
Izemanshould i use my ip addresses?00:00
zoredacheOdd-rationale: erm, why the last dhclient?00:00
Odd-rationaleIzeman: yes.00:00
zoredacheIzeman: of course :)00:00
Odd-rationalezoredache: umm. not needed? ok...00:00
Odd-rationaleIzeman: then: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf00:00
zoredacheOdd-rationale: it starts the dhcp client... which you don't want if you are setting a static00:01
Odd-rationaleIzeman: then add the: nameserver ip.of.dns.server00:01
Odd-rationalee.g. nameserver
Odd-rationalezoredache: i thought you still needed it after giving the settings in ifconfig.... but you may be right...00:02
Odd-rationalefor reference: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68449500:04
Odd-rationalei gtg eat ... bbl....00:04
zoredacheIzeman: the steps he gave you will set a static address but it will be temporary and will go away after a reboot00:07
zoredacheThe way to set it up permanently is to adjust your /etc/network/interfaces00:07
zoredacheso it looks about like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/45980/00:07
diggletis compiz avaible to use with xubuntu?00:08
Izemanits mysterious that there is no network adapter in the network setting window...00:08
zoredachethe resolvconf must be installed or the dns settings in the interfaces file to be used  ( sudo apt-get install resolvconf )00:08
zoredachedigglet: yes, but don't ask me how to use it or set it up00:09
diggletzoredache: how can i use it or set it up? :D00:09
zoredachepfft... eyecandie is for young people... I just need my computer to work.  :p00:09
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:10
diggleti want to install it only to shut up windows-vista-aero lovers00:11
diggletthey don't know the CUBEPOWER yet00:11
Izemanthankyou zoredache....00:12
Odd-rationaledigglet: here's instructions... most should still work: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62375200:12
zoredachepersonally I think windows fanboyes are best ignored00:12
diggleti think this too, but they said "haha linux doesnt have something as greater as aero!"00:13
diggleti need to show them :D00:14
zoredachesure it does... it has stability00:14
zoredachethat is much greater then aero... :p00:14
diggletyeah :P00:14
Izemanthankyou for your help, odd-rationale00:21
Chet|HomeworkRandom newbie question--is there a way to force quit applications?  Like if something's frozen up01:32
Odd-rationaleChet|Homework: ctrl+alt+esc01:33
Odd-rationalethen click on the window...01:33
Chet|HomeworkOdd-rationale:  thanks!01:33
=== favafro is now known as favro
=== Chetyre is now known as skawesom1
=== skawesom1 is now known as Chetyre
ubuntu_hey guys, i'm on a friends windows computer that has crashed and won't boot.  i'm running ubuntu live, and trying to access his files so that we can email them out before he (against doctors orders) reinstalls windows.  anyways, went to his aol account but couldn't get to his files by 'attach' procedure.  i know someone told me you could access windows files with the live disk, so what gives?02:37
Odd-rationaleubuntu_: yes you can access ntfs drives on a live cd...02:42
Odd-rationaleubuntu_: but instead of trying to email the files.. can you just copy them to a usb drive?02:43
ubuntu_Odd-rationale: sorry, i got called out, din't think anyone would answer so fast...02:53
Odd-rationaleubuntu_: np. well. i have to go right now...02:53
Odd-rationalepeople may not answer so fast... :P02:54
ubuntu_ok, can u tell me how ezackly to access the files?02:55
ubuntu_or, anyone?02:55
danopiai wonder what doctors orders have to do with linux02:59
danopiaand windows02:59
DCPomeroycan anyone help me install Adobe Reader?03:22
favroDCPomeroy: where are you at with it?03:46
DCPomeroyi installed medibuntu03:47
DCPomeroythen when i did sudo apt-get install acroread i get an error03:47
favroDCPomeroy: what is the error?03:48
DCPomeroyhang on03:48
favroDCPomeroy: and did you update after adding medibuntu?03:48
favroDCPomeroy: how did you add medibuntu then?03:51
favro'cause it should have worked03:52
DCPomeroylet me get the commands03:52
DCPomeroywget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update03:52
DCPomeroythen update again03:53
favroDCPomeroy: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file then please?03:53
favroDCPomeroy: well from here - http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/index.html - it is called acroread...04:00
favroDCPomeroy: and this is how to add the repohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu04:01
digglethello there! only here to ask a simple question: what irc client do you use?04:03
DCPomeroydigglet, xchat04:04
