
mdkemorning all09:59
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technomensc2hey Matt.....21:02
mdketechnomensc2: hi21:06
mdkemy irc client hilights on Matt, but in general, best to use people's nicknames to make sure they see you callin21:07
technomensc2hope you don't mind, but I bumped up the category to tag on our to do list and linked to it from the mian wiki todo list21:09
mdkeno, that's great, thanks21:10
technomensc2From the looks of things, we might be able to completely remove discontinued and noparent by the end of today21:10
technomensc2the lengthy part will be categorydocumentation, and integrating them into the main help wiki21:11
technomensc2as well as the clenaup effort21:11
technomensc2it looks liike duncan has been tagging like a mad person :)21:12
mdkehmm, I can't see that on RecentChanges. I wonder if something is wrong with it21:14
technomensc2before I touch anything, have you been working on moving the wiki team stuff to the wiki.???  I vaguely remember hearing you say something about it21:14
mdkeyeah, but I'm still turning it over in my mind a bit21:15
technomensc2want me to leave it alone then rather than do the move?  I was thinking it might be easier to do the move after the links for the categories have been fixed up21:16
mdkewell, I'm not sure whether some pages should stay in the help wiki or not21:16
mdkealso, how to handle potential broken links21:17
technomensc2I would think items, maybe like the todo list, should be moved, and who the docs team is, but items like the tags, formatting, and style, those are debatable as to which they belong in21:17
technomensc2broken links will be a pain21:18
mdkeoh, the tags and WikiGuide can't really be moved21:18
technomensc2that would affect the backend coding, I'm guessing21:18
mdkewell, the Tag system relies on being in the same wiki as the pages they are used on21:19
technomensc2what I'm wondering is if we should come to some idea/conclusion on what to do with the hardware before we have people moving, editing, updating, and changing the wiki content/tags21:19
technomensc2it might save us time, effort, and energy21:20
mdkeI don't think one depends on the other, they strike me as unrelated.21:20
technomensc2allow me to explain.....we have a LOT of articles that are tagged for cleanup, expansion, moving, etc within wiki.21:21
technomensc2all hardware related21:21
technomensc2why move/alter them twice or three times21:21
technomensc2iesp if we decide not to keep them in the wiki at all21:21
mdkewell, there is a big difference between pages which describe how to get a particular piece of hardware working21:21
mdkeand pages which just tell you if something is supported or not (which is what I understand the "separate website" idea to be)21:22
mdkeor have I misunderstood?21:22
technomensc2we hadn't come to any agreement or discussion about it.21:22
mdkelet me put it another way21:23
mdkerewrite the last parenthesis as (which is what I understand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport to be)21:24
mdkeit's certainly not true that documents about hardware have *no* place on the help wiki, of course they do21:24
technomensc2I agree completely.....21:24
mdkebut information about whether hardware works or not, and no more, is what could be hived off onto a separate website21:25
mdkethat would just be a database with a nice front end21:25
technomensc2and it might even allow the dev/qa to get better bug info?21:25
technomensc2who knows21:25
mdkeyeah, definitely21:26
technomensc2should I just send an email to their mailing list?21:26
mdkeyeah, that's the way to go. The idea would be to drum up some interest in making that sort of database/website21:26
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duncan-nzDoes anyone know what the 'Ubuntu Style Guide' is? I've found a few things but nohting which looks like what's refered to here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tag#Style%20cleanup%20required22:09
nelleryduncan-nz, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide22:10
duncan-nzSo it's okay if I change the page to refer to the 'Documentation Style Guide' and link it to there?22:23
nelleryduncan-nz, that would be a good idea22:30
duncan-nzOK, will do.22:34
technomensc2mdke, you back?22:47
technomensc2For some reason, I had the spur of an idea and was curious as to your thoughts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home/PageDiscussion22:49
mdketechnomensc2: well, I prefer the existing layout I think. But you could put the idea to the developers I suppose: the main changes are to the structure of their teams22:53
technomensc2well, like you pointed out, I learned from the mistake I made with the community home page by making it a page discussion instead :)22:56
technomensc2YO, rocket...23:24
mdkeRocket2DMn: ^23:27
Rocket2DMnhi what23:27
mdkeI think that technomensc2 was trying to attract your attention23:28
Rocket2DMnit would help if he used my whole name, good timing too, i literally just sat down (going back and forth from the TV)23:28
mdke21:07:09 < mdke> my irc client hilights on Matt, but in general, best to use people's nicknames to make sure they see you callin23:29
technomensc2LOL.  rocket2dmn....the pages that you are marking for deletion with tags23:29
mdketechnomensc2: you need to use the whole nickname23:29
technomensc2are you removing the "category" link too?23:30
mdkeand if you press "TAB" while typing, your irc client should complete the name for you23:30
technomensc2unless I'm using pidgin, which kinda sucks for irc :)23:30
mdkesurely TAB works on pidgin too?23:30
technomensc2well whatcha know23:31
technomensc2learned something new23:31
Rocket2DMntechnomensc2, no i havent switched pages previously marked with CategoryDeletion to using tags, since they can just ... be deleted23:31
Rocket2DMnthe pages i marked with Tags i dont think ive really removed from categories23:31
technomensc2well, the reason I would recommend removing the tag....is so we don't double work23:31
technomensc2I mean...removing the category link23:31
Rocket2DMnah, well if you see a Deletion tag, its a dead giveaway23:31
Rocket2DMnyou hav ea specific example?23:32
technomensc2yea, but I'm going down the link of pages linked to categorydeletion23:32
technomensc2I had one a moment ago23:32
technomensc2when I find it, I'll let ya know23:32
technomensc2but I've been removing the links so that we know how many pages we have left, or not23:33
Rocket2DMneverything in CategoryDeletion can just be deleted (unless the page says DONT DELETE)23:33
Rocket2DMni dont see a lot of point in switching pages already marked with CategoryDeletion over to the Deletion Tag23:33
Rocket2DMnsince thye are just going to be wiped out23:34
technomensc2actually, we first have to go through them to make sure they don't break any other links23:34
technomensc2the tagging right now is just to get rid of the cateogry23:34
Rocket2DMni think most of the pages in CategoryDeletion are safe to be deleted, i didnt personally mark all of them tho, so no guarantees23:34
Rocket2DMnlets chat in 1/2 hour technomensc2 , im finished watching Tombstone :)23:37
Rocket2DMntechnomensc2, ping23:46
Rocket2DMntechnomensc2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G - why did you add those tags?  and why did you clean off CategoryThirdPartySoftware CategoryWindows23:48
technomensc2ooops.  I was getting a little quick on the trigger finger I guess.  I didn't realize I removed those categories.  sorry about that23:49
technomensc2and it had the cleanup category, and I couldn't judge which one on a glance23:49
Rocket2DMnit wasnt on categorycleanup....23:50
technomensc2I was only removing the categorydeletion, categoryexpansion, and categorydocumentation labels23:50
Rocket2DMnah you ran into b/c of categorydocumentaiton23:50
technomensc2I had a couple of tabs open at once.  need to slow down.....23:51
technomensc2I had just finished cleaning up the tags/categories for category deletion, and in the process of just putting the right tags on for "expansion"23:52
technomensc2I would like to see categoryexpansion, categorydeletion, and categorynoparent either bet fully transferred to the tag system, or deleted hopefully within the next 48 hours.23:53
Rocket2DMnlooks like duncan is using categrydeletion as well as the tag23:58
Rocket2DMneither way, i wouldnt bother trying to wipe out categorydeletion, technomensc2 .  mdke or another damn just needs to find the time to take care of those pages23:59

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