI think that's the link anwyay02:26
dr_willislepine,  ive noticed its a little over zelous at poping up. if you hit escape - it goes away. Back to the menu underneeth02:26
dr_willislepine,  this is on the alterive installer cd.  Not sure about the desktop installer.02:26
lepinedr_willis ... thats my problem! on my desktop, my keyboard seems frozen during the menu.02:26
AliTabuger7X_ is there nothing on that disk already? if thats the case it really wouldn't hurt to try a few configurations.02:27
dr_willislepine,  Alt- installer cd? Thats odd...02:27
lecapitanyour mac4lin link does not work02:27
lepinethe normal install cd eventually hits a timeout and boot ... but the alt cd does not have this time out. hence blockage.02:27
lepinei  tried removing some hw, changed keyboards ... nothing.02:27
X_AliTabuger7: Ubuntu hardy, is, on the system, thats why im wadding into this so I dont end up loosing what i've got so far02:27
mortuis99_hello  i have just installed ubuntu on a lappy and am having trouble mounting a partition can someone give me a hand?02:27
* Emm claps enthusiastically02:28
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:29
X_AliTabuger7: I was hoping to just be able to tamper with gparted and resize my main partition and add a few new ones without loosing what i have02:29
dr_willislepine,  Hmm..  ive seen some issues like this on  machines with using a USB keyboard. Got a PS2 keyboard? try one if you can.02:29
dr_willislepine,  i got one box. I cant do anything in grub with a USB keyboard. Gotta keep a PS2 handy for it.02:29
lepinedr_willis ... damn Dell ... no more PS2!02:29
SebNaitsabes!mount > mortuis9902:30
ubottumortuis99, please see my private message02:30
dr_willislepine,  if the bios stuff has the right menus. theres often a 'legacy usb' option in the  menus.02:30
AliTabuger7X_ If I were you i would be very careful if you have to modify your ubuntu partition. If you already have the space, there shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't do anything with the ubuntu partition and it remains the first partition on the disk. If ubuntu is taking up the whole disk, you will need a Linux live cd with gparted on it02:30
dr_willislepine,  ,may want to try those02:30
* lepine watches his desktop liberation plans wither and die ...02:30
lepinedr_willis:  trying so now.02:30
dr_willislepine,  on my one machine. enabling that option made  both os's (linux an windows) not boot. :( so rember where it is so you can change it back if needed02:31
X_AliTabuger7: my next question is, will i get the dual boot option, and i can transfer files from distro to distro if their on the HD right?02:31
=== steven_ is now known as StevenX
SebNaitsabesX_:  if you want to try different distros the easiest way is to have one host OS Ubuntu or another Linux and  do the otheres in virtual machines02:31
lepinedr_willis, note taken.02:32
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thirdySebNaitsabes, I think hamachi will save me02:32
=== neo2 is now known as BlackSabath
StevenXHello. I have extracted the audio track from a .mkv file using mkvextract, but I'm not sure what kind of file it is. I want to convert it into an mp3, but I'm not sure what it is.02:32
YamakiriHow do I copy a file on a PC I have SSH access to, to my computer?02:32
BlackSabathhey guys!02:32
thirdynice BlackSabath02:32
SebNaitsabesthirdy:  I don't know what that is, but hopefuly02:32
BlackSabathim using02:32
mortuis99_is there a way to check the partitions in command line?02:32
BlackSabathWeechat rules02:32
lepinedr_willis ... no go ... any last ideas?02:33
SebNaitsabesYamakiri:  your PC to what PC?02:33
ph0rensicmortuis99: I think its the fdisk command???02:33
derenrichI have a process that's been running on my terminal (shh'd onto another computer) for 48 hours. i was stupid and so I forgot to run it in a screen (so i've left my computer on). Is there any way to add the process to a screen or connect to the tty from within screen so I can turn my computer off?02:33
SebNaitsabesYamakiri: both yours?02:33
AliTabuger7X_ I'm no longer sure I understand what you are trying to do. I can answer that most of the time a boot option will not automatically appear in the existing grub if you are installing another OS after ubuntu. However, grub is extremely easy to configure. I don't know what distro's you wish to use, nor what you wish to transfer.02:33
YamakiriSebNaitsabes: no, one belongs to a friend of mine02:33
dr_willislepine,  not really.02:33
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd02:33
lepinethanks for trying!02:33
Tapoutwhat's the best FTP prog for ubuntu?  The gftp sucks, doesn't recognize large files02:34
derenrichTapout: i use filezilla, it's nice02:34
* dr_willis wonders how a ftp client recognizes large files or not.....02:34
AliTabuger7Tapout, what's wrong with nautilus?02:34
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd02:34
SebNaitsabesYamikiri: your friend has Windows02:34
YamakiriSebNaitsabes: Um, how can I upload something to a FTP server via SSH?02:34
YamakiriSebNaitsabes: um no he's a native Linux user02:35
SebNaitsabesI don't know, another idea would be to get free web hosting that has FTP02:35
YamakiriSebNaitsabes: yes but um I need to do it through the terminal :S02:36
Tapoutfilezilla works under ubuntu?02:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fiezilla02:37
TapoutAliTabuger7, never used it... I'm using gftp .. sux02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about filezilla02:37
falloreTapout: yes, i just used it02:37
Tapoutholy shit, filezilla is in ubuntu, sweet jesus02:37
Tapoutme likes me likes02:37
Tapouti use filezilla on xp ;)02:37
FloodBot1Tapout: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:37
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:37
AliTabuger7Tapout i'm sure you have. Nautilus is the default file browser for ubuntu. If you ever looked at your home directory in ubuntu then you're familiar with nautilus02:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:37
TapoutAliTabuger7, oh hehe02:38
=== lzy--_ is now known as lzy--
YamakiriSebNaitsabes: thanks for the help.  The fellows in ##linux said scp /path/to/localfile username-remote@remote-box-adress:/path/remote/ would work02:38
ASrockis there any program for linux to imitate activeX?02:38
SebNaitsabesASrock:  LOL of course not02:38
karlNYWhat package/suite lets me build a custom debian/Ubutnu installer? (sorta like making my own LiveCD or PXE image)?02:38
SebNaitsabesASrock: Firefox etc wont' even suppourt Activex02:39
leleleleis ubuntu like fedora?02:39
AliTabuger7Tapout, I run a website, and I've found that nautilus now that it uses gvfs as its backend is superior to the majority of ftp programs for simple uploading because of its drag and drop support as well as it's very familiar interface02:39
SebNaitsabeslelelele: in certian ways yes02:39
ASrockwell firefox for windows supports active x02:39
SebNaitsabesno it does not?02:39
SebNaitsabesmaybe if you got some extension02:39
ASrockyes it does02:39
SebNaitsabes,but otherwise no02:39
lelelelebut why ubuntu there is no in google open source project list? or ubuntu has another name?02:39
derenrichASrock: I don't know anything about it, but looks like http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozilla.htm is relevant02:40
ASrockdude i use activex in windows firefox all the time02:40
jriblelelele: launchpad.net02:40
dan_Any ideas on how i could maybe disable my touch pad mouse when my wireless mouse gets connected up ?02:40
SebNaitsabesASrock: then you suck :D  heh more seriosully though, how do you do it?02:40
Dialgarocks1is freespire brought by ubunt02:40
derenrichASrock: ok, /me is rarely in windows02:40
SebNaitsabesXandros bought Linspire02:40
SebNaitsabeswhich owns Freespire02:40
ASrockSebNaitsabes: idk it just works02:40
dr_williswhich was using ubuntu as a base? then it stopped.. dident it? i gave up on following all the ubuntu variants.02:41
=== greg_ is now known as Winston_SmithVT
SebNaitsabesYes  Freespire was  using Ubuntu as a base, but now it's going to use Debain again, or whatever that article I read said02:41
dr_willisSebNaitsabes,  some people cant make up their minds.. :)02:41
dan_ASSISTANCE PLZ: Any ideas on how i could disable my laptop touch pad mouse when my wireless mouse gets connected ?02:42
SebNaitsabesASrock:  no  Firefox etc do nto suppourt Activex02:42
cheekythis is running in my head .. iam a information systems major and i have 4 months of free time w/no school and i was wondering couldi get linux certified or something that could lead me to an intersnshiop that would help my information systems major ?02:42
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Dialgarocks1i have freespire02:42
SebNaitsabesASrock: if yours does though, mabye you got some clever maliciosu program on there02:42
SebNaitsabesmalicious program02:42
ASrockbut on another note, my wireless disconnects after downloading torrents for a little bit, would this be an issue with my wireless card or my router02:43
Tapoutthank you guys btw02:43
dr_willisdan_,  thats somthing ive never seen done.  there are  'touchpad' config tools that can disable the touchpad I belive, on the fly.  That would be a start. then you would have to figure out how to make udev (i think) see/run the right command when the mouse is plugged in, and then again when its removed02:43
lelelelei have no idea why http://code.google.com/soc/2008/ there is no ubuntu. there is drupa, mozilla, gimp, etc etc 170projects of open source. fedora etc. but ubuntu looks like bigger community why there isnt on google list?02:43
SebNaitsabesASrock:  native Linux drivers or ndiswrapper?02:43
ASrockum, whats ndiswrapper?02:44
SebNaitsabesway for making WIndows wireless drivers work with Linux02:44
SebNaitsabesprogram for that02:44
dan_dr_willis: hmmm !!02:44
jriblelelele: those are mentoring organizations for SoC, not just open source projects in general02:44
ASrocksweetness i will try that02:44
SebNaitsabesit's best to use native Linux drivers uusualley02:45
SebNaitsabesif you can02:45
dr_willisdan_,  i always make sure mylaptops have a button to turn off the touchpad. :)02:45
ASrockbut ya im using just w/e ubuntu came with for drivers02:45
dan_dr_willis: :-D hehe bit late now :-D02:45
SebNaitsabesASrock:  well look up your device and see if it has native wireless drivers?02:45
SebNaitsabesLinux ones02:45
ASrockbecause im thinking about getting a new motherboard and if its my wireless card then i will get a new one now but if it is my router i will just buy a router for now02:45
SebNaitsabesif not,  well  ndiswrapepr could be a try,  or maybe it's that you don't have an open port for torrents02:45
ubuntui have a question02:46
ubuntui reinstalled my macromedia flash plugin for firefox02:46
ubuntunow youtube has no audio02:46
ubuntuany suggestions?02:46
SebNaitsabeshaev you got audio else where?02:46
lelelelejrib well but python etc are mentoring organizations and still open source projects in general ;D it means ubuntu doesnt have mentor organization status on Google so how it widespreads so good?02:46
ubuntujust on flash videos02:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:46
SebNaitsabesok that's no good then02:46
ubuntuany suggestions02:47
ubuntuflash is working02:47
ubuntujust no audio02:47
Odd-rationaleit's a pulseaudio issue...02:47
leleleleturn on your speakers :D02:47
IndyGunFreakUbubegin: thats a pulseaudio issue02:47
ubuntugot it02:47
ant2neAre your speakers turned on an plugged in?02:47
SebNaitsabesOdd-rationale: I was thinking that02:47
Odd-rationalei'm not sure what the fix is...02:47
SebNaitsabesubuntu: ok try this02:47
SebNaitsabesubuntu:  killall pulseaudio02:48
UbubeginIndyGunFreak: yes... huh02:48
Odd-rationalei beleive it is a known issue too... :(02:48
dan_Well there is a mouse touch pad option under System->Appearance->Mouse --- :-D click and its disabled :-D winner !!!!02:48
jriblelelele: this isn't really a support question and I have no idea how SoC works02:48
SebNaitsabesI heard pulseaudio issues will be fixed for next Ubuntu  0dd-rationale02:48
jp73107I have a question.. Is it possible to chroot and install say, the nvidia-glx-new package while on the livecd?02:48
jp73107chroot to installed system that is02:48
ubuntuand after killall pulseaudio02:48
SebNaitsabesdo it again and it should say no procces killed.  and close Firefox.  and re open Firefox go to Youtube and try your video02:49
lelelelejrib ok then. i was just curious about all this unix versionilazation questions, anyway i dont care and best luck :)02:49
* lelelele is windows user :)02:49
ant2nejp, are you looking to install drivers on a live CD session?02:49
ubuntuthat works02:49
jp73107yes and no :)02:49
jriblelelele: if you ask in #ubunt-offtopic, someone there may know more02:49
SebNaitsabesubuntu: that's only temporey02:49
jriblelelele: if you ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, someone there may know more02:49
SebNaitsabesubuntu: if you get problems like that again with sound02:49
jp73107install the drivers while logged into the live-cd session, but install the drivers via chroot to the installed system02:49
SebNaitsabesubuntu:  just do that again02:49
jp73107so i don't have to boot the installed system, install the drivers, then reboot02:50
lelelelejrib i dont care i guess all projects in soc are very good, like drupal mozilla etc you are using them, python php :P02:50
ubuntualright, im done02:50
jp73107i'd rather just boot the installed system and have nvidia drivers already installed02:50
ant2newow, that is deep02:50
cheekycani get certified in linux and is there want forit like .. how they want MS.. rubbish ?02:50
ant2nejp, you are a pick b@$tard02:50
jp73107i know02:50
jp73107i'm just being lazy02:50
jp73107cheeky: theres a few linux certs out there02:51
ant2nenot really02:51
jp73107i know there is RHCE which is red hat certified engineer, and then there is L2 linux systems engineer from L2 institute i think02:51
jp731072nd one i'm not 100% sure about02:51
dan_ASSIST pls: How to unrar .rar files in linux ?02:51
ant2nea lazy person would just reboot the system once02:51
ant2neyou want to be difficult02:51
cheekyjp73107: is there a market for it out there ?02:51
ant2neI'm studying linux+ cert02:51
jrib!rar > dan_02:51
ubottudan_, please see my private message02:51
jp73107i'm not sure02:51
jp73107about there being a market02:52
delmarany routing guru's around? I need to somehow force packets destined for a certain ip-range/mask to have a source address which is not my default ip/device for outgoing traffic. anyone?02:52
MonkeyManIm studying linux in my operating systems class if that helps ya.02:52
jribcan we move the certification talk to #ubuntu-offtopic please?02:52
jp73107i could just drop to rl 1 i think, and then back to 502:52
jp73107i need to quit "playing" with my ubuntu system so i don't have to reinstall02:52
jp73107this is 5th reinstall today02:53
ant2nelet me know how it words, jp02:53
jribjp73107: play in a virtual machine02:53
MonkeyManDamn jp02:53
jp73107well i'm trying to customize it =/02:53
ant2neyup... vm02:53
jribjp73107: you are doing something wrong02:53
ant2nevm for toying02:53
ant2newhen I first started ubuntu I re-insalled once every couple of days02:53
jp73107it just takes less time to reinstall than it does to reverse any changes i make02:53
cheekyoh osorry02:53
jp73107i don't break my system lol02:53
cheekyi didnt jknow about that room02:53
jribjp73107: just wipe your ~02:54
ant2nei once broke my sys by typing "chmod 777 -R /*" instead of "chmod 777 -R ./*"02:54
jp73107i need to just install bacula or something02:54
ant2neone little period02:54
jp73107i've done some crazy stuff in my years of using linux02:54
leleleleok now i see, your ubuntu is made by company Canonical :D that means it didnt sponsor students, but still is the best even without students help. anyway i am wondering who works in Canonical company?02:55
werswhy dont i hear anything from youtube? haha02:55
ant2newers, are your speakers on?02:55
molgrumi'm trying to figure out why an entry in my menu works differently depending on if i copy-paste it to the terminal or if i click it via the GUI... the launcher does this: env WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -window02:55
wersant2ne, yeah. just youtube02:55
ant2newelp I'm off to take a walk02:55
ant2nesee yas02:56
wersyoutube has max volume too02:56
molgrumspecifically, via the GUI it fails to start the application in windowed mode, in CLI it starts it in windowed mode sucessfully02:56
jribmolgrum: what do you notice that is different?02:56
molgrumit is the "-window" that i added myself02:57
molgrumit does nothing in the menu launcher, only in CLI02:57
jribmolgrum: the easiest way around this is to just create a shell script and point the launcher to that rather than trying to see if there is a way to do it directly in the launcher02:58
Lamont_JonesI've got a geforce fx5500 installed and I ubuntu keeps bumping my resolutioj back down to 640x480. Is that a symptom of an inccorect driver in use?02:58
leleleleftw i go from here02:58
molgrumjrib: i'll try that thanks02:58
molgrumbut logically... this makes no sense to me :/02:59
molgrumjrib: now i changed the launcher to execute a nonsensical command, it still does the exact same thing as before (launch warcraft 3 in wine)03:01
molgrumsomething is not right here03:01
nickz327i installed emerald on gmd03:01
nickz327and i can't load any themes through system>preferences>emerald03:02
R00T987hi, how do i login as root in Feisty please?03:02
jahnkeanaterin php how do i run a shell script03:02
SebNaitsabesROOT987: why do you want root?03:02
strategyR00T987, why would you want to?03:02
nichebecause he's R00t98703:03
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:03
nickz327i installed ubuntu03:03
nickz327then i decided i wanted to try kde03:03
nickz327and installed the kubuntu-desktop over ubuntu03:03
nickz327i removed kde, but i still get a kubutnu boot screen03:04
SebNaitsabes!root | nickz32703:04
ubottunickz327: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:04
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »03:04
LeefmcIs AWN usable metacity turned on? I really want to use AWN but i spend 50% of my time in metacity because i run 3D Apps03:04
halkunHow do you get rid of the "Applications" "Places" and "system" from the panel? (I just want the ubuntu "start" button.03:04
sjeai love ubuntu is there any amp to boast there sound it seams low but i look at the sound lvl'sthere all maxed?03:04
nickz327thank you03:04
nichenickz327, what do you not like about KDE?03:04
nickz327i just prefer gnome03:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:04
nickz327also, it was required to install some themes for emerald03:05
Leefmcsjea: Double click the volume, you have various settings in there just like windows. Usually you can boost a more core volume level, vs the frontend "volume".03:05
jahnkeanatersjea: it must be your motherboard my ubuntu is louder than i want03:05
sjeaaw thanks03:05
c0mp13371331337Leefmc: AWN won't work without a compositing 3D window manager, but SimDock is an alternative.  It's a bit under-developed, but it did the trick for me til I updated my rig.03:05
R00T987SebNaitsabes - I want to change the permissions of my extra hard drive so I can write to it (specifically run grsync)03:05
GullyFoyleturn the dial on your speakers up03:05
=== locke is now known as Orchid`
molgrumjrib: and now i added a new menu post that executes the shell script, now this worked..03:05
SebNaitsabes!mount | ROOT98703:05
ubottuROOT987: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:05
strategyR00T987, just use sudo03:05
Orchid`will someone please help me, im ahving issues with audio! i get absolutely nothing, and everything is connected03:05
strategyyou shouldn't ever need to login as root03:05
Leefmcc0mp13371331337: Well i heard about a way to make AWN work with metacity, some addon, but im not sure how well AWN works so i was curious if anyone has tried it03:06
SebNaitsabesOrchid:  no start up sound?03:06
strategyOrchid`, driver problem most likely, did you check your drivers?03:06
chetnicki have thinkpad t42, the battery is in really bad shape. Is it posible that screen goes black because of that even when the laptop is on the charger?03:06
R00T987strategy: can you recommend a tutorial so show me how?03:06
sjeawell found one fix thank that work great for now thanks again03:06
Orchid`sebash,  not evens tartup sound now03:06
strategyR00T987, I dont know about mounting extra partitions..03:06
Orchid`SebNaitsabes,  note ven satartup sound now03:06
c0mp13371331337Leefmc: Hmmmm, well that I have not seen.  If that's the case, it may very well be possible.  If you happen to get it working, let me know!03:07
Orchid`strategy,  i err walk me through that please?03:07
SebNaitsabesOrchid: ok driver issue by the "sounds" :D of it03:07
Orchid`lol cold pun!03:07
Leefmcc0mp13371331337: http://www.planetblur.org/hosted/awnforum/index.php?shard=forum&action=g_reply&ID=75103:07
R00T987strategy: it is an entire 500 gig hd03:07
strategyR00T987, cool03:07
Leefmcc0mp13371331337: I'll go ahead and give it a try03:07
Orchid`but as soon as we can get this done haha the better, it began when i installe dnew hardware, a DVDROM to write and burn discs03:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:07
shortc|laptopCan someone remind me what the name of the CD/DVD burning software in 8.04 is?  I used to use GnomeBaker, but there's a new one that was touted with 8.04, and I can't remember the name.03:07
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:08
Leefmcc0mp13371331337: Whats the official awn package name?03:08
Orchid`yeah my alsa is compeltely up, although the micx is mtued, btu i do not have one, next step?03:08
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:08
jahnkeanaterhow would i run a shell script in php i think you have to use exec();03:08
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:08
strategyjahnkeanater, that'd be more appropriate for #php03:09
nickz327hi, i came here earlier about uninstalling kubuntu03:09
strategyjahnkeanater, but yes, exec() is what you want03:09
nickz327the link didn't work03:09
SebNaitsabesthe pure gnome link not working?03:09
nickz327it should be noted that i installed with aptitde03:09
strategynickz327, you purged and removed kubuntu-desktop with aptitude and what happened?03:10
SebNaitsabesnickz327:  maybe ask in #kubuntu :D  and they will be like no please don't unisntal  Kubuntu  heh03:10
Winston_SmithVTDo the 4TB USB drives work ok in ubuntu? I'm looking at buying one for use with my laptop, which is pretty much my main pc.03:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:11
strategywoah 4TB03:11
SebNaitsabesok that's no good03:11
SebNaitsabesthat one03:11
Orchid`SebNaitsabes,  how od i open a shell and what is it? im on the sound troubleshooting page?03:11
nickz327i uninstalled from aptitude with the following command "sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop"03:11
strategyOrchid`, applications -> accessories -> terminal03:11
SebNaitsabesyou said no sound at all right?03:11
PrivateRolfOrchid: Applications-->Accessories--->terminal03:11
Orchid`strategy,  thanks.03:11
strategynickz327, you should purge too03:11
nickz327but the kubuntu boot and shutdown screens are still there03:11
nickz327sound is fixed03:12
PrivateRolfI'm looking for a GarageBand-esque application. Help?03:12
strategyOrchid`, no problem. that's something you really need to learn in linux.. it's highly important03:12
strategynickz327, did you purge?03:12
craigbass1976has anyone gotten dansguardian to work in a non CE ubuntu install?03:12
sjeaok last choir trying to set up printer so windows box can see the printer install samba but still have troubles and easy to under stand sites to learn ?03:12
nickz327how do i purge03:12
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:12
strategynickz327, "apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop"03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dansguardian03:12
nickz327it wont matter that i installed with aptitude will it?03:12
kudarwhy is there an empty root folder within root directory on fresh ubuntu ultimate edition install?03:13
strategynickz327, well, yes that matters03:13
strategynickz327, just type that in03:13
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:13
nickz327E: Couldn't find package kubuntu03:13
Orchid`uh anyone know how to read the output of a aplay -l command?03:13
strategynickz327, erm, kubuntu-desktop03:13
pendo anyone got firefox 3.1 alpha 2 running?03:14
nickz327it says kubuntu was no longer installed03:14
nickz327but it gave a list of packages that remained, and i unisntalled them03:15
AliTabuger7I know this is way out of your field, but do any of you know how to get GPG to work in vista?03:15
SebNaitsabesAliTabuger7:  try #windows03:15
nickz327im gonna reboot, see if this made a difference03:15
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html03:16
powertool08is there a way to have a sound alert when I get a pm in irssi?03:17
strategyAliTabuger7, um.. this is kind of #ubuntu03:17
Orchid`i ahve an odd outcome of a command, will someone help me figure it out? it has to do with audio.03:17
strategyOrchid`, aight03:18
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:18
ubottuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/03:18
Paddy_EIRE_what would be considered the most lightweight video player for ubuntu that plays streaming video?03:18
nickz327got back from reboot, kubuntu screen is still there03:18
bravo7Can someone help me on NVIDIA settings screen solution when i try save it i can't save /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:19
strategysteam runs on linux?03:19
AliTabuger7Yeah, but ubuntu as well as many open source developers enjoy using GPG to ensure the authenticity of files and submissions. Even launchpad makes heavy use of GPG.03:19
SebNaitsabessteam runs in Wine03:19
halkunI was told I should uninstall pulseaudio because it's garbage. Is that true?03:19
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, are you using sudo?03:19
bravo7Paddy_EIRE_ nope03:19
strategyAliTabuger7, this is #ubuntu, not #gpg. Since your question relates to windows, this is not the place to ask it.03:19
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, there is your prob :)03:19
Orchid`strategy,  may i pm it to you, or would you rather a pastebin? its about five lines long03:20
bravo7Paddy_EIRE_ you mean sudo gedit xorg.conf03:20
strategyOrchid`, pastebin please :)03:20
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, open the file using "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:20
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, it requires root privileges you see03:20
Orchid`http://pastebin.com/d3270c887 here it is strategy03:21
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
strategyOrchid`, what command did you type?03:22
bravo7Paddy_EIRE_ so i just save and restart computer or alt ctrl delete?03:22
strategyOrchid`, what did you type after the $03:22
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, yea ctrl+alt+backspace should restart your graphical session03:23
bravo7Paddy_EIRE_ what if my resolution stay the same as before03:23
Paddy_EIRE_bravo7, only one way to find out :)03:23
Orchid`strategy,  lspci -v to list my audio cards03:23
lepinedr_willis, in case you care, the best option seems to be to install 7.10, which does not have the usb problem i believe  ... (hoping that my current grub installation wasn't from an even earlier version)03:23
strategyOrchid`, ahh03:23
Orchid`strategy,  what i did before that was aplay -l and got the stuff listed, and i didnt understand, no oen answered so i move don03:24
strategyOrchid`, tell me the output of: lspci -v | grep audio03:25
SebNaitsabesbigfuzzyjesus what a name to join this channel with03:25
mertherHas anyone been able to use an unhacked iPhone or iPod Touch with iTunes through wine or VMware windows?03:25
PrivateRolf!iphone | merther03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iphone03:25
strategyOrchid`, it should only be about two-three lines03:25
ubuntuhow do i reinstall grub on a fucking FakeRAID system after windows xp install?03:25
Orchid`gimme a sec03:25
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:25
`MatirIs anyone here aware of a cross-platform photo tagging/organization program that will work over a network?03:26
Paddy_EIRE_!language | ubuntu03:26
ubottuubuntu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
rellisHi all. I have a developer in my group who was getting the "man in the middle attack" warning from openssh because the key changed on our server. He has since removed the offending line from ~/.ssh/known_hosts but for some reason Konqueror still reports the problem.. any idea where this comes from?03:26
Orchid`strategy, 01:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS03:26
bigBearhow do i open all ports in firestarter?03:26
strategyOrchid`, alright03:26
strategyOrchid`, sorry, what was the problem again? there were a couple of audio problems in here -.-03:26
`Matirrellis, in some cases you have one line for the hostname and another for the IP... sure you got the right line?03:26
mertherI'll check it out then for the vmware.  Though does anyone know how vmware works for startup items and drivers?03:27
SebNaitsabesrellis:  since konqueror is really a  KDE  program maybe you should try #kbuntu03:27
strategyOrchid`, just cant hear anything?03:27
SebNaitsabesrellis: #kubuntu03:27
rellisSebNaitsabes: Okay, thanks. Will do.03:27
Orchid`strategy,  nothing man, really. and its bothersome when attempting audio conferencing.03:27
DCPomeroycan someone help me install adobe reader?03:27
bigfuzzyjesusSebNaitsabes, yeah i get hilighted alot with comments like that :P03:27
strategyOrchid`, hmm03:28
Orchid`strategy,  really kills it, when i have to switch to the vista laptop03:28
rellis`Matir: Well it works at the ocmmand line with no problems..03:28
ZeroSerenityIs there a way to VM Ubuntu inside of Windows?03:28
rellisso I'm fairly certain it was the right line.03:28
SebNaitsabesbigfuzzyjesus: well it's probably offensive to certain people03:28
Paddy_EIRE_!medibuntu | DCPomeroy03:28
ubottuDCPomeroy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:28
DCPomeroyi installed that earlier03:28
DCPomeroynow i get this error03:28
`Matirrellis, ah, weird... restarted kde?03:28
Orchid`strategy,  i also submitted a bug repor tn the launchpad website03:28
strategyOrchid`, and you tried File -> Change Device ?03:28
DCPomeroyPackage acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:28
DCPomeroyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:28
DCPomeroyis only available from another source03:28
DCPomeroyE: Package acroread has no installation candidate03:28
FloodBot1DCPomeroy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:29
Paddy_EIRE_DCPomeroy, no flooding please03:29
DCPomeroyyes i just read that03:29
rellis`Matir: No I don't think he has.03:29
Orchid`strategy,  all devices are properly turned on.03:29
strategyOrchid`, but did you try all of those?03:29
`Matirrellis, just hypothesizing, but maybe it caches known_hosts somewhere.  no real info to back that up03:30
Orchid`strategy,  all of the commands ont eh troubleshooting page, no, but i am trying everything03:30
strategyOrchid`, no no03:30
strategyOrchid`, open the audio control window03:30
Orchid`strategy,  ok. next?03:30
strategyOrchid`, go to file->change device03:30
karlNYanyone know what package would let me clone an installation to like 5 other systems (not copy, but PXE boot like a liveCD)?03:30
Orchid`which should i select?03:30
strategyOrchid`, next, open up a video or song or something and try each and every one of those03:30
strategyOrchid`, at least one should work..03:30
Orchid`strategy,  thats what im doin.03:30
karlNYI want to know if I have one server, can I boot 6 clients off it, serving them a liveCD image via PXE03:31
r2sdoes Lenovo Ideapad S10 available in US now???03:31
strategyOrchid`, the creative labs one should work methinks03:31
karlNYI need to build the liveCD image... with the right tools <-- what tool?03:31
rellis`Matir: Ya that's definitely possible. My developer went home for the day so maybe in the morning it'll "magically" be working for him :)03:31
Orchid`strategy,  i dont have one i have a hda nvidia in the list.03:32
Orchid`and none work.03:32
thomasiteHello, everyone.03:32
strategyOrchid`, uh.. nvidia makes graphics cards03:32
strategyOrchid`, wait you have 'nvidia' in that list?03:32
Orchid`start yes i know which is odd why it is in the sound device listing03:32
Orchid`strategy,  yes.03:32
`Matirrellis, lol, hopefully03:32
strategyin the file -> change device list?03:32
Orchid`strategy,  i dont know why, im jsut reporting in.03:32
strategyor in lspci -v03:32
Orchid`in the change device list03:32
thomasiteI have a problem. :( I've been using Pidgin for quite some time now. Recently, however, the window for IRC doesn't open anymore even if I'm connected to it.03:33
strategylspci -v lists all your devices and stuff03:33
strategyOrchid`, i dunno man im sorry :'-(03:33
Orchid`haha i know.03:33
Orchid`it jsut really blows harxddcore.03:33
Orchid`worked with people in #winehq on it as well, trying to get the drive to read SPORE and such03:33
Orchid`and then the audio issue resulting03:33
DCPomeroycan someone help me install adobe reader?03:33
karlNYDCPomeroy: apt-get install xpdf? or evince?03:34
overridercan anyone recommend a good project management software? thanks03:34
DCPomeroykarlNY, do either have a browser plug in?03:34
karlNYI need to build a liveCD image to serve over the network to clients... with the right tools <-- what tool?03:34
karlNYDCPomeroy: doubt it - they'd pop open as a separate app, from your browser;s menu "what should I open this file with"03:35
karlNYso anytime you click a .PDF, in say Firefox, it would say a) save file b) open it with evince ?03:35
DCPomeroykarlNY, i wanted adobe for the browser window, i have document viewer03:35
mertherHas anyone tried Dropbox?  Does it work well?03:36
karlNYI need to build a liveCD image to serve over the network to clients... with the right tools <-- what tool -- live-package? Other???03:44
ledoyendoes anyone here use sonata to play mp3?03:44
ledoyeni need some help!03:44
ledoyeni'm not able to add mp3 or to play any at all, what is the problem. does it not support mp3s or am i just f*cking lame??03:45
mohadibis it possible based on device name to get the scsi host,channel,id,lun info?03:46
mohadibfor a hard drive03:46
karlNYscsi or raid?03:46
mohadibscsi, non-raid03:46
danbhfive!blkid | mohadib is this it?03:46
ubottumohadib is this it?: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:46
Dat1When will the chat logs be updated, I want to find a link from yesterday03:48
karlNYyo mohadib03:48
karlNYmohadib: try "lsscsi"03:49
mohadibdanbhfive: doesnt seem to show the scsi info, but thanks03:49
mohadibkarlNY: ill check it out now03:49
mohadibthat rocks, thanks karlNY03:50
* karlNY bows: but of course, monsieur mohadib!03:50
myronhas anyone here had any experience using krita?03:50
remuhey everyone, ive got an hp dv4t with an intel ich9 family soundcard, does anyone have experience with a similar setup? my sound stutters/loops03:53
mohadibi have an intel ich9 card03:53
mohadibseems to work ok03:54
mohadibare you running a sound dameon>?03:54
mohadiblike esd or somesuch pluseaudio?03:54
remui dont know, the problem started with a clean install03:54
remui just got the laptop03:54
mohadibwhat applications do it?03:55
temp123i have banshee for playing audio03:55
remuthis person seems to be having the same problem as me, i think they describe it best http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=912896&highlight=ich903:55
temp123i booted up, and it won't play songs anymore03:55
remumohadib: it doesnt really play anysounds, the problem starts with gdm and doesnt stop03:56
temp123everything else is working fine03:56
temp123only banshee isn't working03:56
starnanybody know if there really isnt such a thing as a virus for linux? i am only asking for people keep telling me this and i cant find a AV for linux03:56
mohadibremu: is it only the login sounds, or all that sounds?03:57
remuall the sounds, if they play at all that is03:57
temp123the only sound that isn't playing are in banshee03:57
mohadibyou are using 64bit?03:57
`Matirstarn, there are only a handful of viruses ever written for linux and they saw almost no circulation03:57
`Matirstarn, that being said there's clamav and avast, among others03:57
remumohadib: problem occurs in both 64bit and 32bit03:57
remuin hardy as well as intrepid03:57
remuright now i installed hardy 32bit, i thought it might be a 64bit issue03:58
fossiiliHelp! I can not get a new Vista laptop connected to TWEA501 router
ckyleWhat's the IRC command so all of the joined/quit messages don't appear?03:58
mohadibremu: does ps show esound or esd or pulse audio running?03:58
starnMatir, soo i am basicly pretty much safe to browse the web?03:58
mohadibremu: 'ps ax' command03:59
remumohadib: im in vista right now, im going to boot into ubuntu to try that, ill be back soon03:59
starnMatir, and i know avast is good on windows.. never heard of the others soo guess i'll download it.. can it also scan my windows partition on my other hd?03:59
`Matirstarn, you should be fine... I've been using linux for a decade and never seen a virus... be aware if you run a windows app in wine, it can do most anything it could under windows, but that's a separate issue03:59
`Matirstarn, yep, so long as you have that partition mounted04:00
`Matirstarn, clamav is used on a lot of mail servers to scan for e-mail bound viruses04:00
swp0743hey guys04:00
temp123anyone have an idea why my banshee music player won't play songs04:01
temp123could it be a plugin issue?04:01
starnMatir, thank you.04:01
jcm99What Format  is your music in?04:01
starnMatir, i've noticed linux support is easier to get than widnows.. hehe04:01
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temp123mp3 mostly04:01
Mr_Fixit_Ahey guys what's a good mIRC like IRC program?? where you can view multiple windows at once???04:01
starnMatir, even for dumb questions04:01
swp0743im using ubuntu 8, i need to recompile my kernel, emiting mac80211 module, can anyone point me to the right direction ?04:02
jcm99install ubuntu restricted in synaptic04:02
swp0743what would that do for me ?04:02
`Matirstarn, no such thing as dumb questions... better to ask and know then to not and assume04:02
temp123i have installed restricted04:02
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temp123i think banshee using gstreamer04:02
temp123but i have most of those installed04:03
swp0743anyone ?04:03
mohadibremu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:03
mohadibmight help04:03
remumohadib: i tried following that04:03
Mr_Fixit_Aanyone?? i need a scriptable IRC client??04:03
remuno luck though, i did the manual install of the alsa drivers and stuff04:03
jcm99Is gstreamer bad installed?04:03
swp0743can anyone give me an advice on where to start compiling my kernel ???04:04
starnMatir, how i normally think but a lot of people i've talked to. to get support for windows well go you noob i am leet type crap. but yea...  hey i was wondering if there is a better irc cleint for ubuntu or is xchat the best choice?04:04
swp0743irssi is good04:05
swp0743supports ssl04:05
jcm99hmm I'm lost is Rhythmbox able to play them?04:05
remumohadib: http://rafb.net/p/flHs7v68.html04:05
`Matirstarn, I use xchat personally... *shrug*04:05
starnMatir, it is what i am using right now and for windows heh04:05
jcm99Then I would say it isn't a codec problem04:05
temp123rhythmbox can't04:06
`Matirstarn, ah, I always though mIRC was the gold standard for windows04:06
temp123probably a codec problem04:06
temp123what codecs should i check/install04:06
jcm99lame is used to play mp304:06
regeyaerm...lame is an mp3 encoder, not player.04:07
temp123lame as in "lame ain't an mp3 encoder"04:07
regeyathe name 'lame ain't an mp3 encoder'04:07
starnMatir, i did to.. but i would rather code in python than mirc's code...04:07
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regeyacomes from the days when lame was just a patch to the reference code/program04:08
muditi m editing my vigr right now, how to do it ?04:08
jcm99Yea that one04:08
starnMatir, speaking of which i need to find the IDE i used before i had to reinstall....04:08
myronhas anyone tried to use KDE office with ubuntu?04:08
muditit wont edit like a regular test !04:08
`Matirstarn, ah, I'm just getting into python... looking for a good IDE myself... looked at IDLE, but it seems unimpressive... considering python bindings for eclipse04:09
mudittext *04:09
mohadibremu: whats does lsmod | grep snd report?04:09
remumohadib: sorry, my system just finished doing an update and told me i had to restart, problems still there04:09
muditcan anyone help me with editing vigr ?04:10
mohadibmudit: whats to know?04:10
remumohadib: http://rafb.net/p/sIwpSb54.html04:10
starnMatir, if ya find one leme know going to do some searchs right now... but i also been trying to learn perl and ruby... wanna use muliplatform lanuage.04:10
mohadibremu: how about lspci | grep audio04:11
muditwell i did 'sudo vigr', and started editing, but it wont edit like normal text04:11
mohadibyou know how to use vi mudit ?04:12
remumohadib: that command gives me no output04:12
temp123i got my audio on banshee working04:12
droopsta915I just installed a second drive to my computer, the master drive is linux, the second drive is xp pro. Anyone know how I can choose a drive at bootup?04:12
temp123but i guess i accidentally messed something up, cause now i cant get sound on youtube04:12
temp123so that means no flash audio04:12
muditis it some text editor ?04:12
arquebusfor simple stuff, pype and drpython are better than idle, then there is Eric and boaconstructor for a serious python IDE04:13
mohadibmudit: yes, you can set what editor vigp and vipw etc uses04:13
mohadibyou can use something more simple like nano04:13
mohadibor you can just choose not to use vigp at all and use other menas04:13
jcm99I had that problem with 9, but putting the latest version of 10 on did take care of that.04:13
temp123wat codec would stop flash from playing sound?04:13
=== Orchid` is now known as Orc-COD4
muditbut when I do 'sudo gedit vigr', it wont show me anything04:13
mohadibthats not exactly right04:14
mohadibwhat are you trying to do exactly?04:14
muditi m trying to open vigr in gedit04:14
jcm99Just do a google of Flash 10 ubuntu and install the latest version. That should help with some of the flash stuff04:14
mohadibmudit: no, i mean why do you want to run vigr?04:14
KraussFlash? Adobe flash?04:15
muditi m setting a svn server on my machine04:15
wsuetholz_topHello, I am running kubuntu 710, and seem to be having problems with HAL.  Can anybody help me?04:15
mohadibyou need to add it to a given group mudit ?04:15
temp123i have the macromedia firefox plugin i think04:15
rippsI have a problem with suspend on a computer. It succesfully suspends and resumes, the only problem is that it won't start the monitor. I know the rest of the computer starts correctly because I'm able to ssh in.04:15
jcm99Yes sorry  the adobe flash04:15
mohadibmudit: just use nano : nano /etc/group04:15
DeniseI think too04:15
temp123nope, shockwave flash04:15
mohadibits easier to use04:15
temp123so i need adobe flash?04:15
wsuetholz_topnpps: I've seen documents indicating what needs to be done.  Sorry, it seems to be a black art that depends greatly upon what system board you have.04:16
suwrois there any method to make on a secondary DNS to have the zone - when a new zone is created on primary DNS (? ex: s1 has domain.tld -> make domain.tld as slave on s2)04:16
temp123flash can play, flash works04:16
wsuetholz_topnpps: do a google search, there are a few on the ubuntu forums04:16
muditok, and i think I messed up my vigr, should I type ':q', the changes wont be saved ?04:16
temp123it just doesn't output audio04:16
mohadibmudit: :q!04:17
temp123would installing adobe flash fix that04:17
mohadibwont save any changes04:17
jcm99That has a how to as well on installing it04:17
mudityou mean ':q!'  ?04:17
remumohadib: when I go to system>Pref>Sound and hit "Test" on sound playback, I get this error message, dunno if that will make a difference or not04:17
remuaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.04:17
wsuetholz_topanybody, HAL getting seems to be getting stuck on non existant /dev/sdd04:17
mohadibremu: hmm , no clue mate04:18
Sweet-PI am using ubuntu as a firewall/gateway for my home network.  It's set to use one interface as dhcp from my ISP, I want it to pull an IP, but use my own custom DNS.  Everytime I reboot, it replaces my info with ISPs info.  How can I force /etc/resolv.conf to stay to what I make it?04:18
remumohadib: did you have to do anything special to get your setup working?04:18
rippsI have a problem with suspend on a computer. It succesfully suspends and resumes, the only problem is that it won't start the monitor. I know the rest of the computer starts correctly because I'm able to ssh in.04:18
mohadibno, i looked again though, i have a ich5 card04:18
mohadibit seems to be more supported :s04:19
stepomaticcSweet-P: look at dhclient.conf04:19
remumohadib: lol, yea, the ICH9 is whats causing problems04:19
StarnestommySweet-P: you need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf and add something like "prepend domain-name-servers first-ip,second-ip,third-ip,...;"04:19
Sweet-PI did that, and it worked for that part, but it's still adding the ISPs info.  I'm changing the "request" line and removing anything DNS related...br04:21
Sweet-Pthat worked!04:22
Sweet-Pthanks all04:22
droopsta915linux on first drive and xp on the second drive, how can i use both drives? My computer boots up Ubuntu and sees the xp drive as a mounted device?04:23
mohadibdroopsta915: can you not write to it?04:25
mohadibwhats the problem?04:25
smm289so what do ya think, Kubuntu or Ubuntu for a File/Print server? or is it just personal preference to the GUI04:26
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mohadibwhy install a gui at all?04:26
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remuhey guys, the guys over at fedora seem to have gotten the sound card I have working properly, or so it seems in this forum thread, but I have no clue how to adapt it to ubuntu, could I get some help in that regards? http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=196558&highlight=ich904:26
smm289cause I can't do everything on a CLI,  I'm a nub04:26
mohadibah :p04:27
acp_smm289, just a personal preference04:27
mohadibinstall swat and cups alrady has a web interface04:27
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.04:27
acp_install the GUI that your comfortable with04:27
mohadibseems pulseaudio is causing him problems remu04:28
smm289im new so my comfort level is the same for K or Gnome04:28
acp_but if you have lowend hw use light weight gui04:28
droopsta915mohadib: I start the computer and Ubuntu boots up normal, the second drive is viewed as a mounted drive, I had the second drive in another computer (xp pro), can I bootup using the second drive?04:28
smm289low end graphics, but its a P4 2.804:28
mohadibdroopsta915: sure, just got to massage grub04:29
Jack_Sparrowremu THat hardware most likely has redhat drivers which will not help you in ubuntu04:29
smm289im stuck in 800 x 600 using gnome.  I had a Nvidia TNT2 kicken around and thats what Im using04:29
rippsI have a problem with suspend on a computer. It succesfully suspends and resumes, the only problem is that it won't start the monitor. I know the rest of the computer starts correctly because I'm able to ssh in.04:29
droopsta915mohadib: is there a command for that?04:29
Jack_Sparrowripps Video cards are the main source of hibernation issues04:30
mohadibremu: try adding pci=noacp to your grub conf04:30
acp_smm289, try using xfce04:30
mohadibthen try adding the module options they did in modprobe.conf04:30
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smm289ya think xbuntu will allow my tnt2 to go past 800X600 resolution ?04:31
Jack_Sparrowsmm289 yes, if ony in vesa mode..04:32
coolHi there04:32
smm289vesa mode hu ?04:32
mohadibuse the nvidia non free drivers04:32
ASrockim thinking about getting a second monitor is it possible to have one workspace on one monitor and another workspace on the other one?04:32
sexcopterI know this isn't entirely ubuntu related, but I'm curious what people here think. if choosing a new cpu, for bang for the buck would you go for dual core at a slightly higher speed, or for the same money a quad core at a slightly slower speed? in other words, what matters more, cores or ghz?04:33
smm289its an AGP card04:33
Cocoabeanhello, I am trying to PXE boot the Ubuntu Server install image, it boots, but it looks for the CD and fails, because of course the CD is actually an NFS export, anyone know how ot point it to the NFS share instead of hte CD?04:33
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings04:33
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:33
smm289depends of if your going to be using alot of different apps at one time04:33
coolYes depending on video card04:33
diguinhoI need help on restoring grub. root (hd0,0), setup (hd0) is not working04:33
coolThe best way to use Ubuntu is ti install it on its own PC04:35
Jack_Sparrowsexcopter Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:35
Jack_Sparrow!woh > cool04:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about woh04:35
mohadibcool: and why is that?04:35
Jack_Sparrow!who > cool04:35
ubottucool, please see my private message04:35
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:36
sexcoptersmm289: i see. i'm a pretty average user, but i'm just thinking that "more cores" might be the most futureproof. i don't really know much about this though.04:36
mohadibthought it would pm me04:36
Jack_Sparrowsexcopter Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic04:36
Seven_Six_TwoI have a 64 bit laptop and a 32 bit copy of hardy. can I install it and then switch to 64 bit?04:36
sexcopterJack_Sparrow: sorry, apologies04:36
droopsta915anyone know what massage grub is?04:36
Jack_Sparrowmohadib           try    /msg ubottu who04:37
danbhfiveSeven_Six_Two: I don't think so, but you can use 32bit just fine04:37
coolUbuntu is pa pa don't take no mess04:37
mohadibdroopsta915: s/massage/configure04:37
ubuntuguys, don't know what the prob is, but even tho i had hardy live working an hour ago, it will not now completely load.  gets to a black screen with cursor in the middle and will not go on to desktop from there.  pulled an old  6.06 out of my bag of trix, but i don't know if or how to access ntfs files with it.  will 6.06 do this?04:37
Seven_Six_Twoyeah, I knew that. I was just hoping to be able to switch04:37
Seven_Six_TwoI don't see why you couldn't, but I04:37
Seven_Six_TwoI've never tried04:37
smm289can I install the Xubuntu session ontop of ubuntu, like I can install KDE on top of ubuntu04:38
Seven_Six_Twostupid acer installed 32 bit windows anyhow04:38
Jack_SparrowSeven_Six_Two that wont work04:38
Seven_Six_Twoalright. I'll have to see if I can find a blank cd.04:38
Jack_SparrowSeven_Six_Two 32bit is suggested especially for new users.  If you have and need more more than 4 gig then you would need 64 or the server kernel04:39
coolWho knows the best printer for Ubuntu04:39
mohadibcool: any hp laser jet04:39
mohadibmost brother and kyoceras work too04:39
Jack_Sparrowcool browse our supported hardware page04:39
diguinhois it faster to run a OS on 64-bit instead on 32-bit ?04:40
Jack_Sparrowcool my hp laser is great..04:40
mohadibdiguinho: it can be, but not always04:40
Jack_Sparrowdiguinho not by much and not worth the extra effort and issues04:40
Seven_Six_TwoI'm not a new user, but my friend is. I think I'll take your advice Jack_Sparrow. I just thought it would be better since he's got a 64 bit sys. My buddy uses 64bit hardy. He only has occasional probs. Mostly with flash04:40
diguinhoI see04:40
coolGuys I will be right back04:40
mohadibdiguinho: but you can address a lot more ram04:40
mohadibthis can make a hug differience in performace04:40
Jack_SparrowSeven_Six_Two flash and drivers.. that whole chroot thing..04:40
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:41
diguinhoI only have 1 gig of ram04:41
diguinhoso I guess it would make no difference04:41
Seven_Six_TwoJack_Sparrow oh he got it sorted out. It works ok now.04:41
mohadibdiguinho: buy more ram :s04:41
mohadibits pretty cheap now days04:41
Seven_Six_TwoJack_Sparrow thanks again.04:41
diguinhoi know04:41
remumohadib: how do i do that? adding the "pci=noacp" to grub conf?04:43
mohadibremu: you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:44
mohadibbut you might want to google on it04:44
mohadibif you havent edited it before04:44
droopsta915I find instructions on how to install two operating systems on a computer, but thisis for one drive two partitions. I want two drives two operating systems. help? please?04:44
SexyKenWhat do you all suggest for IRC on ?04:45
droopsta915i do have the operating systems installed already. ubuntu is the master xp is the slave04:45
remumohadib: I should add "pci=noacp" to the end of the kernel line of the option that I boot with, correct04:45
mohadibyes , but next time menu.lst is updated by apt your edit will be overwritten04:46
mohadibbut you can do it to test04:46
remuoh okay, sounds good04:46
mohadibmenu.lst does weird stuff whar comments with 1 # are parsed as options when menu.lst is rebuilt04:46
mohadibby updategrub or somesuch04:46
mohadibso you should see a commented out kernel options line04:47
mneptokmohadib: you can add special parameters to the defaults, and they will be preserved04:47
minosjoin debian04:47
mohadibmneptok: not on the actual kernel line04:48
masmotaokay so we got three ppl huddled around this box we just updated from 7.10 to 8.04 and theres this mystery icon that looks like a jigsaw puzzle.  nothing happens on single/double right/left click .. we have bets on the mystery icon... anyone care to take a stab?04:48
mohadibif you added them to the kernel option s section, then they will not be overwritten with next update04:48
mohadibmneptok: gdesklets04:48
mohadibits a python app to make little widgets live on your desktop04:48
mohadibor thats what it sounds like anyway04:49
yakitoque es esto?04:49
mneptokmohadib: what about gdesklets?04:49
mneptok!es > yakito04:49
ubottuyakito, please see my private message04:49
mohadibrgars what is amking the puzzle icon appear in your systray area04:49
mohadiber mneptok ^04:50
mneptokmohadib: huh?04:50
mohadibmasmota: ...04:50
* mohadib gives up04:50
masmotagdesklets, yes, thank you my good wo/man04:50
mneptokthe stains become a warning ...04:50
Oxygenfa1ubuntu is slowing down really bad04:51
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Oxygenfa1I think it might be the videocard04:51
Oxygenfa1It is sluggish04:51
Oxygenfa1I have amarok on and its slow04:52
Oxygenfa1Firefox keeps freezing ...04:52
mortuis99_hey all i just installed ubuntu on a lappy and need help finding and auto mounting a partition.  can someone help me?04:52
Oxygenfa1Basically itś acting like windows04:52
RonzOHOW did ubuntu get away from vmware? virtualbox is one of the worst pieces of software that i have ever used04:52
Oxygenfa1any tips?04:52
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virtuallinuxmortuis99_:  To automount, you'll need to add an entry for the partition in /etc/fstab04:54
RonzOHOW did ubuntu get away from vmware? virtualbox is one of the worst pieces of software that i have ever used04:54
mortuis99_is there a help for doing that?04:55
virtuallinuxwell, there's some documentation somewhere, I imagine, but that may or may not be particularly helpful04:55
virtuallinuxwhat version of ubuntu are you running?04:55
phantomcircuitRonzO, if it's not working your doing it wrong04:56
phantomcircuitwhat version are you using?04:56
Guest66254well i try 11.0 linux04:57
RonzOphantomcircuit, 1.5.604:57
virtuallinuxthat was actually directed to mortuis99_, I should have specified04:57
RonzOphantomcircuit, windows 2000 is asking me for a floppy, and 98 wouldn't even boot. =)04:57
phantomcircuitRonzO, they have a 2.0.0 version04:57
phantomcircuiti suggest you stop complaining about a seriously outdated version :P04:57
RonzOphantomcircuit, i shall try that before my complaining continues...ty. =)04:57
HaSHhello all what are the differences in gtkpod and gtkpod-aac?04:57
brolly81i have a problem with the volume, it doesnt adjust with the programs such as the movie player i have to manually do it on my speakers04:57
phantomcircuitRonzO, http://virtualbox.org04:58
danbhfiveOxygenfa1: are you using non-free drivers?  maybe thats the problem04:58
phantomcircuitthe version in the repos is outdated because some of the code sun uses for vbox isnt theirs04:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkpod-aac04:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkpod04:59
Oxygenfa1Is Debian faster ?05:01
danbhfiveOxygenfa1: short answer, no05:01
Oxygenfa1I tried new windows managers, that didnt do much05:01
brolly81 i have a problem with the volume, it doesnt adjust with the programs such as the movie player i have to manually do it on my speakers05:02
Oxygenfa1I read online it is the new version05:02
pepperjackOxygenfa1: any processes clocking?  what does top say? your computer could just be lazy05:02
Oxygenfa1I dont really know how to read top05:03
Oxygenfa1but there is only like 4 things05:03
Oxygenfa1Even pigion is lagging05:03
Oxygenfa1Term actualy CRASHES05:04
Oxygenfa1it freezes05:04
trtr3434hello. When i access some folder, there is no minimize, maximize and close button. I have to select from file option and close it if i want to go to desktop. How do i fix this?05:04
Oxygenfa1And pigion takes 4-5 seconds to show a new line05:04
LSD|Ninjatrtr3434: just the buttons or are the titlebars and window boarders completely gone too?05:04
brolly81:-Danyone know how to fix the volume thing05:05
trtr3434yea the titlebars and window also gone05:05
pepperjacktrtr3434: wm is a good thing :)05:05
brolly81the volume option on my panel does not work, anyone?05:06
trtr3434any solution for this?05:06
pepperjacktrtr3434: im not in ubuntu so not sure of the default window manager. does sudo apt-get install fluxbox;fluxbox& fix it?05:07
brolly81:-Danyone, volume thing thing on panel doesnt work05:07
remumohadib, I love you so much right now, lol, the pci=noacpi worked BEAUTIFULLY05:08
remuaudio works, haha05:09
mohadibnice man \o/05:09
remunow to do a clean install with amd64bit05:09
noahanybody ever see this from "sudo aptitude update"?  Could not connect to apt-cacher0:3142 ( - connect (113 No route to host)05:09
remumohadib: and then once i verify itll work then too, itll be time to let all the other people having this problem know how to fix it, i think im subscribed to like 5 threads on different forums relating to this problem, haha05:10
mohadibnice man, way to kick back :)05:10
brolly81yeah about my volume thing, its not working:-!05:10
brolly81hello pen05:10
mohadibbrolly81: try a full bodied conditoner05:10
brolly81cool, im on it05:11
remumohadib: yea, if this hadnt worked my next attempt wouldve been to install fedora 9, cause i was in there room, and they were telling me it should work fine there, but im glad it worked with ubuntu, ive gotten used to how it functions now, lol05:11
brolly81do i just pour it on my desktop05:11
penbrolly81, have you tried intrepid alpha 5?05:11
remumohadib, do you know what that option does though? besides make my audio work?05:11
brolly81no what's that05:11
Aeron|mtfi am trying to watch a dvd in gxine, and it is very frustrating.  The movie is running fine, but i'm getting these horizontal bars all over the place.  what is it?05:12
brolly81i had the same thing too aeron, i just stopped watching movies.  hope that helps05:12
penbrolly81, the next release of ubuntu05:12
mohadibremu: i dont know05:12
remulol, alrighty05:13
mohadibi have used noacpi option05:13
mohadibbut not the pci=acpi05:13
Aeron|mtfbrolly81, that's the Windows user solution to things, I'm not buying it ;)05:13
LordAnubisIs there a channel for complete linux newbies?05:13
mohadibLordAnubis: lol05:13
mohadibthis is it05:13
citizen42alphawhat's the current stability like with alpha5 ?05:13
gaintsuradoes anyone know if there is a linux webcam support channel? I'm having problems getting my quickcam 9000 working, when I run most video programs it doesn't detect it, and cheese just shows a test pattern + static05:13
brolly81yup, i just to this os today. lmao05:14
LordAnubisGet ready for some stupid quesions folks:)05:14
LordAnubisI'm running Vista, with VMWare Server, and ubuntu is loaded on vmware.05:14
creedHello I have a question I am having problems with a partition on my harddrive mounting05:14
LordAnubisI tried forever trying to use MS Virtual PC, but i couldn't for hte life of me get ubuntu working on that, so I gave up.05:14
LordAnubisHow does one install a file on Ubuntu?05:15
Aeron|mtfbrock081, apparently it's an interlace issue05:15
creedeverytime I reboot my machine I have to manually mount this vfat partition05:15
hobanok, I was just reading in the BIND configuration that you can escape the $ character when using GENERATE. What possible reason would cause someone to want to escape the $ ?? It's not valid in domain names afaik...I'm confused I suppose05:15
brolly81how do i update ubuntu05:15
remumohadib, i used pci=noacpi05:15
mohadibaye, thats what i ment to type :s05:15
pepperjackLordAnubis: everything in ubuntu is organised into central repositories so you basically go to add remove program and select the app you want05:15
remulol, cool05:15
remumohadib, again, thanks for the help, im gonna go install ubuntu amd64 now05:16
mohadibnice, i use amd64 lunix at work05:16
mohadibits rally nice05:16
=== zerocxis is now known as Zerocxis
LordAnubispepperjack, i'm trying to install VMWare Tools.05:16
jesus_hey can someone tell me how to add a new server with xchat?05:18
virtuallinuxLordAnubis: vmware shoudl have mounted a vmware tools cd in ubuntu05:18
LordAnubisI open hte tar.gz file05:19
LordAnubisI extracted to desktop05:19
virtuallinuxopen a terminal05:19
virtuallinuxnavigate to that folder05:19
ajhtiredwolfHey I go the microsft media center remote control, doesnt seem to be working in ubuntu though05:19
virtuallinuxLordAnubis:and there's a perl script named something along the lines of vmware-install.pl05:20
RonzOdoes anyone know why virtualbox is asking me for a floppy disk to install windows 2000, even though i have floppy disabled?05:20
RonzOi have the newest version...and this is really starting to frustrate me05:20
pepperjackajhtiredwolf: might /join #mythtv-users   they prob have some exp with such things or check ubuntuforums05:20
mohadibwhy not use vmware server RonzO ?05:20
virtuallinuxyou run the perl script one of two ways, you'll need to use sudo to do it05:20
=== citizen42alpha is now known as DEURYTE_
virtuallinuxsudo ./vmware-install.pl05:21
brolly81i just did a system update and my volume thing, thing still is not working05:21
RonzOmohadib, someone about 10 minutes ago said to use virtualbox05:21
LordAnubisSo what's sudo?05:21
Flannel!sudo | LordAnubis05:21
ubottuLordAnubis: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)05:21
brolly81anyone have any info on the volume thing thing on the panel05:21
virtuallinuxit gives you root privileges for a single command05:21
mohadibRonzO: vmware server is free, and its been in the virtulization game way longer than most companies05:21
RonzOmohadib, *sighs* i hate playing this bouncing back and forth game, lol05:22
mohadibit has a large channel here on freenode and kick arse forums05:22
RonzOty mohadib05:22
pepperjackRonzO: alas it is also evil but you pick your battles05:22
mohadibRonzO: /j #vmware05:22
bobertdosbrolly81: Could you be a little more specific, please?05:22
kudarwhat do you do to finish the command05:22
kudarif it is long05:22
kudarand you dont want to type it out05:22
kudari forget05:22
pepperjackkudar: tab key for completion05:22
RonzOmohadib, i have no idea why canonical went away from vmware05:23
mohadibi was unaware they had embraced any virtulization software05:23
brolly81when playing music, i tried to use the volume adjustment on my panel to lower the music and it does not adjust volume and what no05:23
ASrockhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131339    what do you guys think of that motherboard (are its chipsets and such nice to ubuntu?)05:23
mohadibi have always just downloaded vmware05:23
ZerocxisWhat does vmware do that virtualbox doesn't?05:24
mohadibdoes virtual box have a robust scripting interface05:24
ASrockZerocxis: it works05:24
mohadibcan it run all guest swap in ram05:24
Zerocxisooo nice05:24
ASrocki could never get virtualbox to work05:24
ZerocxisI might have to switch then05:24
mohadibvmware server is nice05:25
Cycomhell, I thought it was worthwhile to by workstation.05:25
kudaranyone running 2.6.27?05:25
MrPeepers310whats the best virtulization software out?05:25
ASrockmy favorite is VMware Workstation 605:25
brolly81when playing music, i tried to use the volume adjustment on my panel to lower the music and it does not adjust volume. so how do i fix it anyone05:25
danbhfive!intrepid | kudar05:25
ubottukudar: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!05:25
CycomI can record video sessions of my VM.  The newest version, 6.5, is going to have recording actual mouse moves :)05:25
MrPeepers310ASrock: do you have to buy it?05:25
ushimitsudokiMrPeepers310: I like VirtualBox - but I am not a heavy user of virtualization05:25
ASrockMrPeepers310: yes05:26
MrPeepers310ASrock: ok what about free software05:26
CycomASrock, MrPeepers310, yuo can run the beta free.05:26
CycomMrPeepers310 and vmware Server is free.05:26
virtuallinuxI have a seperate machine running Ubuntu Server + Vmware Server05:26
Zerocxiswas it vmware that does virtual 3d acceleration?05:26
virtuallinuxand I use the Vmware server Console form my VM's05:26
kudardanbhfive: what is that?05:27
LordAnubisOk, so it asks me for install location for Mozilla.05:27
virtuallinuxI'm pretty sure vmware has experimental support for directx05:27
ASrockMrPeepers310: idk i have tried a few free 'solutions' and couldnt get any of them to work05:27
LordAnubisI typed in the correct location, but it still says it's not right05:27
brolly81when playing music, i tried to use the volume adjustment on my panel to lower the music and it does not adjust volume.05:27
danbhfivekudar: its the next version of ubuntu, which contains that kernel05:27
mohadibvmware server also offers terminal service like connection to a remote vm05:27
mohadibits kinda slow though, id rather use terminal services for that05:27
MrPeepers310virtuallinux: well i need it for running visual basic and for some reason the newest update of virtualbox the driver doesn't work with it05:27
LordAnubisI jsut typed "/usr/lib/mozilla"05:27
CycomVmware Workstatio 6.5 supports DX9 in Windows XP guests right now, but nothing as far as I know in Linux :(05:28
mohadibthats pretty slick though05:28
mohadibcant really imagine play a 3d game in a vm05:28
navetzhow do you completly remove and reinstall firefox 3.05:28
navetzCycom: really? do you have to pay for that version?05:28
pepperjacknavetz: that would be tricky05:28
brolly81does anyone know how to fix my volume adjustment on my panel it does not work05:28
mohadibnavetz: apt-get purge firefox , might break a lot of stuff though05:29
navetzmohadib: humm ok thanks05:29
DCPomeroywhat's the difference between purge and remove?05:29
mohadibpurge removes config files05:29
pepperjacknavetz: do what i do and install it to /home/$USER/local and just update your icon to point to the new one ;p05:30
mohadibremove doesnt always do that05:30
mu91they my firefox browser hangs a lot is there a solution05:30
navetzpepperjack: will that new one recieve proper updates?05:30
mohadibmu91t: google chrome!05:30
mu91tfor ubuntu05:30
Zerocxisone removes the package, the other removes the package and removes the residuals, I think05:30
danbhfivemu91t: flash?05:30
pepperjacknavetz: well no05:30
mohadibnavetz: the proper way  apt-get --reinstall install firefox05:31
pepperjacknavetz: but automatic update is like asking for directions when you have a vauge idea of where youre going. remember we're men05:31
mu91talso vlc pl;ayer is not giving sounds for 3gp files....wat should i do05:31
mohadibnavetz: that wont break anything05:31
mohadiband should give you a clean install05:31
navetzmohadib:alright I'll give it a shot.05:32
navetzpepperjack: ok I'll try it if reinstalling doesn't work05:32
wersi cant download anything from the repo :O05:33
cycloudyangDoes anyone know why I can't find the "Ibm Symphony" in my application menu?05:34
bobertdosmu91t: When firefox started hanging a lot for me, i found the best solution was to turn visual effects (compiz) off. If you don't want to shut the whole thing off, I believe the plugins that really cause the problem are the image rendering plugins.05:34
mikeyfbihey guys, i just installed 8.04 and can't get the sound to work properly as it did on my gusty install...i could play multiple audio sources (ie youtube and amarok) but now i cant05:35
mikeyfbiand ideas?05:35
cycloudyangHello? Anyone using the IBM symphony?05:35
mikeyfbii did have ubuntu studio installed...maybe it had to do with that?05:35
bobertdosmikeyfbi: No, no.....This is a known bug in Pulse. I suggest switching everything back to Alsa in System->Preferences->Sound05:36
LordAnubisWhat's the command to go back a directroy in terminal?05:36
LordAnubisI thought it was "cd.."05:36
mikeyfbibobertdos, ok i'll try that...think it'll require me to restartx for it to take effect?05:36
cycloudyanghello, and how can i get ibm symphony started?05:36
ZerocxisLordAnubis: it is "cd .."05:37
gangster hey guys, i just installed 8.04 and want to add packages from ubuntustudio w/ out doing a fresh install05:37
hobanok, I was just reading in the BIND configuration that you can escape the $ character when using GENERATE. What possible reason would cause someone to want to escape the $ ?? It's not valid in domain names afaik...I'm confused I suppose05:37
RonzOis vmware-server not included in the release of hardy? i can't even find it in the repos05:37
bobertdosmikeyfbi: Amarok locks up on me when I play it and flash simultaneously, but it might work out better for you. Well, not X, but you might possibly need to stop pulse and/or restart alsa.05:37
mohadibRonzO: download it05:37
mohadibfrmo vmware.com05:37
mohadibit can update its self, and has an uninstall script05:38
mikeyfbibobertdos, can you do those from the terminal?05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google-earth05:38
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository05:38
bobertdosmikeyfbi: yes05:38
mohadibhowdy Cpudan8005:38
Cpudan80mohadib: hiya05:38
cycloudyangdoes anyone using ibm symphony in Ubuntu?05:38
cycloudyangi can not get it started in hardy.05:39
kahrytanAnyone know of a good rm replacement script?05:39
mikeyfbibobertdos, WHOOP!  haha so far so good05:39
mikeyfbibobertdos, both youtube and amarok at the same time05:39
hmlneither clive nor youtube-dl has worked; is there anyway i can download the following video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8559159269814597358 ?05:39
mikeyfbibobertdos, thank you so much :) :)05:39
gaintsurahml: I think there is a greasemonkey script to download google video05:40
bobertdosmikeyfbi: You're welcome, and just fyi, we're ALL hoping that Ibex improves upon Pulse :D05:40
Zerocxiswhat is Pulse supposed to do?05:40
danbhfivebobertdos: why?  I don't think it does05:40
mikeyfbibobertdos, so Pulse is the default now?  what is ALSA then?  or why wouldn't they just use that? :)05:41
mrBobhello i want to upgrade to hardy but i want to make a good backup first, whats the best cmd for backups? ty05:41
danbhfive!backup > mrBob05:41
