
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky
bazzawil1-eeedoes anybody know where I can get a decent copy of the ubuntu marketing pic using three bottoms as the ubuntu logo13:27
=== shahriar86 is now known as shahriar_away
AliTabuger7bazzawil1-eee, What exactly are you looking for?18:34
AliTabuger7hubuntu, I was told to talk to you about working on SU drupal stuff18:36
AliTabuger7Anyone here for SU early?19:32
FlannelCertainly not.  Coming early?  That's dangerous.19:34
meoblast001Flannel: have you ever used kdenlive19:34
meoblast001hmm i need to figure out how to do transitions in it19:35
meoblast001im adding them19:35
shahriar86meoblast001: did you manage to run it?19:35
meoblast001but they wont work19:35
meoblast001shahriar86: haha... yeah.. for the most part19:35
shahriar86on my pc it crashed frequently :(19:35
meoblast001mine too19:35
meoblast001it cooled off on the crashing lately19:35
meoblast001but it still crashes19:35
meoblast001but it backs up my project enough to not irritate me that bad19:36
shahriar86humm looking one video edition app for myself to make tuitorials to present in workshops19:36
shahriar86but none seems to work in my pc, few crashes the moment I try to run, few does not support .ogg :(19:37
shahriar86if you find any working condition (for the beginners) let me know meoblast00119:37
meoblast001shahriar86: its very user friendly for the most part19:38
meoblast001i like it.. i used to be able to get the transitions to work19:38
meoblast001i think its because im going from black background text to regular video19:38
shahriar86I have never tried any video editing tool before, frankly I am a noob trying to go around19:39
shahriar86just needed to edit few video files, that's all19:39
hubuntuFlannel, haev you had chance to work on the SU backend we talked about? Do you have any portions of code available somewhere?19:40
Flannelhubuntu: not really, no.19:40
Flannelhubuntu: Lots of reading, learning python, etc.19:40
hubuntuFlannel: I have been thinking and looking for ways of organizing things. Have started learning python too and been busy getting a new job (starting tomorrow in FOSS technical sales :)19:41
hubuntuBut I hope we can pull out something for intrepid's release19:42
hubuntuI mean, anything...19:42
hubuntuFlannel, you think that setting ourselves a roadmap and compromising on some few issues[1] will get us somewhere within the 30th of October?19:43
hubuntu[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/IdeaPool#Global%20Material%20Recollection19:43
meoblast001shahriar: idk what just happened.. gnome locked up19:43
shahriar86:) meoblast00119:44
meoblast001ctrl alt backspace works miricals19:45
meoblast001no reboot required... its faster19:45
Flannelhubuntu: I think the first thing pseudo-codewise we ought to do (sort of part of the roadmap) is nail down an initial database structure, so people can start working on the site itself (while I'm working on the other stuffs)19:45
shahriar86hubuntu: are you talking about not giving Global Material Recollection?19:45
hubuntuI was thinking more of trying to get global material compilation going19:46
hubuntuas of now is just an idea, but it would be an including way of getting material from LoCos and entusiast19:46
AliTabuger7_laptIs there some reason that work on the site has to wait for the backend to be done?19:46
hubuntunot really AliTabuger7_lapt19:47
hubuntuThe idea is to work in the frontend as well as working in the back-end19:47
hubuntuwe have a glue (the database Flannel is talking about) and we should probably work on that first19:48
AliTabuger7_laptThen is there a place to start working on the frontend? I would like to help witht that.19:48
AliTabuger7_laptIt seems like the two are independent of eachother development wise, aren't they?19:48
hubuntuwe do have a propporsal [2]19:48
hubuntu[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/diy#Classification%20System19:48
hubuntuindeed they are AliTabuger7_lapt, the front-end and the back-end are totally independent19:49
hubuntuwe have a testing site: http://spreadubuntu.houbsi.org/19:49
hubuntunothing real there yet, but some proporsal as well[3]19:50
AliTabuger7Then is there some bzr branch I could help with? I'd hurt more than help on the backend.19:50
hubuntu[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/diy#Design19:50
hubuntuWell that is still an issue, no coding is been done 'cause we have to define the front-enbd first19:51
hubuntubut there are several other coding examples from previous SU efforts19:51
AliTabuger7isn't that simply anything in the theme directory?19:51
hubuntubasically, yeah19:51
hubuntuas long as you go drupal theming it's cool19:51
hubuntuand it does not even have to be that, it can be anything, but the OpenID with LaunchPad bit should be in place whatever we do19:52
hubuntubut it does not have to be there from day 119:52