DCPomeroyfavro, wow that worked04:04
Chickengeorge2how are you?04:04
DCPomeroyi must have done something wrong the first time, thanks a lot04:04
diggleti'm fine :)04:04
favroDCPomeroy: glad for you :)04:04
DCPomeroyit's installing now04:04
diggletis there a way to put the users list at the right as the usual irc clients?04:04
favroDCPomeroy: I use xpdf as it is lots lighter and free :)04:05
favrodigglet: it is there in xchat - you just have to expose it04:05
DCPomeroyis it on the left now digglet ?04:06
favroit normally hides behind the scrollbar04:08
diggletno, it's hidden, i need to click on "users" to show a list04:09
favrodigglet: from the right side of xchat move the cursor left until it changes then left click and drag04:10
Chickengeorge2i want a 3D-Busen-Applet on my screen where to get it from?04:12
favrowhat's a 3D-Busen-Applet?04:12
Chickengeorge2its a 3D applet that shows naked breasts on the Desktop04:13
DCPomeroywhy don't you get real breasts?04:14
Chickengeorge2i have... ;)04:14
Chickengeorge2just for fun04:14
Chickengeorge2Xubuntu is really good04:20
Chickengeorge2i have it installed since 2 weeks now and its stable and great04:21
favrowell done :)04:21
Chickengeorge2yeah man.... i am a linux-newbie........... just experimented with live-CD?s arlier......04:23
Chickengeorge2but now i wanted to have a full HD installation04:23
favroworks quicker running04:24
favrofrom hd :)04:24
Chickengeorge2its very stable since now and i already burned some CD/DVD with xubuntu and tried out Compiz and other sutuff like as 3D driver and some stupid 3D-Games04:24
Chickengeorge2yes a lot04:24
Chickengeorge2and a lot more with 3D Nvidia driver04:24
Chickengeorge2i am from germany... sorry for my bad english04:24
favroyou know it comes with its' own compositor? - makes windows transparent and stuff04:25
Chickengeorge2no i did not know....  i installed compiz very earliy and then i de-installed it to compare the desktop speed... but i must say that it runs very well with compiz... but i dont need these effects everyday.. but its nice04:26
Chickengeorge2i am now typing on XP-opera but i have my Linux-PC still running here beside me04:26
Chickengeorge2i havwe Xubuntu 8041 hardy i think04:27
favroI've just installed the server edition in virtualbox and have 6 desktop environments set up for it04:28
Chickengeorge2wow,,, thassalot........... i have installed it on my HD and beside it i have installed XP on the other HD and GRUB-Bootmanager04:29
Chickengeorge2and on the other PC i am online now here sharing the internet-connection to the Xubuntu via Lan-cable connection04:30
Chickengeorge2everythinh works fine except AVM BlueFRITZ Bluetooth USB ISDN connection... did not figure that out since now.. so i need to share the internet connection... i just have ISDN here04:32
favrothere's a bluetooth manager in settings manager04:33
Chickengeorge2yes but thast one does not work for me with AVM-Bluefritz04:33
Chickengeorge2but i found some tutorial ,,, but i need to read them these days ...........04:33
Chickengeorge2now its too late here 5:33 o clock... there?04:33
favroheh :)04:33
favro1.30pm in australia04:35
Chickengeorge25:35 South Germany :)04:35
favroam? - it'd have to be :)04:35
b3ny0-hi, trying to find proprietary nvidia-drivers for geforce4 go 42004:36
ubuntuguys, don't know what the prob is, but even tho i had hardy live working an hour ago, it will not now completely load.  gets to a black screen with cursor in the middle and will not go on to desktop from there.  pulled an old  6.06 out of my bag of trix, but i don't know if or how to access ntfs files with it.  will 6.06 do this?04:36
Chickengeorge2:)..... still sitting and drinking :)04:36
Chickengeorge2hmmm i am sharing SMB to XP with hardy 804 with smb-package04:37
favroubuntu: you can install ntfs-3g on the live cd for that04:37
Chickengeorge2b3ny0-:   try to find nvidia in your package manager.. then you will be happy... i found it there and my fx5200 128 runns very well04:38
favrob3ny0-: shouldn't that use the normal nvidia driver?04:38
ubuntufavro, on lts 6.06?  couldn't find it in the community docs, can you tell me how?04:38
b3ny0-I don04:38
b3ny0-t know what the normal one is called04:38
favroubuntu: you install it over the net - the live cd does this but the things you install aren't saved04:39
Chickengeorge2try one of those both nvidia... one should work.... yo should use the older one i think04:39
favrob3ny0-: nvidia-glx-new I think04:39
favro!info nvidia-glx-new04:40
ubottunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5126 kB, installed size 15256 kB04:40
ubuntufavro, can u be more specific on steps, or tell me where to look up?04:40
