
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 27070400:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270704 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] powerdevil" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27070400:23
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: Is it preferred to open a seperate bug for the FFe request or use the needs-packaging one?00:23
JontheEchidnabdmurray: so bug 228510 can be moved to update-manager?00:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228510 in adept "Upgrade Tool Crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22851000:51
bdmurrayJontheEchidna: I'm not certain I was - ERROR not handled expection in KDE frontend: - in the log.  But that might just be the KDE frontend of update-manager.00:54
JontheEchidnabdmurray: grepping update-manager source I get:00:59
JontheEchidna logging.error("not handled exception in KDE frontend:\n%s" % "\n".join(lines))00:59
JontheEchidnain the file DistUpgrade/DistUpgradeViewKDE.py00:59
bdmurrayJontheEchidna: cool, I'll flip it back then00:59
JontheEchidnahopefully this should become less confusing in Intrepid, since Adept plays no part whatsoever in dist-upgrading this time01:00
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Using the needs-packaging one is fine.01:45
apacheloggerOk, thanks.01:45
rgreeningRiddell: around?02:18
rgreeningheya ScottK. No prob with my scim fix after?02:18
ScottKrgreening: I uploaded it.  There was something minor.  Let me think ...02:30
ScottK-laptoprgreening: No, no problems.  It was just the maintainer change.02:31
goatsocksyay, new release of vlc has qt4 ui: http://download2.videolan.org/vlc/screenshots/0.9.2/screenshot-kde4.jpg02:34
rgreening_stupid net dropping02:39
jjesseJontheEchidna: you around?02:55
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Just in case you didn't get it: [21:32] <ScottK-laptop> rgreening: No, no problems.  It was just the maintainer change.03:16
rgreening_lol. ya. :)03:17
ScottK-laptopOK.  What with the dropping in and out, I wasn't sure.03:18
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.03:18
rgreening_np. for some reson ,my wireless drooped03:18
rgreening_ya. ben wanting to help out03:18
rgreening_I was developing for Gentoo a while back...03:19
rgreening_making the switch from ebuild to debuild is not as bad as I thought.03:19
rgreening_still a few things to pick up on03:19
ScottK-laptopIMO there's a lifetime of stuff to pick up on, but maybe I'm just slow.03:20
rgreening_I am looking for a few small projects to work on. So, if anyone has more, pass them on03:20
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: What sort of projects?03:20
rgreening_Anything I can help with for Intrepid/KDE403:22
ScottK-laptopOK.  Hmmm.03:22
ScottK-laptopNCommander: kde4bindings uploaded. Thank you.03:22
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Are you running Intrepid?03:23
rgreening_up to dat03:23
ScottK-laptopI guess the first thing I would suggest is to look at any bugs that are bothering you and see if you can scratch that itch.03:24
rgreening_will do. If anything comes immediately to mind though... like fixing patches or whatever, feel free to fire some my way.03:26
ScottK-laptopSure.  I don't have anything KDE4 specific right now.03:26
rgreening_I'm hoping to get more involved. kk03:26
ScottK-laptopOne more general thing that needs doing is to update the amule package.  Interested in looking into that?  It'll need a freeze exception.03:27
rgreening_Riddell asked me to look at 3 things. 2/3 completed now. so once the 3rd is done, I'll need something else03:27
rgreening_ScottK: when will the update scim package show up?03:27
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: It's built and accepted on all archs.  Just a question of mirror lag: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/scim-bridge/0.4.14-2ubuntu103:30
rgreening_ah. kk03:32
rgreening_yeah. I was pretty happy with the fix.03:33
