
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
nxvlback in home again!00:34
nellerynxvl, how about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gourmet/+bug/26993600:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269936 in gourmet "lacks dependency on metakit" [Undecided,New]00:37
nxvlsounds easy enough00:38
nellerynxvl, so is this as simple as adding python-metakit to the dependencies?00:41
nxvlnellery: yup00:42
nxvland add an entry into the changelog and all that stuff00:43
nellerynxvl, should I change the DebianMaintainerField?00:43
nxvlfor that you can use the update-maintainer script00:44
nxvlwhich is part of the ubuntu-dev-tools package00:44
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nellerynxvl, I think I've got it00:58
nelleryshould I upload the patch to the report?00:58
nxvlnellery: did you know how to generate a debdiff?00:59
nellerynxvl, yea, I followed the packaging guide01:00
nxvlok then01:00
nxvlupload it please01:01
nellerynxvl, done, do you need the link?01:01
nxvlyes please01:02
nellerynxvl, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gourmet/+bug/26993601:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269936 in gourmet "lacks dependency on metakit" [Low,In progress]01:02
nxvli need to get use to such a tiny keyboard :S01:03
nelleryheh, does it compare to the new dell mini 9?01:05
persianxvl: That's why most things have USB plugs now: you can carry a sensibly sized keyboard.01:05
nxvlnellery: as i understand it should be a Depend, not a Build-Depend01:05
nxvlpersia: yeah, and it drives me crazy to have the A and the Q lined01:06
nxvlnellery: it's about that size01:07
nxvlnellery: maybe exaclty the same size as the inspirion mini01:07
nellerynxvl, I could never survive :S01:07
nellerychanging the dependency now01:08
nxvlnellery: the build dep are the packages needed to build the package01:08
nxvlnellery: that means all the stuff needed to compile them01:08
nxvlnellery: and the deps are packages needed to run the application01:09
nellerynxvl, ahh I understand01:09
nxvlnellery: and the deps are packages needed to run the application? i can upload the first 2 uploads, right?01:10
nellerynxvl, sorry, don't understand the question01:11
persianxvl: If the A and Q are vertically aligned, send a nastygram to the manufacturer.  Mention ergonomics, the possibility of repetitive strain, and intended publication of a negative review.01:11
nellerynxvl, also, just uploaded new debdiff01:12
nxvlnellery: nevermind, it was a keyboard error01:12
LaserJockhmm, even my classmate PC has the Q and A shifted01:13
LaserJockand external keyboard would still be very nice though01:14
LaserJockI might have to pick one up sometime01:14
persiaEven my 922SH (3.5" screen) has them shifted, and I don't know of anything smaller with normal querty.01:14
nxvlwell, it's not shifted, is just they are in the same vertical axys01:15
persianxvl: Right.  Which is a design failure :)01:15
persia(In this context "shifted" is synonomous with "offset"01:16
LaserJockanybody know of a sed/awk line that would remove all extra spaces (i.e. condense multiple spaces to 1) ?01:16
nxvlbut i've seen worst keyboards01:16
nellerynxvl, sure thing... how's the new debdiff?01:16
persiaLaserJock: s/\s*/\ /01:16
nxvlpersia: did you remember what was the mentee/sponsorship policy? i can upload his firsts 2 packages, right?01:17
persiaor 's/[ ]*/ /' won't eat tabs and carriage returns.01:17
persianxvl: Aren't you one of the people responsible for coordinating that policy?01:17
nxvlnot that i remember01:17
LaserJockright now I have s/[ ]  //g01:17
persiaAren't you on the Mentoring team?01:17
persiaLaserJock: And that doesn't work?  Try wrapping it in single quotes.  Won't eat triple-spaces.01:18
nxvlwell yeah01:18
nxvland now that i remember we were01:18
persianxvl: See.  norsetto sets policy (subject to MOTU oversight), and you guys implement it.  I understand norsetto tends to set policy based on consensus within the team :)01:19
LaserJockpersia: wrap what part?01:19
LaserJockwhat I have is: sed 's/[ ]*/ /g'01:19
persiaAnyway, I personally think that it's best practice to for mentors to encourage lots of different sponsors, as it's hard to get endorsements for an application if they only have one upload sponsor.01:20
persiaLaserJock: The sed construction, to keep the spaces from triggering argument separation in the shell.  I think you've done that.01:20
nxvlpersia: right, i'm with the head backside up01:20
nxvli hate planes01:20
nxvlneed to go01:21
nxvlnellery: keep fixing packages in that list01:21
persiaThey are very good for getting from one place to another quickly, but there's the side effect of having gotten there too fast :)01:21
LaserJockpersia: I still get multiple spaces, or perhaps they're tabs01:21
nxvlnellery: and ask here if you are in doubt01:21
nellerynxvl, ok01:21
nelleryshould i subscribe u-u-s?01:21
persiaLaserJock: Right.  'Try s/\s*/ /g'01:21
nxvlnellery: a lot of people will help you, i'm sure of it01:21
nxvlneed to run01:22
nxvlread you later!01:22
LaserJockpersia: well, that did get rid of all the spaces, but it put spaces in everything that shouldn't have spaces01:22
persiaLaserJock: It replaces any given set of tabs and spaces with a single space.  Is that not what you wanted?01:25
