
etfbDoes anyone have any experience using kvpnc to connect to a Windows network?  I'm beginning to think the software itself is broken.00:00
patrikXial, sadly, if I cant get this mobile stuff to work, I'll have to switch back.  =/ It seemed so easy in the tutorials ;)00:00
danbh_intrepid!tab > diegodiaz please use my whole name.  It helps me poor eyes00:00
ubottudiegodiaz, please see my private message00:00
DasEimilostrife : have problems with identifying partitions ? > sudo fdisk-l00:00
Scunizimilostrife: there's lots of new things that you'll be learning with linux and ubuntu.. grub is one of the necessary evils you get use to and can learn to like00:00
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: which command?00:00
Razerusing a liveCD what do I do to increase the size of my linux partition?00:00
puffHm, my thinkpad (running ubuntu) isn't getting a dhcp response from the router/access point.00:01
danbh_intrepid!GParted > Razer one option00:01
ubottuRazer, please see my private message00:01
jribjescis: poke me if you can't find them, and I'll search too.  I know I've seen them there though00:01
keepsakeIsn't the LiveCD size limited to your RAM size?00:01
koshariRazer make sure you back up before using any partition utilities00:01
Razerdanbh_intrepid: how do I resize my ntfs partition though?00:02
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: the sudo update-mime-database command from that post..00:02
Xialpatrik: i do have to admit, though, I'm also curious as to why the current howto for evdo cards didn't help.00:02
puffAlso, not that I can do anything about it right now, but anybody know about kernel versions?  Ever since I upgraded to hardy, suspend-to-ram has stopped working.  Suspend-to-disk (aka hibernate) sorta works, but every second or third time I have to force a reboot.00:02
milostrifeScunizi, have problems with identifying partitions ? > sudo fdisk-l would that work or not? yeah my friend that introduced me to it said the same00:02
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Scunizimilostrife: the grub link I think specifically shows you how to recover after installing window as a secondary OS00:02
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: what arguments is it looking for?00:02
Scunizimilostrife: sudo fdisk -l (there's a space there between k & -l) will identify partitions..00:02
milostrifeScunizi,  yeah it's a how to but my problem is still gettin windows to install through bios as i have legit copied cd of my windows disk but it keeps crashing on autoload in ubuntu?00:03
Scunizimilostrife: it only identifies them with that command. When installing windows on the secondary drive, if you have a choice for the filesystem choose NTFS not Fat3200:04
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: looks like [-hvV] MIME-DIR00:04
Scunizimilostrife: you can't load ubuntu then from there put the disk in and install windows.. you have to put the disk in and reboot.00:04
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: can you pastebin the results of your commands?00:04
RazerI can't resize my ntfs partition with gparted00:04
danbh_intrepidRazer: is this hardy?00:05
diegodiazsure.. right here, or private to you?00:05
danbh_intrepid!paste > diegodiaz00:05
ubottudiegodiaz, please see my private message00:05
Razerdanbh_intrepid: yes00:05
koshariRazer you need to install a package for ntfs resize to appear in gparted00:05
milostrifeScunizi,  ok well i tried that but it wouldn't let me format on ntfs it just came up with a message saying if you with to install windows on this dirve please select a partition when it's just saying raw unpartitioned space00:05
Razerkoshari: I'm running off a liveCD00:05
koshariRazer otherwise it will be greyed out, i cant remember the package name00:06
Scunizimilostrife: ok.. then use partition editor to create a partition and see if it will format it using ntfs00:06
patrikagain, My e220 connects and receives an IP, but can't seem to connect to the DNS. Trying for some reason to connect to suse.de. Any ideas?00:06
danbh_intrepidRazer: you are right, gparted doesnt support it00:06
koshariRazer you can still install packaged in a live session if your connected00:06
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: i was also thinking I might be able to restore it from the HH live disk..00:07
keepsakeWhy not like00:07
keepsakechoose to install00:07
diegodiazI posted it by the way.00:07
keepsakeuse the installation to partition the drive00:07
keepsakeand then exit the installation?00:07
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: if you have a separate /home, that usually the easiest fix00:07
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: link?00:07
koshariRazer ntfsprogs is the package, however i generally use the gparted live cd for such actions00:07
milostrifeScunizi,  the gpartitioner you give install line for? if it is then it only comes up with ecxt2,3 fat16,32 linux-swap, reiserfs and unformatted00:08
koshariRazer remember to BACKUP....00:08
Razerkoshari: I am running ther gparted liveCd00:08
keepsakekoshari: isn't it possible to just use the Setup to format the disk and then exit setup before it's completed?00:08
Scunizimilostrife: didn't realize there was an unformatted option.. use that one.00:08
keepsakekoshari: i.e. before it starts installing Ubuntu files00:08
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: oops.. first timer here.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/47019/00:08
kosharikeepsake possable bu ti havnt done it, i still think you cannot resize a ntfs partition without ntfsprogs00:09
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: thats the wrong command00:09
milostrifeScunizi,  ok what do i create as primary or extended partions logical isn't an option?00:09
keepsakekoshari: I'm pretty sure the 8.04 setup supports NTFS drives =S I might be wrong though00:09
Scunizimilostrife: primary00:09
Scunizimilostrife: how large is the drive?00:09
keepsakekoshari: but that's how I recovered one of my laptop's drives that I accidentally deleted using aefdisk in Windows00:09
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2952926&postcount=4 are you looking at this page?00:09
kosharikeepsake it does support creating ntfs partitions but not resizing00:10
milostrifeScunizi,  only 40gig operation is pending now00:10
Razerkoshari: It says I already have ntfsprogs00:10
mercutio22Hello, my session just suddenly restarted, how can I diagnose whats wrong looking into log files? Can someone help me with the basics?00:10
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koshariRazer there must be another reason it wont let you resize, its not mounted is it?00:10
Razerkoshari: I don't know00:10
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: see how the command you ran is not the command suggested, which is: sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime00:10
keepsakeRazer: Try this bootcd: http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page00:10
Scunizimilostrife: pretty small but large enough.. if it was larger I'd suggest making as small a portion of a partition that windows will need and use the remaining portion for extra Ubuntu storage.00:10
keepsakeRazer: It's supposed to have qtparted which does support NTFS00:11
koshariyou cannot edit partitions while thay are mounted00:11
gboltewell I seem to have got one of the problems sorted00:11
gbolteI now have audio00:11
milostrifeScunizi,  yeah was thinking that but just brought an external 500gib for ubuntu storage00:11
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: Yeah, you're absolutely right..00:11
gboltebut I do not have spdif audio00:11
the_darkside_986Is it possible to set a page quota per day in Ubuntu Hardy for a USB printer? I tried editing the cups config file and restarting cups but it didn't work--I was still able to exceed the quota without a complaint from cupsd...00:11
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: ok, good, im glad you see.  Give it another try, let me know if it works00:11
gbolteso if anyone has any ideas to make my spdif out work please let me know00:11
Scunizimilostrife: sounds like me.. I have a 500 external and 3 internals.. 80 gig/120 gig/ 250gig00:12
milostrifeScunizi,  i was hopeing to get a terrabiyte but wasn't in the sale and didn't really have the spare cash for it as it was £135 :(00:13
gbolteit looks like its making a connection when I check and uncheck the iec958 box in gnome volume thingy the receiver looks like it notices00:13
gboltebut again still no audio00:13
milostrifeScunizi,  it's found it now file systems unknown partition name is sdb100:13
Scunizimilostrife: ouch.. that apx. $250.. they're on sale out here for around $150 or apx 7000:13
keepsakeRazer: btw, if you do use that LiveCD, people have suggested that you defrag NTFS first00:13
gboltewhich is a problem since I would like to watch movies in surround sound on this box00:14
keepsakeRazer: and to back up the NTFS partition in case things go wrong (though it shouldn't)00:14
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid:  thanks, wish me luck..00:14
Scunizimilostrife: yee ha. (that's an American term)  now you can install windows00:14
keepsakeoh lmao he left XD00:14
milostrifeScunizi, lol mite have to buy one and get my cousin to mail me XD it's got an (!) in a yellow and orange triangle does that mean anything?00:14
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: good luck!  and let me know!00:14
Scunizimilostrife: is that inside of partition editor?00:15
milostrifeScunizi,  yeah just after the sdb1 before filesystem00:15
Scunizimilostrife: probably just means it's not formatted.00:16
Xialsimple question: I'd like to replace grub with a graphical boot manager. I let other users use this computer, and it's a bit annoying to remind them to choose Windows so they can play their silly poker game. Are there any recommended ones?00:16
milostrifeScunizi,  okies well i'll give windows a try now thanks for help XD00:16
darren_Hi could some one please let me know if you need an antivirus programe or a firewall with ubuntu00:16
kosharidarren_ generally not00:16
darren_koshari, OK THANKS00:17
Scunizimilostrife: http://tinyurl.com/3fs7jp   no problem.. :)00:17
Scunizithat a link to the drive.00:17
keepsakeXial: try gfxboot00:17
keepsakeXial: it simulates the bootscreen in OpenSUSE00:18
keepsakeXial: or, at least, it's possible to simulate it if you download a file for it00:18
Cpudan80darren_: It really depends, what do you intend to do on Ubuntu00:18
darren_Also one last thing when i try autodetect it says invalid argument but when i select an other option like alsa sound works fine is this normal00:18
Cpudan80darren_: in general no av is needed, but firewall you might want00:18
darren_Cpudan80, ok thanks00:18
Xialkeepsake: thanks for that. looking into it now to see if it might meet my needs. :)00:19
keepsakeXial: good luck!00:19
Cpudan80darren_: If you are going to run some bad services on your ubuntu box (most popular one would be VNC) -- you might want to block that (if you are plugged right into the net [no NAT])00:19
darren_Cpudan80, ok thanks for the advice00:20
yetanothernickwhat im about to do is part of a bet..enjoy kicking me out00:21
Cpudan80darren_: services like VNC can be made safe, if you run them over SSH00:21
yetanothernick##########################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################      SOME MORE SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM###########################00:21
Xial... nice.00:21
hugotem alguem do brasil00:21
jrib!br | hugo00:21
ubottuhugo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:21
diegodiazdanbh_intrepid: you r a mthr f* riot man, you rock.. thanks for the help.. the issue's resolved.. Many thanks to you and thanks to dr. willis00:21
Cpudan80That was really dumb00:21
danbh_intrepiddiegodiaz: cool, thats great00:21
Flanneldiegodiaz: please watch your language.00:21
XialCpudan80: Most trolls tend to be just that. ;)00:22
diegodiazsure.. woops, a little overenthusiastic there..00:22
Cpudan80Xial: You would think they'd pick up some new tactics00:22
XialCpudan80: New? Learning things? Surely, you jest!00:23
Cpudan80Asking to much?00:23
hporsehi. does anyone here use gedit and the plugin "External Tools"00:25
chris__i'd like to boot the same install of ubuntu from 2 different computers (one being a VM). It all boots fine but i have to reinstall the drivers every time. is there a way to have something like "hardware profiles" for each computer?00:25
starni am unable to find an easy to use MESS erm.. well i cant find a working one.. so.. what are the top emulators for sega cd sega genesis neogeo spectrum atari ngpc pcengine? you can pm the info...00:25
DjDoUblEshello all, I have a bit of a Windows issue I need to ask about, but it arose while downloading ubuntu.00:26
hporseim am using gedit 2.22.3 but i am unable to activate the plugin "external Tools". Did anyone here successfully activate it?00:26
chris__DjDoUblEs: what issue would that be?00:26
DjDoUblEsAnything I download that is more than 10 MB ends up incorrectly downloading or just corrupt.00:27
flybackhow does this freaking UP-YOURS that replaced inittab work if you need to setup a serial console00:27
flybackthis is major fail00:27
kosharichris__ for simple thngs hal shouls sort out the modules however for video driver ect it may be a problem00:28
hporsedoes ANYONE here have gedit. and if yes, which version?00:28
XialNow to get that reboot in that I've put off for an hour. (Thank goodness I don't get poked every eight minutes for it.)00:28
DjDoUblEsI tried downloading ubuntu 8 times already, 4 times just from mirrors, twice for the torrent, and twice through wubi but to no avail.00:28
koshariDjDoUblEs what downlaod app are you using?00:28
DjDoUblEsthen utorrent and wubi00:29
chris__koshari: you have any suggestions where to look for a solution?00:29
formodeI am having Random restarts ever since I updated my Ubuntu with all the updates of the last month. It was not restarting randomly before then! Help, please.00:29
danbh_intrepidformode: was there a new kernel?00:29
DjDoUblEsI check the MD5 against the ISO and it fails everytime00:29
formodeFormode, I have no idea.00:29
falloremy sound isn't working, it was very recently, i have no idea why and didn't change anything. ideas?00:30
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formodeI know it was an update from within the last 30 days, it is not hardware related, Xorg related, Gnome related.00:30
kosharichris__  so if i understand you will have one instalation but 2 instances of accessing it? how will the vm access it?00:30
jescisjrib, inittab was easier :(00:30
DjDoUblEssamthing happens when I try to download iTunes 8.000:30
formodedanbh_intrepid, I have no idea. I know it was an update from within the last 30 days, it is not hardware related, Xorg related, Gnome related.00:30
chris__koshari: the vm accesses the physical HD. all that works already. the only trouble is the driver issue00:30
danbh_intrepidformode: if you had a new kernel, you would have options to choose at bootup00:30
kosharichris__  could you not have 2 installs and symlink the /~ from one to the second?00:30
bigtimetycoonHey I am having problems connecting to my wireless network can anyone help me ? ?  ?00:31
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:31
formodedanbh_intrepid No I didn't get any options after the updates. and, it has been doing random boots while loading GRUB too.00:31
danbh_intrepidformode: I dont understand what random boots means?00:32
kosharichris__ do you know which drivers are the issue? maybe you could write a script that looks at a tel tale sign for which hardware its booting on and then rmmod the offending drivers and modprobe the needed ones at boot time00:32
formodedanbh_intrepid My computer will randomly restart without warning, hard restart, no dialogues no nothing. Like a power failure, but I know that is not the problem.00:33
danbh_intrepidformode: heat sink failure?00:33
flybackwhat brand power supply00:33
* jescis wishes he never installed ubuntu :<00:33
* flyback does also00:33
flyback6.06 has been fucking shit nothing but trouble for our servers at work00:34
formodedanbh_intrepid, It wouldn't be that, it didn't start until the updates.00:34
flybackprobably going to quit my job after almost 2 yrs over this00:34
formodeflyback, You're aware 6.06 is heavily outdated?00:34
Flannelflyback: please watch your language00:34
Flannelformode: Its not outdated.00:34
chris__koshari: hmm im sort of a linux noob i'm not really sure. mainly video drivers for now. there are several addons that vbox installs too00:34
flybackthat's what vmware server will run on00:34
flybackand that's what I had a pxe boot template and install script for00:34
formodeflannel, it is no longer supported offically by Canocial.00:34
Flannelformode: yes it is.  It's got until april of next year.00:35
limitedwisdomI have an ubuntu hardy server that I just built.00:35
Flannelformode: and on the server, two years after that.00:35
jescisflyback, I'm running 7.1000:35
soundcysti'm using 8.04 and accidentally deleted my entire top bar. i've managed to get a new bar up, but can't seem to get all of the old menus back. is there an easy way to restore this default panel/top bar arrangement?00:35
formodeflannel, Ah, didn't know.00:35
flybackI made a 8.04 install but I can't get this freaking inittab replacement figured ourt00:35
flybackoh support ends next yr?00:35
Flannelflyback: Only on the desktop.00:35
flybackthis is just a server00:35
jescisflyback, I'm with you ;)00:35
flybackfirst of all the arrogant jack off developers00:36
limitedwisdomI can't send/receive email - can anyone help? (postfix appears to be configured correctly - but when I do mail -s subject myother@emailaddress - it never shows up).00:36
flybackdecided that even though 2.6.15 has a bug in nfs00:36
flybackthat results in FAIL00:36
flybackthey wouldn't release an update00:36
flybackso I had to go thru all that hel of trying to compile a new kernel that didn't break ubuntu 6.06 or vmware server00:36
flybackafter 15 yrs in this field00:37
flybackI am not only sick of it00:37
flybackI am sick of being alive00:37
danbh_intrepidflyback: yeah, I think when ubuntu says support, they mean security backports, not bug fixes00:37
flybackyeah they are M$ lite00:37
Flannelflyback: please take non-support elsewhere, thanks.00:38
flybackI was waiting for an answer00:38
DasEisoundcyst:to reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal:  gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel00:38
masta_deathi want to wattch my hotmail e-mail in evolution how can i do this?00:38
jescisFlannel, shut yo mouth00:38
Xcercawhat are the keys i have to press to force a program to close, if it froze -  i remember pressing like Ctrl+ something then clicking the window and it's the same as doing kill and the pid of that window ?00:39
Bynwwhy would my printer stop working? worked fine just the other day ... now it doesnt print.00:39
_panebi just bought WoW and it came with a DVD install disc. now i don't see any Installer.exe which I do see when I am on windows - is there a way to see that file?00:39
sergiohi does anyone knows were I can get a wallpaper where tux shot the windows logo???00:39
gbolteugg this is hopeless00:39
DasEiXcerca: if started from terminal, ctrl&c00:39
masta_deathwho have hotmail e-mail in evolution and can get me help?00:40
formode_paneb, look on the Ubuntu Wiki for instrustions on how to install WOW via Wine.00:40
Flannel_paneb: yes, you have to mount it specially,  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft00:40
limitedwisdomcan anyone help me with send/rcv email?00:40
DasEiXcerca: otherwise...00:40
XcercaDasEi it's not from terminal ... it's the Add/Remove on the applications menu00:40
_panebah, nice thanks00:40
chris__koshari: well thanks for your suggestions, i guess i will post it in detail on some forum00:40
compengimasta_death, i think hotmail doesn't have smtp nor pop3 ports. not sure if evolution could work it out00:41
pan__how do i get rid of wicd?00:41
pan__wicd 1.5.1?00:41
DasEiXcerca: if you now the name of the app ,  k:sudo killall firefox,  for e.,  or by pid (see top)00:41
koshari chris__: good luck00:41
soundcystthanks DasEi!00:41
DasEi pan__: paketname ?00:42
XcercaDasEi how do i list all programs and thier PID ?00:42
alx54hmm hi there... I am a bit sad... I really love kubuntu but it's so slow! when I move around windows they drag behind, sometimes even the curser drags although I dont do anything on my machine, just listening music....  has anybody good advice on how to accelerate graphics? I use 8.04/kde3.5.9 default settings and the proprietary driver that was recommended during installing, my hardinfo report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47027/00:42
pan__i installed it using a deb file00:43
alsadican any one tell me why firefox is pushing on debian and ubuntu but not other distros as SUSE and Fefora00:43
DasEiXcerca: top00:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed]00:43
alsadiand the ice* stuff00:43
alsadiand http://tech.slashdot.org/firehose.pl?id=1168487&op=view00:43
pan__it wont let me get rid of it in synaptic00:43
jribalsadi: this is offtopic here00:43
pan__E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:43
alsadijrib: ?00:43
flybackhow the hell do I run the upstart commands if I can't boot the box cause I need a serial console00:43
chris__Xcerca: have you tried the system monitor? (system > administration)00:44
flybackwhat a great example of YOU FAIL00:44
flybackI can see this on a desktop np but on a server00:44
flybackway to go00:44
flybackYOU FAIL00:44
Flannelalsadi: That'd be best asked in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu+100:44
jribalsadi: this channel is for ubuntu support00:44
flybackI left linux a few yrs ago cause of developer arrogant00:44
flybackI see nothing has changed00:44
bigtimetycoonHey, !! thanks for the wireless link but i have followed these directions and it cannot connect00:44
jribflyback: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying00:44
* gbolte tries reinstalling all of alsa to fix his audio problems00:45
alx54hmm hi there... I am a bit sad... I really love kubuntu but it's so slow! when I move around windows they drag behind, sometimes even the curser drags although I dont do anything on my machine, just listening music....  has anybody good advice on how to accelerate graphics? I use 8.04/kde3.5.9 default settings and the proprietary driver that was recommended during installing, my hardinfo report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47027/  maybe u00:45
alx54know some tricks jrib?00:45
bigtimetycoonWhen I enter in my ESSID and my HEX key it tries to connect but then kicks back a prompt for me to enter in my key again00:45
keepsakeer, what's the opposite of /away00:46
jribkeepsake: /away <reason>00:46
DasEi pan__:  ?00:46
chubs_keepsake are you making the lamest joke in the history of linux?00:47
keepsakejrib: i need to know how to appear as "here" again00:47
keepsakechubs_: no ='(00:47
jribkeepsake: then that's just /away00:47
arcnewuss\join #lfd00:47
jribkeepsake: what client?00:47
keepsakejrib: konversation00:47
keepsakejrib: it just makes me more away =(00:47
Ahadielkeepsake, /back?00:47
Flannelkeepsake: just type `/away` and you shouldcome back00:48
jribkeepsake: ah don't know about konv.  Most clients just do /away00:48
keepsakeit was /unaway00:48
DasEi pan__:  sudo dpkg -r <paketname>, see man dpkg00:48
keepsakewho would've guessed ^__^00:48
limitedwisdomany help with sending and receiving email?00:48
arcnewuss\bot accent00:48
keepsakelimitedwisdom: what are you trying to send/receive with?00:48
bigtimetycoonDoes anyone know why I cannot connect to my wireless router, It works fine via hardwire but wireless i cannot connect00:48
pan__thx dasei00:48
DasEilimitedwisdom:I like thunderbird00:48
chubs_keepsake, oh okay. i figured this was tied into /home00:49
keepsakechubs_: haha, don't worry about it =)00:49
limitedwisdomanything - I don't use the gui and I'm king of a n00b. I know my server isn't receiving email (or processing it properly perhaps), so I tried to send an email to my cell phone and it has never been received.00:49
limitedwisdomso - mail -s test myother@address just never arrives.00:49
DasEilimitedwisdom:I like thunderbird00:49
keepsake!language | flyback00:50
ubottuflyback: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:50
keepsakelimitedwisdom: what DasEi said, try thunderbird00:50
keepsakelimitedwisdom: and see if your email provider gives you options for SMTP and POP00:50
limitedwisdomI"m not using the GUI.00:50
keepsakelimitedwisdom: e.g. Google has fairly good guides for gmail00:50
keepsakelimitedwisdom: you want to use console?00:51
Strife89I can't seem to find a way to change my network Workgroup. Can anyone help?00:51
limitedwisdomit's the server version of ubuntu00:51
Bentleyx_hi all - i was messing around with my package repos and now am confused about what the latest kernel version in Hardy is.  Can someone please tell me? (ie: uname -a)00:51
keepsakelimitedwisdom: ah, then i can't help you there, sorry00:51
limitedwisdomok :) thanks though.00:51
keepsakeBentleyx_: 2.6.24-19-generic00:51
Bentleyx_keepsake, ty00:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:52
starnany know of a precompiled mess frontend?00:52
Strife89Does anyone know how to change the Wrokgroup name in Hardy? I can't seem to find the option anymore.00:53
keepsakestarn: what's mess?00:53
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keepsakeStrife89: will "usermod" do the job?00:53
keepsakeStrife89: do a "man usermod"00:54
starnkeepsake: the muti machine emulator in respo's..  kinda like MAME but for consoles....00:54
Strife89keepsake: I mean, the network workgroup.00:54
s73v3rAside from CDs being bad, what are some of the things that would cause segfaults and recursive faults during install?00:55
keepsakeStrife89: in that case, I don't know, sorry00:55
mscottputmanHI!  I'm moving over from Windows to Ubuntu and there's only one thing holding me back.  I used a dual-monitors setup with Windows and cannot get Ubuntu to work properly with it.  It clones easily, but I want it to extend instead.  I have been using "Screens and Graphics" to tweak things, but it hasn't worked.  I'm running on an Intel 845 and the monitor is an HP w17e on Ubuntu Hardy Heron00:55
keepsakestarn: I see a program called kamefu00:55
keepsakestarn: that is a "KDE All Machine Emulator Frontend for Unix"00:55
helltraumAnyone know why I'd be getting a segmentation fault when requesting .php files via apache2 ?00:56
Strife89For example, this computer is in workgroup "WORKGROUP", but two Windows PCs I'm trying to access are in "MSHOME" (and yes, I've done it before; I recently clean-installed).00:56
starnkeepsake: i tried it. it did not work... not only that but i am using gnome...00:56
helltraumI've installed all via ubuntu packages00:56
pan__wicd or network manager?00:56
keepsakeStrife89: /etc/samba/smb.conf00:56
Strife89As root, I assume.00:56
Cpudan80helltraum: apache segfaults or your browser segfaults?00:57
heverHi I try to connect to a pc via XDMCP. It works from another pc but not from this one. At the gdm login screen I choose XDMCP chooser. Then I can choose the PC I want to connect to. After clicking connect I'm after some seconds back in the lokal login. Where can I find log files or infomarions ?00:57
keepsakeStrife89: yeah, gedit that as root00:57
keepsakestarn: from experience, many K apps work on Gnome00:57
heverWhat else than XDMCP can I use if I want sound to be forwarded ?00:58
starnkeepsake: i know. but i prefer gnome based apps and also like i said i have tried it before it dint work right..00:58
Strife89keepsake: Do semicolons make it a comment?00:58
Strife89I'm looking at making Home directories browsable.00:59
keepsakestarn: try looking here http://linux.softpedia.com/downloadTag/MESS+frontend00:59
helltraumCpudan80 - I think it's an error with the php5 mod00:59
helltraumor something00:59
JasonWoofWhen some crappy program starts using too much memory, my system starts swapping and running rediculously slowly (e.g. it takes a long time to launch xterm)00:59
helltraumnot sure .. never had this problem before with php5 and apache200:59
keepsakeStrife89: i think so00:59
JasonWoofif I wait too long, it gets so slow that I can't use my computer at all, and I have to reboot it01:00
keepsakeStrife89: in the worse case senario, use a pound (#)01:00
AaronMTAnyone using Ubuntu on an Dell Inspiron 1501?01:00
starnkeepsake: i tried em.. i cannot compile messyfront... i was hoping some one would know where a precompiled one was01:00
Cpudan80helltraum: yeah - I've got it running (all patched) no segfaults here01:00
JasonWoofthere's gotta be same way to deal with this01:00
JasonWoofthis thing is supposed to multitask01:00
Strife89keepsake: I want to REMOVE the semicolons. ;-)01:00
JasonWoofseems to me when the disk is being used, that there is no multitasking01:00
helltraumthis is what's in my error log01:00
helltraumApache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations01:00
Strife89So I was checking to make sure that I really should.01:00
JasonWoofjust busy-waiting or dead-locking or whatever01:00
helltraum[notice] child pid 32579 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)01:00
helltraumI get that when I try to run a php script via apache01:01
mscottputmandoes anyone know how to run dual monitors with an extended desktop? I'm having tons of trouble with it01:01
Cpudan80helltraum: might try asking #apache01:01
helltraumand I get a 500 response in the access log01:01
helltraumI have already01:01
Cpudan80helltraum: It might be ##apache01:01
helltraumI've installed before on a debian box .. and it worked no trouble01:01
=== RandomCake_____ is now known as RandomCake
helltraumthis is a new install from the packages on Mint01:02
alx54does anybody know good graphic benchmarking software?01:02
helltraumand I'm getting this error01:02
starnkeepsake: with messyfront i get this error in the make process /bin/bash: aclocal-1.10: command not found make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 12701:02
JasonWoofAmpelbein: I've got inspiron 510001:02
keepsakeStrife89: yup, semicolons and pounds make it a comment01:02
Strife89keepsake: Okay, I appreciate the help. :-)01:02
lapsomeone have a .deb for rubyripper 0.5.3 ?01:03
harryjrhey, i am trying to do a reverse ssh tunnel, which works fine, until i try to connect on the remote>01:03
harryjrssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host01:03
JasonWoofhow do I get multitasking when a process is swapping out like crazy?01:03
J-nstarn i did some additional searching for ya01:03
starnJ-n: cool01:03
macdharryjr, the host key may be pasted in authorized_keys incorrectly01:03
keepsakestarn: you need to install make to use make =P01:04
J-nstarn try this out, seems people are having more success with this... http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/readme.html01:04
starnkeepsake: i have make... that is the prob.. make works on every other program01:04
keepsakestarn: well, try what J-n said then =P01:04
MaarekStelein the 9.06 version, will they fix the modmono from removing modphp?01:05
procyonhello does anyone know about any issues with recent nvidia-glx drivers?01:06
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:07
procyonI'm having a lot of problems after an update and it seems others are having this problem too01:08
procyonXorg using 100% cpu and hanging the machine01:08
J-nprocyon i'm not having difficulty with Nvidia drivers01:08
procyoni wasnt untill recently01:08
dashnuWhat is worng with this syntax in /etc/sudoers ???  brett   ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/firestarter\01:09
dashnuPlease... driving me NUTS!01:09
=== media is now known as gbolte
dashnuthat \ was a typo!01:09
keepsakedashnu: firestarter ends in the wrong slash "\"?01:09
dr_willisdashnu,  i always have to google for sudoers examples to figure it out.. the  manpagges also have examples.. but are a bit complex01:09
didohello.how burn mp3 files with k3b.01:09
gbolteis there a way that I can downgrade the version of alsa that I have01:09
dashnudr_willis: yea man, I googled how to get firestarter running in my gnome session thats how I came up with what i got01:10
gbolteI have a feeling that the drivers that I am using are to blame for my lack of spdif out01:10
HawkInCafellas what is the safest usb wireless card to buy in order to work with WPA and Ubuntu Hardy??01:10
darren__Hi could some one please help i have rtl8187 usb wireless driver installed with ndiswrapper, it shows my wifi and also the strength i can connect to non encrppred but not my router with wep has any one else had the same problem01:10
dashnuStill asks me for a pass at login though01:10
dr_willisdashnu,   I just dont worry about the firewall much. :)01:10
chubs_gbolte, dpkg --force-downgrade -i01:11
chubs_dpkg --force-downgrade -i oldpackage.deb01:11
gboltechubs_, but I have to have the actual deb files for that to work though right?01:11
HawkInCadarren is your wireless WEP or WPA?01:12
dr_willisdashnu,  that line looks wrong. with the ALL=NOPASSWD bit..    i thought that was saying all commands , didentneed a password.. but as i said. I alwyas have to reread the sudoers man pages and guides.  when i mess with it01:12
chubs_gbolte, right, but they shouldn't be tough to find01:12
dashnudr_willis: its a nice front end for iptables... easy enough for the average joe01:12
gboltewonder if there is any chance the old ones are still in the repos01:12
dashnudr_willis: i read over the man again and see what I come up with01:12
darren__HawkInCa, i know my router is wep with the code the wifi adapter i have no idear01:12
HawkInCadarren i had the same problem but its because your wireless is not compatible with WPA.01:13
darren__HawkInCa, the code is right it just wont connect01:13
harryjrmacd: $ http://pastie.org/272413 -- i have work and home boxes. work is behind firewall, thus i am reverse connecting to home, on port 22222. ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub on home is in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ..01:13
HawkInCadarren i had same issue01:13
dr_willisdashnu,  im thinking you are missing some  (   ) also in there.01:14
macdharryjr, yes its pasted into authorized_keys wrong, the whitespace error tells all01:14
macdverify there is none leading or trailing01:15
dashnudr_willis: i think your right... I'll let you know what I come up with01:15
dr_willisdashnu,  i found a web site that had man pages. the  man page in  the browser was a bit easier to read. due to the code/examples and stuff being differnt fonts.01:15
HawkInCahas anyone gotten a wpa wireless to work with Hardy?01:15
darren__HawkInCa, ok if i use the driver from aircrack it connects but does not show signel strength, and if i use the ndiswrapper it shows signel strength but does not connect so i think its compatible01:15
Flanneldr_willis, dashnu: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/01:16
HawkInCadarren yeah i had the exact same issue.  i decided to get new wireless card that is compatible with ubuntu hardy01:16
darren__HawkInCa, ok thanks for the advice i will have to look into it01:16
uzzerbookhello, how to disable autostart of some daemon?01:16
Flannel!bum | uzzerbook01:17
ubottuuzzerbook: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto01:17
harryjrmacd: i scp01:17
harryjrmacd: i scp'ed it over, so there is no copy-paste. same error.01:17
egroeghey all01:18
ethana2http://lmedinas.livejournal.com/9117.html  --I'm going to check package status01:18
uzzerbookFlannel, thx... but it doesn't work. I'd liket to disable nessusd daemon, which isn't in services or bum list01:18
^Phantom^hi :)01:19
ethana2ok, i have 0.81, going to see if this is on its way into hardy yet01:19
^Phantom^what version of xserver does 7.10 have :D01:19
egroegif alsa will not work is opensound good enough01:20
macdharryjr, pretty odd, does your authorized keys file start with ssh-rsa or dsa, and end with login@computer ? or are you pasting a pgp key that says begin block end01:21
helltraumAnyone know why I'd be getting a seg fault when requesting php files via apache2 ?01:22
harryjrit looks all fine.01:22
helltraumI've installed all the packages from the repositories ..01:22
macdthe logs seem to indicate its parsing something else01:22
macdharryjr, look @ lines 5 and 3501:22
uzzerbookHow to disable nessusd autostart with system?01:23
cilkayhelltraum: Do you have a PHP accelerator/byte-code optimizer on that system?01:23
harryjrmacd: there is only one line, with the given key.01:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sysv01:23
helltraumI don't think so01:24
harryjrbut, why does it think it is rsa1, i suppose it is 2?!01:24
macduzzerbook, sudo update-rc.d -r nessusd01:25
starnJ-n: i ran ./configure and make and make install... did you happen to see how to run this?01:25
helltraumcilkay, any other ideas why I'm getting this or how to fix it01:25
egroeganybody want to take on a no sound problem, after kernel upgrade01:25
danbh_intrepid1egroeg: try alsa01:26
macdharryjr, it looks like its not even parsing the right file, lines 5,36 look like a PGP key, its weird.01:26
JackCSGDoes anyone know if NVidia's 8800GTS will be supported in 8.10?01:26
helltraumThey are saying in apache that the wrong package has been installed ... I don't buy that for a second01:26
uzzerbookmacd, looks like it's gonna remove nessusd completely, isn't it?01:26
helltraumI'm sure other people would've been complaining if that was the case01:26
harryjri have never in my life used pgp01:26
macdJackCSG, the nvidia binary driver supports it01:26
DaLeecheranyone here use Xbox XBMC with Ubuntu? I am having filemanager lag when exploring directories on my samba server from the xbox. ANyone know how to solve this problem?01:26
macduzzerbook, it kills the symlinkes in rc#.d/*01:26
JackCSGMacd, Aye but I'm Sol for Beryl as advanced features won'01:27
uzzerbookmacd, ok I'll try it, thx01:27
egroegalsa's not working01:27
JackCSGt turn on01:27
^Phantom^heh, installing this ubuntu is being harder than it could be since there is no way i can possibly see the next, back, cancel buttons on the install window lol01:27
cilkayhelltraum: No. I attended a presentation on Drupal site optimization where the speaker casually mentioned that he had a cron job that that restarted Apache because the PHP optimizer that he had installed to speed things up would segfault on certain code. It just further reinforced my views on PHP.01:27
danbh_intrepid1JackCSG: yes01:27
macdJackCSG, Im pretty sure hardware accel works I have a 8600GT01:27
dr_willis^Phantom^,  use alt-mouse click to move windows aroundif they are stuck/offscreen perhaps01:28
egroegalsaconf says command not found?01:28
uzzerbookmacd, update-rc.d: error: unknown option01:28
danbh_intrepid1egroeg: use gstreamer-properties01:28
polishpaul_Hey guys, i have a permissions issue -- I have a process running that tries to run another, but in the logs it fails to run killpgrp. The question is, how do i know exactly what user is running it? In the logs it looks like sendsize[pid#]. I can't figure out what permissions i need to set... any pointers would be helpful01:28
^Phantom^heh i have to enable some kind of guest additions system in order to be able to go higher resolution on my ubuntu machine01:28
dr_willis^Phantom^,  vmware/virtualbox ?01:29
JackCSGmacd, I read that the July Nvidia driver started to support the 8600gt for linux,  Would I have to wait on a similar update or should I look at a new graphics card?01:29
J-nstarn there is a guide!! http://advancemame.sourceforge.net/doc-install.html01:29
^Phantom^virtualbox :D01:29
J-nstarn and their forums seem pretty active01:29
egroegdanbh_intrepid1: ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open audio device for playback.01:29
dr_willis^Phantom^,  yep. did that just the other day.. guest addons also add osme other features as well.01:29
davidguesthi i tried nmap an it said port 6777 was closed01:29
danbh_intrepid1JackCSG: intrepid should support  8800GTS01:30
davidguesthow do i open port 677701:30
danbh_intrepid1egroeg: try a different device01:30
davidguestso i can connect my irc client01:30
JackCSGDanbh, I'll check out the newest alpha, thanks01:30
Azazel-A2davidguest, closed incomming out outgoing?01:30
davidguestincoming i guess01:30
davidguestcase i can connect to it locally01:30
pan__how do i disconnect from the network using console01:30
egroegdevice is greyed out01:30
pan__using iwconfig01:30
Azazel-A2maybe your isp blocks it01:31
^Phantom^i am not going to pay ms even a half of a poenny to be able to run another os inside of my xp01:31
danbh_intrepid1davidguest: can you pastebin sudo iptables -L01:31
egroeg find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd01:31
^Phantom^i totally fucked up the display module in my first ubuntu box01:31
^Phantom^so reinstalling it heh01:31
Azazel-A2davdidguest did you nmap local host and your hostname?01:31
^Phantom^i read the entire wrong guide for going above 800x600 heh01:33
^Phantom^not really, n0u01:33
^Phantom^i mean n3glv01:33
n3glvI'm useing gOS beta3, (hardy)01:33
^Phantom^i want to try and run mac os 9 in vb01:33
n3glvon a toshiba tl62 laptop01:33
egroegalsa project seems down too01:34
J-nI really like how smothly XP seems to run under Vbox and Ubuntu01:34
cilkayI added preseed/file=preseed.cfg after the "--" in the "install" stanza of syslinux.cfg on my USB key. When I boot from the key, it seems to ignore the preseed.cfg file and proceeds to do a normal netinstall. What am I missing?01:34
n3glvI have most of it working, but an issue or two left01:34
^Phantom^dr_willis, can you please help me with the display thing?01:35
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J-nif i ever need to use XP for a class i always use Vbox and load up a copy of XP through that, only for the occasional game i cant play through wine do i load up my XP partition these days. lol01:35
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^Phantom^that is, after I finish installing the thing :D01:35
cilkayI created that preseed file by doing debconf-get-selections --installer > preseed.cfg so that I can use the existing state of a machine to preseed a fresh install.01:36
dr_willis^Phantom^,  all i did was install virtialbox, installed the os.. made vrtalbox  mount the guestos.iso cd. and ran the whateveritwas.run script on the cd.01:36
keepsakeJ-n: do DX games run better in Vbox than on ubuntu itself?01:36
n3glvso, how can I loose the gnome power thing that's in the tray and also load kpowersave (wich works for amd power stepping)01:36
J-nkeepsake depends on the game01:36
egroegshould i try to rebuild the alsa drivers/01:36
cilkayThis is leading to a pxeboot netinstall where I'll use one machine as the template for all the other machines on the network.01:36
keepsakeJ-n: what do you play in VBox?01:36
J-nkeepsake some oldschool games, like Magic the Gathering:shandalar and Navyfield and some other stuff no one's ever heard of lol01:37
keepsakeJ-n: XD can't you just wine those?01:37
keepsakeJ-n: I was thinking more in the lines of CS and stuff01:37
^Phantom^i didn't know that i needed to do the guest additions thing for that01:38
n3glvI'll have to look at vbox, if it can run my DeLorme nav program, and/or my tv tuner, I'll have no more need ot M$01:38
J-nkeepsake sadly, many older, crappy games were written so badly that they barely work on XP let alone through wine lol01:38
^Phantom^i was doing sudos and crap and messed it up to where the os couldn't boot anymore cause of display errors01:38
J-nkeepsake i heard CS works great in wine01:38
keepsakeJ-n: hahahaha okay; do you think games like CS would run better in a vbox?01:38
ehtomn3glv: it sounds like those things need hardware access...01:38
ehtomyou can't run games in any virtualization at the moment01:39
ehtomunless you have some very expensive and unusual hardware01:39
J-nkeepsake but i dont play counterstrike, the problem with most modern games is you need good video support01:39
J-nehtom i play several games in Vbox01:39
ehtomthey must be pre-2000 then01:39
^Phantom^i need to find my win98 install cd01:39
ehtomi.e. no direct3d01:39
n3glvyeah, would have to see if the damn usb gps is supported, most unix it's not. soemone patched the kernel tree a while back to make some UPS work, and that trashed the gps01:39
^Phantom^so i can vb win98 too :D01:39
keepsakeJ-n: okay, thanks01:39
ehtomn3glv: a vm won't have access to your hardware unfortunately01:40
J-nehtom Navyfield is not pre '00 but the graphics are.. other nongraphically intense games can be played as well01:40
sivelanyone know the fix for 8.04 not reporting the correct cpu frequency?01:40
n3glvyeah, I'm dual booting vista...01:40
ehtomn3glv: it may be possible to do some hack, but you'de need to know how to program kernel modules01:40
keepsakesivel: what cpu do you have?01:40
^Phantom^ i have my win98 product key stored with the win98 install cd <_<01:41
sivela quad 660001:41
cilkaysivel: How do you know your CPU isn't slowing down to save energy? Intel's SpeedStep does that.01:41
ehtomn3glv: and if the windows hardware drivers use dma, you're screwed01:41
^Phantom^otherwise i'd just d/l an iso01:41
sivelthey are @ 3.02 G, but ubuntu reports stock 2.4G01:41
keepsakesivel: you might need a 64bit ubuntu to enable the quadcore01:41
^Phantom^<Computer> Processor:[2-Intel] Clock:[1986MHz] Cache:[0KB] Memory:[985/2048MB (48.10%)] <UPP>01:41
keepsakesivel: does it report that you have 4 cores?01:41
sivelyes it does report 4 cores01:41
n3glvthe gps uses a cypress/m8 or something01:42
^Phantom^i upgraded my ram from 1gig to 2gig on friday night :D01:42
keepsakesivel: are they oc'ed or anything?01:42
egroeganybody know a channel devoted to linux sound01:42
sivelare there any commands i can issue to see what they are at?01:42
sivelto 3 gh01:42
keepsakesivel: did you OC in windows?01:42
sookii recently installed a second drive and put windows on it, and got my grub back and all that, and now i'm adding windows to the grub list, but all the ubuntu ones in the list use hd(0,0), how can i tell which one to use for my second windows drive?01:42
^Phantom^ so i now get even better performance than i did with 1gig :D01:42
JasonWoofhow do I stop my system from locking up when a buggy program uses too much memory? (or how do I get it un-locked)01:42
sivelnope, through the bios, and windows reports them correctly01:43
JasonWooflinux multitasking doesn't seem to work when the disk is being used heavily (eg during swapping)01:43
keepsakesivel: the default is "cat /proc/cpuinfo"01:43
kwameHi, in Fedora I had /etc/sysconfig/iptables file where I specified the iptables rules for my box, is there an equivalent in Ubuntu?01:43
sivelok, ill try real quick01:43
tonyyarussoegroeg: if there is one, it would likely involve the word "alsa".01:44
polishpaul_Hey guys, i have a permissions issue -- I have a process running that tries to run another, but in the logs it fails to run killpgrp due to permissions denied. How do i know what user it is that the process is running? This is amanda backups, logs say "sendsize[pid#] running /urs/lib/amanda/killpgrp failed permissions denied". I have group permissions for the backup user set... help..01:44
Azazel-A2kwame, you want to configure the iptables manually?01:44
sivelok, heres a line of interest Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz01:44
cilkaysivel: It looks like you've overclocked it. cpuinfo is probably asking the CPU, "Can you tell me about yourself?" and the CPU just responds with what it was told to say from the factory. If you've overclocked it, that doesn't change the cpuid burned onto the silicon.01:45
^Phantom^can someone please guide me through the guest additions display driver install thingy so i don't totally fuck up ubuntu again?01:45
kwameAzazel-A2: well, yes, I mean, I know how to specify rules in the command line, but want to have a place where I have the rules when I reboot my box01:45
Seeker`!language | ^Phantom^01:45
ubottu^Phantom^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:45
siveloh, got you01:45
sivelthank you01:45
keepsakesivel: eh?01:45
^Phantom^but let me reboot it pls01:45
keepsakesivel: does it show the right freq?01:45
^Phantom^°·.Seeker`.·° will do :D01:45
cilkayJasonWoof: PATA IDE drive? If so, understandable. IDE isn't a very good interface and will block.01:46
sivelyes it shows the right stock info01:46
chetnickguys, my system crashed yesterday, it looks like some files got corupted. i am getting this errors when i log in GUI.  "The panel could not register with the bonobo-activation server (error code: 3) and will exit." and "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error." How can i reinstall or repair gnome?01:46
keepsakesivel: does it show the correct overclocked speeds too?01:46
sivelis there a way to adjust powernowd to be more "aggressive" for lack of a better word?01:47
sivelno, not the oc speed01:47
Azazel-A2kwame, can't help ya.  I run firestarter on my boxes for ubuntu01:47
sivelon another note, all of the sudden every key i hit creates an annoying beep01:47
keepsakesivel: like a system beep?01:48
sivelyup, exactly01:48
sivelfrom out of nowhere01:48
^Phantom^one of the main reasons i'm vbing ubuntu is cause my friend recommended it to me, and cause i read that there are some good open-source video editors for linux :D01:48
spukisputniksh: infobash: not found01:48
keepsakesivel: for powernowd, look at "man powernowd", for the speakers, try "modprobe -r pcspkr"01:48
sivelok, thank you very much01:49
^Phantom^ k now i am booting up linux :D01:49
pan03242anyone know how to disconnect from network from console?01:49
danbh_intrepid1!iptables > kwame01:49
ubottukwame, please see my private message01:49
tonyyarussopan03242: Use ifconfig to disable the interface.01:49
danbh_intrepid1pan03242: look into ifdown01:49
polishpaul_kwane, are you trying to have iptables load on boot with your rules?01:50
DaLeecheranyone here use Xbox XBMC with Ubuntu? I am having filemanager lag when exploring directories on my samba server from the xbox. ANyone know how to solve this problem?01:50
JasonWoofcilkay: Dunno anything about PATA, but I assume my internal HD is plugged in with IDE01:50
JasonWoofcilkay: I've got a dell inspiron 510001:50
Azazel-A2chetnick, any responsed yet?01:50
^Phantom^k how do i find out what version of xserver came with my ubuntu installation?01:50
keepsakesivel: to disable pcspkr at startup, add "blacklist pcspkr" to "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"01:50
JasonWoofcilkay: lspci shows an IDE bus01:50
JasonWoofcilkay: lspci does not output PATA01:51
cilkayJasonWoof: How much RAM?01:51
JasonWoofcilkay: 500MB01:51
JasonWoofcilkay: I mostly don't run graphical desktops, so it should be more than enough01:51
danbh_intrepid1^Phantom^: how about apt-cache show xserver-xorg01:51
vitanovushey guys01:51
cilkayJasonWoof: What does top report when your disk is thrashing and the system isn't responsive?01:51
J-n^Phantom^ i fear virtual box may not be a great final solution for you, if you wish to do video editing. :(  I am not sure if you'll be able to get much, if any, preformance from your video card in that department, as the ability for the guest OS to access hardware is very limited :(01:51
tonyyarusso^Phantom^: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg should work01:52
JasonWoofcilkay: can I get around the IDE blocking thing with the kernel CONFIG_PREEMPT=y ?01:52
chetnickAzazel-A2, nobody01:52
sivelactually its only happening in xchat01:52
JasonWoofcilkay: I can't run top, I can't even get an exterm open01:52
Azazel-A2ok..  also wb davidguest01:52
sivelnot in the terminal, or anything else01:52
cilkayJasonWoof: That isn't normal at all.01:52
davidgueststill having bother dont no whats going on01:52
davidguestgrr dam irc01:52
vitanovusis there a way to change the items in my Places menu01:52
kwamedanbh_intrepid1: thanks01:52
JasonWoofcilkay: if I catch it early, while my system is still functional (though unreasonably slow) I see a process with 1GB of virtual memory01:52
^Phantom^also, can I please get some guidance using this "guest additions" thing to get better resolution in ubuntu01:53
JasonWoofor whatever, virtual memory that's going up fast01:53
Azazel-A2ok, what isn't starting?  you try apt-get autoremove offending package && apt-get install offending package01:53
pan03242sudo ifdown ath001:53
pan03242ifdown: interface ath0 not configured01:53
halyconhey everyone I am trying to configure Cairo Dock and I cant figure out how to remove sub docks01:53
Reformer81Am I able to burn the CD image to a blank DVD disc without problems?01:53
pan03242sudo ifdown ath001:53
Reformer81I can't find a DVD iso anywhere.01:53
JasonWoofcilkay: it's generally been my experience with linux01:53
Azazel-A2davidguest did you get my suggestion apt-get install lokkit?01:53
JasonWoofI remember being much happier on my old mac when I turned CONFIG_PREEMPT on01:53
chetnickAzazel-A2, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:53
tonyyarussopan03242: ifdown is a shortcut that will only work if the interface has an entry in /etc/network/interfaces.  For unconfigured interfaces you can still use 'sudo ifconfig ath0 down'.01:53
davidguestyeah i tried that01:54
Azazel-A2ok try that first01:54
BigBearhow do i change the I/O Scehdular01:54
davidguestrno idea what the heck up at least windows firewal is easy 2 change01:54
cilkayJasonWoof: Not mine. I run 512M virtual machines but you have to stay on top of what you're running on them. The problem looks like you're hitting swap and that disk thrashing isn't the problem. It's the symptom.01:54
JasonWoofcilkay: is thrashing supposed to kill all multitasking?01:54
JasonWoofI think I aught to be able to use my computer anyway01:55
* ^Phantom^ looks at the screen with odd face01:55
dumbdumHi, Google earth doesn;t appear in my package manager! What is the command to install it please?01:55
JasonWoofat least a little, I just want a few cycles to start up an xterm and run killall or something01:55
Azazel-A2chetnick, what happened?01:55
JackCSGyou can download the Tar files off of their website01:55
^Phantom^"W: Unable to locate package xserver-org"01:55
spx2what is portmap used for ? can I kill it without major consequences ?01:55
cilkayJasonWoof: If you've run out of real memory, it sure will kill responsiveness. It's not killing multitasking per se. I'll bet if you could get top going on that, you'd see the load average would be very high and many processes waiting for CPU attention.01:55
cilkayJasonWoof: That makes for a very unpleasant and unresponsive system. Add more RAM.01:56
franki^something went horribly wrong with my graphical display(log in sound but blank screen) now running from a live cd, can i 'repair' somehow, or should i completely reinstall?01:56
Cpudan80dumbdum: download it from google directly01:56
^Phantom^i want the higher resolution first01:56
keepsakespx2: ubuntu package list says: Portmap is a server that converts RPC (Remote Procedure Call) program numbers into DARPA protocol port numbers. It must be running in order to make RPC calls.01:56
JasonWoofcilkay: nope, when I've gotten top open, I see one process hogging memory, and the CPU not doing much01:56
cilkayJasonWoof: What is that process?01:56
Cpudan80dumbdum: the install command is sh <file you downloaded>01:56
aroonii have ubuntu hardy + sound blaset live value card.  i can only hear audio out of my front speakers (and not the rear ones).  on my card there is separate output for front/audio speakers.... everything is turned up in alsa, and i have tried restarting... ideas?01:56
cilkayJasonWoof: and what is the load average?01:56
JasonWoofcilkay: it varies, since I tend not to run such programs again01:56
JasonWoofcilkay: last time it was the thunar-file-manager thing from xfce01:56
tonyyarussospx2: Required for NFS or NIS, among other things.  For normal desktop use though it's not even installed by default, so you could in those cases.01:57
dumbdumBut it downloads as a "bin" and I dont know what to do with it :(01:57
JackCSGdumbdum, go into properties01:57
JasonWoofcilkay: I had a 21600x21600 pixel png in my home folder and it was trying to make an icon from it. apparently by decompressing the entire thing into memory01:57
dumbdumproperties for what?01:57
JasonWoof(which would take about 1.3GB for 3 bytes/pixel)01:57
cilkayJasonWoof: NO WONDER! :)01:57
JackCSGdumbdum, of the bin file01:57
JasonWoofcilkay: so yes, my software screwed up. but I don't think one buggy program running as my normal user should be able to effectively crash my computer by trying to allocate too much ram01:58
Reformer81Am I able to successfully burn the Ubuntu CD image to a DVD disc?01:58
cilkayJasonWoof: You want a refund or something?01:58
keepsakeJasonWoof: why in the world do you have a png that big?01:58
cilkayWhat are you whining to me about? :)01:59
JackCSGdumbdum, then go to permissions, and check 'allow excecuting file as a program'01:59
JasonWoofI think linux is capable of multitasking enough to give a few cycles to my WM and xterm so I can fix it without powercycling01:59
danbh_intrepid1cilkay: please dont troll01:59
Azazel-A2reformer81, what os?01:59
JasonWoofkeepsake: I forget. now I'm afraid to look at it01:59
cilkaydanbh_intrepid1: Huh? I think you have it backwards.01:59
=== vorian is now known as mad-mule
keepsakeJasonWoof: haha, i wouldn't doubt that01:59
=== mad-mule is now known as vorian
JasonWoofseems to be a high-res map01:59
polishpaul_how do i find out what user ran a process?01:59
Azazel-A2ps aux | grep -i 'process name'02:00
dumbdumi get a message that the file is corrupt, so I will download it again, sorry02:00
Reformer81Azazel-A2: Uhm... I mean, if I burn the CD image to a blank DVD disc, can I still boot it normally?02:00
cilkayJasonWoof: My son used a Celeron 366 with 196M of RAM for 3 years. It was slow but usable.02:00
cilkayBut he never attempted to open a 21k x 21k PNG.02:00
^Phantom^k it won't let me install the guest additions thing02:00
JasonWoofcilkay: sure, my last laptop had 128MB of ram. that was enough for most things02:00
cilkayJasonWoof: Anyway, good luck. I'm done. Nothing to see here. I'm moving on.02:01
J-n^phantom^ getting an error message?02:01
Azazel-A2yes, you can boot the cd off the cd-drive as a live eval02:01
^Phantom^"program must be run with administrator privelages"02:01
keepsake^Phantom^: sudo! gksudo!02:02
JasonWoofcilkay: so you don't think there's any way to recover a computer that's started thrashing?02:02
^Phantom^is there any way i can run it as an admin02:02
Azazel-A2reoformer81, my question was wer eyou buring dvd from windows pc, or linux manchine02:02
cilkayJasonWoof: Kill the offending process.02:02
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:02
keepsake^Phantom^: if it's a GUI program, use "gksudo <program>"02:02
keepsake^Phantom^: if it's a console program, use "sudo <program>"02:02
cilkayJasonWoof: And please stop pinging me. There are 1236 other people in the channel too.02:02
hal_v2With the program rarcrack, how do I get the password which has been cracked? The xml file it created doesn't seem to show anything.02:02
macdJasonWoof, magic+sysreq http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/45702:02
cilkay1235 not counting you.02:03
JasonWoofcilkay: thanks for chatting. just curious if you actually had an answer you wanted to slip in at the last minute02:03
^Phantom^it's the virtualbox guest additions thing...02:03
krazy-hHi there02:04
keepsake^Phantom^: you're doing all this because ubuntu can't find the proper monitor resolution?02:04
cilkayJasonWoof: Cheers.02:04
macdkeepsake, its a good idea to install the virtualbox guest additions anyways, mouse integration, flexible display resizing02:05
keepsakemacd: okay, i didn't realise he wanted to change it in virtualbox =P02:05
^Phantom^i'm doing this because I want to be able to match the vbox fullscreen with my 1440x900 display02:05
hal_v2With the program rarcrack, how do I get the password which has been cracked? The xml file it created doesn't seem to show anything.02:05
macd^Phantom^, anyways, Click applications --> file manager (super user mode) --> enter your pass --> run the vbox guest install02:06
J-n^phantom^ at what step are you? Have you mounted the Guest additons ISO into your drive yet? If you do not have premission to run a program that is text based use sudo program.name graphically based program gksudo program.name02:07
^Phantom^there is no file manager (super user mode) thing there...02:07
keepsake^Phantom^: press Alt+F2, then type in "gksudo nautilus"02:08
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.02:10
dumbdumHi, ive downloaded Google earth.bin from the net, how do I install it?02:10
^Phantom^the additions thing doesn't show up in the new window <_<02:10
Flannel!googleearth | dumbdum02:10
ubottudumbdum: Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository02:10
Flanneldumbdum: Use the one in medibuntu02:10
OrangeKyothe scroll bar on my touchpad stopped working, is there a quick way to reset the device instead of rebooting?02:11
locainexhi, is there a channel for playstation ubuntu?02:11
=== ^Phantom^ is now known as dumb_idiot
dumb_idiot<-- that's how I feel right now02:11
dumbdumOk, how do I do that please, (As you can see im very new to Linux!)02:11
helltraumI've just done a sudo apt-get remove php5 -- now when I sudo apt-get install php5 .. it says it's done .. but there's nothing at all in /usr/bin02:11
helltraumAnyone know what I'm doing wrong here ?02:12
IndyGunFreakdumbdum, i'm installing googleearth from medibuntu now... its easy to do, just follow the inst02:12
Flannelhelltraum: You want to install php5-cli02:12
gaintsuraUbuntu host, ubuntu guest via vbox, how do I set it up so that the ubuntu guest can be accessed by the host as a hostname?02:12
=== dumb_idiot is now known as ^Phantom^
keepsakedumb_idiot: go to the folder that contains the Virtual Box program you need to run02:12
helltraumOk .. thanks02:13
keepsake^Phantom^: what i said to dumb_idiot =P02:13
keepsake^Phantom^: figure out the folder name in full, and then the name of the application02:13
keepsake^Phantom^: so you can run the program in console with sudo02:13
keepsake^Phantom^: i mean gksudo02:13
^Phantom^it's mounted as a drive >_>02:14
dumbdumHow do I install Google earth from medibuntu?02:14
keepsake^Phantom^: okay, just open a file browser02:14
keepsake^Phantom^: browse to it02:14
keepsake^Phantom^: and see what it says at the top02:14
keepsake^Phantom^: under location02:14
keepsake^Phantom^: if you don't see location, click the page with the pencil under back02:15
Flanneldumbdum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu  I suggest the "individual package" method, but either will work fine.02:15
acrouseyi forget this: when burning a downloaded iso, what is the best speed to burn it to a disk at?02:15
^Phantom^OH i get it now02:15
^Phantom^J-n helped me get it02:15
keepsake^Phantom^: haha okay02:15
Flanneldumbdum: also, if you're following the individual package thing, don't go to /pool/ just go here: http://packages.medibuntu.org/  its easier to find that way02:15
acrouseyi know i don't want to go at max speed02:16
acrouseyisn't 16x good or should i go slower?02:16
keepsakeacrousey: what's wrong with max speed?02:16
acrouseykeepsake: I think i remember there being errors going at max02:17
J-n^phantom^ it's how i started using ubuntu as well.. i realized that the drivers that VBOX forces ubuntu to use for video weren't what i wanted to be using. So one day i brokedown and installed ubuntu on a spare partition.. then i re partitioned my drive to give ubuntu more space, and now XP resides on a small, rarely used partition.. and i use Vbox from ubuntu to run XP stuff lol02:17
keepsakeacrousey: oh, then lower it a notch or two02:17
keepsakeacrousey: what kind of disc is it?02:17
acrouseykeepsake: cd-r02:17
J-nacrousey only if you've got a cheap disk.02:17
filsufApple become America's most admired company02:17
filsufMicrosoft is OUT02:18
J-napple? nah.. probally google for most02:18
keepsakeacrousey: what are you burning onto the cd? (music/application/movie/etc?)02:18
filsufand no other tech company in there ... nothing Linux for sure02:18
J-nthough even google isnt always nice02:18
acrouseyfor friends02:18
acrouseylike a live cd02:18
keepsakeacrousey: Burn at top speed, but verify the disk.02:19
acrouseyhow do i verify it?02:19
keepsakeacrousey: There should be an option in your burning software.02:19
filsufubuntu is nice once you are bored being a linux hacker02:19
acrouseykeepsake: i'm using brasero02:19
nabcoreSo... will 8.10 be shipping with the Firefox Eula pop-up or will they switch to IceCat? Such a popup will be a real pain for live cd users02:19
Flanneldumbdum: That page has been updated with the simpler instructions (the wiki page)02:19
acrouseykeepsake: i'll look for it02:19
Flannelnabcore: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the place to talk about that02:19
MeerkatMS will never be out. You may not use it, but many businesses etc rely on it. I am even bound to it professionally.02:19
J-nfilsuf  google is a tech company... at number 4...02:19
filsufgoogle is a new evil02:20
JackCSGfilsuf, agreed02:20
keepsakeacrousey: Tools -> Check Integrity after it's been burned02:20
filsufgoogle's phyton sucks big time02:20
filsufbut people still use it like they use visual-basic02:20
J-nfilsuf and how many people really know much about Canonical or other Open source providers?02:21
Flannelfilsuf, J-n, JackCSG: please take the non-support discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.02:21
orethriusMore than previously.  ;)02:21
JackCSGflannel, sorry02:21
J-nFlannel you are right sorry.02:21
filsufmany windows user also dont know who wrote MS Word or MS Excel02:21
filsufthey'd just say Bill Gates wrote the softwares02:21
orethriusAh, my bad, just trying to catch up with Jenda.  To the off-topic room!02:22
^Phantom^now how can get those cool desktop effects to work?02:22
filsufmany Apple user also wouldnt know who that Woz is02:22
halyconDoes everyone know why I get a "wrong architecture" error message everytime I try to install something from a debian package?02:22
droopsta915when i installed it asked me ifknew the  moitor type and i said no, I got a new monitor now, (Is there a way to pick a monitor type now)?02:22
keepsake^Phantom^: install "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings (ccsm)" in add/remove applications02:22
JackCSGHalycon, Are you using 64 or 32 bit?02:22
J-n^phantom^ you may not be able to get them to work using virtualbox02:23
filsufanybody tried to play 'Muslim Massacre' ?02:23
filsufusing wine maybe02:23
keepsakethen in System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects to Normal/Extra02:23
halyconJackCSG, it is a 32 bit machine02:23
^Phantom^thank you much keepsake02:23
JackCSGHalycon, What's the architecture of file your are installing?  Make sure they match02:24
=== Nospiests_ is now known as Nospiests
halyconJackCSG, I got the same error messages for Skype, AcetoneISO2 and now for mdic02:24
droopsta915does it matter if ubuntu doesnt know what type of monitor i use?02:24
bnovcis there a repository somewhere with ventrilo server?02:25
JackCSGHalycon, are you using Ubuntu and trying to download the Debian versions of the packages?02:25
IndyGunFreakdroopsta915: probably not, whats it say, Plug N Play or something like that?02:25
halyconJackCSG, yeah some programs only seem to have a debian installer02:26
JackCSGHalycon, what version are you using?02:26
gandalfcomeI have ubuntu running on asus eee pc 901. and I tried to get dual screeen running but it doesnt work. any ideas? Thanks02:26
J-ngandalfcome what video card?02:27
halycon Ubuntu 8.0402:27
halycon                - the Hardy Heron02:27
MertherInstalling Linux on an external drive doesn't put grub on the internal drive right?02:27
droopsta915indygunfreak: i just bought a new monitor, it works fine, i was thinking if i made changes in ubuntu the monitor wuld work to its best02:27
halyconJackCSG, Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron02:27
sooki i'm trying to add windows to my grub list, but it's located on its own second drive, and i'm not sure which hdwhatever,whatever it is, is there a way to find out?02:28
gandalfcomeJ-n: I guess the normal eee pc video card02:28
JackCSGHalycon, where are you downloading these from?02:28
halyconJackCSG, it is directly from the software creators website02:28
^Phantom^i think J-n is right02:29
JackCSGhalycon, wish I could help but that's a little out of my expertise at the moment, maybe I can punt this question off to someone else?02:30
^Phantom^won't enable desktop effects02:30
halyconJackCSG, ok thanks for your help02:30
J-ngandalfcome If you can find out what video card you have it will be much eaiser, if it's nvida manufacture it's one way, and if not it's possibly several other...02:30
Guest45955I need help using ufw02:31
J-n^Phantom^ if you've got the HD space i'd just suggest doing a dual boot with ubuntu as one of the options - you'll like it a heck of a lot more i suspect :)  and you'll find those features will work more readily02:32
J-n^Phantom^ then soon you'll have windows that burn away when you close them, and a fancy spinning cubic desktop, and all those other fun features :D02:33
J-n^Phantom^ and video editing software will run better too :)02:34
Guest45955Can somone help me with ufw02:35
Guest45955I want to open a port02:35
pw-man, the channel is dead02:36
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag02:36
^Phantom^i forgot to read how to get out of seamless mode <_<02:37
danbh_intrepid1[q] how can I check my powersupply?02:37
