
xivulonah running ubiquity finally... virtualbox workaround for 2.6.27 really slows things down though...00:11
xivulonpartman/exception_handler DESCRIPTION Error opening /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk: invalid argument00:19
xivulonwas there any change in partman preseeding?00:19
xivulonpreseed: /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk 100 200 200 linux-swap method { swap } format{ } .00:46
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HenryHeronNot sure if this is germain to this channel, but I did a bum install via Autoconfig... & I need to remove what did get installed. Any suggestions... directions? Thanks03:54
persiaHenryHeron: reformat the partition?  The installer can do this automatically, if you select the "format the partition" option when selecting the partition.03:56
persiaErr.  Missed "Autoconfig".  I suspect the above advice is not correct.03:56
HenryHeronpersia: Yikes, no, not of the system... a PROGRAM. :)03:57
persiaYeah.  Probably not germane to this channel. :)  I'd suggest looking at the Autoconfig docs, and seeing if it tracks the install somehow, or provides a log of the partial install.03:58
HenryHeronpersia: I can get the terminal to track the files... but when I do an apt-get remove, it "says" not installed.03:59
persiaHenryHeron: I suspect Autoconfig doesn't use apt-get, but I'm not actually familiar with Autoconfig.04:00
HenryHeronpersia: this is probably true, I too suspect. That's why I need someone more knowledgeable than I (a relative newbie to linux/ubuntu).04:01
HenryHeronpersia: Perhaps I'll chime in at the ubuntu irc.  Thanks for the reply.04:02
persiaHenryHeron: Good luck.  I'm sorry I don't know more about Autoconfig.04:04
NCommanderSomeone say autoconf?04:25
xivulonhave an issue in partman: open_dialog OPEN /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk -> invalid argument08:20
cjwatsonGoosemoose: just /etc/init.d/likewise-open start; I'd recommend that you stop it after joining, too12:21
cjwatsonxivulon: method{ swap } not method { swap }12:22
cjwatsonthe whitespace matters12:22
persiacjwatson: the d-i rebuild hung for a while from LP issues, but it's all built now.  Thanks.12:23
xivulonah cjwatson thanks12:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: and stop putting /target in your late_command script. It shouldn't be there.12:23
xivulonunfortunately I just wasted my xp vm :(12:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: sorry, that was confusing12:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: your late_command should have chroot /target /post_install_tasks, as I said12:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: post_install_tasks should NOT mention /target12:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: that's why you're getting an error about /target/etc/nsswitch.conf not existing12:24
cjwatsonpersia: oh good. er, I think I did fix the last bit of it and then forgetfully go to bed, sorry ...12:24
persiacjwatson: No worries.  I was a little surpised to get up today and discover my image was broken, but as the only user who claimed they wanted to test this weekend is in UTC-7, I'll be OK as long as I can get a 20080913.1 image built soon.12:25
cjwatsonpersia: it's on its way now12:26
cjwatsonGoosemoose: from your pastebin, it actually looks like something already tried to run '/etc/init.d/likewise-open start' but it didn't work. You'll have to dig into that yourself to find out why that might be ...12:27
persiacjwatson: Excellent.  I didn't know you could also press that button.  Thank you :)12:28
* cjwatson has all the cdimage buttons12:28
* persia scrounges for more to add to the collection12:30
persiacjwatson: A couple oddities, for which I'm hoping you can give me guidance on what buttons need pressing.  On the ubuntu-mid 20080913.1 image, the partman-partitioning changes to enable lpia are still missing.  Also, for the ubuntu-lpia alternate CD, 20080913 failed to build because of what looks like d-i skew.14:04
cjwatsonpersia: ubuntu-lpia is my own stupid fault for not bumping the kernel-version field in the seeds. fixing now14:41
cjwatsonpersia: ubuntu-mid needs a ubiquity upload before the partman-partitioning changes are effective14:42
