
pooliespiv, jam, igc, lifeless, call in a minute00:02
markhjelmer: ?00:07
jelmermarkh, hi00:08
markhhi jelmer - I see you made a change for that crash on osx - is there anything I should do for windows binaries?00:08
markhI saw another bug report recently and marked it as a dupe00:09
markhbut its a dupe of the osx one (which the other windows crash bug is too), and that is marked as fixed00:09
spivabentley: bundlebuggy seems to be giving 502 atm00:09
jelmermarkh, there were other fixes for Windows by Snaury as well00:10
markhjelmer: so if I just rebuild all should be good?00:10
jelmermarkh: Yeah, I think so00:10
markhthat was the perfect answer :)00:10
markhdo I need to move to 1.5 or anything?00:11
jelmerI would recommend building against 1.5 but for other reasons (several bugfixes that may be relevant, more protocol calls available to svn)00:11
markhok - iirc that will require some tweaks to setup.py as the list of libs has changed.  I'll see how I get on...00:12
markh(that was the only reason I dropped back to 1.4 in the first place - the existing list of libs was already correct!)00:13
jelmermarkh, Snaury tweaked some of that as well afaik00:14
abentleySoliton: restarted00:23
abentleyspiv: restarted00:23
spivabentley: thanks!00:23
jmlwuu patches.00:43
lifelessabentley: you nearly got spivs origin correct00:47
abentleylifeless: Hee.00:47
jmlpoolie: does your updated patch address the problem I noticed here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47029/ ?00:59
justizinso, ah, again, i renamed some files from bin/ of my repo to scripts/, because bin/ is really a virtualenv and it ends up with all these generated scripts which show up in 'bzr status', i want to just add bin/ to ignores, but i can't get my parent branch to show the change.01:32
jmljustizin: you need to commit changes to your ignore file.01:44
justizinjml: i haven't changed the ignore yet, i only moved the files which i want source-controlled, and my 'master' branch doesn't show the rename..01:51
justizineven after a bzr update01:51
justizinalso, now i am trying to merge with an svn branch and i get: bzr: ERROR: Revision {('',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x1558390>".01:52
justizinwoo fun :)01:52
justizinthis is a relatively old bzr 1.5 and older bzr-svn, of course.. looking forward to intrepid.01:52
justizinbut it's been working fine for months, just think this is odd..01:53
justizinfor instance, i bzr mv bin/disable-stuff scripts/disable-stuff01:53
justizinin the repo on my laptop where i'm working, the change is there, i committed, i pushed, and on the server, i ran bzr update..01:53
justizinand i checked everything i could think of.01:53
justizinboth report the same rev #01:53
justizinbut the contents diverge01:54
jmljustizin: so maybe you need to merge one into the other.01:58
justizintried merge, says nothing to do..01:58
justizinonly changes in one branch, atm..01:58
jmlso, what are you trying to do?01:59
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jmlpoolie: ping02:34
justizinjml: i'm trying to see my changes in the parent branch.02:37
justizinbzr says everything is fine, that the tree is up to date, but i'm saying, dude, it's not.02:38
jmljustizin: ok. so you have two branches, you've made changes in one and not in the parent branch?02:39
jmlhow did you tell bzr about those changes? (maybe you could paste a log to http://paste.ubuntu.com?)02:39
justizinthat is correct.  i commit.  i push.  i merge.  i pull.  i checkout.  i update.  no dice.02:39
justizini don't have a log handy, but i did as i normally do.  i understand the concepts of push, pull, merge, working trees and when i push over ssh, the working tree isn't updated..02:40
jmloh ok.02:40
justizinso they report the same rev #, attempts to push or merge say that there is nothing to do, bzr status / diff on my laptop shows no changes uncommitted, and bzr update on the server says also, nothing to do, tree is updated..02:40
justizini guess the next thing to check to be 100% is that a branch off the server has the new changes, though it's tree doesn't..02:41
jmlyeah, that's worth checking02:41
justizinyah a fresh checkout shows the changes..02:43
spivjustizin: what does "bzr revision-info" report?02:43
justizini'd nuke the server copy, but it's a branch of svn and i'm afraid i'll lose heritage02:43
justizin 135 justizin@justin-ryans-macbook-pro-15.local-20080915190426-w8st6jjdasmd24ox02:44
justizinfor both02:44
justizinand that'd be the commit from my laptop.02:44
spivSo, they are exactly the same branch then.02:44
justizinyah, but the working tree on the server is broken, which is my public http browsification02:45
spivjustizin: so you want to update the working tree on the server?02:45
justizinyah and again i understand when i push over ssh that doesn't happen, so i'm on the server and bzr update says the tree is up-to-date, though it's inconsistent with other branches, even the fresh one i just created *from* the branch with the broken wt02:47
spivjustizin: perhaps you want to be using one of these plugins? <https://launchpad.net/bzr-push-and-update> or <https://launchpad.net/bzr-automirror>02:47
justizinspiv: possibly, but again, i'm fine with manually updating the tree for now, it just refuses to update..02:47
spivjustizin: does 'bzr info' in the tree on the server report the branch URL you expect?02:47
justizinwell it's a branch from an svn repo02:48
spivAnd what does "bzr status" say?02:48
justizinone sec..02:48
justizin(info does report as expected btw)02:48
justizinwell as of now it has pending merges from svn, which is a new problem, but the issue i'm talking about with the working tree was pre-existing..02:49
spivSo the working tree has uncommitted changes?02:49
justizinand, fwiw, i am now getting: bzr: ERROR: Revision {('',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0x1558390>".02:49
justizinwell, it does as of about 20 min ago02:50
justizinthe working tree problem is maybe 8-12 hours ol02:50
spivUncommitted changes would explain why the working tree's contents don't match the last revision in the branch.02:50
justizinit doesn't even have uncommitted changes, it's odd.. i reverted the files from the merge earlier and it just says pending merges with no other change info..02:50
justizinno, they can't, because time only moves forwards - check wikipedia. ;)02:50
justizinthe working tree problem is pre-existing02:50
justizinnow of course it's all flubbed up and i take responsibility for that02:51
spivThe revision not present error sounds like a bzr-svn bug.02:51
justizinpossibly, i don't have the latest bzr-svn b/c i'm using ubuntu hardy heron packages..02:51
justizini think i'll just end up creating a new bzr repo and futzing the svn merges on this..02:51
spivSo I don't understand your problem.  If "bzr update" says the branch is up to date, and "bzr status" says no files are changed in the tree, then there are no changes.02:51
justizinyeah, but i am a human and my brain says the files are laid out differently in a fresh branch from here..02:52
spivIs "bzr status" in the fresh branch clean?02:52
justizini moved files from bin/ to scripts/ in my repo, and they are moved on my laptop where i moved them, and they are moved in a fresh branch from the server to a temp location..02:52
justizinthe fresh branch was created during this conversation..02:53
justizinas a means of verifying that the bzr repo had the changes, but the working tree on the server, itself, was broken..02:53
spivSure, we're at the point where there's a wrong assumption somewhere, I think, so you'll have to pardon the dumb questions :)02:53
justizinno it's ok02:53
justizini'm just frustrated and of course i explained some of this to other people over the course of the day02:54
spiv(Hopefully I don't need to question http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow_of_time ;)02:54