LaserJockpersia: I have numbers and "words" in the line01:32
LaserJockthe line you gave me put spaces between *all* the characters01:33
LaserJockdo I want + instead of *01:33
persiaLaserJock: Heh.  Yeah.  Sorry.01:34
LaserJockhmm, a + does nothing01:35
* jml tries s/ +/ /g01:45
LaserJockjml: that's not helping me either, I wonder if these are tabs01:46
jmlLaserJock: s/\s\s*/ /g01:46
jmlthat works for me01:46
LaserJockworks for me too01:46
jmlLaserJock: glad to hear it.01:46
wgrantWouldnt s/\s+/ /g do the same thing?01:47
jmlwgrant: it should. I think it's a sed syntax issue.01:47
wgrant1 + 0-or-more seems mean 1-or-more.01:47
jmlwgrant: I grew up on perl regexes, so I tend to assume everything follows that.01:48
jml'info sed' says '\+: As * but matches one or more. It is a GNU extension.'01:49
tacones/\s/ /g is probably what you look for01:51
jmltacone: that won't condense whitespace, it will only normalise it.01:51
jmlnone of this is getting my paper written!01:52
* jml aways01:52
taconeI badly understood the problem then :)01:52
wgrantjml: You can never leave!01:53
lifelessjml: paper?02:16
jmllifeless: osdc02:17
lifelessah yes02:18
* jdong hangs head in shame03:00
jdongapparently tab picks the wrong bzr branch by default.03:00
RAOFWhen autocompleting a push?03:01
jdongRAOF: oh worse, when cd'ing to export a new prevu bugfix to upload.03:02
jdongfortunately the other branch was just an invalid flag to dpkg-source03:03
jdongproblem fixed. everyone quietly look away ;-)03:03
nhandlerDid we decide that a diffstat was no longer needed for requesting a Freeze Exception?03:05
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cody-somervillenhandler, It isn't needed.03:25
nhandlerThanks cody-somerville.03:25
ScottKcody-somerville: Someone who has time (i.e not me) needs to update the wiki.03:25
cody-somervilleIf someone posts a link, I'll update it when I wake up tomorrow03:27
ScottKcody-somerville: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess03:29
NCommanderjdong: you around?03:58
jdongNCommander: sup?03:58
NCommanderjdong: for ktorrent, it is possible we can backport with an intrepid release, we did that for kdelibs03:59
NCommanderer, without03:59
jdongNCommander: well I've got no objections to it since it'll be overridden by 3.x.x on upgrade to Intrepid anyway; if ScottK is okay with it then I'd say yeah04:00
ScottKI'm good with it.04:02
ScottKAssuming it works.04:02
jdongNCommander: would you be willing to prepare some test packages based on Hardy packaging?04:02
NCommanderjdong: you want me to roll the ktorrent update then, right?04:06
NCommanderHow are you we going to version it04:06
jdongNCommander: I'd go with something like 2.2.7-0ubuntu0~hardy104:08
ScottKjdong: Why not ubuntu1~hardy104:09
jdongScottK: I'd expect that to imply there's a 0ubuntu1 release at some point in time. but in all practicality I don't think it makes a difference, if ubuntu1 is easier on the eyes then that's good too04:10
ScottKubuntu0 feels wrong.04:10
jdongok, then let's use ubuntu104:14
NCommanderjdong: I'm building the 2.2.7 package no04:14
nellerywhat term would you use in debian/control to recommend a package?04:27
RAOFOr Suggests:, if the package isn't "useful to be installed in all but unusual circumstances".04:29
ScottKRAOF: You're watching gnome-do bugs right?04:30
RAOFScottK: Yes.  I'm fairly sure I'm subscribed to them.04:30
ScottKSo that if there's significant blowback from the new version it gets all patched up?04:30
RAOFScottK: Yes.04:31
jdongmmm.... x264 crack....04:32
jdongmeh too lazy, too risky...04:32
ScottKjdong: BTW, I kept backports updated while you were on Summer break.  You're turn now.04:34
jdongScottK: thanks so much, I'll get back on the ball now :)04:34
ScottKNCommander: ^^^ Bug him.04:35
ScottKOf course let me know if stuff needs uploaded.04:35
jdongwill do04:36
NCommanderwait, bug me for what?04:38
ScottK-laptopNCommander: No, bug jdong about approving backports.  He's back and I get a break.04:39
NCommanderScottK-laptop: jdong is not a core-dev, he can't upload changes ot backports :-)04:39
ScottKNCommander: True, but he can ack stuff that doesn't need an upload.04:40
NCommanderScottK: There is almost nothing else that doesn't need an ack04:40
jdongNCommander: plus, if I say a source change is okay ScottK is more likely to upload it more quickly :D04:40
NCommanderjdong: well, I did mark a few triaged, so please attack the backporting queue :-)04:41
jdongNCommander: yeah, will do; un-breaking an upstart  machine atm04:41
NCommanderWhen I get MOTU, just make me a backporter, it will save you loads of work ;-)04:42
jdongwell get on it :)04:43
NCommanderjdong: end of this month :-)04:44
Aron_I have one suggestion to nautilus06:56
Aron_while the user attempt to open many files one time,we should let the user confirm the action06:56
Aron_because opening to many applications one time might not be the user's mind,but only a mistake06:58
Aron_such as somebody wants to press Shift key and select many files,but he pressed Enter by mistake,then the system would slow down until the user cancled the programs or the programs finished themselves06:59
orly_owlMake a feature request.07:00
Aron_how can I do that?07:00