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Next step would be to ask yourself if you think the patch would be useful for Debian?03:33
rgreening_possibly. Does debian use the same apt-get missing package check? I.e., if you type a command and the program is not installed, it will tell you how to install it? If yes, then sure, it may be useful.03:34
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: No, they don't have command-not-found.03:34
rgreening_then, maybe not. They may use the other patch, with the popen (ugly) hack which already exists.03:35
rgreening_popen would not work for us with the command not found program installed. So, my patch was actually smaller and cleaner03:36
ScottK-laptopOK.  Generally once we fix something in Ubuntu, if it's be useful to Debian, then next thing is to send them the patch in their BTS.03:36
rgreening_yeah. did that for the gtk one the other day. I wasn't sure if this one was relevant. I may look into their src and see what they have.03:37
ScottK-laptopBefore this patch their source and our's were the same.03:37
rgreening_ok. hmm.. maybe it would be just find then. I'll open a bug and send the details up along03:38
ScottK-laptopGood.  It's in our interest to minimize the Debian/Ubuntu differences.03:38
rgreening_4 sure03:39
rgreening_ScottK: debian BTS submitted for scim-bridge03:56
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Great.  Thanks.04:03
ScottK-laptopstdin: Do you have a fix for Bug 230904?  It does seem to be giving some people trouble in Hardy.05:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230904 in webkit "package libqtwebkit-dev broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23090405:03
stdinScottK-laptop: I'd probably suggest having libqt4-dev conflict/replace libqtwebkit-dev05:05
ScottK-laptopstdin: Is this going to be a problem on upgrades too or just in backports?05:06
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: If you still want something to do, this bug needs doing^^^^05:08
stdinhmm, the backported libqt4-dev already has a conflict/replaces on it05:08
ScottK-laptopstdin: There's currently a guy in #ubuntu-motu with this problem.  Perhaps you could discuss it with him and see what's up then.05:09
stdinScottK-laptop: I think it's probably because libqtwebkit-dev depends on libqt4-dev05:11
stdinpeople who have it installed will probably get a normal upgrade, but people trying to install it now (with -backports enabled) will get a fail05:12
ScottK-laptopAh, so remove libqtwebkit-dev and then upgrade libqt4-dev if needed.05:13
ScottK-laptopIn that case, I'm not sure it can get any more fixed.05:17
ScottK-laptoprgreening_: Maybe not.05:17
rgreening_yeah. I had a look. I am inclined to agree. It's not 'really' a bug. More of an inconvenience.05:18
Lex79ScottK-laptop: debian/watch for this http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=86628&id=1&tan=16646170 ?06:02
Lex79this http://www.kde-look.org/content/download.php?content=86628&id=1&tan=16646170-(.*)\.tar\.bz2 doesn't work :(06:02
davmor2Riddell: ping08:59
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Ahhh.  kde4bindings didn't work out so well ....10:38
NCommanderScottK-laptop: noticed that, didn't you10:39
NCommanderNot my best work ever -_-;10:39
NCommanderI have no *****ing clue why lpia now FTBFS10:39
* ScottK waits for an updated debdiff ...10:39
NCommanderI already broke it twice10:40
NCommanderI'm not sure I'm willing to tempt fate again10:40
NCommander(without access to a hppa box that is)10:40
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rgreeningRiddell: can we bump qtjambit to 4.3.3 (or 4.4.0) instead of using 4.3.1? If not, I need to secure a patch for a problem with GCC and QtJambi (memset issue so it won't build)13:37
yao_ziyuan1one suggestion for next kubuntu:13:45
yao_ziyuan1enable Dim Inactive by default13:45
yao_ziyuan1and its dimming should be gradual, not suddenly13:45
yao_ziyuan1kubuntu intrepid's features haven't been frozen, isn't it?13:46
