
timboyany news on a fix for the nvidia issues?02:54
RAOFWhat nvidia issues?02:55
RAOFThe 96 and 78 drivers not supporting our Xorg?  No.02:55
timboyRAOF, sli isn't supported by 96 or 78 is it?02:56
timboygrr... g2g bbl02:56
RAOFYou'd only need those with a < geforce 4, though.  Was SLI supported on any < gf4 cards?02:56
HewHey guys. I notice an abrowser package was recently made available to use instead of the firefox non-free branding. I was wondering where the discussion to introduce this package took place, and where I could find the logs?03:10
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DanaGWhat does the unbranded 'abrowser' look like?03:29
ArenlorEvolution doesn't seem to work right03:46
milos_i have a question about dialog asking for pass after resuming from suspend,03:46
milos_what is package?03:47
RAOFmilos_: gnome-screensaver, most likely.03:47
Arenlorif it's the screensaver then that may not be working03:48
HewDanaG: It's called "A Web Browser" and has a light-blue globe icon. Apart from that, it's pretty much the same as Firefox.03:48
milos_RAOF, i want to make whishlist03:48
HewI really like it, and it got me thinking about the whole iceweasel thing again, which is why I was wondering if there was a discussion about abrowser that was logged somewhere.03:49
milos_i think it should look similar to dialog you get when: gksudo app03:50
RAOFmilos_: In what way like that?03:51
Arenlorwho boy evolution is in bad shape right now03:51
HewIt's sounding like what happened to Debian is happening to Ubuntu now (bug 269656)03:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26965603:52
RAOFArenlor: Works fine here.03:52
ArenlorMy messages only show occasionally, and the preferences don't show at all, just an empty window03:53
milos_RAOF, it should have round edges and I think it's transparent surface03:53
RAOFIt's going to be transparent in front of a blank screen, but round edges would be OK :).03:54
RAOFmilos_: It's already themable, though; you probably want to check in with the art team.03:55
emetis there some place I can get intrepid nightly builds?03:56
Arenlorok odd, if I close evolution and launch it it works fine, if I close it and launch it again it stops working, repeat03:56
milos_RAOF, sorry it isn't transparent but look much better than gnome-screensaver. I didn't know it's themable03:56
RAOFemet: You mean, builds of the install CDs?  cdimage.ubuntu.com03:57
RAOFemet: If you mean builds of the packages in Intrepid, then you've got an incomplete understanding of the Ubuntu release process :)03:57
emetthe CDs03:57
RAOFemet: cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily or cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live04:00
emetgot it04:01
emetwebsite is slow04:01
danbh_intrepidhey, there used to be a help doc somewhere on using a livecd, and chrooting into your system to run upgrade commands.  Anyone know where that went?04:12
dns53how is X handled now, i have stopped gdm but X is still there04:24
bsniderRAOF, there was a guy in here last night said nouveau hogged cpu time. is that correct?04:29
RAOFbsnider: Its possible; EXA has a certain amount of overhead, and for some things on old hardware it can be slower than unaccelerated.04:30
ibkanatI need some help setting up my pda with ubuntu 8.10 where should I go.  i followed a tutorial for a pervious version and I think that I ma mostly there. my mda(phone/pda) shows active sync connected.  But I dont know how to browse / sync04:30
ibkanatcan I just type in rttp or something?04:31
bsniderRAOF, to your knowledge is SLI working with any driver in intrepid right now?04:33
RAOFI have no knowledge of that.  I'd expect the 173 or 177 driver to support it, though.04:34
bsniderthere was a guy in here last night that couldn't get to a gui at all no matter what he did, and he was onl SLI04:35
DanaGI only have one video card in my laptop.... and now  the backlight is dead.  =þ04:35
mnhow can I go from 8.04.1 to 8.10 alpha 5?04:52
Jordan_Umn: Are you sure that you want to be running alpha software? You understand that there is basically no support?04:53
danbh_intrepidwhat is it?   sudo sed -i "s/hardy/intrepid/g" /etc/apt/sources.list   ???     dont run that!!!04:54
mnJordan_U: so how do I upgrade?04:55
Jordan_Umn: update-manager -d04:55
mnAh, muchas gracias.  And if this is too buggy and stuff for me is there any way to downgrade again?04:56
Jordan_Udanbh_intrepid: Even with alphas  you should use update manger rather that changing sources.list and upgrading, you are after all looking for bugs in the supported upgrade method04:56
Jordan_Umn: No04:56
mnHrmm, maybe I'll try it on a different partition then04:57
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danbh_intrepidheh, someone just told me that command yesterday, on answers.launchpad.net04:57
danbh_intrepidironically, the upgrade process did fail from the command line04:58
Jordan_Udanbh_intrepid: I don't think it's ironic at all :)04:58
mnis there any noticeable difference between HH and II (except bugs)?05:01
danbh_intrepidI have found there to be less old bugs, and more new bugs05:01
danbh_intrepidsounds like a line from "command" in redvsblue05:02
mnbut other than bugs is there any noticeable difference?05:03
buonotopic is fun05:04
kevin21hey, how do i revert back to 8.04?05:06