orly_owlprobably on lynchpad07:01
Aron_do you mean launchpad?07:01
Aron_Okay,let me find if the feature request is exactly there07:04
orly_owlI really have no idea.07:05
Aron_thank you at all07:08
emetdo you pronounce MOTU as "maaa-two" or "mooo-two" or "moe-two", or "em-oh-tee-you"07:59
StevenKemet: "Moe-Two"08:00
* RAOF pronounces it "Moh teuw"08:00
iulianRAOF: Thanks for your comment. Just out of curiosity, how long did it take to build?09:46
RAOFiulian: a couple of hours.09:47
iulianHave anyone seen this before: http://iulian.devzero.co.uk/tmp/AssertionFailed.png ?09:48
iulianRAOF: OK09:48
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screenname57648what does motu mean?11:22
screenname57648folks, I am sent here 'cos I have a bit of software to release under a modified gpl11:24
screenname57648and I guess I've not done this before so I'll need some advice on making it publishable11:24
wgrantIsn't the GPL immutable?11:26
screenname57648yes, so what?11:26
wgrantReleasing something under a mutated version of an immutable license seems unwise.11:27
screenname57648not if I call it something different11:28
screenname57648If I call it 'custom licence' no-one will complain11:28
wgrantAnyway, how does this licensing relate to us?11:29
sorenScottK: Thanks for the ack on ec2-init.11:29
* wgrant waits for the world to end.11:30
screenname57648wgrant: you started the discussion on licences11:30
mok0wgrant: he's trolling11:31
wgrantscreenname57648: No, you asked about making software under a modified GPL publishable.11:31
screenname57648when are you (pl) going to give me some advice about making a release?11:31
laga_and how are you going to modify the GPL?11:32
wgrantmok0: Excellent prediction.11:32
mok0wgrant: can we ban him?11:32
screenname57648maybe I'll return when people have woken up.11:32
wgrantmok0: Not yet, both because nobody present has power and he hasn't done anything particularly nasty.11:33
wgrantAnd he's left.11:33
geserwgrant: world end like at http://www.cyriak.co.uk/lhc/lhc-webcams.html ?11:35
wgrantgeser: Yes, I expected that only something like that could come from the rare agreeability shown above.11:36
mok0hehehe very funny11:37
iulianOT: Is there any way to change the old passphrase of a gpg key without knowing it but having the secret key?11:45
iulianI usually keep my passwd in an encrypted file but somehow I forgot to write it.11:46
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
wgrantiulian: The secret key is encrypted with the passphrase...11:51
wgrantThat's the entire point of it.11:51
RAOFReading backscroll, I think "If I call it 'custom licence' no-one will complain" might be the most wrong thing I've read today :)11:53
mok0RAOF: yup11:53
iulianwgrant: Ah, right. Then I think I will keep trying to remember it.11:54
mok0iulian: if you forget the passphrase, you're toast11:54
mok0Actually, the best thing is to write it down somewhere11:55
iulianTried ~30 combinations and didn't work. I must have been asleep when I created it.11:55
iulianmok0: Yes, like I said I have an encrypted file with all my passwords but somehow I forgot to write that passwd when I created the key.11:55
mok0I actually meant writing it down in a notebook or something11:56
iulianWell, I have my old key which I use it to sign packages and all that stuff11:57
iulianmok0: No way. My dad will find it and compromise it. :P11:58
mok0Ah that's no good... ;-)11:58
mok0iulian: so, you store the passphrase in a gpg encrypted file that you need the passphrase to decrypt? :-P12:00
Tallkeniulian: send an anonymous email to NSA saying you're a terrorist. You'll get a free decryption of your files and nice jail for an undefined amount of time12:01
iulianmok0: Nop, I encrypted it with my old key.12:02
iulianTallken: Hehe12:02
iulianYay! That key was created in 2008-08-08, what a coincidence.12:04
mok0iulian: In my experience, memory doesn't like being forced12:06
mok0iulian: If you get your mind off it, you might remember12:06
iulianmok0: Yeah.. that's an idea.12:07
iulianHuh, I still don't know how I forgot it.12:07
mok0iulian: Your memory cells are saturated with those 30 permutations12:08
mok0iulian: you probably decided to make that password different12:09
iulianI think I wrote the passphrase in my encrypted file but forgot to backup it when I formatted my hard drive.12:10
iulianmok0: Yes, it was different.12:10
iulianmok0: Not entirely.12:10
iulianDamn! After trying ~50 combinations I finally entered my correct passphrase.13:03
* iulian dances13:03
DRebellioniulian: the system wasn't configure to lock you out before 50 tries?13:04
iulianDRebellion: Nop13:05
iulianDktrKranz: Every time I see you I wonder if your nickname means something because it's pretty hard to keep it in mind. May I ask you what it means?13:23
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iulianmok0: Remembered my passphrase :-)13:23
mok0iulian: good for you!13:23
iulianmok0: I mean, I didn't, I just tried, over and over again. I think I entered more than 50 combinations.13:26
iulianOK, now let me save it and encrypt the file with my OLD key.13:26
iulianBut, I don't think I will ever forget it.13:27
* Hobbsee eyes Screennameguy.13:28
* iulian looks around13:31
Hobbseesilly guy..13:32