hal_v2is there any way to get files back that I deleted through the trash?02:38
J-nhost key +L02:38
^Phantom^thank you so much :D02:39
hal_v2wtf is host key?02:39
gandalfcomeJ-n: I'll try. the funny thing is when I lugged in the xorg.conf in the drivers sections it only said configuredvideodevice. when I used ubutntu you could see which driver it uses that doesnt seem to be the case anymore02:39
J-n^phantom^ was right control L for my default install, probally is same for you02:39
J-nhal_v2 sorry i should have directed that comment at ^phantom^02:40
hal_v2is there any way to get files back that I deleted through the trash, though?02:40
J-ngandalfcome i'm sure there is a way to find out what card you're using, i just dont know how :(02:40
MertherHey, just to be sure, if I install Linux on an external usb hard drive that doesn't install grub to the internal drive right?02:41
=== meoblast is now known as meoblast001
IndyGunFreakMerther: negative.. 99.9% of the time, it does.02:41
gandalfcomeIs anyone using ubuntu  with an Eee pc here?02:42
J-nhal_v2 i dont know02:42
Mertherok how about a pen drive install on an external usb hard drive, would that not install grub on the internal?02:42
^Phantom^now, one last question02:43
dashnu_Merther: you have an option were to put grub...02:43
gandalfcomeAsus Eee PC 90102:43
gandalfcomeNotebook Specifications02:43
gandalfcomeAsus Eee PC 901Notebook: Asus Eee PC 90102:43
gandalfcomeProcessor: Intel Atom Z530 160002:43
gandalfcomeGraphics Adapter: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 95002:43
gandalfcomeDisplay: 8.9 inch, 16:10, 1024x600 pixels02:43
gandalfcomeWeight: 1.1kg02:43
gandalfcomePrice: 500 euro02:44
gandalfcomeLinks: Asus homepage Asus notebook section Eee PC 901 (Model)02:44
gandalfcome 02:44
gandalfcomeAverage Score: 82% - good02:44
gandalfcomeAverage of 15 scores (from 21 reviews)02:44
IndyGunFreakdashnu_: true, but usually with a normal install, it puts grub on the internal drive.. you can rmove it, but thats where it goes.02:44
gandalfcomeprice: 73%, performance: 72%, features: 78%, display: 63%02:44
keepsake!page | gandalfcome02:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about page02:44
gandalfcomemobility: 82%, workmanship: 75%, ergonomy: 58%, emissions: 77%02:44
gandalfcomeReviews for the Asus Eee PC 90102:44
gandalfcomeASUS Eee PC 901 Review02:44
keepsake!paste | gandalfcome02:44
ubottugandalfcome: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:44
IndyGunFreak!ops | gandalfcome02:44
ubottugandalfcome: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!02:44
dashnu_Merther: and if it does just rewrite your mbr for windows02:44
danbh_intrepid1jigga?  what just happened there?02:44
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, clever bots exist for flood control now02:44
MertherI don't  recall seeing that.  Where in the installer is that?02:44
danbh_intrepid1FloodBots got all confused02:45
IndyGunFreakMerther: why don't you just do a normal install?... to your internal drive.02:45
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: well they fell asleep at the wheel on that guy...lol02:45
kapacehello, i have a printer that prints only test pages and stuff from smb02:45
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, most floods don't go so long, true...02:45
MertherI've got it like that for my computer but my friend wants to test with an external drive without modifying his internal drive.  That, and he hasn't backed up the internal.02:45
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: lol, i know, just kiddin..02:45
kapacethe printer takes normal text prints, but quickly stops and says: Flushing Buffer02:45
gandalfcomesorry about that, that was not planned02:45
kitcheIndyGunFreak: maybe he ws lagging or the bots were :)02:46
keepsake!paste | gandalfcome02:46
ubottugandalfcome: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:46
^Phantom^how do i mount my shared folder02:46
IndyGunFreakMerther: so why not give him a live CD?02:46
kapacealso: the print queue just briefly shows the print job02:46
dumbdumHi, i downloaded Google earth 4.3 from medibuntu but cant install (error "dependencies not satisfied")02:46
IndyGunFreakdumbdum: how did you download it from googleearth02:46
gandalfcomeJ-n: Graphics Adapter: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 95002:46
danbh_intrepid1the floodbots unsquelched gandalfcome instead of squelching him  : P02:46
keepsakeit's better02:46
keepsakedumbdum: do you know what the missing dependencies are?02:47
MertherHe's got it, though he would rather be able to bring the hard drive to another computer with a usb bootable bios because he's got more then one computer.02:47
dumbdumVia web with Firefox at http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/index.html02:47
IndyGunFreakapt-get should ahve resolved all dependencies for google earth.. i've never had a prob w/ that.. and actually, i just installed Google Earth like 10min ago.02:47
kitchedumbdum: why don't you add the medibuntu.org repos to your apt?02:48
IndyGunFreakdumbdum: well duh.. you're downloading individual packages.. add the medibuntu repository, following the instructions, then run sudo apt-get install googleearth and watch in wonder02:48
IndyGunFreakwhy you'd download packages when there's a repository is a mystery wrapped in a riddle02:48
dumbdumHave you noticed my handle? Its ok for you experts!02:48
J-ngandalfcome it will not be easy, but it can be done, i think http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 should help02:49
keepsakedumbdum: are you running 8.04/hardy?02:49
IndyGunFreakdumbdum: has nothing to do with dumb/experience, click repository how to, and follow the instructions02:49
IndyGunFreakit has to do w/ following instructions.02:49
keepsakedumbdum: use "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"02:50
keepsakedumbdum: copy the command into your console and run it02:50
cheeky hey when i type this in the terminal "sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT"  i get this spat back @ me bad argument  'ssh' ...wat did i do wrong ? do i need to put something where the INPUT was?02:50
keepsakedumbdum: after, do this "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update"02:50
dumbdumIve followed all instructions all gave and it doesnt work for me. obviously im missing something so Thanks to all!02:50
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IndyGunFreakdumbdum: you're not doing something right.02:51
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keepsakedumbdum: do this "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"02:51
J-ndumbdum keepsake is giving you step by step hand holding instructions. i think if you follow exactly what they say you should be all good.02:51
keepsakedumbdum: then this "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update"02:51
agelwarganyone get sound to work w/ vmware 2.0 on 8.04 ?02:52
dumbdumi just tried the medibuntu keyring thing and it says it cant find it.02:53
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dumbdumsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list error no known server02:54
javierwhat do i do if my incoming TCP port is closed? Transmissions is running slow02:54
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danbh_intrepid1Razer: is it iptables or your router?02:55
moyixhey, trying to use Xen 3.3 on intrepid with an intel graphics chip, and X (2:1.5.0-1ubuntu1) freezes when I launch it (grey screen, unresponsive). I found this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen-3.2/+bug/225046 , but the solution (upgrade to intrepid) didn't work for me02:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225046 in xen-3.2 "System freezes with xen kernel after loading DRM" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:55
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, I've no idea02:55
keepsakedumbdum: ah, i see02:55
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keepsakedumbdum: the problem is that medibuntu is down right now02:55
keepsaketry again later02:55
hydroponicIs there any way to fix the problem where nspluginwrapper crashes and a gray box is displayed instead of Flash movies, until Firefox is restarted?02:55
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, it's probably working fine since it was working fine before I reinstalled ubuntu02:55
keepsakedumbdum: when you visit http://www.medibuntu.org and it works02:55
keepsakedumbdum: try it again02:55
danbh_intrepid1Razer: sudo iptables -L      if nothing is listed, then its your router.  If you have a router, then its probably your router02:55
cheekycould some one explain to me .. iptables?02:56
IndyGunFreakkeepsake: i just ran sudo apt-get update, and it hit medibuntu just fine02:56
danbh_intrepid1!iptables > cheeky maybe ubottu can!!!!!!!02:56
ubottucheeky, please see my private message02:56
keepsakeIndyGunFreak: I tried accessing it just now and it didn't work =S02:56
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, something about chain02:57
kapacei have a printer that prints only test pages and stuff from smb... on normal (gedit) prints says on the LCD is "Flushing Buffer"02:57
kapaceand doesn't do anything else02:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iptable02:57
danbh_intrepid1Razer: if you want me to judge it, use paste.ubuntu.com02:57
cheekydanbh_intrepid1: yeah i am reading that and i cant seem to set it up .. when i type this in the terminal "sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT"  i get this spat back @ me bad argument  'ssh' ...wat did i do wrong ?02:57
gandalfcomeJ-n: Okay I can get it to clone, but the max resoultion it allows me is 860, is there any way to change this?02:57
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keepsakeI'm getting a Partial Upgrade message. Can someone tell me how to resolve it/figure out the cause of it?02:58
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Razerdanbh_intrepid1,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/47053/02:58
tarrantHey quick question. I'm in the market to buy a new graphics card for my ubuntu computer. I haven't really followed the area for a very long time but how do nvidia and radeon compare as far as driver support currently?02:58
keepsaketarrant: afaik I think nvidia is better on ubuntu02:58
tarrantthanks that is what I figured.02:59
Cpudan80NVidia is better by many miles02:59
keepsaketarrant: I'm running radeon and it's... poopoo compared to Windows02:59
Cpudan80Take your ATi card and throw it out the window02:59
keepsakebut i have no other card =(02:59
Cpudan80Radeon will work on Ubuntu02:59
J-ngandalfcome i'm gonna guess it's possible02:59
Cpudan80just dont expect it to do anything fancy02:59
keepsakeCpudan80: It does work, but it's just really slow02:59
keepsakeCpudan80: yeah02:59
kapaceCpudan80, i thought ATI was better in open source karma?02:59
Cpudan80kapace: Hell no03:00
tberchhello all, I was recently compromised, and the attacker was in promiscuous mode for quite a while (probably), and I just need a good ubuntu auditing tool, Im looking for a resource that knows anything about host based auditing03:00
J-ngandalfcome check out the xorg.conf file see if it's in there03:00
Cpudan80kapace: ATi is as bad as it gets03:00
keepsakeCpudan80: I'm running fglrx and it's meh to say the most03:00
danbh_intrepid1cheeky: can you paste your iptables?03:00
tarrantthanks all, Nvidia it is.03:00
kapacewhats this i heard that AMD releasing free open driver or specs?03:00
gandalfcomeJ-n: Thanks. ubuntu is really a fantastic operating system but it always had difficulties with dual screen. they should really address this03:00
cheekyits the standard.. nothing on it03:00
Cpudan80kapace: They've been saying that for 100 years03:00
danbh_intrepid1Razer: its empty, you need to configure your router03:00
tarrantamd has released lots of specs for their card03:00
kapacei see03:00
Cpudan80kapace: I'll believe it when I see it03:00
vbman11does anyone know of a good dvd making application03:00
keepsakeCpudan80: you're such a hater =P03:00
Cpudan80kapace: they released some detailed specs -- thats about it03:01
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, but it wasn't a problem with my last ubuntu install03:01
cheekydanbh_intrepid1: could i pase it in a prvt message or here is fine?03:01
kitchekapace Cpudan80 : radeonhd03:01
tarrantvbman11: k3b03:01
J-ngandalfcome if you had an nvidia card it's very simple03:01
kitchekapace Cpudan80 it's part of X.org03:01
Cpudan80keepsake: Yep - I wont ever buy an ATi unless I am forced to03:01
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, which was this morning03:01
keepsakekitche: Radeonhd?03:01
vbman11tarrant: in repo?03:01
J-ngandalfcome i agree though 100% thats an area i'd like to see improved as well03:01
tberchI got dual screen to work, but I had to manually set it every time,03:01
danbh_intrepid1cheeky: either paste.ubuntu.com or a pm03:01
teddy__hey guys. I have a problem probably related to X11. In any sdl game, such as sauerbraten or urban terror, if I use the scroll wheel it makes the mouse go whacky. This doesn't happen when I hold a key while scrolling and it is fixed by pressing keys on the keyboard03:01
tarrantvbman11: yea its technically a kde program though.03:01
kitchekeepsake: it's what the driver is called it works with the Radeon HD cards03:01
vbman11tarrant: ok then, thanks!03:02
IndyGunFreakgandalfcome: i guess thats a matter of opinion... i setup dual screens in about 2min.03:02
keepsakekitche: Really? Can you link me? (I have an HD2400Pro =\)03:02
gandalfcomeIndyGunFreak: Laptop or desktop?03:02
IndyGunFreakgandalfcome: desktop03:02
kitchekeepsake: it's part of X.org03:02
Wickedhello all. im wondering if there is a way i can get all the pictures and videos off my razr cellphone03:02
teddy__i guess im running kubuntu so i should be in #kubuntu but i remember this happening on regular old ubuntu as well03:02
danbh_intrepid1Razer: then I don''t know, sorry03:02
vbman11tarrant: will it make dvd menus?03:03
keepsakekitche: I'm afraid I don't understand, sorry =\03:03
gandalfcomeIndyGunFreak: I guess that works. But laptops I always had problems. On my macbook I just plugin the secondary monitor and it detects it. I think for ubuntu to succeed it needs to have these little things to work.03:03
kitche!info xserver-xorg-video-radeonh | keepsake03:03
ubottukeepsake: Package xserver-xorg-video-radeonh does not exist in hardy03:03
kitche!info xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd | keepsake03:03
ubottukeepsake: xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd (source: xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd): X.Org X server -- AMD/ATI r5xx, r6xx display driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.0-1 (hardy), package size 134 kB, installed size 328 kB03:03
kitchehate when I do a copy and paste I miss a letter ....03:03
IndyGunFreakgandalfcome: wel, i guess i'll remember that if i ever decide to lug a monitor around w/ my laptop03:03
sixthcan anyone help me adding windows to grub? i tried to add it but when i click windows it just blinks03:04
keepsakekitche: I see, thanks.03:04
keepsakekitche: Is it better than fglrx/proprietary right now?03:04
teddy__google is your friend sixth :D03:04
kitchekeepsake: no clue I m an nvidia person myself03:04
gandalfcomeIndyGunFreak: A tip for that: gaffa tape works wonders when taping the secondary monitor to the laptop :-)03:04
sixthteddy__: ive saw google.03:04
keepsakekitche: Okay, thanks.03:05
sixthwe arent really friends =[03:05
kitchekeepsake: ati is not that great with the games I play really since both cards do different things03:05
teddy__sixth: im sure there are loads of results on that, because ive searched for the same thing before03:05
crdlbkeepsake: only if you don't like 3d :)03:05
teddy__sixth: i can find you a link if you want03:05
sixthteddy__: but i have a problem, it didnt all went straight, im looking for troubleshooting, not the tutorial03:05
jigphello what is the difference between embedded and liveCD?03:06
keepsakekitche: Haha, okay.03:06
jribHow can I disable the xinerama extension completely (without recompiling)?  xdpyinfo lists XINERAMA despite having << Option "Xinerama" "0" >> in my ServerFlags in xorg.conf.03:06
crdlbjrib: why are you trying to?03:06
vbman11does anyone here use QDVD Author?03:07
vbman11im having problems with it03:08
Realcoolguyvbman11 i tried it so many times!03:08
Realcoolguyand vbman11 ... same for me :(03:08
vbman11Realcoolguy: got it to work?03:08
vbman11dang it03:08
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, how would I configure my router?03:08
Realcoolguyvbman11: not quite the way i wanted it too... eventually i had to settle on not having menus or something03:08
crdlbjrib: the Xinerama protocol (not the largely obsolete X server infrastructure) is used by all implementations of multiscreen (XRandR 1.2 and nvidia's twinview) to tell applications the layout of the physical monitors03:08
vbman11Realcoolguy: i can't even get it to read my video file03:09
danbh_intrepid1Razer: mmmm, run ifconfig, and enter the ip address of your router into firefox.   Log into your router, and poke around the settings03:09
crdlbjrib: historically X has used a one Screen per monitor model, so when Xinerama was introduced, we had a single Screen consisting of two monitors for the first time, so they had to invent something new :)03:10
kitchejrib: did you try using the ubuntu tools to turn it off03:10
kitchecrdlb: I m pretty sure jrid knows all about Xinerama :)03:10
kitchebah jrib03:10
Razerdanbh_intrepid1, I don't think I have a log-in for my router03:10
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danbh_intrepid1Razer: can you get to the login page?03:11
tberchis it linksys?03:11
jribcrdlb: heh, ok.  qlite window manager checks for xinerama using xlib's Display.has_extension().  I don't use it, so it makes a stupid assumption.  I'm assuming has_extension() would not return True for xinerama if I disabled it somehow, but this doesn't seem to happen.  So I was wondering if there was a different way to disable it03:12
tberchrazer, you can hold down the reset button for 10 sec's on your router, and it will reset...03:12
keepsakeRazer: In your browser go to and see if that works.03:12
tberchif you cant get in03:12
kitchejrib: you could try using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:13
crdlbjrib: I'm not sure, but disabling XRandR (or twinview) might do it03:13
jribkitche, crdlb: possibly relevant: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2007-November/002484.html03:13
sixthcan anyone help me adding windows to grub? i tried to add it but when i click windows it just blinks03:13
De[X]tonem0rning guys...03:13
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bobertdossixth: Pastebin your menu.lst please.03:14
Razerkeepsake, it's asking for a username and password and I never knew that03:14
keepsakeRazer: try "admin" as password and nothing in username03:14
J-nRazer who is the manufacturer for your router? also look on the bottom default pw's may be there as well.03:15
RazerJ-n, linksys and I got it to work03:16
sixthbobertdos: http://sixth.pastebin.com/d79b425d103:16
Razerkeepsake, ty03:16
keepsakeRazer: np =P03:16
J-nrazer cool :)03:17
Razerkeepsake, now how do I enable my incoming TCP port?03:17
jribcrdlb: I'll give it a try to see if it gives me some more pointers, thanks03:17
SebNaitsabeshow do I find out how much RAM a computer with Ubuntu on it has?03:17
SebNaitsabesthe command03:17
keepsakeRazer: I'm not too great with port forwarding, you'll have to ask around, sorry03:17
jribSebNaitsabes: free -m03:17
keepsakeRazer: Try going to the "Applications and Gaming" tab if you have it03:17
Razerkeepsake, I'm there, now what?03:18
SebNaitsabesjrib:  thanks, but I am not entirely sure how to make sense of the output03:18
jribSebNaitsabes: the first number on the top left is how much ram it has03:19
SebNaitsabesjrib: toal 24903:19
keepsakeRazer: Figure out the port you need03:19
keepsakeRazer: And put it into the thing03:19
crdlbjrib: so yeah, Xorg always has the Xinerama protocol available (sometimes called "Fakerama") because XRandR can add a monitor at any time03:19
latHow can I find the character 0xfeff in a file?03:19
Razerkeepsake, I need port 51413 open03:19
crdlbjrib: do you have any idea this window manager is testing for xinerama?03:20
crdlbidea why*03:20
keepsakeRazer: Type in an aplication03:20
keepsakeRazer: Put 51413 in both start/end03:20
keepsakeRazer: Check enable03:20
jribcrdlb: hmm, I see.  It's probably better to change the way it tests.  The author uses xinerama so I assume it was never tested otherwise :)  It really just needs to know how many screens I have03:20
keepsakeRazer: You might want to google "port forwarding linksys"03:20
keepsakeRazer: I'm not too good with this03:20
Razerkeepsake, application?03:20
bobertdossixth: First of all, are you certain Windows is on the first partition of the first hard drive? Also, between root and makeactive, it is sometimes useful to add savedefault. Oh, and Windows entries generally go outside the automagic list.03:21
keepsakeRazer: It doesn't really matter03:21
LeefmczQuestion: I am attempting to resetup GRUB on my dual boot, but i am getting an error when following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows (step 4's find command). Can anyone give me any clues on whats wrong? Error: "Error 15: File not found"03:21
keepsakeRazer: It's just so you know what you're opening the port for.03:21
bobertdossixth: but more than anything, we need to be sure you're pointing to the right partition03:21
mnanyone here know how to upgrade a linux kernel in *buntu?03:21
smm289trying to use wine to install a windows application. using wine, but its not working.  Are there any other options for wine03:21
sixthbobertdos: how can i found out on what hdd is my windows?03:21
danbh_intrepid1mn: why isnt the regular upgrade system good enough?03:22
LeefmczFlannel: You awake?03:22
jribmn: you get automatic updates for the kernel through the update-manager if you've installed the proper linux-image-*03:22
shingen1would i need to compile my own kernel to get a specific RAID driver to work under ubuntu?03:22
jrib!appdb | smm28903:22
ubottusmm289: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:22
mnjrib: well uname -a is giving me an old kernel03:22
jribmn: what exactly is "old"?03:22
bobertdossixth: Because grub and fdisk's naming schemes parallel each other, if you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l, it will be possible to tell.03:23
mnthe latest is and I have 2.6.24 ....03:23
keepsakemn: ubuntu doesn't update that quickly03:23
IndyGunFreakwhats that package yo install when you have no sound in flash03:23
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:23
keepsakemn: the linux core itself does, but it takes longer to integrate into Ubuntu I think03:23
jribIndyGunFreak: libflashsupport03:23
helltraumHas anyone here managed to get php and apache working in ubuntu03:24
IndyGunFreakjrib: thanks.03:24
jribhelltraum: lots of people probably03:24
mnkeepsake: what do you mean?03:24
jrib!lamp > helltraum03:24
ubottuhelltraum, please see my private message03:24
keepsakemn: The latest version for Ubuntu is the 2.6.24 you have.03:24
jribmn: that's the latest in the repositories.  The kernel team ensures you have security fixes, if that's what you are worried about03:24
r00t__is it possible to recursively change from mp3 to ogg using LAME?03:24
sixthbobertdos: http://sixth.pastebin.com/m1d45d4e303:24
mnjrib: oh, ok03:25
FlynsarmyAre there any good linux telnet clients like zMUD?03:25
v3ctorls /usr/local/bin/03:25
keepsakeFlynsarmy: There's Gnome-MUD03:25
keepsakeFlynsarmy: Otherwise I just use telnet =P03:25
shingen1xrvt & xterm works great too :P03:25
J-nFlynsarmy more than you can shake a stick at03:26
danbh_intrepid1r00t__: maybe so, but it will come out crappy03:26
bobertdossixth: Yup, that should be 0,0...........Okay, so I suggest moving your Windows entry outside the automagic block and putting savedefault between "root" and "makeactive"03:26
FlynsarmyJ-n: I searched for 'telnet' in add/remove programs and only 3 came up. putty and 2 random ones03:26
r00t__any better suggestion? I've got 102 gb and i'm tryinig to lower the size.03:26
shingen1Flynsarmy: search for MUD03:27
r00t__but keep qual.03:27
keepsakeFlynsarmy: Try Gnome-MUD if you're looking to play MUDs03:27
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danbh_intrepid1r00t__: recompress the mp3 to a lower bitrate?03:27
helltraumHow do you trouble fault segmentation faults in apache2 and the php mod ?03:27
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helltraumI've installed from the repositories ..03:27
helltraumbut I'm having problems getting this to work ..03:27
Soulwarppapaya isn't a bad mud client03:28
Razerkeepsake, not working :(03:28
sixthbobertdos: ?03:28
sixthoh sorry03:28
sixthdidnt see you already msged03:29
LeefmczAnyone know anything about GRUB? I'm lost.. I removed ubuntu, installed windows (i needed to move windows to sd2 or it wouldn't format), and at the moment my boot is on sd1.. but GRUB refuses to do anything. Any ideas?03:29
ale_canal do ubuntu03:29
danbh_intrepid1r00t__: generally, transcoding from one lossy codec to another results in allot of quality loss (ie mp3 -> ogg).  So its better to just reroll the mp3 to a different bitrate03:29
danbh_intrepid1r00t__: but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so ...03:29
LeefmczI've seen the commands "find /boot/grub/stage1" and "find /grub/stage1" and neither is found by GRUB. Any help?03:30
sixthbobertdos: what is the automagic box?03:30
koshar1Leefmcz you would need to replace the windows bootloader if you have removed linux03:31
Leefmczkoshar1: I'm attempting to.. :/03:31
Leefmczkoshar1: By following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows , I get stuck at "find /boot/grub/stage1"03:32
koshar1Leefmcz so you want whatever the windows command is to replace the mbr03:32
bobertdossixth: I mean, put the Windows entry after the line that says ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST03:32
Leefmczkoshar1: Well why not in linux?03:32
mnLeefmcz:  I have the code I used.  Want me to paste bin them?03:32
koshar1Leefmcz why do you want grub if your just booting into windows?03:32
J-nWhat is the diffrence between using synaptic or add/remove programs for installing programs?03:32
Leefmczkoshar1: At the moment i cant even boot into windows because i have a separate boot partition, and it wont work right.03:33
koshar1Leefmcz that guide is to replace grub after installing windows AND retaining ubuntu03:33
v3ctorLeefmcz: http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p18.htm#Windows_XP_Recovery_Console03:33
Mustafa_Kayahi all03:33
Leefmczkoshar1: I am going to install ubuntu again later, i'd do it now but i dont have the time03:33
Mustafa_Kayai couldnt connect to the internet on ubuntu03:33
bobertdossixth: If it helps, mine looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47059/03:33
Mustafa_Kayawhat can i do*03:33
sixthbobertdos: thanks ill soon reboot to check. i also have a kernel problem, do you have any expirence with those?03:34
koshar1well you will need sonewhere to instyall the grubs stage 2 files03:34
tarrantJ-n: I believe that the difference is that synaptic is fully powered while add/remove program is for your average non-geek.03:34
MTecknologyI have this in auto.master "/media/music    /etc/auto.music --timeout 60" and this in auto.music "music       -rw,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192". If I mount is with "mount /medis/music" it works fine. but if I do that in autofs, it doesn't appear to ever actually mount.03:34
bobertdossixth: not really, ;\03:34
Leefmczv3ctor: I'd rather do it the linux way.. heh. Since thats the main OS.. im just attempting a dual boot here..03:34
sixthbobertdos: i will reboot now to check03:34
J-ntarrant thanks, i was kinda wondering... lol.. kept finding much more intresting programs via synaptic than add/remove03:34
Mustafa_Kayahey mn03:35
v3ctorLeefmcz: you said you don;t have linux installed03:35
Mustafa_Kayamn: hey03:35
Mustafa_Kayado you know how to achieve it?03:35
Leefmczv3ctor: Yet, i'll be installing that soon (probably tomorrow, its late and i need to sleep for work)03:35
[Neurotic]Hi, I'm trying to debug a kernel panic I can reproduce with iwl4965, and I can get it to show in the alt+ctrl+f1 console, but its too big for my screen, so I can't see it all.  Is there anyway I can push it to a file?03:35
Leefmczv3ctor: I had to remove linux to get stupid ass windows to work. It didn't like being the 6th partition.03:35
v3ctorLeefmcz: you need to have it there to get grub to work properly03:36
Leefmczv3ctor: If i install Ubuntu into my ubuntu partition, will it fix the GRUB thing?03:36
jrgpif it overwrites the boot record, yeah03:36
Leefmczjrgp: Well, will it?03:36
jrgpit will install grub, in doing so it will set it up for your newly installed ubuntu and it will alsom most likely detect your windows partition too03:37
jrgpif it is still working03:37
koshar1Leefmcz it will because it will reinstall the grub files in /boot/grub03:37
v3ctorit will fix grub, and if you get lucky it will detect your windows and add that03:37
Leefmczk, thanks. I'll install ubuntu again :)03:37
jrgpyou won't regret it :)03:37
LeefmczI was just trying to avoid the install time03:37
koshar1Leefmcz at the moment the stage one of grub is looking for them and they dont exist03:37
koshar1Leefmcz otherwise your options are to fix the windows bootloader03:38
Leefmczjrgp: No trust me, im not leaving ubuntu. I kept my /home partition. I just wanted 20gig of windows for gaming, thats all03:38
v3ctorLeefmcz: you could learn the grub command line03:38
koshar1 Leefmcz and why do you need 6 partitions?03:38
puffI seem to be having a problem getting wireless working.  It *was* working okay, but now I don't seem to be able to get a response from DHCP servers.  This is the third network I've had the problem with, which would seem to rule out a problem with the router/WAP.03:38
mnwhat command do I do to find out the wireless card I have?03:39
Leefmczkoshar1: I forget how many it was exactly, but there was a boot, os, swap, /home, umm.. and somethin else, iirc03:39
Leefmczkoshar1: Windows wouldn't format, it said there were too many partitions.03:39
Razerkeepsake, :'( port still closed03:39
Leefmczkoshar1: I had to put windows on the 2nd partition03:39
jrgpLeefmcz, if I were you I'd wipe the drive, install windows first, then install ubuntu; that'd probably make your situation easier to get out of03:41
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Leefmczjrgp: Blech, no time. If this works so be it, if not, then i need to copy a ton of data off of my /home03:41
FlannelLeefmcz: What are you doing?03:42
jrgpI'd have that data backed up first, before you do anything03:42
puffCan anybody help me troubleshoot my disappearing wireless?03:42
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
Razerkeepsake, do you see anything wrong with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/47057/ ?03:42
LeefmczFlannel: Making a mess of things, because windows is lame. :)03:42
FlannelLeefmcz: Ah.  Yeah, that happens.03:42
kidd3ckztheres no need for a windows channel to discuss problems03:42
LeefmczFlannel: The story is long, but basically i had a ton of partitions (boot, home, swap, etc), and windows wouldn't install when it was the 6th partition. it said too many. So i removed my os partition, and put windows on that. Well now my GRUB is hosed, so im trying to install ubuntu03:43
LeefmczFlannel: Install ubuntu, to fix GRUB.03:43
FlannelLeefmcz: ah, yeah.  Windows doesn't like being on a non-primary partition03:43
LeefmczFlannel: So sd1 is boot, sd2 is windows, sd3 / is ubuntu.. which im trying to do now.03:44
LeefmczFlannel: I hate windows. :)03:44
FlannelLeefmcz: If that doesn't work plain, you can map windows to think its sda103:45
Scruffy00Help!  I can't get the mail notification sound in Evolution to work.  I have read the forums and researched google but nothing has worked.  I am using version of Evolution on a Dell Inspiron 1420.  I am using Alsa also.  The file is .wav and can be heard using a media player.  Please someone help me.  I don't want to go back to Vista.03:45
LeefmczFlannel: Question, i saved my /home, but im installing ubuntu now. However, im giving the OS partition a mapping of /, do i need to give my home partition a /home mount? I'm afraid of touching that partition, in fear of losing data03:46
dashnu_Scruffy00: rofl all because of a mail sound wow03:46
FlannelLeefmcz: Yeah, In the partitioner you say "use this partition as /home, but don't format it"03:46
jrgp<Leefmcz>, yes you do03:46
filsuf /close03:46
Scruffy00If I am going to switch I would like to have everything working.03:46
palominoScruffy00: can't get enough of that AOL mail notification, eh?03:46
LeefmczFlannel: What about the others? Does boot need /boot, or swap need any mount, etc?03:46
jrgpLeefmcz, no03:47
jrgpthose can stay under the / partition03:47
jrgpnot swap03:47
jrgpthe others yes03:47
Scruffy00Nah, Dr. Who.  I have to have the sound because I am away from my desk and sometimes an important e-mail comes that I will need.03:47
FlannelLeefmcz: Are you going to be using them as separate partitions? or getting rid of them as separate? (moving them under /) andyes, you need swap03:47
LeefmczFlannel: They're already separate partitions, im just asking if they all need mount points. So far the only mount points i have defined are /home and /03:48
FlannelLeefmcz: If you want to use them, yes, you'll specify that during the partition stage.03:48
falloremy sound isn't working, it was very recently, i have no idea why and didn't change anything. ideas?03:49
LeefmczFlannel: Well do i need to specify mounts for a boot and swap partitions? Those are the only others03:49
fLufyzwhat is the antivirus in ubuntu03:49
FlannelLeefmcz: yes.  Well, swap just gets marked as swap, it doesn't really have a mount point.03:49
jrgpfLufyz, ubuntu does not typtically need anti virus03:49
puffHm, dmesg has lines saying:  "ipw2200:  Failed to send SYSTEM_CONFIG: Already sending a command"03:49
Cpudan80fLufyz: you really dont need one03:49
jrgpfLufyz, only windows needs anti virus03:50
fLufyzthanx jrgp & Cpudan8003:50
bobertdosfLufyz: In fact, the one time I did try AV for Ubuntu, it actually corrupted my installation.03:50
kingI has just GTalk in empathy?how can i add msn to it?03:50
LeefmczFlannel: So boot is a mount of /boot then? Also, How do i mount the home partition? It says i have to choose a file system before i can mount, is that fine? (Ie, will choosing a file system format it? Again, i really need to protect the data on my home partition)03:50
torvaldsjrgp: wrong. Linux users are just as vulnerable to virii03:50
LeefmczFlannel: Just dont check format and im fine?03:50
jrgpbot "just as:03:51
Scruffy00So apparently I am on my own?03:51
jrgptorvalds, you wouldn't happen to be......?03:51
torvaldsjrgp: yes.03:51
torvaldsjrgp: how else would I get this nick?03:51
falloretorvalds: luck03:51
R_YoYo_Rwould torvalds really hang out in the ubuntu channel?03:52
FlannelLeefmcz: why are you against formatting /boot?03:52
sixthbobertdos, thanks alot :)03:52
R_YoYo_Ri dont think so03:52
Beckwhat is difference between gnome and xfce?03:52
torvaldsI don't go on IRC often. I'm just here to say hi to the community.03:52
jrgpxfce looks a little different and uses a lot less resources03:52
R_YoYo_RBeck: how the look and feel03:52
jrgpbut is less feature packed03:52
torvaldsBeck: try kde ;)03:53
chubs_torvalds, speak swedish ;)03:53
LeefmczFlannel: Im not, im against formatting /home, but i think i got it worked out. I was asking before i tried it. Seems if you select efi, it doesn't give you control over formatting or mount point. So all is well i think :)03:53
Becktorvalds, is it better?03:53
LeefmczFlannel: Sounds good aye?03:53
bobertdossixth: Everything's working?03:53
mediaalright for the life of me I can not figure out how to make normal audio go through the coax digital out on this computer03:53
FlannelLeefmcz: Just make sure home is marked as used, but not format, yes.03:53
mediait has an nforce chipset03:53
^Phantom^Okay, back03:53
kapacei have a printer that prints only test pages and stuff from smb... on normal (gedit) prints says on the LCD is "Flushing Buffer"03:53
mediaand I do have the iec thing checked in gnome03:53
torvaldschubs_: God kväll03:53
mediabut still nothing03:53
^Phantom^now, my last question03:53
LeefmczFlannel: Well format is NOT checked. Thats for sure, i saw nothing that said "used" or anything. I assigned it to /home, and gave it a type of ext3 (which it already was). Format is not checked. All good?03:54
mediacan someone please help me with this issue03:54
FlannelLeefmcz: That's correct.  Givign it a mountpoint means "use this"03:54
Scruffy00media don't feel bad all I got was mocked when I asked for help.03:54
puffSome of the google hits I'm seeing are related to wpa2, which reminds me that I was trying to get onto a wpa2 network the other night.  Does anybody know how I'd make absolutely sure my wireless isn't trying to go into wpa2 mode?03:54
falloreCan anyone help me troubleshoot my sound? Everything is exactly as it was when it was working recently, except it just doesn't work.03:55
pufffallore: Did you try rebooting?03:55
torvaldsUbuntu är ett shitty Distro för noobs. Ni alla suger din mammas nipplar03:55
LeefmczFlannel: Here goes hehe, afk for a few03:55
fallorepuff: not yet, guess i should lol :X03:55
jrgpfallore, try changing the settings in alsamixer03:55
pufffallore: If it comes back after a reboot, you're having a lock contention issue.03:55
^Phantom^How do I go about mounting my shared folder "C:\ubuntu" in ubuntu?03:55
wng_z3r0Can anyone give me a link on going from windows ->ubuntu? All I've found is very simple guides like this is 'root' etc. I'm looking for something more in depth, thanks =)03:55
devinhi i want to know how to i use the Huawei E220 USB modem for Ubuntu 1003:55
fLufyzfallore : maybe your sound in mute mode03:55
smm289<--XPS1330 running ubuntu 8.04 32bit  any idea if I can run 64bit03:55
pufffallore: you shoulodn't have to reboot in linux :-).  But in this case, a common cause of disappearing sound is sound card resource lock contention.03:56
^Phantom^Through the vbox03:56
devinim in Malaysia and my service provider is Maxis03:56
pufffallore: Though, yeah, you should check alsamixer and make sure your sound isn't muted it.03:56
mnsmm289: what kind of processor does your computer have?03:56
Beck^Phantom^, read vbox manual :P03:56
fallorepuff: it's not muted. what do i do about the sound card resource lock contention?03:56
youknowmeIs this bad? http://pastebin.com/m3600545803:57
smm289mm: Core2Duo T7500 2.203:57
fallorepuff: actually pc speaker was muted but i changed it and nothing happened03:57
Winston_SmithVTWhat's the best way to secure the transmission web UI? It cames standard with the password but of course that's sent plain text, is there and way to secure this connection a bit better?03:57
mediaI am wondering if an update killed my spidif out because it used to work but not anymore03:57
FlannelWinston_SmithVT: Do you have control of both ends?03:57
mediathinking about reinstalling and not updating03:57
mediathen it should work03:57
fLufyzdevin : try to create new dialer instead of using from given one03:57
pufffallore: Are you by any chance using ACPI?03:57
J-ntorvalds the average user needs to get into linux somehow, and sadly most distro's aren't average user friendly. I'd agree though it's more for a person just weening themselves from the M$ teat.03:57
FlannelWinston_SmithVT: Oh "transmission" I see. nevermind.03:57
fallorepuff: i'm not sure, what is it/how do i check?03:57
FlannelJ-n: He's gone.03:58
J-noh well03:58
Winston_SmithVTFlannel: Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I wanna use it from anyplace03:58
wng_z3r0set up vpn03:58
pufffallore: Well, you reboot to see if that's the problem.  If it is, there are solutions, alsa daemon being one of them, but I'm not certain what the current best solution is.03:58
pufffallore: ls /proc/acpi03:58
devinthere is a link here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Huawei03:58
chubs_J-n, probably wasn't linus either ;)03:58
Winston_SmithVTwng_z3r0: Can I use a VPN from a public computer? wouln't I need the VPN cleint?03:58
youknowmeMy RAIDed HDD is making a noise, I think it might be failing. But I don't understand this: http://pastebin.com/m3600545803:58
devinbut it says Vodaphone can it be generic to other providers03:59
LeefmczFlannel: Next time i setup an os though, i'm leaving the 2nd and maybe even 3rd partitions empty for another OS. :o03:59
Geoffrey2I use a wireless router to connect to the internet...recently, every time I start the computer, I need to go into Network, unlock, then re-enter the wireless password....03:59
fallorepuff: what should show up? i've got a list of things and some are blue03:59
fallorepuff: i'm going to restart real quick to test the other thing, brb03:59
pufffallore: Main reason I ask is because there might be volume status under /proc somewhere, but I"m using an ibm with acpi, so I don't know.03:59
lymecam trying to install hardy on a Macbook and it succeeded but GRUB won't work!  I'm in the live CD and am trying to finish installing GRUB, what can I do?03:59
pufffallore: less /proc/acpi/ibm/volume03:59
arooniwith 320GB hard drive, 4GB ram... 1) how big should / be?  2) how big should swap be?  3) what order should it be partitioned in?  /, /home, swap?04:00
Leefmczlymeca: Was it a full install? Im on a mac pro with no problems04:00
fallorepuff: no such file or directory. restarting brb04:00
wng_z3r0Winston_SmithVT: It depends on what you want to do. Most popular web browsers can use vpn right out of the box, you just need to set it up04:00
Flannelarooni: How much RAM do you have?04:00
amenadoGeoffrey2-> you can put that as an entry in your /etc/network/interfaces so no need to retype all every reboot04:00
Flannelarooni: Oh04:00
smm289is there a cpu-z for linux04:00
Flannelarooni: Is this a desktop or a laptop?04:00
puffDoes anybody know how I make absolutely certain my wireless isn't trying to use wpa or anything?04:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu-z04:00
mediaalright I am off to reinstall04:00
mediabbl maybe04:01
arooniFlannel, desktop04:01
Winston_SmithVTwng_z3r0: The local computer is locked down, can't change settings you can only browse pretty much. I can't even use a USB stick on this computer i'm worried about.04:01
Geoffrey2amenado, I'm just rather confused as to why the Network Settings manager wouldn't save that for me automatically04:01
amenadopuff anything?04:01
Flannelarooni: 4G swap tops (likely less).  Since you've got 320G, you can splurge a little and give yourself like 30G for / and then /home for the rest.  I'd go / /home swap (this also means you can reduce your swap later, and merge some with home)04:01
amenadoGeoffrey2-> command line options is not saved04:01
puffamenado: Hm?04:02
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:02
SmoothPorcupineUbuntu is stuck on a very small screen res, and telnet sucks for IRC.04:02
Scruffy00Okay, would anyone be gracious enough to help a guy who is having trouble with the mail notification in Evolution?04:02
amenadopuff you stated anything..what do you mean?04:03
FlannelSmoothPorcupine: why are you using telnet?  Also,04:03
fallorepuff: jrgp: everyone else: sound is working :D thanks04:03
Flannel!fixres | SmoothPorcupine04:03
ubottuSmoothPorcupine: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:03
^Phantom^what is a .daa file ?04:03
jrgpScruffy00, ditch eveloution and try thunderbird?04:03
J-nScruffy00 i'd be happy to but i do not use evolution. i'm sorry.04:03
Geoffrey2amenado, I'm not doing this from the command line...this is the wlan0 properties menu, which has entries for the password type, and a place to enter the password....04:03
bobertdosScruffy00, I second jrgp's suggestion :D04:04
aroonithanks Flannel04:04
smm289I have 32bit 8.04 installed and im pretty happy with my settings, would I have to completly start over if I wanted to install the 64bit version04:04
HardDisk^Phantom^, it's a cd/dvd image format04:04
mnIf mustafa_kaya comes back because he already got a driver and still cant get on the internet, have him get the firmware he need from here:  http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php  plzz04:04
danbh_intrepidsmm289: short answer, stick with 32bit04:04
Flannelsmm289: You'd have to reinstall.  That doesn't necessarily mean lose your settings.04:04
Scruffy00I would like to use thunderbird but I like the PDA features with Evolution.  If I use Thunderbird is there a program to handle my calendar and contacts the way Evolution does?04:04
amenadoGeoffrey2-> well as you already knew, it does not keep it permanent, so you must edit the interfaces file04:04
jrgpScruffy00, sunbird04:04
HardDiskScruffy00, yes, check out thunderbird's addons04:04
FlannelLightning, not Sunbird04:05
bobertdosScruffy00: or within thunderbird, you can use the lightning extension04:05
^Phantom^k thx04:05
^Phantom^cause i can't find my win98 cd04:05
OdditieCan anyone help me with my soundcard problem?04:05
puffamenado: Please be helpful or try not to add to the confusion.04:05
deuteriumhi, where can i find these alfresco debs for ubuntu? http://www.cmswire.com/cms/enterprise-cms/canonical-bundles-alfresco-enterprise-cms-and-ubuntu-linux-002977.php04:05
smm289ok, how would I install a fresh version of linux but bring everyting back to the way my system is right now04:05
smm289similiar to an image backup with windows04:05
Scruffy00Will it sync with a Palm Treo 650?  Will the PDA software that comes with Gnome work that way with Thunderbird?04:06
jrgpsmm289, boot to an ubuntu cd, wipe the drive, and reinstall04:06
amenadopuff am not, just make sure your statements are clear..04:06
^Phantom^i can only find a .daa format image in torrent format04:06
OdditieI can get OSS to work, but not ALSA, it cannot find my soundcard now04:06
puffamenado: Given the context, it's quite clear what "anything" means.04:07
smm289wow, hows that going to keep everything the same as I have it right now.  For example, can I make a backup that would allow me to setup ubuntu on a new hard drive but with all of the applications and settings I currently have04:07
argentodid any buddy ever had problems with fast user switch, some times it does not come back to gdm nor the pop up windows asking the password, it goes to terminal...04:07
InHisNameI have problems loading a page into my firefox in ubuntu. Probalby a java thing. I have most loaded right I think.  http://pastebin.com/m38215f53  around line 101 is error   applet not iniitialized.   How do I fix this website to have its applet be initialized.?  http://cbtdirect.skillport.com/skillportfe/login/login.cfm   In the pastebin is copy of all the terminal error and process messages while loading the page.  Also included04:07
Winston_SmithVTWell whoever mentioned SSL, Thanks. It looks like I might be able to use stunnel to run a SSL tunnel.04:07
Flannelsmm289: Well, you can keep your homedir, which has all your user settings.04:07
danbh_intrepid!backup > smm28904:07
ubottusmm289, please see my private message04:07
Flannel!cloning | smm28904:07
ubottusmm289: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate04:07
argentodid any buddy ever had problems with fast user switch, some times it does not come back to gdm nor the pop up windows asking the password, it goes to terminal...???04:08
amenadopuff not to me, since you prefer to argue rather than clarify, am not assisting you04:08
SmoothPorcupine1ACTION seriously hopes the link will help104:08
Geoffrey2curious....the interfaces file already has a wpa-psk line for my wireless device...04:08
kapacewhats the difference between using && and ; to separate commands?04:08
J-n^phantom^ use poweriso to decode, translate, or burn a .daa file04:09
jrgpkapace, && makes sure the first one works before going onto the second04:09
bobertdosScruffy00: Ah, okay, if that's what you're doing, maybe we should try helping you with Evolution :p04:09
puffamenado: It's cool, if you don't know, that's okay.04:09
kapacethanks jrgp04:09
Scruffy00That would be great bobertdos.04:09
puffamenado: But thank you for at least confirming that other people can hear me :-).04:09
pufffallore: Okay, so the basic fix for the problem - which is that the hardware only provides one sound resource lock and the OS can't release it, so the first app to request it has a monopoly on it - is to insert a layer of software between the hardware and everything else.   Used to be this was a package called esd, then IIRC, alsa superceded that.   I think that's still the current solution.04:10
pufffallore: But I'04:10
bobertdosScruffy00: I'm googling and I'm beginning to see that Treo's and Thunderbird haven't been mixing so well.04:10
pufffallore: But I'm on a borrowed laptop, so until I fix my wireless I can't give you more help.04:10
fallorepuff: alright, thanks, i'll look into it04:10
Scruffy00bobertdos:  I noticed that too.  I am dual booting with Vista, but I don't like Outlook and I really am not fond of Vista.  I like Evolution and like Ubuntu, but I need the mail notification to work because I am not always around my laptop and sometimes I need to know when an e-mail arrives.04:11
^Phantom^i want to try vboxing winvista now :D04:12
=== PV_Away is now known as PrivateVoid
feng_can you use wireless in ubuntu ?04:13
pufffeng_: I'm actually looking for help wtih that :-).04:13
^Phantom^would it work in xp?04:13
feng_yes ,04:13
pufffeng_: But generally, yes.04:13
LSD|Ninjafeng_: sure. How easy it is depend on what wifi chip you have though04:13
feng_intel 394504:13
bobertdosScruffy00: Unfortunately, not having used Evolution much, I don't know how much help I can be.04:13
LSD|Ninjafeng_: that should work out of the box04:14
feng_i've tried several times04:14
J-nscruffy00 do you have the plugin enabled?04:14
feng_i'm not sure04:14
Scruffy00bobertdos:  I appreciate the effort though.  I just wish I knew what to do.04:14
LSD|Ninjafeng_: All the drivers and whatnot are present and loaded for those. All you need to do is set up your wifi lan in network manager04:15
feng_all done in ubuntu but wireless chip ,04:15
Scruffy00J-n:  Do you mean by going in to Edit>Plugins>finding Mail Notification and making sure the box is checked?04:15
LSD|Ninjafeng_: what version of Ubuntu?04:15
J-nscruffy00 yeah04:15
Scruffy00J-n: yeah, the box has been checked04:16
feng_what does it mean04:16
LSD|Ninjafeng_: then it should work fine04:16
bobertdosScruffy00: Let me just ask you this, what would be the ideal notification for you?04:16
^Phantom^is it possible to vbox vista on xp?04:17
LeefmcFlannel: You awake?04:17
Scruffy00A sound of somekind.  Currently in Vista I have a sound from Dr. Who.  That way it's distinct.  I work at a radio station so I need something to stand out.04:17
Leefmcjrgp: You awake?04:17
pyraki just copied .mozilla-thunderbird from my old home, now when i start hunderbird it says its already running.  i need to delete a journal file or something, right?04:17
pyrakany help appreciated04:18
Geoffrey2every time I turn on the computer, I need to go into Network Settings, and manually reenter the WPA passkey in the wlan0 properties window, this USED to be handled automatically, now it isn't....the problem seems to have started when I switched from Roaming mode to specifying a specific wireless network to connect to04:18
LSD|NinjaGeoffrey2: isn't there a checkbox to save it?04:18
smm289If I use Home User Backup, and I have to replace a hard-drive, I just install ubuntu on the new drive and then use Home User Restore.  Then will everything be put back to the way it was before the failure.  I dont mean data I mean EVERYTHING04:18
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: /etc/network/interfaces is not too hard to setup, maybe you should try that04:19
pyraki just copied .mozilla-thunderbird from my old home, now when i start hunderbird it says its already running.  i think i need to delete a file that thunderbird makes04:19
LSD|Ninjasucks for roaming though04:19
pyrakwhile it's running.  any ideas?04:19
Geoffrey2LSD, I'm getting the impression the problem is that the keyring is not unlocking...when I go into the wlan0 properties menu it shows a password already saved, when I re-enter the password, THEN I get a prompt for the password to unlock the master keyring....04:20
bobertdosScruffy00: That's what I was thinking........Evolution should be able to do sound. Let me see.......04:20
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Geoffrey2danbh_intrepid, actually, interfaces already appears to be set up........04:21
feng_which IDE of C++ you often use in ubuntu?04:21
LSD|NinjaGeoffrey2: you should be ablw to tell it to always allow access to the keyring04:21
LeefmcQuestion: After installing ubuntu and xp everything is fine with GRUB, except when i choose to boot into XP, xp gives an error about hal.dll missing. Google suggests this is a problem with xp's boot.ini, anyone have a good solution?04:22
=== ctt755 is now known as Politics
feng_ which IDE of C++ you often use in ubuntu?04:22
feng_ which IDE of C++ you often use in ubuntu?04:22
pufffeng_: Probably emacs :-).04:22
arquebusfeng- anjuta04:22
pufffeng_: But eclipse is quite popular in the java world and I know it has C++ support as well.04:22
Infinito_emacs, geany.04:22
Infinito_eclipse more and more lately04:22
ender_anjuta some, too04:23
pw-does anyone have experience with ubuntu under tha sony vaio platform?04:23
feng_i'd like code autocomplete ide04:23
louie_pw - no, but what's the problem04:23
FlannelLeefmc: What's up?  Best to just ask.04:23
Cpudan80feng_: Use monodevelop04:24
daklanpw-: i have. installed on a SZ- series04:24
pw-wireless card drivers, louie_, i googled it, seems to be a common problem, drivers don't work properly, some have gotten it to work, no one explains how04:24
Cpudan80feng_: C++ in eclipse sucks because of the way it tries to do compilation (ie every time you save)04:24
pw-daklan, this is the NR series04:24
PDF_qI am trying to run a cron task but for some reason nothing is happening. I used the crontab -e command set the cron task to 15 and 30 minutes, then used /etc/init.d/cron restart to get it to work but nothing is happening04:24
Razerwhy is the standard version of transmission used in Ubuntu so old?04:24
Geoffrey2LSD|Ninja, here's the contents of the interfaces file, minus the password, obviously..... http://pastebin.ca/120304004:24
daklanpw-: might be different hardware. wireless card worked out of the box for me04:24
Cpudan80That may have changed with a newer plugin, but monodevelop is supposed to be the equivalent of Visual C++ feng_04:24
louie_pw - have you tired the new alpha 504:24
feng_i've tried them ,but  seem not so good04:25
LeefmcFlannel: Already did :p04:25
brodyhas anyone had a problem with sound working/ not working with flash such as youtube in ubuntu?04:25
LeefmcQuestion: After installing ubuntu and xp everything is fine with GRUB, except when i choose to boot into XP, xp gives an error about hal.dll missing. Google suggests this is a problem with xp's boot.ini, anyone have a good solution?04:25
pw-louie_, i have not, what is it?04:25
IndyGunFreakpw-: what is the device?04:25
louie_the new version of ubuntu that's comming out oct. 30th04:25
veritosWhen I update a package with apt-get, does it overwrite the files in /etc? If so, does it keep a backup automatically?04:25
FlannelLeefmc: That is entirely an XP thing yes.  You've handed the boot off to windows, and its... doing whatever it does.04:25
pw-IndyGunFreak, let me find out04:26
prog077iwant anet cut program on ubuntu?04:26
LeefmcFlannel: Bummer04:26
LSD|Ninjaprog077: what wifi chip do you have?04:26
LeefmcFlannel: Imma try somethin then, bbl, wish me luck04:26
LSD|Ninjaprog077: ignore that04:26
LSD|Ninjapw-: what wifi chip do you have?04:26
Flannelveritos: It shouldn't overwrite anything, because they'll already be there.  If you make changes, it'll try and merge/ask you about merging said changes (but changes shouldn't matter)04:26
shakahello there04:26
FlamDoes EeeUbuntu work well for the 1000h model of Eee PC?04:26
pw-LSD|Ninja, IndyGunFreak: Atheros (AR5006EG)04:26
IndyGunFreakpw-: is that how lspci identifies it?04:27
feng_i use intel 3945 wifi chip ,but it doesn't work well04:27
physically_fitbrody, $ sudo apt-get install libflashsupport04:27
LSD|NinjaFlam: 1000H has a hard drive, you shouldn't have to bother with cut-down stuff on it04:27
Geoffrey2danbh_intrepid, I pasted my interfaces file, minus the actual passkey, could you look and see if anything looks out of place? http://pastebin.ca/120304004:27
Flannelveritos: er, changes shouldn't be big changes, not changes shouldn't matter.04:27
veritosFlannel: Thanks. Do I need to run anything special to merge them, or does it ask right away?04:27
shakaonly i'm gonna ask you if you know about lhc04:27
J-nScruffy00 this guy says he's got a python script that fixes the sound notification problems in evolution- check it out - http://thpinfo.com/2007/hacks/       i hope it helps.04:27
Flannelveritos: It shouldn't have any changes (except when upgrading from Ubuntu version to Ubuntu version)04:27
pw-IndyGunFreak, i'm not sure, i googled my laptop and got that, to find out through linux i'd have to run the live CD, then boot back into windows04:27
shakaplease check it lhc04:28
LSD|Ninja3945 is fine, problem is likely between keyboard and chair :P04:28
Scruffy00J-n:  I will take a look at it.  Thanks.04:28
prog077I am a junior on ubuntu  and a very slow speed Internet04:28
shakasee you latter alligator04:28
kapacek, all of a sudden, my printer stopped working, unless it has PS 2 filtering, what could cause this?04:28
J-nScruffy00 might be outdated tho, dunno.04:28
IndyGunFreakpw-: it would proably help.. boot to Ubuntu, open a termianl and run "lspci"... no quotes.. and write down exactly how it identifies the device04:28
pw-ok, let me get in here with the desktop PC, and run the liveCD on the laptop04:28
brodyphysically_fit - k thanks man04:29
IndyGunFreakpw-: ok04:29
=== FrozenFire__ is now known as FrozenFire
J-nScruffy00 if it's any consolation, i spent this time setting up evolution so i could see if i could get the sound notification to work, and it seems when i click "Test" as well, i get no sound either.04:29
tehdave_Is there a reason OpenGL would stop working properly after running a "Fix X Server" in Hardy?04:29
FlamLSD|Ninja: I want something that works well out of the box, that's the thing.  If Eeeubuntu is tailored for Eees and comes prepackaged with it's drivers - im happy04:29
Scruffy00J-n:  I am glad that I am not the only one.  How do I use the script or install it....04:30
Flamif it's too cut down i can download stuff after it installs04:30
brodyphysically_fit -yea thanks man it works now04:30
J-nScruffy00 GOK lol04:30
LSD|Ninjapw-: That's one of the later ones that the version of madwifi in Hardy doesn't support. It should be supported come Intrepid though so if you can hold out a few more weeks you should be good04:30
bobertdosScruffy00: You still here?04:30
brodylater all04:30
Scruffy00bobertdos:  I am here04:30
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: i was messing w/ Intrepid today, it doesn't support my atheros chipset yet(Ar242x)04:31
bobertdosScruffy00: took a long time, but I found the settubg04:31
pw--LSD|Ninja, intrepid being 8.10?04:31
LSD|Ninjapw--: yeah04:31
pw--ok thank you, i can hold out =)04:31
Scruffy00bobertdos:  what is that?04:31
IndyGunFreakpw--: you can probalby get it working under hardy if you want to try....04:32
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: ok, maybe I dont know about your setup.  I set mine up differently04:32
pw--IndyGunFreak, still loading up the liveCD =)04:32
bobertdosIt's under Edit->Plugins->Mail Notification->Configuration tab04:32
IndyGunFreaklike i said, i messed w/ Intrepid a while today, and couldnt get my wireless going.04:32
FlamNow you made me nervous... should I install regular ubuntu on my eeepc 1000h?04:32
LSD|NinjaIndyGunFreak: you can get the drivers Intrepid will be using backported to Hardy but it's kinda messy04:32
Scruffy00bobertdos:  okay, let me take a look.04:32
pw--this is a left field noob question, if overly stupid please ignore: is it possible to mount an existing NTFS partition to /home04:32
Geoffrey2danbh_intrepid, ok, thanks for trying...04:33
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: well, i was trying to make it work w/ madwifi under Intrepid, the way I did under hardy, and that was no joy.04:33
IndyGunFreakpw--: you can mount it, not sure if you can mount it to /home though04:33
LSD|Ninjapw--: as /home, no. Into /home, sure04:33
pw--ah, hmm04:33
Scruffy00bobertdos:  okay, what am I looking for?04:33
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: you are  doing wpa-something for all your directives.  In mine, I do wireless-directive  where directive matches something from iwconfig04:33
bobertdosScruffy00: Well, there should be a checkbox there for playing sound upon message arrival.04:34
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: "s/wpa/wireless/g"04:34
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: but, I wass looking through the man pages, and I couldnt find clear information04:35
pw--IndyGunFreak, i'm sorry, the log where you told me the command was on another IRC client which i closed, could you please repeat it?04:35
Scruffy00bobertdos:  I see it, and I have had the box checked.  J-n sent me to a web sit with a python script, but I don't know what to do with it.04:35
IndyGunFreakpw--: lspci  and see how it identifies your wireless chipset04:35
Geoffrey2danbh_intrepid, the thing is, I didn't set any of this up, Ubuntu created that file for me.....04:35
pw--thank you04:35
J-nbobertdos if you are at that window yourself, select a soundfile and click test, i tried it out myself and it's not working for me either, dont' need/want it.. but something does seem amiss04:36
danbh_intrepidGeoffrey2: ah, the critical flaw of linux.   documentation!!!!!!04:36
rabiddachshundis there a way to reserve desktop space so that maximized windows don't fill that area?04:36
tehdaveIs there a reason OpenGL would break after running a "Fix X Server" under Hardy?04:36
Geoffrey2danbh_intrepid, it probably doesn't help that I'm having ubuntu auto login instead of giving me a login screen every time I start up04:36
bobertdosScruffy00: Well , see if it works normally for you first. If it doesn't, I wonder if it might be because Evolution has issues with Pulse..........just a guess.04:37
Scruffy00J-n:  I've downloaded the python script that was on the website you sent me to.  How do I install it or get it to where it needs to be?04:37
pw--IndyGunFreak, Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)04:37
IndyGunFreakpw--: that device is pretty easy actually, are you using 32bit or 64bit?04:37
J-nScruffy00 i'm sorry.. i dont really know, reaching the limit of my exp here.04:37
IndyGunFreakpw--: its honestly extremely easy(i'm using it right now)04:37
Scruffy00bobertdos:  It doesn't play a sound for me, I want to try the python script, and if that doesn't work I have got to guess it's broke.04:38
Scruffy00J-n: that's okay, you have helped and I appreciate it.04:38
IndyGunFreakyou need to install a version of madwifi made for it though.. any chance you can hook your laptop up by ethernet cable for about 10min?04:38
pw--IndyGunFreak, i can try, last time i did, though, it did not recognize the hard port either04:39
Geoffrey2back when I first installed this version, the login screen was totally screwed up, as your username and password would appear in something like 100 point text in the login window, so I set ubuntu to automatically log me in, since I'm the only one who uses this computer anyway.....04:39
* pw-- wanders off to look for an ethernet cable04:39
IndyGunFreakpw--: hmm, i see04:39
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
J-nScruffy00 i'm sure there is someone else with a similar prob as us, out there, i'm just too unmotivated for a real google search on the issue.. but its certainly a problem with evolution and probally not with your particular setup.. at least that's my GUESS.04:39
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: how difficult is it to install build-essential on w/o an internet connection?.. i've never had much luck w/ it.04:40
LSD|NinjaIndyGunFreak: no idea, I don't recall ever really using it04:41
=== boyz is now known as trii
LSD|NinjaThe Atheros in my ubuntu P4 is supported OOB by madwifi in Hardy and ath5k in Intrepid so I've never had to bother with it04:42
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: hmm,04:42
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: that 242x one is a pain, only worked on gutsy w/ a patched madwifi... and doesn't work w/ the current version of madwifi04:43
LSD|NinjaIndyGunFreak: You need ath9k for those AR242x things which I was assured will be in Intrepid on I couldn't find it last I looked...04:43
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: yeah, i tried today for a while to get it to work... no joy04:43
ender_Are all signed integer datatypes (char, short int, int, long int, long long int) in linux, **always** stored as 2's complement?04:43
danbh_intrepidLSD|Ninja: Im using ath9k right now04:44
Beckwhat's the equivalent of 'mount -t cifs -o username=name,password=pass // /mnt/a' for fstab, this doesn't work:04:44
Beck//         /mnt/a         cifs           rw,mand,username=name,password=pass        0           004:44
danbh_intrepidIndyGunFreak: you were trying the ath9k drivers?04:44
Guest39607IndyGunFreak, no go with the wired connection04:44
=== Guest39607 is now known as pw-
LSD|Ninjadanbh_intrepid: what's the name of the module? modinfo never returned anything for any permutation of ath9k I tried04:44
IndyGunFreakdanbh_intrepid: i was using madwifi..04:45
LSD|Ninjamadwifi doesn't support AR242x afaik, you need ath9k04:45
danbh_intrepidLSD|Ninja: sorry, I dont know how to use modinfo, or search drivers whatever04:45
pw-ah, another guy with AR242x? poor chap04:45
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: i have a verison of madwifi that does, thats what pw- needs, but he'll need to install build essential, and i can rapidshare the file to him.04:46
IndyGunFreakproblem is, i don't know how to install build-essential, w/o an internet connection04:46
pw-hmm, that is a bit of a problem =\04:46
chubs_IndyGunFreak, just download the deb?04:46
pjotrIndyGunFreak: build-essential dependencies g++ g++-4.2 libstdc++6-4.2-dev04:46
LSD|NinjaIndyGunFreak: I was just going on what I read over at the madwifi site. I only have ath_pci/ath5k cards and don't care one way or the other how well Linux supports the one in my MacBook :P04:47
IndyGunFreakpjotr: then you ahve to tr ty to find the dependencies for everything else04:47
danbh_intrepidLSD|Ninja: http://pastebin.com/f290c50dd04:47
Scruffy00Thanks, for all the help.  I am heading to bed.  I will see if I can get this whole Evolution sound issue taken care of.04:47
chubs_the dependencies for g++ and libstdc are probably satisfied04:47
LSD|Ninjadanbh_intrepid: I'll have to take another look when I get the machine built back up04:48
pw-i'll just wait for 8.10 =)04:49
IndyGunFreakpw-: it shouldn't be that hard to be truthful.04:50
danbh_intrepidLSD|Ninja: btw, that paste was just of modinfo ath9k04:50
pw-aye, but i think the 8.10 release will fit with my installation time, also, between now and the time i decide to install, i need to find a way to back up about 90 GB of stuff04:50
pw-hence my previous question about NTFS04:50
IndyGunFreakpw-: i see.. wel yeah, backing up is good, but like i said earlier... i spent a couple hours trying to get that device working w/ Intrepid today, w/ no joy04:51
boumacan anyone recommend a small ubuntu boot cd with clamav or someother antivirus ??04:51
LSD|NinjaIndyGunFreak: It shouldn't be hard, Atheros are usually good but between the drivers being in a state of transition (both upstream and in ubuntu) and Ubuntu being a little slow to roll out madwifi updates we're in a bit of a rough patch right now04:51
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: i know..04:51
IndyGunFreakLSD|Ninja: madwifi is not the problem, i have the version of madwifi he needs, he needs to install build-essential, and i've just never had luck installing that w/o an internet connection04:52
IndyGunFreakpw-: so you've not actuallly installed Ubuntu yet on the laptop04:53
chubs_IndyGunFreak, http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/build-essential04:53
lymecam trying to install hardy on a Macbook and it succeeded but GRUB won't work!  I'm in the live CD and am trying to finish installing GRUB, what can I do?04:54
jp73107Anyone know where i can find information about making my own init scripts?04:55
jp73107basically want my server to automatically start a command so i don't have to login and do it everytime i start the server04:56
chubs_jp73107, rc.local will do that for you04:56
jp73107yeah but i'm not sure what to put into rc.local heh04:56
jp73107just stick the command in there?04:56
chubs_yeah, depending on what it is. what is it?04:57
=== shingen1 is now known as shingen
orificeis there a way to check the size of an unformatted drive ?04:57
jp73107      /kolab/bin/openpkg rc all start04:57
jp73107is the command04:57
PDF_qmy cron tasks aren't working, I set them with crontab -e and restarted the cron with /etc/init.d/cron restart, does anyone else know what I need to do?04:57
