
ompaulcheery bye byes00:34
FlannelI wonder if people who troll FOSS from chatzilla realize the irony.01:37
Flannelbazhang: There's nothingw rong with his away01:57
bazhangFlannel, it noticed me ie /notice01:57
Flannelbazhang: yes it did.01:58
FlannelThere's nothing wrong with that.01:58
FlannelIts quiet, and private, etc.01:58
bazhangthat channel is not okay01:59
FlannelIts a fine channel, but taking people there isn't, no.02:00
bazhangno, its not.02:00
bazhangit needs to use ##02:00
FlannelHow do you figure?02:01
bazhangnever mind02:01
FlannelWe're not freenode police, the u has nothing to do with ubuntu.  It is an odd channel name, but whatever.  He should be taking them elsewhere (-classroom is a good candidate) for quieter support02:03
bazhang* Thedjatclubrock sets mode +m #u-support02:09
bazhang* Thedjatclubrock gives voice to juan02:09
bazhangthe #u is just coincidentally the same first letter as #ubuntu.02:10
FlannelI mentioned -classroom to him and he seems reasonable/willing, so it should be a non-issue02:19
bazhangapart from his coming into #ubuntu and asking people to join #u-support, then kick-banning all who join without his express invitation (ie moi), yup peachy keen.02:20
FlannelHe mentioned it once.  If he does it again, we'll have an issue, if not, I don't see how its an issue.02:21
vorianboy, that's dirty02:32
bazhangloganhoup does not seem to understand the concept of offtopic02:33
bazhangoy vey02:55
bazhanguse Debian CD1 to fix grub ???02:55
bazhangin the #ubuntu channel?02:55
FlannelYou could, sure.02:55
FlannelUse whatever you have ;)02:56
bazhangsure you could. Or Knoppix.02:56
bazhangJay^ though.02:56
=== elkbuntu is now known as elky
ubottuIn ubottu, vocx said: ps3 is We need information on installing Ubuntu for the playstation04:08
ubottuIn ubottu, vocx said: wii is Also some factoids about the Wii04:08
stdin^ now that's lazy ^05:29
ubottuIn ubottu, sanassar said: Where is the vboxdrv setup file located in the source version of VirtualBox?05:52
jussi01err, didnt we have a ps3 one?08:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps308:59
ikoniaI don't think there is a need for ps3 instructions09:14
ikoniathere is a whole site dedicated to it09:14
jussi01ikonia: yes, so a link in a factoid to that site...09:16
jussi01!search ps309:19
ubottuFound: upnp09:19
ikonianow thats a useful thing to know09:20
ikoniaupnp is the handy ps3 setup09:21
ikoniamore so for those using myth09:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami11:12
* ompaul_ waits11:12
=== ompaul_ is now known as ompaul
ompaulnutty bot11:13
ikoniaworking ok11:13
ikoniafor me I should say11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami11:15
gnomefreakworks here11:15
ompauldoes for me11:16
ompauli had to be the real me not me_11:16
=== gnomefreak is now known as thunderstruck
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ompaul!downfor is Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/11:17
ubottuI'll remember that, ompaul11:17
ompaulI thought you would11:17
ikoniathats handy !11:18
gnomefreakIt's not just you! ubuntuforums.org looks down from here.11:19
gnomefreakis it down?11:19
ompaul!no downfor is <reply> Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/11:19
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul11:19
gnomefreakyep it is down11:19
* Flannel notes that site doesn't work if you have JS turned off.11:21
Flannelwell, until you know how it works, and then you can edit the URL itself11:21
elky!no downfor is Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)11:23
ubottuI'll remember that elky11:23
ubottudownfor is Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)11:23
ubottudownfor is Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)12:24
jussi01!no downfor is <reply>Use this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)12:24
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0112:24
ubottuUse this site to see if a site is down, and please don't be polling the channel thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)12:25
Myrtti!downfor ~= /channel/channel,/12:28
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti12:28
Myrttiit's still ugly12:30
jussi01too many "site"s12:38
