=== meoblast is now known as meoblast001 === meoblast is now known as meoblast001 [02:45] Are we doing all of this too? [02:45] * A global map where you can find other Ubuntu enthusiasts in your area [02:45] * A Ubuntu counter system for users and a downloads approximate for all users to see and feel the pride! [02:45] * Get access to every single Ubuntu related site and resource organized the way YOU want it! (iUbuntu ;) [03:02] AliTabuger7: the second one yes. First one, doubtful, third one, doubtful (but we will link to other sites, just not the personalized mumbo jumbo) [03:10] I kind of liked the idea of the first one. I think it would be cool if people would want to stop by my dorm for help with ubuntu. [03:11] AliTabuger7: Well, that'd probably be best served through the LoCo teams. I know ours has a map. [03:12] but, who knows. [03:12] Flannel, how would i join a loco team, it seems broken? [03:12] AliTabuger7: What? [03:12] https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-loco-enthusiasts [03:12] AliTabuger7: Where do you live? [03:12] chicago [03:12] AliTabuger7: there's a chicago loco [03:13] AliTabuger7: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChicagoTeam [03:13] how specific do loco's get? [03:13] like are there loco's for universities? [03:13] Most of the world its country, in the US its by state, except for a few cases [03:13] i should probably take this to the "locoteams" channel, shouldn't i? [03:13] No [03:13] that'd be far too specific. We could go to #ubuntu-us [03:26] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue108 New UWN is out! [15:27] So did someone need something done with the logs? I could try.