apacheloggerthis dood is seriously frightening me13:56
yao_ziyuan1i just tried kubuntu intrepid alpha 5 in virtualbox13:57
yao_ziyuan1and then deleted the vm.13:57
yao_ziyuan1but i miss its wallpaper. is there a url where i can download this wallpaper?13:57
Hobbseethe old versions of kubuntu-default-settings on launchpad would have them.13:58
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
yao_ziyuan1don't know the link14:04
yao_ziyuan1am installing it again14:04
JontheEchidnasearch for nuno pinhiero blue curl on google14:04
yao_ziyuan1isn't that the same as kde 4?14:05
yao_ziyuan1anyway, installing again isn't slow14:06
NCommanderI think my laptop's trackpad is going14:16
JontheEchidnaCzessi: fancy backporting the Lancelot update from Intrepid to Hardy?14:18
NCommanderJontheEchidna: does it build cleanly, or does it need actual backporting work14:19
Czessi_JontheEchidna: i can backport it this evening14:20
JontheEchidnaNCommander: should just need Hardy cdbs14:20
NCommanderJontheEchidna: put in an offical backporting request and I'll test it14:21
NCommanderso that all jdong or ScottK needs to do is subscribe the archive admins to make it happen14:21
JontheEchidnaNCommander: this is just for the kde4 ppa, so an official request isn't needed14:21
NCommanderI thought you wanted an actual backport for hardy, not just a PPA :-)14:22
JontheEchidnaCzessi_: thanks14:22
rgreeningis there a svn/cvs repo for qt4 somewhere? I'm looking to backport some of the updates in Qt to the current rev. Specifically, Qt Jambi14:43
davmor2Can someone try something for me please? Open up Konqueror and goto planet.ubuntu.com and see if all the boxes are completed around each post14:55
rgreeningk. 1 sec14:56
davmor2sorry I forgot on intrepids build14:57
rgreeningnope. Konq under KDE4 shows some blank areas14:57
ScottK-laptopdavmor2: In Hardy KDE3 it looks fine.14:57
rgreeninglooks like some broken CSS possibly14:57
davmor2rgreening: yeah but it's broken in webkit/Konq14:58
rgreeninghmm.. Im using khtml (I believe)14:58
rgreeninglet me verify14:58
rgreeningyep. khtml14:59
rgreeningand I have the same issue14:59
davmor2most bizarre :( humph I bug it and see if it clears up after :)15:03
seelew/in 815:03
rgreeningIt's likely in planet.css15:05
rgreeningor planet-ubuntu.css15:05
davmor2rgreening: but there is no problems in other versions or browsers15:05
rgreeningI mean the clue as to why Konq4 is broken.. should be hinted at by what CSS is used in thosae two files15:06
rgreeningDoes anyone have access to Safari to verify webkit is broken under safari as well?15:07
davmor2rgreening: I just installed webkit/epiphany and the display is correct15:14
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rgreeninglooking at a local copy to see if I can pinpoint it exactly15:18
rgreeningdavmor2: I think it's in planet.css where Konq is having a prob.15:30
rgreeningwith the link background extending across and over the box15:31
rgreeningrather than being transparent15:31
davmor2pass I've no idea :(15:32
knomergreening, if you can send mee shot, i can try to help15:32
jussi01anyone seen apachelogger today?15:33
knomejussi01, nope15:33
rgreeningknome... sure. Give me a min or two to see if I can narrow it down further.15:33
knomethough i might be able to do that as well15:33
knome<- css geek15:33
ScottK-laptopNCommander: I think I'm just going to add the Mono bindings to p-a-s and be done with it.15:34
davmor2knome: are you using intrepid?15:34
NCommanderScottK-laptop: how?15:34
jussi01Are we repoting ppa bugs to LP? or?15:34
knomedavmor2, nope15:34
* jussi01 found a bug in amarok215:35
knomejussi01, you should try #amarok rather than apachelogger15:35
jussi01knome: but apachelogger loves me :P15:36
knomejussi01, he might not want amarok bug reports anyway, though15:37
jussi01knome: you are probably orrect, however my seeking apachelogger has nothing to do with amarok... :D15:38
knomek then15:38
knomeanyway tey #amarok with amarok bug reports ;)15:38
knomehello RainCT15:39