b3ny0-nvidia-glx only?04:40
b3ny0-its a pretty old card04:40
Chickengeorge2wait i look what i got04:40
b3ny0-cool, thanks04:41
favroubuntu: there is synaptic package manager in the menu under applications-system04:41
ubuntuahhhh, ok, i go see04:41
favroubuntu: open it and search button - type ntfs-3g04:41
Chickengeorge2i have geforce fx 5500 128 and i have nvidia driver version 169.12 here04:41
Chickengeorge2my card is pretty old too04:42
b3ny0-mine is a laptop version as well04:42
favroubuntu: it might use nvidia-glx-legacy04:42
favro!info nvidia-glx-legacy04:42
ubottunvidia-glx-legacy (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 71.86.04+ (hardy), package size 3003 kB, installed size 9796 kB04:42
Chickengeorge2my one is not a Laptop04:42
Chickengeorge2its a PCI04:42
Chickengeorge2ehhm sorry AGP04:42
b3ny0-i'll try nvidia-glx-legacy then :)04:43
Chickengeorge2as you like... good luck ;)04:43
Chickengeorge2i have AGP 4X04:44
ubuntunot finding ntfs-3g on synaptic, anybody know how to install with command line?04:44
Chickengeorge2thats all i can say04:44
favroubuntu: it might be only using the cd as a repo - in synaptic click preferences - repositories and enable all04:45
Chickengeorge2ubuntu:  use Krusader Filecommander and click on MEDIA.. then yo can see your NTFS-XP HD04:46
ubuntuChickengeorge2: ok, how do i get Krusader?04:46
b3ny0-krusader kicks ass04:47
Chickengeorge2ubuntu:  use synaptics or any other packet-manager04:47
b3ny0- sudo apt-get install krusader04:47
Chickengeorge2b3ny0-:  sorry if you dont like krusader04:47
ubuntuChickengeorge2: can install it to live and then access files?04:48
b3ny0-i do like krusader04:48
Chickengeorge2i dont know if it works live... i have xubuntu-HD insallatio04:48
Chickengeorge2i like those 2 windows filemanagers04:48
Chickengeorge2ubuntu:  give it a try04:50
ubuntugoing to try, but couldn't change any prefs in synaptic gonna try terminal04:50
Chickengeorge2why change prefs?04:51
Chickengeorge2is that needed?04:51
favrofor the repositories04:51
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:51
Chickengeorge2i know about repositories.. but arent they already all there? i mean the once you need?04:52
ubuntufavro, i couldn't find that option, this is a live lts 6.06 version.  any thoughts on why my hardy live wont load and this one will?04:52
ubuntuand in the terminal i get 'couldn't find package krusader'04:53
Chickengeorge2find Krusader in packet-manager!!!!04:54
favroapt-cache search to find packages in terminal04:54
Chickengeorge2or DL it from the web as a *.deb or similar04:54
favroubuntu: it prob didn't set your graphics card up right04:54
ubuntuand no docs in community for Krusader Filecommander04:54
favro!find krusader04:55
ubottuFound: krusader, krusader-dbg04:55
favro!info krusader04:55
ubottukrusader (source: krusader): twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for KDE (and other desktops). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.90.0-1 (hardy), package size 3112 kB, installed size 8900 kB04:55
ubuntufavro, the funny thing is that about an hour and a half ago it was up.  then somebody came by and wanted to look at something in the bios, and after that, hardy wont boot live.  is there something i can do to fix?04:56
Chickengeorge2yes twin-opanel04:56
Chickengeorge2twin-panel right04:56
favroubuntu: ask them what they changed in the bios...04:56
ubuntuhe's gone, said he din't do anything.  i wonder if i throw it in again if it will boot.  this is my friends windows machine that crashed and he needs to rescue some legal docs ...04:57
favroubuntu: what is the brand/model of the comp? - I'll have a quick google04:58
favroubuntu: or try the safe graphics mode at the start/install prompt05:00
ubuntudell dimention240005:00
Chickengeorge2here DELL GX15005:00
Chickengeorge2DELL *THUMBS*!05:01
Chickengeorge2http://frankfurtmasala.mylivepage.com/file/650/5535_My_Desktop_XUBUNTU_Linux.mov   <------------ my desktop :)05:03
ubuntufavro, i'm waitin to see what you come up with... otherwise, so u think if i put hardy live back in and try safe graphics mode i will get in?  secondary question.  we just went to walmart and bought a flash drive, but right now i don't even know how to get to the ntfs files.  will i be able to access and save image files as well?05:04
Chickengeorge2just click the pic05:04
favroubuntu: from google it seems the majority of boot probs are user error - try the safe graphics05:04
favroubuntu: you should for sure :)05:04
ubuntufavro, thanks, gonna go try, maybe see you in a few back here...05:05
favroubuntulog: k05:06
Chickengeorge2AMAROK rulez05:06
Chickengeorge2ere4si:  servus05:08