persiaCool.  That one's easy then.  And the partman-partitioning changes?14:42
persiaOK.  That gives me new incentive to fix the ubiquity bug I found :)14:42
cjwatsonI can do the ubiquity upload now if it would make things easier14:43
persiaWell, it means I can make sure the install works on a non-hacked image, which is easier.  On the other hand, it reduces my incentive to fix the problem with a null self.blacklist.14:44
persiaIf you've nothing else keeping you busy, and feel like it, an upload would be nice, but it's not critical to me.14:44
persiaMore important was understanding what needed to happen.14:44
cjwatsonwhy would you want an empty self.blacklist?14:46
persiaYou wouldn't, but it happens if you happen to either not have the filesystem.manifest files or have filesystem.manifest be identical to filesystem.manifest-desktop14:47
persiaThe point being that when this occurs, ubiquity ought not crash.14:48
persiaIt's just a robustness fix, rather than a usability fix.14:48
cjwatsonshall I just fix that now? it's trivial ...14:48
cjwatsonobviously I can let you do it if you'd rather14:48
persiaIf you like.  I was actually enjoying the dig through ubiquity internals as an educational exercise, but there are other things I could be dong.14:49
persia(and I'll admit that fixing this isn't at the top of my list)14:52
cjwatsonwell, the problem looks to be that there's one return path from generate_blacklist that doesn't set self.blacklist; unless I'm missing something it sounds like simply setting it on that return path is the answer?14:52
cjwatsonis there a bug about this?14:53
fokacjwatson, Hello!  I have a little generic patch for bin/update-local-indices in cdimage.  What is the best way to give this patch to you?  (14:55
persiaThere's not a bug, although I promised evand one if I didn't get a solution this weekend14:55
cjwatsonfoka: in rough order of preference: bzr branch published on LP; patch in a bug report on ubuntu-cdimage; pastebin14:56
persiaI think generate blacklist returns the empty set, and  if '/%s' % path in self.blacklist: gets confused.14:56
fokacjwatson, Cool, thanks!14:56
cjwatsonpersia: do you get a KeyError on self.blacklist?14:56
* persia rebuilds the environment that reproduces the error again14:57
persiacjwatson: Actually, I get an AttributeError: Install instance has no attribute "blacklist".15:09
cjwatsonah, ok, I think that's what I meant.15:11
cjwatsonso it looks like this should fix it?15:12
persiaI see I'm not the only one who hasn't memorised the exception table :)15:12
cjwatsonnot to spoil your fun but if it's not at the top of your list ...15:12
CIA-59ubiquity: cjwatson * r2810 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): Initialise self.blacklist even if it's going to be empty.15:13
persiaHeh.  No worries.15:13
persiaI like trying to learn python, but I'll admit that I don't really know it.  So far, my total useful python code is a two-line patch to dput, except I wrote it Ada style.15:13
persiaThanks :)15:14
cjwatsonbasically attributes of classes don't exist at all until initialised, and trying to read from them raises an exception15:14
cjwatsongenerate_blacklist was only initialising self.blacklist on one of its return paths15:14
persiaAh.  I missed that call to return, which explains my confusion :)15:16
persiaThanks for the trivial fix, and the explanantion.  Please upload when you have a chance :)15:19
cjwatsonon its way15:19
CIA-59ubiquity: cjwatson * r2811 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):15:19
CIA-59ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer15:19
CIA-59ubiquity: 1.86ubuntu5, hw-detect 1.63ubuntu2, partman-partitioning 59ubuntu5.15:19
CIA-59ubiquity: cjwatson * r2812 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.9.1315:24
kirklandcjwatson: I cannot seem to get the mdadm/boot_degraded value into  /var/lib/preseed/log ....16:00
kirklandcjwatson: but everything else seems to be working well16:00
CIA-59ubiquity: cjwatson * r2813 ubiquity/ (8 files in 6 dirs): bump to 1.9.1416:00
CIA-59ubiquity: cjwatson * r2814 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):16:05
CIA-59ubiquity: * GTK frontend:16:05