kevin21i just installed 8.10 and i lost my gui05:06
mni don't think you can revert back05:06
danbh_intrepidthe command I gave didnt do anything?05:07
umask001it seems pretty much the same to me.  They made dual monitor stuff easier it looks like (though that looks broken) fixed an annoying problem with totem, and got us a newer version of flash that works much better (but still crashes some)05:07
DanaGhmm, linuxmint actually has some interesting ideas.  http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_elyssa.php05:38
DanaGI'm sticking with Ubuntu, though.05:38
danbh_intrepidhow did they get separated from ubuntu proper?  why isnt their work being a part of ubuntu?05:39
DanaGSome of it violates things like the 'don't distribute broadcom firmware' stuff, or the05:40
DanaGthe mp3 patent stuff.05:40
DanaGBut other stuff could still be useful.05:40
DanaGWhy don't they submit it?  Beats me.05:40
matr1xid have tried mint except I didnt see a bleeding edge 64 bit version05:44
LSD|Ninjamint sucks anyway05:46
DanaGYeah, I went back to official Ubuntu on the laptop I tried Mint on.05:54
DanaGBut you have to admit, some of those ideas there are useful.05:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New]06:05
DanaGFor now, until I replace the inverter in the modern laptop... I'm stuck on the old (nv17, I think) one.06:05
DanaGGrr,,, new tlsup driver sucks... it doesn't report itself as a keyboard.06:09
DanaGIs there any tag, or such, that I can attach to get that bug a bit more attention?06:10
DanaGIt's a definite regression (once you work around the other bug of broken acpi_fakekey).06:10
ryanpganyone try using dispwin or xcalib to load icm profiles?06:39
ryanpgseems to have no effect for me06:39
bsniderRAOF, luke just uploaded a new pulse 9.1206:42
DanaGWhat's new in that version?06:43
* DanaG goes to pulseaudio,org (I think)06:43
RAOFbsnider: A new new one?06:43
DanaGaah, my answer is there.06:43
shirishDanaG: hey06:43
bsniderRAOF, i thought you might be interested given your mad quest to get decent sound06:44
shirishDanaG: do you know how to extract a file from a .sh06:44
shirishDanaG: I want to extract a file from http://boincdl.ssl.berkeley.edu/dl/boinc_6.2.15_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh06:44
DanaGtry passing --help to the script.06:44
DanaGOh yeah, how long will the new one take to trickle down to the official mirror?06:46
shirishDanaG: do you mean  sudo ./boinc_6.2.15_i686-pc-linux-gnu.sh --help06:46
shirishDanaG: that one didn't work :(06:46
DanaGyou could try opening it in nano or such, as long as it's not too big.06:47
DanaGYay: "Add new option to disable remixing from/to LFE and set it to on by default "06:47
shirishDanaG: its not too big06:47
shirishDanaG: would paste it somewhere and give the link here.06:48
DanaGargh.... what the heck?  My touchpad sudenly went all crazy-glitchy.06:48
shirishDanaG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/46786/06:48
shirishDanaG: any ideas would be good.06:49
shirishvishalrao: hey vishal06:49
DanaGhmm, I don't know what to do with that sh file.06:49
DanaGBut it looks like there may be an actual archive file somewhere.06:50
vishalraoshirish: you are "shirishag" ? :-)06:50
shirishvishalrao: right on ;)06:50
shirishDanaG: right, its 4.2 mb .sh script06:50
shirishDanaG: if I run it extracts the archive and installs the boinc client06:51
shirishDanaG: I don't want to run, just extract a single file from the archive underneath06:51
shirishvishalrao: where do you live?06:51
DanaGWell, just open the archive.06:51
vishalraoshirish: pune. you?06:52
shirishDanaG: how do I do that? I know the archive is underneath it somewhere06:52
shirishvishalrao: pune as well.06:52
shirishvishalrao: do you go to PLUG meets or not?06:52
vishalraoshirish: never been to one, just on the mailing list :)06:53
shirishvishalrao: I read your mails on the list.06:53
DanaGLook from where the script is.... the actual archive should be somewhere underneath.06:53
shirishvishalrao: let's do this outside the channel.06:53
shirishDanaG: how do I get under the script?06:54
shirishDanaG: do you know anyway we could get the script to run and dump its contents on /tmp06:55
DanaGargh, I don't know how to explain it.  Did you download the script as just a script, or were there other files within the thing it came from?06:56
DanaGIf you look around in the folder tree, there should be the archive file somewhere.06:56
shirishDanaG: Its a 4.2 MB script, if I run it, it will install the boinc-client and manager and stuff.06:57
DanaGThat pastebin'd thing sure doesn't look like 4.2 megabytes.06:57
shirishDanaG: right on06:58
shirishDanaG: so what do I do?06:58
DanaGArgh, I'm not sure how to explain it; it's a bit tricky to figure out in person.06:59
DanaGSomewhere along the line, the original 4.2 megabyte script, which contains some binary data inside it, self-extracted some other files.07:00
DanaGYou tried running the original script with the --help parameter?07:00
shirishDanaG: yup, but no dice.07:01
shirishDanaG: would try again.07:01
DanaGTry running it under 'strace'07:01
DanaGit should spit out various filenames.07:01
DanaGstrace ./whatever.sh07:02
DanaGor it may take strace sh ./whatever.sh07:02
shirishDanaG: I don't want the .sh to install, under strace it would install stuff anyway, wouldn't it?07:04