ere4siChickengeorge2: it's favro on my xubuntu virtualbox guest :)05:09
Chickengeorge2oh i see , so its yu?05:09
Chickengeorge2did i get you right?05:09
Chickengeorge2*thumbs*     /// waiting for your next 20 virtual guests LOL05:09
ere4sitrying to set up plan9 as a guest05:10
Chickengeorge2why not... nice nick05:10
Chickengeorge2i enjoy my cheap 5.1 surround here with mp3 beats :)05:12
Chickengeorge2muchos BASS nice sound05:12
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:21
Chickengeorge2Timo Boll is a great Ping-Pong Player from Germany05:21
ere4siwas he at the olympics?05:22
* Chickengeorge2 pinging my Palm05:22
Chickengeorge2yes he was05:22
Chickengeorge2Boll got brince or silver as i remember right05:22
ere4siI'm out to do the mowing - bbiab :)05:24
Chickengeorge2my jabjab is moving too05:24
Guest74284favro, you still here?  i still couldn't get hardy to run live, for some reason keyboard won't work during load, when the mode option appears, so i can't get to safe graphics to try ... now i loaded a centos live cd, but have not idea how to use it to access ntfs files ...05:35
Chickengeorge2here speaks Bratwurst-Joe05:36
favroGuest74284: I wouldn't know either - try in #centos maybe?05:36
Guest74284ya, got it open, but nobody answering ... arrrrgggghhh, just looking thru their forums now.  i'd rather be on ubuntu05:37
Chickengeorge2ubuntu is better05:37
Chickengeorge2try a PS2 keyboard05:38
favroGuest74284: you could add his hard drive to a comp with a running os05:39
Chickengeorge2some mainboards do not recognize USB-Keyboards during the startup05:40
Chickengeorge2hi Catoptromancy05:40
Chickengeorge2how are you?05:40
Chickengeorge2any ideas or questions?05:41
Catoptromancygetting new xubutnu05:41
Chickengeorge2nice what are you torrenting?05:41
Chickengeorge2i see05:41
Chickengeorge2here still on 8.0.405:41
Catoptromancyshouldnt upgrade manager upgrade to latest?05:42
Catoptromancylike if I install 7.10 and upgrade enough it goes to 8.04?05:42
Chickengeorge2dont know... i just have a modm connection......... i am happy with 8.0.405:42
Chickengeorge2and the newer one doesnt bring that much new features as i did read05:42
Catoptromancyupdates are always good05:43
Chickengeorge2normally i think it should upgrade then.........05:43
Chickengeorge2but not sure.. i am new on linux xubunto since 3 weeks05:43
Guest74284Chickengeorge2: it IS a ps2 keyboard, i just checked it05:43
Chickengeorge2Guest74284 ps2 keyboard must be recognized ... in anc case.... /// does a live CD recognize it? then a HD instasll should do too05:44
Guest74284don't know, looking to see if i can get ntfs-3g working on the centos live05:45
Chickengeorge2i dont know centos, sorry............ is it xubuntu-version too`?05:46
Catoptromancyits red hat based05:46
Catoptromancyrpm distro05:46
Chickengeorge2red hat-- i remember that i had that years ago when i tried linux at first.....05:47
Chickengeorge2and then mandrake or?05:47
Chickengeorge2those are older ones?05:47
Catoptromancythey all upgrade05:47
Catoptromancythere are none that just get old05:47
Chickengeorge2i got never deeper into linux these days a long ago.. but now i try to get specialist into Xubuntu05:48
Chickengeorge2okay... all upgrade05:48
Chickengeorge2i see05:48
Catoptromancywell the major ones05:48
Catoptromancysome distros where all the devs stop working on it, get old05:48
Chickengeorge2i understand.......... sorry for my bad english... i am german05:48
Chickengeorge2*thumbs* i see05:49
Chickengeorge2i finger myself now05:53
Chickengeorge2eeeehmm i play mp3 ?s now05:54
Chickengeorge2and you?05:54
Chickengeorge2hehehehehhe lol05:55
Chickengeorge2nice too05:55
Chickengeorge2try to play potato-guy :) LOLOLOLOLOL05:56
Chickengeorge2or GRIDWARS  even better05:57
Chickengeorge2or PHUN05:57
Chickengeorge2or? Catoptromancy?05:59
Chickengeorge2ever played GRIDWARS?05:59
Chickengeorge2i like that a lot... nice Arkade05:59
Chickengeorge2mabye try it now06:00
Chickengeorge2very colourful and psychedellic i would say06:00
Chickengeorge2hi deci06:06
Chickengeorge2arschgefickte gummizofen06:17
wolfwalkerIn Ubuntu, under Places, there is My Computer.  Is there any way to get a GUI My Computer menu in Xubuntu?06:23
wolfwalker(Sorry for what is probably a really newbie question)06:24
wolfwalkerWhat is Thunar, and is that an answer to me or the continuation of a convo that started before I came in?06:25
ubottuThunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease06:25
wolfwalkerBeat me to it :)06:25
wolfwalkerDoes that psychocats instruction work in Xubuntu?06:26
Chickengeorge2try Gnome-commander06:26
Chickengeorge2or similar 2 side -fileanager06:27