RainCThi :)15:39
NCommanderwelcome to #kubuntu-devel15:40
RainCTwo NCommander is a bot :P15:41
NCommanderRainCT, I am only a bot, please do not assume I have intellegence15:42
* RainCT doesn't remember having ever assumed that *g*15:42
knomergreening, i'm going to have some food but i'll start up my laptop :P15:44
rgreeningknome: k. me 2. I have it narrowed down some more. looks like div.post-header section isn't working in planet.css under Konq415:45
knomergreening, can you send the shot?15:48
* RainCT is wondering if apachelogger finished those nice icons? :P15:48
knomei could look at it while eating15:48
knomeRainCT, i think he did15:48
rgreeningknome: can you accept dcc?15:51
knomedidn't notice it first15:52
knomecan you resend15:52
rgreeningsee if it works through fw15:52
rgreeningok. 1 sec15:52
rgreeningyou see it?15:53
knomejust send it to open@knome.fi15:53
knomeit might be that the routing on this server has changed or sth15:53
knomeat least i previously could accept dcc15:53
rgreeningmight be my end.. fw15:54
knomewhat was the address?15:54
rgreeningprob a 66. something15:54
knomei mean the website15:54
rgreeningoh, planet.ubuntu.com. I think the bug shows up in something used in the CSS (planet.css)15:55
rgreeningat least that's as far as I have tracked it15:55
knomei'll see15:55
rgreeninglooks like the image repeat doesn't work15:55
knomeand it was konq/webkit?15:56
knomewhich wasn't working15:56
rgreening(at least for me)15:56
knomein II or generally?15:56
rgreeningah... II (konq4). Konq3 is fine apparantly15:57
knomediv.post-header { background: url(images/bubble/bubble-top.png) top left repeat-x;15:58
knometry that15:59
knome(add the left-parameter)15:59
rgreeningah. sure.. 1 sec15:59
rgreeningin which css?16:00
rgreeningcause I dont see that mistake16:00
rgreening1 sec16:00
knomecurrently it's only .. top repeat-x;16:01
rgreeningnot in my file16:01
knomeplanet.css on planet.ubuntu.org16:01
rgreening1 sec. let me wget it16:01
knomeare you sure you're editing the right file?16:01
rgreeningdiv.post-header {16:02
rgreening        background: url(images/bubble/bubble-top.png) top repeat-x;16:02
rgreeningI did a fresh wget of it from http://planet.ubuntu.com/planet.css16:03
knomeadd left into it16:03
rgreeningand the brace is there16:03
knomethat's not what was missing ;)16:03
knome"top repeat-x" -> "top left repeat-x"16:03
knomedid it help?16:06
rgreeningyep. hmm... how come FF worked and Konq316:07
knomeit wasn't valid css16:07
knomei think ff is better to intdiv.post-header { background: url(images/bubble/bubble-top.png) top left repeat-x;16:07
rgreeningbottom is the same. CSS must be broken ther16:07
knomejust add left after bottom in .post-footer16:07
knomeit will fix it16:08
knomeanyway what i was saying that maybe ff interprets invalid css better;)16:08
rgreeningI wish there was a way to do the same in Konq (some compat mode)16:08
rgreeningr u able to correct planet.css?16:09
knomeuhh... you mean uploading ti?16:09
rgreeningwho can fix the CSS16:09
rgreeningin the site16:09
knomei have no rights there16:09
apacheloggerRainCT: I sent the patch to NCommander16:09
knomehallo apachelogger o/16:09
rgreeningwho managhes planet.ubuntu.com (webmin)16:10
apacheloggercanonical sysadmins I guess16:10
* knome thinks he is still hungry16:10
rgreeningneed to get them to fix planet.css (invalid CSS)16:10
knomergreening, if you want, i can go through all the css files and see if there's more invalid css16:12
knomeso we wouldn't have any surprises..16:12
apacheloggerwow, you must be really bored16:12
apacheloggerknome: do that for kubuntu.org :P16:12
knomeobsessed to css more likely16:12
knomekubuntu.org css is valid16:13
knomeand actually, even those we fixed today isn't valid16:13
knomeit just seems that khtml is unable to interpret them correctly16:13
knomeuh, konq416:15
knomeor actually, wuut?16:15
rgreeninganyway, I sent patch to web admin for planet16:16
rgreeningsee if they  fix it16:16
rgreeningok. time for a break.16:17
knomeok bye16:17