iulianWhat does #ubuntu-ops mean from the ban? Is it banned in -ops too?13:37
iulians/it/he or she or whatever/13:38
Hobbseeiulian: it's a forward.13:38
Hobbseehopefully, someone will poke me, or someone else who's in here, and there, will deal with it.13:38
Hobbsee(and tell the guy that he's only welcome if he's not going to troll)13:39
iulianAha, cool.13:39
slytherinpersia: there?14:28
persiaslytherin: Just arriving, a bit late.  Sorry.14:38
slytherinpersia: No issues. I thought you were gone. I just bought a bluetooth dongle.14:38
persiaslytherin: How is it working for you?14:40
slytherinpersia: I am trying to test the input. Not working. Let me try file transfer.14:41
persiaslytherin: That's not promising.  hardy or intrepid?  I last did a round of intrepid tests abot two weeks before FF, but haven't rechecked, as the versions hadn't changed, or is this with your new merge?14:43
slytherinpersia: intrepid. No new merge, checking packages from repositories.14:44
DktrKranziulian, it derives from a Disney's character. I don't know if it's known outside of Italy too, though.14:45
slytherinpersia: I have subscribed you to the bug I mentioned yesterday abuot service names missing. A guy has created updated package for bluez-gnome in his PPA.14:45
slytherinpersia: Yes14:45
persiaHe mentioned that in #ubuntu-mobile.  The two of you ought be in touch, as I think he has more testing equipment than I.14:46
slytherinpersia: Even File transfer is not working. I am wondering if the dongle is at fault. :-(14:47
JustAboutRealJA1I would like to start packaging up applications to help out14:50
JustAboutRealJA1I was wondering if there is a difference between making a diff.gz and just making a newer version of a package14:51
JustAboutRealJA1maybe a diff.gz gets installed but the update-manager14:52
iulianDktrKranz: Aha, nice. How do you pronounce it? ;)14:52
DktrKranzit should be "doctor kranz", but I usually tend to not call myself :)14:52
iulianHehe, now I can keep it in my mind.14:54
slytherinJustAboutRealJA1: I don't understand your question15:04
JustAboutRealJA1one sec... I read it on the wiki15:05
coolbhaviJustAboutRealJA1, diff.gz is used to apply the previous changes in the package to a new upstream version while updating the package I think15:07
JustAboutRealJA1ok... so as long as the package has the same name (foobar as opposed to foobar-2) then new versions are installed by update-manager?15:09
directhexa debian source package comes in three files. the orig.tar.gz is a tarball of what you would download from an app's site; the diff.gz contains any changes required for packaging (critically, it includes all the package data and makefiles and so on), and a dsc file, which is really just a small index to point to the other files15:09
directhexa diff.gz is ONLY relevant at source time, and should never be made by hand15:09
directhexupdate-manager will install the most recent versions of any apps you have installed, where those newer versiona are available in any repositories you're tracking15:10
JustAboutRealJA1so... you only make a diff.gz so that other people can RE-apply your changes and/or see what the changes were15:11
directhexright. it's part of the package building process to generate the file15:11
JustAboutRealJA1I'm interested in contributing but my packaging ability is pretty... crappy ;) is packaging 101 the kind of thing I want to go to? or should I just scour the internet for info?15:13
directhexthere are lots of packaging 101 guides15:13
coolbhaviJustAboutRealJA1, Apply changes of the version published in the ubuntu repos in a process to generate the new upstream version of the package15:13
JustAboutRealJA1by 'go to' I mean... go to the room on irc15:13
directhexthe debian new maintainer's guide is one15:13
directhexhttp://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/index.en.html covers the ENTIRE process, from start to finish15:14
coolbhaviJustAboutRealJA1, Ubuntu Packaging guide is more simpler15:14
directhexbig surprise ;)15:15
JustAboutRealJA1:) I think I'll read the ubuntu one first then, and use the debian guide as a reference if I need more detail15:15
JustAboutRealJA1thanks guys15:18
JustAboutRealJA1oh wait one more question... is it better to make a package starting with a python egg? or to start with a setup.py?15:19
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slytherinsuperm1: ping15:42
slytherinpersia: any idea why superm1 introduced three new packages in the last upload of bluez-utils?15:45
persiaslytherin: Nope.15:48
slytherinpersia: In case you are using intrepid. Can you try file transfer from PC to phone? It is not working for me. Only phone to pc is working15:57
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slytherinpersia: I am tired. going for dinner.16:41
superm1slytherin, because all of the plugins were optional and done differently in the new version17:24
slytherinsuperm1: Are you currently testing any of the plugins? Because for me data transfer as well as input is not working. I don't have anything to test audio.17:25
slytherinsuperm1: date transfer from pc to phone. from phone to pc works17:26