amenadoorifice-> fdisk /dev/sdx  x being the new drive, and then go through the menu04:58
jp73107starts the kolab server application so i'm guessing i just put that command above the exit 0 line?04:58
orificeI guess what I want to do is create partition that spans the whole disk from a script04:58
orificeindependent of drive size04:58
amenadoorifice look into using LVM04:58
chubs_jp73107, try it out04:58
ender_Are all signed integer datatypes (char, short int, int, long int, long long int) in linux, **always** stored as 2's complement?04:59
orificeI have.  This is for an automatic deployment script04:59
jp73107well that was stupid easy04:59
orificeI'd like to stay away from LVMs04:59
jp73107thanks chubs04:59
chubs_jp73107, you might want to make that an if statement though04:59
jp73107i think i'm going to remove it now, looks like it started twice, i guess kolab put the init script into init.d for me05:00
chubs_jp73107, haha. alright05:00
amenadoorifice-> then perhaps NAS ?05:00
jp73107and this is the case.. heh05:00
ender_what's a good irc channel on freenode for asking linux dev questions?05:01
linusHej noobs, hur kan jag installera de skärpta förare?05:01
pw-bah, indy left =(05:01
pw-i was afk05:01
ender_Hej linus.05:01
linusnetwork-manager är en hög med skit!05:01
ender_linus, no kidding.05:01
pw-wtf language uses a mix of cyrillic and latin characters?05:02
chubs_it's the same guy from last time, he's in illinois or something05:02
LSD|Ninjapw-: If you don't mind dual booting for 6-8 weeks you can try Intrepid out now and help get wireless working05:02
pw-i cannot help in any way, LSD|Ninja, i am better at breaking things05:02
linusVPS jag använda för trolling är i Illinois!05:02
daklanorifice: sfdisk has a non-interactive mode05:02
pawanhow to install tv tuner card05:02
ender_what's a good irc channel on freenode for asking linux dev questions?05:02
* ender_ pleads on one knee05:03
linusender_: ##Linux ;)05:03
tehdaveIs there a way to fix OpenGL if it's stopped working properly?05:03
=== Jason__ is now known as jp73107
pawanhow to scan for hardware changes05:03
linuspawan: open the case and look for new hardware05:03
tehdaveIt seems to be working via Compiz-fusion, but when I try to run Wine, it gives an error saying "direct3d needs Opengl"05:04
daklanlinus: best answer i ever heard tonight :)05:04
pawani have pluged in tv tuner card05:04
pawannow how to install it05:04
tehdavepawan: lspci05:04
tehdaveshould show the new card in a line05:04
linuspawan: cd /usr/src/linux/Documentation ya05:04
crdlbtehdave: what video card?05:04
tehdavecrdlb, Nvidia Geforce 880005:05
pawanpixel view05:05
crdlbtehdave: "glxinfo | grep direct" ?05:05
pawanit is not showing05:05
tehdave"Direct Rendering: NO"05:05
tehdavewhere do I go to set the flag it's telling me about?05:06
crdlbtehdave: how about "xvinfo | grep -i xgl" ?05:06
tehdavecrdlib: "Adaptor #0: "Xgl Generic Texture Video"05:07
hacked_kernelhow to know the environment variables of a process?05:08
PDF_qdoes anyone know about cron tasks?05:08
crdlbtehdave: uninstall xserver-xgl; you don't need it. Wine tests for 3d acceleration by checking for direct rendering which Xgl does not provide to apps (wine is broken in this respect, but that's another story)05:08
tehdavecrdlib: ah05:08
crdlbyour next session will not use Xgl05:09
Infinito_PDF_q, we do. What do you wanna know?05:09
tehdavecrdlb, I can just restart X right05:09
crdlbtehdave: yes, but you don't even need to go that far; logging out is enough05:09
tehdavecrdlb, oi, thanks05:09
tehdavecrdlb, i'll let you know if it works (and doesn't mess up Compiz-fusion) XD05:10
PDF_qinf I am trying to start a cron task, I am using crontab -e set the crontask to one minute, then restart the cron with /etc/init.d/cron restart but for some reason it doesnt work05:10
tehdavequit TESTING NAO05:10
PDF_q1 * * * * echo 'test in the next time' > /tmp/test this is the cront05:11
tehdavecrdlb, W00t worked05:11
PDF_qanyone know whats wrong?05:12
Sonicadvance1Has anyone else got this? (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Microsoft X-Box 360 pad" (type: MOUSE)05:12
Sonicadvance1 Or any way of stopping it from being configured as a mouse? It seems to have happened when I updated XServer, but it could have come from the other updates as well05:12
tehdavecrdlb, thanks!05:13
hacked_kernelhow to know the environment variables of a process?05:16
levanderhacked_kernel: 'env'05:17
levanderWhy is this channel so slow?05:17
=== Torv is now known as Torvalds
Torvaldshej chubs_05:18
Torvaldshow is #unoobtu going05:18
matt_I installed the nvida drivers and it made everything run slow, so I uninstalled it and now my xorg is all jacked up and I can't fix it05:19
chubs_we just finished you in slackware Torvalds give it up05:19
matt_is there a way to reconfigure it like the install05:19
matt_dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work05:19
Sonicadvance1I like how you go every 5 seconds so you don't get flood kicked05:20
LGKeizCan someone deal with that fucktard05:20
levanderLinus, what's happening today?  You kind of bored?05:20
Linushahaha catalyst skills don't affect me05:20
LinusI am a trol++++05:20
LinusSUPER TROLL!05:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!05:21
LinusSUPER TROLL!05:21
LinusSUPER TROLL!05:21
Linushahaha catalyst skills don't affect me05:21
Linushahaha catalyst skills don't affect me05:21
Linushahaha catalyst skills don't affect me05:21
Linushahaha catalyst skills don't affect me05:21
levanderLinus: Good trolls usually say something funny.05:21
chubs_missed it guys, sorry05:21
Dominianchubs_: You're like a date on prom night.. you work up to it.. then DENIED!05:22
levanderI've never seen anyone try to troll a room just by coming in and announcing he was a troll.05:22
J2000_cathis is a really silly question but how to you select something when configuring a package with apt-get?05:22
Sonicadvance1That's because he's a Super troll xD05:22
levanderI'm running Gutsy still.  Is that version 7.10 or 8.04?05:27
dignanshuttle worth is really an astronaut05:27
dignanthat's kind of insane05:27
remitaylori've installed a .deb which overwrites a library on my machine (fixes a bug in the library) and it makes apt really angry - apt marks packages that depend on the library as broken and it wants to overwrite my bugfix.  does anyone know howto fix this / keep it from happening?  i haven't gotten a 'hold' or pinning to work.05:29
cgentry72i'm having problems with flash/firefox how can i fix this05:29
Invert314why is there no mesa deb on getdeb.com?05:30
Jordan_UInvert314: Mesa is a library, getdeb only has applications, and it doesn't claim to have all apps either05:32
robim new to kubuntu (linux) and i installed something that keeps asking me for domain name of my server how can i fix this05:32
Invert314ty Jordan_U05:32
Jordan_UInvert314: np05:32
carandraugcgentry72: can you be a bit more specific on your problem?05:33
bringatowelrob, are you trying to run a web or other server type? if not you can probably just put in whatever you like05:34
robi try to get into synaptic and got an error that told me to run dpkg--configure -a to correct the problem i did that and it is asking for a domain name for my server and im not a server i installed something not sure lol05:36
bringatowelrob, what did you install? try putting "localhost"05:37
oliveirawow very big community05:37
robk ill try that05:37
oliveirahow can I be helped and help to?05:38
orificehow can you programatically enter input into an interactive script if it doesn't ahve a command line interface ?05:38
danbh_intrepid!etiquitte > oliveira05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etiquitte05:38
danbh_intrepid!etiquette > oliveira05:39
ubottuoliveira, please see my private message05:39
Flanneloliveira: Ask questions, answer questions.  Follow channel guidelines.05:39
Razeranyone know why my transmission client slowed down so much?05:40
robthx that worked everything is good now thx again05:40
Jordan_Urob: Can you pastebin the output of "tail /var/log/dpkg.log"05:41
Razercan forwarding ports make my torrents slow?05:41
orificehow can you programatically enter input into an interactive script if it doesn't ahve a command line interface ?05:41
orificeshit sorry05:41
robdont understand05:41
robrun that in terminal and copy and past results?05:42
boumahas anyone used the antivir linux based rescue cd ??05:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about transmission05:44
kapacewhat is the shell that appears when i press Ctrl+alt+F1 called?05:46
kapaceor how do i change the colors in that shell?05:46
Cpudan80kapace: that's just a bare terminal05:46
kapaceno colors?05:46
Cpudan80kapace: you can't change its colors05:47
kapaceis there a way to make gnome-term fullscreen?05:47
Cpudan80kapace: You can set it so that certain programs (ie. vim) display for "dark backgrounds"05:47
Cpudan80kapace: yes - with the window active hit F1105:47
Cpudan80its not the best fullscreen05:48
Cpudan80but it is fullscreen05:48
Cpudan80you can achieve the same effect by just maximizing the window05:48
kapaceyes, cool enough05:48
kapacei want to impress some friends matrix theme etc :P05:48
R-800: (05:49
kapacealso : cat file (or whatever) | beep -c -f 400 -D 50 -l05:49
oliveiramates, I have a very simple question, is it possible use microphone (not via USB) on virtualbox?05:49
oliveiraUbuntu 8.04 as host and XP as guest05:50
Myrttikapace: try tilda05:50
kapaceMyrtti, ok05:50
izinucsoliveira, ask again on #vbox05:52
yaroHello, I am having an issue with alsamixer...05:52
izinucsnp :)05:53
yarotry to run it from the terminal, I get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47080/05:54
damo( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 8.04 - hardy Kernel: 2.6.24-19-generic, GNU/Linux | Xorg: | Desktop: KDE: 3.5.9GNOME 2.22.2 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.8.405:54
marshallhey guys05:54
TopBunny88whats up marshall ?05:55
=== TrustNoOne is now known as Daft_Punk
Daft_Punkwhats up05:55
Agrajag-so if i've got a wired connection and i want to share that wired connection over wireless (so i'd be an access point), does NetworkManager support doing this?05:55
marshallive installed ATI proprietary drivers on my hardy system and id like to go back to the old open source drivers. how do i uninstall the proprietary ones?05:55
kapacedaft punk is here!! wooo!05:55
yaroAny ideas on how I can get alsamixer working? Kinda need it to get my rescording on Audacity.05:55
soltekHello, I'm a newbie and would like to know what are considered to be executable files on a Linux system. I'm trying Ubuntu.05:55
Daft_PunkAgrajag, you need a wireless access point module or wireless hub or router to broadcast the signal, your computer can't do that05:55
Daft_Punksoltek, .deb files are executable, but anything you can and need to install is in the add/remove programs section under applications05:56
damoexacly what i have05:56
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: ah right ok ta05:56
Daft_Punksoltek, some applications may not be installable until you have the correct repositories added05:56
remitaylorremitaylor: in response to my own question (for the log) ... i should re-package the deb with an incremented version number and then apt shouldn't complain anymore (props to #debian for helping out, altho they were very mean to me because i'm using ubuntu, not debian).  apt is auto-upgrading my package because the version number isn't higher than the current one.05:56
Agrajag-what does "Create new wireless network" in networkmanager actually do? I can't seem to find networkmanager documentation05:56
izinucssoltek, in my limited understanding linux is a text based system so a text file could be executable. so can .jar files .. .deb ... .bin..  .sh   etc.. it's not as clear cut as widows when it comes to executibles05:57
Daft_PunkAgrajag, if you can't find your network through broadcasting, (IE your ssid is silent) then you can manually add the wireless network information in (if you know your ssid and key)05:57
Daft_PunkAgrajag, you have to have a wireless router and you have to set up your wireless network (instructions come with the wireless router)05:57
yaroNo one knows what I can do to fix alsamixer?05:57
soltekThanks, I guess that about covers it.05:58
Daft_Punkyaro, sorry...05:59
Daft_Punkyaro, just keep asking your question every couple of minutes (dont screen flood) and someone should be able to help you05:59
delfickhello, does anyone know how I'd go about making a link to a folder using the commandline ?? "ln -s testFolder destinationFolder" makes a link but it say it's broken .....05:59
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: i don't think what you said is correct. if it is, what's the difference between "Connect to other wireless network" and "Create New Wireless Network"?05:59
Daft_PunkAgrajag, I know what I said is correct, a computer can NOT broadcast wireless signals, you must purchase a wireless router06:00
Daft_PunkAgrajag, if you have a wireless network you can broadcast the ssid or keep it hidden. if it is broadcasted you can search for ssid and connect to other wireless network. if your ssid is hidden you must enter in the ssid and key manually hence "create new wireless network"06:01
Cpudan80Hello all06:01
Cpudan80I'm having a problem with rhythmbox06:01
Cpudan80it keeps finding duplicates of all my music06:01
Daft_Punk!ask Cpudan8006:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask cpudan8006:01
Cpudan80Like /home/debrac/music is a symlink over to my external06:01
LSD|Ninjahidden SSIDs aren't secure and they create more problems than they solve so meh06:01
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: that's what the "Connect to other wireless network" option is for. the "Create New Wireless Network" clearly does something else.06:01
Cpudan80It worked fine before..... any ideas why it might have stopped working?06:02
Daft_PunkLSD|Ninja, true... but im just trying to explain to Agrajag that "create new wireless network" under network manager does not mean your computer can turn itself into a router and start broadcasting wireless signals06:02
yaroI ask again: I can't get alsamixer to run. My console output can be found here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47080/06:02
Daft_PunkAgrajag, I gave you an answer, if you don't want to listen, that's up to you...06:02
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: your answer is incorrect.06:02
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!06:02
Flanneljrgp: yes?06:03
jrgpjust wondering what that command did06:03
jrgpno problems06:03
Madpilotjrgp, was there a good reason for that?06:03
cwgannonaloha.  i've noticed a delay in click response time and tooltip display time now that i've plugged in a second monitor?  any ideas what could be causing this would be appreciated06:03
Daft_Punkhah wow06:03
jrgpsorry for calling it for no reason06:03
MadpilotAh, No,.06:03
RealcoolguyAgrajag: there is an adhock mode that may or may not be supported, and is what you should be looking into for making your laptop an access point (you both have to bridge your wired connection and supply your adhock connection)06:03
jrgpapparentkly not06:03
Flanneljrgp: please don't do that.  Try commands out in queries06:03
Oxygenfa1hey guys. I got this really sweet dock theme going on right now for ubuntu. I want to get rid of my top panel (no hide, just get rid of it) but have it so that I can right click. Kind of like flux box06:03
chubs_Oxygenfa1, install fluxbox?06:04
Oxygenfa1I still want the program list etc, I just want to have that come up as if I were using flux box. By right clicking06:04
ubunt2can anyone tell me how to have an audio file (.asx) launch upon login?06:04
Oxygenfa1Well my compiz and dock wont work right ?06:04
Oxygenfa1Cause thats gnome06:04
Daft_PunkOxygenfa1, you can change the program list etc... to a single icon instead of "applications, places, system"06:04
JWIs there a guide that can show me how to setup an Ubuntu ShoutCAST server please?06:05
chubs_Oxygenfa1, you can get docks for flux, compiz not so sure about but i think there is some sort of compositing06:05
Daft_PunkOxygenfa1, and you can have the start menu "icon" mounted as a desklet, just floating on your desk06:05
FlannelJW: icecast is the alternative in the repos06:05
Oxygenfa1How sir ?06:05
chubs_Oxygenfa1, not sure about the right click menu in gnome though06:05
Oxygenfa1thx chubs06:05
Daft_PunkOxygenfa1, did you want to do it that way?06:05
yaroI ask again: I can't get alsamixer to run. My console output can be found here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47080/06:05
Oxygenfa1Ill try it06:05
phpcurioushi, I have a problem with my ubuntu. I am not sure if it has something to do with the network, coz i can't connect. but I can do chat right here.06:06
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint you are incorrect. my wireless chip does support master mode.06:06
phpcuriousI don't know what to check. or where to check.06:06
ubunt2can anyone tell me how to have an audio file (.asx) launch upon login?06:06
squeeIs it possible to use a windows virtual machine to run my ubuntu partition?06:07
Agrajag-Daft_Punk: please do not give out erroneous information in future. thanks for trying though.06:07
Flannelb200368: Can we help you?06:08
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:08
yaroSquee: there might be a way...06:08
yarosquee: I seem to recall coming across a HOWTO on having a Windows VM share a disk partitio with a real Windows install. Do that, combined with the ext2 IFS driver you might be able to do it.06:09
albech_i wish to install windows xp on another partition after having a windows free computer for years.. i fear windows wont leave my MBA alone.. how to protect windows from overwriting it and preserve grub as bootloader?06:09
b200368i can not chat with yahoo account06:09
evilbugungood > http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/12/hackers-hit-lhc-computer-system-deemed-scary-experience/06:09
Flannelalbech_: You don't, you just recover it afterwards06:09
Flannel!grub | albech_06:09
ubottualbech_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:09
Flannelalbech_: follow the first link there06:10
yaroalbech_: What lannel said.06:10
ganeshnot able to log in to gnome session..i am in gnome failsafe..06:10
Flannelevilbug: #ubuntu-offtopic not here, thanks.06:10
albech_Flannel: thanks06:10
ubunt2can anyone tell me how to have an audio file (.asx) launch upon login?06:10
evilbugjust thought you'd be interested...06:10
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:10
droopsta915i have a window that has no close, minimize, option, how can i get rid of it?06:10
Myrttib200368: which program are you trying to use?06:10
yaroubunt2: You'll need to convert it to a .WAV and set it in system -> preferences -> Sound06:10
Flannelevilbug: This channel is for support only, #ubuntu-offtopic is the one for general chatter, thanks.06:10
b200368now i am using xchat06:11
ubunt2what if I just want to launch it in movie player06:11
yarodroopsta: rightclick its button on the taskbar.06:11
oliveiraThe dot key of the numerical pad does not work under ubuntu is it normal?06:11
Myrttib200368: xchat is an irc client only. You need to use a client specifically for yahoo chat.06:12
Myrtti!im | b20036806:12
ubottub200368: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, and IRC. See also !Kopete06:12
yaroOliveira: Make sure your numlock is ON.06:12
ganeshgnome login problem...not able to log in to gnome session..i am in gnome failsafe..06:12
oliveiraall the other keys work06:12
droopsta915yaro: i cant see the task bar, its full screen?06:12
JWI've installed icecast, where can i find the icon to run it? Or is there a command?06:12
jddso I was following the customization tut here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization , screwed up a bit, and accidentally deleted the directory containing the chroot before unmounting the bound-to-my-dev dev directory, proc, or sys. I was able to unmount the dev and sys, but proc won't unmount (busy) and I'm having odd errors like not being able to open up any more PTYs - any idea what I can do?06:12
ubunt2it's actually a streaming radio station which I want to start upon login06:12
yaroDroofsta: Try Alt+F406:12
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:12
ubunt2any ideas?06:12
RealcoolguyJW: try simply typing icecast into a terminal window, and see if anything happens?06:13
=== TrustNoOne is now known as Cavalry
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P06:13
Cavalrycan't get CSS working in wine... keeps crashing about 10-20 seconds into the game (when i join a server)06:14
smm289can u make the bot spit out the torrent list page06:14
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:14
smm289!torrent download06:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:14
yaroI ask again: I can't get alsamixer to run. My console output can be found here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47080/06:14
droopsta915yaro: cool it closed the windows, do you know why i cant see the window options(minimize, maximize and close)06:14
ganesh ganesh:can any one help me with gnome login problem?/06:15
yarodroopsta: Are you running... Emerald, perhaps?06:15
JWHow do I setup icecast? I used Synaptic to install it but I cannot find the icon for it and when I use the command "icecast" it gives me some error messages about not being able to find a log file?06:15
droopsta915yaro: no, im opening my networking classes web site06:15
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:16
yarodroopsta: So you are running the default window decorator?06:16
RealcoolguyJW: do you get permission errors?06:16
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:16
JWRealcoolguy, no it just cannot find a log file06:16
Cpudan80I've messed up my sound somehow -- is there a way to reset all the settings back to default?06:16
Cpudan80the hardware is not messed up -- just the settings06:16
RealcoolguyJW: http://icecast.imux.net/viewtopic.php?t=7  may not be the same error though06:17
droopsta915yaro: i got compiz, but everything i open has the tool bar, except that web site?06:17
wariskamparhello, i need help on terminal06:17
wariskamparwhen running command, i get this message06:17
wariskamparaznan@aznan-laptop:~$ gedit test06:17
wariskampar/home/aznan/.themes/Murrine Wise/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:95: Murrine configuration option "hilight_ratio" will be deprecated in future releases. Please update this theme to get rid of this warning.06:17
wariskamparGtk-Message: Using Global Menu06:17
Myrtti!paste | wariskampar06:17
ubottuwariskampar: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:17
wariskamparwhat does it mean, and hw do i update my theme06:17
fatjedihi, I have been trying to get ventrilo to work in Hardy, but keep having problems with my microphone. The microphone works in Ubuntu but not in wine and/or ventrilo. Sound works and i currently have it configured to pulse audio.06:17
yarodroopsta: Perhaps you could tell me specifically what program fails to have the window decorations (Toolbar)?06:18
Myrtti!patience | fatjedi06:18
ubottufatjedi: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:18
JWhow can i make a empty file in the terminal?06:18
MyrttiJW: touch <filename>06:18
jddyaro: do you have pulseaudio installed?06:18
chubs_JW, touch can also be used to timestamp an existing program06:18
yaroJDD: Yes, as part of the default Hardy install.06:19
droopsta915jdd: are u trying to record something?06:19
oliveirathe sound recorder is not working properly, it always crash when I press the record button, is there a way to repair it?06:19
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome login problem?06:19
jdddroopsta915: no, I'm trying to unbork my machine.06:19
yaroDroopsta: I'm not familiar with that program...06:19
droopsta915k, thanx ill keep trying06:19
jddyaro: are you 64 bit?06:20
yaroJDD: Yes, I am.06:20
JWI am trying to change the permission of a file does this look right? "su chmod 777 stats.log"06:20
jddyaro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-plugins/+bug/182731 :(06:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182731 in alsa-plugins "Provide a lib32asound2-plugins package" [Wishlist,Confirmed]06:20
yaroJDD: That package might fix my problem?06:21
jddyaro: nevermind, I misread the package-name in that, sorry.06:21
wariskamparcan anyone help me with this message in terminal06:21
Loco_Igvangood night people..06:21
yaroWariskampar: Don't worry about it.06:22
maxtor211How do I change the logo by Applications>06:22
jddyaro: actually, nevermind the nevermind. If you read through the messages on that bug report, it looks like that _is_ your problem, and it's probably not fixable right now.06:22
wariskamparyaro: do i need to do anything06:22
yaroWariskampar: It is merely saying in the next version of the Murrine GTK+ engine, that feature will no longer be there and the developers of the theme need to drop it. And no, you just ignore it. :P06:23
yaroWariskampar: You're welcome.06:23
jddyaro: maybe uninstall alsa and install it from source?06:23
Cavalrycan't get CSS working in wine... keeps crashing about 10-20 seconds into the game (when i join a server)06:23
FlannelCavalry: try #winehq06:24
yaroJDD: :X That scares me. Usually whenever I fiddle too much with sound I break it ocmpletely and all Ireally can't do is get recordings working in Audacity and the alsamixer doesn't run.06:24
yaroJDD: I think it might be something *I* did, seeing as my sister has 62-bit hardy with PulseAudio and she can run alsamixer fine.06:25
JWwhats the command to give access of a folder to a user?06:25
JWfolder and supfolder06:25
chubs_yaro, I was going to say those 2 bits might be the issue ;)06:25
Rat409JW: chown06:25
yarojw: You can either chown it to the user or chmod its permissions.06:25
chubs_JW, chown -r06:26
chubs_for recursiveness (subfolders)06:26
jddyaro: I don't know enough about running ubuntu on 64 bit to know if that would even solve your problems. I doubt that your sister being able to run it necessarily means that you can, unless you have the same sound card as her.06:27
yaroJDD: Her computer is basically a souped up version of mine, most our hardware is identical.06:27
dmitriyДарова челы есть кто-нить знающий русский06:27
jddyaro: I'm stumped then.06:27
yaroJDD: No matter. I'm not desperate to record anything. ;)06:27
chubs_dmitriy, english here06:28
RadishRabbit1I use Ubuntu with GNOME06:28
Rat409!ru | dmitriy06:28
ubottudmitriy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:28
RadishRabbit1and sometimes, sometimes i can't type into textbox06:28
RadishRabbit1but using the mouse "cut" "paste" works06:28
Eddwinhow can i install a Dual monitor using the ATI Radeon card06:29
Eddwini got 5 hours using Linux06:29
chubs_RadishRabbit1, more information may help us out. a specific program for example, and any idea when these sometimes are06:29
jddOh, I think I may have figured out my problem. Anyone know how to regenerate the /dev directory on the fly?06:30
jdd 06:30
Rat409!ati | Eddwin06:30
ubottuEddwin: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:30
RadishRabbit1when i try to save a file06:30
=== ascii_ is now known as ascii__
RadishRabbit1typing has no response06:30
EmmettDoes anyone know how to limit sudo by IP?06:30
RadishRabbit1also matlab06:30
Emmettfor example, 'allow this user to run commands as root, but only from this IP?'06:30
RadishRabbit1but if i start clicking around06:30
RadishRabbit1then back to command window06:30
RadishRabbit1it might work06:30
yaroThere is one annoyance I'd love to clear out. Sometimes when playing videos, either from DVDs or locally from the hard disk, sometimes GNOME completely stops, except for sound, for maybe 10 seconds, then starts up again.06:30
jddEmmett: I don't know if you can or not but it should be in "man sudoers" if you can. You can definately limit it by user.06:31
rubydiamondHow do I see installed fonts in ubuntu?06:31
Eddwingot this  ATI Technologies Inc RV505 [Radeon X1550 64-b06:32
jddEmmett: Could you just make a user for use with that IP?06:32
yarorubydiamond: fonts:// in nautilus... I think.06:32
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:32
Eddwin       description: VGA compatible controller06:32
Eddwin       product: RV505 [Radeon X1550 64-bit]06:32
Eddwin       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc06:32
Eddwin       physical id: 006:32
Eddwin       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.006:32
Eddwin       version: 0006:32
Eddwin       width: 64 bits06:32
Eddwin       clock: 33MHz06:33
yaroEddwin: STOP!06:33
Eddwin       capabilities: pm pciexpress msi vga bus_master cap_list06:33
Eddwin       configuration: driver=fglrx_pci latency=0 module=fglrx06:33
Eddwin  *-display:1 UNCLAIMED06:33
Eddwin       description: Display controller06:33
Eddwin       product: ATI Technologies Inc06:33
Eddwin       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc06:33
yaro!paste | eddwin06:33
ubottueddwin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:33
Eddwin       physical id: 0.106:33
Eddwin       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.106:33
Eddwin       version: 0006:33
Eddwin       width: 64 bits06:33
Eddwin       clock: 33MHz06:33
Eddwin       capabilities: pm pciexpress cap_list06:33
Eddwin       configuration: latency=006:33
Eddwinim new in this stuff06:33
SegFaultAX!ops| Eddwin06:33
ubottuEddwin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!06:33
yaroEddwin: Please use pastebin!06:34
SegFaultAXsorry ops, but eddwin was spamming the channel06:34
Rat409SegFaultAX: flannel allready was on it,as usual06:35
SegFaultAXRat409: yea, i didnt know if that was necesarily op worthy though06:35
surgyIm trying to install ubuntu cuz i miss it :) and I have one problem, I only have blank DVDs, if i remember right wasnt there a DVD version available? is that still around and if so where can i get it? also a kubuntu dvd image would be nice06:36
Wickedhello all. i cant seem to connect my phone to my computer so i can get things off of it. any ideas?06:37
Cpudan80surgy: via torrent you can get that06:38
spx2how much can one make with google ads,I mean how much per ad ?06:38
Flannelspx2: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions, thanks.06:38
jddbtw, if anyone runs into the same problem i did, "sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart" will regenerate the /dev directory.06:38
surgycpudan do you have a torrent of the latest kubuntu dvd image?06:38
dmitriyздесь есть русские?06:38
yaro!ru | dmitriy06:38
ubottudmitriy: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke06:38
Cpudan80surgy: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hardy/release/dvd/06:39
spx2how much can one make with google ads,I mean how much per ad ?06:39
yaro!offtopic | spx206:39
ubottuspx2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:39
Cpudan80surgy: looks like the full on iso is in that dir too... would advise torrent :-)06:40
=== dextone is now known as De[X]tone
yaroEddwin: What was your issue again?06:44
=== De[X]tone is now known as dextone
* dextone soooo sleepy06:44
cojonesanyone here have any experience proxying torrent trackers?06:45
cojones(just the tracker)06:45
Winston_1mithVTI need some help with stunnel, it keeps giving me an error. I've follwed the directions that came with it but it still won't work. the error is inetd mode must define a remote host or an executable the command i'm running is stunnel webui.conf06:45
techwere al i ...  ???06:45
=== julia_cute_abis is now known as ce_cri_co
WIGGMPkdoes Medibuntu have its own channel?06:48
GeekthrasWell Ubuntu (Xubuntu in fact, though that should make no difference) froze up recently and upon startup dropped to a grub shell of some kind. Poking around, I found it referencing /ubuntu/disks/something, so I booted up Windows and checked this mythical C:/ubuntu/disks/whatever when - lo and behold - I found it was corrupted and unreadable. Do I basically get to reinstall ubuntu? Or is there...06:49
Geekthras...any way at all to fix this?06:49
Flannel!cn | parker06:49
ubottuparker: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:49
Geekthras(reinstalling ubuntu's not a big issue for me, just the data would be nice)06:50
FlannelGeekthras: You're using wubi?06:52
koshar1Geekthras can you run fsck06:52
afallenhopeanyone know how to sync an iPod touch? I have music synced.. just want vids06:52
koshar1Geekthras sorry i missed the wubi bit06:52
wgatompd has a bunch of features i need disabled and i was told to install the needed dependancies.  how do i find out what ones i need?06:54
FlannelGeekthras: I'm not sure there is any way to fix it, no.  You could try using windows and running checkdisk, or whatever.  See if it can fix it.06:54
Geekthrasbah now I need to figure out how chkdsk works06:54
ensihi, im trying to modprobe ndiswrapper.ko, but modprobe just says that the module is not found but it in fact is located in modules/midsc06:55
ensimodules/misc even06:55
wgatorephrase: mpd listed some options that i need as disabled.  how do i fiure out what dependancies i need to install to enable the options?06:56
ensiany ideas=06:56
=== dedi_away is now known as Dedi
neggehtop is telling me that the CPU is running at 100% but I can't find any process that uses that much. How do I find out?06:59
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ASrockwhere is grub.lst located?07:01
FlannelASrock: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:01
mesh_Hey guys, linux noob here, im trying to configure some plug-ins for azureus and i cannot for the life of me figure out where it is installed. I need to set some paths in a config07:01
WIGGMPkIs there an issue with the medibuntu repository??? I asked in #medibuntu but every is dead me thinks07:01
bobesponjadoes anyone know if vlc 0.9.2 will be in intrepid?07:02
ASrockmesh_: try going to /usr/bin/ and see if you can find it there07:02
=== nandemonai_ is now known as nandemonai
mesh_I'll check it out, thanks07:02
neggebobesponja: probably sooner or later07:02
bobesponjanegge: ok thanks, I take that as a yes =)07:03
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!07:03
davidi need help installing my video card07:04
bobesponjabringatowel: I'm already in #ubuntu+1 :)07:04
GeekthrasCan't fsck, will try chkdsk07:04
=== david is now known as Guest64438
Guest64438how do i install ati drivers?07:04
Rat409!ati Guest6443807:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ati guest6443807:04
mesh_ASrock, i found a text finle but it does not seem to indicate the path to where it is installed07:04
bringatowelbobesponja, i was trying to remember the channel name for my own use =P07:04
koshar1david you have purchased it yet? is it agp or pciE07:04
Rat409!ati | Guest6443807:04
ubottuGuest64438: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:04
dstrbdfrkcan someone look at this link then give me some dummy directions http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin+Screenlet+Transparent+Theme+2?content=8769007:05
GeekthrasDeleted corrupted file segment 57556....07:05
mesh_Im trying setup azureus with the swing ui web interface and i need to set some "root" directories where the plugin actually exsist07:05
ASrockmesh_: then other than that i wouldnt know, sorry07:05
mesh_Its all good, i just dont know where this package installed itself07:06
dunasLet's see if I can't corral Ubuntu into behaving proper-like.07:06
dstrbdfrkcan someone look at this link then give me some dummy directions http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin+Screenlet+Transparent+Theme+2?content=8769007:07
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome session problem? the problem is not able to log in to gnome session..its coming back to login screen..i am in failsafe session now07:07
waanDoes anybody else have display problems with Amaya?07:07
ApersonI'm very intrigues by linux/unbuntu, but I'm still running windows. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm pretty new at this, but I would like if someone could explain some stuff for me?! thanks!07:08
dunasAperson: What do you want to know?07:08
ApersonWhere should I start off? I'm taking an operating systems class now in school, but I want to do some stuff at-home07:08
ApersonLooking to get linux installed as a start and then getting my programs to work on the OS.07:09
waanAperson, ubuntu.com has all the info you'll need to get going with ubuntu07:09
dunasWell, Ubuntu is definitely a good place to start. Have you checked the website?07:09
ApersonI'm doing that now07:09
FlannelAperson: Best way to get questions answered is to ask them.  https://help.ubuntu.com/ has a good rundown, for how to install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  first four steps on that page07:09
mesh_Anyone know offhand the path for azureus/azureus plugins???07:09
waanAperson, you just need to download ubuntu, burn it to cd and pop it in07:09
ganesh can any one help me with gnome session problem?07:10
ApersonCool cool, i've heard about using Whine to play games, it is easy to do?07:10
ApersonTheoretically I can get most of my 'main' programs/games to run on the OS?07:10
dunasWell, first, it's 'wine'- and it depends on the game.07:10
ApersonOh, sorry.07:10
dstrbdfrkcan someone tall me how to install a pidgin screenlet07:10
dstrbdfrkor rather how to extrct the screenlet file to this location b/c i cant find it07:10
dstrbdfrk ~/.screenlets/Pidgin/themes07:10
FlannelAperson: Like what?07:11
dunasIt's alright, no harm. A good place to get info on wine is http://www.winehq.org/07:11
ApersonI'm going to assume WoW runs on Linus, but what about STEAM games?07:11
dunasI've been running Counter-Strike Source and Team Fortress 2 just fine through wine.07:11
ApersonOh cool, I play CS1.607:11
dunasShould work.07:11
mrynit_for some reason my wifi is no longer working in 8.04. I put in my 8.04 install CD and wifi works fine with it07:12
ApersonThanks for the links. I feel rather lazy, but I wasn't sure if I should start with unbuntu and wanted to make sure I was reading the RIGHT stuff.07:12
dunasAperson: The best advice I can actually give you if you're going to start using linux is twofold. First, don't be afraid to ask questions, and second, be ready to learn- it's not Windows. :)07:12
dunasAnd just as a general rule for anything, but especially this: Google is your best friend.07:13
ApersonYea definitely.07:14
ApersonI looked around and it seems unbuntu would be a good start, just wanted a little confirmation :)07:14
FlannelAperson: check help.ubuntu.com/community/ before googling though.07:14
hotmonkeyluvcan I have an ati and an nVidia card on the same system? (and have them both work)07:14
Geekthrasdear anyone who remembers the por-blom I have: I can't fsck, because the grub shell is extremely limited, but I can chkdsk07:14
ApersonI'm running windows now, should I bother installing two OS' or should I just del windows and install a fresh copy of linux?07:15
FlannelAperson: dualbooting works fine.07:15
Flannel!dualboot | Aperson07:15
ubottuAperson: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:15
GeekthrasAperson: keey windows running, in case what happened to me happens to you07:16
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome session problem?07:16
dunasWhat a thrill to see X autodetect properly with my laptop, it's been giving me a few problems with the desktop.07:16
droopsta915surfing the net, how good does clear private work?07:16
ProphetuFlannel may i ask you something ?07:17
FlannelProphetu: sure07:17
ProphetuFlannel : how i solve this ? dpkg: error processing hal (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:18
Mr_Fixithey. i grabed avant from the repos but how do i run it??07:20
FlannelProphetu: What are you doing when it happens?07:21
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GeekthrasUgh chkdsk has stopped at 82%07:23
droopsta915how good does clear private work? anyone know?07:23
abngalhi everyone07:24
ProphetuFlannel : i execute apt-get upgrade07:24
abngalis there any "device manager" in ubuntu?07:24
abngalsystem - preferences - appearance - style - *set* to extra does not work in my ubuntu laptop now07:25
Mr_Fixitabngal,  system monitor07:25
Geekthraswelp time to reboot07:25
abngalafter installation of ubuntu 8.04, it was working. I was installing packages and fiddling with settings when it became disabled and never came back07:25
ykphuahabngal: anything in particular that doesn't work for you?07:25
Geekthrasif /ubuntu/disks is where all my stuff is kept then it's all gone07:26
abngalmr_fixit: where do I exactly see the device manager on the system monitor?07:26
JWI have my "Apperance/Visual Effects" settings set to Extra, but how can I customize the Visual Effects?07:26
abngalykphuah: my desktop effects does not work now07:26
Mr_Fixitit's the processes tab abngal07:27
Mr_Fixitbut be careful cuz you have to know what you are killing07:27
Mr_Fixitanyone know about how to get Avant running?07:28
abngalmr_fixit: I don't see all devices in my laptop and some devices present seem to have no link to the drivers it is using07:28
GeekthrasWith wubi, where does it keep all your files?07:28
=== TrustNoOne is now known as Cavalry
ykphuahJW: you need this -> sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:29
ykphuahjw: that gives you more control over compiz07:29
Mr_Fixitsorry abngal that's outta my grasp..07:29
abngalJW: system-administration-synaptics package manager, search for compiz07:30
kevin_Can someone help me with my synaptics mouse settings in xorg.conf .. this has been a long-time problem07:30
abngalbe careful, maybe that made me loose my extra effects07:30
ganeshhow to uninstall a package using command line?07:30
FlannelProphetu: Is this your situation? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/25432007:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254320 in hal "package hal 0.5.11~rc2-1ubuntu8.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]07:30
maxtor211anyone have a ubuntu start-here logo they can send me07:30
JWwth? I have a file.sh but when I "su ./file.sh" it tells me "Unknown  id"?07:30
abngalmr_fixit: okay :)07:31
maxtor211i deleted mine :(07:31
maxtor211i deleted mine :(07:31
FlannelJW: use sudo, not su.07:31
ykphuahJW: use sudo07:31
RynolErm... When someone gets the chance, I've been trying to look up help on the freezing problem but haven't gotten a lot of luck. I installed Hardy off of a LiveCD if that helps... I'm admittedly not at all familiar with much of this. >.>07:31
ykphuahJW: su expects a username.07:31
kevin_Can someone help me with my synaptics mouse settings in xorg.conf .. this has been a long-time problem07:31
maxtor211anyone have a ubuntu start-here logo they can send me07:31
JWNow it says "Command not found"07:31
steven_How can I get the new VLC media player?07:32
falloreSomeone want to recommend a good bittorrent client that is allowed by waffles.fm preferably?07:32
koshar1steven sudo apt-get install vlc07:32
steven_koshar1: that doesn't have new 0.9 release. It has the 0.807:32
koshar1steven_ what about the backports?07:33
maxtor211hey koshar1 can you send it to me again dude07:33
JWHow do I install a "sh" file07:33
koshar1maxtor211 i have a logo waiting for you07:33
maxtor211it didnt go through for some reason07:33
steven_Not sure. But would a backport have a more recent version of the package? Sounds like it would have an earlier version.07:33
maxtor211Yeah for some odd reason it wouldn't let me download it07:33
ykphuahJW: what package is that?07:33
maxtor211Thanks koshar I appreciate it07:33
rebel_kidquick, stupid question, what port is cups on?07:34
JWWhen I type in the command "./file.sh" it tells me "bad interpreter: Text file busy"07:34
maxtor211weird koshar its not working07:34
maxtor211thats super weird07:34
koshar1JW  a sh file is a script07:35
ykphuahJW: what is the package that you are trying to install?07:35
P1rohi, i got a intel video, and widescreen laptop resolution (1820x800), but my laptop only getting 1024x768, anyone have got anything like that ?07:35
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:35
igoshi all07:35
JWykphuah, crossover07:35
koshar1P1ro i would be looking at xorg and an edid07:35
maxtor211Super weird koshar07:36
ykphuahJW: is that for MAC only?07:36
dunasArgh, can't remember where the blacklisted module list is07:36
dunasNeed to check and see if a specific driver is there07:36
RynolErgh. Figures with such a huge room.07:36
jvargashow can i flush ubuntu's dns cache if I do not have nscd?07:36
jvargasi can perform a "dig myhost" and it says the correct IP, but a "ping myhost" uses old IP.07:37
ykphuahJW: have you searched for the software using synaptics? installing a package using .sh file is the last resort.07:37
ykphuahJW: I think you can try WINE first... look for that in the synaptics.07:38
P1rokoshar1, where its locate te xorg.conf ?07:39
koshar1P1ro /etc/X1107:39
koshar1P1ro if sometimes xorg dont get an edid it will criple the output to protect the screen07:40
SarutoHow can I open a port beyond 1024 for a non root application?07:40
P1rokoshar1, well i just install ubuntu07:41
P1roand my screen es weird07:41
koshar1P1ro ok, , or you may need to install other video drivers , ie intel ones.07:41
ProphetuFlannel : yes , looks like that07:41
* Rynol reiterates. Recent Hardy install. Menubar locks up. Sound dies. Usually associated with just after closing some programs and opening new ones. What's with that?07:42
P1rokoshar1, i have loaded the intel module07:42
ganeshcan any one help me with uninstalling wine and other packages installed on wine completely?07:42
P1rokoshar1, lastest version of ubuntu too07:42
Flannelganesh: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine && rm -r ~/.wine07:42
Flannelganesh: (basically, remove the package, and delete your ~/.wine folder)07:43
FlannelProphetu: Did that bugreport have a workaround?  Otherwise, unfortunately it seems you'll just have to wait for a fix07:44
P1rowell i dont see anything weird on xorg.conf07:44
ProphetuFlannel : look here , i paste all the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/47089/07:44
ganesh Flannel:ya i did it.. still i can see wine on application07:45
Flannelganesh: Right, You'll ahve to manually edit your menus and remove those07:45
davetarmacanyone here know a good web development environment for 8.04 using GNOME? I've tried Aptana/Eclipse and other derivitives but  keep getting Java errors (at least, they look like Java errors). Ideally I'd like one that plays nicely in GNOME and supports PHP07:46
ganeshFlannel:how do i do that?07:46
dunasArgh, Ubuntu won't play nice with this laptop...07:46
Flannelganesh: There's an "edit menu" (or something like it) entry somewhere in the menus07:46
koshar1P1ro precisely what chipset is it?07:47
Silen7connect irc.freenode.net 666707:47
dunasI forgot the command to see loaded modules and the command to see internet devices07:47
LurkersAganesh: right click on 'Applications', and select "Edit Menu"07:47
dunasCan someone lend me a hand?07:47
ykphuahganesh: I think all applications that you install using wine goes into ~/.wine07:47
ykphuahganesh: if you want to remove everything, just remove that directory.07:47
RynolI request help in resolving a menubar lockup bug. Is anyone willing... to help...07:47
LurkersARynol: Can you be a little more descriptive? People are more likely to respond if there is some idea of why the problem is occuring07:48
RynolOkay, okay. I just figured I needed someone's attention before I could go into details, lest it be seen as spammy.07:49
RynolAnyway, basically... after running for an hour or so, more if I don't close or open new programs that often, either...07:50
RynolA) the sound dies completely.07:50
LurkersARynol: Sound can be fixed by typing 'sudo alsa force-reload' into a terminal07:50
LurkersARynol: Something to do with flash I believe07:50
ykphuahRynol: nobody will give you attention unless you give more details. :)07:50
RynolB - and more often) the top menubar completely locks, as does any keycombo or similar to trigger the things accessible from it - like how I can tap power lightly to open the shutdown.07:50
RynolHuge channels intimidate me.07:51
RynolI'm used to 20 people tops.07:51
RynolBut thanks for the sound, I'll try that next time it happens.07:51
ykphuahRynol: my sound locks too when I go to youtube using firefox, I have to quit my firefox to get sound back.07:51
falstaffI want to use yahoo instant messenger ... can I do it using wine??07:51
LurkersARynol: Is it a laptop? If so, it could be trying to hibernate or something, causing the bar to lockup07:51
RynolLaptop, but...07:51
Rynol...It happens usually after closing a program.07:52
RynolNot after being left alone.07:52
ykphuahfalstaff: pidgin not serving your needs?07:52
RynolSo I doubt it's hibernation attempt.07:52
LurkersAykphuah: Rynol: Sound issue is linked to the flash player, typing 'sudo alsa force-reload' into a terminal fixes it07:52
ykphuahLurkersA: will that take sound away from my firefox?07:52
RynolWhat about the bar?07:52
ykphuahLurkersA: i mean, from flash content inside my firefox?07:53
falstaffykphuah, pidgin is good but I like the sound yahoo messenger a little better.07:53
ganeshLurkersA:ykphuah:Flannel: can you help me with gnome login problem? problem is i can hear login sound but it return back to login window..i am in failsafe now07:53
ykphuahfalstaff: well, I guess you can try installing it with wine.07:53
unimatrix9any one that has the eeebox pc? ( not the notebook but the desktop )07:53
ykphuahfalstaff: I assume you have installed wine? just download the installer, and then run "wine <installer>.exe"07:53
jussi01there is a yahoo messenger for linux iirc07:54
ykphuahthe yahoo messenger for linux is very outdated.07:54
falstaffykphuah, thank you I figured it would be that simple.07:54
unimatrix9cant pidgin do yahoo messenger?07:55
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, and IRC. See also !Kopete07:55
ykphuahganesh: try logging in using the terminal, ctrl-alt-f7, then login from there.07:55
unimatrix9any one that has the eeebox pc? ( not the notebook but the desktop )07:55
abngalhi again everyone. Is there a way to disable password prompt for admin tasks?07:56
unimatrix9run as root? but thats not wise07:56
oobeykphuah, wouldnt that be ctrl alt f107:56
ykphuahoobe: lol, I don't remember, I thought its f7? :)07:56
ganeshykphuah: ya even i can login through failsafe..what after that?07:57
abngalunimatrix: no other way?07:57
oobef7 is x07:57
unimatrix9dont think so..07:57
ykphuahganesh: the point of trying to login using a normal boot is to see whether you get any error message.07:57
abngalwe just want to try ubuntu for now. we don't need any form of security07:58
ganeshykphuah:ya i ll be back..07:58
oobe!compiz | hardcore07:58
ubottuhardcore: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:58
ykphuahabngal: lookup "NOPASSWD" in sudoers man page.07:58
ykphuahabngal: or NOPASS07:58
unimatrix9ah, linux you can alway's change things07:59
LurkersAykphuah: (i mean, from flash content inside my firefox?) Yes07:59
Ectomorphhelp ! I'm getting user is not in the sudoers file :(07:59
LurkersARynol: Not sure about the bar sorry07:59
favroEctomorph: what is the command you're running?08:00
ykphuahLurkersA: so once I do the reload thing, my flash-in-firefox will have no more sound? lol I will rather keep the sound in firefox than those in the system.08:00
Ectomorphi've installed svn but dont have write access to the dirs, i'm a newbie08:00
RynolAh, okay then.08:01
LurkersAykphuah: No, the command resets the sound in Ubuntu as a whole, It fixes both.08:01
ion-can someone help me get KDX(http://www.haxial.com/products/kdx/index2.html) working? The linux x86 version is a .zip and contains a .lexe file that will not load08:01
JWWhoa, how do I find my LAN IP in Ubuntu?08:03
unimatrix9open gnome terminal and type ifconfig08:04
unimatrix9hit enter08:04
dunasWhen I attempt to log out, shut down, or restart using any of the standard methods in Ubuntu 8.04, the desktop environment locks up- I can still interact with the open window, but otherwise, nothing. I then have to shut down my computer by holding in the power button.08:04
maxtor211Where can I download a new set of my Human Icons08:04
maxtor211I messed them all up08:04
maxtor211Or how do I restore them08:04
JWI am wanting my ip to be specific, how do I do this?08:04
maxtor211PayPal if solved08:05
unimatrix9or gnome art work , google08:05
maxtor211I can download the default Human icons again:?08:05
JWI get Paypal if I resolve your issue? O_008:05
favromaxtor211: sudo apt-get --reinstall install human-theme08:05
LurkersAJW: You want to set up a static IP?08:06
JWa static LAN ip08:06
ion-Is there a better program to run .lexe files than autorun?08:06
maxtor211invalid operation08:06
koshar1maxtor211 you can prollt remove and replace them in synaptic08:07
LurkersAJW, go System | Administration | Network08:07
LurkersAJW:, Unlock it by clicking the 'Unlock' button and type your password08:07
JWwhen I manually configure my wired connection and set it to static ip address I lose my connection though, I'm pretty sure I am using the right subnet's and LAN ips08:07
DIFH-icerootif i make (later) an upgrade from 8.04.1 to 8.10 have i still LTS? or is this just for 8.04?08:07
LurkersAJW, is your router configured to allow static IP?08:07
nateeeeLOL, what luck. here i am fresh as can be to the OS and not able to connect to the net and people are already talking about it08:08
karayanDIFH-iceroot, LTS is only for 8.0408:08
DIFH-icerootkarayan: thx08:08
unimatrix9 /join #ubuntu-nl08:08
MrSoundlesshey all could someone help me to set permissions on my main harddrive? it's an ntfs filesystem and I don't have permissions at all08:08
JWLurkersA, I'm thinking it should be, in Windows XP all I have to do is edit the TCP/IP setings and enter my desired static LAN IP08:08
LurkersAnateeee: Whats the problem with your internet? Any idea why you can't connect?08:09
nateeeei assume that it should be as simple as throwing all my network info into the network setup and it should work... i assume08:09
nateeeehaven't done a single thing beyond install08:09
LurkersAJW: Ok, have you specified a DNS address?08:09
JWLurkersA Yes08:09
abngalI'm getting frustrated and depressed learning ubuntu - though I won't stop. There are many settings that are hard to change. Even going through user authentication controls to disable prompt for admin password leaves me clueless. I can't even view my hardware devices and the drivers they are using. :( I guess I really have lot to learn08:09
LurkersAnateeee: Dialup, or DSL/Broadband?08:09
DIFH-icerooti have a FAKE-Raid1 System, the ubuntu installer only detects sda and sdb, not my fakeraid-arrays, what can i do to install ubuntu on a fake-raid-1 system?08:09
LurkersAJW: Other than IE, your ISP supplied Addresses?08:10
nateeeeLA: broadband08:10
JWLurkersA, My gateway's address isnt that08:11
JWLurkersA, the router's ip is set in the "DNS tab in Network settings08:11
LurkersAnateeee: When you get to your desktop, goto System | Administration | Network. Select Wired Network, and click properties08:11
nateeeeLA: and set everything up manually? ip, dns, what not?08:12
ace_suareshi there08:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiosk08:12
LurkersAJW: That is your Gateway, not your DNS. That might be the problem.08:12
LurkersAnateeee: Yes.08:12
nateeeeLA: or should i be able to set just the dns and let the ip go automatic?08:12
JWLurkersA, wheres my DNS then? :O08:12
ace_suaresanyone knwo about a good kiosk software for ubuntu, that also limits the time they can be logged in ?08:12
DIFH-icerootace_suares: what is a kiosk software?08:13
LurkersAJW, try using the openDNS addresses that are: and in the DNS tab, and under Connections, Wired connection, enter the routers IP under 'Gateway'08:14
LurkersAnateeee: Adding your DNS should be fine for now08:14
ProphetuLurkersA : can i ask you something ?08:14
LurkersAProphetu: Go for it08:14
ace_suaresDIFH-iceroot: it's like when you wnat an internet cafe and want people to be able to do only certain things08:15
ProphetuLurkersA : can you help me pls with a problem ? here is the error i get : http://paste.ubuntu.com/47089/08:15
nateeeeOK, thank you. and i shall give that a shot. I figured that's all it was but wanted to ask before grabbing the OpenDNS addy's and texting them to myself lol :P08:15
nateeeeas i am using a dual boot setup08:16
nateeeeany ways, off i go08:16
LurkersAnateeee: Good luck08:16
iktshould I run anti-virus on my apple mac?08:16
LurkersAProphetu: Sorry mate, I am not sure what could be causing that08:16
Prophetuok :|08:17
dorrara> please i need help, i compil gtk 2.10.14 with directfb, and when i got to test the testgtk i have a crash08:17
nateeeethanks, and last thing. watching you manage multiple people's questions at the same time in this fumbled mess, GOOD JOB MAN!! keep up the good work helping us pooor sad loney noooooobs08:17
LurkersAnateeee: Thnks08:17
favroProphetu: try   sudo apt-get -f install08:18
bakarati have a laptop (dell vostro) with ubuntu 8.04.1 on and it is having problems with the wired network, when i boot it, it has bout 25% chance of actually getting an IP, subsequent dhclient commands etc do not help, i always have to reboot until he get's an IP08:18
bakarata friend of mine at work has the exact same problem08:19
bakaratanyone know what this could be?08:19
doctehI've got a load average of 5 right now, can i do a ps command that'll show me whats waiting?08:19
vikkuDo we have equivalent mechanism in Ubuntu for ACLs08:19
doctehcompared to what?08:19
vikkuthere are no setfacl, getfacl .....08:20
magnetronbakarat, i had a similar problem. someone had connected two routers to the same network.08:20
smick002how can I uninstall older kernels so they are removed from grub?08:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recording08:20
LurkersAdocteh: Try typing 'top' in a terminal08:20
smick002I don't know hwo to find them properly08:20
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:20
doctehLurkersA: that just shows one app using 2% of cpu08:20
hateball!info acl | vikku08:20
ubottuvikku: acl (source: acl): Access control list utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.45-1 (hardy), package size 43 kB, installed size 260 kB08:20
LurkersAdocteh: Do you have the system moniter open?08:21
vikkuhateball: ubottu : ok08:21
Prophetufavro : the same thing :/08:21
doctehno its a remote computer08:22
favroProphetu: you could try   sudo dpkg --configure -a08:22
oobe!noroot > oobe08:22
ubottuoobe, please see my private message08:22
Prophetufavro : i already try this08:22
LurkersAdocteh: 'top' should be giving you all the info available08:23
Ob1Kn00bwhat have i got to do to get <code> $echo "blah blah" >> /etc/environment </code>   to work? sudo doesn't do it, so how do I set permissions in this case?08:23
davetarmacanyone here know a good web development environment for 8.04 using GNOME? I've tried Aptana/Eclipse and other derivitives but  keep getting Java errors (at least, they look like Java errors). Ideally I'd like one that plays nicely in GNOME and supports PHP08:24
DIFH-icerootOb1Kn00b: sudo or chmod08:24
favroProphetu: next i would try   sudo apt-get --reinstall install hal   maybe...08:25
re0does anyone know what the best version of linux would be for a sony vaio08:27
Prophetufavro : ok , second to try :)08:28
Prophetufavro : nothing , the same error08:29
Razerwhat do i do to get flash on 64 bit?08:29
* LGKeiz is away (I went off BNC Im either restarting or closed mIRC, bbs.)08:29
=== LGKeiz is now known as LGKeiz|OffBNC
=== LGKeiz|OffBNC is now known as LGKeiz
Ob1Kn00bRazer: Just use the firefox version08:30
RazerOb1Kn00b: I am but all I see when trying to watch a youtube video is a beige box08:31
Ob1Kn00btry installing libflashsupport08:35
Razerapparently I have flash but I still can't see anything08:36
=== LGKeiz is now known as LGKeiz|OffBNC
Ob1Kn00bDid you just install it?08:36
tylerRrichardAfter enabling compiz on my laptop i no longer have access to my virtual terminal's (tty's) by pressing ctrl+alt+F(x) i would like to restore or find another way to access them08:36
tylerRrichardaka help please08:36
halpmehi guys, i broke my gnome: i was fiddling with the dpi settings then i accidently put in "9" instead of "96" for the dpi now i can't get back to the dialogue where i can change this. i tried overriding it in xorg.conf but this has no effect. i am using restricted nvidia drivers... any idea how to manually reset the dpi?08:37
tylerRrichardyes i did08:38
tylerRrichardyes i did Ob1Kn00b08:38
=== LGKeiz|OffBNC is now known as LGKeiz
DracoZAhalpme try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-conf08:39
re0what would be a good version of linux to use with a sony vaio?08:39
Ob1Kn00bTry restarting firefox. beyond that, I'll have to defer to a more experienced user.08:40
wezahi every body08:40
weza :)08:40
reenignEesreveRhow can i set umask for a particular user?08:40
BVBanyone use comcast? i need someone to help me urgently. i will pay08:43
Aayush_how can we check if laptop is running in battry or ac in shell scrip08:43
=== SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie
Speedlightya quelqu'un ?08:45
ganeshcan anyone help me with gnome login problem?08:45
Myrtti!fr | Speedlight08:45
ubottuSpeedlight: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr08:45
Aayush_ how can we check if laptop is running in battry or ac in shell script .... ?08:46
re0Does anyone here use a sony vaio for linux?08:47
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | re008:47
ubotture0: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:47
=== ganesh is now known as Guest79123
Ob1Kn00bre0: I use ubuntu with my sony vaio, works perfectly.08:49
bakarati have a laptop with ubuntu 8.04.1 on and everywhere i go i have problems with my wired network, only about 25% chance of actually connecting to it, have to reboot to retry (dhclient etc don't help)08:49
error404notfoundhow can I check to which servers my system is connected? I mean which internet servers08:49
bakarata friend of mine at work (with an entirely different laptop) has the same issue08:49
bakaratis this a known problem?08:49
x1250Aayush, cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state08:49
bakaraterror404notfound, netstat -t08:50
Aayush_ how can we check if laptop is running in battry or ac in shell script .... ?08:51
x1250Aayush, already told you? /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state08:51
halpmeDracoZA: thank but this does nothing. xorg-conf not installed....08:52
re00d1Kn00b what version do you use?08:53
=== magnus is now known as magnus|
error404notfoundif I have ip address of a local system in my network, how can I trace his dns name provided dns is installed08:54
bakaratalso one peculiar fact, there is no auto eth0 etc in my /etc/network/interfaces file08:55
bakaratif i add it manually, my network manager does not recognize the interface anymore08:55
saschahlerror404notfound: I use: "host ip"08:55
jngu1Hi everyone. I'm having a weird problem where applications that should show up in the system tray end up in their own windows and don't show up in the system tray at all...08:55
jngu1anyone ever see anything like that before?08:55
saschahljngu1: are you sure you _have_ a system tray?08:56
jim_pgood morning!08:57
jngu1saschahl: I can see pidgin in there08:57
newbhi goys does anyone have kooldock?08:57
Dabbuwhere can i get latest package of azureus08:57
nnullguys what happens if you dont specify allowusers/groups denyusers/groups? like if you dont modify that at all what happens? you can login as anyone on the system or?08:58
bakaratanyone know why my wired network is not working correctly in 8.04?08:58
jim_pnnull: nothing perhaps08:58
newbbakarat give more info please08:59
jim_pbakarat: what is your ethernet card?08:59
jim_pbakarat: probably a missing or not loaded module08:59
nnulljim_p, what would happen if you specified a user and that user was not a user on the system?08:59
bakaratjim_p, how can i check which network card i have? i don't know by heart :p08:59
=== Kabaka is now known as Kabaka[A]
jim_pnnull: nothing? it is like trying to login into my system using "mrpotato" as username!09:00
bakaratnewb, i have bout 25% chance to actually get an IP when i plug in a cnonection09:00
bakaratnewb, if it doesn't work, i have to reboot (done dhclient etc to death, he just won't get an IP)09:00
jim_pbakarat: do an "lspci" at the terminal09:01
nnulljim_p, ok thankyou, this is what i thought09:01
jim_pnnull: you are welcome09:01
Dabbuwhaere can i get latest deb package of azureus09:01
bakaratjim_p, Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)09:01
jim_pbakarat: !!! i have exactly the same thing and it is working!09:02
bakaratjim_p, a friend of mine at work with an entirely different laptop is experiencing the same thing09:02
jim_pDabbu: at getdeb.net perhaps09:02
bakaratjim_p, any idea how to debug?09:02
bakaratjim_p, cause it's driving me crazy09:02
bonespurhi..im running hardy...nautilus is not working on my system...none of the drives are opening09:02
bonespurand sometimes i am faced with a blank desktop09:03
nnulljim_p,  one more question, what if i type "ssh -p22 server.name" instead of "ssh -p22 user@server.name" what happens?09:03
saschahlnnull: your current user will be used as remote username09:04
jim_pnnull: you will be prompted for username and pass upon connection to the server09:04
nnullsaschahl, oh and if that username is not on the server system?09:04
saschahlnnull: login will fail, telling username or password are wrong09:05
nnullahh i see09:05
jim_pnnull: you wont login09:05
saschahlnnull: and there will probably a login attempt be logged in the remote system09:05
Aayush_how  can we check if XO is running in battry or ac in shell script09:06
nnullsaschahl, jim_p : once i have generated keys on the server, does all the client need to do is connect to a known username and login? or do i need to copy the rsa things across or?09:07
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jim_pnnull: i dont know09:07
nnullahh you've only connected, never setup a server? kk09:08
saschahlnnull: you need to copy the public key to the server (the private key on the client)09:08
ogzyis there any way to run the module-assistant with yes option, when m-a prepare it waits y press to install headers and realted files09:08
saschahlnnull: then you only need to know the username and the keys will take care of the authentication09:08
nnullsaschahl, i generated the keys on the server, so they are already there, cant i just generate the same key on the client using the passphrase? or?09:09
saschahlnnull: you generate the keys on the client. and per client. and copy the public key to the server09:10
bonespurhi..is there a better alternative to nautilus for ubuntu? Im facing too many problems with it...09:10
nnullahh thats confusing lol09:10
nnullso i dont need to generate any keys on the server09:11
nnulljust on client then copy them over...09:11
saschahlnnull: the client is the one that needs to authenticate. so it creates an identity (the keys). by allowing certain public keys on the server, you control who can log in.09:11
saschahlthe server won't see any private key09:11
saschahlthat way, if the server gets compromised, your keys are still safe09:12
nnullahh i see09:12
nnullsaschahl, where are the keys stored? asin where can i add and delete keys09:13
CavalrySince a few days ago I have not been able to use my numpad on my keyboard (even with numlock on/off) Any ideas?09:13
saschahlnnull: keys are stored in .ssh/ Copy the _pub key to the server and add it to the .ssh/authorized_keys file of the user09:14
sfer3The alsa-project.org website seems to be down? Can anyone help me with this one?09:14
erpoI need a program to keep track of the tasks I need to accomplish. For each task, I want to be able to keep a log of what has been accomplished and I want to be able to set reminders so that my computer will remind me when I need to take action in response to upcoming events relevant to that task. Suggestions?09:14
sfer3Wait, nvm09:15
sfer3Read it wrong ;)09:15
nnullsaschahl, ok sweet last question question i hope, ive generated keys on the server and it said WARNING added something to hosts file or something, do i need to delete my Known_Hosts file or>09:16
sinanCan anyone recommend an Emacs with gtk ?09:16
nnullwhen i say ive generated keys on the server, i did this before by mistake.09:16
aldaekcant get teamspeak to capture from right device.09:16
aldaekwhat is the device for mic plugged into alsa?09:17
baboi just received 20 or so spam messages to my inbox in gmail. that's a bit strange no ? Did that happen to anyone else ?09:17
aldaeknope, unless it went direct to spam folder.09:18
saschahlnnull: no, the known_hosts file has nothing to do with the keys. you don't need to change that09:18
jigphello how to install skype in ubuntu 8 desktop?09:19
sfer3Isn't it in synaptic?09:19
jim_pjigp: you need to dl it from its site as a .deb file09:19
nnullsaschahl, ok im just worried because im quite sure the system added it self to a list of connectable clients :s09:19
sfer3Wait, not in synaptic, I was just imagining that ;)09:19
babohow do 20 spam messages beat the gmail filter all of a sudden ?09:19
jigpjim_p: skype.com dude?09:19
baboi think i might have given my email to someone who used it maliciously ...09:20
jim_pjigp: http://www.skype.com/intl/en/download/skype/linux/choose/09:20
nnullbabo, pick up the phone and dial F B I09:20
sfer3And then click Ubuntu 7.04+09:20
babonnull: intelligent answers only pls09:20
sfer3And then once downloaded, it should be pretty self explanatory.09:20
jim_pjigp: i THINK canonical placed it on some repo, but i am not sure09:21
LurkersAbabo: What do you mean?09:21
