
LeeJunFanrm pid, then try to start dbus again /etc/init.d/dbus start00:00
Carla1989LeeJunFan: I really don't want anything restored from XP. I just need a clean installation of Kubuntu on my laptop, if my HD allows it.00:00
LeeJunFanCarla1989: then I'd simply try to install kubuntu, if the HD is really damaged you won't get far.00:01
Colonel_PanicLeeJunFan: Would rebooting and starting a new session maybe fix this?00:02
Colonel_PanicBRB rebooting00:02
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: you could try, but if dbus think's it's already running because that pid file is there, it's going to fail again on boot.00:02
Carla1989LeeJunFan: I totally understand that I should burn a new install CD without any errors and try installing it. But for now, I am looking for some utility for "Disk Checking" in Kubuntu. Something has to be there like the DOS command we used to have in Windows.00:03
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Something like "Scandisk" option in Windows.00:05
Carla1989LeeJunFan: I found it! "sudo badblocks -s -v /dev/sda1"00:07
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Hats off to Kubuntu! :)00:07
LeeJunFanCarla1989: cool.00:09
Carla1989LeeJunFan: There were two partitions, I think so. How do I ensure that I check for all of the partitions? Right now it's running for sda1.00:10
LeeJunFandepends on how it's partitioned, 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' will list partitions00:10
Carla1989LeeJunFan: all of them?00:11
LeeJunFanCarla1989: I'd imagine you could just check the whole drive with badblocks /dev/sda00:12
Carla1989LeeJunFan: As I told you earlier that I tried creating a boot/swap partition while I was trying to install Kubuntu, but the installation did not succeed. So I am not sure, if those partitions need to be scanned too.00:13
LeeJunFanCarla1989: considering you don't seem to have a bootsector that's readable that's a good idea anyway, because checking individual partitions will not check the part of your HD which holds the bootsector.00:13
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Oh really? I would try that, once after sda1 finishes.00:13
LeeJunFanCarla1989: I'd just ctrl-c that one you have running and start over with /dev/sda00:14
LeeJunFansince /dev/sda will scan the whole drive you're really going to be scanning sda1 twice if you let it go.00:14
Carla1989LeeJunFan: It seems useble desktop only has a read-only access to my HD but that should not matter as we're only checking for the errors, not trying to fix them.00:15
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Okay, let me cancel it, and go for sda.00:15
LeeJunFanCarla1989: if you're using sudo then it has r/w access.00:16
LeeJunFanit needs r/w because badblocks reads and writes data to the HD to make sure it's stable. That bad CD you have might be the reason it failed.00:16
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Yes, you were right! :) Earlier it was checking 37608132 size (for sda1), but now it is checking 39070070 (for sda)!00:16
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Oh, that could be the case. It says "Checking for bad blocks (read-only test)"00:17
LeeJunFanCarla1989: oh, r/w test is an option.00:18
LeeJunFangood though, read only will be a lot faster.00:18
Carla1989I would imagine so, yes.00:18
LeeJunFanIf that works then just install kubuntu from a verified error-free CD and you should be all set.00:20
Carla1989Yep, It has already checked 8.5/3900:23
Carla1989Must I tell you, I was so dissapointed earlier from not being able to check my HD for any errors -- that I thought of going for a new one simply trashing the old one.00:25
Carla1989But if there are no errors, I would not buy a new one!00:25
Carla1989There is another possibility though. If HD does not have any errors, I have to find some other source.00:26
LeeJunFanCarla1989: if the HD doesn't have any errors then it's likely that the installation failed because the CD was corrupt. When the installation failed it may have left your HD w/o a boot sector, that's all.00:28
Carla1989LeeJunFan: omg! w/o a boot sector? You mean corrupted it, in some sense? If that's the case, are there steps to re-install the boot sector like it was before?00:29
LeeJunFanCarla1989: that would be re-done during installation.00:29
LeeJunFanCarla1989: the problem is that you have a 1/2 installed system. If you put your old boot sector back that would be XP's, which would try to boot to the kubuntu installation on your HD, wouldn't work.00:30
Carla1989Oh, so in the meanwhile - I'll just get another bootable CD done on this laptop (one which is working perfectly).00:30
LeeJunFanCarla1989: right, just make sure you have a good CD and try again.00:31
Carla1989What software do you use for burning bootable CD's?00:31
Carla1989These are all good CD's, infact brand new box I opened last week.00:31
Carla1989There must have been some fault, with me burning them incorrectly.00:31
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LeeJunFanCarla1989: I think there's a free program for windows called cdburn or something, lemme see if I can find it. I haven't used windows for anything except games in about 11 years.00:32
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Oh, that'll be superrr00:33
LeeJunFanUnless I'm fixing someone elses broken windows system. :)00:33
Carla1989Haha, like in this case.00:33
HollowPointdeepburner works on windows and is free00:33
Carla1989Deepburner, is it? Does it involve nerdy steps to be followed when burning a "bootable" CD?00:34
Carla1989If I can remember, we get an ISO image after we download it from kubuntu website.00:34
Carla1989What do I do afterwards?00:34
HollowPointif you call selecting a burnable image from within the program and clicking ok nerdy I suppose then yeah lol00:34
LeeJunFanCarla1989: yeah, HollowPoint has one there, imgburn was the one I was thinking about. http://www.imgburn.com/00:34
Carla1989Haha, okay then I am that much nerdy myself.00:35
Carla1989So which one have you used for burning bootable ISO's00:35
LeeJunFanwhen you are burning an iso image you don't have to worry about it being bootable. That's in the iso00:35
HollowPointthankfully the Linux ISO's are bootable by nature, if you create a data CD and copy the image over it looses it's bootable properties, if you select the option to burn an iso image then select said image it will burn properly and remain bootable00:36
LeeJunFanI haven't burned a CD on windows in a LONG time.00:36
HollowPointunfortunately I still have to use Windows at work occassionally, although that contract is ending soon and my business revolves mostly around Linux00:36
Carla1989Oh my god, really? I always thought, we have to get the CD bootable by doing some "nerdy" things. But it looks like I was wrong00:36
HollowPointin the old days you had to, but these days it's built into the iso00:37
HollowPointyou just have to remember to choose the option to burn an existing iso file and not create a data cd00:37
Colonel_PanicOK I can't figure out why dbus isn't starting when I log in00:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr00:37
Darkrift2nethack could be a decent game if it had any decent documentation... for a 20 year old game, im surprised 10+ searches on google for how to equip an item all point to useless junk00:38
Colonel_PanicIs there some conf file I can edit to fix this?00:38
zabbadappCarla1989: for burning an iso or any cd on windows: http://infrarecorder.sourceforge.net/  (open source windows software)00:38
Colonel_Panicaren't there like a gazillion different versions of nethack?00:39
Colonel_Panicanyway, Usurper is a much better game anyway00:39
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: try this - 'sudo pidof dbus-daemon' and make sure it returns nothing.00:40
Colonel_PanicI got 2 numbers as a response00:40
Colonel_Panicone sec... lemme try something else00:40
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: then dbus is running00:42
Colonel_Panichah! OK dbus IS running00:42
Colonel_Panicsomething else must be causing the problem00:42
LeeJunFanso there's some other unknown reason your externals aren't being recognized.00:42
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: try 'lsusb' and see if your HD is listed on the USB bus.00:43
Carla1989zabbadapp: Have you used this software yourself? Because if you haven't, I've already started downloading imageburn, suggested by LeeFanJun00:43
MySQL_dumkopfherro, I for some raisin have the option to shut off my computer. I also noticed that I'm no longer prompted for my credentials with a pretty login window, I'm dropped to a command line and have to "startx" to get my desktop.00:44
LeeJunFanI know imageburn is popular and easy, from others who've recommended it, but I've not used it myself. It has a checking feature so you can verify the CD btw :)00:44
MySQL_dumkopfdon't have the option*00:45
HollowPointMySQL_dumkopf: that doesn't sound good. Which version of Kubuntu are you using and when did this start happening? Do you remember making any large changes before this happened the first time?00:45
MySQL_dumkopfHollowPoint, yeah, I'm on Kubuntu 3.5.8, I had 4.0 installed (I'm on Gutsy) and I removed KDE 4.0 and this started happening heh00:46
zabbadappCarla1989: yes, briefly ... but I'm sure imgburn works as well ... is it also open source?00:46
LeeJunFanMySQL_dumkopf: then kdm4 is trying to be started and isn't there any more.00:46
HollowPointyou need to re-install kdm for kde3.5.900:46
LeeJunFanMySQL_dumkopf: the file /etc/X11/default-display-manager holds information as to which display manager to start on boot, it needs to be changed to point to /usr/bin/kdm00:47
HollowPointalthough actually it's probably still there, just isn't being pointed to,00:47
MySQL_dumkopfwell, I'm able to shutdown/power off at the command line and start it via the command line so it's not a BIG problem, thought it would be an easy fix :)00:47
HollowPointthere ya go00:47
zabbadappCarla1989: (looking at the homepage) i see that imgburn looks pretty good, i'm sure it will serve you well.00:47
LeeJunFanMySQL_dumkopf: just open it with a text editor and change it. save it, then start kdm with - sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start00:48
LeeJunFanor just reboot00:48
HollowPointor reboot for a completely clean start,00:48
MySQL_dumkopfdanke herr LeeJunFan :) I've made the changes, I shall restart00:49
HollowPointyou keep getting there before me LeeJunFan lol00:49
pekujaI'm trying to download the KDE 4 remix ISO, but all the links seem to be broken. is that not available anymore?00:49
HollowPointare you already on kubuntu with KDE3.5.9?00:49
pekujaI'm doing a fresh install00:49
Colonel_PanicLeeJunFan: Here's my /etc/fstab file: http://www.pastebin.ca/120218400:50
HollowPointfair enough, well to be perfectly honest I did a VM install of KDE4 Remix the other day and I STILL had to upgrade it to KDE4.1 via adding the appropriate repos to /etc/apt/sources.list so I'd suggest just a fresh install of Kubuntu normal, then add the repo and upgrade to KDE4.100:50
HollowPointor install alongside 3.5.*00:50
pekujaok, I guess that's ok00:51
pekujathe links should probably be taken down. there are links to a "beta" directory on mirrors, but none seem to have that00:51
HollowPointthe links were working the other day so I'm not sure why thats happening00:51
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: you shouldn't need usb devices in fstab, did you try lsusb?00:51
Colonel_Panicno... I just added that today00:52
Colonel_PanicI was going to delete that line00:52
LeeJunFanrun lsusb and see if you see your hd's.00:52
mcludobossI want the server adress for french please00:52
mcludobossI want the server adress for french please00:52
Carla1989Looks like it has started scanning bigger chunks, going very fast now. 24/39 done.00:53
pekujaHollowPoint, well on the download page, if you select KDE 4 remix, it just downloads the regular version anyways00:53
Colonel_PanicLeeJunFan: What's lsusb?00:54
pekujanow where did I see that "beta" link...00:54
LeeJunFanColonel_Panic: it's a shell command that lists what's attached to the USB ports.00:54
HollowPointwell as I said earlier pekuja the remix isn't much use anyway as you still have to sit there for half an hour or more updating to KDE4.1 so may as well install Kubuntu with KDE3.5.* and upgrade/install alongside KDE4.1 from the repo00:54
pekujaHollowPoint, ok00:55
LeeJunFanI agree with that.00:55
pekujaHollowPoint, well I guess the point would be that I wouldn't get two copies of KDE00:55
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cls00:55
sgallingerhow come vlc won't play wmv files ?00:55
pekujaHollowPoint, 4.0 would upgrade to 4.1, but 3.5 is in separate packages, right?00:55
HollowPointyeah it would be another option to boot into from KDM00:55
MySQL_dumkopfLeeJunFan, that worked wonderfully, thanks!00:56
HollowPointyou would still have both installed00:56
pekujaextra clutter00:56
LeeJunFanpekuja: yeah, you'd have to remove 3.5 after.00:56
christophhi togehter00:56
HollowPointsgallinger: does anything on your system play wmv files? i.e. mplayer?00:56
pekujaat least apt-get is pretty good at removing big sets of packages these days00:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:57
HollowPointIMHO next to portage (Gentoo) Aptitude is the best package manager out there00:57
christophapt-egt is better00:57
LeeJunFanokay, well, I'm out for a while, good luck Colonel_Panic and Carla1989 - ttyl.00:58
HollowPointlaters LeeJunFan00:59
christophis there any chance to get an Epson 5590 run on a 64-bit system?01:00
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:00
ActionParsnipchristoph: sure its not a hp?01:01
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Thanks for your help. :)01:01
christoph@action no epson01:02
christophbut 449001:02
ActionParsnipok let me check01:02
HollowPointhi ActionParsnip hows things?01:03
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: not bad, just having another slog at gentoo for laughs01:03
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: my am2 semperon64 3000 isnt so hot for compiles01:03
Carla1989Is it true that there is rivalry between debian and kubuntu? A friend of mine told me.01:04
Fieldynot that i'm aware of01:04
HollowPointI gave up on Gentoo a while back, did three system installs within 4 weeks of 2008.0 being released, one using ~x86, one without and one fully stable, I managed to break all 301:04
ActionParsnipCarla1989: theres no rivalry anywhere except for sad fanboys01:04
Carla1989ActionParsnip: Okay. :)01:04
christoph@action - thnk a lot. but ie done these tutorial for my 32-bit system. Now I have 64-Bit.01:04
HollowPointCarla1989: *Ubuntu is derrived from Debian, the *Ubuntu family of releases is far more suited for desktops and new users than Debian is01:05
ActionParsnipCarla1989: if it works for you, use it. same with mac or windows01:05
ActionParsnipCarla1989: what other people use on their system doesnt affect you so dont sweat it01:05
christophsome keys of my keyboard are dead - sorry01:05
Carla1989ActionParsnip: Yes, I understand that. Looks like Kubuntu just saved me $100 for a new HD.01:05
ActionParsnipchristoph: most are generic01:05
kathy hello,  anyone able send files direct with kopete or pidgin...neither are working under msn01:06