ubottumrBob, please see my private message05:41
bobertdosmikeyfbi: Yeah, they're in the process of pushing ALSA out and transitioning into Pulse.05:41
nxmehtai've got a bunch of pdfs (scanned books, etc) that i'd like to serve from my home server... is there some server software that generates a nice html interface (with thumbnails, etc) for browsing ebooks?05:42
nxmehtafulltext search would be nice too05:42
mikeyfbibobertdos, ah i see :)  when is Ibex due?05:42
bobertdosmikeyfbi: The same way that OSS gave way to ALSA :)05:42
bobertdosmikeyfbi: next month05:42
ZerocxisI hear that Ibex is gonna have a darker theme to it... is this true?05:43
mikeyfbibobertdos, oh hahah, i shoulda just waited to re-install.  i've heard upgrading can be quite a feat sometimes05:43
bobertdosmikeyfbi: yeah, it can, I usually prefer to start fresh each time.05:43
kahrytanZerocxis»  Nope.05:43
cycloudyangi can not get ibm symphony installed in my Ubuntu. anyone has some suggestion? thanks!05:44
kahrytanZerocxis» That was just two alpha versions. Alpha 5 is not dark but has ugly metacity theme.05:44
mikeyfbibobertdos, well i'll just get better at it...this time my ccsm profile didn't load properly...but the install was super fast and slick.05:44
=== Winston_1mithVT is now known as Winston_SmithVT
mikeyfbibobertdos, a fresh install twice a year isn't much hassle with ubuntu anyway ;)05:44
kahrytanZerocxis»  In no way will this be final but here's alpha 6, (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Alpha-5-Screenshot-Tour-93089.shtml)05:46
bobertdosmikeyfbi: exactly -- Let's just say that when something goes severely wrong with Ubuntu, I don't hesitate nearly as much to reinstall it as I would with, oh say, Windows.........:p05:46
Zerocxisyeah that's what I like about Linux in general bobertdos05:47
Zerocxisfor me, it has been very very forgiving05:47
mikeyfbibobertdos, touche, touche :)  well thanks again so much! back to work for me :)05:47
Zerocxisunlike windows... still keeping my Vista partition for gaming tho >.>05:47
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)05:47
danbhfivewhats o4o refer to?05:48
lepinecan one downgrade to a previous grub version?05:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:48
bobertdosZerocxis: By the way, since I don't see that anyone answered you. Pulse is just the newest sound server, the piece of software responsible for managing sound resource allocation.05:48
danbhfive!who | kahrytan05:49
ubottukahrytan: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:49
kahrytandanbhfive»  it's multiple people.05:49
mrBobhow do i backup my system on an external hd?05:50
bobertdosZerocxis: It is essentially an encapsulation of a generic driver framework for all sound devices.05:50
danbhfivekahrytan: you can still refer to them.     like !ot | person1 person2 person3, etc05:50
kahrytandanbhfive»  better yet, just use /msg05:51
ZerocxisI wasn't trying to derail the topic, sorry05:51
wershow do I adjust the opacity of inactive windows?05:51
kahrytanmjankiewicz»  Yes...05:51
Zerocxisbobertdos: thanks05:52
mjankiewiczI need some help with my desktop....my kids messed it up05:52
kahrytanDon't ask to ask. Just ask already05:52
mjankiewiczwhen I start a program, it doesn't show up on the task bar05:53
kahrytanmjankiewicz»  details05:53
voosi'm running ubuntu in virtualbox but the resolution cant go higher than 800x600. How can I get it bigger?05:53
kahrytanvoos»  install vbox tools05:54
outbackwifimjankiewicz: just add the window selection applet to your taskbar05:54
mjankiewiczfor example, I have several programs open, but nothing is showing up on the bottom of the screen.  the only way to get to a minimzed prog is to alt tab05:54
vooskahrytan, ahh ya thanks05:54
kahrytanvoos»  in guess os05:54
outbackwifimjankiewicz: your kids might have removed that from the panel05:54
kahrytanvoos» I always hated that too.05:54
mjankiewiczhow can I get it back?05:54
bobertdosmjankiewicz: Is the bar even still there?05:54
mjankiewiczyes....applications, places, system.  etc05:55
kahrytanmjankiewicz»  right click  on panel and add applets05:55
kahrytanmjankiewicz»  and add window list applet05:55
csyntax_i need help edit my .bashrc file05:55
mrBobhow do i backup my system on an external hd?05:55
lepinehow does one go about installing from CLI onto a previously create software raid?05:56
mjankiewiczwow.  that was easy.  thank you so muck05:56
kahrytanmjankiewicz»  Now right click on left side of it and move then lock it into place05:56
csyntax_anyone good with the file bashrc05:57
djhashmjankiewicz: you might want to create different user account for kids..05:57
bobertdosmrBob: Most USB drives should be pretty much plug and play. Are you having trouble mounting, or are you talking about making drive images?05:57
kahrytandjhash»  and my suggest helps too :P05:57
djhashkahrytan: can be easily unlocked..05:57
csyntax_i now sure where to put this05:57
csyntax_export hlalib05:57
csyntax_export hlainc05:57
dookdookif i install ubuntu on a system, then pop out the hard drive and put it into another computer, can i expect everything to work properly?  or do i need to re-install?05:57
FloodBot1csyntax_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:57
djhashkahrytan: things can be removed even if they are locked05:58
kahrytandjhash»  but prevents acidental deletion05:58
mrBobbobertdos: i dont know the how to make a backup on my external hd05:58
csyntax_any ideas05:58
mrBobbobertdos: its already  mounted..05:58
gaintsurais the gspca driver still in use? or is it no longer supported? Another claim to be working with the webcam I just bought, but its not working, or I didn't do something right.05:58
mjankiewiczthank you again for your help.  I will set up another account for the kids.05:59
bobertdosmrBob: Are you using the desktop edition (with X) or the server edition (without X)?05:59
csyntax_i put that in my .bashrc and type ./hla i getbash no file that odd05:59
kahrytanmrBob»  Simplest but complex is just use rsync05:59
mrBobbobertdos: idk im using 7.1005:59
mrBobbobertdos: i guess desktop05:59
bobertdosmrBob: but I mean, you do have a graphical environment, right?06:00
mrBobbobertdos: yes06:00
ShadowBelmolveanyone uses "Miro PCTV"?06:00
bobertdosmrBob: What is it you're wanting to back up? The whole system or just certain files?06:00
mrBobbobertdos: whole system i want to upgrade to 8.0406:00
kahrytanmrBob» http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48570006:01
kahrytanmrBob»  grsync uses rync and has gui for it06:01
csyntax_is anyone going to help me or not;.06:02
halkunHow you turn off the edge-switch thing were dargging a window to the edge causes the desktop to switch06:02
gaintsuracsyntax_: ask your question and wait for a response, this isn't paid help ya know06:02
kahrytanmrBob»  use grsync to backup Home.06:03
[Marik]салам всем06:03
Askahello by everybody!06:03
kahrytanmrBob»  and ubottu pm for currently installed apps via synaptic.06:04
csyntax_that my question do i do this right06:04
[Marik]фиянэр фхуэсп1ысынщ06:05
saintbobany beginner guide online to learn linux?  A newbie here:)06:05
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:05
nedwellI want to run a Windows program that is a utility program with no user interface.  I am running the current Ubuntu Server edition.  I've installed WINE, but I get an error "Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded."  How can I tell WINE it doesn't need to display anything?  Thanks!06:05
csyntax_i save my thing i did but when i do ./hla it don't find anything06:05
ushimitsudoki!ru | [Marik]06:05
ubottu[Marik]: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:05
kahrytanushimitsudoki»  thats what that was?06:06
csyntax_gaintsura, you look at the link?06:06
gaintsurayes, but I can't help you06:06
[Marik]"¤[9:05:35] <ubottu> [Marik]: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke" пошел нахуи06:06
halkuncsyntax_: what are you tying to accomplish?06:06
ushimitsudokikahrytan: you can use ubotto to direct people to native lanuage help (ru is russion, cn is china, es is spanish and so on)06:06
kahrytanushimitsudoki»  I didnt know what russian was06:07
halkunyou just exported some environment vars in your bash.rc06:07
csyntax_http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/AsmTools/HLA/HLADoc/HTMLDoc/UnixInstall.html this  what i try to install.06:07
[Marik]au fiderzein06:07
[Marik]"[9:07:01] <[Marik]> au fiderzein"06:07
[Marik]"[9:07:23] <[Marik]> "[9:07:01] <[Marik]> au fiderzein" "06:08
[Marik]"[9:07:24] <[Marik]> "[9:07:23] <[Marik]> "[9:07:01] <[Marik]> au fiderzein" " "06:08
[Marik]"[9:07:27] <[Marik]> "[9:07:24] <[Marik]> "[9:07:23] <[Marik]> "[9:07:01] <[Marik]> au fiderzein" " " "06:08
LGKeiz[12:05:24AM] <saintbob> any beginner guide online to learn linux?  A newbie here:)06:08
LGKeiztrial and error06:08
csyntax_halkun you reading the link06:08
csyntax_but  paste it in my bashrc file and save and now it will not do anything.06:09
halkunwhere is your lha application located?06:09
halkunhla rather?06:09
csyntax_export hlalib06:10
csyntax_export hlainc06:10
waanWhich is the best virtual machine for hardy?06:10
FloodBot1csyntax_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:10
ad5osAww  can anyone help me with a Nvidia issue with the latest Ubuntu06:10
magnetron!best | waan06:10
ubottuwaan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:10
chris062689_Can anyone tell me the different between GLADE and Glade-GTK?  Is one updated more than the other?06:10
csyntax_that what i put in the .bashrc file06:10
gaintsurawaan: personally, I'd recommend vbox06:10
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox06:10
kahrytanwaan»  my personal fav is virtualbox but it currently doesnt run intrepid ibex06:10
gaintsurakahrytan: intrepid is the next ubuntu?06:11
halkuncsyntax_: those  are just libraries where is the application you are tying to run.06:11
kahrytangaintsura»  yes. :)06:11
gaintsurahow is it? and where can I see it at? -)06:11
ad5osplease IM me if anyone knows how to get Nvidia drivers with 8.04 to work right! :D06:11
kahrytangaintsura»  and Juanty is after that06:11
halkunwhat happens when you try and run it?06:11
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!06:12
waangaintsura, kahrytan: I was going to use virtualbox but thought there might be some good alternatives also. I read some articles through google about Qemu, but that seems old now06:12
gaintsurawaan: I had problems getting Qemu to work06:12
kahrytanwaan» Vmware is nearly free.06:12
csyntax_but it will not run06:12
halkunwhat is the error you are getting?06:12
waankahrytan, yes that will be good06:12
csyntax_i even try it in su and still will not work06:13
debCarloswaan: qemu is good, it's my fav just now, but i think that vbox is pretty cool too :)06:13
waankahrytan, i'll give virtualbox a go, I assume I just install it from the package manager?06:13
halkunwhat is the error you are getting?06:13
halkunprograms can "not work" in many many ways06:13
gaintsurawaan: yes06:13
csyntax_csyntax@csyntax-desktop:~$ ./hw.hla06:14
csyntax_bash: ./hw.hla: Permission denied06:14
kahrytanwaan»  You can at least beta test Intrepid and help get it working :)06:14
csyntax_am i doing something wroung?06:14
tsoloxhow do i uninstall a package via  "dpkg -r"  by forced, since i accidentally erased the software...??!06:14
=== nenolod is now known as laptopnenolod
halkuntype "ls -lah hw.lha"06:15
csyntax_i lost06:15
lymecaWill KDE4 be default in Kubuntu 8.10?06:15
danbh_familykahrytan: intrepid is still alpha06:15
halkunwhat does it say06:15
debCarloscsyntax_: You have to give him exec permitions... chmod +x file    ?06:15
tsoloxi erased it by "rm -rf"...and now I cannot dpkg -r06:15
danbh_familytsolox: whats the error?06:15
magnetron!intrepid | kahrytan waan lymeca06:15
ubottukahrytan waan lymeca: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!06:15
kahrytantsolox»  reinstall it?06:16
waankahrytan, i'm looking for stable right now. But i'll give intrepid a go later :)06:16
halkunI have a dumb question, what is ubuntu going to use after 26 releases? (Zesty Zerba)06:17
csyntax_debCarlos i get this error06:17
csyntax_csyntax@csyntax-desktop:~$ ./hw.hla06:17
csyntax_./hw.hla: line 1: program: command not found06:17
csyntax_./hw.hla: line 5: begin: command not found06:17
csyntax_./hw.hla: line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `"Hello, World of Assembly Language",'06:17
csyntax_./hw.hla: line 9: `    stdout.put( "Hello, World of Assembly Language", nl );'06:17
FloodBot1csyntax_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:17
tsoloxdanbh_family: it was looking for the software in /usr/local..but its already done...I cannot reinstall it as it will bark with an error...need help pls06:17
FlynsarmyIf i run gnome but also have kde installed (due to having programs such as k3b installed) is there a way to theme the kde apps to look like all the gnome apps?06:17
kahrytanDarn that bot is fast06:17
csyntax_i doing something wroung06:17
danbh_familytsolox: whats the error!06:17
=== csyntax_ is now known as perlsyntax
debCarloscsyntax_:  Man, the soft you're trying to run  have errors :S06:18
danbh_family!pastebin > tsolox if you can paste the exact error for when you try to reinstall, I might be able to help06:18
ubottutsolox, please see my private message06:18
halkuncsyntax_: this is where you open up hw.hla, in a text editor and see what the script is expecting.06:18
fernandoone question06:18
=== perlsyntax is now known as csyntax
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csyntaxi not sure what i did06:19
Guest56552where I can unload ubuntu hardy heron06:19
danbh_familyGuest56552: how did you install it?06:19
FinnishIs there a editable mount program in ubuntu? I mean, I want to edit a windows XP-ISO, some textfiles need editing06:20
kahrytanmagnetron»  You wouldnt happen to know of rm replacement script?06:20
outbackwifiGuest56552: how did you load it?06:20
csyntaxdebcarlos any ideas06:20
Flannelcsyntax: What language are you programming in?06:20
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halkunLinux isn't like windows, you just can't intall and go. It appears that hw.hla is a script file that runs something else. It;s making assuptions about ubuntu that is incorrect.06:20
tsoloxI cannot redirect the error string into a ffile06:20
debCarloscsyntax: no man :P06:20
tsoloxit was trying to chown a file that no longer exists!06:20
halkunso you are going to need top ask the original application developer for help.06:20
Flannelcsyntax: This really isn't the channel for it.  It *sounds* like youre trying to run a script, not a compiled asm program.  You should try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic06:21
tsoloxhow can i forced dpkg -r to forcefully remove a package???06:21
danbh_familytsolox: just go to the website, and cut and paste06:21
FlynsarmyFinnish, Try isomaster06:21
FinnishFlynsarmy: From repos?06:21
djhashcsyntax: dont you need to compile the program before running it?!!06:21
kahrytanAnyone else know rm replacement script?06:22
FlynsarmyFinnish, yep06:22
halkunhow do you turn off the edge-switch to keep X from swithing desktops when a window is near the edge?06:22
DarkFireCan some one help mne?06:22
outbackwifihalkun: this used to be in the ccs06:22
djhashkahrytan: why do you want a replacement script for rm?06:23
outbackwifidarkfire: with what?06:23
outbackwifihalkun: compiz config system (or manager)06:23
kahrytandjhash»  I accidentally deleted a partition with it.06:23
FinnishFlynsarmy: Thanks alot!!! Just checking it out, might be THE solution to my problems06:23
* outbackwifi feels partitions can only be deleted with fdisk, rm only deletes files and directories06:24
kahrytandjhash»  I unmounted it and used ext3grep to recover the data, thank god06:24
DarkFireoutbackwifi Im trying to install Ubuntu and i get this...I/O error Error reading boot CD06:24
outbackwifiDarkFire: do a media check06:24
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  by partition, i mean all the files on it :P06:24
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outbackwifikahrtan: you can alias rm with rm -i06:25
halkunwhere is the ccsm located?06:25
DarkFire<outbackwifi>  is that the one were i check the hash? or the one off the CD?06:25
outbackwifihalkun: system-> preferences06:25
ph0rensicyou can type in ccsm from cli or go to your system prefs06:25
outbackwifiDarkFire: off the D06:25
outbackwifiDarkFire: off the CD06:25
DarkFire<outbackwifi>  ok06:26
ph0rensichalkun: Of course it must be installed first though06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hping06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hping206:26
luquialias rm=true06:26
luquivery safe06:26
kahrytanoutbackwifi» Actually, i was thinking about turning rm into mv to trash instead06:26
outbackwifikahrytan: good idea06:27
tsoloxi have pastbin the error..pls help06:27
kahrytanoutbackwifi» Ubuntu should do it.06:27
outbackwifikahrytan: better idea: beware of wildcards06:27
tsoloxubottu: paste bin it./.06:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste bin it./.06:27
DarkFire<outbackwifi>  i9 get the same error06:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:27
djhashtsolox: give us the link to the pastebin url after you submit it06:27
outbackwifiDarkfire: either your Drive is broken or the CD is corrupt06:28
outbackwifiDarkfire: to find out, run the media check on another PC06:28
=== Orc-COD4 is now known as Orchid`
tsoloxHere is the scenario: I rm -rf the software in /usr/local. Now I cannot dpkg -r it. I cannot also re-install it...that's the problem,.06:28
DarkFire<outbackwifi> this is the second Pc i have tried and got the same error06:29
outbackwifiDarkfire: you have your answer: burn another CD06:29
Flanneltsolox: Nothing you installed through package management should have been put in /usr/local/06:29
FinnishWhat's the command for text editor?06:29
DarkFire<outbackwifi>  should i try to re download the iso file?06:29
outbackwifiFinnish: vi or nano06:29
FlannelFinnish: gedit (gnome), kate (KDE), mousepad (XFCE)06:29
tsoloxFlannel: what do you mean???06:30
djhashtsolox: i hate to find out if what I'm thinking is right.. type in "ls /usr/local" tell us what you get06:30
outbackwifiDarkfire: you could first try with burning the ISO on another CD; if that doesnt work, download again and burn and check06:30
DarkFire<outbackwifi>  ok i will do thanks for the help!06:31
tsoloxdjhash: bin,etc,include,,,........and so on...then???06:31
kahrytanQuestion: This is writable right? UUID=* /media/Media ext3 user,auto,rw 0 006:31
dustigrooveAny Openbox users present?06:31
djhashtsolox: ok.. are you creating those directories that is needed..06:32
tsoloxGoing back to the question...How can I "dpkg -r" if i accidentally "rm -rf" the software ...???06:32
kahrytantsolox»  reinstall the software.06:32
=== sean is now known as Guest74528
kahrytanDarkFire»  Before redownloading iso, check m5dsum06:33
kahrytanon iso image06:33
kahrytanQuestion: This is writable right? UUID=* /media/Media ext3 user,auto,rw 0 006:35
djhashtsolox: looks like you dont need to.. you just removed the files that dpkg would've removed06:35
outbackwifikahrytan: apparently yes06:35
Dabbuhow to make vlc skin permanent06:36
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  then why does it mount read only? yes, i check folder mounted too06:36
outbackwifikahrytan: if you mount it manually using sudo mount does it do the same?06:37
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  I can mount with and without sudo. Same result06:38
midododo11hey any c programmer06:39
Flannelmidododo11: try ##C06:39
outbackwifikahrytan: is the owner of the files on that disk the same as the one you are logged in?06:39
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  It's newly formated.06:39
DabbuHow to start vlc player in skin mode06:39
kahrytanDabbu»  did you try vlc --help in console?06:40
midododo11no c programmers here ?06:40
=== The_Phoenix1 is now known as The_Phoenix
outbackwifikahrytan: what if you changed the parameters to defaults only?06:41
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  huh?06:41
kahrytanDabbu»  it's a module. wxwidgets06:41
djhashmidododo11: go to #C06:41
outbackwifikahrytan: in /etc/fstab06:41
kahrytanDabbu»  oops Skins306:42
kahrytanDabbu»  oops Skins206:42
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  i told you whats in that06:42
outbackwifikahrytan: can you pastebin ls -l /media/Media after you do a sudo mount /dev/xyz /media/Media06:42
rippsDoes anybody know of a console text editor that use color-coding for programming?06:43
kahrytanout UUID=4* /media/Media ext3 user,auto,rw 0 006:43
Flannelripps: vim06:43
outbackwifikahrytan: replace user,auto,rw by defaults06:44
tarelerulz2What are good  Transcoder?06:44
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  nope.06:44
rippsFlannel: is that the only one, I've tried using it , but I can never remember all the keys to use it06:44
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  that doesnt work06:44
Flannelripps: well, you can use it pretty simply as a "regular" text editor.  All you need to remember is how to get into and out of insert mode.06:44
agentglue33i just installed  mdbtools-dev with "apt-get install mdbtools-dev".  anybody know where the development files install too?06:45
outbackwifikahrytan: my fstab for external disk has relatime,user,defaults06:45
kahrytanDabbu»  change shortgun to vlc --controls skins206:45
outbackwifiagentglue33: in /usr/include and /usr/lib06:45
kahrytan--control skins2 actually.06:45
agentglue33outbackwifi: thanks!06:46
ushimitsudokiagentglue33: you can check out the files of any package with "dpkg -L <packagename>"06:46
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  i dont want the defaults so I do manual06:46
Flannelripps: Hmmm, nano may be able to do highlighting, I'm not sure.  I imagine it will.06:47
outbackwifiand yet when you do a sudo mount /dev/xyz /media/Media, it is still readonly?06:47
CollyTardme like bunty. How make go faster, like slacky?06:47
starnwhere is pythons lib folder? so i can install a lib.06:47
MuntrueHello guys! I have ubuntu installed now. But i want to install windows XP as dual boot (some of my hardware is not supported in ubuntu) How can i set this up ?I can only find how to's wich tell me to install XP first.. wich would mean formatting my current setup06:47
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  default is rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.06:47
outbackwifikahrytan: and yet when you do a sudo mount /dev/xyz /media/Media, it is still readonly?06:47
rippsFlannel: I currently use nano, but I don't think it can do color.06:48
CollyTardMuntrue no! Only bunty, no windy!06:48
MuntrueCollyTard, I wish it was that easy but some external hardware that i want to use is just not supported for linux..06:48
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  its  ignoring the fstab options obviously06:48
djhashMuntrue: try this: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm06:48
CollyTardMuntrue bad Muntrue! Only bunty!06:48
outbackwifikahrytan: does it mount readonly?06:49
Muntruedjhash, ill check it out thanks06:49
starnanybody know where is pythons lib folder? so i can install a lib.06:49
Flannelripps: I'm sure you can.  http://www.samurainet.org/blog/2008/06/18/nano-syntax-highlighting/06:49
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  mounts as root06:50
rippsFlannel: awesome, thanks06:50
InHisNameIs there anyone who has NOT installed any video drivers into ubuntu yet ? Could you do the command and pastebin it, thanks: sudo ls -l /etc/X11   I think I messed up groups / owners and need to restore them.06:50
outbackwifikahrytan: the way ive set it up, it mounts as my user no matter how i mount it06:51
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  so did it my way. It's just screwed up06:51
chilli0hey does anyone know python?06:51
kahrytanit's ignoring fstab options06:51
outbackwifikahrytan: because i did a sudo chown -R user. * inside the mounted disk06:51
chilli0there irc is inactive i need some help06:52
abchirkchilli0 #python :)06:52
starnanybody know where is pythons lib folder? so i can install a lib?06:53
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  that works now. I mounted, then chowned Media. And it sticks between mountains06:53
outbackwifikahrytan: great ;O06:53
onthefence928whenever my laptop boots with AC power it forces a FSCK says that the partition is read only and won't let me finish booting. how do i fix it?06:54
outbackwifionthefence928: it boots normally on battery power?06:54
onthefence928outbackwifi: yeah, because it skips teh FSCK06:55
outbackwifionthefence928: try turning acpi off in the boot arguments06:55
Angel-SLIs there an on-screen keyboard for ubuntu accessible in the login screen?06:55
Muntruedjhash, That page looks really good. Definitely helpfull!06:55
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  My only issue now is It doesnt mount with label names. It uses size.06:55
waanMy notebook displays a blank screen while booting but after a minute displays the log-on screen, would this be due to an incorrect monitor sync in xorg.conf?06:55
onthefence928outbackwifi: can you explain that to me?06:55
outbackwifikahrytan: there was someone who suggested using e2label (not sure if thats what its called) to do this06:56
hashierhej there!06:56
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  i did that already :P it's just not instant. neeeds restart06:56
outbackwifionthefence928: why do you say that it skips fsck when booting from battery?06:56
hello_scienceAt5what is that classic mac font called?06:57
waanhello_scienceAt5, helvetica?06:57
onthefence928outbackwifi: it's what it sayd it does, "Skipping Fsck because running on battery power"06:57
hello_scienceAt5maybe helvet waan... i'll look see06:58
hello_scienceAt5(look seeing)06:58
waanhello_scienceAt5, all I know is helvetica is not free, but there are free alternatives but they aren't quite as smooth06:58
RajecIs there any calendar/to do application which could synchronize its data with Nokia 6300 ??06:58
outbackwifionthefence928: after you boot via battery, and run fsck and then reboot with ac power, what does it say?06:58
kahrytanoutbackwifi» if you ever rm files on another partition, umount it and use ext3grep tool :P06:58
outbackwifikahrytan: thanks a lot; that is a great tip06:59
onthefence928outbackwifi: lemme try running fsck, does "sudo fsck sdb5" work?06:59
hello_scienceAt5no not helvetica,,, anyone know what the classic mac font is called?06:59
waanRajec, did you get your workspaces working ?06:59
kahrytanoutbackwifi»  I used it to recover avi and iso i had on media parition.06:59
hello_scienceAt5or have a .ttf for it06:59
hashierWhat is a good size for the / partiotn and what size is good for my winxp partiton?07:03
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droopsta915does anyone have two harddrives installed? One with Linux and one with Xp? I have Ubuntu and need to know how to make both drives work.07:03
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: i had this at one point on my laptop, but have since removed XP07:04
NewsvilleAnyone here?07:04
abstortedmindshow can i type german characters in ubuntu?  i need to use those special characters for my german class07:05
droopsta915I have two computers, one with xp and one running linux, I have decided to use both drives in one machine, but cant get xp to work07:05
sjeahi all07:05
wickedpuppyabstortedminds, system ->preference ->keyboard07:05
wickedpuppyyou can choose the layouts there07:06
abstortedmindsahh ok, ill try that07:06
NewsvilleI just installed ubuntu and the touchpad is completely unresponsive07:06
abstortedmindswickedpuppy, i change the default to german, but how do i get the charactors?07:07
abstortedmindsor know where they are07:07
wickedpuppytry typing some out ? i never used any other languages than US ...07:07
Rajecwaan: no forget about it07:08
RajecIs there any calendar/to do application which could synchronize its data with Nokia 6300 ??07:08
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ushimitsudokidroopsta915: do you see and option to boot into XP when you start the machine (this is grub that should offer that)07:08
wickedpuppyabstortedminds, enlarge the layout windows ...07:08
wickedpuppythe keys are there07:08
LordAnubisCan anyone get flash player working in firefox 3.0.1 on ubuntu?07:08
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waanRajec, ok sorry I couldn't help more07:08
=== freqk|away is now known as freqk
wickedpuppyLordAnubis, my youtube plays fine on ff 3.0.107:08
LordAnubisI installed flash player... it said it installed fine, but flash player doesn't actually work on ff07:08
RadishRabbit1quick question, can a user in linux belong to multiple groups?07:09
waanLordAnubis, I just installed the flash plugin for firefox and it works07:09
wickedpuppyRadishRabbit1, definitely ...07:09
=== A is now known as ParaCot
kahrytanLordAnubis»  whats the problem07:09
sjeahow do i change servers in pidgin?07:09
RadishRabbit1whats the command doing that assume i have both the group and user names ready?07:09
InHisNameIs there anyone who has NOT installed any video drivers into ubuntu yet ? Could you do the command and pastebin it, thanks: sudo ls -l /etc/X11   I think I messed up groups / owners and need to restore them.07:10
waanRadishRabbit1, yes07:10
wickedpuppyRadishRabbit1, its in system ->administration ->users and groups ..07:10
RadishRabbit1how to do that in command line?07:10
droopsta915ushimi tsudoki: no option, when i installed the hard drive, all i did was make it slave, but didnt know where to go to get the option of booting Ubuntu or Xp.07:11
LordAnubiskahrytan, can I pm you?07:11
abstortedmindswickedpuppy not really sure what you mean, it says Layout, USA, GERMANY, germany is selected as default, wondering what i need to do besides that07:11
wickedpuppyRadishRabbit1, how to do what ? sorry if it sounds impolite ... could you be specific on what you you mean?07:11
kahrytanLordAnubis»  bo07:11
kahrytanLordAnubis»  no07:11
torridhow can I help the cause?07:11
RadishRabbit1how to add a user to a second group using command line?07:11
wickedpuppyabstortedminds, on layout .. you will see the keyboard layout right ? enlarge that screen .. the keys are printed there07:11
waanLordAnubis, have you installed the flash plugin?07:11
FlannelInHisName: root:root, Xwrapper.config is 600, the folders are all 55507:11
=== ParaCot is now known as TrueMocha
abstortedmindsahh its there now07:11
abstortedmindsgreat, thanks07:11
FlannelRadishRabbit1: adduser user group07:11
LordAnubisWell youtube works fine now, it installed codecs.07:12
deadguy /names07:12
RadishRabbit1thanks !07:12
LordAnubisI'm trying to use www.thehothits.com.au07:12
RandomNuBhello all07:12
torridis there anyway I can help ubuntu out?07:12
torridjust looking for a hobby07:12
RandomNuBI have a problem... I just restarted my PC and the nVidia driver isnt working07:12
LordAnubisAll I see is a big play button, and if oyu hit it it says you need adobe flash player.07:12
wickedpuppyRadishRabbit1, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/ <--- more plainer help than i could do here :P07:12
Rokayhello.  I JUST installed ubuntu 1 hour ago.  Can someone please tell me how to run any of the compiz fusion stuff.  I already have them installed07:12
wickedpuppyoppss .. already been helped07:13
abstortedmindsi see the layout now wickedpuppy, but how do i get the chars to be typed07:13
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: alright then. you have to configure grub to allow you to choose what OS to boot into. Also, i am not sure if just installing a drive that already has WinXP on it will work. however, check out something like: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm and keep in mind that most guides are written with the idea that you will be INSTALLING winxp07:13
LordAnubisI followed the link, installed, and restarted the virtual machine, and still the same thing.07:13
torridpeople still dual boot around here?07:13
InHisNameThanks!, Flannel07:13
Flannel!dualboot | droopsta915, ushimitsudoki07:13
ubottudroopsta915, ushimitsudoki: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:13
RandomNuBI have a problem... I just restarted my PC and the nVidia driver isnt working07:13
Rokayanyone got the compiz fusion to work?07:13
Jakeotronhi guys.  I just installed an hour ago, the touch pad on my Acer Travelmate 4060 is locked up.  Hasn't worked at all.  Any thoughts?07:14
=== TrueMocha is now known as The_Phoenix
wickedpuppyabstortedminds, have you tried with ctrl+key or alt+key or ctrl+alt+key ?07:14
abstortedmindsyes wickedpuppy it doesnt work07:14
RandomNuBno one knows my problem?07:15
Flannel!doesntwork | RandomNuB07:15
ubottuRandomNuB: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:15
ushimitsudokiFlannel: that guide won't help much as he has a drive that already has XP on it i think?07:15
RandomNuBI just said my problem...07:16
Flannelushimitsudoki: It will.07:16
wickedpuppyabstortedminds, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123489 <-- check this out07:16
RandomNuBLast night the nvidia driver was working fine but now it doesnt :(07:16
FlannelRandomNuB: See the factoid ubottu gave you07:16
RandomNuBthe "Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too"? :|07:17
FlannelRandomNuB: yes.07:17
Rokayi guess my quesiton is, how do I see the effects of a given compiz plugin after I have it all set up.  Is there a key that I press or something07:17
RandomNuBFlannel well what do I have to say to you so you can diagnise the problem?07:17
FlannelRandomNuB: Well, right now we have absolutely no idea whats going on.  You'll want to describe what exactly its doing to make you think its not working, etc.07:18
=== The_Phoenix1 is now known as The_Phoenix
JakeotronAny thoughts guys?... touch pad not working?07:18
debCarlosJakeotron: dunno, maybe checking xorg.conf ?07:19
RokaydebCarlos, do you have compiz fusion running07:19
JakeotronOk, I'm brand new... how do I do that?07:19
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate07:19
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning07:20
debCarlosRokay: yes... why ?07:20
RokaydebCarlos, I just installed ubuntu 1 hour ago and installed compiz.  but I cant find info on how to actually see a given effect07:20
RokaydebCarlos, for instance, I can't even find where "button 1" is... to initiate it.  is that a button I set up somewhere07:23
kindofabuzzbutton one, your left mouse button07:23
Rokaythx kindofabuzz07:23
debCarlosJakeotron: See the archive ( cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less ) and search if there's any InputDevice/touchpad section... if it's there then check in ServerLayout section if there's a line like this one: Inputdevice"Synaptics Touchpad"07:23
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Rokaykindofabuzz,  is there a place where I can find what each button means (button 2, 3, etc)07:24
=== K is now known as Guest98271
debCarlosRokay: button 2 must be the right one, button 3 the middle one... and i think there's no button 4 :P07:25
schultzais there a fast easy way to set up a lamp server from the desktop release?07:26
Rokaythx debCarlos .  i am trying to launch the rotate cube.  I hold the shift alt and my left button on my keypad and nothing happens.  it seems to be enabled.07:26
wickedpuppyschultza, besides installing one by one ?07:26
Rokaybut I dont see the cube07:26
Flannelschultza: tasksel07:27
hateball!ccsm | Rokay07:27
ubottuRokay: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:27
debCarlosRoaky: I think it's ctrl+alt+left button :)07:27
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:27
Rokaythx guys.  let me try that.  ubottu I believe i already did that but let me do it again07:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:28
schultzaThanks for the info.07:28
debCarlosRokay: ubottu is a bot...07:28
Rokayah lol07:28
Rokaythx again guys07:29
=== The_Phoenix is now known as ParaPhoenix
schultzaI know. But someone set it up. So thanks for the service.07:29
=== schultza is now known as aldaek
Rokayone other question.  i installed on my laptop... but I dont even see the wireless option under network.  i think I installed the driver too07:30
InHisNameph0rensic: I solved the problem I had with that error going to failsafe mode.07:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel07:32
aldaekWhat is tasksel?07:32
outbackwifiRokay: what is the output of lspci (pastebin it please)07:33
ph0rensicInHisName: what was the issue07:33
aldaekAh, ok.07:33
=== ParaPhoenix is now known as ParaBash
=== ParaBash is now known as The_Phoenix|away
Rokayoutbackwifi, here it is07:35
=== The_Phoenix|away is now known as The_Phoenix
Rokayrokayjon@rokayjon-laptop:~$ lspci07:35
Rokay00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 Host Bridge07:35
Rokay00:01.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 PCI to PCI Bridge (Internal gfx)07:35
Rokay00:05.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 PCI to PCI Bridge (PCI Express Port 1)07:35
Rokay00:07.0 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 PCI to PCI Bridge (PCI Express Port 3)07:35
FloodBot1Rokay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
* outbackwifi wonders why wont people pastebin even after being told07:36
Rokaysorry I didn't know how to paste the formal way07:37
InHisNameph0rensic: I see alk.... is off line, you can pass on to him/her when back.  I tried using find to see what changed or logs at time of failure.  I examined each log and noted times and time I answered the errors with OK.  I waited one minute each step.  xorg.conf was finishing fully before the errors started.  Still could not find errors. I once 'ls -l ' while NOT sudo and noticed lotta ???? where permissions should be.. something07:37
Rokayoutbackwifi, here is my paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/46078/07:38
outbackwifiRokay: i dont see a wireless card in your system07:39
Rokayoutbackwifi, thats stange.. when i go into windows mode I have it there07:39
outbackwifiRokay: is it an external USB card?07:40
Rokayno internal.  brand new gateway that has it built in07:40
outbackwifiRokay: did you miss out any lines while pastebinning?07:41
Rokayoutbackwifi, maybe it got messed up when I tried to load the drivers (i am new to ubuntu)07:41
Rokaylet me redo it07:41
Rokayoutbackwifi, ok i just verified. i didnt miss any lines07:42
outbackwifiRokay: sudo iwconfig07:43
Rokaysays no wireless extensions and eth0 no wireless extensions07:44
=== debCarlo1 is now known as debCarlos
Rokayoutbackwifi, yeah for some reason it wont recognize in ubuntu.  in vista and xp it picks  it up07:46
outbackwifiRokay: can you boot into windows and find out what card it is?07:47
Rokayoutbackwifi, yes let me do that07:47
hanifI am looking for a bash script to take jpg out of a group of subfolders and putting them in all one folder. My only problem is that they are all names thumbnail_preview.jpg. Is there any way to incorporate a sequential rename scheme?07:47
rajecHi I got this error when try to install  some of ruby gem http://pastebin.com/m6cfd1e97. I am not C(++) Programmer but I suppose I am missing some libraries or soemthing07:48
Rokayoutbackwifi, i am on my mac so i can easily restart the laptop and find out :)07:48
outbackwifihanif: use a for loop with a counter and concatenate that to the filenmes07:48
outbackwifiRokay: you sold your soul to the I-Witch?07:49
Rokayoutbackwifi, i am just interested in converting to ubuntu as I am sick of crappy windows07:49
bubaphexlooking for a program to create .iso files, any recommendations?07:49
aldaekSick of restrictive licensing.07:49
aldaekk3b, maybe?07:50
outbackwifibubaphex: mkisofs07:50
aldaekoh, sorry.07:50
Rokayoutbackwifi, my network adaptor ir Realtek RTL8187B 802.22g 54mpbs usb 2.0 network adapter07:50
outbackwifiRokay: USB  eh :)07:51
bubaphexthanks outbackwifi07:51
Rokayoutbackwifi, its not USB not sure why it says that07:51
outbackwifiRokay: lsusb please07:51
Rokayit is internal07:51
aldaekPlease refresh me, what is the directory for personal websites on linux? ~/www ?07:51
outbackwifiRokay: I know, my toshiba had one of those07:51
Rokaylet me log back in to ubuntu07:51
aldaekRokay: It's best to be in the system you are troubleshooting.07:52
Splitaldaek: ~/public_html07:52
aldaekSplit: Thanks.07:52
Rokayaldaek, yes thats true but I didn't have irc installed on the ubuntu.  just installed it less than 1.5 hours ago07:52
Rokayand I didn't know which irc client was even available for ubuntu07:53
ykphuahRokay: you can use pidgin to IRC07:53
aldaekWhat!?!?! -> "mkdir: cannot create directory `/public_html': Permission denied"07:53
Rokaythanks ykphuah07:53
ykphuahaldaek: I am sure you meant "mkdir ~/public_html" instead.07:54
ykphuahRokay: or if you are using kubuntu, konversation/kopete both will do.07:54
standardall of you07:54
aldaekwhy did the mkdir public_html while in my own directory did not work?07:54
ykphuahaldaek: you are instructing it to create it in the root path, that's what "/public_html" means.07:55
Rokayoutbackwifi, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/46083/07:55
ykphuahaldaek: if you want to create in your own directory, just use "mkdir public_html" without the slash07:55
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
standard2 many questions, i have a live install it works good what is the default root password?07:56
* aldaek slaps self silly with trout fin. "Doh!"07:56
bazhangstandard, none; use sudo07:56
aldaekI did have the / in there.07:56
[dksuiko]Quick question.. when you exit X-Windows, does the terminal that you drop down to have a name?07:56
Beererdehi. my nvidia card suddenly stopped working. if i reboot, it goes to low. if i do modprobe -r nvidia modprobe nvidia and restart x it works. what can it be?07:57
[dksuiko]I know it runs bash, but as for the terminal itself.. for example, in xwindows, you have rxvt, etc.07:57
standardone more how do i compile a driver07:57
standardi have the driver07:57
debCarlos[dksuiko]: tty ?07:57
standardits extracted to a folder07:58
droopsta915I need to dual boot ubuntu and xp, two hard drives, I have both operating systems installed, linux master, xp slave, what next?07:58
[dksuiko]deb: ah, good idea.07:58
[dksuiko]don't have a linux box on my at the moment though, chatting from a windows client. :(07:58
Beererdehi. my nvidia card suddenly stopped working. if i reboot, it goes to low. if i do modprobe -r nvidia modprobe nvidia and restart x it works. what can it be?07:59
urlauberIs it possible to create jabber/xmpp-chatrooms with jabber? how?07:59
urlauber(with pidgin)07:59
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: master/slave isn't the right way of thinking in a dual-boot scenario...they are independent of one another (although you can do some tricks to share things)07:59
ykphuahaldaek: yes, you should NOT use the /07:59
aldaekIt was pure accident. Hence the trout and homer saying.08:00
ykphuah[dksuiko]: I think the program that prompts you for password is called "login", the program that handles alt-f1 -> alt-f7 is getty08:00
droopsta915ushimi: right, but if both drives are in, doesn't one have to be master?08:00
=== standard is now known as pallu
Rokayoutbackwifi, did you see the output or did I have it wrong08:00
=== Q_Contoxicated is now known as Q_Continuum
bobertdosdroopsta915: Hold on, I think there's a little ambiguity in your question. When you say one is slave and the other is master, do you mean to say that you have one OS installed to the master drive and the other installed to the slave??08:01
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: well yes for hardware but that just means you need grub there so it is loaded and you select the OS to load from grub08:01
[dksuiko]ykphuah: ah, i see! thanks! i'll google 'getty'08:01
ykphuahI think droopsta915 is talking about the IDE cables.08:01
ykphuah[dksuiko]: you do realize that both of them are not "terminals". :P08:01
[dksuiko]ah, i just wasn't sure what to call it. heh08:02
droopsta915bober: yes ubuntu master, xp slave. the pins on the drive.08:02
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: you can usually set the jumpers on the drives to assign the master, or you may need to change the cabling or controllers as well. that is a hardware issue08:02
prathibhahello how to set the resolution for hp compaq laptop 6720s08:02
ykphuah[dksuiko]: last time there was mgetty, then agetty, I don' t know which one we are using now.08:02
[dksuiko]ykphuah: so what would be controlling the video i/o for the terminal?08:02
ykphuah[dksuiko]: maybe I can help more if you tell me what you are trying to acomplish?08:03
bobertdosdroopsta915: So Ubuntu is already installed on one hard drive and XP is already installed on the other hard drive, correct?08:03
[dksuiko]ykphuah: well, not really trying to accomplish anything really, lol. just curious.08:03
droopsta915bobertdos: correct08:03
[dksuiko]like when you hit alt-f1 to alt-f7, what are those instances of?08:03
[dksuiko]i know rxvt, you can have 7 windows, etc.08:04
kudarwhat is command to get flash, java, etc08:04
waanWould anybody know why I get a blank screen while booting, but the log-on screen still appears after?08:04
ykphuah[dksuiko]: ah ok, getty is the one that handles the alt-f1 -> alt-f7, getty launches the "login" program.08:04
ykphuah[dksuiko]: which ask for your username/password.08:04
ushimitsudokiwaan: what point in the boot process does the screen go black? it might be usplash08:04
magnetronkudar, go to Applications menu > add/remove > install the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package08:04
bobertdosdroopsta915: Alright, well first of all, I'm assuming that the master drive is set in the BIOS as the highest boot priority, right?08:05
ykphuah[dksuiko]: you can look into /etc/inittab, there should be some getty stuffs in there.08:05
droopsta915bobertdos: correct08:05
[dksuiko]ah, i see. thanks!08:06
=== freqk is now known as freqk|away
prathibhahello how to set the resolution for hp compaq laptop 6720s08:06
waanushimitsudoki, after grub08:06
droopsta915the problemn is the xp drive is seen as a mounted device, iccan see all the folders and files, but cant boot up as a xp machine08:06
bobertdosdroopsta915: Okay, given that, what you need to do next is use a LiveCD to install Grub to your main Ubuntu partition. After that, you'll probably need to add an entry for Windows XP into a file called menu.lst.08:06
bobertdos!grub > droopsta91508:07
ubottudroopsta915, please see my private message08:07
=== xander is now known as xander86
waanushimitsudoki, it works fine when I use recovery mode, so I guess its something to do with the splash screen being our of sync?08:07
ushimitsudokiwaan: did you try to turn off "quiet"? then you can see it as it boots and look for an error. Another option is to look at /var/log/dmesg. I would do both08:07
nkei0So, who wants to help a complete newbie to Ubuntu 8.04?  I've got it installed, I'm just dealing with the almost instant freezing upon boot up...08:07
ushimitsudokiwaan: that is a possibility - i have a problem with my usplash and haven't got around to fixing it a second time yet08:08
rajecHi I got this error when try to install  some of ruby gem http://pastebin.com/m6cfd1e97. I am not C(++) Programmer but I suppose I am missing some libraries or soemthing08:08
waanushimitsudoki, ok i'll try both of those08:08
waanushimitsudoki, yeah the operating system works fine, it's just a minor annoyance08:08
aldaekThese instructions are confusing to enable the site/~user web pages. It told me to edit a blank file.08:08
ushimitsudokiwaan: alright good luck and look for "usplash" that is my best guess08:08
droopsta915ubottu: i didnt lose grub, i took the xp drive from my old computer and installed it to my ubuntu machine.08:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:09
bobertdosdroopsta915: I know you didn't lose grub, but you do need to install it, and that wiki entry tells you how.08:09
ushimitsudokidroopsta915: and now you have to let grub know that. if it isn't listed in /boot/grub/menu.lst you aren't going to have a chance to boot to it08:10
kudar_magnetron: i have ubuntu ultimate.. should i get ubuntu restricted extras or kubuntu restricted extras?08:10
waanushimitsudoki, dmesg | grep splash returns nothing except the kernel command line (which includes splash)08:10
bazhangkudar_, ultimate is not supported here08:10
magnetronkudar_, we don't make ubuntu ultimate08:10
nkei0Anyone want to help me out?  I think I have the problem with the ati drivers and I need to use the restricted drivers, but I don't know how to switch them...  I have to do it without booting to the gui.08:11
magnetronkudar_, you'll have to ask the ubuntu ultimate folks08:11
outbackwifiRokay: this might help you --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60478408:11
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate08:11
xander86hmm ultimate looks cool08:11
bobertdosdroopsta915: Actually, a better way to say it is that you need to figure out where all of your OS's are, according to Grub, so that you can build a proper menu.lst file.08:11
xander86i never seen it , thanks :)08:11
ushimitsudokiwaan: yes. dmesg will show any errors before usplash tries to load - so look there for non-usplash problem maybe. Turn off quiet in grub (you can use "e" to edit the boot options from grub temporarily) and watch the boot to see errors that dmesg isn't logging08:11
kudar_ultimate have their own channel?08:12
magnetronkudar_, they have a website08:12
waanushimitsudoki, yeah i'll edit the command before booting, brb08:12
Rokaythanks outbackwifi !!!08:12
energYI have no sound on my dell latitude d6308:12
Rokaylet me try that outbackwifi08:12
energYWhat is wrong?08:12
droopsta915bobertdos: how can i searh for the operating systems?08:12
droopsta915the grub is only seeing ubuntu08:13
outbackwifienergy: what is the issue?08:13
bobertdosdroopsta915: Pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l (from the Ubuntu terminal)08:14
energYI get no sound08:14
outbackwifienergy: through headphones or speakers08:14
Apoll1hello everyone08:14
outbackwifienergy: headphones ok?08:14
nkei0 no one wants to help me :(08:15
energYDon't know. I don't have headpones08:15
ushimitsudokinkei0: what is the problem?08:15
nkei0Anyone want to help me out?  I think I have the problem with the ati drivers and I need to use the restricted drivers, but I don't know how to switch them...  I have to do it without booting to the gui.08:15
outbackwifienergY: did you ever have sound?08:15
aldaekSheesh. Now that's done.08:15
energYLast time I installed ubuntu08:15
droopsta915bobertdos: sorry, wwhere is pastebin located?08:15
ushimitsudokinkei0: you know how to boot into a CLI?08:15
bobertdos!paste | droopsta91508:16
ubottudroopsta915: paste is The Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts, so you don't flood the channel. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com (see topic)08:16
avisi seem to have two playing streams in banshee.  i am not sure why it starts two different songs, i'd like to stop one stream, of course, i'm just not sure how this happened in the first place though08:16
nkei0ushimitsudoki:  I have no idea how to do anything, I've only gotten 8.04 installed and done a memory test.08:16
energYoutbackwifi: Give me the alsa config command?08:16
outbackwifienergy: launch alsamixer08:16
droopsta915thanx, will be back in a bit.08:16
outbackwifienergy: from a terminal08:16
outbackwifienergy: increase the volume of everything there08:17
ushimitsudokinkei0: alright then. When you boot up you should see a little option about grub to like press ESC to enter the menu. There should be a "single" or "single user" or "recovery" option. like the normal and check memory option. I don't remember the exact verbiage. that will let you boot into a command line environment08:17
nkei0recovery is there08:17
energYItem IEC958 is [OFF]08:17
nkei0ushimitsudoki:  I've gone into recovery but i didn't understand how to use it08:18
ushimitsudokinkei0: if you can boot into that - then you at least know the install worked and you are having some other problems08:18
outbackwifienergy: ignore that08:19
nkei0ushimitsudoki: Yeah, the install worked, i can login but as soon as i click on anything it freezes and sometimes (most) it garbles the screen a few seconds later08:19
ushimitsudokinkei0: So you can get X running (that is the graphical part)? It just is not stable?08:19
droopsta915ubottu: i have pasted the terminal lines in the pastebin as plain text, where do i add the url?08:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:19
donkeyofdarknessubottu, fuck you08:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck you08:20
donkeyofdarknessi need more booz08:20
nkei0ushimitsudoki: correct08:20
droopsta915donkey is mad!08:20
ushimitsudokinkei0: You suspect your video card? Which card is it?08:20
outbackwifidroopsta915: dont alk to the bot08:21
energYIt worked08:21
outbackwifidroopsta915: dont talk to the bot08:21
outbackwifienergy: now you owe me a beer  :)08:21
nkei0radeon mobility 970008:21
tsudoti've installed python-qt-dev but still importing qt gives me a 'no module found' message08:21
JakeotronHey guys, so I've been trying to get the touchpad to work.  Installed ubuntu a few hours ago, touchpad hasn't worked at all.  Tok a look at xorg.conf... but I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for to figure this out.  I'm brand new.  Help...?08:21
nkei0sorry, i haven't used irc in forever, i keep forgetting to put your name first08:21
avisi seem to have two playing streams in banshee.  i am not sure why it starts two different songs, i'd like to stop one stream, of course, i'm just not sure how this happened in the first place though08:21
droopsta915outbackwifi:  i have pasted the terminal lines in the pastebin as plain text, where do i add the url?08:21
aldaekJakeotron: use pastebin to post your xorg.conf and someone will get to it.08:22
tsudoti've installed python-qt-dev but still importing qt gives me a 'no module found' message08:22
tsudotany idea?08:22
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energYHow can I remove join/leaves in irssi?08:22
droopsta915bobertdos: i apologize in advance, its my first time but here it is08:23
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I'm dual booting windows/ubuntu 8.04 and the windows works perfectly08:23
tsudoti've installed python-qt-dev but still importing qt gives me a 'no module found' message, any ideas?08:24
outbackwifidroopsta915: paste the url here08:25
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outbackwifidroopsta915: ok now what do you want me to do with this info?08:26
droopsta915wow, pastebin is cool ;) I likey.08:26
ushimitsudokinkei0: then maybe it is your drivers. Did you try EnvyNG to install them?08:27
droopsta915bobertdos: wanted to see it, im trying to dual boot a machine, the 40 gb drive is the xp drive08:27
nkei0no, i just figured they would work from startup, like windows08:27
KazaLitehi all.....i want to create a recovery partiotion and make it apear as a hidden partition under windows. however parition will be created under linux.08:29
KazaLiteany suggestions about achieving the goal?08:29
waanushimitsudoki, cant find much info in dmesg, I can pastebin it if you like?08:29
droopsta915outbackwifi: im trying to add that 40 gb drive into the boot. I have xp installed in it08:29
piichan>nickserv< help register08:29
avisi am unsure of what applifcation is playing music in my system.  its not a gnome app, or at least one that is still open, and it seems to access my collection and play music.  i've looked in top, and i cannot seem to spot it.  any ideas what to do ?08:29
bobertdosdroopsta915: alright, so according to that, Grub will recognize your XP partition as hd(1,0). You will want to put this in /boot/grub/menu.lst -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/46092/08:29
droopsta915bobertdos: got you, ill be back, thanx in advance:)08:30
waanushimitsudoki, if I knew where the splash started I could find the point to look for trouble08:31
bobertdosdroopsta915: You know you need root privileges to edit that file, right?08:31
outbackwifiavis: pastebin ps -fe08:32
droopsta915bobertdos: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst    Correct?08:32
avisoutbackwifi, it was a webpage :)  thanks for trying to help though, i found it08:32
bobertdosdroopsta915: We recommend using gksudo, but yes08:33
wersdaluvhow do i know which hd?,? my windows installation is installed on?08:33
wersdaluvits on my /dev/hda308:33
wersdaluvi mean, dev/sda308:33
droopsta915bobertdos: ok will do :)08:33
bobertdoswersdaluv: To Grub, that would be hd(0,2)08:33
wersdaluvis it always like that for sda3 bobertdos?08:34
ushimitsudokiwann: i don't think usplash problem is going to show in dmseg. I am saying to check 2 things: 1 - the output into dmesg to see if there are any errors there. 2 - watch the entire boot process (some of which is captured in dmesg) and see if usplash is loading properly08:34
nkei0ushimitsudoki:  thanks for the help, i'm going to give it a shot (sucks that it's my only computer, it makes this difficult)08:35
[CK]DavrosHi, I'm having trouble using a game port midi adaptor under hardy. My buest guess is that the adaptor isn't being found/recognised as aplaymidi -l only shows a "Midi through" and no hardware ports08:37
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bobertdoswersdaluv: Well, Ubuntu and Grub's labeling schemes parallel each other, the first drive is 'a' for Ubuntu and '0' for Grub. The first partition for Ubuntu is '1' and '0' for Grub. So, sda3 in Ubuntu means 0,2 for grub.08:37
ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:38
wersdaluvooh. nice bobertdos. thanks08:38
ActionParsnip!hi | Axlbeta08:40
ubottuAxlbeta: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:40
JakeotronOk, what's pastebin?08:40
ActionParsnip!paste | Jakeotron08:40
ubottuJakeotron: paste is The Ubuntu pastebin is a web page service where you post multiple lined texts, so you don't flood the channel. When you use it you put the url in the channel. http://paste.ubuntu.com (see topic)08:40
arnath02i'm having an odd problem with my 8.04.1 ubuntu, namely, he can't seem to get an IP half the time (on wired connection)08:40
ActionParsniparnath02: tried a new cable?08:40
arnath02ActionParsnip: it's actually independant of location08:41
arnath02ActionParsnip: same problem at work and at home08:41
vaghello. I have nvidia  8400M GS on an HP laptop, wiht ubuntu 8.04. I have installed the  NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-173.14.12   . When I restarted gdm everything was ok. But when I rebooted the pc it starts in low graphics mode 800x600. If I go and reinstall the drivers then after running gdm again everything is fine. But it seems that the settings aren't saved . Any ideas? I could provide any more info if you need it...08:41
arnath02ActionParsnip: oddly enough, a coworker of mine has the exact same problem08:41
ActionParsniparnath02: tried rebooting your router?08:41
AxlbetaI have one problem with ubuntu 8.04 in HP dv5000 after upgrade No sound08:41
arnath02ActionParsnip: i can't exactly reboot the router at work i'm afraid :)08:41
ActionParsnipvag: you need to set some resolutions in xorg.conf08:41
Axlbetay si alguno sabe español por favor se me perdio el sonido despues de actualizar en ubuntu 8.0408:42
magnetron!es | Axlbeta08:42
ubottuAxlbeta: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:42
ActionParsniparnath02: id track the connections your co-worker has to see if there is a common conection path08:42
Axlbetasorry !! thanks08:42
arnath02ActionParsnip: he's not here atm i'm afraid :s but the same problem also pops up at home, so don't think it's related to the router or wiring08:43
ActionParsniparnath02: hmmm, maybe the nic is faulty08:43
arnath02ActionParsnip: could be, but that wouldn't explain why my coworker has the exact same problem :D08:44
waanarnath02, do you have the same notebooks?08:44
droopsta915bobertdos: it worked, but the screen stays at starting up...   What do u think?08:44
vagActionParsnip: http://rafb.net/p/Oe4XrO33.html  here's the output of the xorg.conf . Any ideas where should I set the resolution? And why is the resolution correct when I build the drivers and then restart gdm. It doesn't work only after reboot08:44
arnath02waan: nope08:44
langznDoes anyone use virtual box here08:44
arnath02waan: mine is a dell vostro, his is a HP i believe08:45
ushimitsudokilangzn: I do08:45
arnath02langzn: haven't tried the new version yet, but i have worked with it before08:45
langznIt so please give me a hand pm me08:45
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bobertdosdroopsta915: which screen?08:45
waanushimitsudoki, i found some errors in dmesg, should I pastebin then, i'm not sure what they mean08:45
ushimitsudokiwaan: sure i will answer if i can08:46
bobertdosdroopsta915: You don't get to the menu at all?08:46
droopsta915bobertdos: the boot up, i hit esc at grub then it says starting up... It stays at this screen08:46
alumnoyou are stupid08:46
ActionParsnipvag: http://pastebin.com/f594ec754 heres mine, i run at 1024x76808:46
langznIm having a problem with virtual box08:46
arnath02btw, my laptop also keeps saying that it was unable to sleep or hibernate, even though it seems to sleep/hibernate just fine08:46
arnath02is this a known bug or something?08:46
ActionParsnipvag: add the resolution subsections from my screen section and you should be ok08:46
langzneverytime i try go to the virtualbox preferances i get this error08:47
langzn p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }     Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might be not installed on the host computer.     Result Code:   NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x00004005)   Component:   Host   Interface:   IHost {489fb370-c227-4d43-9761-ceb28484fd9f}08:47
ActionParsnipvag: backup the original xorg.conf before playing08:47
vagActionParsnip: :) yes08:47
droopsta915bobertdos:sorry i do get the option of loading ubuntu or windows list08:47
langznanyone able to help fix it08:47
bobertdosdroopsta915: but it stalls after that?08:47
waanushimitsudoki, no idea if this is to do with video, http://paste.ubuntu.com/46096/08:47
darqueHey I had audio from the speakers and then I installed some more gstreamer plugins for more audio options, and now I have lost all audio?08:48
ActionParsnipdarque: try setting your sound to alsa in sound prefs08:49
darqueI'm assuming it was the gstreamers but I did download a lot of extras and then the next day It said my card is not configured or is not present08:49
Hosstestanyone availible to answer some noob questions about installing on a physical raid?08:49
darqueit would not work in alsa in knoppix I had to set it to OSS, the emahince is alsa... but where would (I find that option... fresh user to Ubuntu08:49
droopsta915bobertdos: yes, do u think taking the drive out of another computer is the problem, i think i should reinstall the OS while in the new computer, that way it knows all the devices?08:49
ActionParsnipHosstest: how do you mean physical raid?08:50
waanHosstest, that would depend on the question08:50
waanHosstest, don't ask to ask a question, just ask it08:50
droopsta915bobertdos: unless the computer reads the devices needed08:50
darqueas long as you have the linux drivers for that raid card it should go smotthly08:50
bobertdosdroopsta915: Yeah, you can do that if you want, but I also think maybe now, you SHOULD try reinstalling Grub, because I'm not sure it's properly set.08:50
Hosstestwell, there is a controller on the mother board... I have heard some pretty horrible stories about installing over a raid.  I havent messed with Ubuntu in about a year.  So I was just wondering if A.) It can be done easly, and B.) If you could give me a link to some tuts or something08:51
gnuskoolis there an imaging program in ubuntu I can use to clone a dual-boot xp/*NIX box?08:51
ActionParsniplangzn: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-614576.html08:51
kahrytanHow do I get Unix or Epoch time?08:51
droopsta915bobertdos: ok so i can use the ubuntu cd for this?08:51
ActionParsnip!raid | Hosstest08:51
ubottuHosstest: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:51
nkei0Is gedit standard on ubuntu installs?08:51
bobertdosdroopsta915: yes08:51
ActionParsnipHosstest: you are setting up fakeraid08:51
Hosstestvia the installation?08:52
waannkei0, yep08:52
Hosstesteven though I have paired my hard drives in the bios?08:52
ushimitsudokiwaan: no i think that is just trying to sort out memory and IRQs and what not - i don't think that is related....let me ask you this, when i boot I see a message (near the end of the boot process) that usplash couldn't find a "theme" and it tried a new reoslution and initilization failed ... do you not see that? I been when you boot non-quiet?08:52
darqueaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.08:52
HosstestI am running raid0 right now.08:52
Hosstestwould my windows partition get fried?08:52
waanushimitsudoki, no nothing like that, i checked the whole thing line by line08:52
nkei0hmm, i tried to edit my menu.lst so that i can start with noacpi option but when i tried to "sudo gedit filename" it said it couldn't open session08:52
darquethat is the error I get with all the sound options to chose from in SOUND08:52
gnuskoolis there an imaging program in ubuntu I can use to clone a dual-boot xp/*NIX box?08:52
bobertdosdroopsta915: The the wiki entry makes it look complicated, but really all you're doing is letting grub search for the Ubuntu partition, and then setting Grub upon it.08:52
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waannkei0, try gksu gedit filename08:53
ActionParsnipHosstest: its fakeraid as the sytsem sees 2 drives, if its proper raid then your system would only see 108:53
nkei0is gksu the same as gksudo?08:53
ActionParsnipgnuskool: dd08:53
Hosstestwould I still have to provide drivers at some point in the installation to see the raid?08:53
gnuskoolActionParsnip: thx08:53
ActionParsnipnkei0: no, gksudo uses roots environment, gksu uses the users environment but with elavated access08:54
waanushimitsudoki, i'll google around a bit about usplash08:54
droopsta915bobertdos: i got the disk in, im getting prompted to open packet manager, is the right way for installing grub08:54
nkei0alright, bbiab, gotta try that08:54
ActionParsnipHosstest: no you just set it up and it will be mounted as a raid array08:54
ushimitsudokiwaan: alright but the usplash lines will NOT be in the dmseg log i'm not sure i made that clear08:55
Hosstestword, so I could get away with installing with live cd then?08:55
bobertdosdroopsta915: Are you using a LiveCD?08:55
waanushimitsudoki, yeah you told me, but I cant see a thing when it boots its way too fast08:55
ActionParsnipHosstest: read the guide it'll tell you a lot08:55
ActionParsnipvag: any good?08:55
darqueHow do you fix a missing audio problem it was their yesterday, I downloaded some packages and now it says I do not have one or the gstream plugin is not right08:55
waanushimitsudoki, it goes black almost instantly08:56
ActionParsnipdarque: you could uninstall it then reinstall it i guess08:56
vagActionParsnip: I tried to insert some resolution to the xorg but no... after reinstalling the drivers it plays. After restarting gdm still nothing :(08:56
ActionParsnipvag: can i see your new xorg.conf please08:56
ushimitsudokiwaan: alright then, another thing to try then is to adjust the resolution that usplash is attempting. perhaps it is trying a mode that your driver is not displaying? Just something to keep an eye out for as well08:56
Hosstestlast question... anyone running WOW on Ubuntu?08:57
darqueThe audio works if I but the live cd back in a run that08:57
ActionParsnip!wow | Hosstest08:57
ubottuHosstest: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:57
droopsta915bobertdos: i have the live cd but how does it work, sorry never tryed it this way.08:57
gnuskoolActionParsnip: just reading up on dd, but I see no mention of vista capabilty or triple-boot, can i imply 'bit by bit' means it'll work?08:57
HosstestActionParsnip, thanks for the info.08:57
darqueAnyone have in trouble shooting suggestions for me, with regards to the lack of audio?08:58
ActionParsnip!sound | darque08:58
ubottudarque: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:58
gnuskooldarque: lspci first see if the audio module is there08:58
waanushimitsudoki, ok thanks08:58
ActionParsnipgnuskool: it will copy the drive bit for bit from one place to another, yes, so the OS data will be transferred over08:58
bobertdosdroopsta915: You boot from the optical drive, select "Start using Ubuntu without changing your system" and then you go into the terminal and start workin' :)08:58
vagActionParsnip: http://rafb.net/p/nhKwJ298.html   I haven't edited the xorg.conf myself again so I might have done sth wrong...08:59
ActionParsnipgnuskool: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-135172.html08:59
darquegnuskool: is lspci , is that a term command?08:59
ActionParsnipvag: you havent added anything08:59
vaglines 43-50?09:00
laegcan i make ubuntu perform the routine disk checks on shutdown instead of boot?09:00
gnuskooldarque: yah09:00
ActionParsnipvag: you added it in monitor, you need them in screen09:00
gnuskoolActionParsnip: thx a lot09:00
darqueNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. - that is what I get when I claick on the volume control button.09:00
darqueit worked last night and it work on livecd?09:00
vagActionParsnip: oh ;) let me correct this one09:01
ActionParsniplaeg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14700709:01
darque00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)09:01
ushimitsudokilaeg: check out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoFsck and maybe this will help you09:01
darqueit sees the onbaord sound device09:01
rajechow to run my netbeans as root ? sudo netbeans gives me error that sudo netbeans command doesnt exists09:02
nkei0blah :(09:02
Flannelrajec: Why do you want to run netbeans as root?09:02
ushimitsudokinkei0: no luck?09:02
ActionParsniprajec: try gksu netbeans09:02
bobertdosdroopsta915: When you edited menu.lst, where did you put the Windows entry? It needs to go before or after Automagic Kernel List.09:03
nkei0ushimitsudoki: Nope, I got this...  (gksu: 4573):  Gtk-Warning **:  Cannot Open Display09:03
ActionParsniprajec: if you run 'which netbeans' do you get an output?09:03
rajecActionParsnip: nothing but I've installed netbeans directyle by sh command09:04
Flannelrajec: Why do you want to run netbeans as root?09:04
ushimitsudokinkei0: I don't have ATI card so I can't be more specific. Sorry. I suggest reading: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI and trying to install the drivers yourself if EnvyNG is not working. That is what i did for my nvidia drivers. It was a pain in the butt the first time, but after that not a problem.09:04
ActionParsniprajec: then the binary is not in any pathed directorys09:04
ActionParsniprajec: id run09:04
nkei0I still haven't set up the network for ubuntu yet09:05
ActionParsniprajec: cd /; sudo find -name netbeans09:05
Flannelrajec: Why do you want to run netbeans as root?09:05
darqueOkay I ran aplay -l and it is saying that their are no soundcards?09:05
darquebut lspci shows the card09:05
ActionParsnipdarque: have you set your sound service to alsa?09:05
cgrapskiI have a simple question I hope someone can answer (and hope is really that simple).  I have a mounted drive that I need to change ownership of certain files on.  The drive has in its name quotation marks (").  How do I navigate to that drive in the terminal?09:06
Flannelcgrapski: If you use tab completion, they'll get escaped automatically, otherwise just escape them with \09:06
ActionParsnipcgrapski: type mount in terminal, it will tell you where its mounted09:06