Paddy_EIREbabo: intelligent answer... this is #ubuntu ask elsewhere.. :)09:21
baboLurkersA, how would they beat the filter on Goolge ?09:21
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:21
newbhello how to remove konqueror?09:22
baboPaddy_EIRE, i run a postfix mail forwarder on an ubuntu server ...09:22
jigpjim_p : no package in ubuntu09:22
Paddy_EIRE!kubuntu | newb09:22
ubottunewb: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE09:22
Paddy_EIREbabo: still the same answer09:22
jim_pjigp: :| its the very first package on the page i gave you!09:23
LurkersAbabo: By having in the headers details which match some of your contacts or something that google trusts09:23
aldaekHow can I get teamspeak to get sound from alsa?09:25
sfer3Hi again everyone09:25
sfer3I'm having some issues with alsa - have tried some things but so far they haven't worked.09:25
st3phwhat prob u got with alsa? sfer3 ?09:25
sfer3sound was working fine, then it just went. When I type alsamixer from terminal, it displays this message: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory09:26
sfer3I've done some searching, but so far nothing I've found has worked.09:26
st3phu used usb headset sfer3 ?09:26
sfer3I've tried a few things, but they haven't worked.09:28
st3phwait i try to find some cmds09:28
sfer3I updated some things and then when it started it just wouldn't work anymore - when I click on the speaker icon in the panel it just pops up with "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found"09:28
martin_what's this?09:29
LurkersAsfer3: type 'sudo alsa force-reload'09:29
sfer3Tried doing that before09:29
sfer3lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/hayden/.gvfs09:30
sfer3      Output information may be incomplete.09:30
sfer3lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/hayden/.gvfs09:30
sfer3      Output information may be incomplete.09:30
sfer3Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: (none loaded).09:30
sfer3Loading ALSA sound driver modules: (none to reload).09:30
sfer3Just says there's none to reload....09:30
Myrtti!paste | sfer309:30
ubottusfer3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:30
LurkersAsfer3: odd09:30
=== nostferka is now known as nostferka^
sfer3As I said, it was only after I did some things to install virtualbox...09:30
=== avis- is now known as avis
st3phhmm, u tried a reboot?09:31
sfer3Yeah, just came back from that09:31
Myrttisfer3: and this is hardy?09:31
st3phi had same error09:32
sfer3Hang on, I'll be back in about 5 minutes... sorry about this...09:32
ivorBoazHi, I want to install Ubuntu over my fedora core OS.  Any way to do this without losing my data, i.e., installing over the top of FC without having to re-format the disk?09:35
MrMisthey all :)09:35
jigphello how to install yahoo messenger with voice / chat conference ?09:36
marlunCan I copy a file to multiple locations? like cp file loc1 loc2 loc3? This doesn't work.09:36
MrMistI've got a few entries in fstab, and a few partitions on my disk, and they all show up on my desktop. I don't want them to. How do I disable this ?09:36
MrMistjigp: Tried pidgin?09:37
=== k88 is now known as Guest27579
fatjedican anyone help me with ventrilo?09:37
jigpMrMist : there is no voice conference.but there is chat conference09:37
ZirodayMrMist: pidgin does not and will never do voice or video09:37
jigpMrMist : pidgin cannot mass msg also :(09:37
MrMistZiroday: How about plugins ?09:38
Zirodayjigp: there is the official yahoo messenger software for linux, and I think that supports video and chat09:38
error404notfoundhost command doesn't give the hostname of a local ip system...09:38
ivorBoazmarlun: no, cp does not do multiple copies.  you would need to do this in a script.09:38
Zirodayjigp: however it will be difficult to install http://messenger.yahoo.com/download/09:38
MrMisterror404notfound: nslookup IP09:39
Zirodayjigp: wait thats the wrong link09:39
marlunivorBoaz: ok, thanks :)09:40
fatjedican anyone help me with ventrilo?09:40
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
error404notfoundMrMist: thanks... host works as well, that system was down I guess :D09:40
Zirodayjigp: take a look at kopete and gyachi09:40
fatjedican anyone help me with ventrilo?09:41
Jordan_UAre there .debs available for vlc 9.2 ?09:42
ivorBoazno takers on my install question?09:42
Jordan_U!home | ivorBoaz09:43
ubottuivorBoaz: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome09:43
fatjediventrilo anyone?09:43
sfer3So can anyone help me with my alsa problem?09:43
LurkersAJordan_U: Try getdeb.net09:44
Jordan_ULurkersA: Nope09:44
Ziroday!repeat > fatjedi09:45
ubottufatjedi, please see my private message09:45
Zirodayfatjedi: also please tell us your issue09:45
fatjediI have ventrilo installed on my windows partition and i can run it, but my microphone on my laptop does not work. It works in ubuntu, but not in ventrilo. I think it has something to do with wine.09:46
fatjediI have it on the pulse audio config at the momeny09:47
sfer3Can anyone help me with my alsa problem? I've explained it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47107/09:47
=== trebs is now known as [Mick]
[Mick]Is it a bug that the xchat icon doesn't show up properly under Applications?09:49
fatjediCan someone help with setting up my biometric scanner?09:49
[Mick]i think i'll remove this and install the normal xchat09:50
mark__I am trying to install vlc 0.9.2 on ubuntu I can get through the installation with no problems but when I try to run it I get this error vlc: error while loading shared libraries: libvlccore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory does anyone know how I can fix this?09:50
nnull[Mick], good idea :P09:50
fatjediwhat program should i use for my web cam on my laptop?09:51
sfer3What do you want to do with it?09:52
fatjedivideo chat09:52
sfer3Cheese worked pretty well with mine (not much else would), but that's quite basic. For videochat, I'm not too sure...09:52
palluhello all of you09:52
fatjediwould cheese for video capture, or picture taking?09:52
palluhow can i install the newest gtk-gnutella program?09:52
fatjediwould chees be for*09:53
fatjedithanks sfer3, im installing cheese now09:54
=== david is now known as Guest603
zetheroohow do i get CPU frequency scaling to work ?09:54
sfer3Cheese is just for picture taking. :D09:55
sfer3Pretty basic09:55
sfer3But it worked out to be the only thing that worked with my webcam...09:55
Guest603how do i get the gconf editor?09:55
Guest603how do i get the gconf editor?09:56
goldmetalhow to list jobs?  fg? bg? jobs?  i used & symbol09:56
LurkersAGuest603: What for specifically?09:56
nnullGuest603, alt + f2 > gconf-editor09:56
Guest603nnull, thsnkd09:56
sfer3Is it in Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor also?09:56
dirjenpajakhelp me please09:56
nnulli believe so09:57
LurkersA!ask dirjenpajak09:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask dirjenpajak09:57
dirjenpajakhow add 2 gateway09:57
LurkersAAsk a question dirjenpajak09:57
dirjenpajakhow to add 2 gateway09:57
LurkersAdirjenpajak: to your network?09:57
LurkersAdirjenpajak: System | Administration | Network09:57
Guest603is htere something similiar to gconf-editor but for xubuntu?09:57
dirjenpajaki use ubuntu09:58
dirjenpajaki need 2 gateway09:58
LurkersAdirjenpajak: Yes, click those items individually :D. then unlock it, and select properties09:58
dirjenpajak1>> X.x.x25109:58
fatjedidoes anyone know what program i should install for my biometric scanner (fingerprint scanner)?09:59
=== Guest27579 is now known as k88
zetheroohow to enable cpu frequency scaling?09:59
=== k88 is now known as vinilios
LurkersAdirjenpajak: If you click 'System', Then 'Administration', then open the item marked 'Network', you can enter them there10:00
Virus_3000tyjo... jak se pripojim na xchat.cz???10:00
Virus_3000vi nekdo?10:00
bakarati have an odd issue with my sound, when i boot up my laptop and my headphones are already plugged in, they don't register10:00
bakarati have to unplug & replug10:00
dirjenpajakit just can be 1 gateway10:00
zetheroomy laptop drains the battery so fast in Ubuntu10:01
bakaratalso, if my sound is muted, i put my headhpones in and turn up the sound, it will play from both the built in boxes and the headphones10:01
Guest603zetheroo, in gconf-editor there is a gnome-power and there you can set what cpu mode to use if on ac or battery10:01
zetherooplease help10:01
bakarathave to replug headphones to keep boxes from playing10:01
sfer3dirjenpajak: You don't need multiple gateways, do you mean DNS?10:01
dirjenpajaki need 2 gateway10:01
zetherooGuest603: my CPU is running at top speeds non-stop.... how do i make it drop when on battery ?10:01
dirjenpajakone for intranet connection and other for intranet10:01
sfer3Oh okay10:02
sfer3Are you using separate network cards?10:02
sfer3This isn't really my department...10:02
Guest603zetheroo, open gconf-editor10:02
LurkersAdirjenpajak: follow my instructions to get to the options. click 'System', Then 'Administration', then open the item marked 'Network', you can enter them there10:02
socketErrwhere can i download a trail version of landscape?10:02
zetherooGuest603: yes ...10:02
Guest603zetheroo, then look for gnome-power-something...i dont have it in front of me10:02
dirjenpajaki just can enter one10:02
dirjenpajakin gateway address10:02
zetherooGuest603: I have gnome-power-manager10:03
dirjenpajakhow i write..?10:03
LurkersAdirjenpajak: yes. In 'Network', select "Wired Connection" and click properties10:03
LurkersAdirjenpajak: You can enter them there10:03
stapelHow can I install dhcp3-server when I have no internet connection. Can I do this from the install cd? I also need to do this from the cli.10:03
dirjenpajakit just one gateway10:04
LurkersAdirjenpajak: Yes, you need to set up a seperate connection for the other one10:04
Guest603zetheroo, thats is. look there, there will be an option so that you can set powersaver for battery and performance for ac10:04
lucconsI've a problem with pidgin, this program crashes after I run it10:04
zetherooGuest603: in cpufreq i see the settings are like what I put in with Ubuntu Tweak ... but the panel applet is still sho‌wing the cpu at max speed10:04
ghalebhello, I want to read my cpu temperature , any ideas ?10:04
dirjenpajakin windows there is add buton to enter 2 / more gateway10:04
sfer3Don't you need multiple network cards for that?10:05
dirjenpajaki have one card10:05
dirjenpajakin win it can do10:05
sfer3I'm not too sure, networking isn't really my forte10:05
sushanthi am not able to use any pendrive on my ubuntu10:05
LurkersAdirjenpajak: Click into the 'DNS' Tab, then click 'Add', and enter each one individually10:06
dirjenpajakyes, DNS can added but gateway not.....10:06
dirjenpajakin win i can add gateway too10:06
aj_sushanth: use the mount command10:06
pretenderi know this is a ubuntu irc but im desperate  anyone got any ideas how i can fix this problem  http://www.linuxmint.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1686110:07
LurkersAdirjenpajak: I'm not sure I can help you then, sorry10:07
sushanthaj_: not working10:07
* dirjenpajak I am sorry my english not good10:08
Guest603zetheroo, there is an option to let the panel plugin choose the settings for that stuff10:08
* dirjenpajak i am indoensian10:08
Guest603zetheroo, try to find it and enable it, then choose preferences on the battery icon10:08
sfer3That's alright dirjenpajak10:08
mark__I am trying to install vlc 0.9.2 on ubuntu I can get through the installation with no problems but when I try to run it I get this error vlc: error while loading shared libraries: libvlccore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory does anyone know how I can fix this?10:09
dirjenpajaknow  i can open intranet and internet site10:09
dirjenpajakbut i can't chat with intranet server10:09
sfer3Can you give us some more details of your setup?10:10
Guest603mark__, install the package needed, maybe the dev10:10
LurkersAdirjenpajak: Try adding it under the 'Hosts' Tab10:10
prodigelHi all. Anybody used webdav in linux? I saw that gnome can connect to webdav locations from places -> connect to server, but I don't succeed connecting. any help appreciated10:10
SivamHi,  Please let me know how to assign the usage of windows key in Linux , and also assign keyboard shortcut to some other functionalities10:10
sfer3It's in Keyboard Shortcuts in...10:10
dirjenpajakdirjenpajak@dirjenpajak-desktop:~$ sudo netstat -r10:11
dirjenpajak[sudo] password for dirjenpajak:10:11
dirjenpajakSorry, try again.10:11
dirjenpajak[sudo] password for dirjenpajak:10:11
dirjenpajakKernel IP routing table10:11
dirjenpajakDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface10:11
dirjenpajak10.10.9.0       *        U         0 0          0 eth010:11
dirjenpajaklink-local      *          U         0 0          0 eth010:11
dirjenpajakdefault         UG        0 0          0 eth010:11
sfer3System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts10:11
Sivamsfer3: I am unable to assign shortcuts to launch another application ( for eg: gnome-terminal )10:12
Sivamwhen I press the given shortcut for terminal it launches xterm10:12
sfer3!paste | dirjenpajak10:12
Sivaminstead of gnome-terminal10:12
sfer3Can't you?10:12
ZirodaySivam: change your preferred application in System > Preferences > Preferred Applicatinos10:12
dirjenpajakdirjenpajak@dirjenpajak-desktop:~$ sudo netstat -r10:12
dirjenpajak[sudo] password for dirjenpajak:10:13
dirjenpajakSorry, try again.10:13
dirjenpajak[sudo] password for dirjenpajak:10:13
dirjenpajakKernel IP routing table10:13
dirjenpajakDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface10:13
dirjenpajak10.10.9.0       *        U         0 0          0 eth010:13
dirjenpajaklink-local      *          U         0 0          0 eth010:13
dirjenpajakdefault         UG        0 0          0 eth010:13
sfer3!paste | dirjenpajak10:13
ubottudirjenpajak: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:13
dirjenpajakDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface10:13
dirjenpajak10.10.9.0       *        U         0 0          0 eth010:13
dirjenpajaklink-local      *          U         0 0          0 eth010:13
dirjenpajakdefault         UG        0 0          0 eth010:13
voxdirjenpajak: dont paste in channel, use a pastebin10:13
dirjenpajaki can here the sound10:17
dirjenpajaki can't here the sound10:17
dirjenpajaki can't hear the sound10:17
LurkersAdirjenpajak: type 'sudo alsa force-reload'10:17
LurkersAdirjenpajak: your sound should fix itself.10:19
Paddy_EIREdirjenpajak: quit flooding the channel or you will be kick/banned10:19
jackyz3hi guys please could somebody help me with ubuntu and spamassasin im pretty new and would appreciate some help very much10:23
LurkersA!ask | jackyz310:23
ubottujackyz3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:23
jackyz3im looking for a gui interface for spamassain10:23
jackyz3oops i mean spam assasin10:23
=== _Keith is now known as LGKeiz
LurkersAjackyz3: That is only a terminal interface isn't it?10:24
LurkersAjackyz3: or try 'sudo apt-get install spamc', that looks promising10:25
jackyz3lurkersA: Im looking for a web or gui interface10:25
MessWithTheBest-how can i do a WHOIS in ubuntu?10:28
jackyz3thanks lurkersa10:28
|ns|nR8please explain MessWithTheBest-10:28
LurkersAMessWithTheBest-: type 'man whois', it will give you a good grounding in how to use it10:29
MessWithTheBest-|ns|nR8: i.e to look for info about an IP10:29
MessWithTheBest-LurkersA: thnx10:29
LurkersAMessWithTheBest-:  the general form is 'whois xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'10:30
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:30
LurkersAIt's quiet.....10:37
diobrandotoo quiet...10:38
hischildHow would i take a screenshot of an open menu? Print screen doesn't work when the menu is open.10:38
lunat1quefreaky quiet10:38
zorglu_q. i would like to get vlc 0.9.2 on 8.04. vlc teams doesnt support 8.04 only 8.10. is there a chance to get it backported to 8.04 ?10:38
lunat1quei tought my internet was broke10:38
tolecnallunat1que: people are trying to sleep10:38
LurkersAhischild: Applications | Take Screenshot10:38
hischildlunat1que, silence has been broken :p10:39
LurkersAI was starting to enjoy it too :D10:39
hischildLurkersA, and how would i use that to take a screenshot of an open menu? as soon as i click in there the menu vanishes.10:39
diobrandohischild: scrot -c 510:39
koshar1is the new vlt done with quicktime?10:39
diobrandowill give you 5 seconds10:39
hischilddiobrando, thank you10:40
LurkersAhischild: the little window that opens up, turn up the delay value, click 'take screenshot', then open your menu and wait10:40
hischildLurkersA, ah ok.10:40
MessWithTheBest-i have problems with video codecs i think. When i play a video in Totem it looks red with blue!!!! I can't see the original colors10:43
LurkersAMessWithTheBest-: Try using vlc, and see if that fixes it10:44
ActionParsnip!codecs | MessWithTheBest-10:44
ubottuMessWithTheBest-: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:44
MessWithTheBest-LurkersA: yeah it fixes it. But if i run totem first, i get the same result with VLC. I have to reboot again so VLC can play the video correctly.10:45
sixfortyApproximate UTC time, pls?10:45
LurkersAMessWithTheBest-: I'm not sure why that happens, but  have heard that complaint before10:45
MessWithTheBest-that's awful, cuz I have to reboot always. Sometimes i accidentally run Totem cuz it's default movie player. THAT'S REALLY AWFUL10:47
MessWithTheBest-plz i want a solution for this problem. it drives me crazy10:47
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: then change your default player10:47
LurkersAMessWithTheBest-: Change the default player under System | Preferences | Prefered Applications10:47
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: does it perform the same with mplayer?10:48
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: it's ok with Mplayer10:48
MessWithTheBest-only when i run Totem for the first time, it damages the codecs10:49
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: is there a hidden folder in ~? relating to totem?10:49
ActionParsnipnot ~?10:49
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: no10:50
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: so there's no ~/.totem folder10:51
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: i found folders for: vlc. mplayer and gstreamer10:51
ActionParsnipor similar10:51
MessWithTheBest-no i looked all of the folders.10:51
MessWithTheBest-nothing looks relate to Totem10:52
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: i didn't find any folder relates to Totem10:53
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: cd ~/; find -name totem10:53
=== izibi__ is now known as izibi
MessWithTheBest-i found: ./.config/totem10:54
MessWithTheBest-and ./.gconf/apps/totem10:54
BrucevdkHey. A fresh installation of 8.04 here. When I drag top-down on the right side of my touchpad it scrolls horizontally (left to right) not top-down. Anybody familiar with this problem and how to fix it? Here's the section from the xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/d509c765210:55
=== malcolm_ is now known as mabc
mabci need some help10:55
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: what's next?10:55
=== mabc is now known as mabc99
=== mabc99 is now known as mabc
mabcis anyone there ?10:56
LurkersA!ask | mabc10:56
ubottumabc: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:56
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: did anything display?10:57
BrucevdkI'm going to load a new xorg.conf, might not be back.10:57
mabcwhy wont my nick change ?10:57
adamk It did change.  From mabc to mabc99 and then back to mabc.10:58
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: yeah i told you. if found: ~/.config/totem  AND ~/.gconf/apps/totem10:58
adamkAnd this channel is for Ubuntu support, please keep the conversation on topic.10:58
zetherooI am very unhappy with how ubuntu eats up my battery life10:58
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: id rename both those folders then rerun totem, if its the same, rename back10:58
zetherooWindows has this down.. but Ltinux is not there ye10:59
sfer3Sure the battery is good?10:59
xnvzetheroo: Ubuntu != Linux10:59
sfer3Sure all power saving options are enabled?10:59
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: what do you mean by "id rename"?10:59
zetherooxnv: yes .. and/11:00
giggseyI'm trying to boot the ubuntu livecd, and it said that the sd module is something, and now it's i/o erroring when trying to access my sata drive11:00
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: rename both those folders11:00
ActionParsnipid == i'd11:00
xnvzetheroo: So you're wrong to make such conclusions based on the information you've offered.11:00
zetherooxnv: what was I wrong about?11:01
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: oky. Should i rename the "Totem" folders or the outer folders??11:01
xnvzetheroo: First of all, your approach. If you want help making your battery last longer, ask. This isn't a complaint channel.11:01
zetherooxnv: I just said that Windows has power management down much better than Linux11:01
zetherooxnv: I did ask before .. you don't have to be so sensitive11:02
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: just the totem folders, just the ones it found11:02
xnvzetheroo: Ubuntu != Linux. A bad experience with Ubuntu does not mean the Linux kernel is worse than Windows at power management.11:02
Chousukeit's not just the kernel that affects battery life.11:04
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: once renamed, run totem11:04
Chousukemany applications may have an adverse effect.11:04
giggseyI'm getting "Driver sd needs updating please use bus_type methods" when trying to boot the livecd, and then it's going into busybox. How can I get the livecd booted?11:04
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: It WORKS!11:04
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: renamingthose folders will strip your config back to factoy defaults11:04
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: those folders hold the configs for apps on a per user basis11:05
zetherooxnv: well I hear a lot of different stuff from a lot of people all professing to be mouthpieces for Linux11:05
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: renaming them to different to expected makes the system give you stock settings11:05
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: you must have played too much and set it wrong11:05
Chousukezetheroo: besides, windows level power management is not something Linux should strive for11:05
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: you can do it with almost any app11:05
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: yeah maybe!11:05
Chousukezetheroo: if there's something to emulate, it's OS X.11:05
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: cool trick11:06
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: thnx man11:06
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: now it works, you can delete the folders you renamed (new names as their will be new folders of the original name)11:06
zetherooChousuke: I just know that Windows Vista gives almost double the battery life that Ubuntu gives11:06
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: np man11:06
danielehi all11:06
Chousukezetheroo: then something is wrong with your configuration11:06
Chousukezetheroo: power management on Linux is very configurable; something is wrong with your system if the difference is that huge.11:07
zetherooChousuke: thats what I have been told... and then I had people helping me configure it .. but its still not happening11:07
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: remember, always rename so you can roll back11:07
xnvzetheroo: This is a support channel. If you want help improving battery life, ask. Otherwise...11:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:07
danielei've aproblem... I've upgraded fron feisty to hardy and i've lost the trash-bin from the desktop...11:07
diobrandoYeah, my laptop is about equal for battery life with xp vs debian etch11:07
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: ok :)11:07
Chousukezetheroo: might just be that you have badly supported hardware11:08
danieleit also doesn't open me the computer folder anymore11:08
zetherooxnv: shhhh... its ok.. I am talking with someone else now .... ;-)11:08
* shandoo off11:08
zetherooChousuke: how do i know?11:08
xnvzetheroo: In the wrong channel.11:08
Chousukezetheroo: well, you'll need to check hardware compatibility lists I suppose.11:09
zetherooxnv: are you in a position of authority here? ... I am not leaving because your feeling hurt ...11:09
Chousukeif you have an nvidia or ati graphics card it's likely not very good for power consumption, for example.11:09
zetherooChousuke: hmmm.. any idea where those would be?11:09
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:10
zetherooChousuke: I have an ATI card11:10
danielehow can i do to reset the gnome configurations... I also tryed to move .gnome  .gnome2 and .nautilus but it didn't change at all11:10
xnvzetheroo: I'm not asking you to leave. I just don't want to be trolled with your opinions about Windows vs. Linux. Explaining your experience so that Chousuke and others can help you is just fine.11:10
zetherooChousuke: still though ... Windows gives me 2 hours of battery life and Ubuntu gives about 45-55 min!!!11:10
Chousukezetheroo: that might just be teh problem11:10
Chousukeheh, from ~nothing to ~nothing :)11:11
zetherooxnv: there are things that Windows has better than Linux and vica-versa ... its just natural ... you can't have it all ... ha11:11
ActionParsnipdaniele: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5530211:11
WidgitHi All - I got a problem - I cant mount my raid 5 drive. dmesg | tail errors in itEXT2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 912 not in group (block 231211008). sda is a drive in the raid it comes up 3 time and also has this ... EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted!11:12
Chousukezetheroo: I can't say for sure, but I would put the blame on the ati drivers11:12
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: I think i have a problem with my graphics card driver. I have nvidia GT8500 512 VRAM. When i run Avant Window Navigator and enable the Normal Visual effects, the windows become like heavy. I'm not sure if the problem is from the driver. When i choose None Visual Effects, everything becomes ok.11:12
ActionParsnipdaniele: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/ but dont rm11:12
xnvzetheroo: Again, this is not the place for debating Linux vs. Windows. Please stop.11:12
zetherooxnv: but I have been using Ubuntu for 3 years and am happy with it ....mostly11:12
Chousukezetheroo: I'm doubtful whether they're optimised for power consumption11:12
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: maybe you need a different driver. I dont use ghastly effects so ive no idea11:12
diobrandodaniele: .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity11:12
adamkMessWithTheBest-, "become like heavy" ?11:13
Chousukezetheroo: but I can't say much more :/11:13
Chousukehave to go now anyway11:13
LurkersAzetheroo: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm read11:13
zetherooChousuke: so .. if I reverted to the VESA drivers would I get better bat life?11:13
MessWithTheBest-adamk: when i minimize then i maximize a window, it returns slowly. I don't know how to describe that actually!!11:15
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: set the animation speed higher11:15
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: how to do that?11:15
adamkMessWithTheBest-, That's often a problem with certain drivers.  There have been a number of complaints about nvidia driver performance for geforce 8/9 series cards.11:16
adamkMessWithTheBest-, You may want to check out this thread: http://nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11591611:16
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: its in the settings. i dont use it so you'll have to sniff around11:16
=== ktulu is now known as Guest13603
MessWithTheBest-i use nvidia-glx-new driver11:18
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: have you tried the proper nvidia one from www.nvidia.com11:18
ActionParsnipor the envyng-gtk one?11:19
abngalhi guys. i had perviously used wobbly effect of compiz after installation. however, after some time, the some effects disappeared like the wobbly effect. Other effects are working fine. I cannot however enable additional plugin in compiz. any one has an idea11:19
=== mijinl is now known as kaca
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: i downloaded it, but i couldn't install it. No i didn't try envyng-gtk11:19
ActionParsnip!compiz | abngal11:19
ubottuabngal: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:19
nevoeirohello. just connected an epson stylus d92 via usb. ubuntu detects it but when i try to print something, the page comes out blank... already checked ink levels and it's ok. can someone help?11:22
giggseyI'm trying to use wicd to connect to my wifi (it detects the drivers using ndiswrapper, and detects wireless networks, but it won't connect. At the end of dmesg, it says ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready. How can I make it ready?11:22
ActionParsnipnevoeiro: it needs installing as a d6811:23
Nata-Ohwho can explain www.getdeb.net?11:24
nevoeirook. let me check...11:24
Renegade_Me got a qestion. I connect&configure my Epson C43SX and it works propertly, but i can't find where i can see how mutch paint left in printer... Try to search in google, but don't find enything.11:24
ehtomNata-Oh: it just looks like a custom repository11:25
ActionParsnipNata-Oh: its a place to download .debs11:25
nevoeiroactionparsnip: it worked!!11:25
ActionParsnipnevoeiro: sweet11:25
ActionParsnipnevoeiro: np man11:26
MessWithTheBest-what's the meaning of "laggy"?? I'm reading a thread about nvidia drivers and it mentions a problem says: Compiz Fusion very choppy, laggy minimize/maximize.11:26
noogai've got a computer, outside the office, that runs ubuntu and it connects to the internet using ppp and gsm modem. The problem is a pptp tunnel that i've set up to connect that computer to  our office VPN. When the tunnel goes down it also "damages" ppp internet connection. It looks as if ip-down for the tunnel cleans resolv.conf11:26
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: lag is a network term meaning slow performance, it can also be used when other stuff is slow11:26
noogais there a way to avoid damaging the internet connection when the tunnel goes down?11:26
MessWithTheBest-ActionParsnip: yeah, that what's happening with me11:27
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: try using the envy driver, you will have to revert to "nv" driver if you do a kernel update and you will need to rerun envy once the new kernel has booted11:28
ActionParsnipMessWithTheBest-: and each time after that11:28
ActionParsnip!envyng | MessWithTheBest-11:28
ubottuMessWithTheBest-: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk11:28
Nata-OhHow can I add getdeb.net in to my repo?11:29
ActionParsnipnooga: no idea man, try in #kubuntu11:29
testnickserv bbbb11:30
testok i need some help11:30
testwith irc11:30
ushimitsudokiNata-Oh: Try here maybe: http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/08/05/howto-access-getdebnet-packages-through-apt-getsynaptic/ Note that it indicated this is an unstable thing to be doing11:31
A_Fowlhey... I need some help with installing a usb modem on a hardy heron...11:31
ehtomits pretty difficult to screw up in any serious way the nvidia drivers installation, I wouldn't worry about it too much11:31
testjoin #<irc.everywherechat.com11:31
ActionParsnip!ask | test11:31
ubottutest: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:31
ActionParsniptest use /join11:32
ActionParsniptest: and you need to connct to a server first11:32
ddoomanyone suggest a VM app that works on ubuntu server with no gui?11:34
Zirodayddoom: qemu11:34
ehtomdepends what you're trying to do11:35
ehtomvmware server11:35
ehtomvmware esx11:35
Ziroday!enter > ehtom11:35
ubottuehtom, please see my private message11:35
ehtombleh... that sort of attitude is why the quality of help here is so low at times11:36
A_FowlI'm trying to install a usb modem [one of those anywhere internet connection ones for laptops] on a hardy heron. I've configured the wvdial.conf file but I still can't seem to surf the net. what do i do?11:37
ehtomddoom: what are you trying to do with virtualization?11:37
ActionParsnipA_Fowl: does the modem spring to life when you dial?11:37
=== jetti_ is now known as Jetti_
ddoominstall a program that will let me stream video/music/pics to xbox 360. but the the 64bit version is a bit iffy.11:39
ehtomddoom: a linux program?11:40
ehtomyou should be able to run 32 bit binaries on a 64 bit host11:40
ddoomI know I've tried running it, with little success11:41
ikoniaddoom: what are you trying to run, and how ?11:43
fakoffHi everybody. I've been trying to download my hotmail throw evolution (already configured xinetd) but I get a prompt that says "hotmail requires pay to webDAV access"11:43
ddoomikonia: twonky media server in a 32bit vm guest os11:43
ikoniafakoff: thats correct11:44
ikoniaddoom: and what's the issue ?11:44
fakoffanyone uses a mail client to access a hotmail account?11:44
ddoomikonia: I don't know you tell me11:44
ikoniafakoff: you need to pay for that functionality11:44
fakoffsure? shit!11:44
ikoniaddoom: if your running a 32bit guest, it's just a 32bit OS, so any 32bit application should work11:44
ikoniafakoff: drop that language please11:44
ehtomddoom: for something like that you should probably try kvm or vmware server11:44
rage__Anyone had any success getting 5.1 digital out on an AD1988B sound card?11:45
ehtomddoom: something like xen would be better but its a fantastic pain to set up correctly11:45
ddoomikonia: yep11:45
ikoniaddoom: does this application require direct hardware access ?11:45
ddoomehtom: I've never heard of xen or kvm11:46
ehtomddoom: vmware server?11:46
ddoomikonia: not sure11:47
ikoniaddoom: is there a reason you want to run this in a vm ?11:47
ickmundHaving some troubles setting up a FakeRaid of 2x1TB under 8.0.4. First run works fine, ie running dmraid and partition the raid. I then reboot, install dmraid again and something goes bad with dmraid. Can't figure out what the problem is.11:48
ickmundhttp://paste.linuxassist.net/10904 << anyone see something that makes sense to them? :P11:48
ikoniaickmund: fakeraid is a terrible technology11:48
ikoniaickmund: it's support is quite poor11:48
zetheroois there a good app for playing online radio channels ... I thought I recalled there being one that worked like a media centre with radio channels in it ...11:50
ickmundikonia: I realise that, but besides getting me some new hardware I don't seem to have much of an option as the drives seem too big for my bios. The nvidia raid-utility recognizes them for what they are thou.11:50
ddoomikonia: i'm running ubuntu server 8.04 amd64, the 32bit program doesn't work properly on it11:50
physically_fitfakoff,  http://ubuntuswitch.blogspot.com/2007/09/ubuntu-how-to-get-yahoohotmail-emails.html http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html11:51
ikoniaickmund: have you considered linux software raid11:51
ushimitsudokizetheroo: I use Rythmbox or Exaile to listen to online radio streams. Is that what you are after?11:51
ikoniaddoom: what actual program is it ?11:51
fakoffikonia: thank you11:51
ddoomikonia: http://www.twonkyvision.de/11:51
zetherooushimitsudoki: yeah something liek that ... except that exaile does not have any channels and one must add them manually ... I thought there was one which had a bunch built in11:51
fakoffphysically_fit: thank you very much, I'm going to read it11:52
ikoniaddoom: you could run that within a 32bit chroot environment ?11:52
physically_fitfakoff, it works11:52
ickmundikonia: I did at first, but thought that I needed the disks to be recognized in bios for it. If I do use the nvidia raid-array and try to install on sda/sdb grub gives me errors11:52
ikoniaickmund: software raid should work fine11:53
ikoniaickmund: what matters is that the OS see them correctly11:53
ickmundikonia: I will give it a shot then, thanks11:53
ikoniaickmund: the bios only matters for terrible technologies like fakeraid11:53
neggeSomething is making my computer slow. Htop says the CPU is at 100% all the time, but if I sort the processes to see which one uses the most CPU power there is nothing that uses that much. Max is about 2-3%. How do I know which process eats up all the resources?11:55
neggeI'm gonna reboot now 'cause it seems impossible to get it away...11:56
pearlypuffhi everyone...newbie here :)11:57
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
idefixwhat is the alternative command for top or how do you scroll it?12:02
PryMaLidentify N0tyoarz10112:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about top12:04
fakoffphysically_fit, It says the same that Evolution. I'd read about that the webDAV access to hotmail was disabled on new accounts, but mine it's since 2004. Do you actually use it?12:05
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
physically_fityes fakoff, i use it. i configured thunderbird a couple of days ago to retrieve emails from hotmail.12:10
fakoffphysically_fit, wow, how old is your account?12:10
pearlypuffcan someone help me with installation of non linux programs downloaded from the net?12:11
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.12:12
ActionParsnip!amarok > ActionParsnip12:12
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message12:12
physically_fitfakoff,  i don't remember very well, probably the same as yours, between 2003-2005. i have 2 hotmail accounts and i'm able to read and send email thanks to the webmail addon.12:12
idefixabout top, because some programs seem to run non-graphically.. they run but they have no window12:13
ActionParsnip!mp3 > ActionParsnip12:13
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message12:13
bakaratnot entirely the correct channel, but anyone here an expert on utf8/16/32 encodings?12:13
pearlypuffthank you12:13
fropgot a question...12:13
pearlypuffsorry very new...12:13
frop...installing latest ubuntu...and i got a selection for kernel...12:13
frop...there's a place to know the difference between those kernels?12:14
TheInfinityhello ... does anybody know a windows + linux app where i can select which OS boots when i restart?12:14
caveymasoni cant get desktop effects working? i think i need to install i restricted driver but there is not an option for me to do so?12:15
fakoffphysically_fit, ok thanks a lot. I've seen on the add-on setting that it access new accounts too (I guess via DeltaSync) so I'm going to check every option12:15
bakaratTheInfinity, hmm not sure what you mean, but you have a dual boot system and you want to select which OS boots by default?12:15
TheInfinitybakarat: no i want to have a dialogue "reboot to linux" and "reboot to windows"12:16
bakaratTheInfinity, o12:16
opt1khi all12:16
giggseyHow can I get wicd to appear in the notification area?12:16
TheInfinityi have remote dual boot pcs and its stupid work to edit all menu.list all the time, especially with windows12:17
onxTheInfinity, suse can do that. maybe have a look at their docs for grub?12:18
rmTheInfinity, try "man grub-reboot", for the Ubuntu part of equation (if you use grub)12:18
caveymasoni installed ubuntu on a usb hd and it has messed up my original xp instal on ma internal hd and i am unable to boot into it? any way of fixing it?12:18
TheInfinityrm: the linux part is no prob at all, thats made with a simple bashscript12:19
TheInfinitymy main prob is windows ...12:19
rmthere are windows drivers to read-write ext2/312:20
rmyou can make a bat file which will copy proper menu.lst into its place12:20
onxor you could format /boot in fat32 ;O12:21
TheInfinityrm: yea, this means logging in as admin, mounting ext2, editing menu.lst, unmounting ext2, reboot12:21
TheInfinitymeans takes via vnc some time just to reboot12:21
rmwell, the admin part is unskippable, or do you see a regular user change the boot method12:21
TheInfinityrm: thats why i ask for eg an alternative bootloader or something like that to have just a single click12:22
rmand the "editing" bit can be avoided by having two copies of menu.lst with "windows-default" and "ubuntu-default", and simple bat files12:22
onxanyone familiar with setting up multitouch on elantech pads (yes it's an eee)?12:23
onxubuntu seems to handle /some/ by itself (without using the synaptics driver), but i can't figure out where that's configured12:27
rage__Anyone had any success getting 5.1 digital out on an AD1988B sound card?12:27
onx*some multitouch12:27
=== EagleScreen is now known as EagleSn
darren__hi could some one pleae help its driving me nots i got a wirless usb for linux and it has the driver on a cd with instructions, but i dont really understand them is there some one that could please guide me12:32
dns53wireless is a hard thing, broadcomm is actively hostile to linux12:34
carandraugdarren__: if it has instructions for linux like you say, you can tell us the steps you have problems with and we'll help12:35
=== unix82 is now known as Illumiaty
darren__carandraug, sorry all of them can i chat in the wisper12:36
carandraugdarren__: but have you tried check if it works without doing anything? Or you just assumed that you should follow the instructions?12:37
davetarmacCan anyone recommend a good FTP client for 8.04? Filezilla is at my last nerve as it keeps disconnecting from the server12:37
=== sumedh is now known as Illuminati
opt1kdavetarmac: http://linuxreviews.org/software/ftp-clients/12:38
carandraugdarren__: wisper?12:38
davetarmacopt1k: cheers12:38
tom_how do you connect to a network without using knetworkmanager12:38
=== idefix is now known as Guest38588
linthi, does anyone else in here use last exit?12:38
opt1kdavetarmac: np12:38
gluonmanCan anyone tell me how I can create an archive of type .7z or .rar in Ubuntu?12:39
darren__carandraug, i have tryed but it does not work i have also tryed donloading an old driver from aircrack, with that driver it does not show signal but connects then i tryed ndiswrapper driver which shows signal but only connects to an open ap but not my wep router, so now im thinking of installing the driver that comes with it12:39
dns53gluonman you need to install 7zip and unrar or unrar-nonfree12:39
gluonmandns53, are those in the repos?12:39
carandrauggluonman: yes they are12:40
dns53yes, unrar-nonfree is not open source, unrar is12:40
gluonmancarandraug, dns53, thank you.12:40
delaneysany easy way to share files between two ubuntu systems on a lan...????12:40
carandraugdarren__: ok, so tell us the steps in the instruction you're having problems with12:41
darren__carandraug, basic from step 1 it says 1. Build up the drivers from the source code  ./makedrv12:41
darren__carandraug, i have extracted the tar to my home folder than it says that12:42
dns53delaneys right click a folder to give sharing options12:42
dns53hey sat_e_llite, ask away12:42
delaneysdns53: i must be dumb:P12:42
morningwalkerGUYS... on system monitor it reads that ubuntu is eating an astounding amount of 765mb of RAM!!!12:42
sat_e_lliteabout this thread I posted at the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=918591  anyone got ideas?12:43
carandraugdarren__: Jesus! They're already asking you to compile drivers? I have no experience whatsoever with that. Ask arund that your wireless card comes with drivers for Linux but asks you to compile them and you don't know how. Sorry but I can't help you on that12:43
carandraug!compile > darren__12:44
ubottudarren__, please see my private message12:44
darren__carandraug, ok thannks for trying i will take a look at the link12:44
arun_hey walker.. my ubuntu has also become slow12:44
arun_its eating about 500 MB here12:45
rage__I wish my ubuntu liked all my audio channels.12:45
carandraugdarren__: the link ubottu gives shows the standard method to compile stuff. I would help you go through the instructions but right now, I don't have that time. Sorry12:45
DIFH-icerootthere is a difference betwen "eating" all the ram and using cache/buffer12:45
dns53sat_e_llite there have been lots of reports of problems with wubi installs, defrag your whole drive it seems to work12:46
darren__carandraug, no probs thanks for the link sure i will work it out12:46
sat_e_llitei defragged the ubuntu folder, have no time to defrag the whole drive12:46
arun_Hey my system has become so slow.. its not like this before12:47
=== favafro is now known as favro
arun_3 GB RAM my machine has12:47
dns53arun_ type dmesg in a terminal and see if anything comes up, also run top to see the programs running12:47
opt1ksat_e_llite: why would you defrag a system that's running linux in the first place?12:47
sat_e_lliteumm it's a wubi installation12:48
opt1koh.. i c12:48
=== biabia is now known as [biabia]
sat_e_llitecan the ubuntu .iso fit in a normal CD, my drive can't burn DVDs12:48
nicheI defrag my ext3 harddrive twice a day12:49
opt1ksat_e_llite: sure it can, it is meant for CD12:49
opt1k*to be on cd12:49
arun_hey dns53 for top its showing XOrg... its taking about 90 %12:49
dns53sat_e_llite well you could try an installation to a partition and you will not have this problem, i'd get defrag running overnight or while you are at work and it should work better12:49
arun_And dmesg a lot of messages have come !12:50
sat_e_llitecan i use this solution?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43859112:50
arun_In those some error messages also !12:50
sat_e_lliteinvolves transfering the wubi install to a dedicated partition12:50
mEDEchey all. I installed a minimal CLI-only ubuntu system on an old computer, though i would like usb CDROMs/Harddrives to mount automatically. Which package should I install for this to happen?12:50
nicheMy Ubuntu crashes out of no where sometimes saying something about ntp server... I can type in the black area but haven't found a way to get out... Anyone know what's going on here???12:50
arun_Hey dns anything to do with my system !!12:51
sat_e_llitelike DOS?12:51
nicheyeah, like DOS12:51
sat_e_lliteis 512MB of RAM adequate for Ubuntu? wow i need to add RAM.12:51
mEDEcsat_e_llite, 512 mb is enough12:52
nicheyeah it's adequate you silly goose12:52
malutaWhen I create a new partition with cfdisk I can't format it because mkfs didn't recognize my new device create (it not appear on /dev). Somebody know how to fix it?12:52
erUSUL!cn | test12:52
ubottutest: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:52
datacrusherhow do i install a webcam on ubuntu? it must have the suppliers driver, or theres an alternative way?12:52
sat_e_llitei defrag the ubuntu folder, the said problem presists but it is faster12:52
mEDEcI installed a minimal CLI-only ubuntu system on an old computer, though i would like usb CDROMs/Harddrives to mount automatically. Which package should I install for this to happen?12:53
nichedatacrusher, Ubuntu is magical. It should automatically work when you plug it in.12:53
=== Illuminati is now known as unix82
sat_e_llitewhat is compiz?12:53
sat_e_lliteis it that animations when you minimize and maximize windows?12:53
nichesat_e_llite, it allows ubuntu to have tons of graphical options...12:54
adamksat_e_llite, http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/12:54
hateball!compiz | sat_e_llite12:54
ubottusat_e_llite: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion12:54
FusedI'm having a problem playing DVDs. It's saying that the stream is scrambled/encrypted. What lib or plugin would I need to fix this problem?12:54
sat_e_llitedid you read Help?12:55
opt1ki sync'd thunderbird with my gmail account and i'd like to know why does the thunderbird download my sent mail too and puts it in my inbox?12:55
sat_e_lliteyou can use gmail with Thunderbird?12:55
nichesat_e_llite,  yeeeeesss12:56
Skittsat_e_llite: of course12:56
niche!parcellite | sat_e_llite12:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parcellite12:56
sat_e_llitesorry if i tell a lot of questions.... :-(12:56
hyphenatedopt1k: i heard once that gmail presents it all that way, and any IMAP/POP client would receive it the same way, including thunderbird12:57
davidguestcan someone help me setup an irc server on unbunt 6.0612:57
JubeiI have ran the latest iso of ubuntu and booted in live mode, I am trying to print to a usb printer but to no avail. any ideas why? ubuntu 64bit iso | 32bit vmware player | 64bit Vista (could that be the problem?) Vmware sees the printer though and ubuntu recognizes it properly. Just gives an error message from cups "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'12:57
ZirodayJubei: what printer12:57
Fusedlibmpeg2 is what it's attempting to use to play the videos. What would be used in it's place? Anyone?12:57
opt1khyphenated: heh =( so there's no way around it?12:58
JubeiZiroday: CANON Laser printer LBP 300012:58
ZirodayFused: use vlc player12:58
FusedAlready tried.12:58
KelderkeukenJubei: pdf is proprietary, probably wont work in live cd12:58
hyphenatedopt1k: might want to search more about it, it's just something I heard once12:58
JubeiKelderkeuken: I am trying just to print a test page12:58
JubeiKelderkeuken: that test page is stored as pdf and will not work from live cd?12:58
KelderkeukenJubei: was just a guess, because it says format not supported12:59
FusedZiroday: The only reason I'm not using VLC is because the video is scrambled in it, too.12:59
davidguestcan anyone help with an irc server please12:59
jribJubei: pdf is an open standard now12:59
sat_e_llitehey, what does a swap partition do?12:59
FusedZiroday: Also, the buffer keeps making the audio skip.12:59
JubeiKelderkeuken: if I install ubuntu u think there might be a chance? hmm.. ok I will try it12:59
davidguestcan someone help setup an irc server i have a few prolbmens12:59
niche!glipper | sat_e_llite12:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glipper12:59
niche!gnome-do | sat_e_llite12:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-do12:59
jribdavidguest: just tell the channel your problems12:59
ZirodayFused: what format?13:00
KelderkeukenJubei: no promises, but perhaps then you can make it work, hard fix things on the live cd13:00
zoed!info | gnome-do13:00
ubottugnome-do: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:00
nichesat_e_llite, swap partition is a section of your hard drive dedicated to reading and writing information to make your machine run more efficient13:00
FusedZiroday: It tried to use the mpeg2 software, but I'm not sure what format the disk is. It's a DVD.13:00
zoed!info gnome-do13:00
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 67 kB, installed size 264 kB13:00
FusedZiroday: That's as much as I can tell you right now, because it won't open it long enough to show any file information.13:01
oobeJubei, check on openprinting.org to see if you printer is supported13:01
sat_e_llitedo i need to create one if i install ubuntu onto a partition?13:01
ZirodayFused: hmm, have you got all the dvd codecs installed?13:01
niche!info | glipper13:01
ubottuglipper: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:01
davidguestplease can someone help me with a irc server setup13:01
Jubeioobe: but the system sees the printer properly, its name and all. it still might not be supported?13:01
jribdavidguest: did you see what I said?13:01
delaneyshow do i share a printer between two ubuntu computers on a network13:01
InHisNameI have problems loading a page into my firefox in ubuntu. Probalby a java thing. I have most loaded right I think.  http://pastebin.com/m38215f53  around line 101 is error   applet not iniitialized.   How do I fix this website to have its applet be initialized.?  http://cbtdirect.skillport.com/skillportfe/login/login.cfm   In the pastebin is copy of all the terminal error and process messages while loading the page.  Also included13:02
niche!info glipper13:02
ubottuglipper (source: glipper): Clipboard manager for the GNOME panel. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 66 kB, installed size 628 kB13:02
oobeJubei, it see's the printer cause it get the device id from the usb that does not mean you have the drivers installed and  cups configured correctly13:02
niche!glipper | sat_e_llite13:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glipper13:02
Jubeioobe: fair enough. I will try to install ubuntu and go from there. thank you!13:02
sat_e_llite!info grub13:02
muruganwhat happened to my system its damn slow !13:03
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu21 (hardy), package size 376 kB, installed size 832 kB13:03
legend2440Jubei: read post #5   http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=73557713:03
davidguesti am usig ircd-hybrid i can browse it locally but not through my domain  its says port 6777 is closed13:03
FusedZiroday: I have all of the DVD codecs that I could find installed.13:03
oobeJubei, good luck and have fun13:03
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:03
niche!info |parcellite13:03
ubottuparcellite: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:03
jribdavidguest: pastebin the output of 'sudo iptables -L'13:03
leleobhzsomeone know a way to make (k)ubuntu mounts all disk partitions on boot?13:03
niche!info | parcellite13:03
sat_e_llite!info |x8613:04
ubottux86: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>13:04
Dabbuhey anybody here can tell me why i should not use ubuntu13:04
Jubeilegend2440: thanks!!!13:04
sat_e_llitei dont see why13:04
davidguesthere is the past pin its a www.fasthosts.co.uk dediccated server13:04
zoedDabbu: of course you _should_ use ubuntu!13:04
sat_e_llitesupport open source software13:04
niche!skype | sat_e_llite13:04
ubottusat_e_llite: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:04
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, and IRC. See also !Kopete13:04
opt1khyphenated: kk, i'm on it =)13:04
ZirodayFused: hmm, I really don't know. Tried mplayer or rip the dvds to your harddrive and see if the issue is there13:04
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:04
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde413:04
Dabbu zoed:that was not my question13:05
hyphenatedsat_e_llite: you can do the same thing in a private chat to ubottu without the rest of us seeing it :-)13:05
jribdavidguest: look at your iptables rules...13:05
KelderkeukenDabbu: because it requires common sense13:05
davidguestsorry i new at unbuntu and liniux can u exapline please jrib13:05
davidguestlong time windows administrator13:06
zoed!hi | garymo13:06
ubottugarymo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:06
onxDabbu, you should't use it if you want to play windows games. it's good for pretty much everything else13:06
ddoomanyone know of a way other than twonky to stream video to xbox36013:06
DabbuKelderkeuken: you are somehow near to my answer13:06
davidguesti no someon said their was a firewall up but i dont no hw to open the ports jrib13:06
ushimitsudokiDabbu: If you are unable to accept an OS that is not an exact clone of Windows, and therefore prefix or postfix every comment about Ubuntu with something like "...but in windows ..." then save yourself and others a lot of frustration and do NOT use Ubuntu.13:06
jribdavidguest: line 22 drops everything.  That means the three ircd rules you have after line 22 never have any effect13:06
ushimitsudokiDabbu: Otherwise, give it a couple of weeks tryout and see if it works for you.13:07
garymohow can I translate the my favorites web pages from other user section to this?13:07
davidguestjrib how do i solve this13:07
jribdavidguest: how are you setting your iptables rules?13:07
onxushimitsudoki, but in windows my multitouch-pad works properly ;p13:07
ushimitsudokionx: why i oughta...!13:07
zoedDabbu: you can use the live cd to test ubuntu without making any changes to your computer13:07
davidguesti dont no that was all setup by www.fasthosts.co.uk so i persume buy default install jrib13:07
Dabbuushimitsudoki:i am using ubuntu for more than a year and no other OS,but one of my friend is here in this channel who don;t dare to try ubuntu13:08
jribdavidguest: ask them then13:08
davidguesti used sudo apt-get install ircd-hybrd install13:08
arun_How come he is in this channel !13:08
sat_e_llitedoes the ubuntu iso came with a partition tool?13:08
Dabbuthis answer was for him13:08
KelderkeukenDabbu: yeah it takes a lot of guts to install software on a computer ^^13:08
jribdavidguest: you need to make the rule on line 22 the last rule wherever you are setting these rules13:09
zoedsat_e_llite: you have one available on the live cd: System->Administration->Partition Editor13:09
Johnclhey all I was wondering if anyone here is running ubuntu on a macbook? Im having trouble with the sound.13:09
davidguesti love ubuntu deskop best move from windows though i do miss visual studio .net is their a comparable one for mono at all13:10
DabbuF* the game....computers are not 4 game,if we want to play game better use playstation13:10
garymo how can I translate the my favorites web pages from other user section to this?13:10
sat_e_llitecan it create partitions?13:10
aijiuwenzhong guo?13:10
ushimitsudokidavidguest: I like Netbeans and Eclipse as IDEs, but I can't speak to mono directly13:10
aijiuwenkyo, are you Chinese>?13:10
Dabbuthe more you use ubuntu the more you will love it13:10
zoedsat_e_llite: yes, but only use it from the live cd when changing your current hard disk, because otherwise you could have data loss!13:11
geirhasat_e_llite: Yes, the ubuntu CD comes with gparted, which can create, delete, resize and move partitions.13:11
ushimitsudoki!cn | kyo13:11
ubottukyo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:11
zoedsat_e_llite: and think carefully before deleting or changing partitions.13:11
dns53garymo bookmarks > organize/manage > export to a file, then import the file13:11
davidguesti just miss the .net contorols easyto put up a datagrid and all13:11
hyphenateddavidguest: no not really, because most open-source developers don't like "one specific way" of development, and use a mash-up of tools instead13:11
davidguestany dev enviroments like it for mono13:11
hyphenateddavidguest: but specifically for mono, there might be a few13:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bm13:12
davidguestwould be an intresting open source project to start13:12
hyphenateddavidguest: but what IDE would you write it in?? ;-)13:12
garymohow I arrive to bookmarks13:12
davidguestfair pint lol13:12
davidguestfair point i meen13:12
ushimitsudokigarymo: what do you mean? Bookmarks for Places and similar are in ~/.gtk-bookmarks13:13
dns53garymo there should be an export menu entry13:13
hyphenatedfair pint would be good right about now too ;-)13:13
onxi'd like a fair pint now13:13
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.13:13
Seveazonx, I'm with you on that :)13:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu.13:16
Mustafa_Kayahi all13:16
Mustafa_Kayai have a problem13:16
zoed!hi | Mustafa_Kaja13:16
ubottuMustafa_Kaja: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:16
Mustafa_Kayawho can help me?13:16
sat_e_llitehelp with wat13:16
Mustafa_Kayai wanna use undiswrapper13:16
Mustafa_Kayato install my windows driver into ubuntu13:17
Mustafa_Kayaand it asks me to show a inf file13:17
Mustafa_Kayawhich one should i show?13:17
FusedZiroday: Thanks for the help, but I finally figured out what was wrong.13:17
ZirodayFused: what was it?13:17
Fusedlibcss was missing.13:18
Mustafa_Kayahow can i find the inf file for intel 2200bg?13:18
ZirodayFused: asked you if you had all the libraries installed :)13:18
Mustafa_Kayais there anyone out there?13:18
ZirodayMustafa_Kaya: from the intel website or the driver cd that came with the card13:18
KelderkeukenMustafa_Kaya: so you are trying to wrap a driver you don't have?13:19
FusedZiroday: libdvdcss never came up in the package manager, so I didn't know where it was.13:19
ikoniayou don't need ndis for intel cards13:19
Mustafa_Kayai couldnt find it on intel site13:19
FusedZiroday: Had to search around a bit.13:19
Mustafa_Kayanormally my computer works on windows13:19
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: intel have native drivers for linux, they are already in the kernel13:19
Mustafa_Kayaso i have it if i can write now :D13:19
ZirodayFused: you can just install ubuntu-restriced-extras iirc that installs libdvdcss213:19
Rimencan some1 tell me where can I learn how to use and redecorate fluxbox13:19
Mustafa_Kayawell im a complete beginner13:19
Mustafa_Kayai dont know anything13:19
FusedZiroday: I already had that installed, and it still wouldn't work.13:19
ikoniaRimen: fluxbox.org13:20
Mustafa_Kayaif you could help me that would be great13:20
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: what do you want help with exactly ?13:20
ZirodayFused: hmm, thats odd thanks13:20
Mustafa_Kayai need to install a driver as far as i understand13:20
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: what card do you have13:20
Mustafa_Kayasince i cant connect to the net on linux13:20
Mustafa_Kayaintel 2200bg13:20
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: you don't need to install a driver13:21
FusedZiroday: No problem. Thanks again, bye.13:21
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: ubuntu should be aware of that card already13:21
delaneyshow do i share a printer between two ubuntu computers on a network13:21
Mustafa_Kayaso why cant i connect??13:21
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: thats a different question13:21
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: what are you trying to connect to ?13:21
Kelderkeukenthe net lol13:21
Kelderkeukenwireless card13:21
Mustafa_Kayawireless net13:22
ikoniaKelderkeuken: thats not funny, I'm trying to get information13:22
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: what device are you trying to connect to, is it encypted/not encypted13:22
Kelderkeukenikonia: sorry, he already said tho13:22
ikoniaKelderkeuken: no he didn't say13:22
Mustafa_Kayawe got a password13:22
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: ok - what type of encyption13:22
dinesh_hi i am new to ubuntu can anyone please help me how to begin with learning13:22
ikoniadinesh_: what would you like to learn13:22
Mustafa_Kayai think it must be WEP13:22
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: you need to "know" what encyption it is - don't guess13:22
Mustafa_Kayahow can i know?13:23
Mustafa_Kayaon windows i only write a password13:23
Mustafa_Kayait doesnt ask me professional details about networking:P13:23
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: look in the router config or in the window config for teh encyuption level13:23
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: it's not professional level to know what encyption method you setup on your router13:23
Mustafa_Kayahow an i look in my router config?13:24
Mustafa_Kayawith "run"?13:24
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: depends on your router make, consult the documention13:24
ikoniaMustafa_Kaya: most routers use a web interface13:24
dinesh_ikonia: i want to know how to begin ubuntu like installing programs and how to use ubuntu till now i am using window but i am shifting to linux so plz hwlp me with some good books and websites13:24
ikoniadinesh_:  http://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/13:24
Rimenis there any way that I can download themes for fluxbox form themes.freshmeat.net... note: I would like to download most of matrix themes for fluxbox, or gnome13:25
ikoniadinesh_: thats all you need to get you going13:25
ikoniaRimen: fluxbox theming is documented on fluxbox.org13:25
Mustafa_Kayaok i will13:25
g0tchahey guys, im testing apache and when i tried to create a dir in /var/www/ it gave me this msg: mkdir: cannot create directory `test': No space left on device13:26
g0tchahow can i check how much space is left using the terminal?13:26
ikoniag0tcha: df -h13:26
g0tchaFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on13:27
ikoniag0tcha: we don't need to see that13:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:27
Rimenbut I cant find how to install tar.gz. themes for fluxbox13:27
g0tcha/dev/sda1              18G   17G     0 100% /13:27
ikoniaRimen: as I said, it's documented on fluxbox.org13:27
g0tchait was a wrong paste.. let me use the url13:27
kosharig0tcha i think we can seeits full13:28
Rimenyea man, thats the place where I cant find it13:28
ikoniag0tcha: what is wrong with that13:28
ikoniag0tcha: it's %100 in use13:28
TiredWolfg0tcha: congratulations, your drive is full. "rm" is the command to delete files.13:28
dinesh_ikonia :i tried  to connect to wireless network  but unable to connect i tried everything but not successful i am able to connect it to wired network but not wireless plz help me how to do it?13:28
ikoniaRimen: look in the docs, you've looked for less than 2 minutes13:28
TiredWolfg0tcha: "sudo apt-get clean" might also help13:28
g0tchathats wierd.. i dont remember putting that much data in it13:29
g0tchais there a way to have a list of files by filesize?13:29
zoedg0tcha: du13:29
ikoniag0tcha: du -h13:29
juan-intrepidhow do i hold all open office packages?13:30
zomakI'm using latest stable version with KDE4.1 with it. the problem is xv is not working correctly with my radeon mobility 9600 driver. All i get is blue screen in video13:30
zomakany idea how to solve it13:30
ikoniadinesh_: yes ?13:30
dinesh_ikonia :i tried  to connect to wireless network but unable to connect i tried everything but not successful i am able to connect it to wired network but not wireless plz help me how to do it?13:31
juan-intrepidzomak: not sure if its alive but #kubuntu-kde4 is more likely to help if its a kde4 problem13:31
ikoniadinesh_: what wirless card do you have ?13:31
zomakjuan-intrepid: this seems to be more like generic ubuntu issue with xv and fglrx with it13:31
ikoniazomak: if it's an ati driver issue.....your in for a tough wait13:31
zomakikonia: aye13:32
dinesh_ikonia: plz tell me how to find which wireless card i am using13:32
AssargadonIs it possible somehow to execute some script on my system shutdown?13:32
ikoniadinesh_: lspci - but you should know the spec of the machines you've purchased13:32
ehtomwho here believes in god?13:33
AssargadonI know it's possible to "attach" some script for startup13:33
Assargadonbut how attach it for shutdown?13:33
ikoniaehtom: not appropriate for this channel13:33
KelderkeukenAssargadon: add it to /etc/rc.shutdown13:33
AssargadonKelderkeuken: thanks13:34
malcolm_anyone there ?13:34
Zirodaymalcolm_: only 1271 people13:35
malcolm_password is lehman brothers13:35
malcolm_pit no one is here13:35
Zirodaymalcolm_: what is your issue?13:35
legend2440zomak: try mplayer with the gl  video driver13:36
dinesh_ikonia:ikonia :intel(R) PRO/ 100 ve network connection13:36
sat_e_llite!hello |malcolm_13:36
ubottumalcolm_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:36
ikoniadinesh_: are you using encyption13:36
dinesh_ikonia: no13:37
marshallim running ubuntu hardy on my laptop and my desktop, ive got them connected by an ethernet cable and id like to transfer about 15 gigs of files from my laptop, what is the fastest transfer method and how do i set it up?13:37
fr500marshall: sftp works fine for me13:37
ikoniadinesh_: thats a good start, what happens when you try to connect13:37
=== MOAR-f00li5h is now known as f00li5h
KDB9000I am trying to connect to an ssh server using the gnome server connect (need to move files around), but my ssh server has public and private keys (which I have). How do I use the gnome connect to server over ssh with keys?13:38
marshallfr500: what ip would make ubuntu look for the computer connected by ethernet?13:38
dinesh_ikonia: on the upper right hand side where we got the icon for network connection it does not have option for wireless13:38
fr500marshall: the ip address configured on the other machine of course13:38
=== art_luffy is now known as nane
dinesh_ikonia : i am having vista as the other os and i had also tried ndiswrapper but unable to sort out the problem13:39
marshallfr500: i dont want to transfer it over the internet, the computers are connected right now by an ethernet cord13:39
fr500so? whats the difference, tcp /ip is tcp/ip13:40
KDB9000dinesh_, what kind of network card do you have?13:40
fr500you just need to configure both computers on a common subnet13:40
ikoniadinesh_: you don't need ndis wrapper13:40
dinesh_ikonia: ok13:41
matt_is it normal for your computer to run slow and suggish after you install NVIDIA drivers (hardy-64)13:41
dinesh_ikonia: then how to do it?13:41
dinesh_KDB9000:my network card is intel(R) PRO/ 100 ve network connection13:42
ikoniadinesh_: your Mustafa_Kaya13:42
ikoniadinesh_: you where in here earlier13:42
dinesh_ikonia:i didnot gettting what u r asking13:42
dinesh_KDB9000: intel(R) PRO/ 100 ve network connection13:43
g0tchacan the contents of this dir b deleted 888M./usr/share ?13:43
KDB9000dinesh_, i got it, i was doing some searches. what does iwconfig show?13:44
dinesh_KDB9000: actually right now i am using window so cannot tell u what iwconfig is showing ?13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linux.13:45
KRFg0tcha, no!13:45
KDB9000dinesh_, to troubleshoot the problem, you are going to need the ubuntu side up.13:45
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:46
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
HelpPleasewhy did so many people leave?13:46
TiredWolfsee above13:46