justizinand now i hosed the repo for bzr *and* svn so it's all gone to hell and confusing ;d02:54
justizini realized while i was explaining the problem from earlier today that i came back in here for the new missing revision problem, in the same bzr branch / repo.02:54
justizinit's ok, i'm learning.  noone's life support fails if this branch dies, and none of my customers will fire me. :)02:55
justizinand if i wasn't using outdated code, i'd be helping to test bzr and bzr-svn :-P02:55
justizini noticed that bzr can be installed via setuptools now, btw - super rad.02:55
justizinthinking of taking advantage of that for our plone deployment.02:55
justizinso i can distribute a tarball of a buildout that installs bzr and pulls dev code.02:56
spivSo I don't have any idea where your problem is.  If you have two up-to-date working trees at the same revision, and no uncommitted changes (i.e. a clean 'bzr st'), then I don't see any way for them to have different contents in their versioned files.03:00
pooliejml, pong03:00
jmlpoolie: so, with your patch applied to bzr.dev, I can branch stacked branches into shared repos, but not standalone.03:05
jmlpoolie: I get the same error that I pasted yesterday.03:05
pooliethat's good to know03:06
pooliein a way03:06
poolieyou also said you had conflicts?03:06
jmlpoolie: yeah, in remote.py and test_remote.py03:06
spivjml: how recent is your bzr.dev?  (It's probably unlikely, but I'm wondering if revno 3709 might help?)03:07
jmlspiv: 370903:07
jmlthe clash is with the changes in r369503:07
jmlpoolie: so, should I file a separate, critical bug for the AttributeError problem?03:09
pooliethat'd be good, and assign it to me03:11
pooliehello beuno03:17
beunohey poolie03:18
beunohow are you?03:18
jmlpoolie: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/27073803:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270738 in bzr "AttributeError when branching stacked branches" [Critical,New]03:20
mlhthere are a shorter form of 'mkdir bzr; cd bzr; bzr init-repo .' ?03:37
spivmlh: "bzr init-repo bzr ; cd bzr"03:38
mlhI see that sequence mentioned in more than one place and wonder whether just 'bzr init-repo bzr ; cd bzr' might be better03:38
mlhI just read Bueno's link above, and also the bzr hacking guide and they both have that triple in preference03:39
mlhwhereas the double I think is more intuitiev and reliable03:40
spivI prefer the double too.03:41
mlhA bzr newbie might look askance at the amount of typing required just to start a repo03:42
mlhperhaps bzr init-repo somedir used not to work in some older version of bzr?03:42
lifelessjml: poolie will be a minute03:46
lifelessmt,ignore me03:46
* jml ignores.03:46
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abentleypoolie: Want to talk about Launchpad bzr teams?04:20
markhjam: ?04:39
poolieabentley, hi, just saw your mail about them04:45
poolieand also about process - i was hoping someone else might reply04:45
abentleypoolie: Oh well.04:47
poolieso that was a yes, i'm happy to talk about them04:48
abentleyOkay, what do you think about the plan I outlined?04:49
pooliei thought there might be other teams that need to be cleared up04:51
pooliepresumably after the last step you're wanting to leave ~bazaar-overall yourself and rejoin ~bzr?04:51
abentleybazaar-overall is already a member of Loom-developers and the RSS thing.04:52
pooliereassigning people is probably a pita but perhaps a rubber duck will do it04:52
abentleyrubber duck?04:52
pooliea launchpad admin04:53
lifelessno duckie will do this04:53
lifelesspersonally, I'd leave ~bzr where it is and just change owners on the projects that shouldn't be owned by ~bzr04:54
pooliethere is also a ~bzr-developers, do you know how that's supposed to fit in?04:54
abentleypoolie: My original idea was to create a *new* team to be the just-the-bazaar-codebase team.  But then you wanted to make bzr mean that.04:54
poolieso that would not require people to move around, which might be less traumatic04:54
poolielifeless points out we don't necessarily need to move people04:55
pooliethey can join ~bazaar-overall if they want to04:55
abentleybzr-developers was my original "just-bzr" team.04:55
abentleypoolie: I think it would be surprising for members of ~bzr to suddenly stop getting updates about all the various plugins and stuff.04:56
abentleypoolie: i.e. I don't think that moving people to bzr-overall is optional or opt-in.  It would be disruptive not to move them, if we follow that plan.04:57
lifelessabentley: I think its more disruptive to have to move and rename all the branches etc04:59
lifelesswell, let me put my 2c in. I want you to get what you want here05:00
abentleylifeless: Why would we have to move and rename branches?05:00
lifelesspersonally, I will want to end up getting the notifications I get; and I don't want to have to update push urls en-masse (though I'm happy to do so in an adhoc basis subsequent to teams and owners being sorted)05:01
lifelessabentley: there are a bunch of ~bzr owned branches for various plugins05:01
lifelessabentley: if 'bzr' is renamed, their urls will change05:01
abentleylifeless: I didn't think any of our plans involved renaming 'bzr'.05:02
lifelessbeyond that, I'm happy with anything05:02
lifelessabentley: the bzr team I mean05:02
lifeless'~bzr' in lp namespace terms05:02
abentleylifeless: Still, I don't think any of our plans involved renaming ~bzr.05:03
abentleyBut we might well end up changing ownership of a bunch of plugin branches.05:03
abentleySo they would go from ~bzr to ~bazaar-overall or something.05:04
jmlhey guys05:05
abentleyjml: moo05:05
abentleypoolie: So do you have an idea how you want to proceed?05:06
jmlis this a new bug or an old one: 'bzr info -v http://mumak.net/code/stacked' raises an error and 'bzr info -v nosmart+http://mumak.net/code/stacked' does not05:06
poolieabentley, it does seem like making ~bzr-developers own bzr is a smaller change05:07
poolieand then ~bzr will be a member of that05:07
pooliethen you can change your membership but other people won't be affected05:07
jmlthe server is using 1.6.1 from the ppa and I'm using bzr.dev with poolie's patch applied.05:07
pooliepossibly we should rename ~bzr-developers to ~bzr-core-dev or something05:07
abentleypoolie: Sure, whatever you like.05:07
abentleyjml: I don't know whether it's a regression.05:08
pooliecan you see any problems with that?05:08
abentleypoolie: I think the original reason you didn't want to do that was because the PPA locations would change, or something likethat.05:09
poolieso we can't really rename ~bzr or stop using it for the ppa without causing that disruption05:10
pooliein retrospect teams for ppas should be dedicated only to that purpose05:10
pooliebut i think if we do just this it should be ok05:10
poolieso should i do this now?05:10
abentleypoolie: That would be great.05:10
abentleyjml: My bzr.dev is prolly out of date, but info -v does not raise an error on that URL.05:13
markhjelmer: still here?05:13
abentleyjml: I am on revno 3698.05:15
jmlabentley: 3709 personally05:16
mwhudsonabentley: interesting, my bzr.dev is 3702 and does traceback05:16
mwhudsontracebacks after bzr revert -r 3698 too, though05:17
mwhudsoni don't have pycurl installed05:18
abentleyjml: False data.  I had mistyped the URL slightly.05:20
jmllifeless: how can I force urllib?05:20
mwhudsonjml: http+urllib05:21
lifelesshttp+urliib ?05:21
* jml gets the same with urllib05:23
* abentley reminds the crowd that his original statement was wrong; it does traceback for him now.05:23
jmlabentley: I hear you :)05:24
abentleyMy best guess is that the repository isn't getting stacked.05:24
abentleyjml: Do other operations on that URL work?05:26
* abentley is off to bed.05:33
* jml tries some05:33
jmlbranch works05:34
jmlinfo doesn't.05:34
jmlBzrDir.clone probably doesn't05:34