slytherinsuperm1: Also can you get any core developer to ack bug #26809717:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268097 in bluez-utils "Please move bluez plugins to main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26809717:29
superm1slytherin, archive admin would need to do that, make sure you subscribe ubuntu-archive17:31
slytherinsuperm1: It has to be acked first by a core dev17:31
superm1slytherin, i've tested the audio plugin, pairing and data transfer in at least one direction17:31
slytherinsuperm1: which direction?17:32
superm1phone to pc i believe17:32
superm1slytherin, some phones i've dealt with even on the hardy packages had a hard time though the other way17:33
slytherinsuperm1: I know. But for me it worked on same phone on hardy. Now the sendto dialog shows 'service search failed'. Also for whatevr reason nautilus doesn't identify obex:// protocol.17:34
slytherinI hope this is jut me facing all these problems.17:34
superm1slytherin, ah.  well i can look into it more this week.  my phone was incapacitated the last two weeks due to being in some water.  it's recovering now, so i'll give it a shot during the week17:35
slytherinsuperm1: Sure. Thanks.17:36
slytherinsuperm1: And please get someone to ack that move to main request. Also you will need to add 'Recommends' to bluez-utils for these plugins.17:37
superm1slytherin, perhaps can you upload a debdiff to that bug with adding it to recommends, and then when someone from ubuntu-main-sponsors sees it, they can upload it and this problem will work itself out?17:38
superm1that's the ideal workflow anyhow17:38
superm1i dont have any more influence over getting a core-dev to do something than you, so sticking to the workflow is the best way17:39
slytherinsuperm1: I doubt my debdiff will be accepted unless the plugins are not in main.17:39
slytherinI will try asking in #ubuntu-devel17:40
superm1well that's what i'm saying though, it will pre-empt that the plugins need to get moved into main.  although even though the same functionality was in hardy, i suppose a MIR will be necessary too17:40
superm1have you ever drafted one?17:40
slytherinin my opinion MIR will not be needed as these are just split form same source. Still if someone asks I will have to.17:41
superm1yeah that's what i was thinking too, which is why i didn't recommend it initially17:41
ScottKIn that case it's not required.17:42
nxvlnellery: hi! did you managed to fix the bug?17:53
nellerynxvl, yes, I finished the one we worked on together, and subscribed u-u-s17:54
nxvlnellery: link please17:54
nxvlor bug number work too17:54
nellerynxvl, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gourmet/+bug/26993617:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269936 in gourmet "lacks dependency on metakit" [Low,In progress]17:55
nxvlthank you17:55
nellerynxvl, does it need any changes?18:02
nxvlnellery: building and testing18:03
nxvlnellery: but as far as i've seen, it's ok18:03
nellerynxvl, ok, thanks!18:03
nxvldid someone know a page with java applets (like games or whatever)18:04
nxvlnellery: ok, the first big issue on starting contributing in the ubuntu community is to find issues to fix, isn't it?18:09
nxvlnellery: so i will show some source where you can find what is broken to fix it (yes, LP isn't the only resource we have)18:10
nxvlwe have ubuntuwire18:10
nxvlwhich has a lot of resources18:10
nellerynxvl, I also attempted bug 26983918:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269839 in simple-ccsm "missing dependencies" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26983918:11
nelleryit was another simple missing dependencies one18:11
nxvlyou can find there ftbfs bugs (http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/) debcheck (http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/) and some interesting stuff18:12
nxvlnellery: yup, this is the last one i can upload from you, we're only able to upload 2 packages from our mentees18:12
nellerynxvl, ok that's fine18:13
nxvlnellery: there is also harvest (http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/) which is a good resource to find easy to fix bugs18:14
nxvlwhich almost all only include packaging and aplying patches18:14
nxvlnellery: this information and maybe a little more can be founded on the MOTU ToDo wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO)18:15
nxvlnellery: so, take a look, check which one of this resources you like more and ping me to give you your first task18:15
nellerynxvl, sure thing!18:15
nellerynxvl, I'd like to give ftbfs bug a shot18:17
nxvlnellery: sure!18:18
nxvlnellery: then, just try to follow that list18:18
nxvlthis week we will focus on ftbfs18:18
nxvlis that ok with you?18:18
nelleryyup, fine with me18:19
nxvlthen it will be ftbfs18:19
nxvlfor having track of your progress, please list every bug you work in on your wiki page18:19
nxvlyou can fin and example of it on mi wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nxvl)18:20
nxvlnellery: if you have problems and questions, try to ask here so anyone can help you18:20
nellerynxvl, ok18:20
nxvlnellery: the idea of the mentoring program is to show you how the ubuntu community in a whole works, so one of the task is to meet the whole community18:21
nxvlnellery: if you have hard problems and no one is able to help and i'm not here, mail always works, so don't hesitate to send me an email18:22