etyoany body know paket to monitoring and check signal for modem wireless?09:07
ushimitsudokinkei0: alright then one more option might be to force X to use the "vesa" driver until you can get going? It will be crappy resolution, but it might be an option? Another would be to download the packages you will need (from reading the guide) to a USB drive. Finally, you can try to set up your network from the CLI - it will work in the CLI but if it is tricky to configure it could be troublesome. sorry i know that isn't muc09:07
cgrapskiActionParsnip: I have it in media but I cannot get to it because of the (") in the name09:07
ph0rensiccgrapski: It will likely be in /media/(disk, disk1 etc) or sometimes in /mnt09:07
cgrapskiDo I need to put a code instead of the (") character09:07
ActionParsnipcgrapski: then like Flannel said, use tab to autocomplete the name09:07
cgrapskiIt is in media09:08
nkei0ushimitsudoki: How can I force it to use the vesa driver?09:08
ActionParsnipI think you'll need "\Some\ Name"\09:08
cgrapskiOK I'll try and autocomplete and see if that works.  Thanks09:08
rajecFlannel: because I need to instal ruby gem but folder with gems is protected09:08
ActionParsnipcgrapski: then cd /media09:08
FlannelActionParsnip: no, that's inside out.09:08
ActionParsnipcgrapski: then type cd and press tab09:08
rajecFlannel: Maybe I could give rights to normal user on that folder09:08
ActionParsnipFlannel: im on my american lappy at the moment, ts hard doing linux commands09:09
cgrapskitab just beeps09:09
ActionParsnipcgrapski: whats the thing called?09:09
ActionParsnipcgrapski: and why does it have "s in?09:09
cgrapskiFor example I want to use: cd /Charlie's "Drive"09:09
* bobertdos trout slaps self for always staying up until 3AM helping noobs09:10
cgrapskiIts an old drive I am restoring09:10
Flannelcgrapski: If you type ch[tab] you'll get it09:10
ActionParsnipcgrapski: oh nice :(09:10
Flannelcgrapski: Don't put the / since its not in /09:10
ActionParsnipcgrapski: cd ./Charlie(press tab)09:10
cgrapskiOoops yes.09:10
cgrapskiOK thanks I'll give that a try09:10
ActionParsnipcgrapski: id get that renamed PDQ09:10
cgrapskiTab still just gives a beep when I push it09:11
Flannelcgrapski: Otherwise: Charlie\'s\ \"Drive\"09:11
ActionParsnipcgrapski: even after typing Charli then pressing tab?09:11
Flannelcgrapski: Are you using capital C?09:11
laegActionParsnip, ushimitsudoki: thanks09:12
ActionParsnipcgrapski: linux is MASSIVELY case sensitive\09:12
cgrapskiAh, I'll try that.  Yes using the Captial "C" and also after typying "Charli"09:12
ushimitsudokinkei0: you will book into CLI, edit xorg.conf to use the "vesa" driver. unload the flgrx (I think that is right for ATI?) driver if it is loaded, and start X with "startx"09:12
Flannelcgrapski: How did it get mounted, by the way?  Does it show up in ls -l /media/?09:12
vagActionParsnip: hey, I treid somethings but it still doesn't work, no correct resolution,  http://pastebin.com/d518fffcf09:12
rgiehi guys can someone help me? my server cannot continue to boot it will display a grub>09:12
Flannelcgrapski: er, the ? isnt part of the command09:12
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I don't think I can edit anything, gedit doesn't work with sudo r gksudo...09:13
ushimitsudokinkei0: you will have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root with something like "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" ... you will be doing this from the command line ... the boot option to "recovery mode"09:13
cgrapskiYes it shows up.  With green highlight.  And the \' and \" didn't work either09:13
nkei0ushimitsudoki: Also, I've been trying to use startx and it goes to gui and suggests that I quit but if i hit continue it drops me back down to CLI anyways09:13
ushimitsudokinkei0: what error does it give?09:14
Flannelcgrapski: green highlight?  please pastebin the output of ls -l /media/09:14
rajecHow to set permisions on folder? I want to normalne user have full rights on one certain folder09:14
cgrapskiFlannel: How do I pastebin the output?09:14
Flannel!paste | cgrapski09:14
ubottucgrapski: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:14
ActionParsnipvag: try adding _60 to the 1024x768 line09:15
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I'm not sure it does give an error for the gui thingie.  It just says (gksu:4573):  gtk-warning **: cannot open display for the gedit thing09:15
ActionParsnipvag: make sure it joins09:15
ushimitsudokinkei0: I mean the error when you try startx09:15
mani_hello fuckers09:15
rajecHow to set permisions on folder? I want to normalne user have full rights on one certain folder09:15
ActionParsnip!ohmy | mani_09:15
ubottumani_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:15
mani_hi action09:15
Martiinisomeone explain to me why firefox-2 is broken ... firefox-2: Depends: libhunspell-1.1-0 (>=1.1.6-1) but it is not installable09:16
Flannelnkei0: Are you in a TTY or a graphical sessin?09:16
ActionParsniprajec: sudo chown <new user> <folder>09:16
vagActionParsnip: you mean like "1024x768_60" /09:16
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I can't remember off hand, it just suggests that I not continue because of user permissions or something like that09:16
ActionParsnipvag: yes09:16
Martiinimani they dont talk to you .. they are like information processing robots09:16
nkei0Flannel: I don't know what TTY is but, I started ubuntu in recovery mode, and I was in the root command line.09:16
mani_tks martin09:17
Flannelnkei0: Alright, that'd be why.  gedit only works when you have a GUI.  You'll want to use nano instead.09:17
rgieHow can I fix this problem, 'wrong fs type, bad opyion, bad supeblock on /dev/hda' this happen when i try to mount my hd09:17
ActionParsniprgie: what file system is it?09:17
nkei0Flannel: Awesome, that's good news to hear.  I thought something else was broken!  Hah.  I will return then, I'm going to try this noacpi fix i've seen posted around09:17
Martiinimani_:  wazzupp yourself u fucker09:18
FlannelMartiini: please pastebin the output of this: apt-cache policy libhunspell-1.1-009:18
FlannelMartiini: language.09:18
ActionParsnipgood job pici isnt in09:18
MartiiniFlannel:  Im on ibex and it refuses to install  libhunspell-1.1-0 if thats what you want to know .. so .. firefox-doesnt install09:19
FlannelMartiini: That's not what I asked for no.  Also, Intrepid is alpha software, please get support in #ubuntu+1, not here. Thanks.09:20
MartiiniI just want to know why firefox-2 is broken in ibex09:20
FlannelMartiini: because Intrepid is alpha software.09:20
ActionParsnipMartini: ibex support is in #ubuntu+109:20
cgrapskiHere is the url: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46106/09:20
FlannelMartiini: definately file a bug report though.09:20
vagActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m37007da0  still not correct resolution. Screen->preferences->screen resolution shows 1024x768 but 50 hz ...09:20
Martiiniits been filed09:20
magnetronMartiini, ask in #ubuntu+109:20
ActionParsnipMartiini: its alpha til the release day so is not supported in the official channel09:21
=== madmike`sleep is now known as madmike
XB23hi guys09:21
XB23can i detect how many bytes a certain ip address on my box has in and out09:22
Flannelcgrapski: well, I don't know what to tell you, but that file isn't a directory.09:22
XB23i know i can get total on ifconfig09:22
XB23but how about just 1 interface in particular09:22
ActionParsnipXB23: ifconfig eth0 (for example)09:22
vagI restart gdm with $killall gdm   and then $gdm  I hope it's the right procedure09:23
cgrapskiI can navigate to it in the graphic filebrowswer09:23
ActionParsnipvag: try a reboot09:23
vagok, Ill be back ;) thanks for all the help so far :)09:23
cgrapskiAnd I've copied a number of files from it - but some have ownership problems - and I need to reset the ownership to copy them to another drive09:23
Flannelcgrapski: Hmm, ok, try this.  Install nautilus-open-terminal, then open a terminal in it, and see what the path actually is.09:24
ActionParsnipcgrapski: can you rename the folder in the gui app?09:24
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
XB23ActionParsnip: ifconfig eth0:10  shows the ip and stuff but not the in and out bytes?09:25
cgrapskiOK installed it - now where can I load open terminal.  No I can't rename it because of the ownership issue09:26
HelpPleaseCould someone tell me how I could run .net applications on linux?09:26
AnAntHello, is there a good backup software in Ubuntu ?09:26
XB23HelpPlease: you dont, thats why its called linux and not windows09:27
ActionParsnipXB23: check TX and RX09:27
XB23you could try something like wine09:27
ActionParsnipXB23: TX == transmitted, RX = recieved09:27
ushimitsudoki!backup | AnAnt09:27
ubottuAnAnt: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:27
XB23ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m4b20758509:27
HelpPleaseXB23: But someone told me you can't have DX9 but I still finded one for linux, and I just google and found mono...09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark09:27
XB23thats what i get09:27
AnAntushimitsudoki: thanks09:27
ActionParsnipXB23: http://pastebin.com/m23c8f0a109:28
XB23i can get it from just eth0 but i want to just get the TX and RX from just one alias from that interface09:28
XB23yeh ActionParsnip09:28
XB23ifconfig eth0  works   but ifconfig eth0:1009:28
HelpPleasewhat do I have to download from here to get the debian version http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html ?09:29
XB23as i have multi ips i just want to see what BW is going through each IP09:29
FlannelHelpPlease: Mono is already installed09:29
Flannel!ru | Ruslan}09:29
ubottuRuslan}: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:29
HelpPleasereally? then why can't I run windows apps with wine?09:30
ActionParsnipXB23: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/network-traffic-analyzers-for-ubuntu-system.html09:30
FlannelHelpPlease: I dont think wine and mono work together.09:30
RazerI need to change the firefox Keyword.URL Value back to the standard09:30
koh_hi there! could someone tell me how can i make my usb wifi to work as an AP ?09:30
cgrapskiDo I need to restart Gnome to get the Right Click in the menu for open-terminal?  If so - how do I do that?09:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dotnet09:30
HelpPleaseFlannel so how can I run it with mono only? :D09:31
Flannelcgrapski: just nautilus09:31
rajecwhy I am having problem with dialogs in netbeans? There is not text only title and color backround09:31
rajeccould this have something with beryl ?09:31
Flannelcgrapski: but, ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X for you, as an FYI09:31
cgrapskiJust restart nautilus?  OK how do I do that?09:31
ActionParsniprajec: beryl isnt supported no more, its compiz-fusion now09:31
vagActionParsnip: hi , after the reboot it was worse... the resolution is 800*600 (system->pref->screen resolution) And before getting in X I got a message that Display isn't setup. If I want to use higher resolution and effects I should manually edit my preferences... So the xorg.cong I currenty have is http://pastebin.com/d3b75ec2a  ... :(09:32
marlunWhen I connect to a server using SSH in nautilus, where is it mounted? I would like to open a file on the server in vim on my laptop.09:32
rajecActionParsnip: ok so compiz-fusion09:32
vagthe funny thing is that when I resinstall the drivers everything is fine (until the next gdm restart or reboot...)09:32
ActionParsnipvag: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:33
=== charlie is now known as Guest14106
Guest14106Restarting it gave me the right click - and allowed me to enter the directory.09:33
HelpPleaseFlannel so how can I run it with mono only? :D09:34
Guest14106Without having to type the (")09:34
vagActionParsnip: ok I'll check it09:34
FlannelGuest14106: Thats odd.  Whats the path?  (pwd)09:34
ActionParsnipGuest14106: renme the directory asap09:34
FlannelHelpPlease: I have no idea how that works.  I think you need to recompile.09:35
Apoll1anyone know of a good ftp to set up on ubuntu09:35
HelpPleaseFlannel but I don't have the source code :(09:35
Guest14106Can anyone tell me why some directories are in blue type but others have a green highlight (background)?09:36
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I'm finally on and going like a dream!09:36
ActionParsnipApoll1: ftp server or client?09:36
outbackwifiGuest4106: the green color indicates that the execute bit is set09:36
arnath02i installed squirrel sql to connect to an oracle database, but i'm having trouble locating the oracle jdbc driver, anyone have any suggestions?09:37
IndyGunFreakHelpPlease: that package looks like it has absolutelynothing to do w/ wine and getting packages to work in wine.09:37
ushimitsudokinkei0: hooray! what fixed it?09:37
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I edited the menu.lst so that it didn't start with acpi or apci09:37
outbackwifiGuest4106: the cyan color indicates that it is a link09:37
ushimitsudokinkei0: good good glad you sussed it out!09:37
nkei0I don't think i can play 3d games at the moment, but it's okay, this is basically a netbook anyways...09:37
outbackwifiGuest4106: if you do an ls -la you will be able to see where the symbolic links point09:37
ActionParsnipnkei0: is your system a laptop?09:37
Guest14106OK.  Thanks.  Not sure what that will mean for me at this point.  Now I am trying to change the ownership of particular directories or files.09:38
nkei0ActionParsnip: Yeah, a 4 year old Acer09:38
nkei0ushimitsudoki: I never could have fixed it without your help though, thanks.09:38
ActionParsnipGuest14106: sudo chown <new owner> <folder>'09:38
ushimitsudokinkei0: quite welcome09:38
ActionParsnipnkei0: hmm, your battery will not be monitored then so watch ouut09:38
outbackwifiGuest4106: or if you wanted to go recursive sudo chown -R owner. *09:39
nkei0It's okay, I never take it anywhere.09:39
Guest14106Its a link if its cyan and the difference with the green highlight means what?  I can't click on the cyan and go to that folder09:39
debCarlosI need some help, wireshark doesn't detect any network interface unless i run it as root ....09:39
ActionParsnipnkei0: sweet, you have a goal09:39
ActionParsnipdebCarlos: i think thats the deal. I think thats needed, run it with gksu though09:39
outbackwifidebCarlos: thats the way itssupposed to work!09:39
Guest14106Does it mean I don't have to use quotes?09:40
nkei0So, what are some must have things a new Ubuntu user should get?  Security.. IM.. etc?09:40
outbackwifinkei0: you got security whenyou got Ubuntu :O09:40
ActionParsnipGuest14106: no. eg: sudo chown -R andy /home/andy09:40
debCarlosoutbackwifi: ActionParsnip: Are you sure? When i run it as root it outputs that it's insecure to do so...09:40
nkei0LoL, when more people get into it, more viruses will show up I'm sure.09:40
ActionParsnipGuest14106: will apply the new owner of "andy" to all the files and below of the folder /home/andy09:41
ActionParsnipdebCarlos: ok, what messages do you get when you run it as user?09:41
HelpPleaseare there any Linux viruses? :D09:41
outbackwifidebCarlos: you cant put your card into promiscuous mode without being root09:41
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: yes, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_computer_viruses09:41
debCarlosActionParsnip: No messages, it just doesn't show any interface ....09:42
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: but they do very little if you limit your root account access09:42
=== marija is now known as _dark_angel_
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: if a virus gets you it will only inherit user access so will do very little09:42
nkei0so what's a good virus scanner/firewall?09:42
debCarlosnkei0: clamav09:42
ActionParsnip!firewall > nkei009:42
ubottunkei0, please see my private message09:42
Guest14106ActionParsnip: OK. I have now gotten to where I have the ownership problem.  So I try and enter a subdirectory and it tells me "Permission denied"09:42
ActionParsnip!antivirus > nkei009:43
nkei0ubott Oh, thanks09:43
outbackwifihi atari09:43
ActionParsnipGuest14106: is this an ntfs formatted device?09:43
Guest14106The directory is drwx-----09:43
atari2600awhat's the apt-get arguement to download the latest distro devel & all that fun stuff?09:43
atari2600akeep forgetting it every 6 months :P09:43
nkei0ActionParsnip: thx man09:43
debCarlosatari2600a: apt-get --all fun-stuff ?09:43
ActionParsnipatari2600a: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:43
atari2600aI said devel! :P09:44
outbackwifiatari2600a: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:44
debCarlosoh man! apt-get install --all fun-stuff_dev ?09:44
ActionParsnipGuest14106: any luck?09:44
atari2600anot exactly doing much09:44
atari2600aIIRC there's one more arguement to do it09:44
nkei0I'm so glad chatzilla works in ubuntu too09:45
wipeout140quick question does anybody know how to replace the "fast-user-switch-applet" icon showned in the bar and applets menu?09:46
ActionParsnipwipeout140: edit your menu, change the icon (quick guess, I use fluxbox so im not sure)09:46
ActionParsnipwipeout140: can you right click the entry and select properties or edit?09:46
* outbackwifi is on chatzilla too09:47
[CK]DavrosHi, I'm having trouble using a game port midi adaptor under hardy. My buest guess is that the adaptor isn't being found/recognised as aplaymidi -l only shows a "Midi through" and no hardware ports09:47
* nkei0 hi-fives outbackwifi09:47
debCarlosActionParsnip: thing is that then wireshark contradicts himself, if you can't execute it as normal user (doesn't detects interfaces) and you should not run it as root (He evens says it's insecure).... who do you have to be :P09:47
* outbackwifi returns it09:47
ph0rensicShhh dont tell anyone Im on pidgin09:47
ActionParsnipph0rensic: me too, it rocks09:47
Apoll1can somone help me get a ftp up on Ubuntu? would appreciate it09:47
HardDiskexcept that it doesn't support voice/webcam yet.09:47
xnvApoll1: An FTP server?09:48
outbackwifiApoll1: sure09:48
ph0rensicActionParsnip: I was using xchat for the longest time... but when it comes down to it, pidgin gets the job done, and its already installed, so whats the big deal09:48
ActionParsnipdebCarlos: id run it as gksu as its not a very secure app anyhoo (afaik) as it opens up your wifi to everything09:48
Apoll1yes, sweet09:48
ActionParsnipph0rensic: i had it out with a guy once, he was saying its not an irc client, its an IM client with irc functionality09:48
nkei0omg awesome, little britain is coming to hbo!09:48
wipeout140for all other applets i had rename to icons to some thing like -  gnome-panel-clock09:48
outbackwifiApoll1: install your favorite ftp server --> vsftpd, proftpd09:48
ActionParsnipph0rensic: made me laugh09:48
ActionParsnip!ftp | Apoll109:49
ubottuApoll1: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:49
wipeout140if its client i would use filezilla09:49
atari2600aActionParsnip: I've gone through that just last night actually09:49
waanushimitsudoki, well I haven't solved the splash problem yet, but I noticed when I take splash out of the boot options, the notebook boots about 5 times faster, it almost goes straight to the log-on screen. With splash the computer takes ages09:49
ph0rensicActionParsnip: that is funny... big deal, if it gets the job done ...09:49
HardDiskUnfortunately I wasn't able to convert a lot of people due to ill support for webcam/voice support.  Yes I know there is aMSN/Skype, but that isn't a big enough reason.09:49
ph0rensicActionParsnip: Was he an irc terminal purist lol09:50
ActionParsnipph0rensic: exactly, some people just need to get laid09:50
Guest14106ActionParsnip: I pasted the issue I am having now accessing a subfolder at http://paste.ubuntu.com/46114/ - could you tell me how to change the permissions to access the Images folder09:50
ActionParsnipph0rensic: no i think he was on bitchx or somesuch09:50
HardDiskchown and chmod09:50
[CK]Davros<ActionParsnip> ph0rensic: exactly, some people just need to get laid << In a linux irc channel? Damn, shows just how main-stream ubuntu is getting.09:50
ushimitsudokiwaan: yeah, i have removed splash there because it was broken and i fixed it and then it broke again. plus i like watching the boot for stuff, so i've grown to it. not a perfect solutions but it works for me09:50
ActionParsnipGuest14106: sudo chmod 777 *; sudo chown charlie *09:51
ActionParsnipGuest14106: if there is any funky ntfs permissions set yuo wont be able to do much permission changing (assuming its ntfs)09:51
slmouradianHello all09:52
ActionParsnipGuest14106: after the chmod and chown word put -R09:52
ActionParsnipGuest14106: sudo chmod -R ....09:52
ActionParsnipGuest14106: that'll do it recursively to all the data09:52
debCarlosActionParsnip: So, i'll just remove-purge it, anyway it was just for try it, not any need :P09:52
ActionParsnipGuest14106: is this an ntfs drive?09:53
ph0rensicActionParsnip: hey is remove necessary when using the purge command?09:53
=== Winston_1mithVT is now known as Winston_SmithVT
Flannelph0rensic: in hardy, apt-get purge blah is the same as apt-get remove --purge blah09:54
ActionParsnipph0rensic: yeah, remove removes the package, --purge removes the config as well09:54
ActionParsnipph0rensic: yu could just remove the app but leave the config if yuo wanna use it later09:54
ph0rensicFlannel: Ok got it thanks09:54
Flannelph0rensic: hardy is the first version to include purge as a command in additin to an option09:54
Guest14106When I do the chmod and chown it ends : Read-only file system09:54
HelpPleasehow do I run a program with wine in the terminal?09:54
ActionParsnipGuest14106: is it ntfs?09:54
* outbackwifi wonders if its mounted as rw09:54
slmouradianI am currently using version 8.04. Can i backup /home , format and re-install with two partitions / and /home .If i replace the new /home with my old one, will thing work.09:54
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: wine /path/to/program.exe09:55
=== sean is now known as Guest18202
outbackwifislmourdian: why not?09:55
IndyGunFreak!home | slmouradian09:55
ubottuslmouradian: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome09:55
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: how do I start? something like /Program Files/Blahblah/blahblah.exe?09:55
slmouradianoutbackwifi: i don't know.. :P but i didn't want to try without asking. Thanks for that!09:55
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: yes, but tab complete to manage the spaces09:56
ph0rensicFlanne: oh i see.. that makes sense, cause I was used to using the --purge.. but then I recently saw the purge command so I started using that, now thanks to ActionParsnip and you I know the differences between everything09:56
stapelI have a server with two NICs. I assign static addresses to both, and then connect with crossover cables to them. Only eth1 works though, what am I doing wrong?09:56
stapelsorry, only eth0 works09:56
ph0rensicstapel: Are you bringing both interfaces up?09:56
ph0rensicifup eth1 ifup eth2 ???09:56
ActionParsnipstapel: why are you connecting a server to itself with crossover, you have the loopback device09:57
stapeli think so, I specify both in my interfaces file with auto09:57
stapelno, I'm connecting other things to the server09:57
aj_can anyone tell me how to use bluetooth in ubuntu...i am not able to sen or recieve any file09:57
ActionParsnip!bluetooth | aj_09:57
ubottuaj_: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:57
ActionParsnipnp aj_09:58
taurusivywhy is the .bashrc of my newly-added user(after installation) not sourced during login in hardy? the user created during installation is working well. thx!09:58
stapelHow can I check whether both interfaces are up?09:59
HelpPleaseActionStarsnip: http://pastebin.com/m36f89b5f what am I doing wring?09:59
outbackwifistapel: sudo ethtool ethx09:59
Guest14106ActionParsnip: I still get permission denied at this point09:59
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: you arent using correct filenames to the exe10:00
stapelwhat does ethtool do?10:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ethtool10:00
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ File\10:00
outbackwifistapel: it gives you the interface statistics10:00
HelpPleaseoh thank you :D10:00
stapelis there not some kind of dpkg reconfigure option for networking?10:00
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: go from there and tab complete the names10:00
ActionParsnipGuest14106: one last time...is it NTFS formatted?10:00
aj_the instructions are for gutsy gibon 7.10  or earlier..i have hardy heron 8.04.110:00
outbackwifistapel: it replaces the old mii-tool10:01
ActionParsnipaj_: same deal10:01
stapeloutbackwifi: thanks!10:01
nkei0alright, i need to find a good chatroom10:01
nkei0i like you guys, but i don't want to talk about random crap when this is for ubuntu10:01
ActionParsnipnkei0: #ubuntu-ot ;)10:01
nkei0ActionParsnip:  It was empty!10:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:02
ActionParsnipok its #ubuntu-offtopic10:02
nkei0sweet thx10:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about requirement10:02
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:02
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: I just can't get it to work :(10:03
Kasra[K]what is the ubuntu system requirement?10:03
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: give me a pastebin of your last attempt10:03
=== charlie is now known as Guest67916
ActionParsnipGuest67916: if its NTFS formatted and there is some weird permissions you wont be able to set anything10:04
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m240b9d9910:04
outbackwifiKasra[K]: ubuntuhcl.org10:04
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: like I said tab complete, linux doesnt handle spaces so Progrm Files becomes Program\ Files10:04
Guest67916ActionParsnip: I don't know how - but I became Guest67916 - this is charlie - just noticed that10:04
ActionParsnipoutbackwifi: gone10:04
raquelhay alguien ñor ahi10:05
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: if you look at the end of line 4 you will see what i mean10:05
outbackwifiraquel: !es10:05
Apoll1thanks for your help outbackwifi10:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:06
* outbackwifi wonders if raquel was speaking spanish there10:07
=== charlie is now known as Guest95675
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: any joy?10:08
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: Could you do it for me please? I am incapable doing this damn it :(10:08
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/CFToolbox/CFToolbox.exe10:08
Guest95675ActionParsnip: I have again logged out and back in and rather than giving my name cgrapski, it starts as charlie, then changes it to Guest#####10:08
HelpPleasewow thank you ActionParsnip :)10:09
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: you were also mixing \ with / at random points10:09
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: if you tab complete you dont have no problems10:09
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: just type a few chars of the next folder and press tab10:09
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: its all handled10:09
snikkerhi, how can i input text in japanese, with a standard keyboard?10:10
neophyteAnyone there?10:11
douyeHow can i mount .cue/.bin files? (I don't wanna convert them..)10:11
wipeout140character map???10:11
ActionParsnipneophyte: theres 1303 people in the room. id say yes10:11
neophyteFirst time on here10:11
neophyteJust finished my first install of linux10:11
neophyteso brand new to all this10:11
ActionParsnipdouye: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9370610:12
nicheneophyte, careful, someone's hacking your mainframe as we speak10:12
neophyteI've got a little problem it'd be great if someone can help, I cant mount any usb devices at all i get a error message of "cannot mount volume"10:13
snikkerarquebus: now i try, thanks10:13
funkcan enyone help me with UnrealIRCd services? /msg funk10:13
HelpPleaseAnyone can debug this http://pastebin.com/m70df7da1 ? What am I missing because I already putted the mfc42.dll in System32 :D10:13
xav3sHi. I would like to intall enlightenment 17. Is there a repository for it?10:13
nicheneophyte, are you typing sudo before your commands?10:14
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: looks like you need MFC42.DLL10:14
neophyteWhats the cammand to menually mount somthing?10:14
neophyteSorry im so noob :P10:15
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: But I already downloaded a copy and putted it into System3210:15
magnetronneophyte, it's the "mount" command10:15
neophyteSo say its D: Sudo mount D:?10:15
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: maybe its an old version10:15
nichetype "sudo fdisk -1" in terminal and paste what it says10:15
magnetron!terminal | neophyte10:15
ubottuneophyte: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:15
nichethat's directed to you, neophyte10:15
ushimitsudokixav3s: You could try this, it has been recommneded to me but I haven't got around to it yet: http://www.gurumeditation.it/blog/enlightenment/reasye17/10:15
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: did you check if your app will run at winehq?10:16
XB23is it possble to monitor bandwidth per each interface alias?10:16
xav3sthanks ushimitsudoki10:16
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: I doubt it will be there because it's kinda... um... well... illegal :D10:16
neophytekk ill go check it out10:16
ActionParsnipXB23: there are monitoring apps for ubuntu, find one that suits you best10:16
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: what is?10:16
chris062689_WINE isn't illegal..10:17
DFlameXB23, System > Administration > System Monitor10:17
HelpPleaseCFToolbox updates GCFs which are used for steam games10:17
DFlamethere's a networking tab there, but it isnt awfully complex10:17
nnullanyone know of anyway to use like compiz as screensaver? be awesome to have ure cube slowly spinning as a screensaver10:17
HelpPleaseNormally steam doesn't let you update your GCFs if you haven't bought them :D10:17
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: i have no idea what that is10:17
[CK]Davrosneophyte, #unrealed?10:17
Tonikubuntu is so substandard, it's almost makes me want to cry10:17
nnullTonik, whats an example of what you like then10:18
ActionParsnipTonik: then dont use it10:18
chris062689_What the heck is wrong with my GPU?  When I "play" certain screensavers it makes loud pitch noises, I think it may have something to do with OpenGL? o_010:18
douyeActionParsnip, that converts the file to a .iso.. and i didnt want that10:18
rich_guys, i need to access my exchange account from ubuntu, how do?10:18
Toniknnull: I started this xchat, and the window was like 10 pixels abover the upper screen edge10:18
chris062689_It's not a beep or anything, it's more of a squeel10:18
rich_i dont have pop or imap support on the exchange server10:18
ActionParsnipdouye: i thought the first bit mounted it10:18
ZirodayTonik: what resolution?10:19
TonikZiroday: 1024x76810:19
nnullTonik, i have a key bound to move windows, so yea that how id avoid that :s10:19
ZirodayTonik: also you can fix it by pressing alt on the window and dragging it down10:19
ZirodayTonik: the window was probably too large for the screen, make it smaller10:19
TonikZiroday: glad you asked, I had to manually edit xorg.conf to get 100 Hz (like I've been doing for the last 10 years in all Linux distros)10:19
DFlameZiroday, well you taught me something new at least. Cheers :)10:20
douyeActionParsnip, do you mean that "sudo modprobe loop, sudo mount file.bin /mnt/place -o loop -t iso9660" ?10:20
ZirodayDFlame: have fun10:20
ActionParsnipdouye: yeah, i thought that would mount it10:20
TonikZiroday: the ridiculous thing is that when I *DO* want to get a window above screen edge, it WILL NOT let me do it10:20
ZirodayTonik: do you have a problem or just feel like trolling?10:20
TonikZiroday: feel like trolling10:20
ZirodayTonik: then #ubuntu-trolls please :)10:20
rich_guys, i need to access my exchange account from ubuntu, how do?10:20
TonikZiroday: because I have lost any hope that things will improve long ago10:21
airtonixtonik: your 100hz issue ios ms:embrace,exclude,extend at its finest10:21
Tonikairtonix: does Microsoft prevent Linux from autodetecting the model of my monitor?10:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:21
ActionParsnipTonik: so your whole gripe is because you cant place a window where you want it, and that makes ubuntu substandard?10:22
airtonixTonik, do you know ms are on the board of the acpi10:22
douyeActionParsnip, nah.. getting some fs error10:22
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe10:22
Apoll1hey guys, how do i change permission on a file in ubuntu?? i have a file that root 'owns' and i want to be able to write to it10:22
=== zverek is now known as Axmed
airtonixTonik, i just pressed alt and dragged my xchat window off the screen10:22
TonikActionParsnip: my gripe is that just absolutely anything you look at shows signs of substandard design10:22
Tonikairtonix: above the upper edge10:23
airtonixTonik, yes i just did that10:23
Tonikairtonix: I can't drag it there when I want, but sometimes it jumps there by itself10:23
Zirodayairtonix: please don't go down there, AND the 100MHz is a graphics issue not an acpi one10:23
Tonikairtonix: glad it works for you10:23
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: I got it working, LINUX FTW!!!10:23
ActionParsnipdouye: yuo running kde?10:23
airtonixTonik, the key combo is refered to as the 'window grab' combo10:23
neophyteMy other question is whats a good DVD player?10:23
douyeActionParsnip, nop, gnome10:23
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: Thank you for helping me :)10:23
arquebusApoll1: chroot10:23
ActionParsnipHelpPlease: old dll per chance?10:23
Tonik#ubuntu-trolls is basically empty :(10:23
douyeActionParsnip, i've got a script that can just auto mount .iso files.. would love to have the same for a .bin/.cue file :/10:24
nnullwhat is #ubuntu-trolls for10:24
arquebusApoll1: yes, look it up in a linux commands search10:24
Apoll1thanks arquebus10:24
Toniknnull: dunno, but I was suggested to go there :)10:24
arquebusApoll1: np10:24
HelpPleaseActionParsnip: Yes it was an old DLL :D10:25
ActionParsnipdouye: theres cdemu but all im finding is convertions10:26
[CK]DavrosTonik, #ubuntu-trolls is for people who don't like ubuntu whereas #ubuntu is for people who do.10:26
airtonixdouye, as far as i am aware the loopbacl module in the kernel responsible for mounting iso images only supports iso10:26
xorandwhen I take a screenshot in gnome, I have a semi-transparent picture of the camera superimposed on my image.  How do I make the camera totally transparent so that I don't see it on my image?10:26
ActionParsnipairtonix: cdemu is a kernel module that can mount .bin files10:26
douyeActionParsnip, yeah.. found it gives a lot of errors :P cant get it to work somehow :/ (lots of folks are having errors with it..)10:26
Tonik[CK]Davros: Ubuntu can be (almost) usable after you spend a couple of hours fixing it, so do use it sometimes10:27
ActionParsnipdouye: airtonix: ive never used it, sorry10:27
arquebusApoll1-chmod might be better10:27
neophyteim getting this when i try to mount my MP3 player Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'HARD DISK'.10:27
ActionParsnipdouye: why cant you convert it, iso is much more accepted10:27
douyeActionParsnip, i can, but would prefer to just keep it as a .bin.. but guess im stuck with converting it10:28
ActionParsnipneophyte: if you run sudo fdisk -l does it show up?10:28
TonikI'm alone in #ubuntu-trolls now :(   Won't anyone make me company?10:28
=== GReeK_RiDeR is now known as Dark_Fighter
airtonixdouye, yeah unless its one of those alchohol images with some sort of emulation required then iso images are the preferred way to go10:28
TonikHAHAHA LOL I *CAN* alt-drag the Window above screen edge now10:29
airtonixtonik, kek10:29
TonikI have no idea why it started working10:29
Tonikso it may very well break again for no apparent reason10:29
TonikLegendary Linux Reliability (tm)10:29
airtonixTonik, i actually have the super key doing that instead of the alt...it was interferring with wow10:29
Tonikthe keyboard I use atm has no win key10:30
=== GReeK_RiDeR is now known as Dark_Fighter
airtonixTonik, or cmd key :)10:30
Tonikand I love alt-dragging, it's one of the features I miss in other OSes10:30
tibetoineIs it possible to have the sound of the active desktop ?10:31
tibetoineOnly sound of the active desktop ?10:31
airtonixTonik, i wish metacity had middle click on the max/min buttons to restrict maximisng to the vertical10:31
ActionParsnipairtonix: i thought it was called the power key10:31
airtonixActionParsnip, yeah i was wondering what it was called before the windows 95 days10:32
ActionParsnipairtonix: you can map the button to the special function10:32
aj_ActionParsnip: i did everything according to those commands... even restarted bluetooth... but the option of sending and receiving files is not activated10:32
aj_i can seethe bluetooth icon10:32
douyeActionParsnip, airtonix, hmm weird.. i've converted it with bchunk.. and now i mounted it but the videoplayers wont play it :/ (totem says it cant read from recourse, vlc just stays at 0:00)10:32
airtonixActionParsnip, on macs its a cmd key on pcs there wasnt one until windows95 cabe around10:32
ActionParsnipaj_: id try browsing bluetooth places, thats how i do it10:32
tibetoineHi , Is it possible to have only the sound of the active desktop ??  :) :)10:32
ActionParsnipaj_: then add the address as a favourite10:32
airtonixdouye, ahh so this wasnt a data cd image? seems your dealing with a vcd .bin10:33
=== xserver is now known as xserver1
douyeairtonix, yeah its a movie..10:33
airtonixtibetoine, active desktop? can you please elaborate?10:33
livingdaylight_can someone say, at least in their experience/opinion, which is the better dock AWN or cair-dock?10:33
tibetoineairtonix:  Yes i Can elaborate .. I mean the desktop I'm currently using and not the others ... (I use Desktop with 3D Cube with compiz)10:34
newbiehwhat happens with the hibernate function?10:34
=== xserver1 is now known as Xserver
airtonixdouye, i think vcds have different file system than iso data images, so the generic loopback mount command you would see on the internet would be for data iso images10:34
outbackwifilivingdaylight_: kiba-dock10:35
ushimitsudokilivingdaylight_: I like AWN, myself but why not give a few a try and see which ones you like10:35
livingdaylight_outbackwifi, i haven't heard of that one10:35
douyeairtonix, i thought i mounted a vcd with that script before if im right :/10:35
skeeelhello , i'm using dual screen (2 separate desktop) everything works fine , but i want to know if there is a way to add some "resistance" to the edge desktop for the mouse10:35
airtonixtibetoine, ahh ok, your referring to workspaces. a desktop can hold many workspaces. and no there isnt a way to do what you want10:35
skeeelso it don't switch easily10:35
livingdaylight_outbackwifi, how is that different or better?10:35
tibetoinenevermind airtonix > It would have been Cool :)10:36
airtonixdouye, yes you most proly did, but it was contained inside an iso image most proly10:36
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.1] The file /usr/share/applications/network.desktop is missing. How can I install it?10:36
tibetoineairtonix: Are you sure it's not possible ... It doesn't seem so difficult ?10:36
douyeairtonix, yeah i downloaded that one as a .iso10:36
Zombie28I'm having an interesting problem, my ubuntu is stuck in zoom mode aparently10:36
Zombie28I just installed new drivers from Envy10:37
skeeelZombie28, have you tried ctrl+alt + or - ?10:37
Zombie28before with my 8800GT I had low res only and now its almos topposite10:37
airtonixtibetoine, it is but the negatives outway the positives in relation to the amount of effort you will need to make10:37
Zombie28it didn'10:37
Zombie28it didn't work10:37
Zombie28its like its in zoom but not in zoom if that makes sence10:37
airtonixtibetoine, but in your current setup, it is not possible to restrict  sound output from apps on one paticular workspace10:38
tibetoineok thanks airtonix10:38
PuddyHello. I'm trying to figure out what the name of my network adapter is. Is there any command for this?10:38
outbackwifiPuddy: ifconfig10:38
douyeairtonix, so if i download a vcd as a .iso i can just mount it but when i download a .bin/.cue im screwed ?10:38
Puddyoutbackwifi: Thanks10:38
airtonixZombie28, first we need to find out which desktop enviroment you are in.10:38
skeeelZombie28, can't help sorry10:39
Zombie28uhm I'm using gnome if that helps, I'm still in transition from windows to linux so please excuse any ignorance :]10:39
airtonixdouye, in the latter, i usually try to open it with my media players first. then if that dont work..try to find out the real format of the image from searching internet with the original downloaded filename10:40
skeeeloh ok , so maybe envy don't setup you the right resolution Zombie2810:40
Zombie28ok should I go by another means to get the driver?10:40
airtonixZombie28, ok so assuming you have just installed and turned on desktop effects....from memory can you rotate a desktop ?10:40
skeeelzombie what kind of card do you have ? (ati or nvidia ) ?10:40
Zombie28nvidia 800 series10:41
douyeairtonix, well.. i dowloaded it from newsservers10:41
skeeelZombie28, can you reach the menus of gnome ?10:41
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
Zombie28describe how I'd do that10:41
Zombie28I might know how but i'm unfamiliar10:41
skeeelZombie28, do you see them ?10:42
AzizLighthi everybody10:42
prodigelHI all. Probably my own fault, but I want to get rid of it and don't remember how. Every time I hit ctrl+alt+backspace my system restarts. I'm using ubuntu 8.04/gnome10:42
Zombie28i'm on xp right now on my 2nd partitian10:42
vampurhello everyone10:43
reikonCan someone suggest a cheap sound card that supports hardware channel mixing?10:43
AzizLightI wanted to know, is there an ubuntu equivalent to the enso launcher available on windows?10:43
airtonixZombie28, i also have a nvidia 8800gt...i havent touched envy.10:43
Zombie28do you have a problem with the newest drivers air?10:44
airtonixAzizLight, enso launcher?10:44
vampurcan any one help me as i installed a ubuntu on my one of pc and when i run any mp3 or any other files it doesn't play and ask for updates and that system is not having intrent is dere any way i can update this or is that aviliable in live cd10:44
skeeelZombie28, in fact for nvidia you don't have to use envy , you just have to enable de driver by the menu , envy did me trick when i tried it10:44
AzizLightairtonix: http://humanized.com/enso/launcher/10:44
airtonixZombie28, well i have a 2048x768 desktop split across two screens. i installed the nvidia-xsettings i think and the restricted drivers from the repos10:45
Zombie28I have one 1580x1050 monitor10:45
airtonixAzizLight, try gnomedo10:45
vampur can any one help me as i installed a ubuntu on my one of pc and when i run any mp3 or any other files it doesn't play and ask for updates and that system is not having intrent is dere any way i can update this or is that aviliable in live cd10:45
airtonixAzizLight, sudo apt-get install gnomedo10:45
Zombie28I had an issue with my 8800GT and the newest nvidia drivers, anyone else?10:46
AzizLightairtonix: I have gnomedo but gnomedo is more like quicksilver. Enso launcher is very different10:46
airtonixZombie28, your problem could be realted to envy doing something funky10:46
airtonixAzizLight, ok looking deeper at enso10:46
Zombie28yes I'll try to get the driver directly from nvidia10:46
skeeelvampur : no playing the mp3 and asking for update are 2 diff things10:46
Zombie28thanks for your help10:46
skeeelZombie28, no don't10:46
Zombie28still here10:47
outbackwifivampur: its probably asking to install codecs10:47
airtonixZombie28, yeah dont, use the one in the repos10:47
vampuryes exactly10:47
AzizLightairtonix: you should try it if you have a windows machine, it's really amazing, it gives a real productivity boost10:47
Zombie28what is repos?10:47
outbackwifivampur: install the gstreamer plugins10:47
airtonixAzizLight, am doin now i have win2003 on virtualbox10:47
waanushimitsudoki, I fixed it by installing splash-manager and changing resolution from 640 (no idea why it was this low, my monitor doesn't support that low) to 102410:47
vampurhow may get that updates from one system who is having the iternet or is it in the live cd10:47
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:47
st3phthetres a e-book linux for dummies10:47
ushimitsudokiwann: hey that's great! congrats on working it out!10:47
vampurdear out dere is no internet facality aviliable in that system10:48
AzizLightairtonix: win2003? you mean xp?10:48
airtonixvampur, you can try using 'apt on cd'10:48
outbackwifihi xess10:48
airtonixAzizLight, win2003 server10:48
prodigelNobody knows how to fix this? "Every time I hit ctrl+alt+backspace my system restarts. I'm using ubuntu 8.04/gnome"10:48
xessoutbackwifi: How are you today?10:48
skeeelzombie : i advise you to do a fresh install , and then do on menu systeme->administration->drivers and just enable the nvidia driver10:48
vampurr u sure airtonix i can get updates from cd10:48
reikonprodigel, that's the intended behavior.10:48
AzizLightoh ok10:48
airtonixprodigel, have you look in the key bindings found int he system menu10:48
reikonprodigel, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace restarts GDM.10:48
prodigelreikon, my system at whole, not just X10:48
outbackwifixess: i am good10:49
airtonixreikon, actually its not. ctrl+alt+delete restarts your system, ctrl+alt+backspace logs you out10:49
reikonairtonix, mine's setup the opposite.10:49
skeeelctrl+alt+backspace shut X , and gdm restart it !!!10:49
Zombie28i gtg now guys, thanks for the help10:49
prodigelpeople, people, I know what I'm talking about, I know that ctrl+alt+backspace is intended to do and no it doesn't just restart X it reboots my computer10:50
airtonixvampur, yes i am sure, mp3 support isnt included in the live cd as far as i am aware..have a look at the ubuntu wiki about using aptoncd10:50
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications10:51
airtonixprodigel, you could also open gconf-editor and look in the apps>metacity keybindings section10:51
airtonixAzizLight, ok installing now check this baby out10:52
st3phmorning all10:52
xessOkay I got a new one for you all. I have two sounds in this sever it is slowly taking shape a very music oriented box. So soon I will be an expert that field. I want to use both of my sound cards at once. Sound in and out along with each mic at least with one application, DJplay. Is this even possible? it should be.10:52
prodigelairtonix, no luck with apps > metacity, probably it's somewhere else ...10:53
=== FreddyGonzo is now known as minimec
airtonixprodigel, ok third thing to try is google10:53
vargadanishello... can I somehow direct all subdomains to a web server_10:54
douyeairtonix: isnt vlc supposed to be able to play .bin/.cue files ?10:54
vargadanisis there maybe a CNAME entry or simethin gI need to give Bind to do that?10:54
airtonixdouye, yes if the vcd is created following standards, which..mind you is easy to create a vcd that does not follow standards.10:54
douyeairtonix, hmm well.. gmplayer can play the video.. but i dont get any sound with it.. so figured vlc should be able to just play it.. but guess im wrong10:55
airtonixdouye sound might be related to which sound driver your media player is set to use10:56
douyeairtonix, hmm to the right one (alsa)10:56
airtonixdouye, maybe you have to select a audio channel?10:57
airtonixdouye, or maybe run it prefixxed with "aoss"10:57
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.1] The file /usr/share/applications/network.desktop is missing. How can I install it?10:58
SparckixHello there10:58
douyeairtonix, just tried playing a song with gmplayer.. works normally10:58
vaghi, I am trying to set up my nvidia drivers. I currently have this modified xorg.conf  http://pastebin.com/d12adebe9  . However when I uncomment the nvidia driver I get esolution problems. Also if I resintall the drivers then everything is ok, until I reboot and then things are broken again...10:58
SparckixI'm wondering if you could tell me how could I shutdown many lan computers...10:58
Sparckixthanks in advanced..10:58
douyeairtonix, so mostlikely it should be a codec error.. but just installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras.. and it still wont work :/10:59
outbackwifiSparckix: are they all on Ubuntu?10:59
SparckixYep the are10:59
douyeairtonix, (hence i wanna use vlc.. as it comes with most codecs :P)10:59
outbackwifiSparckix: write a script that would ssh into each one of them, run the shutdown command10:59
Dundlyhy evry110:59
Sparckixso actually there isn't any... console cmd like shutdown or poweroff?11:00
geirhabullgard4: try «dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/network.desktop» Then reinstall the package it gives you11:00
airtonixdouye, yeah i mean some movies have the audio channel not auto matically set, or rather sometimes i have to manually select the proper audio channel to get sound working11:00
outbackwifiSparckix: Im not aware of that sorry11:00
SparckixOk thank you very much11:00
airtonixAzizLight, mm seems it does quite a bit of intergration with the OS11:00
p1mpsubuntu rulez11:00
airtonixAzizLight, i dont think there actually is something in linux that does what enso does11:01
douyeairtonix, how to select a different audio channel in gmplayer then? only option i see is "switch audio track" which doesnt work :/11:01
airtonixAzizLight, closest would be yaquake or tilda11:01
jareth_question: is there a tool which reads out /etc/hosts.deny and than adds a rule with a new ip address in iptables?11:01
SparckixI was trying to ssh him but it says connection refused... :(11:02
* jareth_ uses denyhosts deamon and want to automatically deny these intruders with iptables11:02
airtonixdouye, i dont have gmplayer installed so i cant help you with tat particular point. just a thought have you confirmed the vcd actually does have sound?11:02
Sparckixk, cya :D11:02
prathibhahello how to set the resolution for hp compaq laptop 6720s11:03
douyeairtonix, uhm.. well its a movie.. so it should have sound :P but i dunno if it actually does have it atm as i cant get it to work with anything :P11:03
=== prathibha is now known as ganes
bullgard4geirha: The package gnome-system-tools is already installed. Do you want me to de-install it and then re-install it?11:04
douyeairtonix, hmm mplayer gave the error that it cant find the right audio codec :/11:04
geirhabullgard4: sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-system-tools11:05
noogahi. I've made new user in my system, created a samba share using nautilus and changed rights so that only the new user can access the shared folder. Despite that when i'm prompted for password when accessing the share from other computer the password and username of that new user do not work. Why? Isn't samba somehow connected with PAM by default?11:06
notdkwnooga: man smbpasswd11:06
ganeswaan, hello how to set the resolution for hp compaq laptop 6720s11:07
jareth_is there a tool which can read out denied hosts in /etc/hosts.deny by denyhosts daemon and then add a new DENY rule to iptables?11:07
AlimСалам всем11:07
=== lmg_AFK is now known as lmg
airtonixdouye, i never liked mplayer so i cant really help you with mplayer or its variants..it also seems that it wold help if you could track down the details for the file you have, maybe try to get  hold of some vcd tools from the repos so you can identify the file format properly11:07
airtonixjareth_, only a script that you would create as far as i know11:08
AlimАдыга фис ау мб?11:08
nooganotdkw: is it possible to force samba to use system users?11:08
notdkwjareth_: hosts.deny and iptables are completely separate, I don't know of any tool that does it.11:08
bazhang!ru | Alim11:08
ubottuAlim: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:08
notdkwnooga: only if you're using NIS / LDAP etc. not from shadow / passwd.11:08
ganeswaan, did you get any solution for that11:09
jareth_notdkw: too bad... thx any how!11:09
MartiiniAlim:  chevo hatjel bradjaaga11:09
waanganes, If changing the resolution in System -> Preferences -> Screen resolution doesn't work then I have no idea sorry11:09
bazhangMartiini, english here11:09
bazhangAlim, /join #ubuntu-ru11:09
notdkwjareth_: have a good read about iptables, it can block more than hosts.deny.11:09
Alim"¤<Martiini> Alim:  chevo hatjel bradjaaga" ты кто11:09
ganeswaan, correct resolution is 1200x80011:10
benjickHm, irssi really likse those chars11:10
ganeswaan, correct resolution is 1280x80011:10
jareth_notdkw: i will :)11:10
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:10
waanganes, sorry i'm not sure, im just here for help too11:10
benjickWhat did he say?11:10
nooganotdkw: don't u know some documents which explain how to set those things in ubuntu11:10
ganeswaan, what help11:11
andycas1Does anyone know a free vpn provider?11:11
ganeswaan, if i knew i help you11:11
waanganes, i'm trying to make a usplash theme11:11
outbackwifiandycas1: ubuntu?11:11
ganeswaan, ok11:12
andycas1outbackwifi: what do you mean?11:12
AzizLightairtonix: sorry I just saw your message. I have yakuake, it's a pretty awesome app, I use it all the time but it's a terminal not a launcher. I guess I'll have to wait the Enso 2.0 (which supposedly will be cross platform...I think..I hope ...lol)11:12
douyeairtonix, hmm i'll just go ahead and try to play it in vista >.<11:12
* Kondensuotas_pie is listening to VA - Essential Net's Work Tunes Volume 4 CD - mnm vs sidekick-believe (what sidekick can do!)11:13
mEck0Hi! I have connected a 22" TFT with native resolution 1680x1050 to my laptop, but can't set the res to native via: xrandr -s 1680x1050, he's complaining about: Size 1680x1050 not found in available modes11:13
bullgard4geirha: I used the equivalent command in Synaptic. It worked. --  Can you tell me why  «dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/network.desktop» found the file network.desktop but packages.ubuntu.com did not?11:13
outbackwifiandycas1: this is the ubuntu support channel; if you ask ubuntu specific questions, people try to answer11:13
mEck0under Modes in xorg.conf, I've added "1680x1050", what could be wrong?11:13
airtonixAzizLight, yeah it does look great. would be great to have on openbox setup11:13
mu91thello i've got opera browser in .tar.gz format.... but dont know how to install it.... can anyone help me11:15
outbackwifimu91t: is it a binary or source?11:16
airtonixmu91t, why do you have it in tar.gz format and not use the apt-get install opera?11:16
mEck0mu91t: tar -xvf archivename11:16
magnetronda, da11:16
Martiiniprivetik bradjaaga11:17
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:17
_MacTavish_Мля че каналы моросят?11:18
magnetron!ru | _MacTavish_11:18
ubottu_MacTavish_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:18
_MacTavish_Ne nado11:19
benjickRussian evening? wtf11:19
Martiiniruassians take over .. havent you heard11:19
Martiinijust watch the news11:19
stapeloutbackwifi: still no luck with the two interfaces11:20
Tonikour next target is South Africa, we'll invade it and claim ownership of Ubuntu11:20
stapelhow can I check the firewall settings?11:20
outbackwifistapel: what did youdo?11:20
outbackwifistapel: sudo iptables -L11:20
benjickMartiini: :>11:20
airtonixstapel, without a gui?11:20
MartiiniTonik:  so russia has given up on America now .. since russians arent allowed nuclear weapons any more11:20
guestguestnewwhen i run 'users and groups' and click unlock so i can edit the users, nothing happens11:21
outbackwifihi guestguestnew11:21
guestguestnewit doesn't ask for a password and i am unable to edit11:21
stapelwithout gui - I have standard ubuntu-server installed - no X11:21
guestguestnewhi outbackwifi pls help!11:21
benjickBtw, i have a question which i explain in a forumpost, is it ok to paste the link?11:21
airtonixstapel, does "sudo iptables -L" output what you need to know?11:21
outbackwifibenjick: pastebin it11:22
TonikMartiini: yeah.   I hear Bush is also planning to forbid Russia to fly into space11:22
MartiiniVirgin has that covered11:22
jribbenjick: yeah, but you should provide a summary here with your link11:22
airtonixstapel, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:23
benjickThe main thing is that i can't listen to music at youtube and rhythmbox at the same time11:23
Tonikflying 100 km up and falling like a brick back down is not much use, Martiini11:23
airtonixstapel, i have also used firestarter via remote X connections on a server before...seemed to work fine11:24
jribbenjick: that's because flash and pulseaudio don't play nice.  You can install the libflashsupport package to make flash use pulseaudio, but for some people it makes firefox crash11:24
airtonixstapel, firestarter is a gui editor for iptables11:24
benjickjrib: Yeah, i have to install flash manually. I'm i in a moment 22 then?11:24
* outbackwifi replaced pulseaudio with good ole esd11:25
jribbenjick: why do you have to install it manually?11:25
ednojrib: so is there any solution to pulseaudio/flash problem? (avoiding the firefox crash)11:25
benjickjrib: Because libflashsupport makes FF crash11:25
MartiiniTonik:  Richard Branson with virgin galactic has space travel market .. russian rockets is last century technology11:25
benjickoutbackwifi: Working good?11:25
testicheese hangs extremely, how can i solve this: I want reacton time after I applied an effect below 1 seond.11:25
jribbenjick: how does installing it manually help?11:25
outbackwifibenjick: yes, i had audio stuttering with pulse11:25
benjickWell, i downloaded flash from adobe and now it works11:26
jribbenjick: so you don't actually have a problem now?11:26
benjickjrib: The sound problem is still there11:26
jribbenjick: exactly...11:26
benjickBut fx doesn't crash when i watch flashmovies now11:26
airtonixjrib, benjick strange i get normal audio from flash at websites11:27
jribbenjick: ah, so you've tried libflashsupport in the past and it has crashed for you11:27
stapelmmm...nothing in iptables11:27
airtonixjrib, benjick and i havent touched anything extra with it after install11:27
brolly81what do use to open .rar files11:27
ValentineXgmail notifier error, I got gmail notifier sudo apt-get install checkinggmail ... but it is saying wrong username password error message every time :(11:27
CyberJackHi, does anyone know if its possible to disable the alarm sound after an unsuccessful suspend? All works fine afterward, so i guess there was no problem11:27
benjickairtonix: I can try it, but i don't know how to replace pulseaudio11:27
airtonixstapel, then try installing firestarter on the server and then ssh in with X forwarding so you can run firestarter remotely11:28
jribedno, benjick: you can try using nspluginwrapper with flash (without libflashsupport).  It's a solution for 64bit but will work on 32bit and isn't that crashy in my experience.  Sometimes it happens that npviewer crashes, but it doesn't take the browser down with it11:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:28
stapelI am trying to connect two different windoze computers to a ubuntu-server with crossover cables...only eth0 seems to work though11:28
stapeli have static IPs for both11:28
airtonixstapel, but be aware, that when you do install firestarter you will be locked out...lol so make sure you have physical access11:28
Mehrabhi everybody11:29
benjickjrib: nspluginwrapper is for netscape?11:29
MehrabI have this error when I want to open firefox : Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)11:29
jribbenjick: no11:29
Mehrabwhat's the matter11:29
benjickairtonix: What did you say you used instead of pulseaudio?11:29
airtonixstapel, with crossover cables? you mean the cables from the two windows machine each go into the ubuntu machine on seperate network cards?11:30
stapelairtonix: yes11:30
airtonixbenjick, i just installed the flashplugin via apt-get and it works...11:30
jribMehrab: what does 'which firefox' in a shell say?  And, have you done anything related to firefox without using the package manager?11:30
benjickairtonix: Which one?11:30
brolly81what program can you use on ubuntu to open .rar files11:30
benjickbrolly81: unrar11:31
jrib!rar > brolly8111:31
ubottubrolly81, please see my private message11:31
airtonixbenjick, im not sure. about:plugins shows :     Shockwave Flash 9.0 r12411:32
benjickomg it works11:32
guestguestnewi'm not in the sudoers file11:32
stapelairtonix: any ideas?11:32
benjickWith libflashsupport11:32
guestguestnewand there is no root account11:32
jribguestguestnew: what is the output of 'groups'?  Please don't press enter to break up your thoughts.  Stay on a single line11:32
benjickjrib: Thanks slot11:33
Mehrabjrib: just a second11:33
benjickDoesn't crash now either, hm11:33
waanIs there an easy way to make a usplash theme?11:33
guestguestnewrichie root, but i can't log in root because its disabled-linux mint11:33
benjickI might thinking of something else then libflashsupport11:33
jribwaan: have you been to the wiki page?11:33
bazhangguestguestnew, you are using linux mint?11:33
jstephani've got a problem installing ubuntu 8.04 on an notebook, it freezes after some seconds11:34
bazhang!mintsupport | guestguestnew11:34
jribguestguestnew: you are in the "root" group?11:34
ubottuguestguestnew: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org11:34
airtonixstapel, have you tried connecting them up one at a time so you know both connection works? ie 1. win1 - ubu-eth0 2. win1 - ubu-eth1 3. win2- ubu-eth0 4. win2 - ubu-eth111:34
waanjrib, I'm reading libusplash-dev but it doesn't really say what to do at all, I haven't read the wiki11:34
belijstephan: while doing what?11:34
stapelis there a dpkg reconfigure for networking?11:34
guestguestnewi am11:34
jribguestguestnew: go to #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org, I'll help you there11:34
guestguestnewbut i'm not in the sudoers file11:34
guestguestnewok thanks!11:34
mikeyfbihey guys, i'm trying to get a window i created to not minimize when i use "show desktop" but it's not working!! blah!11:35
mikeyfbii'm using compiz and enter;11:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:35
benjickjrib: I hope you understand you solved me some months of anger, really; thank you11:35
mikeyfbiany ideas?11:36
jribbenjick: well I hope it works for you.  I'm not on 32bit so I don't know if libflashsupport is still a problem or not (and you just haven't experienced it yet)11:36
mikeyfbii also tried !title=descon11:36
mikeyfbimy entire line shows this11:36
mikeyfbi(!class=xfce4-terminal | type=toolbar | type=utility | type=dialog | type=normal ) & !(title=descon)11:36
benjickjrib: Gonna try it out11:36
jribbenjick: sure11:36
FlimmWhat's the difference between a DNS server and a search domain?11:37
bullgard4 «dpkg -S /usr/share/applications/network.desktop» finds the file network.desktop but why does packages.ubuntu.com not?11:37
bullgard4Flimm: the first is a program. the second is an (abstract) area.11:37
airtonixbullgard4, isnt  /usr/share/applications/network.desktop a pointer to another place? isnt it hte icon you get on your desktop when you tell nautilus to display the network icon?11:38
airtonixbullgard4, yep loko at the file contents. `leafpad /usr/share/applications/network.desktop`11:39
bullgard4airtonix: Not exactly but roughly. At least it is a file. And packages.ubuntu.com should find files.11:40
benjickjrib: Ah, it was the flashplugin-nonfree package which i couldn't use before. That one made FF crash11:40
Martiinidoes ubuntu cd include partimage ,, anyone ??11:40
airtonixbullgard4, check out the file contents ...its just a desktop icon for network-admin11:40
airtonixbullgard4, it's most proly part of nautilus11:41
bullgard4airtonix: You are mistaken. It is no icon. It is a file.11:41
Mehrabjrib: nothing happens when i execute this command. and no I havent done anything to ffirefox, and after a reboot this error appear11:41
* outbackwifi wonders where this is leading to11:41
airtonixbullgard4, it may not be an image as in a icon, but it is definiatly a file that describes an icon that sits on the nautilus desktop11:41
jribMehrab: pastebin the line that contains what you typed and the next one please11:42
mikeyfbianyone know how i can keep a window from being minimized when i use "show desktop"?11:42
ValentineXHi how to get torrent client in ubuntu?11:42
mikeyfbii'm using compiz and enter;11:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:42
airtonixbullgard4, cat /usr/share/applications/network.desktop | grep Exec11:42
bullgard4airtonix: And my question is why does packages.ubuntu.com not find it?11:42
mikeyfbibut it doesn't work11:42
benjickValentineX: applicatiosn > add/remove program > torrent11:42
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benjickValentineX: transmission is default in ubuntu, which is an torrentcleint11:43
ValentineXbenjick: ok11:43
outbackwifibullgard4: what is packages.ubuntu.com and why should it find files?11:44
brolly81im having a hard time finding this unrar download. i went to the links provided in my private message from chanserv and ubottu.11:44
airtonixbullgard4, yeah i dont think the site will find packages for you based on a files that are contained in that package.11:45
jribbrolly81: did you enable multiverse?11:45
bullgard4outbackwifi: Load this address in you web browser and execute. Then find out yourself. It's easy.11:45
brolly81how do enable that?>11:45
outbackwifibullgard4: not unless i know what im supposed to be doing :)11:45
airtonixbullgard4, you may be confusing that it does search for packages based on what other packages it depends on11:45
jigphello how to connect to a printer connected to windows with the same router and switch?im trying to print..the printer is shared tho...11:46
jribbrolly81: third bullet point in the Rar section of the wiki page links you to the Multiverse repository page.  Use system -> administration -> Software Sources11:46
outbackwifibrolly81: sudo apt-get install unrar11:46
airtonixbrolly81, 1. open a terminal 2. type : sudo apt-get install unrar 3. rejoice11:46
Mehrabjrib: nothing appear when I execute the command: which firefox11:46
jribMehrab: pastebin the line that contains what you typed and the next one please11:46
jigphow to connect to the printer (windows) ?11:47
jigpor how to search a printer?11:47
jigpso that i could print..11:47
outbackwifijigp: using samba11:47
outbackwifijigp: if the printer is connected and shared by the windoze machine11:47
SilverWlfDoes anyone know what to do when the starting the ubuntu cd, and the it drops to initfs menu?. i think it have problems finding the cdrom driver, even when it have booted from it. Its a dell poweredge 30011:47
mikeyfbianyone know how i can keep a window from being minimized when i use "show desktop"?11:48
mikeyfbii'm using compiz and enter;11:48
mikeyfbibut it doesn't work11:48
FloodBot1mikeyfbi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:48
airtonixjigp, if you know the machine name or ip address of the windows machine serving the printer visit it in nautilus using the location bar : smb://ip-address-of-your-machine11:48
ValentineXbenjick: that bit torrent was a bit hard to use :-s11:49
airtonixValentineX, compared to what? transmission is the same as utorrent on windows11:49
airtonixValentineX, its actually the easiest torrent client to use on any operating system11:50
airtonixValentineX, *by comparison11:51
ValentineXairtonix: any torrent search portal which only has files for ubuntu?11:51
* osfameron recommends Deluge as a torrent client11:51
st3p1i changed ubuntu back to english :D11:51
airtonixValentineX, seems you have left half of your conversation out..you went from requesting a torrent client to syaing that you cant find a torrent file for a ubuntu distro11:52
st3p1and i fixed the sounds probs....slowly i get the clue :D11:52
jigpoutbackwifi : how to know if i have samba (ubuntu 8)11:52
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airtonixValentineX, what exactly do you need help with...please take the time to explain it fully11:53
ValentineXairtonix: no I don't know ubuntu file searches for torrent but I am now getting pdf files :) which works with the builtin pdf file reader b-)11:53
Mehrabjrib: sorry , this is the result  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46140/11:53
outbackwifijigp: type smbclient in a terminal. if it shows up the usage, youve got it; if its not installed it will tell you how to11:53
ValentineXairtonix: that problem solved :)11:53
jribMehrab: alright.  How about 'apt-cache policy firefox'?11:54
airtonixValentineX, ok, but i dont understand what you initial problem was. your mixing up torrents with pdfs...torrents are not files you look at in a viewer like you would with pdfs11:54
ValentineXairtonix: I got torrents working fine :) I learnt it11:55
brolly81thanks airtonix11:55
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46143/11:55
jribMehrab: firefox doesn't seem to be installed11:56
Mehrabjrib: what should i do? when I want to install, it says It should download just 100 KB11:56
Mehrabjrib what is the problem11:57
jribMehrab: so what happens when you do 'sudo apt-get install firefox'?11:57
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ValentineXHow to control sonyericsson phone with ubuntu? which PC suit etc? is the official pc suit supported wth ubuntu?11:57
jigpoutbackwifi : http://pastebin.com/m2f45cec0 thats what i got11:58
outbackwifiValentineX: www.ubuntuhcl.org has all the answers11:58
ValentineXoutbackwifi: thanks11:58
outbackwifijigp: congrats, youve got samba11:58
Dranikwhat can I use to limit network interface's bandwidn?11:59
outbackwifiDranik: wondershaper11:59
Mehrabjrib : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46144/11:59
jigpoutbackwifi : ok hehe thanks.. but how to print?11:59
Dranikoutbackwifi: thx, I'll give it a try11:59
outbackwifijigp: like airtronix said, connect to the windows machine by typing smb://ipaddressofwindoze inside the nautilus location bar12:00
dashavooI recompiled my kernel after applying a patch for disk protection, but now I can't do "apt-get upgrade" because it will replace my new kernel with the stock one. I have tried locking the version both using aptitude and synaptic, however it makes no difference, I assume because it is classing it as a security upgrade for the same version, can anybody give me a solution?12:00
kentnyberghi there.  i want to dualboot ubuntu on my macbook. Can the installation re-size my disk and install or do I need to re-install osx aswell?12:00
jribMehrab: hash -r; firefox     work now?12:00
outbackwifijigp: when it shows up, click on it to reveal the shares, select printers and click on the one thats shared etc12:01
dario_ci sono italiani?12:01
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:01
dario_ha grazie mille12:01
dashavookentnyberg, the installer will show a recommended partition scheme making use of free space on your drive. You can use this or do it manually.12:01
dashavooYou might need to configure the bootloader to show OSX12:02
Mehrabexecute this in terminal? hash -r; firefox12:02
kentnybergdashavoo:   ah.  thanks.  all i wanted to know.  :)12:02
outbackwifidashavoo: it wont matter; just keep a backup of your new kernel and speciify it in /boot/grub/menu.lst again12:02
bucuhi everyone12:02
bucui have problem with wesnoth game12:02
xispeI need help removing a raid0, alt cd cant delete the raid says its busy.12:03
bucui have no sound under ubuntu 8.0412:03
jribMehrab: yeah12:03
l3don ubuntu in pidgin i add someone to the msn side but when i start pidgin i get a sync issue. its like they are added but not on the msn server just the local and i have to say yes would i like to add them even tho they are not on the msn server side . is there a way to fix this issue?12:03