wolfwalkerI know there are some differences.......... for example, ubuntu-restricted-extras is different than xubuntu-restricted-extras.06:27
wolfwalkerSo when I change from Nautilus to Thunar, where do I go to get a standard My Computer screen where I can see all my hard drives, optical drives, etc?06:30
Chickengeorge2use gnome-kommander or konquerror or how its called06:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-commander06:31
Chickengeorge2then its easy06:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-kommander06:31
Chickengeorge2DL it and have a look at it ..plz06:31
Chickengeorge2trust me06:31
Chickengeorge2works? wolfwalker?06:38
wolfwalkerWhat works?06:39
wolfwalkerI'm not on Xubuntu at the moment.  I'm going to have to install it on this laptop I have here though, cause Ubuntu won't even get Gnome fully running.06:40
wolfwalkerIt only has 233 megs ram :(06:40
Catoptromancymd5sums arent posted?06:40
Chickengeorge2thats enough to run xubuntu... so its okay06:40
wolfwalkerI googled it though, and it seems cool.06:40
wolfwalkerDefinitely try it06:40
Chickengeorge2i had running knoppix on 266mhz / 256 ram abnd / 1632 GFX06:41
wolfwalkerAll I need is something that will show me (in GUI) available hard drives.06:41
wolfwalkerYeah.  I was thinking Puppy for this laptop, but too many unknowns.06:41
wolfwalkerXubuntu it is06:41
Chickengeorge2yepp man06:41
Catoptromancywolfwalker, thunar06:41
wolfwalkerPuppy is getting there though.06:41
Chickengeorge2no other choice else of DSL-Linux :)06:42
wolfwalkerDSL doesn't have anything.  It runs........... but you can't DO anything.06:42
Chickengeorge2;) just joking06:42
Chickengeorge2try xubuntu06:42
wolfwalkerCatoptromancy when I get thunar where do I go to get a standard My Computer screen with all the available hard drives/optical drives/peripherals?06:43
Catoptromancyin thunar06:43
Catoptromancyjust open it06:43
wolfwalkerActually Puppy is looking better and better.  Not as polished as Xubuntu yet, but almost as capable.06:43
Catoptromancylook in /media or /mnt06:43
wolfwalkerSo it will be a "Thunar" selection in Apps?06:44
Chickengeorge2any porn games for linux there?06:46
Chickengeorge2porn-games for linux there without using an emulator`?06:53
Chickengeorge2kannste in arsch ficken07:00
Catoptromancy= (07:33
Catoptromancyxubuntu aint the same07:33
Catoptromancyits gnome+xfce now07:33
favrostill up Chickengeorge2 ?09:15
* Chickengeorge2 listening to JOE ZAWINUL09:15
Chickengeorge2yeah man09:15
Chickengeorge2full bass here music loud09:16
Chickengeorge25.1 surround09:16
Chickengeorge2virtual surrond on mp309:16
Chickengeorge2ya man .... and you? what you doing now?09:18
* Chickengeorge2 listening to Jo Zawinul : 11-Borges Buenos Aires - Part 1.ogg09:19
favrobbqing pirir piri chicken and havin' beers09:20
Chickengeorge2;) hehe mee too..........09:20
* Chickengeorge2 throws some eggs in the channel09:20
Chickengeorge2putt putt putt09:21
Chickengeorge2look out for Joe Zawinul on Minivova or similar09:22
Chickengeorge2found it favro ?09:23
favrowhat was I looking for? :) hehe09:24
Chickengeorge2look out for Joe Zawinul on Minivova or similar09:24
Chickengeorge2really nice music09:25
favroI'm going through a late seventies/eighties two guitars, drums and a singer stage atm09:26
Chickengeorge2yes then Joe Zawinul will be the best for you09:26
Chickengeorge2its Jazz-rock & World-beat early 80es 90es and 70ies09:27
Myrttia) offtopic b) ~piracy09:29
Chickengeorge2you could let yurself be inspired about agp-t get this albums ;) there : http://www.mininova.org/search/joe+zawinul/seeds09:29
Chickengeorge2sorry i understand09:30
Chickengeorge2excuse me09:30
Chickengeorge2i will not type again09:30
Chickengeorge2look at ebay or Amazon for to buy a copy09:31
Chickengeorge2still here?09:34
Chickengeorge2did you find a cheap one?09:34
favroI'm going to look later after beers and dinner :)09:36
favrobig ears09:37
Chickengeorge2lets party?09:37
Chickengeorge2big thirsty09:37
favrowrong channe for that ...09:37
favro*channel even09:37
Chickengeorge2yeah okay.......... srr09:37
Chickengeorge2wanna change channel?09:37
Chickengeorge2lets go to next pub :)09:38
* Chickengeorge2 listening to Joe Zawinul & The Zawinul Syndicate Vienna Nights cd1- 08 East 12th street band09:45
* Chickengeorge2 listening to DJ BBC R1_Bailey.mp309:49
Chickengeorge2radio recordings09:49
Chickengeorge2DFlame:  hi10:00
DFlameHiya..... can I help?10:01
Chickengeorge2yeagh man10:01
DFlamelet's hear the problem then10:02
Chickengeorge2problem: i am here since hours and nobody writes... :(10:02
DFlameWell, this is a support channel as opposed to a chat channel. Problems get solved here, while any other discussion usually goes on in #ubuntu-offtopic10:03