AliTabuger7I see the test site. Looks like a good starting place for the theme, but how might I be able to help?19:53
hubuntuAliTabuger7, are you a webdesigner or something?19:53
meoblast001Gnome ftw19:54
hubuntuI mean what can you do, how do you think you can help?19:54
meoblast001just thought i'd say that19:54
AliTabuger7I've done a few websites, nothing too proffesional, but enough to be able to help. My experience is mainly in theming, but I can do a tiny bit with modules.19:54
hubuntuI have some skills in drupal administration, but I am not a good theme designer19:54
hubuntugood, then I think you are the one we are looking for :)19:55
AliTabuger7Good to know I can help.19:55
hubuntuI figured out that if we go drupal we could, eventually, make a SU module for drupal sites19:56
hubuntuso LoCos worldwide could add a SU module to their site and get going19:56
hubuntubut that is just an idea, and it's really not a priority at all at this point19:56
AliTabuger7or a "spread" module. Are we looking to imitate SpreadFirefox however possible? They use drupal, we might be able to get some of their code19:56
hubuntuok AliTabuger7, you can help out with theming19:57
hubuntuindeed AliTabuger7, I have contacted the people behuind spreadff but have not gotten an answer yet19:57
Flannelhubuntu: You don't really need the bracket notation in IRC, just paste the links on the lines after you mention them :)19:57
* Flannel notes drupal modules are feature creep at the moment.19:58
hubuntuok Flannel ... been reading too much netiquette guidelines lately19:58
FlannelI ... think19:58
hubuntuanyway as long as we have a site, the modules are not depending on it really, they depend more in the backend and the DB19:59
FlannelUnless you have to design regular drupal sites differently in order to modularize them later, then I guess a design decision early on isn't a bad idea19:59
FlannelI really ought to have done some fancy drawing of how the backend/frontend/etc work.  We get more questions about their interaction...20:00
AliTabuger7from what I understand, flannel is doing something with the database. If that's really the case, I believe all that would have to be modified is drupals database configuration file. all the modules use functions from that file20:00
hubuntuWhat we have to really agree on is this:20:01
hubuntu* DB structure20:01
hubuntu* Documents/material licencing20:01
hubuntu* Compilation framework20:01
FlannelI don't think we have to agree on licensing of the material at the moment, or maybe even ever.20:01
hubuntuthe backend will handle the rest with a bzr branch20:02
shahriar86licencing can be determined by the provider (contributor)20:02
hubuntutrue, but if we are to distribute the material then we should have *some* guidelines for doing so20:02
AliTabuger7I just looked at http://www.spreadfirefox.com/materials and i don't think we should imitate their framework for marketing materials20:03
FlannelAliTabuger7: I don't think we had ever intended to (but I haven't looked at their site)20:03
shahriar86hubuntu: that may create some problem if we set a global rule. may be copyrighted materials are not allowed that is common sense. but not a binding rules20:04
hubuntuSpreadFF is just an inspiration, about the marketing effort getting organized. Iam personally more interested in their experience with the whole thing that the site itself20:04
hubuntuagree shahriar86, we can discuss that later if it becomes an issue20:05
shahriar86ok no problem20:05
hubuntubut we do agree that the DB structure is essential as of now, right?20:05
FlannelI think that's the first technical somethingorother we need to figure out, yes.20:06
hubuntuwhat you think about the proporsal flannel? the class. system?20:07
hubuntuI am no DB expert so if anyone here has some knowledge on it or experience there please talk... :)20:07
Flannelhubuntu: I haven't read it, so I can't say.20:07
Flannelas for the non-language stuff, it looks pretty decent20:08
FlannelI honestly don't think we should spend too much time worrying about that, since once we start using it, it's likely to be obvious we need to add/remove fields (that we never would have considered before)20:09
hubuntuwhat do you say then Flannel? How do we make this DB?20:09
hubuntuthen what do we do? Work on the compilation framework?20:09
hubuntuAliTabuger7, regarding the theme. Do you want to work with any existing ideas, amek your own design or a combination of both?20:10
hubuntuFlannel: ok, then we should maybe just start collecting the material somewhere and organize it in a DB after we have it?20:11
FlannelAlright, so, since I said we ought to, I threw together (we'll want to make it less... stupid later) this flow-chartish thing: http://imagebin.ca/view/WyEp6x.html20:11
FlannelIts vertial, with no arrows, but the text in between the blocks shows what goes there.20:12