bucuand this error ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave12:03
xispeor better not busy it says it cant be done because its beeing used12:03
sorush3is it possible to convert .toast files to .iso12:03
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
bucuanyone can help me? thank you for any responses ;)12:03
outbackwifibucu: headphones or speaker?12:04
sinanhow can i know the details of a symbolic link (like, where it is pointing it)? I am trying to fix a broken link.12:04
dashavoooutbackwifi, ok, thanks12:04
outbackwifisinan: ls -la12:04
xispeI need help removing a raid0, alt cd cant delete the raid says its beeing used <----- help12:04
bucuintegrated ac97 sound card12:04
Chousukesinan: readlink, I think12:04
bucusound works correctly12:04
bucuin os12:04
outbackwifibucu: open up a terminal and type alsamixer12:04
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46150/12:04
outbackwifibucu: move all sliders to max12:04
NicEXEcan you suggest me a good C++ compiler for Ubuntu?12:05
ChousukeNicEXE: g++12:05
=== adante_ is now known as adante
jribMehrab: do what it said, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.012:05
l3dand I also was wondering where the login windows are located in the filesystem,as in which folder?12:05
sinanthanks outbackwifi and Chousuke ! :)12:05
airtonixwhich was the command that you use to prefix another command in order to dedicate its cpu usage to one cpu core12:05
jrib!compiling > NicEXE12:05
ubottuNicEXE, please see my private message12:05
xispeI need help removing a raid0, alt cd cant delete the raid says its busy. <--- some knows how?12:05
jribairtonix: maybe with nice somehow?12:05
bucurecieved the same error that i pasted12:06
* outbackwifi didnt know you could do that12:06
airtonixjrib,  no there is a particular command that allows you say which cpu core wyou want the follwoing program to be restricted to12:06
bucuand maybe its important12:06
bucui have12:06
bucutimidity installed12:06
outbackwifibucu: did you do what i asked12:06
xispeI need help removing a raid0, alt cd cant delete the raid says its being used <--- someone knows how?12:07
bucuand nothing new with sound in game12:07
outbackwifibucu: whats the error12:07
bucuALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave12:07
bucu20080912 13:05:53 error audio: Could not initialize audio: No available audio device12:07
jigpoutbackwifi in console i will type smb://ipaddressofwindoze?12:07
jrib!enter | bucu12:07
ubottubucu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:07
bucuok sry12:07
outbackwifijigp: in nautilus file browser window12:07
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46150/12:07
jribMehrab: do what it said, sudo apt-get install firefox-3.012:08
outbackwifibucu: pastebin lspci12:08
sorush3hi can I convert .toast images to .iso12:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cdburning12:08
Mehrabjrib: i did it exactly12:09
jribMehrab: that's not what you pastebinned.  Or is that after the apt-get install firefox-3.0?12:09
l3don ubuntu in pidgin i add someone to the msn side but when i start pidgin i get a sync issue. its like they are added but not on the msn server just the local and i have to say yes would i like to add them even tho they are not on the msn server side . is there a way to fix this issue?12:10
l3dand I also was wondering where the login windows are located in the filesystem,as in which folder?12:10
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46151/12:10
jribMehrab: heh, ok.  Do: sudo apt-get purge firefox firefox-3.0 && sudo apt-get intall firefox-3.0 firefox12:11
outbackwifibucu: cat /proc/asound/cards12:11
outbackwifibucu: pastebin that also pls12:12
bucuresult http://pastebin.ca/120094612:12
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macro_L O L12:13
jribmacro_: do you have a question about ubuntu support?12:14
jigpoutbackwifi : nautilus? sorry i cannot find in Applications Places ans System :(12:14
xispeI need help removing a raid0, alt cd cant delete the raid says its beeing used. <--- someone knows how?12:15
bucuim back outbackwifi12:17
sipiorxispe: how are you trying to remove the raid?12:17
Finirasubuntu doesnt shut down properly anymore. whenever i click on the shut down button, the shut down popup just dissapears and leaves me with a system that is half-stuck12:18
maxx_has anyone else seen any recent updates kill the nvidia proprietary drivers?12:18
beliFiniras: look into the syslog12:18
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:19
Finirasdoes it really matter if i just shut down the pc by the button?12:19
maxx_Finiras, does the same thing happen when you sudo halt?12:19
Finirasi didn't try that12:20
ActionParsnipFiniras: as long as you dont hold it down for 5 seconds or it will just power off and need to fsck next boot12:20
Finirasok i think ill try sudo halt12:21
maxx_i just did an update and now i can't fscking load nvidia kernel modules12:21
Mehrabjrib: I'm updating my  sources too, and this take long time for me, anyway thank you for your help12:21
jribMehrab: ok, check your PATH while you are at it.  What does 'echo $PATH' return?12:22
ValentineXhow to uninstall a software? for example gnome phone manager I want to remove it12:22
jribValentineX: system -> administration -> synaptic12:22
SmegzorI have a number of packages that are being held back.  I think it is because they can't be authenticated.  Can I force them to upgrade?  They are mostly games from playdeb.org12:22
mgolischmaxx_: mostlikely the restricted-modules package matching your current kernel is not installed12:22
ActionParsnipValentineX: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package name>12:22
maxx_mgolisch: i tried a few past kernels tho. i'm wondering if my invidia chipset just kicked it like everoyne else's recently :|12:23
aRahimValentineX: sudo apt-get remove gnome-phone-manager12:23
mgolischmaxx_: or you installed the nvidia drivers manualy which means you need to recompile its kernel module again after each kernel update12:23
maxx_i used envyng12:23
mgolischno idea about that12:23
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46151/12:23
aRahimValentineX: another way is to remove it from Synaptic12:23
ActionParsnipmaxx_: of if you used envyng yu need to rerun it while booted in the new kernel12:23
jribMehrab: wrong paste?12:24
ActionParsnipmaxx_: change xorg.conf so driver is nv not nvidia, boot to new kernel12:24
bucumaxx_:  i used envyng for ati drivers, i was a bad choice... better to install drivers under ubuntu manually imho12:24
ActionParsnipand then rerun gksu envyng-gtk12:24
Mehrabjrib: sorry: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46158/12:24
ValentineXjrib:  ActionParsnip: aRahim: thanks all works :D12:24
ActionParsnipValentineX: you now know another cli command12:24
jribMehrab: k, that's not the issue then12:24
aRahimValentineX: :d12:25
ValentineXActionParsnip: ? gksu ?12:25
aRahimValentineX: :D12:25
ActionParsnipmaxx_: i do the same thing, you gotta do that each time you update kernel12:25
ActionParsnipValentineX: gksu runs gui apps with root priveledges but with user settings12:25
maxx_i've updated the kernel so many times though12:25
maxx_never had this issue12:25
maxx_re-running envyng12:25
HelpPleasehow can I give an command to install to an install-sh file? :D12:25
st3phi wanted say thank you12:25
Finirasok sudo halt does work but not the graphical interface. maxx_ beli12:25
ActionParsnipmaxx_: i have that issue every time i upgrade the kernel, its the only downside of envyng i can see12:26
ActionParsnipst3ph: wassup?12:26
Finirasbut it is too annoying, i want a quicker way to shut down'12:26
maxx_i thought that was the purposeof envyng..12:26
outbackwifiHelpPlease: ./install-sh12:26
HelpPleasethank you outbackwifi :D12:26
HelpPleasecool name :D12:26
outbackwifiHelpPlease: though you shouldnt  do that; make install should invoke it12:26
Mehrabjrib: consider this : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46159/12:26
st3phnm, i wanted say thanks yesterday and after i came back u was offline , so i say today thanks12:26
beliFiniras: just reboot the system.....and then check the syslog....look for runlevel change and what is happening12:27
jribMehrab: typo: should be "install" instead of "intall"12:27
ActionParsnipmaxx_: no, envyng will only out the relevant module in the kernel you are running12:27
ActionParsnipst3ph: what did i do?12:27
HelpPleasedoesnt work outbackwifi12:27
maxx_how long has 2.6.24-19 been in the repos?12:27
HelpPleaseof I double click the file and choose run in terminal it doesn't do anything12:27
outbackwifiHelpPlease: what doesnt, and what are you trying to install12:27
outbackwifiHelpPlease: did you compile whatever has the install-sh?12:28
ganeshow to set the screeen resolution for hp compaq 6720s12:28
HelpPleaseI want to install this http://www.openexr.com/12:28
ActionParsnipmaxx_: if you run uname -a it will tell you when your kernel came out12:28
r3hello .... just one simple question .. if anyone can provide the info12:28
ActionParsnipmaxx_: im on -2112:28
Mehrabjrib: a ridiculous mistake12:28
HelpPleaseoutbackwifi how to compile it? :D12:28
aRahimHelpPlease: run it from the terminal then12:28
maxx_Action: it was compiled on august 20th..doesn't tell me much12:28
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maxx_maybe i need to swtich off of the australian mirrors12:28
maxx_ytf am I only at -19?12:28
HelpPleasewell it gives me an error :(12:28
r3rt61 wifi  - any good for packet injection ?12:28
outbackwifiHelpPlease: read the documentation12:28
ActionParsnipmaxx_: well its september now there may be a new one12:28
ValentineXmy ubuntu will take me away from my school and study :D12:29
aRahimValentineX: Yaah Ubuntu is addictive :D12:29
maxx_i tried going back to -18 and -17, and re-running envyng in both. still runs xfailsafe.12:29
ActionParsnipmaxx_: change your xorg.conf to read nv for your graphics driver12:30
maxx_when i boot off the cd, i'm still getting high resolutions off the oss nvidia driver. that's the only think making me think my chipset hasn't kicked it12:30
ActionParsnipmaxx_: then run gksu envyng-gtk12:30
bucuand outbackwifi12:30
ActionParsnipmaxx_: and reinstall12:30
bucui have second problem with ati drivers12:30
outbackwifibucu: ok12:30
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46160/12:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:30
HelpPleaseoutbackwifi: This is what I am doing http://pastebin.com/mf0ed3b912:30
outbackwifi!ati > bucu12:30
ubottubucu, please see my private message12:30
bucuive radeon 9600 agp, i have installed drivers from ati12:30
Mehrabjrib; again it doesn't start12:31
bullgard4[Ubuntu 8.04.1] Nautilus shows 2 different files /usr/share/applications/Network. One is dated 2008-05-30 and contains the launcher command 'nautilus --no-desktop network:', the other 'network-admin'. Why do exist both of them side-by-side even though I selct only one using the GNOME menu?12:31
jribMehrab: what is '/usr/bin/firefox' saying?12:31
bucuive searched many forums etc, but i still have problem12:31
bucudrivers are installed propertly, i have edited xorg.conf, but some games still cant use opengl12:32
orly_owlAny chance of getting nVidia CK804 AC97 onboard sound working in hardy?12:32
orly_owlI see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/20348212:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203482 in alsa-driver "nVidia CK804 AC97 onboard sound not working in hardy alpha6" [Undecided,New]12:32
outbackwifibucu: i have no idea about opengl and games sorry12:32
bucuno problem :)12:32
bucuthanks for your responses and help12:33
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46161/12:33
ActionParsnipbucu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver12:33
adamkbucu, What games have you tried and what errors do you get?12:33
r3nobody experience with rt61 wifi drivers ?12:33
bucuno errors adamk12:33
st3phu helpt me with pidgin i think12:33
orly_owlI'm livebooting dapper and there's still no sound.12:33
bucuwolfenstein et12:33
bucuor wow under wine12:33
ActionParsnipbucu: its supported by xserver-xorg-video-ati12:33
bucuno textures,12:33
jribMehrab: ls -l /usr/bin/firefox*12:33
bucuno models12:33
outbackwifiorly_owl: dapper?? why not hardy?12:34
bucuvery low framerate and i have no ide12:34
adamkbucu, Well, I know that fglrx + wine have had issues together for a while.12:34
HelpPleaseHow can I install http://www.openexr.com/ could someone tell me? I am running the install-sh file but when I press run in terminal nothing happens.12:34
bakarat_does anyone here have any experience with squirrel sql?12:34
orly_owloutbackwifi: hardy doesnt work either12:34
outbackwifiorly_owl: whats yer hardware config12:34
orly_owloutbackwifi: GA-K8NF-912:34
outbackwifiorly_owl:  lspci; cat /proc/asound/cards12:34
ActionParsnipbucu: uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx and install xserver-xorg-video-ati12:34
outbackwifipastebin it12:34
dashavoooutbackwifi, I tried doing what you recommended and just pointing grub back at my kernel once ubuntu has done its security update thing... something I didn't think of before doing that was that the modules would mismatch... so now, after installing my kernel back over the top of the ubuntu stock kernel, I am back to where I started12:34
orly_owloutbackwifi: it's a CK80412:35
jrib!info openexr | HelpPlease12:35
bucuok thx ActionParsnip12:35
ubottuhelpplease: openexr (source: openexr): viewer and docs for the OpenEXR image format. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-4.4ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 714 kB, installed size 980 kB12:35
bucuadamk:  where are u from ?12:35
outbackwifidashavoo: is that good or bad?12:35
ActionParsnipbucu: its all in that guide12:35
jribHelpPlease: use APT12:35
adamkbucu, NJ, USA.12:35
dashavoooutbackwifi, bad, because now ubuntu wants to replace my kernel again every time I do apt-get upgrade12:35
ATA_Dark_Shadowgreetings, in 7.10 when i used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i could set my video card .12:35
orly_owloutbackwifi: come into #ubuntu-au12:35
ATA_Dark_Shadowhowever this behavior seems to have changed in 8.04 as it does not ask me about the card or driver at all.12:35
ATA_Dark_Shadowin the xorg.conf only stands : "Device          "Configured Video Device"", but it is not configured in that file.12:36
ATA_Dark_ShadowCould someone post me to the "real" Information?12:36
adamkATA_Dark_Shadow, That's because Xorg should be able to detect most cards and drivers now.12:36
HelpPleasethank you jrib :)12:36
outbackwifidashavoo: it will not replace your kernel, it will just re-write the menu.lst12:36
ActionParsnipATA_Dark_Shadow: yes they removed it for some reason :(12:36
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46163/12:36
adamkATA_Dark_Shadow, So, in most situations, nothing else is needed.  Heck, even an xorg.conf file isn't always needed.12:36
ActionParsnipATA_Dark_Shadow: what raphics card do you have?12:36
ATA_Dark_ShadowS3 Inc. 86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+] (rev 53)12:36
ATA_Dark_Shadowno X screen, console works fine12:37
jribMehrab: well you have firefox pointing to /opt, that's not something the package manager would do12:37
adamkATA_Dark_Shadow, You can run 'Xorg -configure' to generate a basic xorg.conf file.12:37
Mehrabjrib: so what should I do?12:37
jribMehrab: did you run some sort of script that would do this?12:37
dashavoooutbackwifi, no, my kernel has the same name as the ubuntu stock kernel, since I compiled it from the source from the repositories following the "ubuntu method" as outlined at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile12:37
Mehrabjrib: no, I can't remember12:38
dashavooI originally did it the debian way, since I am already familiar with that, but I didn't know how to then compile the modules package against my new kernel12:38
ActionParsnipATA_Dark_Shadow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=816679&highlight=Problems+xorg.conf%2C+PCI+S3+ViRGE&page=212:38
jribMehrab: sudo ln -sf firefox-3.0 /usr/bin/firefox12:38
ActionParsnipjrib: whats the f option do?12:39
ActionParsniplo Liledevil12:39
jribActionParsnip: overwrites the existing symlink12:39
ActionParsnipjrib: i see12:40
ATA_Dark_ShadowActionParsnip im trying that right now, adamk Xorg -configure made a conf, i started it as described , no good, lookin at the forum link, brb12:40
ActionParsnipATA_Dark_Shadow: backup xorg.conf before playing12:40
Mehrabjrib: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/46166/12:41
Mehrabjrib: and doesn,t start yet12:41
ActionParsnipMehrab: in linux, no news is good news12:41
jribMehrab: what is the output you get from /usr/bin/firefox-3.0 ?12:41
ActionParsnipMehrab: or, it only says when it fails12:42
ValentineXin ubuntu can I use anybot with pidgin? if yes then what is bot name?12:43
Mehrabjrib: it started12:44
Mehrabjrib: thank you so much12:44
jribMehrab: alright.  How about '/usr/bin/firefox' wait12:44
ActionParsnipValentineX: i use pidgin but not any anybot12:44
jribMehrab: close the browser first12:44
ValentineXActionParsnip: ok I am interested with bot since I saw bot in synaptic :D12:45
maxx_ActionParsnip: if I can modprobe nvidia without any errors, that means my proprietary modules are all good, no?12:45
ValentineXmany bots in ubuntu there b-)12:45
Mehrabjrib: it may have problem anymore?12:45
=== idimmu_ is now known as idimmu
jribMehrab: well, let's just make sure it works if you type 'firefox'.  Let's start by making sure /usr/bin/firefox works12:45
ActionParsnipmaxx_: not sure, I always get no x server if i reboot after envyng without changing my xorg.conf first12:46
ActionParsniphi eurisko12:46
maxx_my module loads fine. i think an update broke something else that's keeping that X server from starting properly.12:46
Mehrabjrib: I was asking this for one of my friends that had this problem, and he is not online anymore12:46
ActionParsnipmaxx_: then dmesg will output useful stuff12:47
Mehrabjrib: if there is some more job to do, tell me, but I can't tell you the results12:47
jribMehrab: oh.  Well I think it should be fine as long as the symlink is pointing to firefox-3.012:47
euriskoi have a problem here, i have a a windows dns server which is working perfectly with all the clients running windows12:47
jribMehrab: should be fine.  If there's a problem just come back and say that 'firefox-3.0' works, but 'firefox' does not and you need some help setting up 'firefox' to be a symlink to 'firefox-3.0'12:48
ActionParsnipeurisko: have you added the dns address to your list of nameservers?12:48
euriskobut when i boot in linux, the dhclient gives me a error DHCPACK of from
euriskohostname: the specified hostname is invalid12:48
ballzeehow can i change my taskbar icon the k menu icon ?12:48
ATA_Dark_ShadowActionParsnip thanks, that topic solved my problem, needed to add Defaultdepth12:48
ActionParsnipATA_Dark_Shadow: sweet12:48
eurisko100.2.168.192.in-addr.arpaname = arruda.scdeec.12:49
Mehrabjrib: ok, thank you so much, it was a great help12:49
euriskothe problem is the dot in the end12:49
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euriskoi don't know how to solve this12:49
ActionParsnipeurisko: add the nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf12:49
euriskoit is there12:49
ActionParsnipeurisko: you'll need gksu to edit it12:49
ActionParsnipeurisko: what if you use nslookup <host name>12:50
euriskothat's what i tried12:50
Liledevileurisko: is your windows server also the DHCP server?12:50
eurisko nslookup
eurisko100.2.168.192.in-addr.arpaname = arruda.scdeec.12:50
FloodBot1eurisko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
juroHi, I am looking for a screenlet clock where I can add custom headers to every clock instance ...12:51
ActionParsnipeurisko: try nslookup aruda.scdeec12:51
euriskoit returns the ip as expected12:52
ActionParsnipeurisko: ok, so what is the issue?12:52
euriskomy problem is that dhclient is not setting up the hostname :(12:52
outbackwifieurisko: you can set the hostname in network manager12:52
ganuhow to set the screen resolution 1028x80012:53
ValentineXhi why ubuntu games get multiple files? I am trying to install a game I got two files /-)12:53
ActionParsnipeurisko: i thought hostname was set on the system12:53
ActionParsnipValentineX: what game?12:53
euriskooutbackwifi i have 45 machines!12:53
ActionParsnip!fixres | ganu12:53
ubottuganu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:53
euriskobefore i have a new dns server12:53
ValentineXActionParsnip: Warzone :D12:53
outbackwifieurisko: so what will dhclient do?12:53
euriskoall the systems fetched the hostname with the dhclient12:54
ActionParsnipValentineX: warzone 2100?12:54
ValentineXActionParsnip: yup yup12:54
euriskooutbackwifi, normally it fetches a ip adress for your machine12:55
ganuActionParsnip, i am using 1028x800 , this i gave under xorg still problem12:55
ActionParsnipValentineX: http://yourubuntulinux.blogspot.com/2007/05/how-to-install-warzone-2100-game-on.html12:55
euriskoand also if the dns server haves reverse lookup it sets up the hostname12:55
outbackwifieurisko; and ..12:55
euriskoand because of the hostname coming from the dns server brings a . in the end "arruda." , it dosen't accept12:56
euriskobecause it's a invalid hostname12:56
outbackwifieurisko: so why does it bring a . ?12:58
ActionParsnipeurisko: check in /etc/hostname12:59
ActionParsnipeurisko: make sure it has a carridge return on the end12:59
ActionParsnipeurisko: and no full stop12:59
ubuntu_i'm having issues installing hardy - I've installed from usb, but grub does not work (known issue on optiplex320) so I have to chroot in to install grub2 or lilo. Have done it before but not with hardy. I can chroot in, but aptitude does not work - nor does synaptic (doesn't seem to exist)13:00
Finirasis "sudo halt" a clean way to shut down ubuntu? because my graphical shut down button doesn't work properly anymore13:00
euriskobecause windows dns server sends it with a . in the end13:00
ubuntu_can anyone help me? I have the error message @E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (2 No such file or directory)13:01
ActionParsnipubuntu_: you could try apt-get13:01
ubuntu_ActionParsnip: sorry, same result13:01
ActionParsnipubuntu_: you need sudo13:01
euriskoi have deleted the /etc/hostname ,because it was that way that the computer fectched the name from reverse-lookup13:01
ubuntu_I've tried to remove the lock too13:01
ubuntu_ActionParsnip: been there too - i am root, and I've tried using sudo whilst root etc... no joy :(13:02
ActionParsnipubuntu_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13283513:02
ValentineXActionParsnip: ubuntu has not detected my sound card so can I still play games without any audio?13:02
ubuntu_ActionParsnip: have been there - have googled, it's something else.13:03
ActionParsnipValentineX: sure13:03
Finirasis "sudo halt" a clean way to shut down ubuntu? because my graphical shut down button doesn't work properly anymore13:03
ActionParsnipubuntu_: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/46683-xandros-apt-get-error.html13:03
ActionParsnipubuntu_: xandros is based on debian13:03
ActionParsnipFiniras: use sudo shutdown -h now13:04
ActionParsnipubuntu_: you could also try sudo apt-get -f install13:04
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:05
xbxbxbmy current external USB HDD is probably broken. it is detected and I can read/write data for about half a minute and then it fails. This happens in 19 out of 20 cases. In one out of 20 cases I can use it for hours without failure (no data corrupted). Same in Ubuntu and Windows. Is there anything I can do besides throwing it away?13:05
ActionParsnipubuntu_: ^ read that13:05
ActionParsnipValentineX: btw, you warzone 2100 is in repos13:07
ActionParsnipValentineX: i used to play it way back when13:07
ActionParsniporgthingy: werd13:07
orgthingyI have problems with thunderbird.. its first time i use it but it says that some OSs block low-ports13:07
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orgthingybut problem is, thunderbird uses low-ports13:07
ValentineXActionParsnip:  what is repos?13:07
orgthingylow? hmm, like very small i mean13:07
yatesi'm having trouble with my ubuntu and its interaction with my touchpad13:08
ValentineXActionParsnip:  today I first time played any game at ubuntu :D13:08
ActionParsnipValentineX: apt-get ;)13:08
ActionParsnipValentineX: sudo apt-get install war(press tab)13:08
ValentineXActionParsnip: no I downloaded files and double clicked them to open :) those were in .deb so very easy to install :)13:09
Finirasis it safe to give my ubuntu account a very weak password, when i use hard disk encryption? i find it annoying to have to keep entering long passwords when I sudo or access a update module.13:09
maxx_orgthing: you should not have any problems with low ports / firewalling issues in ubuntu out of the box.13:09
ActionParsnip!info warzone-2100 | ValentineX13:09
ubottuvalentinex: Package warzone-2100 does not exist in hardy13:09
ActionParsnip!info warzone-2100-data13:09
ubottuPackage warzone-2100-data does not exist in hardy13:09
yatesi keep on getting these system messages:13:09
yatesSep 11 06:17:24 yates-laptop kernel: [14121.759960] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 113:09
ActionParsnipFiniras: it makes your system less secure, you shouldnt have to sudo much once your pc is setup13:10
adamkyates, Does your mouse work fine otherwise?13:10
yatesand eventually i lose "double-tap-and-hold-to-drag" functionality13:10
yatesas well as vertical scroll functionality13:10
charliecbhi all. i want to start a script after my laptop wake up from hibernate. in which directory i have to put this script?13:10
Ruslan}Русских есть13:10
ActionParsnip!ru | Ruslan}13:10
ubottuRuslan}: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:10
yatesi found that adding the lines:13:11
yatesmodprobe -r psmouse13:11
yatesmodprobe psmouse proto=imps13:11
Finirasactionparsnip: how about every time i need to update or install something? its annoying. if i shut down sshdeamon and other ways of connecting to my computer, it should be ok right13:11
yatesto my /etc/rc.local will stop this13:11
yatesbut then i lose vertical scroll functionality13:11
abbi2bwhy is helix engine missing from amarok in ubuntu13:11
yatesbut at least i can "double-tap-and-hold-to-drag"13:11
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bert1hi, does anyone know how i can get pidgin and xchat to start automatically when i start ubuntu?13:12
ActionParsnipFiniras: i cant imagine you updating much, like once a week13:12
ActionParsnip!startup | bert113:12
ubottubert1: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:12
yatesbert1: do you mean when you log in?13:12
bert1yates, yes13:13
yatesbert1: see ubottu ^^^^^13:13
maxx_bert1: system -> preferences -> session preferences13:13
abbi2bbert1 add it to gnome session13:13
maxx_click add!13:13
bert1ok, thanks ActionParsnip, yates & abbi2b =)13:14
yatesActionParsnip: any ideas on my mouse problem?13:14
ActionParsnipyates: never come across it, is it a laptop?13:14
ActionParsnipyates: search for ubuntu on <laptop make and model>13:15
ActionParsnipim just dealing with some shizz for work13:15
yatesshizz - is that an Iranian dessert?13:15
bert1ActionParsnip, yates & abbi2b, Just entering the commands "xchat & pidgin" in the "startup tab" in the session manager should do it, right??13:15
ActionParsnipyates: there may be some extra options you need13:15
yatesbert1: yes, i believe so13:16
magnetronyates, no, it's american13:16
ActionParsnipbert1: id add them seperate13:16
maxx_i'm starting to feel like update-rolebacks in dpkg/apt would be a good idea.13:16
yatesmagnetron: sorry - no offense meant to Iranians13:16
Finirasfloodbot1 is confused13:16
bert1ok thanks13:16
ActionParsnipmaxx_: go suggest it in the bug tracker13:16
douyeairtronix, vista played the movie perfectly somehow >.<13:16
ValentineXFiniras: :))13:17
* maxx_ is bummin13:17
maxx_can't figure out what killed my X session13:17
maxx_i mean configuration13:17
ActionParsnipmaxx_: try logs and dmesg13:17
maxx_i did a huge amount of I/O the day it died13:17
maxx_and fsck was running13:17
maxx_and pausing in weird placdes13:17
maxx_maybe i'm having disk issues13:17
maxx_i shall fsck again13:17
ActionParsnipmaxx_: sounds like it13:17
maxx_i completely forgot that13:18
maxx_czu i have had 3 pints of beer13:18
ActionParsnipmaxx_: you could get the disk manufacturers tool to test13:18
mysterycoolEvery time I try to update though the Update manager, it works fine but the message says: The package information was last updated 63 days ago. :/13:18
=== mysterycool is now known as mrNotYou
mrNotYouEvery time I try to update though the Update manager, it works fine but the message says: The package information was last updated 63 days ago. :/13:19
mrNotYouoh, shoot, sorry, double post13:19
maxx_mysterycool: have you tried changing yhour respository?13:19
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:19
mrNotYoumaxx: ?13:19
ActionParsnipmaxx_: he's mrNotYou now13:19
mrNotYoulol xD :p :) =]13:19
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: put that in terminal and you should be ok13:19
* ValentineX is Happy with ubuntu :)13:19
maxx_yeah let us know the output of that apt-get before we suggest anything else13:20
ActionParsnipValentineX: nice to hear13:20
mrNotYouActionParsnip: E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:20
* ActionParsnip will be playing warzone2100 later13:20
maxx_mrnot: time to change your apt sources13:20
maxx_do this by going to system -> administration -> synaptic13:20
ginglei want to uninstall my firefox it wasnt working properly how to ?13:20
maxx_then settings -> repositories13:20
mrNotYoumaxx_: Ok, now what?13:20
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4473113:21
=== root is now known as Guest5202
ActionParsnipGuest5202: why are you loggin in as root?13:21
maxx_mrnotyou: "Download From" - set this to anything else13:21
Guest5202Hi everyone, what's the fastest and easiest way to make my laptop act like a wireless router ? Can I use Network Manager to do tat ?13:21
ActionParsnip!router | Guest520213:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about router13:21
mrNotYoumaxx_: Ok, how about Main Server?13:21
NoCigarHello guys! How do I configure Ubuntu to only use certain refresh rates and resolution modes?13:21
maxx_Guest5202: please google this, it's not ubuntu specific13:22
ActionParsnipGuest5202: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router13:22
mrNotYou!wireless | Guest520213:22
Guest5202ActionParsnip: I'm sorry I didn't change my nick yet and I had to log in with the root account because OpenGeu has a problem autenticating13:22
ubottuGuest5202: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:22
maxx_mrNotYou: yeah. that sounds good! then hit Reload in synaptic13:22
ginglemy downloading speed in xp is around 10 kbps but here in ubuntu is only 3 kbps how to increase it13:22
ActionParsnipGuest5202: i wouldnt log in as root ever, use sudo or gksu13:22
gingleany one13:22
ActionParsnipgingle: is that from the same server?13:22
Guest5202ActionParsnip: It's not for ever... I just want to set up this laptop as a router and I'll never use the root accont again13:23
ginglei m running dual boot13:23
maxx_NoCigar: what type of video card do you have?13:23
bentob0xhow can I do some kind of 'reinstall' of my alsa/sound card without reinstalling everything?13:23
NoCigarNvidia FX520013:23
ActionParsnipGuest5202: cool, routers are cheaper and use less power than a laptop13:23
ActionParsnipbentob0x: sudo apt-get --reinstall install alsa-server (i guess, try tabcompleting after typing alsa)13:24
NoCigarmaxx_: when I try to run some full screen games my monitor talks about input not supported so I guess it gets incompatible settings from the X server13:24
mrNotYouGuest5205: I'd suggest not logging in through root again. Use sudo commands :)13:24
maxx_NoCigar: do you know if you're running nvidia drivers, or open source ones13:24
ActionParsnipgingle: is this from the web?13:24
NoCigarI have the compatible list of modes but I can't find where to edit the xorg.conf so it doesn't use other than those13:24
NoCigarmaxx_: I have the restricted ones13:24
gingleis this from the web means?13:25
Guest5202ActionParsnip: I'll move into a house that has a wireless network but for now I don't want to buy a router to throw it away later... Thanks for the help13:25
maxx_NoCigar: Go to system -> administration -> nvidia x server settings13:25
ActionParsnipgingle: are you downloading websites and files from sites or p2p?13:25
ActionParsnipGuest5202: ok cool13:25
NoCigarmaxx_: there is no such thing13:25
ginglep2p means?13:25
ActionParsnipgingle: hmm, not sure, gimme a sec13:25
* PiercedWolf gives ActionParsnip13:25
NoCigarpeer to peer gingle13:25
maxx_NoCigar: then i would recommend reinstalling nvidia proprietary drivers. if you go to synaptic, install envyNG13:26
ActionParsnipgingle: http://billstclair.com/blog/slow_firefox_downloads_fixed.html13:26
=== _weltall is now known as weltall
yatesi think i found the root cause of the mouse problem, thanks to this wonderful article:13:26
NoCigarmaxx_ I have heard that Envy is pretty bad, no?13:26
maxx_NoCigar: then go to Applications -> System Tools -> EnvyNG and use that to download nvidia drivers13:26
mrNotYouBy the way, I have a really lame graphics card and I'm planning on changing it to an nvidia good one so I was thinking that there shouldn't be any problems with installing the card right? I just remove the old card and put the new card or should I install a kind of software or something/13:26
yatesapparently the touchpad is going in and out of advanced mode13:26
yatesin other words, it's a hardware problem13:26
gingleok what can i do to improve my internet performance13:26
ActionParsnipyates: nice :(13:26
ActionParsnipgingle: read that post13:27
maxx_NoCigar: I prefer it. You could also get drivers from nvidia directly. but in any case, you should have that icon there. you can also run nvidia-settings from the command line13:27
ActionParsnipyates: maybe theres a workaround?13:27
yatesthat article i cited is truly wonderful - like gold13:27
NoCigarmaxx_: do you know if I have to uninstall the gfx drivers before using Envy or if Envy takes care of everything for me? :p13:27
ActionParsnipgingle: i didnt get the link for fun, its helpful13:27
maxx_NoCigar: does nvidia-settings from the command line give you a nice configuration window?13:27
ActionParsnipNoCigar: me too :D13:27
hoorensoonis ubuntu better than debian?13:27
maxx_NoCigar: envy automatically removes glx, if that's what you mean13:27
ActionParsnipNoCigar: i wish it was more suported13:27
yatesActionParsnip: so far, all i see is what i've already done, which means i lose vertical scroll functionality13:27
filoxhello boys!!! i need an exchange mail notifier, i used cgmail with exchange 2000 but it didnt work for 2007 ?13:28
mrNotYoumaxx_ ActionParsnip: I tried changing the repository server and this popped out after the reloading of Synaptic finished: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263Failed to fetch http://repository.akirad.net/dists/akirad-hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  500 Internal Server Error13:28
mrNotYouSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:28
NoCigarnope it doesn't maxx_, let me try with Envy :)13:28
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: you need the keys for that server (to authenticate it)13:28
mrNotYouActionParsnip: Uh, where do I get them? :S13:28
maxx_mrNotYou: I would try a different repository then. it is possible your ISP is doing something weird. you should not get 500 internal server errors from any repository.13:28
suwerratGood Morning everyone - i have a question about Thunderbird - I have 2 email accounts under TB - how can i seperate the 2 account in the local folders?13:29
ActionParsnipNoCigar: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk; gksu envyng-gtk13:29
adamknochd, Just install the nvidia-settings package.13:29
maxx_NoCigar: if nvidia-settings doesn't work, then you don't have nvidia's driver installed.13:29
ActionParsnipsuwerrat: use psts13:29
adamkNoCigar, Just install the nvidia-0settings package.13:29
AndehHi, does anyone here use LED light bulbs as the main lighting in their home?13:29
filoxhello boys!!! i need an exchange mail notifier, i used cgmail with exchange 2000 but it didnt work for 2007 ?13:29
adamkmaxx_, The driver and nvidia-settings are different packages under Hardy.13:29
mrNotYou!off-topic | Andeh13:29
ubottuAndeh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:29
NoCigarmaxx_: Envy GTK or Envy QT?13:29
maxx_Andeh: I wish ($$)13:29
ActionParsnipNoCigar: gtk for gnome, qt for kde13:29
suwerratOk I'm a noob - what is psts ?13:29
NoCigarthanks ActionParsnip :)13:30
ActionParsnipsuwerrat: a portable mail holder13:30
maxx_NoCigar: our preference. gtk = gnome, qt=kde13:30
suwerratThanks ActionParsnip ! have a great day13:30
ActionParsnipsuwerrat: you can filter emails to them as they are recieved. It also allows easy email backup as its held in a file13:30
adamkNoCigar, If you already installed the drivers via the restricted manager, there is no need to reinstall them, probably.  Just install the 'nvidia-settings' package.13:30
mrNotYouActionParsnip: How do I get the correct keys to authenticate it? :s13:30
maxx_NoCigar: yeah what adamk said :)13:30
Andehmaxx_ :)13:31
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: you go to the site and there is usually a walkthrough13:31
mrNotYoumrNotYou: Um what site? :S13:31
ActionParsnipmrNotYou: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com13:31
NoCigarI've been curious about why Linux is defaulted (or it seems to be anyway) to 24-bit colors when Windows uses 32, how come?13:32
* maxx_ fsck -c13:32
ActionParsnipNoCigar: you can make it 32bit if you want in xorg.conf13:33
maxx_NoCigar: maybe that's what nvidia decided to do. i wouldn't worry about this.13:33
adamkNoCigar, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_depth13:33
ActionParsnipNoCigar: 24 is pretty ok13:33
adamkNoCigar, "the term “32-bit color” is most often a misuse referring to 24-bit color images with an additional eight bits of non-color data (I.E.: alpha, Z or bump data), or sometimes even to plain 24-bit data."13:34
Finirascan anybody name a good program that i can use to securely delete files, using the DoD standard?13:34
magnetronFiniras, "shred"13:34
xbxbxblol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screw#Screw_you.2113:35
mrNotYouActionParsni: I did again sudo apt-get update and this popped out: W: Failed to fetch http://repository.akirad.net/dists/akirad-hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  500 Internal Server Error13:35
mrNotYouE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:35
linux_manjuHi All13:35
mrNotYouSo I went to http://repository.akirad.net and there is a key somewhere. Would that be it?13:35
maxx_mrNotYou: do you have some kind of transparent proxy (or does your ISP?)13:35
linux_manjuI have an Ubuntu 8.04 How do I setup rsh ( password less ) to work13:35
mrNotYoumaxx_: Um, transparent proxy? :s13:35
mrNotYoumaxx_: Is this the key btw: http://repository.akirad.net/dists/akirad.key  ?13:36
linux_manjuI installed rsh-server and rsh-client from apt13:36
maxx_since when would an ubuntu repository throw out 500 Internal Server Errors? methinks this si not key related.13:36
mrNotYoumaxx_ So what am I supposed to do know? :s13:36
rampageoberonHi, In my "preferred applications" under the multimedia tab there is only an option for multimedia player. How cn I get the other options like what to do on inserting CD etc13:36
cr4shzserver irc.quakenet.org13:37
maxx_mrNotYou: can you browser other web stuff? what happens when you put that http:// URL of the repository in a web browser? do you still get 500's?13:37
maxx_mrNotYou: try to fetch that .gz file by hand.13:37
mrNotYoumaxx_: Yes I can browse and download everything else and when I put the repository URL I get the 500 error.13:37
mrNotYoumaxx_: By wget?13:38
maxx_mrNotYou: yes, try wget.13:38
maxx_if you get a 500 error13:38
maxx_then there is some proxy between you and these repos that is throwing out 500 errors13:38
mrNotYoumaxx_: 15:38:17 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.13:38
maxx_mrNotYou: what is your ISP?13:38
mrNotYoumaxx_: How can I see all the connections to the Internet and see if there really is a proxy13:38
mrNotYouISP: A stupid one which I hope it burns down -_-13:39
maxx_go to whatismyip.com and see if it is really your IP13:39
afallenhopeis there a way of adding my ipod touch to my ssh key list?13:39
maxx_mrNotYou: I suspect they have some evil web cache which is blocking (well, throwing up 500 errors) on ubuntu repos.13:39
crlcan81that's not right...13:39
linux_manjuI have an Ubuntu 8.04 How do I setup rsh ( password less ) to work .. I installed rsh-server and rsh-client and inetd server.. I still get permission denied in auth.log13:40
maxx_mrNotYou: that .gz file is just like any other file on the web. try a different repos. it will be the same file. you should be able to wget it.13:40
adamklinux_manju, rsh is not particularly secure.  You're better off using ssh unless you have some specific reason to need rsh.13:40
afallenhopeI get the following issue with my ipod when I try to SSH into it: http://pastebin.com/d574ebd1f13:40
afallenhopecan someone help me out>13:40
linux_manjuadamk: I know.. but for varoious reasons I have to use it13:40
adamkThen I suggest asking google as no one here seems to know :-)13:41
mrNotYoumaxx_: Where can I get the same file from different repos?13:41
linux_manjuadamk: One such reason is allowing password less access to CVS in ext menthod for 500 users13:41
NoCigarokay I installed the drivers now :)13:41
NoCigarguys, I want to remove Cedega, how do you make a proper uninstall using Ubuntu?13:41
maxx_mrNotYou: try changing to another repository in synaptic. if you get a 500 error on every .gz file you try to download, i blame your ISP. it might even be some kind of virus scanner that's crashing when it tries to unzip .gz's13:41
crlcan81Um.. does anyone know what the terminal command to list language codes is? Also how you'd setup firestarter to start automatically, without asking for your admin password constantly?13:41
mrNotYouNoCigar: GO to Synaptic, check Cedega for uninstall for complete removal :)13:42
ValentineXHello audio problem no sound in my ubuntu with intel AC 97 :(13:42
linux_manjuadamk: Before I posted the question I did a good google search.. works well in 6.06 something got channged in 8.x it looks like13:42
Ace_NoOneis there a simple way to turn a running setup into a virtual-machine (VMWare, VirtualBox) image?13:42
adamkafallenhope, That means that the ssh host key has changed on the server since you previously logged in.13:42
linux_manjuadamk: Anyone as in you or any one as in complete channel13:42
maxx_mrNotYou: can you download gzips from any other sites? are you behind a corporate web proxy?13:42
afallenhopeadamk, okay. how do I fix it?13:42
adamklinux_manju, Well, no one has answered you..  Which is usually a sign that no one knows :-)13:42
mrNotYouValentineX: You mean you can open a song player but u can't listen to the sound?13:42
* crlcan81 really needs to learn a lot more about Ubuntu.13:42
maxx_crlcan81: every bit learned is priceless.13:43
mrNotYoumaxx_: I am not behind any proxy, I'm on a home network :/13:43
crlcan81Especially on Linux.13:43
maxx_mrNotYou: go try to find some other gzip file on the web and see if you can download it.13:43
adamkafallenhope, If you are sure the server is the same, and has not been compromised, edit ~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove line 6.13:43
mrNotYoumaxx_: K13:43
crlcan81just wish I hadn't angered a friend of mine with my continual questions as he's the only guy I knew who knew Debian.. and he knows like nearly 20 programming languages among other things..13:43
maxx_mrNotYou: if you get another 500, it's definitely a hidden web cache that's fucking up13:44
ValentineXmrNotYou: yup also other no sound movies etc games or beeps through multimedia speakers13:44
=== brock0811 is now known as brock081
afallenhopeadamk, yeah it's just my ipod13:44
ballzeehow can i change my taskbar icon the k menu icon ?13:44
bazhangmaxx_, no cursing13:44
bazhang!fr | pascalou13:44
ubottupascalou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:44
maxx_bazhang, sorry13:44
mrNotYouValentineX: GO in a terminal and type ValentineX13:44
crlcan81wow.. francais.. wish I could remember my junior high french and spanish..13:45
mrNotYouValentineX: Sorry, lol, type alsamixer13:45
bazhangcrlcan81, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:45
crlcan81Just trying to think what all I need ta learn..13:45
ValentineXmrNotYou: yup types it opened some graphical13:45
crlcan81just wish the forums were helpful..13:46
bazhangcrlcan81, dont chat here13:46
mrNotYouValentineX: Is anything mute or at a very low volume?13:46
=== Holydiver is now known as Nazgar0th
rampageoberonHi, In my "preferred applications" under the multimedia tab there is only an option for multimedia player. How cn I get the other options like what to do on inserting CD etc13:46
crlcan81synaptic or add/remove13:46
mrNotYoumaxx_: Would a tar.gz work?13:47
maxx_mrNotYou: sure.13:47
crlcan81might not have any others available.13:47
ValentineXmrNotYou: master S is off, headphone, surround are MM13:47
mrNotYouValentineX: Master S is everything :p Put it on.13:47
ValentineXmrNotYou: master is Red with 8013:47
mrNotYoumaxx_: o_O 421 There are too many connected users, please try later.13:47
mikea87hi, in which log and how to read from it why my system rebooted?13:48
ValentineXmrNotYou: how to put them ON? I am unable to click them13:48
mrNotYouValentineX: Use Enter and key arrows :)13:48
cheiron__the Terminal output dpkg: 语法分析错误,在“/var/lib/dpkg/status”文件的第“32366”行附近 软件包“gnome-power-manager”:13:49
cheiron__ “Depends" 字段,找不到软件包名,也可能是在本该填写软件包名的地方发现了无意义的数据13:49
cheiron__,How to solve it?13:49
ValentineXmrNotYou: let me play an audio file now13:49
mrNotYouMaxx_: I downloaded a .tar.gz from gnome-look.org13:49
zambawhat are the requirements to run the ubuntu server amd/64 version?13:49
mrNotYou!ubuntu-server zamba13:50
maxx_mrNotYou: is EVERY Packages.gz you try from different ubuntu repositories returning a 500 error?13:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:50
mrNotYou!ubuntu-server | zamba13:50
ubottuzamba: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support13:50
mrNotYoumaxx_: I didn't check13:50
zambaubottu: well, i mostly mean the 64 bit stuff13:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:50
zambaoh :)13:50
zambamrNotYou: i meant you ;)13:50
cheiron__is there a person who can speak Chinese?13:50
mrNotYoumaxx_: Wait, hang on a sec. The repository failing is the wine one. How do I edit the repositories list?13:50
bazhang!cn | cheiron__13:51
ubottucheiron__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:51
mrNotYouzamba: Oh, lol, sorry xD :p :) =]13:51
zambamrNotYou: requirements for running the 64 bit stuff13:51
arttiHey people. Little question. How can i assign hotkey for like audacious, so could start the programm.13:51
linux_manjuartti: .Xmodmap13:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:52
maxx_mrNotYou! ah! good. go to the Third Party tab in synaptic's repositories13:52
jribartti: using compiz or metacity?13:52
afallenhopeanyone know what I should do when I see: fuse: mountpoint is not empty from trying to use my ipod?13:52
arttijrib, none of theme.13:52
jribartti: then what are you using?13:52
mrNotYoumaxx_: Ok, shall I uncheck the WineHQ repository? XD :D :) =]13:52
arttijrib, don't know.13:53
waanI've installed virtalbox but it's telling me to install the modules for my kernel, but they aren't available.13:53
maxx_mrNotYou: I know of a corporate web proxy that crashes when you try to download .zip files that have too many files in them. resulting in 500 errors. (it was trying to unzip to do virus checking). that's why i went down that path13:53
jribartti: do you have effects enabled in Appearance properties?13:53
mrNotYoumaxx_: SHOOT! Again the same! Failed to fetch http://repository.akirad.net/dists/akirad-hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  500 Internal Server Error13:53
mrNotYouSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:53
arttilinux_manju, i look that think. Thanks.13:53
arttijrib, i can't enable them.13:53
maxx_mrNotYou: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:53
maxx_then put a # in front of the deb akirad.net line13:53
HidemeMy desktop just recently started logging the session out for no apparent reason while I'm working. The screen goes black, I see some text like you won't on a re-boot and then I'm back at the GUI login. Once I login again, my session was closed and appears as the user (me) was logged out. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 default Gnome desktop, any idea why is is happening?13:54
maxx_Hideme: I'm guessing video driver issues. what is your video?13:54
jribartti: then you are using metacity as your window manager.  You can setup keyboard shortcuts through gconf-editor under the /apps/metacity keys13:54
maxx_Hideme: when the X server unexpectedly dies, it will throw you back out at the gdm login screen13:54
Sertsehow to make sure something (tilda) autostarts after compiz does?13:55
arttijrib, but i can't find audacious in that program13:55
NicEXEcan you suggest me a good C/C++ compiler for Linux (GUI if possible)?13:55
ValentineXmrNotYou: I am still not getting any sound :(13:55
mrNotYoumaxx_: O___O wtf?! no akirad.net repos!! o_O =/13:55
jribartti: for command you type in the path to audacious13:55
maxx_mrNotYou: it's definitely there. otherwise apt wouldn't be trying to read from it.13:55
Hidememaxx_: gdm being the graphic login you'd on any install even if the video driver were incorrect or not functioning correctly?   I have an Nvida card, think I'm using the "restricted" drivers too.13:56
rampageoberonHi, In my "preferred applications" under the multimedia tab there is only an option for multimedia player. How cn I get the other options like what to do on inserting CD etc13:56
jribNicEXE: compiler is gcc.  Use any text editor you want to write your code.  You may be looking for an IDE.   Anjuta is an IDE, try that13:56
zambahow can i figure out if my process is able to run at 64 bit?13:56
mrNotYoumaxx_: It's not here! :/13:56
jribzamba: what processor do you have?13:56
zambamodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz13:56
zambathat's what /proc/cpuinfo says13:56
arttijrib, now i found something, i take a look13:57
zambacpu_family 15 and model 413:57
linux_manjuzamba: It can do 64bit13:57
zambalinux_manju: how can you tell?13:57
linux_manjuzamba: The architecture does :)13:57
Fenix|workGood morning...13:57
Fenix|work... anyone have any documentation on setting up LVM on RAID for 8.04.1?13:57
linux_manjuzamba: Try inetl site13:57
maxx_mrNotYou: grep akirad.net `find /etc/apt`13:57
* ValentineX is thankful to jrib and others :)13:57
zambalinux_manju: again, how can you tell? is there some table i may look this up on?13:57
zambalinux_manju: basically 'lspci'?13:58
mrNotYoumaxx_: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list.save:deb http://repository.akirad.net/ akirad-hardy main13:58
maxx_mrNotYou: it has to be there13:58
mrNotYou/etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list.save:# deb-src http://repository.akirad.net/ akirad-hardy main13:58
mrNotYou/etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list:deb http://repository.akirad.net/ akirad-hardy main13:58
mrNotYou/etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list:# deb-src http://repository.akirad.net/ akirad-hardy main13:58
FloodBot1mrNotYou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:58
mrNotYou*woops* :p13:58
maxx_mrNotYou: ah. seperate file. get rid of it!13:58
mrNotYoumaxx_: ?13:58
Hidememaxx_   Any suggestions?13:59
maxx_mrNotYou: mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/akirad.list ~13:59
waanI've installed virtalbox and it's telling me to install the modules for my kernel, but they aren't available. I tried apt-get but it couldn't find the package13:59
mrNotYoumaxx_: Ok, did that. Now what? :) =]13:59
maxx_Hideme: can you tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log when this happens?13:59
jribwaan: how did you install virtualbox?13:59
maxx_mrNotYou: restart synaptic adn hit Reload13:59
smm289I want Azureus to launch of start-up - I went to sessions-->Startup-->Add  but were would I browse to, or what command do I need to use to launch it14:00
waanjrib, through the gnome package manager14:00
mrNotYoumaxx_: YES!! WORKSS!! xD :D :) =]14:00
jribwaan: what kernel are you using?14:00
mrNotYoumaxx_: Thanks! :) =]14:00
maxx_mrNotYou: we just moved that crap repository to your home directory. whatever it was.14:00
waanjrib, 2.6.24-1914:00
zambalinux_manju: hm?14:00
linux_manjuzamba: There are some cpu test tools... dont rem the name..14:00
zambalinux_manju: cpu-z?14:00
Hidememaxx_  Not really... as it closes my session and I am forced to login again.  I can view the log after the "crash" though.14:00
jribwaan: what does 'uname -r' return?14:00
mrNotYoumaxx_: Lol, ok thanks! :) =]14:00
linux_manjuzamba: Try Ultimate boot cd14:00
waanjrib, the same14:00
maxx_Hideme: that's fine.. just something to help diagnose why it's crashing14:01
zambalinux_manju: but i mean, how could you tell so quickly that my cpu could run 64 bit?14:01
waanjrib, generic14:01
zambalinux_manju: you just "knew"?14:01
NoCigarokay I've got the latest drivers now, but how do I configure my monitor?14:01
maxx_Hideme: also perhaps try updating your video drivers14:01
chronographeranyone good with nvidia errors with kernel update? http://pastebin.com/m366c62314:01
linux_manjuzamba: Yes. because I am running a 64bit FreeBSD on the same hardware/proc14:01
maxx_NoCigar: does nvidia-settings run?14:01
NoCigarmaxx_: yes :)14:01
zambalinux_manju: same stepping and model and all that? it is a dual core?14:02
maxx_NoCigar: there you go then.14:02
jribwaan: pastebin 'apt-cache policy virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic'14:02
linux_manjuzamba: Yes dual core14:02
smm289were does ubuntu install programs,  where is the programs folder ?14:02
rampageoberonHi, In my "preferred applications" under the multimedia tab there is only an option for multimedia player. How cn I get the other options like what to do on inserting CD etc14:02
zambalinux_manju: http://pastebin.com/mfd454014:02
jrib!fhs > smm28914:02
ubottusmm289, please see my private message14:02
maxx_Hideme: does your crash happen after any certain amount of time? on any certain operation?14:02
mikeyfbihey, is there anyway to 'regain control' of a terminal you used to run a program14:02
bobertdossmm289: What are you looking for exactly?14:03
jribsmm289: you shouldn't really have a reason to need to know that though14:03
NoCigarmaxx_: there's nowhere I can edit which modes it should use though14:03
mikeyfbiie - i just ran $conky but then i can't use that terminal again14:03
jribmikeyfbi: ctrl-z will susped the process and put it in the background14:03
zambaok, one last question.. can the ubuntu installer for the server set up raid-1?14:03
waanjrib, unable to locate package "virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic"14:03
Hipskawhats the root pwd of ubuntu server?14:03
maxx_NoCigar: the "X Server Display Configuration" menu item doesn't bring up a bunch of options including Resolution?14:04
jribwaan: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:04
zambaHipska: it's not set, use 'sudo'14:04
linux_manjuzamba: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080811044158AAO3off14:04
mikeyfbijrib hmm i think i don't understand14:04
NoCigarmaxx_: yeah it has resolution settings, but it's just a list of resolutions14:04
Hipskazamba: sudo asks me for a password :/14:04
mikeyfbii tried to type ctrl-z in the terminal and nothing happened14:04
maxx_zamba: yes it can set up raid-114:04
NoCigarmaxx_: if I run a game, it'll change to another resolution and my monitor won't support it :/14:04
jribmikeyfbi: if you hit ctrl-z you get back control and conky will be paused14:04
Hidememaxx_  Not quite sure yet. Has only happened once a day for the last 4 days. Not in a specific application, but perhaps when I'm minimizing a window (MAYBE).14:04
waanjrib, I have security and recommended updates turned off, but I did enable them and then reload the sources list but the modules package still wasnt available14:04
zambaHipska: which is the same as your own password14:04
zambalinux_manju: yeah, but that's for pentium D :)14:05
jribwaan: ok, can you pastebin?14:05
arttijrib, thanks, i got it work14:05
waanjrib, sure14:05
zambalinux_manju: i have pentium 414:05
mikeyfbijrib ah, so there's no way to leave the program running and still regain control?14:05
Hipskaok, will try it14:05
maxx_NoCigar: oh, i see. you can manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to only allow certain configurations.14:05
jribwaan: you need universe by the way14:05
NoCigarmaxx_: do you know any good guide for doing that?14:05
jribmikeyfbi: no, but you can type 'bg' and it will start again in the background14:05
maxx_Hideme: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk to get some new nvidia drivers14:05
linux_manjuzamba: http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_4/Intel-Pentium%204%20630%203.0%20GHz%20-%20JM80547PG0802MM%20-%20HH80547PG0802MM%20(BX80547PG3000F).html14:05
maxx_Hideme: (and then run apps -> system tools -> envyng)14:06
* linux_manju sorry channel for a long url14:06
mikeyfbijrib ah thanks :)14:06
Hidememaxx_  ok14:06
jribmikeyfbi: google for 'bash job control' if you want to know more about it14:06
waanjrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/46209/14:07
bert1hi, i have set up hotmail with thunderbird, i can read emails, but i cant send them... i get this error... http://i33.tinypic.com/2mpdg15.png - does anyone know why this is happening?14:07
zambalinux_manju: still not convinced it's the exact same cpu14:07
maxx_NoCigar: google force resolution xorg.conf or something14:07
jribwaan: you only have one uncommented line in there!14:07
zambalinux_manju: if you see the features bit on that page, you see that it can do sse3.. i only see sse and sse2 under flags in cpuinfo14:08
NoCigarthanks maxx_ for your help, much appreciated14:08
linux_manjuzamba: Any reason why do you want to run a 64 bit OS?14:08
waanjrib, all my sources are ticked, except updates14:08
bakarat_does anyone here have any experience with squirrel sql?14:08
zambalinux_manju: to fully utilize the cpu, i guess?14:09
jribwaan: easiest to just replace all of yours with the top of mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46210/14:09
zambalinux_manju: but now i'm convinced, since intel only has two cpus at 3000 Mhz with 2048 kb cache :)14:09
jribwaan: erm, actually don't do that.  Let me disable backports14:09
linux_manjuzamba: I seriously doubt that you willl get any advantage out of it...14:09
linux_manjuzamba: Unless you have a huge RAM..14:10
jribwaan: there you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46211/14:10
maxx_NoCigar: you'll have to add ModeLine's for what you want to allow. but what game is this that's doing this? the game is partially at fault14:10
waanjrib, yah but then it doesn't count as free bandwidth14:10
* maxx_ afk for a bit14:10
linux_manjuzamba: 64bit can address more than 4 GB.. 32bit can not14:10
zambalinux_manju: yeah.. i have exactly 4 GB ram in it14:10
linux_manjuzamba: and other than that .. it wont impact the performance much14:10
linux_manjuzamba: 4GB should work fine with 32 bit14:10
linux_manjuzamba: what does cat /proc/meminfo say ?14:11
zambalinux_manju: well, i'm going to reinstall the computer anyway, so i thought i'd just go for 64 bit while i'm at it14:11
Hidememaxx_ brb reboot14:11
NoCigarmaxx_: Unreal Tournament 9914:11
mrNotYoulool :p14:11
zambalinux_manju: http://pastebin.com/m58864ef614:11
jribwaan: oh, I see.  Well I don't think there is a mirror for security but, how about this then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46212/14:11
concavei've run across a directory with permissions drwxr-xr-x+.  i haven't seen the trailing '+' before; what is it?14:12
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Guest14088bom dia a todos14:12
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waanjrib, that looks good, I wish ubuntu did that in the first place14:12
jribwaan: you can try using hardy-security with the internode mirror too, but I'm not sure it will work14:12
waanjrib, Yeah I don't think it will but worth a shot14:13
zamba"hardly-security" :)14:13
Altahund jezz?14:13
zambalinux_manju: so, we go for 64 bit.. wish me luck :)14:13
civius00nur damit du siehst dass es auch grössere gibt14:13
jrib!de | civius0014:14
ubottucivius00: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:14
linux_manjuzamba: All the best :)14:14
civius00sry :)14:14
linux_manjuzamba: till you compile something :P14:14
bobertdosbert1: You realize of course, that Hotmail is strictly HTTP based, yes?14:14
waanjrib, ubuntu automatically puts internode for hardy-updates but not security, i'll try modifying the security line. Also is it safe to remove all the garbage at the top of the list?14:14
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:14
cable23000 /msg ubottu etiquette14:14
bobertdosbert1: Are you using extensions?14:15
bert1bobertdos, yes, however i have downloaded and installed the plugins for thunderbird that allow it to work...14:15
jribwaan: yeah.  I didn't give you the deb-src lines (just copy the line and change "deb" to "deb-src" if you want them) though.  deb-src lets you grab the source of a package14:15
bert1bobertdos, i can read email, just not send it...14:15
ActionParsnipbert1: you got the correct smtp and username and password?14:15
smm289I want to remove Samba, and then re-install it later.  I'm using Synaptic to remove Samba.  However one of the additional packages it wants to remove is ubuntu-desktop.  Whats that all about14:15
bert1bobertdos, sorry, yes, i am using the extensions...14:15
ActionParsnipsmm289: sudo apt-get remove samba14:16
bert1ActionParsnip, not sure about the smtp14:16
smm289isnt that the same as using the remove feature in Synaptic14:16
ActionParsnipbert1: smtp is used to send14:16
smm289any idea what ubuntu-desktop is and if I allow it to be removed will I no longer have a desktop14:17
waanjrib, thanks for your help im installing the package now14:17
bert1ActionParsnip, ok i will go and check my smtp settings... thanks ActionParsnip & bobertdos14:17
jribwaan: no problem14:17
ActionParsnipbert1: make sure ou are using the right port too (if your mail uses funky ports)14:17
utnubu_userI just bought a "my world" external HDD that has a built in ethernet port. It includes some windows software, but I want to use it under ubuntu. Anyone knows how to configure it to work with ubuntu?14:17
bobertdosbert1: Yes, and specifically, make sure it isn't still set to Hotmail's old url.14:18
ushimitsudokismm289: ubuntu-desktop is a dummy package containing a lot of ubuntu-gnome specific applications. you probably don't want to remove it unless your are moving to a different DE (like KDE or XFCE) and you are sure you aren't going to need the GNOME stuff14:18
bazhangsmm289, that is a metapackage it is safe to remove14:18
maxx_utnubu_user: have you tried just plugging it in by usb? it should just work.14:18
ActionParsniputnubu_user: in nautilus, in the address book try \\ip.of.netwok.drive14:18
OmeilHi anyone know how to fix the WINE issue, i try to launch any wine application and my screen turns into like 2 screens but everything is all over14:18
ushimitsudokibazhang: won't it remove a bunch of packages with it?14:18
smm289ok, away it goes :)14:18
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.14:18
bazhangushimitsudoki, no worries14:19
ushimitsudokismm289: sorry then guess i am wrong i thought it removed the same ones it adds14:19
ActionParsniputnubu_user: not address book, address bar14:19
waanjrib, is there any reason to add -src to the lines, I don't really need the sources right?14:19
jribwaan: nope, only if you want to read the source code or modify it14:20
waanjrib, no probs14:20
ActionParsnipwaan: i believe they are expected14:20
waanActionParsnip, they weren't in my sources list, so i'll just leave it how it was14:21
ActionParsnipwaan: if it works, dont fix it14:21
waanAccessExcess, yep :)14:21
|ohi all14:22
ActionParsniplo |o14:22
maxx_O HAI14:23
|oCan u help me to config the Eclipse?14:23
zambalinux_manju: that's way back in my dark slackware days :)14:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eclipse14:23
ActionParsnip!info eclipse14:23
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 126 kB, installed size 416 kB14:23
r-pHow to set/view domainname?14:23
maxx_o: little off topic, but what is the problem? are you just trying to figure out hwo to install it?14:23
|omaxx_: I can't compile14:24
NullNone!info eclipse14:24
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 126 kB, installed size 416 kB14:24
maxx_|o: java? c?14:24
ActionParsnipr-p: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yelp/+question/15714:24
|ocollect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [TestLinux] Error  make: Target `all' not remade because of errors14:24
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sipiorr-p: we talking NFS domain, or NIS?14:25
maxx_|o: what were the lines above that?14:25
ActionParsnip!paste | |o14:25
ubottu|o: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:25
|omaxx_: wait, please14:25
utnubu_userIs there a way to find out the ip of my harddrive?14:26
st3phwb active14:26
ActionParsniputnubu_user: rtfm14:26
st3phwhat is rtfm?14:26
maxx_utnubu_user: rtfm or check on your router/whatever to see if it got a dhcp lease.14:26
ActionParsnipst3ph: read the fat manual ;)14:26
|omaxx_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46215/14:26
r-psipior: I dont know what those are. I mean the domainname for the LAN14:26
st3ph;) just want know what it means14:27
nikki_kann jemand deutsch ???14:27
etyoare u sure14:27
sipiorr-p: then i imagine you mean nfs :)14:27
ActionParsnipetyo: im keeping it clean14:27
DJones!de | nikki_14:27
ubottunikki_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:27
st3ph join #ubuntu-de14:27
nikki_hi wie gez ???14:27
st3phenglish in main plz14:27
maxx_|o: whatever TestLinux is has no main() loop.14:27
st3phbut ty im fine and u?14:27
nikki_was macht ihr soo ???14:28
st3phnikki u want talk german?14:28
|omaxx_: i'll show u the code14:28
st3ph join #ubuntu-de14:28
nikki_i talk german14:28
utnubu_userActionParsnip, do you know if it is possible to set the Hdd to work with a router even if I do not have internet connection?14:28
st3phyeah but in main plz english only :D14:28
bazhangnikki_, do you have a ubuntu support question14:29
st3phits unpolitw talking in a language the most ppl dont understand here14:29
|omaxx_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46217/14:29
maxx_utnubu_user: yoru router should still respond to dhcp and give out an IP address, so it should still work, even without an outside connection14:29
zambalinux_manju: there.. box up.. :)14:29
ActionParsniputnubu_user: it may be set to dhcp, if you look at the routing table in your router it may give clues14:30
zambalove the swiftness of the server installation compared to the desktop version14:30
orgthingyis there getpid for ubuntu14:30
ActionParsniputnubu_user: it may have a static ip which means you will have to alter your dhcp pool14:30
ActionParsniporgthingy: its pidof14:30
ActionParsnipzamba: thats because it installs very little14:30
Hidememaxx_ EnvyNG installed.  Guess we'll see how it goes.14:30
ActionParsnipHideme: to run it you'll need gksu envyng-gtk14:31
HidemeI assume EnvyNG has better supported Nvidia drivers?14:31
ickmundI'm trying to setup a fakeraid in 8.0.4. I've booted the live cd, installed dmraid, execute dmraid -r, but I've getting nothing to work with in /dev/mapper/. What could be wrong? http://paste.ubuntu.com/46221/14:31
st3phnikki read pm14:31
st3phok :d14:31
zambaActionParsnip: yeah, and i love that as well :)14:31
maxx_Hideme: have you actually run EnvyNG yet? it grabs the drivers for you when you run it. if you haven't run it yet you don't have new drivers.14:31
HidemeActionParsnip: Huh?  It's already installed in configured.14:31
maxx_Hideme: applications -> system tools -> envyng .. run it.14:32
fx-82AU_PLUSdo you guys like the MPAA?14:32
Hidememaxx_  yes...  Apps > system > EnvyNG14:32
HidemeI have14:32
ActionParsnipHideme: you gotta run it and tell it to instal the drivers if you already havnet14:32
marlunIs it possible to downgrade to older versions with aptitude (or apt-get)?14:32
bazhangfx-82AU_PLUS, this is not the chat channel14:32
|omaxx_: please, help with eclipse14:32
marlunolder versions of a package that is.14:32
maxx_Hideme: so it installed the drivers and rebooted you?14:32
Hidememaxx_ yes14:32
maxx_|o: i am confused by this one. to be honestly i've only used eclipse with c, perl, and php.. and i havne't seen that one :|14:33
Jack_Sparrowmarlun downgrading seldom works.  Best to revert to a backup prior to whatever it was you tried to install from another repo14:34
mattgyver83Is there a package for linux that will monitor your IP address and email it to you as it changes??14:34
Jack_Sparrowmattgyver83 there is a site that will do that for you, but for something inside ubuntu.. no14:35
mattgyver83Jack_Sparrow, what site?14:35
Jack_Sparrowmattgyver83 Dont remember atm..  but wasnt hard to find as I remember14:35
nikki__christian ???14:35
Hidememaxx_ So that's it..... sit and wait for it to happen again?14:36
KaiForcehowto change default flash player in firefox?14:36
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: you could ifconfig to a file, then later a second file then compare, if its different send an email and update the original file with the new data14:36
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip I didnt say you couldnt write one, but a pre-existing package does not exist in Uubntu14:37
nikki__kann jemand deutsch ????14:37
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: if its you wan ip that changes then get a no-ip account and istall the dial up client app to refresh a domain name to your ip14:37
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:37
nikki__kann jemand deutsch ????14:37
nikki__kann jemand deutsch ????14:37
eighty4I'm trying to setup apache/svn but when trying to apt-get install libapache2-svn I get an error say "This module does not exist!" what could be wrong?14:37
nikki__kann jemand deutsch ????14:37
FloodBot1nikki__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: then you can use the name and not worry about what the ip is14:37
WazleI do have two partitions, one with windows and one with ubuntu. I forgot to make a swap partition. Is it possible to split a small part from my ubuntu partition with gparted?14:37
st3phnikki read pm14:37
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip I handled my remote access/ ip situation long ago.. please addres your comments to the person with the question14:38
ActionParsnipmattgyver83: please read all the stuf i sent Jack_Sparrow14:39
ActionParsnipit should help14:39
waanjrib, my security updates are showing properly in the update manager, so I guess I can use the mirror for security14:39
sipiorWazle: sure, you can easily shrink your ubuntu partition and create a small one on the end for swap14:39
bobertdosWazle: Yeah, you can do some resizing if you want. Although, unless you're running high traffic servers, you can usually get away with not having a swap if you've got a gig or more of RAM in my opinion.14:39