ActionParsnipkathy: mine doesnt work but i just ask folks to upload to my ftp :D01:06
kathyit used work.  know what problem is?01:06
christophI know, but iscan is only as an 32-bit version available.01:07
ActionParsnipkathy: its broken, you have both pieces. Ive not looked into it but you may be able to websearch a remedy01:07
HollowPointkathy I use aMSN instead, I don't have problems sending files through MSN with it where I did with Kopete01:07
ActionParsnipchristoph: yuo can install 32bit libs ;)01:07
christophokay. I try it. Thanks a lot.01:08
Carla1989Okay, the badblocks test completed just now and there were no errors. Should I just go ahead and install Kubuntu and hope for it to fix my Boot Sector progam too? LeeJunFan mentioned that interrupted Kubuntu setup program may have left my HD without a boot sector and a fresh install would fix it.01:08
ActionParsnipCarla1989: you can reinstall grub if your boot sector is damaged01:08
HollowPointCarla1989: I take it you've formatted the drive and run a disk check which has now reported no errors? If so then yeah fresh install of Kubuntu should be all good, are you wanting it to dualboot wit hWindows?01:09
Fieldy!kernel upgrade01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel upgrade01:09
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages01:09
kathyI give amsn try..i have it installed..thanks01:09
Carla1989Just to repeat the long story: I wanted to use this laptop after so many months but it wouldn't boot my XP. So I tried installing Kubuntu and it was interrupted in between on account of an error on the install CD that I burnt. Afterwards it wouldn't boot and give "Please insert drive in the system, Press any key when done" errors. So I thought my HD has gone bad but badblocks couldn't find anything.01:11
Carla1989So I'll go ahead and install kubuntu from scratch - after burning a new CD with no errors, hopefully this time.01:12
Fieldyhm. i see a kernel update in adept. it mentions "You likely do not want to install this package directly. Instead, install the linux-generic meta-package, which will ensure that upgrades work correctly, and that supporting packages are also installed." but when i look at linux-generic, there's no upgrade available. at this point i'm confused, how do i update my kernel?01:12
HollowPointthat should work fine Carla1989, if you're wanting a dualboot then that should work also, just install XP first, then once installed you install Kubuntu and it'll give you the option to re-partition the drive and install alongside it, then you'll have both OS's with a boot menu01:13
HollowPointFieldy: why do you need to upgrade your kernel?01:13
FieldyHollowPoint: i don't need to, i wish to01:13
HollowPointwhat version are you running at the moment?01:13
Fieldyoops. 19.3601:14
HollowPointwell I'm using that exact same kernel and as far as I know it's the latest stable kernel for Kubuntu8.04, is there a specific reason you want to upgrade your kernel to something not certified as stable?01:15
Fieldyi thought only stable stuff is displayed, now i'm really confused.01:15
Darkrift2im not an expert at compiling, but arent there more commands required besides make? the make says its configuring and installing the app... makes it sound like thats all thats needed01:16
Fieldyanyway no offense but i'm interested in performing this, not out of need but simple desire01:16
HollowPointhave you enabled a backports repository or added an extra repo for third party software ?01:16
CoJaBo-EeeWhat do I need to install to get Java in Firefox?01:16
Darkrift2install java, restart firefox01:16
HollowPointDarkrift2: ./configure then make then make install01:16
christophHave a good night an thanks a lot. Bye bye01:16
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper01:16
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HollowPointCoJaBo-Eee: You can close Firefox down, open the adept manager, search for mozilla and you'll see java-nonfree or something near the top of the list, install that then start Firefox up01:18
ubottuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)01:18
Fieldyah okay generic does support smp. right on.01:19
christophIt works fin with the 32bit libs01:19
ActionParsnipchristoph: sweet01:20
christophthanks action01:20
ActionParsnipchristoph: np bro01:20
HollowPointhows the gentoo install going ActionParsnip?01:20
* ActionParsnip thinks compiling kernel modules takes too long01:20
HollowPointlol are you timing the compile?01:21
ActionParsnipcant be bothered01:21
ActionParsnipits been about 4 songs on kerrang01:21
ActionParsnipso about 20 odd mins01:21
HollowPointI'm tempted to do another Gentoo install in a VM but we get charged per MB for bandwidth out here so I'm reluctant to use a gig (Granted is only $1 but I have better stuff to use that GB of data for lol)01:22
ActionParsnipi have no cap :D01:22
HollowPointI miss being in the UK and having an 8MB download with no limits :'(01:23
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: s'what i got01:23
ActionParsnipplud virginmedia have gentoo stuff on their servers :)01:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:23
CoJaBo-EeeDarkrift2: Ok, does that install the stand-alone JVM and plugin at once?01:23
Darkrift2dont remember01:24
HollowPointyeah I know, that's where I download from when installing Gentoo, I'm in NZ so am on the opposite side of the world yet Virgin Medias servers are the fastest ones even from here01:24
Darkrift2been a few weeks, but it should say on that site01:24
HollowPointGod bless Richard Branson01:24
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: wowser01:24
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: smart guy :D01:24
christophHave good night - bye bye01:24
ActionParsnippeace ou christoph01:24
=== joseph is now known as iss_student
ign0ramushey all.  i just noticed that upon startup, i am loading all startup scripts twice ('setting up preliminary keymap', 'preparing restricted drivers', etc).  is this a hang-on from upgrading from Gutsy?  And how do i stop it?01:24
HollowPointign0ramus: have you just installed KDE4 or something?01:25
* ActionParsnip thinks HollowPoint has got it nailed01:25
ign0ramusHollowPoint: i did about three months ago...01:25
ign0ramusHollowPoint: what do i need to uninstall to stop this?01:26
ActionParsnipign0ramus: kde4 startup is in ~/.kde4/share/autostart01:26
HollowPointhave you confirmed that your system is fully up to date?01:26
ActionParsnipign0ramus: kde3.5 autorun is in ~/.kde/Autorun01:27
ign0ramusHollowPoint: run update && upgrade every day01:27
HollowPointby this I mean you've installed the repos for KDE4 and confirmed it's updated to KDE4.1 and not KDE4.0?01:27
ActionParsnipign0ramus: check the scripts arent in both as they may both get executed01:27
ign0ramusHollowPoint: oh, i don't know- i don't use the kde401:27
* ActionParsnip uses fluxbox01:27
ign0ramusActionParsnip: i don't want any of the kde4 scripts at all... what can i safely rm?01:27
HollowPointjust uninstall KDE4 then and set the KDM used back to KDM instead of KDM401:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm01:28
HollowPointgrah ubottu you suck01:28
ActionParsnipign0ramus: cd ~/.kde4/share/Autostart01:28
ActionParsnipign0ramus: you can rm any stuff in there01:28
ActionParsnipign0ramus: id check what they are first (if there are any)01:28
ign0ramusActionParsnip: no such file or directory01:28
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:29
HollowPointI'd be careful with that though, make sure you're using the right kdm version, if you remove the autostart stuff without setting back to kdm you may have problems01:29
ign0ramusHollowPoint: what is the name of the kde4 package that i can purge?01:29
HollowPointign0ramus: what if you just do cd ~/.kde4?01:29
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: i thout the autostart was for when the user logs in, not kdm01:29
HollowPointyeah it is action but I'm not all that convinced with kdm4, besides kdm is better anyway :D01:30
ActionParsnipive not used it to such an extent to compare, i use autologin stuffs so it doesnt get much of a lookin01:31
LinuxApelast night01:31
ign0ramusHollowPoint: can i delete the entire folder?01:31
ActionParsnipign0ramus: its in share you need to be01:31
HollowPointign0ramus: I think you can mate, but I'd still set it back to use KDM rather than KDM4 as well before rebooting01:31
LinuxApelast night's upgrade offered a new k3b, but when installed it now longer knows how to handle mp3's.  Anyone know about this?01:31
iss_studentHow in KDE 4 can I verify I am running 4.1?01:32
HollowPointwhen you say it no longer knows how to handle mp3s what do you mean LinuxApe?01:32
ign0ramusHollowPoint: afaik, i am using kdm... how do i know for sure?01:32
HollowPointiss_student: what does your login screen look like?01:32
ign0ramusHollowPoint: i use persistent login01:32
LinuxApeYou get an error about not knowing how to handle this file type01:32
ign0ramusHollowPoint: haven't seen it in ages01:32
ActionParsnipLinuxApe: change your file associations01:33
ActionParsnipLinuxApe: if you run amarok and try to play an mp3 does it play ok?01:33
HollowPointign0ramus:  /etc/X11/default-display-manager contains the details of which KDM you're using01:34
holycow i'm running kde4 in production.  i would like to make sure all kde3 related stuff is completely uninstalled.01:34
holycowwhat is the best way to remove all remnants of kde3?01:34
ign0ramusHollowPoint: simply says /usr/bin/kdm01:35
HollowPointign0ramus: then you're using kdm01:35
LinuxApeActionParsnip:  yes, amarok still plays mp3s01:35
HollowPointif you were using kdm4 it would say /usr/bin/kdm401:35
ign0ramusHollowPoint: k, thanks mate01:35
HollowPointholycow: you just wanting to get rid of clutter?01:35
juanerm i killed my install, the / is fine AFAIK but the /boot is ruined, im working of an install on a second drive how can i make the /boot boot to my old /01:35
holycowHollowPoint: yeah, also i want to force my self to depend on kde4 apps fully01:36
LinuxApeInstalling the new k3b removed a k3bmp3 library, but it also installed a new k3blib3 library or something, so I thought it was just a replacement.01:36
HollowPointI'd say backup your stuff, install KDE4 remix and upgrade to KDE4.1 through the repos, then you've got absolutely NO kde3 packages01:36
holycowi need to look at putting together some sort of reverse metapackage for this, one that tracks kde package families and removes them upon request01:36
ActionParsnipLinuxApe: then its file associations in your file manaer01:36
HollowPointprobably quicker than getting rid of KDE3 packages that are already installed01:37
holycowHollowPoint: reinstall from scratch?01:37
ActionParsnipHollowPoint: compiled kerenl. im gonna jet, peace y'all01:37
HollowPointI'd say it'd be worth it holycow if you're wanting to be completely dependant on kde401:37
HollowPointsafest way not to destroy your existing system01:37
holycowHollowPoint: isn't there a way to remove a key library from kde3 and force the dpkg to remove most of kde3 to begin with?01:38
LinuxApeActionParsnip:  Not sure I get your meaning.  k3b uses file associations?  The error message says to use another program to convert the files to wav format, but that's a pain, k3b used to do it seemlessly01:38
HollowPointpossibly but not one that I'm aware of. Put it this way I reckon the amount of time it would take to find out how to remove everything for KDE3 on your existing system would be double the time it would take to backup your data, re-install KDE4 remix and upgrade to KDE4.101:39
HollowPointplus the factor of rendering your existing system useless if you make a mistake trying to remove KDE3 and end up removing both or something that KDE4 is reliant on seems a better idea to install from scratch01:39
holycowyeah good point01:40
HollowPointLinuxApe: ActionParsnip is gone mate, his Gentoo kernel compiled so he had to go sort it01:40
Darkrift2anyone seen this error and/or know how to fix it: make: git-rev-list: Command not found01:40
HollowPointwhat program are you trying to install Darkrift2?01:40
Darkrift210 different ones, all nethack variants01:41
Darkrift2all are failing, this one gives that error, then many more01:41
HollowPointroflmfao nice01:41
HollowPointsorry to say this Darkrift2 but "google is your friend" in this case01:41
Darkrift2falcons eye/vultures eye01:41
HollowPointspecific error by specific error :(01:42
Darkrift2i googled, got tons of useless mailing list posts with nothing good in them01:42
Darkrift2im about to just install the windows version using wine as pathetic as that is01:42
HollowPointyeah been there myself but are you googling the error or the program name?01:42
Darkrift2mostly the error, but ive tried both01:43
Darkrift2im normally good at finding stuff like that on google01:43
Darkrift2every forum i find with that error says they gave up on it01:43
HollowPointthis one just has loads of useless crap though?01:43
HollowPointlmao that sounds like an omen to me then Darkrift201:43
_2google hates me.    i always get tons of useless blah about what i'm looking for,   either that our "did you spell it correctly?"     heh.01:43
_2of course the fact that i'm usually doing something that no one else in their right mind does may have some thing to do with that01:46
_2so waht is it we are trying to get to work anyway ?01:47
Darkrift2where do i find the option to enable my nvidia drivers? used to be in system settings, but cant find it01:48
Darkrift2found it01:49
Darkrift2needs restart :(01:49
CoJaBo-EeeWhat do I need to do to get Java in Firefox?01:56
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper01:57
CoJaBo-EeeI installed that, but it didn't give me the Java plugin in Firefox.01:57
_2!find java-plugin01:58
ubottuFile java-plugin found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)01:58
_2well.    !01:59
_2!info sun-java6-plugin01:59
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB01:59
_2!info sun-java5-plugin01:59
ubottusun-java5-plugin (source: sun-java5): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB02:00
CoJaBo-EeeThanks,  its working now02:03
joshua__can someone help me dual boot kubuntu hardy and arch linux (kubuntu on sda and arch on sdb)?02:04
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=== Lovely is now known as Lovely_ine
_2joshua24 sda would be the disk not a partition, while i do install linux on partitionless disks most don't.    now what are you having trouble with exactly ?02:08
_2joshua24 the most simple way i have found is to copy the kernel+initramfs pair to the /boot/ of the primary disk "sda" in your case and install the boot loader of choice there.02:09
_2other options include letting the boot loader "bounce" to the next disk and have boot loaders on each disk.02:10
joshua242, i getting help on arch linux, join #archlinux to hear i dont feel like retyping lol02:11
_2as well as having a boot loader load all kernels from one location, while this is not the best methood.02:11
_2joshua24 k.  standard proceedure would then be to withdraw your question here /02:11
_2heh.     "im going to ask, but i really don't want you to answer..."     sheeze02:13
DarkriftXi dont get it.... a 20 year old game, 500 variants and none of them install on modern systems?02:14
DarkriftXand when they do, they are buggy as hell02:14