shirishDanaG: ?07:07
DanaGHmm, well, I don't know what to do, then.07:07
DanaGPerhaps there's a channel about BOINC, or perhaps somebody in #ubuntu would be able to help?07:08
Ayabaraany known nvidia-issues when going from hardy to intrepid?07:51
RAOFIf you've got a card < geforce4, intrepid won't work.07:51
RAOFThat's about the only gotcha I know.07:52
AyabaraRAOF: ok. should be fine with my 8600GT then.07:56
AyabaraI'm considering upgrading (my only system) from to 8.10 :)07:58
Ayabaraeh. that made little sense07:58
toogreenhi there, will Intrepid Ibex support waking up from sleep on a EeePC installed on the SDHC? Any1 knows?08:05
toogreenRight now i run EeeXubuntu on the SDHC and thats the only thing I can´t do08:06
DanaGRAOF: you should say <= GeForce 4 MX, perhaps.08:18
DanaGWhat about the GeForce4 Ti, though?08:18
crd1bor just < geforce5 :>08:18
DanaGThat's even better.08:18
RAOFGeforce4s are still supported by 173 aren't they?08:18
DanaGthough 5 is FX.08:18
crd1bRAOF: nope08:18
crd1bnothing after 96.31 supports anything below the FX series08:18
crd1berr, 96.xx that is08:19
DanaGEspecially not this false-advertized renumbered geforce2 card (that they call a 4).08:19
RAOFSucks to have a not-terribly-old nvidia card.08:19
DanaGAlso sucks to have an nvidia 8 or 9 series.  Got crappy substrate?08:20
AnAntHello, how can I configure a VPN connection in network-manager ? should I install a certain package ?08:20
AyabaraRAOF: crd1b: but my GeForce 8600M GT should be ok?08:23
bullgard4Ubuntu 8.04.1 does not support my webcam SilverCrest WC2130. I would like to download the kernel 2.6.27 in order to test if it supports my webcam. How can I dowwnload the kernel 2.6.27? In the past I had once trouble that downloading a new kernel interfered with proper functioning of my old kernel. How can I prevent this?08:32
armornickhey guys, how's intrepid looking?08:35
TuTUXGhi, i just want to make sure something here, is the hfs can be mounted with rw privileges already? (not hfs+)08:35
TuTUXGlooking good armornick08:35
armornickI'm really interested in the guest account and the encrypted home folder08:36
TuTUXGwell, im not using any one of those ;P08:37
armornickalso, will intrepid continue to use the human theme?08:37
TuTUXGfor alpha 5 it is08:38
TuTUXGaltho the artwork is always the last thing to be fixed08:38
armornicki've seen some screenshots and it had another theme (which i didn't like)08:38
armornickoff course, that's easily fixed08:39
TuTUXGhfs r+w anyone? (it seems to be working here)08:39
TuTUXGya, they changed it back to human with a508:39
RAOFTuTUXG: hfs+ r/w has been working for ages.  The trick is to always cleanly unmount it, because the kernel will refuse to write to an uncleanly unmounted hfs volume, and there are no native fsck.hfsplus tools ;)08:40
TuTUXGRAOF, thanks, so seems like i still need to compile fsck.hfsplus by myself08:41
TuTUXGused to do that following gentoo's wiki ;P08:41
armornickbtw, when is pppoeconf getting a GUI?08:42
RAOFI believe network manager handles pppoe now.08:42
TuTUXGff3 is buggy...08:43
TuTUXGwith flash contents08:44
TuTUXGmaybe i should change back to flash908:44
literalyeah, flash10 is buggy08:44
literalyoutube videos have artifacts, so I switched back to 908:45
TuTUXGwill it be shipped with the Intrepid final? flash10?08:45
TuTUXGit's still in beta is it?08:46
literalI think flash on linux has always been in beta08:46
armornickwhat about gnash08:47
RAOFWorks, but kinda.08:48
literaldoesn't support nearly as much of flash as the macromedia one08:48
TuTUXGif google chrome can make it before Intrepid final, maybe i will use it to watch youtube instead of ff308:48
RAOFSwfdec seems to work better at the moment.08:48
literalTuTUXG: it won't08:48
TuTUXGwe got about one month left08:49
literaldon't hold your breath08:49
literalThe Chromium site explains how to download the source code for Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows. Unfortunately, if you're eagerly awaiting a Mac version of Chrome, you shouldn't hold your breath. As the Mac OS X area of the Chromium developer site explains, "Right now, the Mac build is a work in progress that is much closer to the start than the finish."08:49
literalIn fact, according to the latest status report, the Chrome developers have yet to get even the browser core running under Mac OS X. Rendering actual Web pages is still a long way off, to say nothing of a usable Aqua GUI. Then again, the Linux version is in arguably even worse shape.'08:49
armornickTuTUXG, use opera :p08:49
TuTUXGopera wont crash on flash?08:50
armornickor you could try the windows flash edition through wine (or vbox), right?08:51
TuTUXGwondering if i can wine chrome08:52
armornickdoesn't look too good08:52
TuTUXGhi, im looking at it ;P08:53
armornicklol, sorry08:53
zniavreit crash a lot08:53
TuTUXGbronze, not too bad08:53
TuTUXGbetter than safari, lol08:53
toogreenany1 has tested Ibex on EeePC or know if it will wake up from sleep when installed on a SDHC?08:58
armornickI'd really use a distribution made for the EEE if I were you08:59
armornicksaves you a lot of trouble08:59
toogreenI´m just wondering when they say ¨running out-of-the-box" on a EeePC it includes when installed on a SDHC card... Cuz right now im running EeeXubuntu and resume from sleep is not supported when running from a SDHC09:00