Myrttithat too12:39
jussi01!downfor ~= /this site/this address/12:39
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0112:39
MyrttiI've read too much xkcd and watched star wars12:40
jussi01!downfor ~= /site/website/12:40
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0112:40
ubottuUse this address to see if a website is down, and please don't be polling the channel, thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)12:40
Myrtti*sigh* should get up from bed but I'm afraid to move12:42
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 12:45
* Myrtti hugs back12:46
Myrttiatleast I have my 770 now12:46
* Myrtti tries to get up12:48
* Tm_T gives his hand for help12:49
=== seanw is now known as iSeanW
=== iSeanW is now known as seanw|phone
=== seanw|phone is now known as seanw
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:22
ompaulLjL, can you tell the floodbots that they can ignore ubottu please ;-)13:32
ubottuUse this address to see if a website is down, and please don't be polling the channel, thanks. http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires javascript)13:50
Myrtti!no downfor is <reply>To check whether or not a website is really down, please use http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (requires Javascript) instead of polling the channel. Thank you!13:51
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti13:51
Myrttisee? a lot better.13:53
ompaulwhich is why factoids should be done in public14:03
Myrttijussi01: http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/english_in_finland_on_ubuntu.html14:11
Myrttilogout -->14:11
Myrttibug 26965614:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26965614:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:10
Jack_Sparrow!no forums is Yes, ubuntuforums is down.   We don't know when ubuntuforums.org will return.15:13
ubottuI'll remember that Jack_Sparrow15:13
jussi01did we really need that?15:13
Jack_SparrowJust had a few come through asking and not reading the topic15:14
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: read back a little - we created !downfor15:14
Jack_Sparrowanticipating the need, easy enough to remove if we dont have people asking15:14
Jack_Sparrowjussi01 Just waking up here15:14
Jack_SparrowNot specific enough15:15
Jack_Sparrow!no forums Yes, ubuntuforums is down.   We don't know when ubuntuforums.org will return.15:16
ubottuI know nothing about forums yes, ubuntuforums yet, Jack_Sparrow15:16
jussi01what was the previous !forums ?15:16
Jack_SparrowI dint see one15:17
ubottuforums aliases: forum, ubuntuforums - added by Seveas on 2006-06-17 23:06:55 - last edited by Jack_Sparrow on 2008-09-14 14:13:1515:17
Myrttiubot3: !forums15:17
ubot3The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.15:17
jussi01ok, now lets have that back, and add something if we need too15:17
jussi01!no, forums is <reply> The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.15:18
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0115:18
Myrttijussi01: may I?15:18
jussi01Myrtti: yeah15:18
jussi01Lets figure out what we really want to get across before we go changing it though15:20
Myrttiperhaps we could add a note in the end?15:20
Jack_Sparrowthey are down and we dont know how soon they will be back up are two key points15:20
jussi01Yes, the not at the end sounds good to me.15:21
Jack_SparrowDo we know why?15:21
jussi01Hrm, have we a forum oparound?15:21
jussi01or rather, forum "mod"15:21
jussi01PriceChild: ?15:22
Myrttithe forums work fine for me...15:24
Jack_SparrowMyrtti Thanks for editing that.  How are the rodents today, still giving attitude15:24
jussi01yeah, working fine here also15:24
Jack_Sparrowthey are back up here so what we really need to do is change topic15:24
Myrttihold one15:25
Myrttithere is a chanserv command15:25
Myrttioh, it's only topic append15:25
Jack_SparrowWhat level ops can change it15:26
jussi01anyone with ops...15:27
Myrttidone :-)15:27
Jack_SparrowI have ops in ubuntu,, whats the command15:27
Myrttifunny though15:27
MyrttiJust when I was about to hit enter to append the Forums are down ladida in the factoid15:27
jussi01Jack_Sparrow: which client?15:27
MyrttiI decided to check the status15:28