lifelessspiv: have reviewed for you, wasn't happy enough to approve, wasn't unhappy enough to resubmit05:37
lifelessspiv: so I just commented05:39
jmlmwhudson_: welcome back05:40
* mwhudson_ grrs05:40
mwhudson_networkmanager appears to have gone on holiday on my macbook05:40
poolieabentley, ok, bazaar-overall should no longer be necessary05:49
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spivlifeless: that's great, thanks!  I've replied; any thoughts on a better name/location than test_effort?06:36
vilaGoood.. hello guys07:01
markhwhich platforms or distribution methods get the full html versions of the docs?07:08
lifelessspiv: well, I'd have put it in test_remote I think07:25
lifelessspiv: as I expect there will be a number of similar tests and they are all remote-centric AIUI07:26
lifelessmarkh: dunno ? :P07:26
lifelessmarkh: docs.bazaar-vcs.org :P07:26
markhthey are a nice source of pre-generated xhtml versions of each of the help topics I'm trying to work out if I can leverage :)07:27
markhgenerating html at runtime from the 'rst-like' help text in bzrlib doesn't sound like fun07:28
spivlifeless: I expect there will be too, which is why I don't want them in test_remote.07:29
lifelessspiv: I don't understand07:30
lifelessI think I'm hearing 'because these things are related to remote tests and will be similar to each other I don't want them with other remote tests'07:30
spivI don't mind them being "with" other remote tests, I just don't want them in the existing test_remote module.07:31
spivso I'd rather have the new tests in test_remote_SOMETHING, or make a bzrlib/tests/remote/ directory with test_marshalling and test_effort in it, or a solution like that.07:32
spivBecause test_remote is already quite large, and I don't like test modules with a vague purpose like "test everything related to bzrlib/remote.py".07:33
spivDoes that make sense?07:33
lifelessI'd prefer you made remote tests into a package than a concept-related test module, because all our other tests are module/class/method related, not concept.07:35
spivBasically, I see these tests as being in a related but definitely distinct category to the tests in test_remote07:35
lifelesswow my arms are still itchy as hell from the allergy test07:36
spivA package is fine with me, and it sounds like it's ok with you?  If so, I'll do that.07:37
lifelesshang a sec07:38
lifelessok, mailed07:42
lifelesswriting a paragraph helps me think sometimes07:42
lifelessanyhow, bzrlib.tests.per_branch.test_push is where I think it belongs07:43
spivReally?  Interesting.07:43
lifelessthe mail should be there now, read it and lets chat more if it doesn't make sense07:43
spivI was thinking that a per_branch test would be low bang-for-buck, and also significantly more complex, because the RPC count for push could legitimately be different for different formats.07:47
spiv(especially while we still fallback to VFS for various things)07:47
lifelesson the one hand, I think this is too low level anyhow, it really demands to be cmd_push that is tested07:48
spiv(Currently that patch has a test for both cmd_push and for branch_object.push)07:48
lifelesson the other branch, I would set an upper ratchet on a per-branch types, if they are different07:49
lifelessuhm anyhow07:49
lifelessMy key concern is SUT<->TestCode connections07:49
spivYes, that's very important.07:52
lifelessI don't think grouping tests by the fact they test overall effort is useful07:52
lifeless(We don't test all the e.g. constructor method tests together)07:53
spivNo, me either.07:53
lifelessso cmd_push's test should definitely be in blackbox/tests/test_push.py IMO07:53
spiv(Even though it was the way I was leaning initially)07:53
lifelessthe branch.push test I would be happy with either a per_branch, or a specific format test07:53
lifelessdoing per_branch would mean that new formats get <some> coverage by default07:54
spivSee, that's strange to me.  It seems to me that the cmd_push test is as appropriate as a per_branch test as the other one.07:54
spivWell, nearly.07:54
lifelessit is nearly07:55
lifelessthe problem is the tension between the cmd_push code, and the code it calls07:56
spivHaving coverage for new formats is a very good point.  That probably does make a per_branch test worthwhile.07:56
imyojimbohi, i've just installed bzr. and every command i enter in the console outputs a warning "bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version 1.7rc1. There should be a newer version of bzr-svn available."   what do i do07:58
lifelessimyojimbo: have you installed a daily snapshot or something ?07:58
imyojimbothe latest build for Windows07:59
lifelessmarkh: ^08:00
spivlifeless: btw, I see no difference in behaviour in pushing unreconstructable tags with bzr.dev vs. faster-empty-push08:00
lifelessspiv: I know, I was saying that the tags support <-> repository layering etc needs an overhaul08:00
lifelessand it will change the shape of the tuning you are doing08:00
spivI'm not sure what you're telling me.  Are you saying that my change is incorrect, or just that it's likely that someone else will touch this code at sometime soon?08:02
lifelessI think the current code is faulty08:02
lifelessand that your change may make it more faulty08:02
spivAh.  As far as I can tell it's bug-for-bug compatible :)08:03
lifelessfurther, that we may need to probe for revisions routinely when we fix the tag behaviour, to correct previous misbehaviour.08:03
lifelessthe tag stuff doesn't need to block us. Oh, but I have a small metacomment08:04
lifelessimyojimbo: I don't know anything about the windows builds; markh is the dev making them, he can answer your question08:05
lifelessspiv: the metacomment is that 'no-op push' is not the common case. The common case is arguably 'changed tip with tags in branch', so changes that only help special cases but are less clear/useful for plugins etc are not auto-approve from me08:06
imyojimbook, thanks08:06
lifelessspiv: w.r.t. tags, I'd like to this change not assume that no-tags implies no-change-to-remote-tags08:07
lifelessspiv: so either delegate to a helper method subclasses can replace, or something along those lines08:07
spivPushing 0 revisions is not *the* common case, but it's not an uncommon one either.  A push of a branch with no tags is also fairly common I think (certainly all my bzr work falls in that category atm).08:10
spivI definitely wouldn't assume that anything is an auto-approve from you unless it's crystal clear that's improvement in every respect :)08:11
lifelessspiv: sure, I'm not saying 'do not optimise' I'm saying 'for the common case I give clarity/extensibility a lower weighting'08:12
spivAh, I see.  Sure.08:12
spivIn short: I'm glad you reviewed this :)08:13
imyojimboops. i did install the release candidate 1. and not the stable version 1.6.1  should i just unistall and reinstall the stable version?08:15
lifelessimyojimbo: yes, installing 1.6.1 again would probably fix the error08:16
imyojimboshould i uninstall the current version, or just overide it with the new install08:17
mdkehi. I need to revert the last commit done on a branch, what's the proper way to do that? with "revert" or "merge"?08:24
spivlifeless: http://rafb.net/p/1Edrnu30.html <-- change to allow subclasses to vary when tags are pushed by _basic_push08:24
spivmdke: 'bzr uncommit' usually08:25
mdkespiv: that worked. Wow that's simple :)08:26
spivmdke: if you don't want to permanently remove that commit from the branch's history, then 'bzr revert -r 2 && bzr commit'08:26
spiv(Oops, "bzr revert -r -2" is what I meant in that example, not that you care...)08:27
mdkespiv: if I'm working on a bound branch, does "bzr uncommit" fix the serverside branch too?08:27
mdkethanks very much08:28
spivYou can check for yourself with 'bzr log -r -1 URL' :)08:28
lifelessspiv: that looks ok to me08:28
