[00:47] HI! I'm moving over from Windows to Ubuntu and there's only one thing holding me back. I used a dual-monitors setup with Windows and cannot get Ubuntu to work properly with it. It clones easily, but I want it to extend instead. I have been using "Screens and Graphics" to tweak things, but it hasn't worked. I'm running on an Intel 845 and the monitor is an HP w17e on Ubuntu Hardy Heron [00:55] #ubuntu-helpteam [00:55] HI! I'm moving over from Windows to Ubuntu and there's only one thing holding me back. I used a dual-monitors setup with Windows and cannot get Ubuntu to work properly with it. It clones easily, but I want it to extend instead. I have been using "Screens and Graphics" to tweak things, but it hasn't worked. I'm running on an Intel 845 and the monitor is an HP w17e on Ubuntu Hardy Heron === asac_ is now known as asac [09:10] morning everyone ! [09:14] lut huats [09:14] hey seb128 === asac_ is now known as asac [09:30] morning mvo! [09:31] mvo, packagekit now supports running a distro upgrade hook in the user's desktop session [09:31] mvo, which command would be best? do-release-upgrade -m desktop? [09:32] mvo, would be nice to have an import gtk try and error to find the corresponding frontend automatically [10:04] glatzor: re upgrade tool: yes, run that for now [10:05] glatzor: we should probably add something that shows the initial download with a GUI, but it should be good for now [10:10] seb128: morning [10:10] hey hey gicmo! [10:10] how are you? [10:11] I think I am catching a cold [10:11] and I am a bit worried about gvfs' state [10:11] :-( [10:11] * seb128 hugs gicmo [10:12] * gicmo hugs seb128 back [10:12] I need to fix http, which involves a lot of code change [10:12] gicmo: alex seems to be coming back, he said he will try fix this gtk fileselector crasher thing today [10:12] not much tume [10:12] time [10:13] and then we have this stupid gvfsd-trash heisenbug [10:13] it's not only gvfsd-trash [10:13] but that's the most noticable because that the one everybody is running [10:13] seb128: sigh [10:14] did you try to mail alex about it? maybe he has some good idea ;-) [10:14] seb128: that monitor split was a bit ... well [10:14] right, my opinion too [10:14] seb128: I will in a few secs, mabe I can convince him to log into IRC even ;-) [10:14] and I'm not sure to understand what it brings exactly [10:15] * gicmo nods [10:15] well the idea is that basically you only have once process per session doing the HAL foo and the monitoring of /etc/fstab [10:15] which indeed is a good diea [10:15] idea [10:16] not nautilus + the file selector + anybody interested in volume changes [10:16] right [10:17] let's say the implementation is not perfect yet then ;-) [10:23] seb128: quite that, yes ;-) [10:33] This bug has 102 duplicates [10:33] ups [10:37] hey NCommander [10:37] seb128: hey seb128 [10:38] NCommander: any news about gtkmm? ;-) [10:38] seb128: didn't I give that to you? [10:38] gicmo: waouh, alex commited to svn ;-) [10:38] * NCommander remembers giving you the debdiff [10:39] NCommander: I didn't get it if you did, and that's why using we use bugs for sponsoring ;-) [10:39] seb128: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/gtkmm2.4-0809112350/gtkmm2.4_2.13.8-0ubuntu1.dsc - I had the brains to save a backup before I wiped my HDD :-) [10:40] seb128: woho! [10:42] gicmo: he just commited to trunk though, stupid earlier split for this cdtext thing [10:43] yeah [10:43] tell hadess about that [10:43] I got angry [10:43] nobody asked me about that [10:43] redhatters doing what they want [10:44] right [10:46] seb128: I will make sure it gets into stable [10:48] gicmo: thanks === mvo__ is now known as mvo [12:17] mpt: hi! do you have a moment to take a peek at a brasero bug? [12:37] andreasn, sure [12:40] mpt: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=551938 [12:40] Gnome bug 551938 in general "Image burning dialog" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [12:42] * mpt realizes that nautilus-cd-burner's equivalent dialog has a useless "Information" header [12:44] andreasn, +1 to your suggestions [12:45] I don't have anything else to say :-) [12:45] ok, thanks! [13:03] hello pedro__ [13:03] salut seb128! [13:03] mm why i'm having a double _ === pedro__ is now known as pedro_ [13:07] mvo: hum, bug #261990 [13:07] Launchpad bug 261990 in evolution "Upgrade dapper -> hardy fails (because of evolution-plugins?!)