hubuntuseems good to me :)20:12
FlannelEverything except the red circle is actually on the server we're hosting the site on.20:12
Flannelhubuntu: It's nothing different than what we've been talking about, just in pictorial form.20:12
hubuntuI know, but it's good to *see* it20:12
FlannelAlso, I've used the term "backend" and "further backend" to differentiate between the drupal/whatever backend (that interfaces with the DB), and the python backend (that interfaces between bzr and the db)20:13
hubuntuso AliTabuger7 you can work with the Website FrontEnd, right?20:13
Flanneland, I originally had further, and then changed to farther, but I think further is the correct one.  As an aside.20:13
AliTabuger7I can, but I'll have to be shown how to help first. I don't know how to access it yet.20:14
Flannelhubuntu: yeah, the frontend/backend are sort of merged inside of drupal I think.20:14
hubuntuI saw that. Flannel you will then work in the DB design and the python stuff, Am I right?20:14
FlannelI'm working on the python stuff, yes, and we need to come up with a rough draft of a DB design yes, I can come up with that.20:14
hubuntuAliTabuger7, I can set you up an account or even set up a drupal site in my own server20:14
hubuntuwhatever is easier for you20:14
AliTabuger7I believe I need filesystem access in the /theme directory20:15
hubuntuGood. What I can do is get things inside the DB and connect those things with the website frontend20:15
hubuntuAliTabuger7: I think you do, yes 20:15
AliTabuger7i have my own localhost if that would be more comfortable for you, and it is a little easier for me to do20:15
hubuntuAliTabuger7: would you be cool with FTP access?20:16
hubuntuI mean, how you do the theme really is not the issue; we will figure out how to put it up in the site eventually20:16
hubuntupep has access there20:16
FlannelOh, before we get too far in, does anyone have questions/comments/whatever?  I know AliTabuger7 is new.20:16
hubuntushahriar86, are you interested in participating somehow? Just have to ask20:17
shahriar86hubuntu: I am not on technical side sorry20:17
AliTabuger7Yes, I am new here, Flannel.20:17
shahriar86but if there is any non-technical side I can help then why not?20:18
Flannelshahriar86: you certainly don't need to be technical to help!20:18
AliTabuger7shahriar, It is just about equally as important for us to have some marketing material to start with20:18
shahriar86then sure would "love" to help20:18
hubuntushahriar86, basically we need to make a system for all LoCos to share their material in an organized way20:19
shahriar86yes I am aware of that20:19
hubuntuSo we can "pull" it out from wherever they have it and put it somewhere to get it into the DB20:19
AliTabuger7Oh, i have one question. What system will we be using to localize content?20:19
hubuntunow, that "compilation framework" need some thought and real work20:19
FlannelAliTabuger7: We're not quite sure.  Because a lot of the content isn't text based (its a binary file)20:20
hubuntuAliTabuger7, Most likely LP... But that is an extremely technically difficult thing20:20
AliTabuger7yeah, like jpgs and pdfs20:20
AliTabuger7LP? launchpad?20:20
hubuntuyeah, rosetta... The translation tool20:20
hubuntuI have seen people working with LP doing that kind of thing20:21
AliTabuger7i suppose that would be very good for translating the actual content, but I really meant what is going to be used on the site sid20:21
hubuntubut mostly with svg files20:21
FlannelI don't think we'll be able to automate most of it though.  Translation is going to have to be done, on a large part, by hand.  I guess we could translate strings, and then have other people actually put them into the content20:21
hubuntuwe have thought about that, but have not come up with anything really. Suggestion AliTabuger7 ?20:21
AliTabuger7i have 0 experience with drupals localization stuff20:22
hubuntuYes Flannel, that's what I have seen people do. No automatic way of doing it... At least not yet. Maybe leonov and the LP API will give us a hand there in the future20:22
AliTabuger7My guess is there would have to be something in here: http://drupal.org/project/Modules/category/9720:23
hubuntuAliTabuger7, do not think about that at this stage... I know my way around there a bit. We just need an English site and I will personally make a SPanish version20:23
hubuntuany other languages will have to be worked with as well20:23
AliTabuger7Ok. Back to my specialty, I was thinking I would try to lay out what the nodes would look like for each content type, so that begs the question: what content types are there?20:24
Flannelhubuntu: LP API can't help in that regard, since its dependant on people going in and changing image files/whatever (and you can't just do a string replace either, due to sizing)20:24
FlannelAliTabuger7: What do you mean by content types?20:25