Chickengeorge2so i try to put an egg :)10:05
matmomorning all. I'm new to (x)ubuntu and wondering if I can install xubuntu 8.04.1 to a 1G usb stick for live boot *with* option to do a HD install? I have UNetbootin and the image and I am ready to write but are there any caveats I should know about?10:43
favrowww.pendrivelinux.com knows all about that10:45
matmofavro: doesn't seem to cover usb boot creation from windows. I read a lot of web stuff yesterday and UNetbootin looked like it does the job. I am mainly wondering if after creating and booting from USB if then xubuntu has the option to do a HD install or if only ubuntu-live cd has that option?10:52
favroafaik only the live cd has that option but it wouldn't suprise me if I was wrong about that :)10:54
matmook, thanks. Already kicked off xubuntu-2-usb so I will know soon enough :-)10:55
favrocome back and let me know please :)10:55
matmofavro: unetbootin installs a boot menu that includes an option to install to hd (do not know yet if it has dual boot option) and xubuntu has the install option right there on the desktop. Looking good :-)11:44
favromatmo: that's what the live cd has - have you installed it yet? - on the usb?11:46
matmoyep, used unetbootin to install xubuntu to usb stick then booted from usb. Not ready to install to HD yet though (def not today)11:51
favrogreat - I only use linux so windows issues are foreign to me11:53
matmoHaven't had a dedicated linux box for years but got an Akoya Mini this week. ATM using wubi on it while I iron out any issues before doing a hd install. Ubuntu running great on it and my first experience of compwiz-fusion. Now planning on dual booting two other notebooks, so impressed am I :-)11:58
matmo(hence the usb boot to check things before any perm install)12:00
favroI think that is a top way to check hardware out first :)12:01
matmoagree. I'm now wondering if I can get a multi-distro boot option on a 4G usb stick!12:05
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hvgotcodeshey what is the best way to get flash player going on a fresh xubuntu install?15:05
hvgotcodescan anyone help me enable my audio keys for xfce?15:24
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: for flash, try installing xubuntu-restricted-extras15:37
Odd-rationalesudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras15:37
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: for multimedia keys15:39
Odd-rationale!keys | hvgotcodes15:40
ubottuhvgotcodes: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts15:40
hvgotcodesOdd-rationale: thanx15:41
hvgotcodesOdd-rationale: i enabled XAA for compiz performance and now my suspend to ram wont work (suspends all right, but doesn't come back).  do you know how to fix this?15:42
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: not this one... sorry... suspend doesn't even work on my machine... :(15:43
hvgotcodesOdd-rationale: it works without XAA enabled15:44
hvgotcodesdoes 8.04 come with the latest intel driver?15:44
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: the latest that we have, i believe...15:45
HansMeiserhi! i have a problem: my taskbars disappeared - how can i get them back? (reboot didn't help)16:20
cody-somervillePress alt+f216:20
cody-somervilletype in: xfce4-panel16:20
cody-somervilleand hit enter16:20
HansMeiserthats all?16:20
HansMeiseri tried gnome-panel til i figured out, that xubuntu isnt using gnome xD16:21
HansMeiservut why isnt it loading on startup?16:26
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hvgotcodesfor xubuntu is there a keyboard shortcuts program?20:31
DFlamenot sure. Have you tried having a look around Synaptic Package Manager for one?20:35
hvgotcodesDFlame: i would think there would be  a default one, like in gnome -- i need to get my multimedia keys goiiong.  someone suggested keytouch but my keyboard is not recognized20:41
DFlamethere is a keytouch-editor package which might help you with keytouch. It supposedly allows you to manually configure the keys20:43
DFlamethere's also a different package called hotkeys20:43
hvgotcodeshow come with gnome the multimedia keys work with no tweaking?20:43
hvgotcodesall my keys work except the volume related ones20:44
DFlameXfce must not have the functionality built in yet. Keep in mind that Xubuntu is for low-med spec computers so a lot of the bells and whistles are removed20:45
hvgotcodeshmm should i just install gnome?20:46
DFlametry the editor package first20:46
hvgotcodesi chose xfce because i didn't want gnome-bloat -- i only use the wm, none of the gnome apps20:46