pepe_swashhello. is there a specialized X channel?14:40
Wazlebut these optiosn are not available14:40
ActionParsnippepe_swash: yeah starts at midnight ;)14:40
pepe_swashActionParsnip: bwahahahaha14:40
ActionParsnippepe_swash: ask away dude14:40
r-pHow can I restart services running from initd ?14:41
bobertdosWazle: You would have to run gparted from the LiveCD. You can't perform operations on a partition that is in use.14:41
pepe_swashActionParsnip: i was sure i was to get something related to prOn when i pressed enter. ;)14:41
Jack_SparrowWazle you cant shrink the partion while you are using it.. run livecd to do that14:41
Wazleah ok thx, thats what i needed to know14:41
ActionParsnippepe_swash: whats you question?14:41
=== wsuetholz_top_ is now known as wsuetholz_top
=== Exteris_ is now known as Exteris
* bobertdos thinks life would be a lot harder without Live sessions :D14:42
pepe_swashActionParsnip: i'm trying to understand if i can have dual screen without having a big virtual screen. My radeon does not support textures over 2048, which fails to start compiz as my dual screen is 3840*120014:42
ivohello, i've got in my source MODULE_PARM(dcache,"i") that generate " error: expected ‘)’ before string constant", Is the a solution for this problem?14:42
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ActionParsnip!dualhead | pepe_swash14:43
ubottupepe_swash: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:43
jribivo: this is #ubuntu.  Did you mean to ask in the channel for your programming language?14:43
jribwaan: great14:44
r-pIs it possible to restart services running from inetd ?14:44
ivojrib: no, but i programming in ubuntu14:44
ActionParsnipr-p: absolutely14:44
waanjrib, yeah now I can update as frequently as I like for free14:44
ActionParsnipr-p: e.g sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:45
ludoskinKako si14:45
ludoskinsta radis14:45
waanjrib, would the mirror take a while to gather new updates from security.ubuntu?14:45
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
ickmundTrying to set up a FakeRaid, dmraid -r dosen't add any entries to /dev/mapper. Any ideas? See http://paste.ubuntu.com/46221/14:45
=== sean is now known as Guest34016
pepe_swashActionParsnip: yes, i've been there too. but for ATI, only solution is big desktop, which does not accomodate compiz for high resolutions14:45
bazhangludoskin, english please14:45
jribivo: well you didn't tell anyone what language you are programming in and gave no context, so it would be pretty hard to help you here.  If you do just have a programming question though, it's better to ask in the channel for the language you are programming in14:45
jribwaan: probably14:46
ActionParsnippepe_swash: ive never used dual monitor and espise compiz so im not much help man14:46
CSWookieIs there a deb out there for vmware player that you folks know a source url for?14:46
ludoskinI dont speek english.yu14:46
ActionParsnip!vmware | CSWo14:46
ubottuCSWo: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers14:46
bazhangludoskin, what language14:46
WhitorHi, I'm running 8.04, How do I safely remove a USB attached drive ?14:47
Whitorw/o using umount /dev/blah blah14:47
jribWhitor: right click -> eject/unmount14:47
magnetronWhitor, right click on it on the desktop and choose "unmoun" or "eject"14:47
ludoskinJel znas SRPSKI14:47
bazhang!serbian | ludoskin14:47
ubottuludoskin: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.14:47
r-pActionParsnip: with proftpd it says ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd , and nothing happens with start or stap or restart14:47
edaomanhow can i use two processes for using /var/lib/dpkg ?14:47
sipiorr-p: technically, services running from inetd don't require a restart, since they are only spawned when inetd receives a call. you can send a HUP to inetd to get it to reread the configuration, if that's what you mean.14:47
Whitorjrib, wow, nice, thanks14:47
CSWookieActionParsnip: So in other words, none for Hardy.14:48
ludoskinKako se zoves14:48
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash Compiz itself does not support that res14:48
Whitorjrib, It doesn't show up on my desktop ... only in my places list :(14:48
sipiorludoskin: no idea, man14:48
ActionParsnipCSWookie: theres the tarball, id suggest compiling for optimum speed and stability14:48
bazhangludoskin, /join #ubuntu-rs14:48
jribWhitor: open a nautilus window, it will be in the sidebar14:48
ludoskinJa sam Nenad,Ti14:49
jribludoskin: english only here14:49
ActionParsnipCSWookie: theres also virtual box14:49
wsuetholz_top Hello, I have Gutsy, and am experiencing some problems with the startup of HAL.14:49
Whitorjrib, ok, thx14:49
bazhangludoskin, type /join #ubuntu-rs14:49
ludoskinMy  name is Nenad,Your14:49
CSWookieActionParsnip: I can compile it if I have to...  I'd rather a deb for optimum ease of install.  Oh well.14:49
ActionParsnipwsuetholz_top: can you give us a pastebin or photo of the screen14:49
wsuetholz_topWhen I make it so it doesn't start at boot, and start it manually, I see it get stuck when looking at drives.14:49
bazhangludoskin, this is for ubuntu support not friend chat14:49
Whitorjrib, thx, that worked!14:49
CSWookieActionParsnip: The SAs already have a VMWare Image, so I'll use vmware if at all possible.14:50
r-psipior: so then I dont need to do anything special to get individual services running from inetd to reread thier configs?14:50
ludoskinWhat you sau14:50
edaomancan i use /var/lib/dpkg under two processes or more?14:50
ActionParsnipCSWookie: id rather compile those for better performance rather than ease, virtual box is installable with apt-get14:50
sipiorr-p: shouldn't do, no14:50
wsuetholz_topIt's stuck on a nonexistant drive.14:50
Jack_Sparrowludoskin This channel is for support only (in English)14:50
bazhangludoskin, #ubuntu-rs <------click that link14:50
edaomancan i use /var/lib/dpkg under two processes or more?14:51
CSWookieActionParsnip: Different tradeoffs.  I've been wanting to get this installed for a week, and never seem to be able to put togewther enough time.14:51
bazhangedaoman, no14:51
Jack_Sparrowedaoman no14:51
sipiorr-p: services run by inetd are despatched as inetd sees the requests, there's no persistent daemon, aside from inetd.14:51
ludoskinJel znas Srpski il ne14:51
sipiorrs, or ru?14:52
bazhangludoskin, /join #ubuntu-rs14:52
ActionParsnip!rs | ludoskin14:54
ubottuludoskin: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.14:54
bazhangActionParsnip, he is in there already14:55
pepe_swashActionParsnip: okay. Thanks anyway for trying.14:55
pepe_swashJack Sparrow: do you have a reference on maximum res supported?14:57
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash YEs, one sec14:57
edaomanhow can i set the /etc/resolv.conf:search private (nameserver,every time i reboot the system,it recovers?14:58
sipioredaoman: are you getting dns information from a dhcp server?14:59
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash I dont see that in this computer.. but /join #compiz          they will know right off14:59
edaoman how can i set the /etc/resolv.conf:search private (nameserver,every time i reboot the system,it recovers to :nameserver i am using a rutor14:59
c_ronaldoneed some suggest to chose best irc for my ubuntu14:59
ActionParsnip!irc | c_ronaldo15:00
ubottuc_ronaldo: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:00
pepe_swashJack_Sparrow: yes, will do that right now. thanks a bunch15:00
sipioredaoman: easier if you mention the nick of the person you're talking to, to aid in demuxing...15:00
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: in linux there is no "best"15:00
r-pok thanks guys. One more question is it possible for me to create links to directories outside of a chroot ?15:00
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash Sorry, I usually have that type of info handy.. I thought it was in the 2k15:01
c_ronaldohow about similar?15:01
ActionParsnipr-p: good question but im not sure15:01
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: similar to what?15:01
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo Do you mean best IRC client?15:01
pepe_swashJack_Sparrow: should not. i've been using it with a dual 1440*900 with a nvidia8600gt..15:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about client15:01
sipiorr-p: i believe it won't work, because the path will be interpreted in the context of the new root15:02
ActionParsnip!best | c_ronaldo15:02
ubottuc_ronaldo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:02
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash right.. but still high 2's15:02
sipiorr-p: also, i think it defeats the purpose of a chroot, right?15:02
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: try a few and see which you prefer15:02
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: i use pidgin as I use a whole swathe of protocols so it has become me single chat client15:03
c_ronaldosorry i didn't mean, i just want problem solver15:03
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo xchat is one of the more popular, and is easy to configure to look like whatever client you are used to using15:03
=== Zerocxis is now known as Zerocxis_
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: millions dislike pidgin and prefer xchat or bitchx15:03
sipiorr-p: a hard link might do it; easy enough to test.15:03
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo Pidgin is one of the worst IRC clients we have15:03
c_ronaldook i will try. thanks for your suggestion15:03
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo sudo apt-get install schat15:04
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo sudo apt-get install xchat15:04
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: see, i like it, Jack_Sparrow hates it, its all personal choice, there is no best15:04
st3phJack i cant use xchat at all15:04
st3phwe really tried to fix it, everytime i try to start it it opens and closes15:04
ActionParsnipst3ph: thats why there are multitudes of alternatives15:04
Jack_Sparrowagreed, there is not best..  we have a channel of bots if you want to do polls on what people use and prefer15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pols15:05
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:05
st3phyes i usepidgin now but not really happy with it15:05
c_ronaldoi had use x-chat, the strange is, why the menu in above suddenly gone15:05
ActionParsnipst3ph: what would yuo like to see it do?15:05
st3phyeah ronaldo i got same prob15:05
st3phi open it and one sec later its away15:05
wsuetholz_topActionParsnip: I don't have access to the machine at this time.  What are you looking to see, so I can make sure that I collect the right information.15:05
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo turn off compiz and see if your top bar comes back15:06
st3phi tried even with terminal to get it running same shit15:06
=== nhie is now known as Nhie_
IdleOne!language | st3ph15:06
ubottust3ph: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:06
st3phAction what u mean?15:06
c_ronaldost3ph, you have same problem, those why, i asking in here15:06
Jack_Sparrowst3ph Potty mouth.. keep it family rated15:06
st3phsorry bot , i wont use anymore bad words :)15:07
wsuetholz_topThe /sbin/hald process becomes unstoppable when it's in this state.15:07
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo Did you just lose the top bar of all menus or just xchat15:07
st3phreally sorry :(15:07
ActionParsnipst3ph: well you said you werent happy with it. what would make yuo happier with pidgin?15:07
c_ronaldoyes, jack15:07
Jack_Sparrowyes what?15:07
c_ronaldolose top bar15:07
Jack_Sparrowall or Just xchat15:07
st3phi dunno it looks for me too confused  and im used to know mirc on windows, but i guess thats the price if i changed to ubuntu15:08
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: are yuo running compiz on an nvidia grpahics card?15:08
Jack_Sparrowall windows lost top menu bar or Just xchat15:08
pepe_swashJack_Sparrow: just fyi, maximum compiz res is the one of maximum texture size supported by hardware. (from the compiz channel)15:08
ActionParsnipst3ph: you can run mirc via wine if yuo really must15:08
ActionParsnipst3ph: its very simple. How do you feel its confused?15:09
st3phit me its only xchat i lost15:09
Jack_Sparrowst3ph you can make xchat look alot like mirc, which is what I was used to using15:09
Jack_Sparrowpepe_swash THere is a max, or was one in the earlier release..15:09
st3phjack my xchat dont works15:10
st3phi even uninstalled and installed it new15:10
maxx_use gaim15:10
ActionParsnipst3ph: try running it then once it dies run dmesg15:10
ActionParsnipmaxx_: gaim == pidgin now15:10
ActionParsnip!dmesg | st3ph15:10
maxx_er yeah that15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg15:10
ActionParsnipst3ph: it shows some error stuff15:10
c_ronaldoactionparnsnip: i did not understand. actually i have been thinking to install xchat again, but how to make there is no more again loosing top bar15:10
ActionParsnipst3ph: might show why xchat dies15:11
pepe_swashJack_Sparrow: yes, there is one, but only dictated by hardware specs, nothing in code whatsoever..15:11
Jack_Sparrowst3ph HAve you changed any sources15:11
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: do you have the cube desktop?15:11
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: good15:11
c_ronaldowhat should i do?15:11
st3phi dont think i didnt changed anything , i closed xchat and then it was away since them i cant get it to work, i killed it with terminal, loaded it with terminal and everything what i got told to do, nothing helpt15:12
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: alt + drag it down15:12
walkiehello, i need SDL_image.h file, which command should i pass to apt to find what package contains it?15:12
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: is it off the top of the screen or just not there?15:12
st3phJack i didnt change anything important i dont dare me ,im right now 3 days on ubuntu lol15:12
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip good point, it may just be off the screen at the top15:12
c_ronaldonothing happen15:12
ActionParsnipwalkie: http://listas.apesol.org/pipermail/sdl-libsdl.org/2004-January/040407.html15:13
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo can you see desktop on all sides around your xchat window15:13
c_ronaldoyes i see15:13
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow: do you know the drag thing..can you tell c_ronaldo15:13
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip Alt, left click anywhere on the window you want to move then drag15:14
st3phAction can i pm u for the cmd to run the dmesg?15:14
ActionParsnipc_ronaldo: try that thing Jack_Sparrow said15:14
edaomanwhy it recovered after reboot ,when i set the file /etc/resolv.conf using root ID?15:15
c_ronaldonow i will try. thank gurus15:15
sipioredaoman: do you use dhcp to get network information from your router?15:15
Jack_Sparrowst3ph Start by turning off effects, and see if that changes anything15:15
edaomanis there another file i must set ?15:15
walkieActionParsnip, thanks, isn't the SDL_image library in the repos? and i want to know the common command to find package containing some file like rpm provides some_file gets it in fedora15:16
edaomanyeah,but the first DNS server is 192。168。1。115:16
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Jack_Sparrowst3ph you can also try metacity --replace15:17
edaomani have to change it  another to connect internet15:17
Jack_Sparrow!find SDL_image15:18
sipioredaoman: you can configure your machine not to use dhcp. specify a fixed ip address in the network configuration tool.15:18
ubottuFile SDL_image found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)15:18
sipioredaoman: otherwise, you can configure dhcp not to receive dns information, but for a small home network, it's just easier to turn it off and use fixed ip addresses.15:18
c_ronaldoactionparnsnip and jack_sparrow: still cannot15:19
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo did you guys just update?  What cersion of ubuntu are you running?15:19
c_ronaldoubuntu 8.04-the hardy heron released in april 200815:21
Sasallihello. How can i install Ubuntu 8.04.1 to USB Flash Drive? Thanks!15:21
edaomansipior:thanks , but when i am another small home network,i can connect the internet right now , there is a router ,too15:21
st3ph Jack_Sparrow_ what is metacity-replace?15:22
Jack_Sparrowst3ph window decorator..TOP BAR15:22
bazhang!usb | Sasalli15:22
ubottuSasalli: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:22
edaomanthat router is on15:22
st3phwheres thatß15:22
thebishophow do I force a print job to be black & white?15:22
edaomansipior: DHCP server is on15:22
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Jack_Sparrowst3ph Open a terminal and type what I gave you   metacity --replace15:23
sipioredaoman: okay, then configure the dhcp server to dish out the correct dns information15:23
sipioredaoman: either way will work. either fix the dhcp config, or use a fixed configuration, sans dhcp.15:23
khinhey... i just did a fresh hardy install... but when i tried to install phpmyadmin and all its dependencies, it is not found ... i also noticed that mysqld fails to start because of a permissions issue ... i also found a post saying i should install mysqli, but thats not in the repos ... anyone know wtf is going on15:24
st3phok i try15:24
st3phty hun15:24
Jack_Sparrowkhin Please avoid things like wtf..     Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly15:25
danbh_intrepidkhin: do you want LAMP?  there is a way to install lampp directly15:25
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:25
khindanbh_intrepid yes that is what I am after15:25
lollerI`ve got not typical question for this network and not suitable, does anybody know a good university in England for studing networking , programing also computer staffs15:27
Jack_Sparrow!ot > loller15:27
ubottuloller, please see my private message15:27
danbh_intrepidkhin: sudo tasksel install lamp-server15:29
=== r0ck0says is now known as rockosays
SimmyJhey guy15:30
SimmyJusing kubuntu 7 here.... and the keyboard is not working witht he windows keys15:31
SimmyJand other stuff is going on15:31
SimmyJhow do i adjust the keyboard?15:31
Jack_Sparrow!enter > SimmyJ15:31
ubottuSimmyJ, please see my private message15:31
atlef!kubuntu | SimmyJ:15:31
ubottuSimmyJ:: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE15:31
maxx_hmm. how do i uninstall nividia drivers provided by envyng? if i want to new nvidia-glx-new...15:31
AnatEMabla bla bla15:31
dfgashow do i know if a raid card is a hardware raid?15:32
Jack_SparrowSimmyJ Do you mean the multimedia windows keys?15:32
AnatEMau guys so boring15:32
AnatEMaso many noob15:32
atlefmaxx_: use envyng to uninstall15:32
maxx_atlef: o15:32
SimmyJJack_Sparrow: no, jsut the windows key itself.15:32
c_ronaldostill need help to make my xchat appear top bar15:32
edaomanis there a book or something talking about this system file setting ?15:32
SimmyJJack_Sparrow: but it works for some things... it's weird.. like winkey+f1 works (brings up menu)15:32
sipiordfgas: isn't a raid card hardware by definition?15:32
SimmyJbut winkey+c does not pause/unpause amarok15:33
SimmyJand if i go into amarok and try to see a new global shortcut with the winkey it fails15:33
Jack_SparrowSimmyJ That is odd..15:33
lolleri`ve got some problems with fragrouter # fragrouter -B115:33
lollerfragrouter: sniff_init failed: expression rejects all packets15:33
SimmyJit just shows the character i pressed, and not the winkey15:33
dfgassipior, no, i heard that some cards can also be a software raid15:33
lollersomebody to help me?15:33
SimmyJJack_Sparrow: i just came here to help out.... and these guys have messed up every computer in the building, i don't get it.15:33
Jack_SparrowSimmyJ I suspect a compiz confilct..15:33
SimmyJno compiz15:33
SimmyJkubuntu 7.x15:33
jlaeretI just installed ubuntu 8.04 on a Lenovo Thinkpad X61 Tablet, works fine apart from some minor issues I've been able to correct using info found on the internet, however the microphone doesn't work and I haven't been able to find out how to fix it. I'm not an experienced ubuntu user. Can anyone help?15:34
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SimmyJJack_Sparrow: i loaded up a xmodmap for now so i CAN use the multimedia keys... that'll work for now i suppose until i get a chance to reinstall all these computers15:34
jlaeretIt is not a settings issue, I'm pretty sure15:34
st3ph(16:34:09) st3ph_ [n=St3ph@p548E704C.dip.t-dialin.net] entered the room.  :D ha thats me15:34
sipiordfgas: oh, you mean whether the raid internals are accomplished via hardware. in that case, best to check the manual.15:34
Jack_SparrowSimmyJ  It may be an issue using the win key for shortcuts that you create15:34
ActionParsnipst3ph: wb :)15:34
maxx_jlaeret: have to ask - have you tried unmuting it in the mixer?15:34
lollerfragrouter: sniff_init failed: expression rejects all packets15:35
st3ph;) hun and ty so much15:35
guzmani wanna know if somebody is using liveusb15:35
lollersomebody to help me?15:35
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts15:35
jlaeretyeah, I've tried that. still doesn't work15:35
bazhangloller, dont repeat so often15:35
ActionParsnipst3ph: np15:35
bazhangloller, we saw it; if someone knows they will answer15:35
maxx_jlaeret: maybe try install alsamixergui and see if changing something in that helps15:35
jlaeretI'll try it now15:35
Jack_Sparrowst3ph Did you get your menu bar back?15:35
lollerbazhang key15:36
delaneysanyone knwo how to compile ffmpeg with all codecs15:36
st3phi had always my menue bar15:36
st3phonly my xchat didnt start proper15:37
SimmyJJack_Sparrow: they have done so many dumb things here.. i can't begin to explain.. the most obvious one is they have a nice little ups sitting here beside the computer.... but they plugged everything into the not-battery-backed up side.15:37
c_ronaldosteph: how your xchat?15:37
SimmyJso it's just an expensive power bar :(15:37
Jack_Sparrowsorry, confused for a sec.. or a lifetime.. not too sure15:37
Jack_SparrowSimmyJ Sounds like an issue for human resources.. :)15:37
mynick1.:::] Ci40 @ Tutti [:::. »BuTT3rF|y sCr|pT«»rEvOLuTiOnZ»v3.1.5«15:38
Jack_Sparrowmynick1 Please dont do that15:38
delaneysanyone know how to compile ffmpeg with all codecs???????15:38
sipiordelaneys: check the configure script15:38
Jack_Sparrowiroach    /part         ?15:38
c_ronaldojack_sparrow: my xchat still didnt appear menu bar15:39
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo no idea why you are having that issue..  can you take a screenshot and post it for us15:39
ardantushow to star apache2 on ubuntu without restart sir?15:39
c_ronaldoi had install again but still not appear the menu bar15:40
danbh_intrepidardantus: /etc/init.d/apache15:40
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo did you tag for complete removal..15:40
c_ronaldo? not understand15:40
Musa/msg ubottu etiquette15:40
Jack_Sparrowc_ronaldo how did you reinstall15:40
tilluxheya there. is there a way to create a gtk/whatever gui in order to replace an existing ncurses ui?15:41
st3phJack_ may i ask how long u use ubuntu15:42
Jack_Sparrowst3ph years..  back to badger15:43
ubottuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.15:43
ardantusdanbh_intrepid, -bash: /etc/init.d/apache: No such file or directory15:43
st3ph<<<  three days15:44
Jack_Sparrowso..2005 or a bit earlier,  I was using Mepis before that15:44
maxx_win 115:44
hckoeHi all! The simple command "cat printfile | nc printbox 9100" works on feisty/gutsy, but connection hangs on hardy/intrepid. What tcp-parameter changed in newer versions?15:44
danbh_intrepidardantus: maybe its apache2.   Try tab completion15:44
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st3phppl told me to use fedora or how its spelled , but a friend said for beginners ubuntu is  the best15:44
Jack_Sparrowhckoe are you using hardy or interpid15:44
Tillux1heya there. is there a way to create a gtk/whatever gui in order to replace an existing ncurses ui?15:45
SebNaitsabesst3ph:  yep  Ubuntu is probably the best distro to start with for beginners15:45
atlefst3ph: even easier is Linux Mint15:45
Jack_Sparrowst3ph welcome, but to chat..    /join #ubuntu-offtopic15:45
orgthingyJack_Sparrow ! i had that problem solved!!15:45
hckoeJack_Sparrow: I tested it on hardy and intrepid!15:45
SebNaitsabesatlef: how so?15:45
Jack_Sparrowatlef Mint is garbage with terrible support15:45
st3ph/join #ubuntu-offtopic15:45
st3phoops wait15:45
orgthingyJack_Sparrow : all i had to do is disable root-account and the "unlock key carrier" thing as blank (default ubuntu settings)15:45
SebNaitsabesmint is based on Ubuntu I think?15:45
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atlefSebNaitsabes: no, it is great for newbs15:46
ardantusdanbh_intrepid, yes  this is apache2             /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start             <<< but not work15:46
Guest79830connect irc.homelien.no15:46
SebNaitsabesatlef: why?15:46
orgthingyJack_Sparrow : u can get mint update here.. because it's basically same thing15:46
orgthingymint support****15:46
Jack_Sparroworgthingy NO.. MINT is SPECIFICALLY NOT supported here15:46
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate15:46
atlefSebNaitsabes: everything is in "the box"15:46
bazhangorgthingy, not here.15:46
Jack_Sparrowatlef Please stop pimping mint in here15:47
orgthingySparrow_Sparrow : i used mint and i tell you all thing they did is changed gnome-panel and added "minttools" and new wallpaper15:47
danbh_intrepidardantus: i  dont know.  But maybe you could try my suggestion, which I believe is exactly: /etc/init.d/apache2 start15:47
orgthingyatlef : well, lazy to download extra stuff?15:47
sipiorhckoe: i assume you've updated ubuntu on the client, but not printbox?15:47
Jack_Sparroworgthingy You are wrong and ot15:47
atlefJack_Sparrow: sorry15:47
hckoePut parts of strace output on http://paste.ubuntu.com/46239 (see line 34/35)15:47
orgthingyatlef : and mint doesnt have upgrades < FAIL15:47
orgthingyyou have to reinstall the next release > FAIL15:47
atleforgthingy: no15:47
SebNaitsabes:d @  Jack_Sparrow and his pimping comment15:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:47
khinlast time i upgraded ubuntu it broke hibernate15:48
bazhangtake mint chat elsewhere15:48
hckoesipior: the printbox is a small ethernet-to-usb printbox, i can' change anything there15:48
Jack_Sparrowkhin SOunds like you were using propietary drivers that would need to again be reinstalled15:48
cheekymorning room ; hows it going15:49
sipiorhckoe: i notice the connection gets made with no trouble. might be interesting to attach tcpdump to this transaction15:49
jlaeretAlright, I installed alsamixer and tried fiddling the sliders. When I turn some of them (and my mic is unmuted) I hear it coming from my speakers, so I guess the mic works, but I'm a bit confused because there are so many different mic bars to slide in the mixer, how do I know which is the correct one (there is: mic, mic boost, dock mic, dock mic boost, internal mic, internal mic boost) ? Some of them turn up the mic volume so that I15:49
suwerrathello all15:50
BbI_raBHO_BCEskoko vas tyt15:50
hckoesipior: i will paste it, just a moment.15:51
bazhang!ru | BbI_raBHO_BCE15:51
ubottuBbI_raBHO_BCE: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:51
mark1how do I show my ip address in a terminal?15:51
zoedmark1: 'ifconfig'15:52
jribmark1: ifconfig  for internal.  wget -q -O - http://whatismyip.org   for external15:52
orgthingyifconfig is useless15:52
iroachip a15:52
orgthingyipconfig in CMD is nice though15:52
Bandman614ip addr list15:52
BbI_raBHO_BCEya hoche tyt sidetb15:53
Jack_SparrowGotta run ...  Please play nice...15:53
BbI_raBHO_BCEya ne znayu kak posetit15:53
bazhangBbI_raBHO_BCE, /join #ubuntu-ru15:53
orgthingythe only thing i dont understand, WHAT is going to be in in Ubuntu 8.10 other than kernel?15:53
bazhangorgthingy, take chat elsewhere15:53
SebNaitsabesorgthingy: pulseaudio issues will be fixed15:53
ardantusdanbh_intrepid, /etc/init.d/apache2 start             <<< working sir thank you for you15:53
SebNaitsabesorgthingy:  try #ubuntu+115:54
orgthingySebNaitsabes : oh, thats great!15:54
orgthingy...too many buntu channels :(15:54
BbI_raBHO_BCEcheta kidaet15:54
SebNaitsabesorgthingy: well that's the one for whatever the current development release is at the time15:55
danbh_intrepidardantus: np15:55
BbI_raBHO_BCEÿ òóò15:55
BbI_raBHO_BCEêàê äåëà íàõ?15:55
bazhangBbI_raBHO_BCE, please stop15:55
BbI_raBHO_BCE÷å ñòîï?15:55
xompBbI_raBHO_BCE, Das vidanya15:55
bazhangBbI_raBHO_BCE, english here15:56
motobuzzBbI_raBHO_BCE: hvatit srat' v kanale15:56
nicoleamyi need help15:56
nicoleamyhow can i locate the broken file?15:56
hckoesipior: tcpdump output is on http://paste.ubuntu.com/4626215:56
xompnicoleamy, you mean "the" broken file?15:57
nicoleamyxomp: yes15:57
xompnicoleamy, ok, just checking..15:57
sipiorhckoe: nothing obviously broken. can you telnet to 9100 on printbox. does that work without a hitch?15:58
Bandman614nicoleamy: what's the issue?15:58
allquixoticxomp: why don't you tell him about the locate command? It can locate the broken file like this: $ locate broken15:58
nicoleamyBandman614: i don't know, when i went to update manager, it says that i got a broken file, it also says press to locate to locate the file15:59
Jack_Sparrownicoleamy have you made any changes or aditions to your sources list15:59
hckoesipior: yes, that works.16:00
GnarusLeo_MainI have a strange problem. I have to laptops, and one of them cant see my home wireless network (WPA) no more ... (havent changed any settings or anything). It doesnt show in network manager, or on "iwlist scan" ... What can possibly be wrong?16:00
nicoleamyjack_sparrow: what do you mean by the sources list?16:00
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:00
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main, it depends on what happened between then and now ;)16:00
allquixoticwhat did you change16:01
killa_so... any one up for answering from questions?16:01
hckoesipior: printer panel already says printing. But then no more packages are sent or received from both sides. The same file on gutsy works without problems.16:01
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, nothing16:01
atlef!ask | killa_:16:01
ubottukilla_:: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:01
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, but it SHOULD show up in the list either way!16:02
Qwerty_I am trying to search for a word which is inside a file (not the name of the file). How do I do that? The word is in a plain text file16:02
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: a static system that has no software changes, no updates, no new programs, no hardware changes, no hardware defects, etc. will not suddenly go from working to not working, so obviously something happened. to figure out what happened, you may have to get imaginative about what happened. did someone else using the computer update or something?16:02
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, all my other computers can find it16:02
NoCigarGuys, do you know how one forces X to only use a certain resolutions and refresh rates?16:02
killa_i can see all my folders and files in my cdrom0 but i cannot copy them to my hard drive16:02
Jack_Sparrowkilla_ Are you trying to copy them to Desktop or some other folder16:03
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, ok, ive been on linux for several years, I am an educated civil engineer computer scientist. So believe me when I say that "nothing of importance happened between then and now"16:03
killa_my desktop16:03
nicoleamyyesterday i've tried installing the flashplugin but didn't work so other staff asked me to install the ubuntu restricted plugins16:03
Jack_Sparrowkilla_ what error16:03
sipiorhckoe: what's the size of the file being put on netcat's stdin?16:03
killa_"error reading from file: input/output error"16:04
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: ok, excuse me then, if you are a computer scientist then you should surely be able to understand that troubleshooting something like "X was working before and it doesn't now" requires more information than that mere fact16:04
Jack_Sparrowkilla_ all cd's or just the one16:04
nomikeWhen I install Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop on a Workstation. How much space, does it consume directly after installation (aprox.)?16:04
siawhow to like "zoom out" in mplayer? watching 1080p on my laptop with like a 720p screen so im only seeing zoomed in at the middle of the movie..16:04
killa_all cds,  burned, and bought16:04
Jack_Sparrownomike 4gig16:04
killa_i can copy text files oddly enough, but no luck with media files or executables...16:05
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, there are no more facts to give ... both "wlanconfig ath0 list scan" nor "iwlist scan" nor network-manager gives me the AP ... what more can you possibly need?16:05
Jack_Sparrownomike You can reduce that,16:05
nicoleamywhat version is linux x86 as i am trying to manual install a adobe flash player16:05
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, though it does on my computer right next to it, which is also using the same distro, same upgrades, even the same freakin wireless drivers/card!16:05
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:05
MacPaini get with update-modules:  * The update-modules command is deprecated and should not be used!16:05
MacPainis this command replaced16:06
sipiori've a friend currently running an ubuntu cut down to ~12Mb, so there's a lot you can get rid of :-)16:06
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: So the one laptop is utterly unaware of the fact that the SSID is being broadcast from the AP, or you can see the SSID but can't connect?16:06
hckoesipior: file is about 400k. It's the cups test-page output captured from cups. First i thought it's a cups problem (socket and lpd did'nt work on hardy anymore). But then cut it down to this simple command.16:06
GnarusLeo_Mainallquixotic, can't see the AP, and the SSID is beeing broadcast16:06
nicoleamyis the installation version tar.gz or .rpm?16:07
nomikeJack_Sparrow: Well, my problem is, that I want ubuntu on my corp. latptop and i'm not allowed to install it. So i was wondering if it's enough when I buy a 8GiB USB-Stick and use it for apps, and drop my user-data somewhere on my NTFS-Partition on the laptop harddrive...16:07
Jack_Sparrownicoleamy we dont use rpm's16:07
Jack_Sparrownomike You can run it off usb and you can have a second partition on the usb for data16:08
=== GnarusLeo_Main is now known as GnarusLeo
KingLenchxuse alien for convert .rpm to .debs16:08
hckoesipior: i have this problem with lan and wlan connection.16:08
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: you might check for a hardware wireless killswitch (thinkpads...) or key combination to activate/deactivate it (presarios...) - barring that, I'm assuming you've rebooted, and tried lspci to make sure the system is aware of the wireless hardware [well, if it's not in lspci, it's probably dead :)]16:08
sipiorhckoe: bizarre that it should stop working. do you have two separate machines for testing, or just one machine with two linux installs?16:08
Jack_Sparrownomike and that second partition can be ntfs if you want to get to it from windows16:08
nicoleamyjack_sparrow: do you use ta.gz or yum repository definition?16:08
sipiorhckoe: would be curious to see the difference in the strace output between the two. though that would be a lot of data...16:09
Jack_SparrowKingLenchx It seldom works and is not adviseable16:09
GnarusLeoallquixotic, heres the kicker ... I can connect to my neighbours WEP AP any day ..16:09
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)16:09
hckoesipior: i have a dual boot notebook with gutsy and hardy and a vmware intrepid.16:09
killa_jack_sparrow: was that "flash" deal intended for me (cd problems)?16:09
khinhey does anyone know why when i try to test php scripts on localhost it gives me a file download ? i just installed lamp16:09
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages using `tail -f`... while you have that running in a terminal, do a modprobe -r on the wireless drivers, re-modprobe them, and try to connect to the AP by using iwconfig16:10
Jack_Sparrowkhin /join #Apache16:10
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hckoesipior: i have the complete strace output of both. Let me paste it. Just a moment!16:10
sipiorhckoe: could you just paste the diff?16:10
nicoleamyhow many ubuntu's are there?16:10
khinmy real issue is that phpmyadmin is not found at localhost/phpmyadmin even though it is supposedly installed16:10
allquixoticGnarusLeo_Main: If your wireless card is functional, and the driver is able to recognize the wifi card, and it's mostly working except for your particular AP, then trying to force an ssid to associate with via iwconfig should give you some interesting messages in syslog or /var/log/messages if there are errors associating.16:10
j0hnDon Miguel are you the same guy that made the RPG Maker ports?16:11
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Jack_Sparrownicoleamy One current release and many spinoofs that we do not support16:11
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GnarusLeoallquixotic, yeah, the log didnt gave me anything, and re-modprobing them doesnt do anything specific ..16:11
_j0hnny_there finally worked16:11
sipiorhckoe: actually, probably won't matter, now that i think of it. too many lines different even in the best case16:11
_j0hnny_Does anyone know anything about splashy?16:11
GnarusLeoallquixotic, ok, Ill try ... like "iwconfig ath0 essid <mine>" and see if it can connect to AP?`And check the log?16:11
_j0hnny_I'm using Splashy and its not displaying right16:12
nicoleamyhow do i find the broken file?16:12
_j0hnny_Is it just better to use USplash?16:12
bazziebhow do i reset my screen res? i tried in preferences but it only gives me 800x600?16:12
allquixoticbut since you're using WPA, you'll need to start wpasupplicant manually too16:12
KgeeI just installed kdm and set it as the default login manager. The trouble is, every time i log in, the .ICE authority permissions get changed to root, and I have to reset them manually before i can log in via kdm. How can i avoid this?16:12
KaiForceanyone recommend good disk imaging tools for ubuntu?16:12
allquixoticbecause simply putting in the essid won't get you past authentication without wpasupplicant16:12
KaiForcecommand line preferred16:12
GnarusLeoallquixotic, of course ... ok, give me a min16:12
xompKaiForce, dd16:13
allquixoticGnarusLeo: I've had problems like this before with flaky wireless APs/routers, and a reboot of the router fixed it. In one case I even had to factory reset the router to get a PC to see it... didn't touch the PC's configuration, and before the router reset it was broken; after reset (and entering all the same old settings) it worked16:13
atlefKaiForce: clonezilla16:13
_j0hnny_USplash worked good maybe I should switch back to that?16:13
killa_anyone have luck with an LG CD/DVD RW? in ubuntu 8.04?16:13
_j0hnny_Instead of using Splashy?16:13
KaiForceclonezilla support compression?16:13
bazziebhow do i reload my screen settings?16:13
atlefKaiForce: yes, several16:13
GnarusLeoallquixotic, actually, I agree. Im more suspicious on the router then my laptop settigns ..16:13
bazziebor reset?16:14
KaiForceatlef:  thanks, I will check it out16:14
atlefKaiForce: you are welcome16:14
GnarusLeoallquixotic, Ill troubleshoot some more. Thanks for your input!16:14
allquixoticGnarusLeo: more recent wireless standards have been diverging in compatibility between vendors, and vendors have been getting worse and worse about compliance to standards16:14
madmike_I LOVE UBUNTU! ;D16:14
nicoleamyhow do i locate a broken file? I went on the update manager and it says that i've got a broken file16:14
johnnyCan anyone help me out?16:14
allquixoticGnarusLeo: if you're not using plain old 802.11b with no proprietary extensions, I'd worry that maybe the router and the PC are not speaking because of a compatibility issue16:14
hckoesipior: working strace is on http://paste.ubuntu.com/46265, failing strace on http://paste.ubuntu.com/46266.16:14
KaiForceatlef:  wow, clonezilla looks awesome!16:15
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > johnny16:15
ubottujohnny, please see my private message16:15
=== johnny is now known as Guest27754
atlefKaiForce: it is great16:15
solexious[Q] I like amarok but im not using kbuntu, will istalling and using on ubuntu create problems?16:15
atlefsolexious: no16:15
GnarusLeoallquixotic, that may be so, but that doesnt explain why it worked a few days ago ... (or maybe it does, who knows ...)16:15
Jack_Sparrowsolexious nope16:15
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GnarusLeoallquixotic, but a compability issue is deffinatly an opportunity!16:16
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience16:16
nicoleamyJack_Sparrow: how do i locate a broken file?16:16
solexious** Thanks both16:17
GnarusLeoallquixotic, im also suspecting the wireless drivers. (madwifi spot on), and they may be fooling me. But ok, thanks again16:17
killa_why would I be able to see my files on my cdrom but not be able to copy them - input/output error?16:17
honkytonkJust moved to ubuntu from debian and noticed that all my color output in my bash script has stopped working.  I.e this should output the names in color echo -e "My favorite color is /033[38;5;148mYellow-Green/033[39m"16:17
allquixoticGnarusLeo, if you have an atheros card, you might try the recently released ath5k driver which is open source16:18
nicoleamyI need help!16:18
GnarusLeoallquixotic, I will!16:18
allquixoticGnarusLeo, I doubt Hardy distributes it because the Atheros guy I met at LinuxPicnic 08 told me it wasn't going to be usable until September - but Fedora switched to it by default and it runs well I hear16:18
atlefkilla_: have you tried : gksu nautilus16:18
KgeeHow can I stop kdm from messing up the permissions on my ~/.ICEauthority files? I have to reset them manually every time before I log in via kdm.16:18
GnarusLeoallquixotic, so what did he recommend? madwifi compile?16:19
killa_atlef WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported16:19
allquixoticGnarusLeo, he recommended ath5k for people who are either having problems with madwifi already, or who can handle a bit of potential badness16:19
danbh_intrepidKgee: are you using sudo   on graphical apps?16:19
allquixoticbut in your case, hey, ANYthing is better than what you have16:19
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:19
GnarusLeoallquixotic, :)16:19
sipiorhckoe: these look more or less identical to me16:19
atlef!gksu > atlef16:20
ubottuatlef, please see my private message16:20
allquixoticGnarusLeo, I'm pretty sure ath5k compiles and runs fine by now, I've heard a LOT of talk from end users about it in the OpenSUSE and Fedora and Mandriva worlds... it may even be in Intrepid, not sure16:20
allquixoticI don't have an atheros card so I don't know the latest on it, just what I heard at the picnix16:20
atlefJack_Sparrow: which do you run from terminal and which from alt-f2?16:21
hckoesipior: Yes, execpt for the short write. And that's the moment where communication stops.16:21
killa_gkusudo nautilus loads... but whats the going to do for me?16:21
xompI has an atheros card and no version of ubuntu supports it lol :316:21
atlefkilla_: can you copy16:21
GnarusLeoallquixotic, Ill give it a go anyways. As you said, anythings better then this16:21
killa_same error16:22
killa_cannot read from source16:22
KgeeJack_Sparrow, not using sudo to run graphical apps. I did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm to switch to kdm, and now its failing to let me log in.16:22
killa_but i can see all my files??? its so weird and frustrating16:22
atlefkilla_: ok, sorry then16:22
xaianyone run on asus M3A78, if so, how does it work ?16:22
xompkilla_, copyright protection?16:22
_j0hnny_Am I allowed to ask questions about non-Ubuntu items. Such as Splashy?16:23
sipiorhckoe: there is a series of writes in both traces, block size 8192, both terminating in a 7947 byte write. the two files are 46265 amd 46266, right?16:23
_j0hnny_Or do I need to go to a special Splashy channel for that16:23
nicoleamyhow do you download flash player 9 ubuntu linux?16:23
killa_it does the same for all cd's but i have got some errors that point in that direction (copyright issue)16:23
atlefnicoleamy: we are on 10 now16:23
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xomp_j0hnny_, if so, it's probably #ubuntu-splashy :316:24
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nicoleamyhow do i download flash player 10 for ubuntu linux?16:24
atlefnicoleamy: so just update16:24
_j0hnny_thank you xomp thats why nobody answered me. I'm in the wrong place for that question.16:24
_j0hnny_I'll join there. Thanks guys.16:24
xomp_j0hnny_, I'm making a guess therelol16:25
hckoesipior: the printfile is 483083 bytes16:25
_j0hnny_xomp no such channel16:25
xomp_j0hnny_, you never know to be honest, there's so man ubuntu channels now a days16:25
killa_i feel like it has something to do with permissions but cannot figure out how to fix (copy from cd errors)16:25
nicoleamydo you mean i go to update manager to update it when i haven't installed flash player on yet16:25
sipiorhckoe: right, but there's a series of 8192 byte writes in both files16:25
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork16:25
_j0hnny_I got banned on Fedora for asking a "non-Fedora" question I don't want the same mistake to happen here16:25
xomp_j0hnny_, I don't think that will happen here :316:26
atlefnicoleamy: install ubuntu restricted with synapticmanager16:26
killa_i have tried to boot with generic.all_generic_ide=1 but i don't know if i'm doing it right16:26
_j0hnny_Cool xomp16:26
nicoleamyok how do i do that?16:26
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Ape3000I should have 4 Gb RAM. Memtest shows 4095 Mb, but ubuntu only shows (and uses) 3290 Mb.. How can I use all the 4 Gb?16:26
joombagaDoes anyone know how to clear the list of packages listed by "apt-get autoremove"?16:26
sipiorhckoe: i'll need to turn this one over in my head for a while. i've no idea what would change for it to stop working. clearly the connection is made, clearly some data is transferred. very bizarre.16:26
Jack_SparrowApe3000 It is being used byt the system, if you want more available for apps, switch to the server kernel or 64 bit16:27
atlefnicoleamy: *install ubuntu restricted with synaptic package manager16:27
neWbiehello how do i remove gnome completely?16:27
neWbiejust want to keep kde16:27
bazhang!purekde | neWbie16:27
ubottuneWbie: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:27
_j0hnny_xomp nevermind Jack answered my question. On this channel you are not allowed to ask questions about products like Splashy as they have nothing much to do with Ubuntu. I'll look for another channel.16:27
_j0hnny_thanks again guys16:28
bazziebhow do i reset my screen resolution and/or screen card?16:28
Quark_Hello - I am having a failure-to-connect problem with my ircd-hybrid installation on Ubuntu V71.0. Does anyone know how to trouble-shoot and fix this problem?16:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:29
ded0how can i change the mouse cursor?16:29
hckoesipior: ok, i can't understand it too. Is there anything else i should test or any other output you need?16:29
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:29
atlefded0: under apperance in the system menu - preferences and costomize your theme16:30
inukshuxI need to download some packages to later install them on an offline setup. How do I get the needed packages? (where)16:31
ded0atlef: ah there is it, thanks :)16:31
sipiorhckoe: can't think of anything atm. the unsuccessful run displayed in 46266 seemed to terminate fine. did this run not hang? i assume it didn't print either?16:31
Jack_Sparrow!clone > inukshux16:31
ubottuinukshux, please see my private message16:31
atlefded0: you are welcome16:31
Jack_Sparrow!aptoncd > inukshux16:32
inukshuxubottu, I'm on a Windows machine.16:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:32
ded0atlef: it just dont work ;)16:32
killa_what is the easiest way to do a clean/fresh install of ubuntu w/ out a CD?16:32
inukshuxAnd I need to get some packages, and then install it on a feisty fawn setup.16:32
shiloh7doh... lol16:32
MenZakilla_: Burn a CD :)16:32
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu.  Upgrading to Fesity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/16:32
hckoesipior: i interrupted the process!16:32
atlefded0: ok, it does for me16:32
xmagixxhello all16:32
killa_menza: my cd burner hasn't worked since my initial install of ubuntu :(16:33
ded0atlef: oh it does above some specific windows :P16:33
frenzy42what's the best way to back up a ubuntu system?16:33
atlefkilla_: google unetbootin16:33
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:33
sipiorhckoe: sure, but both transcripts end the same way, after a series of writes. it would be interesting to attach a debugger to the server on the other end of the conversation.16:33
atlefded0: :-)16:33
joombagaDoes anyone know how to clear the list of packages listed by "apt-get autoremove"?16:33
xmagixxi got a problem with my monitor, anyone care to help a little ?16:33
inukshuxWhat I mean is: I need to access the repo from a browser, and get the packages. Then put them on a flash drive, and install them on the offline feisty setup. How do I do that?16:34
shiloh7!ask xmagixx16:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask xmagixx16:34
atlefjoombaga: apt-get autoclean16:34
Jack_Sparrowinukshux Dependencies are going to kill you doing that16:34
atlefjoombaga: i think16:34
xmagixxshiloh7: ?16:34
BlackSabathhey guys, how do i chat in a Bash terminal with another user logged in??16:34
magnetron!aptoncd | inukshux16:34
ubottuinukshux: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers16:34
shiloh7just ask xmagixx16:35
|chiz|BlackSabath: write16:35
joombagaatlef: nope16:35
Jack_Sparrowinukshux Get a feisty livecd ... Get your downloiads with that, save /var/cache/apt/archives to usb then move to new box16:35
BlackSabathchiz: write username "text"?16:35
atlefjoombaga: ok16:35
xmagixxwell the thing is i want my monitor detected, i found a way to do it but it disables my nvidia and ofc when i enable nvidia my monitor goes back to unknow16:36
zoed!hi | Rimen16:36
ubottuRimen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:36
xmagixxsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg      when i use this i finds my monitor and i can adjust refreash rate16:36
|chiz|BlackSabath: don't remember check out the man page16:37
Rimencan anyone tell me where can I get themes for screenlet sysmonitor16:37
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Jack_Sparrowxmagixx For nvidia card/chipset users ...  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings .. Note this can cause issues on restart..  I had to use recovery mode and sudo apt-get remove nvidia-settings  then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to get back a decent screen res16:38
zoed!hi | infecto16:38
ubottuinfecto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:38
joombagaatlef: Autoclean just clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.  I have a lot of packages installed as dependencies of the kde 4 pseudo package that show up in autoremove because I removed kdegames, which also removes the pseudo package.  Maybe it's not possible...16:38
st3phi gtg have all a nice evening/day :d16:39
RediXeFlash with firefox 64 possible?16:39
nicoleamyhow do i type chinese on ubuntu linux?16:39
justabitcrazeehey could someone answer a hardware question16:39
zoed!ask | justabitcrazee16:39
ubottujustabitcrazee: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:39
atlefjoombaga: what about residual config?16:39
Flanneljoombaga: /lastlog joombaga16:40
xmagixxJack_Sparrow: well it's mainly my monitor i want to be detected and keeping the settings, will nvidia settings correct that ?16:40
justabitcrazeeI'm downloading ubuntu now, but I'm wondering what options I will have with my ATI All in Wonder 9600, ie. Will Ubuntu pick up my TV tuner?16:40
joombagaResidual config?16:40
Jack_Sparrowxmagixx it turns out that all of the nvidia drivers, ubuntu or official, have severe issues detecting the monitor, so we need to install the nvidia GUI configuration tool, which detects the right monitor, but also allows manual configuration of the driver and xconf directly16:40
joombagaatlef: Residual config?16:40
Flanneljoombaga: autoremove gets calculated each time you run it, I believe.16:40
Rimenhow can I enable TV-out16:40
atlefjoombaga: in synaptic16:40
xmagixxJack_Sparrow: ahh okey, well i16:41
joombagaFlannel: Okay, well it shows packages I'm using16:41
xmagixxJack_Sparrow: i'll give it a try, hope it works hehe else is there a way to boot up so i can change things back if it doesnt work ?16:41
zoedjustabitcrazee: is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164513 what you're looking for?16:41
Flanneljoombaga: That's possible.  Why are you trying to use it in the first place?16:42
Rimenhow do I then install nVidia GUI16:42
Jack_Sparrowxmagixx For nvidia card/chipset users ...  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings .. Note this can cause issues on restart..  I had to use recovery mode and sudo apt-get remove nvidia-settings  then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to get back a decent screen res  (see the last part)16:42
icarus-ctechno_freak: do i know you?16:42
xmagixxJack_Sparrow: thanks i'll give it a try16:42
icarus-cRimen: iirc it is in the add/remove16:42
joombagaFlannel: Are you asking why I'm trying to use apt-get --autoremove?16:42
Flanneljoombaga: indeed16:43
allquixoticHello, my initramfs tries to execute udevsettle but I want it to execute udevadm, how do I change the initramfs script?16:43
justabitcrazeezoed - Somewhat, but I know that the TV tuner is finicky when its trying to be picked up in windoze as well as other distros of linux and sometimes is not recognized16:44
joombagaFlannel: because it's nice to use after you remove a package with a lot of dependencies.16:44
justabitcrazeeMaybe I should just play around with it16:44
zoedjustabitcrazee: sorry, I don't have a TV tuner card myself, so I never used one with ubuntu.16:45
joombagaFlannel: and you don't need those extra packages anymore16:45
thiebaudejoombaga:i always use autoremove16:45
justabitcrazeezoed, no thats ok thanks for the link, it may prove useful anyways16:45
Flanneljoombaga: I was asking for specifics.  I'm well aware of what autoremove does.16:45
Rimencan someone tell me why firefox or any other browser sometimes doest and sometimes do play sound from flash clips like from Youtube16:45
zoedjustabitcrazee: You could try out the ubuntu live-cd and check whether your tuner works with it.16:45
Flanneljoombaga: Well, as far as it knows, those four games are just those sorts of packages.  You could simulate the autoremove, then get the list and tweak it how you wanted, then manually remove the edited list of packages.16:46
kenjinIs it possible to install a program without admin previlige?16:46
strategygEdit won't syntax highlight for PHP, but it works for everything else.. what!?16:46
killa_well i'm gonna try unetbootin, fresh install, and hopefully i'll talk to you guys again!16:46
mylonashi everyone16:46
kenjin Is it possible to install a program without admin previlige?16:46
thiebaudehi mylonas16:46
mylonasi just had a serious problem with my pc16:47
Bandman614kenjin: well, sorta kinda not-really16:47
Jack_Sparrowkenjin If you repeat every four lines, you wont get an answer and you will get booted16:47
Bandman614oh, sorry, I've been away16:47
Bandman614I didn't see the last messages16:47
kenjinbandman:I want to install plt shcheme in UNIX16:48
Jack_Sparrowkenjin the short answer is No16:48
mylonasi change the case for my pc and i change the cooling system to watercooling(coolmaster kit)16:48
joombagaFlannel: I know, I'm just picky.  I think I'm just disagreeing with the way apt handles pseudo packages.  Whatever; I'll figure it out16:48
kenjinThanks Jack Sparrow16:48
zhangleii failed to install ubuntu in VMware.does anybody encounter the same problem???16:48
Bandman614thanks, Jack_Sparrow, that was a lot shorter than what I was going to type16:49
Bandman614zhangles: Where did it fail?16:49
xmagixxJack_Sparrow: It worked, well i rebooted fine and in nvidia-settings i can see my monitor how ever when i go to sysam -> change resulution it still show unknow monitor and 52hz16:49
Bandman614err zhanglei: where did it fail16:49
mylonasand the hard drive i use has ubuntu 7.10 installed16:49
mylonaswhen i start my pc16:50
zhangleilanguege crashed16:50
mylonasnothing happened like there wasnt graphic card16:50
mylonasbut in 2 minutes it started16:50
mylonasand a message like the following appears:16:50
Bandman614zhanglei: Language? I've never had it die there, but then I use boring old american english. did it die when you tried to select a language?16:50
Jack_Sparrowmylonas Boot without quite mode enabled so you can see where it is hanging16:51
honkytonkJust moved to ubuntu from debian and noticed that all my color output in my bash script has stopped working.  I.e this should output the names in color echo -e "My favorite color is /033[38;5;148mYellow-Green/033[39m"16:51
Jack_Sparrowmylonas Did you test the cd for defects or get it to work on another pc?16:52
mylonascan anyone help me solve this problem16:52
grendal_primewhy cant i send something TO my laptop FROM my phone with bluetooth.  It works the otherway around?16:52
tobzelis there an assembler already installed in ubuntu?16:53
mylonaswhat cd?16:53
gnubiemylonas,  do you have a non-system diskette in the floppy drive?16:53
zhangleisorry for my poor english.  i will try it again later and return here for help if it die the same way16:53
mylonasi dont have floppy-drive16:53
sipiortobzel: not by default, iirc, but installing gcc will sort that out16:54
Jack_Sparrowmylonas Sorry, lost you..  Were you not trying to install from cd.. and got the disk boot failure, or did you already install and now get HD boot failure16:54
Bandman614zhanglei: It's alright, your english is fine. If it dies again, let us know16:54
Jack_Sparrowtobzel yes16:54
strategyHas anyone had gedit not syntax highlight for php, but highlight for everything else?!16:54
nicoleamyhow to enable chinese typing?16:54
sipiortobzel: as16:54
tobzelk thx16:55
hckoe /msg NickServ identify abc12316:55
mylonasi use a hard disk with ubuntu already installed16:55
KaiForceatlef:  clonezilla beyond awesome, thanks again16:55
Jack_Sparrowhckoe CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD NOW16:55
zhangleithank you  :)16:55
Bandman614and pick a better password next time16:55
mylonasi just change the case16:55
KaiForceno that password was highly secure16:55
Bandman614sure, letters AND numbers16:55
KaiForceand it was almost 7 characters long.16:56
Gigacorehi guys16:56
Gigacoremy weather widget never updates, whats the reason ?16:56
Gigacoreany solutions for that ?16:56
Bandman614Gigacore: maybe you live in too nice of a place16:57
qmemohi all, is this (/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build/include) the right dir for the "C header files" that match my running kernel?16:57
GigacoreBandman614: hehe... now tell me is there any way to fix it ?16:57
henghahi, I got these from aptitude search : i apache2-mpm-worker, p apache2-mpm-prefork. I guess that means worker got installed, right ? then what does p stand for here ?16:57
KaiForcemove to Ohio16:57
Bandman614gigacore: ok, A) which weather widget? B)did you set it up for your zipcode? C) have you tried running it from the command line to see if it's trying to update16:58
Bandman614KaiForce: amen16:58
KaiForceif you don't like the weather, just wait a minute!16:58
zoedhonkytonk: you will want to put back-slashes instead of normal slashes, i.e. echo -e "My favorite color is \033[38;5;148mYellow-Green\033[39m" instead of "/033"16:59
atlefKaiForce: good to hear16:59
mylonasplease someone to help me (PM)!!!!16:59
GigacoreBandman614: A) the weather widget for panels... B) Entered my location. It used to work fine on my 7.10, but not on 8.04 C) havent tried from CLI16:59
mylonasi have a problem with system boot17:00
dominiqueHello, I am a new user on ubuntu... what a great OS17:00
Flukeywho here ssh's from a mac to an ubuntu box?17:00
atlefGigacore: but you could get this next to your clock17:00
Bandman614flukey: I have17:00
atrusi don't have a PC speaker. How can I make sure that gnome-terminal sends beeps to alsa/gstreamer/something? Ie, that it plays a wav file instead of doing the old-fashioned system beep?17:00
FlukeyBandman614:  how did you get over the vim problem? i.e. you try deleting it doesn't work?17:00
Bandman614gigacore: ok, my first suggestion would be to try running it from the command line, justso you can get debugging out17:01
Gigacoreatlef: heh ?17:01
D1sa5t3ratrus, flash screen17:01
Bandman614flukey: it works for me. How are you trying to delete?17:01
=== Initial_1 is now known as Initial_M
Bandman614flukey: you mean backspace?17:01
FlukeyBandman614: yeah17:01
gctpoyany ubuntu developer here17:01
mylonassomeone help me (PM)!!!!!!!!! I have a serious problem with SYSTEM BOOT17:01
atrusD1sa5t3r: i don't want a screen flash, i want an audible wav-file beep.17:01
GigacoreBandman614: sorry, but I am noob, can u plz tell me how to do that from CLI17:01
Bandman614flukey: there's an option in the mac terminal to change the way backspaces work17:01
hckoe /msg NickServ identify  abc12317:01
atlefGigacore: if you want weather info, you can get this next to your clock17:01
Gigacoreatlef: hmmm17:02
atrusD1sa5t3r: because that's what a beep is?17:02
kitchehckoe: change your password for that now17:02
atlefGigacore: you are not using gnome?17:02
kwamehi, question, why when I ssh it takes around 5-10 seconds for the prompt to appear?17:02
Bandman614Gigacore: give me a second, and I'll see if I can figure it out17:02
Gigacoreatlef: yes, got it17:02
Bandman614kwame: probably reverse dns17:02
paalhello... i have a wifi card that has to be turned on every time i start the pc.   so i need to enter : Sudo modprobe ath_pci  every time i start the computer so the wifi card turns on. what can i do so ubuntu does this for me every time i start the computer ?17:02
atlefGigacore: ok17:02
GigacoreBandman614: ok17:03
Salsero_NashI need a help17:03
FlukeyBandman614: in iterm?17:03
mylonasI have a problem with SYSTEM BOOT.... Can anyone help me?17:03
staalini use finger 4 mah ass<317:03
Salsero_Nashwith joomla instalation in xampp17:03
JampiterHi, I have a quick Q17:03
kwameBandman614: it's not that, I can do a nslookup my_ip dns_server and it resolves right away17:04
Gigacoreatlef: I got the weather stuff right next to the clock, but it still shows the same old temperature...!17:04
Gigacoreatlef: lets see if it updates or not17:04
JampiterHow do I copy the UBuntu CD to a pen drive and make it bootable?17:04
hecatepaal: put the name of your module in /etc/modules17:04
mylonasJack_Sparrow can you please help me???17:04
Bandman614kwame: from both sides?17:04
=== Valerio_Caleffi is now known as cv
HARDXCOREki pasa17:04
paalhow do i do that ? i am newbie to ubuntu...17:04
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mylonasre paidia uparxei kanenas ellhnas?17:05
hecatepaal: sudo gedit /etc/modules17:05
hecatepaal: (in terminal)17:05
JampiterANy help?17:05
bazhangmylonas, stop17:06
kmwhiteJampiter: unetbootin17:06
paaland just past : sudo modprobe ath_pci at the top ?17:06
mylonascan anyone help me with my problem?17:06
atlef!caps | mylonas:17:06
ubottumylonas:: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:06
bazhang!gr | mylonas17:06
ubottumylonas: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:06
kmwhiteJampiter: have you looked at it?17:06
JampiterDo I do that before or after copying?17:06
JampiterI'm copying the files off the ubuntu CD onto my USB stick17:06
zoedJampiter: http://klik.atekon.de/liveusb/17:06
hecatepaal: no u write juste the name of the module : ath_pci17:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb17:06
JampiterIs that what I do to make it bootable?17:07
bazhang!usb | Jampiter17:07
ubottuJampiter: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:07
paalok... thanks.. i give it a try and restart17:07
mylonasubottu can you PM?17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about can you pm?17:07
Jack_Sparrowmylonas ubottu is a bot and not human17:07
mylonasprivate message17:07
JampiterWhat's a persistant install?17:08
honkytonkzoed: Thanks for the input it worked. But the weird thing is that it doesn't work in my Makefile's anymore. Even with backslahes17:08
strategyit's funny when people thing uBOTtu is a person17:08
bazhangmylonas, /join #ubuntu-gr17:08
kmwhiteJampiter: I used it to make a usb installer. http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ It's a program that will download an iso and make a bootable usb disk for your machine17:08
bazhangJampiter, it lets you save changes17:08
mylonasbazhang ellhnas eisai/17:08
cygokuWhat's the command line to know the video card driver version ?17:08
JampiterIs there a way to do it without an extenral program?17:09
JampiterI don't want a liveUSB17:09
JampiterI just want the CD on a |USB so I can install it on a PC with no CD drive17:09
kmwhiteJampiter: probably. I remember doing it with a Debian hd-media boot image and syslinux, but I'm no guru there.17:09
kmwhiteJampiter: this app just automates it for you17:09
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:09
zoedhonkytonk: hm. Maybe because the makefiles doesn't echo the text with "echo -e"? you could also try "\e" instead of "\033"17:09
bazhangpendrivelinux.com Jampiter17:09
grendal_primeanyone any good with bluetooth stuff17:09
JampiterThanks :)17:10
JampiterWill it boot if I just copy the files?17:10
=== jcasanov is now known as jcasano
atlefJampiter: no17:10
kmwhiteJampiter: no, it needs to be set up with a boot loader (syslinux)17:10
Jack_SparrowJampiter no17:10
JampiterSo I need this program to make it bootable?17:10
honkytonkzoed: Hmm I think you are right... I can see that the output contains the -e paramter17:10
kmwhiteJampiter: there are windows and linux versions of it available, What are you running now?17:11
xmagixxis there a way i can browse the shared folders on the windows machines on my network ?17:11
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
JampiterI'm on my Win lappy with my Ubuntu desktop over there17:11
JampiterSo I just use this program?17:11
Jack_Sparrow!samba > xmagixx17:11
ubottuxmagixx, please see my private message17:11
zoedhonkytonk: I never used makefiles before, so I don't know exactly how text output to stdout is handled.17:11
JampiterWhere's the Win download?17:12
honkytonkzoed: OK; thanks for your input! Iäm a littel bit closer to a solution :)17:12
atlefJampiter: google unetbootin17:12
zoed\join #ubuntu-de17:12
zuippo!google stfu17:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google stfu17:12
JampiterAh great17:12
JampiterThanks :)17:12
plagerismI have a log file from an application in cvs format, but the string I want is base64 encoded.  How can I easily encode it from the command line17:13
Bikerbobanyone help me from the cli to check if the desktop has been installed.. I did a txt installer.. said to load the desktop.. but it put me to the cli and I cant seem to get X running17:13
AdamoshaСалам всдм17:13
ajayhi,does ubuntu have a IDE for Visual Basic??17:14
dr_willisplagerism,  if all else fails - and you cant find a bash command to decode it.. You could write a little perl/python script to do it.17:14
atlef!ru | Adamosha:17:14
bazhang!ru | Adamosha17:14
ubottuAdamosha:: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:14
ubottuAdamosha: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:14
mib_9fzl1jCan someone forward me to a better channel for general networking issues, I think it's the jack in the wall.17:14
soulchildHi all,... I am working at a unversity in germany, and we have about 150 Clients, running Linux. I am looking for a monitoring tool, to check for example lspci, uname -r, processes, etc. any suggestions ?17:14
dr_willisajay,  visual basic is a windows program. there are 'similer' basic tools for linux. Check out gambas (i think is the name)17:14
=== razvan is now known as Agentu`
ajaydr_willis, ok :) but gambas is a different language right??17:14
Jack_Sparrowajay real basic also offers a crosscompilker for a $.. the linux only versionis free17:15
atlefajay: just wantto say, 64bit and gambas do not work17:15
ajayJack_Sparrow, ok... if i use it here , can i make that code run in windows??17:15
ajayatlef, thanks... am on a 32 bit one here :)17:16
dr_willisajay its 'basic' -  its  tries to be similer to visual basic byt its not identical. Check its homepage for detauls17:16
ppdhi, how can I emulate a right click in gnome when I have a left click only mouse?17:16
atlefajay: just wanted you to know17:16
dr_willisppd,  a broken mouse? or a Mac Mouse?17:16
Jack_Sparrowajay google up realbasic and read it to see if it will do all you want17:16
os2macHI, I am having difficulty playing a DVD in totem.17:16
ppddr_willis: actually it is a broken laptop touchpad17:16
dr_willisajay,  theres also freebasic, and wxbasic, if you need a basic to play with.17:16
mib_9fzl1jWhat's the best way to test a jack in the wall, an ethernet port. I think it's dead but I can't tell17:17
dr_willisppd,  there is someway you can get the numpad to emulate a mouse.. but i forget how... (not much help on a laptop either)17:17
Tj-42Hi, I changed the size of all of my partitions with a gparted live cd, but not Grub simply freezes at the word "GRUB".  What do I need to fix to get it working again?17:17
paalhello.back again.  it worked perfectly.   !  but i wonder one more thing. i have a acer aspire 7720z.   the sound is low and the "mouse" buttons that you can scroll up and down whit is scrolling wrong way.....17:17
ajayatlef, thanks... am on a 32 bit one here :)??17:17
ppddr_willis: I though about something like ctrl+left click17:17
ajaydr_willis, they both are in the repos??17:17
Jack_Sparrow!uuid > Tj-4217:17
ubottuTj-42, please see my private message17:17
zoed!dvd | os2mac17:17
ubottuos2mac: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:17
JampiterRight - I have to get the iso from the CD now17:18
jcasanohi all. my pendrives works sometimes and sometimes don't in ubuntu 8.04... my pendrive is a corsair with 8gb... ideas?17:18
dr_willisajay,  look and see.. if not they have web sites. with binaries for linux and windows..  I gave some of them to a windows user the other day. is the reason i know of them. :)17:18
Tj-42thanks hold on17:19
zoed!uuid | zoed17:19
ubottuzoed, please see my private message17:19
Jack_SparrowTj-42 You will end up on a live cd to fix all of that17:19
Tj-42yea, i'm on a live cd right now17:19
bigmack83in windows there are programs like Norton Ghost that lets you capture your system drive in case you ever have to reinstall. Just replace it with an image. Is there anything like this for ubuntu? or one that can capture all the packages and applications installed on your system in case you have to reinstall?17:20
Tj-42ah so what I need to do is just fix the UUID in the menu.lst file?17:20
atlefbigmack83: clonezilla17:20
zoedbigmack83 dd if=/dev/hda of /home/otherdrive/image17:21
mib_9fzl1jbigmack83: you might want to check #windows17:21
bigmack83atlef, awesome thanks. in repos?17:21
dr_willisbigmack83,  several ways to do sch a thing..  which one to use.. depends on how you wish to do it.. and the other 'things' you may want to do. Ive used 'mondo/mindi' befor.. ages ago17:21