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/261990 [13:07] seb128: yes, see my "needinfo" there [13:08] mvo: I was going to say that 2.6.1-0ubuntu7.4 is not an ubuntu version but that's a security update version so ignore that ;-) [13:08] seb128: I suspect local corruption, but it might be something really strange with the upload :) [13:08] seb128: aha, ok. my first impuls on the version number was "invalid, not us" but rmadison convinced me otherwise :) [13:10] mvo: I'm ready to bet that's another case where the issue is not a package one though ;-) [13:10] local corruption I think [13:11] I have seen a lot of this today, strnge, must mean that the normal bugs are almost all gone :P [13:11] ;-) [13:12] maybe we need a component "dubios-reports" or so :) [13:12] mvo: btw there is something weird going on with gconf, we got several bugs since your uploads [13:12] mvo: does gconf create the new directory if you try to write system defaults and it doesn't exist? [13:13] the directoy is included in the new gconf [13:13] mvo: is it possible that some people tried your new "set system default" button before getting the new gconf which creates the dir using the right permissions? [13:13] yes, that makes sense [13:13] ok, will ask that on the bug [13:13] if the dir is not there, it seems to be created with 0700 permissions [13:14] I will update the dependency and add a version [13:15] thanks [13:29] seb128: do you have a bugnumber for me to close? [13:29] mvo: no, bug #269215 might be due to it but that's just a guess at the moment I asked on the bug [13:29] Launchpad bug 269215 in gconf "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269215 [13:30] thanks [13:30] I commited a gconf2-common (>= latest-in-ubuntu) dep now [13:31] thank you [13:31] thanks [13:53] NCommander: you are being too lazy to describe your changes in the changelog now? ;-) [13:53] I didn't? [13:53] * NCommander explodes from overwork [13:54] NCommander: not the shver update and the build requirements update [13:54] argh [13:54] I'll respin it [13:54] thanks [14:18] NCommander: so? [14:18] seb128: sorry, was respinning a samba4 patch [14:18] * NCommander is currently multitasking [14:19] NCommander: I'll sponsor the other one don't bother [14:19] seb128: I'm going to be a little busy this coming week, so I don't think I can handle any more updates for a little big [14:19] thanks seb128 [14:20] james_w: you're welcome, keep up the good work you are doing ;-) [14:20] I'll try :-) [14:57] seb128: do you know if the retracers are working? [14:57] pedro_: the machine where they are running is moving between datacenters [14:57] seb128: ok!, thanks you [14:57] no problem [14:58] pedro_: and the 8.04 retracers are still not fixed [14:58] the intrepid ones should be back soon though [15:58] is it just me or do you see bug #269805 with metacity too (in addition to compiz?) [15:58] Launchpad bug 269805 in gnome-control-center "gnome-window-properties gives error about configuration tool not being "registered"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269805 [16:00] mvo: yeah, I see it here with metacity [16:01] * mvo nods - thanks [16:25] mvo: btw, I have metacity's compositing manager enabled, in case that matters [16:46] mpt: hi [16:47] mpt: the gnome-session alignment issues are icons variant not available in the human theme [16:47] mpt: do you think we should use the icons gnome-session was using in hardy? [16:59] seb128: I believe that mpt went home with a bad headache. [16:59] tedg: ok, no hurry anyway, thanks for letting me know [17:03] seb128: I thought things were just scaled up () [17:03] seb128: I thought things were just scaled up (badly) if a bigger size was missing [17:03] andreasn: they are not, look at the session dialogs [17:03] guess it's just the other way around (scale big one down if small is missing) === MacSlow_ is now known as MacSlow === asac_ is now known as asac [20:57] is there any package with gtk for bash? === awalton_laptop_ is now known as awalton_laptop