toogreenI don´t want to override the default Xandros but I find it useful to carry Ubuntu on a SDHC card09:01
toogreenarmornick, yeah thats what I always thought, and thats why im running EeeXubuntu atm, but I read several times that Ibex will support EeePC out of the box09:02
toogreenif so then I dont see why not go with it?09:02
armornickcould be, but isn't a full ubuntu installation sorta overkill09:02
toogreenarmornick, yeah, well thats why i run xubuntu as its slightly smaller09:04
toogreenarmornick, from what I know EeeXubuntu is just Xubuntu with some tweaks to get the hardware working, but size is the same09:04
toogreenWhat im planning to do is just an upgrade09:05
toogreena dist-upgrade09:05
toogreenfrom my current xubuntu09:05
toogreenthat should work shouldnt it?09:06
armornickUbuntu-EEE is only a couple hundred megs in size too09:06
toogreenarmornick, ok, I didnt know about it... well I heard but didnt read on09:07
toogreenEeeXubuntu did the job for me, well still does now, the only annoyance is the resume from sleep not working, cuz i run from the SDHC09:08
toogreenother than that everything works A109:08
toogreenand the size is ok with me09:08
toogreento be honest im also lazy to re-install everything from scratch :P09:09
toogreenprefer upgrade09:09
toogreenon my 15 inch ACER laptop i just been dist-upgrading since like Ubuntu 5.0409:10
toogreenIt still works great!09:10
TuTUXGnvidia driver is buggy...09:11
toogreenso if Im told Intrepid Ibex will support the EeePC, hell, ill just fire up the update-manager ;)09:11
TuTUXGwith nvidia driver, every time i logout, x wont start unless reboot09:13
TuTUXGanybody got this?09:14
toogreenTuTUXG, is that news? ;)09:14
toogreenAs Im not a gamer I tried to stick to Intel GMA chipsets... much less trouble!09:14
TuTUXGtoogreen, hi, i just got my laptop back, i was stacking with windows for a month09:15
toogreenTuTUXG, hi, r u on Ibex?09:15
TuTUXGand the first thing i get to do is installing ibex09:16
TuTUXGright now? yes09:16
armornickyou didn't install ibex into a vm?09:17
TuTUXGno, fresh a5 install09:17
TuTUXGon, on windows? no09:18
TuTUXGi only got like 512 ram09:18
TuTUXGthat was an old ass desktop09:18
armornickyeah, but you could have installed it on heron09:18
toogreenTuTUXG, sorry I dont know much about nvidia and ibex.. came here for help too09:20
TuTUXGno, i didn't, i was trying to fix my laptop's motherboard09:20
TuTUXGtoogreen, it's ok man, no need to be sorry09:20
TuTUXGit's nice that the new thinkpads allow you to switch from two vcards09:21
TuTUXGand with ddr3 memory, lol09:22
toogreenTuTUXG, but i did have many problems with nvidia on my desktop at home09:24
toogreenTuTUXG, had to try several different drivers, recompile etc09:24
toogreenTuTUXG, have you tried getting the latest BETA drivers from Nvidia site?09:24
TuTUXGwith ibex?09:24
TuTUXGwhat card u have?09:24
TuTUXGya, im using 177 now09:24
TuTUXGhardy was fine with that driver09:25
toogreenat home i have an old Fx-520009:25
TuTUXGnot with ibex tho09:25
toogreeni think i have the same driver too, not sure09:26
TuTUXGwell, the old card always got better support09:26
toogreenand running hardy at home09:26
toogreenso yeah, sorry heheh dunno about ibex.. But now I know I should WAIT before upgrading, lol, thanks09:26
TuTUXGthe driver doesn't matter if it's an old card09:26
TuTUXGor that should be "doesn't matter that much"09:28
toogreenyeah well I thought so too, but i did have many problems with Hardy09:29
TuTUXGya... me too09:29
toogreenfrom my experience with Ubuntu its often worth waiting about a month or two after the official release, to upgrade or install it. Before that, there are always several bugs09:30
TuTUXGbut if u could do a fresh install of hardy.1, it should run pretty smooth09:30
toogreenat official release its ¨supposed¨ to be stable, but with the mass of users now trying it, tons of bugs r found09:31
toogreenlike there was a huge difference between 8.04 and 8.04.109:31
TuTUXGwell, it happens on lots of distros, not only ubuntu09:31
toogreenfrom my experience and others i heard09:31
TuTUXGunless u install debian...09:32
RAOFIt _is_ stable.  It's just that our definition of 'stable' (doesn't change) isn't the definition you're thinking of (doesn't _crash_)09:32
toogreenanyways, im out, seeya guys09:34
TuTUXGwhat's the default font view app's program?09:35
TuTUXGkde4 messed up my default programs...09:35
TuTUXGunder gnome09:36
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TheCanhi - is there also an kubuntu-equivalent of this channel, or is this a mixed one ?11:36
splohsorry, idk11:38
splohi think its mixed one if you r using intrepid11:39
TheCanok....well i was really shocked when i read kde3 support is going to be dropped in intrepid11:39
splohi'm not sure about that , i use xfce4 & lxde11:40
TheCankde4 is not as stable as kde3 and leaking many features kde3 had, apart from the looks it's really inferior to kde3 - why dont you guys keep the .kde4 scheme from intrepid to give the users the choice?11:41
splohhmm, why don't you report it at launchpad11:42
splohor forum11:42
TheCanwhere can i report this at launchpad exactly? i got there but i am a bit lost11:44
TheInfinityTheCan: then you should first post it into forum11:45
TheCani see for the forum i need a separate account...?11:45