_2DarkriftX not so hard to understand.  most very old games "took over" the graphics, and modern systems don't allow that.02:15
_2oh nethack  no graphics there then02:15
_2!find nethack02:16
ubottuFound: nethack-common, nethack-console, nethack-el, nethack-gnome, nethack-lisp (and 3 others)02:16
_2the other three are "nethack-qt nethack-spoilers nethack-x11"02:16
_2!info nethack-qt02:17
ubottunethack-qt (source: nethack): Text-based/Qt overhead view D&D-style adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-10.2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 945 kB, installed size 2108 kB02:17
_2is it possable to turn the backlight off on tosheba satalite a130 ?02:23
_2sorry a13502:24
_2well it must be.  closing the lid does it....02:25
geek_2: shouldn't there be a hardware thing to do it, fn some button?02:26
_2geek i'm sure there should be.  but i have tested every possable fn+ combination02:26
_2nothing seems to affect display at all02:27
_2geek "partial problem is 'ati'"02:27
_2so i was wondering if there was a "kernel" way to do it...02:28
juanis anybody else having problems with http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ ?02:28
_2woops i just flooded myself  out of existance.....02:31
_2i must add that to my list of "never do this's"   ;/02:34
_2never search your irclog from within your irc client   it's worse than "cat /dev/urandom"02:35
favrojuan: it opens ok here02:37
juanyeah seams ok now, thx02:37
Mrunagican anyone help me figure out why kppp says no such device /dev/rfcomm0 when i try to connect using my bluetooth phone?02:37
HollowPointjuan a couple of other people were having problems earlier downloading various different versions from all different mirrors, I think maybe some upgrades/maintainence might be happening at the moment02:38
SixzeroMrunagi: what kind of phone do you have?02:38
juanmight not be the best time to do a straight download then :s02:38
Mrunagisamsung instinct02:38
Mrunagii know it has something to do with hcid and rfcomm.conf.....but i cant really figure it out02:39
_2HollowPoint good call they do try to schedual that sort of thing at night and on the weakend02:39
SixzeroMrunagi: nice phone.  Who's your service provider?  Some of them like Verizon actually lock out a lot of Bluetooth features like OBEX that'll give you a lot of problems.02:40
Mrunagisprint......i unlocked the phone....it works i can do it in windows i just forgot how in kubuntu02:40
HollowPoint<_2> problem is being in NZ it's not night for me, it's 1:45 in the afternoon here02:41
_2HollowPoint heh  can't be middle of the night everywhere  ;/02:42
HollowPointvery true _2 still annoying though02:42
HollowPointwould be ok if we got decent internet down here but we don't. I miss the UK with 8Meg download and unlimited bandwidth caps etc02:43
HollowPointI get 4 Meg speeds here with $1 per GB of download02:43
_2HollowPoint heh i get 2k down  ;/02:43
SixzeroMrunagi: can you see it when you run kbluemon?02:43
Mrunagii  know that it pairs, it just wont actually dial out......it gets as far as initializing modem02:44
SixzeroMrunagi: are you on kde3 or kde4?02:48
devo i was woundering is an ipod compatible with linux???02:54
devo i was woundering is an ipod compatible with linux???02:54
CoJaBo-Eeedevo: There are several ipod managers, but I have never used them02:57
duiuIs there a skin for Amaok that makes it look more gnome-like?03:07
=== Carol-22 is now known as Carol22
_2anyone know what might cause mc to not be able to execute commands ?03:13
_2this is how i tested it after i noticed it didn't work correctly.   # echo boo03:17
_2Press any key to continue...03:17
_2could use # ls    or any other command,  none work.03:18
favromc = midnightcommander?03:19
_2wait.  never mind.   it's the "SHELL=" variable not set correctly.     pfft.      i withdraw my question !03:19
DarkriftXmc iz TeH pwnZorz03:20
Denestriaused it eons ago as norton commander03:21
pekujammm... KDE4.1...03:22
bleckanyone have a google earth deb i could copy? (the googleearth-package to make it isn't working)03:22
pekujait's pretty03:22
bleckpekuja: agreed.03:22
bleckpekuja: and now stable :)03:22
pekujaI'm not sure I like the main menu though... probably requires some getting used to03:22
MySQL_dumkopfI had openoffice installed back when I was running Gnome, now that I'm running KDE 3/5/8, I no longer have it. Is there a special app for this?03:23
bleckpekuja: I actually like it now, just make it a bit bigger03:23
_2Denestria well it "was based on" norton commander, yes.  but there are some major differances.   the implimentation of "fish://" for example  and plain text extention files03:23
bleckwhats fish:// ?03:23
* _2 adds "export SHELL=/bin/sh" to /etc/profile03:24
christheblisshi, sorry to ask but how do I receive a channellist for this server? ive never used irc before...03:24
pekujableck, well it seems to be pretty nice but the Applications-menu specifically feels a little clunky to me03:24
pekujaI guess the problem is that there's too much stuff in there to begin with03:24
pekujaI'm sure this is pretty nice when I can use Favorites and Recently Used most of the time03:25
_2bleck ssh file managment.  open konqueror and type in     fish:///user@hostname/     if you have an ssh account anywhere03:25
bleckpekuja: yeah, I know what you mean, but I still prefer it to a hover-foldout menu.03:25
favrochristhebliss: http://searchirc.com/search.php?SCHANS=1&SSORT=SIZE&N=freenode03:25
christheblissthanks favro03:26
bleck_2: heh, thats cool.03:26
_2err s_///_//_g03:26
pekuja_2, way cool03:26
_2and using it in mc from a console is kewlar still03:27
* _2 thinks "don't you just love it when the kids come to linux..."03:28
Denestria@christhebliss You forgot the slash. :)03:29
christheblisshaha sorry...03:29
_2/help    :)))03:29
_2/say /help    :)))03:30
christheblissive found a basic command list for first time irc users, i guess ill be allright :) thanks anyway03:31
pekuja_2, I've been using Linux for 10 years and I have used FUSE in the past. fish seems a whole lot handier though03:32
_2pekuja it has it's disadvantages too     but generaly speaking yes it is.03:32
pekujawell I can imagine. how does it handle multiple clients?03:33
geekpekuja: different things ;p03:33
_2if you try to fish a dir with more than 16k inodes in it, you'll have to find a way to externally kill the ls loop cause it just hangs.03:33
pekujageek, yeah I get that03:33
geekfish is a protocol though SSH. Fuse is a whole IFS system03:34
pekujageek, well I mean sshfs with FUSE, really03:34
_2internal field seperator ?03:34
_2sshfs is ok too.    i like fish better when it's applicalbe03:35
_2echo "\"$IFS\""03:36
_2set | grep IFS03:37
snudei have my alsadrivers configured. i can listen to music.  what program will let me record in mp3 format from the microphone.03:37
pekujaAudacity? (there's probably a KDE alternative too though)03:38
_2!mp3 | snude short answer might be, there are several.03:38
ubottusnude short answer might be, there are several.: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:38
pekujahmn, I don't think mp3 really is the real issue here03:39
pekujaI would think most recording programs can save to mp3, but what's a good program for doing that?03:39
_2sox is cool for recording and playing from the cli.03:40
_2!info sox03:40
ubottusox (source: sox): Swiss army knife of sound processing. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.0.0-5 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 176 kB03:40
_2btw when using sox, the commands   "play <input>"   and   "rec <output>"   are used.03:41
_2!info mp3c03:42
ubottump3c (source: mp3c): MP3Creator - Creator for MP3/OGG-files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.29-2 (hardy), package size 193 kB, installed size 600 kB03:42
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_2yes hello03:44
pepinuxSaludos amigos linuxeros...03:48
_2howdy pinguin people (:03:49
pepinuxhay algún experto por aquí que me pueda echar la mano con Hardy y las equis?03:49
pekujaarh, why can't the menu item for Kontact say "E-Mail"?03:50
pepinuxalguien habla castellano por aquí?03:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:52
pepinuxgracias ubottu voy pa' allá03:52
_2comments on root user name other than root ?04:01
masterflexsoit clair 204:03
masterflexroot = sudo04:03
_2masterflex no.  sudo == switch users and do      as  su == switch users04:04
_2masterflex root is the default user for both of those04:05
masterflexthx for the infos04:05
_2i'm wondering if anyone has thoughts on changing the name of root to something else ?04:06
masterflexnot yet04:07
masterflexnice to meet you 204:07
masterflexare you a geek04:08
_2nice to meet you also.04:08
masterflexi have a question for you04:08
_2a geek ?  by what standard ?      to some i guess i am04:09
masterflexi install java run and still04:09
* Denestria is laughing.04:09
_2Denestria be nice    :)04:09
masterflexi have error message on some site04:09
masterflexthat run jave04:10
_2!info sun-java6-plugin04:11
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB04:11
_2maybe you need that ^ masterflex04:11
_2or the version 5 which is same place04:11
masterflexok thx04:11
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_2i have to go.  later people.04:14
Denestria@_2 night04:14
masterflexsee ya04:15
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mnis there any way to loose KDE after installing ubuntu-desktop and get rid of the KDE login screen and make it the Gnome login screen basically turning it into Ubuntu?05:05
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »05:07
favromn: ^^05:07
mnah sorry05:07
favromn: nothing to be sorry about :)05:07
favromn: that's a link to a website about how to do what you want05:08
mnthnx much!05:08
mnfavro: it says S: Couldn't find package manager05:10
favroone min :)05:10
favromn: what does  sudo apt-get autoclean   return?05:12
mnthe first three things in sudo apt-get install Done05:13
mnknow what I mean?05:13
mnyou still there favro?05:16
favromn: yep05:16
Carla1989Why is that IP address of most of the people gets displayed when they're joining Kubuntu chat, but for a very few it's kinda masked. Do those people use some different chat software on Kubuntu?05:16
marchiatogood morning05:17
favroCarla1989: they have a cloak - it's on freenodes' site05:17
bazhang!cloak | Carla198905:17
ubottuCarla1989: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks05:17
mnmarchiato:  what time zone are you in?05:17
Carla1989bazhang, favro: thanks, I would like one for me. :)05:18
favromn: if you enter   adept   in konsole what happens?05:19
mnWait, shall I login on KDE right quick?  I'm on GNOME right now05:20
favromn: in gnome would work05:20
=== komputes|eee is now known as komputes
mnit says adept: command not found05:20
mnsudo apt-get install adept says its already installed and the newest version though05:21
favromn: leave adept out of the command from that site - does it move on?05:22
mnwhat do you mean leave it out?  remove anything with adept in it from the command?05:23
Carla1989Somehow I always get "Failed to copy files; faulty CD/DVD or hard disk?" error while installing Kubuntu. Is this some kind of a bug?05:24
mnfavro: it keeps saying "Package [package] is not installed, so not romved" for every single package05:25
Carla1989http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=810453 - Exactly like this05:25
favromn: I've gotta ask then if kde stuff is installed? - :)05:27
mnyes.  I used the kubuntu liveCD for my linux install05:28
favromn: does   sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu-desktop work? - or is this kde4?05:28
mnfavro: i had to go the difficult way and get kde405:28
Carla1989The setup was 89% complete05:29
mnhi ubuntu_05:29
favromn: so you started with kubuntu-kde4? - the good folks in #kubuntu-kde4 will know about that05:30
wershow do I use compiz fusion on kde4?06:04
wersi'm using the latest kde4 version from the PPA, btw06:05
BuildSmartI've got ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) installed, I require the development kernel and I can't seem to find a howto that explains the process to someone new to ubuntu, I've got the source and the dependancies installed, can someone give me the quick build/install instructions that don't require having to configure anything?06:07
favro!kde4 | wers06:10
ubottuwers: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde406:10
wersfavro, how do i make compiz work on it?06:10
favrowers:   Support in #kubuntu-kde4  -  was the important bit06:11
favroBuildSmart: are you trying to build a new kernel?06:12
favronp :)06:12
BuildSmartyes, I need the 2.6.26-rc5 kernel06:12
BuildSmartmenuconfig is a little overwhelming cause I don't know half the answers to the questions.06:14
favrothere's a good how to on the forums - I'll find it06:14
HollowPointBuildSmart: I wouldn't go into kernel compiling with an attitude of "that don't require having to configure anything" lol, that's not how compiling a kernel works. if you want to compile you're own kernel then you need to know what you're doing06:16
HollowPointI'd suggest installing Virtualbox on your existing machine and try installing gentoo into a virtual machine using the gentoo documentation, that'll teach you everything you need to know about compiling a kernel from sources06:17
HollowPointhow come you need the development kernel anyway and more than that how come you can't just install it through apt?06:18
favroBuildSmart: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56835 - walks you through nicely - old but appropriate06:18
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing06:19
matr1xfreedom isn't free, it costs a buck o five06:20
BuildSmartat this time to continue development I must install the development kernel, this is a one time affair, it will never have to occur again and a complete education for kernel building isn't required, an explaination into the reason the existing kernel doesn't work is functionality, all I need are the general commands to build and install the kernel with as little work on my part as possible.06:20
BuildSmartfavro, thanks, I'll take a look at it.06:20
favronp :)06:21
BuildSmartfavro, thank you but the instructions while not complicated are more involved than what I am told I need to do.  I'm told that I don't have to run any XXXconfig of any kind, all tools are already installed and apparently calling some script is supposed to build the kernel, I'm not knocking linux but if this is how it has to be done I can understand why developers wish to stay away form linux.06:25
favroBuildSmart: it is the interface between you and some complicated hardware...06:27
BuildSmartthe hardware is not that complicated.06:28
BuildSmarttrust me...06:28
favroif you use the ubuntu kernel as a start point you only have to change the setting relevant to your issue06:28
CoJaBo-Eeejoin #firefox06:29
BuildSmartnot from a development standpoint.06:29
CoJaBo-EeeUgh, I jist did that twicxe "/06:31
CoJaBo-Eee* :/06:31
BuildSmartthe b43 guys want me to apply my fixes to their code since I seem to be the only one who has resolved certain issues however, it requires the devel kernel and since there doesn't seem to be a no-brainer method of installing it (which they say 2-3 commands does the trick but wont explain or provide) it seems that I wont be providing any fixes, I do wish to thank you for your time though, you have been helpful.06:32