mdkeand the last question.08:28
spivlifeless: thanks08:28
mdkeusers doing "bzr update" from the server branch will automatically get the uncommit too?08:29
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spivmdke: yep08:30
AfC(it'll "update" to whatever the current revision is)08:30
mdkethanks again08:31
lifelessok, I'm out :)08:49
akuehntopfhello...if i do a bzr merge ../bundle.patch the original author is not preserved.. pull did not work, it told me to merge...merge applies cleanly (using cherry-pick). How can i preserve the original author? i'm using bzr 1.6.109:28
akuehntopfis it possible at all?09:28
bob2akuehntopf: it should be preserved09:40
bob2akuehntopf: (as commits underneath your merge commit)09:41
akuehntopfunfortunately not, does it have something to do with "merge" doing cherry-pick?09:42
akuehntopfbecause i couldn't use pull09:43
bob2you commited, and 'bzr log' didn't show the commits indented below the merge?09:43
akuehntopfit showed them, but using my id as the commited09:45
akuehntopfi'm sure i did something wrong, i'm not that familliar with bzr yet09:45
akuehntopfso my steps were as follows:09:45
akuehntopfbzr branch main feature09:46
akuehntopfcd feature09:46
akuehntopfbzr merge ../bundle.patch09:46
akuehntopfbzr commit09:46
akuehntopfcd ../main09:46
akuehntopfbzr merge ../feature09:46
bob2that's how merge works09:46
bob2it creates a new commit, with your user id09:46
akuehntopfand pull?09:46
akuehntopfwould pull have preserved it?09:46
AfCakuehntopf: install bzr-gtk and then try the visualize command with `bzr viz`. You'll get a much better idea of what's going on.09:50
akuehntopfoh hi AfC , long time no see ;-)09:52
akuehntopfi guess i'll try it using a simple demo repository09:52
bob2pull would have just prepended them to the current revisions, yes09:52
pooliespiv, are you still around perchance?10:02
Snaury[work]jelmer: do you have ideas why bzr-svn does not save passwords it's asking for?10:43
jrb_are location now implemented for anything other launchpad. the only thing i could find was a brain dump from 2005. otherwise what is the current status?10:47
jrb_sorry for the missing words in these sentences :(10:47
pooliejrb_, what kind of location?10:51
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* gour is wondering how people auto-generate changelog with bzr11:41
james_wgour: there's a gnulog plugin to output a GNU-style changelog11:47
gourjames_w: ohh, thanks11:47
Pilkyhas anyone else had trouble with the 1.6.1 installer?11:54
Pilkyfor Mac OS X11:54
jelmerSnaury[away]: It doesn't do any password caching because that's up to bzr and svn12:14
Snaury[work]Hmm. But somehow it doesn't. :-/12:15
grutte_pierJust a quick check: if I want to use a smart server over http, I'd have to something like this... right?12:40
grutte_pierbzr revno bzr+http://jakob@www.astro.rug.nl/~jakobb/bzr_repos/repos112:40
mwhudsongrutte_pier: new-ish bzr probes for the smart server by default12:42
grutte_piermwhudson: allright.... but that doesn't make any difference for the traceback I get :P Just to make sure that I'm not filing a bug whilst using the wrong syntax :P12:43
jrb_poolie: the common prefix (or at least the server) of the branches on my own server12:44
jrb_poolie: bzr checkout mine://foo13:08
uwsjelmer: is the performance issue we recently discussed fixed in bzr-svn 0.4.12? at least bzr-svn 0.4.11 had the problem13:34
jelmeruws, yes, that's fixed in 0.4.1213:35
uwsjelmer: Ok, thanks. upgrading13:35
jelmer0.5 will be even more significantly faster13:36
VSpikelatest in a series of daft questions... .bzrignore, should it be added to source control?13:37
uwsjelmer: how?13:39
LarstiQVSpike: if you use 'bzr ignore' instead of touching .bzrignore itself it will add it to version control it self13:39
uwsVSpike: Yes.13:39
LarstiQVSpike: if you made it yourself, then yes13:39
jelmeruws, fewer roundtrips and cache database queries13:39
LarstiQjelmer: and what is the ETA for 0.5? :)13:41
jelmerLarstiQ, "when I find the time" :-P13:41
LarstiQjelmer: ok, so what are the blockers? :P13:42
jelmerbasically, more tests - in particular tests for upgrading between different versions of the mappings13:42
LarstiQjelmer, uws: btw, 4 oktober there is a Python community day at the NLLGG national gettogether in Utrecht13:42
jelmerLarstiQ, ah, thanks13:42
LarstiQ(and 27 november a PUN meeting in Rotterdam)13:43
LarstiQwhich, coincidentally, I still need speakers for ;)13:43
jelmerwhat sort of timeslots do the PUNs have, ~30 min?13:44
LarstiQjelmer: 30 minutes and 5 minutes lightning talks13:45
LarstiQuws: Python Usersgroup Nederland13:45
LarstiQuws: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PUN/13:46
grutte_pierI'd never heard of these... what kind of topics are usually covered during PUNs?13:46
LarstiQgrutte_pier: anything goes13:48
LarstiQgrutte_pier: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BvB28Aug has some of last time13:48
LarstiQgrutte_pier: also, http://vanrees.org/weblog/archive/2008/09/12/python-calculated-coin13:48
jelmerLarstiQ, I'd be interested in giving a talk if the meeting doesn't conflict with anything else in my agenda13:48
LarstiQjelmer: cool13:49
LarstiQgrutte_pier: personally I'd like to get non-web topics, since that's a bit overrepresented imo13:49
LarstiQjelmer: ever run into svn repos that require authentication for reading parts of the repository?14:59
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jelmerLarstiQ, yep15:16
LarstiQjelmer: but you need access to the entire path to determine ancestry, right?15:18
jelmerLarstiQ, yep, at least in 0.415:18
LarstiQjelmer: anything I can do right now? Other than bug the admin.15:18
jelmerLarstiQ, not really15:19
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ajaksuany hints about merging to google code? (to allow svn-pushing there)16:13
ajaksuI get "URL is permanently redirected to None"16:14
ajaksuthen "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: expected string or buffer" :(16:14
LarstiQajaksu: could you pastebin the command you're trying with all the output?16:15
ajaksuLarstiQ: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85422/ :)16:21
awilkinsAnyone using OpenKomodo16:22
awilkins(cause I think I may try it)16:22
LarstiQajaksu: ok16:24
jelmerajaksu, any chance you can try the latest revision from bzr-svn's 0.4 branch?16:24
jelmerthat should give a clearer error16:24
visik7I got this error with bzr-svn ImportError: cannot import name client16:24
visik7any clue ?16:25
LarstiQvisik7: is this 0.4.11 or newer? In that case, did you build it?16:25
ajaksujelmer: sure, let me get it :)16:26
ajaksujelmer: http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4, right?16:28
visik7LarstiQ: newer and yes16:28
jelmerajaksu, yep16:28
rockstarjelmer, before you wrote your own svn bindings, what python library were you using?16:29
visik7LarstiQ: I've opened a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/27095016:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270950 in bzr-svn "ImportError: cannot import name client " [Undecided,New]16:30
jelmerrockstar, python-subversion (provided with subversion itself)16:31
jelmervisik7: Please try running "import client" in a python interpreter16:31
* awilkins testifies that the hand-crafted ones are much better than the standard issue16:31
jelmervisik7, while in ~/.bazaar/plugins/svn16:31
visik7it works16:32
visik7no import exceptions16:32
LarstiQjelmer: have you looked at the new python-subversion bindings?16:32
LarstiQjelmer: ie the ones that didn't get included in svn 1.516:32
jelmervisik7, what about "from bzrlib.plugins.svn import client" ?16:33
jelmerLarstiQ, I helped write those :-)16:33
jelmerLarstiQ, Or do you mean others than the SWIG-based ones?16:33
visik7jelmer: ImportError: No module named bzrlib.plugins.svn16:34