knomeapachelogger, what do you think, time for coffee?16:18
knomeDOOOP! wrong answer!16:20
knomeif( person->alive == TRUE ) { coffeetime(); }16:21
Lex79apachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-cpuload16:23
Lex79debian/watch for kde-look doesn't work, right?16:24
apacheloggerLex79: righto16:24
apacheloggerLex79: how did you recompress the tarball?16:24
Lex79extract tar.bz2 and compress with tar czvf16:25
apacheloggerno good pratice :P16:26
apacheloggerLex79: bunzip2 BZIPFILE && gzip -9 TARFILE16:26
Lex79ah ok16:26
apacheloggerthen you can drop the comment in debian/copyright, because you actually don't change the tarball, but only it's compression ;-)16:27
Lex79I will drop the comment and I reuploaded it, ok?16:28
rgreeningint coffeetime() { while CUP <> EMPTY; drink; if CUP == EMPTY then refill; }16:33
rgreeningbottomless cup for me16:33
knome/dcc send rgreening finnish_coffee16:33
rgreeningI just got mine filled.16:34
knomeso which country do you live in?16:34
rgreeningmy dream home would have a Tim Horton's Coffee Drive through in my living room, next to my recliner (Canada)16:35
knomei doubt you have as good coffee as we ;)16:35
rgreeningdepends, where are u?16:35
knomeat least if it's as mild as the coffee in usa16:35
knomefinland :P16:35
rgreeninglol. Tim Hortons has a lot of caffiene. Though, it's not expresso... My wife is from Portugal. So, yeah, expresso is better.16:36
rgreeningDunkin Donuts (USA) is weak coffee16:36
rgreeningThough Starbucks in the US is a little stronger and they have thegood stuff (expresso, etc)16:37
rgreeningI'd love to go to Finland16:37
knomesee table 1 :P16:38
rgreeningseeing I'm from Newfoundland (and people keep pronouncing it New-Findland.. ahahah)16:38
knomethat's a bit old statistics, but anyway16:38
knomeon table 2, scandinavia is still #1, though16:38
knomebut that includes a few other countries as well16:39
rgreeningHa. Canada doesn't even rank. lol. I guess a POP of only 30 Million...16:39
knomewell it's kg/person16:39
knomeanyway ;)16:39
rgreeningI need to do my part and drink more coffee to make up the diff16:40
rgreeningtime ot break out the IV drip16:40
rgreeningstraigth into the vein16:40
knomewhat do you think of starbucks?16:41
rgreeninganyone here work for Canonical (i.e getting paid)? Just curious...16:41
knomeoh, you said already16:41
rgreeningStarbucks is good. expensive though16:41
knomewell i prefer finnish basic coffee >>>>> starbucks ;)16:42
knomefinally a decent graph16:42
* rgreening wants to work for Mark :)16:42
knomewe're not far away from norway ;)16:43
rgreeningthats mucho coffee16:43
knomeplus you can count out the people who don't drink coffee16:44
knomewe're a small country so a small amount makes big difference16:44
rgreeningyeah. Canada has a huge land mass, but small pockets of people16:45
apacheloggerthat is confusing16:45
rgreeningWhere I live there's about 500K16:45
knomergreening, you beat us in that16:46
rgreeningmostly in 5 cities/towns16:46
rgreeningMy family is from a town of about 50016:46
rgreeningbut back when they originally left there was probably 5016:46
* rgreening looking for somethnig to fix...16:48
rgreeningany Intrepid stuff to fix (something small)?16:48
knomergreening, but there's a lot more you than us :P16:48
rgreeningI like small16:49
knomefinland is like ~5,5m16:49
knomeor maybe not even that16:49
knome2008 estimate 5,316:50
* rgreening is browsing bugs... looking for something to do.... hmmm16:51
knomefix my head16:51
knomenot <head>16:52
rgreeningrm -rf /CVSROOT/HEAD16:52
knomei've executed chmod 777 -R /16:52
rgreeningsudo apt-get install new-head-1.2-116:52
knomeor sth16:52
knomethat was nice one16:52
rgreeningI've done the rm -rf * in the wrong dir.. ONCE!16:53
knomei was on ssh16:53
knomeit took 3 days to fix it16:53
knome...but it was possible without re-installinf16:53
knomei think we were running some debian16:54
rgreeningThat's why I liked Gentoo. Was easy to recover with ebuild16:55
knomeand yes, it was half a production server :D16:55