mizipzorif i type sudo gparted, i cant resize my partition... could that be because its currently in use?17:21
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:21
netsurf3firestarter is doing awful things to my connection unless i manually start the program it will slow down the net or block entirely the connections to the network17:21
netsurf3this is using network manager17:21
atlefbigmack83: no, http://www.clonezilla.org/17:21
Tj-42mizipzor: probably, you shouldn't, even if you could, resize a partition that is in use17:21
netsurf3can someone please advise of a fix?17:21
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 Are you doing something that requires firestarter?17:21
mizipzorTj-42: got it17:22
netsurf3Jack_Sparrow, using the internet?17:22
ajaydr_willis, which is the wine channel?17:22
dr_willisajay,  i would guess... #wine17:22
Tj-42if the drive has to be mounted, then try using a gparted live cd, or another live cd17:22
bazhang#winehq ajay17:22
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 You dont need firestarter to use the internet in ubuntu.  this isnt Windows17:22
bigmack83lol thanks for the links, will definately get me started, thanks all17:22
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:22
netsurf3Jack_Sparrow, i know its not windows17:22
netsurf3i am a linux user for 5 years17:23
netsurf3but i have never used firestarter17:23
bazhangnetsurf3, you behind a router?17:23
TeiseiI have used Ubuntu for a year now17:23
osfameronme neither17:23
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 Why are you using firestarter, generally it is not needed.17:23
netsurf3i am but i still want a firewall17:23
dr_willisnetsurf3,  dependign on your needs theres other firewall front ends17:23
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 firestarter is NOT a firewall17:23
bazhangnetsurf3, then learn about iptables17:23
netsurf3bazhang, any good links?17:24
jurismCan anyone help me please with setting up my DNS settings? This is my DNS settings for my server on my colocation provider's DNS panel: http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=13289696qy8.png. I have DNS server on my own server, but how to point this domain to my server's DNS server? I want fully working ns1.mydomain.lv server. but now it seems that ns1.mydomain.lv is not working (I can't...17:24
jurism...send and recieve e-mails). My DNS server was working with old DNS settings in my colocation provider's admin panel but I deleted old settings and can't remember them. I hope You'll help me! Thank You!17:24
netsurf3jurism, flood17:24
bazhangnetsurf3, yes; man iptables17:24
Tj-42so what causes the GRUB freeze (just the words GRUB at the top left) after a partition resize, is it just the change in UUID, or could more have gone wrong?17:24
netsurf3fair enough17:24
zoedJack_Sparrow: http://www.fs-security.com/ is a firewall17:24
stylisthey guys whats up17:24
stylisthow ya'll doin17:24
stylistI currently have a Windows Vista Desktop17:24
Jack_Sparrowzoed I know what it is.. and it is NOT a firewall17:25
stylistWith Quadcore CPU, adaptec hardware raid5 etc17:25
zoedJack_Sparrow: ok17:25
netsurf3Jack_Sparrow, hmm sorry i ment i still want to be able to configure my firewall17:25
bazhang!ask | stylist17:25
ubottustylist: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:25
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 leanr iptable management17:25
lynucsguys, i have a homepc with a good sound device. now if i am somewhere with a notebook playing any music file, i'd like to use the soundcard of my homepc over network. is only esd what i need? or are there any other tools?17:25
khinhey does anyone why i cannot access phpmyadmin . i installed lamp + phpmyadmin today on hardy. phpmyadmin is not at localhost/phpmyadmin . i tried a sym link sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www but then firefox says phpmyadmin is a PHTML file and can't open it. fixes?17:25
stylistI want to buy a 32GB OCZ Core Series OCZ (all I can afford) for $130USD, and dual boot it on my quadcore vista desktop.   Is 32GB enough for a full install of Ubuntu with lots of apps like OpenOffice and Firefox etc ?17:26
stylistcheers ubottu ;)17:26
bazhangstylist, yes17:26
dr_willislynucs,  thats supposed to be some new 'feature' of pulseaudio also.. but ive never made it work.17:26
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 most people are less secure when they use front ends like firestarter then they would if they just let the iptables do their job17:26
stylistbazhang i never asked to ask :P17:26
stylistok nice17:26
paalhello.back again.  it worked perfectly.   !  but i wonder one more thing. i have a acer aspire 7720z.   the sound is low and the "mouse" buttons that you can scroll up and down whit is scrolling wrong way.....17:26
bazhangstylist, that is more than enough :)17:26
stylisti am so happy bazhang :)17:26
Bikerbobanyone help me from the cli to check if the desktop has been installed.. I did a txt installer.. said to load the desktop.. but it put me to the cli and I cant seem to get X running17:26
dr_willislynucs,  you could run the media player on the good sound pc. and have its 'gui/display' show up locally also. with  ssh/X forwarding or vnc, or xdmcp , and so forth17:27
stylistI am so excited to boot Ubuntu on my quadcore desktop of a *FAST* 32GB SSD :-) say hello to compiz, kicker etc17:27
* dr_willis dosent want to see that credit card bill stylist :)17:27
netsurf3Jack_Sparrow, does ubuntu come configured?17:27
zoedBikerbob: run aptitude search ubuntu-desktop | grep "^i"17:27
atlefstylist: i hope you say hello to 64bit as well17:28
lynucsdr_willis: then the files should be available on the homepc or shared over nfs.. that's what i would like to avoid17:28
Jack_Sparrownetsurf3 If you want to test the tables, boot a live cd and go to grc.com and do the shields up test of your ports17:28
stylistatlef: What cons and benefits does running the 64bit version of Ubuntu have ?/17:28
bazhangnetsurf3, no iptables does not come configured17:28
lynucsthat should be really just the sound signal17:28
stylistBecause I'll be using 32bit by default, unless I see reasons to go 64bit17:28
netsurf3bazhang, so you effectively run naked for all new users17:28
dr_willislynucs,  does it really matter... :)   do what you want.. this is linux.. theres proberly a dozen other ways to do it as well.  but that 'using the other pc's sound card' was supposed tobe a new feature in PulseAudio. No idea if it actually works17:29
stylistIm concerned about application stability, and driver support under 64bit Ubuntu. I did at least have those problems attempting to use 64bit Windows17:29
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions17:29
Jack_Sparrowstylist stick with 32bit until you get a better feel for how things work.. Unless you have over 4 gigs of ram, you dont really need 6417:29
stylistSorry not application stability, application compatibility ;)17:29
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org17:29
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Jack_Sparrow!chroot > stylist17:29
ubottustylist, please see my private message17:29
stylistJack_Sparrow: Only 2GB of RAM for now, planning to upgrade in months17:29
stylistffs i dont want to build no 32bit chroot environments etc17:30
stylisti just want a nice shiny desktop17:30
Jack_Sparrow32 bit is what you want17:30
gharzguys, how do i update my $PATH? should i use export?17:30
bazhang32bit then :)17:30
stylist32bit it will be ;)17:30
atlefbazhang: why17:31
zoedgharz: export PATH="$PATH:/my/new/bin"17:31
Quark_Hey - Can anyone tell me how to unblock a port - i.e.  6667 ?17:31
atlefbazhang: just want to know17:31
Jack_Sparrowatlef very little speed increase, chroot and flash issues17:31
atlefJack_Sparrow: ok, no such problem here17:32
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:32
zoedIn 64bit, I have the problem I can't play any dvds17:32
jeroneatlef: stylist: I would suggest using 32-bit for now .. for third party app compatibility and less headache with some packages .. while 64bit does work fine, if you don't have a real use .. you will see little benefit .. so unless you have an app that needs to use over 2 gig address space or you have over 4 gigs of ram .. it's not worth running17:33
bigmack83ok so i have found that Duplicity, Simple Backup, backupzilla, and HomeUserbackup are the main backup programs out there. any reccomendations between those apps for a new ubuntu user? though im not afraid of the CL, im just new to ubuntu.17:33
stylisthmm I see there is kubuntu and Ubuntu, with Kubuntu using the KDE, since I want the Vista like kicker/kickoff start menu am I better off downloading Kubuntu, or if I download Ubuntu is switching to KDE as simple as choosing KDE in the login screen?17:33
eax_Hi :) I'm trying to reset my Asus EEE PC and I won't to mount a usbstick manually, it's "located" ind /dev/sdb1 but how do I mount it? I tried "sudo mount" but it said something about a filesystem??17:33
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Jack_Sparrowbigmack83 simple dd command from cli17:34
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC17:34
netsurf3Bigmack not tried the others but duplicity was used to do my backups last year and this year for uni17:34
Bikerbobzoed: I cant even figure out how to search in aptitude... grr17:34
atlefjerone: well i have 4gib of ram, and have not found any problem so far17:34
jurismCan anyone help me please with setting up my DNS settings? This is my DNS settings for my server on my colocation provider's DNS panel: http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=13289696qy8.png. I have DNS server on my own server, but how to point this domain to my server's DNS server? I want fully working ns1.mydomain.lv server. but now it seems that ns1.mydomain.lv is not working. Thank You!17:34
zoedBikerbob: no, type (without the [ and ]): [aptitude search ubuntu-desktop]17:34
jeroneatlef: I said over 4 gigs .. but even 32bit version supports over 4gigs of RAM with PAE mode17:35
zoedThe command will give you some text output17:35
bigmack83Jack_Sparrow, dd? copy the ubuntu install?17:35
Jack_Sparrowbigmack83 copy any partition or drive.. yes17:35
atlefjerone: ok, but that mean you have to conigure it, 64bit supports it out of the box17:35
jeroneatlef: it's mainly for applications that require a lot of virtual address space .. and 64bit giving access to more registers which give "some" performance boost to regular apps but not much17:35
Jack_Sparrowbigmack83 or tar it up... tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/dev --exclude=/lost+found  --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media --exclude=/root/.Trash -- /17:36
atlefjerone: oh, i have been using it since rc hardy17:36
jeroneatlef: what I'm saying is that if you want to use 3rd party stuff .. say skype .. then 64bit becames a not worth it unless you are using it17:36
HaZiLLaIs it easy to install ubuntu onto a macbook pro ?17:36
jeroneatlef: so have I17:36
Jack_SparrowCan you guys move the 32 to 64 bit discussion to offtopic please17:36
bigmack83jack-desktop, ok so im assuming that will still copy all system files needed for boot. Well what i was looking for was either an incremental setup so new files are added when running backup. or something similar17:37
atlefjerone: and have not found any reason to use 32bit17:37
Jack_Sparrowbigmack83 I keep a spare partition for full backups..17:37
atlefJack_Sparrow: by all means, but not just yet. :-)17:37
Jack_Sparrowatlef Now please17:37
Bikerbobzoed: it gives and I am using Kubuntu p     kubuntu-desktop         - Kubuntu desktop system17:37
bigmack83Jack_Sparrow, ok i see that copies all but temp stuff, handy to know17:37
Bikerbobdoes the p mean installed?17:38
Doonzhey guys i have mdadm installed and it is running an array. how do i set it up so that i get the email when i drive has failed?17:38
bigmack83jack_i have an external to keep my backups safe17:38
atlefJack_Sparrow: just pulling your leg17:38
gharzzoed: thanks!17:38
bigmack83oops i meant for Jack_Sparrow17:38
Jack_Sparrowbigmack83 I got it..17:39
gharzzoed: i didn't include "17:39
xmagixxhow to disable nvidia splash screen at login ?17:39
bigmack83Jack_Sparrow, yea thanks for the help17:39
jeronexmagixx: google it .. it's an option you add in /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:39
erUSULxmagixx: add option NoLogo to xorg.conf on the graphic card device section17:39
Andy80hi all17:39
bigmack83appreciate it. im finding the ubuntu support much easier to get for ubuntu rather than windows. trying to make the switch. taking longer than i thought17:40
xmagixxjust like "option" "NoLogo" or ? i'm googling allrdy17:40
Andy80I've a strange problem with keyboard... never happened before: ALT+TAB doesn't switch anymore from a window to another.... it simply doesn't work... any idea?17:40
zoedBikerbob: ok, so the first character in the line that says kubuntu-desktop is an "i" indicating "installed". When you boot your system, does a graphical login screen start or do you get a command line interface?17:40
jimmy_birerubuntu edgy eatcock17:41
jimmy_birerubuntu hardy hardcore17:41
chilli0_how do i get unban from python channel?17:42
Jack_Sparrowchilli0_ Not by asking us17:42
chilli0_be nice please?17:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:42
Jack_Sparrow!ot > chilli0_17:42
ubottuchilli0_, please see my private message17:42
eax_Hi ^^ I'm trying to follow this guide: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/howto:usbrestore but I am unsure on how to do the last step in the linux part. Can anyone help me please? :)17:43
ykphuahafter I do apt-get source foopackage17:44
ykphuahhow do I let apply the debian/patches and do a configure, but stop there, without doing make17:45
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:45
Flannelykphuah: You may have more luck in #ubuntu-motu17:45
Adr1I would like to know which driver my wireless card is running, do you know a command?17:45
l3dis there a way to change the logon window settings with out having to use the gui cause when i do it never saves the settings i set, its like its locked17:46
ykphuahFlannel: ok thanks17:46
erUSULAdr1: lshw -c Network17:46
Quark_Can anyone tell me how to unblock a port?17:46
xmagixxhmm after i installed nvidia-settings i now have 2 sections of device and monitor in /etc/X11/xorg.conf , i can see i have the one i want but also the default ones i dont want , how do i know wich it's useing ? in desktop change resolution i can see it's on the default one and in nvidia-settings i can see the one i want it to use17:46
Adr1thank you erUSUL17:46
LordDicraniuswhat's the most common protocol used when configuring a VPN server using Linux?17:47
Mastereducan someone help me17:47
Jack_Sparrow!iptables > Quark_17:47
ubottuQuark_, please see my private message17:47
erUSULQuark_: how did you blocked it?17:47
Mastereduflash dont scan my webcam17:47
Masteredui mean in the flash settings the webcam is but it dont gives a input picture17:47
unhuI am trying to burn a Hardy iso17:48
l3dis there a way to change the logon window settings with out having to use the gui cause when i do it never saves the settings i set, its like its locked17:48
unhubut brasero will not recognize my cd drive17:48
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unhuit is not the default cd drive for this computer, is that probably the problem?17:48
Mastereducan anyone help17:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:49
nathanielneallanybody know about installing xine?17:50
nathanielnealli get a 404 when i put in the shell command17:51
Jack_Sparrow!info xine17:51
ubottuPackage xine does not exist in hardy17:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine-ui17:51
Jack_Sparrow!find xine17:51
ubottuFound: amarok-xine, libxcb-xinerama0, libxcb-xinerama0-dbg, libxcb-xinerama0-dev, libxinerama-dev (and 34 others)17:51
nathanielneallive installed xine-ui17:51
keithclarkWhat is the best program to use to create a video dvd from .avi files?17:52
bizkitadobie promier :D17:52
nathanielnealldo i need to install all those packages?17:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine-ui17:52
bizkitopps did i say that?17:52
atlefkeithclark: devede17:52
zoed!info xine-ui17:52
ubottuxine-ui (source: xine-ui): the xine video player, user interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.5+cvs20070914-2 (hardy), package size 1465 kB, installed size 3380 kB17:52
keithclarkatlef, Thanks!  I'll give it a shot.17:52
nathanielneallonce i install this am i done?17:52
nathanielneallis there nothing i have to put into terminal17:53
atlefkeithclark: it is great17:53
zoednathanielneall: try typing "sudo apt-get install xine-ui" into a terminal and wait until its done.17:54
nathanielneallzoed, thanks it seems to be working17:55
leeping2008Hey there, there's something I would really like to automate in a script, but I am unable to do so.  How do I SSH into a remote computer and be in the same folder that I was on the local computer (assuming synced directories and all?)17:55
xmagixxwhy do i have 2 settings of the same sections in xorg.conf ?17:55
Quark_erUSUL: The Server comes with it blocked, i think.17:56
zoednathanielneall: after it is finished installing, look through the applications menu. Probably there will be be a launcher there.17:56
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zoed(I'd guess in Sound & Video)17:56
erUSULQuark_: dunno about the server but ubuntu has no firewall enabled by default. it simply does not have anything listenening on any port by default17:57
st9Hi all does ubuntu 8.04 have native mp3 support?17:57
kenkkuwhere could I find a list of kernel "suspend error" codes? I can't suspend one USB device, it gives error -1617:57
Adr1you have to download a codec pack st917:57
Adr1but if you are online there will be no problem just 2 clicks17:58
=== Hondo_Kitsune is now known as HK_Away
smm289OK, I have a file server running ubuntu 8.04 and a laptop running 8.04.  The filer server shares files with linux and windows clients.  I had samba setup properly and sharing was possible with each of the client types.  I wanted to start over with the sharing and set it up from scratch, for practice.   I uninstalled samba on the file server.  When I went to create a share by using Nautilus right click sharing options, Natilus automaticall17:58
erUSULQuark_: maybe you have to open the ports on the router?17:59
smm289when sharing files with a default ubuntu 8.04 on two systems what protocal should the shares be using.  Right now both 8.04 systems seem to be sharing with samba18:01
xerophytewhen i want to rebuild kernel for xen i have to use this AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-xen how can i specify 64 bit to that build command18:01
Quark_erUSUL: GRC shows the port 6666-6667 as closed.  I have installed ircd-hybrid.18:01
ykphuahsmm289: use sftp, only use samba with windows.18:01
Masteredui dont have a input picture with my webcam in the adobe flash player ! what i have to do !18:02
siawwhat to do to see the whole picture in mplayer, im plain a 1080p video on a 720p monitor, and only seeing the center18:02
=== kazanova is now known as srculence
erUSULQuark_: as i said you probably must open (forward or do nat) on your router to your server on those ports18:02
smm289i understand that.  In 8.04 Nautalis has a right click option that says sharing options, when I enable sharing for a particular folder it enables the share, but by default it seems to be using samba, is this how it should work?18:03
zoedsmm289: yes, samba is used for that.18:03
Quark_erUSUL: There is no router.  The server is connected directly to the net18:03
erUSULQuark_: i see. does "sudo iptables -L" show any rules enabled?18:04
smm289ok, so in that case samba is being used to share files for linux clients and windows clients, kind of a catch all sharing option?18:04
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Quark_erUSUL: No18:04
erUSULQuark_: then the problem is elsewhere (maybe on the irc server configuration)18:04
amt2hi, if i have shell commands in a text file, how can i execute those commands?18:04
amt2(it is not a script, it is just commands)18:05
zoedsmm289: yeah, so that windows people don't come here shouting they can't access shared folders...18:05
unhuooh, good question I am interested!18:05
unhuamt2s question that is18:05
AliTabuger7I could be wrong, but I think you're looking to create bash scripts18:06
smm289gottcha, thanks for the info18:06
zoedamt2: probably, if its one command per line, it IS a bash script. Try executing it with "bash filename"18:06
antisenseThis is probably a long shot, but I'll try anyway: Dual-booting Ubuntu and Vista on a Dell laptop. Does anyone happen to know whether Dell's "Windows reinstall" tool (from backup partition) will wipe everything or play nice and only touch my Windows partition? (I want to reinstall Windows but rather not have to also reinstall Ubuntu)18:06
Quark_erUSUL: I thought "apt-get install" performed configuration?18:07
zoedamt2: you can paste the file in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, and then I can check if it looks like a valid bash script.18:07
sushiXantisense yes it will18:07
sushiXantisense:  yes it will18:08
erUSULQuark_: some but not all ... maybe the server is nly listening in localhost no the eth interface by default lackas a nme etc18:08
erUSULQuark_: search the web for a good how to18:08
antisensesushiX, as in "it will wipe everything" or "it will wipe the Windows partition only"? :)18:08
zoedamt2: I need the url.18:09
amt2zoed, but there is another command18:09
amt2i jsut forgot it18:09
amt2there is a bash shell command18:09
amt2in which you jsut can run any commands in a text file18:09
sushiXantisense: it repartition the drives to the factory settings but y dont u reinstall ubuntu after that ??18:09
zoedyou mean ". textfile" or "source textfile"?18:10
amt2oh, source!18:10
amt2yes that's it18:10
amt2source textfile18:10
zoedamt2: But that is almost the same, it just executes the commands in the same shell and doesn't start a new one like "bash filename" does.18:10
Quark_erUSUL: Documentation is non-existent.  Can you recommed a good Ubuntu IRCD?18:10
erUSULQuark_: sorry never deployed one18:11
antisensesushiX, yeah, I guess I'll have to do that. It would be easier the other way, but this just means whipping out a few DVDs and backing up. Thanks!18:11
javiergThis isn't directly related to ubuntu, but does anyone know a way to cache all my bookmarks (or maybe a program that can cache them) so that I may view my bookmarks in Firefox offline without having to save the webpage18:13
duck1123Has anyone here had a problem getting Synergy to recognize your keybindings with Ubuntu?18:13
=== ewwe is now known as OfLife
PolarinaOn my Li-Ion battery, it says "Current charge: 74.4 Wh" and "Design charge: 73.3 Wh" in gnome-power-manager. Is this normal?18:14
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smm289how can I view what shares are on a system18:14
techsupporthey all, working in open writer, how would i add/remove lines from the document ?18:14
starnwhich is better thunder bird or evolution?18:16
Polarinastarn: I prefer Evolution.18:16
wanderingiihow can i format a hard drive i have connected via usb?18:17
erUSUL!gparted | wanderingii18:17
kenkkuwanderingii: the same way you format any hard drive18:17
ubottuwanderingii: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:17
zoedtechsupport: ? select text and press backspace ??18:17
starnPolarina: well um.. can you pm me some the the functions that you like most and why you dont like thunder bird? for i never used anything but thunder bird.. for linux and windows...18:17
techsupportzoed, its not selecting the line18:18
Polarinastarn: I see no reason to change.18:18
zoedtechsupport: maybe the open-office document is in read-only mode?18:18
zoed(You can check in the tilebar)18:18
starnPolarina: lazy to setup thunder bird wanna find a new fav..18:19
keithclarkIs there a way to use two computers in a cluster mode to speed up video encoding?18:19
techsupportzoed, no, i'm editing this document just fine18:19
s0u][ighthello i have an acer aspire 5920 and on the right of my keyboard i have media buttons like play/pause stop previous next but when i press play/pause ubuntu recognizes it as a scroll up18:19
Polarinastarn: The only thing you can do is to try Evolution yourself. Different people have different taste.18:19
zoedtechsupport: in openoffice.org writer?18:19
s0u][ighthow can i fix this?18:19
techsupportzoed, correct18:19
indian_munndacan anyone tell me, how can i download updates without installing them? I just want to keep them on the hard drive and use them later on another PC.18:20
zoedtechsupport: Can you type new stuff?18:20
techsupportzoed,  yeah and save just fin e18:20
zoeds0u][ight: go to System->Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts.18:20
techsupportzoed, dont remmember how i added this line , was a few months ago18:20
starnPolarina: my email is a gmail account and i noticed that evolution has a backup function? and um i dont recall thunder bird having one and about 3 months ago i lost 7years worth of photos and emails and data due to google... so i got an external hd and slaped ubuntu on it for safety :) i shall try it than.18:20
techsupportzoed, and changed the thikness18:21
wanderingiihow do i enter root mode for run gparted?18:21
stodanis it possible to do e2fsck or any equivalent on mounted partition? (just diagnostics, read only)18:21
saltywhat directory are the modules found... the ones for a palm or pocket pc?18:21
s0u][ightzoed, doesn't work18:21
s0u][ightdoesn't accept it as a key18:21
zoedtechsupport: try selecting the 1char+line+1char and deleting that.18:22
nkei0sup all18:22
giggseyWhen trying to boot a AMD Turion laptop, with the amd disk - I'm getting a kernel panic - http://pastebin.com/dcce0ccb18:22
vexati0nhow do i stop Hardy from running Rythmbox every time i plug in my iPod?18:22
=== KaiForce_ is now known as KaiForce
graydotwhich is better way to install packages? through apt or by directly downloading source and compiling?18:22
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kenkkugraydot: apt is the best one, since it keeps track of dependencies18:23
gharzguys, what could be the problem if you are getting "host name not found" when you try to surf? how would i know the hosts settings?18:23
indian_munndagraydot: both are better in my view18:23
nkei0does compiz work for gnome, or is there an equivalent?18:23
mitesh123i am not able to open system->administration->authorization graphically?18:23
zoeds0u][ight: oh, I also have some keys that it doesn't accept. I solved the problem by refraining from using these keys ;). No, but somehow you must be able to use them, sorry I don't know.18:23
kenkkuand apt also makes it easier to uninstall18:23
KaiForcegharz check that your DNS is set right18:23
saltygraydot, i like apt it install deps too18:23
indian_munndakenkku: but i think for new user GUI is best18:23
graydotindian_munnda: kenkku if i download source and install and later want to update, how do i uninstall old installed one?18:23
gharzis there a .conf file for dns?18:23
kenkkuindian_munnda: apt has a gui18:24
starnPolarina: umm do you know the server address for gmail? or is it the same thing i enter for thunder bird imap.gmail.com ?18:24
kenkkugraydot: usually by running sudo make uninstall18:24
stodan/etc/resolv.conf @ gharz18:24
gharzKaiForce: i can browse the net when i connect my laptop to the router... but when i use my wireless router i get a host name not found.18:24
graydotkenkku: but in that case i have to keep the old source on disk, i cannot delete it.18:24
indian_munndakenkku: i haven't used that but used synaptic and in my view it is best18:24
kenkkugraydot: exactly.18:24
Polarinastarn: Most likely.18:24
graydotkenkku: ok18:24
zoedgharz: /etc/resolv.conf18:24
pznHi. I intend to buy a ibm thinkpad R61i. Is it a good option to use with ubuntu?18:24
kenkkuindian_munnda: synaptic is a graphical frontend for APT18:24
s0u][ightzoed, i think i have something : acer hotkey driver for linux18:25
l3dis there a way to change the logon window settings with out having to use the gui cause when i do it never saves the settings i set, its like its locked18:25
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[577]Y Da idi naxi18:25
KaiForcegharz if you can't resolve the name (host name not found) then either a) your DNS is wrong/inaccessible or b) you don't have connectivity or c) both18:25
indian_munndagraydot: u don't need to uninstall it synaptic will automatically do thata for u18:25
techsupportzoed,  i added this line by doing Insert - Horizontal ruler18:25
gharzzoed: in my resolv.conf ... nameserver
gharzzoed: is my gateway and router18:25
indian_munndakenkku: yes that is18:25
graydotindian_munnda: even if i compile from source?18:25
giggseyhttp://pastebin.com/dcce0ccb - How can I check if my laptop is corrupt?18:25
mitesh123i am not able to open system->administration->authorization graphically? it says you are not allowed18:26
zoedtechsupport: try right-clicking the line and selecting cut or delete.18:26
techsupportzoed, doesnt work18:26
smm289so..  whats Bonobo and why can't it locate the factory and why did it shutdown nautilus18:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bonobo18:26
zoedzoed: try running "dig www.google.com" and see if it can resolv www.google.com18:26
indian_munndakenkku: but i am saying that it is better for new users who have just switched to ubuntu from other OSs18:26
smm289added a line to smb.conf, logged out and back in and thats what I got18:26
zoedtechsupport: wait a moment, I'll try adding and deleting one.18:27
techsupportzoed,  ok18:27
indian_munndagraydot: just open synaptic and select the package it will do that for u18:27
kenkkuindian_munnda: sure. I didn't say that it wouldn't be18:27
kenkkuindian_munnda: no, it will not18:27
=== mujtaba_ is now known as mujtaba
kenkkuindian_munnda: if one installs from source manually, that is18:27
wanderingiihow do i enter root mode for run gparted?18:27
kenkkuwanderingii: alt+f2, "gksudo gparted"18:28
kenkkuwanderingii: without the quotes, naturally18:28
smm289oh, nvm, logged in then back out, seems Bonobo is happy18:28
zoedtechsupport: try adding a few newlines before and after the ruler. Then select several lines of text below the ruler, the ruler and several lines of text above the ruler. Then press Backspace.18:28
kenkkugraydot: and to answer your question, no, synaptic won't be able to keep track of programs you installed from source18:28
zoedat least, that worked for me.18:29
graydotkenkku: thanks. that confirms what i thought18:29
shank1I've been dealing with network issues on my fresh ubuntu server install for 2 weeks now, I tried 3 different network cards, and I still cannot get it to work. I can assign and IP, but cannot ping anything. ifconfig reports okay, and so does mii-tool.18:29
gharzKaiForce: i have connectivity coz i'm using the same connection with this machine and the other machine which i'm fixing18:29
KaiForcegharz then you can't see your DNS servers or they aren't set.18:30
zoeds0u][ight: I guess you meant http://www.cakey.de/acerhk/. If you have that laptop, you can try.18:30
indian_munndakenkku: but when i install new packages, it automatically installs that which is latest.18:30
darksifercan some1 tell me a software to burn a dvd into an image? plz18:30
KaiForcetry running nslookup, and in nslookup type "www.google.com" with no quotes18:30
gharzKaiForce: why is it that when i connect the pc through LAN cable i can browse the net... but when i use the wireless it can not. :(18:30
kenkkuindian_munnda: that only applies to _packages_18:31
wanderingiiim running gparted here but none of the options to delete parition are enabled when i select the hard drive i want to format18:31
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indian_munndakenkku: yup18:31
zoeddarksifer: brasero (Applications->sound and Video->Brasero Disc Burning). At the end, when you click on "Burn..." you can choose a drive or "File image"18:31
kenkkuindian_munnda: which you're not dealing with if you compile stuff from soure yourself. got it?18:31
KaiForcegharz:  i would check that dns servers are set when you use wireless (look at /etc/resolv.conf) and the nslookup test.  Also make sure you have a gateway set when in wireless18:31
indian_munndakenkku: yup, now got it right.18:32
indian_munndakenkku: thank you18:32
gharzKaiForce: when i ran nslookup... Server Address
indian_munndakenkku: tell me one more thing18:32
KaiForcedid it resolve google?18:32
gharzKaiForce: Non-authoritative Answer: www.google.com canonical name = www.l.google.com.18:32
xv22_how can i find the process id from an open X window?18:32
indian_munndakenkku: can you tell me, how can i download updates without installing them? I just want to keep them on the hard drive and use them later on another PC.18:32
gharzKaiForce: Name: www.l.google.com Address
smm289ok, I added a samba share on my filer server by using the right click sharing options in nautilus.  In order for my client to see that share I had to log out and then log back in.  Is there a command I can issue to make that share visible without doing the log-in log-out process18:33
xv22_like xkill but without kill18:33
gharzKaiForce: those are the details that i got... there are more 4 lines but i didn't include in my above message18:33
kenkkuindian_munnda: at least with the commandline apt-get, yes18:33
kenkkuindian_munnda: hold on, I'll tell you how in a moment18:33
KaiForcelooks like it is working18:33
KaiForceso if you go to google what happens18:33
indian_munndakenkku: ok18:33
gharzKaiForce: by the way, i'm using links... don't have window manager at the meantime18:34
KaiForceand are you running this test on wireless18:34
KentonHi, room. I'm mounting some shares from my networked Windows PC on my Ubuntu laptop. They mount just fine, whether I mount them manually or via fstab. When I shutdown the laptop, however, it hangs (after the final Ubuntu splash screen) if I don't manually umount the shares before shutting down. I thought mounting them via fstab would automagically umount them upon system shutdown. Apparently that's not happening. Any ideas?18:34
shank1I've been dealing with network issues on my fresh ubuntu server install for 2 weeks now, I tried 3 different network cards, and I still cannot get it to work. I can assign and IP, but cannot ping anything. ifconfig reports okay, and so does mii-tool.18:34
smm289anyone know how to make a newly shared folder display on a clients network list without doing a log-out log-in procedure18:35
gharzKaiForce: that test on the wireless... i can ping my router... i can ping my isp and give the ISP's ip address... but i get Destination Host Unreachable.18:35
KaiForcegharz i don't know then - maybe something links specific?18:35
abadinalbanyhi all. is it possible  to change what is output when my openssh instance is hit by a web browser? I'd like to not advertise version info if possible ... or that I'm running SSH at all ...18:35
gharzuhmmm... don't know.18:35
l3dwhat is the glade project and are three glade projects supposed to be in the /usr/share/gdm/     ?18:35
KaiForcegharz trying pinging www.yahoo.com18:35
cygokuWhat's the command line to know the video card driver version ?18:36
gharzKaiForce: PING www.yahoo.com-ht3.akadns.net (87.248..113.14) 56(84) bytes of data. From imcp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable18:36
KaiForcethere is your problem18:37
KaiForceyou can't get out18:37
smm289how to update network share list without logging out then back in?18:37
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KaiForcesomething is misconfigured18:37
gharzKaiForce: is it a router problem or my wireless problem?18:37
kenkkuindian_munnda: apt-get install -d packagename18:37
indian_munndacan anyone tell me is there any substitute available for beep-media-player in ubuntu 8.0418:37
darkweaselhi everyone, i want to install kvirc, but the version from the ubuntu archives isn't the current one, so i got a .deb package from kvirc.net...but when i install it, update manager wants to update to the version from the ubuntu archives...but i don't want to use the old version ;) any idea what i can do?18:37
guntbertgharz: is what macine?18:37
nkei0So, if I'm messing around adding packages from the repositories and one of them fails to load and the window freezes, what should I do?18:38
gharzKaiForce: my laptop ... the one i'm fixing18:38
kenkkuindian_munnda: or, alternatively, just download the packages directly from packages.ubuntu.com. that way you won't get any dependencies though18:38
indian_munndakenkku: i don't want to install the packages i just wanna download to keep them on the disk18:38
cygokuWhat's the command line to know the video card driver version ?18:38
kenkkuindian_munnda: yeah that's what it does. the -d means just download18:38
gharzguntbert: wait.... .18 is the ip address of the NIC...18:38
kenkkuindian_munnda: it'll download the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives/18:38
indian_munndakenkku: if i wanna download all packages then18:39
guntbertgharz: please pastebin the output of "route -n"18:39
Myrttidarkweasel: ubottu, not FloodBot118:39
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gharzguntbert: i can't pastebin it coz i'm using another machine...18:39
indian_munndakenkku: how to do that?18:40
gharzguntbert: it can't brose18:40
kenkkuindian_munnda: all packages? all, ALL, each and every one?18:40
indian_munndakenkku: yup18:40
night_wishbonsoir à tous18:40
gharzguntbert: my wireless' IP is is the IP add of the NIC which is not connected at the moment.18:40
krish_can any one tell me how to configure ubuntu desktop edition to accept wi-fi networks18:41
night_wishles gars j'ai un sacré problème j'ai fait par erreur rm -rf /etc/*18:41
night_wishtout le contenue de etc est parti lol18:41
l3dwell then could some one tell me what the default theme  for the gdm in ubuntu 8.04 is called the full name please human\ what18:41
night_wishy'a t il un moyen de le faire revenir ou y'a t il une commande qui permet d'installer le minimum18:41
guntbertgharz: ok, then tell me the line containing with from that ouput18:41
kenkkuindian_munnda: well, I don't know. I'd just download them directly from the repositories18:42
indian_munndakenkku: actually i want to dwnload those packages which are available in the DVD pack of ubuntu18:42
zoed!fr | night_wish18:44
ubottunight_wish: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:44
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gharzguntbert: for wlan0 gateway has value18:44
nikki_wie komme ich in den freien deutschen channeL?18:44
bullgard4/etc/X11/xorg.conf includes in the section  "Device" a line 'Option "DDC" "no"'. What does this entry effect?18:44
gharzguntbert: and i have noticed that gateway use eth0 iface18:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about du18:45
StevenXHello all. I extracted an audio track from a mkv file. How do I identify it so I can conver it into mp3? It has no extension.18:45
guntbertgharz: ok so try "sudo route add default gw wlan0"18:45
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:45
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:45
gharzguntbert: it worked !!!!!!!!!!!!18:46
indian_munndakenkku: is there any substitute available for beep-media-player in ubuntu 8.0418:47
gharzthank you so much!!!!18:47
StevenXHello all. I extracted an audio track from a mkv file. How do I identify it so I can conver it into mp3? It has no extension.18:47
gharzthanks, guntbert and KaiForce!!!!18:47
gharzthanks for the help18:47
guntbertgharz: good, that gets you going for now, but I'm afraid it is not persistent, you will have to look into your network config /sytem/administration...)18:48
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dust_thi i just installed ubuntu 7.10 on a brand new acer x1200 desktop. it didn't detect my network18:48
dust_thow do i fix that?18:49
starnin evolution how do i view images in my emails?18:50
zoedstarn: View->Load Images (Ctrl-I)18:50
arunany way to work with my windows desktop on ubuntu18:51
zoedstarn: Or, if you always want to show images: Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->HTML Messages->Loading Images...18:51
erUSULStevenX: file file_name_of_extracted_track18:52
starnzoed: thank you,18:52
zoedstarn: you're welcome.18:52
StevenXerUSUL: thank you.18:52
cheekysup room18:53
StevenXerUSUL: "MPEG ADTS, layer II, v1, 160 kBits, 48 kHz, Stereo" is what I get. What file is it? How can I convert it to MP3?18:53
GoosemooseI keep getting a 'failed with exit code 127' for this presed command: d-i preseed/late_command string wget && chmod +x ./post_install_tasks && ./post_install_tasks returns > /dev/null 2>&118:53
Goosemooseif i execute the command on a terminal it executes fine18:53
Goosemooseanyone have any ideas? with the wget statement alone it works fine18:54
erUSULStevenX: it seems like it already is ... not layer III but layer II18:54
StevenXerUSUL: My iPod can't play it. Can be converted to an mp3 compatible with an iPod?18:54
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erUSULStevenX: try with ffmpeg ... ffmpeg -i file_name_of_extracted_track whatever.mp318:55
StevenXerUSUL: thank you so much! I'll try that right away.18:55
luis_hey guys, I need help on choosing between 386i or amd6418:57
erUSULluis_: how much ram do you have?18:57
dzhoserHi all18:57
KentonHi, room. I'm mounting some shares from my networked Windows PC on my Ubuntu laptop. They mount just fine, whether I mount them manually or via fstab. When I shutdown the laptop, however, it hangs (after the final Ubuntu splash screen) if I don't manually umount the shares before shutting down. I thought mounting them via fstab would automagically umount them upon system shutdown. Apparently that's not happening. Any ideas?18:57
StevenXerUSUL: I get an error: Unable to find suitable output format.18:57
erUSULStevenX: :| try opening it on audacious and exporting it as mp3 ??18:58
erUSULStevenX: or with sox?18:58
luis_erUSUL: I have 1 gig ram18:58
cheekysoundray: sup man18:58
StevenXerUSUL: thanks.18:58
erUSULluis_: stick with 32 bits ( 386)18:58
cheekyerUSUL: sup m818:58
soundraycheeky: nothing much18:59
rp3any one ever seen where I can talk on this channel by Firefox does load pages?  Also I can't ping anything outside my network but i can type here?  BIzzare?18:59
rp3sorry FireFox does NOT load pages, timeouts etc..18:59
luis_erUSUL: I'm using that now but some of my music programs run awful. I have a friend whos runing the amd64 with less ram than me and says his works fine.18:59
cheekysoundray: ehhh such a blah day19:00
erUSULcheeky: hi;19:00
cheekyyou guys live here lol19:01
the_darkside_986I need help getting VirtualBox OSE running in Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit... is it even possible? The kernel module dependencies can't be resolved it seemed.19:01
soundraycheeky: I just forgot to close my client down this morning -- been doing other things most of the day19:01
soundraycheeky: we're offtopic -- #ubuntu-offtopic is better for chitchat19:01
rom1vis there a way to disable the history (logfile) which logs every task we do on the computer : ~/.recently-used and ~/.recently-used.xbel19:02
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the_darkside_986Is there a free virtualization solution for Ubuntu hardy 64-bit that Just Works?19:02
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:03
cheekysoundray: just wanted to say sup before i ask my question..since my router had to be reset .. do i need to reset my router .. again .. and how would i do this as i dont have the cd for my netgear router .. how do i configure it and secure my wireless connections ?19:03
nkei0When generating a key in 8.04 should it take forever?19:04
cheekysoundray: its working fine now .. but i doubt its encrypted19:04
nkei0an encryption key that is19:04
nkei0nice name19:04
sarah_palinis ubuntu communist?19:04
soundraycheeky: haven't you got a manual for it? There should be one on the CD-ROM that came with it19:04
soundraysarah_palin: yes abso-frigging-lutely. For detail, join #ubuntu-offtopic19:05
sarah_palinsquall hy19:05
sarah_palinsoundray: please join #gtf19:05
sarah_palinsoundray: please join #gtfo19:05
FloodBot1sarah_palin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
soundray!wtf | sarah_palin19:05
ubottusarah_palin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:05
sarah_palin!wtf | soundray19:05
guntbertnkei0: as aside: how do you generate the key?19:05
ubottusoundray: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:05
soundraysarah_palin: this is a support channel. Please follow the guidelines19:06
sarah_palinsoundray: please do not type offtopic messages. Try to contribute. thanks.19:07
soundraysarah_palin: I'm trying. You're making it difficult.19:07
soundraycheeky: failing that, you can download it from the Netgear web site.19:07
sarah_palinsoundray: Again, please refrain from meaningless arguments. The rest of us are trying to help each other.19:08
nkei0guntbert, I got it generated...  I'm not sure if it will let me encrypt a folder the way I want it to though.19:08
ubottukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu19:08
cheekyi have netgear wpn824 v3 router and i need to configure it with my linux .. can someone help me?19:09
guntbertnkei0: yes, I was courious how you got it generated (command line, gui?)19:09
soundraysarah_palin: are you helping someone by asking whether Ubuntu is communist?19:09
nkei0guntbert, gui19:09
guntbertnkei0: what gui? I'm looking for one19:10
soundraysarah_palin: exactly, that's why there's #ubuntu-offtopic for such stuff.19:10
nkei0I'm using 8.04 gnome19:10
quentusrexI have an MS access database being shared on my ubuntu samba server. I want to be able to create a lamp front end for running reports on the Access database. What is the best way to interface the MS Access database into php?19:10
uncleHi I need help, After last update my ubuntu seem's to be corrupted. The theme is just gone weird don't looks good. I can't even re-install any program or install any new program from synaptic. Now I'm about to wipe the ubuntu from my hard disk but before doing this all i want to copy my data on my flash drive. I have plugged flash drive to copy the data but I'm not able to do it because it need to be defined permission so i can paste into flash drive. so Wha19:10
unclet you guys suggest me how do i will be able to copy my data into flash drive.19:10
soundraycheeky: have you got the manual?19:11
cheekysoundray: no i dont i bought this from gf19:11
soundraycheeky: did you read what I told you above?19:11
uncleI want to copy my data into my flash drive how you can help me?19:12
_21h_hi all19:12
_21h_i need some help with samba configuration19:12
uncleAfter last update my ubuntu got corrupted19:12
soundrayuncle: does it still boot?19:12
_21h_i need to make all access rights to 777 on all files19:13
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unclesoundray, yeah, but the look is weird.19:13
soundray_21h_: no, that would be a grave mistake19:13
soundrayuncle: so you want to backup your data and reinstall?19:13
xmagixxwhere is rtorrent install ? it says Could not read resource file: ~/.rtorrent.rc  so where is it ?19:13
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B3z3rk3runcle: flash drive is probably your best bet19:14
unclesoundray, yeah i just want to copy my data into my flash drive, and data is located at desktop. I can copy it but unable to paste into flash drive. because the paste option is not active19:14
_21h_soundray, why?19:14
_21h_i need to make share for all users19:14
B_166-ER-XIs it just me or the Nvidia 9500GT is not suported on ubuntu (even with nvidia drivers from synaptic, I have the performance of a tnt2)19:14
soundray_21h_: so you need to do this only for the files in a particular directory and its subdirectories?19:15
cheekysoundray:  ok ill download the cd from the the site ; but i was hoping to see if linux even see my router .. and how wouldi check if my router is connected through cli .. i know its working clearly as iam talking with you guys19:15
_21h_soundray, in all samba share19:15
uncleThe permission of "Kingston" could not be determined. <<-- this is i found in permission .19:15
atlefB_166-ER-X: have you tried envyng19:15
soundray_21h_: 'sudo chmod -R /path/to/shared/dir 777'19:15
_21h_do you know what is samba?19:15
B_166-ER-Xatlef , i tried ENVY isnt the same thing ?19:16
soundray_21h_: yes I do. That's not what you asked about, though19:16
Bikerbobdoes anyone know can I move a mount point once the system is already up?19:16
B3z3rk3rpwned :p19:16
_21h_i want to make share for all in network19:16
atlefB_166-ER-X: well, it should have a newer driver than synaptic19:16
goukiIs there a way of removing Restricted Drivers Manager?19:16
soundray!samba > _21h_19:16
ubottu_21h_, please see my private message19:16
uncleI think you people just can't help me19:16
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML so i can finish my program..19:16
hittingpilotcan someone help with the alien package manager?19:17
Guest11447Bikerbob, you can't easily change anything about / (the root filesystem) after you're booted, but for most other mounts you can do an `init 1' (single user mode), umount it and mount it19:17
soundrayuncle: do you think you might be concluding this too quickly?19:17
unclesoundray, its not either a big problem19:17
Guest11447hittingpilot: alien is not a package manager; alien is a way to convert RPMs to DEBs and DEBs to RPMs for example. oh and ask | hittingpilot19:17
_21h_soundray, its not what i need19:17
Guest11447!ask | hittingpilot19:17
ubottuhittingpilot: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:17
Bikerbobwhat about /boot?19:17
=== Guest11447 is now known as allquixotic
B_166-ER-Xatlef, i tried from terminal, Old school as in hoary time. I tried with envy, i tried with the driver from the NVIDIA website, i tried with synaptic.   80% of the time i just couldnt boot, or in LOW-Res, or..in this case, with very minor support19:17
allquixoticBikerbob: /boot isn't used after the system is actually booted, should be safe to umount it19:18
_21h_soundray, after writing permissions on files must be 77719:18
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML19:18
atlefB_166-ER-X: sorry to hear that19:18
unclesoundray, i can do this all quickly via connecting my hard disk to my other system which is windows based and then i will copy all the data by installing ext2ntfs program.19:18
BlueLagunaHmm, my sudo has stopped working.  I'm getting the error "sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu"19:18
BikerbobI am trying to install a desktop.. it is writing a new image to the /boot  but its full.. so I was thinking I could move it..19:18
hittingpilotallquixotic: right I installed it, and I have an .rpm package I need to convert, but I can't find it19:19
BlueLagunaAny way to fix this?19:19
allquixotichittingpilot: what can't you find? the rpm package or alien?19:19
soundray_21h_: you want to set a umask then. I'm sure there is an option for it in the samba config, but I don't know how to do it in detail. Start with ubottu's help link and search for umask.19:19
goukiGot it. It's called jokey* now.19:19
atlefBlueLaguna: i also get this, but entering my password works19:19
soundrayuncle: that sounds like a reasonable plan19:19
hittingpilotallquicoctic: alien19:19
_21h_soundray, umask is not i need19:19
_21h_eh (19:19
BlueLagunaatlef: it's not allowing me to enter my password19:19
unclesoundray, it is, but i want to do this all in ubuntu can you tell me how can i set the permissions ?19:20
hittingpilotallquixoctic: alien*19:20
allquixoticBikerbob: oh, ok, you can umount /boot, use gparted to non-destructively resize /boot and / so that /boot eats some of the disk space previously allocated to / (for large drives this will take HOURS because every bit in / is going to be touched at least once)19:20
soundray_21h_: can you try to ask a proper question then, providing detail about your problem?19:20
corunumWould amd64 benefit me for running music programs?19:20
atlefBlueLaguna: ok, then maybe repeat your question as i do not know19:20
jstevansHello, I'm a newbie struggling to get networking running on a new install of Ubuntu 8.04 - is this the right place to ask some questions?19:20
B3z3rk3rcorunum not really19:20
allquixoticBikerbob: it's a fairly risky operation so back up important data. it's less risky for non-LVM partitions -- i.e. regular IBM-compatible partitions -- and for non-weird filesystems like ext319:20
B3z3rk3rcorunum you dont really need a particualrly fast pc to just to run music19:21
hittingpilotallquixotic: alien**19:21
allquixotichittingpilot: alien is not a graphical program; you'll use the terminal to convert your rpm to deb19:21
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML for sudo pytthon setup.py install returns "error package directory 'aiml' does not exist. so if can get help in either manual or auto i would be happy19:21
hittingpilotallquixotic: can you give me a walkthrough?19:21
allquixotichittingpilot: grudgingly19:21
corunumB3z3rk3r: Sorry, I meant music creating/mixing programs. Something as simple as Audacity would do, but it runs awful (I'm using 32 bit)19:21
BlueLagunaMy sudo has stopped working.  I'm getting the error "sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu"  Any way to fix this?19:21
hittingpilotallquixotic: thank you, I'll give you a pm19:22
uncleany expert here? who can help me out.19:22
soundrayuncle: if you can't paste to a location in nautilus, then you don't have write permissions in that location as a user. The solution is to use sudo to create a user-writable directory inside the target location, or to run 'gksudo nautilus', which gives you root privileges to everything (be very careful).19:22
B3z3rk3rcorunum can u give me more specs on your rig?19:22
allquixotichittingpilot: actually, ignore that, this is much easier than helping you step by step -- try the howto first and let me know if you run into any snags. http://www.howtoforge.com/converting_rpm_to_deb_with_alien19:22
ricardoromaoBlueLaguna, lock to your /etc/hosts, maybe is incorrect there19:22
allquixotichittingpilot: I'll be around for a bit so just ping me if you get stuck19:23
hittingpilotallquixotic: thanks19:23
Bikerbobok.. since boot is not used.. I am going to copy out everything else and leave enough space for it to finish the install.19:23
BlueLagunaricardoromao: I can't fix my /etc/hosts because i can't sudo anymore19:23
corunumB3z3rk3r: I have 1 gig of ram, 1.87 gh processor, umm its a Pentium Dual-Core19:23
allquixoticBikerbob: are you upgrading a system that's been upgraded before? I'm thinking if your /boot is full it's probably because you allocated a rather small /boot to begin with and you have several old kernels sitting around in there19:23
ricardoromaoBlueLaguna: and su command, works ?19:23
B3z3rk3rcorunum and your running ubuntu 8.04?19:24
jurismI drink PEPSI not Coca-Cola19:24
allquixoticBikerbob: if you don't want to allocate space from / to /boot (a rather low-level operation that involves resizing your partitions as I described before) you can remove old kernels that you know you'll never need to boot again19:24
HCIS_HelpdeskOH HI19:24
BlueLagunaricardoromao: Yes, it does19:24
HCIS_HelpdeskDOES WHAT?19:24
soundraycorunum: audacity should be okay on that configuration. If it crawls, there's something else wrong other than you having a 32bit system.19:24
corunumB3z3rk3r: Yeah. I might have messed something up since it's HORRIBLE the way audacity runs. I have problems with ardour19:24
atlef!caps | HCIS_Helpdesk:19:25
ubottuHCIS_Helpdesk:: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:25
soundraycorunum: having said that, music editing can be I/O heavy, and that's where amd64 installations come into their own.19:25
ricardoromaoBlueLaguna, so, use this to see/correct the /etc/hosts19:25
BlueLagunaricardoromao: I don't know the root password19:25
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B3z3rk3rcorunum: yeah, it should be running bad at all. Comparitly, ubuntu is very lightweight as opposed to say, Vista19:25
corunumsoundray: a friend told me to run amd64, but I wanted to verify with you guys cause i only have one gig of ram19:25
B3z3rk3ryeah, 64bit wont really heklp you too much is your are still running 1Gb RAM..19:26
=== philwyett_ is now known as philwyett
Aquahalli1trying to install hardy on a newer lenovo desktop and getting IO error on sda during install with a live cd.. is this a sata controller issue?19:26
ricardoromaoBlueLaguna, you have only sudo privilegies on the machine ? did you try the same password of sudo into su ?19:26
=== _Amenhotep_ is now known as _Akhenaton_
soundraycorunum: that's not a reason not to go for amd64. It runs very well on my wife's 1GB laptop19:26
xmagixxhow to configure rtorrent ?19:26
Bikerboballquixotic: I guess I am going to do the kernel thing.. but this is the first boot of the system so I dont even know what I need there yet19:26
BlueLagunaricardoromao: Yes19:26
allquixoticBikerbob: how large is the hard drive you're installing on?19:26
BlueLagunaxmagixx: http://www.google.com/url?q=http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentUserGuide&sa=X&oi=smap&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&usg=AFQjCNGBHTM93vUBepdqbUGxshRhUmMeHw19:27
B3z3rk3rcorunum you will see a small improvement running a 64bit setup on a processor that supports it19:27
allquixoticcorunum: if you have less than 4GB of RAM you gain very, very little from AMD6419:27
B3z3rk3rcorunum however, without additional RAM, the improvment wont be really noticable19:27
Bikerbobthe /boot is only 30meg19:27
allquixoticcorunum: and having AMD64 will actually introduce a number of problems, the solutions of which are often workable but not "easy" for a newbie, so I wouldn't recommend it19:27
soundrayallquixotic: that's not necessarily true -- remember, corunum wants to do audio processing19:27
xmagixxBlueLaguna: well where is the rtorrent.rc files localed ?19:27
B3z3rk3rcorunum exactly allquixotic, i was going to say, you will run across a lot of compatibility issues19:28
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML for sudo pytthon setup.py install returns "error package directory 'aiml' does not exist. so if can get help in either manual or auto i would be happy19:28
Bikerbobthe whole drive is 10gig but I am using 7 for ubuntu19:28
B3z3rk3rso basically, unless you are comfortable with re-compiling, i wouldnt reccomend it19:28
malibuA question... I want to do something very, very simple.  I want to take 10+ Gb of files/directories from a single root directory and archive them on a set of DVDs.  Is there a tool in Ubuntu to do this?19:28
soundrayallquixotic, B3z3rk3r: guys, have you actually installed a 64bit system since feisty? There are hardly any compatibility problems left ( corunum)19:28
allquixoticsoundray: audio processing is done with 16-bit numbers for most PCM data and 32-bit floating point numbers for professional audio, but in no circumstance would it be more efficient or faster to use a sledgehammer (a 64-bit register or memory address) to kill an ant (a 32-bit or 16-bit number)19:29
leeping2008Hi there, I'm having trouble with my mouse.  Basically, what's happening is that whenever I left-click, there are TWO click events instead of one.  This is the behavior on my desktop and it's also what xev is showing me.  Anyone care to help??19:29
BlueLagunaxmagixx: /home/user/.rtorrent.rc19:29
BlueLagunaYou have to create it19:29
allquixoticsoundray: I used a 64-bit Hardy for 3 months and found it atrocious. Using getlibs to get skype working? Yeah, not my idea of fun.19:29
allquixoticPlus, nspluginwrapper is an awful hack for Flash.19:29
atlefmalibu: as a backup of your system, or...?19:29
soundrayallquixotic: you have to know what you're doing. Installing skype from medibuntu is fully transparent19:29
allquixoticAny binary blobs you download which happen to be debian packages will be marked as i386 arch so you'd have to --force them in on x86_64, even nastier19:30
B3z3rk3rwb outbackwifi :)19:30
outbackwifitx :)19:30
* outbackwifi is trying out weechat19:30
B3z3rk3rlol.. not working too wel huh?19:30
soundrayallquixotic: downloading random binary blobs as deb packages isn't good practice, anyhow19:30
malibuatlef: Not not a backup, I have backuppc for that.  This is just an arcihive of files I have downloaded and I'm tired of splitting them up manually.  So I'd like something that archives to DVD plus keeps a catalog of the files19:30
BlueLagunaricardoromao: Never mind19:31
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML for sudo pytthon setup.py install returns "error package directory 'aiml' does not exist. so if can get help in either manual or auto19:31
malibuI've set up bacula but it is terrible with DVDs19:31
atlefmalibu: ok, not my field of expertise19:31
ricardoromaoBlueLaguna: did you fix ?19:31
BlueLagunaricardoromao: Yes, I was trying to use su from the wrong user19:31
soundrayallquixotic: re. Flash: newbie users will never notice that it's a hack. Can't be /that/ awful, then19:32
Bikerbobcan you do a rm *.*??19:32
soundrayallquixotic: I'll give you that one about the numbers in music processing, though. I hadn't considered that.19:32
malibuI was thinking of making a python script for it but I was thinking there was surely a tool to do it19:32
Bikerbobhow do you delete a bunch of files at once?19:32
soundraycorunum: still here? :)19:32
* outbackwifi thinks Bikerbob is about to wipe out his distribution19:33
malibuBikerbob: find / -exec rm {} \;  would do it19:33
corunumlol yeah, just reading all the viewpoints19:33
* B3z3rk3r giggle with outbackwifi in the corner19:33
allquixoticsoundray: Okay, maybe downloading random binary blobs ISN'T a good idea; but there are still plenty that people like to use: Second Life, Shoutcast, Savage 2, Neverwinter Nights... these may rely on 32-bit libraries being on your system, and the number of 32-bit compat libs available in the 64-bit repos is much lower than the actual number of libraries available for 64-bit19:33
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML for sudo pytthon setup.py install returns "error package directory 'aiml' does not exist. so if can get help in either manual or auto19:33
Mr_Fixitdoes anyone use and know xchat well??? can i pvt someone???19:33
soundrayBikerbob: 'rm *' works on all files that aren't directories. Please be careful19:33
allquixoticsoundray: and shoutcast wouldn't be too far off for our friend who likes audio processing, since that's a streaming media server ;-)19:33
earthlingBikerbob : "rm -rf *.*" must wwork fine.. but make sure what u are deleting19:33
B3z3rk3rMr_Fixit you can just right click on someones name in X-chat19:34
Mr_Fixiti know but i need to ask some questions that are non ubuntu related... and #xchat is dead..19:34
Bikerbobon a fresh install what is the default password for root?19:34
soundrayallquixotic: in any case, for corunum the bottom line is probably to find out why audacity doesn't perform well and fix the problem. Then see if further improvement is necessary.19:34
malibuBikerbob: <blank>?19:35
JeruvyBikerbob: there isn't one.19:35
outbackwifibikerbob: theres no user called root and he doesnt have a password19:35
handyd5is anyone familiar with firefox ver 3.0.1?19:35
Bikerboboh really? I thought you could log in as root on ubuntu19:35
corunumShould I reinstall ubuntu to see how it works then? Cause i'm a hardcore newbie and I might have damaged something when exploring and experimenting with the os19:35
keithclarkhandyd5, yes19:35
hecateBikerbob there is no root user on Ubuntu by default u have to write sudo before each command to gain root privilege19:35
soundrayoutbackwifi: there is a user called root, but the account is locked by merit of no password being set (I'm a sucker for precision)19:35
Bikerbobok.. so how do I avoid doing all the frickn sudo crap19:35
outbackwifiBikerbob: you login as the normal user and can do a sudo su - to get to the root prompt19:36
JeruvyBikerbob: root shell from the app menu.19:36
l3dwhere  would i get the default human gdm theme i need it again19:36
outbackwifisoundray: i dont agree19:36
Bikerboblol.. I dont have a desktop yet Jeruvy19:36
handyd5ok, keith i noticed a setting that says use system proxy what is that?19:36
allquixoticsoundray: audacity not performing well is definitely not related to his architecture; a difference in speed of +10% would only be seen on exceptionally computation-intensive 64-bit operations that have very few syscalls and page faults. But audio processing is HUUUGE on I/O, which is the same in 64- and 32-bit.19:36
soundraycorunum: I suggest booting live, installing audacity into the live system and see if it performs better. If it does, you know your hardcore newbying may be at fault, and a 32bit reinstall could make things better19:36
JeruvyBikerbob oh :)  su - then19:36
l3dwhere  would i get the default human gdm theme i need it again19:37
soundrayoutbackwifi: on which point or points?19:37
earthlingoutbackwifi : i also agree with soundray19:37
Aquahalli1anyone ever seen a disk IO error trying to install ubuntu on a newer computer??? maybe the sata controller??19:37
outbackwifiBikerbob: that sudo crap has managed to save a lot of lives19:37
soundrayoutbackwifi: root exists. Proof: 'grep root /etc/passwd'19:37
keithclarkhandyd5, proxy servers are in between buffers for the internet.  Things are stored as a sort of cache on a proxy server in hopes of faster access.19:37
wizardslovakhello people19:37
outbackwifisoundray: nm19:37
soundrayoutbackwifi: :)19:37
wizardslovaki am having trouble to install Guest additions in virtualbox19:37
Bikerbobyeah I know outbackwifi but for me at the moment its just getting in my way19:37
Bikerbobfamous last words19:38
B3z3rk3rlol damned mirc.. gimme ubuntu back! :19:38
wizardslovaki click devices-install quest additions but nothing happens19:38
corunumAlright thanks, I'll be doing that in a few secs. Also, (because  no one's alive in #ubuntustudio) would getting that distro be easier than working to fix up this ubuntu?19:38
soundrayBikerbob: if you really need a root shell, get it with 'sudo -i'19:38
keithclarkhandyd5, I believe they can also be used to mask your online activities but I don't use one personally.19:38
l3dwhere  would i get the default human gdm theme i need it again19:38
outbackwifibikerbob: what exactly is it that you're trying to do?19:38
wizardslovakhost is suse11 and quest is ubutnu server with x-window19:38
soundrayBikerbob: and please use professional language here, thanks :)19:38
OckonalSorry for offtop, can u tell me, where i can find Qt direcories: bin, includes19:38
starndoes anybody know where to install libs for python? i am trying to install pyAIML for sudo pytthon setup.py install returns "error package directory 'aiml' does not exist. so if can get help in either manual or auto19:38
earthlingBikerbob : just type "sudo su root" type the password nad get into the root mode ; when over "exit"19:38
outbackwifistarn: thats the 4th time youve asked the same question19:39
soundray!rootshell | earthling19:39
ubottuearthling: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)19:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:39
allquixoticBikerbob: Are you trying to delete your old kernels in /boot still?19:39
keithclarkhandyd5, make sense?19:39
handyd5keith : ok ive noticed that some other types of proxy settings wont work unles you have a proxy  server ip.19:39
allquixoticBikerbob: Just making sure that you aren't going down a fruitless path. The size of your /boot partition (30 MB) is __way__ too low, and it needs to be resized.19:39
starnoutbackwifi: i only do so for no one replys.. and new people join in.19:39
keithclarkhandyd5, are you high speed?19:40
earthlingsoundray : yeah i know that.. but it is easy working with..19:40
arquebusstarn- in apt-get19:40
corunumAlso I don't know if its relevant but no other programs other than my audio ones are slow.19:40
keithclarkhandyd5, no need to hide your tracks?19:40
handyd5well dsl19:40
starnarquebus: pyAIML last i looked is not in apt-get.19:40
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:40
handyd5no i was just curios19:40
* outbackwifi needs to get back to chatzilla, weechat is driving him nuts19:41
soundrayearthling: quick question: do you know off the top of your head, without cheating, what directory $HOME points to when you do 'sudo su root'?19:41
Bikerbobok wish me luck I am going to reboot!!19:41
keithclarkhandyd5, Then, imho, you don't need to worry about a proxy server.19:41
soundrayBikerbob: oh dear19:41
zack1403hey all, my sound keeps going off for some reason randomly.  I tried restarting alsa-utils but with no luck, I always have to restart.  any thoughts on what I can do?19:41
eightyeightBikerbob: good luck19:41
soundrayBikerbob: :)19:41
Mr_Fixitstill off topic but anyone help me change my ident in xchat??19:41
earthlingsoundray : yeah /root on redhat19:41
keithclarkhandyd5, I hope that helped you out somewhat.19:41
starnarquebus: yea. pyaiml is not in ubuntu's apt-get.19:41
allquixoticsoundray: I think he rm'ed his kernels or something, dunno if we'll see him again, heh19:41
soundrayearthling: and Ubuntu? (since this channel is not that much about redhat)19:42
arquebusstarn- then youre best bet is to ask at #python19:42
B3z3rk3routbackwifi wee not working for you ?19:42
earthlingsoundray : yeah i guess /root.. <<<< praying and hoping>>>19:42
keithclarkhandyd5, how do you find the latest version of firefox?19:42
outbackwifib3z3rk3r: tis hurting me eyes19:42
handyd5check for updates19:43
B3z3rk3routbackwifi lol19:43
Bikerbob1400 users on this channel???19:43
nikki_wie gez ???19:43
outbackwifinot users; squatters19:43
B3z3rk3routbackwifi i dont thin you are meant to wee in your eyes :P19:44
Strife89Believe it. :)19:44
soundrayearthling: you're right, actually. $PWD stays the same, though, so you can get awfully mixed up, if you use anything other than sudo -i19:44
fbcThat's alot of HIs19:44
handyd5keith; do you have 64 bit19:44
Bikerbobor is that on Freenode?19:44
allquixoticBikerbob: Ubuntu is a popular distribution19:44
soundrayBikerbob: no, they are all listening to you right here, right now19:44
allquixoticthis is probably the largest channel on Freenode, or near to that19:44
earthlingsoundray : yipeee!!119:44
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soundrayallquixotic: it is, by a margin19:44
outbackwifib3z3rk3r: dont forget ubuntu-offtopic; all the gals hang out there19:44
soundrayearthling: :)19:45
xerophytei have kernel source and trying to build linux-headers .. what target should give to buill that AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-target name .. i tried generic but when i install it ask for linux-headers19:46
allquixoticoutbackwifi: hahaha19:46
ivansolinasnick Pavlz19:46
allquixoticoutbackwifi: How about #ubuntu-girls19:46
=== ivansolinas is now known as Pavlz
soundrayDang, have I missed anything?19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about banter19:46
Strife89Meh, I've been trying to learn C....19:46
B3z3rk3rallquixotic there are no girls that use linux... dont be silly :P19:46
allquixoticxerophyte: You don't actually build linux-headers. You build the source.19:47
handyd5does anyone run duel boot linux/windows?19:47
outbackwifiits a duel allright19:47
allquixoticxerophyte: When you build the source you get an image.19:47
Strife89handyd5: I do.19:47
coolhi what can i ues for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi19:47
B3z3rk3ri feel a bash quote there19:47
Mr_Fixithandyd5, what system is on the box now?19:47
soundrayhandyd5: this channel is not for surveys. Ask your real question19:47
handyd5strife can you run duel boot wit lepord or tiger mac?19:47
soundrayhandyd5: yes, either19:48
Strife89cool: You're going to have to type a more legible sentence.19:48
xerophyteallquixotic: what will be the build command to build the source19:48