jelmervisik7, and after "from bzrlib.plugin import load_plugins; load_plugins()" ?16:35
visik7jelmer: anywhere or in a specific path ?16:35
jelmervisik7, anywhere16:35
visik7no module, but wait I've no bzrlib system wide installed, (but some versions ago it worked smoothly)16:36
LarstiQjelmer: other than the SWIG-based ones, afaik16:37
LarstiQjelmer: a Dutch hg dev told me their current svn effort is going smoothly based on those newer bindings16:37
visik7jelmer:  python -c "from bzrlib.plugin import load_plugins; load_plugins()"16:37
visik7No handlers could be found for logger "bzr"16:37
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jelmerLarstiQ, there's nothing upstream yet16:38
jelmerLarstiQ, perhaps in a separate branch16:38
LarstiQjelmer: hmmm16:39
visik7any clue jelmer  ?16:41
jelmervisik7, what version of bzr-svn?16:42
visik7jelmer: trunk16:42
jelmervisik7, no, sorry16:44
visik7nevermind I'll wait16:44
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ajaksujelmer: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85427/17:03
jelmerajaksu, please file a bug about that17:04
jelmerajaksu, you should be able to use svn+https://ajaksu:sa6fQ8MY2cP8@ccoverage.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ for now as workaround17:04
LarstiQajaksu: could you try without pycurl?17:04
ajaksudamn it, i didn't erase  my temp pass :D17:04
LarstiQjelmer: would https+urllib:// get to svn as well?17:05
jelmerLarstiQ, nope, that will try just urllib, nothing else17:05
jelmerI think17:05
LarstiQjelmer: the rewind thing is something some people ran into yesterday too, without svn too17:06
LarstiQbug 241689 or so?17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241689 in awn "awm blocks mouseaccess to windows/trays beside and directly above it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24168917:06
LarstiQhmm no :)17:06
* LarstiQ goes home17:06
ajaksuhow do I explicit a base in a merge command?17:12
jelmerajaksu, bzr merge -rBASE..OTHER17:20
ajaksujelmer: wrong question, then... I'm trying to push my bzr branch to svn and it says 'branches have no common ancestor and no merge base  revision was specified', but with your suggestions it tries to merge 2 svn revisions instead :/17:24
jelmerajaksu, the location you're pushing to can't exist in svn yet if the two branches have no common ancestry17:25
ajaksushould I 'svn commit' a copy of bzr rev 1 there?17:26
jelmerajaksu, no, you need to remove the branch you'd like to push to before running "bzr svn-push"17:26
ajaksuadded a subdir to /trunk and it seems to be thinking... IT WORKS! Thank you, thank you very much jelmer! :)17:29
ajaksusweet, great, thanks! :)17:30
imyojimbohi... i am reading bzr manual, and i just have to say im really enjoying it. bzr is a great tool.17:46
imyojimbogreat jon guys17:47
jelmerimyojimbo, thanks!17:52
jfroy|workHello! Is this the right place to ask about bzr-svn?19:09
LarstiQjfroy|work: sure19:09
jfroy|workI was just wondering if there was a way to improve or cache http authentication credentials to avoid having to type a password a large number of times. I'm on Mac OS X, and so I would have expected the system keychain to be used.19:10
LarstiQjfroy|work: there are other places you could try depending on what you're looking for (say, bugreports), but bzr-svn is on topic here :)19:10
LarstiQjfroy|work: I believe that is more of a core bzr issue19:11
jfroy|workI had a look around, and it seems to be a svn python binding issue, since bzr-svn seems to be importing a binary module of svn authentication methods.19:11
LarstiQah, what version of bzr-svn are you using?19:12
jfroy|work0.4.12 on bzr 1.6.119:12
jfroy|workUsing the system's interpreter19:12
LarstiQjfroy|work: hmm, I was under the impression that version didn't use the python-subversion bindings19:12
LarstiQjfroy|work: to be clear we're speaking about the same thing, does it ask you for credentials a great number of times _per operation_?19:13
LarstiQSay, doing a bzr branch and having to enter it once per revision.19:13
jfroy|worka checkout or commit asks me for my credentials 3 times19:14
LarstiQjfroy|work: or do you mean you'd like to cache it across invocations of bzr?19:14
LarstiQjelmer: still around?19:14
jfroy|workCorrect, across invocations. That is, I'd like it to never ask me for credentials.19:14
LarstiQjfroy|work: ok, that's not a bzr-svn specific issue then.19:14
LarstiQjfroy|work: I believe vila has done some work on that, but I don't think it was with the OS X keychain, although he does use OS X.19:15
jfroy|workSubversion has stored them in my account's keychain, and uses that information when invoked directly.19:15
LarstiQjfroy|work: right, I see.19:15
LarstiQjfroy|work: so if bzr had support for Keychain, you'd be happy?19:15
jfroy|workThe weird thing is line 156 of the auth module in the bzr-svn plugin:19:16
jfroy|work    if getattr(ra, 'get_keychain_simple_provider', None):19:16
jfroy|work        providers.append(ra.get_keychain_simple_provider())19:16
jfroy|workSeems to be it should be working, but isn't19:16
jfroy|workIt would definitely be useful for deploying bzr around some more :)19:16
LarstiQjfroy|work: agreed :)19:16
jfroy|workSharing repositories with bzr is usually done through SSH, so SSH keypairs work fine, but svn is quite often shared over http[s]19:17
* LarstiQ nods19:17
LarstiQjfroy|work: I don't know the bzr-svn code in that detail, and jelmer doesn't seem to be around19:17
jfroy|workI'm just not clear on who provides credentials to bzr-svn: bzr or the svn libraries (invoked by bzr-svn).19:17
jfroy|workI'll troll around until he shows up :p19:18
LarstiQjfroy|work: afaik, unless maybe you're interacting with an svn checkout, it would be bzr.19:18
LarstiQheh :)19:18
LarstiQjfroy|work: you could also aks a question on https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-svn, or file a bug, depending on the level of certainty you have about things supposed to be working and not doing so.19:19
jfroy|workI'll probably take the time to dig into this next weekend. It itches :p19:19
LarstiQjfroy|work: for bzr and Keychain, I'm not sure what the right approach is there nowadays19:19
LarstiQjfroy|work: cool :)19:19
jfroy|workAh, well for that, a plugin might do the trick, if plugins can pipe into the authentication mechanism. I honestly don't think there's a need for it.19:20
jfroy|workssh-agent on OS X stores key credentials in the keychain already :p19:20
LarstiQjfroy|work: plugins can do almost anything19:20
LarstiQjfroy|work: fair enough :)19:20
jfroy|workand http is only ever used for read-only public branches, as far as I know19:21
jfroy|workAt least in my experience19:21
LarstiQwell, I wouldn't mind having more of that infrastructure for dealing with svn branches as well19:22
LarstiQjfroy|work: heh, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/26091919:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260919 in bzr "Ability to register new auth providers" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:22
jfroy|workSuch a cute bot :)19:23
LarstiQvila: could others help you with .netrc?19:23
LarstiQjfroy|work: I'm going off to have some dinner19:25
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vilaLarstiQ: sure, patches welcome :D20:29
vilaI always saw .netrc as a first simple step before addressing gnome-keyring or OS X key chain20:30
bpierrewhat is the state of subtrees support in bazaar?20:39
beunobpierre, LarstiQ is the last person to work on it20:39
beunowe may trick him into working on it again20:39
beunobut he's getting smarter20:39
abadger1999Quick shared repository question:20:40
bpierrebeuno: subtrees need a specific repository format, right?20:40
abadger1999Is there any drawback to putting a shared repository at the toplevel of multiple (possibly many) unrelated branches?20:40