jussi01doesnt xchat have gui topic stuff?15:28
Jack_Sparrowjussi01 probably15:28
* jussi01 hugs quassel15:28
Jack_Sparrownot something I have ever had a need for15:28
Jack_Sparrowso Myrtti So the status was..15:29
jussi01anyway, on most clients /topic new topic stuff15:29
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: they're being little brats15:29
Jack_SparrowDangerous command in my hands before I have my am coffee15:29
Myrttiwood chippings all over the place and eating hay like maniacs15:29
Jack_Sparrowwith them eating everything I assume there is a mess of another sort as well15:30
Myrttihehe, very true15:31
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:43
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:43
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)15:43
elkyshould be safe to ban 2001:470:1f0e:1e2:*15:47
njanjrib, sure those are more of the same?15:48
elkyhrm, someone want to check out that lunixtornballs person... suspiciously timed entrance15:51
jribelky: I'll try to keep an eye out15:55
elkyjust the way he entered, left, came back then the key lo gg er thing then everything else15:56
Myrttioh joy15:57
MyrttiFujisan at #freenode15:57
elkyasking for a cloak again?15:57
Myrttithreatening with legal actions15:59
elkyim sure that will get him what he wants...16:00
jussi01Myrtti: go back to sleep16:26
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (aleksandar spewing random gibberish)16:26
MyrttiI've slept way too much already16:34
Myrttibesides, tweaking my cv is fun16:34
Myrttijussi01: you wanna see?17:25
Myrttioops, added a \newpage17:30
Myrttiand who said LaTeX is oldfashioned?17:30
* jdong does all of his homework in LaTeX17:31
Myrttiuuuh, the pain seems to subside17:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sr18:19
Myrtti!search serb18:19
ubottuFound: backup, serbian18:19
Myrttidamnit, I need a real hug and I'm afraid to cuddle with the guinea pigs in case I lose control of my legs and/or arms18:31
Seeker`Myrtti: is random flailing a problem you regularly experience18:33
Myrttino, but the back pain stabs me so hard sometimes I might fall on my knees or drop a piggie18:35
PriceChildLjL: do the floodbots remove bans set after dcc attacks?18:39
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (awesomme is spamming)19:08
Myrttiikonia: eenie meenie miney moe?19:09
ikoniaboth hit at the same time19:10
MyrttiI'll handle him to you19:10
ikoniahe's just a spammer19:10
ikoniathere is nothing to discuss19:10
ikoniathats odd, auto_bleh didn't de-op me ?19:11
ikoniaooh yes it did19:11
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Seveas said: !flavour is <alias> flavor19:30
Flannelthe sabdfl spelling is "flavor"19:33
Flannelso, too bad for all you silly people with extra 'u's all over the place19:34
* Myrtti larts Flannel around a bit with a pink emacs19:34
tomawwho is it here that maintains an enhanced autobleh.pl?19:40
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (MooseAI is a bot)19:42
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (mooseguy operates it)19:42
jussi01tomaw: there were a few copies going round,n0tic did some work on it but he left19:43
tomawdo any of them have support for voicing users?19:43
jussi01hrm, not sure. dont think so19:44
jussi01Myrtti: mooseguy?19:44
Myrttishould come19:44
* Myrtti nods19:45
jussi01seveas is overusing !o.ps, I think we should ban him :P19:45
jussi01:P :P19:45
Myrttijussi01: "no, we should op him so he wouldn't have to use it" errrrrrrrr *cough*19:45
* Myrtti larts herself19:46
MyrttiMWAHAHA http://www.flickr.com/photos/44603071@N00/sets/72157594565919039/20:06
Myrttiwhat the hell is going on at -ot20:08
Myrttielky: did you notice you can subscribe to the changelog history of each wikipage?20:10
lockewhen's my ban over? :(23:41
lockei'm not obsessed with any stupid girls anymore..23:42
Seeker`who banned you?23:42
Flannellocke: In my notes I see that it says you were told the ban would be lifted on the 17th23:43
Flannellocke: Anything else we can do for you?23:47
lockei just wanted to know23:53
lockei'm about to go to school and help my buddy with his excel homework23:53
lockei'll be back later23:54

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