* outbackwifi feels the evil i-witch closing in19:48
neerajfrom where i can get sis graphics driver  for  ubuntu19:48
B3z3rk3rclas is over19:48
B3z3rk3rthx, laterz outbackwifi19:48
handyd5ill take that as a no19:48
soundrayneeraj: it comes with Ubuntu. Chances are you are already using it.19:48
spunkAnyone with experience with FreeNX on Ubuntu?19:48
smelianhello please how i can change skype chat fonts size19:49
allquixoticneeraj: The Mesa-DRI project and X.Org provide a basic, working 2D driver for all SiS integrated video to date, and some of them also support 3d acceleration19:49
xerophyteallquixotic: AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-source ?19:49
soundrayhandyd5: you take what as a no?19:49
zoed!hi | jorge19:49
xerophyteallquixotic: seems to build so its hould be it19:49
ubottujorge: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:49
soundrayhandyd5: me saying yes?19:49
Strife89handyd5: I don't know about a dual-boot with a Mac.19:49
allquixoticneeraj: If you are having difficulties with these you should try the xorg user channel #xorg19:49
handyd5running linux on mac19:49
Strife89handyd5: I've never tried it.19:49
soundrayhandyd5: HELLO?19:49
outbackwifihandyd5: googling for that returns 5 millionhits19:49
handyd5i see19:50
smelianhello please how i can change skype chat fonts size?19:50
outbackwifismelian: options-fonts19:50
smeliani dont have it in skypee19:50
coolhi what can i ues for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi19:50
allquixoticxerophyte: if you just want to build the generic kernel you would run AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic19:50
neeraj@allquixotic thanks19:50
xerophyteallquixotic: i want the linux-header deb packages19:51
outbackwifismelian: it takes the font size from the underlying window-manager i guess19:51
Strife89cool: Again, I don't know what you're trying to ask. Rephrase the question, and please type full words.19:51
outbackwificool: what are yahoo cams?19:51
smelianoutbackwifi: there is no font size option19:52
outbackwificool: do you want to grab a yahoo chat cam session?19:52
handyd5anyone use kumbuntu19:52
xerophyteallquixotic: i can i build the source target so i can get the linux-header target19:52
=== r0ck0says is now known as rockosays
outbackwifismelian: sorry, there ought to have been :) now we know why it isnt FOSS19:52
allquixoticxerophyte: interesting proposal; you are wanting linux-headers-<your-kernel>.deb packages19:52
smelianok thank you man19:53
yatesmy laptop charge indications seem to be wrong19:53
yatesafter charging all day it's only at 36 percent19:53
allquixoticxerophyte: Yes, there's a way to do that, but I'm not sure exactly how19:53
outbackwifiyates: is that an eeepc you're on?19:53
allquixoticxerophyte: I've done it before but the incantations are lost on me now.19:53
soundrayoutbackwifi: skype uses qt -- I'm sure it just takes whatever is set to be KDE's system font. If anyone knew how to set that from within gnome, they'd be able to help smelian19:53
handyd5dell laptops suck19:53
yatesoutbackwifi: it's an HP Pavilion19:53
xerophyteallquixotic: yes what i build is linux-headers-2.6.24-19-xen_2.6.24-19.41_amd64.deb .. when i try to install it.. i get this linux-headers-2.6.24-19-xen depends on linux-headers-2.6.24-19; however:19:54
allquixoticyates: That may not ben actual software display problem; that may be your battery dying. Lithium-Ion batteries will eventually exhibit symptoms like yours, and if you continue to discharge it , it'll never charge up again19:54
outbackwifisoundray: yes but what about the case where he only wants to change font size in skype; not globally19:54
allquixoticyates: Hard to say though, whether it's the battery hardware or a software problem19:54
NewsvilleHey guys, where is it that you can paste your xorg.conf file?  (I'm new.  Obviously.)19:54
smelianoutbackwifi: i want change the size cuz its too small :S19:54
yatesa dv9620UE19:54
soundrayoutbackwifi: good question...19:54
* Debolaz is looking forward to the day he can update his iphone firmware without rebooting to Windows.19:54
outbackwifinewsville: pastebin it19:55
starnanybody know why easy_install is not working on a vanilla hardy install??19:55
* outbackwifi hasnt bought an iphone for that reason19:55
soundraysmelian: are you in gnome?19:55
cheekyhow doi find my infomation of my NIC through cli ?19:55
Newsvilleoutbackwifi: yeah, how can I do that exactly?19:55
outbackwificheeky: ifconfig19:55
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:55
smeliansoundray: yeah im19:55
gaintsurais it possible to run a 64bit virtual OS on a 32 bit installed OS?19:56
yatesi also noticed yesterday that the power manager icon in the system tray displayed "100%" charged when you fly over it but clicking it said "36%"19:56
soundraygaintsura: no19:56
DefunctProcessanyone know if its possible to copy the thunderbird config files to a new installation so I dont have to set it up all over?19:56
Debolazoutbackwifi: I'd say the iPhone is still worth it. :)19:56
gaintsurasoundray: even if the system is 64bit capable?19:56
Strife89Also, !pastebinit19:56
RyanPriorCan anybody suggest a stream ripper that I can use to encode streams (e.g. from Last.fm streaming audio) to ogg on my hard drive?19:56
soundraygaintsura: even then19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebinit19:56
outbackwifiDebolaz: i wouldnt19:56
gaintsurasoundray: ok, thanks19:56
allquixoticgaintsura: there may be a paravirtualization solution out there which is capable of doing that, perhaps qemu, that is one of the most flexible VMs... but I can't speak for vmware or virtualbox19:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:56
yatesoutbackwifi: i hope it's not the batter - it's only 4 months old and i've hardly used it19:56
NewsvilleCool thanks19:57
cheekyoutbackwifi: thank you19:57
outbackwifiyates: the hardly used it part might have broken it19:57
outbackwificheeky: yw19:57
handyd532 bit probly best run on thirty 2 bit and same with 6419:57
gaintsuraallquixotic: alright, thanks. I've got qemu on here, but I can't get it to run, which is why I was asking in regards to vbox19:57
corigoUbuntu keeps freezing when I copy GBs of files from one drive to another. I have to reset the machine (hard)19:57
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=== creaux_ is now known as creaux
outbackwifiorigo: do you get any errors in dmesg?19:58
handyd5gaint : sounds like a hardware issue19:58
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allquixoticbrb, may lose inet4 when i walk across the room here ;)19:59
danopiawhat is the ubuntu name of /dev/speaker?19:59
soundraysmelian: now this is a real overkill solution, but the only one I can think of. You'd need to install a basic KDE environment, login to that and increase the system font size in the KDE control centre. Once you've done that, your skype font should be larger, even in gnome.19:59
pavel_hey guys, how to open and extract rar files in ubuntu? thanks in advance.19:59
outbackwifi!unrar | pavel19:59
ubottupavel: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:59
starndoes anybody know why easy_install is not working on a vanilla hardy install? "sudo easy_install pyaiml.py" "command not found"  #python told me to ask here.19:59
soundray!rar | pavel_19:59
ubottupavel_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:59
danopiafree as in speak?20:00
outbackwifi!info unrar-free20:00
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB20:00
danopiathat means freedom, right?20:00
wizardslovakcan anyone help me?20:00
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outbackwififree as in beer too :)20:00
amenadostarn-> that command does not exist ?20:00
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outbackwifi!ask | wizardslovak20:00
ubottuwizardslovak: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:00
corigooutackwifi: where would I find said log?20:00
smeliansoundray: ok i will do it thank you very much for help20:00
corky`What is the proper way to start a second X screen?20:00
starnamenado: no it does not.. and this is a fresh install of ubuntu....20:00
outbackwificorigo: dmesg20:00
outbackwificorigo: or tail -f /var/log/messages20:01
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corky`(seperate X process, Because startx -- :2 doesn't give me an windowmanager/nautilus/etc.20:01
starnamenado: is there away i can get it to work? with out reinstalling....20:01
amenadostarn-> what are you trying to install?20:01
soundraycorky`: System-Quit-Switch User20:01
starnamenado: a python lib....20:01
seanos_sI thought I could search inside files in a directory using "grep 'phrase I'm looking for' *" but even when I put in terms I know are in there, it often returns nothing. Where am I going wrong?20:01
wizardslovaki have suse host and ubuntu as guest os in virtualbox, and i am trying to share folder btw them. my folder is "share" in "/home2/share" and i tried to use command "mount -t share /home2/share" but it says that mount point doesnt exit,what should i do?20:01
corky`soundray, Not that20:01
soundraycorky`: if you want to log in as the same user on different Xs, you have to enable that in System-Administration-Login Window20:02
corky`I am talking of getting a seperate process started (under ctrl+alt+f8 instead of f7...20:02
link589hey, does anyone know about mythtv?20:02
outbackwifiwizardslovak: you probably need to nfs mount20:02
soundraycorky`: that is the proper way to run a second X server, though20:02
rubydiamondHow to unzip a .tgz file20:02
corky`soundray, without killing the first one!20:02
markoloniushey would anyone know about why when i do glxinfo in root it shows i have direct rendering and all. and if i do it as user, it restarts/crashes x11 and doesn't say any direct rendering20:02
amenadocorky`-> dont know if gdmflexiserver would do it for you20:02
outbackwifirubydiamond: tar zxvf20:02
starnamenado: i just typed in easy_install by its self i think i found the fix.20:02
soundraycorky`: that's the point of Switch User20:02
wizardslovakoutbackwifi:  how to do it?20:02
corky`Listen, I just want to get startx -- :2 working under TTY1!20:02
rubydiamondHow to unzip a .tgz file20:03
soundraycorky`: once you're logged in on the second instance, you can switch back and forth with Ctrl-Alt-F7 and -F9 (not F8, that's taken)20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nfsmount20:03
corky`Fuck this shit20:03
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:03
soundraycorky`: behave yourself20:03
soundraycorky`: what's wrong with my answer?20:04
corky`Listen soundray20:04
soundraycorky`: I'm listening20:04
link589mythtv anyone?20:04
wizardslovakoutbackwifi:  whats the command to mount it?20:04
corky`I just want to start a X server via TTY1 (with the startx command)...20:04
corky`Sorry, Anger management problem...20:04
starnamenado: why dint python-setuptools not come with hardy? just bad copy??20:04
bigmack83has anyone been able to install the opensync package (with XmBlackBerry). It wont seem to install. just getting errors20:04
michal_moze mi ktoz pomoct mam taki komunikat  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:05
michal_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:05
michal_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.20:05
soundraycorky`: please try my suggestion. It does work.20:05
corky`soundray, startx -- :2 isn't giving me an interface (as it promises)...20:05
amenadostarn-> i dont know, perhaps its a module you need to add?20:05
jeromyHi, i have just installed ubuntu on XP using virtualbox and the display is super small and doesnt give me any larger options20:05
outbackwifiwizardslovak: 1) create an exports file 2) restart nfs server 3) on client do mount -t nfs host:drive mountpoint20:05
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outbackwifidid you follow that link?20:05
starnamenado: i dont know... #python said easy_install suppose to work out of the box.. than told me to come here.. anyways thanks you for the time20:06
corky`soundray, sorry for like using "bad" words...20:06
NewsvilleHi, so I installed Ubuntu yesterday and the touch pad has never worked.  I have an Acer Travelmate 4060 notebook.  Here is the xorg.conf file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46352/  Any thoughts?20:06
jeromyIf anyone could IM me and help me figure out some problems i would appriciate it20:06
allquixoticjeromy did you install the vbox tools in ubuntu?20:06
corky`thanks though soundray, and i have a anger management problem so... You know the deal....20:06
usserjeromy, u have to install virtualbox tools20:06
outbackwifiNewsville: add the synaptics module20:06
jeromyhow do i do that?20:06
soundraycorky`: yeahyeah, I know, anger management. I can't tell you either why "startx -- :2" doesn't do it20:06
icewmerhi, i am running ubuntu 8.10 and i want a flatmate to use my laptop but with as far as the gui is concerned i do not want him to see anything but firefox and pidgin. How can i easily achieve that? i certainly do not want him to have access to xterm or any command line terminal20:06
ompaulcorky`, if this suits  xdmcp enabled - and you don't have to startx you do sudo X :2 -query localhost/farawayserver      -- xdmcp is done from the menu as soundray suggested20:06
Newsvilleoutbackwifi: Ok, how?20:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lockup20:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lockdown20:07
ompaul!msgthebot | usser20:07
ubottuusser: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:07
wizardslovakoutbackwifi: how to restart nfs?20:07
soundrayompaul: can you take over? I've got to read someone a bedtime story... thanks20:07
amenadocorky`-> do you have a  /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom  file? look in the [servers]  if you have 1=Standard1a20:07
RyanPriorCan anybody suggest a stream ripper that I can use to encode streams (e.g. from Last.fm streaming audio) to ogg on my hard drive?20:08
ompaulsoundray, np20:08
outbackwifiwizardslovak: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs restart20:08
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amancan anyone tell me how to put mozilla browser in online mode when it is in offline mode?20:08
jeromywhere would i download the virtualbox tools that is needed to change my resolution?20:08
outbackwifiNewsville: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:08
outbackwifiaman: Files--> uncheck offline20:08
danopiaso any advice on getting /dev/speaker working? i cna't get anything from google20:08
outbackwifiaman: File--> uncheck offline20:08
outbackwifiaman: File--> uncheck "Work Offline"20:09
usserjeromy, open virtualbox start your VM, go to Devices->install Guest Additions20:09
ompaulcorky`, as the man said start by going to "system -> administration -> login window" then choose "remote" tab enable that - then run the command I gave      sudo X :1 -query server_goes_here20:09
amanoutbackwifi: got it20:09
amanoutbackwifi: thanks20:09
edgyHi, it seems apt-get knows somehow when there are updates on the net but I can't see any cron job for it, how?20:09
allquixoticjeromy, it's in the virtualbox user manual under "Guest Additions"20:09
allquixoticjeromy: or just google 'virtualbox guest additions ubuntu'20:09
ompaulcorky`, and if you get that wrong you put in the wrong machine name or there is a server already working there20:10
leeping2008Hi there, is there any reason why my mouse (Logitech G5) is double-clicking whenever I single-click?  Two events are being sent to xev with every click.  With "evdev" installed, the problem goes away.  However, with "evdev" I cannot use "btnx"... so I hope to get the mouse working without "evdev"20:10
usseredgy, theres no cron job theres a daemon running in background that checks for updates periodically20:10
usseredgy, update-notifier20:10
edgyusser: aha! thanks a lot20:11
jeromyi went to devices and guess things, but still dont see any virtualbox tools20:11
allquixoticjermony: it's called Virtualbox Guest Additions20:11
allquixoticthere should be a menu option for install guest additions20:11
allquixotic!hi | outbackwifi20:12
ubottuoutbackwifi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:12
Newsvilleoutbackwifi: Here's my xorg.0.log file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46355/20:12
RyanPriornomike, outbackwifi, luubk: Hello there. :-)20:12
sasa__hi all, anyone had problem with starting Amarok and how solved it ?20:12
* outbackwifi wonders if he just came in20:13
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ussersasa__, killall -9 amarokapp20:13
jeromyi installed guest additions but still am unable to change resolution20:13
earthlingwhat is the typical way connecting through ssh to a remote computer specifying user name from cmd prompt..20:13
sungognew to ubuntu and having trouble with a verizon wireless V620 card20:14
usserjeromy, u have to restart ubuntu20:14
zoedearthling: ssh user@server20:14
amenadoearthling-> use the -l username  option20:14
coolhi what can i ues for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???20:14
sasa__usser, no proces to kill20:14
earthlingamenado, zoed : thanks20:14
anwis there any program for fan control ?20:15
loner269_every time i come in i feel like im in the rong place but here it goes i need 2 things my bar at botom of screen back than to be able to remote with out messing with ports on router any ideas20:15
outbackwifiNewsville: it looks like the synaptis module just loaded fine: -Synaptics Touchpad touchpad found20:15
allquixoticanw: hardware-dependent issue. depends on what fan you're trying to control20:15
loner269_or you gona say got some were else again?20:15
gaintsurais there a channel for virtualbox help?20:15
outbackwifiNewsville: what is the issue?20:15
zoedgaintsura: /join #virtualbox20:15
KraussHello, I can't seem to get my 'cube' working20:16
Newsvilleoutbackwifi: Ah!  I solved my own problem!  There's appartently a keyboard function that shuts off the touchpad that had been switched.  Oops.  Glad it was an easy fix.20:16
amenadoloner269_-> 1.  do you have gnome-panel running?  2. remote to where?20:16
coolhi what can i ues for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???20:16
outbackwifioh great20:16
NewsvilleThanks so much for your help though20:16
DEdwardsKrauss, symptom?20:17
outbackwifiNewsville: theres a CLI command called synclient that also lets you turn off your touchpad20:17
ussersasa__, rarely amarok locks down, and requires restart. did u try to run it from cmd any error messages it spits out?20:17
outbackwificool: use a video camera20:17
loner269_im using kde4 an so my it friend can get in here an fix this rite so i dont have to bug you guys20:17
noodlesgcwhere can I get the codecs to play Windows Media 9?20:18
KraussDEdwards: All I can do is rotate the desktop. No cube.20:18
loner269_but he says i need to mess with ports on router im afraid to20:18
DEdwardsKrauss, pop open ccsm20:18
coolany apps  for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???20:18
outbackwifinoodlesgc: gstreamer-ugly?20:18
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loner269_im new an aint shure what im doing ya know?20:18
jeromyi've clicked to install guess applications on my virtualbox screen, reset my ubuntu and am still unable to change resolution20:18
KraussDEdwards, Ccsm?20:19
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications20:19
sasa__usser, ahh found problem from some reason ~/.kde dont allow user to get in20:19
gaintsuraKrauss: check #compiz-fusion20:19
DEdwardsKrauss,  compiz config setting manager20:19
coolany apps  for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???20:19
KraussDEdwards,  K, opened.20:19
sungogcan anyone help with my hardware problem? verizon wireless pc card20:19
outbackwifisungog: use wvdial20:20
Kraussgaintsura,  Will do20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wvdial20:20
outbackwifi!info wvdial20:20
ubottuwvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60.1 (hardy), package size 99 kB, installed size 316 kB20:20
zoedKrauss: I recommend installing the compiz-config-settings-manager20:20
DEdwardsKrauss, is the cube checked? (making sure)20:20
jeromycan someone IM me to help with video problems?20:20
noodlesgcoutbackwifi I have all the gstreamer plugins, and it does not work20:20
KraussDEdwards,  It is.20:20
outbackwifinoodlesgc: then you've run into mr gates' DRM20:20
Krausszoed, I have it installed. Thanks though. ;)20:21
Ayabarawhat's the new theme for Intrepid called. I wanna install it on Hardy.20:21
Ayabarathe default one20:21
noodlesgcoutbackwifi it is not DRM, I have decoded them on a windows machine with no licenses20:21
DEdwardsKrauss, open general options20:21
outbackwifinoodlesgc: whats the codec20:21
KraussDEdwards,  Opened20:21
noodlesgcoutbackwifi wma v920:21
outbackwifinoodlesgc: that runs fine in amarok for me20:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:22
DEdwardsKrauss, desktop size tab20:22
KraussDEdwards,  There20:22
DEdwardsmake sure horizontal virtual desktop size is 420:22
KraussDEdwards,  It was at 220:22
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KraussDEdwards,  Everything else at 1, right?20:22
DEdwardsKrauss, working?20:23
coolany apps  for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???20:23
KraussDEdwards,  Yes, thank you!20:23
robelliott2125lo everyone!20:24
DEdwardsno problem at all, i've done the same thing before :)20:24
* outbackwifi wonders if cool has a cron job that fires that question every 5 minutes20:24
DEdwardscool, google20:24
outbackwifirobelliott2125: hi20:24
cooli  have cant find20:24
loner269_is there a way to get kiwe9 to work on here or is there something close to it for emotes ?on pidgin for my msn an yahoo an stuff?20:24
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robelliott2125Hi outbackwifi.  I'm here for a prob, so hoping someone can help, as you guys always know the answers!!!20:25
marceloi'm trying to install the wave++ software, and the make command gives me the message : "‘cout’ was not declared in this scope". The authors that the software has already beem compiled with g++, could this be a problem of my Ubuntu?20:25
outbackwifirobelliott2125: shoot and wait20:25
robelliott2125Got a problem with my automounts.  For some reason, my NTFS Drives weren't setup to automount last time i reinstalled, and i was wondering if someone could help me edit my fstab for it to do this.20:25
robelliott2125I know outbackwifi, thought i'd say hi to everyone first :P20:26
gangsterhey guys, i managed to add an erroneous line to sources.list in /etc/apt and i need to remove it manually but the owner is root and won't let me overwrite the file after editing it. what do i need to do?20:26
outbackwifimarcelo: did you do a configure, make and  make install20:26
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outbackwifigangster: sudo vi /etc/at/sources.list20:26
outbackwifigangster: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list20:26
loner269_ok guess not20:27
wmchi guys...need some help20:27
blazebleachoutbackwifi: that'll allow me to edit it with 'text editor'?20:27
outbackwifirobelliott2125: sure pastebin20:27
pauljwjust have to say, wow!  I just fired up my new Dell Studio 15 w/Ubuntu pre-installed.  Very nice!!20:27
marcelooutbackwifi: there is no "configure" script!20:27
outbackwifiblazebleach: gksu gedit20:27
robelliott2125outbackwifi, just need the string to see my fstab.20:27
outbackwifipauljw: congrats!20:27
zoedgangster: ALT-F2 and run "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"20:27
Cosmo-sanis there a system shutdown call?20:28
andycanHow can i reset user password without logging in as him?20:28
gaintsuracosmo-san: shutdown now20:28
loner269_does kde4 have a room on here?20:28
Cosmo-sanI kinda froze, any tips besides just shutting down?20:28
gaintsuraloner269_: #kde20:28
marcelooutbackwifi: It is only a library of classes and functions.20:28
blazebleachoutbackwifi: how do i save it?20:28
outbackwifiandycan: boot into recovery mode (single)20:28
Cosmo-sanstarted up firefox and the world exploded.20:28
andycanoutbackwifi: And then20:28
outbackwifiblazebleach: the normal way20:28
wmcHi guys...I need some help related to the netwrok20:28
ScuniziCosmo-san: so after starting FF things froze?20:29
outbackwifiwmc:  shoot and wait20:29
noodlesgcoutbackwifi apparently I needed w32codecs from medibuntu, thanks for you help.20:29
outbackwifinoodlesgc: yw20:29
pauljwthx outbackwifi, was also my first wifi experience, looks like i set the wap up correctly20:30
Cosmo-sanyes.  sorry if I'm not making sense.  Let's try again:  I started firefox and parts of my system will not work (taksbar up top, program bar on bottom) but things like terminal will.  What is the best way of getting it back to normal?20:30
wmcok...am a newbie. Am trying to setup Azureus without any success.20:30
ScuniziCosmo-san: have you tried killing FF?20:30
DEdwardsCosmo-san, xkill?20:30
neetoI need some programming help in python, but #python in freenode seems to be empty... what channel are the python people using?20:30
ubottuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo20:30
Cosmo-sanFF has not loaded, I just pressed the icon20:30
Yamakirican someone explain to me how to use scp for file transfers over SSH?20:30
Cosmo-sanno visual screen.20:30
ScuniziCosmo-san: but you can get to a terminal?20:31
Cosmo-saner, scratch that, terminals won't load...20:31
wmcthe problem is not azureus...I think the problem is ubuntu20:31
Flannelneeto: You should ask (either the python question, or the metaquestion)  in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks.20:31
outbackwifiYamakiri: scp src-files user@host:dst-files20:31
Cosmo-santhe screen pops up but it sits there with no prompt.20:31
DEdwardsCosmo-san, ctrl+alt+backspace20:31
Cosmo-santurns grey~  a depressed grey...20:31
ScuniziCosmo-san: You can CTRL+ALT+F2 to get to a terminal (tty2) to get back to the gui it's CTRL+ALT+F7.. from terminal I think you can "pidof firefox" and it should return a number.20:32
robelliott2125outbackwifi, you on your own doing the troubleshooting today?20:32
overthetopn #ubuntu-it20:32
* outbackwifi is feeling all lonely20:32
wmci followed what the azureus help (iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport <your_port_number> -j ACCEPT)20:32
Annirak_I need to sort through a list of /dev/sd* drives and identify which ones are USB devices.  How do I determine which ones are which?20:33
robelliott2125Sorry outbackwifi, whats the terminal string for bringing up my fstab info?20:33
robelliott2125I can never remember the commands20:33
outbackwifirobelliott2125: cat /etc/fstab20:33
outbackwifirobelliott2125: more /etc/fstab20:33
outbackwifirobelliott2125: less /etc/fstab20:33
outbackwifiAnnirak_: lsusb20:33
biggerfischdoes anyone know how to connect to a widows computer from terminal?20:34
wmcbut if I launch netstat -an i get tcp6       0      0 fe80::211:50ff:fe:56969 :::*                    LISTEN20:34
wmcudp6       0      0 fe80::211:50ff:fe:56969 :::*20:34
outbackwifiAnnirak_: and careful examination of dmesg20:34
outbackwifibiggerfisch: rdesktop20:34
Annirak_outbackwifi: thanks20:34
biggerfischoutbackwifi, thanks20:34
Bikerbobanyone help me get my X running? I need to get it to some kind of safemode20:34
rubydiamondis there any way to recover deleted files in ubuntu20:34
xorandBikerbob, try the live cd?20:35
Yamakirithanks bunches outbackwifi!20:35
zoedrubydiamond: did you delete them by the command line?20:35
outbackwifirubydiamond: http://code.google.com/p/ext3grep/20:35
robelliott2125outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46372/20:35
DEdwardsrubydiamond, check the trash, usless you did an acually delete20:35
Bikerbobnope sorry cant use a livecd here20:35
Bikerbobneed command line gurus20:36
ScuniziBikerbob: what kind of mode are you in now?20:36
xorandBikerbob, why not?20:36
BikerbobOLD machine xorand20:36
chombeeDoes anyone know how to stop the window borders of unfocused windows from going transparent in compiz? I can't find this in the settings manager20:36
outbackwifirobelliott2125: did you create the mountpoints yourself20:36
xoranddang ;)20:36
Scunizixorand: how would the live cd actually help Bikerbob ?? He's currently got terminal access..20:36
tyberionhi anyone can recommen me a widget tool!? for RSS especially?20:37
xorandScunizi, if he booted...din't know he was on a terminal20:37
Bikerbobok.. so how do I get this thing into like 8bit colour 640 x 480 or whatever20:37
robelliott2125No outbackwifi, i reinstalled ubuntu because of having a prob.  But i think that fstab was kept in my /home dir, since its not changed to the new partitions20:37
ScuniziBikerbob: first.. not sure if I can do all this 'cause of my experience and I'm at work.. but .. what kind of vid card is installed?20:38
outbackwifirobelliott2125: those mount points dont seem right; /dev/Music /dev/Storage etc20:38
Bikerbobold stuff man ATI Mach64GT20:38
outbackwifirobelliott2125: they need to be under /media like /media/Music /media/Storage etc20:38
tenntitanhi all - new to ubuntu - have some questions regarding the syaptic package manager and adding repositories - if anyone could pm me for some help it would be greatly appreciated20:38
outbackwifi!ask | tenntitan20:39
ubottutenntitan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:39
ScuniziBikerbob: ok.. when you installed did you install from the alternate cd or server cd or what?20:39
robelliott2125Yeah, i need to majorly change it outbackwifi, but i haven't a clue about stuff like that.20:39
tenntitancoming from freebsd - i'm guessing this is like the ports tree - however i don't see a lot apps i would expect - opera bitchx etc20:39
Bikerbobalternate and I had to install the desktop after the fact20:40
outbackwifirobelliott2125: try this; create the mount points manually under /media like i said and then change the fstab to reflect taht20:40
patrickhey guys20:40
Flanneltenntitan: bitchX isn't in for security reasons.  Opera isn't free, but there are third party repos that have it.20:40
kudar_i have hardy, how do i upgrade kernal to 2.6.26?20:40
outbackwifipatrick: hi20:40
Minty95question will Wubi give me a multi boot like a Cd install ?20:40
patricksomeone here told me the ubuntu could work on the tablet pc20:40
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Guest49854is this true20:40
Flanneltenntitan: but, on a high level, it's more or less like the ports system.20:40
gaintsurais there a better text based editor other than vi?20:41
Guest49854im trying to get the touch screen to work20:41
outbackwifigaintsura: nano20:41
ScuniziBikerbob: using the alternate typically installs the desktop,  if it didn't that would be weird.  When you installed the desktop did you use the command "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" ??20:41
gaintsuraoutbackwifi: is it included with ubuntu install?20:41
Flannel!components | tenntitan20:41
robelliott2125I haven't a clue how to do that outbackwifi :(20:41
ubottutenntitan: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:41
outbackwifigaintsura: yes20:41
zoedchombee: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/04/adjust-the-transparency-of-window-decorations-with-compiz/20:41
gaintsuraoutbackwifi: cool, thanks20:41
Guest49854!tablet pc20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet pc20:41
tenntitananother question - can ipfw be installed on ubuntu?20:41
ErikWestrupHow do I check if BIND really works on my server? I have added it to /etc/resolv.conf20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet20:41
st3phmy alsamixergui dont want work again20:41
Razerwhat's a good ISO?20:41
Flanneltenntitan: And also, for general perusal of repos and stuff, synaptic is a nice GUI method, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:41
outbackwifitenntitan: iptables is a drop=in replacement20:41
Bikerbobyes I did Scunizi but with Kubuntu20:42
st3phit says alsamixergui:function snd_ctl_open failed for default : no such a directory20:42
bastid_raZorRazer; for?20:42
Guest49854hey will unbuntu enable tablet pc to function as a tablet ???20:42
chombeezoed - thanks!20:42
outbackwifirobelliott2125: can you get a terminal?20:42
robelliott2125Yes outbackwifi20:42
zoedchombee you're welcome20:42
Razerbastid_raZor, mounting a starcraft ISO20:42
outbackwifirobelliott2125: ok,fire one up; lets holdhands20:42
xorandBikerbob, while kde seems alluring, stick to gnome ;)20:42
CosmosisI live!20:42
SpherousSo, let me get this right, there is no linux substitute for Vent?20:42
bastid_raZor!iso | Razer20:42
ubottuRazer: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vent20:42
outbackwifixorand: im happy with kde20:42
soundrayGuest49854: yes. Go to http://tuxmobi.org to find out more20:42
Bikerbobzoed helped me get the desktop installed20:43
soundrayGuest49854: sorry, http://tuxmobil.org20:43
xorandoutbackwifi, ya sick puppy ;)20:43
robelliott2125lol outbackwifi, had it open for getting the fstab info20:43
ScuniziBikerbob: I'll be back.. I have a 1pm deadline for something. that's only 15 minutes away.. You'll probably want to look at your xorg.conf file and see if a vid driver is named and which one. If you can wait I'll be back.20:43
outbackwifirobelliott2125: great! now type the following20:43
outbackwifirobelliott2125: cd /media20:43
Bikerbobif I start it.. it tells me it finds screens but none that have a configureation it can use20:43
tenntitanthanks - is iptables configured similar to ipfw? (rc.firewall or similar)?20:43
Spherouszoed, didn't you mean to do !ventrilo?20:43
cheekyplease please.. can anyone tell me why my video is real choppy when i watch it in firefox20:43
outbackwifirobelliott2125: mkdir Music; mkdir Storage; mkdir Uploads20:43
st3phcan anyone help me with the alsamixergui?20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bentrilo20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo20:43
outbackwifitenntitan: yes20:44
outbackwifi!iptables | tenntitan20:44
tenntitanthanks outbackwifi!20:44
ubottutenntitan: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).20:44
Razerventrilo is a VoIP20:44
robelliott2125outbackwifi: mkdir: cannot create directory `Music': File exists20:44
outbackwifirobelliott2125: great20:44
outbackwifirobelliott2125: what about the other two; dothey also exist?20:44
robelliott2125mkdir: cannot create directory `mkdir': Permission denied20:44
robelliott2125mkdir: cannot create directory `Storage': File exists20:44
RazerVoice over IP, it's a conferencing utility20:44
SpherousOkay, I understand that20:45
outbackwifirobelliott2125: do you know how to edit using vi?20:45
robelliott2125mkdir: cannot create directory `Backup': File exists20:45
kudar_[15:45] <kudar_> what repository do i need to get the newest kernal?20:45
outbackwifirobelliott2125: leave it ; those mountpoints exist20:45
robelliott2125Urmmm, might do once in outbackwifi, but mind is kinda frazzled20:45
tenntitanthanks y0 - appreciate the help20:45
SpherousI used it on Windows, and my gaming clan only uses vent, so I was wondering if there is a linux substitute...20:45
outbackwifirobelliott2125: sudo vi /etc/fstab20:45
Flanneloutbackwifi: our sudo nano20:45
RazerSpherous, your best bet is running it under wine20:46
robelliott2125Brought up my fstab info outbackwifi20:46
SpherousRazer: I don't get sound with wine, its dumb, and no one in #winehq seems to be able to fix it20:46
=== DamienG is now known as NotDamienGray
outbackwifirobelliott2125: with what command ?20:46
robelliott2125sudo vi /etc/fstab20:46
SpherousMeh, guess I'll just have to go out a buy another windows key -.-"20:46
RazerSpherous, try virtual booting20:47
robelliott2125Or VBox20:47
outbackwifirobelliott2125: ok, now press 9G and then use the arrow keys to position the cursor just above the d in /dev20:47
SpherousRazer, What is virtual booting?20:48
robelliott21259G? outbackwifi20:48
W9ZEBusing kubuntu, where is the power management application?20:48
st3phmy alsamixergui worked earlier now nothing wont work20:48
soundrayrobelliott2125: that's vi black magic20:48
Spherousrobelliott2125, google isn't comming up with anything linux based with I search vbox20:48
=== karl_ is now known as karlgus
W9ZEBwhen my laptop powers down the monitor badthings follow.  I'd like to disable that "feature"20:48
outbackwifirobelliott2125: aw, just use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the line that says UUID20:48
sungogGNOME PPP in setup says no modem found on system trying to use the Verizon V620, it is showing up under device manager as ttyusb0, any suggestions?20:48
zoedBikerbob: Maybe you could try the xorg.conf at http://paste.ubuntu.com/46379/. To start x, run the command "startx"20:48
robelliott2125Spherous, use VirtualBox - By Innotek.  Its basically a Virtual Machine20:49
outbackwifisungog: use wvdialconf20:49
robelliott2125Ok outbackwifi20:49
soundrayW9ZEB: disable it in System-Preferences-Power management. Also check that it's disabled in System-Preferences-Screensaver20:49
Bikerbobzoed:  I tried to use the failsafe config.. and it gives me errors no drivers availabvle and no vesa module.. so maybe we did not finish the desktop install???20:49
RazerSpherous, running windows OS from inside linux20:49
Spherousexplain to me how it works20:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wvdialconf20:49
SpherousSo, its gonna use a shit ton of ram?20:49
soundraySpherous: keep it clean please20:50
outbackwifirobelliott2125: this is going to be tough; press Escape a couple of times and then :q!20:50
outbackwifilets do it using gedit20:50
W9ZEBsoundray: I don't see a power-management option in the system-settings menu.  Same with the screen saver application, I don't see anything relating to power management there either.20:50
soundrayst3ph: what have you done that stopped it?20:50
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:51
robelliott2125I've just exited terminal outbackwifi, that isn't going to mess up anything, is it?20:51
outbackwifirobelliott2125: nope20:51
st3phi tried to open it and then came that msg up alsamixergui:funcion snd_ctl_open failed for default : no such a directory20:51
soundrayW9ZEB: are you in gnome?20:51
SpherousSo it's going to use a ton of ram then?**20:51
W9ZEBsoundray: KDE20:51
outbackwifirobelliott2125: open up the terminal and type gksu gedit20:51
soundrayW9ZEB: better to ask in #kubuntu then20:51
sungogtried to edit wvdialconf "do not have permission"20:51
W9ZEBsoundray: ahhh...  sorry20:51
outbackwifisungog : sudo wvdialconf20:52
soundrayst3ph: have you rebooted since it stopped working?20:52
st3phsoundray_ im really lost i dunno why it sztopped working20:52
zoedBikerbob: that could be possible. try to "sudo apt-get check"20:52
st3phi rebooted extra20:52
robelliott2125outbackwifi, just tried gksu gedit /etc/fstab and its loaded a blank text editor page20:52
Guest49854im installing this ubuntu on the tablet pc and after i rebored20:52
Guest49854its sayinf chekin the installation20:52
soundrayst3ph: have you looked at the troubleshooting tips on the help pages?20:52
soundray!sound > st3ph20:53
ubottust3ph, please see my private message20:53
Bikerbobcomes back nothing zoed20:53
outbackwifiGuest49854: did you remove the CD from the drive?20:53
Bikerbobeverything good no errors20:53
zoedBikerbob: hm20:53
Guest49854now its at installing systmem but it doesnt seem to be moving20:53
st3phsoundray i check that ty20:53
Guest49854no i used a live USB20:53
zoeddoes the xorg.conf at http://paste.ubuntu.com/46379/ work?20:53
Bikerbobbut it cant even find vesa drivers? thats weird20:54
Razeris there a linux version of bittorrent?20:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about transmission20:54
Guest49854it says formating swao space in partition #120:54
robelliott2125Yes Razer, ktorrent / azureus / transmission / deluge20:54
eligoshello, can anyone please tell me how to log in as root20:54
outbackwifi!info transmission20:54
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.06-0ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB20:54
soundrayst3ph: let us know when you get stuck. Don't use the help on compiling alsa -- if it was working before, it shouldn't be necessary to recompile.20:54
Razertransmission is too simplistic20:54
outbackwifi!root | eligos20:54
ubottueligos: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:54
robelliott2125Razer, you may prefer ktorrent then.  Lite and extremely fast.20:55
zoedBikerbob: "aptitude search xorg" gives you a long list of drivers. You can check whether your ones (ati, ...) are installed by looking at the first character in each line - i like installed.20:55
robelliott2125rofl @ ubottu's comment!20:55
Razerrobelliott2125, I'll look it up20:55
eligosHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I wasn't expecting that answer20:55
kudar_im upgrading to 8.10. hope my laptop doesn't explode20:55
ckyleare you guys/gals using ah url handler in xchat? What is the line to get it to launch firefox and open the url?20:55
tembahello, any knows a site with a HOWTO for mounting a ftp on server via curlftps ? for hardy 8.04 , cant find anyone, and i get only errors on trying to mount it20:55
Guest49854does any 1 know why its not moving im trying to install ubuntu20:55
robelliott2125Razer, i used to use ktorrent, its still loaded.  Its extremely good.20:55
sungogno modem found with wvdialconf ?20:56
Guest49854its at the installing system screen20:56
Guest49854but it doesnt seem to be moving20:56
soundrayckyle: it should be preconfigured. Have you tried right-clicking on a URL?20:56
outbackwifisungog: check dmesg for errors20:56
lkjffkjddo i have to be retard to use ubuntu?20:56
soundraylkjffkjd: no, but it helps enormously20:57
RazerI found a bittorrent for ubuntu20:57
robelliott2125rofl @ soundray20:57
Bikerbobhow do I pause the listing?20:57
ckylesoundray - thanks that works, if i select "open link"... does it work if i just want to click on the link and have it open the link in a browser window?20:57
robelliott2125Razer, were you after bittorrent exactly, or an app which allows use of bittorrents?20:57
zoedBikerbob: pipe everything through less: "aptitude search xorg | less"20:58
Guest49854HELP ME PLEASE20:58
Guest49854tell me why its still at the installing system screen20:58
ScuniziBikerbob: when the desktop is configured it doesn't put a lot in xorg.conf including driver reference because it's auto configured by xrandr.  You can override it by inserting a "Driver   vesa" line into xorg..20:58
soundrayckyle: I don't know, sorry. In xchat-gnome, it does, but that's a different program20:58
robelliott2125Sorry Guest49854, i use a LiveCD all the time, I've never tried from a Live USB.20:58
Guest49854oh well it loaded me into ubuntu20:58
Guest49854now its saying fomatting swap space20:58
Razerrobelliott2125, bittorrent exactly, it's my preferred torrenter20:59
Guest49854but it doesnt move20:59
robelliott2125Ahhhh, sorry then bud.  I thought you meant any BT software.20:59
robelliott2125Ahhhh, sorry then bud.  I thought you meant any BT software. @ Razer20:59
soundrayGuest49854: is this an older machine?20:59
simon_hi how do a change the ubuntu icon of the menu bar in the top pannel to the gnome feet? I googled all kinds of nstructions but now one worked out20:59
Bikerbobthanks zoed I forget less in dos its more20:59
robelliott2125Is it not in preferences within the window simon_?21:00
ScuniziBikerbob: you'd put it in the "Device" section and say  ... Driver    "vesa".. then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart21:00
Pinionhttp://jewbuntu.com/ // what could they possibly add?21:00
simon_robelliott2125: sorry what?21:00
zoedBikerbob: more also exists, but you can only scroll one page downwards with space in more. With less, you can also scroll (Even up!) with the arrow keys. Sometimes less is more ;)21:00
st3phsoundray can i pm u?21:00
soundrayst3ph: go ahead21:01
kenkkuPinion: http://ubuntuce.com/21:01
kenkkualso, http://ubuntusatanic.org/21:01
robelliott2125Scratch that simon_, i've just looked myself.  I have seen it, just can't remember where / how.21:01
notHi all, I have a problem with compiz fusion. I followed some of the tutorials from the net and everything goes fine. The problem is when i tried to enable "compiz --replace", this message appears "Checking for Xgl: not present.21:01
notNo whitelisted driver found21:01
notaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity "21:01
Ab3Lgood night21:02
xbxbxbis there a way to listen to shoutcast .pls files?21:02
xbxbxb(with Ubuntu)21:03
Razeris there a way to make transmissions show estimated time remaining?21:03
robelliott2125xbxbxb, i use VLC to play my .pls files.21:03
soundrayGuest49854: how old is your tablet PC?21:03
kenkkuxbxbxb: vlc ought to be able to do it21:03
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:03
zoed!info vlc21:04
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB21:04
BikerbobI need to configure the monitor how do I do that?21:04
zoedBikerbob: so are the drivers you need already installed?21:04
robelliott2125Also xbxbxb, think maybe Amarok may play them, but may be wrong on that, never tried with it.21:04
jp73107sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you know your sync ranges21:04
xbxbxbrobelliott2125, kenkku, zoed: thank you all21:04
jp73107i think21:04
robelliott2125Your welcome xbxbxb21:04
soundrayBikerbob: 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk'21:04
temp234ive had problems with youtube audi21:05
temp234and whenever i fix them, it seems i lose the capability to play mp3s21:05
zoedis there also a cli version of dislplayconfig-gtk?21:05
temp234and when i fix that i can't play youtube audio21:05
Bikerbobsome are and some arnt zoed I guess it be a mac it was very selective21:05
kenkkutemp234: install libflashsupport21:05
kenkkutemp234: then restart all browsers21:05
linkoi have ubuntu but i can open .rpm files :(21:05
kenkkutemp234: the problem is because flash doesn't play nice with pulseaudio by default, libflashsupport adds pulseaudio support21:05
FlimmHello, is nzmm here?21:06
zoedBikerbob: Try to edit the xorg.conf created by "dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" (you can use "nano" as an editor).21:06
kenkkulinko: ubuntu uses .deb packages21:06
Guest49854soundray may tablet pc is a stylistic st503221:06
Bikerbobthats because its Debian based linko21:06
noodlesgclinko you have to convert them, try alien21:06
soundrayGuest49854: that doesn't really answer my question21:06
linkoit's for install Autodesk Maya21:06
kenkkulinko: it's a better idea to look for a deb package before trying to convert21:06
Bikerbobso you want me to run dpkg reconfigure again?21:07
ckylethis just in... all communications from border region of france and switzerland, near Geneva, have ceased over the past 5 minutes - massive blinding explosion reportedly seen in that direction, from 600 miles away, in Paris21:07
temp234that worked21:07
Guest49854whats the different between ubuntu and exbuntu21:07
ckylemore.. u.s. government reports satellite data shows a large dark shadow obscuring the region and spreading outward21:07
linkofile name is: Maya2008_0-2008.0-116.i686.rpm21:07
robelliott2125xubuntu is lighter so I'm lead to believe Guest4985421:07
soundrayBikerbob: do you read me?21:07
zoedBikerbob: no, just edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:07
Guest49854because i think im suppose to install xbuntu21:07
Guest49854on the tablet pc21:07
soundrayzoed: don't edit your xorg.conf just yet, only if it doesn't work with my suggestion.21:08
linkoi go try Alien thanks all21:08
soundrayBikerbob: don't edit your xorg.conf just yet, only if it doesn't work with my suggestion.21:08
Bikerbobyeah.. thats why I know I need to reconfig the monitor because its never been set21:08
soundraySorry zoed21:08
famokay guys, i have files, which start with the value HOW LONG ALL LINES ARE: therefore i can read this value and just jump to any line number .... I.E. seekg(linenumber*linelength) ... it works...somehow ... still the end of the  buffer contains unscreenable chars ... but why?21:08
temp234one more thing21:08
Guest49854robelliott do you know to  partitition21:08
Bikerbobfrom the commandline that works soundray21:08
zoedsoundray: what suggestion?21:08
temp234i cant get emerald theme manager to work21:08
Guest49854without going into the system file21:08
Jeruvyanyone know how to get pidgin to work with google talk?  Or is it just bugged?  ubuntuforums shows lots of issues not sure where to go.21:08
temp234it can actually load the theme into my windows21:08
soundrayBikerbob, zoed: 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk'21:08
robelliott2125Yes Guest49854.  But I am currently having a prob with my mounting partitions here, so i wouldn't want to give you advice and mess your systems up dude.  Sorry.21:09
Guest49854ok i dont know21:09
noodlesgcckyle do you know if there are any live feeds anywhere i can watch?21:09
Guest49854tell me , im desperate21:09
Guest49854i have a dual boot btw21:09
temp234emerald theme manager not opening themes21:09
Zarel_So I installed Ubuntu on my MacBook using a normal CD.21:10
Zarel_Which was apparently a very bad idea.21:10
ckylenoodlesgc... it looks like the large hadron collider at cern has created a black hole and its spreading outward.21:10
ckyleit will probably reach us soon.21:10
Zarel_And now I have an ext3 partition that Disk Utility freezes when it tries to delete it.21:10
zoedtemp234: after setting a emerald theme you have to run "emerald --replace".21:10
jp73107you're joking right lool21:10
guntbert!ot | ckyle21:10
ubottuckyle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:10
noodlesgcyeah i think its a joke21:11
temp234i ran emerald replace21:11
Bikerbobwas that gksudo command for Gnome? I dont have that installed21:11
temp234and then closed terminal21:11
temp234now i have no window borders21:11
linkodriver ATI x1950Pro don't exist for Linux ?21:11
soundrayBikerbob: KDE?21:11
bastid_raZortemp234; use emerald --replace &21:11
zoedtemp234: yeah exactly: press ALT-F2, then either type "emerald --replace" to get emerald theme or "metacity --replace" to get default theme21:12
Guest49854im uninstalling ubooboo21:12
soundrayGuest49854: bye, thanks for wasting my time21:12
linkowhere i can download the driver for linux of ATI x1950 Pro ?21:12
Guest49854no i meant21:12
Guest49854on the other way21:12
BikerbobI installed GKsu anyway21:12
skylaranyone know of a decent GUI for mySQL that shows you the snippets of language that the program is executing21:12
=== eddie is now known as Guest37939
temp234wat will alt f2 do21:12
kenkkuBikerbob: kdesu is the alternative for kde21:12
Guest49854because i dont think its capble on my tablet pc21:12
temp234im pressing it, nothing happnes21:12
Bikerbobnow the response was21:12
temp234ctrl alt f1 maybe?21:12
soundrayBikerbob: the displayconfig-gtk part is the really important one21:12
zoedtemp234: It should open a "run command" dialog...21:12
ckylesorry guys... i apologize... i mistakenly thought i was on #ubuntu-offtopic... oopsy.21:13
Bikerbob(gksudo:5530): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:21:13
amanany body please tell me the command to restart the nautilus without restarting the whole system21:13
Garrotteinhoodhello I'm having a real pain getting my broadcom wireless card to work it's a 4306 802.11 b/g21:13
Guest49854i got 3 laptop btw im trying to install ubuntu on every sigle 1 this last 1 is giving me a bit of a problem21:13
zoedaman: "killall nautilus" it will auto restart21:13
GarrotteinhoodI can't figure out how to get bc43 to run without internet connection21:13
soundrayBikerbob: in KDE, please try 'kdesu displayconfig'21:13
amanzoed: do i need to close all applications running at this time before doing so21:14
starndoes anybody know why my program works in windows [its crossplatfrom] python.... but it only simi works on ubuntu? people in python looked at the code and said it should work.21:14
soundrayaman: 'killall nautilus' will restart it21:14
Bikerbobyou know I am at a command line right soundray?21:14
zoedaman: only nautilus windows.21:14
temp234so, wat do i do for emerald?21:14
temp234emerald --replace loses its effect once i close terminal21:14
soundrayBikerbob: no. I asked you whether you were on KDE, and you said yes...21:14
amanzoed: sorry but didn't got u right21:14
wamstarn: how should anyone know from *that* explanation?21:14
bastid_raZortemp234; put a & on the end of the command.21:14
temp234got run working21:14
BikerbobI have Kubuntu on the machine.21:15
jareth_temp234: Alt F2 emerald --replace21:15
temp234ya i got that working21:15
Bandman614tmp234: if you see that again, try throwing a & at the end of the line, and running "disown"21:15
BikerbobI am not in KDI or Gnome.. because I cant get it running!21:15
temp234now is there anyway i can install an emerald theme package without running kde21:15
zoedaman: you only have to close nautilus windows. Then open a terminal and type "killall nautilus" and press enter21:15
soundrayBikerbob: but your version is 8.04, yes?21:15
temp234after running make it requires kde21:15
zoedtemp234: good for you.21:15
airtonixtemp234, all themes go in ~/.themes21:15
Guest49854if i format my drive C21:15
soundrayBikerbob: please use my nick so I don't miss your reply21:15
starnwam: i dont know.. um i aint great at explaining things but um my code is here http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85149/21:15
Guest49854will it delete my OS?21:15
Guest49854im in computer > local disk >21:16
Bikerbobsoundray:  ok21:16
arooniis there some way to check at&t wireless minutes from within linux (ubuntu hardy) or firefox?  thanks!21:16
soundrayBikerbob: I'd like you to try and move your xorg.conf out of the way and see what X does -- there should be an attempt to recreate it. So 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup', then 'sudo invoke-rc.d kdm restart'21:17
Guest49854if i format my drive C will it delete even my OS?21:17
temp234is that a command or a directory?21:17
Guest49854im in my computer> local disk21:17
amanzoed: soundray: thanks21:17
krish_will a P-3 system be enough to run as a webserver with ubuntu 8.04 server edition?21:17
Guest49854hey sound ray can you tell me if formating drive C will delete my OS??21:17
soundraykrish_: yes21:17
guntberttemp234: its a directory in your home-dir21:17
krish_ will a P-3 system be enough to run as a webserver with ubuntu 8.04 server edition?21:18
soundrayGuest49854: that's impossible to answer without knowing more about your partition setup21:18
jp73107it should be, linux servers can run on nearly all hardware21:18
Guest49854i c21:18
Garrotteinhoodhello anybody know how to setup a broadcom wireless card21:18
temp234i dont see a themes folder in my home folder21:18
sungogloadndisdriver: loadndisdriver: load_driver(358): couldn't load driver nwusbmdm21:18
krish_will it manage with the daily hits21:18
krish_of a live website21:18
Guest49854i think this is the only partition21:18
bastid_raZor!broadcom | Garrotteinhood21:19
ubottuGarrotteinhood: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx21:19
jp73107temp234: themes folder is probably .themes21:19
=== arooni_____ is now known as arooni
temp234so its hidden21:19
jp73107krish_ : i'm not sure21:19
krish_ok :)21:19
temp234how would i view a hidden file21:19
soundrayGuest49854: no, it probably isn't. But if you run 'sudo cfdisk' and delete all partitions, write the changes, exit and reboot, any OS installer should offer to format the whole disk for you.21:19
guntberttemp234: .themes , that means its sort of hidden, you must tell nautilus to show hidden files (<ctrl>h)21:19
jp73107my web server runs on a p4 2.2ghz processor, but it gets about 100 hits a week21:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:19
temp234much appreciated21:19
amanzoed: i m not able to install themes in my ubuntu 8.04? can u help me?21:20
airtonixkrish_, more than enough. unlessyou have over 2000 hits an hour and are also running a database to support the website21:20
=== jelmer is now known as jelmer_
Guest49854i cant run sodo on the other comp because its XP21:20
Garrotteinhoodyea see I've tried that and it still won't recognize the card21:20
guntberttemp234: np21:20
Guest49854im trying to format and make sure then i get a clean install this time around21:20
zoe1aman: normal metacity themes (nothing to do with emerald)?21:20
Bikerbobit locked up the terminal soundray21:20
airtonixkrish_, your main concern will be hardrive space, memory, bandwidth & security21:20
soundraykrish_: a PIII system should handle many thousand hits per hour, if it serves static pages21:20
Garrotteinhoodeverything works but when I go into network settings my card isn't displayed21:20
wamstarn: and where's the traceback?21:20
Bikerbobblack screen with a cursor line top left21:21
starnwam: ?? eh? i dont know all i know is that code works under windows xp and vista.21:21
soundrayBikerbob: does it react to Ctrl-Alt-F1 ?21:21
wamstarn: did you write it?21:21
Bikerbobchanging the terminal?21:21
amanzoel: i installed emerald but i don't know how to use it21:22
starnwam yes.21:22
ErikWestrupIs there any help how do about how to fetch and add data to /etc/bind/db.root to use with open-dns?21:22
soundrayBikerbob: reboot by holding down Alt-Printscreen and hitting in succession: R E I S U B  (magic sysrq)21:22
amanzoel: is this the reason why my themes are not getting installed21:22
zoe1aman: oh, you want to use emerald.21:22
wamstarn: so if you know python that good then you know what a traceback is, right?21:22
temp234i dropped all the theme packages into ./themes and they didn't load21:22
Bikerbobwell its not going for now.. and I have to leave.. so I will try again another day. Thanks for the help soundray  and zoed21:23
zoe1aman: did you install the emerald theme in the gui?21:23
amanzoel: i read it on one website to use it21:23
soundrayBikerbob: too bad. Hope it works next time.21:23
zoe1aman: Did you open Emerald Theme Manager and add/install a theme?21:23
BikerbobI'll cract it21:23
amanzoel: i just selected emerald in synaptic and installed21:23
starnwam: um well i am still learning that right there is all i have learned about python21:23
soundrayBikerbob: bye21:24
brandan_Hi all...I know there is MSN clones for Ubuntu, has they're been any Yahoo clones that I missed that we're released?21:24
zoe1aman: ok, you can start emerald theme manager in System->Preferences->Emerald Theme Manager.21:24
amanzoel: yes i have started it now21:25
jp73107brandan_: what are you looking for21:25
zoe1hoe come I'm called zoe1?21:25
jp73107webcam support? or just a client to connect to the yahoo im service?21:25
brandan_something that is simillar i can use like yahoo Audibles n stuff on21:25
wamstarn: if a python program doesn't do what you need it throws an exception and from that you get a traceback which helps debugging.21:25
jp73107brandan_ try using wine to install the yahoo messenger windows client, i don't think there is a linux client with that functionality21:26
zoe1aman: somehow I'm called zoe1 now (with a one), not zoed...weird.21:26
OmiKrOnhi *21:26
starnwam: well it works so to speak it acts like i dont ever give the command to connect21:26
brandan_I did, it won't access the internet21:26
brandan_through wine21:26
amanzoel: sorry21:26
zoe1aman: ok, in that theme manager you can click on import and import a emerald theme you downloaded somewhere21:27
jetsaredimany reason why entries in /etc/host would not be recognized?21:27
OmiKrOnanyone knows a cool text mode ftp manager something similar to Midnight Commander maybe better... all except MC :)21:27
soundray!ghost | zoe121:27
ubottuzoe1: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>21:27
starnwam: it says what i typed in for it to if a person is to just type python stantonspybot.py when its suppose to be stantonspybot.py server:port #chan nick21:27
zoe1aman: I'm back21:27
jp73107brandan_ : Try going into the yahoo messenger preferences, and find the "Firewall with no proxies" option21:27
zoe1and I'm stil called zoe1.!21:28
jp73107check that box and give it a try21:28
jp73107zoel type /nick nameofpreferred nickname21:28
amanzoel: just 1 min, i mdownloading it21:28
Flare183Is there such thing as a  kaillera game emulator for linux?21:28
zoe1aman: But it has to be an emerald theme, not some other kind of theme21:28
corky`soundray, with gdmflexiserver i will get directed to my CURRENT session, Not a new one, (I selected "GNOME" under session...21:28
zoe1Pidgin is weird.21:28
tavanahi , i have a vostro 1510 , in ubuntu my sound is very lower than windows , what should i do ?21:29
corky`zoe1, nah, just goto accounts > manage and add some accounts :)21:29
bytor4232Anybody have a recommendation for Virtualization software that runs on Ubuntu?  I'd like to use virtualbox, but can the guest (I think I'm using the term right) be a server?  With apache, ssh, etc running on it?21:29
sdrevi have a PCI wireless adapter that was working this morning, but now won't connect to the internet, i can't even see the wifi card when i type iwconfig, can anyone help me out?21:29
amanzoel: i have downloaded this one please see http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Emerald+m3F?content=8903921:29
zoe1corky, I just did. But I called myself "zoed", not "zoe1"!!!!21:29
chombeeCan anyone recommend a video editor tool for me? I'm recording the screen and an audio voice-over using gtk-recordmydesktop, I want to edit the file afterwards to cut out bits where I cough etc. I installed kino and pitivi but they don't seem to let me edit the audio or even cut bits out of the video21:29
amanzoel: is it okay?21:29
corky`What is the proper way to start a new X server, (X with an GUI, startx isn't working)21:29
=== Annirak__ is now known as Annirak
Ryuhey everyone; i'm having trouble getting my sound card to work; im trying to reinstall the driver (accidently deleted it) and im at the final step of the instructions i have, but i'm getting an error and am unsure of what to do21:30
zoe1aman: It says emerald.21:30
corky`Ryu, post your error, Card info, Etc.21:30
alex1hi guys. i'd like to clone my hard drive. do i have to boot using a live CD, or can i just use dd to copy the monted /dev/sda to external disk on /dev/sdb?21:30
amanzoel: u mean its okay with that package?21:31
zoe1aman: so it's ok21:31
amanzoel: gud then21:31
soundraycorky`: sorry, gdmflexiserver wasn't my suggestion -- don't know anything about it21:31
amanzoel: so what's next21:31
zoe1aman: then, open emerald theme manager and click on the Import... button and select your theme you downloaded21:31
Ryuthis error is generated when i use modprobe snd-hda-intel:  FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/media/snd-hda-intel/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)21:32
TrailWhispererhow do i add a directory to path?21:32
Ryui'm not sure what sound card i have21:32
soundrayalex1: I recommend booting live for that, and disabling swap. dd'ing mounted drives will result in inconsistent filesystems on the target drive.21:33
Guest49854ok which linux distrbuter will work on a tablet PC21:33
Guest49854im freaking lost21:33
Guest49854i keep seeing Xbuntu xbutu21:33
amanzoel: just a min, the theme i downloaded its not showing it ion the folder where i downloaded it21:34
soundrayGuest49854: did you have a look at http://tuxmobil.org ?21:34
Guest49854 i check it out21:34
alex1soundray, ok i'll do that then...21:34
LimCoreis there a way to fix ninja windows? they feez my applications21:34
maniheerhow about that?21:34
zoe1aman: I just noticed.21:34
LimCore* freeze21:34
guntbertTrailWhisperer: edit ~/.profile21:35
TrailWhispererguntbert, thanks :)21:35
amanzoel: what21:35
guntbertTrailWhisperer: np21:35
sdrev i have a PCI wireless adapter that was working this morning, but now won't connect to the internet, i can't even see the wifi card when i type iwconfig, can anyone help me out please?21:35
amanzoel: i m not able to import it in the emerald21:36
Ryuhey corky', did u see my response?21:36
Guest49854this thing is 200521:36
Guest49854thats when it was written21:36
Guest49854and it doesnt really tell me which to use21:36
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=== jganetsk is now known as jason_
soundrayGuest49854: what was writting in 2005?21:37
zoe1aman: yeah, thats weird21:37
Ryuhey everyone; i'm having trouble getting my sound card to work; im trying to reinstall the driver (accidently deleted it) and im at the final step of the instructions i have, but i'm getting an error and am unsure of what to do21:37
amanzoel: so what to do now21:37
guntbertGuest49854: we could follow your questions and statements better if you didn't press <enter> so often, keep them one one line please21:38
JDahlis it possible to use bluetooth in Ubuntu 8.04 as an audiogateway to direct audio from a mobile phone to PC speakers?21:38
adelainthats possible21:39
RyuDoes anyone know anything about getting sound to work?21:39
JDahladelain, have you tried it, and did you have manually change /etc/bluetooth/* ?21:39
soundrayRyu: have a look at the troubleshooting info, then ask more specifically:21:39
soundray!sound > Ryu21:40
ubottuRyu, please see my private message21:40
adelainsorry but i must logout21:40
Guest49854oh sorry21:40
adelainsearch on google !21:40
JDahladelain, of course I searched...21:40
ckylewhat's google?21:40
amanzoel: i have downloaded one more now and this time i can even import it in emerald21:40
amanzoel: so what to do next21:41
soundrayckyle: it's on the web, try googling it21:41
amanzoel: this one http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Stannfield?content=8867621:41
JDahlalso asked on #bluez, but that channel isn't very responsive21:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zoel21:42
=== environ is now known as enviro
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zoed21:42
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php21:42
soundrayaman: don't do that please21:42
=== enviro is now known as somecrapname
amansoundray: sorry21:42
zoedaman: I'm back, my internet connection crashed,21:42
soundrayaman :)21:42
amanzoed: plz read above21:43
jurohi, is there a clock screenlet where I can add a custom title (timezone)?21:43
sdrevCan anyone help me get my wifi working?21:43
amanzoed: the entries i made for zoel,21:43
squeeWhy is it that when I ask for a dhcp address responds?  Is there a way to make it recieve it from the server every time?21:43
soundraysdrev: have you been through the help pages?21:43
soundray!wifi > sdrev21:43
ubottusdrev, please see my private message21:43
eitreachI need to completely wipe a laptop that I have sold. How do I do that in the best possible way? I don't trust a format alone.21:44
sdrevi've read the help pages. the wireless was working this morning, the card doesn't even show up anymore21:44
guntbertsquee: can you explain your problem once more?21:44
sdrevi've even searched the forums21:44
amanzoed: r u there?21:45
soundraysdrev: internal laptop device?21:45
sdrevpci wifi card in a desktop21:45
qmemohi all , any one successful enabled Dell Mobile Broadband Card Utility in inspiron 152521:45
squeeguntbert, I'm trying to figure out why dhcp addresses are not going to certain switches.  When i run dhclient, I'm getting the dhcpack from (I'm not running a server), and I assume it's getting it from a local cache (already wiped /var/lib/dhcp3/).21:46
kenkkuqmemo: i'm sure someone has. do you have a problem with it?21:46
soundraysdrev: "doesn't even show up" means it's not listed when you type lspci?21:46
Razerhow do I make something run from a terminal?21:46
qmemothe Broad band Card has no driver even for vista!21:46
airtonixi remember stumbling across a webpage that described a command that allows you to limit a programms cpu usage to just one cpu core rather than spreading it across both cores, anyone know which command this is?21:46
sdrevsoundray: it shows up when i type lspci, but not iwconfig21:47
briandraser  u type in the commandand &21:47
soundraysdrev: did you look through dmesg output for relevant messages?21:47
Guest49854can any 1 give me a link to Xbuntu?21:47
Flare183!xubuntu | Guest4985421:48
jareth_jareth_ ...21:48
ubottuGuest49854: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:48
soundray!xubuntu | Guest4985421:48
zoedaman: rename the file to .emerald, then emerald will find it21:48
sdrevsoundray: yes, i didn't see anything that stood out, but i'm not a expert, i could have missed something21:48
guntbertsquee: you run dhclient and get an address? I don't understand what this has to do 'with certain' switches21:48
soundraysdrev: do you have wired network on it, or do you have another way of putting some information from it on a pastebin?21:49
jp73107Has anyone here successfully gotten postpath to work on ubuntu? Or any open source exchange type groupware working?21:49
aroonianyone use better gmail 2 here w/ ff3?  i can't get the agenda option to work on desktop (ubuntu hardy) but works fine on laptop.21:49
phixxorsup guys -- is there anything on ubuntu that would have the same function as iStat Nano on mac? (system stats at a glance)21:49
squeeguntbert, Heh, sorry i'm explaining it poorly.  I'm trying to figure out if a port from each switch can get an ip address from the dhcp server.  But my dhcpacks are coming from, so I can't tell which one is working21:49
jp73107i have a red mark on my forehead from trying to get this to work...21:49
sdrevsoundray: i can hook it up to wired ethernet21:50
danielm_mcjp - what are you trying to configure?21:50
soundraysdrev: I'd like to look through your dmesg and lspci output, if you could pastebin them21:50
jp73107well i need a groupware suite, i've tried and tried to do kolab, but the openpkg system just totally confuses the hell out of me, and i can't find another open-source type groupware server app21:51
zoedaman: sorry, the theme you downloaded is in the wrong format. It has to be .emerald, i.e. this one:21:51
aman_zoed: r u there?21:51
danielm_mcoh, have you tried zimbra21:51
danielm_mcseems to work good, don't know if it's free or not21:51
zoedaman: You can download that theme and import it in emerald without problems.21:51
guntbertsquee: switches usually don't mess with dhcp, you are not trying to give an IP-address to the switch, are you?21:51
aman_zoed: yes i have downloaded one and i have even imoprted it successfully21:51
jp73107no i haven't tried zimbra, i'll check it out21:51
aman_zoed: but what to do after that how to apply21:52
danielm_mcgreat for corporate environment21:52
orgthingy/sbin/wlanctl-ng eth0 lnxreq_wlansniff enable=true channel=3 keepwepflags=false prismheader=false > /dev/null21:52
jp73107i'd really like to get kolab working but its making my poor red spot on my forehead bigger21:52
orgthingywhat does that mean?21:52
danielm_mcscrew kolab21:52
YangYinhey guys what is the command to select a different monitor or is there a program for this or do i have to edit my xorg file?21:52
orgthingyi really dont know what /sbin/wlanctl-ng eth0 lnxreq_wlansniff enable=true channel=3 keepwepflags=false prismheader=false > /dev/null21:52
orgthingy mean21:52
cheekywhat is the program nmap used for?21:52
orgthingyi was running airsnort21:52
danielm_mccheeky - if you don't know, don't ask21:52
YangYinhey guys what is the command to select a different monitor or is there a program for this or do i have to edit my xorg file?21:52
airtonixcheeky, for network debugging and security auditing21:52
squeeguntbert, no.  I have pxe clients, and if i plug the dhcp server into one switch, only certain clients can get the pxe image, and different ones if I plug it into another.  Something  either isn't forwarding broadcast or is dropping packets21:52
gaintsurais there an applet/application/widget that when the Fn key is pressed on a laptop brings down a menu relating to the Fn Keys?21:53
cheekyairtonix:  thnx m821:53
zoedaman: click on the theme, so that it is selected.21:53
YangYinhey guys what is the command to select a different monitor or is there a program for this or do i have to edit my xorg file?21:53
gaintsura!repeat YangYin21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat yangyin21:53