bleckmy system tray (the little icons near the time) has gone all corruptedey, is there any way to refresh it? (kde4)06:36
Sara22can someone help me with installing the USB drive I bought to my ubuntu. it is wusb54gsc model.  is that compatible>?06:36
BuildSmartsara is that a drive or a USB wireless adapter?06:36
bleckit must be a wireless adapter, it says 54g06:37
Sara22BuildSmart: its a usb wireless adapter.06:37
bleckSara22: plug it in, see if it works?06:37
bleckSara22: tail -f /var/log/messages06:37
bleckSara22: do that before plugging it in and see if it shows stuff06:37
Sara22bleck: no I have not yet if it wasnt compatible i wasn't gonna open it.  will open it now06:37
bleckSara22: i see.06:38
CoJaBoTrying to see if my other computer will beep: CoJaBo-Eee06:38
BuildSmartcheck chipset, it may require a little more work, seems that comes in prism, prism2, zydas and realtek chipset based on version number.06:38
bleckSara22: well, i'm unsure about the store's return policy, but yeah, give it a go06:38
prexium01Hey all.06:39
prexium01This the room for server help?06:39
CoJaBoIs there a way to keep my Kubuntu from locking up when running graphics apps?06:40
CoJaBoOr at least recover from it?06:41
Sara22it froze my internet or I would paste it so you could see bleck06:41
Sara22can I paste it in here06:42
bleckmsg me with it if its long06:42
Sara22thx bleck06:42
CoJaBoThe screen won't do anything except move the mouse, but its still playing the sound from the video and it won't stop :/06:43
bleckor i think there's a #flood or something.06:43
bleckSara22: yeah cdc_ether06:43
bleckSara22: looks like its all good to go.06:43
CoJaBoAny ideas?06:44
bleckSara22: I think you need to config your wireless networking now06:44
Sara22bleck: ok but the light on it is not on06:44
Sara22where do i configure it.. network under system right06:44
bleckSara22: not sure, haven't configured one before, i'll try to find out for you06:45
Sara22thx bleck.  but it looks like under network the wireless isn't an option06:45
=== favafro is now known as favro
blecki think knetworkmanager does it.. just trying to figure it out now06:48
Sara22bleck: i have ubuntu 8.04 hardy06:48
CoJaBoIs there something I can do to prevent freezing when running graphic apps?06:48
bleckSara22: there's a little network icon in the system tray, seems to do wireless (its provided by knetworkmanager)06:51
bleckSara22: not having a wireless card in this computer, i can't do much more06:51
Sara22bleck: thx bleck.  it looks like there is only wired option there06:51
bleckSara22: theres gotta be a howto on this, one sec06:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:52
bleckthere you go :)06:53
Sara22bleck: thx. ok i will go read some more06:54
bleckis there some utility like xkill that can identify what process handles a window?06:56
blecklike start proggy, drag over area, identify process?06:56
bleck(still trying to figure out how to uncorruptify my system tray)06:56
matr1xi dunno but thats an interesting idea07:03
CoJaBoIs there anything that can be done to recover from Kubuntu freezing?07:06
favroCoJaBo: you need tofind why it'sfreezing - if X freezes try ctrl+alt+F2 and type dmesg  to look for errors07:29
favrojust too late07:29
marekthi how can i manualy edit ifconfig file07:34
marekti mean i can edit it in nano for ex07:34
marektbut when i try to "ifup eth0"07:34
marektit says:07:35
=== carlo is now known as Guest46136
katyHi - I'm trying to make my second internal hard disk mount on startup, but it's not working.  Can anyone suggest a way to make it work?07:40
favrokaty: are you editing /etc/fstab for that?07:43
katyYes, but it still won't automount.07:43
favrokaty: can you paste the line from /etc/fstab you are trying with?07:43
katyfavro: What options do you suggest I put in?  I notice "noauto" got put in, but I didn't put it there...07:44
CoJaBofavro: When it freezes, it is completely unresponsive to keyboard, including switching screens with ctrl+alt+F. Mouse moves, but does not respond to clicking. Responds to ping and sound keeps playing.07:44
favrokaty: I don't know what filesystem it is or where you want it mounted07:44
katyfavro: It's an old NTFS hard disk from this machine's former life as a Windoze box.  Mounting it with the name "Percheron-Extra" for historical reasons.  Current line is <</dev/sdb1 /media/Percheron-Extra auto users,atime,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0>>07:45
favroCoJaBo: do you have an older kernel to boot into - does it happen in that one?07:45
katy(Except with noauto as well.  I just edited that a second ago.)07:46
favrokaty: try - /dev/sdb1 /media/Percheron-Extra ntfs-3g users,atime,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 007:47
draikHello all. I keep getting this error when I try to play my backup DVDs... This DVD Video is encrypted. To be able to watch it you will need to install libdvdcss by running from a console: sudo /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh. In some countries it is illegal to install the decryption software without permission from the video copyright holder.07:49
katy... Umm, does anyone know how to paste from the clipboard into vim in a shell???  This fracking keyboard doesn't have a fracking insert key!!!07:50
katyOh wait, never mind; konsole Edit menu.  D'oh.\07:51
katyOK, off I go to reboot.  If it works, thanks favro!07:51
gsbanayardımcı olabilecek kimse var mı?07:52
favrodraik: that says you need to install a codec - have you run that command?07:52
gsis there anyboady who can help me ?07:52
draikfavro: Yes. Several times.07:52
favrokaty: you just need to do   sudo mount -a07:52
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:53
favrodraik: ^^07:53
draikfavro: Thank you. There is an issue with the first link. There is a command "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh", but 'example' needs to be removed.07:56
draikfavro: It still didn't work, BTW.07:57
favrodraik: you might need to enable the medibuntu repo07:57
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:57
Apple_catHi, I just changed my kernal to rt, and now I can't open alsamixer, any ideas on where I should start trying to fix this ?07:59
Apple_catKmix opens without errors but there are no devices listed08:01
draikfavro: I think that might do it. I don't recall removing medibuntu from my repos when I upgraded, but it may have happened. Thank you. I hope it works.08:01
* favro hopes it does too :)08:03
Apple_catubuntuforums.org is down08:07
Apple_catDo I need to set up alsa for the rt kernal, or will it just use the config from the generic kernal?08:08
Apple_catOr could it be that my soundcard isn't actually being detected by the rt kernal08:08
Apple_catBut lspci shows it08:09
draikfavro: No. It didn't work.08:11
favrodraik: I would have to question the format the backup images are stored in then...08:12
draikfavro: They are either saved as iso then burned or burned right after from k9copy.08:13
favroApple_cat: does   aplay -l   return device used?08:13
Apple_cat'no soundcards found...'08:14
favrodraik: I have no experience with dvd movies backed up - I only use .avi's08:14
draikThank you favro for your help. I will have to see what is going on with the DVD player Kaffeine08:15
favroApple_cat: what does   lspci | grep audio   return?08:15
favrodraik: sorry I couldn't help further :)08:15
Apple_catfavro:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/46805/08:16
draikfavro: While my issue is not resolved, you did put me that much closer to the answer.08:16
Apple_catHi miriam, how can we help you?08:19
Apple_cat-_- oh08:20
favroApple_cat: does   lsmod | grep snd   get a response?08:21
favroApple_cat: k - you don't have a sound card driver - I'll google for the name of it08:23
Apple_catAlsa-project.org is down, darn08:24
favroApple_cat: that's an old card?08:25
Apple_catYeah I think it's a few years old, still being made though08:29
favroApple_cat: this site links to a forum post that might help - http://sysabuse.blogspot.com/08:31
marekthi, i have problem with connecting to wifi connection08:35
marektDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 708:35
marektthis is what i get08:35
Apple_catSo now that I have the name of the driver I need, how can I get it to be used ?08:37
holycowhi guys08:38
holycowwhat controls the degradation in kde4 for effects rendering?08:38
holycowi have a good nvidia card that can do very ogl very well however turning on any of the effects results in nothing08:38
holycowany tips on what might not be running to get them to work?08:38
favroholycow: you know there is #kubuntu-kde4 for those questions?08:41
favroabout kde408:41
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde408:41
holycowoh right08:42
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Guest64869[09:35] <marekt> hi, i have problem with connecting to wifi connection08:45
Guest64869[09:35] <marekt> DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 708:45
Guest64869[09:35] <marekt> this is what i get08:45
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Apple_catfavro: What was that link about? Should I just make a .../.asoundrc file the same as what is on the page ?08:48
favroApple_cat: I didn't follow it - I hoped it would tell how to get your sound module installed08:49
favroApple_cat: 'cause you have no sound module for your card -  lsmod | grep snd was to find that out08:50
Apple_catYep, and now I want to use 'ICE1724' as my sound driver. Any ideas on how to do this ?08:51
favroApple_cat: if that is a module then   sudo modprobe -v "modulename"08:52
=== Drachenblut is now known as ghost
=== ghost is now known as Drachenblut
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losterererdoes usb wifi adapters work in kubuntu?08:54
Apple_catI guess it's a driver rather than a module? Output was 'module * not found.'08:54
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losterererwas that directed to me?08:55
favroApple_cat: drivers are modules when you try to put them into the kernel - it will have a module name if it is one08:55
losterererah nevermind hhee08:55
favro!wifi | lostererer08:55
ubottulostererer: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:55
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:56
losterererI got one that has linux drivers on it08:56
losterererbut it dont work08:57
losterererI cannot compile wpa_supplicant08:57
losterererit seems that the system is detecting it as a usb wifi in usb, but network section dont see it08:58
losterereranyone tried wiBee ?08:59
losterererusb wifi adapter?08:59
losterereranyone tried compiling knetmanager?09:00
zorglu__q. i got a directory on a kubuntu and would like to share it as samba, what is the easiest way ?09:00
HollowPointzorglu__: you'll need to install the samba server09:00
HollowPointthen if you're using kubuntu 8.04 with kde3.5.9 it's as simple as going into the control center and configuring a share09:01
zorglu__HollowPoint: cool this is what im running. looking at control center09:01
NCommanderIf I am a driver on a distribution on Launchpad, how can I add new releases and such so I can use the "Nominate for Release" link on bugs against our distribution?09:02
losterererubottu I believe it has a Realtek chipset in there so it is supported and the hardware came with the linux drivers and installation stuff09:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:02
HollowPointlostererer: why are you trying to compile knetmanager? Normally you should just plug the usb wifi adapter in to a USB port and Kubuntu should install the drivers for you, you may need to restart/log out and back infor changes to take effect but normally straight forward09:02
favroApple_cat: sudo modprope -v snd-ice172409:02
NCommanderdamn it09:02
NCommanderWrong room09:02
zorglu__HollowPoint: it is complaining on SMB not installed on my machine, which package is this ?.09:02
HollowPointlostererer: ubottu is a bot09:03
losterererHollowPoint knetmanager has the stuff that detects wireless networks..........no?09:03
losterererlol ok09:03
* zorglu__ is installing "samba" :)09:03
Apple_catfavro: again, it says the module is not found09:03
Apple_catSorry, not again to you, again to me09:04
losterererHollowPoint so I have to reboot the machine after loading the module ?09:04
HollowPointlostererer: yes but it's already installed lostererer I'm not sure why you want to re-compile it?09:04
losterererseems like I dont have knetmanager09:04
losterererI gots kubuntu 6.1009:04
favro!find snd-ice172409:04
holycowsomeone suggested earlier to reinstall, but that sorta isn't an option here.  what kde3 libraries can i uninstall that will pull most of kde3 with them?09:04
ubottuFile snd-ice1724 found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)09:04
HollowPointah ok lostererer I'd recommend upgrading to 8.0409:05
losterererits not possible in 6.10?09:05
losterereroh well I guess I need to wait09:06
HollowPointit's possible but seems like a lot of work for an outdated distro09:06
Apple_catfavro: result didn't find anything09:09
favroApple_cat: I can't find anything on installing that module - its' name might have changed , how old was the post you found it on?09:10
Apple_catI was going by this page http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Ice172409:12
favroApple_cat: tried   sudo lshw   to identify the card? - should be near the end09:16
Apple_cat VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT]09:19
favroApple_cat: just wanted to know why you thought that was the needed driver/module09:21
favroApple_cat: and   modinfo soundcore   returns positive?09:23
Apple_catI might have just thought that because I'm not so good with this stuff ^___^09:25
Apple_catmodinfo soundcore returns info on soundcore.ko09:26
favroApple_cat: we al start out not so good with this stuff :)09:26
favroand   sudo lshw09:26
Morphuscan anyone tell me what the default root password is?09:31
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Apple_catThere is no default password09:33
Morphuswell the password i entered at install didn't work and su with a empty password either09:34
Morphuscuz at install, it was for the account09:34
Morphus... :-/09:34
Apple_catso you can't gain root access with sudo09:34
Morphusis su a sudo?09:35
Apple_catsudo as in sudo ^^09:35
outbackwifihi there09:36
Apple_catsu won't work because there isn't a root account to su into09:36
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:37
Morphusso sudo is for launching commands with root priveleges?09:37
stdinApple_cat: erm, 'sudo -i' or 'sudo -s' or "sudo su -" all give you a root shell09:37
Morphuscool, thx guys09:37
tzdhey guys and gals! Yesterday i tried installing winXp on my kubuntu installation. After a few hours i gave up and rewrote mbr with grub. I'm now inside kubuntu and everything works well apart from the partition info inside gparted. According to gparted my whole drive is unallocated? Can someone please help me get this straight?09:37
outbackwifitzd: did you try installing winxp over kubuntu via vbox or vmware?09:38
Guest64869hi how can i install knetworkmanager for kde3?09:38
outbackwifiGuest64869: sudo apt-get install Knetworkmanager09:39
Guest64869but if i have kde4?09:40
favroApple_cat: I can't find any help about your card ...09:41
Apple_catNo, neither can I09:42
Apple_catIt works fine on the generic kernal, so it's not a disaster09:42
Eruaranknetworkmanager works fine in kde409:43