beunobpierre, I don't recall the implementation details. I'm not sure they do20:41
beunoabadger1999, maybe performance, but I think it's not too bad20:41
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bpierrehelp formats lists development-subtree and 1.6.1-rich-root20:41
beunohuh, look at that20:42
beunoyou could wait for LarstiQ to finish his dinner20:42
abadger1999beuno: Thanks!  I'm writing a plugin for a project that checks out source for many different projects to submit translations.20:42
beunoor send a mail to the list20:42
bpierrethe docs on the site are not really up to date, but I got the impression that rich-root was a prerequisite for subtrees...20:42
abadger1999Just trying to decide if shared repo @ toplevel or shared repo @ project level makes more sense.20:43
beunoah, I see20:43
beunoI'd go for a per-project20:43
beunowhere they're more likely to share revisions20:43
abadger1999Thanks again!20:46
LarstiQbpierre: yes20:48
LarstiQvila: anything in specific?20:48
bpierreLarstiQ: ok, so is it somewhat working? can I switch to 1.6.1-rich-root to do some tests?20:49
LarstiQbpierre: if you want you can try out https://code.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzr/nested-trees20:51
LarstiQbpierre: I haven't touched it in a while, but the basics should work20:51
LarstiQbpierre: how interested are you in this?20:51
LarstiQbpierre: I wouldn't mind some people reporting results :)20:52
bpierrewell, I'm evaluating bazaar and subversion for work20:52
bpierreas our new VCS20:52
bpierrewe use clearcase now20:52
bpierrewith UCM20:53
* LarstiQ has no clearcase experience20:53
bpierreand there are 2 uses cases20:53
bpierrewell, clearcase has support for components20:53
LarstiQbpierre: go on :)20:54
bpierreok, so you can have different part of the tree, like a component for the driver20:55
bpierreone for the applications/ui20:55
bpierreone for the engine20:55
bpierreand then, what you can do when you create a new project, is seed it with components from different projects20:56
bpierreso you take the drivers for one platform, the apps for another product20:56
LarstiQok. Do further commits then get fed back to the originating project?20:56
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bpierreyes, or just keep doing your own thing, with the ability to rebase to get changes from upstream20:57
bpierrethat's one use case20:57
bpierrethe other I'm concerned, is vendor branches20:57
bpierreLarstiQ: still here?21:02
timelessi'm a clueless and very frustrated something21:05
timelessimagine i have a directory x/ with x/.bzr/branch/branch.conf with bound_location = something and bound = True21:05
timelessbut there are no files or directories in x/ other than .bzr/21:05
LarstiQbpierre: yes, real life intervened for a moment21:05
timelesshow do i get bzr to put all the files back that are managed by bzr?21:05
timelesssomething like a cvs up or hg up or svn up21:06
jamtimeless: bzr co21:06
LarstiQtimeless: there is a bzr up, but your situation sounds like bzr co21:06
timeless[timeless@konigsberg bugzilla]$ bzr checkout21:06
timelessbzr: ERROR: File exists: u'/data/mxr-data/bugzillamozilla-bzr/bugzilla/.bzr': [Errno 17] File exists: '/data/mxr-data/bugzillamozilla-bzr/bugzilla/.bzr'21:06
jamtimeless: what does "bzr status" give?21:07
timeless(yes, i already tried both bzr co and bzr checkout, and a couple of others)21:07
jamand what --version?21:07
timelessBazaar (bzr) 1.6.121:07
timelessstatus gives me lots of stuff21:07
LarstiQbpierre: how do you use components with vendor branches?21:07
timelessit says that all the files are removed21:07
timelessand that there are Text and Contents conflicts for most of the files21:08
timelessand there are "pending merges"21:08
timelessand i have a headache21:08
LarstiQbpierre: the classic cvs vendor branches you'd just do with branches in bzr.21:08
LarstiQtimeless: bzr revert perhaps?21:08
jamtimeless: bzr revert21:08
LarstiQbpierre: ah hmm, you meant a usecase for bzr nested trees?21:09
bpierremaybe I'm not using the right terminology: you have a thirparty provided driver, libraries and/or sources and header21:09
LarstiQbpierre: right21:09
bpierreyou want to be able to integrate it in the tree21:09
timelessso... my goal is to have a box which makes 0 changes to the contents which it gets from an 'upstream'21:09
LarstiQaah, ok21:09
bpierrefix, change some things21:09
bpierreand still track the original vendor versions21:09
timelessall i want to do is update periodically and have exactly what would be tip on the upstream bzr21:09
LarstiQbpierre: yeah, the fixing or changing some things aren't special, your wanting to integrate it in the tree is where subtrees could come in.21:10
bpierreto do a tree way merge when you get a new version21:10
timelessi'm using bzr update to do that21:10
timelessshould that work?21:10
bpierreI guess once you can do that, you can mimic clearcase components21:10
LarstiQtimeless: yes21:10
timelesslarstiq: ok. so it clearly didn't :)21:11
LarstiQtimeless: although in that case a checkout doesn't give you any benefits over a normal branch21:11
timelesslarstiq: i want something simple21:11
timeless"set it and forget it"21:11
LarstiQtimeless: 'bzr get upstream; bzr pull; bzr pull; etc'21:11
bpierreexcept, once thing clearcase does, is when you make a baseline, which is like a tag, you both get a global tag, for the whole project, and one for each component21:12
LarstiQtimeless: as long as you make no changes to the tree, that will do it just fine. If you do make changes, you might need to throw in a `bzr revert` from time to time.21:12
bpierrewhich then can be used by another project to update/merge only some components to/with your version21:13
gar1tI have a workflow related question, which comes out of my use of git (am giving bzr a try)21:13
gar1tI tend to use git for (among other things) creating local branches to organize my work in chunks that can be applied as single commits to the trunk/mainline. This is a common enough pattern.21:14
LarstiQbpierre: that's basically tagging each component with the same tag in one go?21:14
LarstiQgar1t: right21:14
gar1tI'm scratching my head though with bzr. It looks like bzr wants to create new directories for every branch. I need/want to keep everything in a single working directory.21:14
gar1tSo, the workflow would look like this...21:15
nDuffgar1t, why don't you keep your working directory and repo directory separate?21:15
nDuffgar1t, that way your repo gets new subdirectories as you start new branches, but the working tree just switches between them.21:15
LarstiQgar1t: branches live in their own directories, but you can switch your working tree between them with `bzr switch`21:15
gar1tthe repo is a shared repo on a server21:16
bpierreLarstiQ: yeah21:16
LarstiQgar1t: and if you use a shared repository without trees `bzr init-repo --no-trees`, the branches won't have working trees themselves.21:16
gar1tI want to create "throw away" branches locally and use them for merges.21:16
gar1tI created the shared repo (on the server) with the --no-trees option.21:17
LarstiQgar1t: but you don't have a shared repo locally, yet?21:17
gar1thmmm...not sure21:17
gar1tI create a repo locally using bzr branch URL21:17
gar1tdid I miss a local init-repo along the way?21:18
LarstiQgar1t: `bzr branch/get` primarily creates a branch, not a repository21:18
nDuffgar1t, if you want more than one local branch at a time, it's probably not a bad idea to have a local repo to keep them in.21:18
timelessok, thanks. i've switched to pull... i'll be back when that breaks :)21:19
gar1tso init-repo first and then branch into that?21:19
nDuffgar1t, ...presuming that just having multiple separately-checked-out working trees doesn't work for you.21:19
LarstiQgar1t: yup21:19
nDuffgar1t, *nod*; that way you get the storage efficiency of shared repos.21:19