nxvlincluding the question, the error outputs and the link to the bug numer18:22
nelleryso is there such thing as a 'bitesize' ftbfs?18:24
nxvlnot that i know18:25
nelleryok, so just pick one out?18:25
nxvlbut some of them are really easy to fix18:25
nelleryok, how about visualboyadvance?18:29
nxvllet me check18:29
nxvlnellery: did you have any lpia machine on hand?18:30
nelleryahh, no I don't18:30
nxvlthen next one18:30
nelleryhow about scala?18:31
nelleryi386 only18:31
nxvlthe problem on scala is not scala itself18:33
nxvlit was a missing build-dep (orange ones are packages waiting for another package)18:33
nxvlin this case i will recommend to try the build and if it builds as for a given-back (a rebuild of that package)18:33
nelleryhmm ok18:40
nelleryso by build do you mean 'sudo apt-get install scala'?18:41
nxvlfor build you need to get the source package (.dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz if applies)18:42
nxvlthe to build the package you will need debuild and if you want to use it pbuilder18:42
nxvlso it's build as in generate a .deb18:42
nelleryahh ok18:42
nellerynxvl, what debuild command do I use?18:43
nxvldebuild -S and then pbuilder18:53
nxvlor just debuild if you don't want to use pbuilder18:53
nxvlbut i recommed to use a chroot environmet (such a pbuilder) always18:53
nellerynxvl, ok, I will use pbuilder18:53
nellerynxvl, hm, I got an error when using debuild -S18:54
nxvlpaste.ubuntu.com it please18:54
nellerynxvl, http://paste.ubuntu.com/46935/18:55
nxvlnellery: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes/2008-September/006958.html18:57
nxvlis a gpg error18:58
nxvluse debuild with "-us -uc" to skip signing18:58
nxvlor -k$KEY where $KEY is you gpg key or you e-mail address18:58
nellerynxvl, I get this error when doing it19:01
nellerysame thing for '-us -uc' and '-k$KEY'19:02
awesommenew wad file: http://www.hardstylersunited.dk/index.php19:05
mok0nellery, install those packages, you need them to build source pkg19:10
nellerymok0, thanks!19:10
mok0nellery: unfortunately, there are no provisions for builddepends for src pckgs.19:11
mok0nellery: it's needed to complete the clean target19:11
nxvlnellery: the correct command is "debuild -S -us -uc"19:14
nellerynxvl, ooohhh19:16
nellerythat worked19:17
nelleryso what command do I run with pbuilder?19:17
JustAboutRealJA1is there a difference (is one way better) between packaging a deb starting with a python egg vs just a setup.py?19:26
JustAboutRealJA1it seems to me that starting with an egg just means I have to package the whole thing twice19:27
mok0setup.py is supported19:27
mok0and preferred19:27
nxvlnellery: i recommend to use pbuilder-dist, which is part of the ubuntu-dev-tools package19:30
nxvlnellery: the you need to create an intrepid chroot, using, "pbuilder-dist intrepid create"19:31
mok0! pbuilder19:31
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto19:31
nxvlthat works too19:31
nellerywhere do I run pbuilder-dist?19:32
nellerythe source folder or the one above19:32
nxvlyou need to run19:32
nxvlpbuilder-dist intrepid file.dsc19:32
nelleryit says 'E: File /home/nick/pbuilder/intrepid-i386-base.tgz does not exist'19:34
nxvlthat's because you haven't create the chroot yet19:36
nelleryooh you do that first?19:36
mok0nellery, read the wiki article in the link above. Then come back and ask here19:38
mok0if you have problems19:38
nellerymok0, ok thanks19:38
bobbohey everyone19:44
* nxvl waves on bobbo 19:46
james_whey bobbo19:49
james_wdon't package removal requests need a sponsor if the requester is not able to upload the package?19:49
nxvljames_w: huh?19:50
nxvli think it does19:50
james_wif I as a non-MOTU want to request the removal of a universe package, do I need a sponsor to ACK the bug before the archive admins are subscribed?19:51
nxvlat least AFAIK19:51
james_wthanks nxvl19:52
mok0james_w: what pckg are you referring to?19:52
nxvlsince non-MOTU's doesn't have enough "proven technical skill" to that by their own19:52
james_wI'm referring to bug 26972219:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269722 in ncurses4.2 "Request for Removal: unneeded oldlibs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26972219:52
james_wNCommander: ^19:52
NCommanderjames_w: ?19:53
mok0james_w: u-a-a are already subscribed, though19:53
NCommanderjames_w: I've done removal requests before without them ever being sponsored19:53
nxvlmok0: yep, but u-a-a will see it, unsubsribe and reject it19:54
nxvlNCommander: you should subscribe u-u-s instead19:54
james_wNCommander: well, we may have the wrong idea of the process19:54
nxvlNCommander: really19:54
NCommanderfor a removal?19:54
NCommanderNever had a problem19:54
NCommanderSponsorship is quite clearly for NEW packages19:54
james_wno, it's for more than that19:55
* NCommander has done both removals in Ubuntu and Debian as a non-DD/non-MOTU19:55
james_wmaybe the archive admins didn't notice19:55
nxvlit's for sync, given-backs, and AFAIK removals19:55
mok0The MOTU are responsible for Universe19:55
nxvlactually i trust NCommander's judge on this, maybe some a-a does the same19:55
james_wshall I mail the list about it?19:55
nxvlso HE doesn't have problems19:56