hubuntuFlannel the SUGUI would deal with such things. Leonov is developing a Plug-In system and so we could use external apps within the SUGUI to change content of the material (GIMP, Inkscape, Gedit)20:25
hubuntuso yes, LP TRanslations will most likely do not work with many content types, but will with other (SVGs for instance)20:26
hubuntuI mean in an automatized way20:26
Flannelhubuntu: That seems... silly.  But whatever. Either way, someone is going to hand edit.20:27
AliTabuger7Drupal content types. Ex: news, page, story20:27
hubuntuFlannel, that is so far away in the future that I think we should keep ourselves to our task now :)20:27
hubuntuAh, that20:27
hubuntuAliTabuger7, let me log in the site and check20:28
FlannelI'm less sure what you're talking about.  But, the site will be 'static' with dynamic content in said static pages.  (even if the static pages still aren't so static.)  ... I ... think.  Again, I'm not really sure what we're talking about.20:29
hubuntuAliTabuger7, what do you mean with this?20:29
hubuntulike: spreadubuntu.org/node/10 instead of spreadubuntu.org/español ?20:30
FlannelThis isn't going to be like a blog thing, its going to be a search for stuff/add stuff sort of thing.20:30
hubuntuAliTabuger7, we will have 2 sections: Upload and Download20:30
hubuntuDownload is where you get the material. Upload is where you share your own material with us20:30
AliTabuger7hubuntu: will each material be a "marketing-material" content type, with a taxonomy term that describes what kind it is? will there be an "event" content type?20:31
hubuntuAnd let's put this straight: We are talking just about the Do-It-Yourself part of the site now: diy.spreadubuntu.org20:31
FlannelAliTabuger7: What is an event content type for?20:32
hubuntuwe are not sure about how the organization will be at the moment, but I guess we will use taxonomy(a tag system) for classification, yes20:32
AliTabuger7event wouldn't apply to diy, sorry20:32
hubuntushahriar86, could I contact you regarding the mAterial Compilation process? It would be nice to develope it further with you If there is an interest on your part20:33
shahriar86sure no problem20:33
AliTabuger7Speaking of contact, should we exchange contact information?20:34
Flannelmailing list?20:34
hubuntushahriar86, are you in our mailist?20:34
shahriar86yes I am20:34
shahriar86my name is Shahriar Tariq20:34
shahriar86so you can find me20:34
FlannelKeeping this stuff open for new people (on the list, instead of private emails) is a good thing20:35
hubuntuof course, I was just trying to check If it was ok :)20:35
shahriar86there you will get my contact details20:35
AliTabuger7ok, I will try remember that, since I'm new to open source contributions20:35
shahriar86though I am not sure why I am on edubuntu. I created for ubuntu wiki20:35
hubuntuAliTabuger7, atre you in the groups list?20:35
AliTabuger7I believe so, since I'm a member of the team20:36
FlannelAliTabuger7: This channel is good too, for discussions, but the outcomes of the discussions (assuming its significant, etc) should be mentioned to the list too.  Since not everyone is on IRC all the time, etc.20:36
hubuntuYou may have to change your mail settings, it depends how you set up your launchpad profile20:36
AliTabuger7For future reference, this is my launchpad account: https://launchpad.net/~edb82189 just because the uid doesn't quite match my username20:37
AliTabuger7it says I am subscribed to the team mailing list.20:38
hubuntushahriar86, I have added you to our team in launchpad20:38
shahriar86ok thanks20:38
hubuntucheck your email setting to add yourself to our list20:39
shahriar86ok what I need to do?20:39
hubuntugo there and see if you are in the spreadubuntu mailist20:40
shahriar86no I am not on spreadubuntu mailing list20:40
shahriar86just on marketing mailing list20:40
hubuntuwe have our own list so we do not have to annoy everybody in the marketing team with the project details20:40
shahriar86ok hubuntu that is nice.20:41
hubuntuAdd yourself then to it and you'll be good to go. I did add you to the team20:41
shahriar86yes I am now on it20:41
shahriar86thanks hubuntu20:42
hubuntugood :)20:42
hubuntuok... one thing I wanted to talk about is our code lkicensing20:42
hubuntuis everyone cool with GPL?20:42
FlannelFor what?  Oh20:43
AliTabuger7No problem here.20:43
hubuntuour development code20:43
FlannelHmm, haven't really thought about that.20:45
* Flannel just as soon public domains his code. I'll give it some thought. Likely though, yes.20:45
hubuntujust for the record20:45
hubuntudoi you have any other licenses in mind?20:46
FlannelYeah, I'll think it over.20:46
AliTabuger7Should we have a bazaar branch?20:46
Flannelalright, I'm running to grab me some lunch, I shouldn't be gone long though.20:47
hubuntuYes AliTabuger7, but before we get that maybe you want to work locally with the theme?20:47