citizen42alphaI am experiencing 403 Forbidden errors with the Intrepid repositories, is there a fix available ?11:47
TheInfinitywait some sec  :)11:47
splohsorry, idk, w8 for others reply11:48
citizen42alphawill do. =]11:48
s0u][ighthello i just installed linux-image-2.6.26-5-generic, linux-headers-2.6.26-5-generic and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.26-5-generic11:49
s0u][ighthow can i make my nvidia card work?11:50
citizen42alpha*whistles an upbeat tune*11:50
SwedeMikes0u][ight:  when I installed 2.6.27-3 I had to remove and install nvidia-glx-17711:51
TheCanwell there are some discussions about this topic but always the same stupid "why not stick with 8.04 when you want kde3" argument, i hate people who post this nonsense! It's like when I post about asking for a feature in some new screen getting the answer "why dont you keep your old"11:51
s0u][ightSwedeMike, i don't have the intrepid repos :)11:51
s0u][ightdownloading the files i need from launchpad11:52
s0u][ightthat 177 can that differ?11:52
SwedeMikethen just remove and re-install whatever nvidia driver you have.11:52
SwedeMikeor, that's what I did to get it working anyway11:52
citizen42alphastill no suggestions regarding 403 errors ..... ?11:57
StevkoMaybe try another mirror?12:02
Konstigts0u][ight: might be an idea to start with a fresh xorg.conf as well12:02
s0u][ighti have an nvidia geforce 8600M GT12:03
TheCanTheInfinity, sploh: ok i posted my opinion here: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096011.1512:13
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Ayabaradoes intrepid break often for those of you using it as your primary system? I'm tempted to upgrade my only system :)12:35
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citizen42alphaI upgraded, only problem being repository errors.12:45
citizen42alphasolved by changing to a polish mirror =]12:45
Ayabaracitizen42alpha: :)12:47
literalmy experience wasn't as good12:49
literalfor me, the 2.6.27 kernels have a bug which cripples most internet use, and the very latest one uses 100% while trying to connect to a wireless network, so I'm sticking with 2.6.2612:50
literal(that is, it uses 100% cpu and never succeeds)12:50
gourgiubuntuforums.org is down ?12:51
Ayabaraliteral: hm. now you went and scared me :p12:51
AyabaraI upgraded my laptop at work, and that went almost smooth12:52
literalAyabara: they don't call it alpha for no reason :P12:52
Ayabarajust had to sort out some issues with fglrx12:52
mickephejdå fistelsork13:14
gourgiubuntuforums.org is down for you too ??13:18
HewHey guys. There is no virtualbox-ose-modules package for 2.6.27-3, and I'm getting errors when trying to build using module-assistant. Is anyone having success with virtualbox-ose on Intrepid?13:24
gourgilHew: Sun's virtualbox v.2  runs fine here , if that helps you13:31
Unksigourgi: probably doesnt, as only 1.66 and 2.x work with .27 kernels13:32
mcscrufflo all, does anyone have a mirror for 8.10 the cdimage.ubuntu seems to be down13:42
gourgimcscruff: google's cached page seems to work ok|lang_el&client=firefox-a13:46
IndyGunFreakwhere can i download Intrepid?13:46
IndyGunFreakeh, nevermind... just found a torrent13:47
gourgimcscruff:  forget about the link before , use this http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/13:47
mcscruffnot loading for me13:47
IndyGunFreakman, nobody is seeding the friggin torrent..lol13:47
IndyGunFreakmcscruff: where can you get the live CD?.. thsoe are all alternates13:48
gourgimcscruff: amd 64?13:48
gourgi mcscruff: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-5/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso13:49
mcscruffis that link working for you?13:49
gourgimcscruff:  does this work ?13:49
mcscruffnot for me13:49
IndyGunFreakyeah.. its working13:49
gourgimcscruff: wait,13:49
mcscruffim getting page cant be displayed13:49
IndyGunFreakmcscruff: that link works fine... i'm download from it right now.13:50
gourgi mcscruff:
gourgimcscruff:does this work ?13:50
mcscruffdns must be screwed13:50
mcscruffworking now :)13:50
gourgimcscruff: it seems so13:50
mcscruff6 mins to d/l :(13:51
IndyGunFreaki just used wget to get it, and the first one worked fine13:51
IndyGunFreak6min?.. 15min.. :(13:51
gourgimcscruff: 6mins? my connection says about half an hour for this !13:52
mcscruffi got a nice fast net connection :) Virgin media baby!!13:53
ph Hi there, i'm desperatly looking for the equivalent kubuntu command for "update-manager -d" to test intrepid14:38
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases14:38
dankhhow to decode Monkey's Audio (*.ape) sound file ?14:39
dankhthere is a package libjmac-java in universe but I don't know how to use this library to decode Monkey's audio file, there is no other package in the repositories to do this task14:41
literalmplayer can do it14:43
dankhI just install mplayer package and look at the man page ?14:44
waandankh, there are a few players that can do ape14:44
waandankh, do you just want to play the audio, or convert it?14:45
dankhwaan: I want to decode the file in wave14:45
dankhactually I want to convert it to flac14:45
waandankh, so you want to "convert" it?14:45
waandankh, http://aidanjm.wordpress.com/2007/02/04/converting-monkey%E2%80%99s-audio-ape-files-to-flac-in-ubuntu/14:46