DFlameif that doesnt work to your liking, try the hotkeys instead20:46
hvgotcodesdo you know how to use the editor?20:47
DFlamethough i wouldn't justify changing desktop environment just for a few keys20:47
DFlameabsolutely no idea at all. try running them from the terminal, and looking up documentation on the net20:47
Odd-rationaleyes xfce has keyboard shorcuts20:54
Odd-rationaleapplications --> settings --> keyboard --> keyboard shortcuts20:55
hvgotcodesOdd-rationale -- how to associate a key with a command?20:59
hvgotcodesthe first ones are sound related, they just don't work...20:59
Odd-rationalehvgotcodes: this is what i used: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Hotkeys21:02
hvgotcodesthanx will try it21:02
Odd-rationaleberto_: hi. welcome!21:28
berto_but isn't a italian server21:29
Odd-rationale!it | berto_21:29
ubottuberto_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:29
berto_thanks a lot!21:30
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ancalagoncan I ask xubuntu questions here ?21:58
favrosure :)21:58
ancalagonhow can I make alt-shift to switch between keyboard layouts /21:59
ancalagonanybody knows ?22:00
bytor4232Not me.22:01
bytor4232Sorry man.22:01
ancalagonis there a native hotkey to do that ?22:02
favroancalagon: there is keyboard settings in the settings manager22:05
ancalagonYes I know22:06
ancalagonbut how do I make a shortcut top switch between languages22:06
ancalagonI can switch using the "keyboard layout swirtcher" application but it requires using the mous22:07
favrothere is keyboard shortcuts in the keyboard section of settings manager - just set one up how you want it22:10
ancalagonOK, but what is the command to associate with the hotkey ?22:13
Odd-rationaleancalagon: there is this: http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2006/10/13/xubuntu-easily-switch-keyboard-layout/22:14
Odd-rationalebut i know there is even a better solution... let me try to find it...22:14
ancalagonThanks a bunch I am going to try it22:15
Odd-rationaleancalagon: here. this is probably a better way: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg#Keyboard_Settings22:16
ancalagoneven better great22:17
ancalagonthank you !22:17
Pirate_Hunterhi i deleted my xorg.conf expecting the system to make a new one but it hasnt, how do i force it to create a new xorg.conf file?22:19
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: i forgot... it was somthing like "sudo dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg"22:20
Pirate_Hunterwill try22:21
Pirate_Hunterfor some strange reason res works well in xubuntu but not when using fluxbox22:22
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: hmm. can you pastebin the output of "xrandr" from the bad (fluxbox) resolution?22:23
Pirate_Hunteryah one sec just logged back into it22:24
Pirate_Hunter:/ doesnt look pretty http://pastebin.ca/120133922:26
Pirate_Hunterany comment22:28
danbh_familywhats the default text editor for xubuntu?22:28
favrosudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorgmousepad22:28
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: doesn't look like xorg.conf is setup right...22:28
Odd-rationaledanbh_family: mousepad22:28
danbh_familyOdd-rationale: thanks!22:28
Odd-rationalefavro: could you pastebin your xorg.conf? i'm not on a ubuntu/debian machine...22:28
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale, :? any comments on that dont know why fluxbox would act funny22:29
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: i think we need ot have a good xorg.conf file first...22:30
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:30
Odd-rationalefavro: is this gutsy?22:31
favroOdd-rationale: dapper22:31
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale: xubuntu but things go wrong when using fluxbox22:31
Odd-rationaleok i.22:31
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale: oops ignore that22:31
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: have you run that command? what did it say?22:32
Pirate_Hunterone sec going to do it now22:32
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale:  i did it just backed up my current xorg and made a new one i guess22:34
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale:  the new xorg doesnt have much not even screen modes22:35
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: are you on hardy?22:35
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale: xubuntu lastest version22:36
Odd-rationaleor testing alphas... :P22:36
Odd-rationaleyou can find out by "lsb_release -a"22:37
favroiirc in hardy fluxbox gets some config files in X1122:37
Pirate_HunterOdd-rationale: 8.04 not the alpha22:37