NCommanderSo u-u-s has to sign off on a removal request, and then subscribe u-a-a?19:56
nxvlbut the correct workflow is to ask for sponsorship on this19:56
NCommanderThat kinda seems backwards to me19:56
nxvlas for the syncs19:56
james_wand perhaps a MOTU would like to ACK this request so there isn't any question over this one.19:56
nxvlNCommander: yes, that's how it should work19:56
james_wNCommander: why is it backward?19:56
NCommanderIt just seems so19:56
nxvlNCommander: you report, subscribe u-u-s, then a sponsor ACK it and subscribe u-a-a19:56
NCommanderI've never heard of this before19:56
NCommandernxvl: can you please ACK this removal request?19:57
nxvlok, let me check it19:57
nxvli can't even find it using apt-cache19:59
Adri2000NCommander: do you have any bug number where this happened? (an archive admin processed your request while it had not been acked)19:59
NCommanderI'd have to look it up19:59
nxvlactually the MOTU ACK's on this cases is for the a-a to be sure it's a valid request20:00
Adri2000NCommander: and it's very easy to understand why the process is that way, it's just that motu are responsible for every change happening to universe/multiverse, being new packages, new versions of packages (manual upload or sync), removals, etc. so if a non-motu wants to do one of these things, he needs a motu ack20:01
nxvltherefor, if they review a non ACK'd request it will only be a little more of work, since they need to confirm it and "ACK" as sponsors20:01
Adri2000and some for core-dev with main/restricted20:01
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nxvlNCommander: ACK'd20:03
nxvlmcasadevall: ACK'd20:04
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
NCommandernxvl: \o/!20:04
NCommanderStay around, I'll have more removal requests that need acking20:04
mok0Why isn't it listed by apt-cache? Weird20:04
NCommandermok0: its only on i38620:05
james_wNCommander: I can only find bug 269674, which wasn't acted upon20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269674 in db1-compat "Request for Removal: unneeded oldlibs" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26967420:05
mok0Good to get rid of that crud20:05
NCommanderjames_w: I swore I did another one20:05
NCommanderjames_w: Its possible i'm misremembering a Debian removal request20:06
* NCommander has done quite a few of those for m68k20:06
azeemNCommander: that'd be a porter request20:07
NCommanderjames_w: anyway, sorry about the mixup with u-c-s, I recommend that should be fixed on the wiki ;-)20:12
NCommanderI fail20:13
NCommanderI dunno where the c came from20:13
james_wis there somewhere you looked for advice on this?20:13
NCommanderRemoval REquests20:13
NCommanderSays nothing about needing sponsorship20:13
james_w"If you are not an Ubuntu developer use the following process."20:14
james_wprocess -> SponsorshipProcess20:14
james_wshould be before saying "subscribe archive-admins"20:14
james_whttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing Packages updated20:21
nxvljames_w: when are you going to request motuship?20:24
NCommanderso can we now killl ncurses4.2 ;-)20:25
james_wnxvl: I don't know if I'm ready20:25
james_wand I don't know who to ask to advocate me20:25
* NCommander is applying at the end of september20:25
nxvljames_w: your sponsors20:25
NCommandernxvl: you going to sponsor me?20:25
nxvlNCommander: let me know about that20:25
nxvlNCommander: sure i will20:25
NCommanderWell, I need to wait for UUC to go through20:25
NCommanderSo once that is, it should be around the 20-th20:26
nxvlNCommander: i think they forgot about ir20:26
NCommanderSo I'll apply on the 25th20:26
nxvlNCommander: just ping any council member20:26
NCommandernxvl: well, I got Ubuntu membership via Kubuntu so now it isn't such a big deal20:26
NCommandernxvl: save me some Launchpad evil, who's on the concil?20:27
james_wnxvl: I don't know who they are :-)20:27
nxvlNCommander: persia, soren, geser, nixternal and dholbach20:27
nxvljames_w: heh20:27
nxvljames_w: well, count on me20:27
NCommander^- ok MOTU council, hit me!20:27
nxvli've sponsor some of your packages20:27
james_wnxvl: thanks :-)20:27
NCommander(thanks for the IRC ping :-))20:27
nxvlNCommander: i'm sure daniel will announce you u-u-c membership tomorrow20:29
mickeHello everyone. Today i tried to upgrade a package just to learn something from it, but it didnt work out exaktly.. Anybody intrested in pointing me in the right direction?20:31
mok0micke: what's your question?20:37
mickemok0 → I was following this tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJzM2LNOtWU&feature=user but i tried it on a package that i actually use instead of the one inte the tutorial, and it fail when applying the patches, here is an output from bash http://paste.ubuntu.com/46961/20:39
mok0micke: you tried updating to a newer upstream version?20:40
mickemok0 → yes20:40
mok0micke: you can try removing the patch to plugins/Makefile.in20:41
mok0micke: that file is different in the new release so the patch does not work20:41
mickemok0 → right, Ill see what I can do20:42
mok0... and plugins/Makefile.am20:42
mok0micke: you also need to install te package "dpatch"20:42
mickemok0 → dpatch is now installed, I'm trying to work out how to remove the patches :-)20:45