hubuntuthe earliest you get out your code the better though20:47
hubuntuFlannel, I have another meeting in 10 minutes20:47
AliTabuger7Sure. I was just thinking that before I looked into the mailing list and saw the meeting, I was assuming the project was inactive because there wasn't an active bazaar branch. I think we could get a few more helpers if we had one.20:48
hubuntuso if we could just summarize this if there are not any other issues... none in my behalf at least. You guys can always keep on  :)20:48
shahriar86hubuntu: let me know what I need to do, and I will get onto it as soon as I can20:48
AliTabuger7Where would I get a copy of your site?20:48
hubuntuoh, you are right about that AliTabuger7... But is it worth it to have a drupal branch there? Would not it be better to have a the drupal theme there for a start?20:48
AliTabuger7http://spreadubuntu.houbsi.org/ it looks like you have a decent start20:49
AliTabuger7i think it would need to be packaged with a .db somehow20:49
hubuntushahriar86, I will mail some thoughts I have to the list. It would be worth taking a look at our wiki page. We have a lot of ideas there already: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu20:49
shahriar86ok I have been through it.20:50
shahriar86will look into it once more20:50
hubuntuyes AliTabuger7, maybe we can get started with that. I just want to get a LP OpenID plugin that Canonical is opening very soon20:50
hubuntushahriar86, feel free to add something if you have some suggestion or ideas. :)20:51
shahriar86ok I will :)20:51
hubuntuAliTabuger7, can you work with a local drupal and get the them going from there? I will ask pep to give you access to houbsee ASAP20:52
hubuntuI'll follow this whole thing up in the list20:52
hubuntulast but not least20:52
AliTabuger7If i get the entire directory and the db I have no problem with that.20:52
hubuntuDO you guys think we can have a working prototype by the release of Intrepid?20:52
hubuntuIt's 7 and 1/2 weeks from now20:53
AliTabuger7I think so. We may not be able to have everything perfect, but something that looks presentable is not unreasonable to me.20:53
hubuntugood :)20:53
hubuntuThat's the spirit20:54
AliTabuger7This may be out of scope for this discussion, but I think we need a list of modules that we will be using20:54
shahriar86It will be up yes. But the tough part is geting the materials, getting quick response is the key :)20:55
AliTabuger7Views is necessary20:55
hubuntuYou will get it. We are using: OpenID, Google Analytics, Onlinestatus indicator, IRC 20:55
hubuntuyes shahriar86, we have to get the message to the LoCo teams this week20:55
shahriar86ok no problem will try our best :)20:56
hubuntu:) indeed20:56
hubuntuwell I have to run to another meeting, but I'll keep an eye in this channel. Feel free to ask anything and I'll give a quick response if I can20:56
hubuntuanything right now anyone is wondering?20:57
shahriar86Flannel: I had to ask, is this a site just to get the materials or also to share the experience20:57
shahriar86I mean a quick tips from other loco teams how to improve your work?20:58
hubuntushahriar86, diy is the part to share marketing materials. The .com/.org site will be more a campaign site of some sort...20:58
hubuntuFlannel has some ideas in that regard as well. Like an info/intro site for Ubuntu20:59
hubuntubasically something like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Projects/SpreadUbuntu/Site21:00
shahriar86ok checking21:01
hubuntuthe former su project is really working taking a close look21:01
shahriar86I will be going through the wiki to get more idea about the project. If I get confused on anything I will ask you on the mailing list.21:01
hubuntuplease do, and feel free to ask anything21:02
hubuntuWe are still shaping the project so nothing is *final*21:02
hubuntuAliTabuger7, do you have a OpenID URL from LP?21:04
hubuntuprivate please :)21:04
AliTabuger7Here's a question? are we sticking with that logo that looks like ubuntu but with like a globe in the middle of it?21:13
AliTabuger7I kinda liked that one21:14
hubuntuThe logo is ok IMO, but we may change it21:15
AliTabuger7I was just curious because the logo on the test site wasn't used21:16
hubuntuI know.. You can start helping us with that :)21:16
hubuntuIt's maybe a better idea to send a message to the list, inform what you are up to and then I can take from there the contact with Pierre (pep) in the list and give you admin rights21:17
AliTabuger7Ok. I would need admin rights before he sends me a copy otherwise I'd have a hard time getting in.21:18
hubuntuI think he will have to upload the copy himself, because is not his server21:19
hubuntubut you could probably get ftp access and work in the site as it stands now21:19
AliTabuger7who's is it?21:19
AliTabuger7that'd be fine21:19