zoedaman: Then: ALT-F2, type "emerald --replace" and press enter21:53
cheekyairtonix: does it come with ununtu ?21:53
AirikitaThere's nothing to21:53
ubottuYangYin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:53
YangYinis there an application like the one for the mouse?21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rdual21:53
AirikitaI've always wondered,21:53
AirikitaBut that's no know anything about rdual21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual21:53
AirikitaOkay, that's not know anything about dual21:53
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:54
aman_zoed: it worked21:54
AirikitaThere's nothing to21:54
guntbertsquee: I'm afraid, this isn't an ubuntu-problem then, so we're offtopic here21:54
aman_zoed: thnx, thank u very much. HIP HIP HURREY21:54
AirikitaOk, this should u very much. HIP HIP HURREY21:55
phixxordoes anybody have an app that displays system information like hard drive space, cpu, memory, fan speed, temp, and stuff like that all at a glance? I'm looking for one21:55
zoedaman: Great! I just succeded in importin the m2F theme you found.21:55
AirikitaI really enjoy just succeded in importin the m2F theme you found.21:55
aman_zoed: m2F theme21:55
AirikitaAlways amusing to21:55
squeeguntbert, the dhclient issue is.  I'm curious if it might have a cache of addresses somewhere other than /var/lib/dhcp3.  I removed them but it still seems to be pulling from it21:55
gaintsuraAirikita, zoed: why do you repeat21:55
zoedaman_: with me, it says m3F21:55
Slartphixxor: I think there is something in the system, administration menu21:55
zorrolerophixxor: conky21:56
Slartphixxor: hardware testing21:56
AirikitaI've always wondered,21:56
aman_zoed: i have installed teh other one stannfield emerald21:56
ScheissDrogen|YangYin: what graphicsCard are u using ?21:56
Slartphixxor: ah.. nevermind.. I misunderstood you.. conky is nice21:56
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
phixxorslart, zorrolero, thanks -- I'll try conky21:56
sidewalkhow do i configure Xvnc if i want to be able to resume a session?21:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xvnc21:57
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:57
guntbertsquee: I don't think, because pxe happens long before any OS steps in, As I see it you just use dhclient to debug that dhcp problem. Have you heard of dhcping btw?21:57
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squeeguntbert, no I have not21:58
squeeguntbert, that seems like exactly what I needed, thanks21:58
zoedaman still there?21:59
AirikitaI wanna kiss21:59
guntbertsquee: yw21:59
zoedor maybe aman_?21:59
AirikitaI've always wondered,21:59
aman_zoed: yes still i m here21:59
sdrevsoundray: here's my dmesg and lspci: http://pastebin.com/m7f140a8421:59
aman_zoed: looking for more22:00
=== freqk is now known as freqk|away
zoedaman_: but when you login again, emerald won't be used.22:00
shubuntuhi does anyone know how to convert djvu to pdf?22:01
AirikitaNo, I don't know how to convert djvu to pdf?22:01
aman_zoed: is there any way to install those themes which were in *.tar.gz form22:01
AirikitaOhai, it is any way to install those themes which were in *.tar.gz form22:01
phixxorconky is cool -- but is frequency supposed to be cpu? cause why does it say 1.00 GHz when my processor is 2.4 or something22:01
AirikitaI really enjoy -- but is frequency supposed to be cpu? cause why does it say 1.00 GHz when my processor is 2.4 or something22:01
PrivateRolfAirikita: Themes in tar.gz form can be installed using System--->Preferences --->appearance22:01
zoedaman_: yes: first, copy all the contents of the targz somewhere else22:01
Airikitaoh I'm sorry, wasn't my question22:01
Airikitarandom sentence copy responder script22:02
zoedaman_: then, copy the single files (not the folder!) back into the targz22:02
zoedaman_: and last but not least, rename the .tar.gz to .emerald22:02
PrivateRolfaman_:Just use System--->Preferences--->Appearance for those themes.22:02
fallorehahaha Airikita that's funny22:02
zoedaman_: Do you want emerald to start automatically on login?22:02
aman_PrivateRolf: i did that but it was not supported22:03
AirikitaI've always wondered, that but it was not supported22:03
PrivateRolfI see.22:03
aman_zoed: yes22:03
AirikitaAlways amusing to22:03
Slartphixxor: it might be some kind of power savings thingy22:03
nkei0sup guys22:03
nkei0Anyone here tried to connect their pc running hardy heron with their xbox 360 using ushare?22:04
danbh_family[q] I'm having extremely long boot times.  It takes between 2 and 5 minutes to get past the starting up message.  Any way to debug?22:04
PrivateRolfdanbh_family: Try a disk defrag.22:04
zoedaman_: if you only have one user, edit /usr/bin/compiz-decorator (as root) and change the line USE_EMERALD="no" to USE_EMERALD="yes"22:04
AirikitaI really enjoy only have one user, edit /usr/bin/compiz-decorator (as root) and change the line USE_EMERALD="no" to USE_EMERALD="yes"22:04
PrivateRolf!defrag | danbh_family22:04
ubottudanbh_family: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:04
AirikitaI really enjoy Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:04
ancalagonAnyone knows how to set the key combination that switch keyboard language ?22:04
zoedCan somebody ban Airikita?22:04
PrivateRolfI agree.22:04
nkei0danbh_family,  You can edit all of the startups too, you can cut out a few things on the menu.lst at least that worked for me...22:05
AirikitaThere's nothing to can edit all of the startups too, you can cut out a few things on the menu.lst at least that worked for me...22:05
phixxorslart: hmm lol where would I find those settings? I'22:05
soundraysdrev: I can't even see an attempt being made at loading a driver for your wireless -- strange22:05
phixxorI'd like to find out what it's doing22:05
jareth_nkei0: i know of an alernative, mediatomb which seems to work fine22:05
Airikitasorry, I'm just testing the randomizer22:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about report22:05
Airikitamy appologies22:05
nkei0Jareth_ is it hard to configure?22:05
zoedaman_: did you manage to install the tar.gz theme in emerald?22:05
sdrevsoundray: :-\ yeah it was working find this morning, i turned it off and came back this afternoon, turned it on and nothing22:05
Airikitatrying to tweak it so I don't annoy a certain place..22:05
danbh_familyPrivateRolf: I thought defragging wasnt necessary on ext3?   and the link is dead...22:05
guntbertAirikita: please test it elsewhere22:06
Airikitabtw, what is Ubuntu for?22:06
danbh_familynkei0: how do I do that?22:06
jareth_no, by webinterface -> localhost:4915222:06
aman_zoed: i m doind that22:06
AirikitaI turned it off, I have the test done22:06
bringatoweldanbh_family, it isn't really, the effects are minimal, if you want to there are a few available programs22:06
PrivateRolfdanbh_family: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74837022:07
soundraysdrev: strange... it could be PCI black magic. Consider putting the wireless card into another slot.22:07
aman_zoed: it doesn't worked22:07
nclifewhat ubuntu is better for an old, slow running pc? xubuntu?22:07
danbh_familybringatowel: I don't want to.  I want to fix my startup time.  It basically hangs for a few minutes22:07
Airikitaoh, ubuntu is a service computer..22:07
PrivateRolfNclife, yes.22:07
jareth_nkei0: i use it for streaming my mp3's after som trouble with ushare before22:07
nkei0danbh_family, It's pretty easy, when you first boot up the pc and it gives yout he option to press ESC before loading, do it and run ubuntu in recovery mode, you'll be able to select the root command line and should be able to use something like sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst22:07
Airikitaok, well, nice meeting everyone, bye22:07
PrivateRolfOh, I see what he's saying. My apologies, danbh_family.22:07
nkei0danbh_family, don't forget to backup your original first22:07
bringatowelnclife, yeah that is the best choice for ubuntu-based desktop, what are the system specs?22:07
=== freqk|away is now known as freqk
phixxorsup dawg22:08
danbh_familynkei0: well, I can edit menu.lst from here.  I don't have to do it at bootup, right?22:08
zoedaman:_ the resulting targz should look like this:22:08
aguitelanyone use intrepid ?22:08
PrivateRolfDanbh_family: right22:08
remoteCTRLcan ubuntu read and write hfsplus?22:08
nclifebringatowel, it's a pentium III 2.6 mghz, 256 ddr ram22:08
bringatoweldanbh_family, my guess is that it is unrelated to any disk fragmentation, can you tell at which point it is hanging?22:08
nkei0danbh_family,  Oh right, sorry, that's the only way i've ever done it though.  I'm new and had to do it due to display problems.22:09
Mastereduhello can someone help me !22:09
bringatowelnclife, oh yeah that should be fine :)22:09
Masteredui wont ask how can i style nautilus22:09
zoedyou just have to rename it to .emerald22:09
zoedaman_, I'm sending you the emerald theme...22:09
hecateMasteredu just ask22:09
Mastereduhow can i delete the back button etc.???22:09
guntbertaguitel: #ubuntu+122:09
nclifebringatowel, sweet :)  any other recommendations? like a light window manager or something like that? :o22:10
Mastereduhow can i edit nautilus completly like i will it?22:10
sdrevsoundray: heh, black magic eh? i can give that a shot i suppose22:10
bringatowelnclife, xubuntu will give you a bit better performance, that is what i'd recommend, if you have a few spare $$ ddr ram is pretty cheap22:10
zoedaman_: probably you have to authorize the file transfer or something like that,22:10
danbh_familybringatowel: right at the beginning.  Starting up...    or whatever it says.  Its RIGHT after grub22:10
aman_zoed: sorry but i don't know how to take it22:10
nclifebringatowel, yeah, the problem is my mb can't have ddr2 :(22:10
Russianhello guys, where can I find the list of supported graphic cards with Ubuntu x64?22:11
Mastereducan anyone help me????ß22:11
nclifebringatowel, and I'd rather wait a bit and buy a new mb + ddr2 than buy a more expensive and not as good ddr22:11
Mastereduhow can i add sounds for the back button for the exit button etc.???22:11
aman_zoed: ok send22:11
bringatoweldanbh_family, try hitting esc at boot and pick recovery mode, then resume normal boot, and it will show some text notifications of what is happening at each step so you can see if there is a particular action that is very slow22:11
aman_zoed; i have seen the window22:11
=== eddie is now known as Guest12502
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:11
Mastereduon windows i can do it easy with .msstyles ...22:11
Mastereduhow can i edit nautilus22:12
bringatowelnclife, there are a bunch of good ones, check out fluxbox or jwm among others, i think xubuntu should run fine though22:12
guntbert!enter | Masteredu22:12
hecatenclife try debian with light x-environnement like openbox22:12
ubottuMasteredu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:12
zoedaman_: I'm sending...22:12
aman_zoed: status is just starting22:12
Minty95can I have some help installing Ubuntu please22:12
zoedMasteredu: What do you want to change with nautilus?22:12
Mastereduthe chanchel sound22:12
ScheissDrogenRussian: here i just have th e german link, but you can google hardwarelist ubuntu22:12
aman_zoed: just 0%22:12
Mastereduthe exit sound when i close the window22:12
Mastereduthe move sound when i move the window22:12
bringatowelnclife, check ebay, you can get ddr1 pretty cheap, it might not be name brand but then you can save for that new system22:13
Minty95Have to log back in a sec, sorry22:13
gabrieleHi everybody22:13
ckyle!hammertime | Masteredu22:13
bringatowelnclife, oh yeah i heard good things about openbox too22:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hammertime22:13
remoteCTRLcan ubuntu read/write mac fs?22:13
Mastereduhow can i edit all sound options?22:13
nclifebringatowel, oh nice, I shall do that.22:13
nclifethanks a lot bringatowel and hecate22:13
zoedMasteredu: I don't have any sound when moving the window.22:13
RussianScheissdrogen thanks22:13
zoedBut you can edit sound options in System->Preferences->Sound22:14
gabrielecan anybody help me with my aspire 5930, the wireless don't work :(22:14
Masteredui will more sound22:14
bringatoweldanbh_family, the other thing to look at is the startup logs, but i don't recall exactly which to check22:14
ubotturussian: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:14
Masteredulike that little sounds22:14
Masteredui will over 40 sounds22:14
FloodBot1Masteredu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
gaintsuraARRRRR could someone send me ubuntu server? Every mirror I d/l from gets to 45mb and fails22:14
danbh_familybringatowel: I have no splash screen already.  I think I already see those steps.  I'm not sure this will be easy to solve.  I assume you are talking about the screen where is says... Initializing something   [ok].     My problem is before that starts22:14
remoteCTRL!wifi | gabriele22:14
ubottugabriele: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:14
zoedaman_ are you receiving the file?22:14
bringatowelnclife, no prob, good luck :)22:14
Masteredubecouse i will make look my linux like mac22:14
airtonixi remember stumbling across a webpage that described a command that allows you to limit a programms cpu usage to just one cpu core rather than spreading it across both cores, anyone know which command this is?22:14
Mastereduand on mac it gives many sounds22:14
danbh_family!enter > Masteredu22:15
ubottuMasteredu, please see my private message22:15
aman_zoed: yes but it is still 0%22:15
=== jeramy is now known as grennon
zoedMasteredu: Ah, you want to have sounds.22:15
bringatoweldanbh_family, hmm, it's after grub though, right?22:15
Masteredui will more sounds like the standards22:15
aman_zoed: file name is 89039-m3F.tar.gz22:15
zoedaman_: exactly22:16
aman_zoed: but still 0%22:16
gabrielei can fix it with the wiki22:16
zoedaman_: do you have to click on "accept"22:16
aman_zoed: no22:16
gabrielecause usually it works without driver22:16
Mastereducan no one help me22:17
danbh_familybringatowel: exactly after, and before anything else happens.  This comp sits there for like 3 minutes, then the rest of the boot takes like 2 ,imutes22:17
aman_zoed: just a second22:17
Masteredui thinked ubuntu is free and open source22:17
Mastereduwhy i then dont can configure all22:17
aman_zoed: i got the problem22:17
zoedMasteredu: yeah, say "apt-get source nautilus" and you have the source code. Go along, edit it!22:17
aman_zoed: i think it is the router that is interuppting between22:17
guntbert!patience | Masteredu22:17
ubottuMasteredu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:17
gaintsuradoes anyone have a ubuntu hardy server iso and would be willing to send it? I've tried 4 times getting it from mirrors, but it fails22:18
danbh_familyMasteredu: please stop using the enter key so much22:18
Masteredui dont have many time men ...22:18
aman_zoed: i m using Xirc, can u tell me how to check which port it is using22:18
nkei0man... every package i install shows that it has dependency errors on install22:18
aman_zoed: i'll do port forwarding22:18
zoedaman_: nmap localhost?22:18
ErikWestrupIs there a command for comparing textfiles in linux?22:19
guntbertMasteredu: if you in a hurry, well then leave those sonds alone :)22:19
zoedErikWestrup: diff?22:19
danbh_familynkei0: can you pastebin the errors?22:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus22:19
zoed!info nautilus22:19
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.22.3-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 818 kB, installed size 2196 kB22:19
nkei0I dunno how to use pastebin yet, haven't gotten that far!22:20
danbh_family!paste | nkei022:20
ubottunkei0: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:20
Mastereduwhy no one knows about settings his own sound options?22:20
Mastereduwhy ubuntu musst be bader then windows in this option?22:20
danbh_familyMasteredu: whats the problem?22:20
Mastereduhere are 1383 users and no one knows an answer wtf22:20
Masteredui will add my own sounds for my own window options22:21
scootermasteredu, i tell you about how sounds okay?22:21
Mastereduok then begin pls i dont have many time22:21
scootermasteredu, what version of ubuntu are you using?22:21
Myrtti!de | Masteredu22:21
aman_zoed: its showing 2 ports only both are tcp port 22 and 631,ssh and ipp22:21
ubottuMasteredu: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:21
Mastereduthe newest omg22:21
Mastereduubuntu-de has banned me22:21
aman_zoed: which one i should forward22:21
zoedaman_: nmap only looks for services running, but your not running a server22:22
Masteredui have 8.04.1 hardy heron22:22
pete_question: w/ the new compiz how can i bind to fct keys?22:22
elmondwanyone know where to download unbuntu programs?22:22
scootermasteredu, do you have a calculator, you need to calculate some numbers to change your sounds.22:22
RussianScheissDrogen in ubuntu-ru they say I have to type in cyrillic or get banned, so whats the point going there?22:22
aman_zoed: didn't got u right22:22
danbh_familyelmondw: try synaptic, the program22:23
Mastereduyou mean 1 + 1 etc. xD?22:23
scootermasteredu, yes you know what calculator means?22:23
mich54can anyone here who worked with foremost before pm me ?22:23
Masteredui dont can good english22:23
scootermasteredu, yes 2+2, 3+3, etc22:23
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scooter3+3 is blue by the way22:23
Mastereduwhat now?22:23
Masteredui have opened it22:23
ompaul!enter | Masteredu22:23
ubottuMasteredu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:23
stylist[obsd]hey ppl22:23
scootermasterduc, what version of calculator have you?22:23
ErikWestrupIf i set up a secondary dns server to use on my router: will the router use the secondary on if it fails on the first?22:23
ScheissDrogenRussian : you want kyrillic support ?22:23
Mastereduthe normal edition22:24
somecrapnameis there a short-cut to run a program? like win+R in windows?22:24
Masteredufrom ubuntu 8.0422:24
stylist[obsd]ubuntu would run fast in my quadcore desktop on 32GB 100MB/s SSD ?22:24
Masteredui dont have updatet it22:24
gaintsurasomecrapname: Alt+F222:24
scooterMasteredu, yes but what version of calculator program you run?22:24
somecrapnamegaintsura, thanks22:24
Masteredudont know22:24
danbh_familysomecrapname: alt+f7 gets you back22:24
zoedsomecrapname: ALT-F222:24
stylist[obsd]In other questions, does compiz pwn vista, and is the color blue blue22:24
RussianScheissDrogen, my priority is to find out if x64 Ubuntu supports 9800GTX =P22:24
scooterMasteredu, in calculator change to hexadecimal please.. okay?22:24
gaintsuracompiz does pwn vista, and no blue is not blue22:25
stylist[obsd]you may laugh now22:25
Mastereduhex what?22:25
stylist[obsd]then what color is blue?22:25
gaintsuranot blue22:25
Masteredupuh dont know what you mean22:25
stylist[obsd]blue has always seemed pretty blue to me :)22:25
gaintsuraI dunno, its just not blue22:25
SlartRussian: check out the nvidia linux forum.. I run a 8800gtx on 64bit and it works nicely.. but the 9XXX series is newer..22:25
Mastereduwhere i can configure hex?22:25
Mastereduin the calculator?22:25
scootermasteredu, you choose view/scientific from menu in calculator program please.22:25
jahnkeanaterwhat is the easyies way to shutdown my server over the web22:26
mich54foremost , anyone used it before ?22:26
RussianSlart, thats why I ask it, last time I installed on 8.04 I couldnt enable any visual effects, cause lack of support of my GR22:26
Mastereduhave it22:26
Masteredunow comes a new menu22:26
gaintsurais it possible to turn a desktop edition of ubuntu into a server version?22:26
Slartjahnkeanater: I hope there isn't an easy way to shut down yor server over the web... using ssh seems safer22:26
hou5tonWhen I insert an SD card from my camera, it is no longer appearing on the desktop as it did before. It is, however, in Places.  Any thoughts?22:26
Mastereduwhat now22:26
jahnkeanaterno i mean like a program22:26
Masteredumaybe we can make PM chat?22:26
jahnkeanaterhow do i set that up22:27
scootermasteredu, you see 1 button? press that please.22:27
Groundhogdayhi guys.  i've had to load the madwifi drivers onto my laptop to make wifi work, and i would like to add the 'modprobe ath_pci' to the startup.  Where's the best place to put that?22:27
Mastereduok , continue?22:27
gaintsurahou5ton: run through it in places, unmount it and remount22:27
ScheissDrogenRussian : ati ? one moment22:27
SlartRussian: mm.. but the drivers are updated all the time.. I don't know what the current situation is.. to bad you can't really try it using the live cd22:27
jahnkeanaterhow do i use ssh22:27
Flare183!ssh | jahnkeanater22:27
ubottujahnkeanater: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/22:27
scootermasteredu, please you take two's complement of 1. please do.22:27
RussianSlart. yeah I know =(22:27
Mastereduwhat ya mean?22:28
jahnkeanaterhow does ssh work22:28
aman_zoed: i m getting which port i should forward22:28
Slartjahnkeanater: like telnet.. but better22:28
jahnkeanaterbecause i need to have it work on non admin windows computers22:28
Masteredu /afk22:28
Slartjahnkeanater: you get a command line for a remote computer.. you can type commands etc..22:28
jahnkeanaterin a browser22:29
scootermasteredu, please you type 100 then type AND then type 001 - that does same thing22:29
meoblast001i have usermin installed... now how do i connect to it22:29
Slartjahnkeanater: the client can be run on almost any computer out there.. google for putty22:29
meoblast001what's it's address22:29
Groundhogdayi tried to add it under sessions, but no louck there.  i guess i could create a batch file and add it to session, but i'm sure something like that must already exist.22:29
scooterplease masterdu, you type?22:29
jahnkeanaterok is it like having the terminal in the browser22:29
nkei0argh, i tried installing mediatomb and it gave me some dependency errors, and i was going to remove and reinstall before posting any errors, but i can't get the changes applied window to disappear22:29
Slartjahnkeanater: no browser involved at all22:29
ScheissDrogenrussian: ati radeon 9800 for 32bit linux : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8-8-x86.x86_64.run22:30
nkei0I'm not sure of the name of the window, so I can't kill it in system monitor unless i know that22:30
danbh_familynkei0: can you paste any errors?22:30
RussianScheissDrogen, its a Nvidia not ATI =P22:30
jahnkeanaterhow do i use it22:30
Slart!ssh | jahnkeanater22:30
hecateScheissDrogen: 9800 GTX is no ATI lol ...nvidia product ;)22:30
ubottujahnkeanater: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/22:30
zoed!ssh | jahnkeanater22:30
nkei0danbh_family,  nah it won't let me22:30
Slartjahnkeanater: check out those links.. it's all in there22:30
danbh_familynkei0: are you running in a terminal?22:31
jahnkeanateri cant run it throught a console22:31
hou5tongaintsura:  i've done that ... tried different cards, etc. ... it has just quit showing up on Desktop like it should.22:31
aman_zoed: i m really tired now i can't stay here any more, so when i cant meet u again?22:31
jahnkeanateri need to be able to shutdown my server through the browser22:31
danbh_familynkei0: ah, well, try doing it in a terminal, then you can paste.  I have to reboot, which means ill be gone for 5 minutes.  chow22:32
ScheissDrogenrussian: http://www.nvidia.ru/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12_ru.html22:32
rtruhas anyone got FireNES to run in UBUNTU?22:32
zoedaman_: I'm not sure.22:32
* scooter thinks masteredu not like my calculator program ;-)22:32
Slartjahnkeanater: well.. there's some software similar to webmin you can try22:32
gaintsuradoes anyone have an iso of ubuntu server that would be willing to send to me? I'm having problems getting it to download22:32
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.22:32
zoedaman_: But at least you can run emerald now.22:32
aman_zoed: ok then no problm dude22:32
Slart!ebox | jahnkeanater22:32
ubottujahnkeanater: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox22:32
jahnkeanateri have a php page that runs a sh file but i need to use sudo in it and i dont know how to make that work22:32
aman_zoed: and thank for your kind help22:32
zoedaman_ If you only have one user, you can make emerald default by editing /usr/bin/compiz-decoration22:32
rtruAnyone got FireNES to work in UBUNTU? I want to play some NES games :)22:33
aman_zoed: now going tosleep, gud night. :)22:33
zoedaman_: change USE_EMERALD="no" to "yes"22:33
aman_ok i'll do that22:33
nemesisciao a tutti22:34
nemesisc'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi?22:35
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:35
ScheissDrogenRussian ?22:35
RazozI need help with various problems, including installing stuff and so :D Can someone thats willing to help me please whisper me ?22:35
RussianScheissDrogen, thank you , but as far as I know you can't install run files on x64 ubuntu right?22:35
airtonixi remember stumbling across a webpage that described a command that allows you to limit a programms cpu usage to just one cpu core rather than spreading it across both cores, anyone know which command this is?22:36
RussianScheissDrogen and btw you can paste me english links, I read faster trought them thanks =)22:36
ScheissDrogenRussian you can, but why do you tell me now 64 ?22:36
Razoz I need help with various problems, including installing stuff and so :D Can someone thats willing to help me please whisper me ?22:36
jahnkeanaterhow do i run a sh file as root remotly22:36
RussianScheissDrogen I tought I told you already22:36
ScheissDrogenRussian , go google nvidia > driver.....22:36
ScheissDrogenRussian , see also !envyNG22:37
RazozHmm. Do you see what i write ?'22:37
StephenFI think my ubuntu box has been hijacked. I've been having network congesiton problems, checked it out with wireshark and see my machine sending tcp packets to ssh ports on random ip addresses22:37
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk22:37
Slartairtonix: cpulimit?22:37
Slart!info cpulimit | airtonix22:37
ubottuairtonix: cpulimit (source: cpulimit): limits the cpu usage of a process. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-10 (hardy), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB22:37
jassimhello i want to conect bluetooth head set how use  gbtsco ?22:37
nkei0xkill is probably one of the coolest commands ever!22:37
StephenFlook at my processes and there is a process called "scan" run by guest that is taking up 90% of my CPU, killing this process stops the ssh packets22:37
StephenFany ideas what this is and how to stop it?22:38
RussianScheissDrogen thanks anyways22:38
StephenFmy computer is scanning ip addresses incrementally for open ssh ports22:38
jassimim tring to install gbtsco  i found this # GetDeb.net Repository deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/ but what is this22:38
StephenFI think my box is part of a bot net22:38
usserStephenF, yep thats the symptom22:39
RazozHey, I need help with various newbie problems, including softwareinstall and such.. please, if you can take yourself time then whisper me :)22:39
ansichartI have a conundrum, my desktop needs access to the internet, and where I am currently, the only way to do that is via wireless.  My laptop has a wireless card and an ethernet card.  I would like to use an ethernet cable and plug my Desktop PC to my Laptop PC and bridge the connection to my wifi card.  Not sure how to do that though22:39
ansichartAny ideas22:39
StephenFusser: ok, any ideas on how to remove whatever was placed on my system?22:39
linxehStephenF: have a look at ps and see wht process it is22:39
SlartStephenF: try booting from a live cd and run some of the rootkit scanners.. not a lot you can do on an infected computer..22:39
StephenFI can kill the process but it comes right back22:39
gaintsuraARrrrrrr *kicks his network* could someone possibly send me ubuntu 8.04 server iso? Mirrors are failing22:39
StephenFlinxeh: already found the process22:39
linxehStephenF: ok, so where is it on disk ?22:39
usseransichart, you either have to enable forwarding in the kernel or use bridge-utils22:40
StephenFlinxeh: don't know how to find that out...22:40
linxehStephenF: from the process table, as I said :p22:40
StephenFI have the PID22:40
usseransichart, i find bridge-utils to be a tad easier to configure22:40
SlartStephenF: if your computer is infected you can't really trust the programs on it.. so.. boot from a live cd and search from there22:40
ansichartusser, thanks... I'll try the bridge-utils22:40
linxehStephenF: you can look in /proc for the pid, or you can use ps -ef etc. then I would do the live cd thing22:40
jassimwhere i should add this # GetDeb.net Repository deb http://ubuntu.org.ua/ getdeb/22:41
usseransichart, take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39629422:41
ansichartusser, Thanks!22:41
usseransichart, also to connect two computers u'll need a special cable22:41
usseransichart, a crossover22:41
stephanyfrogen u here?22:41
StephenFlinxeh: ok its in ./scan22:41
linxehStephenF: ok, you need to look in /proc then - that is just where it was run from22:42
ansichartusser, It's the same cable I use to plug my desktop into a router...22:42
usseransichart, that wont work22:42
ansichartusser, and since a router is basically a computer... and I would be using my laptop as a virtual router ... it should work right?22:42
maniheeris there no qt4 IRC client?22:42
usseransichart, you need a crossover cable22:42
usseransichart, not exactly router is not a computer22:42
Slart!irc | maniheer22:42
ubottumaniheer: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:42
Slartmaniheer: I'm sure there's something out there22:43
usseransichart, see router, only manages connections, its not an endpoint22:43
linxehmaniheer: there are according to google anyway22:43
maniheeronly quassel22:43
StephenFlinxeh:  ok I found it in /proc, now what?22:43
ansichartusser, Will a crossover cable work to plug a Computer into a router? because maybe I have a crossover cable... not sure22:43
usseransichart, the two computers are endpoints so the output of one computer has to be wired to input of the other and vice versa thats what crossover cable does22:43
maniheeri dont like quassel22:43
StephenFansichart: depends on the router, some of them can automatically compensate for a crossover cable...22:44
usseransichart, no crossover cable doesnt work with computer - router22:44
linxehStephenF: each process is a directory in there - you can enter the dir and read things like "cmdline"  - each is a pseudo file you can look at with more / cat / less etc22:44
linxehStephenF: it might give you a clue where to start looking when your boot into your live cd22:44
ansichartusser, I have installed a DHCP server on my computer and dirrectly plugged my laptop into my desktop before and it assigned it an IP address... I could also ping it.22:44
usseransichart, ^ the feature StephenF talks about are usually not present in the consumer-grade appliances22:44
maniheerkvirc is qt322:44
ansichartusser, so I probably have a cross-over I am guessing22:44
maniheerso is konversation22:44
linxehfunny enough I've just been watching Stephen Fry on TV :P22:44
madwiredudemanI just edited /etc/modprobe.d and blacklisted several wireless drivers that are NOT for my card. when I reboot and lsmod they are still being loaded122:44
usseransichart, hm... is laptop or desktop a mac? cause i know macs can do that22:45
usseransichart, i guess a newer pc network card doesnt require crossover anymore, im getting old22:45
linxehusser: basically all gigabit cards can do that22:45
StephenFansichart: what type of router do you have?22:45
usseransichart, if u get an ip then you are set22:45
linxehusser: some 100mbit too, but pretty much all 1gbit up do auto crossover by default22:46
somecrapnameis there a way to stop stickyNotes from minimizing when i click the desktop?22:46
Slartusser: almost everything new today has some kind of autosensing for crossed or straight cables..22:46
airtonixSlart, mmm some reason i remember the prog name had task in it22:46
greencookieAnyone using Irssi?22:46
ansichartStephenF, I have a D-Link22:46
usserlinxeh, didnt know that, thanks for pointing that out22:46
Slartgreencookie: yes22:46
usserSlart, thanks for info22:46
Slartairtonix: ok.. hang on22:46
StephenFansichart: and you want to know if the cable in your hand is a crossover cable?22:46
airtonixSlart, i also remember this prog being part of a solution for playing wow under wine...22:46
greencookieSlart: can you recommend me some good scripts? I already got nicklist openurl and scriptassist.22:47
linxehansichart: look at the coloured wires in the plug and see if they are in the same order in both plugs. crossovers swap some wires22:47
StephenFansichart: just look at the ends of the cable, if the colors are in the same order on both ends then is it NOT a crossover22:47
linxehheh :)22:47
StephenFlinxeh: hehe22:47
madwiredudemanblacklisted modules are still being loaded and rmmod -f foo doesn't work22:47
Slartgreencookie: I don't use any scripts at all.. except a script to tell me what country a users ip is from.. have you checked the irssi site?22:47
greencookieSlart: Ok I will. Thank you.22:47
linxehSlart: what source of data do you use for that?22:48
RazerI'm trying to mount something and it's telling me "only root can do that" what do I do?22:48
linxehRazer: sudo22:48
Slartlinxeh: a big file with lots of ip's in it =).. I think it was available for download from the site with the script22:49
nagyv1Hi! it's a lame question, but how do you make an image's resolution worst in GIMP? is it only the image size or something else as well?22:49
Razerlinxeh, I did22:49
ansichartStephenF, linxeh, alright thanks.22:49
=== dabofh is now known as bofh80
StephenFlinxeh: cmdline reads: ./scan216.972222:50
StephenFlinxeh: that doesnt seem helpful is it?22:50
linxehSlart: ah ok, just curious - my experiences make me sceptical about the accuracy of most of that kind of data (even the expensive commercial stuff is poor at country level, let alone more fine grained) :(22:50
tameri need to open firefox as administrator so i can bookmark web pages or use back option can anyone help me please22:50
linxehStephenF: there are other things in there, like pwd etc22:50
opt1khi all22:50
Jack_Sparrowtamer You should not need to run firefox as root/admin22:51
Slartlinux_: I haven't noticed anything wrong in it so far.. it won't tell you cities or such.. just who owns the ip-block22:51
linxehnagyv1: dpi and image size proably22:51
Slartoops.. sorry22:51
Slartlinxeh: I haven't noticed anything wrong in it so far.. it won't tell you cities or such.. just who owns the ip-block22:51
nagyv1linxeh: thx22:51
tameri need to make it run normaly22:51
airtonixSlart, ah i found it, on the virtualbox wiki page at help.ubuntu : the prog i wanted is taskset22:51
tameri don't know what i have done22:51
linxehSlart: yeah - unfortuntately the IP blocks arent registered to where they are in use often :/22:51
airtonixSlart, taskset -c 1 virtualbox22:51
ussertamer, sudo chown $USERNAME:$USERNAME -R ~/.firefox22:51
madwiredudemanwow responses to stupid questions sure get answered fast. give ya a real one and no responses. newbs.22:51
Frog42could you please answere my question22:52
linxehSlart: but I guess most of the time they are22:52
linxehFrog42: you didn't ask one22:52
christozhello i'm havibg difficulties with (asus eee using ubuntu 8.04.1) wifi , cannot connect to my router while my other laptop can22:52
opt1kFrog42: what's your question?22:52
tamer No such file or directory <<< i got this messege22:52
airtonix!info taskset22:53
Razerlinxeh, I got sudo, but it's not doing it, what's the command?22:53
ubottuPackage taskset does not exist in hardy22:53
madwiredudemanwhen I blacklist several modules in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist these blacklisted modules are still being loaded upon reboot. wtf?22:53
airtonix<- afk22:53
* airtonix is away: `fortune`22:53
linxehRazer: sudo COMMAND22:53
coolany apps  for linux to copy yahoo cams as a  avi???22:53
ussertamer, sudo chown $USERNAME:$USERNAME -R ~/.mzoilla22:53
ussertamer, my bad22:54
StephenFwow, ok so I have a brute force SSH sniffer on my machine. I just found the password dict file...22:54
opt1kRazer: or if you want to be root all the time try this: sudo su root ...it's not recommended but it's the original linux philosophy XD22:54
linxehRazer: eg sudo mount /dev/foo /mnt/foo/bar22:54
usseropt1k, Razer use sudo -i22:54
linxehopt1k: woah. no.    sudo -i22:54
strategyjust sudo -i22:54
linxehopt1k: also man man22:55
opt1klinxeh XD22:55
opt1kmanual on manual? :D22:55
StephenFlinxeh: i found some files in the /proc/###/cwd folder, are these links?22:55
tameragain >> No such file or directory22:55
=== darkside_ is now known as shivamib
linxehStephenF: yah - if you do ls -l it should give the path22:56
Razeri just downloaded gmonut -iso, that works I guess22:56
linxehopt1k: yeah - i meant learn about man so you get the options for programs :)22:56
StephenFlinxeh:  thats what I thought, but it doesnt...22:56
opt1k linxeh: heh, i'm on LinuxMint actually so i'm using sudo su root (rarely)22:57
StephenFlinxeh: the files show up in Green,22:57
opt1kbtw what's this.. channel lag 1.16? :D22:57
greencookieis there a streaming radio that I could use from the terminal? (without invoking any browser..cept elinks maybe)22:58
tamercan anyone help me please i can't run firefox correctly if i didn't run as administrator22:58
airtonixgreencookie, have you tried streamripper?22:59
greencookieairtonix: No. Thanks for the suggestion. Will try that now.22:59
=== xmagixxDK is now known as xmagixx
linxehStephenF: they do if you do it as root22:59
danbh_familytamer: sudo chown -R you_loging:your_login ~22:59
linxehStephenF: sudo ls -l etc22:59
StephenFlinxeh:  I am root22:59
airtonix!info streamripper > greencookie23:00
ubottugreencookie, please see my private message23:00
jassimhow to connect bluetooth headphone n hardy23:00
linxehStephenF: odd, it works here. what does exe symlink to ?23:00
jassimheadset *23:00
bobertdostamer: What exactly is the problem?23:00
opt1kgreencookie: maybe streamtuner?23:00
greencookiethanks opt1k. I'm downloading streamripper. I'll try tuner as well23:01
opt1kgreencookie: kk, here's the link http://www.nongnu.org/streamtuner/23:01
RazerI'm trying to run starcraft with wine, but it's not finding the disc23:01
airtonixgreencookie, its proxy featuer is expecially useful if you have a home netowkr of people that happen to listen to the same netowrk radio stream...using its proxy feature you can tell them to connect to the machine running streamripper to reduce the bandwidth usage on your netowrk23:01
StephenFlinxeh: crap now the process is gone...23:01
tamerthanks it worked23:02
SpecWhat's the best way to install an older version of python in Ubuntu? I don't see python2.2 in -backports...should I just use source?23:02
bunkerI have downloaded Ubuntu: Christian Edition, for it's content filtering.  But I am not sure how toget it to be a proxy server to block the computers connected to a switch that connects to this server23:02
greencookieok airtonix thanks for the advice. Appreciate it.23:02
airtonixgreencookie, may also want to look at open cubic player23:02
gaintsura.... Ubuntu has a christian edition?23:02
bunkergaintsura, Yes23:02
opt1kSpec: http://packages.debian.org/python2.223:02
usserSpec, backports provide newer versions from upcoming releases like Intrepid23:02
airtonixgreencookie, or even just the simple aplay command23:02
greencookieairtonix: I want a command line player that just lets me listen to music while im on top of it with 'screen'23:03
* gaintsura has officially reached the point of permanent religious detachment23:03
bunkergaintsura, The only difference is that it has a gui for dansgaurdian23:03
hecategreencookie try mpd23:03
StephenFwhats a good rootkit scanner?23:03
Specopt1k: so just use the debian package? :p23:03
bunkerand some christian apps preinstalled gaintsura23:03
opt1kSpec: yeah, debian=ubuntu :D23:03
Specopt1k: i know :)23:03
opt1kSpec: well, not really but you get the point =)23:03
greencookiehecate. hmmm I think I will.23:03
bunkergaintsura, But the content filter is what I need23:03
gaintsurabunker: and again I say: religious detachment23:03
opt1kSpec: but i think that's the best way if you don't want to bother yourself with compiling the source23:04
bunkergaintsura, Does it matter? All I need to get working is the content filter23:04
Speci'm fine with compiling source23:04
=== xmagixxDK is now known as xmagixx
greencookieaplay is good enough for the time being :) thnx airtonix23:04
gaintsurano, it doesn't matter, its just sad imho. I don't know anything about the content filter or that specific edition of ubuntu, sorry23:04
opt1kSpec: well, it's up to you =)23:05
hecategreencookie u can build playlist / search into your library etc...ang there are many front end ...23:05
greencookiehecate. ok will definitely look into that.23:05
Specopt1k: wow, lots of dependency problems with debian package23:05
opt1kSpec: yeah, you have to install them manually, but the same thing with compiling the code. you can't compile unless u have the prereqs23:06
* airtonix is away: `fortune`23:06
Specopt1k: but apt-get build-dep python's gonna get all the deps most likely ;)23:06
* airtonix is back (gone 00:00:01)23:06
opt1kSpec: try here for source tho: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.2.1/rpms/23:06
fungusmanI am trying to connect to my wireless router23:07
danbh_familyHello, I'm still having extremely long boot times: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46430/23:07
airtonix mmm that away msg feature of xchat seems to only take a file/path...cant execute a command and return its results?23:07
opt1kSpec: true hehe, but i think you don't have 2.2 in repos XD23:07
fungusmanI was frigging around with it23:07
fungusmanAnd turned on wep23:07
fungusmanI lost the password23:07
fungusmanI reseted the router23:07
FloodBot1fungusman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
airtonixthink i may have to setup a cron job to update a text file with a fortune output23:07
fungusmanUBUNTU sees the router, but thinks it still has a password23:07
danbh_family!enter > fungusman23:07
ubottufungusman, please see my private message23:07
fungusmanI was thinking that maybe there is a cache or something in ubuntu that has my old network settings stored23:08
danbh_familyfungusman: how did you reset the router?23:08
opt1kffs... how do i load a script into irssi?23:08
fungusmanI used a needle23:08
opt1kthe /load script <script_name> turns out errors23:08
danbh_familyfungusman: and just pressed the little button?23:08
emmaI have to see something.23:09
fungusmanThen unplugged the router23:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/23:09
jahnkeanatermy compiz wont start on boot any more23:09
ximis there a way to list all installed packages along with (possibly sorted by) size?  in synaptic or in the terminal?23:09
opt1kxim: double tab23:09
fungusmanIs there a config file somewhere I can delete so that it will look for the wireless networks from scratch ?23:10
danbh_familyfungusman: all that does is turn the power on and off, it doesnt reset any settings.  You have to do whats called a hard reset.  I think you need to hold the reset button for a full minute, with it plugged in, or maybe unplugged.  Anyway, you should look in the manual for your router if that doesnt work23:10
ximopt1k: double tab23:11
=== eddie is now known as Guest93077
fungusmanone sec23:11
gaintsurafungusman: right click wifi icon in systray, edit wireless networks23:11
opt1kxim: press the TAB button on your keyboard twice23:11
=== kthakore_ is now known as kthakore
* opt1k is making love to: Astrix - Mescaline on "1200 Micrograms Remixed" [5:09/7:14] (220kbps) 44.1kHz) [11.42MiB mp3]23:11
Tux2K81I have this java version : java version "1.6.0_0"23:11
Tux2K81how do I install the latest???23:11
num1is slashdot.org down for everyone or just for me?23:11
Enselicnum1: me too23:12
ompaulnum1, downforeveryoneorjustme.com/23:12
Emmpeople still read Slashdot?23:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:12
danbh_family!clone | xim23:12
EnselicI can't reach sourceforge.net either23:12
ubottuxim: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate23:12
tritiumopt1k: please disable that23:12
christozis it a bug for not working my atheros on asus eee?23:12
christozatheros is the wifi card23:12
ximno guys, the important thing is that they are listed by size23:13
opt1ktritium: sry, i just tested if it works finally but forgot to switch the channel =)23:13
ximbut i figured it out thx23:13
jahnkeanaterhow do i fix compiz23:13
tritiumopt1k: ok :)23:13
gaintsurachristoz: atheros cards are a pain on a fresh install23:13
jahnkeanaterit wont start on boot23:13
opt1kbtw num1: slashdot displays normally to me23:13
gaintsurachristoz: hold on a sec,23:13
danbh_familyxim: what was the solution?23:13
ximdpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package;-50}\t${Installed-Size}\n' | sort -k 2 -n23:13
fungusmanok that worked23:14
opt1kdo any of you people play regnumonline?23:14
fungusmanAnother question I have is that ubuntu auto connects to my neighbors network. I do not want this. Is there a way to change the auto connect ?23:14
gaintsurachristoz: http://hamzakc.wordpress.com/2006/12/11/atheros-wireless-setup-ubuntu/23:14
shivamibfree interwebs?23:15
opt1kfungusman: you're stealing internet? :D lol, that's not a bad thing XD23:15
gaintsuraopt1k: lol right?23:15
fungusmanI have my own internet, so I dont want to connect to theirs23:15
opt1kgaintsutra: right XD23:15
fungusmanI dont want ubuntu to auto connect to their network23:16
gaintsuraIf I had my own net and the network auto connected to my neighbors, I'd dump mine and use theres lol23:16
Enselicnum1: works again now23:16
tritiumopt1k: that would be a bad thing, and not something to discuss here23:16
shivamibchange their router password23:16
tritiumStealing is strictly offtopic here.23:16
opt1ktritium: hehe depends on your point of view :D23:16
tritiumopt1k: from this point of view ;)23:17
opt1ktritium: op point of view? :D23:17
shivamiboh dear23:17
NutzebahnHello. I tried to install gnomad2.9.1 and it said that the dependency libglib2.0-0 is not satisfiable.23:17
opt1kbtw when's Intrepid going official?23:17
windmillCan anyone tell me the command to change the label on a vfat file system?23:17
usseropt1k, 2008 october23:18
opt1kcan't wait to order my cd XD23:18
* Emm used to write for /.23:18
Slartwindmill: might be mlabel?23:18
Emmback in the good ol' days! :)23:18
Razerwhat is an asf?23:18
danbh_familyany help for extremely long boot times?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/46430/23:19
gaintsuraomfg.... either I get ubuntu server from someone (mirrors are failing me) or I get slackware dvd which will take like a week23:19
SlartRazer: asf as in "file ending with .asf" ?23:19
opt1kRazer: asf? like in multimedia format?23:19
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windmillSlart, is it "mlabel device lable" the man page is not very clear23:19
danbh_familygaintsura: maybe its your net connection23:19
RazerI'm trying to import some .wmv files, but I need an asf demuxer plugin23:19
gaintsuradanbh_family: wouldn't surprise me, but I can't do much about that23:19
Slartwindmill: I have no idea.. never used it myself23:19
matrix_hi hi i am using firefox on ubuntu the back button on the browser is highlight i can not click back button when i visite webb sites i need to close firefox and start again23:20
gaintsuradanbh_family: its an apartment wifi using quest dsl23:20
opt1kRazer: asf is a video format23:20
danbh_familygaintsura: maybe use a downloader program, that can restart connections, or use bittorrent23:20
SlartRazer: asf is a container format.. like avi, afaik.. but google for it.. it might be a microsoft format of some kind23:20
opt1kRazer: and btw, as far as I know, totem is also an asf demuxer23:20
Razeropt1k, I plugged in an mp3 player, but the files are in .wma23:20
gaintsuradanbh_family: none of the torrents have any seeders23:21
danopiagaintsura, they did when i torrented23:21
opt1kRazer: actually you can find the demuxer in gstreamer-plugins-ugly23:21
gaintsuradanopia: within the last 24 hours?23:21
danopiawhenever a screensaver tries running on my machine, i just get a black screen, any ideas? i have nvidia on xubuntu23:21
danopiagaintsura, no23:21
matrix_hi hi i am using firefox on ubuntu the back button on the browser is highlight i can not click back button when i visite webb sites i need to close firefox and start again23:21
danopiado you forward torrent ports?23:22
NutzebahnHello. I tried to install gnomad2.9.1 and it said that the dependency libglib2.0-0 is not satisfiable. Help?23:22
opt1kNutzebahn: try installing newer libglib version.. or google the error =)23:22
Razeropt1k, what is that, or how do I do that?23:23
wolf_Im trying to find the name of a particular key, i used xev to try and figure out what it is, but it isnt showing up. However it seems to be functioning23:23
NutzebahnIsn't that the latest version?23:23
uichey all. i'm trying to define a virtual host in apache. but it doesn't work.. here is my config. files.. http://dpaste.com/77785/23:23
danbh_familyNutzebahn: try installing gnomad223:23
gaintsuradanopia: no, I never needed to.23:23
Nutzebahndanbh: That is what I am trying to do.23:24
matrix_hi hi i am using firefox on ubuntu the back button on the browser is highlight i can not click back button when i visite webb sites i need to close firefox and start again23:24
opt1kRazer: think that's the package you can get via apt-get but i'm not sure. give me a sec to try it out23:24
Nutzebahndanbh_family: That is what I am trying to do.23:24
usseruic, is it in sites-enabled as well?23:24
uicyeah usser..23:25
danbh_familyNutzebahn: well, its working for me.  Maybe you need to check your sources23:25
uicwhen i request the domain, i get apache2's default "it works!" page..23:25
usseruic, i see23:25
bunkerHow do I use ubuntu as a proxy server that all my Windows machines connect to before being connected to the router and getting webpages23:25
kR5_Chrishi everyone!!!23:26
matrix_hi hi i am using firefox on ubuntu the back button on the browser is highlight i can not click back button when i visite webb sites i need to close firefox and start again23:26
kR5_Chrisi have a serious prolem with SYSTEM BOOT23:26
warriorforgodWhat command can I use to run a command every 2 seconds until I quit it.  I know there is a built in shell command to do this but can't remember what it is.23:26
Razeropt1k, I tried apt-get, but couldn't find package23:27
LinuxGhostDoes someone knows how to install correctly LAMP on ubuntu 8.04??? Apache, MySQL,PHP????23:27
opt1kRazer: yeah, sec, i'm trying to remember what i used for demuxing23:27
danopiawarriorforgod, cron?23:27
xskltnLinuxGhost go synaptic package manager23:27
darrendbunker: you probably want to look at squid23:27
bunkerdarrend, I have tinyproxy23:28
kR5_Chris"DISK BOOT FAILURE,PLEASE INSERT DISK AND PRESS ENTER"is the message that appears when i am going to start my p23:28
opt1kLinuxGhost: it's better if you install all three separately23:28
LinuxGhostIVE used commandline but ive faced some troubles23:28
opt1kLinuxGhost: especially php23:28
xskltnLinuxGhost, then edit -> mark by task23:28
kR5_Chrisit doesnt even loads the GRUB23:28
kR5_Chrissorry formy bd english23:28
darrendbunker: not familiar with it, but if you have it running, what's your question?23:28
xskltnLinuxGhost, then there is an option for LAMP23:28
BrightSunnyBunny!paste > st3ph23:28
bunkerdarrend, Well I can't figure out how to get all the computers to go through this computer so that it blocks certain content23:29
LinuxGhostxskltn:did u installed LAMP?23:29
nicholas__danbh_family: Which version are you using?23:29
kR5_Chrisplease can anyone help me???23:29
xskltnLinuxGhost: Yeah today23:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:29
LinuxGhostxskltn:MY problem is about some settings.23:30
darrendbunker: you need to either run it as a transparent proxy (which means it has to be on the gateway to your router) or you setup some proxy config that all your windows machines know about and have to have configured.23:30
LinuxGhostxskltn:explain me where to find the manual uve used to install LAMP23:30
xskltnLinuxGhost: u tried
Finiraswhat is the IRC command to disconnect?23:30
Finirasoh crap wrong channel23:30
Emm. /quit23:31
darrendbunker: you then have to prevent web access from all machines on your net except the proxy23:31
opt1kRazer: you still here?23:31
Razeropt1k, yes23:31
LinuxGhostxskltn:IS TOo DIFFICULT to edit httpd.config23:31
opt1kRazer: well, if I remember correctly, xine can help you out23:31
Razeropt1k, what's that?23:32
bunkerdarrend, So, if I make this computer the gateway, and make it a transparent proxy, I should be good?23:32
xskltnLinuxGhost: u tried in firefox what happens?23:32
LinuxGhostxskltn:and i dont know my I.P AND DOMAIN WHAT IS23:32
LinuxGhostxskltn: IS WORKS23:32
opt1kRazer: it's a video/music player23:32
bunkerdarrend, I also have dansgarurdian properly setup23:32
xskltnLinuxGhost: K what ur prob then lol23:32
cosmoanyone familiar with ubuntu tweak?23:32
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:33
RickXanyone have any experience with wubi?23:33
Razeropt1k, I'm just trying to play it with rhythmbox23:33
xskltnLinuxGhost: put ur files in /var/www/23:33
darrendbunker: with a transparent proxy all your machines will use it without even knowing they're using it.  But setting the transparent proxy still involves the use of something like iptables23:33
darrendbunker: normally23:33
matrix_hi hi i am using firefox on ubuntu the back button on the browser is highlight i can not click back button when i visite webb sites i need to close firefox and start again23:33
opt1kxskltn: doesn't the apache use /htdocs dir?23:33
matrix_hello can anyone help me23:33
bunkerdarrend, Rightnow, I have it set up like this:   DSL Modem <-Router <-Ubuntu Server with tinyproxy and dansgaurdian <-switch <- computers23:33
LinuxGhostxskltn: php page dont run23:33
bunkerdarrend, I am using this Ubuntu Christian Edition which has the iptables on this machine already used23:34
bunkerit's already preconfigured darrend23:34
bunkerdarrend, the iptables atleast23:34
darrendbunker: sounds like you're good to go then23:34
opt1kRazer: I don't for RB, haven't used it *ever* (i'm using amarok from day one), but if you need a program that can play asf files for you i think xine can do it23:35
Razeropt1k, well the problem is that I want to play .wma songs but they're not recognized23:36
bunkerdarrend, None of the windows machines get an ip23:36
RediXeHow do I setup a raid with ubuntu server? (want to mirror drives)23:36
darrendbunker: "get an ip" ?23:36
darrendbunker: you mean an ip address?23:37
bunkerdarrend, yes23:37
opt1kRazer: pm23:38
bunkerdarrend, The router is the gateway still afaik and the dns server and the dhcp server23:38
cosmoanyone familiar with ubuntu tweak? I am trying to use their add/remove feature but when I hit apply it says to fix broken packages first, which I have tried to do but I guess I have not done it right, anyone have any ideas?23:38
Enseliccosmo: this channel is not for Ubuntu Tweak support thuough23:39
=== deadguy_etch is now known as deadguy_etch-afk
kR5_ChrisI have a serious problem with my system boot. When I try to start my pc a message like the following appears: "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER". I tried to boot from a liveCD with openSUSE 11.0 and I clik on the "Boot installed System" and it mount my hard disk and prompt me to the linux console(without GUI). Appart from it when I push the button to start my pc everything is going ok but the monitor seems to be like23:39
kR5_Christhere is no graphic card but aftrer 2 minutes it starts and the message that I was talking before appears(about the system boot). Sorry for my bad english! Any help appreciated...)23:39
cosmoEnselic, do you know if they have an irc channel?23:39
matteohi all23:40
Enseliccosmo: I've never heard of Ubuntu Tweak23:40
matteois there a channel for ubuntu on eee?23:40
=== RoflCoptr is now known as RoflCoptrZZZ
opt1kEnselic: ubuntu tweak is some kind of a powertool for tweaking the os to work better23:41
Enselicopt1k: yeah I figured by it name23:41
kR5_ChrisI have a serious problem with my system boot. When I try to start my pc a message like the following appears: "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER". I tried to boot from a liveCD with openSUSE 11.0 and I clik on the "Boot installed System" and it mount my hard disk and prompt me to the linux console(without GUI). Appart from it when I push the button to start my pc everything is going ok but the monitor seems to be like23:42
kR5_Christhere is no graphic card but aftrer 2 minutes it starts and the message that I was talking before appears(about the system boot). Sorry for my bad english! Any help appreciated...)23:42
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:42
opt1kEnselic: hehe... yeah, it can also use like some kind of desktop/window manager23:42
opt1kEnselic: anyways... nothing worth bothering with23:42
droopsta915i got a hard drive with linux and an empty drive. how can i install xp in the empty drive to be able to dual boot?23:43
opt1kdroopsta915: select the drive you want to install it to?23:43
kR5_ChrisI have a serious problem with my system boot. When I try to start my pc a message like the following appears: "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER". I tried to boot from a liveCD with openSUSE 11.0 and I clik on the "Boot installed System" and it mount my hard disk and prompt me to the linux console(without GUI). Appart from it when I push the button to start my pc everything is going ok but the monitor seems to be like23:44
kR5_Christhere is no graphic card but aftrer 2 minutes it starts and the message that I was talking before appears(about the system boot). Sorry for my bad english! Any help appreciated...)23:44
bunkerdarrend, not sure?23:44
ActionParsnipdroopsta915: partition the space and tell the xp installer to use it23:44
LinuxGhost                                  xskltn23:44
LinuxGhost xskltn23:44
argentois there any other web with gtk theme for gnome but gnome-look?23:44
ActionParsnipdroopsta915: you will have to reintsall grub as xp will rewrite the boot sector23:44
ActionParsnip!themes | argento23:44
ubottuargento: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:44
frenchydoes anyone know if there is a repository i can add that has wolfenstein enemy territory?23:45
danbh_familynicholas__: sorry, i stepped away.  Im using hardy23:45
BenBI have a zombie process. it's a GUI app that crashed and which I killed, then kill-9ed, but it's still there. apparently in I/O-wait, because the CPU load shows 100% load, I/O wait. it doesn't go away, even after I waited one day. how do I get rid of it without rebooting the machine (which is out of question)?23:45
droopsta915i tryed reinstalling last night using the live cd, but the system kept rebooting over and over?23:45
dmsupermanDoes anybody know how I can get bitlbee running a local machine?23:45
ActionParsnipfrenchy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=524623:46
dmsupermanI installed the bitlbee and xinetd packages and it refuses connection even though it's running23:46
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: is your firewall blocking it?23:46
jimmy_bireredgy eatcock hahaha23:46
darrendbunker: then you need to configure the router to supply the proxy server address as the gateway23:46
kR5_ChrisI have a serious problem with my system boot. When I try to start my pc a message like the following appears: "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER". I tried to boot from a liveCD with openSUSE 11.0 and I clik on the "Boot installed System" and it mount my hard disk and prompt me to the linux console(without GUI). Appart from it when I push the button to start my pc everything is going ok but the monitor seems to be like23:47
kR5_Christhere is no graphic card but aftrer 2 minutes it starts and the message that I was talking before appears(about the system boot). Sorry for my bad english! Any help appreciated...)23:47
opt1kwhat's  the deal with playdeb? is it a repo like ubuntu repos or just a url catcher?23:47
dmsupermanActionParsnip: I'm trying to connect to localhost23:47
jimmy_bireryou did it to your computer23:47
LinuxGhostHow to fix: The Alias directive in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf at line 3 will probably never match because it overlaps an earlier Alias.23:47
bunkerdarrend, do you have a half hour to dedicate with me?23:47
jimmy_birerall partitions&data is erased23:47
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: check you bios boot settings23:47
bunkerdarrend, in a different channel where there isn't so much clutter?23:48
opt1kLinuxGhost: open it in gedit/some other text editor, look for line 3 and fix what needs fixing23:48
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: do you have an irc server running on localhost?23:48
starnwhats a good torrent client?? i would use utorrent but its windows only.23:48
danbh_family!enter > jimmy_birer23:48
ubottujimmy_birer, please see my private message23:48
dmsupermanActionParsnip: xinetd is such as far as I can tell23:48
Razeropt1k, I got it to to wark, thanks23:48
skylarwhat happens if I take a perfectly tweaked ubuntu install on HDD and plug it into a completely different computer?23:48
opt1kRazer: np, with xine or amarok?23:48
dmsupermanActionParsnip: The ubuntu docs told me to install both but it doesn't seem to be working23:48
danbh_familystarn: tramsission is the default.  Some people like deluge23:48
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: thats not a chat server23:48
jimmy_birerim jimmy.i have 13 years old23:49
Razeropt1k, rhythmbox, just downloaded the proper codecs I guess23:49
jimmy_birerim black-hat-hacker23:49
opt1kRazer: ah, that's cool too =)23:49
starndanbh_family: i dont like it... i like to choose wich files to download.23:49
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: no such thing23:49
jimmy_birerim  expet in c++23:49
dmsupermanActionParsnip: So then what else do I need to install to get bitlbee working?23:49
danbh_familystarn: well, you can do that with transmission...23:49
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: help, ask a question or leave23:49
skylarplug the HD into different computer23:49
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip I did it and I think everythink is ok. Do you have something in mind?23:49
HaZiLLaIm trying to install ubuntu my macbook pro along side leopard, i installed ubuntu according to the guide on the site, and for some reason it wont appear when i hold down alt during boot23:49
starndanbh_family: how??23:50
=== GrayMagiker is now known as gloaming
jimmy_bireri wait a question23:50
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: im not familiar with the software but it looks like a multiple protocol im client23:50
opt1kjimmy_birer you're running as root?23:50
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: wassup?23:50
danbh_familystarn: go to the properties of the torrent, and look at the file listing.  uncheck any file you don't want23:50
dmsupermanActionParsnip: right, it runs via irc23:50
opt1kjimmy_bired: and you're chatting over gaim?23:50
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: logging in as root is a massive security risk23:50
ximdo i need all these kernel images for previous versions?23:50
dmsupermanActionParsnip: There's a public one setup on the irc server im.bitlbee.org23:50
dmsupermanActionParsnip: I want a local one because I don't trust my passwords there :P23:51
jimmy_bireri have password on 128 and 8023:51
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: then config the client to connect to that server23:51
=== nicholas__ is now known as Nutzebahn
ompaul!sudoroot | jimmy_birer23:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoroot23:51
opt1kjimmy_birer: log out of root23:51
ompaul!rootsudo | jimmy_birer23:51
ubottujimmy_birer: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)23:51
skylarwhat happens if I take a perfectly tweaked ubuntu install on HDD and plug it into a completely different computer?23:51
dmsupermanActionParsnip: I want to connect to localhost irc23:51
skylarnobody can even tell me if that is a really stupid question?23:51
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: as a "black hat hacker" you will understand why it is a bad idea23:51
jimmy_birerompaul break fake exploits23:51
HaZiLLaIm trying to install ubuntu my macbook pro along side leopard, i installed ubuntu according to the guide on the site, and for some reason it wont appear when i hold down alt during boot23:52
ActionParsnipdmsuperman: then you need to run your own irc serveer23:52
skylarby perfectly tweaked I mean pretty minimal but with sql server and stuff23:52
ActionParsnipopt1k: he's clearly an idiot23:52
LinuxGhost# phpMyAdmin default Apache configuration23:52
LinuxGhostAlias /phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin23:52
LinuxGhost<Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin>23:52
LinuxGhostOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks23:52
LinuxGhostDirectoryIndex index.php23:52
FloodBot1LinuxGhost: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
LinuxGhost# Authorize for setup23:52
darrendbunker: not really, I'm in the middle of a few other things :(  Have you read your router docs or some networking guides?23:52
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip: I did it and I think everythink is ok. Do you have something in mind?23:52
ActionParsniphey st3ph23:52
dmsupermanActionParsnip: That's what  I'm trying to figure out how to do that...I thought bitlbee was a self sustaining irc server23:52
opt1kdmsuperman: try ircd23:52
Gaming4JCHello All.  I just installed Ubuntu on my new PC but now my monitor says "Input Signal Out of Range"??? I copied my old Xorg.conf, but no luck? :(23:52
opt1k!pastebin | LinuxGhost23:53
ubottuLinuxGhost: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:53
jimmy_birerdo you have LG monitor?23:53
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: make sure cd is first, then hard drive23:53
Gaming4JCI have an LCD Compaq FP 531523:53
ActionParsnip!irc | dmsuperman23:53
ubottudmsuperman: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:53
jimmy_birerme 223:53
Gaming4JCalways worked before... :-/23:53
ompaulskylar, it is not a problem as such, providing you did not tweek the kernel for the chipset it should just lift (at least I have done that in the past several times recently)23:53
jimmy_birerand it says out of range:54 khz23:53
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip: I did it too and it is like that23:53
starndanbh_family:  where? i dont see file listing23:54
ompaulskylar, tweeked desktops would not be good23:54
spunkHello all, how much KDE-related stuff (e.g., libs) would be installed if I install a KDE application in Ubuntu? How much of the total KDE environment will end up on my HDD?23:54
bunkerdarrend, Yes.23:54
opt1kjimmy_birer: so, how's it going in Romania?23:54
skylarompaul, taht would be amazing... I only have gnome-core and xorg... and some packages I can list off without flooding the channel23:54
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: then you havent install grub if the drive isnt bootable23:54
matteowhy any mirror has LPIA packages yet?23:54
jimmy_birerkdeis buggy and slow23:54
Gaming4JCalso it's not just Ubuntu, I tried some other distros now they are all doing it. Kubuntu, Ubuntu, pretty much anything with gnome, and some kde23:55
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: gnome is slow too23:55
danbh_familystarn: right click, and goto details,    did you get that far?23:55
Gaming4JCso I dunno why my monitor is doing this :(23:55
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: try fluxbox23:55
kR5_ChrisActionPasnip: So what is the solution?23:55
jimmy_bireri use icewm8-)23:55
ompaulskylar, as I said it has worked for me in the past23:55
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: have you ran all the way through the install process23:55
jimmy_bireropt1k you are like me23:55
jimmy_bireryou amazing23:55
skylarompaul this is just a bare server install with a litte x and a mysql database..23:56
danbh_family!enter | jimmy_birer23:56
ubottujimmy_birer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:56
ompaulskylar, try it, should be ok23:56
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: ask a question or contribute or go to #ubuntu-offtopic23:56
Gaming4JCso is it possible to fix the Xorg.conf even though it's alreadly fixed according to all the manuals I've read?23:56
kR5_ChrisActionPasnip: Oh sorry... I just forgot to say that the problem came when I change my pc's case.23:56
starndanbh_family: oh ok. um also why is it soo slow? vs windows client utorrent? for the same torrent on the same internet i am only getting 40kbs and for 3.5gb thats slow. on windows i got 756kbs....23:56
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: what you trying to do?23:56
skylarompaul, that this is a SCSI disk should not matter either?23:56
opt1kjimmy_birer: don't spam with b/s or rdsnet.ro will get abuse report =)23:56
jimmy_bireractionparsnip leave me23:56
aroonisometimes firefox doesnt let me save files to /tmp... wahts up with that?23:56
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: you should power off and make sure everything is connected properly23:57
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: this is the ubuntu upport channel not random ramblings23:57
jimmy_bireroptik why you use netstat -an?23:57
ompaulskylar, as long as you have the same drive interface23:57
danbh_familycan anyone help with my slow boot problem?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/46430/23:57
ActionParsnipjimmy_birer: please adhere to the rooms rules23:57
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip: I was staring the case for hours and everyting seemed to be ok23:57
mark_Does anyone know if there is an easy way to convert mkv files to divx?23:57
Gaming4JCActionParsnip: As of recently reinstalling Ubuntu 8.04 my monitor gives an "Input signal out of Range" error right after the splash screen. Now I can't seen anything. (except for Ctrl+Alt+F1)23:57
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: unplug and plug everytnhing in23:57
opt1kActionParsnip: just ban him23:57
ActionParsnipopt1k: im not ops23:58
Razerhow do I mess around with compiz or whatever compes preinstalled with ubuntu?23:58
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip: What cable could caused it?23:58
skylarompaul, yeah, I was going to move that too23:58
ActionParsnipkR5_Chris: hard drive power or controller23:58
Gaming4JCI followed a tut on fixing the "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" but not luck23:58
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: can i see yur xorg.conf23:58
Gaming4JCI even got a backup of a working xorg.conf23:58
opt1kRazer: you can find Compiz in Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects23:58
Gaming4JClet me pastebin it23:59
FloodBot1Gaming4JC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
kudar_i disabled wireless on the top right of the screen... is there a command to enable it back. isn't an option on gui23:59
spunkHow much KDE-related stuff (e.g., libs) would be installed if I install a KDE application in Ubuntu? How much of the total KDE environment will end up on my HDD?23:59
kR5_ChrisActionParsnip: I changed the hard disk sata cable and I changed a hard drive with Windows Xp intalled and the same problem appeared23:59
ActionParsnip!info kde-desktop23:59
ubottuPackage kde-desktop does not exist in hardy23:59
opt1kompaul: ty =)23:59
danbh_familyspunk: the installer will tell you23:59

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