dankhI have already tried with this package14:47
literalor use mplayer -ao pcm14:47
dankhIt doesn't work on Intrepid14:47
literalto dump it as wav14:47
waandankh, then mplayer is your man14:47
dankhliteral: ok I'll try mplayer, just curious, do you know which lib mplayer uses to decode ape ?14:47
literalit uses its own internal libavcodec14:48
waandankh, afaik mplayer has it's own decoders in the binary14:48
dankhah ok, great !14:48
waandankh, thats why mplayer is the bomb!14:48
literalmplayer something.ape -ao pcm:file=dump.wav14:48
dankhthank you guys14:48
waanno probs14:48
dankhjust for the info, the various "mac-3.99-u4-b5.deb" doesn't work anymore14:50
ph8hey all, where can i get intrepid-latest from? cdimage.ubuntu.com doesn't appear to work14:54
alex_mayorgais it normal to have a wmaster0 interface or is it a bug?15:06
alex_mayorgaI have this problem where the laptop assocites with the AP just fine, but there's no traffic, not even to the gatewat15:09
literalI've had some networking problems with the 2.6.27 kernels, had to downgrade to 2.6.2615:11
literalspecifically, this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26401915:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264019 in linux "unable to visit some websites and ftpsites with 2.6.27-2" [Undecided,New]15:12
alex_mayorgasounds like a weird bug that one15:15
doggymenzis Iceweasel in the repo?15:46
jbroome_yeah, but it's called firefox15:47
doggymenzyeah, but i dont want firefox15:48
doggymenzi want iceweasel15:48
doggymenzcuz firefox 3.0.2 force me eula, i dont like15:48
jbroome_oh lord15:49
StevkoABrowser 3 is an unbranded version of the popular Firefox webbrowser;15:49
StevkoMaybe that?15:50
doggymenzwhy they dont just use iceweasel instead of abrowser?15:50
StevkoHm, abrowser installs firefox, so not.15:50
jbroome_the google, it does wonders15:51
doggymenzi dont like google, read this, read that, i want it in repo15:51
Stevkodoggymenz, I use epiphany and I like it more than firefox / try that15:52
Volkodavanybody has nvidia problem with kernel ?15:53
IdleOnedoggymenz: you don't likie firefox, you don't like google. so what you do like is for other poeple to reasearch for you and tell you exactly what to do? try Windows15:54
doggymenzVolkodav, no it work fine for me15:54
doggymenzIdleOne, i like a computer that "just works" without having to google, read  this, read that, type commands in terminal, etc15:54
Volkodavmine won't see nvidia driver15:54
jbroome_doggymenz: get a mac15:54
Volkodavit should work with 177 right ?15:54
IdleOnedoggymenz: use windows.15:54
doggymenzi dont like apple or microsoft, they are assholes15:55
TeLLuSVolkodav: Worked when I tried it with 177, but I switched back to 2.6.26 kernel with 177..15:55
doggymenzmicrosoft is straight up honest about being assholes though15:55
IdleOneLinux is not like that. We use windows because it is not perfect and things break but we have the right to fix it if we can15:55
doggymenzapple is sneaky about it, and pretends to be cool, while being assholes15:55
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:55
doggymenzVolkodav, yes it should, but you might need to delete 177.68 so you only have 177.70 else there is a conflict, check launchpad15:56
Volkodavwell it works with 177 on 27.2 and not 27.3 ?15:56
doggymenz27.3 works with 177 too15:56
doggymenzjust you need run some commands15:56
Volkodavlike what  commands?16:04
tretlewhere do you ask for packages to be added to the next release16:12
tretleplugins in apps as default etc?16:13
doggymenzVolkodav, they are on launchpad16:13
Volkodavopk I'll check it out I am in Mac now16:13
doggymenzVolkodav, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/269513/comments/216:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269513 in linux "Following new Kernel 2.6.27-3 nvidia driver fails to get load" [Undecided,New]16:14
Volkodavhmm why is is saying sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-1-generic ?16:15
Volkodavit is 2.27-3 isn't it?16:15
ph8is the 'failure while instlaling base packages' familiar to anyone? (intrepid-latest over KVM)16:17
Turskiis intrepid's samba broken or something?16:27
Turskican't add shares16:28
doggymenzdont know, i dont use samba16:29
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tretleTurski - Its broken but if you go into terminal and type sudo nautilus and share a file from there it will work17:03
slytherinis bluetooth file transfer working for anyone in intrepid?17:14
khcI just upgraded to 8.10 and both the single quote and double quote stopped working, instead it started acting like the compose key, any ideas?17:19
Turskitretle: i am using kde17:22
Turskihmm... but maybe it works with dolphin17:22
slytherinkhc: what is a compose key?17:23
khcHitting single quote + e becomes é, and so on17:24
tretleTurski - I'm not sure then, there is a problem with it on gnome where you have to be admin to share files, if you could try sudo dolphin and tell me if that works that would be great17:27
Turskitretle: samba options dialog didn't even open18:15
Turskioh... it did... didn't with kdesudo ;P18:16
Turskibut options dialog closes (crashes) when trying to add folder to shares18:17
tretleah, probably a kde specific problem then.18:18
Turskibut in kde control center most samba options are greyed out18:20