gar1tyeah -- I'm trying to make branches as incredibly cheap as possible -- creating new directories doesn't really work for this workflow21:20
strkuse case: regression found, need to figure when introduced21:20
strk$ bzr revno; bzr revert -r -10; bzr revno # revno always returns same revision... is there a better practice ?21:21
LarstiQgar1t: see 5.5.3 at http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#reusing-a-checkout21:21
LarstiQgar1t: ok, you really want a --no-trees for that init-repo then :)21:22
LarstiQstrk: bzr bisect, see http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins21:22
gar1tLarstiQ: yeah, looked at that for some time today :)21:22
strkLarstiQ: sound interesting, but that page points to no code21:23
strkhttp://bzr.licquia.org/bzr-bisect/ <--- empty dir21:23
LarstiQgar1t: so a fundamental difference between git and bzr is that in bzr branches are directly addressable (by url)21:23
LarstiQstrk: bzr branch http://bzr.licquia.org/bzr-bisect/ :)21:23
LarstiQstrk: I don't know if that is the most recent version, I haven't followed it, but I've used it in the past21:24
strkbzr branch http://bzr.licquia.org/bzr-bisect/trunk21:24
gar1tLarstiQ: use the --no-trees on the local repo as well?21:24
LarstiQgar1t: yup21:24
LarstiQgar1t: that does mean that you'll have seperate directories for each branch, but you don't have to have a working tree for each21:24
strkno readme..21:25
strkhow to install ?21:25
LarstiQstrk: it should be installed as a plugin21:25
strkthere's meta.py, setup.py and tests.py21:25
LarstiQstrk: so, have it end up as ~/.bazaar/plugins/bisect/21:25
strkand __init__.py21:25
LarstiQstrk: then, you have `bzr help bisect`21:25
strkah, the whole dir ?21:25
LarstiQstrk: yes21:25
LarstiQgar1t: the documentation mentions 'bzr switch path/to/branch', but iirc 'bzr switch <foo>' where foo is a sibling of the current branch you're bound to also works21:26
LarstiQgar1t: so that would become 'bzr switch X-1.0' instead of 'bzr switch ../X-1.0'21:26
bpierremmm, on the subject on bisect, you can't really change the revision of you working tree right? like go back? I used bisect and I was under the impression it was doing the equivalent of `revert -r rev`21:27
bpierreso if you do a status, you seed the diff between rev and the head of the branch, right?21:27
fullermdbpierre: Yes.  And revert's a straight blat, it won't do any change merging like an update -r should.21:28
strkis there a way to know what revno you end up with after a revert ? (or bisect, which I guess uses revert underneat)21:29
bpierrethat's something I kinda liked with monotone21:30
LarstiQstrk: revert changes the filecontents to the revision you specified.21:30
LarstiQstrk: bisect has a bit more of documentation21:31
LarstiQstrk: you set a begin and start revision, and then it does a binary bisect between those21:31
LarstiQstrk: and depending on your answers, it chooses which branch to continue in21:31
awilkinsbisect rocks, even when it discovers that I caused the bug ;-)21:31
LarstiQOdd_Bloke: what happened to your bisect changes?21:31
Odd_BlokeLarstiQ: I expect they're on LP.21:32
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fullermdbpierre: Well, as bug 45719 says, it's something to kinda like about...   well, everything but bzr   :p21:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45719 in bzr "update command cannot take a revision number" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4571921:32
Odd_BlokeI think it got awkward enough to polish them off that I kind of tailed off.21:32
LarstiQOdd_Bloke: aaah :)21:32
* LarstiQ badges Odd_Bloke to pick it up again21:32
* fullermd pets ubottu.21:33
LarstiQbpierre: config-manager is an older solution to the nested-trees problem21:33
bpierrewhat does it do?21:34
strkI'm not sure I understand how bisect works. I know head has the bug (revno 9760) and I manually tested revno 9600 doesn't have the bug21:34
strkhow do I proceed ?21:34
bpierreagain, not a lot of documentation!21:34
strk(9760) bzr bisect start21:35
strkbzr bisect no -r 9600 ?21:35
LarstiQbpierre: maintain configs for checking out multiple trees21:35
LarstiQbpierre: for the nested-trees branch on launchpad, it's basically: 'bzr branch other/branch subtree; bzr add subtree; bzr ci'21:36
bpierreok, so you can commit transparently across trees?21:37
LarstiQbpierre: that's the idea, yes21:37
bpierrewhat happen if another project include a derived tree? can you cherry pick?21:37
LarstiQbpierre: there are still some buggy corner cases if you `bzr mv` across subtree boundaries21:37
bpierrecan you push only a subtree?21:37
LarstiQbpierre: yes21:38
LarstiQbpierre: if you do a commit in the containing tree, it will recurse into subtrees, do it's stuff there, and then record the subtree state in the containing tree21:38
LarstiQbpierre: so the contained ones can still be worked upon by themselves21:39
LarstiQunless my brain is very rusty21:39
bpierreso, I can have a repository r1 with a branch, say my main vendor branch, include it in my tree (and repository) push only the subtree to another branch in r1 for other project to cherry pick/merge?21:39
LarstiQbpierre: so, this code is rather old, I _think_ the basics work, but you might run into some rough patches. Would you be willing to try it out and work with me getting it fixed up?21:39
bpierresure, I was in the process of setting up a small test project21:40
LarstiQbpierre: I think we might have different terminology on cherry picking21:40
bpierremerge only a particular revision?21:40
LarstiQbpierre: if you mean, can I get just the changes in the subtree in my other project, then yes21:40
bpierrenot a full blown merge21:41
LarstiQbpierre: subtrees are their own seperate branches21:41
bpierreand tags are dupplicated too?21:41
LarstiQbpierre: so there are no non-subtree revisions in the subtree you'd want to not-merge21:41
LarstiQbpierre: now tags is a good question21:41
LarstiQbpierre: I'd assume so, but I'd have to check21:42
bpierreI'm in France, going to go to bed, but if you want me to do some tests tomorrow evening, I'm available21:43
LarstiQbpierre: cool, I'm in The Netherlands21:43
LarstiQbpierre: I'll be busy training most of the evening probably, but we'll see21:44
LarstiQbpierre: my client is always here, and I respond to backlog21:44
bpierresame goes if someone want to check a possible fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/269456 :D21:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269456 in bzr "checkout operation consume too much resources" [High,Triaged]21:44
bpierreok, won't be at home this week-end, but other than that, happy to do some testing on the week-end21:45
LarstiQbpierre: sweet21:45
gar1tLarstiQ: after some navel staring, I think I understand21:45
LarstiQbpierre: that also gives me a bit more time to get back into the code ;)21:45
* LarstiQ looks up what navel staring means21:48
gar1tLarstiQ: when pushing back to the central server -- is it better (for whatever reason) to push from the local repo, or can I push from the local working branch?21:48
LarstiQgar1t: ah :)21:48
gar1tLarstiQ: lol, not sure if wikipedia covers that one ;)21:48
* LarstiQ found an article under 'wisegeek.com' fwiw21:49
LarstiQgar1t: I don't use that workflow myself, but afaik if you have your push location set in your branch, doing a push from your working tree will use that location and do the right thing21:50
gar1tthat's a very good explanation21:50
LarstiQit certainly would be the behaviour I expect.21:50
gar1tLarstiQ: seems to work fine either way21:53
gar1tthanks for the explanation -- that cleared up some things for me21:53
LarstiQgar1t: glad to be of help21:53
Odd_Blokehttps://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/bzr-bisect/automated is my bisect work.22:10
Odd_BlokeTesting and bug reports would be appreciated.22:10