HelpPleasehaha :D13:46
IndyGunFreakHelpPlease: a lot of people got frustrated i guess. :)13:47
dinesh_KDB9000: i am having access to wireless network thats why i am using windows else i had tried on ubuntu side13:47
nandemonaiI have an interesting 'problem' with compiz and duel monitors. I have both screens running as separate X screens via nvidia-settings. Everything seems to work fine except rendering menus which are a little sluggish.. thing is, it's only on the primary display that they are sluggish. All other effects run fine on both screens. Any ideas?13:47
Xyc0I am getting SegFaults on gdmsetup, did something go wrong during install?13:47
thiebaudei thought i seen alan pope leave13:47
HelpPleaseDoes Ubuntu have a built in feature that limits trafic usage?13:47
g0tchathats my size problem13:47
TiredWolfHelpPlease: network traffic you mean? no, but there are traffic shapers available in the repositories13:47
HelpPleaseTiredWolf: Can you name one? :D13:48
KDB9000dinesh_, either you need two computers or you need to hard wire your ubuntu system in so we can run some test. the problem can't be solved if you can try the solutions13:48
TiredWolfHelpPlease: wondershaper, but that's just the first that occurs to me. try instead "apt-cache search traffic shap"13:48
ogzyi was trying to set my icon theme via python-gconf but set_string("/desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme","iconthemenae") didnt worked, any idea?13:48
Xyc0HelpPlease: Try http://www.ipcop.org/13:48
Zirodayogzy: why are you trying to set it by that method?13:49
xtrememertxcan anobyd help me plz13:49
ogzyZiroday, i am writing my own gui that will  customize the desktop13:49
KDB9000dinesh_, it is a wireless card, right?13:50
dns53xtrememertx you do not need permission to ask a question here, ask it13:50
TiredWolf!ask | xtrememertx13:50
ubottuxtrememertx: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:50
=== MOAR-f001i5h is now known as f00li5h
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:50
Xyc0So... segfaults from gdmsetup, is this an isolated incident?13:50
dinesh_KDB9000: yes13:50
KDB9000dinesh_, internal or an external?13:50
roxahrisI just tried to reinstall Ubuntu13:51
eugmandoes anyone know where rtorrent will normally save the files from a torrent?13:51
dinesh_KDB9000: wi fi network13:51
roxahrisIt got to 50%, gave me a warning, and stopped13:51
Zirodayroxahris: and the warning was?13:51
TiredWolfeugman: i don't use it, but if you don't find them easily, they might be in a hidden $HOME/.rtorrent directory13:51
roxahrisI forgot13:51
roxahrisit was something about... block sizes?13:51
roxahrisit mentioned 4096 bytes13:52
Zirodayroxahris: thats really really unhelpful13:52
KDB9000dinesh_, yes, i know that, but is it an internal card or an external system13:52
xtrememertxI have an integrated  810 chipset and i'm using  i810 driver and dri is enabled .... i'm getting very low fps in glxgears .. and i'm not even able to watch youtube  and play small  2d games13:52
eugmanTiredWolf: I'll take a look. How can I search from the command line if I wnated to?13:52
nandemonaieugman, from memory either the dir the torrent file is located or the dir it's invoked from.13:52
roxahrisBut I have no idea why oit didn't work13:52
dinesh_KDB9000: its internal13:52
TiredWolfeugman: "ls $HOME/.rtorrent" if it exists, or "find $HOME | grep torrent" to search13:52
g0tchais it possible to delete all the *.log.2 and so on from /var/log ?13:53
TiredWolfg0tcha: yes13:53
Zirodayroxahris: well run the install again, make sure the cd was burnt correctly and the md5 sum matches up and record the error on a piece of paper13:53
ActionParsnipyo yo yo13:53
roxahrisMD5 went fine13:53
ogzyZiroday, you read my answer to your wuestion?13:53
ogzyZiroday, you read my answer to your question?13:53
xtrememertxI have an integrated  810 chipset and i'm using  i810 driver and dri is enabled .... i'm getting very low fps in glxgears .. and i'm not even able to watch youtube  and play small  2d games13:54
xtrememertxI  posted on the forums but dint get much help13:54
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: can we see your xorg.conf please13:54
ActionParsnip!paste | xtrememertx13:54
ubottuxtrememertx: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:54
Zirodayogzy: no I didn't sorry, what was it13:54
ActionParsnipdinesh_: wassup?13:55
=== powertoo108 is now known as powertool08
eugmanah, no wonder I couldn't find it. No hidden directory, just a weird name.13:55
ogzyZiroday, you asked me why i am using python-gconf to set the icon theme, i said i am writing my own gui to customize the environment13:55
darren__hi can some one please help i have been trying diffrent options all week, and i think what im trying is not correct,i wont go into detail but there is some thing strange i have installed ubuntu on my desktop and my laptop computer. on my desktop it knows my plug in wifi is there but on my laptop it does not show up does any one know what it could be13:55
irctesttesting testing <ignore me>13:55
dinesh_ActionParsnip: problem with wireless in ubuntu13:55
ogzyZiroday, so do you know why i couldn't manage to set icon theme via set_string?13:56
Zirodayogzy: oh right, in that case sorry I have no idea. Maybe in #gnome or #gnome-hackers on gimp.net13:56
ActionParsnipdarren__: run lspci then lsusb and give a pastebin of both please13:56
KDB9000dinesh_, like i said, the biggest thing is you need the ubuntu system up and running so you can run the commands that are asked and provide feedback13:56
ogzyZiroday, ok will try there thanx13:56
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok run lspci and lsusb and give a pastebin of both13:56
ActionParsnipdinesh_: it may be beneficial to use wired til you get on your feet13:57
xtrememertxactionparsnip here is my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/47142/13:57
darren__ActionParsnip, ok can do in about 5 mins im just finishing an install of kubuntu now to see if it makes any diffrence will you still be here13:57
ActionParsnipdarren__: should be13:58
dinesh_KDB9000:ok tell me all the commands that i need to run (all)as i am having connection to internet on windows only13:58
darren__ActionParsnip, ok wont be long13:58
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: have you tried commenting out the videoram option or the xaanopixmapcache13:58
dinesh_ActionParsnip: i have access to wireless network only13:58
ActionParsnipdinesh_: do you have physical access to your router?13:58
VVSizgood evening, gentlemen! does anybody know how to disable "screen saver" in Ubuntu's *CONSOLE*?13:59
xtrememertxi added video ram  opetion few minutes back to see if it works .. its still the same13:59
dinesh_ActionParsnip: no it is college network13:59
ActionParsnipdinesh_: hmm, you need some wired connection til you can get sorted, or download the stuff you need to cd or usb storage then transfer13:59
VVSizso far, reading man pages, it seems that 'vidcontrol' tool is the way to disable console's screen saver, but I can't seem to find that app anywhere14:00
ActionParsnipVVSiz: do you ever want them on?14:00
ActionParsnipVVSiz: you could just uninstall them14:00
dinesh_ActionParsnip: tell me what stuff to download14:01
roxahrisI'm reinstalling it14:01
VVSizActionParsnip: uninstall what? by screen saver, I mean that in TEXT mode my console goes blank14:01
ActionParsnipVVSiz: ooh i dunno but if you find out can you tell me. Im doing a gentoo install and i keep having to hit cursor to make it turn on again14:01
VVSizso, no X11 stuff in my case, I have pure text console and would like to disable the screen going blank :)14:01
KDB9000need some help with gnome connect to server over ssh. my ssh server is using public/private keys to auth.14:01
ActionParsnipdinesh_: what isthe output of lspci - one line will be your wireless device14:02
VVSizActionParsnip: the man says use vidcontrol, but I don't know in which package to find it14:02
ActionParsnip!find vidcontrol14:02
ubottuFile vidcontrol found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)14:02
ActionParsnipwell that was pretty useless14:02
dinesh_Actionparsnip:right now i am using window as i donot have access to wireless on ubuntu14:03
ActionParsnipdinesh_: boot to linux and run the command. write down what it says about your wireless device14:03
=== rwesterman is now known as LinuxGuy
xtrememertxI have  been trying different hings   since two weeks still no luck , even a normal  avi file is laggy14:03
ActionParsnipdinesh_: then come back14:03
Kartagisdoes ubuntu have software in which you can convert a video to ascii format?14:04
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=53194314:04
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=87936214:04
dinesh_ActionParsnip: ok i am logging in ubuntu14:05
scampbellVVSiz: not sure under Ubuntu (because I don't have one in front of me) but I think you want   setterm -blank 014:05
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: i set up someones i810 yesterday and her xorg.conf was much simpler14:05
pvh_sa|wrkheya all... i'd like to set up automatic updates on our servers - especially for security updates14:05
g0deaterHi, is anyone here using compiz-fusion with 2 monitors and an ati card?14:05
g0tchaumm.. how can i add the 'universal' source to the source.list using terminal?14:05
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: if you see someone called st3ph (fairly regular user) as her for her xorg.conf14:06
=== ce_jomblo_18 is now known as ce_nirsa
ActionParsnipg0tcha: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst and uncomment what you want including14:06
dinesh_ActionParsnip: ok i logged in ubuntu the result of command has multiple lines which line u r refering to?14:06
ActionParsnipg0tcha: dont quote me on the path to sources.lst14:06
ActionParsnipdinesh_: the one about your wifi14:07
pvh_sa|wrkin order to do that, should i separate out -security updates into their own sources.list and apt-get upgrade from that sources.list ?14:07
xtrememertxthx  actionparship will she be on irc ?14:07
DarrenpaullittleActionParsnip, hi had to change my nick where would you like me to paste the results14:07
CelanorQuick question: ANyone know how to enable 32-bit packages in 64-bit versions of Ubuntu, lostthe command to do it14:07
ActionParsnipdinesh_: type what it says14:07
KDB9000dinesh_, it will most likely say "network controller" before it.14:07
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: quite a lot, yes14:07
marshallive set up shares on my desktop and whenever i try to access them on my laptop it just keeps asking for my username and password after ive entered it correctly14:08
roxahrisdon't you just put "-32" after the package name?14:08
ActionParsnipCelanor: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7742.html14:08
xtrememertxshe has the same chipset ?14:08
VVSizscampbell: excellent, thank you!!! that worked (I hope!) :)14:08
ActionParsnipmarshall: check in /etc/samba/smb.conf and you will see the allowed users, make sure the name you want to use is in there14:09
dinesh_Actionparsnip: it does not have anything about wi fi but has about network controller14:09
KDB9000dinesh_, that is the one you are looking for14:09
scampbellVVSiz: you'll have to bury it your startups someplace of course.  It's only valid until reboot.14:10
DarrenpaullittleActionParsnip, Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.  00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 03)14:10
dinesh_KDB9000: its what i got after running the command lspci14:10
g0tchatoday ubuntu is giving me an error after another for some reason14:10
DarrenpaullittleActionParsnip, there is more but it makes no sence what so ever14:10
g0tchaim tryint oinstall php packages using the apt-get but itsgiving me this error: "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:11
ActionParsnipDarrenpaullittle: thats the usb controller, not the wireless card14:11
ActionParsnipg0tcha: you got apt-get running or synaptic open?14:11
KDB9000dinesh_, you didn't send anything.14:11
VVSizscampbell: sure, will do.14:12
CelanorNot what I'm looking for, there's an actual terminal command that allows Ubuntu to use 32bit packages. Done it with SKype and a few other programs14:12
DarrenpaullittleActionParsnip, ok it does not show up only the built in14:12
bezibaercheng0tcha: close synaptic our use sudo ;)14:12
dinesh_KDB9000: Broadcom corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-pci(re 02)14:12
dinesh_KDB9000: now i have send u14:12
KDB9000dinesh_, you have a Broadcom wifi card then.14:12
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok cool, now you know what you have yu can use websearches on how to install it14:12
legend2440xtrememertx: read post #6  you may have better luck with the intel driver   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73472214:12
IndyGunFreakDarrenpaullittle: only the built in?.. do you have two wireless devices? is 1 USB and 1 internal or what?14:13
DarrenpaullittleIndyGunFreak, yes i have 1 built in and one usb externel that has a longer range14:13
sanjoei have question about vmware installation14:13
xtrememertxlegend2440: I tried using intel ... no  boost in performance14:14
sanjoecan anyone help me out here14:14
IndyGunFreakDarrenpaullittle: well if the usb external is plugged in, run lsusb to see if its identified.14:14
KDB9000dinesh_, you have a broadcom wifi card in your laptop. i am checked for how to install and make it work14:14
sanjoei have installed vmware server14:14
ActionParsnip!ask | sanjoe14:14
ubottusanjoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:14
legend2440xtrememertx: oh ok14:14
PizarroHi to everyone14:15
dinesh_KBB9000: ok tell me14:15
sanjoei have installed vmware server on my ubuntu 8.04, however when i try to running a virtual machine, it doesnt work as the vm can switch on, can anyone help me out here thanks14:15
g0tchaActionParsnip, there was synaptic open, i closed it but still giving the same error14:15
sanjoecant soory14:16
ActionParsnipg0tcha: ps -ef | grep syna14:16
PizarroI am having a hard day trying to make Ubuntu Server 8 to use my network, I can't manage to make a ping from the server to even my router!! I have checked everything, cable, cards, etc.. also the DHCP is not working, everything is ok in my LAN, I have 4 computers connected in DHCP without any problem, but I can't do it with ubuntu server, Any help please?14:16
KDB9000dinesh_, you can give this a try http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/14:16
g0tchawow Jul2414:16
PizarroNo errors during the installation but the NO DHCP install14:17
sanjoehmm.... no respond..14:17
PizarroI also tried with 2 diferent network cards and the same14:17
PizarroBefore I was using CentOS in this same computer, but I formated the hard drive and Installed Ubuntu Server14:17
KDB9000dinesh_, well that is with ndiswrapper, i know alot of the guys in the forum use it for the broadcom drivers.14:17
PizarroAny help please?14:18
g0tchaActionParsnip, is there a reason why it didnt show up with ps x ?14:18
brubelsabsHi, when I do aptitude update there is a "Hash Sum mismatch" what can I do? I've the out-of-the-box sources.list and 8.04.14:18
ActionParsnipg0tcha: just checking you dont have anything running that can lock it14:18
dinesh_KDB9000: is it mean i have to try with ndiswrapper14:18
ActionParsnip!fixapt | g0tcha14:18
ubottug0tcha: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:18
bakarathow do i change the ownership of a symbolic link?14:19
maniackanyone home14:19
KDB9000dinesh_, that might be your best bet. i was able to get my broadcom to work with the b34 driver. i don't know if it will work for you.14:19
Chousukebakarat: chmod? :)14:19
livingdaylight__!hi | maniack14:19
ubottumaniack: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:19
maniackhave a question pleaase14:19
PizarroHow is possible that Ubuntu Server can't get the DHCP when ht eothers computers do??? During the installation everything went ok, also in lsmod etc.. everything is ok14:19
dinesh_KDB9000: ok i need to give it a try right14:19
bakaratChousuke, this by default changes the permission on the target file, not the link itself apparantly14:19
ActionParsnipPizarro: if you set /etc/network/interfaces to static ip then it wont14:20
legend2440Pizarro: perhaps someone in channel       #ubuntu-server   would know14:20
bakaratChousuke, i tried adding -h but that doesn't work14:20
livingdaylight__!ask | maniack14:20
ubottumaniack: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:20
PizarroActionParsnip, actually it's set in static and it doesn't14:20
Chousukebakarat: why do you want to change permissions on the link itself, anyway?14:20
maniackabout my cpu14:20
maniackwho is willing to help14:20
PizarroActionParsnip, I installed this stuff 4 times, the last one in static mode14:20
Chousukebakarat: doesn't sound very useful :(14:20
maniackpizarro can you assit please14:20
KDB9000dinesh_, alot of the docs i looked at pointed me to that site. if you want we can try b34 driver.14:20
adamk maniack  Just ASK the question.14:21
ActionParsnipPizarro: try setting a suitable ip to your network and ping14:21
bakaratChousuke, for some reason it says that the end user has no permission, even though on the directory that the link points to, he has14:21
bakaratChousuke, the link however is owned by the root, i thought that could be the problem14:21
KDB9000ActionParsnip, do you know if the b34 driver for broadcom wifi will work with the BCM94311MCG wifi card?14:21
DarrenpaullittleOk question to every one I have a built in wireless and a usb wireless on two laptops, I have done a freash install of ubuntu on both laptops, on my girlfriendsn laptop I can use wireless stright away with out doing any thing, but on mine it does not know its there, so I downlaed a driver from aircrack which lets me use the usb wireless but does not show signel strength, so I tried wicd which just shows full sugnel stre14:21
Darrenpaullittlength but does not let me connect, so then I used ndiswrapper with a windows driver that shows signel strength and lets me connect to an open connection but not wep with the right code,14:21
Darrenpaullittleis there any way I can just get this stupid thing to work be doing another fresh install of ubutu and just adding something easy,,,tryed so many things and so many hours reading but its not helping,,, could it be that my sony is not compatible with the wireless or some thing else....please help im going crazy, sorry for so much do hard to explain in a few words14:21
Chousukebakarat: if the user has read permission on the link then it shouldn't matter :/14:21
ActionParsnipKDB9000: id use ndiswrapper, broadcom is garbage14:21
brubelsabsno one knows what to do with an hash mismatch, or is my question not precise enough?14:21
livingdaylight__Pizarro, why not stick with CentOS if it works?14:21
dinesh_ok try b34 driver14:21
bakaratChousuke, hmm14:22
PizarroActionParsnip, my router is configured to give DHCP from to .....255, from to ...10 is for static, I already have a lan printer in static at working FINE, and I set ubuntu to work at AND I CANT PING MY GATEWAY14:22
KDB9000ActionParsnip, mine works with the b34 driver, couple hickups here and there14:22
Chousukebakarat: I just checked14:22
Chousukebakarat: it's not possible14:22
ActionParsnipPizarro: is it wired or wireless?14:22
bakaratChousuke, it was a mistake on my part :D14:23
Chousukebakarat: the manual page says that the permissions of a symbolic link are never used14:23
PizarroActionParsnip, my gateway (router) is at, and is WIRED, no WIFI14:23
KDB9000Pizarro, did you also set the gateway?14:23
maniackwhen want to change the password going through the bios how do i about it14:23
ActionParsnipPizarro: tried a different cable?14:23
PizarroKDB9000, yes during the installation , I selected manual, and I set for the gateway (router), and for the IP, for mask, etc..14:24
KDB9000dinesh_, it would be best to use ndiswrapper. just follow the website i sent you.14:24
dinesh_KDB9000; ok14:24
scampbellVVSiz: take a glance man setterm, you may want a few more options like  -powersave off14:24
PizarroI tried different cables that are working in other computers, even I tried diferent networks cards, and nothing14:24
PizarroIt seems this version doesn't work for my computer/rrouter I don't know14:25
Pizarrobut it's not the first time I install linux14:25
KDB9000Pizarro, you said you did it during the install, are you still trying to install or do you have a desktop?14:25
PizarroI really don't know what to do14:25
livingdaylight__Pizarro, if CentOS works-stick with what works?14:25
PizarroKDB9000, I've done the installation 4 times, and always the same result, everything seems to be ok, eth0 is ok, drivers loaded, etc.. but I can't ping anywhere , also my router14:26
brubelsabsI just switched to another mirror, than the default sources.list suggested me (archive instead of de.archive) and then all went well...)14:26
KDB9000Pizarro, what does ifconfig say?14:26
Pizarrolivingdaylight__, CentOs was working PERFECTLY in the same computer, with the same nic, and with the same router, I was using Trixbox, but now I wanted to change14:27
IntangibleLiquidguys, I cannot find the "tick" symbol anywhere in Ubuntu. Where is it? I have to fill in an urgent application.14:27
=== idimmu_ is now known as idimmu
PizarroKDB9000, the only strange thing is 5 on TX errors on eth014:27
PizarroI'm seriously thinking in kick this out and move to Debian14:28
bakaratis there a way to set that files that are created in a particular directory take on the same permissions as the parent,14:28
bakarat(so the directory)14:28
KDB9000Pizarro, other then that the ip, mask, and broadcast ips are alright, correct?14:28
livingdaylight__Pizarro, so you had somehting which was PEFECTLY as you say, but you want to change because? Are you really looking for something that doesnt' work so you can waste time 'moaning while trying to fix it;?14:29
bullgard4 I have got a directory D in the primary hierarchy of the Epiphany bookmarks. It includes 19 bookmarks. I have got another directory G in the primary hierarchy. How can I make the directory D with its 14 bookmark entries to a subdirectory of G (so that nothing remains of the primary directory D)?14:29
PizarroKDB9000, yes, Im installing this stuff again, the last time14:30
PizarroIt is connected once more DIRECTLY to my router14:31
KDB9000Pizarro, hold on14:31
dinesh_KDB9000: thanks for your help plz also tell me abt some good websites and some e books for linux (send me on my email dinesh372@gmail.com if you have the e book )14:31
PizarroSo far the DHCP test during the isntallation has failed, Iam setting the manual one14:31
dinesh_KDB9000: thanks14:31
KDB9000Pizarro, run this command in a terminal "sudo route default gw <your gateways ip>"14:32
KDB9000dinesh_, np14:32
yatesthe man page says apt-cache search uses regular expressions, but that doesn't seem to be the case - am i missing something?14:32
Zirodaybullgard4: not sure how, but I presume (very well could be wrong) that epiphany saves its bookmarks in the .xml format somewhere. It might be easier to rearrange them there with copy/cut and paste14:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:32
Zirodaybullgard4: but could very well be barking up the wrong tree14:32
jribyates: what are you trying?14:32
dinesh_KDB9000: ok plz send me14:32
staquixHello, My router ports are stuffed full and I need to add another pc to the network. I have 2 nics in this ubuntu box so I figure I can route through this computer. How would I set that up?14:33
ArttiI'm now installing new Ubuntu and it shows partition: ubuntu 8.04 and ubuntu 8.04.1. First one i want to make home partition and last would be then ubuntu. How large it should be?14:33
diobrandoanyone happen to know how I can get the Filesystem icon on my desktop? it's not in ubuntu-tweak anymore14:33
yates apt-cache search "g.*synaptics"14:33
darksiferhi guys is there a tool to check bad sector in hdd?14:33
darksiferfor ubuntu?14:33
jribyates: I get several hits with that exact line14:34
KDB9000dinesh_, sorry, i don't know of any good linux or ubuntu books, as far as websites, a google search turns up alot. i generally use the wiki, forum, and help from the ubuntu site.14:34
jrib!icons > diobrando14:34
ubottudiobrando, please see my private message14:34
yatesdo you get "tpconfig"?14:34
PizarroKDB9000, I am going to do that in 5 minutes, it is installing again14:34
milostrifecan anyone help with a duel boot problem?14:34
ArttiWhat size should be home partition?14:34
jribNICE|BOT: do not run bots that message people in this channel14:35
bullgard4Ziroday: I do not know what 'to bark up' means. "du bist auf dem Holzweg"?14:35
KDB9000Pizarro, you also mentioned that DHCP fails?14:35
Zirodaybullgard4: sorry, its a english saying. I could be completely and utterly incorrect14:35
PizarroKDB9000, yes ALWAYS, I have to go throught manual setup14:35
jribyates: yes, I get tpconfig14:35
ickmundIf my syslog shows I/O error on dev sr0 when trying to install 'bootstrap-base', where's the problem? HDD, CD, something else?14:35
yateshow is that a match to the search string given?14:35
darksifermilostrife just ask your question14:35
jribyates: apt-cache show tconfig14:35
bullgard4Ziroday: Ok. Thank you very much for your comment. I will investigate this .xml format.14:36
jribyates: the description matches14:36
RickZillaHi gang, trying to install Ubuntu on a Pentium 3 running at 667MHz with 256k RAM...that should work, shouldn't it?14:36
KDB9000Pizarro, hmm, interesting. it shouldn't matter what kind of router you have, but it is odd that it works in another linux OS and not ubunut.14:36
jribNICE|BOT: are you still noisy?14:36
dinesh_KDB9000: i also used google but the no of sites is so large that  i am confused14:36
milostrifedarksifer, i've got a second hdd but for some reason i cant install windows onto it i just keep getting a message saying windows installer cannot find a windows compatible partion14:36
ZirodayRickZilla: you might want xubuntu instead, or at least more ram14:36
yatesahh, ok, thanks jrib14:36
PizarroKDB9000, that's what I thought, however I have to set up a server, and Ubuntu it seems so far not a good idea,14:37
Zirodaymilostrife: windows support in ##windows please14:37
xtrememertxdoes aiglx warnings have anyything to do with low fps ?14:37
RickZillaZiroday:  I wondered if that was it...it tried to install, then froze up halfway through14:37
yates-n is the ticket14:37
KDB9000dinesh_, like i said, the forum, wiki, and help are good places to get or find help with ubuntu. wiki.ubuntu.com forum.ubuntu.com14:37
yatesyessss - niiice!14:37
ZirodayRickZilla: you might also want to use the alternate installer instead of the graphical installer. The graphical installer can't run on such old specs14:37
PizarroKDB9000, my boss wanted me to put Windows Server, I told him to trust me...but it turned that he was right14:37
milostrifeZiroday,  sorry i dont understand the question14:37
Zirodayxtrememertx: depends what the warning are14:37
darksifermilostrife check out http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_linux_and_windows_xp_linux_installed_first.htm?page=514:37
ArttiHey! I would like to make two partition with ubuntu install. What size would be home and what size ubuntu itself. I have 160gb disk space?14:38
KDB9000Pizarro, I am running a ubuntu server right now on a Dell PowerEdge 265014:38
milostrifedarksifer, thanks :)14:38
RickZillaZiroday:  thanks for the info, I'll look into that next14:38
dinesh_KDB9000: ok thanks14:38
ZirodayArtti: depends on how much personal stuff you are going to have and how many programs you are going to install14:38
PizarroKDB9000, well, in this computer here doesn't work, and I am not a noob on this (configuring network)14:38
irctestKDB , why not you give him a suggestion size ~~~14:38
adamkPizarro, Open up a bug report.14:39
yatesnew question: why am i getting a rather large /var/log/acpid message log file?14:39
milostrifedarksifer,  the problem is not it cant load windows or ubuntu it's i wont register a raw formmat to install windows to14:39
Pizarroadamk, I am going to try installing directly a genuine Debian distro14:39
KDB9000Pizarro, so you are installing ubuntu server. what kind of nic is it?14:39
ArttiZiroday, so 20 GB should be fine for ubuntu?14:39
PizarroKDB9000, I tried with a Realtek Gigabit and a VIA chip based one14:39
ZirodayArtti: yes14:40
elky!icons > jrib14:40
ubottujrib, please see my private message14:40
xtrememertxi'm using 20 gb for ubuntu14:40
PizarroKDB9000, the mother board has a VIA chip for network, I though that wasn't compatible with ubuntu, so I installed a realtek (NEW) and it doesn't work too14:40
ArttiZiroday, Okey, thanks, i will continue with my install.14:40
xtrememertxZiroday: here are my warnings http://paste.ubuntu.com/47148/14:41
ZirodayArtti: have fun14:41
Zirodayxtrememertx: does the card run fine?14:41
KDB9000Pizarro, I don't think realtek are linux friendly.14:41
kalilaHow is the state of ATI cards for ubuntu?14:41
xtrememertxits an 810 .. i'm  getting low fps on glx gears ..i'm not even able to watch youtube14:42
PizarroKDB9000, well that card worked on Debian 2 years ago, and under Mandrake, however what about the VIA one (Rhine II)?14:42
Zirodaykalila: it depends which card, but it has got better14:42
xtrememertxand cant play simple 2d games14:42
erUSULKDB9000: it is... it has drivers on its website and all its chips are supported by linux in tree drivers afaik14:42
Zirodayxtrememertx: have you installed the correct drivers?14:42
RickZillaZiroday:  So get the 'alternate' download,instead of the 'desktop' download, correct?14:42
ZirodayRickZilla: correct, and you might also want to get xubuntu instead of ubuntu14:42
xtrememertxi had no problem on xp .. i used to  even play cs 1.614:42
xtrememertxi'm using i81014:42
scampbellkalila: FWIW, I just dumped my ATI card in cardboard box.   I really wanted to give ATI a chance but the performance was just lackluster compared to the nvidia so I went back.14:43
KDB9000erUSUL, I haven't used realtek lately. The forum showed alot of people having problems with realtek cards (not just nics)14:43
xtrememertxZiroday: my xorg  config http://paste.ubuntu.com/47142/14:43
PizarroI hope this time this last installation works, otherwise I will kick out this stuff14:44
Zirodayxtrememertx: one moment please14:44
scampbellkalila: however, drivers to exist,  search for  fglx to find them14:44
erUSULKDB9000: well i do have a r8169 realtek card and it works14:44
KDB9000Pizarro, as far as via, I am not sure.14:44
kalilascampbell: Ziroday :     ATI Radeon HD 345014:44
KDB9000erUSUL, I guess I do too. just took a look at my lspci and my wired is a realtek.14:44
kalilascampbell: Ziroday :  I woulnd't really want anything beyond the usual compiz eye candy... don't want games or that stuff14:44
Zirodaykalila: gimme a sec14:45
scampbellkalila: yeah I had a ATI all-in-wonder HD.   It wasn't fast enough for HD under linux.  The rest should work fine for you. Although, my Warcraft under Wine did't like the ATI either.14:45
KDB9000Pizarro, when you get done with the install lets try and reset it manually with the commandline14:45
Zirodaykalila: the support for that card is meant to be very good, however the driver may not be released yet in Ubuntu 8.04 for them. Try the live cd14:46
maszloI was wondering what UPS work best with ubuntu.. if I was going to get something I would like it to shutdown and power on correctly with the OS.   any recommendations?  only need this to run the computer and modem + router.  do not need a monitor14:46
KDB9000Pizarro, for the via you can do an lspci and see if it comes up.14:47
PizarroKDB9000, ok, meanwhile the installation is done, I am burning the Debian first disc isntalaltion..14:47
Zirodayxtrememertx: you need to use the "intel" driver instead of the i810 one14:47
xtrememertxi tried using intel no difference14:47
KDB9000Pizarro, let me know what lspci turns up14:48
Pizarrook, but I already checked that before and everything was ok14:48
* delcoyote hi14:48
Zirodayxtrememertx: I don't know how relevant this might be but check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i81014:48
ickmundI'm installing hardy through alt. cd. I've setup a software raid0, but then it fails on base. syslog shows some IO/error on dev sr0, sector 386, followed by a debootstrap: /target/var/lib/apt/lists/debootstrap.invalid_dists_hardy_main_binary-i386_Packages: No such file or directory. The two lists I have are .. _hardy_Release, and .. _hardy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages_partial.14:49
ickmundSeems to me that there's a problem writing the list to disk. But what is sr0? Is it a problem with my HDD? Or my CD?14:50
xtrememertxZiroday:I have been trying  different things  since two weeks ..no luck even a simple avi file lags14:50
scampbellickmund: did you run the 'test cd' option before you installed?  It sounds like an problem in the cd burn.  /dev/sr0 is usually a cd/dvd drive.14:50
opt1kis there sometihng like Team Viewer for Linux?14:50
bijoyhow do i choose a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A14:51
KDB9000Pizarro, so what did lspci come up with?14:51
magnetronopt1k, what is team viewer?14:51
mrunagican anyone help me figure out why my SD card wont auto mount? its just one of my cards that wont14:52
opt1kmagnetron: it gives me remote control of a friends computer14:52
artpoetryfictionhow can I install a program downloaded as a .sh file?14:52
magnetronopt1k, in a graphical way? sounds like VNC in ubuntu14:53
opt1kmagnetron: yeah, graphical way.. where can i get vnc?14:53
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A14:53
blaki have removed the splash screen from boot, how do i remove the splash screen from shutdown as well?14:53
Kelderkeukenartpoetryfiction: that is a script file, go to the directory it is in and do ./name.sh   if it comes with instructions read them14:53
=== wsuetholz_top_ is now known as wsuetholz_top
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A14:54
PizarroKDB9000, installation finished, still no ping to my router even though the PC is wirded DIRECTLY to it. IFCONFIG everything OK, excepts 5 errors on TX14:54
xnvartpoetryfiction: A .sh is an executable. If you're sure you want to execute it, you can give it execute permissions (chmod +x filename.sh) and then run it... ./filename.sh14:54
KDB9000Pizarro, did you try and route command?14:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sd14:55
PizarroKDB9000, no, just a second14:55
magnetronopt1k, you already have it. the client is in applications > internet > remote desktop something. if you are on ubuntu and want to share your desktop, go to System > Preferences > Remote Desktop. there are VNC clients and servers for windows and mac os x too14:55
blaki have removed the splash screen from boot, how do i remove the splash screen from shutdown as well?14:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about st3ph14:55
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A14:55
opt1kmagnetron: oh, i didn't know that, ty, i'll check it out now14:55
PizarroKDB9000, what was the command? I lost it14:56
artpoetryfictionKelderkeuken: no instructions, did the ./filename.sh and it said: Permission denied14:56
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:57
KDB9000Pizarro, sudo route default gw <gateway IP>  (without the <>)14:57
opt1kmagnetron: actually i don't have it in internet.. and only thing i have is to share my desktop (and i don't want to do that)14:57
xnvartpoetryfiction: Did you do the chmod?14:57
Kelderkeukenartpoetryfiction: what xnv said, try to give it permission first with   chmod +x filename.sh14:57
Pizarrook, thanks, 1 sec14:57
g0g0r1nhi .. i've upgraded from GUTSY to HARDY - now i'm experiencing network lagging14:58
g0g0r1nEven simple ssh session between 2 computers on the same LAN is lagging now14:58
g0g0r1nwhat can be the cause?14:58
g0g0r1nthis is how the ping looks like:14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=18 ttl=255 time=172 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=19 ttl=255 time=1.00 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=20 ttl=255 time=172 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=21 ttl=255 time=0.975 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=22 ttl=255 time=172 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=23 ttl=255 time=0.961 ms14:58
g0g0r1n64 bytes from icmp_seq=24 ttl=255 time=172 ms14:58
voxg0g0r1n: stop that14:58
voxg0g0r1n: use a pastebin.14:58
PizarroKDB9000, that is not correct, my system shows me the route command help when I type: route default (I am already under sudo su)14:59
Guest38588what does <defunct> after a process mean?14:59
PizarroKDB9000, sorry when I type route default gw
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A15:00
KDB9000Pizarro, you forgot gw15:00
d8hi all15:00
KDB9000Pizarro, what ubuntu version are you running?15:00
PizarroKDB9000, I typed it on the system but frgot here on mirc15:00
hrenohey, I've got problem with drivers for P5Q motherboard - ethernet is not found15:00
xnvGuest38588: If you mean when using ps, man ps15:00
PizarroKDB9000 8.04.115:01
KDB9000Pizarro, hold on, i think i sent the wrong commands15:01
Guest38588I already did that15:01
Guest38588why is my name taken!?15:01
KDB9000Pizarro, now i know what the problem is. it is "route add default gw <IP>"15:01
d8i would to know if is possibile to install ubuntu on a dual boot system with winxp+solaris without overwrite windows installation15:01
PizarroKDB9000, I'm going to try, 1 sec15:02
hrenoi've read lots of times to download drivers here - http://tinyurl.com/6qoxt9 - but there is no drivers to download from here anymore15:02
d8can anyone help me?15:02
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A15:02
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:03
blaki have removed the splash screen from boot, how do i remove the splash screen from shutdown as well?15:03
mrunagithere was some tutorial d8 explaining how to do it15:03
hrenoso, any other way to make ethernet drivers for P5Q work15:03
xnvGuest38588: /searchString15:03
xnvGuest38588: For me, /defunct gives you the answer15:03
Guest38588xnv, ok I did ? instead of /15:04
artpoetryfictionDamn... Java not found15:04
blakcan someone help me please, this shouldn't be a hard question to answer15:04
d8thanks boys... tutorials tells how to make dual boot from a single boot windows system15:04
blaki just need to know where you edit to remove the splash from shutdown15:04
PizarroKDB9000, nothing, I reatarted and nothing, "destination unrecheable" (my router)15:04
blaki want to see the actualy shuttdown text not a splash screen15:05
d8my system is already dual-boot15:05
PizarroI have never ever found this stupid thing (connect to the local network) as deficult as this time with Ubuntu Server15:05
d8ubottu, mnuragi15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mnuragi15:05
KDB9000Pizarro, hmm. what does the ip link say in ifconfig?15:05
artpoetryfictiongzip: jre.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error15:06
artpoetryfictiontar: ../jre.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory15:06
artpoetryfictiontar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now15:06
KDB9000Pizarro, I mean the ip line, were it says the ip, mask, and broadcast?15:06
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after /sbin/pppoe -A15:06
PizarroKDB9000, ip:, broadcast: mask:
blakanyone can help please?15:07
KDB9000Pizarro, ok, i was just checking. I know with the desktop version, the network manager messes it up when you set the static. sorry, but without being there, i am out of ideas on what it could be.15:08
blakkdb9000 do you know where i edit something to remove the splash screen from shutdown? i know where the startup one is but no the shutdown15:08
KDB9000Pizarro, this might seem like a dumb question, but have to ask. do you know if is open?15:08
KDB9000blak, sorry but I don't know. never tried to remove the splash screen for shutdown.15:09
PizarroKDB9000, no problem, I have been on this since today morning, I can't spend more time on this, I am sorry, but I think this is a crap, since it supossed to be STABLE (server) and it is not, it doesn't work in the same hardware configuration where others distros (linux) work, and the worst thing is that ALL seems to be ok, no ERROR messages, nothing, I don't trust on this as server, I am sorry.15:09
tckbsomebody help me plz icannt login to ubuntu15:10
blakthis is the most useless support channel15:10
PizarroKDB9000, when I said "this is a crap" I was talking about the Ubuntu Server distro, you helped me so much, thanks15:10
wineoblak: then go start your own, more efficient channel15:10
* scampbell waves goodbye to blak and locks the door behind him.15:11
KDB9000Pizarro, I understand. but like i asked and knew it was stupid, but is open?15:11
PizarroKDB9000, what do you mean with "open"? (port?)15:11
PizarroKDB9000, remember that even the DHCP wasn't working15:11
KDB9000Pizarro, no other system has the IP address15:12
PizarroKDB9000, no since from my desktop computer (this) I perform a ping and no pong15:12
darren__Hi can some please help i have just finished two fresh installs of ubuntu one on my laptop and one on my desktop,but on my lap top it does not show the usb wireless, can some one please help15:13
PizarroKDB9000, wait!!!! WTH!!!!!! I have PONG from
KDB9000Pizarro, you need to be careful, we had a problem because we use an IP address that didn't return a ping, and it was in use15:13
xnvwineo: He's right, though. Some of us are pretty bad at not Googling other people's questions for them. His answer is pretty easy to find.15:13
PizarroKDB9000, I got pong from that f&%&$%& ip!15:13
PizarroKDB9000, but no computer is connected ther15:14
obitoriI'm trying to figure out the name of the VNC server installed in Ubuntu by default.  I've tried googling vinagre, the client, and ps ax with various greps.  no luck.  anybody know?15:14
nateeeeefresh noob. installed ubuntu setup for dual-boot. set dns, (addy's from auto.aquire and openDNS) tried with and with out static ip... not sure why i have no net in ubuntu, works fine here. same system btw15:14
darren__ Hi can some please help i have just finished two fresh installs of ubuntu one on my laptop and one on my desktop,but on my lap top it does not show the usb wireless, can some one please help15:14
KDB9000Pizarro, see why you need to be careful. lol. ping isn't the best way to find an IP. do you know what range your DHCP uses?15:14
xnvobitori: vino15:14
PizarroKDB9000, from 10..to 4015:15
Pizarrofrom 2 to 10 static15:15
slumДрасте, здесь первый раз, Здесь кто нить на русском разговаривает?15:15
tckbenglish plz15:15
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:15
PizarroKDB9000, something is connected to!!!! and I don't know what the hell is15:15
obitorixnv:  Thanks!15:15
KDB9000Pizarro, thats not goo15:15
gkirkhi. I noticed for the first time this morning my Ubuntu slice does not have a working swap partition, and this appears to have been a problem since upgrading to edgy15:16
KDB9000Pizarro, I would say try using a high number, say 125 or something. but you also need to find the rouge 215:16
gkirklooking at fdisk -l it shows both partitions do not have a valid partition table15:16
nateeeeeubottu: english?15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about english?15:16
gkirkone being swap15:16
PizarroKDB9000 just a sec I find out15:16
nateeeeeubottu - http://babelfish.yahoo.com/15:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:17
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nateeeeeubotto: drugs are bad15:17
nateeeeeubottu: drugs are bad15:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drugs are bad15:18
nateeeeedefinately a bot :P15:18
mheath nateeeee: ubottu IS only a bot. The message you saw in Russian was a canned message intend to inform another (rusian speaking) user of the correct Ubuntu support channel for speaking Russian.15:18
OsamaKHello! I installed ubuntustudio recently, but I had some problems. Now I cannot install\uninstall any package because of this problem: E: timidity: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1E: ubuntustudio-audio: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured15:18
nateeeeei understand. i have no intention of wasting my time messing with him :P15:18
cdh_phoenixhey can someone help me with setting up a ad-hoc wlan  connection to a vista notebook?15:18
nateeeeeoh, didn't knwo it was a suported bot though15:19
nateeeeeany ways, i have no internet in my dual-boot ubuntu.15:19
OsamaKHow to fix unconfiguring problem..15:19
nateeeeeset dns, static ip. (dns addy's are from openDNS and from the auto.aquire dns settings)15:19
KDB9000Pizarro, any luck?15:20
mheathcdh_phoenix: You should just have to setup the connection in Vista, and then connect with the Network Manager in Ubuntu. In Ubuntu, you'll have to manually specify the network name as ad hoc SSID's aren't broadcast  by Vista.15:20
nateeeeehaven't done any thing AT ALL beyond installing and setting those15:20
opt1kcan anyone help me out with vnc? i'm completely lost, how do i connect to a friends computer?15:20
mheathnateeeee: does "ifconfig15:20
PizarroKDB9000, i changed the ip for Ubnutu to and still no ping, however I still don't know who is the a colleague of me will find out15:20
mheathnateeeee: does "ifconfig" report the correct information for the device?15:20
cdh_phoenixmheath: no, I tried this already, but it stops when it says requesting network address15:21
KDB9000Pizarro, I see.15:21
opt1ki have installed tightvncserver & xvncviewer15:21
nateeeeemheath: ... don't know. i'm a really fresh noob15:21
nateeeeegetting into linux for the adventure of it. hence, the dual boot lol15:21
PizarroKDB9000, now x.x.x.3 is free, but I still don't get any PING,15:21
mheathnateeeee: is this a wired or wireless connection?15:21
nateeeeemheath: wired.15:22
Reinier84wow, crowded channel15:22
Reinier84hi guys15:22
PizarroKDB9000, however the DHCP should worked during the installation, didn't it?15:22
cdh_phoenixmheath:  could network manager 0.7 be the cause of the problem?15:22
zoed!hi | Reinier8415:22
ubottuReinier84: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:22
maszloDoes anyone here have any recommendations for a UPS to use for a ubuntu server?15:22
nateeeeemheath: i assume i don't have to install drivers for my system as i would for windows, correct?15:22
KDB9000Pizarro, it should, unless you are out of address in the DHCP range15:23
zoed!hi | tavi_15:23
ubottutavi_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:23
tavi_con soemone tell me how to upgrade beryl compiz?15:23
PizarroKDB9000, well we have here from 10 to 40, and only 3 computer on DHCP...so..15:23
PizarroI give UP!!!, sorry for Ubunutu, I move to Debian15:23
dashnuIs cairo-dock in intrepid ready to rock ?? I dont see the cairo-dock-plugins!15:24
opt1kcan anyone help me out with vnc? i'm completely lost, how do i connect to a friends computer?15:24
KDB9000Pizarro, I see. well it should work, why it doesn't i don't know. sorry15:24
Reinier84any chance someone can answer this for me (learning stuff as I go and I'm stuck on this one); I registered a domain name, I added it as the reverse DNS thingy to my VPS' IP address. when I traceroute my VPS' IP-address it resolves to mydomainname.com but when I go to my domainname I'm not getting anywhere. Anyone that can point me in the right direction to look for the error?15:24
Reinier84(running ubuntu server btw...home this is the right channel :x)15:24
marlunAny tips on how  I could copy everything on my harddive (from the root) to a file or folder? I've tried "tar zcfv backup.tar.gz /" but end up with the error "Error exit delayed from previous errors". I've also tried "scp -r / root@xxx:/path/" but that copied the same files serveral times (symlins?). Any tips?15:24
nateeeeemheath: could we continue this in a msg after i go grab mirc. it'll make it easer for me to refill my coffee as needed15:25
mheathmarlun: hold on a second, I'm going to grab a URL to show you15:25
dashnumarlun: cp -r15:25
skysbirdi've a question15:25
skysbirdgood night every body15:25
skysbirdsome one free to help me??15:25
maszloReinier84: when you ping the domain does it resolve correctly?15:25
cdh_phoenixdoes anyone know why I cant connect to windows adhoc wlan with my ubuntu system?15:25
Dabbucan anybody tell me about abrowser15:26
skysbirdi've update the libsvn-java from 1.4.6 to 1.5.115:26
skysbirdbut after that15:26
nateeeeemheath: if not, then i won't bother downloading an irc client as i would RARELY use it.15:26
skysbirdi cannot use subclipse in eclipse15:26
Reinier84maszlo can't resolve hostname15:26
tavi_hei i need the line for software sources for upgrading compiz15:26
skysbirdcan somebody help me??15:26
maszlowhat host are you using for your domain?15:26
nateeeee*sigh* i think i've been abandond15:27
Reinier84call me dumb but... you mean the hosting party where I rent my Virtual server?15:27
nateeeeejust as my sense of propuer spelling as abandoned me lol15:27
marlundashnu: how does it differ from scp? (except the sending it to another computer part)15:27
marlunmheath: ok :)15:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abrowser15:27
maszloReinier84: maybe I read the question wrong.. setting up a registerd domain to a local computer?15:28
mheathmarlun: I can't find a good link right off, but basically you need to make sure you're not including the tar file in the backup (with your tar command) or it becomes recursive15:28
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dashnuim sure cp handles things differently... anyways you are probably geting those tar errors due to /proc dir and what not15:28
mheathmarlun: That is, if your working directory is /, and you create mybackup.tar.gz there and tell tar to include 'everything in /', it will try to include the bits of mybackup.tar.gz it's created so far, and errors because that becomes and endless loop.15:28
dashnulook at tar man and search for exclude15:29
skysbirdsomebody know my problem??15:29
mheathmarlun: that and, there are lots of files unnecessary for a backup. You don't need anything in /proc and generally you don't need anything in /dev.15:29
mheathmarlun: the 'correct' way would to do a space-seperated list of all the folders in / you want to backup. So, at the end of the tar command, rather than doing just "/", do something like "/home /usr /etc"15:30
Reinier84maszlo: no it's all 'on the www' so to speak. I have a VPS with 1 IP address, and a registered .com domainname. I set the domainname as the DNS-reverse thingy to that IP address. When I traceroute www.domain.com it says "unknown host" when I traceroute the VPS IP-address it hops around and resolves to www.domain.com. makes sense?15:30
PizarroKDB9000, this is frustraiting!, even with debian I have the same issue. At the very begining during the installation the DHC fails with BOTH CARDS (VIA and Realtek9!!!15:30
PizarroKDB9000, Is there any comptability issue between Debian and these devices?15:30
SlartHas there been a kernel update or something because compiz won't start for me..15:30
YEMSo i've been interested in installing unbuntu for a long time but still have a few questions before i go ahead with it, would anyone be so kind as to PM me and field a few?15:30
nateeeeemheath: ????15:31
mheathmarlun: your other option for a bit-by-bit filesystem backup is a command like "dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/root/filesystem.img". Obviously, you replace "sda1" with the correct designator for your hard disk. But, this creates a complete backup image of your filesystem.15:31
SlartYEM: I won't pm you to answer your questions.. but if you ask them in here I will be happy to try to answer them15:31
maszloReinier84: I think you may need to set your A record15:31
KDB9000Pizarro, hmm. interesting, well that means it isn't ubuntu's problem. shouldn't be. I am running ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and it has a realtek nic and it works15:31
YEMok thx15:31
YEMI want to install it on the desktop i built last year, I was told i'd have to hunt down drivers for all my parts espcially since it is a bit of a popurie of vendors15:32
YEMis this the case?15:32
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mheathYEM: That depends entirely on the hardware you have.15:32
KDB9000Pizarro, not to make it sound like you don't know anything, but is the network all hooked up right? all the lights on the nic and router on and/or flashing?15:32
marlunmheath: ah, that could work, but how would I extract it later from the .img file? Or do I put it on a DVD disc?15:32
Reinier84thx maszlo, one last thing... do I set that somewhere in Ubuntu or somewhere else?15:32
SlartYEM: I would say you have to hunt drivers more on a windows box.. ubuntu comes with an awful lot of drivers out of the box..15:32
darren_Hi can some one please help i have tryed many things but can not get it to work  so i have just finished to clean installs of ubuntu, when i start my desktop with my wifi it shows up but when i start my laptop with the same usb wifi it does not show does any one know what it could be15:32
leeping2008mheath, will the "dd" command read the bytes that it writes?  i.e. it's reading from the root filesystem, but the file that it's writing to is also on the root filesystem...15:32
SlartYEM: there are a few you might want to install separately.. graphics drivers is one such thing15:33
leeping2008marlun, the idea is "cat filesystem.img > /dev/sda1"15:33
leeping2008that does a direct write to your hard drive .. if you use "netcat" instead then you can do a clone over the network.k15:33
YEMWould i be getting these drivers from the unbuntu site or various vendor sites?15:33
=== mooseguy is now known as MooseAI
nateeeeemheath: what happend man. you were asking me questions then i gave answers... then you stopped :(. i'm confused15:33
yatesi'm having trouble configuring the synaptics touchpad driver with gsynaptics. "GSynaptics couldn't initialize. You have to set 'SHMConfig 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics" and I have15:33
maszloReinier84: the A record is the name to ip entry that is set at the registar of the domain.. would not be set locally on the pc.. it is what resolves the domain to the ip15:33
SlartYEM: some things to consider though.. soundblaster x-fi is a pain in the behind on linux, so are weird things like unusual scanners, software modems, fakeraid cards and such15:34
SlartYEM: if it's available and good you can get it from the repositories.. ie the same place you install other programs from15:34
Reinier84maszlo: thank you, forgive my ignorance please :)15:34
marlunargh.. I'll just buy a new harddrive :P15:34
=== MooseAI is now known as mooseguy
yatesand i've rebooted too15:34
KDB9000Pizarro, sorry, but I am taking a lunch break, will be back later.15:34
maszloReinier84: no problem.. gota start somewhere15:34
darren_Hi can some one please help i have tryed many things but can not get it to work so i have just finished to clean installs of ubuntu. when i start my desktop with my wifi it shows up but when i start my laptop with the same usb wifi it does not show up, please if any one knows about this stuff please help15:35
Reinier84yea but I always start at the deepest end of the pool, haha15:35
PizarroKDB9000, the cabling is ok, because I just uplagged a computer wich is owrking fine, and I replaced it by the ubunut server..15:35
mheathmarlun: leeping2008 brought up a good point in that your destination should really be somewhere other than a spot on the partition you're backing up, or it gets recursive again.15:35
maszloReinier84: yeah I do the same thing haha15:35
mheathmarlun: to restore directly, though (that is, make the hard drive just like it was) you'd just reverse those commands, though: dd if=/root/filesystem.img of=/dev/sda1"15:36
YEMmy desktop has pretty standard hardwar, SATA HD's, intel processor, Geforce 8800. The only thing that might be a problem is the Motherboard because it's ABIT15:36
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gsynaptics15:36
YEMThink i should just install it and see what drivers i need from there15:36
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:36
marlunyeah, thats why I would have liked a scp way of doing it, just copying it to the other computer.15:36
tavi_hello?????????? someone help me15:36
=== mooseguy is now known as MooseAI
mheathmarlun: Or, to get just a few files from the backup, you can do whats called loopback mounting.15:36
marlunwell mostly I just want to be able to access the files if I've forgot something.15:36
nateeeeeyea, never mind man. guess im not really here then15:36
mheathmarlun: 'loopback' mounting basically pretends like a file on your hard drive (or network, if you're using scp) is a device that can be mounted just like a hard drive device can.15:37
=== MooseAI is now known as moosguy
=== moosguy is now known as MooseAI
marlunmheath: thanks for all the information will try some more when I get home.15:39
mheathmarlun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem is incomplete but provides some good info, too15:39
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=== mooseugy is now known as mooseguy
mheathmarlun: glad to help.15:39
Reinier84maszlo: woohoo it works (apparently i already fixed it but that A-record thing wasnt done by my host or something)15:39
Jack_Sparrowmooseguy Please stop flipping nicks..15:39
davidguesttheir seems to be a drop all in my iptables just before my ircd entries how can i remove a specific itable entry15:40
IdleOne!nickspam | mooseguy15:40
ubottumooseguy: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users.  (Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead.)  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»15:40
maszloReinier84: nice.. your host must be quick at updates too15:40
dfgashow do i let a user create user shares?15:40
kioskawang male15:40
Reinier84maszlo: never quick enough!15:40
Remorse_that's a secret15:40
maszloReinier84: I have had mine take 5 minutes to have it refresh the update15:40
Reinier84ive been hacking on it for an hour or so know but ive done so many things by now i dunno waht triggered it :(15:41
IdleOnehello yash1234_15:41
=== mooseguy is now known as MooseAI
maszloReinier84: haha.. that happens.  my server is kicked off.. power outage for a long period yesterday made me get a new lease from my isp15:42
yash1234_how to change nick name15:43
KillaRitter /nick Nickname15:43
Reinier84yea thats why i decided to just get a virtual server, for 18 euro's a month I got 10G up 100G down and the who shebang :P15:43
yash1234_says nick name already taken up15:43
Jack_Sparrowyash1234_ Pick another15:44
dinesh_can anyone end me the link to download broadcom bcm94311mcgwlan mini pci15:44
maszloReinier84: I had my ddwrt push the ip before with dyndns.. not a real dns15:44
opt1khey, I have a problem, I've set my VNC password but vncviewer always tells me i typed the wrong password15:44
yash1234_i want pawan15:45
=== yash1234_ is now known as pawan1
maszloReinier84: its nice to have a pointer to your computer for vnc over ssh and misc web apps15:45
Reinier84all that DNS stuff is still over my head, took me an hour or 2 to get apache installed and stuff...but learning along the way. Oh and ill just stick to SSH for the time being. dunno what else i would need :)15:46
=== pawan1 is now known as yash1234_
EldivoHello. Got a problem, when I upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 I get stucked on installing locales or something. It's kind a annoying.15:46
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Jack_SparrowEldivo there was a bug report on that error15:46
dinesh_can anyone end me the link to download broadcom bcm94311mcgwlan mini pci15:47
EldivoJack_Sparrow: Aha, but is it fixed or shall I install it through the CD?15:47
Jack_SparrowEldivo try the cd first15:47
EldivoJack_Sparrow: Alright, when I install with CD can I import my whole /user folder to the new version? :)15:48
opt1khow do i connect from ubuntu machine to a friends windows machine via vncviewer???15:48
IdleOnedinesh_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76999015:48
Jack_SparrowEldivo DId you create a sep /home partition15:48
maszloopt1k: vncviewer (remotes ip)15:48
Jack_Sparrow!samba > opt1k15:48
ubottuopt1k, please see my private message15:48
opt1kmaszlo: heh i'm trying vncviewer but it just won't connect =((15:49
EldivoJack_Sparrow: Dont know really15:49
opt1kJack_Sparrow: ty, i'll try it out15:49
maszloopt1k: you or this other person have a router installed?15:49
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:49
maszloopt1k: more or less the other peson15:49
opt1kmaszlo: i have router15:49
IdleOneEldivo: see above link from ubottu to create a seperate /home15:50
Binodhi all what is error 15 in ubuntu and how to solve it?15:50
Jack_SparrowEldivo sep /home will make everything easier in the future.15:50
maszloopt1k: I believe the default port is 5900 you need to have that able to get through on the one you are connecting to15:50
Jack_SparrowBinod where do you get error 1515:50
EldivoJack_Sparrow: Aha thanlk you mate.15:50
maszloopt1k: so that would be the remote computer..15:51
opt1kmaszlo: thank you a lot15:51
maszloopt1k: no problem15:51
opt1kmaszlo i'll try that now =)15:51
blueymy firefox seems to be broken15:51
Jack_Sparrowopt1k see also port forwarding for your router15:51
opt1kJack_Sparrow: i know how to do that =)15:52
BinodJack_Sparrow: during booting time15:52
frost151ni have a small problem, the clock on the top right of the screen shows a gray square instead of a weather symbol15:52
frost151nits not major just irritating15:52
jim_pfrost151n: perhaps the weather forecast is not available at this time15:53
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc
blueymy firefox seems to be broken. it doesnt show the drag bar on the top and its always stays over all other toolbars (when it is active all i can see is the firefox window). can someone please help me with this. i feel suffocated without my nice firefox :(15:53
osfameronhuh?  My laptop just hibernated when I unplugged the power supply (as I was fully charged!)15:53
osfameronanyone had a problem with ACPI getting completely the wrong idea and hibernating when it's not supposed to?  Can I fix it?15:53
frost151nit is for other cities15:54
* osfameron really really hates linux power "management". It's the one big reason I'd think about moving to Mac or even back to Win...15:54
kbrosnanbluey: http://support.mozilla.com/kb/Basic+Troubleshooting15:54
blueykbrosnan: lemme check that out15:54
Jack_Sparrowosfameron video drivers are the usual suspect15:54
jim_pbluey: what is the drag bar?15:54
blueyjim_p:  u know the title bar on the top where u can hold and drag15:55
osfameronJack_Sparrow: ah.  Any idea what to look at to fix?15:55
osfameronJack_Sparrow: I'm on a thinkpad x61, running normal gnome (I flirted with 3d effects, but the card wasn't really supported with those at the time so was kinda buggy)15:55
Jack_Sparrowosfameron I would start with google ubuntu and your video card and hibernate15:55
jim_pbluey: metacity?15:55
osfameronJack_Sparrow: oki, ta15:55
=== xmagixx^BNC is now known as xmagixx
blueydo u want a screenshot of how it looks?15:56
* Kondensuotas_pie miaw15:56
jim_pbluey: sure15:56
blueyhold on a sec15:56
jim_pupload to imageshq please15:56
Binodhello all i am getting erro 15 while booting ubuntu, anybody can help me to restore it?15:56
Jack_SparrowBinod Grub error 15 ?15:57
jim_pBinod: grub error 15 = 1"Error while parsing number"15:57
enl810dis there a command line RSS feed reader for Ubuntu?15:57
BinodJack_Sparrow: yes15:58
jim_pBinod: This error is returned if GRUB was expecting to read a numbur and encountered bad data.15:58
erUSULenl810d: there a few... try lifearea15:58
cvwis there an application that assists with the setup and configuration of multiple monitors?15:58
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead15:58
enl810derUSUL: Ty15:58
jim_penl810d: conky can display rss headlines if you want to15:58
Binodjim_p: so how to restore it?15:58
cvwerUSUL: I have the multiple monitors setup, I just can't seem to get it to persist between logins15:58
blueyjim_p: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_1.jpg15:58
enl810derUSUL: lifearea not in the repos?15:59
enl810djim_p: I want to be able to read my entire story in the cli. I dunno if elinks has this functionality?15:59
unavailablehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/47156    Firefox crashes when going to http://www.paypal.com16:00
jim_pbluey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29726116:00
erUSULenl810d: liferea16:00
jim_plook here16:00
Binodjim_p: do you have solution on it?16:00
enl810derUSUL: ty. got it.16:00
jim_pBinod: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29726116:01
jim_pother then restoring grub, no16:01
Slartam I the only one that all of a sudden can't run compiz? it's always worked before but since yesterday it just won't start16:02
enl810derUSUL: I meant I wanted a Feed Reader that I could use in the terminal. like irssi for irc needs.16:02
datacrusherim trying to resize my partiton, where /home is. but on gparted i cant umount the partition, it says its busy. how can i resize it then?16:03
datacrusher(12:02) (meeero) i'm using lenny, btw.16:03
datacrusherops... discard the second line16:03
Jack_Sparrowdatacrusher If you are using lenny should you be in the debian room16:03
erUSULenl810d: apt-cache search rss finds olive and nrss16:04
erUSULenl810d: and a few others16:04
enl810derUSUL: thanks :D will def try those.16:04
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hzaphryhey could u plz tell my can't I load my rmvb vedio after installing mplayer and the essential codec?16:06
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hacim8hi,how do i reconfigure my display?'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:08
hacim8doesnt seem to work any more. it just allows me to configure keyboard.16:09
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erUSULhacim8: try with « gksudo dislpayconfig-gtk »16:09
maxx09guys, the ubuntu installer won't let me have "operator" for my username... is there a way i can get around that, or would that be a bad idea16:10
hzaphry2hello how to play rmvb vedios plz?16:10
hacim8ah, thanks thats what I was looking for.16:10
darren_Please some one stop me from flushing my system and ubuntu down the loo i have tryed 3 diffrent usb adpters and i can connect to internet with all 3,,But not 1 of them shows me any signel strength, can any one hep16:12
ganes1can any one help me with gnome session problem?problem is its getting crashed and coming back to login screen..i am in gnome failsafe now16:13
jattshould a share added with "Places->Connect to Server" survive reboots?16:13
jattalso how can I edit the properties of the mounted folder (e.g. the server name) without creating a new share?16:14
magnetronjatt, to answer your first question, no. if you want to reconnect to it, add a bookmark16:15
darren_does any one know why my signel does not show from my usb wifi16:16
hzaphry2could anyone tell me how to play rmvb extentios16:18
pknzeta1337 users hehe16:18
ganes1hzaphry2:install real player16:19
hzaphry2ok ganes1 I'll try16:19
ickmundAfter installing 8.0.4 with a software raid and a seperate /boot on sda2, GRUB gives an Error 17 when booting. Can't find a good explanation of what that actually means, anyone have a pointer?16:20
MessWithTheBest-plz i want a tool or a software to use it in ubuntu that let me surf the blocked websites. My country blocks netbeans.org. I want to download the IDE but i can't16:20
erUSULMessWithTheBest-: netbeans is aviable trough apt afaik16:21
erUSULMessWithTheBest-: sudo apt-get install netbeans16:21
ganes1can any one help me with gnome session problem?problem is its getting crashed and coming back to login screen..i am in gnome failsafe now16:21
MessWithTheBest-erUSUL: i have an old version but i can't let it download the updates!!!16:22
xnvMessWithTheBest-: Tor and various proxies might help, but if they block netbeans.org, I can't imagine they wouldn't think to block public proxies16:22
MessWithTheBest-erUSUL: I have amazon.com blocked also :(16:22
MessWithTheBest-xnv: where can i find Tor?16:22
xnvMessWithTheBest-: Google Translate might help you browse, but probably not download.16:23
MessWithTheBest-also youtube, facebook is blocked :(16:23
xnvMessWithTheBest-: (You just tell it to translate English->English)16:23
xnvMessWithTheBest-: You can Google for Tor.16:23
MessWithTheBest-xnv: i don't want to go through this old technique16:23
HappyHatertor is in the repos16:23
MessWithTheBest-xnv: sometime i use http://www.unblockglobal.com but i can't download files!16:24
xnvMessWithTheBest-: Tor is also in Ubuntu, as I just discovered16:24
Kxxganes1: does it happen only with your profile or another profile as well ?16:24
javiergInstead of going to places, home folder, and clicking on the folder I made "Downloads" Is there a way to link that folder "downloads" to the places list menu??16:25
MessWithTheBest-xnv: is it a separate software or is it a firefox plugin?16:25
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Kxxjavierg: add a bookmark for that location ?16:25
jim_pjavierg: gnome? I think you can add it to nautilus's bookmarks16:25
acrouseymy friend has an ATI usb pvr, but it was not working for him, so I want to see if it can work on my ubuntu/mythbuntu computer. Which way should i go with this? I don't have a TV card on my computer: I was just thinking that this may act as one, but it is not. Does anyone know how I can get this working?16:25
xnvMessWithTheBest-: It's separate software, but it's compatible with Firefox. I'd be surprised if "tor firefox ubuntu" doesn't give you a guide.16:25