KonstigtTurski: yes it its.18:34
nekostarKonstigt: no it's not.18:34
KonstigtTurski: oops, thought you asked the question right now, had couple of pages of scrollback :)18:34
nekostari was just messing with u18:35
DanaG←_← →_→ ↑_↑ ↓_↓19:15
DanaG Anybody know what file controls what lock-dialog theme is used in gnome-screensaver?  I want to get back the default non-minty one (after starting from a system installed with linuxmint).19:18
danbh_intrepidwhat do you have now?19:23
danbh_intrepidDanaG: ^19:24
DanaGI purged all Mint packages, and upgraded it to Intrepid.19:25
danbh_intrepidwell, I don't know, but this command may help: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^19:27
danbh_intrepidyes ^19:27
DanaGOh, I figured it out... it's using the default wallpaper defined in the wallpapers xml file.19:28
DanaGI'm purging and reinstalling the ubuntu-wallpapers package.19:28
DanaGnope... that didn't do it.19:31
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DanaGOne bug I have:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26131819:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New]19:59
DanaGIt's a regression in
DanaGOdd, on my other laptop, my swap space is 100% in use.20:01
DanaGYet, my RAM has plenty of space (being used for cache).20:01
danbh_intrepidI so hope they work out keyboard issues20:03
danbh_intrepidmy repeat keys are too fast, so sometimes, I geeet accidental repeats.20:03
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miloszhow can i install additional locale support?20:05
miloszi couldn't find anything related to that20:06
miloszow nvm20:06
miloszthe Language Support window really needs some usability people to look at it20:11
milosz"Apply", "Cancel", "OK"? how's that for Windowsisms20:11
DanaGGrr.... stupid quodlibet isn't listing any files.20:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 155348 in quodlibet "Filesystem browser stops listing files with GtkWarning" [Medium,Triaged]20:12
hudnixHowdy. After doing the latest partial dist-upgrade of Intrepid, nvidia-glx-177 module won't install. Anyone else having problems? I'm using a geforce 6200.20:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261816 in linux-restricted-modules-envy-2.6.24 "nvidia: Multiple versions in DKMS" [Medium,In progress]20:41
hudnixDanaG: thanks!20:43
_rphi guys, hwo do i go about setting dns settings from the command line?20:44
hudnix_rp: dns client or server settings?20:45
_rpbut nm, found it :)20:46
hudnixok :)20:46
DanaGargh, what keeps muting my durn PCM control?20:48
DanaGIt's really annoying.20:48
tretleI would like to propose the inclusion of this album art thumbnailer for nautilus in 9.0420:49
DanaGGrr, stupid 48KHz-only sound chip...20:54
DanaGand for some reason, the PulseAudio sampling is extremely crackly.20:54
DanaGEither that... or the amp just sucks.20:54
DanaGNope, still crackles on headphones.20:54
luboszhi, is there a problem with memset in gcc?20:55
WelshDragonHey, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-5/ <--- Is that down? Or is it just a problem with me? And are there any mirrors?20:55
luboszerror: ‘memset’ was not declared in this scope20:55
keepsakealpha5 has no hyphen20:56
keepsakeWelshDragon: sorry, that's not right20:56
keepsakeWelshDragon: yeah, the site is down20:56
WelshDragonkeepsake, OK, Do you know of any mirrors?20:57
keepsakeWelshDragon: what type of system do you have?21:03
WelshDragonThe disc i want is the i386 alternate21:04
keepsaketry here21:05
WelshDragonThey all just link to the same server, thanks anyway.21:08
keepsakeoh, sorry21:08
luboszmy xserver bugs big time, it does not refresh the window when i change tabs21:09
lubosznot in pidgin nor in firefox21:09
luboszor refreshes it partially21:09
keepsakeWelshDragon: maybe look for a torrent then21:09
luboszshould i post a bug report?21:09
luboszdoes anyone have problems with bluetooth mice?21:10
luboszmine does not connect automatically...21:10
luboszthat feature was removed :D21:10
lubosz"sudo hidd --search" has to be typed21:10
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Arodonwhat's the proper way to shut down the NetworkManager service now? (including things like wpa_supplicant that it loads) The old method was to use scripts in /etc/dbus-1/event.d/ but they aren't part of the latest packages21:17
* burner wonders why you'd want to shut down NetworkManager21:18
burneri would do "sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManger stop"21:18
lubosz /etc/ini.d/networking stop ?21:18
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
erle-will 8.10 have firefox 3.1?21:21
luboszerle-: its does not atm ^^21:22
Arodonmm lubosz's idea would probably work. Using Network Manager stop left wpa_supplicant running, and also a dnsmasq process, but I'm not sure that it was started by NM21:22
luboszmaybe because 3.1 isnt out yet21:22
erle-but it will come out in october afaik21:23
erle-and 3.0 was in 8.04 very early, too21:23
ArodonI'm doing some ICS stuff that's a bit too complicated for NM at this point, but really gets in the way when you try to use ifconfig etc to do things the old fashioned way21:23
luboszhm, would  make sense, but i dont know who decides about versions21:23
luboszand since 3.1 wasnt tested21:23
lubosz3.1a2 is out21:24
luboszlets put it on the repos ^^21:25