CIA-59ubiquity:  - Give focus to the language treeview on startup (LP: #254635).16:05
kirklandcjwatson: the last patch attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-target/+bug/268580 i think is ready for review/sponsorship16:06
kirklandcjwatson: i've tested it as much as i think I can16:06
kirklandcjwatson: i do have a related question....16:06
kirklandcjwatson: when I build a new .deb (not a .udeb), and want to replace the one in the install media, how do I do that?16:06
kirklandcjwatson: fedora has an "updates" directory, where you can dump your own, updated RPMs16:06
cjwatsonkirkland: oh, meh, apparently debconf-set-selections needs an argument to read from stdin: use debconf-set-selections -16:07
kirklandcjwatson: ahh.....16:07
kirklandcjwatson: cool, i'll test that16:07
cjwatsonif that doesn't work, stick set -x on /bin/debconf-set-selections and see what it's doing16:07
kirklandcjwatson: i grep'd around, and most usages of debconf-set-selections used it in conjunction with a chroot and args16:07
cjwatsonright, there's nothing to chroot to at this stage though16:08
kirklandcjwatson: exactly16:08
cjwatsonthat's a different debconf-set-selections program, though its semantics are intended to be basically the same, just with a different debconf db16:08
kirklandcjwatson: i seemed to be in somewhat uncharted territory16:08
kirklandcjwatson: at least from what documentation/code i could find on the plane ;-)16:08
cjwatsonditch the parens round LP: #blah in the changelog, they're confusing here and not needed :)16:09
cjwatsonyes, you are16:09
cjwatsonmy suggestion of debconf-set-selections was based on inspiration, not prior art :)16:09
cjwatsonreplacing a deb in the media: err, awkward. I don't think we have any equivalent of "updates". You basically have to regenerate the Packages{,.gz} and Release files; probably just remove Release.gpg16:10
kirklandcjwatson: what about my updated deb question?16:10
kirklandcjwatson: hrm, okay...  i may save that test for an updated iso16:10
kirklandcjwatson: and be satisfied with my unit testing when i see the value in the preseed log16:11
cjwatsonI think that's pragmatic16:11
kirklandcjwatson: BINGO!  that did it16:23
cjwatsonfeed me an update and I'll sponsor that16:25
xivuloncjwatson, I suspect that the white space in partman preseed was just me typing here, there might be something else16:26
xivulonfinished with the vm, running again16:26
kirklandcjwatson: in that case, I think the last patch attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-target/+bug/268580 should be ready to go16:26
cjwatsonxivulon: ok, afraid I don't know what "invalid argument" there might indicate; that's a catch-all error returned by the kernel that can mean all sorts of things, from some kind of internal error to "you idiot, don't pass those arguments"16:27
xivulonthe relevant syslog is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46539/16:27
xivulonit happens in open_dialog OPEN /host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk16:28
cjwatsonyes, I know16:28
cjwatsonwould really need an strace to see what's happening; the syslog is not very informative16:29
xivulonwill try to get one16:30
cjwatsonkirkland: can the partman-md task be marked Invalid?16:38
kirklandcjwatson: yes, please16:38
cjwatsonkirkland: uploaded, thanks!16:38
kirklandcjwatson: you bet, thanks for your patience and assistance16:41
cjwatsonnot a problem16:42
kirklandcjwatson: have you seen http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ lately?16:47
kirklandcjwatson: as of today, anyway?  :-)16:47
kirklandcjwatson: i made a search engine pluggin for firefox, you can install from that page16:47
kirklandcjwatson: i fly again tomorrow, i'll try and draft a patch for man that pulls .gz's from the web, if that's not too late for Intrepid...  otherwise, i'll scrap it for now, and work on it for Jaunty (perhaps making the dman shell wrapper available for download as a stop gap)16:49
cjwatsonI'll have to take your word for it for today, I should do something other than work16:49
cjwatsonI'd prefer to target the man change to jaunty and get it done right upstream16:49
cjwatsonI note idly that searching for "man" gives me man(1posix) rather than man(1)16:49