apacheloggeroh, gentoo on producion servers is worthless16:55
* NCommander agrees with apachelogger16:56
rgreeningI agree. Gentoo was for fun16:56
knomeproduction servers are useless16:56
apacheloggerthat too16:56
knomethey just make you do work16:56
rgreeningI was in a build/patch frenzy for over a year16:56
knomeback to my batcave16:58
knomemy father came to make noise in the kitchen16:59
rgreeningnana-nana-na-na-nana... BATMAN!16:59
knome<- sick17:02
rgreeningget a hot tea (camamille or linden) add honey and lemon. Drink. feel better17:03
knomenah, i'm already drinking this coffee17:03
knomethat fixes all the problems if consumed enough17:03
knomeor as we tend to say in finland "death signs sleep debt (or anything else negative)"17:04
rgreeningadd whiskey17:04
knomeyou know, we are known of our positive attitude O;)17:05
rgreeningwe must be kindred (Newfoundland and Finland)17:06
ScottK-laptoprgreening: Ah.  I was wondering about the TZ in your debian/changelog entry.  Now I understand.17:07
knomemight be17:07
NCommanderSo ScottK-laptop, got any good FTBFS for me, or shall I work on the backports queue ;-)?17:07
ScottK-laptopNCommander: kde4bindings?17:08
NCommanderScottK-laptop: not without a hppa box, I already screwed that up twice17:08
rgreeningScottK: yeah, St. John's, NL Canada - North America - Earth.... :)17:09
Lex79apachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=plasmoid-cpuload :)17:10
NCommanderScottK-laptop: you said it cleared on the retry17:12
ScottK-laptopLast time, not this time.17:13
ScottK-laptopI can try again.17:13
NCommanderScottK-laptop: I'm going to ask lamount for a shell account on one of his hppa boxs, so I can just fix it right17:13
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Looking at all the mono stuff in p-a-s are you sure it's fixable?17:14
* rgreening shudders.. mono17:14
NCommanderScottK-laptop: I can see the HPPA support in mono-upstream, so yes17:14
NCommanderScottK-laptop: but I don't want to try that without having actual hppa hardware17:14
rgreeninggo figure. Mono is the name of a disease..17:15
NCommanderrgreening: I was infected with it17:15
rgreeningI removed my infection17:16
NCommandermono in many ways is better than java if you need windows compability17:17
ScottK-laptopBah.  Python is plenty cross platform.17:17
smarter_Qt/C++ too :)17:18
* rgreening problem with windows, is people keep leaving them unlocked and thieves can get in17:19
knomehow does /rgreening relate to that?17:20
rgreeningIf you have nothing to steal, then you don need windows, walls, doors...17:20
* rgreening need coffee17:20
apacheloggerLex79: why did you make one build-dep per line?17:21
RainCTapachelogger: Why don't you like that? It makes diffs more readable17:21
knomeRainCT, psst, apacheloggers weird17:21
apachelogger80 characters max does as well17:22
Lex79because exceed the 80 columns limit17:22
apacheloggerLex79: you can make kate show a line @ 80 characters17:22
apacheloggerso you know when you exceed it17:22
apacheloggerone dep per line is really only useful if you merge the package around in a version control system IMHO17:23
Lex79:( :D ok17:23
rgreeninglooking at kwave source package related to LP: 25866717:24
rgreeningthe build package needs dcopidl dcopidl2cpp from kdelibs4-dev17:25
rgreeningbut installing kdelibs4-dev removes other packages (kdebase-workspace-dev kdelibs5-dev kdemultimedia-dev kdepimlibs5-dev libplasma-dev)17:25
rgreeningcan they coexist? or am I going about this wrong17:25
knomeapachelogger, ?17:26
NCommanderScottK-laptop: it appears that mono is properly ported17:27
NCommanderhttp://wiki.parisc-linux.org/MonoPorting - info about the port17:27
rgreeningor can dcopidl be found in another package17:27
apacheloggerknome: ??17:27
RainCTapachelogger: debdiffs are also easier to read :P17:28
knomeapachelogger, uh oh, i'll ping you again later, commercial clients are mailing me17:28
apacheloggerRainCT: and I have to scroll :P17:28