mok0micke: you are applying the "old" diff.gz to the new sources, right?20:46
mickemok0 → yes20:46
mok0micke: then just remove the Makefile.in.rej and Makefile.am.rej files, and try building the package20:47
mickemok0 → in the plugins directory?20:49
mickeof the new upstream source?20:50
mok0micke: yes. Your best bet is to use upstreams new files20:51
mok0micke: The former packager for some reason found it was necessary to patch the build system. Hopefully it is no longer needed20:52
NCommandermok0: does motu-science work on packaging gnome-chemistry-utils?20:56
mok0NCommander: In principle, yes.20:58
mok0It needs to be updated wrt to Firefox20:59
NCommandermok0: I wanted to know if anyone was working on updating it, I want to drop goffice-0-4 depends so I can remove that from the archive20:59
LaneyI was going to, but you are free to do it if you'd like NCommander20:59
* mok0 never heard of goffice21:00
NCommanderLaney: was that upgrade it to 0.9.x, or something else21:00
NCommandermok0: its a library21:00
LaneyTo do the merge21:00
mok0NCommander: and gnome-chemistry-utils depends on it?21:01
NCommanderTo be more specific21:02
NCommanderit depends on the old 0.4 version21:02
NCommander0.6 is the current21:02
NCommander(0.4 is in oldlibs)21:02
mok0NCommander: so you wanna rebuild againts the new version I guess21:03
NCommanderAssuming it builds cleanly21:03
NCommander0.9.x of gcu depends on goffice 0.621:03
mok0NCommander: ok, cool21:04
mok0NCommander: gcu installs some Firefox plugin, so if you can figure out the new way to install those, please do so21:05
mok0NCommander: I couldn't find any docs about that21:05
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NCommanderI went configure.in diving ;-)21:05
mok0That's a pita21:06
mickemok0 → ok, if I just remove the two files i get the same error. So I tried to remove the entry about the patches from geany_0.13-0ubuntu1.diff.gz saving it under a different name and then applying the patches from that file. Then everything seems to work fine untill I try "debuild -S -sa". Then I get more warnings than I can count :-)21:07
Laneyjames_w: nice video21:07
mok0micke: uh-uh.21:08
mok0micke: I think you are in over your head :-(21:09
mickemok0 → I guess so, thanks a million for your help though21:09
mok0micke: what package are you working on ?21:09
mickemok0 → geany, a nice text editor I like21:10
mok0micke: ... trying to update to the latest upstream version?21:10
mok0micke: have you checked if it is available in Debian/unstable?21:11
mickemoko → yes, I'll think I'll try a differnt package for learning puposes though :-)21:11
mickeon your second question, no21:11
mok0micke: if it's just for learning, it's probably better to find an easier one.... without too many patches21:12
mickemok0 → Ill do that, thanks again21:12
mok0micke: see if you can find one that needs merging.21:12
mok0(i.e. has ubuntu changes that needs to be incorporated)21:13
mickemok0 → I'll continue tomorrow I think, I've had enought learning for one day :-)21:13
mok0micke: here is a list : http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php21:13
mickemok= → I'll have a look21:13
mok0micke: cool!21:13
mok0micke: just come back here and ask21:14
mickemok0 → will do! Bye for now21:14
james_wthanks Laney21:21
james_wRainCT: hi, do you plan to merge manpages-de?21:27
RainCTjames_w: oh, there's already a new version?21:28
james_wRainCT: there was an NMU with a fixed copyright file21:28
RainCTjames_w: Ah, they fixed the problem I reported :). Yea I'll merge it later.21:30
james_wRainCT: great, thanks.21:32
james_wthere's only one bug against the package, forwarding that would be great21:32
james_wthough the maintainer seems quite inactive on the package21:33
fabrice_spHi. I'm working on bug 180384, and I wanted to be sure that I have to replace all references to icedove by thunderbird and iceape by seamonkey21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 180384 in mozilla-traybiff "Please merge mozilla-traybiff 1.2.3-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18038421:53
nelleryhi, I'm attempting to upgrade a package, and I got an error when I tried to build it22:09
nellerywould anybody mind having a quick look22:09
fabrice_spnellery: Patch 01_nofork doesn't apply cleanly22:12
nelleryfabrice_sp, how do I fix that?22:12
mok0nellery: you need to figure out what the patch does, and if that action is still necessary22:13
fabrice_spnellery: you have to open the patch, and correct it according to the actual content of the file it's patching22:13
SyntuxGood day22:25
compengiwhen is the intrepid's package freeze?22:26
nellerycompengi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule22:29
Syntuxcompengi, it's when developers stops working on new packages or introducing new features; and only focus on the development release.22:30
mok0compengi: it was 28. aug22:31
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compengiSyntux, i know what package freeze is. i was just asking for the freeze date. it's 28. Aug as mok0 said. thanks :)22:45
Syntuxmy bad :-)22:45
Syntuxanyway it's movie time now :-) bbl22:45
compengianyone here used to package pidgin?23:22

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