* LarstiQ adds it to his todo list for tomorrow22:16
johanis it possible to run a shell script as a post_commit hook for a bzr branch?22:18
gar1tsry - wrong window :(22:20
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lifelessjohan: yes, via jelmers shell-script-hooks plugin, or via a python plugin that looks for a shell script and runs it22:24
johanlifeless: okay, so no upstream support atm. Is that planned for the future?22:25
lifelessjohan: for some value of planned22:25
johanlifeless: it would make sense, since not all users of bzr knows how to program python22:25
lifelesswe had a long debate; I'm happy with us supporting them as long as their presence does not reduce the clarity of interface of the python hooks22:26
lifelessor try to make things equal, when obviously shell scripts are going to be slower and more limited because they can't access already present objects22:26
lifelessjohan: well, not all users of bzr know how to program shell either22:27
lifelessjohan: for instance, on windows, vbscript is probably a better common language22:27
lifelessanyhow, as I say: there is [at least] one plugin that enables this, I don't think it needs to be in core to be considered available22:28
lifelessjohan: is there a particular reason you want this?22:30
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imyojimbohi, say,  what kind off diff tool do you use?22:34
cody-somervilleimyojimbo, I use diff myself22:42
lifelessimyojimbo: I don't use an external tool22:43
lifelessimyojimbo: some folk like meld22:43
lifelessimyojimbo: some folk on windows use commercial tools, I don't remember the name, but bzr can be configured to call out to them22:43
lifelessgarh I hate wiki advertising23:02
lifelessnote the reason it turns up on google under 'oprofile python'23:02
Kittenslifeless, adblock plus :)23:03
* Verterok wonders if he found a bug or a feature23:03
lifelessKittens: how would that help ?23:03
Kittenslifeless, get rid of the wiki ads23:04
lifelessKittens: I'm going to guess you are assuming a bunch of things by what I meant and haven't looked at the wiki page in question at all.23:04
Verterokwhile committing a merge, if all touched files are specified to commit it's rejected23:04
Kittensfine fine if i must click23:04
lifelessKittens: if you *are* assuming, please don't :>23:04
Verterokit's that behaviour ok?23:04
Kittenslifeless, i assume a lot :p23:05
lifelessVerterok: committed a merge, no parameters should be passed23:05
Kittensit's one of my "features"23:05
lifelessVerterok: sorry, I mean, 'committing' and 'no sub paths'23:05
lifelessKittens: np23:05
beunolifeless, but does it make sense to reject a commit if all changed files in the merge are being specified?23:06
Verteroklifeless: thanks, but if I pass all the "changed/touched" files as prameters?23:06
beunohiya poolie23:06
pooliehello beuno23:06
pooliehello jam23:06
lifelessVerterok: beuno: its a performance question. Can we tell there are no other altered or merged files without making commit slower by doing so.23:06
lifelesscurrently, the answer is 'no'. I'm not sure that in theory it can be made 'yes'.23:07
beunoso it's a performance tradeoff?23:07
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Verteroklifeless: thanks for the explanation23:07
lifelessanyhow, I think the real bug is that we haven't implemented the necessary graph sophistication to support cherrypicks in all their beauty - partial graph references including references to partial merges23:08
* Verterok starts fixing bzr-eclipse commit when a merge is pending :(23:08
lifelessin a philosophical sense, 'all modified from the merge' could be a set larger than that shown by 'diff' or 'status' due to per file graph joining23:08
* beuno blinks23:09
* Verterok too23:09
lifelessso while I can agree in principle 'if all the changed files are specified', I don't think eclipse would actually be listing 'all the changed files', and once we do proper cherrypick merge support, I'm quite positive it wouldn't do what you want it too23:09
Verteroklifeless: the particular problem I'm having in bzr-eclipse, is that when the commit dialog is opened, it shows all the modified files (in a table with checkbox)23:11
Verterokby default, bzr-eclipse use the selected files in the commit command23:11
Verterokso, I need to check if there is a pending merge, and don't allow the user to select/unselect the files, and also avoid using the file list in the commit23:13
lifelessVerterok: yes, I think that makes sense23:15
Verterokit's just that I missed this restriction while committing a merge23:15
lifelessVerterok: and/also I suggest that if everything is selected, you don't pass in a file list anyhow, its simpler23:16
Verteroklifeless: sure, that makes sense :)23:16
lifelesslooking further23:17
lifelessI think it would be nice to allow commits to be edited after-creation before completion. [handwaving] build the full commit and inventory and have an object listing all the items changed, with a method to exclude an item. So call that, it removes it from the commit and puts it back to the parent (not doable in merge commits for now)23:18
lifelessyou could receive this object over the xmlrpc service23:19
lifelessand edit it in the window live23:19
lifelessthen when you supply the commit message, the final inventory is written, the revision added and its done23:19
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lifelessVerterok: ^23:22
* Verterok blinks23:23
Verteroklifeless: I need think about this a bit :)23:25
Verterok(actually understand it :p )23:25
lifelessVerterok: sure :P23:27
Verteroklifeless: that's a nice idea.23:40
Verteroklifeless: currently the xmlrpc service don't allow this kind of interaction between client-server23:41
Verterokbut it's a nice feature to add :)23:41
beunomwhudson, amanica has a few questions with your name written all over them23:43
beuno"integrating loggerhead into gforge"23:44
beuno"...and why paths suck"23:44
mwhudsonbeuno: oh?23:47
mwhudsonamanica: i'm here now23:47
amanicaI'm writing a plugin to gforge which uses loggerhead to browse the branches23:48
amanicabut  at one place I can obtain the path to a file which includes the branch, repo or other dirs23:49
amanicaso I have two ideas:23:49
amanica1) in stead of  ->
amanica2)  in stead of  ->
amanicai.e. in gforge I dont know how to split the path into a branch part and a reletive to branch part23:50
mwhudsonamanica: you don't want to have the head: in there?23:50
amanicaI dont mind the head part so long as it is not in the middle of the url23:51
mwhudsoni don't know a good answer to this, really23:51
amanicaI dont mind hacking on this, but I dont want to go into my own little fork23:52
mwhudsonin some ways, i'd be fine with being the annotate view23:52
mwhudsonbut then how do you get to the changes view?23:52
mwhudsonyou could do23:52
mwhudsonin some ways, i'd be fine with
mwhudsonand then hope noone calls a file '+changes' ....23:52
mwhudsoni think using query args for this is kinda gross23:53
mwhudsonbut it would work, i guess23:53
amanicagross, why?23:53
mwhudsonwell, i guess because it's a fundamentally different resource23:53
* Odd_Bloke thinks /+changes is nicer that ?changes.23:54
amanicaor maybe just a different view to the same resource23:54
amanicaI think using query args will be a lot cleaner23:55
mwhudsonthe thing is, in bazaar the branches are the most important thing23:55
mwhudsonthen the revisions23:55
mwhudsonthen the content of the revisions23:55
mwhudson(at least imho)23:55
amanicaand we dont have to worry about accedental conflicts23:56
amanicaas I said, 2) may be an acceptable workaround with the least impact (I think)23:58
mwhudsonit still offends my sense of style, i'm afraid23:59
amanicaI still think it will be cool to go staight to  and the file contents pop up23:59

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