RainCTLex79: wow, I'm not the only one placing the build dependencies in alphabetic order :)    xDD17:28
RainCTah no they aren't :P17:28
ScottK-laptopdpkg will sometimes fix that for you if you don't.17:29
Lex79RainCT: uhmmm, no they aren't :)17:30
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RainCTbah, seems like I am the only one after all.    /me goes to cry in a corner      :P :P17:31
* jussi01 hugs RainCT17:33
* knome grouphugs jussi01 and RainCT 17:34
* ScottK-laptop notes that we missed getting KDE 4.1.1 in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview and someone ought to write something about Kubuntu for that.17:39
Riddellrgreening: yes we should upgrade to the latest qt jambi, but I havn't got it to compile that's the tricky bit17:46
smarterhey Riddell, could you please upload latest rev of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/bespin/ubuntu ?17:47
rgreeningah. I've been working on backporting some patches to the current for our GCC. limited success.17:47
rgreeninglet me look at that17:47
rgreeningRiddell: so, whats the process to update the package. I'll work on the new one17:48
rgreeningI have dl the src for 4.4.0_0117:49
Riddellrgreening: the first thing to do is to see if it'll compile17:54
rgreeningis there a deb src? I have the trolltech one17:54
Riddellthat's what you want17:55
rgreening? the trolltech?17:56
rgreeningant fails out of the box. need to setup the env vars17:56
rgreeningRiddell: [qmake] ***Unknown option -config18:02
rgreeningI assume its running wrong qmake18:02
rgreeninghmm.... the ant build tries to run qmake with -config which is unknown. wonder if it requires a newer qmake18:13
Riddellnot unless you're using qmake-qt318:15
rgreeningqmake -config is not on option of qmake-qt418:15
rgreeninglet me try again18:15
rgreeningok, forced an update-alternative qmake /usr/bin/qmake-qt4 to be able to run ant18:26
knomelol wut?18:27
claydohbug #269164 lol18:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269164 in firefox-3.0 "Rickroll makes Firefox unusable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26916418:52
* rgreening shakes the rain off19:28
a|wenScottK: here is the update to kdebase in hardy-backports as promised: http://awen.dk/packages/kde3.5.10/kdebase/kdebase_3.5.10-0ubuntu2.debdiff19:29
rgreeningRiddell: there?19:30
ScottK-laptopa|wen: Thanks.19:31
rgreeningany idea what JAVA_HOME should point to?19:31
a|wenScottK-laptop: and kdepim will follow in a few minutes19:32
a|wenScottK-laptop: as far as i can gather the problem in bug 262538 only applies if the user started creating distribution lists in kde 3.5.8 (eg. gutsy or prior) so haven't had the chance to test the fix thoroughly19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262538 in kdepim "Kontact / Kaddressbook 3.5.10 : mail-list disappeared + impossible to create" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26253819:35
ScottKOK, well if you're confident it's an improvement, we can upload it and get user feedback then.19:36
a|wenthey added a migration assistant for the old list format ... so as long as the assistant works as it should it is definately an improvement19:37
ScottKOK.  Sounds good.19:40
ScottK-laptopa|wen: -0ubuntu1~hardy2 for revision number is better.  I changed kdebase.19:45
a|wenScottK-laptop: okay ... I'll change that in kdepim then19:46
a|wenhmm, what is the best way in debian/rules to be sure that a certain value is set when the makefile is run?19:55
a|wendisregard ... the check for that value is part of the patch; so can as well remove it19:57
a|wenScottK-laptop: kdepim will have to wait a bit ... just need to check a few things20:01
ScottKOK.  kdebase takes a while to build anyway.20:01
a|wenyeah ... both kdebase and kdepim are pretty heavy on my old machine20:02
ScottK-laptopkdepim for kde3 IIRC takes 8 hours on the hppa buildd's.20:03
a|weni remember it as being quicker than that on my comp last time ... but still a long time20:05
a|wenhey NCommander20:05
NCommanderhey a|wen20:05