Arodonwe might see a 3.1 backport, but it's not as big an upgrade as it was moving to 3.0, so I'm sure it's not as critical to the devs21:25
erle-Arodon, it is a very big upgrade, more than the little number change suggests21:25
erle-it has a completely new javascript engine for example21:25
Arodoneven so we're past feature freeze, so it won't be showing up for a while at least21:26
luboszVersion 3.1, codenamed Shiretoko,[24] is planned to include support for the <video> and <audio> tags as defined in the HTML 5 specification.21:26
luboszsounds usefull21:26
Arodongood point on the js engine though (TraceMonkey?)21:26
erle-i heard it will be 10 to 15 times faster than the old one21:27
erle-it is much more multithreaded, too21:28
lubosz15 times...21:28
luboszthey rewrite the whole thing for ff 4.021:28
luboszlooking forward to this, since ff3.0 is overloaed21:28
erle-every rendering is a thread now which doent slow down the user interface any more21:29
Arodonhm anyone else having issues with lots of hard drive access->slow responsiveness in the location bar?21:30
luboszany tab should be a thread too21:30
WelshDragonYes Arodon21:30
luboszlike in googles browser demo21:30
erle-lubosz, it is21:31
ArodonI haven't used chrome much, but I feel like their OmniBar is what the AwesomeBar should have been in 3.0, as it is it's an outstanding idea with an immature implementation21:32
luboszi'm missing my search engine field with wikipedia. youtube etc21:32
luboszin chrome21:33
luboszwhere i can switch search engine and dont have to type the sites name21:33
Arodondo they have a keyword-search capability yet?21:33
luboszin firefox?21:33
Arodonlike in Firefox I type "wp $SEARCH" into the location bar21:34
Arodonor yt for youtube21:34
luboszdidnt knwo that21:34
luboszsearches in google fpr "wp $SEARCH" when i type that21:35
Arodonyeah you have to add the keyword manually21:35
Arodonthe easiest way is to right-click on any search field21:35
lubosz"wp lolcat"?21:35
Arodonand click the Add a Keyword for this search option21:36
luboszgoogle still21:36
Arodonanother option:21:36
Arodongo into the dialog for managing the search engines21:36
Arodonand you can add keywords in there21:36
Arodonok found a Mozilla page about it http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/smart-keywords.html21:37
luboszi c21:38
kane77wow I have to say: "Kudos to Ubuntu devs!!" I am testing intrepid on my laptop and wifi works without problems and even on places where it worked only with ndiswrapper previously (since fwcutter is limited to TXPower of 27).. There are still some crashes present but it's alpha..22:23
TheCankane77, on which laptop are you testing it ?22:23
kane77TheCan, mine ;) (HP nx7400)22:24
TheCani'm buying one with the new montevina platform soon, let's see how the new intel hardware will work with ubuntu22:25
pwnguinthe url when i start up firefox today is chrome://ubufox/content/mozeula.html22:25
kane77it has b43xx wireless and I had problems before.. (before 8.04 I used ndiswrapper and it mostly worked, but in 8.04 only b43 module worked, but had very low signal)22:26
TheCanpwnguin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91944422:27
pwnguinit's too bad firefox's branding is part of usability22:28
pwnguinincredibly fucking ironic, given that phoenix was completely unofficial22:31
pwnguinTheCan: it's the front page on slashdot right now; I just thought it was wierd that it used "chrome:"22:35
miloszthe relation to Google Chrome is very indirect22:36
lukehasnonameIs cdimage.ubuntu.com down? And if so, is there a mirror containing the alpha 5?22:39
StevkoWhat is this thing I keep reading about firefox eula?22:40
bsniderthere's a firefox eula now22:40
bsniderthat's basically it22:40
bsniderit's how they've chsoen to protect their trademarks22:41
StevkoWell, since I removed firefox long time ago, then I have nothing to worry about.22:41
lukehasnonameI thought there was always a EULA22:41
lukehasnonamein terms of their logo and name22:41
bsnidernot until 3.0.222:41
lukehasnonameJaunty jackalope22:49
TheCanthis eula issue sucks22:50
bsniderit's really boring22:52
bsnideruse another browser22:52
lukehasnonameFirefox extensions rule22:53
bsniderthere are other reasons to avoid firefox. like the fact that it's slow. or the bad flash support22:54
bsnideror the fact that it's manufactured in a sweatshop in southeast asia22:55
lukehasnonameit's only slow on my USB install, it locks up my system so I've started using opera there22:56
lukehasnonamebut on my laptop it works fine22:56
luboszi have some strange pc beeps when booting Oo23:02
luboszmy splash does not appear either23:02
DanaGArgh, anyone know what would cause a samba server to yield "unable to locate network share" (or something like that) on trying to open a share?23:02
RAOFDanaG: Care to step into #nouveau?23:16
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bsnideri don't think nouveau would cause a samba problem23:18
RAOFTrue.  But they seem to be a bit interested in "nouveau's slower than nv" :)23:19
bsniderhow many guys work on nouveau?23:19
DanaGHmm, I figured out the samba thing.23:20
DanaGI had to chmod o+rx my home (since the shares are under it).23:20
RAOFbsnider: Some?  4 or 5 are the core, pretty much.23:22

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