hubuntupep - Pierre V.21:19
hubuntuhe couldnæt make it today21:19
hubuntufrom belgium21:19
AliTabuger7send that on the list, right?21:26
hubuntuyes, in the spreadubuntu mailist21:32
Flannelshahriar86: It's both.  But right now we're concentrating on the share materials aspect, because that's much more important21:33
hubuntujust say hi, describe what you want to do and explain what you need. I'll follow up21:33
Flannelshahriar86: We have "spreadubuntu.com" which will be the share experience bit, and then "diy.spreadubuntu.com" which will be content sharing stuff we're talking about.21:34
Flannelor at least, that's the plan.21:34
shahriar86yes I have seen it on the wiki21:34
AliTabuger7sounds like a good idea. Is there going to be one to plan events, like sf?21:34
shahriar86just going through the wiki once more (line by line this time) to get it all cleared21:34
AliTabuger7I remember there was somethign mentioned about like being able to find experts or existing ubuntu users on a map21:35
FlannelAliTabuger7: I'm not really sure planning events is within the scope of this, no.21:35
shahriar86that would be tough you know. Ubuntu users are not small number.21:35
hubuntuAliTabuger7, I bvelive it will become a marketing site as sf, but that is more in the hands of the Marketing Team21:36
FlannelAliTabuger7: as far as finding people, we'll be directing people to their LoCos, since much of the Ubuntu community has no idea the LoCos exist.21:36
hubuntuAliTabuger7, that is even easier now with the google maps in LP21:36
shahriar86before few hours I was thinking of spreadubuntu.com now I am guessing we are looking to work on diy.spreadubuntu.com more of21:36
FlannelOr, at least, more of the community ought to know.21:36
Flannelshahriar86: Yes, but that doesn't mean the other half can't be worked on as well.21:37
shahriar86yes. I meant priority based21:37
Flannelshahriar86: ah yeah, priority is the DIY part.21:37
shahriar86if we don't have database then, the other half will be meaning less21:37
shahriar86what will be the role of bzr and launchpad?21:38
shahriar86I am confused a bit over there. I have not worked on them extensively to understand it thouroghly21:39
Flannelthe content is held (ultimately) in bzr.  And then mirrored to the SQL DB on the site21:39
FlannelLP isn't really a primary player in this.21:39
AliTabuger7openid provider21:39
shahriar86(which I could not have myself :( I still can't login to wiki page :( I get error)21:40
hubuntushahriar86: mdke> hubuntu: all users can use it21:41
hubuntu<hubuntu> does it have to be activated somehow?21:41
hubuntu<hubuntu> any requirements? mdke21:41
hubuntu<mdke> hubuntu: no, I don't think so21:41
hubuntu<mdke> you should see it on your homepage21:41
hubuntu<hubuntu> I am trying to help a user... I couldn't tell since I am a LP beta tester21:41
hubuntuI think everyone has OpenID, but I have to figure out how it gets activated21:42
Flannelshahriar86: Yeah, I'm not happy with the OpenID on the wiki and h.u.c either21:43
hubuntuI believe it is crucial to get people to understand LP as Ubuntu's work base21:44
hubuntutranslations, bugs, etc...21:44
hubuntubut it's just me21:44
shahriar86yes I have been in and out of launchpad21:44
shahriar86what I have seen I liked it.21:44
shahriar86but the openId thing is creating problem for a newbee like me21:44
hubuntuI will give some feedback on that to the LP team and see what we can come up to21:45
shahriar86ok :)21:45
hubuntuwe'll ditch it if it's not working propertly by october 30th21:45
shahriar86the Idea is fine. but the thing is a bit complecated. To tell it properly we don't see it anywhere. Like get your OpenID here21:46
hubuntugetting your LP profile means getting an OpenID21:46
shahriar86perhaps. but its not visible to me21:47
shahriar86how do I know my OpenId details. I mean where I need it most I am unable to use it21:47
hubuntulet me check21:47
shahriar86as I have mentioned I can't log into wiki21:47
shahriar86ok hubuntu thanks for looking into it :)21:48
hubuntutake a peek21:49
hubuntuI can't see anywhere you can activate it21:49
shahriar86been there21:49
shahriar86yes :(21:49
AliTabuger7hubuntu, could you show me a link to the google maps loco thing?21:50
shahriar86hubuntu:  where is mdke? I mean on which channel. Is s/he too busy?21:50
hubuntu#launchpad is the channel21:51
hubuntuask question regarding OpenID there21:51
shahriar86that is what I was thinking21:51
shahriar86its more of a wiki question I think not sure21:51
hubuntuAliTabuger7, just go to the spreadubuntu team page in LP and you can see people in the map21:51
hubuntuwe could use something similar for marketeers.. That's why I'm so entusiastic about LP OpenID21:52
hubuntuask there shahriar86 they can give you a hand21:52
shahriar86ok hubuntu21:52
hubuntubut as Flannel remarked, we should not rely on LP OpenID until we know it is working21:53