ScottK-laptopWell the hppa buildd's are pretty slow.20:09
rgreeningTrying to compile qt jambi on my system and I am getting a lot of errors on size_t, time_t, pid_t, uid_t, timer_t and clock_t (does not name a type). Any ideas? Maybe I am missing something in my build dep20:14
rgreeningI also have redefinition of ‘struct timeval’ and ‘sigset_t’ has a previous declaration as ‘typedef long unsigned int sigset_t’20:15
rgreeningI think they should rename qtjambi to jambiLiar... dang thing won't build :)20:27
Czessi_jtechidna: http://czessi.kubuntu-de.org/packages/lancelot/1.0.3/20:47
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
jtechidnaCzessi: looks good21:06
Czessijtechidna: uploaded21:09
ScottK-laptopa|wen: You are my hero.  Icons are two per row again.21:12
a|wenScottK-laptop: yay :)21:14
ScottK-laptopa|wen: I'm uploading it now.21:14
a|wenScottK-laptop: thx21:15
ScottK-laptopa|wen: No.  Thank you.  I think that based on the work you're doing we'll get the into -updates.  Without it, we wouldn't have.21:16
a|wenScottK-laptop: the plan was also to fix all the critical 3.5.9 -> 3.5.10 regressions to make it a possible option21:19
ScottK-laptopThat's the idea.  So far you are the king of fixing.21:20
mcasadevallScottK-laptop: how bad are the regressions?21:20
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a|wenmostly cherry-picking until now, thx to the kde devs21:21
ScottK-laptopRight.  Thanks to them and you.21:21
* a|wen always gets kind of nervous for his laptop with those long-lasting builds ... kdepim still running21:24
jtechidnaCzessi: thanks21:27
ScottK-laptopRiddell: If slangasek didn't get it already, would you please accept kdebase in hardy-backports.21:45
ScottK-laptopRiddell: Nevermind.  He got it.21:46
NCommanderhey Riddell & ScottK22:08
a|wenis there an easy way to tell what files a package have been building, but hasn't installed (eg. could be missing from a .install file)?22:09
NCommandera|wen: --fail-missing22:10
NCommander(there is --list-missing, but sometimes its easy to miss the output from it)22:10
NCommander(that --fail-missing goes on dh_install)22:10
a|wenthx NCommander; i was somewhat thinking in the right direction... do you happen to know which variable to put it in when using cdbs/debhelper22:12
NCommandercdbs will add --list-missing automatically22:12
NCommander(I think, my memory might be faulty, I don't use CDBS very often)22:12
NCommanderdebhelper, add it on the dh_install or dh install lines22:12
a|wenNCommander: think i've got it thx ... now i just need to wait for it to build again22:18
a|wenScottK-laptop: you'll get kdepim tomorrow instead ... just need to check that everything is as it is supposed to be22:20
ScottK-laptopa|wen: I'd rather have it right than today.22:20
a|wenScottK-laptop: i thought so22:21
NCommanderScottK-laptop: you won't happen to know where I could find a hppa machine?22:21
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Nope.  lamont is the one person I know with one.22:22
NCommanderOf course lamount is only around when I am alseep22:22
ScottK-laptopAnd last I heard all his boxes were not in a condition that he could share access to them.22:22
NCommanderOh, wonderful22:23
NCommanderSo much for hppa test building22:23
ScottK-laptopAren't the Debian hppa porters you could bug?22:23
NCommanderI can't find an IRC channel, and I don't like bargining onto a list to ask access to a porter machine22:23
* a|wen will go to sleep ... and let his laptop keep building22:24
a|wengoodnight people22:26
NCommanderScottK-laptop: I put a plea for a porting box on d-devel22:26
NCommanderScottK-laptop: maybe I'll get lucky22:26
NCommanderScottK: http://www.parisc-linux.org/cluster.html22:29
NCommanderI was pointed to the HP public HPPA boxs22:29
ScottK-laptopDoes that work?22:29
NCommander.... it seems you can deploy netboot images22:30
NCommanderSorta overkill for what I want, but I guess that works22:30
NCommanderhola ScottK23:02
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