ganes1Kxx:i hav only one profile...even i can hear the login sound..i can log in through gnome failsafe16:26
xnvMessWithTheBest-: ...when doing a Google search.16:26
javiergjim_p, how would I do that?16:26
jim_popen a nautilus window16:26
javiergjim_p, googling now :-p16:26
jim_pe.g. home16:26
Kxxganes1: It could be some problem with your profile or could be a system wide problem. try creating a dummy profile, If that logins fine then problem is with your profile ..16:27
MessWithTheBest-xnv: cool it's in the repos!16:27
ganes1Kxx:ya i ll try...16:27
Timsenhi, is there a command to list the status of the power supply? for example if a machine has a dual power supply..16:28
ikoniaTimsen: thats normally hardware tools16:29
naruto_pr0can i run compiz fusion with i81016:29
jim_pTimsen: there is powertop, but i dont know ifit does what you want16:29
xnvMessWithTheBest-: FYI, there's a good chance they'll try to block Tor too. It's not that hard and it's well-known software.16:29
ikonianaruto_pr0: intel is a better driver16:29
KxxTimsen: acpi -V ?16:29
MessWithTheBest-xnv: no i remembered that my friend used a tool called Tor, i think it works16:30
xnvMessWithTheBest-: OK, good luck then.16:30
KxxMessWithTheBest-: after installing you will have to enable your browser to go through Tor by manually specifying tor as proxy ..16:31
naruto_pr0ikonia: yeah.. but i read some where that compiz is not combatible with i81016:33
Timsenthank you Kxx and jim_p - acpi seams to have a problem with the board16:33
RoberticoALguien que hable español?16:33
Myrtti!es | Robertico16:33
ubottuRobertico: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:33
maflurioneven I understood that spanish16:34
ikonianaruto_pr0: thats not true, just the intel driver is mostly a more advanced driver16:34
iOpera ⢎⡑ ⣏⡱ ⣎⣱ ⡷⣸ ⡇ ⢎⡑ ⣇⣸16:35
iOpera ⠢⠜ ⠇  ⠇⠸ ⠇⠹ ⠇ ⠢⠜ ⠇⠸16:35
ikoniaiOpera: please don't do that16:35
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ikoniaiOpera: I'm not laughing, please don't do that16:35
RickZillaYikes, let's try this again, I think I typed in wrong info last time....I'm running  P3 at 667Mhz and 256M of RAM...should I try to install Ubuntu or just try to go with xubuntu?16:35
ikoniaSmith^: what has that got to do with ubuntu ?16:36
iOperaanyone play UrbanTerror here?16:37
ikoniaiOpera: why ?16:37
xmagixxcan growisof auto eject after burn ? or auto mount the disc after burn ?16:37
maflurionhow do I run a script while or after coming out of suspend? as root16:37
ganes1Kxx: i can only see a blank white screen16:38
iOperamaybe change some script locate /etc/apcid/16:38
ikoniamaflurion: not sure if there is an event trigger for coming out of suspend16:38
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after pppoe- A16:38
ganes1Kxx are you there..16:39
maflurionah, scripts goes into /etc/acpi/resume.d16:39
cdh_phoenixcould some one help me? I want to connect to a (vista) ad-hoc wlan, I can see it but not join16:40
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after pppoe- A16:40
darren_hi every body could some one let me know how to find the details of my built in wireless to black list it thanks16:40
ikoniacdh_phoenix: what encyption is it using, and what card / driver have you got16:40
craigbass1976Anyone running postgres 8.3?  I've just set it up and can't get in.  I didn't think user postgres had a pass by default16:41
cdh_phoenix ikonia: no encryption, I have got a linksys wusb54gc adapter, i think it is using wrt54g i think16:41
ganes1ikonia:gnome is crashing...i can only log in through gnome failsafe..in other accounts it comes back to login screen..can you help?16:41
scampbellcraigbass:  sudo su - postgres16:41
ikoniacdh_phoenix: so what happens when you try to join the wlan16:42
scampbellcragbass: then you can do createuser to create your postgres user16:42
ikoniaganes1: sure, login failsafe, and look in /var/log at the gdm logs, see what it's moaning about16:42
bijoyhow do i connect thru a access concentrator after pppoe- A16:42
craigbass1976Aint that bright....16:42
craigbass1976scampbell: thanks16:42
ikoniabijoy: it will depend on the concentrators config16:43
cdh_phoenixikonia: it searches(attempting to join the wlan network) and then it says its waiting for ip, then disconnects16:43
ikoniacdh_phoenix: ahhh, so it could be connecting to the wlan - but the dhcp server is not responding, what is the dhcp server on the network?16:43
cdh_phoenixikonia: its an ad-hoc16:43
ikoniacdh_phoenix: whats an ad-hoc ?16:43
scampbellcragbass1976: also, you'll need the createuser <user> to be the same as your unix userid.  If not then you need to change the pg_hba.conf file.16:44
cdh_phoenixikonia: standard vista ad-hoc mode16:44
cdh_phoenixikonia: it means no router16:44
ikoniacdh_phoenix: no - whats the dhcp server on your network16:44
scampbeller, craigbass1976 that is (hopefully your irc just lit up)16:44
cdh_phoenixikonia: just two notebooks16:44
ikoniacdh_phoenix: so thats why it's not working- there is no dhcp server16:45
ikoniacdh_phoenix: assign an ip address to your network card, then connect16:45
ikoniacdh_phoenix: make sure its the same ip range as the vista box16:45
xmagixxcan growisofs auto eject after burn ? or auto mount the disc after burn ?16:45
ikoniaxmagixx: I don't think so16:45
craigbass1976scampbell: is postgres much of a switch my mysql?  I'm very savvy with that.  Query language should be the same, right?  Just some other commands that are different?16:45
andyho623hello y'all :)16:45
ikoniahi andyho62316:45
cdh_phoenixikonia: I already tried to manually set it, but then it says connected(0% signal)16:45
ikoniacdh_phoenix: did you set the right IP ?16:46
scampbellcraigbass1976: yeah, the sql is the same.  The extensions differ, pgsql can do more in my opinion but I'm admittedly biased towards pgsql.  Especially the inet and cidr data types are really usefull to me.16:46
andyho623just had a quick ? for those using Skype.. do you use the native version or run it thru Wine? I can't find anywhere within the native version to set up a chat16:46
cdh_phoenixikonia: i think so, same subnet as the vista one16:46
scampbellcraigbass1976: but there's always learning curve, no avoiding that.16:46
ikoniacdh_phoenix: that should work then, looks like your connected ok16:46
zibricurious, why was the package xfonts-artwiz removed in repos in the upgrade 7.10->8.04?16:47
cdh_phoenixikonia: no I have no connection -> ping doesn't work, every other thing doesnt work either16:47
ganes1ikonia:but i didn't understand anything in those log files..shall i pastebin?there are 0.log to o.log4 and 20.log to 20.log416:47
ikoniacdh_phoenix: what did you set the default gateway as ?16:48
ikoniaganes1: just the 0.log16:48
cdh_phoenixikonia: its still default16:48
ikoniacdh_phoenix: thats not an address16:48
ikoniacdh_phoenix: you need to set a gateway address16:48
DDTПривет ВсеМ !!!16:48
cdh_phoenixikonia: which one?16:49
ikonia!ru | DDT16:49
ubottuDDT: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:49
zibrifound bug report, here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfonts-artwiz/+bug/19375716:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 193757 in xfonts-artwiz "no candidate found for xfonts-artwiz in Hardy" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:49
ikoniacdh_phoenix: depends on your network16:49
bijoyhow do i solve  CHAP authentication error16:49
DDT! ru16:49
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:49
cdh_phoenixikonia: should that be IP of the vista notebook?16:49
ikoniabijoy: contact your ISP16:49
ikoniaChaoticGood: no16:49
ikoniacdh_phoenix: no16:49
bobertdoscdh_phoenix: the Default Gateway is usually something like or [....].1.1 in most simple home networks.16:49
ganes1 ikonia:http://paste.ubuntu.com/47170/16:49
AndehHi. MP3 isn't an option in Soundjuicer. LAME is installed.16:49
ikoniabobertdos: he's using an unusual setup16:50
KDB9000need some help with gnome connect to server over ssh, the server i am connecting too has ssh keys that i need to use, otherwise i can't connect16:50
bobertdosikonia: I gathered that :)16:50
KDB9000is it possible to have the gnome server connect use ssh keys?16:50
shmuxelSorry, Hello16:50
bijoyi have diffrent access concentrartors is it due to that i get the CHAP auth error...?16:51
cdh_phoenixbobertdos: how do I find out which adress I have to set?16:51
erUSULAndeh: you need the gstreamer plugin for lame...16:51
erUSULAndeh: not usre in what of the gstreamer bundles it comes16:51
bobertdoscdh_phoenix: Are you trying to share an internet connection through multiple adapters or something? I wasn't here when you were explaining your setup to ikonia.16:51
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shmuxelall the updates install bar one (the linux-image-something), is this system-wide?16:52
marko_better os tha ubuntu16:52
erUSULshmuxel: yep16:52
cdh_phoenixbobertdos: no I just want to have a simple ad-hoc wlan to a vista notebook16:52
erUSUL!ot | marko_16:52
ubottumarko_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:52
bijoywen i do a PPPoe -A i get dirrent access concentrators..how do i select a certain concentrator...?16:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ppoe16:53
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE16:53
Andehmarko_: It is not free16:53
andyho623hmmm.. no one uses skype?!16:53
sinthey, i can't connect to wpa2 wireless with intel 3945abg card. i can see networks and it does something in wicd, but its still disconnected. can anyone tell me what to do?16:54
sintor anyone having a good tutorial?16:55
shmuxelandyho623: i use skype16:55
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andyho623shmuxel: do you use the native version or run it in wine?? I dont see anywhere to create a chat on the native version16:56
shmuxelwait query me16:57
andyho623shmuxel: ok weird, I just sent ya a msg on skype and it's giving me the little triangle with exclamation point saying it hasn't been delivered16:59
shmuxeli'm not logged on17:00
xmagixxis it posibble to name a UDF .img so it doenst has standard name like CD rom but DVDVIDEO in uppercase ?17:00
andyho623yeah that might cause that17:00
andyho623that's what I'm trying to accomplish17:01
maxx09quick question: if i install with the alternate cd (so i can have disk encryption), will i still get the graphical boot menu?17:03
scampbellmaxx09: it put lilo as the boot loader for me, but I installed grub with apt-get after the fact.17:04
maxx09scampbell, hmm okay thanks for the heads up...17:04
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KDB9000anyone know how to tie the gnome "connect to server" with ssh keys for a server?17:06
ikoniaKDB9000: I don't know if thats possible, you may be able to do it with pam, but I doubt it as key is host related17:06
KDB9000ikonia, I have keys on my server, but th only way i can connect (ssh, scp, or sftp) is if I use the keys.17:07
ikoniaKDB9000: yes, thats right17:08
ikoniaKDB9000: but you want gnome login to work on keys17:08
tengulrewhat's wrong ? protocol 0003 is buggy17:08
ikoniaganes1: that looks like a driver issue17:08
ikoniaganes1: thats futher backed up by the fact it works in failsafe mode17:08
iOperaKDB9000: sshfs is good idea.17:08
lymecaI installed hardy heron on a black MacBook and the install went great and did not complain.  However when I boot up from the HDD it shows a folder with a question mark.  I'm afraid GRUB wasn't installed correctly, but I know that Ubuntu was installed fine.  How can I reinstall GRUB without reinstalling Ubuntu?17:09
OsamaKHello! what does 'E: Couldn't find package manager' mean? This happened when try to install\uninstall packages17:09
torbjorn_Hiya! I just installed ubuntu on my laptop. I also have windows, so it's dual boot. Is there a way reach the files on the windows partition from ubuntu?17:09
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ganes1ikonia:will it be fixed if i reinstall driver?17:09
ikoniaOsamaK: how are you trying to install ?17:09
KDB9000iOpera, is there a gui to sshfs or is it all terminal?17:09
ikoniaganes1: doubt it17:09
KDB9000ikonia, not gnome login, but the server connect system that comes with gnome. it is under places.17:09
iOperaKDB9000: very simple usage. just see manpage17:10
ikoniaKDB9000: ooooh I see, sorry, I missunderstood17:10
DannyKingAll of a sudden, whenever I press tab when Terminal (gnome) is in focus my X server restarts! What keeps happening? I've had this install for half a year without this problem17:10
ganes1ikonia: what may be the solution then?17:10
ikoniaganes1: log a bug to ati17:10
KDB9000ikonia, that si alright17:11
ickmundHaving some major problems with GRUB / raid0 (software raid, not fakeraid) on hardy. GRUB gives an error 17. In my mind I've tried *everything*, but since I don't know linux that well, I'm pretty sure I'm missing something basic? Full description with fdisk, menu.lst and fstab here: paste.ubuntu.com/47175/17:11
torbjorn_Any1 here a master of Ubuntu? Could use some help17:11
KDB9000iOpera, is there something with a file manager or a gui of some kind?17:11
ikoniaickmund: is your /boot on a seperate partition / raid set ?17:11
OsamaKikonia: Actually, I tried to install ubuntustudio; everything was OK, but ubuntustudio-audio packages, which wasn't setup-ed well..17:11
ickmundikonia: /boot is seperate from the raids, yea17:11
ganes1ikonia: it was working till yesterday...is there any way that i can fix it now?17:11
iOperaKDB9000: no gui need. just like mount another disk.17:12
miacI need help with my wifi.  I have tried the restricted drivers, which did not work.  I tried madwifi, which did not work.  I tried ndiswrapper, which did not work.  I have an Atheros ar5700eg chip.17:12
ikoniaickmund: good good,17:12
ikoniaganes1: no idea17:12
enl810dsorry my bad17:12
ikoniaOsamaK: thats not what I asked, I asked you where trying to install the software17:12
torbjorn_ Is there a way reach the files on the windows partition from ubuntu?17:12
ikoniatorbjorn_: mount them with the ntfs driver17:12
ganes1 ikonia: ok  thanx...17:12
iOperasshfs xxx@ ~/fuse-mnt/ KDB900017:13
torbjorn_aha... sounds hard...17:13
erUSUL!ntfs | torbjorn_17:14
ubottutorbjorn_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:14
torbjorn_Thanks, I'll look it up!17:14
OsamaKikonia: trying to remove kde packages17:14
ickmundikonia: So if I do have /boot on a separate partition and it still dosen't work, I'm out of luck? :)17:14
Andehi just ripped 2 CDs using Soundjuicer and the mp3s seem to be 128kbps and i'm pretty sure it says vbr-quality=6 in the GStreamer Pipeline17:14
ikoniaOsamaK: I'll ask you again, how are you trying to install/remove17:14
KDB9000iOpera, so were do my ssh keys fit in that command?17:14
ikoniaickmund: not at all17:14
OsamaKikonia: lol, using command line :)17:15
OsamaKikonia: In GUI the problem is: E: ubuntustudio-audio: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured17:15
ikoniaickmund: check what the initrd module contains in terms of raid, not sure it contains raid 017:15
torbjorn_I can see the windows-partition on my ubuntu desktop, and look around in the folders, but I cant see any files in the folders17:15
ikoniaOsamaK: what command are you using ?17:15
OsamaKikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47177/17:16
iOperaKDB9000: just, cat id_rsa.pub >>.ssh/authorized_keys17:16
ikoniaOsamaK: you made a typo17:16
iOperaor use seahorse. a gui soft17:16
ikoniaadept- manager17:16
ikoniait should be adept-manager17:16
bobertdosI get asked this question a lot and I need a better answer for it. How does one determine which driver a certain device is using. I'd assume using some form of modprobe.17:17
iOperagnome-device-manager? bobertdos17:17
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JampiterHow do I change the login manager from the KDE one to the Gnome one?17:18
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theorificehow can I take the output of say 'ls /dev/sd*' and combine it into a single line with sed ?17:18
iOperadpkg-reconfigure gdm Jampiter17:18
AnusienWhen I export a display (using export DISPLAY= for example), does the program handle that or is it the OS?17:18
JampiterThanks :)17:18
ikoniatechno_freak: ls /dev/sd* | sed 'stuff'17:18
ganes1ikonia:is it possible to remove driver of my regular account through failsafe?17:19
OsamaKikonia: fix, thanks17:19
unavailablehow can I view logs from past updates17:19
Anusienthemolester: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-programming-scripting/55191-grep-sed-what-removing-line-breaks.html will get you on the right track17:19
DannyKingunavailable: run sudo synaptic, then file>history17:19
ikoniaganes1: disable it in restricted driver manager17:19
iOperaunavailable: or /var/log/dpkg.log17:20
ganes1ikonia:its not in use in failsafe mode...will it be the same in regular account too|?17:20
xmagixxwhat is best to use when generateing a udf dvd image mkisofs or genisoimage ?17:20
iOperabrasero? xmagixx17:21
xmagixxiOpera: well i'm creating a .iso from a folder where i have AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS and for what i can read Brasero can't make udf for standalone dvd ?17:22
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ickmundikonia: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to even figure out how to check what modules are loaded in initrd?17:22
unavailableiopera dannyking more accurately error messages from past updates17:22
iOperai can not express my idea in english now. hehe . xmagixx17:23
AnusienDoes the OS handle forwarding X sessions, or is that handled by the software itself?17:23
vikkui wanted to know wha is the speed b/w my computer and Modem/router i have .....and the speed b/w modem router to my ISP .....how can i determine it ?17:24
iOperaunavailable: is you used aptitude, all informations is detail17:25
ganes1can any one help me with gnome crash?17:25
unavailableiopera dannyking more accurately error messages from past updates using update-manager17:25
iOperanot many error log here17:25
iOperaadvise: just try aptitude instead of apt-get or synaptic17:26
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vikku i wanted to know what is the speed b/w my computer and Modem/router i have .....and the speed b/w modem router to my ISP .....how can i determine it ?17:26
AnusienSEnd a bunch of data and time how long it takes to get there?17:27
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dinesh_hey can anyone send me link for downloading broadcom bcm94311mcg wlan mini17:27
ben34how come when i plug my new ipod touch in, it says import photos?17:27
dooglusben34: 'cos it's a usb mass storage device?17:28
scribawfHaving issues w/google earth 4.2/4.3 on running app. - install OK but fails to run w/either ver.    Any suggestions, Please?17:28
Anusiendinesh_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76999017:28
ben34windows doesn't see it as a mass storage device17:28
Anusiendinesh_: first link on google17:28
Anusiendinesh_: By the way, learn to google17:33
Anusiendinesh_: http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/17:33
ganeshwhere are startup programs stored?17:34
linksliceganesh, the startup scripts are in /etc/init.d/17:35
unavailableiopera found it, /var/log/apt/term.log17:35
NutzebahniOpera: I can't find nm-applet.17:35
racleHey, i cant see my extendal hard drive anymore, how i can format that?17:36
iOperapgrep nm-applet. Nutzebahn see if some results here17:36
dinesh_anusein : what is the size of the file i managed to download only 533 bytes17:36
iOperaunavailable: oooo, that' greate17:36
Anusiendinesh_: I have no idea, but try turning your download manager off so you cna see what's going on17:37
NutzebahniOpera: It says 5647.17:37
ganeshlinkslice:i hav two accounts..how can  i check which file is for which account?17:37
iOperaNutzebahn: so it lauched. some icon may appeared on panel17:37
linksliceganesh, none of those are for user accounts, they start at system bootup, even if no users are logged in17:38
scribawfWhere can I get info on Linux networking - setup from sratch?17:38
NutzebahnI don't see anything, iopera.17:38
iOperaif you had installed pptp-linux, you might see "connect to VPN" when you right click the icon.17:38
ganesh linkslice: problem is my gnome is getting crashed..but i can log in through failsafe17:39
iOperayou can make a screenshot? Nutzebahn17:39
dooglusganesh: can you make a new user and log in as that user ok?17:40
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iOperahttp://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/9444 Nutzebahn like this?17:40
dinesh_anusein: plz tell me the size of the file17:40
Anusiendinesh_: Did that link not work for you?17:40
Nutzebahniopera: Mine doesn't look like that.17:41
Anusiendinesh_: Also, I'd appreciate if you'd spell my name right, or at least use a modicum of grammar17:41
iOperaNutzebahn: ..17:41
iOperahttp://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/9445 this one . Nutzebahn17:42
iOperanot any icon like this at your panel?17:42
NutzebahnNo, I don't see that.17:43
recon69just tried to install system updates, now the update manager is stuck installing them, should I restart my computer and try again?17:44
dinesh_anusien : the name is not problem i am asking about the size of the file17:44
iOperaNutzebahn: so strange. but pgrep shows this thread.17:44
danbh_intrepidrecon69: not sure, it depends on the update.  If its critical, dont restart.  You can just restart the update manager17:45
finalbeta_I'm taking the LPI exams, the first ones. Looking for a good book, more elaborated that "Linux in a nutshell" from Oreily.17:46
ganesh dooglus:it used to come back to login screen....i deleted .gnome,.gnome2,..files..now i can seee only a white screen but its not coming back to login screen17:48
Taranduswhat was the simple way to get Skype working on Hardy?17:48
filtermonsterTEST5NG BR6WSER17:49
danbh_intrepidTarandus: skype website I believe17:49
tobias_Dear ubuntu people, my one true love, banshee, has stopped working for me. When I launch it through the menu, nothing happens, same goes for terminal. I tried removing and installing it, even with --purge, but it does not work. What should I do?17:49
Infinito-tobias, even after rebooting ?17:50
jim_ptobias_: is there an error when you launch it from the terminal?17:50
tobias_Infinito-, how could rebooting help?17:50
tobias_jim_p, no, no output at all17:50
iOperatobias: segment fault?17:51
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: there's nothing helpful on Skype's site17:51
Infinito-sometimes my gnome have some weird behaviours that simply vanish once I turn the computer off and on again the next day...17:51
jim_pTarandus: download the .deb from skype's site17:51
arttiI'm trying to install proper ATI drivers but nothing seems to help.17:51
tobias_iOpera, no, it just sits there, without bash prompting me for the next line17:51
danbh_intrepid!medibuntu | Tarandus  maybe its this?17:51
ubottuTarandus  maybe its this?: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:51
jim_partti: how do you install them?17:51
iOperatobias: gdb bansee17:52
tobias_Infinito-, well, I'll try if there are no other idea17:52
iOperaexcute like this.17:52
arttijim_p, i downloaded fromati homepage.17:52
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: I mean, I already have Skype installed, but it gets nothing from my mic17:52
Bliz1how do i get my album art onto my ipod in linux?17:52
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: my mic works, because I can hear my own voice through the speakers17:52
ScuniziBliz1: not sure but you might want to look at Sunbird by Mozilla17:53
danbh_intrepidTarandus: try gstreamer-properties17:53
Hex101is there anyway i can see a log of what gparted is doing? its stuck doing ntfsresize :(17:53
iOperaHex101: fdisk is also simple one. gparted is not so good.17:53
iOperasome bugs here17:54
ScuniziBliz1: sorry.. not Sunbird .. that's a calendering app.. but Mozilla has an audio app out that is "like" itunes17:54
danbh_intrepidHex101: are you sure?  I've heard that resize can take a very very long time17:54
Hex101well i cant cancel it, i dont wanna reboot (will most probably wipe disk)17:54
Hex101typical :P17:54
ganeshdooglus:it used to come back to login screen....i deleted .gnome,.gnome2,..files..now i can seee only a white screen but its not coming back to login screen  linkslice:17:54
Hex101its a 120GB disk, so probs here for a long time much?17:54
Hex101i jsut wish it had a progress bar, so i canactually see its doing somthing17:55
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Bliz1Scunizi: hmm.. reason i ask is i scored a 160gb ipod really cheap off newegg.17:55
danbh_intrepidHex101: think hours mate.  Its gota move the data around and such.  Plus, gparted doesnt support ntfs natively.  I think it needs a plugin17:55
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: what should I do in gstreamer-properties?17:55
Hex101yea i installed plugin17:55
tobias_iOpera, no segfault17:55
Hex101time for a coffee me thinks17:55
tobias_Guess I'll try rebooting17:55
danbh_intrepidTarandus: test the settings, make sure your input settings work17:55
iOperatobias: of course not. otherwise, some lines would come out.17:56
biouserhow to mount my other drive and then what file to make it automount?17:56
linksliceganesh, can you pastebin you .xession-errors file?17:56
Hex101mount /dev/drive /media/drive17:56
ScuniziBliz1: Songbird is the one I was thinking of.  http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=80926517:56
Hex101add that to your err17:56
Hex101i think17:56
iOperatobias: if here some direcotry like ~/.bansee? just rename it.17:57
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: how do I know if an input setting works or not?17:57
tobias_iOpera, no directory like that17:57
iOperabut some one maybe used by bansee under ~17:58
tobias_When I run it with mono --trace, it seems to hang in the dbus library, which is wierd because it never did that for me before17:58
iOperaor .config/bansee?17:58
danbh_intrepidTarandus: you will here it over your speakers, when you click the test button17:58
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: when I press the "Test" button, there just runs a bit in a scrollbar... and no matter what I choose there, I can hear my voice through the speakers, but Skype can get nothing from the mic17:58
lasjsdfshi, i'm having a problems with my touchpadh, it does not respond to the event click on it when i play17:59
iOperaor .gnome2/bansee17:59
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lasjsdfsi'm using 8.1017:59
tobias_iOpera, nope :(17:59
ganeshlinkslice:where will it be?/var/log/gdm?17:59
danbh_intrepid!intrepid > lasjsdfs17:59
ubottulasjsdfs, please see my private message17:59
iOperalocate -r '/home/xxyourname/.*bansee'18:00
iOperai never use this soft. hehe18:00
linksliceganesh, in your home directory18:01
d0c5i5i'm having some stability problems with bluetooth/obex transfers... after i start a transfer, it'll go for 3mb-6mb, then stops and becomes very unstable until i reboot the computer (not the phone i'm copying from)... any quick suggestions?18:01
tobias_iOpera, okay, I found some dirs, deleted them, no change18:01
ganeshlinkslice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47189/18:01
tobias_What's the difference?18:02
iOperajust clear your private config.18:02
lasjsdfsubottu: thanks18:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:02
iOperalike the bansee is just installed. tobias18:02
tobias_iOpera, they popped up again, renamed them and no change18:04
tobias_I'll try rebooting nwo18:04
iOperareboot is no use18:04
Marxe ai galera18:04
iOperanot useful18:04
ickmundOk... for all of you who've seen my cry about my software raid and grub today... turned out I still had an array defined in bios. Removed it, and everything worked. Only 8-some hours down the drain ;)18:04
tobias_iOpera, I'm that desperate :)18:04
Hex101ickmund its the feeling you have finally achived it, that is what makes my day ..or days18:05
Scuniziickmund: I know where you'll check 1st next time :)18:05
iOperatobias: if so, just use rythmbox18:05
iOperaor mpg32118:05
incorrectcan anyone suggest an alternative to minicom?18:05
slaytonis anybody aware of a way to control exaile remotely?18:06
iOperatobias: mocp maybe good for you .18:06
theclawhow do I 'lock' an package so that it doesn't get upgraded by aptitude?18:06
tobias_iOpera, that's a shame, I really liked banshee. Guess I'll settle with 0.13 for now then18:06
RediXeI have a custom application that I wrote, where would I put it so that I can just run "program name" instead of going to the directory and typing ./program name18:06
iOperatobias_: maybe you had upgrade some library. so make this not work.18:06
iOperabut so strange. not any output ....18:07
Hex101RediXe: put in the /usr/bin folder18:07
Hex101i think18:07
_Zeus_RediXe: /usr/local/bin18:07
Hex101or /usr/sbin18:07
mgolischor ~/bin18:07
_Zeus_not /usr/bin18:07
Hex101or that ;D18:07
_Zeus_put it in /usr/local/bin18:07
RediXelol, thanks!18:07
mgolischif its just fir you18:07
ganesh linkslice:are you there?18:07
tobias_iOpera, exactly. Even compiling from svn doesnt work18:07
_Zeus_mgolisch: it doesn't matter who it's for18:08
_Zeus_everone can access it18:08
iOperatobias_: if you are desperate one. just back your old status. downgrade your system.18:08
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? And the touchpad isnt working properly either...18:08
tobias_iOpera, you mean reinstall? That's a bridge too far :)18:08
kanasnooptobias_, What version of banshee are you running?18:09
iOperanot reinstall all. according to your dpkg.log. you can use aptitude, to down all those version to your old time.18:09
tobias_kanasnoop, I wanted 1.2 from the ppa, but now I (temporarily) settled for 0.13 from the repos18:09
iOperamanual do it.18:09
Stiggyyay, finally on my 3rd try i gave up windoz for linux! ^^18:10
iOperabut it is hard work18:10
kanasnooptobias_, Is .13 from the Hardy repos working for you?18:10
tobias_yay Stiggy :)18:10
tobias_kanasnoop, yes18:10
tobias_iOpera, i'll keep that in mind18:11
Stiggyi never felt like using it so it looked really hard but finally i gave it an unbiased start and its amazing how simple it is, if you have a lil bit of computer knowledge ^^18:11
danbh_intrepidTarandus: ok, I just installed skype, had the same issues you were having.  I fixed it by opening the volume thingy, going to EVERY option, and unmuting EVERYTHING18:11
bastid_raZortheclaw; echo "<package_name> hold" | dpkg --set-selections18:12
Stiggyguys i just need some advice....whats the best MSN messenger counterpart for linux...18:12
heverHi I'm logged in via XDMCP and can't change some settings like time or user permissions. There is a policy tool under system>Administration>"Policy tool" but I also can't alter settings there. Whats the name of this tool so that I can start it as root?18:12
timsandtomsHow do I open split .rar archives on Ubuntu? I already have rar and unrar installed18:12
SlimeyPetejust use unrar on the first file.18:12
linksliceganesh, try removing the .compiz dir18:12
_Zeus_timsandtoms: if you have those packages installed, use file-roller18:12
iOperatimsandtoms: just..18:12
SlimeyPeteunrar will automatically pick up the other files18:13
_Zeus_SlimeyPete: you don'y need to run unrar, just use file-roller18:13
bastid_raZortimsandtoms; unrar the actual .rar file and it will automatically unrar the rest to complete the file18:13
Stiggyi just need a name for the best MSN counterpart, i can figure out the rest :(18:13
theclawbastid_raZor: thanks18:13
heveroh I got it18:13
SlimeyPete_Zeus_: I prefer unrar, personally, but yes file-roller will work too.18:14
jorritI'm having troubles getting alsa midi to work on my Via8237 using Ubuntu 8.04 (alsa-base and alsa-utils installed). My /proc/asound/devices doesn't show anything that looks like midi18:14
iOperaStiggy: emxxxse18:14
Stiggyalright, thanks iopera :D18:14
iOperaaptitude search ~dMSN. Stiggy18:14
iOperabut the name i forgetted18:14
ScuniziStiggy: also aMSN18:14
Stiggyo0, i tried amsn but it used to crash my ubunto for some reason18:14
_Zeus_why not use pidgin18:15
Stiggylike id get a black screen then back to the login screen18:15
jorritStiggy, try Pidgin instead18:15
ScuniziStiggy: how long ago was that?18:15
Stiggylast night18:15
Stiggyi used the package manager so it couldnt have been my fault18:15
iOperaemesene Stiggy18:15
timsandtomsbastid_raZor, that doesn't work :( I try to extract the file.part1.rar, and it just pops up asking for a password(There isn't one)18:15
_Zeus_there must be one18:16
iOperaamsn is also good18:16
_Zeus_try a blank password?18:16
_Zeus_pidgin is the way to go18:16
Stiggyk, ill try all of em out guys, thanks :D, now to run to my programming class T.T18:16
bastid_raZortimsandtoms; that is not unrar's fault. and it does work it is trying to extract it.18:16
Stiggystupid C++ and whatnot <.<18:16
RediXeWell, now that I know where to put the file I can't get it to cp or mv. Permission Denied even with sudo.18:16
iOpera_Zeus_: many people not like MSN within pidgin.18:16
malcolm_hiya folks18:16
Stiggythanks again <318:16
_Zeus_hmm, well i guess if you only use msn you don't need pidgin18:16
jorrithi malcolm18:17
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_Zeus_but i use pidgin cause of the multi-protocol support18:17
timsandtomsbastid_raZor, hmm, weird. Must just be that file then, but I know it doesn't have a password on it.18:17
iOpera_Zeus_: not me. i use pidgin for MSN QQ fetion Gtalk IRC.18:17
jorritCan anyone help me with misisng alsa midi devices?18:17
ganeshlinkslice: din work...i can only seee a llank white screen18:17
iOpera5 kind18:17
timsandtomsbastid_raZor, oh well, thanks for the help18:17
jorritmisisng => missing18:18
Tarandusdanbh_intrepid: I did that again, all settings are at full, unmuted and so on, but still Skype gets no sound from my mic, and still I can hear my voice through the speakers18:18
ganeshlinkslice: (blank)18:18
linksliceganesh, you get my last message?18:18
linksliceremove the .compiz dir or at least rename it18:18
amz4fhello all. i'm using hardy with an nVidia MCP51 hi def audio card, and am getting no sound at all. aplay -l finds it, and nothing is muted in alsamixer. any suggestions?18:18
ganesh linkslice:deleting .compiz?18:19
jorritI'll try alsa instead18:19
linkslicein your home dir there's a .compiz dir18:19
ganeshlinkslice,ya i deleted it18:20
xmagixxtrying to install my webcam Creative, is there anyway i can see if it's connected in ubuntu ? cheese can't see it and easycam18:20
linksliceno go still?18:20
dendrofilHi, I cant manage to install ubuntu on one of my computers (It works fine on others), can it be any of my hardware ubuntu doesnt approve? Ive got an rather old AGP ATI card18:20
_Zeus_you can't install it?18:20
_Zeus_can you give some details?18:21
danbh_intrepidTarandus: well, I dont think you want to here your voice over your speakers.18:21
ganeshlinkslice,same thing...white screen,18:21
dendrofilI choose to install it, then ubuntu starts loading, but after a waild I get tons of errors18:21
Hex101its now moving it all, and gives me a progress bar + time :D18:21
jorritdendrofil: Try the vga=771 option in GRUB, that should start the installer in safe graphics mode18:21
Hex101only half a hour ;D18:21
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dendrofiland finally I end up with a fullscreen terminal, ubuntu@ubuntu $18:21
dendrofiljorrit, exactly how do I do that? =)18:22
iOperamplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l xmagixx. try this.18:22
danbh_intrepidTarandus: I have SO many freaking options for my sound, this is ridiculous.  Where is the "just work" option?  Anyway, I don't think I can help ya man.  I still suspect that you should turn off the playing of your mic over your speakers, and get it to work with the test function of gstreamer-properties.  gl18:22
iOperasleep now. ...18:23
xmagixxiOpera: unable to open '/dev/video0': No such file or directory18:23
linksliceganesh, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/white-screen-of-death-in-ubuntu-post-nvidia-driver-install-558913/18:23
ScuniziTarandus: have you changed the mic options inside of Skype?18:24
linduxedwhat do i do if my brand new pendrive persists to have 64Mb used even after format?18:25
g0tchahey guys, how can i make sure that i have "universe" sources added/selected using terminal?18:25
Minty95Hello, I need to share a folder linux to PC, but whern doing it I get /var/lib/sambausershare permission denied18:25
Scunizilinduxed: how large is it suppose to be?18:26
skylarHow to get a big full install of R (open source statistics) on Hardy?18:26
Minty95I know I need to go inro termian to do something butt cant remeber wher, any help please18:26
Scunizilinduxed: have you looked at it with gparted?  if it's installed on your system it will be under System/Admin/Partition Editor18:26
linduxedand btw it says that it only har 15.11 Gb18:27
jorritlinduxed, that's because of the overhead of the format18:27
danbh_intrepidg0tcha: /etc/apt/sources.list    check that file18:27
linduxedScunizi: yupp checked there18:27
Scunizilinduxed: ah.. so you formatted it and it has 15.11 Gb available but 64Mb used.. what file system type?18:27
Scunizilinduxed: i missed it .. but what jorrit said 4 lines above.. not unusual18:28
linduxedScunizi: came with fat32 but same thing with ntfs18:28
ttt--hi, i cant turn the toolbar back on in kpdf18:29
ttt--any ideas?18:29
Khisanthlinduxed: what is the size on the box?18:29
linduxedjorrit: plz elaborate for newbie....18:29
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, here is the file http://10.homedns.org:8888/test/source.txt .. should b added correctly, right?18:29
Scunizilinduxed: it's the same thing with harddrives.. if you look on Tigerdirect at any of their drives there is a disclaimer at the bottom of the description page about the difference in available space after formatting vs advertised capacity18:30
seriousstorm85i have connected a flat screen monitor to my laptop. The screen resoloution window did not detect my external monitor, so i installed nvidia x server settings., I know have my external monitor workin however it shares the same wallpaper as my laptop window and the applications when maximized is using both screens18:30
Chousukelinduxed: when you put a filesystem on a disk there's some "lost space" taken by the filesystem structure itself18:30
jorritlinuxed, When a filesystem is formatted it needs some room to store the catalogue to your files, that would easily be 64 MB for 16GB, but the exact amount depends on the filesystem you used.18:30
Chousukelinduxed: it's unavoidable18:30
ttt--hi, i cant turn the toolbar back on in kpdf.. i tried rightclicking and Fkeys.. no luck18:30
danbh_intrepidg0tcha: yeah, gutsy universe18:31
=== Minty95 is now known as MSI_Wind
danbh_intrepidskylar: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=r-cran&searchon=names&suite=hardy&section=all18:32
jorritcan anyone help me to get ALSA midi working on my via8237 chipset under ubuntu 8.04? No Midi devices show in /dev/sound, only seq18:32
Chousukelinduxed: and if it's marketed as a 16GB pendrive, then chances are those are not real gigabytes (1024^3 bytes) but instead marketing gigabytes (1000^3 bytes)18:32
MSI_Wind'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied18:32
MSI_Windhelp please18:32
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, then is there a reason why it does that if its added correctly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47194/18:32
seriousstorm85i have connected a flat screen monitor to my laptop. The screen resoloution window did not detect my external monitor, so i installed nvidia x server settings., I know have my external monitor workin however it shares the same wallpaper as my laptop window and the applications when maximized is using both screens18:33
danbh_intrepidg0tcha: maybe its because you are trying to use php4?  I don't think it exists anymore...18:33
kudarwhere are wireless drivers located?18:33
kudari want to edit mine18:33
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, uh! i didnt notice that18:34
danbh_intrepidg0tcha: what are you trying to do?   install LAMP?18:34
erUSULkudar: you can not "edit" a driver... please tell what you want to do18:34
ickmundok, now to the fun part: what the heck do I use to play 1080p mkv files? :) vlc ran these files without a hitch in windows, 100% cpu-load now :P18:34
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? And the touchpad isnt working properly either...18:34
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, a local webserver with apache, php and mysql18:35
danbh_intrepid!lamp > g0tcha    there are easy methods to get that18:35
ubottug0tcha, please see my private message18:35
nalyshi there, I got problems with installing ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop, I tried with the live cd and there always came this initramfs thing.... so I leeched the alternate cd and now the kernel is always loading to only 45%.... oh and some time ago before I tried installing it, ubuntu 8.04 ran live perfectly even wlan and all... so I really don't understand ahy I have these problems.... I'm sad......18:35
nalys...help plx ? :D18:35
danbh_intrepidnalys: did you check the cd?18:36
kudarerUSUL: i want to comment out something in iwl-4965-rs.c18:36
heverHow can I edit the "policy org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" ?18:36
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, thanks18:36
erUSULkudar: well for that you need the ubuntu kernel sources and either recompile said driver or the whole kernel18:36
erUSUL!kernel | kudar18:37
jorritkudar, Just open it in your favorite editor and comment what you want between /* and */18:37
ubottukudar: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:37
MSI_Windfound it : gksudo nautilus18:37
g0tchadanbh_intrepid, umm if i want to follow that right now, i dont need to uninstall or anything like that? just follow from the start?18:37
nalysdanbh_intrepid: I'm checking it right now but theres a paradox.... it's loading the kernel to check it... so it still loads to 45%18:37
Xcercais there a way to resize my ubuntu partiton ?  it's freespace is 0 byts...18:37
jorritXcerca, try gparted18:37
kristjan_how empty should I keep / that uses ext3 filesystem to maintain optimal performance? at least 10% free space?18:38
scampbellnalys: I had exactly that problem the other day, I foolishly burned CD image onto DVD, that won't work.18:38
erUSULkristjan_: the more the better 20-10 %18:38
kudarjorrit: how do i find out where iwl-4965-rs.c is?18:38
joakimNeed help with ps3 USB controller, it does not respond on alll the buttons.18:39
danbh_intrepidg0tcha: I think so.  If you do need to uninstall something, you can do it after.  So, go ahead and run the installer, and see if it works.18:39
opt1kis FreeNX in ubuntu repos?18:39
jorritkudar: Recompiling you kernel is complex, but if you really want to edit this file, try sudo locate iwl-4965-rs.c18:39
Hex101kudar: try locate iwl-4965-rs.c18:39
Hex101or that18:39
skylarhow can I check to see if a filesystems is good?18:40
danbh_intrepidopt1k: doesnt look like it18:40
nalysscampbell: I foolishly did that too just few minutes ago and it didn't even boot, but now it's on cd, and it booted... (my burner is dead so everytime I need to burn somethin I run to my nice neighbor.... third time today... I might go a forth time... but I just want to be sure^^)18:40
opt1kdanbh_intrepid: thought so =( but still wanted to ask before i download XD18:40
skylarif a drive is goof18:41
spsneohow to edit pdf in ubuntu like highlighting etc18:41
jorritkudar: afterwards, you can go to the direction where you found it and edit it. I'd suggest making a backup copy f the file before you proceed.18:41
skylarI backed all my stuff up on my other drive but nothing is reading correctly now that I mount it...18:41
kudarthat file isn't on he re18:41
kudarmust be called something else now18:42
erUSULskylar: pdfedit18:42
erUSUL!info pdefedit | spsneo18:42
ubottuspsneo: Package pdefedit does not exist in hardy18:42
kudarjorrit can i  pm you?18:42
spsneoerUSUL: ^^18:42
kristjan_erUSUL: where do you get so big % of ext3 partition to keep free?18:42
seriousstorm85i have connected a flat screen monitor to my laptop. The screen resoloution window did not detect my external monitor, so i installed nvidia x server settings., I know have my external monitor workin however it shares the same wallpaper as my laptop window and the applications when maximized is using both screens18:42
jorritkudar: normally yes, but I got to scoot away to school nnow, sorry...18:42
kristjan_erUSUL: 20% to keep free seems a bit too much waste to me18:42
skylar!info pdfedit | erUSUL18:43
ubottuerusul: pdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 2901 kB, installed size 8596 kB18:43
goldmetalhttp://rafb.net/p/eCYeJe57.html   < how to change routing table order?18:43
nalysscampbell: I guess I'm going to have to run to my neighbor again :P18:44
erUSULkristjan_: that's for optimum performance...18:44
skylarhow can I check my other HDD and I/O to it, I can navigate to it in terminal but can not read any txt files.. they are all there and have cert KB stored but appear empty to vim/gedit/adobe/OO/whatever18:44
lolmachi, Jampiter18:44
kristjan_erUSUL: I get the answer from ##linux that it can be 100%18:45
kristjan_erUSUL: that there is no difference for ext3 / how much free space there is18:45
lolmachi, kent18:45
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...18:45
JampiterHow do I change the login manager from kdm to gdm without dpkg-reconfigure gdm? If I try that, it says action "reload" failed and still uses KDM. any help?18:45
=== Everget3 is now known as Evergete
joakimhow do I install my ps3 usb controller in ubuntu?18:46
ubuntu_hey ya'll18:46
=== ubuntu_ is now known as nkei0
nalysok nevermind I'll just stay up all night and wont go to school tomorrow I guess...18:46
skylargparted shows that the drive is there.  so sad...18:46
MitsuoDeshoDeshowhere can i get vlc0.9.2?18:46
kenthow to input chinese18:46
kentwho can tell me?18:47
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM18:47
skylarthe files look like they are there and say they are the appropriate size but I/O errors for everything..18:47
* shandoo off18:47
JampiterAnyone at all?18:48
danbh_intrepidMitsuoDeshoDesho: why do you want that?18:48
skylarand hard drive diagnostics that anyone can think of to see what is wrong with the HDD?18:48
Tj8747is there someone who can help me with shipping an ubuntu free disk???18:49
JampiterGo on ubuntu.com and order one? It's pretty easy18:49
sleonwhat is the cause that sudo pmi action hibernate only siwtches off the network but does not do a hibernate action?18:49
danbh_intrepidskylar: fsck is the unix  file system checker, probably some options in there for ya18:49
erUSULTj8747: shipit.ubuntu.com18:49
JampiterIf you go on 'getting ubuntu', all the stages are there Tj874718:49
sleonat the same time calling it from the gdm menu does the job18:49
JampiterHow do I change the login manager from kdm to gdm without dpkg-reconfigure gdm? If I try that, it says action "reload" failed and still uses KDM. any ideas? Please help! :)18:50
kudarwhat is command to stop module?18:50
ganeshcan any one help me with .exsession-errors?18:50
sleonkudar: kernel module ?18:50
Tj8747i've had order one last month, but when it was delivered in my post box, the disk was broken!18:50
erUSULkudar: sudo modprobe -r module <<< tat unloads the module18:50
MitsuoDeshoDeshodanbh_intrepid: cause i wanna check out the new features, its declared stable anyway18:51
sleonkudar: do what erUSUL say18:51
ganeshwhen i log in i can only see a white blank screen18:51
cooncan someone tell me why when i go to system settings> and click on any of the icons my screen goes weird and logs me out?18:51
phantomcircuitso it would appear that hibernation doesnt exactly ya know18:51
phantomcircuiti put my system on hibernate and i came back and now stuff like bluetooth arent working18:52
=== sale_ is now known as sale
pogan0coon, hawe u some crash report ?18:52
B3z3rk3rphantomcircuit: have u tried restarting ur machine?18:52
coonno it dosent show one just relogs me back in18:52
rconanhow do I install a ttf font?18:53
HaZhmm i can't seem to find a flash player for the 64bit version of ubuntu18:53
carandraug!fonts > rconan18:53
ubotturconan, please see my private message18:53
skylarthanks danbh_intrepid18:53
rconanHaZ, apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:53
danbh_intrepidMitsuoDeshoDesho: I don't think it will make it to ubuntu for at least 6 months18:54
HaZrconan i tried that also18:54
=== abjdshfsd is now known as nixbox
rconanHaZ, funny, that worked for me18:54
HaZworks now, maybe i typed it in wrong18:54
carandraug!flash64 | HaZ18:54
ubottuHaZ: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava18:54
Tj8747hey, i received a free disk with ubuntu, but its was broken, and then when i try to make another free disk request, they dont approve them! i made about 5 or 6 new requests, but every time i see this: "This request was not approved, so no CDs were shipped."18:55
Tj8747what should i do now?18:55
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...18:55
Stiggyhey, so im in a computer programming class...any reccomendations concerning learning C++ ?18:55
B3z3rk3rTj8747 cant u download them ?18:55
HaZok another question, ive installed BitchX from a .deb file, now where do the installed files actually go, so i can edit the configs and what not18:55
B3z3rk3rthen u can simply burn them to disk18:55
Stiggyany reccomended program for learning C++ ?18:56
MitsuoDeshoDeshodanbh_intrepid, i should compile myself you say?18:56
Tj8747B3z3rk3r: i can, but i want to present it to my friend!18:57
carandraugStiggy: this is an Ubuntu support channel. Maybe you would find best advice in a programming channel or at #ubuntu-offtopic18:57
Stiggyooh, k18:57
Tj8747so i want that disk will be in cover18:57
danbh_intrepidMitsuoDeshoDesho: heh, I guess so, its not even in debian experimental18:58
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:58
cooncan someone tell me why when i go to system settings> and click on any of the icons my screen goes weird and logs me out?18:58
ganeshcan any one help me with .exsession-errors?when i log in i can only see a white blank screen18:59
phantomcircuitB3z3rk3r, that would sort of negate using hibernation wouldnt it :P18:59
lolmachi, mirak18:59
mirakwhat is the best content manager for apache ?18:59
mirakthat can create accounts, handle folders etcetera, music, images19:00
mdmkolbeWhich package do I reconfigure (and how do I recofigure that package) in order rebuild /usr/share/texmf/ls-R ?19:00
Osarishi can someone plz help me with mono. i can complile fine but with gtk projects it bombs out like a dope smoking rasta XD19:01
therealnanotubehey, any xinerama pros here today? have a problem getting my external LCD to use its full resolution.19:01
TareqSirajHello everyone, is there any reason that hardy (2.6.24-19-generic SMP x86_64) can't detect all the cores in a 16-core machine?19:01
lolmachi, TareqSiraj19:01
B3z3rk3rgtg... time for class19:01
cooncan someone tell me why when i go to system settings> and click on any of the icons my screen goes weird and logs me out?19:01
lolmachi, pawan_19:01
pawan_how to install tv tuner card pci19:01
TareqSirajI tried a Fedora 8 x86_64 installation cd and did a cat /proc/cpuinfo... and the Fedora8 kernel seems to detect all 16 cores19:02
danbh_intrepidTareqSiraj: how many cores does it get?  : P19:02
TareqSirajonly 819:02
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome session problem/19:02
pawan_which drivers to use19:02
Jack_Sparrowroot__ We really stress that people do NOT browse the internet as root user19:03
TareqSirajits a Quad Quad-core AMD Opteron 8354 machine19:03
pawan_cant install my tv tuner card19:03
Jack_Sparrow!hardware > pawan_19:04
ubottupawan_, please see my private message19:04
bobbo85Amarok keeps telling me it "Cannot talk to klauncher" - what can I do to make it talk?!19:04
tes1hi, can anyone tell me why when i have plugged in my usb webcam, my soundcard doesnt work?19:04
Osarisi am trying to get monodevelop to work. as i said it compiles fine its just when i try to run the project that it bombs out. Monodevelop irc redirected me here and told me i must speak to the packagers hehe. here is my error "Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Gtk.Container ---> System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-2" i have no idea how to tell mono where to find the libs as i have i19:04
Osarist installed but it does not pick it up19:04
spsneo_how to edit pdf in ubuntu like highlighting etc19:04
cooncan someone tell me why when i go to system settings> and click on any of the icons my screen goes weird and logs me out?19:05
dooglusspsneo_: openoffice?19:05
edlvcan anyone tell me how to play real media files?19:05
dooglusedlv: I use mplayer19:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realmedia19:05
Osarisdownload real player edlv19:05
dooglusedlv: realplay will play them too, but it's proprietary19:05
pawan_i have pixel view card19:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realplay19:05
=== spsneo_ is now known as spsneo
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:05
spsneodooglus: i want to edit pdf files19:05
Jack_Sparrowpawan_ Look up your hardware on the page I linked for you19:05
pawan_its not there19:06
sycrI removed the "wireless" and "battery" icons from the top panel19:06
dooglusspsneo: doesn't openoffice let you?  I'm not sure19:06
sycrhow do I get them back19:06
edlvdooglus:wat is proprietary19:06
carandraugspsneo_: I don't think you can do that with evince. I've read you use the pdf reader from KDE but never actually used it myself19:06
dooglusedlv: realplayer is19:06
dooglusedlv: it's a free download though19:06
raclecant empty trash!19:06
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)19:06
Kian84hi guys, i have a question on torrents and torrent clients.... anybody can help me?19:06
HaZAnyone run ubuntu on a macbook pro ?19:06
Jack_Sparrow!who > pawan_19:06
ubottupawan_, please see my private message19:06
carandraug!ask | Kian8419:07
ubottuKian84: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:07
spsneodooglus: how can i open pdf files in openoffice19:07
ganeshcan any one help me with .exsession-errors?when i log in i can only see a white blank screen19:07
=== mutaku is now known as gnubie
Jack_Sparrowpawan_ Read how others got your hardware to work or how it failed..19:07
pawan_i have prolink pixel view bt878p card19:08
Kian84it just seemed more polite to ask for a permission, instead of interrupting all your conversation with my question and then maybe be ignored.............. anyway........ is there a way to transfer a partially downloaded torrent to another client? (e.g. from Transmission to Deluge)19:08
OsarisI cant find any help about "System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-2" in monodevelop when running(building) a program PLZ help if u know19:09
spsneoanybody please suggest me software to edit pdf files like highlighting19:09
pawan_not able to install19:09
gnubiehave realtek azalia 883 onboard audio; amd. need help to recompile alsa drivers, please.19:09
carandraugKian84: I've done it before from rtorrent to BitTornado. As long as you still have the torrent file19:09
KelderkeukenKian84: even if it is possible it is probably not worth the bother, why not finish that one torrent with transmission?19:09
ganeshany one who is expert in gnome sessions?19:09
pawan_what is the exact method to install tv tuner card19:10
cooncan someone tell me why when i go to system settings> and click on any of the icons my screen goes weird and logs me out?19:10
Osariswell spsneo if u can get adobe proffesional working on ubuntu u can.19:10
danbh_intrepidKian84: I bet you could just transfer the files over19:10
Kian84because transmission is well configured (i think) and it doesn't go faster than 10kb/s, it just can't be!19:10
Osariswho here can help me with monodevelop or has a working monodevelop instalation?19:11
carandraugKian84: also, don't worry about asking without asking for permission. Imagine how it would be if people actually answered to that?19:11
Jack_Sparrowpawan_ Unfourtunetly, this card is one of those cheapies that make you run a 1/8 in. audio cable from the back of the card to the line-in of your sound card.19:11
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...19:11
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:12
JDahlHow do I use update-alternatives to make sun-java6 installed under /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun the default VM?  right now it's gij...19:12
ganeshJack_Sparrow: can you help me with gnome crash problem?19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monodevelop19:12
pawan_how to install i just want to see the video from the card19:12
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux19:13
Osaris!System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-219:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:13
Jack_Sparrowganesh What have you installed manually or from source and what changes have you made to your sources list19:13
Osarishehe damn bot XD19:13
carandraugKian84: I don't use Transmission myself but, check Edit > Preferences > Network to see you have it throttled19:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linux.19:13
Jack_Sparrowpawan_ Please go read the webcam page of hardware19:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtksharpglue-219:13
Jack_SparrowKelderkeuken Please stop19:13
sevordoes ubuntu have any certifiactions like red hat does19:14
mirakwhat is the easiest ftp server with gui to make available some pictures and stuffs ?19:14
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd19:14
coonwhen i go to system settings and click on any of the icons like desktop my screen goes weird and logs me out can someone help me with this problem plz19:14
ganeshJack_Sparrow: i tried to install itunes on my comp..shall i pastebin .xsession-errors?19:14
pawan_not there19:14
Jack_Sparrowganesh nope, cant help you19:14
jarcohe asked for ftp server not client19:14
CheeseAddictcan someone help me find a command to run stuff as user with the root account19:15
pawan_which make19:15
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo > CheeseAddict19:15
ubottuCheeseAddict, please see my private message19:15
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい19:15
lolmachi, NarbeH19:16
Osariscan anyone help me with monodevelop PLZ was redirected here from monodevelop irc19:16
NarbeHwhat is this :(19:16
pawan_pixelview is not listed there19:16
NalySI still have this strange problem: i downloaded a ubuntu iso from the official server and burned it on cd. I tried it out on my laptop but it always stops at 45% of "Loading kernel". Then i tried it on another machine and the cd seems to work... what could be a solution??19:16
Jack_Sparrowpawan_ then it isnt supported.19:16
falkocan anyone help me? I have some wierd problems I can't rename my icons name on my Desktop. I am using KDE 4.119:16
staquixxcdrom +119:16
OsarisNalys its a hardware prob19:16
CheeseAddictcan someone help me find a command to run stuff as ->user<- with the root account, its because I have a script to start something when the machine starts but its start the stuff as root and I want it to run it as an user19:16
pawan_so i cant install19:16
skylarhow do I unmount a drive?19:16
SANEGE_Sorry I will go to tha UBUNTU-jp.19:16
Jack_SparrowNalyS there are several command line modifiers that can help you get that to work on youir box19:17
* NarbeH SOME ONE HELP MEEEE http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:17
Jack_SparrowSANEGE_ np19:17
NalySOsaris: But once the live cd worked perfectly19:17
Jack_SparrowNarbeH Please stop that19:17
NarbeHJack_Sparrow: what?19:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono19:17
frybye     sanege - just click on this   #ubunpu-jp19:17
lolmachi, pawan_19:17
frybyee e e19:17
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > NarbeH19:17
ubottuNarbeH, please see my private message19:17
frybyesorry  typpo-..19:17
SANEGE_Thank you Sir19:17
pawan_my card19:17
coonwhen i go to system settings and click on any of the icons like desktop my screen goes weird and logs me out can someone help me with this problem plz19:18
Ronnald4I'm having problems installing Ubuntu, when i run the CD it goes into some busy-something mode19:18
frybyethis  #ubuntu-jp19:18
NarbeHJack_Sparrow: so what should i do?19:18
NalySJack_Sparrow: WHat kind of commands?19:18
Jack_SparrowNarbeH Post your question every few minutes and wait until someone answers19:18
mirakis there a ftp server with a gui etcetera ?19:18
carandraugskylar: are you trying to do it through the command line?19:18
NarbeHmty problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:18
pawan_cant use my tv tuner card19:18
CheeseAddictcan someone help me find a command to run stuff as ->user<- with the root account, its because I have a script to start something when the machine starts but its start the stuff as root and I want it to run it as an user19:19
Jack_SparrowNarbeH Please do NOT just post a link.  Post a description of the problem else you just get ignored19:19
skylarcarandraug, yes19:19
Jack_SparrowCheeseAddict I gave it to you earlier19:19
espereguis there a tag editor to edit avi tags?19:19
CheeseAddicthmm it said as root not user19:19
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:19
NarbeHi can't connect to internet by entering sudo pon dsl-provider . this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:19
coonwhen i go to system settings and click on any of the icons like desktop my screen goes weird and logs me out can someone help me with this problem plz19:20
zoed!hi | Antrax19:20
ubottuAntrax: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:20
Antraxhow to open port on ubuntu (22 ssh)?19:20
NarbeHAntrax: sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:20
edlvhow do i install utorrent on ubuntu 7.10?19:20
Ronnald4I'm having problems installing Ubuntu, when i run the CD it goes into some busy-something mode, anyone got a solution?19:20
NarbeHedlv: sudo apt-get install ktorrent19:20
Ronnald4version 819:21
NarbeHedlv: or sudo apt-get install azureus19:21
NarbeHi can't connect to internet by entering sudo pon dsl-provider . this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:21
carandraugskylar: "sudo umount /path_to_mount_point"19:21
NalySJack_Sparrow: WHat kind of commands?19:21
Jack_SparrowNalyS noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, pci=nomsi19:21
Osarishow to "System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-2" monodevelop19:21
Jack_SparrowNalyS # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"19:21
carandraugCheeseAddict: it's possible but not recommended. Try "sudo su -"19:22
EminXHi everyone. I'm using Ubuntu8.04, and FF3, I have a problem with FF3, it disappear sometimes while I'm surfing, for example when I open the isohunt.com it just disappear and i can't even restore my session when I start FF3 again, please does anybody has any solution, thanks in advice19:22
NarbeHi can't connect to internet by entering sudo pon dsl-provider . this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:22
jarcohihi my bother was just showing of his vista system to me to show its way better then ubuntu and he now is in recovery mode cause it crached :D19:22
skylarcarandraug, yes, it says that the drive is busy, it shouldn't be...19:22
NarbeHi can't connect to internet by entering sudo pon dsl-provider . this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/47198/19:23
edlvi have  5.1channel speakers and when i play music ,i can hear sound from only 2 speakers..what can i do?19:23
Jack_SparrowNarbeH Please hold down the repeat time..19:23
lolmachi, pawan_19:23
pawan_how to scan for new hardware devices19:23
NarbeHJack_Sparrow: so no body answer me .19:23
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:23
teclagq onda gente!19:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:24
teclagokendo thanks19:24
opt1kwhen i make a bash script, is there a way to avoid the dialog that says "Run in terminal | Display | Close | Run"?19:24
abchirkHow I can find out if a wlanchip is supported from defauit by Ubuntu?19:24
carandraugskylar: the safest thing would probably to close everything then and if that doesn't work to reboot. However, a lazy umount will probably do the trick "sudo umount -l /path_to_mount_point"19:24
EminXHi everyone. I'm using Ubuntu8.04, and FF3, I have a problem with FF3, it disappear sometimes while I'm surfing, for example when I open the isohunt.com it just disappear and i can't even restore my session when I start FF3 again, please does anybody has any solution, thanks in advice19:24
danbh_intrepid!wireless > abchirk19:25
ubottuabchirk, please see my private message19:25
hagisbasherukJust installed  Ubuntu on My Acer Aspire One :)19:25
NarbeHEminX: bare19:25
skylarcarandraug, I am pretty fresho on a reboot but here goes...19:25
NarbeHEminX: barev19:25
phantomcircuiti restarted the bluetooth services but they arent working :|19:25
teclagany rapidshare password??19:25
Jack_Sparrowteclag NOT in here thaks19:25
DJAdmiralI just installed ubuntu 8.04, and updating it gives me this19:25
DJAdmiralE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.41_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/drivers/media/radio/radio-typhoon.ko')19:25
teclagim from mexico!19:26
DJAdmiralhelp, anyone?19:26
phantomcircuitteclag, that's nice19:26
frybyeEminX: hmm.. hast it got something to do with the ff3 system against dangerous websites??19:26
Osarisneed help! with monodevelop http://paste.ubuntu.com/47202/    !System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-2!19:26
Jack_SparrowEminX What was the site, let me see if it works for me19:26
espereguis there a tag editor to edit avi video tags?19:26
edgyhardyHallo! how can I install ndiswrapper from the terminal? :D19:27
frybyeJack_Sparrow: in ff3 there is a blacklist system - no?19:27
Jack_Sparrowfrybye I dont use 319:27
DJAdmiraledgyhardy: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper19:27
frybyeJack_Sparrow: ok - I will try it for him I have ff319:28
teclagand tomorrow its gonna be "indepency day" dia de la independencia!! AJUA!!19:28
edgyhardycouldn't find package DJAdmiral19:28
danbh_intrepidOsaris: is gtk-sharp2 installed?19:28
CheeseAddictgot it! it was sudo -u19:28
Jack_Sparrowteclag Please stop, this is a support channel not a chat room19:28
danbh_intrepidCheeseAddict: sudo -i19:28
danbh_intrepidCheeseAddict: nvm19:28
teclagjojo ok sorry19:28
espereguis there a tag editor to edit avi video tags?19:28
edgyhardyDJAdmiral, should I have to add a repos?19:29
teclagnice to meet you friend19:29
Osarisgtk-sharp2 is installed but monodevelop does not point to it :(19:29
DJAdmiraledgyhardy: I wouldn't know, I've never needed to use ndiswrapper19:29
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...19:29
Jack_Sparrow!info ndiswrapper19:29
ubottuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in hardy19:29
Jack_Sparrow!find ndiswrapper19:30
ubottuFound: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-386, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-generic, linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-server, ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (and 12 others)19:30
frybyeEminX: I can access isohunt.com with ff3 .. so not sure what your problem is... which os u using?19:30
DJAdmiralguys, running updates on a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 is giving me a rather pesky kernel error19:30
DJAdmiralE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic_2.6.24-19.41_i386.deb: short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/kernel/drivers/media/radio/radio-typhoon.ko')19:30
Jack_Sparrowedgyhardy Did you catch that... -common19:30
unopDJAdmiral, run.  sudo apt-get clean   #and try again19:31
geniiesperegu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712371 post number 319:31
shiloh7_can anyone tell me how/what package to get to play rm media?19:31
phantomcircuitRandyboY, it's unlikely that the fingerprint reader will work19:31
bobbo85 Is there any way to make amarok go faster without doing all the work changing over to the full sql server thing?19:31
DJAdmiraldid that, it failed, unop19:31
phantomcircuitRandyboY, im not sure about the dimmer key, it worked out of the box on my thinkpad19:31
RandyboYphantomcircuit, based on what?19:31
Osarisneed help! with monodevelop http://paste.ubuntu.com/47202/    !System.DllNotFoundException: gtksharpglue-2!19:31
esperegugenii: cool.. trying19:32
unopDJAdmiral, how did it fail exactly?19:32
phantomcircuitOsaris, this is not the right channel for that19:32
phantomcircuitOsaris, #mono19:32
ePaxhow do i list files in my folder including letters ggg?19:32
phantomcircuitgood luck with that though19:32
DJAdmiralgave me the same error all over again when I updated.19:32
danbh_intrepidOsaris: Im testing on intrepid, and it works fine...  maybe intrepid is an option19:32
ePaxls -a *ggg*?19:32
nalysdoes someone know a solution for initramfs problem ?19:32
unopePax, that works19:32
Osarisi asked at monodevelop irc but they redirected me here and told me i must ask the ubuntu packagers19:32
esperegugenii: can it also read the current tags?19:32
danbh_intrepidphantomcircuit: he is having trouble starting it, so its an ubuntu problem19:33
phantomcircuitRandyboY, the fingerprint reader is probably a USB device (at least it is on my thinkpad) so you need a special custom authentication module to use it, people have spent the time writting one for thinkpads but i seriously doubt they have done the same for acer19:33