outbackwifiGuest64869: did you run that command and try to install?09:43
Apple_catThanks for all the help so far, I appreciate it : )09:43
Apple_cat@ favro09:43
stdinGuest64869: kde3 apps will still run in kde4, as long as the kde3 libs are installed09:44
favronp :)09:44
Apple_catWell I'm swapping back to the generic kernal, brb09:46
Guest64869 outbackwifi i tried but it installed same kde4 version09:48
Guest64869Eruaran, you mean kde3 or kde4 version09:48
tzdoutbackwifi: no09:51
tzdoutbackwifi: although i have winXP on vmware09:52
BuildSmartfavro, got a moment?09:52
favroBuildSmart: ping09:54
BuildSmartI built the kernel, issued make install, edited menu.lst but the kernel isn't booting.09:54
favroBuildSmart: I have to ask - it was sudo make install you issued?09:56
BuildSmartfirst thing I notice is that fter the install, no initrd.img-2.6.26-rc5 is installed.09:56
BuildSmartyes sudo was used.09:56
BuildSmartdespite my lack of knowledge of ubuntu, I can assure you I do have some clue how things are done.09:56
favroyou should have seen at terminal something like "rebuilding initramfs" or similar09:57
BuildSmartform what command?09:57
favromake install09:57
BuildSmartwill run it again.09:57
BuildSmartnope, sec, will paste response.09:58
favroand /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-rc5 exists?10:05
favroI was afk for a min10:05
favrocan i see the line in menu.lst for it?10:06
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:06
BuildSmartwhat does not exist is /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-rc510:06
BuildSmartsure... sec.10:06
favroBuildSmart: hang on10:06
favroif it doesn't exist there's no point in pointing grub to it10:07
marekthi, i tried to connect manually to my wifi network10:08
marektbut i get10:08
BuildSmartmake and make install do not generate the initrd image10:08
favroBuildSmart: I would   sudo updatedb && locate vmlinuz-2.6.26-rc510:08
marektDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 2010:08
BuildSmartI can see vmlinuz-2.6.26-rc5 just fine.10:08
BuildSmartvmlinuz-2.6.26-rc5 exists in /boot10:10
BuildSmartwhat is supposed to generate the initrd image?10:11
BuildSmartcause whatever it is it's not working.10:11
favrohavin a read10:12
BuildSmartmost othe renvironments I work in are intelligent compared to ubuntu, maybe that's just the *BSD approach.10:13
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favroyou had to do the dpkg -i step yes?10:14
favrohttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/ - might give some clues10:17
BuildSmartwhat is dpkg doing?10:18
virnikBuildSmart: dpkg is installer for deb packages10:19
BuildSmartok well if the kernel has not been built then why call it ?10:20
BuildSmartis ubuntu not intelligent enough to build a kernel that works without any user input?10:21
favroBuildSmart: the way it works is you build a kernel as a package then install it with dpkg - like the howtos say10:22
BuildSmarthere's the issue before getting that far, issue make and it tells you to run menuconfig, menuconfig expects a answers to questions that should not be asked.10:23
BuildSmartthen after the make/make install it fails to work.10:24
BuildSmartyou are suggesting I now resorting to another approach to install it, this makes no sense, even from a programmers perspective.10:24
BuildSmartit has been suggested I use "debian/rules build" and "debian/rules install" however the source does not contain these directories so the suggestions have been ignored.10:27
BuildSmartI would expect that in building the kernel it uses the existing kernel configuration and defaults for everything else, decoding ethernet chipsets and video cards should not occur.10:28
outbackwifiBuildSmart: please file a feature request10:28
BuildSmartcurbackwifi: not likely10:29
julienHow can i connect Quakenet ??10:29
outbackwifiBuildSmart: this channel is only for support10:29
favroBuildSmart: that'll be something to take up with the kernel builders in #kernel maybe :)10:29
ghostcubejulien: xchat quakenet ?10:29
BuildSmartreally, ok what is the magic command to build a kernel without any user input?10:29
ghostcubejulien: new server tab10:29
ghostcubethen just open network list10:30
ghostcubeconnect to it10:30
julienThx ;)10:30
julienBye !:10:30
BuildSmartonce built instead of make install I should use "dpkg -i ?????"10:30
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=== x_goat is now known as fophillips
favrohttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/ - might give some clues10:31
BuildSmartwhy am I being told to use "debain/rules build" when it doesn't exist, why is building a kernel more compilcated than issuing a single command.10:32
outbackwifiBuildSmart: no one has answers to rhetorical questions10:32
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BuildSmartrhetorical question???  you can't be serious in implying that ubuntu is to prehistoric to figure anything out on it's on.10:33
outbackwifiBuildSmart: please go to ubuntu-offtopic to discuss philosophy10:34
favroI think you are confusing ubuntu and linux there10:34
* outbackwifi wonders if people even know the meaning of GIGO10:35
BuildSmartI need the kernel to be configured like the initial kernel installed by ubuntu10:35
favroBuildSmart: ok - do you know the kernel number that was?10:35
BuildSmartthe initial kernel installed by 8.04 is 2.6.24-1810:36
BuildSmartsorry -1610:36
favroBuildSmart: do you have the source for that kernel so you can use its' config?10:40
BuildSmartsource, it was an install form the CD, is it build during the install process?10:40
BuildSmartin /boot I see config-2.6.24-16-generic10:41
BuildSmarta second rebuild has been completed from start to finish (dual quad core 3ghz Xeon's) using the defaults set by "make menuconfig" there are no .deb packages created and the command "make dpkg" is invallid10:42
BuildSmartobviously "make install" does not perform a complete install process10:42
favroit seems you've missed a step or two - can you read through the steps here - http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/10:44
BuildSmartfavvro: you keep pointing me to that doc, I have tried it, it was unsuccessful in two attempts executed (verbatim) so I've given up on it like many who have gone befor eme.10:46
outbackwifilike this --> makeroot make-kpkg –initrd –append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers10:46
outbackwifilike this --> fakeroot make-kpkg –initrd –append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers10:46
BuildSmartit was issued10:47
outbackwifiThis process will create two .deb files in /usr/src that contain the kernel10:47
BuildSmartunfortunately no .deb files were created.10:47
outbackwifidid you get any errors?10:48
BuildSmartmake install was issued, everything appears to be in place except for initrd.img-2.6.26-rc510:48
outbackwifii dont see any instructions for make install there10:48
BuildSmarthow could I tell, in a dual 3ghz quad core machine it scrolls so fast you can't read it.10:48
outbackwifiinstallation is done like this --> dpkg -i linux-image-
outbackwifiBuildSmart: if your make failed, it wouldve done with errors10:49
BuildSmartand the .deb file is supposed to be in /usr/src and it's not there.10:49
outbackwifiBuildSmart: no matter how fast your machine was10:49
BuildSmartthe make does not fail with an error10:50
BuildSmartsince no .deb is generated I issued make install.10:50
outbackwifiBuildSmart: did you create the symbolic link from the kernel src tree to linux?10:51
BuildSmartyes ln -s "linux-2.6.26-rc5 linux"10:51
BuildSmartyes "ln -s linux-2.6.26-rc5 linux"10:51
outbackwifiand when you issued that fakeroot line, everything scrolled by too fast and came back to the prompt?10:52
RenzoreKAre the ubuntu forums down>10:52
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BuildSmartthe entire source after the configure builds in 4 mins and 11 seconds.10:53
outbackwifiwould it be possible for you to pastebin the last 10 lines from the end?10:54
BuildSmartjust started a new build so if you give it 4 minutes yes.10:55
outbackwifithe other way (common to all distributions) is to issue a make mrproper; make menuconfig; configure whatever you want; make bzImage; and then look into the arch/i386/boot/ folder for the new kernel in bzImage form10:56
BuildSmartI saw those instruction on another howto but didn't try them.10:57
BuildSmartI can interupt and try them is you recommend as a better build nmethod.10:58
outbackwifimake modules_install would install the modules and copying the bzImage to /boot creating initrd image and making an appropriate  entry in menu.lst should enable you to boot your new kernel10:58
outbackwifiBuildSmart: I believe that gives you more control; building a package is great for redistribution.10:58
BuildSmartok I'll stop and find those instructions and give them a whirl.11:00
icelabhi there is someone??11:03
Tallkenicelab: nop11:04
outbackwifi!ask | icelab11:04
ubottuicelab: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:04
icelabmy problem is konqueror 3.5 don't work whit flash11:04
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash11:05
icelabyes on youtube the video don't start11:05
outbackwifiicelab: does it tell you that you need plugins?11:05
icelaba windows say me that i have same problem whit khtml11:06
icelabno i have installed nofree plug in11:06
icelabinfact whit firefox i have not trouble11:06
BuildSmartoutbackwifi: the build is almost complete.11:11
RenzoreKAnyway to have wifi connect automatically?11:12
BuildSmartoutback, will this kernel work on any CPU or will it be specific to my machine now?11:13
outbackwifiicelab: you can try in #kubuntu-kde411:13
outbackwifiBuildSmart: that entirely depends on what you configured in the make menuconfig stage11:14
BuildSmartok it says it's starting to build a package11:14
BuildSmartI accepted all the defaults.11:14
outbackwifiRenzoreK: knetworkmanager does automatically11:14
outbackwifiBuildSmart: then it must work on all x86 machines (you could run make menuconfig again to check )11:15
BuildSmartwhat amazes me is that building the kenrel uses 20gb of disk space.11:15
BuildSmartoutback, menuconfig had no settings changes, I exited when it came up accepting all the deaults.11:16
skoleHi im trying to run innotec virtualbox as a virtual machine. I have kubuntu on my laptop, but I want to run ubuntu as a virtual machine. I get a error message back when I try to set up the machine:11:16
skoleVirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Re-setup the kernel module by executing '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' as root.11:16
skoleVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).11:16
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
favroskole: tried sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ?11:18
RenzoreKoutbackwifi: How do I get to that setting? I always seem to have to select the access point I need to get it connecting11:20
skoleyes I have, then i returns: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong11:20
favroskole: did you install the headers for your kernel?11:21
skoleNo I'm sorry, but what is that?11:22
favroyou need them for vbox to install properly - it's  in the readme11:22
skoleok, its some time since I installed Vbox, but I have run it with Windows before. Since last time I have upgradet my Kubuntu of course11:24
BuildSmartok outback, got 2 .deb files, now what?11:25
favroskole: uname -r to find kernel number then sudo apt-get install linux-headers-"kernel number"11:27
favrosudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` works too11:30
skoleIt returs that I have the newest version of linux-headers all ready.11:31
favrodid /var/log/vbox-install.log give a clue?11:32
skolehow can i look at that log?11:33
outbackwifiBuildSmart: run these two commands and replace the kernel versions appropriately -->     dpkg -i linux-image-
outbackwifi    dpkg -i linux-headers-
TheCanhi, is there also an kubuntu-intrepid alpha channel here ?11:34
favroyou can browse to it with dolphin - next to the K menu launcher or in konsole   nano /var/log/vbox-install.log11:34
favro!intrepid | TheCan11:35
ubottuTheCan: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!11:35
outbackwifinow if you reboot, you should do so with the new kernel; i would advise you to edit your menu.lst and ensure that your previous kernel entry is also present in case this one doesnt work11:35
BuildSmartbut further ahead of the game.11:38
=== eric is now known as Attila489
thorhi guys. i have a little problem. when i try to use nvidia geforce 6 series it crashes my x server11:41
thori have a geforce 6600gt graphic card. it only works well when i use nvidia drivers11:42
skolefavro: It  says somthing like: echo: "ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid." include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing$ Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it11:42
thorwhen i change to nvidia geforce 6 series it changes automatically to nv driver.11:42
thoram i making some mistakes ?11:43
favroskole: all i can suggest is to Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it - you might need the build-essential package to do it11:43
favroskole: what version of kubuntu are you using?11:44
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:44
skolefavro: kubuntu 8.0411:45
Attila489How do i set mozilla as my default web browser ?11:46
Attila489konkeror only krashes11:46
skolefavro: what command must I use to 'make oldconfig...'11:46
favroskole: make oldconfig is the command :)11:47
Frekuisnt that the command ?11:47
thorattila849: go in edit>preferences and in general tab check always check to see if firefox...11:48
favromake oldconfig && make prepare means run make oldconfig and when it's done run make prepare11:48
thorfrom advanced....:)11:48
Attila489thanks thor ! :)11:49
favroFreku: I had to uninstall konq to make ff the default - but that doesn't seem to be normal11:49
thoru welcome :)11:50
favrooops sorry Freku11:50
skolemake *** No rule to make taget 'oldconfig'. Stop11:51
favroskole: my experience is limited with that - maybe outbackwifi can help again?11:52
outbackwifiskole: sorry what?11:52
skoleoutbackwifi: Im trying to get my Vbox up and running with Ubuntu11:53
outbackwifiskole: what seems to be the issue?11:54
skoleoutbackwifi: VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).11:55
outbackwifiskole: when i last played with vbox, you had to install the vbox driver which comes with the package11:56
mewmewi have a silly question11:56
mewmewon my KDE, when ever my mouse scrolls to the bottom of the desktop11:56
mewmewit goes to the next window11:56
mewmewi don't know how i got it to do that11:56
mewmewanyone know how to stop it?11:56
outbackwifiskole: modprobe -v vboxdrv (dont remember the name of the module)11:56
skoleoutbackwifi: what is the command?11:56
outbackwifimewmew: are you running compiz11:56
mewmewi turned off compiz11:57
mewmewi thought it was compiz also11:57
outbackwifiskole: try sudo modprobe -v vboxdrv11:57
mewmewso i made a new file with compiz and turned off everything11:57
mewmewi've got animated icons and when my mouse gets to the bottom of the screen it goes to the next desktop11:57
mewmew(its kinda annoying)11:58
skoleoutbackwifi: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found11:58
outbackwifihangon let me ask my friend google11:58