kirklandcjwatson: thanks, i'll have a look16:50
kirklandcjwatson: i'll take some advice from you (sometime later) as to how best to handle namespace conflicts in the repository, which is what you're seeing16:52
xivulonweird kvm goes along with the installation, vbox gives the partaman error above...17:10
xivulonkvm installation seems ok, will now try to get an strace in vbox (vbox though has to be run without paravirt and is sloooooow)17:29
fokacjwatson, Hello!  I just made my first bzr push: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~foka/debian-cd/ubuntu-thiz18:53
fokacjwatson, So, is that all I need to do, just push the branch and notify you on IRC?  Or should I "Propose for merging into another branch" through Launchpad?  Thanks!18:55
cjwatsonfoka_: you can do a merge proposal if you want to, certainly, but an IRC notification is good enough19:04
foka_cjwatson, Great, thanks!19:05
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cjwatsonoh, ok, yeah, that makes perfect sense. Er, except that I think warty-hardy might just need to delete it later, rather than not at all19:05
fokacjwatson, I've another question.  Is it possible to publish a private branch on Launchpad?19:05
cjwatsonhmm, no, I think I'm mistaken19:06
cjwatsonmerged, thanks19:06
cjwatsonfoka: only on a commercial basis, I think. Talk to #launchpad19:06
hardwireprivate like.. use launchpad for internal work?19:07
fokacjwatson, It was one of the thing I got stuck on when trying to install in a VirtualBox.  (My memory is fuzzy)19:07
cjwatsonno, it makes sense, I should have thought of that when making that change as generally I've been quite careful to preserve buildability of older releases19:09
cjwatsongenerally Mark is happy to fund free Launchpad services for public free software, but I believe he's said that hosting of non-public or non-free branches will need to be on a paid basis19:09
fokaI see.  Many thanks!  Yes, I saw the "This branch is public" note on the top right corner, and was wondering if there was any way to make a private branch which only subscribers to see.19:15
fokaYou and Mark are right: Launchpad is supposed to serve the Free Software community, and thus private branches are naturally against that spirit, so yes, in that case, Mark's reasoning is very reasonable.19:17
cjwatsonI think this is the case, anyway. As I say, check #launchpad to be sure19:21
fokacjwatson, Gotcha, thanks!19:26
fokacjwatson, BTW, were you able to see my private msgs?19:26
xivuloncjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/46682/19:31
cjwatsonxivulon: it's Saturday evening; I don't suppose this can wait?19:36
cjwatsonalso, that strace says nothing19:36
cjwatsonparted_server is the process that actually does the underlying open19:36
cjwatsonyou're tracing something else, looks like one of partman's shell scripts19:37
cjwatsonso that strace is no more informative than the original syslog, I'm afraid :(19:37
xivulonwas hoping that strace -f -F would catch that19:37
cjwatsonnot if the process you're tracing isn't responsible for starting parted_server in the first place19:38
cjwatsonbest to catch the parted_server process itself; you don't need -f -F for that19:39
cjwatson(and in general you don't need -F on Linux)19:39
xivulongot it, going to try again19:40
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=== CrankWidow is now known as hardwire
xivuloncjwatson, tried opening the file from python with posix open call21:02
xivulonposix.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_LARGEFILE) -> OK21:02
xivulonposix.open(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_LARGEFILE|os.O_DIRECT) -> invalid argument21:02
fokacjwatson, One more small patch for you at  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~foka/ubuntu-cdimage/thiz   or    lp:~foka/ubuntu-cdimage/thiz21:16
xivulonyep it looks like the 2.6.27 + O_DIRECT + ntfs do not go well together21:23
hardwireis that for the settings migration?21:26
xivulonbug #26994621:39
* foka falls asleep. :-)21:50
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=== CrankWido is now known as CrankWidow

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