Pirate_Hunterwhy would fluxbox have problems?22:38
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: ok. restart X and see what happens...22:38
Pirate_Hunterhow do i restart x and this wont disconnect my other comp, will it, im sending stuff over?22:38
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: logging off is the easiest way... it will kill all X apps...22:39
Odd-rationaleyou can wait for the transfer to be over...22:40
Pirate_Hunterhmmm it will be done in 7 hours dont think youre prepared to wait that long?22:40
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: hmm...22:41
Pirate_Hunteri guess this is as far as i will go with this problem22:42
Pirate_Hunternow how do i move stuff in the tray, my icons are misplaced22:42
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: what tray?22:43
Pirate_Hunterthe upper tray with the time etc how do i move stuff around, seems like drag and drop dont work in xubuntu22:44
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: right-click --> move?22:44
Pirate_Hunternah tried no such option22:45
Pirate_Hunteri want to move clock orange the calendar icon22:46
Odd-rationalePirate_Hunter: you mean the notification area?22:46
Odd-rationalei don't quite get what you are trying to do ... :|22:47
Pirate_Hunterdont worry i just removed it guess the date is not important right now :s22:48
Pirate_Huntereven if i wanted to find the calendar again it seems i cant, geez xubuntu is becoming more troublesome than ever22:51
ozkughhi im trying to open firefox on another system in my network through ssh, but i get this error message: "error: no display specified" what do i do?22:54
Odd-rationaleozkugh: do you want to display ff on the server machine? or client machine?22:55
ozkughi want to display firefox on the server machine22:56
Odd-rationaleozkugh: try this:22:56
Odd-rationale!hi | nos[s0urce23:07
ubottunos[s0urce: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!23:07
nos[s0urceis there anyway to get ssh working on xubuntu filemanager? or any other working filemanager to do this?23:07
Odd-rationalenos[s0urce: you mean like browse a ssh file system?23:08
nos[s0urcewith my ubuntu it works without any prob in nautilus, but last time i tired, it didnt with the xubuntu filemanager23:09
Odd-rationaletry reading about sshfs23:10
Odd-rationale!info sshfs23:10
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-1 (hardy), package size 31 kB, installed size 116 kB23:10
nos[s0urceah, a package, nice, thx :)23:11
Odd-rationaleozkugh: for example: firefox --display=:023:14
Odd-rationale!hi | OG23:19
ubottuOG: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!23:19
OGI want to install xubuntu in my brothes laptpp, but his CD-Rom doesn't work, it's possible to do it with a pendrive?23:20
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:21
OGThanks ubottu23:21
benjieAnyone there?23:29
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:29
benjieAnybody help me out?23:29
zoredachenot until you ask a question23:30
benjiei need help setting up an internet connection with my Xubuntu on my PS323:30
benjieassuming it is the same as the PC23:30
zoredachewired or wireless?23:31
benjieis there anyway i can connect using just a WEP key and connecting to the router by scanning for it?23:34
benjielike on the PS3, i dont know if you have experience in connecting like that?23:35
zoredacheI don't know anything about the ps3, and my wireless equipment was supported out of the box.  Have you tried looking for 'ps3 ubuntu wireless' on google?23:36
benjieyes, i have not found any successful results. i jus need a brief tutorial on how to setup  a wireless connection.23:37
zoredacheand did you read and try and follow the tutorial?  Did not understand some specific step, or?23:39
benjiei havent found a tutorial on setting up a connection23:40
Rakeerbenjie: are you running ubuntu on your PS3?23:41
Rakeeryes, yes...we're in #xubuntu23:41
Rakeerso yes?23:41
Rakeerwhich release?23:42
benjiei think 7.01? i got it from the site. latest i guess.23:42
Rakeerfrom the ps3ubuntu help page at ubuntu?23:42
Rakeerdid you use live or alternate, what model and country is your PS3, and are you using HDMI or RCA out23:43
benjiei got 40gb ps3, UK, and usin HDMI23:43
benjiewhat do you mean by live/alternate?23:44
alexrOk, have been using Ubuntu just fine for a while. Installed xubuntu-desktop package and it worked for about a day. Now it freezes on boot. DMESG gives a lot of :[  513.639960] [fglrx:firegl_cmmqs_CWDDE_32] *ERROR* CMMQS CWDDE32: pvDriver handle is not valid. : Any help?23:46
benjieDesktop version by the way.23:51

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