outbackwifiskole: what version of vbox did you install?12:00
skolehmm... I installed it in febuary...wait just a second12:01
outbackwifiskole: this might help --> http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=6566&highlight=verrvmdrivernotinstalled12:01
* outbackwifi gotta go and get on a flight; bye everyone12:03
skoleIts VirtualBox 1.5.2 r25433 linux.x8612:03
skoleWhat is the command for editing a file 'etc/init.d/vboxdrv12:20
skoleError: no write permission for file "etc/init.d/vboxdrv"12:21
favroskole: kdesu kate /etc/init.d/vboxdrv12:22
BuildSmartok found instructions that gave me the two .deb files, installed them but wifi doesn't work, dmesg complains about unknown symbols. not impressive results12:24
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BuildSmartso far, like amny others, the people writing how-to's must be leaving out some important information and the people writing these install/build scripts need to obtian some higher education.12:26
clebsonALGUM brasilerio12:27
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:28
clebsonJussio, tudo bem?12:36
clebsonvc e experiente com Linux, sou novato e estou tendo dificuldade para instalar o broffice 3 rc1 na minha maquina12:37
jussi01clebson: I only speak english. please type: /join #ubuntu-br12:38
clebsonObrigado amigo12:43
NEWBhi guys, does anyone use openoffice? i have a prob, i know is offtopic but someone might know... when using the "outline" effect on black coloured text, it turns it into white coloured one with a black outline, how do i do the opposite? (black text with white outline, because it's over a backgound image i'll be able to see this white outline and it makes sense) anyone can help? thx13:07
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juancan a livecd find itself on an ntfs drive?13:25
favroI would like to know too :)13:26
juani think mine was getting found when i was using the 'wrong' vmlinuz and intrid.gz but if i extract the ones on the cd it cant see it :s13:29
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RenzoreKHow do I change the K menu button in KDE13:51
favroI saw an option in kcontrol for that13:52
Attondechange your icons ;)13:52
favronope I was wrong - button background was what it was13:55
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jarlaxlehi all14:25
ph Hi there, i'm desperatly looking for the equivalent kubuntu command for "update-manager -d" to test intrepid14:35
phdoes it exist ?14:35
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!14:37
phfavro: is that destined to me ?14:42
favroph: the #ubuntu+1 bit14:43
favrothought it might help14:44
phok thanks14:44
LeeJunFanokay, lancelot has me hooked on kde4 now - there's no looking back.14:50
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TimSCould someone help me set up Samba? It used to work, but now nothing shows up.15:34
TimSI have even turned off the firewall on the windows PC and nothing shows up15:34
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eyzeehi guys...15:56
eyzeedo i really need an antivirus for my ubuntu os?15:56
Schuenemannwhy would you?15:57
eyzeeso is it 100% safe from online virus?15:57
_222AnA222_hi :) How can I restore the kde main bar I use kde 4 thx15:58
Schuenemannunless you run something yourself, yes15:58
akashDoes any one help me.I m newbie16:01
jussi01akash: ask your question :)16:04
akashI m having problem in browsing. Apart from Konqueror ,other browser donot able to detect Ethernet. (Opera or Firefox)16:06
jussi01akash: are you sure they are not set to offline mode?16:07
akashYa... i m still browsing thru Konqueror. But not with Opera  :'(16:08
akashMy ifconfig16:10
akasheth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0F:EA:E1:C3:4E          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:          inet6 addr: fe80::20f:eaff:fee1:c34e/64 Scope:Link          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1          RX packets:11940 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0          TX packets:10492 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000          RX bytes:12766107 (12.1 MB)  TX bytes:116:10
akashInterrupt:20lo        Link encap:Local Loopback          inet addr:  Mask:          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0          RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)16:10
akashAnd here is my Routing entries Kernel IP routing tableDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface192.168.1.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth0link-local      *          U     1000   0        0 eth0default         mygateway1.ar7         UG    0      0        0 eth016:11
ign0ramus!pastebin | akash16:12
ubottuakash: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)16:12
akashThanks ubottu...I 'll definitely remember that16:14
jussi01ubottu is a bot16:14
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.16:14
akashPLEASE what abt my problem???16:15
ign0ramusakash: if you can connect to the Internet with Konqueror, your OS has properly negotiated your connection.  It's most likely a configuration error with your other browser(s)16:16
ign0ramusakash: were you able to acccess the internet with firefox before?16:17
ofvakash: are you connecting through a proxy?16:17
akashI hv also tried it but all in vain.May be port number was wrong16:18
ign0ramusakash: you can't connect to your router, or you can't connect to the internet?16:18
Schuenemannakash, wrong proxy settings?16:19
ign0ramusSchuenemann: that's what it's looking like...16:19
akashI can connect to my Router...but problem is that both the browser cannot automatically connect to INternet16:20
ign0ramusakash: are you able to connect without using a proxy?16:20
akashI m using Kubuntu 7.1016:21
ign0ramusakash: well, you're on a wired connection.  what if you took the router out of the equation- direct ethernet to the computer...16:22
akashThe phone line is connected to DSL router16:23
fcdhi, does kubuntu 8.04 have and support ndiswrapper?16:23
ign0ramusfcd: you can use ndiswrapper in 8.0416:24
ign0ramusakash: do you need to use a proxy?  can you not just use a direct connection to the internet?16:24
ign0ramus!ndiswrapper | fcd16:24
ubottufcd: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:24
akashI hv tried direct connection to Internet in both the browser.But they can't able to open any of webpage.16:25
Schuenemannakash, are you using a proxy or not?16:25
ofvakash: In Konqueror, go to menu Settings -> Configure Konqueror, click on Proxy on the left pane and tell us what is checked on the righ pane.16:26
akashKonqueror   : Connect to Internet Directly16:27
ofvakash: that means you are not using a proxy.16:27
ign0ramusakash: can you visit "  " in firefox?16:27
akashIt shows Firefox cannot find server16:28
ign0ramusakash: i'm wondering if its an /etc/hosts issue...16:30
akashShall I send u that also16:30
ofvakash: in Opera, see if menu File -> Work Offline is checked16:31
ign0ramusakash: pastebin your /etc/hosts16:31
ign0ramusakash: well, that looks fine16:32
akashThen wat can be issue???16:33
ign0ramusakash: have you tried disabling IPv6 in Firefox?16:34
akashHow should I do that16:34
ign0ramusakash: about:confg > type in 'ipv6' in filter bar > set to disable16:35
ign0ramusakash: then restart firefox16:35
akashIt was already diabled16:36
ign0ramusakash: it says "disable" = "true"?16:37
ign0ramusakash: because by default, it is enabled, unless the settings were tweaked16:38
akashIt shows      status=default value=true preferencename=network.dns.disableIPV616:39
jussi01so its enabled...16:39
akashIs it enabled??16:40
ign0ramusakash: in Edit > preferences > advanced > network > configure how firefox connects to the internet, what settings do you have applied?16:41
akashAuto detect proxy settings for this Network16:42
ign0ramusakash: what if you change it to "direct connection" or "no proxy" or whatever and restart firefox?16:42
akashSame problem.... :'(16:43
cilkayHello. How can I get Kubuntu to behave the same way as Ed/Ubuntu when a CD/DVD with a Ubuntu or variant is inserted into the DVD player? In Ed/Ubuntu, I get a dialog that asks me if I want to start the addon manager, which enables me to browse the packages and install the packages of my choice.16:44
cilkayE.g. that's how I added many of the apps in the Ubuntu Studio distro to Ubuntu.16:45
cilkay... including the rt kernel16:45
akashWell ....thanks for your interest.It seems I have to use Konqueror only . :-(16:51
akashCan U tell me which port does router use to connect to Internet.May be I can connect via proxy16:52
ign0ramusakash: port 80 is http and port 443 is https, but i don't think this is going to help your problem16:55
ign0ramusakash: i think you have an improper configuration, either within your router or with your system16:55
akashYOu are right...nothing happens...16:58
ign0ramusakash: when did you install kubuntu?16:58
akashREcently,I have ordered Kubuntu CD.Though I have got it on February.I hv installed it in previous month16:59
ign0ramusakash: Can you access internet with firefox using the livecd?17:00
akashI hv downloaded firefox...it was not available on LiveCD17:01
ign0ramusakash: i thought it was, but either way, if you install firefox using the livecd, can you connect?  I would suspect you could, which means there is something wrong with your network settings17:02
akashHOw does I check wether it was available on LiveCD??17:02
ign0ramusakash: i mean if you can't, then its probably a problem with your network settings (most likely the router)17:02
ign0ramusakash: boot to the livecd, check to see if firefox is a program under "internet"; if not, then install it.17:03
akashWat bt Konqueror?17:03
ign0ramusakash: wat bt it?17:03
akashOk i m checking....Another problem is abt Konqueror. I cannot able to send scrap form Orkut,though i hv enabled Javascript17:05
ign0ramusakash: do you have Java installed?17:05
ign0ramusakash: that could be a lot of things, and i know nothing about Orkut... lets try to fix one thing at a time17:06
alperhi guys I am having troble with wireless. I installed 8.04.1 and did the restricted drivers thing, fetched and extracted firmware but I can see any networks17:07
akashThanls ign0ramus and others for your interest and time.I have to attend my AI class.I shall catch U soon with same and some other problems.Bye17:08
ign0ramusakash: goodbye17:08
ign0ramusalper: output of " iwconfig " please17:08
ign0ramusin pastebin17:08
alperign0ramus: posted17:10
ign0ramusalper: if you gave the url, it might help ;)17:10
ign0ramusalper: well, your card is detected, which is good...17:11
ign0ramusalper: are you using Knetworkmanager?17:11
icelabhi. guys konqueror don't work well whit flash17:11
alperyes Knetworkmanager17:11
icelabis it possible reinstall everythings17:12
ign0ramusalper: but you're saying if you right-click the icon, it does not list any Networks?17:12
alperyes it says "no wireless networks found"17:12
ign0ramusalper: you're at a cafe?17:12
icelabbecause i have delete every plugin in the configure box17:13
alperI am trying to use my own network now I am using cable connection17:13
NakkelAny plans to fix the Kubuntu homepage so it works with Konqueror? Can't click the download link there.17:13
ign0ramusalper: is your network encrypted?17:14
alperyes I have encryption key17:14
ign0ramusalper: try without encryption... Knetworkmanager is still a little weird with encrytpion (especially WPA)17:15
vikkui am doing `sudo shutdown -y -i0 now but my comp never shut down , using whatsoever form of shtudown cmd ....17:15
icelabsorry nakkel you wont that konqueror open the first page on kubuntu17:15
ign0ramusvikku: try ' sudo shutdown -P now '17:16
alperbut I cant see anything to click to select the network17:16
ign0ramusalper: i know, we're going to enter your SSID manually17:16
vikkuign0ramus: ok17:16
alperit was working fine last night but when I turned on today it happened17:17
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ign0ramusalper: stupid question - you do have wireless enabled in Knetworkmanager, and you do have your wireless turned on on the computer, right?17:18
Nakkelicelab: I mean http://www.kubuntu.org, it renders wrong the download link area. Text is too big and the buttons are not clickable.17:18
alperI have the wireless light on17:19
alperI have another notebook using the network now17:19
icelabtry to change the monitor definition17:19
ign0ramusalper: and on this computer, Knetworkmanager > Options > Enable Wireless is active, right?17:20
alperyes it's on17:20
ign0ramusicelab: have you checked it in Konqueror?  i get the same thing17:20
ign0ramusalper: ok, let me know when you've removed the encryption17:20
Nakkelicelab: Every other site works just fine, and the rest of the kubuntu.org site is also fine. Only the download buttons are messed up.17:22
ign0ramusNakkel: confirmed.  i don't know why it's like that17:22
alperI turned it off17:22
ign0ramusalper: ok, exit knetworkmanager, and restart it17:23
alperign0ramus: I restarted17:24
ign0ramusalper: ok, upon right clicking, can you "Connect to other wireless network"?17:24
alperok I did do you want me to fill in t he info17:25
ign0ramusalper: yup, and make sure you have the proper card listed for 'device'17:25
ign0ramusalper: all you should need is your SSID to connect17:26
alperwell it says unknown unknown (wlan0) that is the only option17:26
ign0ramusalper: hmmm.. that would be a problem.  for some reason, knetworkmanager is not using your card.17:26
ign0ramusalper: what kind of wireless card do you have?17:28
alperbroadcom bcm431817:28
ign0ramusdo you have sthe b43-fwcutter driver installed?17:29
alperyes it's installed17:30
alperI can see that is activated in the restricted drivers17:30
sridharhi need help with opening a pdf in ubuntu17:31
artur_Hi, how do i remove effectively the Amarok? After this I will re-install it, to some problems get solved, but i've tried a complete uninstall in many ways, but after re-installing i could note that my playlist was as a left it, and even a plugin that i installed for amarok was still installed too. How could i remove, and after re-installing make the amarok looks like its first time in my kubuntu.17:31
sridharhi need help with opening a pdf in ubuntu17:31
ign0ramusalper: do you have wpasupplicant installed/17:31
alpermmm how can I check it17:32
ign0ramusalper: 'sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant'17:32
sridharhi need help with opening a pdf in ubuntu had downloaded the file thru Azureus17:32
ign0ramus!pdf | sridhar17:32
ubottusridhar: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)17:32
alperyes its installed17:33
ign0ramusalper: ok......17:33
sridharubottu : dont have adobe reader or the others!17:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:33
ign0ramussridhar: that's why you install them.  There are four different programs listed. just pick one.17:34
ign0ramusalper: did your card work out of the box before?17:34
ign0ramusalper: or did you have to use ndiswrapper and a windows driver?17:34
edjuI removed/purged screenlets.  Now, upon startuo of kde, I get a msg that kdeinit could not find screenlets-daemon.py.  Of course not!  From where is kde looking for that file?17:34
alperI was using b43 to use it in fact it was working smoothly last night17:35
alperby the way I never used ndiswrapper17:35