linduxedmy usb-stick wont mount, cant be seen on /dev...19:33
* Uplink is listening - Shins - Phantom Limb ( Album: 181.FM - The Buzz (Your Alternative Station!) / Year: 0 / Genre: Alternative Rock / Songtime: )19:33
danbh_intrepid!anyone > nalys19:33
ubottunalys, please see my private message19:33
edlvanybody knows how to install 5.1 channel speakers?19:33
unoplinduxed, does this command find it?  sudo fdisk -l19:33
* Uplink is listening - Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know ( Album: 181.FM - The Buzz (Your Alternative Station!) / Year: 0 / Genre: Alternative Rock / Songtime: )19:33
unopUplink, please turn that off19:33
danbh_intrepidedlv: have you tried sifting through your volume properties?19:34
linduxedunop: nope19:34
DJAdmiralunop: it gave me the same error all over again19:35
unoplinduxed, unplug the device, plug it back in and run the  dmesg command, look at the end of the log, it should give you an indication as to what's going on.19:35
RandyboYphantomcircuit, now that sucks! :-) Found ThinkFinger in Hardys repo, but they only listed Dell, IBM/Lenovo and Toshiba :-\19:35
edlvdanbh_intrepid:how to do volume properties19:35
danbh_intrepid!intrepid > Osaris19:35
ubottuOsaris, please see my private message19:35
frybyelinduxed: not like 7dev/sdb*??19:35
phantomcircuitRandyboY, might as well try it19:36
frybyee e /dev/sdb*?19:36
danbh_intrepidedlv: I right click the volume icon, and hit preferences19:36
danbh_intrepidOsaris: I could test on hardy, but not today.  In fact, I should probably leave now19:36
RandyboYphantomcircuit, yeah, ive tried it, but "USB device not found" is the message i get :)19:36
unopDJAdmiral, well, what commands did you run? what error are you getting?  put this up on a pastebin so we can have a look.19:36
edlvdanbh_intrepid:ok.its done.what do i have to do there?19:36
Osarisk thanx is there anyway u could let me know?19:37
DJAdmiralsigh, I think I have an idea, hang on19:37
phantomcircuitRandyboY, i suggest complaining a lot to aspire19:37
phantomcircuitthey wont fix it19:37
danbh_intrepidedlv: wait, you want to open volume control19:37
phantomcircuitbut they will know that someone cares19:37
edlvdanbh_intrepid: opened.19:37
RandyboYphantomcircuit, this laptop is probably too new cause even alsa didnt work so i had to convert to OSS :-)19:38
danbh_intrepidedlv: pick a  device, go to preferences, check everything, hit ok, then unmute everything.  Repeat with a different device19:38
nalys-_- sry but I had a rather hard time with trying to install linux on my laptop and I seem to get onlx eceptional errors so I'm a little tired.... I know it's not your guys fault... I'm just a little less patient than I was when I politely asked my first question yesterday or when was it ^^ but i know of course that you guys arent wizards and I dont expect anything :) so no one for this...19:38
nalys...initramfs thing ? never heard ? heres what google told me didn't work for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=876951 I have pretty much that problem19:38
phantomcircuitRandyboY, more reason to complain19:38
RandyboYphantomcircuit, you know of any irc channels for acer then? ;-)19:39
Osarisdanbh_intrepid can u plz have a look for me. Someone told me its got something to do with my system variables19:39
danbh_intrepidnalys: initramfs stands for INITial RAM File System I believe19:39
edlvdanbh_intrepid: thanks..i will try19:39
opt1kdamn those people at #bash are so unfriendly19:39
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:39
Jack_Sparrownalys Did you remove quiet and splash and look for errors on boot19:39
linduxedhttp://pastebin.com/f4fc6c943 - end of file, wtf?, worked a minute ago...19:40
Jack_Sparrowlinduxed Please dont use wtf in here19:40
nalysdanbh_intrepid: sry I'm an illiterate person :) what is quiet and splash ? :/19:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:40
danbh_intrepidOsaris: no, sorry.  You should keep talking to that person.19:40
shiloh7_can anyone tell me how/what package to get to play rm media?19:40
DJAdmiralopt1k: I know, that place is filled with elitists who've forgotten the idea of helping new users19:40
Jack_Sparrow# To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"19:40
linduxedJack_Sparrow: will respect that19:41
Jack_SparrowDJAdmiral Unacceptable copmment19:41
danbh_intrepidnalys: see Jack_Sparrow s message19:41
octoberdanI have mod_perl  and apache2 installed (using dpkg, apache2 and libapache2-mod-perl2) I've force-reloaded apache2, yet when trying to install modules tests are failing with "You are using mod_perl response handlers  but do not have a mod_perl capable Apache."19:41
EminXJack_Sparrow: www.isohunt.com, with ff3 on windows it's working perfect, but not in Ubuntu19:41
octoberdanWhat could be going on?19:41
OsarisXD hehe and he said to come talk here . i did the  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mono-1.9/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH "monodevelop" commands but did not work19:41
opt1kDJAdmiral: yeah, i've just asked for a simple question and they're like "u n00b, u in some grapihcs noob desktop environment etc etc"... damn, i thought linux ppl would be more user friendly19:41
geniiesperegu: ffmpeg has a long list of options, I'm sure somewhere in there you could find the ones to list the current tags19:42
jarcoworks on this ubuntu EminX19:42
geniiesperegu: Although offhand I don't know what they are19:42
esperegugenii: k thx19:42
shiloh7_opt1k, i have never seen that in this channel, ever19:42
Jack_Sparrowffsdmad Please dont post that link any more19:42
nalysDJAdmiral I dont know if you realize but the linux community was born and lives thanks to these people.... you owe them alot !19:42
KelderkeukenEminX: isohunt.com works fine here with FF3/Hardy19:42
ActionParsniphey all, im trying to mount my ntfs partition in fluxbuntu but it doesnt seem to mount. The system boots fine, here is my fdisk and fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47205/19:42
linduxedUSB-drive - http://pastebin.com/f4fc6c94319:42
DJAdmiralnalys: doesn't mean one should insult the heck out of new members just cause they ask a question to learn19:42
jarcoinderdaad euh i mean indeed Kelderkeuken19:43
dooglusnalys: thanks to the #bash IRC jerkoffs?  I don't think so!19:43
ActionParsnipcan anyone advise19:43
EminXKelderkeuken: when I open that site it is just disappearing19:43
unopopt1k, #bash isn't limited to linux19:43
Osarisis there a mono channel on the ubuntu irc channel??19:43
therealnanotubehey, could someone check out my help thread about xinerama and tell me what you think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92069019:43
KelderkeukenEminX: You mean FF closes, or shows a blank page?19:43
opt1kshiloh7_: yeah that's true, but #bash.. i don't know... like it's a channel reserved for for leet haxxx and everyone else is unwelcome to ask a question19:43
nalysdooglus: no thanks to people how are ready to voluntarily hlp others out ....19:43
EminXjarco: it is just disappearing, there are and some other sites but I remember this one isohunt.com, everytime i try it19:43
soundrayActionParsnip: any error when you 'sudo mount /dev/sda2'?19:43
nalysand share their knowledge....19:43
nalysbut i dont think its the right place for that conversation19:44
therealnanotubeopt1k: just ignore the lamers and ask your question.19:44
opt1kunop: but it has to do with linux, and even if it doesn't, they could at least answer politely, not start trashing ppl asap19:44
therealnanotubeopt1k: that's the way internet works. :)19:44
EminXKelderkeuken: it is just disappearing without any information or error code19:44
opt1ktherealnanotube: heh yeah.. i suppose =(19:44
KoolDhow to time ubuntu to shutdown at a specific time19:44
shesekis there a way to mount using sshfs as root?19:44
KelderkeukenEminX: "disappearing" is vague, it closes FF?19:45
shesek(I have a user that can sudo, I just dont have to do that with sshfs)19:45
Osarisis there a mono channel on the ubuntu irc?19:45
ActionParsnipsoundray: Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Invalid arguement. The device '/dev/sda2' doesn't have a valid NTFS.19:45
Jack_Sparrow!cron > KoolD19:45
dooglusKoolD: "sudo at 8:55 shutdown" maybe?19:45
ubottuKoolD, please see my private message19:45
unopopt1k, well, complaining about it elsewhere doesn't help you or anyone else - just focus on getting your questions answered and you're likely to source a solution.19:45
=== ozzloy is now known as they
KoolDhey thanks19:45
=== they is now known as ozzloy
soundrayActionParsnip: is it okay in Windows?19:45
dooglusKoolD: 'cron' is useful if you want something to happen regularly (8pm every day, midnight every tuesday, etc).  'at' is if you want to schedule a one-off command19:46
ActionParsnipsoundray: its an old partition and my backups arent solid enough to wipe, format ext3 and restore.19:46
jarcoEminX: its possible u use an adblocker? i know that sometimes makes pages not appear19:46
opt1kunop: true.19:46
woliis there some binary to ascii translator tool?19:46
nalysJack_Sparrow: ok thanks I'll try that19:46
wolithat i can install, ofcourse..19:46
soundrayActionParsnip: so you have valuable data on it, but no Windows on your system any more?19:47
shiloh7_how do i exec a .bin file?19:47
unopwoli, a text editor does that19:47
Osarishexedit woli19:47
KoolDdooglus..so 'at' acts only once??19:47
soundrayshiloh7_: not at all if you can avoid it. What are you trying to run?19:47
ActionParsnipsoundray: its an old windows data partition19:47
st3phhiya soundray :D19:47
dooglusopt1k: so what's your question, you gui-using n00b?19:47
unopshiloh7_,  chmod +x /path/to/file.bin;  /path/to/file.bin19:47
ActionParsnipsoundray: ive got bart-pe which may help19:47
Jack_Sparrowshiloh7_ How to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/19:47
dooglusKoolD: 'at' schedules a single command at the given time, yeah19:47
dooglusKoolD: type "man at" to see the manual for it19:47
ActionParsnipsoundray: if its shot i can repopulate, just trying to save time etc19:47
shiloh7_soundray, install real player, i need to run rm media files for work19:48
opt1kdooglus: it's is there a way to work around that popup window when you run a script outside the terminal?19:48
Aayushhow could i hibernate frim command line19:48
soundrayActionParsnip: if you're lucky, it'll just work when you mount it in Windows, then shut Windows down cleanly.19:48
opt1kthe one that asks you "display, run, in terminal, close19:48
dooglusopt1k: some context please?19:48
unopshiloh7_, the w32codecs package from medibuntu has codecs to play rm files19:48
dooglusopt1k: I've never seen it I don't think19:48
ActionParsnipsoundray: yeah should do. ill load bart pe and see what he can do19:48
dooglusopt1k: oh, you're double-clicking a .sh file or something?19:49
soundrayActionParsnip: otherwise, try ntfsfix from the ntfstools package (don't know much about that one, but I've heard that it helps)19:49
Aayushhow could i hibernate form command line19:49
dooglusopt1k: using GNOME?  or KDE?  or ...?19:49
opt1kyeah.. when you double click.. for the lazy people =)19:49
soundrayshiloh7_: you have two options that are better than running the installer you've downloaded:19:49
EminXjarco: I guess it's a crash, because when I start again FF it is asking me for restore session19:50
shiloh7_soundray, im all eyes :)19:50
Aayushhow could i hibernate form command line19:50
jimcooncatapt-cacher or approx? your opinion, please!19:50
maszloAayush:  check the folder /etc/acpi/19:50
soundrayshiloh7_: 1) install the codecs from the medibuntu repositories OR 2) get the Helix player for Ubuntu -- I think there's an installer for it in apps-data-commercial19:50
pageoldgot prob here19:51
lolmachi, pageold19:51
opt1kdooglus: btw it'd  be cool if you have some papers on it, and how to detecd your what's your n00bish gui so the script works according to that19:51
Jack_Sparrow!bot > jimcooncat19:51
ubottujimcooncat, please see my private message19:51
DiabolicI'm installing Ubuntu now.  I have XP installed already, so it's gonna be a dual boot.  But when I reach the partitioner it show no disks.19:51
therealnanotubeopt1k: not a good idea to disable that for all shell scripts. i would suggest instead just to create a launcher for your particular shell script that you want to run with double-click.19:51
maszloAayush: there is a hibernate script.. just run it as root19:51
soundrayshiloh7_: sorry misspelled19:51
soundray!info app-install-data-commercial | shiloh7_19:51
therealnanotubeopt1k: (and besides that - i don't know if it's possible to disable that prompt, anyway)19:51
ubottushiloh7_: app-install-data-commercial (source: app-install-data-commercial): Application Installer (data files for commercial applications). In component main, is optional. Version 9.3 (hardy), package size 19 kB, installed size 112 kB19:51
therealnanotubehey, could someone check out my help thread about xinerama and tell me what you think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92069019:51
soundrayshiloh7_: but the first thing I'd try is codecs. Two more factoids in your pm:19:52
soundray!restricted > shiloh7_19:52
ubottushiloh7_, please see my private message19:52
Jack_SparrowDiabolic # Use a live cd..At start or install press F6 add all_generic_ide before the "--"19:52
NutzebahnWhat is the best alternative for AutoCAD?19:52
ffsdmadJack_Sparrow: Ok19:52
jimcooncatJack_Sparrow: why the !bot? Am I offtopic?19:52
opt1ktherealnanotube: ty.. i'll think it over =)19:52
soundray!medibuntu > shiloh7_19:52
Jack_Sparrowjimcooncat nope19:52
DiabolicJack_Sparrow: Thanks.  Gonna try.  Using a Live CD.19:52
therealnanotubeopt1k: ok :)19:52
dooglusopt1k: I don't use the n00bish gui myself - I find it's quicker to type a letter or two and hit return than it is to hunt through folders for a little picture of the script19:52
DiabolicJack_Sparrow: It's a SATA.  Your suggestion still applies?19:52
EminXKelderkeuken: I guess it's kind of a crash, because when I start again FF it is asking me for restore session19:53
Jack_SparrowDiabolic cant hurt to try and see if the drives show up19:53
aroonivchow do i see how much space is available to use in /tmp?19:53
opt1kdooglus: true, but i'm just getting familiar with linux, and i'm sure there are lots of people like that, so you can't expect us to  go pro in an instant19:53
jarcoEminX: can you repair it with aptitude?19:53
Dabbui have updated the aureus.i get the package from getdeb.com and this is the latest one.i ubuntu repository it is older and till today i was using the older one and i had no problem but today when i install new one aureus is using much of my system resource.19:53
jarcodunno for sure if it helps19:53
DabbuHow i can i switch back to older one19:54
dooglusopt1k: one thing I can tell you is that the script doesn't even get started before you answer that question from GNOME - so nothing in the script can stop that question being asked (at least not the first time)19:54
opt1ksomebody should write a book, n00b to 1337 For Dummies.19:54
jinhi, I am going to upgrade my mainboard and cpu, do I have to reinstall my system?19:54
EminXjarco: I'm new on linux, sorry but I don't even know what is aptitude19:55
opt1kdooglus: so basically the only way for the question not to pop up is to run it from terminal ?19:55
opt1k!aptitude | EminX19:55
Jack_Sparrowjin You should not need to19:55
ubottuEminX: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide19:55
jarco!find firefox19:55
ubottuFound: totem-mozilla, firefox-greasemonkey, firefox-launchpad-plugin, firefox-sage, firefox-showcase (and 78 others)19:55
H0T_R0Dquestion? how do figure out what device is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0?19:55
e2khi, can I get colors for different codes when I run emacs in the terminal somehow?19:55
jarco!package firefox19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package firefox19:55
nalysJack_Sparrow: ok I give up I'll try another day... thanks anyways19:55
maszloH0T_R0D: try lsusb19:55
dooglusopt1k: there may be something you can configure in GNOME (probably nautilus) to prevent the question19:55
H0T_R0Di have 2 usb ports on my laptop and i wanted to know if its hooked to usb0 or usb119:56
zoed!info firefox | jarco19:56
ubottujarco: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.3 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB19:56
dooglusopt1k: and maybe something in KDE too (that's more likely - GNOME is light on options)19:56
jarcocorrect me if i am wrong someone but i think u can do: sudo apt-get repair firefox (not sure about package name)19:56
olivdtHello, I'm using Hardy Heron on a Dell Vostro with BCM4311 wireless card, I'm able to connect, everything seems to work fine, but then I loose my connection for a 10 to 60 seconds from time to time. Although I can see the connection icon at the top-right, when I ping my router I get "Network unreachable" or a simple packet loss. Any ideas ?19:56
lolmachi, olivdt19:56
ewqhi guys19:56
maszloH0T_R0D: you should get some messages in dmesg19:56
mutaku gnute19:56
olivdthi lolmac19:56
=== mutaku is now known as gnute
jarcou got that EminX?19:56
ewqi'm new with ubuntu. really like it, but can you tell me how i can use os x -like dock19:56
Dabbu i have updated the aureus.i get the package from getdeb.com and this is the latest one.i ubuntu repository it is older and till today i was using the older one and i had no problem but today when i install new one aureus is using much of my system resource.19:57
DabbuHow i can i switch back to older one19:57
dooglusopt1k: is this any use? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/remove-the-run-or-display-when-i-execute-a-script-57864/19:57
gnuteneed help installing lib64asound219:57
maszloH0T_R0D: if you unplug it and and plug it in again.. then run dmesg  you should see it at the end19:57
zoedewq: install the package: Avant Window Manager19:57
Prosehey all, an proftpd server is just like a normal ftp server ? It can be accessed with a browser ?19:57
danbh_intrepidDabbu: uninstall, then install again19:57
FuriousGeorgehey all19:57
ewqzoed, thanks19:57
jarcoyes prose19:57
dooglusopt1k: this looks more promising: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-308883.html19:57
zoedewq: you can open Add/Remove applications and enter "dock" in the search field.19:58
opt1kdooglus: heh, i'd like to just make an exception for that 1 script, not every =) btw, i have a firefox problem also (actually firefox-related, nothing wrong with the browser): mplayer has to task to deal with video embeds in ff, and when some .avi/.divx/etc file tries to load up, i just get the link to that file, no vid is shown in the browser19:58
FuriousGeorgei had set up some lvm partitions, then i tried to install ubuntu, but it apparently didnt understand my raid19:58
opt1kdooglus: ty for the links btw, i'm going to check them out now19:58
Dabbudanbh_intrepid: i am downloading a big file and i don't want to loose that19:58
Prosejarco: and is upload also done through browser ?19:58
staquixx\ bye19:58
FuriousGeorgeso i heard i should try an alternate cd, but i only have a pen drive and i cant seem to install the alternate cd on a pendrive19:58
FuriousGeorgelike i can the regular cd19:58
FuriousGeorgeso what is my recourse?19:58
dooglusopt1k: I've never had good experiences with embedded (non-flash) video in firefox under linux.  the mplayer plugin is indeed weird for me too.  sometimes it doesn't play, other times it plays the movie twice, etc.19:59
jarcodepends Prose. if you set the rights accordingly. Also your browser must be able to do uploads over ftp19:59
dooglusopt1k: you could try the other firefox movie plugins - I think maybe totem or xine ones exist19:59
edgyhardywhat is the name to install KDE in terminal using apt-get?19:59
jarcobut it is a ftp server with all rings and bells like the rest19:59
opt1kdooglus: that sucks.. i've had totem, and it plays a vid to a certain point then it just stops19:59
Proselike FF3 has an extension if I remember right for ftp transfers19:59
therealnanotubeedgyhardy: package kubuntu-desktop probably19:59
opt1kdooglus: i'll try xine since that's the only thing i didn't try out. divx should really port their web player to linux.20:00
DiabolicJack_Sparrow: It worked.  Thanks!20:00
ewqzoed: oh great. thanks!20:00
Jack_SparrowDiabolic cool20:00
Stephen_HawkingPooky: fireftp20:00
zoedewq: you installed it?20:00
ewqyeah,  and it works well20:01
maszlohas anyone had any luck with ff3 and adobe flash10?  I installed it yesterday on my notebook.. it was taking down ff on my tests with youtube20:01
zoedewq: I guess you want it to start automatically on login....20:01
danbh_intrepidmaszlo: works for me.   you runing hardy?20:01
jarcoflash 10 beta running here20:01
therealnanotubehey, could someone check out my help thread about xinerama and tell me what you think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92069020:01
maszlodanbh_intrepid: yeah 8.04.120:02
slartieI'm having a bit of an issue with apt-get on Intrepid Ibex .. A Catch 22 situation if you will. Any ideas how I resolve this one: http://pastebin.com/m27a6a836 ?20:02
ewqzoed: yes..20:02
danbh_intrepidmaszlo: just wait for intrepid.  Its there by default20:02
zoedewq: open System->Preferences->Session20:02
dooglusopt1k: I generally just download the video and play it with stand-alone mplayer20:02
dooglusopt1k: mplayer plays pretty much anything for me (with the exception of DRM'ed crap of course)20:03
zoedewq: then click on the "+Add" Button to add a new startup programm20:03
gnutecan't find lib64asound2 in synaptic, suggestions?20:03
jarcois anyone else having reception problems in ubuntu for wireless lans. Windows on same laptop maxes out (its standing next to the access point) but on linux i get 43 % max ....20:03
opt1kdooglus: yeah that's a cool thing to do, but sometimes i'd like to see just a quick preview, or watch it from the web (if i'm low on hdd space)20:03
maszlodanbh_intrepid: I removed the old one before too.. not sure what the issue is.. I think I need to fiddle with ff3.. it seems to have a little struggle with transparent layers20:03
opt1kbtw, anyone know why nautilus is giving this error: ** (nautilus:20338): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported20:03
ewqzoed: ok, i got it20:03
opt1kactually, a warning :D20:03
rafael_hi from my eeepc20:03
dooglusopt1k: yes, that would be idea20:04
rafael_any from spain with eeepc20:04
zoedewq: Name: "The Dock (or anything you like)". Comment: "I love my dock or whatever" command: "avant-window-navigator" (command has to be the same)20:04
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:04
abjdshfsdwhat does this mean?20:04
abjdshfsdobj_ember/avr.o:1: warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored20:04
abjdshfsdobj_ember/avr.o:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.20:04
abjdshfsdobj_ember/avr.o:1: warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored20:04
abjdshfsdobj_ember/avr.o:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.20:04
therealnanotubegnute: maybe it's in the universe repository - did you enable that?20:04
abjdshfsdobj_ember/avr.o:1: warning: NUL character seen; rest of line ignored20:04
linduxedhow to fix? - http://pastebin.com/f346fe5a820:05
abjdshfsdoops sorry20:05
rafael_all is ok in my eeepc with xubuntu thx20:05
edlvhow to auto-shutdown the pc?20:05
gnutetherealnanotube: yeah, still not there.20:06
opt1kbtw anyone got an idea on that nautilus warning?20:07
maszloanyone fiddle with mythtv & haupage pvr encoder cards?  I had it setup in like 6.06.. but not since.. its was a pain in the but to get the firmware modules ivtv to load for my card20:07
gnutetherealnanotube: i know where to get the repositories... just not good enough yet to install without synaptic. hehe20:07
maszloI believe the card is a pvr350, or pvr25020:08
therealnanotubegnute: which version of ubuntu?20:08
zoedewq: you got that? btw, you can open the config dialog for avant by right clicking on the dock (doing that is quite complicated). Extra stuff (plugins, themes) at  http://wiki.awn-project.org/20:08
therealnanotubeRemorse_: sup indeed. :)20:08
gnutetherealnanotube: hardy20:08
opt1kgnute: what package are you looking for?20:08
Remorse_that's a secret20:08
therealnanotubegnute: and what does "sudo apt-get install lib64asound2" tell you?20:09
ewqzoed: yes, looks nice!20:09
therealnanotubeopt1k: he's looking for lib64asound220:09
zoedewq: enjoy your dock ;)20:09
opt1ktherealnanotube: yeah, i just read the line above :D20:09
therealnanotubeopt1k: heh :)20:09
jarcois anyone else having reception problems in ubuntu for wireless lans. Windows on same laptop maxes out (its standing next to the access point) but on linux i get 43 % max ....20:10
opt1ktherealnanotube: speaking of packages, where can i find the list of packages in repos? =)20:10
zoedopt1k: http://packages.ubuntu.com/20:10
gnuteopt1k: lib64asound220:11
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Jack_Sparrowjarco If your card is not nativley supported the makeshift to get it working is not always the best.. SHop for supported hardware if you need more range20:11
opt1kzoed: ty20:11
zoedopt1k: you're welcome20:11
therealnanotubeopt1k: packages.ubuntu.com20:11
therealnanotubeopt1k: ah heh, i'm too late20:11
jarcoit worked directly when i installed ubuntu20:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:11
gnutetherealnanotube: "Couldn't find package lib64asound2"20:11
opt1ktherealnanotube: hehe, tx for trying then =)20:12
opt1kgnute:  lib64asound2 &  lib64asound2-dev20:12
gnuteopt1k: indeed! but unable to find with aptget or synaptic. :(20:13
therealnanotubegnute: post your sources.list :)20:13
opt1kgnute: hm.. it's in hardy repo20:13
DSpairG'day all. I'm installing the 64bit server, and I am having a problem with installing LILO. I used LVM, and my root FS is on an LVM partition. When I try to install LILO, the temp LVM info and the LVM config written in the /etc directory do not match and will not install. Any suggestions?20:13
Jack_Sparrow!find lib64asound20:13
ubottuFound: lib64asound2, lib64asound2-dev20:13
Jack_Sparrow!info lib64asound220:14
ubottulib64asound2 (source: alsa-lib): ALSA library (64bit). In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.15-3ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 347 kB, installed size 940 kB20:14
|unjustice|I am having trouble playing flad flash through mozilla, I tried dling adobe's player and gnash...as well as removing both and reinstallign both, and updating...20:14
|unjustice|por nada20:14
|unjustice|any ideas?20:14
therealnanotubegnute: did you do a "sudo apt-get update"20:14
therealnanotube|unjustice|: does it show up in "about:plugins" when you install it?20:15
|unjustice|in mozilla20:15
=== h4z|afk is now known as h4z|2
EminXjarco: I'm reading that web about aptitude20:16
therealnanotube|unjustice|: hm, and what happens when you go to a flash-y site, then? just nothing shows up? or crash, or what?20:16
gnutetherealnanotube: no, last time tried "sudo apt-get update" = error20:16
|unjustice|therealnanotube: mostly...I cannot load the vids20:16
|unjustice|therealnanotube: but sometimes it will infinitely refresh, so that I can barely see it20:17
|unjustice|therealnanotube: never get audio though..20:17
|unjustice|therealnanotube: used to work...but I could not tell you what I did when it stopped working20:17
therealnanotube|unjustice|: have you installed package "libflashsupport" (i think that's what it called)20:17
therealnanotube!info libflashsupport20:17
ubottulibflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB20:17
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:18
opt1kis it possible to do some web programming in bash? like querying a search engine?20:18
therealnanotubegnute: well, then you have bigger problems than lib64asound - there's something wrong with your whole apt ... what's the error you get when you try an apt-get update?20:18
Jack_Sparrowopt1k offtopic for this room20:18
hbarrettHello all.20:18
lolmachi, hbarrett20:18
Jack_Sparrow!find abs-20:19
ubottuFound: abs-guide20:19
opt1kJack_Sparrow: yeah i know, but you people here are more friendly then people on #bash, and i really don't want to be cannon fodder for some leet jerk there.20:19
therealnanotubeopt1k: basically, yes, by using tools like wget. but depending on what you want to do, it may be better to go to python or perl. (and yes, it's offtopic, but as long as you asked... :) )20:19
|unjustice|therealnanotube: says they are already installed20:19
useruseruserwhat is the name of the file to apt-get install so I can have adobe flash player?20:19
opt1ktherealnanotube: can i /msg you for some more detailed info ? =)20:20
Jack_Sparrowopt1k See abs-guide.. Please stay on topic..20:20
bludra84hey all20:20
bludra84can you hear me?20:20
therealnanotubeuseruseruser: iirc, flashplayer-nonfree20:20
opt1kJack_Sparrow: ty, i will20:20
therealnanotubebludra84: no we can't hear you. :)20:20
bludra84haha thanks20:20
hbarrettIm trying to install Ubuntu on a Dell Precison 530, but all I get is a flashing orange screen when I hit enter to begin the install or run the live CD.20:20
sweetgu1could somebody tell me the terminal command to instal the gtk programming packages20:20
Jack_Sparrow!info abs-guide20:20
ubottuabs-guide (source: abs-guide): The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1-1 (hardy), package size 1074 kB, installed size 4332 kB20:20
therealnanotube|unjustice|: hm, then i don't know what's up, really...20:20
opt1kJack_Sparrow: ty, but i've already msg'd the ubottu :)20:20
|unjustice|therealnanotube: thanks anyway...I will read more into it20:21
gnutetherealnanotube: heh! yeah... can you tell its been a while since last linux box?20:21
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett  To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:21
DiabolicOk.  Install done, but on first boot it boots into something called BusyBox with initramfs.  What's going on?20:21
useruserusertherealnanotube, it don't work20:21
therealnanotubesweetgu1: depends on what language. if python, you can pull in pygtk, e.g. ...20:21
sweetgu1for C20:21
therealnanotubeuseruseruser: didn't work as in, failed to install, or didn't work as in, installed ok, but doesn't play flash?20:21
sweetgu1therealnanotube: for c.20:21
useruserusertherealnanotube, couldn't find package20:22
gladpack2i have installed ubuntu with a wubiinstaller20:22
gnutetherealnanotube: apt-get error = "failed to fetch cdrom"20:22
gladpack2but i cant use the internets20:22
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > glad20:22
gladpack2because it doesnt display/find my wireless card20:22
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shadowsurferhi, can someone please tell me where Ubuntu stores the .deb files of the updates/downloads it gets?20:22
gladpack2is there some installation i have to make?20:23
gladpack2or should it work "out of the box"?20:23
Jack_Sparrowshadowsurfer /var/cache/apt/archives20:23
therealnanotubesweetgu1: libgtk2.0-dev20:23
Jack_Sparrowgladpack2 wubi is not the best choice for long term use of ubuntu.  MOre of a test drive for windows users.20:23
therealnanotubeuseruseruser: did you enable universe repository? (or maybe it's even in multiverse)20:24
shadowsurferJack_Sparrow, you are a legend thanks20:24
therealnanotubegnute: you need to disable the cdrom repo, then.20:24
therealnanotubegnute: under synaptic: settings -> repositories20:24
gladpack2jack: ok you think it could work if i install for real?20:25
useruserusertherealnanotube-working on it, will let u know20:25
Jack_Sparrowgladpack2 try running as livecd first20:25
therealnanotubeopt1k: sure, msg me if you want. :)20:25
therealnanotubeuseruseruser: cool :)20:25
NutzebahnWhat is the best free alternative to AutoCAD?20:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cad20:26
hurtthere is no free alternative to autocad20:26
therealnanotubeNutzebahn: well, there is qcad, but it's only 2-d20:26
pw-is build-essentials still included in the CD?20:26
HaZWhen i install things from apt-get, or from .deb files where do the files go?20:26
jarcohihi i just met tux in spore :D20:26
therealnanotubeNutzebahn: don't know if there really is a good opensource 3-d cad program...20:26
Jack_Sparrowhaz /var/cache/apt/archives20:27
hurtthere is none, therealnanotube20:27
maszloNutzebahn: the forum recomends qcad20:27
therealnanotubepw-: i think so...20:27
dblickI'm trying to learn dpkg so I can install packages in my home directory.  Can anyone give me a good reference?  If I made a source .deb, can I install/relocate with this?20:27
pw-thank you20:27
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports20:27
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...20:27
=== LrdMtrod is now known as LordMetroid
Tux2K81how to enable the multiverse repository??? I dont see it in the synaptic configuration20:27
HaZoh Jack_Sparrow i mean, when it unpacks files and installs them20:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libflashsupport20:27
therealnanotubeHaZ: the deb files go into /var/cache/apt/archives, but the actual installed files go all over the system. you can look at package properties in synaptic for the easiest way to see all installed files.20:27
Jack_SparrowHaZ depends on what you are installing20:28
dblickJack_Sparrow, I just came from there, no mention of using home directory though.20:28
HaZlike ive just install bitchx for example20:28
HaZive got no idea where its put it20:28
|unjustice|!info flash20:28
ubottuPackage flash does not exist in hardy20:28
therealnanotubeHaZ: so if you are looking to find your debs, Jack_Sparrow is right, but if you are looking for installed files...20:28
hbarrettJack_Sparrow : F6 does not show any options to remove Quiet or Splash. What is the command?20:28
Jack_Sparrow!find flash20:28
|unjustice|!info libflashsupport20:28
ubottuFound: flashblock, flashrom, flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin (and 8 others)20:28
ubottulibflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB20:28
gnutetherealnanotube: cdrom removed, however, "Failed to fetch http://....  404 Not Found"20:29
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett f6 at start or install will let you edit the command line20:29
|unjustice|!info libflash-mozplugin20:29
ubottulibflash-mozplugin (source: libflash): GPL Flash (SWF) Library - Mozilla-compatible plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.13-9ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 100 kB20:29
therealnanotubeHaZ: ah, well, from terminal, you can do "dpkg -L bitchx" (if bitchx was the package name you installed), and it will show where everything went. usually, the runnable executables go into /usr/bin (so, /usr/bin/bitchx)20:29
NutzebahnWhat about freeCAD?20:29
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hurtNutzebahn: what do you want to to with your CAD software?20:29
therealnanotubeare you behind any web proxes? can you get that http://... whatever it is manually by putting it into firefox?20:30
chris_____silly question: can i have different background imgs for each virtual desktop/workspace?20:30
therealnanotubegnute: are you behind any web proxes? can you get that http://... whatever it is manually by putting it into firefox?20:30
bullgard4I moved inadvertantly the upper GNOME panel to the right margin. There is no free place on it now. How to get it back to the upper margin?20:30
gnu_dHi, I installed Hardy on a motherboard which has this ethernet card> Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2), but I tried to connect it to the internet but I failed. I only add iface eth0 inet dhcp and auto eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces and still no internet, says no responce and says sleep or simular, what to do ?20:30
Jack_Sparrowchris_____ yes, but you lose the ability to have icons on the desktop20:30
NutzebahnI'm looking for someone else. :)20:30
chris_____Jack_Sparrow: ah thanks20:31
Jack_Sparrowbullgard4 remove a few icons from the bar to your desktop then move it20:31
GuiriHi guys. I'm getting permissions errors trying to install vlc, because I had a friend try to compile from git the other day. Can i force overwrite all the dependencies and such? force all required to install?20:31
Guiriapt-get -f install doesn't do the trick20:31
gnutetherealnanotube: no, no20:31
bullgard4Jack_Sparrow: I dislike the idea to remove some icons. I am afraid it will cost much work to restore them.20:32
gnutetherealnanotube: firefox has been giving me 404 errors when i can get to same page from other non linux pcs20:32
hbarrettJack_Sparrow : When I press f6 I get the "SPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - VARIOUS HARDWARE" page.20:32
therealnanotubegnute: what's the url it's trying to get, post it?20:32
RickZillahttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-the-easy-way/ in case you haven't seen it before20:33
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett Are you running HArdy or intrepid20:33
xintronis there like an easy alarm (run from terminal maybe) that just sets a time and maybe a message and then sounds a bell at that time?20:33
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett YEs, you are going to use special boot parameters20:33
hiptobecubicxintron, chron + beep perhaps?20:34
yoyonedxintron: there is a gnome timer applet20:34
therealnanotubegnute: wtf! it's looking for Warty repos. wow, your sources.list must be a bit messed up... can you post your sources.list up on pastebin, so we can take a look?20:34
gnutetherealnanotube: yeah i just saw that when i posted it. how do i fix that?20:34
Jack_Sparrowtherealnanotube Please dont use wtf in here.. thanks20:34
xintronhiptobecubic: maybe :)20:34
jokkaahow can i manage a full system update? sudo update?20:35
tehborizhay guys i'm looking for a SIMPLE distro to be used on my homeserver20:35
tehborizi've got xp on it right now and i'm hating.20:35
hbarrettJack_Sparrow I am trying to install Hardy.20:35
yoyonedjokkaa: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade20:35
therealnanotubegnute: fix your sources.list, that's how. remove references to warty, put stuff for hardy.20:35
hiptobecubictehboriz, what do you mean 'simple' ?20:35
tehborizhiptobecubic: i mean have all the server stuff on there so i dont have to sudo20:35
tehborizi wanna have apache with php kind of stuff20:35
therealnanotubeJack_Sparrow: what if wft = what the fsck? we can use unix commands in here, no? :)20:35
hiptobecubictehboriz, like ubuntu server?20:35
tehboriznot sure what linux uses20:35
tehborizhiptobecubic: exactly20:35
hiptobecubictehboriz, try ubuntu server. lol....20:36
tehborizvnc is a must20:36
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett f6 at start or install will let you edit the command line here are some  noapic acpi=off, pci=irqroute, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, vga=791, pci=irqroute, framebuffer=false, ide=nodma, nomce, pnpbios=off, xdrvr=vesa, res=800x600, apm=off,pci=noapci, nolapic, all_generic_ide, nolapic, pci=assign-busses, pci=irqpoll, pci=biosirq, pnpbios=off, hpet=disable, xmodule=vesa, vga=normal, vga=771, pci=irqroute, framebuffe20:36
Jack_Sparrowr=false, pci=nomsi20:36
tehborizhiptobecubic: what's the apache equivalent in linux20:36
hiptobecubictehboriz, i believe you can read about it on the website...20:36
Jack_Sparrowtherealnanotube If you want fsck spell it out.. thanks20:36
tehborizhiptobecubic: anything without pretty gui20:36
hbarrettJack_Sparrow : f6 does not work20:36
yoyonedhiptobecubic: apache20:36
Jack_Sparrowhbarrett then I cant help you20:36
tehborizit's gotta have amazing start up time20:36
hiptobecubictehboriz, apache is in linux20:36
tehborizsomething that I think it can accomplish20:37
tehborizoh lol that's good20:37
Diabolichbarrett: It does, just look ;)20:37
lolmachi, robi20:37
robihi lolmac20:37
hiptobecubic!apache | tehboriz20:37
ubottutehboriz: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:37
tehborizhiptobecubic: how about automatic hard drive shutdown when not in use?20:38
Guirianybody on my force install question?20:38
hiptobecubictehboriz, these are all settings that can be controlled in any distro i believe, you just need to have an understanding linux config20:38
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hiptobecubicof linux *20:38
tehborizi've got barely any linux experience20:38
tehborizwould i be able to set up apache?20:39
Jack_Sparrow!br > televideo20:39
ubottutelevideo, please see my private message20:39
zhaozhouRight, do you guys know a mediaplayer that likes big music collections and is quite fast (thus C or C++ only)? :-) Something like foobar200020:39
hiptobecubictehboriz, then you should probably learn how to set up the server on a less important computer first20:39
r00t__apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server openssh-server20:39
tehborizhiptobecubic: ugh dosen't seem worth it20:39
gnutetherealnanotube: "sudo apt-get update" worked (buys therealnanotube a coke), but lib64asound2 still not found. :(20:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:39
yoyonedtehboriz: apache works out of the box for most distros including ubuntu server20:39
r00t__worked on mine20:40
therealnanotubeJack_Sparrow: hehe, ok fine20:40
tehborizyoyoned: does ubuntu start up fast20:40
r00t__depending on ram, yes20:40
=== Minty95 is now known as MSI-Wind
MSI-Windcan anyone tell me how to get streamtuner to work as I don't hve mms*20:41
tehborizwhat the hell is red hat20:41
gnutetherealnanotube: how can i install lib64asound2 from source?20:41
hiptobecubictehboriz, honestly, if your server is working and you're confident enough with your security issues then why change? It's one thing to want to learn about a new system, but it's another to break a working system on an experimental whim. Try setting up a server that you aren't reliant on and you'll see how easy or difficult it is.20:41
yoyonedtehboriz: fast is relative.  should start in about 30 seconds, but start up time souldn't be an issue when considering a server.  Uptime is more important20:41
tehborizwell hiptobecubic obviously windows isn't great for servers20:41
tehborizit uses up unnecessary cpu usage, and my apache php module is broken20:42
r00t__red hat is another version of linux...similiar to ubuntu20:42
hiptobecubictehboriz, if it's such common knowledge, then why did you start with it20:42
tehborizi must have it fixed20:42
yoyonedtehboriz: what are you moving from20:42
tehborizcause i needed some experience with servers20:42
therealnanotubegnute: sorry, gtg. good luck :)20:42
tehborizyoyoned: i have xp right now... very embarassing20:42
tehborizi'm thinking of moving to ubuntu server20:42
yoyonedtehboriz: it's not hard.  If you hava apache running under XP, it will be a breeze under ubuntu20:43
hurtwhat services do you want to provide with your server?20:43
gnutetherealnanotube: thanks, i did make progress.20:43
tehborizyoyoned: thanks20:43
yahooI am trying to install ubuntu on a vista pc.  When I  boot the intstallation cd, my computer takes me to some weird Bios looking Ubuntu Installation process.  I went through the process anyways, however, now Ubuntu will not load.  Please help.20:43
tehborizi can't seem to find the server installation iso... it's all just hardy20:43
opt1ktehboriz: try to install LAMP if you think you'll have trouble =)20:44
scucciHas anyone heard anything definitive about Ubuntu problems with the Asus Crosshair II Formula mobo? I've pretty much picked it out for my next computer, but I cant' find any real information as to if Ubunut will recognize it 100%.20:44
hurttehboriz: what services do you want to provide with your server?20:44
eldinhi all20:44
Jack_Sparrow!hardware > scucci20:44
ubottuscucci, please see my private message20:44
tehborizopt1k: thanks i'll think about it20:44
opt1ktehboriz: btw you need ubuntu server edition?20:45
tehborizhurt: i need just vnc, php, and website stuff. and of course java20:45
tehborizopt1k: yes i'm looking for it20:45
yahoocan anyone help with my problem?20:45
opt1ktehboriz: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download20:45
Jack_Sparrowyahoo NOt enough info20:45
tehborizopt1k: i was just there20:45
opt1ktehboriz: you have the option to chose server or desktop distro for download20:45
hurtwhat do you want with vnc on your linux server?20:45
eldinanyone know where u can download linux xp 2008?20:46
yahooJack_Sparrow: what do you need?20:46
tehborizhurt: i've gotta be able to manage it remotely20:46
opt1ktehboriz: and you can find vnc in repos20:46
hurttehboriz: sshd is your weapon of choice for server remote administration20:46
scucciYes, I looked at those pages, the Crosshair II Formula isn't listed. And for the boards that are listed, most are still talking about installing Fiesty on them.20:46
Jack_Sparrowyahoo an error messge from gub, description of where it failed anything more than it dont work20:46
tehborizhurt: i also need java support... basically my friend made a java remote control program in java.... and it uses a hidden port that isn't blocked by our school20:46
tehborizhurt: i also want to maybe provide a personal proxy20:47
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RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...20:47
psicobrahas any one got any idea how on a dual screen machine i turn one of the screens off20:47
psicobrai have plugged my tv into my lappy but the display is on both20:47
tehborizhttp://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/ i can't find the server edition20:47
opt1ktehboriz: well, jrdesktop.sourceforge.net is a good app20:47
tehborizi'll look into it as well20:47
pihhanpsicobra: i think xranr is tool that can help you20:48
opt1ktehboriz: http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.1-server-i386.iso20:48
yahooJack_Sparrow: let me take a step back.  Ubuntu will not boot from disc on my PC.20:48
opt1ktehboriz: http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.1-server-amd64.iso (64bit version)20:48
scucciSo I'll take it that no one is using that board on here... guess I'll have to be the guinea pig.20:48
tehborizthanks opt1k i'm cruzing at 1234 kb/s20:48
yahooThe pc is brand new.20:48
Jack_Sparrowyahoo DO you get a screen that says start or install20:48
tehborizthanks opt1k20:49
opt1knp tehboriz20:49
psicobranice one thanks20:49
tehborizoh very important is usb mouse and keyboard supported during install20:50
yahooJack_Sparrow: a screen with language selection pops up first.20:50
tehborizit's on a pretty old system20:50
opt1ktehboriz: you have mouse & kbd support20:50
Jack_Sparrowtehboriz it should, but not 100%20:50
tehborizokay good enough for me20:50
Jack_Sparrowyahoo after that20:50
tehboriz5 mins till download finishes :P gotta love internet20:50
yahooJack_Sparrow: once the language is selected, then there is a install option.20:50
opt1ktehboriz: i'm running ubuntu on a 2003 system and it had the support for mouse&kbd during installation20:51
Jack_Sparrowyahoo so, stop there20:51
opt1ktehboriz: what kind of connection do you have? t3? :D20:51
tehborizheh opt1k i'm using 2001 system20:51
Jack_Sparrowyahoo # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"20:51
tehborizopt1k: no funny you should ask, i've got rogers 10mbit so i guess t1 equivalent :p20:51
tehborizprolly more20:51
Jack_Sparrowyahoo look for any errors after you remove quiet20:51
dr-knowhi dears20:51
dr-know i have a question20:51
opt1ktehboriz: oh that's cool.. =) i have 2mbit connection... only =(20:52
dr-knowi want to install ubuntu on usb flash20:52
MSI-Windhave sound when ubuntu starts but none in any programs, any ideas20:52
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:52
dr-knowbut i have a problem20:52
tehborizaww i used to feel your pain I had dial up till 200220:52
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starncan i use virtual box or qemu or some thing and boot a desktop that is installed on a internal hd... and not a vitrual hd? if so how?20:52
opt1ktehboriz: haha...well 2mbit dsl is faster then dial up, but way slower then ur connection =(20:52
yahooJack_Sparrow: thanks for the tip:  The error is as follows: irq 18: nobody cared.  That error popped up once I click on the install text.20:52
dr-knowyou can see my problem in this link :20:52
dr-knowplese help me20:53
Jack_Sparrowyahoo do the cd self test..  THis isnt a Dell or HP box is it20:53
yahooJack_Sparrow: yes it is a Dell machine20:53
Jack_Sparrowdr-know Please post a description of the problem not just a link, or you will tend to get ignored20:53
Jack_Sparrowyahoo Burn a new cd at the slowest speed possible20:54
cowbudis there any alternative to printing pdfs besides cups-pdf? Being able to name my pdfs would be amazingly useful20:54
yahooJack_Sparrow: I did a check in Ubuntu and it said the cd was fine20:54
Jack_Sparrowyahoo even though the self test shows no problems.. Dell and some HP are fussy about being burned very slow20:54
Jack_Sparrowyahoo some compaq as well20:55
opt1kwooo... uTorrent works with wine.. o_O <3320:55
yahooJack_Sparrow: thanks will do.20:55
TrijntjeKeybord on my laptop with KDE only works in failsafe/textonly mode, not on normal desktop. What can i do to figure out whats wrong?20:55
dr-knowJack_Sparrow : i  install ubuntu in usb flash , but a few sec from booting , give me an error (busy box ) !?!? , you can see description  this link :20:56
starnis it possible to boot into windows while on ubuntu please not i want to do this with a physical hard drive.. not with windows installed on a virtual drive.. a real hardrive...20:56
SebNaitsabesopt1k: yes, but you would be better off using a native torrents program really, for example ktorrent20:56
Jack_Sparrowdr-know How did you install it on the flash.. did you follow our tutorial?20:56
Jack_Sparrowstarn No20:57
opt1kSebNaitsabes: i'm using Transmission actually.. but i love uTorrent from my xp days =)20:57
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dr-knowyou tutorial ? ???20:57
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:57
starnJack_Sparrow: you sure?20:57
SebNaitsabesopt1k: ah right ok, but yeah native Linux app is the way to go, unless  there isn't a good enough one for what you want20:57
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Jack_Sparrowdr-know See also pendrivelinux20:57
Hrenohey, how can I access folders, that have dot at beginning?20:57
ChowderI just installed Ubuntu on my brother's computer. Now on MY OWN computer all partitions show up under places. On his they don't. I tried editing the fstab for his windows partition to show up but it didn't work. I think that maybe he needs some updates.20:58
bofh80opt1k, after serious testing i have concluded that there is not linux torrent client that works as good as utorrent under wine :) . keep on it. the latest 1.8 versions are outstanding20:58
bastid_raZoropt1k; ktorrent is probably the closest thing to uTorrent20:58
Hreno /home/<me>/.SomeProgram - i want to open this folder20:58
MSI-WindI have no sound in Ubuntu except the startup sound any ideas20:58
starnJack_Sparrow: for like i know windows can boot into my ubuntu physical drive..20:58
dr-knowJack_Sparrow : i install from pendrivelinux tutorial :20:58
alecwhHow do I install Google Earth on Hardy? I have downloaded the "googleearth-package" in Synaptic, but I'm unsure how to get everything working.20:58
Jack_SparrowHreno How to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/20:59
opt1kbofh80 bastid_raZor SebNaitsabes: hehe.. well, i'm just glad u is linux friendly XD20:59
wikzoI want some extra applets for Avant Window Navigator in Ubuntu 8.04, but this page does not show me how to get it: http://wiki.awn-project.org/Awn_Extras:Installation#Binary_Packages.2FRepositories What should I do?20:59
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository20:59
KRFalecwh, yeah. just use the medibuntu repo20:59
jinwhat is the thing called that you put on your desktop to display the free disc space cpu load etc?20:59
TrijntjeI can only type on my laptop with KDE in failsafe/textonly mode, not on normal desktop. What can i do to figure out whats wrong?21:01
opt1kbtw does webui work as standalone or i *need* uTorrent?21:01
nickwebwhy can i only listen to sound from one program at a time? Is there a setting I can change? :S21:01
Jack_SparrowTrijntje YOu might have better luck in Kubuntu21:01
tehborizopt1k: it looks like ktorrent comes with webui21:02
opt1ktehboriz: oh.. really?21:02
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...21:02
jinwhat is the thing called that you put on your desktop to display the free disc space cpu load etc?21:02
tehborizyeah google says so21:02
* opt1k surfs to ktorrent.. =)21:02
TrijntjeJack_Sparrow: ow thnx, i thought this was the 'all in one' ubuntu chanel. ill try in kubuntu21:02
bofh80opt1k, and shortly after you should start laughing, really hard21:03
Jack_SparrowTrijntje it is the all in one.. but some things are better handled by specific channels21:03
jinwhat is the difference between screenlets and desklets?21:03
maszlothose who use torrents should look at torrentflux21:03
maszloits amazing21:03
Jack_Sparrow!find gdesklets21:03
ubottuFound: gdesklets, gdesklets-data21:03
Jack_Sparrow!info gdesklets21:04
orifice_where is the best place to put a script for startup in ubuntu ?  The script is for a livecd automated installation21:04
ubottugdesklets (source: gdesklets): Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2756 kB, installed size 5728 kB21:04
amt2hi, sometimes my sound and my videos do not work for no apparent reason. If i reboo thte computer, everything works again, but I'm not sure why they occassionally stop working. ANy ideas?21:04
orifice_Im basing my installation CD off a xubuntu liveCD21:04
opt1kwtf.. no official info on ktorr webui on the webpage21:04
opt1ksry for wtf btw21:04
lolmachi, tmroly21:04
Jack_Sparrowsmack you next time ..:)21:05
tehborizopt1k: i dunno sorry :(21:05
xukunHi all. I have logitech usb headset I hear sound when I do sound test in the preferences and then sound. but I play music or movie than I don,t hear sound. Any ideas?21:05
idefix_does anyone have time to help me install an x-java-applet?21:05
tmrolyi cant start a vm in virtualbox on ubuntu 8.04 amd64 ? vboxdrv module not installed/missing ? install virtualbox-ose-modules ? how can i fix this ?21:05
Winston_SmithVTI have my wireless install using ndiswrapper, everything looks ok. But when I try to connect to a next work it won't connect, the network shows up but I just can't connect to it21:05
opt1kwell nvm, i've found out that deluge has webui also21:05
Jack_SparrowWinston_SmithVT try again with encryption turned oof21:05
Proseit is in sshd_config that you add lines like AllowUsers and DenyUsers, no ?21:06
nickwebamt2, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4257421:06
Winston_SmithVTJack_Sparrow: how do i turn encryption off? the AP does not have encryption tirned on if that's what you mean21:06
opt1kmy only problem with deluge is that i can't get the rss plugin to work21:07
nickwebamt2, and as a possible quick fix http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74725021:07
Lanoxxis there a way to use knetworkmanager and configure the ip for the wlan interface manually AND specify a WPA key?21:07
JB__hey any one know if its possible to make a iso installation of ubuntu on a usb memory got a new computer to day a eee pc 900 but it was shipped whit windows xp21:07
Jack_SparrowWinston_SmithVT the connection point you are trying to access.  try it open21:07
bujarwhere can i find the network config files in the ubunutu system21:07
mephisto_hi there...21:07
tmrolyi cant start a vm in virtualbox on ubuntu 8.04 amd64 ? vboxdrv module not installed/missing ? install virtualbox-ose-modules ? how can i fix this ?21:07
Jack_Sparrow!usb > JB__21:07
ubottuJB__, please see my private message21:07
lunartearanyone having issues with lwresd listening on which breaks control communcation between rndc and bind?21:07
_Zeus_tmroly: have you installed that package?21:08
mephisto_i got some problems with my windows partition after installaing ubuntu... it starts up with a blue screen... can someone help me21:08
Winston_SmithVTJack_Sparrow: It is open, no encryption.21:08
tmroly_Zeus_ : its not in the repositories ? thers only virtualbox package nothing else21:08
JB__Jack_Sparrow thx21:08
Jack_SparrowJB__ np21:08
Daisuke_Idoalright, so new VLC.  will hardy ever get it?21:08
bujarWhere can i find the network config files in the ubuntu directory?21:08
_Zeus_!info virtualbox-ose-modules-generic21:08
penwhat's the best pixel suborder for LCD?21:08
ubottuvirtualbox-ose-modules-generic (source: virtualbox-ose-modules): virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-generic. In component universe, is optional. Version 24.0.5 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:08
Jack_SparrowWinston_SmithVT Ok, it was just a thought21:08
penI don't see the difference21:08
amt2nickweb, but it's not only sound that gets messed up; also videos stay 'paused' and if i hit play they dont continue playing21:09
_Zeus_tmroly: install that21:09
magnetronpen, choose the one that's adapted to your LCD screen. the most common one is the one that is selected by default.21:09
nickwebamt2, I've noticed totem has a habbit of not playing if the sounds not working..21:09
tmroly_Zeus_ : ok21:09
amt2nickweb: and also, it's not that sound works with one applicaiton, it works with none21:09
tehborizhey guys how big is the ubuntu server installation size in total21:09
bujarWhere can i find the network config files in the ubuntu file directory?21:09
amt2do you think i can still fix it using hte links you gave?21:09
bobertdosbujar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide#Config%20Files21:09
mephisto_i got some problems with my windows partition after installaing ubuntu... it starts up with a blue screen... can someone help me?21:10
Winston_SmithVTJack_Sparrow: It's looks like it's all setup right, the driver lists ndiswrapper as the driver. And I can see the wireless network, but when I try to connect it just try's then gives up.21:10
Prosebujar: like /etc/network/ ?21:10
bobertdosbujar: and by the way, please don't repeat questions so rapidly21:10
=== mephisto_ is now known as m3phisto
=== m3phisto is now known as m3phisto23
penwhat's the best pixel suborder for LCD?21:10
penI don't see the difference21:10
lolmachi, squale21:10
squalei got a problem wiht my ubuntu21:10
magnetronpen, i answered you.21:10
devoI have a question21:10
squalegdm is supposed to auto-log but it says itcant21:11
tehborizhey guys how big is the ubuntu server installation size in total21:11
Jack_SparrowWinston_SmithVT look in !wifi for your specific hardware and see what it ways21:11
squaleit used to work21:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:11
_Zeus_tehboriz: installed size?  or preinstalled size21:11
penmagnetron, oops, i missed it21:11
penmagnetron, well, so it's RGB?21:11
tehboriz_Zeus_: when it's installed on the computer21:11
_Zeus_about 3.5GB?21:11
m3phisto23i got some problems with my windows partition after installaing ubuntu... it starts up with a blue screen... can someone help me21:11
tehboriz_Zeus_: WHAT21:11
Bikerbobwhat different ways are there to configure X from cli?21:11
devoi have a question pertaining to Ubuntu-Server-Heron randomly wiping the /etc/group file21:12
_Zeus_tehboriz: maybe 2.5, 321:12
Jack_Sparrowm3phisto23 Did you install from inside windows with the wubi installer by chance21:12
Prosethat's some nice compression rate21:12
tehborizwhat the hell that's bigger than half of vista21:12
tehborizi'm running this on a 4gb hard drive21:12
tehborizwhat's with the bloat21:12
m3phisto23no. i installed it outside of win21:12
Daisuke_Idotehboriz: i can't see it being that big21:12
m3phisto23with the normal cd21:12
Prosetehboriz: I also have my doubts on that size21:12
tehborizDaisuke_Ido: i've got like 700mb being burned...21:12
tehborizi hope most of it is the stuff for the livecd to work21:13
ProseI hear Debian is 20GB..21:13
magnetronpen, did you read my answer? the best one is the one that is adapted to your LCD screen. i don't know the subpixel order of your screen. however, most screens use the same order as the one ubuntu is set to by default.21:13
Daisuke_Idooh sweet lord, quit pulling numbers out of your butt!21:13
_Zeus_tehboriz: actual number is 2.2GB fir server21:13
Bikerbobdoes Xconfigure work on 804? need to make changes21:13
_Zeus_i was thinking of desktop21:13
m3phisto23it is not possible to enter the wind partition from ubuntu21:13
Daisuke_Idono, actual number is 500mb for server.21:13
penmagnetron, RGB is the default21:13
_Zeus_um, no21:13
sweetgu1whats the default root password?21:13
_Zeus_oh wait21:13
Daisuke_Idosweetgu1: there isn't one, you don't need one21:13
_Zeus_Daisuke_Ido is right21:13
Jack_Sparrowm3phisto23 You can read and write the windows partitions in ubuntu.21:14
m3phisto23sweetgu1 ther is no defoult root pw21:14
bobertdossweetgu1: use sudo21:14
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:14
amt2nickweb, it didn't get fix by changing eveyrhitng to ALSA21:14
_Zeus_The base install (server) takes up just under 400 megs of space (plus filesystem data, reserved blocks, swap, think 500 megs of raw disk space)21:14
tehborizhaha Jack_Sparrow21:14
ion-I'm trying to mount a dmg file using dmgmounter and it says that the file was successfully mounted then "Couldn't find media/iphone_sdk_final". Anyone know how to use this app?21:14
sweetgu1bobertdos: i cant login with sudo to root21:14
m3phisto23no sorry. its not possible... it ubuntu is not able to load show the files. the partition seems to be broken21:14
opt1kdoes ubuntu come with preinstalled mail/sendmail/exim/etc21:14
_Zeus_opt1k: i don't think so, but you can use tasksel to install it21:15
Daisuke_Ido_Zeus_: the numbers out of butt thing was the quoted 20gb for debian, which is absolutely ridiculous21:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel21:15
bobertdossweetgu1: Are you trying to login to a live session or something?21:15
sweetgu1bobertdos: actually im using su, how do i use sudo, no not a live session21:15
_Zeus_Daisuke_Ido: oh yeah definately.  i was thinking about the desktop version, the server version is about 500MB21:15
devoubuntu-server-heron wiped my /etc/group file and now I can't log in or really do anything, trying to figure out how to rebuild it, or something similar21:15
Daisuke_Idoyeah, desktop's a couple gb easy :D21:15
xukunis it possible to see dvd menu in totem?21:15
Bikerbobanyone on cinfigureing X?21:15
Jack_Sparrowsweetgu1 sudo -s21:15
ProseDaisuke_Ido: well I dont know, I wanted to download debian some time ago and it had 20 ISO labeled part 1 to 2021:15
opt1k_Zeus_: k,ty21:16
Daisuke_IdoProse: those aren't all necessary21:16
Daisuke_Idoin fact, only the first is necessary21:16
sweetgu1Jack_Sparrow: thx worked21:16
ProseDaisuke_Ido: I see, good to know21:16
bobertdossweetgu1: sudo is used with your regular user password........and if if you really prefer a constant root session, use sudo -i21:16
Daisuke_Idothe rest are probably packages making up the rest of the repo21:16
_Zeus_Daisuke_Ido: the desktop is about 4gb, yeah21:16
GibbaTheHutthiya, anyone managed to get over a problem with quake3 and ubuntu, get a /dev/dsp mmap error21:17
Prosebobertdos: doesn't            sudo su             do it ?21:17
Jack_SparrowProse that is nt the best choice21:17
Coder7anyone here use empathy?21:17
_Zeus_!ask | Coder721:17
ubottuCoder7: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:17
unopProse, sudo su  makes su redundant.  why become root (with sudo) only to run another program that makes you root (su) ?21:17
Proseunop: because sudo su makes you superuser as long as you dont close the Terminal21:18
Bikerbobplease someone help with configuring video and monitor from cli?21:18
bujarhow do u open .cer files in the comand line?21:18
_Zeus_bujar: nano?21:18
unopProse, sudo -i   is what you need then.21:18
Jack_Sparrowprose so does the other option21:18
_Zeus_what is a .cer file?21:18
unopProse, or  sudo -s  depending21:18
Coder7does empathy support audio or video yet? if so, how do you set it up and use it?21:18
Random1how can i tweak the touchpad sensitiviy?21:18
opt1kok, i have a question regarding the mutt & mutt-patched packages... do i have to install the mutt package first and then mutt-patched or i can just install mutt-patched w/o mutt ?21:18
devocan someone please help me rebuild an /etc/group file?21:19
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad21:19
_Zeus_Random1: Preferences > Mouse?21:19
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_Zeus_devo: i could send you my /etc/group...21:19
Proseall right then, Ill look at the man pages for sudo and see what this -i and -s business is all about21:19
bujarwpa suplicant  they are config files21:19
unopdevo, errm, do you have the backup at  /etc/group- ?21:19
xukundoes totem supports dvd menu?21:19
_Zeus_xukun: for menu support, try VLC or totem-xine21:19
magnetronopt1k, APT is specifically designed to sort out that sort of problems automatically. install any package you like. if any other package is needed, it will install those automagically21:20
bujarhow do u open .cer .conf files21:20
_Zeus_bujar: nano, gedit, kate, emace?21:20
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code21:20
Coder7I've got empathy to connect to my Ekiga account, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do anything more than that21:20
enl810dcan I ssh into my linux box from a windows machine?21:20
opt1kmagnetron: ty21:20
magnetronenl810d, yes.21:21
bobertdosbujar: The vast majority of the most important config files in Ubuntu are just plaintext.21:21
Coder7enl810d: yes, if you install/enable the ssh server first21:21
magnetronopt1k, np21:21
xukun_Zeus_, the strange thing is that in vlc no sound comes from my logitech usb headset and totem there is sound.21:21
arttijim_p, da-da-dam.21:21
pw-i got my AR242x working! \o/ ...sort of21:21
nkei0okay everyone, I've got an awesome problem to deal with...21:21
bobertdosnkei0: That's awesome, tell us! :D21:21
Proseenl810d: yeah you need Putty and WinSPC for filetransfers21:21
=== kavon is now known as pedobear
gnuteopt1k: libasound is installed, but '/usr/lib64/libasound.so' & '/usr/lib64/libasound.so.2' = no such file or directory. suggestions?21:22
Coder7xukun: I've had issues with my sound, always seems to center around pulseaudio troubles. I set VLC to use pulseaudio as the default output, and then I have to run `pulseaudio -k` followed by `pulseaudio -D` to get it working21:22
nkei0I was in windows clearing out a bunch of stuff and I think i deleted the wrong files and now i get the error msg saying my hal.dll is bad and i need to replace that to start ubuntu...  I've replaced it with a new one and now i can't even get into windows and the only way into ubuntu is the live cd21:22
Mr_Fixitanyone here use EtherApe and can tell me what a normal connection should look like???21:22
pw-anyone have AR242x experience with madwifi? I got halfway following their instructions, my wired connection now works (hooray) but my wifi still does not21:22
_Zeus_xukun: install totem-xine21:22
lolmachi, bill--2221:22
_Zeus_nkei0: ubuntu doesn't use .dlls21:23
unopnkei0, hal.dll is only needed to boot windows21:23
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jamiejacksonwhat's the most linux friendly nx client?21:23
nkei0now, i've found that i need to edit the boot.ini to change which drive it's looking to for ubuntu however i don't know how to save it as i can't su in terminal on the live cd because it asks for a password which i don't know21:23
jamiejacksonrather, ubuntu-friendly21:23
unop!grub | nkei021:23
nkei0yes i found that out after i replace the hal.dll in windows21:23
ubottunkei0: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:23
_Zeus_nkei0: you're not using GRUB, are you21:23
opt1kgnute: well not quite... but you can always sudo mk /usr/lib64 and sudo cp -r libasound.so /usr/lib64/libasound.so21:23
opt1kgnute: maybe that helps21:23
bujarhow do i get permissions to open a .conf file?21:24
Jack_Sparrownkei0 sudo nano    or gksudo gedit21:24
_Zeus_bujar: use sudo21:24
Mr_Fixitis it normal to have 250+ IPs in EtherApe??21:24
Coder7Mr_Fixit: that probably depends on the environment21:24
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...21:24
jjrhHello, I was wondering; does anyone know where stuff like wireless logs are kept in ubuntu systems?21:25
lolmachi, jjrh21:25
bill--22I have a problem with network manager, it can't save the wep key. Every boot it ask me to rewrite it.21:25
Mr_Fixitwell my environment is not very active atm21:25
slackpipehello, if a usb drive is removed improperly, is there a way to remove the icon from the desktop without rebooting?21:25
lolmachi, slackpipe21:25
Jack_SparrowRandyboY Thank you for holding down the repeats and for your patience on your issue21:25
Prosebill--22: does speak about keyrings when asking ?21:25
_Zeus_slackpipe: sudo umount /dev/sdxx21:25
arttiWhat commands to use, to see if graphics drivers are correct21:25
frankbI have problem to save the SSID with graphical interfcae21:25
_Zeus_where xx is what label was assigned to the drive21:26
opt1kis sendmail-bin the package from sendmail.org?21:26
slackpipe_Zeus_: the drive isn't mounted anymore21:26
RandyboYJack_Sparrow, waiting for others to join since i dont get response on my issue :)21:26
xukunCoder7, did you did that in the preferences of vlc or in system - Preferences - Sound?21:26
_Zeus_slackpipe: and you still have an icon on the desktop?21:26
_Zeus_slackpipe: what happens if you click on it?21:26
slackpipe_Zeus_: yep21:26
Coder7xukun: vlc preferences21:26
Jack_SparrowRandyboY np...  Just letting you know we see you, even though we dont have an answer21:26