shahriar86ok :)21:53
hubuntuand maybe have another log-in option for people who do not likeLP21:53
shahriar86I also think LP will help our project21:54
FlannelI wouldn't worry about that, just make sure the openID works.21:54
Flannelsince, if you don't have JS enabled, the huc/wuc stuff sometimes gives you problems.  Which is an implementation thing, not an inherit openID thing.21:54
hubuntuwell... Anything else?22:04
hubuntushall we summarize now?22:04
AliTabuger7What's houbsee's responsibility?22:06
hubuntunone, he just loans us the webspoace ;)22:07
hubuntupep has the call or that22:07
AliTabuger7Are we running the production site on his server?22:08
hubuntunope, that will be Canonical I think22:09
hubuntuor SliceHost22:09
AliTabuger7Cool. They agreed to that?22:09
hubuntuprobably Canonical since there will be a LOT of bandwidth usage22:09
hubuntuI am in talks, but we need to have something first22:09
hubuntuthey are positive, yes22:09
AliTabuger7This is going to be very cool. They should give us spreadubuntu shirts.22:10
AliTabuger7So anyway, the summary?22:12
AliTabuger7What did you use to make the favicon? 25kb seems like a lot.22:14
shahriar86Its late night down here.22:19
shahriar86so I would like to go off now.22:19
hubuntushahriar86, AliTabuger7 22:19
hubuntuone more thing just fast:22:20
hubuntuWe should have a roadmap for the next 8 months22:20
AliTabuger7i thought we just had 6 weeks?22:21
shahriar86AliTabuger7 that is we want to put some face on the project on or before intrepid release22:21
hubuntuyes, but we should work this 7 weeks and hit our first stage, and have plans down the road22:22
shahriar86but for sure it is too short time. so keeping on the longer objectives like 6 months or 1 year helps you more22:22
AliTabuger7thats kind of my feeling. I don't think i could possibly figure out what needs to be done over the next 8 months right now22:22
hubuntuI have outlined the roadmap for Intrepid, but will add later the roadmap for Jaunty and get new tasks and goals22:22
hubuntuof course, but have some goals and ideas, that's all22:23
hubuntulets focus on the roadmap as it is now22:23
hubuntuFlannel, any suggestionm of when and what?22:23
AliTabuger7OpenID doesn't really have to be completly done until a week before release22:24
shahriar86well I have no idea what I am going to do. so can't suggest. I am not a leader. rather a follower22:24
AliTabuger7Basic Materials system should be able to upload content types by sept 25 to oct 222:24
shahriar86(& learner)22:24
FlannelAliTabuger7: it does, based on how it will integrate with bzr22:24
Flanneloh, wait, nevermind.22:25
hubuntuI'll take care of OpenID22:25
AliTabuger7should we sketch what the content types should look like?22:25
hubuntushahriar86, what we two do is get the workflow done this week and invite LoCo teams worldwide to collect material22:25
shahriar86get the workflow done means? can you rephrase it by some short example?22:26
AliTabuger7I think he should mean that everything should be mostly functional so you can add marketing materials22:27
hubuntushahriar86: I mean we have to invite people to do something but we must have an idea of what they need and this be applied to their specific case as it its now22:27
shahriar86yes inviting loco will take some time and effort to get answered. but hey many are well aware of the existance of SU22:27
shahriar86ok hubuntu22:27
hubuntunot really AliTabuger7, we need all teams to come up with a page in the wiki, that's all22:27
* Flannel thinks Oct 30 is premature.22:27
hubuntufrom there we make our own page including all pages done by the teams22:27
AliTabuger7* I think we should try anyway22:28
hubuntuand have a general overview22:28
* hubuntu thinks having a prototype is doable, but something *real* is just not real ;)22:28
AliTabuger7by create a page, do you mean lay it out?22:28
hubuntushahriar86, with that overview we can fill in the material to the Database22:28
hubuntuno, a page in the wiki22:28
shahriar86though I have no idea with the technical stuff but its possible to gethar information and materials, tag it22:29
Flanneland I also think we shouldn't ask LoCos for content until we have a working somethignorother22:29
shahriar86*by the 30th22:29
hubuntuwith a command you can include other pages in the wiki (every single page made buy all LoCos) and have an overview22:29
hubuntushahriar86, as long as the material is in the database it is easy really to *control* it the way we want it22:30
hubuntuwhat we need is the database22:30
hubuntuand to get that we need LoCos to help us with all thinkable material that there is22:30
shahriar86I meant doing it by 30th of Oct22:30
hubuntuthat is perfectly doable22:30
hubuntuThe databse should be done by the 4th if we get working and get the message to the LoCOs this week22:31