ign0ramusalper: perhaps a reboot in recovery mode will restart your knetworkmanager to recognize your card.  it sounds stupid, but it has worked for me in the past...17:36
ign0ramusedju: /usr/share/screenlets-manager/screenlets-daemon.py17:36
ign0ramusedju: or you can restart with an empty session, and the message should go away17:37
alperok I will try that if it doesnt work I will back thanks for the help17:37
constrictoris there a way to integrate my google calendar with KDE pim17:39
edjuign0ramus, screenlets-daemon.py is long gone.  I still get the error.  I don't know what in kde is looking for it.17:40
ign0ramusconstrictor: http://www.chipbennett.net/wordpress/index.php/2008/06/how-to-synchronize-kde-pim-with-google-calendar/17:40
ign0ramusedju: check in /home/user/.kde/Autostart - are there any screenlet scripts in there?17:41
ign0ramusalper: any luck?17:41
icelabhi, is it possible reconfigure konqueror17:41
alpernope still the same17:41
ign0ramusalper: the only other thing i can think of is to try wicd instead of knetworkmanager...17:42
icelabi have "work" in plugin konfigure area and now i have delete all plugin andress17:42
alpercan I apt-get it17:42
ign0ramusalper: yup17:42
ign0ramusalper: it will remove knewtworkmanager, but you can always reinstall (not like it's helping anyway...)17:42
alperign0ramus: do I have to add any repository to be able to install it because it says coulndt find the package17:44
ign0ramusalper: wait, i think you need to have the wicd repo first17:44
edjuign0ramus, Uhh, well - yes, that was it.  But I mean, who'd have thought to look in Autostart to find things that autostart?   Thanks.17:45
ign0ramusalper: 'sudo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list'17:45
ign0ramusedju: np.  glad you got it sorted out!17:45
ign0ramusalper: add 'deb http://apt.wicd.net hardy extras' at the bottom17:45
sridharis there an adobe reader for 64-bit17:46
ign0ramusalper: save file and close.  then 'sudo apt-get update'17:46
ign0ramusalper: then 'sudo apt-get install wicd'17:47
icelabqual'e il canali italiano di kubuntu?17:47
alpernow it's OK17:47
ign0ramus!it | icelab17:47
ubottuicelab: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:47
ign0ramusalper: now what's ok?17:47
sridharis there an adobe reader for 64-bit17:48
sridharalso need an application that can open .rar file on ubuntu!17:49
sridharheard there is some 7up application not sure if it works on ubuntu on a 64-bit processor17:49
ign0ramussridhar: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?17:50
ign0ramussridhar: and i'm assuming you mean p7zip17:50
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sridharignoramus am using ubuntu17:52
sridharcould be p7 zip is that good for ubuntu17:53
ign0ramussridhar: then you should chat in #ubuntu, as you will be wanting apps for gnome17:53
ign0ramussridhar: p7zip is good, as is unrar... but you'd be better off in #ubuntu17:53
asiyanign0ramus: this is alper I lost all my connection after installing wicd17:54
ign0ramusasiyan: did you restart the computer?17:54
asiyanI restarted kde17:54
asiyannow I am restarting17:54
ign0ramusasiyan: ok17:55
icelabhi, someone can help me??17:56
cilkayHow do I install the HTML and CSS docs for kdewebdev using apt? I didn't see any likely installation candidates.17:56
cilkayMore correctly, I'm looking for the documentation *for* HTML and CSS.17:56
ign0ramuscilkay: if you use 'aptitude', it's better at naming likely candidates17:56
cilkayI'm not even sure what to look for though.17:57
ign0ramuscilkay: i'm not sure what you need, either, but see if this helps: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdewebdev/4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy117:58
cilkayI guess I'll just have to install the docs using the tarball because they aren't packaged in kdewebdev.18:04
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ign0ramuscilkay: that's kind of dumb, but at least you found them18:05
asiyanign0ramus: I cant get connected wıth WICD either18:05
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cilkayThe docs are accessible from within Quanta so they're not an external package.18:05
ign0ramusasiyan: it does not recognize your card either?18:05
asiyanno luck18:06
LiveToWinhi! somebody help me! i`ve got a laptop toshiba a100, have problems with s2ram, it goes to s2ram, but won`t get out...18:07
ign0ramusasiyan: what does kinfocenter show under 'network interfaces'?18:07
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asiyanjust lo nothing else18:08
ign0ramusasiyan: but you're saying you had full wireless yesterday with your upgrade to 8.04.1?18:08
cilkayI wish I could just hide the "documentation" button in Quanta. The docs seem to be old an unmaintained. E.g. PHP, not that I care about it, is stuck back in PHP4.18:09
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asiyanI was using 8.04.1 yesterday too but suddenly this thing happened today and early afternoon I reinstalled18:10
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cilkayI just don't want the users clicking on the "Documentation" button and getting confused when none of the links to the docs work.18:10
ign0ramusasiyan: i don't know what else to tell you... it seems like an issue with the distro not recognizing the card, which is weird, especially if it did yesterday18:11
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asiyanI am going to try ubuntu to see i18:12
asiyanf it works18:12
asiyanign0ramus: I tried to connect manually now I have wlan0 in network interfaces window in Kinfocenter18:15
m_tadeuhi everyon...has anyone tryed to change back from the dek4 background folder view?18:16
jussi01m_tadeu: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)18:19
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m_tadeujussi01: thanks  :)18:26
herbaliserhow do i change login manager in kubuntu18:26
DarkriftXever since I installed my nvidia restricted drivers, I cannot change tty or "logout" to command line because I get resolution problems. is there something I need to change to fix this?18:27
KRFherbaliser, i think its `dpkg-reconfigure xdm`18:27
KRFherbaliser, i think its `dpkg-reconfigure kdm`18:27
KRFno. meh18:28
LeeJunFanherbaliser: you need to edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager to point to the display manager you want to use.18:28
LeeJunFanoh, or what KRF said.18:29
herbaliserand the spalsh screen?18:29
herbaliserdon't seem to find it in kcontrol18:29
LeeJunFannot sure about the splash. I normally just disable that.18:29
KRFherbaliser, thats in appearance18:29
Schuenemannwhich splash?18:29
LeeJunFanI like to see what my system is doing.18:29
KRFkcontrol -> appearance -> splash theme or somthing18:30
LeeJunFanright, the boot splash is different than the login splash, the login one can be changed in appearance.18:30
Schuenemannwhere do you change login appearance?18:30
LeeJunFanseems I saw something on getdeb to change the bootsplash18:30
Schuenemannit's startupmanager18:31
Schuenemannhere: http://hacktivision.com/index.php/2008/01/24/how-to-customize-grub-in-ubuntu?blog=218:31
SchuenemannLeeJunFan, where is that option for changing login appearance?18:31
Daisuke_Idoand it's not in getdeb, it's in the repos18:32
Daisuke_Ido!info startupmanager18:32
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.11-1~hardy1 (hardy), package size 88 kB, installed size 1016 kB18:32
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: you mean the appearance of the login screen or the splash screen that shows while KDE is loading?18:32
Schuenemannthe login screen18:32
Schuenemannthat splash I remove, it sucks IMO18:32
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: that's under system settings, advanced tab, login manager18:32
herbaliserok thanks18:33
SchuenemannLeeJunFan, but Gutsy had something that I could its style I don't find there. There was one with a hand and fingerprints18:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:33
Schuenemannthere I only see wallpapers, messages and related18:34
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: not sure about that. I normally don't mess with mine. As I rarely ever see the login screen I don't care what it looks like. :)18:34
SchuenemannLeeJunFan, why do you rarely see it? You don't turn your computer off?18:34
LeeJunFanright now I'm using the default oxygen theme on kde4.18:34
LeeJunFanSchuenemann: no, I have a laptop that's either suspended to RAM or in use.18:35
ign0ramus|afk|nfSchuenemann: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/login-scan+%27splash%27?content=2688818:35
Schuenemannign0ramus|afk|nf, where do I change that?18:35
SchuenemannI can't find it in kcontrol18:35
ign0ramus|afk|nfSchuenemann: brb18:36
Schuenemanngoing away right now =/18:36
LeeJunFanIt should be under system administration->login manager18:37
SchuenemannI wonder where they're hiding that option18:37
LeeJunFannevermind, kde3.5 doesn't have the ability to do themes from there.18:38
LeeJunFanyou can in kde418:38
SchuenemannLeeJunFan, well, I could somewhere with gutsy18:38
EagleSndo u want ot change kdm theme?18:38
Schuenemannkdm theme is for the whole KDE, no?18:39
SchuenemannI wanted to change the login screen appearance18:39
LeeJunFanno, just for login.18:39
EagleSnyou have a package called kdmtheme, install it and you will find the option in kcontrol18:40
SchuenemannEagleSn, was that default installed with gutsy?18:40
EagleSni think it is not installed by default, i am not sure18:40
EagleSnchekc in with some package manager as like as Adept or Synaptic18:41
SchuenemannI installed... where is it supposed to be now?18:41
EagleSnlet me see...18:41
Schuenemannfound it18:42
Schuenemannit's under appearance18:42
DarkriftXever since I installed my nvidia restricted drivers, I cannot change tty or "logout" to command line because I get resolution problems. is there something I need to change to fix this? I just tried to install the newest nvidia-glx-new but says its already latest.18:43
SchuenemannEagleSn, there are only 3, though. And 2 are the same :-)18:43
SchuenemannEagleSn, thanks18:44
EagleSnyes, you can obtain new themes by installing it from package manager (if any) or downloading from kde-look website18:44
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SchuenemannEagleSn, do those themes need compiling?18:49
Schuenemannok, it doesn't. Sorry18:51
RenzoreKHow do I replace the K-menu icon? Ive read a bunch of forums and the web and none can explain it properly it seems.19:09
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ForgeAushey all why are my device ID's all screwed up?19:12
ForgeAusshouldn't they be in a hex ####:#### format?19:12
ForgeAusmine show up as 0#0:##.#19:12
SchuenemannRenzoreK, tried /usr/share/icons?19:17
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EagleSnyes, there is to replace the Kmenu icon by the alternative icon in /usr/share/icons19:22
DinithionIs there a way to change the standard UTF8 to ISO-8859-1? Or atleast for some terminal-emulator I use without support for UTF8?19:32
icelabhi, it is possible reconfigure konqueror?19:34
icelabi have delete all flash plugin in the confuguration box19:35
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icelaband the program don't find enythings19:36
x86can someone give me a direct download link to a CD (or DVD) ISO image file for the latest kubuntu + kde4 remix?19:43
x86cdimage.kubuntu.com is down or something19:43
x86having a hard time finding mirrors too :(19:43
x86found olemiss.edu and it's 8.04 tree is completely empty19:43
icelabc' mon guys19:44
VousDeuxhello: I was going through my routine of draining and recharging my battery. The battery was almost dead, so I plugged it back in. At that moment the session I was working in said that I had locked it...even though I did not. Now it won't accept my password. I have logged into a different session, but I can't seem to get back into my original session.19:45
x86see it on some torrent sites but torrents scare me19:45
VousDeuxIs there some way I can access session:0 from session:1?19:45
VousDeuxI would like to gracefully exit applications that are running in session:019:46
x86VousDeux: if you could hijack it and set it's display environment variable to a remote (localbox:0) X server, maybe19:46
x86VousDeux: or put root username and pass? perhaps that would unlock it19:46
mrunagihow do i keep kubuntu from restoring applications from the last session?19:46
ForgeAusfor future reference if anyone needs to know lspci -n maps screwy ID's to Device ID19:47
VousDeuxit won't let me specify a user...it looks like the screensaver lock19:47
VousDeuxis there something I can kill that will unlock session:0?19:47
ForgeAusuh logging out?19:49
edjuSystem Settings|Disk & Filesystems  won't load -  "the module disk and filesystems could not be loaded"  - something about wrong or orphaned modules.  Google's been no help.  Any hints, pointers, etc. appreciated.19:50
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VousDeuxhey, I got it...there was a process running called kdesktop_lock19:51
VousDeuxI killed it :)19:51
VousDeuxthanks for your time19:51
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:59
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:59
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
mrunagikubuntu is being so sluggish lately20:07
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CoJaBo-EeeIs there a way to manage file associations?20:14
favroI right click the file and select "open with"20:15
CoJaBo-EeeI want to be able to set VLC as the default player for video files.20:17
favroyou can do that with the right click menu20:18
jussi01CoJaBo-Eee: open konqueror, configure konqueror, manage file associatrions20:19
CoJaBo-EeeOk, but is there a more efficiant way than doing each type individually?20:19
CoJaBo-Eeejussi01: Thanks, that looks like what  I'm looking for. Strangely I am not able to click anything in that window tho.20:23
jussi01hrm, weird20:23
CoJaBo-EeeIt is too bid to fit on screen, and every click causes it to jump around eratically20:24
CoJaBo-EeeManaged to do them all by keyboard, looks like it works now.20:29
breeceLooking for a little help, if I could: sound suddenly stopped working (mid-session) on this computer.  Reboot didn't fix it.  :/20:30
jussi01CoJaBo-Eee: great :)20:30
CoJaBo-EeeThis computer plays video nicely, considering its an EeePC subnotebook lol20:31
LeeJunFanAnyone know of a utility that will simply let me tone each channel of my audio, I have a feeling my center speaker isn't even working.20:32
xanax`I just installed the " plasmoid-lancelot " package with Adept but I don't know how to launch it. Can someone help me ?20:34
LeeJunFannvm, found speaker-test20:36
breeceProblem fixed; either kmix had a channel muted or my dpkg-reconfigure linux-ubuntu-modules fixed it.20:54
soprabonsoir tous le monde20:56
sopraj'aurai besoin quelque infos concernan kubuntu pv me plz20:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:56
soprahelp me plz20:57
jussi01it would help to tell us your problem...20:58
sopraI dont speack anglish i am french20:59
sopramais par contre je parle francais20:59
sopraj'ai un souci pour installer wine sur kubuntu20:59
mrunagican anyone tell me how to make a vfat formatted sdcard writeable?20:59
jussi01sopra: type: /join #kubuntu-fr21:00
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damaruset salut21:08
skinnymg1will a .sh file auto install21:10