slackpipe_Zeus_: i can right click it, just tells me it can't get any info on the drive other than the size and free space21:27
bill--22Prose: no keyrings. It ask for wep key21:27
opt1kand yeah.. if i install exim4-daemon-heavy which has sendmail in it can i then use sendmail as a separate app or only thru exim?21:27
_Zeus_RandyboY: I would post in the Dell Support section of ubuntuforums.org21:27
DiabolicOk.  Install done, but on first boot it boots into something called BusyBox with initramfs.  What's going on?21:27
HaZWhere is the folder for bitchx where i can edit the configs etc21:27
RandyboY_Zeus_, dell?21:27
Coder7xukun: it's under audio->output modules, but you have to have advanced options checked21:27
_Zeus_RandyboY: didn't you have a dell?21:27
_Zeus_or was it an acer...21:27
RandyboY_Zeus_, im stating it is an acer aspire 6920 :)21:28
_Zeus_oh sorry21:28
_Zeus_just post in general help then21:28
Prosebill--22: I guess you should set up a keyring then21:28
Winston_SmithVTJack_Sparrow: Well I'm now in linux, used the command line to get connected. So i'm thinking it's a problem with the network manager21:28
RandyboY_Zeus_, done that too :)21:28
bill--22prose: how i can do that???21:29
Winston_SmithVTWhat program can I use other then network manager to connect to wireless networks? is netapplet any good?21:29
xukunCoder7, I don't have pulseaudio in the vlc preference21:29
danbh_intrepidWinston_SmithVT: you could just use /etc/network/interfaces21:29
RandyboY_Zeus_, i see now im only stating Aspire ;) Lemme change to Acer Aspire ;)21:29
nkei0hey it still won't let me save because it's on a read-only disk, anyway to change that?21:29
_Zeus_that's fine, mate.  i was just not paying attention21:30
_Zeus_nkei0: where are you seeing that?21:30
jjrhWinston_SmithVT: it's worth learning to do. I have never had much luck with the guis.21:30
nkei0_Zeus_: when i try to save the boot.ini21:30
_Zeus_nkei0: is this in ubuntu?  use sudo to edit it21:30
Prosebill--22: well the thing is that if youre using network manager, a keyring should already have been created, AFAIK21:30
_Zeus_try gksu gedit <path>/boot.ini21:30
=== Juje is now known as Juje007
nkei0yes it's in ubuntu, i used gksu gedit to edit it21:31
_Zeus_can you post the line from your /etc/fstab corresponding to your windows partition?21:31
nkei0_Zeus_: I have no idea what that is.  I'm still pretty new to all of this.21:31
RandyboYJack_Sparrow, ive been helping in a support chan myself, so i know a little about the repeating in larger intervals to let people join and maybe be able to help :)21:31
bujarthanks dudes u r great21:32
Prosebill--22: I really don't have experience with this, but first stop for you (and an easy one) should be to go to System - Preferenes - Keyrings (Something like that)21:32
_Zeus_nkei0: could you paste the contents of the file /etc/fstab?21:32
AndyRlo all21:32
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:32
bujaranyone can suggest a good 3d graph plotter that is easy to use?21:32
blackvdI installed the nvidia beta driver(177.70) under Hardy on my compaq laptop as the default drivers don't support my gfx card. Every time I reboot the driver doesn't load so I have to reinstall it. Anyone know why this might be?21:32
langznHi all21:32
_Zeus_bujar: use openoffice21:33
langznMe got 1 problem21:33
=== sale is now known as Guest66245
Proseoh shoo, doesnt work21:33
langznsee below21:33
langzn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied21:33
langznYou do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.21:33
_Zeus_langzn: use sudo/gksu?21:33
langznWhats that zues21:34
maxsoft_hi all. do you know wich is the 'eclipse' root folder?21:34
_Zeus_use sudo to run it as root21:34
arttiI love Ubuntu. Finaly got almost everything to work.21:34
=== sale_ is now known as sale
langznHow do i do it via the GUI21:35
tomas__Hi all21:35
_Zeus_langzn: what gui do you use?21:35
jorrit Can anyone help me with missing midi devices for my via8237? alsa-base and alsa-utils are setup, wav/ pcm works, but no midi devices are detected. I'm running Ubuntu 8.0421:35
tomas__Guys can alyone help me with Atheros wireless card please?21:35
jorrittomas_: use MadWifi drivers for that21:36
tomas__Cant make work it in Ubuntu :(21:36
bill--22Prose: The problem create when I upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10. Thanks for your help..21:36
danbh_intrepid!intrepid > bill--2221:37
ubottubill--22, please see my private message21:37
Prosebill--22: isnt that stil not released ?21:37
jorrittomas__:please run  l spci|grep network21:37
ralf_whats up?21:37
jorrittomas__:please run  l lspci|grep network21:37
Flannelralf_: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to go for chatting, thanks.21:37
jorrittomas__:please run lspci | grep network21:38
opt1ki need some help =) what is more userfriendly? (by user friendly i mean n00b friendly) exim or sendmail?21:38
jorritSorry for the spamming, but my keyboard acted up. ;-)21:38
ralf_where is offtopic21:38
Jack_Sparrowralf_ /j #ubuntu-offtopic21:38
langznanyone know ?21:39
NutzebahnWhich program can convert .mpg files to .avi files?21:39
ralf_i understand railroad21:39
tomas__nothing happened21:39
jorritoptlk: Sendmail is better documented, exim can get elaborated with config and rules21:39
langzn'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied21:39
jorritoptlk: Qmail is a slick wrapper around Sendmail21:40
draginxxHELP ~ I've put a civ2 CD in my laptop and now I can't eject the disc tray on my laptop :(21:40
langznhow do i get full rights over my pc21:40
adacdoes someone know a ftp program where i can copy folders on the ftp server into another? gftp does not offer me such an option... filezilla also not21:40
_Zeus_adac: you could use Places > Connect to server21:40
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo > langzn21:40
ubottulangzn, please see my private message21:40
=== _drtroll is now known as drtroll
tomas__Mr jorrit nothing happened when i used lspci | grep network21:40
jorritdraginxx, umount the CD first, then press eject21:40
icltlfatpplNutzebahn: ffmpeg is probably what you want.21:40
benselbIs there a way to cancel the filesystem checking on boot?21:40
ralf_hi jack21:41
danbh_intrepidbenselb: esc21:41
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:41
_Zeus_benselb: it should say press any key to skip21:41
=== Kelderkeuken_ is now known as Kelderkeuken
benselbIt doesn't.21:41
adac_Zeus_: ok I try21:41
langznthanks jack21:41
draginxxjorrit, tried it, it gives me an error message saying theirs no media21:41
benselbWait, sorry, I'm running 7.1021:41
benselbI keep forgetting to say that when I come here21:41
NutzebahnDoes it have a GUI?21:41
_Zeus_adac: yw21:41
jorrittomas__: sorry, my bad, make that lspci | grep Ethernet21:41
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benselbSo rather, is there a way to skip FS checking on boot on 7.10?21:42
Flannelbenselb: `sudo touch /fastboot` before you shutdown21:42
Mustafa_Kayahow can i get "inf" file ofthe driver of intel pro 2200bg's21:42
jorritdraginxx: Can you see the CD in a file manager?21:42
tomas__jorrit: this is result 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)21:42
tomas__08:07.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)21:42
benselbFlannel: Yes, but I can't exactly predict when I'm going to need to do that21:42
ralf_why u not try bsd?21:42
draginxxjorrit, when I go to Places > COmputer it shows a DVDRW Drive21:42
draginxxwhich is correct21:43
langznJack still having a problem21:43
Mustafa_Kayais there anyone who can help me?21:43
benselbI'm mostly worried about when I go into a class, turn on my laptop, and find out suddenly that I have to wait 30 minutes for it to check the disk21:43
Flannelbenselb: You can use tune2fs to change the frequency, and you can force fscks on boot at times when you can, to prevent it.21:43
langznim trying to share a folder21:43
ralf_with what?21:43
ricmik[  886.144580] usb 7-1: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 18  [  891.162650] usb 7-1: device descriptor read/8, error -11021:43
jorritdraginxx, first close all file dialogs and terminals that are using the drive, secondly, right click on the DVDRom drive and click unmount21:44
Jack_Sparrow!who > ralf_21:44
ricmikI get this error when I connect a USB drive21:44
bobertdosbenselb: Is it running a FULL check everytime you boot? If so, you can use tune2fs to set the maximal and current mount counts so it won't bother you very often.21:44
ubotturalf_, please see my private message21:44
HaZWhere is the folder for bitchx where i can edit the configs etc21:44
Mustafa_Kayahow can i get en inf file?21:44
benselbbobertdos: No, just every thirty boots21:44
FlannelHaZ: bitchX isn't in Ubuntu, so its unlikely you have one.21:44
benselbWhich is still every few days since I have to turn it on/off a lot21:44
tomas__jorrit: what i should do next?21:45
jorrittomas__:Check out the following website: http://madwifi.org/21:45
bobertdosbenselb: Then set the maximal count higher and the current count to zero.21:45
benselbAnd just changing check frequencies really isn't acceptable21:45
Jack_Sparrowbenselb if you touch them when you have the time, they wont fsck when you need your pc21:45
benselbSince I *need* it to turn on when I turn it on, not check the disk21:45
tomas__jorrit: oki, thanks :)21:45
draginxxjorrit, tried, it only allows me to "Mount VOlume" and "Eject"21:45
draginxxboth give me the same error =/21:45
b3lorixxUbuntu 8.04, Terminal freezes as soon as i open it21:45
jorritdraginxx, When you click "eject", does it eject?21:46
benselbGetting into class, turning it on, and then going "OH GOD" is never an option :/21:46
Mustafa_Kayahow can i find the inf file of a driver??21:46
=== Kelderkeuken is now known as Kelderkeuken_
RandyboYHow can i get my fingerprint reader working on my Acer Aspire 6920 in Ubuntu? The touchpad and light "dimmer"(Fn-key+ some key) isnt working properly either...21:46
benselbEven if it only happens rarely21:46
Mustafa_Kayahow can i find the inf file of a driver??21:46
draginxxjorrit, it says "There's probably no media in the drive"21:46
=== Kelderkeuken_ is now known as Kelderkeuken__
Flannelbenselb: Again, set it to a length of time instead of a number of boots, and then force a fsck whenever its convienent.21:46
draginxxWhich doesnt make sense, since I should be able to eject my CD tray with or without a CD in it21:46
Jack_SparrowMustafa_Kaya Please slow down the repeating21:46
Mustafa_Kayahow can i find the inf file of a driver??21:46
jorritdraginxx, try eject -r on the command-line21:46
NutzebahnRandyboy: I want an answer to the question myself.21:46
=== Kelderkeuken__ is now known as Kelderkeuken
b3lorixxMustafa_Kayla, Stop spamming please, someone will get to your question21:47
FlannelRandyboY: Try using thinkfinger21:47
draginxxjorrit, just typed it in..it's "hanging"21:47
=== xmagixx^BNC is now known as xmagixx
b3lorixxUbuntu 8.04, Terminal freezes as soon as i open it Anyone?21:47
RandyboYFlannel, i have tried. Tats only written for Dell, IBM/lenovo and Toshiba :-\21:47
Jack_SparrowMustafa_Kaya google your hardware or see our hardware page.  Better questions make for better answers21:47
jorritdraginxx, You can kill an unresponsive program with ^C21:48
NutzebahnRandyboy: I heard about fprint: http://www.reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Main_Page21:48
FlannelRandyboY: It's written forbrands of fingerprint readers, not particular computer brands.21:48
jorritdraginxx, You can kill an unresponsive program with ^c21:48
Mustafa_KayaJack_Sparrow: i did!21:48
RandyboYFlannel, it sais so in the README and it will not work, atleast on my laptop.21:48
xmagixxi got 5.1 surround sound it works in windows but ubuntu swaps center/lfe with surroundRL/RR how can i switch them around ? also when i use speaker-test -c 6 -D plug:surround51 i can hear RR/RL is swapped with center/lfe21:48
bericHi! I have VR330 laptop with GeForce Go 6100 card. If I enable restricted drivers, it completly forzes after few minutes. I searched on the forums for solution, but couldnt find any. Anyone knows a workaround how can use my card fully?21:48
FlannelRandyboY: alright.  Then it wont work on your laptop21:49
benselb16:46 < Flannel> benselb: Again, set it to a length of time instead of a number  of boots, and then force a fsck whenever its convienent.21:49
benselbHmm, what do you mean by force a fsck?21:49
b3lorixxberic, i will help you give me a minute21:49
Jack_SparrowMustafa_Kaya All I have seen is you spamming the channel and not asking a good question with the info needed to answer it21:49
bericOk, thanks21:49
RandyboYFlannel, maybe someone knows another driver. Thats what i hope to find out in here.21:49
Flannelbenselb: `sudo touch /forcefsck` then reboot, and it'll do its scheduled fsck then, and reset the counters.21:49
Jack_Sparrow!fsck > benselb21:49
ubottubenselb, please see my private message21:49
benselbAh, thanks Flannel21:49
J-nIn a dual monitor setup is there a way to spesify on which screen a program starts up on?21:50
FlannelJ-n: Check out devilspie21:50
xmagixxi got 5.1 surround sound it works in windows but ubuntu swaps center/lfe with surroundRL/RR how can i switch them around ? also when i use speaker-test -c 6 -D plug:surround51 i can hear RR/RL is swapped with center/lfe      i hear center in RL RR in lfe and LFE in RR21:50
Flannel!devilspie | J-n21:50
ubottuJ-n: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie21:50
b3lorixxBeric, whats your video card?21:50
phoenixzHi there.. My dad just booted the ubuntu 8.04 live CD... does this one run an SSH server by default?21:50
Mustafa_KayaJack_Sparrow: cuz all these technicians are far away from developing user friendly things21:50
J-nThanks a ton Flannel :)21:50
draginxx<jorrit> draginxx, You can kill an unresponsive program with ^c - in terminal?21:51
Jack_Sparrow!ot > Mustafa_Kaya21:51
ubottuMustafa_Kaya, please see my private message21:51
guntbert!repeat | xmagixx21:51
ubottuxmagixx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:51
Mustafa_Kayaor engineers of whatever21:51
phoenixzOr better.. is it possible, running the live CD, to install an ssh server with apt-get install open-ssh-server, and then access that system remotely using ssh?21:51
bericGeForce Go 610021:51
FirefisheWhere can I find a virgin ubuntu sources.list ?  I'm changing from one distro to another.21:52
Jack_SparrowFirefishe Get one for the correct release21:52
bobertdosI get asked this question a lot and I want to have a better answer onhand for people, so: How does one check (preferably via the terminal) which module is associated with a give hardware device?21:52
jorritdraginxx: Yes, Ctrl-c, or mostly written as ^c terminates the process you are currently running in your terminal.21:52
guntbertphoenixz: (1) I don't think so, (2) why not, I#d say try it :)21:53
ricmikI've tried to rmmod and modprobe ehci_hcd, but I still get this message when connecting an USB drive: usb 1-3: device descriptor read/64, error -11021:53
ricmikit worked yesterday21:53
draginxxjorrit, didn't do anything =/ either way it didnt fix the problem, I tried kiling all wine processes too21:53
FirefisheJack_Sparrow:  I'm changing from <a certain distro> to another....by way of the other.  Older laptop install.21:54
phoenixzguntbert: well, the thing is that its my DAD... read: he barely knows how to swithc on the computer.. and he is some 10.000 KM away from here.. so I have to write him step by step what he has to do... I'd rather know now if this is going to work or not  :)21:54
Jack_SparrowFirefishe Fresh installs are your best choice for success21:54
b3lorixxOK SOMEONE please my terminal keeps freezing on me as soon as i open it anyone21:55
Jack_Sparrowb3lorixx What changes did you make since it last worked?  HAve you changed your sources.list, added things manually etc21:56
b3lorixxJack_Sparrow: the only thing i did was last night after i just installed a fresh install was install my nvidia drive21:56
Jack_Sparrowphoenixz what are you trying to accomplish..21:56
FirefisheJack_Sparrow:  I'm aware of that.  However, this laptop is an old P-III-m on an old Compaq Evo N600c laptop that has been loaned to me.  I tried the cd-fresh approach, but it wouldn't install.  I had to use an older, similar-to-ubuntu, cd--which worked--and now I just want to change the sources and work from that angle.21:57
Jack_Sparrowb3lorixx Since it is a fresh install I would do it again and test it before messing with the video driver.. Which driver and HOW did you install it21:57
guntbertphoenixz: sorry, I misunderstood :), but as far as I know, ssh-server isn't activated by default, I'm not sure if it is installed. And as I haven't used a live CD for a long time, I won't be of much help to you :(21:57
phoenixzJack_Sparrow: He is on the other side of the world, just started to work with windows which sucks because after 2 days the compu died of virusses.. he wants to try linux after my suggestion, but he will need help.. I want to see if I can help him remotely over SSH21:58
b3lorixxJack_Sparrow nvidia_glx_new and using sudo apt-get install21:58
opt1kJack_Sparrow: can i remotely connect to my ubuntu box from my mobile phone?21:58
=== xmagixx is now known as xmagixx^BNC
phoenixzJack_Sparrow: guntbert: AFAIK, it should be possible in the live CD  to install things with apt-get, be it that it will all dissappear after a reset.. thats not a big problem for now21:58
Jack_Sparrowphoenixz If you need a test case I can lend you some time and still be online with my other box21:58
Jack_Sparrowphoenixz agreed21:59
draginxxjorrit, any more ideas?21:59
Jack_Sparrowopt1k no idea21:59
draginxxI could try windows quick fix aka...reboot :P21:59
phoenixzJack_Sparrow: but.. if I install openssh-server, with what account could I login? what account exists on the linux live CD? with what password?22:00
_Zeus_draginxx: the better ubuntu fix is to restart x22:00
daniel_johnI would like to report a bug with the report a problem  program.  How do I do this ?22:00
Jack_SparrowFirefishe I can give you a sources list for gutsy, just not harday atm22:00
sodedhow do i stop processes that dosen't respond?22:00
_Zeus_follow the instructions22:00
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:00
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:00
lolmachi, hoop22:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about report22:01
_Zeus_soded: use kill or killall22:01
sodedok thx.22:01
Jack_Sparrowphoenixz If you add the server you will create the account22:01
faemirOkay, I just installed kubunty-desktop. How can I remove ubuntu-desktop properly? If I remove it it only removes the metapackage, not everything that it pulls when installing22:01
hoopI am trying to change back my configuration from a live cd, any chance to modify unwritable files_22:01
gpledsee that a new vlc came out.  do i need to do anything for it to show up as an update?22:01
phoenixzJack_Sparrow: which would be "the" account then?22:01
emmahow does one find what videodriver they are using. (not video card, but video driver)22:01
faemiremma, look at the line in xorg.conf22:01
seanAtherosAnyone here solved Atheros problems before?  I've been through the restricted drivers, madwifi, and even ndiswrapper with no solution.22:01
Jack_Sparrowgpled It wont be there..22:02
gpledrunning 8.0422:02
emmaI'm using +1 there is nothing (literally) in xorg.conf anymore.22:02
faemirgpled, check backports?22:02
eventmasterwhat must i do if i want my system on alsa22:02
soded_Zeus_: how do i know what the ID of the process is?22:02
faemiremma, ah, dunno then22:02
Jack_Sparrowphoenixz I assume the install / setup of the server will let hinm create the account you will use22:02
_Zeus_soded: ps -ef|grep processname22:02
kalapoikaI have a problem installing ubuntu on a old computer. After login I get to do thing from 10seconds to one minute and then ubuntu freezes. any help ?22:02
jorritdraginxx, try lsof /dev/sdc5 <<- Substitute this sdc5 with the proper device-name for your DVD-rom drive22:02
sodedok thx.22:02
hoopthe file I wish to edit is /etc/init.d/gdm but I have no permissions22:02
_Zeus_draginxx: it'22:02
_Zeus_*s probably /dev/scd022:03
_Zeus_hoop: use gksu or sudo?22:03
Jack_Sparrowkalapoika # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"22:03
ortsvorsteherhoop: try sudo vi file22:03
jorritdraginxx, try lsof | grep '/dev/sdc5' <<- Substitute this sdc5 with the proper device-name for your DVD-rom drive22:03
hoopI-m on knoppix btw22:03
J-nFlannel: Thanks for the Suggestion on Devilspie, and a small google search after, i also found a GUI for helping with using all the features, and so i've not gotta script stuff myself!! It's called gDevilspie, http://code.google.com/p/gdevilspie/   -- again thanks for the help!!22:04
Jack_Sparrowhoop Knoppix has a channel22:04
hoopi am trying to repair ubuntu from a knoppix live cd22:04
kalapoikaJack_Sparrow: do I have to remove those lines and then re-install ?22:04
hoopive messed up ubuntu so I cant even login now22:04
Jack_Sparrowkalapoika remove those words and let it boot, and look for errors22:04
Jack_Sparrowhoop I dont know what editors are in Knoppix any more.. try kdesu kate22:05
hoopJack_Sparrow, ok22:05
Jack_Sparrowhoop sudo nano if needed22:06
lolmachi, jvargas22:06
jvargasi am looking for a simple video editor22:06
lolmachi, bill--2222:06
jvargasjust like MS Movie Maker22:06
Jack_Sparrowjvargas Look at what is available at getdeb.net22:06
jvargasany recommendation, anyone who already use a good video editor?22:06
seanAtherosAnyone here solved Atheros problems before?  I've been through the restricted drivers, madwifi, and even ndiswrapper with no solution.22:07
test34Can I share a v4l device over a network ?22:07
jvargasthere a lots of them and none is complete.22:07
ubuntuuseris 7.04 still uptodate?22:08
Taime1this livecd keeps restartin x and taking me back to the login screen. it just will not take me to the desktop WHAT GIVES?22:08
Jack_Sparrowjvargas there is no best, you can get opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic or take polls with !bots22:08
hoopJack_Sparrow, it tells me `incorrect password`22:08
eriscoI want something that can give me a tree directory view...22:09
eriscoa GUI at that, not command line22:09
Jack_Sparrowhoop if you are in livecd knoppix, it is not going to know your old password.. try it with none22:09
hoopJack_Sparrow, no way, it won`t let me22:10
Jack_Sparrowhoop knoppix used to have an option to enable root access.. (I may be wrong, it has been awhile)22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- help.gif22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- home_nav.gif22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- houses.png22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- irmaos.jpg22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- maze.bmp22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- next.gif22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- ovals.png22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- pattern1.jpg22:10
ubuntuuser|   |                       |   |-- pattern2.jpg22:10
orgy`is there a command or something that i can make my buddy execute in order to get information on whether he is using ubuntu 64bit or not?22:10
Jack_Sparroworgy` lsb_release -a22:11
rconanorgy`, uname -a22:11
Jack_Sparroworgy` or uname -r22:11
orgy`thanks, guys ;)22:11
eriscoany way Ican confgure nautilus or something?22:11
eriscoI am trying to get some programming done and am having heck of a time lately on a certain project...22:12
shuttlewho support us?22:12
=== GReeK_RiDeR is now known as Dark_Fighter
EminXwhat do you recommend for back up of entire disk of Ubuntu OS, I read there are several clone  soft. which one is better, I'm new on Ubuntu22:13
Taime1Jack_Sparrow: for root access at boot: linux init=/bin/bash rw22:13
Jack_SparrowTaime1 thanks but I didnt ask22:13
tehborizanyone how to install a personal http proxy in linux22:13
shuttleis ubuntu studio an real ubuntu clone?22:13
Taime1you mentioned it earlier22:13
Jack_SparrowEminX I prefer to tar it up or use dd22:13
Jack_Sparrowshuttle no'22:14
jvargasanyone uses kino?22:14
shuttle@Jack Can i use the apt sources?22:14
EminXJack_Sparrow:  dd ?22:14
yuri_hello, im trying to upgrade to vlc 0.9.2 on ubuntu, and i tried to ask in #videolan but they sent me here, i tried everything but can only install 0.8.6 version, how can i get vlc 0.9.2 or force apt get to get 0.9.2 instead of 0.8.6?22:14
lolmachi, yuri_22:14
Taime1Why Would This Live CD keep dropping me back to the login screen?22:14
Jack_SparrowEminX from term   man dd22:14
EminXJack_Sparrow:  ok thanx22:15
Jack_Sparrow!find vlc 0.22:15
ubottu'0.' is not a valid distribution22:15
Jack_Sparrow!find vlc 022:15
ubottu'0' is not a valid distribution22:15
Jack_Sparrow!find vlc22:15
ubottuFound: libvlc0, libvlc0-dev, mozilla-plugin-vlc, vlc, vlc-nox (and 9 others)22:15
Jack_Sparrow!info vlc22:15
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB22:16
=== grub_booter is now known as tvot
emmafaemir: I figured it out, here's how you find your video driver: grep _drv /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:16
shuttlewhat is a valid ubuntu distro?22:16
Jack_Sparrowyuri_ You are not going to get that ver from our repos22:16
yuri_oh ok22:16
Jack_Sparrowshuttle Ubuntu22:16
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate22:16
seanAtherosAnyone know about madwifi with atheros?22:16
jaggyhow do i see what ubuntu version i'm running?22:16
shuttlei use ubuntu studio22:16
yuri_Jack_Sparrow, so basically i have to wait till it becomes avaliable for ubuntu?22:16
Jack_Sparrowjaggy lsb_release -a from term22:16
quelmiehow do u connect to a network using wifi in Kubuntu? my card is detecting the network22:17
Jack_Sparrowyuri_ if you need it you can compile it ourself22:17
yuri_oh, okay i see., i completely forgot about that22:17
yuri_thanks for your help Jack_Sparrow22:17
jaggyJack_Sparrow, does it work on all linux distro's or?22:17
leopard65 /msg NickServ identify 10090822:17
lolmachi, _QS22:18
shuttleubuntu is for the free people..22:18
Jack_Sparrowjaggy I dont think any of the redhat will work that way22:18
keevieleopard65: might wanna change that. . .22:18
blackholeHi from user apache using at i am able to schedule a task but not actually run it, Can someone tell me what can be reason its not ran. It run fine under root or any other user account. apache is disabled by default i enabled it22:18
=== ascott is now known as ascott_afk
jaggyhmm, Jack_Sparrow is there any similar command that would work on all distro's, or atleast, the most common22:19
shuttlecan i join here with ubuntu studio or not?22:19
Jack_Sparrowjaggy lsb should work on many debian releases22:19
Jack_Sparrowshuttle They should have their own room22:19
jaggyi'm also talking about non debian's22:19
Jack_Sparrowjaggy This is Ubuntu support,    see #linux for general questions22:20
jaggyk great22:20
Goosemooseim trying to connect to a domain via likewise while doing a network install. logs show it joins the domain but then has a bunch of pam errors after. Can anyone make sense of this: http://pastebin.com/d734c4899 ?22:20
shuttleok buts a hard sparring22:20
keeviei have an ubuntu box with two network cards: eth0 connected to a router, and eth1 connected to an archlinux box. Is there any way i can get the arch box to completely bypass the ubuntu and pretend it is directly connected to the router?22:20
tehboriz"the installation cd rom could not be mounted. this is prolly cause it's not in drive. retry?" ITS IN THE DRIVE OMFG <--- what shall i do22:21
unopkeevie, yes, you'll need to bridge these two interfaces, eth0 and eth122:21
tehborizi tried retrying it and reinserting22:21
St0rmCr0wjaggy: YOu can try !ls /etc/*release ...if it finds any files (ex. readhat-release, lsb-release) the  file may contain the information you are looking fot22:21
Jack_Sparrowkeevie firestarter may let you do it22:21
keeviei dont like firestarter, it blocks too much stuff and is all gui22:22
quelmiecan someone tell me how to connect to a wifi network? in kubuntu22:22
finalbeta_two completely non valid reasons :P22:22
webmanyahello is there anyone who can help me out with my laptops sound problem?22:22
lolmachi, webmanya22:22
unopjaggy, i would make it - ls /etc/*{release,version}*22:22
keeviefinalbeta: yeah, but i dont like it, mmkay?22:22
jaggyty guys :)22:22
noahthe load average on a server running apache/rails/fastcgi is oddly high, cpu usage is low, disk usage is low... how can i figure out what's keeping the load average high?22:22
imachinecan someone tell me how to mount ext4dev on ubuntu, preferably some sort of an internet apt source, where I could obtain ext4dev.ko ?22:23
tehborizsomoene please help me22:23
_Zeus_!ask | tehboriz22:23
ubottutehboriz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:23
imachineI just need to backup my old data from previous linux distro where I had ext4 ~22:23
kalapoikaJack_Sparrow: I didn't see any errors with "quiet splash" removed. When added "noapic acpi=off" Live cd is running stable.22:23
Jack_Sparrowkalapoika Glad to hear it22:23
tehboriz"the installation cd rom could not be mounted. this is prolly cause it's not in drive. retry?" when i press ok it says the same question. i tried reinserting the disc and it didn't work22:23
chubs_!anyone | webmanya22:23
ubottuwebmanya: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:23
_Zeus_tehboriz: what says this?22:23
tehboriz_Zeus_: my ubuntu server installation22:24
kevinOtehboriz, ignore that, i see you already asked your question22:24
octoberdanWhy wouldn't Apache2 look to /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ for modules by default?22:24
kevinOtehboriz, what installation cd are you talking about22:24
quelmiewhen I scan for networks in kwifimanager it lists my router, now how do i connect to it?22:24
_Zeus_tehboriz: is this a live cd?22:24
tehborizi'm using the ubuntu installation cd that i got off waterloo22:24
tehborizno i got a normal version server installation cd22:24
octoberdanShouldn't it load them by default? Or do I have to load each one explicitly?22:24
kevinOtehboriz, have you tested the cd?22:25
tehborizi assumed my cdrw was fine22:25
webmanyaI have an ASUS F3Sc Laptop and couldn't magane to get the sound work checked the forums and tried what they say but it is not working.22:25
kevinOcan you get to the menu and select it?22:25
tehborizis there a possible problem with it?22:25
tehborizyeah hold on brb22:25
nmcbridecan someone verify that doing 'cat /etc/issue' print the ubuntu version?22:25
ubottuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more22:25
_Zeus_nmcbride: yes22:25
nmcbride_Zeus_: thanks22:25
kevinOsometimes a burn can be disruted and not finished properly22:25
_Zeus_nmcbride: lsb_release -a giver more info22:26
kevinO= bad disc22:26
kevinOtehboriz, select check cd for defects22:26
octoberdanThe answer to my question is I need to load each individually22:26
g0tchahow can i make sure if phpmyadmin installed correctly?22:26
Jack_Sparrowtehboriz Is the a Dell or HP box?22:27
Jack_Sparrowg0tcha Did you install from repos or manually22:27
nmcbride_Zeus_: is that on every distro?22:27
g0tchaJack_Sparrow, repos..22:27
webmanya**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****22:27
webmanyacard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC861VD Analog [ALC861VD Analog]22:27
webmanya  Subdevices: 1/122:27
webmanya  Subdevice #0: subdevice #022:27
webmanyacard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]22:27
webmanya  Subdevices: 1/122:27
webmanya  Subdevice #0: subdevice #022:27
g0tchai used the LAMS guide in the ubuntu website22:27
Jack_Sparrowxix For your own safety do not browse the web running as root user.22:27
xixwhat are the danger?22:28
opt1ksecurity breaches =)22:28
Jack_Sparrowxix SOmeone taking over your system and wiping out everything on it or worse22:28
kalapoikaJack_Sparrow but what do I do now ? Installation is not stable still.22:28
xixoh ok, thanks for that :022:28
kevinOxix, you are potentially giving the world root access to your machine22:28
Jack_Sparrowkalapoika look up your hardware in our hardware page22:28
tehborizkevinO: same thing happens when i try to check the cd for defects22:29
xixuhh.. before I logout from root22:29
tehborizit just says cannot mount etc22:29
opt1kwhen i run mutt i get the following error: /var/mail/opt1k: Too many levels of symbolic links (errno = 40)22:29
J-nI would also suggest not using the root account for anything.. no real need.22:29
opt1kwhat should i do about it?22:29
xixhow did you kow I am root?22:29
opt1kxix: /whois xix22:29
tehborizJack_Sparrow it's my custom built server on a celeron crap thing22:29
Jack_Sparrowxix I am special..22:29
kevinOtehboriz, i would try and reburn another disc and at a slower speed22:29
Jack_Sparrowtehboriz np.. just asking22:29
opt1kand btw it says you're root when you enter an irc channel22:29
J-nexcept for when you need to do su / sudo etc22:29
tehborizi had the slowest speed kevinO22:29
aroonii have ubuntu hardy... and i just threw a trendnet wireless 6 pci adapter (TEW-423PI) into a desktop... but ubuntu doesnt seem to recognize it... help?22:29
SebNaitsabesxix:  for your safety do not log in as root all the time22:29
SebNaitsabesxix:  only do sudo and su  for tasks you are doing22:30
=== overfiend is now known as PoPpiLLs
tehborizi'm burning again at 4X22:31
tehborizis it possibly a problem with IDE, kevinO22:31
Scunizitehboriz: stupid question. is the cd rom the first in the list of bootable devices?22:32
tehborizyes Scunizi i went into bios to change22:32
tehborizor else it wouldnt show the ubuntu screen at all :p22:32
Jack_Sparrowarooni It probably will never see it22:32
arooniJack_Sparrow, why not?22:32
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Jack_Sparrowarooni It requires special drivers and drivers for those are few and far between in linux22:33
Scunizitehboriz: just came in the diagnostics late.. I didn't catch any of your previous explainations..22:33
unopopt1k, it probably means /var/mail/opt1k is a symlink to another symlink (and so on) - you have a couple of options.  1) this file shouldn't normally be a symlink - so you can delete it and recreate a new blank file (with touch)  2) find out where the symlinks eventually take you, then symlink directly to that target.22:33
tehborizScunizi: ah that's okay22:33
opt1kunop: i'll go with the first option, too tired for anything else =) thx!22:34
webmanyaI have an ASUS F3SC laptop and installed Ubuntu 8.04 and everything works accept the sound. http://pastebin.com/d21c8dc7 this is my "aplay -l" output. can anyone help please? Also I tried the forums but not worked.22:35
manixrockis ubuntu better than openSuse? Why? Is it for noobs or power users?22:35
Jack_Sparrowwebmanya try /j #alsa22:35
SebNaitsabes,but yes Ubuntu is good for beginers22:35
SebNaitsabes,but  it can also be used by power users since the commandline22:35
Jack_Sparrowmanixrock offtopic.. thanks22:35
unopmanixrock, it's just another distribution - not aimed at any particular set of users22:35
oklinuxhey Jack_Sparrow22:35
oklinuxlongtime no see22:35
webmanyathanks jack22:36
kevinOtehboriz, do you have any other bootable cd's to test your cdrom, like a junk windows cd22:36
Taime1How Can I Get ubuntu to load a specific video driver when using the livecd?22:36
manixrockI currently have openSuse, and trying to see if Ubuntu is better for me..22:36
Jack_Sparrowhey...  I know.. I have the day off.. no classes to teach22:36
tehborizyeah kevinO the windows cd's work22:36
tehborizso i'm guessing it's a bad burn22:36
oklinuxso u run ubuntu Jack_Sparrow ?22:36
Jack_Sparrowmanixrock the price is right, get it and try it out22:36
kalapoikaJack_Sparrow it's a packet computer I have no clue of the components.22:36
tehborizi'm burning another one kevinO22:36
arooniJack_Sparrow, where can i learn what cards are compatible with the pc?22:36
kevinOok good luck22:36
arooniJack_Sparrow, with ubuntu rather... and how did you know ubuntu will never see it22:36
Jack_Sparrowoklinux I invented the internet and I control all of it..  yea right22:36
shuttlejacj u are from cononical?22:36
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:37
oklinuxJack_Sparrow, pm ?22:37
opt1kunop:  cannot remove `/var/mail/opt1k': Too many levels of symbolic links22:37
manixrockJack_Sparrow: I will, but will test multiple distros, so wanted some info to see which I will try first22:37
kevinOtehboriz, did you verify that the download is good using md5sum?22:37
opt1kso... i can't even remove that o_o22:37
Jack_Sparrowarooni It isnt something that will have a broad user base needed to have someone spend the time to write it22:37
tehborizno rofl kevinO i dont' even know what that is22:37
unopopt1k, tried  rm -f ... ?22:37
Alpha232Anyone know of a remote modem solution for XP/Ubuntu, ie, modem is installed in ubuntu and a bunch of XP hosts share the pool of modems22:37
kevinOi dont know if there are md5sums for ubuntu images?22:37
kevinOanyone know?22:37
arooniJack_Sparrow, but how did you know my card will likely never work22:37
Jack_Sparrowmanixrock /j #ubuntu-offtopic22:38
g0tchaso is there a way to make sure myphpadmin installed correctly?22:38
unopopt1k, what does ls -l /var/mail/opt1k give you?22:38
Jack_Sparrowarooni JUst my personal opinion22:38
shuttlewhy ubunty destroy the grub loader after reboot?22:38
opt1kunop: ls: cannot access /var/mail/opt1k: Too many levels of symbolic links22:38
unopopt1k, sheesh.  ls -l /var/mail/*22:39
kevinOtehboriz, if you download an .iso and the matching md5sum file, put them in the same folder and do the command "md5sum filename.iso" and i think that will verfy if the download downloaded correctly22:39
EatShroomshow do I install shit using terminal22:39
kevinOEatShrooms, i dont think you want to do that22:39
tehborizi'm on vista reight now kevinO lol22:39
Jack_SparrowEatShrooms Please watch your language.. family friendly room.. thanks22:39
opt1kunop: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2008-09-15 22:49 /var/mail -> spool/mail22:39
Taime1EatShrooms: sudo apt-get install <package>22:39
unoptehboriz, kevinO, you still have to compare the hash returned by md5sum against one that has already been verified22:39
EatShroomsok thanks22:39
oklinuxJack_Sparrow, pm ?22:39
Jack_SparrowHow to install anything in Ubuntu: http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/22:40
Jack_Sparrowoklinux sure22:40
kevinOunop, thanks22:40
Pnuxhello, does anybody know how to make ubuntu run some programs on start up?22:40
lolmachi, Pnux22:40
unopopt1k, ls -l /var/mail/spool/*22:40
shuttlei have hardware problems and after sudden reboot the grun loader is destroeyd22:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about startp22:40
EatShroomsJack_Sparrow: The page cannot be found22:40
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:40
Pnuxhello lolmac22:40
lolmachi, Pnux22:40
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
opt1kls: cannot access /var/mail/spool*: Too many levels of symbolic links22:40
opt1kunop: ls: cannot access /var/mail/spool*: Too many levels of symbolic links22:40
Taime1how do i set the xdriver on the livecd?22:40
unopopt1k, heh, how'd you get yourself into this mess? :)22:41
opt1kunop: btw it says that /var/mail is a broken link22:41
opt1kunop: don't know.. i've just installed sendmail22:41
Pnuxthanks ubottu, i had it named a different way22:41
Pnuxthats why i couldnt find it before22:41
Jack_SparrowBummer that was a good page22:41
unopopt1k, try this.  rm -f /var/mail22:41
s0ckerzHey i need some help22:42
opt1kok, it helped out22:42
opt1kno mor /var/mail22:42
shuttleother problem ubuntu 8.04 cant see sata hard disks22:42
opt1kunop: but now i have other problem: /var/mail/opt1k: No such file or directory (errno = 2)22:42
tehborizshuttle: sure it can22:42
s0ckerzI have a partition with vista and ubuntu set up, but i just reformatted my vista partition, and now GRUB wont boot anymore22:42
wikingi've started to have some problems with trac (python svn bindings) since the latest upgrade.... anybody else having the same problem (hardy)22:42
shuttlebut i try it22:42
unopopt1k, now.  sudo mkdir -p /var/mail;  sudo touch /var/mail/$USER;  sudo chown $USER.$USER /var/mail/$USER;22:43
Jack_Sparrowshuttle It sees mine..  try this.. one sec22:43
shuttleubunty studi 7.4 can see it22:43
Jack_Sparrow# Use a live cd..At start or install press F6 add all_generic_ide before the "--"22:43
s0ckerzany help?22:43
s0ckerzI have a partition with vista and ubuntu set up, but i just reformatted my vista partition, and now GRUB wont boot anymore22:43
opt1kunop: ur the best22:44
Jack_Sparrows0ckerz If ou restored or reinstalled Windows it will kill off grub22:44
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:44
shuttleits tru ubuntu 7.04 can see sate but 8.04 not..22:44
s0ckerzthanks sparrow22:45
jayde_drag0ni have a bizarre problem, i can no longer download anything in firefox via clicking unless i "right click save as" and despite my searching, i cannot figure out how to fix or re-enable this22:45
shuttleif i use all_generic_ide it works?22:46
Jack_Sparrowshuttle Sometimes, but there may be other options needed, let me give you the other main two changes I use22:46
Jack_Sparrow# To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"22:46
RussianPhysicsGuHi, I am having a problem mounting one of my external hard drives - in /media, there is now a permanent folder called "External_1" which I cannot delete (I've tried sudo rm -rf /media/External_1), and so my hard drive gets mounted at "/media/External_1_", which causes problems because a lot of things are associated with the hard drive. Does anyone know the possible cause for this, and how to fix it?22:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about umount22:48
RussianPhysicsGuPnux: I've done umount on it, it says that there is no hard drive named "External_1" mounted22:48
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:49
Jack_SparrowRussianPhysicsGu create new mount point and edit /etc/fstab22:49
RussianPhysicsGuJack_Sparrow: there's no evidence of the External_1 in fstab, and it won't let me mount it to /media/External_122:50
RussianPhysicsGuIt insists on adding it ti External_1_22:50
benjickAdd it to fstab to the right path22:50
Jack_SparrowRussianPhysicsGu create new mount point22:50
Jack_Sparrowthanks benjick22:52
jayde_drag0n hey i'm having a really bizarre problem. nothing downloads anymore in firefox via clicking.. i have to specifically "right click save as" or it just won't download at all22:52
benjickWhat happens elsewise?22:52
benjickJack_Sparrow: np, did it work?22:52
jayde_drag0nbenjick: was that directed at me?22:52
Jack_SparrowIt wasnt my issue, just thaking you for answering while I was busy22:53
benjickjayde_drag0n: No :>22:53
benjickJack_Sparrow: ok :>22:53
RussianPhysicsGuJack_Sparrow: I created a new mount point in fstab, plugged in the drive, and now it tells me "you are not privileged to mount /media/External_1"22:53
Jack_SparrowRussianPhysicsGu You need to create new mount point in  /media22:53
benjickJack_Sparrow: OH, sorry, irssi in a small terminal makes me go crazy with all this text22:54
rconanhow can I add the intrepid repos but pin packages to hardy by default?22:54
Jack_Sparrowrconan You are asking for trouble22:54
benjickjayde_drag0n: The "What happens" was to you22:54
rconanJack_Sparrow, yes... but I would still like to do it22:54
RussianPhysicsGuJack_sparrow: It worked! THank you!22:55
Jack_SparrowRussianPhysicsGu np22:55
lolmachi, kzona22:55
Jack_Sparrowthanks to benjick  too22:55
aroonito get my wireless card working; what about dloading the linux driver for kernel 2.6.22 : http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true22:55
rconanI need to selectively upgrade the kernel and nvidia modules22:55
lolmachi, xfm22:55
jayde_drag0nbenjick: OH.. lol sorry.. i can click all i want SOMETIMES a download window will appear but if i click save.. it just goes away.. nothing saves UNLESS i specifically go thru the actions of "right click save target" then it will download and to where i want it to go22:55
Jack_Sparrowjayde_drag0n sounds like a buggered FF install22:56
xfmI am looking for a plugin for ff3 or epiphany to download a file from multiples sources22:56
Jack_Sparrowjayde_drag0n have you done a locate or find to be sure it isnt going somewhere22:56
kzonaI'm looking for people how accept doing an interview. I'm fluent in Portuguese, French and average in english. IT's about some considerations about FOSS. I'm looking for devellopers more than users. anyone is interested ? or have a little time to give me ? thx22:57
t3hub3rk1ttenI've got a Ubuntu drive running out of free space, and I need to copy the entire os over to another drive. Before when I've tried using dd or rsync it's caused a black hole where my hard drives break the laws of physics. Any suggestions? :P22:57
jayde_drag0nJack_Sparrow: no, i assumed since there was no progress on a file.. AND that it did not show up in the "downloads" window.. that it just went away.. but on top of that i haven't seen the files in anyplae obvious.. and i wouldn't know why it would just randomly download elsewhere than the target location.. and do so with no trace22:57
unopkzona, you're offtopic - please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic22:57
kzonaok, sorry22:58
aroonihow can i make sure i have all dependencies installed before compiling something22:58
Daisuke_Idoapt-get build-dep <package>22:58
Daisuke_Idobut always try to use pre-built packages22:58
Jack_Sparrowjayde_drag0n Just a thought that it was d/l just not where you expected it and that there were no permission issues with where you were sending it22:59
EteroGenio\attach irc.tin.it22:59
jayde_drag0nJack_Sparrow: also i haven't done any installs to ff since i first loaded ubuntu... and that has been quite some time.. this was a recent occurrence .. notable tho.. i "think" it coincided with my windows install.. but thats very bizarre and random22:59
timoI seem to have lots of crashes now, that i update the system ?23:00
timoIs it just me23:00
Jack_Sparrowtimo Sounds like you have some unsupported repos in your sources list23:00
Jack_Sparrowtimo Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list23:01
timoHow ? Keep seing crash report detected and i report them hoping its fixed when I update agian23:01
g0tchaJack_Sparrow, is there a reason why mysql wont let me set a root passwd after i installed it?23:02
timobest of luck http://pastebin.com/m2e5d1b7f23:03
jayde_drag0nJack_Sparrow: should i go thru synaptics and to a complete reinstall? and if i do what will be the result for me? loss of plugins, bookmarks, cookies passwords etc etc23:03
Jack_Sparrowg0tcha I dont do mysql23:03
opt1khow do i authorize my ip? i got an error report "The ip you're using to send mail is not authorized"23:03
Jack_Sparrowjayde_drag0n  you can save bookmarks and the plugins may be the source of your issues, try disableing them first23:04
=== RoflCoptr is now known as RoflCoptrzZZ
lolmachi, bobbyd23:04
jayde_drag0nJack_Sparrow: can plugins become an issue later on like that? or is that usually a symptom of a new addition?23:05
Jack_Sparrowjayde_drag0n I cant rule out the problem as those are probably on automatic update.23:05
bobbydunder Hardy, my Dell inspiron 6400 doesn't turn off when I hibernate it. Hibernate works fine, but I have to hold down the power button for 5 seconds to make it actually turn off. Can anyone suggest a way to make it work?23:05
eirik_does anyone know anything about the "barrier=0" mount option for ext3? i came across it reading the wikipedia article on ext323:06
itsatrickHi, I'm trying to install the open art gallery images to OO.org.  I'm fine finding the files, but whenever I say "Add all" or select a group of files and say "Add", openoffice freezes.  Is there anything I can do so that it won't freeze?  Thanks.23:07
jasmuzHello all23:07
spunkopt1k: that concerns your ISP. Usually you need to configure to send mail via your ISP.23:07
lolmachi, jasmuz23:07
timo!seen POv23:08
ubottuI have no seen command23:08
opt1kspunk: oh.. can you help me out how to do that?23:08
spunkopt1k: which mail client are you using?23:08
EatShroomsitsatrick: I don't know, maybe reinstall openoffice?23:09
opt1kspunk: mutt23:09
itsatrickThanks, EatShrooms.23:09
itsatrickI'll try that.23:09
mlac8973eatshrooms: why whats going on23:09
jayde_drag0nJack_Sparrow: i disabled everything, reloaded firefox... aaaannndd... no clicky... only right click23:09
timoitsatrick: what ?23:09
itsatricktimo: Hi, I'm trying to install the open art gallery images to OO.org.  I'm fine finding the files, but whenever I say "Add all" or select a group of files and say "Add", openoffice freezes.  Is there anything I can do so that it won't freeze?  Thanks.23:10
spunkopt1k: ok. Are you traveling or at your home? Specifically, do you know which ISP you are connected to?23:10
LordvedaI have problem here with gdm and Xorg but I can't pinpoint its source. Can someone help me with it please?23:10
opt1kspunk: i'm at home, and my isp is t-com =)23:10
timoitsatrick: select one at a time see if it dose23:10
LordvedaI use GDM as my login manager, in gdm I have extremely small fonts.23:10
spunkopt1k: Ok. lets see...23:11
LordvedaWhen I login into GNOME I get a good font size to me.23:11
LordvedaWhen I login into either KDE or Xfce, the font problem reappears.23:11
timoSo tired of sending bus every 4 mins23:11
LordvedaWhat could possibly the problem that could cause this?\23:11
itsatricktimo: It even does it for 1 at a time after a while.23:12
itsatrickAnd I have thousands of images, so I think I have better things to do than upload images into OO.org. :)23:12
timoitsatrick: lol23:12
spunkopt1k: In t-home in Germany? You should check t-home's web site for info about SMTP relaying. I'll check out mutt configuration meanwhile.23:13
opt1kspunk: nope, t-com croatia, and i'll try to find the info about smtp relaying23:15
spunkopt1k: great.23:15
Shrapbobbyd, how can I help?23:16
ShrapOr at least attempt to.23:16
bobbydunder Hardy, my Dell inspiron 6400 doesn't turn off when I hibernate it. Hibernate works fine, but I have to hold down the power button for 5 seconds to make it actually turn off. Can anyone suggest a way to make it work?23:16
seanAtherosAnyone here solved Atheros problems before?  I've been through the restricted drivers, madwifi, and even ndiswrapper with no solution.23:17
timoHow do i remove all kde from gnome23:17
bobbydtimo: aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop ?23:17
ShrapNo idea, bobbyd.23:17
spunkopt1k: here is something I dug up, hope it helps: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/08/configuring-mutt-to-use-an-alternate-mta-esmtp/23:17
bobbydShrap: ok thanks :)23:18
chubs_bobbyd, try enabling acpi in your grub boot options23:18
opt1kspunk: kk,ty, i'm still browsing my isp's site for some relaying info but no luck23:18
spunkopt1k: Ok, can't help you there. Good luck!23:19
itsatrickSimple solution for me: Aptitude can install the open gallery for you. :)23:19
greencookieI am using ssh to connect to a computer. Why cant I hear the songs playing in ncmpc. anyone?23:20
opt1kspunk: ty =)23:20
zefyrwow, HP 14.1" laptops have a max resolution of 1280x80023:20
zefyrwhat are they thinking.23:20
datacrusherhow do i resize my partition with gparted? i umounted the partition, but it stills says someone is using it23:20
datacrusheris there other tool, some cli tool to do this job?23:20
chubs_zefyr, that people enjoy being able to read text23:20
chubs_datacrusher, parted (gparted is a frontend to parted)23:21
itsatrickdatacrusher: My best guess is that you have something on there.  I don't think you can resize a partition that's used.23:21
datacrusherhm. so it will crash the same way saing its used23:21
datacrushertheres some files in it , its my /home partition23:22
chubs_bobbyd, there is also apparently an acpi bug in the most recent kernel, upgrading or downgrading might be the only solution23:22
datacrusheri formated and created it with a huge size, forgote to create a partition to do my backup, now i need to make another one23:22
chubs_see this thread: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=c79044ee25a16cefa914b2afe3eb83e7&t=88782023:22
olskolirchey guys.  how to i dot my kmix so that I can record from my sound card please23:22
spunkopt1k: search terms you could try: SMTP, mail, proxy, config, email setup, Outlook23:22
bobbydchubs_: it's been happening across multiple kernel versions23:22
greencookieCould someone help me play my music using mpd and ssh from a remote location?>23:22
chubs_datacrusher, you can't partition a drive you're using. a livecd would be the easiest way23:23
opt1kspunk: ty, i'm on it23:23
=== erichammond2 is now known as erichammond
chubs_bobbyd, how many kernel versions? how long has it been happening?23:24
chubs_try adding acpi=force to your grub options in /etc/grub/menu.lst23:24
datacrushermakes sense23:24
bobbydchubs_: I think ever since I moved to Hardy. About 6 months at  least23:24
datacrusherill try on the live cd. does etch does that?23:24
bobbydchubs_: ok I'll try that23:24
datacrusheri dont got ubuntu cds arround,23:24
chubs_datacrusher, the gparted livecd works wonderfully, it's a small download and nice to have on hand if you have a spare cd23:25
datacrusheryeah... ill google it23:25
onxwhat are good alternatives for the networkmanager/nm applet combo? i've tried knetworkmanager and wicd. liked wicd more, looking for something similiar23:26
seanAtheroscheck out wifi-radar23:27
chubs_onx, why are you looking for a program similar to wicd if you like it? just curious23:27
ben34The next version of ubuntu should have this background http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7453/screenshotbx9.png23:27
ben34nice to show your icons23:27
onxseanAtheros, c chubs, i liked it more23:28
ben34Original here: http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/7453/screenshotbx9.png23:28
onxargh! sorry.23:28
ben34dam it did't copy23:28
onxseanAtheros, thanks - chubs_ , i liked it /more/ because it's got more options. it did have some trouble connecting though which networkmanager never did23:29
chubs_onx, ahh, makes sense23:29
onxprofiles are a good thing though23:29
is0hi there23:32
is0i have a problem23:32
simNIXnow we wil mind read wich one ;0)23:32
xfmis0, nice23:32
is0i need libc.so.5:23:32
=== freqk is now known as freqk|away
is0i try to run grads23:33
is0but this doesent work23:33
MitsuoDeshoDeshohow do i get the current time from cli?23:33
xfmis0, bye23:33
spunkMitsuoDeshoDesho: 'date'23:34
AbstractScrollHi, may I ask why there is no package selection in ubuntu gui install? Something like in red hat. Or maybe I just havent choosen right boot options?23:34
DanskmandAloha :-) - Does someone use asterisk together with mISDN as a FAX-solution ?23:34
kitcheAbstractScroll: most likely due to ubuntu installing gnome by default with everything needed for a desktop23:34
Jack_SparrowAbstractScroll See the alternate or minimal cd23:35
AbstractScrollThanks, I have installed this desktop trough alternate cd. Btw I have to admit ubuntu did wonders for linux, I did use it as desktop in 2000 or something (slackware) and eventually gave up, but this is almost windows like now. Amazing23:36
DanskmandO-ooh - you used the W-word ;-)23:38
DEdwardsDanskmand, useable23:38
DanskmandHehe - a lot !23:39
DEdwardsDanskmand, i hate windows as well23:39
onxAbstractScroll, it's already much nicer than windows in a lot of ways23:39
AbstractScrollWell yeah, I mostly admin W systems :), although we have linux based servers also. Anyway this is actually usefull for desktop for ordinary person. Nothing needed to be compiled from source :)23:39
Pnuxim not sure if this is the place to ask, but i run a program from console pretty often. For this i need to have root access, is there a way to edit this out so i dont need to type the pass in the terminal when i open the launcher?23:39
DEdwardsonx, like how it works?23:39
onxif it weren't for the things that don't work...23:39
BBLakeEvening everyone, i ran into some trouble with ubuntu and could use some help..What is my best resource other than this room?23:40
DEdwardsBBLake, ubuntu forums23:40
BBLakecan i run a question out here and maybe you can point me the right direction on the forums?23:40
ScuniziAbstractScroll: if you want your choice of gui's you can always install xfce or kde and pick which to run at the uname/password entry screen..23:40
spunkPnux: well, it depends. In general it is a good thing that you don't gain root access straight off, so you should consider if you really need to run your stuff as root.23:41
Pnuxpnux@pnux-desktop:~$ /opt/lampp/lampp start23:41
PnuxYou need to start XAMPP as root!23:41
AbstractScrollScunizi mhm, I prefer xfce, well in the old days I used something called wmaker, it was quite nice also23:41
BBLakei installed what i thought was an ubuntu studio theme, and now it's showing edubuntu at th elogin, and is taking FOREVER to boot.  I think it installed an extra kernal23:41
DEdwardsPhux, what program are you running regularly?23:41
Pnuxits just that one23:42
ScuniziAbstractScroll: to install xfce.. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop then just change sessions on boot.23:42
airtonixPnux, what do you need xampp for when you have php and apache in the repos?23:42
unopPnux,  sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start23:42
Pnuxmysql and perl :P23:42
spunkPnux: well, you could change the owner to root and set the suid-bit. but that give everyone that possibility if you do not restrict the access to the program.23:42
unopPnux, everything just mentioned is already in the repos23:43
Pnuxi know unop, but i have to type the pass everytime i run it23:43
unop!lamp | Pnux23:43
ubottuPnux: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:43
damijitHello. I am a new linux user. I just downloaded a program, and the installer has a ".run" extension. How do I install it?23:43
spunkunop: Pnux wants to avoid typing in his pw.23:43
AbstractScrollScunizi yeah I know :), I just needed to comment on how supprised I am that linux is actually usefull for normal desktop use.23:43
lolmachi, damijit23:43
damijithi :D23:43
airtonixPnux, there is also mysql in the repos, all of which start themselves up on boot...all respond to the use of sudo via /etc/init.d<service-name> start/stop/restart/force-reload23:43
DEdwardsPnux, i don't  think you should run as root all the time23:43
BBLakeHow can you tell what version of ubuntu, or edubuntu you are on?23:44
DanskmandHo-ly-shit !!! - On Discovery, they had a little boat-ride....23:44
unopPnux, well, you'll have to source support for this lampp package from the author/vendor - we can only really support ubuntu packages/setups here23:44
DEdwardsBBLake, open system monitor23:44
Danskmand4000 horsepower and 274 km/h !!23:44
Pnuxi got XAMPP installed already, i dont mind if its on the repos.. al i want is to avoid typing my password everytime i run the launcher23:44
ScuniziAbstractScroll: aahh. good.. it is nice.. we'd all like to see others make use of it as a desktop as well..23:44
damijitI am on Ubuntu, Hardy Heron. I'm not sure the version number, how do I check?23:44
strategydamien_, 8.04 or 8.04.123:44
unopPnux, for what it's worth, if you setup LAMP as per the howto for ubuntu - you won't need to enter a password23:44
=== Lappy is now known as Daremonai
strategydamijit, 8.04 or 8.04.123:44
Jack_SparrowPnux running as root is just plain stupid and leads to horrible problems23:44
NutzebahnBlender won't close when I use killall -9, help?23:45
DEdwardsdamijit, system monitor23:45
Pnuxpnux@pnux-desktop:~$ /opt/lampp/lampp start23:45
PnuxYou need to start XAMPP as root!23:45
Jack_SparrowDanskmand !ot23:45
Pnuxtheres no other way that running it as root23:45
airtonixdamijit, if you flag the .run filoe as executable you should be able to execute it directly from the command line23:45
BBLakeIt says ubuntu, but on login it says edubuntu?   Is that just a themed login for ubuntu studio?23:45
unopPnux, i would suggest setting up LAMP the 'ubuntu way' :)23:45
unopPnux, /msg ubottu !lamp23:46
DEdwardsgotta go23:46
AbstractScrollScunizi that will be hard I'm afraid, one of my friends also a "professional computer technician" took a look at it and concluded it's shit since he couldnt find a control panel :), OMG, all you have to be is literate, everything is in the default menu :). But come to think of it, he might not be the best professional I know :).23:46
Pnuxalready read the !lamp23:46
damijitairtonix, how do I flag the file as executable?23:46
NutzebahnProblem solved.23:46
Nutzebahnchmod a+x23:46
airtonixBBLake, lsb_release -a23:46
Pnuxso why is it better to set it the "ubuntu way"?23:47
NutzebahnOr chmod +x23:47
ScuniziAbstractScroll: "professionals" probably aren't the best converts.. too set in their ways most of the time.. but not always.  :)23:47
spunkPnux: an ugly solution would be to set the suid bit. From top of my head: 'chmod 4770 <executable>' Make sure that you belong to the same group.23:47
opt1kHeh..i gave up on smtp 4 tonight23:47
Jack_SparrowPnux For one.. it will work23:47
unopPnux, because we can then support it in here .. and it will work quite simply23:47
Pnuxthe one i have works as well23:47
BBLakeOK, airtonix.  def ubuntu.  I installed the ubuntustudio theme, (which i love), but now it's taking 5 minutes to boot.   Also seeing different kernels in grub.  What could have happened?   Before yesterday, it took 20 seconds to boot23:47
Pnuxthe one i have works quite simply23:47
unopPnux, your choice - but we can't really support what you have - so anything further on it is offtopic23:48
anom01ydoes anyone here know how to get audacity to record fromm mplayer ?23:48
timoIs there a command that say remove all exempt (this file)23:48
unoptimo, what do you mean?23:49
timoRemove every other file but save folder (home)23:49
DanskmandOr, asked in a different way, does someone use a fax-gateway or has someone installed one ? - I need some advice....23:50
opt1kTimo: rm /dir/*23:50
unoptimo, delete every file under a directory named home ?23:50
lolmachi, Ratchet-23:50
Ratchet-I need help23:50
ivantishe needs help23:50
unopopt1k, caution, he might not want just that23:50
Ratchet-I need to get internet set up on ubuntu.23:50
timono delete every folder but (home)23:50
ivantisRatchet- is trying to set up wireless internet on an ubuntu23:50
ivantishe is new to linux, switching from windows23:51
spunktimo: on the whole file system...?23:51
ivantisRatchet: keep asking ppl23:51
timoIts a spare drive i don't use23:51
Ratchet-I R NEED HALP!23:51
opt1kunop,true.btw sry 4 my slower reaction.im on a mobile and cant c channel while typing23:51
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > Ratchet-23:51
ubottuRatchet-, please see my private message23:51
spunktimo: I guess you've booted from another drive then?23:51
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience23:51
=== Griverr is now known as Griver
BBLakeSo the best way to get help is to scream?23:51
timoskun...... yes23:52
tulimaqRatchet: what wifi card u have ?23:52
unoptimo, shopt -s extglob; rm !(home)23:52
Ratchet-Please help me.23:52
Ratchet-How do i find out? -.-23:52
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > Ratchet-23:52
ubottuRatchet-, please see my private message23:52
timounop: please be right23:52
tulimaqRatchet: lspci will tell u23:52
Jack_SparrowRatchet- Please stop with the help-me23:52
unoptimo, am i wrong?23:52
Ratchet-how do i see private message23:52
timoi dodnot wait23:52
spunkOk, well I guess you don't have many directories in the disk's root, right?23:52
DanskmandBBlake: If youre in the middle of the sea full of sharks....YES !23:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sharks23:53
opt1kGoing off,cya all and ty all 4 help23:53
DanskmandHehe :-)23:53
spunkopt1k: bye23:53
BBLakeI just need to optimize my boot settings.  It shouldn't take me 10 minutes to boot23:53
calcwhats the best music tagger in ubuntu (main/universe otherwise)?23:53
BBLakecan anyone point me in the right direction"23:53
timo cannot remove `bin': Is a directory ?23:53
calci need something that can rename/tag files for use with my car23:53
unoptimo, the command i gave you deletes every file in the current directory except the one named home23:53
Ratchet-Please, Help me set up my Wireless Internet. I don't know what Wifi I have.23:53
gabbarI was thinking of installing ubuntu not sure it meets my system requirements23:53
spunkunop: even recursively?23:54
Irislook I really need help23:54
Jack_SparrowBBLake Lose the UbuntuStudio parts you added.. we dont support that23:54
SyslqRatchet maybe your card is already known to OS, try ifconfig -a23:54
airtonixBBLake, have you searched on the forums yet? there are many good ones in the tutorials & tips section23:54
unoptimo, to delete directories  shopt -s extglob; rm -r !(home)23:54
timormdir: failed to remove `usr': Directory not empty23:54
SyslqRatchet you might only need to bring it up23:54
Irismy ubuntu crashed and I have a lots of date...23:54
Ratchet-When I start ubuntu.23:54
Ratchet-I don't know what to put then.23:54
IrisI have to recover what can I do, please23:54
Ratchet-I click the internet thing.....23:54
BBLakeJack_sparrow, is there a theme that will mimick the studio, i love the theme.  something you do support23:54
Jack_SparrowIris boot a livecd.. unless you installed with Wubi23:54
SyslqRatchet open command line / terminal23:54
unoptimo, i guess you know what you are doing here - because if you are running this command in / - there is no going back23:55
Ratchet-on ubuntu?23:55
Ratchet-or windows23:55
SyslqRatchet on ubuntu23:55
BBLakealso, jack, do i just delete the theme out of the appearance and login sections?23:55
timodo i have too sudo23:55
Ratchet-I will have to log off of windows....23:55
Ratchet-Therefore no internet23:55
IrisJack_Sprarrow: if I do that will I be able to get my data back ?23:55
Ratchet-so what all do i do?23:55
Jack_SparrowBBLake Pick a different theme, I dont know what all it/ou installed23:55
SyslqCheck what wifi you have on windows?23:55
unoptimo, yes, if you are a normal user and want to delete files you do not own23:55
Ratchet-I will, but give me multiple instructions.23:55
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Ratchet-23:55
tulimaqRatchet-: open terminal on ubuntu and type   iwconfig  -a23:55
BBLakeme neither.23:55
ubottuRatchet-, please see my private message23:55
spunktimo: possibly23:55
IrisJack_Sprarrow: I can not afford to loose it..23:56
timoits not even working23:56
BBLakedamn, i was excited i got a nice look going.    Can i set-up restore points, so i can kick back to it, case i run into this issue again?23:56
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.23:56
Ratchet-How to do that,Sys23:56
SyslqRatchet control panel -- > network connections, or start run devmgmt.msc23:56
Jack_SparrowIris You cant afford to lose it yet you never made any backups23:56
unopSyslq, windows is offtopic here23:56
Ratchet-I opened it.23:56
BBLakelol...great point23:56
timorm: descend into write-protected directory `var'?  i clicked enter but its still there23:56
Ratchet-Now what.23:56
spunktimo: are you sure your trying on the correct disk?23:56
unoptimo, did you use sudo ?23:57
gabbarFor a change i want ubuntu instead of windows i dont have idea how to switch and also if my system can switch !!!23:57
timoyes i cd to the /media/disk23:57
SyslqNow see what is your wireless network card23:57
IrisJack_Sparrow: I did but my flashmore got fucket up :(23:57
Ratchet-In Nw adapters?23:57
Jack_SparrowIris Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly23:57
IrisJack_Sparrow: so I didn't bother to make another right next23:57
timosudo shopt -s extglob; rm -rf !(home) mabe ?23:57
PHAZEhey is there any tech agents i can talk to ? or someone that been using ubuntu for a while23:57
gabbaru all seem busy !23:57
SyslqAnd writte it down since you are going to need it in linux23:57
unoptimo, no.   shopt -s extglob; sudo rm -r !(home)23:58
Jack_Sparrow!ask > PHAZE23:58
ubottuPHAZE, please see my private message23:58
spunkunop: that would only run shopt as root right?23:58
Ratchet-Which one.23:58
Ratchet-or Realtek23:58
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Ratchet-23:58
ubottuRatchet-, please see my private message23:58
SyslqYes probalbly Broadcom23:58
gabbarmy system has windows, I want to move to UBUNTU23:58
gabbari can download it23:58
SyslqWich one is wireless23:58
unopspunk, it would fail outright, shopt is not a command sudo can access, it's a bash builtin23:58
gabbarbut loading i dont know23:58
Ratchet-WLAN = Broadcom23:58
spunkunop: ok23:58
IrisJack_Sparrow: sorry but what can I do ?23:58
Jack_SparrowRatchet- Please read our rules and abide by the requests we make23:58
timoim having to type yes for every file23:58
SyslqI'd gurss broadcom, and Ratchet broadcom is supported good in linux23:58
SyslqSorry I meant I'd guess23:58
Jack_SparrowIris boot a livecd and save to usb23:58
Ratchet-Jack suck it23:58
unoptimo, what command are you trying now?23:59
Ratchet-Thanks for helping sys :)23:59
SyslqRatchet wich broadcom model?23:59
tvanoverI am trying to change the group of a list of files.  I only want to change the group of files that already are a part of a specific group.  And I need to do this from the command line.  I can create a list of all the files I need to change $> ls -l | grep tvanover | cut -c 53-7023:59
tvanoverbut I can't get it into a change group command23:59
Jack_SparrowSyslq He's gone23:59
gabbarany angel here willing to help?23:59
IrisJack_Sparro: os if I do that I can plug an another flash memory and recover it ?23:59
Jack_SparrowIris yes23:59

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