Flannelhubuntu: Not really, no. We can always add/remove/tweak categories later.  We have the stuff on DIYMarketing for a good starting point.  I think asking LoCo involvement at this time is premature22:31
FlannelIt'll be better if we can get them to actually put their stff up, once we have a working site, as part of the testing phase.22:32
FlannelOtherwise we're going to have to ask them to first collect it, and then later we're going to have to ask them to actually put it up22:32
Flanneland that's just making more work for them22:32
shahriar86humm I was thinking of brining in the old materials from the old su http://diy.devubuntu.com/repo/spreadubuntu/22:32
shahriar86then will invite other loco's to help us enrich it22:32
hubuntuFlannel, if all locos organize their material now and we get everything in the database22:33
hubuntuthere is really no need for asking them again22:33
hubuntuwe just inform them it's there and that future material can be uploaded there22:33
Flannelhubuntu: Alright, *you* get to take all the material from the LoCos and upload it yourself.22:33
hubuntuit's a dirty job, but Iæm willing to do it22:33
hubuntuas long as I have a DB scheme to work with :)22:34
Flannelhubuntu: Or.... you could just let the LoCos do it, and have a real world test at the same time!22:34
hubuntuthat's where you come in ;)22:34
AliTabuger7what upload module are we using? drupal's? I'd almost like to see one with thumbnails22:34
FlannelIts *much* better to wait.22:34
hubuntuwhat about inviting the Spanish LoCos now and use what we have collected elsewhere?22:34
FlannelWhy don't we just use what we've got, and then wait until we have a site to ask anyone.  If you want, a particular subgroup of locos can be alpha testers.22:35
hubuntusound good22:35
FlannelSince, if youupload everything, you're not really testing the workflow, since you obviously designed it.  You need third parties to test workflow22:36
hubuntuok, then letæs get the DB done and I can start putting the material into it22:36
hubuntuit's just an idea, not a workflow yet22:36
AliTabuger7is there anyone in particular I should consult about theme changes and decisions?22:37
hubuntujust use the list AliTabuger7, there are no bosses in our team... We just want to cooperate. Pierre is always up for some design. And so is Meisok22:39
hubuntuFlannel do you have logs for this meeting.-.. Starting in a new job tomorrow so I have to go to sleep22:40
AliTabuger7I take it that theres probably not such a thing as over-communication in this project?22:40
Flannelhubuntu: This channel is officially logged22:40
ubot5Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/22:40
hubuntunice :)22:40
hubuntuthx Flannel 22:40
Flannelso, at your leisure you can extract them22:41
AliTabuger7ubot is cool, if you give a link to a launchpad bug or blueprint it'll tell you abou it22:41
hubuntuok.. I'll put up a log this week. Use the mailist  for anything. It was great meeting you all :)22:41
shahriar86not about just link AliTabuger7 give a error number it will give you details of the bug22:42
shahriar86!bug 100022:42
hubuntuFlannel, AliTabuger7 shahriar86 and evryone else good night22:42
Flannelubuntu 100022:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1000 in ubuntu "There are too many bug reports in Malone" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100022:42
shahriar86yes goodnight everyone22:43
shahriar86I will also have to split22:43
AliTabuger7Is anyone still here from SU? What version of Drupal are we using?23:14
FlannelAliTabuger7: I am!  But, am no help on that question23:16
AliTabuger7I remember I had asked you earlier. Anything you feel you need to discuss, since you don't think we'll be able to finish in time?23:18
FlannelI don't think we'll be able to finish by the 30th.  I'm not really sure it matters to finish "by" a release anyway.  We sort of want to finish midway into a release.  No one will see a benefit from the DIY stuff in time for Intrepid, and the month before/after a release is always busy with other stuff anyway.23:19
FlannelYes, a lot of stuff is going to be generated for Intrepid, but in order for people to use the site, it'd have to be uploaded before intrepid (for them to see it around intrepid launch)23:20
FlannelI just don't see setting a milestone of Intrepid release as a necessary thing (and I think its awfully soon anyway)23:21
AliTabuger7yes, but not too much needs to be done by 5 people in order to get a functional site, albiet not perfect23:21
FlannelEh, there's more than you'd think.  I'd much rather see a milestone sometime around 8.04.2 release, so we can be up and running for Jaunty23:22
AliTabuger7I get what you're saying about the lack of material for intrepid23:23
FlannelBut really, a lot of the content on this site will be more or less timeless.23:23
AliTabuger7in time for intrepid*23:26
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