devo i have a problem hopefully someone can help me out21:17
devo every time i put a movie dvd into my computer to try to watch the picture is great but then the sound is all crackily, how can i fix it so that the sound is perfect as the picture???21:18
devo why wont u ppl help me out, wtf???21:19
CoJaBo-Eeedevo: Changin sound settings might help.21:19
devoin vlc media player?21:20
devoi have already tried that & still got noth'n21:20
devoso i guess i'm sol srry to say21:20
CoJaBo-EeeOn a few apps that had bad sound/video, changing some settings around fixed it. Might not work for everyone tho :/21:20
devook i'll give it a shot21:21
mrunagianyone know of a reason why when i go to storage media it hangs at loading directory......21:22
Ch1ppyHey, I have two sound cards and I want them both to be enabled. However, I always want the default to be one of them. Right now, half the time the default is chosen as the one I don21:25
Ch1ppy't want.... is there a way to set it so that the one I want is always selected?21:25
fritzhow can i check if Firestarter started before run it GUI of it? (as a service or something)21:32
fritzcan i check it on terminal scr.?21:32
sprmy wireless on my hp dv 600 isnt working..21:38
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rakitovecis anzone here21:40
rakitovecanyone here?21:40
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riccardo_ciao come faccio a mettere a posto APT?21:45
starenka!it | riccardo_21:46
ubotturiccardo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:46
starenkariccardo_: or just ask in english21:47
Ch1ppyIs there a way to set one sound card to always be the default?21:51
lanoxx_hi, i just installed kubuntu, but choose the option dont install bootloader22:16
lanoxx_with what kernel options should i install kubuntu?22:16
lanoxx_or should i just chainload kubuntu?22:16
sergiociao a tutti22:17
starenka!it | sergio22:30
ubottusergio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:30
chris_____i want to boot one install of ubuntu from 2 different computers. is there a way to create sth like "hardware profiles" so i dont have to reinstall hardware after changing the computer?22:31
lanoxx_chris_____ uhm is this a onetime move? or do you mean you switch drives frequently?22:34
chris_____switch computers frequently, same drive22:34
lanoxx_if you use a genkernel it should be no problem i think22:34
lanoxx_but im not sure22:35
chris_____a genkernel?22:35
chris_____i'll read up on it. thanks!22:35
lanoxx_afaik ubuntu uses generic kernel, that means every drivers is compiled as a module and is just loaded when needed22:36
lanoxx_so unlike windows you can boot linux from any computer you like22:36
lanoxx_at least in theory, practically you would have to try it and see if it works22:36
chris_____well.. it doesnt. it "forgets" my graphics driver and setup22:37
lanoxx_if you use a different graphic card you might need another xorg config22:38
paolo_hi. where can i check if an ethernet wifi usb adapter is fully compatible with kubuntu ?22:38
chris_____one is actually a virtual machine, so theres a few other addons i need22:38
maennjhello guys22:40
lanoxx_hmm, im not sure how to do this, but you might be able to write a script to check how you boot and load anoter xorg.conf22:41
lanoxx_but im not sure, since graphic configuration is not part of the kernel this is a bit tricky22:41
chris_____maybe i could just use 2 separate kernels and select them before boot?22:42
lanoxx_no, its not a kernel thing, its you xorg.conf22:42
maennjguys, I destroyed 4 cds trying to burn intrepid alpha 5. but each time it I try to boot, the boot menu comes up but when I try to run kubuntu live, the computer just freezes22:43
ofvchris_____: the X Windowing system is unrelated to the Linux kernel.22:43
maennjanyone know how to fix this problem ?22:44
chris_____ofv: the vbox addons appear to be recompiling kernel modules. thats why i thought22:44
maennjand when I run umenu.exe from windows it says invalid cd detected22:45
ofvmaennj: have you checked the md5sum of the iso file you downloaded?22:45
lanoxx_with what kernel options do i have to boot kubuntu22:46
lanoxx_i didnt install a bootloader in the first place22:46
ubuntuhi. I am running Alpha 5 live cd right now, and just ran all the updates. If i do an install, will these updates be active, or will i have to run them all again?22:46
maennjofv: I'm going to now, but I thought that the file is ok because I was able to boot the iso file using virtual machine22:46
maennjlanoxx_ default options22:47
maennjlanoxx_ not sure if u meant me by that quesiton :)22:47
lanoxx_maennj: i belive that i have to set some kernel options, just dont know which22:49
maennjlanoxx_: I tried to turn all options off22:49
maennjcan someone give me md5 has for intrepid-desktop-i386.iso (alpha5) something wrong  cdimage.ubuntu.com I can't open it22:52
ofvmaennj: it works fine for me. In which directory is the cd image?22:55
maennjyou mean in which directory in the cd ?22:56
ofvfound it: 81a5c425f5b004a7e24b8be15f925371 *intrepid-desktop-i386.iso22:56
maennjaah ok, my  file is corrupted . thx22:57
maennjweird thing I was able to boot using the iso file directly from virtual machine22:57
maennjbut when I emulate the iso file into cd, it says invalid cd detected, so I guess something is wrong22:57
ofvmaennj: do you mean it worked on a virtual machine but not on a real one?22:58
maennjyea when I make the virtual machine boots the iso file as cd it works22:58
maennjbut after I burn it, then try to boot the virtual machine with the real cd it doesn't work22:59
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Hello.22:59
maennjit doesn't work when I boot the real cd on the real machine either22:59
ofvthat's very extrange. If the cd image is corrupted, it shouldn't work on the virtual machine either.22:59
maennjyea weird, I couldn't run umenu.exe too23:00
CoJaBo-EeeAlso weird is that Kubuntu is handling connecting to Windows shared files better than Windows Vista itself lol23:01
Carla1989I understand that kubuntu install cd can let me work on a 'usable" desktop - I guess for read write access. Is it possible to somehow run PC Doctor or Memory Test on my laptop?23:01
LeeJunFanhi Carla1989 - you should be able to run memtest23:02
LeeJunFanyour HD check out okay? I take it you didn't get the system installed...23:02
Carla1989Hello LeeJunFan. I am afraid the problems from yday are still at the same point. BadBlocks Test completed without errors. But when I tried installing kubuntu afterwards, it stopped at 79% and gave me same error reported at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81045323:03
maennjk guys thx for help I guess I'm gonna redownload to make sure23:04
Carla1989LeeJunFan: The install CD was not faulty, I got it re-written from another brand new laptop using imageburn s/w.23:04
LeeJunFanCarla1989: did you verify the disc burned w/o errors?23:04
Carla1989LeeJuFan: yes23:04
Carla1989sry LeeJunFan: Yes.23:05
LeeJunFanDid you verify from within the installer?23:05
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Hmm. No not last time.23:05
Carla1989I can quickly do that right now.23:05
LeeJunFanCarla1989: or did you just verify from imageburn. If you have a corrupt iso download then imageburn will say it's okay. Might want to try from the CD, and see what it says.23:05
Carla1989LeeJunFan: ImageBurn verified the CD. And I am running the defects check within the installer.23:07
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:09
DarkriftXanyone here use dosbox?23:09
Carla1989LeeJunFan: No errors found in the installer CD.23:12
DarkShinigamiHello all.23:17
DarkShinigamiEvery once in a while, Yahoo does not connect. I get the error message "Error 1 - Name Lookup Has Failed". How can I correct this?23:17
DarkShinigamiSorry. Forgot to mention. I am using Kopete23:18
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Carla1989LeeJunFan: No errors were found in the burnt installer CD.23:30
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LeeJunFanCarla1989: have you tried any other linux distros?23:31
LeeJunFanCarla1989: at what point did it fail? after you've done partitioning?23:31
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Yes, I finished partitioning and few minutes after that.23:34
mnAnyone here know of a good .iso burner for linux systems?23:34
Carla1989LeeJunFan: I am trying to find some command (like badblocks) to check for CD/DVD drive errors on kubuntu23:34
SebNaitsabesmn:  yes K3B :)23:36
SebNaitsabesmn: you should have  that as part of Kubuntu in fact23:36
mnOh ok.  where could I find it?23:36
LeeJunFanCarla1989: if the CD verified then that's not the problem, that proves it can read from your CD fine.23:36
Carla1989LeeJunFan: If CD/DVD Drive is okay, and HDD has no errors, what does that error mean?23:37
Carla1989http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=810453 - this one23:37
LeeJunFanCarla1989: hard to say, would need to know what file it couldn't copy I guess. As I'm not familiar with the GUI installer I don't know if there's a way to get details during install as to what file was copying.23:39
LeeJunFanIt may be laptops specific, you might want to search for your laptop model in conjunction with the error.23:39
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Where can I find such a person?23:39
Carla1989Ah, if kubuntu installer is not able to copy a file, I would first check what file it is. This information alone could give us more insight23:40
Carla1989LeeJunFan: I am back again on the usable desktop23:42
SixzeroI'm having trouble trying to setup a home network between two Kubuntu boxes.  The system won't let me create new folders or move items in my Samba share, nor does Zeroconf seem to work properly.23:44
atomizerhi all23:44
atomizeri wanna ask a simple question about 32Bit and 64Bit versions of kubuntu23:46
ofvSixzero: I've fixed the freeze problem when I logout from KDE.23:46
ofvSixzero: the problem was atieventsd23:46
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Is there some utility like PC Doctor in Kubuntu?23:47
atomizeri have an Intel Quad Q8800... do you suggest i use the 32bit or the 64 bit version? and why?23:47
dr_willisatomizer,  totally depends on the tasks you will be doing..23:47
atomizeraudio mixing/recording23:47
dr_willisOr ifyou got more then 4gb of ram and want to use/see all the ram23:47
atomizerand possibly game creation and image creation23:47
dr_willisYou might gain a little speed in encoding files with 64bit.23:48
atomizerno, i have 2GB at the mo, upgrading to 4GB on tuesday23:48
dr_willisBut for most people - 64bit is not needed.23:48
Sixzeroofv: good deal.  what was atieventsd doing to cause the freeze?23:48
dr_willisOVER 4gb.. you would  want to use 64bit..23:48
ofvI don't know. But the machine seems to work okay without it.23:48
dr_willisI never use 64bit. so i  dont know what issues remain for 64bit Linux at this time.23:49
dr_willisUsed to be flash/java/video drivers - where issues.. but i think a lot of thiose have been fixed now.23:49
atomizeryeh thats something else i was thinking, will 64bit have any more problems23:49
Sixzeroofv: Lets hope it stays that way :)23:50
ofvSixzero: I remember you had the same problem. Or do you fixed it already?23:50
LeeJunFanCarla1989: if you run memtest for a while w/o an error then that should take care of it as we've verified the HDD and CD are working, the only things really left in the scheme of things are CPU and memory. I highly doubt that to be the problem though.23:50
dr_willisive had memory 'slots' on MB's be bad also...23:51
Carla1989LeeJunFan: Can you please tell me the command to run memtest23:51
Sixzeroofv: I had that problem logging out of KDE4, but I've just tried avoiding it altogether for the time being.  I played around with it for a bit today, but it's still too buggy for my tastes.23:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about memtest23:51
LeeJunFan!info memtest23:51
ubottuPackage memtest does not exist in hardy23:51
Carla1989oh no!23:52
LeeJunFan!info memtest86+23:52
ubottumemtest86+ (source: memtest86+): thorough real-mode memory tester. In component main, is standard. Version 1.70-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 63 kB, installed size 228 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia)23:52
Sixzeroofv: but ever since I got a working set of ati drivers going, I haven't had a real bad problem since.23:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zeroconf23:53
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:53
LeeJunFanI really wish I had more experience with the normal live installer Carla1989, but my guess is memtest might be a boot option or it's already on the CD and you may just be able to run it from konsole.23:53
ofvSixzero: okay. Here is the page that solved my problem:23:53
ofvand specifically "System lockup on logout with catalyst 8.01"23:54
Carla1989Yes, I can uderstand LeeJunFan. I am trying on this end too. :)23:54
atomizerkubuntu 7.10 livecd had memtest as an option in the boot menu when you booted with the livecd23:54
LeeJunFanCarla1989: well, no you have to boot into memtest.23:54
atomizeryeh i meant, when you turn the pc on23:55
dr_willisGee does that mean Memtest is its own OS? :)23:55
Carla1989LeeJunFan: And how do I do that?23:55
LeeJunFanCarla1989: so it either needs to be on a floppy (which if I recall you don't have) or on CD.23:55
dr_willisMost Live cd's these days have a Memtest option23:55
atomizerlol no... im just saying O:)23:55
=== lost is now known as merolt
LeeJunFanyeah, Carla1989 I imagine there's a way to boot into memtest.23:55
Carla1989Let me try restart the PC.23:56
meroltbuona sera ho un problema con virtualbox23:56
meroltnon si apre piu23:56
meroltqualcuno sa come fare23:56
LeeJunFanCarla1989: if not you can download an iso from here and burn it: http://www.memtest86.com/download.html23:56
atomizerjust so you know, im still a bit of a novice with linux.. aint really used it much...mainly due to hardly ever getting the internet working with wireless usb adapters23:56
LeeJunFan!es | merolt23:57
ubottumerolt: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:57
dr_willisThats why i run cables :)23:57
atomizeryeh but i cant in this place lol23:57
atomizeri would if i could, serisouly23:57
dr_willisI found 100ft cat6 for  $12 the other day.23:57
etfbDoes anyone have any experience using kvpnc to connect to a Windows network?  I'm beginning to think the software itself is broken.23:58
atomizeryeh, but i've then gotta run that all round the house ¬_¬23:58
Carla1989LeeJunFan: There's no option to memtest86+ in the main menu23:58
atomizerplus its not my house lol23:58
dr_willisI got every room wired.. :) i even got cat6 in the 'reading/mens library' In the basement. :)23:58
LeeJunFanCarla1989: hrm, try downloading that iso I posted a link to above.23:58
atomizerlol once i get my own place, i'll be doing exactly the same23:58
Carla19891. Try kubuntu without any change 2. Install Kubuntu 3. Check CD for defects 4. Test Memory 5. Boot from first Hard Disk23:59
dr_willisSlowly Updating to Gigabit networking parts.23:59
LeeJunFanCarla1989: this is a PITA isn't it? Seriously, problems like this are fairly rare.23:59
Carla1989Is option 4 we are talking about?23:59
atomizeryeh carla198923:59

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