
gershonany1 with nvidia on 2.6.27? no luck compiling\installing the module...00:09
MrKennieis kubuntu (intrepid) going to see a printer system settings module?00:09
[Neurotic]I'm running nvidia00:09
[Neurotic]works fine00:09
miloszi couldn't get it to compile either00:10
miloszlast time i had this problem i was able to fix it but this time i was too lazy to look into it00:10
gershonused a xen workaround?00:10
gershoncoz ive resorted to making a new 2.6.27-rc600:11
bsnidergershon, use the nvidia-glx-177 package int he repos00:11
miloszhey since someone's here now, how can i enable bootchart?00:11
bsniderdon't bother with the nvidia package00:11
miloszi wanted to jump into the boottime fixing action but I never used it before00:12
[Neurotic]worked out how to get ibex working with vmware00:12
gershonhmm.. bootchart looks cool, but whats it good for laptops mostly?00:13
miloszdamn i'm sure you guys are making it a "if you don't know how to enable it you're obviously the wrong guy" thing out of it :P00:14
MrKennieI didn't see anyone say anything00:15
bsniderubuntu boots fast, especially compared to winblows'00:15
gershonid love to make better times, but even with all these kernels and modules im still trying to keep uptime...00:15
miloszMrKennie, yes exactly00:16
gershonheard a rumor it had something to do with the xorg.conf, maybe a new "Configured Video Driver", but wait... furtherest i got was a non-loadable module...00:18
gershonalso saw someone in the forum noting that rolling back the nvidia driver doesnt work for this kernel00:20
bsnidergershon, have you got the nvidia driver installed?00:20
gershononly combo i got is 2.6.26-5 & 177.1300:21
bsniderwhat happens when you try to install the nvidia-glx-177 package with the 2.6.27 kernel?00:22
gershonno way of inserting a module, though successfuly compiled couple a times (dkms once, manually also...)00:23
bsnideris it installed now?00:23
gershonna.. os-nv-drv00:24
gershonsometimes no dualhead...00:24
bsniderwell, make sure you've got the linux-headers package, and try reinstalling00:24
gershonim making modules on fresh rc6 maybe it could help...00:25
gershonif xen is kerneled why do we have a -virtual ?00:26
MrKenniemilosz: I would like to help contribute but I feel all I can do is test things and reports bugs.00:27
miloszmaybe they're right, if i can't enable it i'm the wrong guy so i'll look into how enablig it00:27
arooniif i have a realtek 8185 chipset wireless card (not currently supported in ubuntu hardy) and i'm using ndiswrapper... will next version of ubuntu cover this card?  and is ndiswrapper ok enough to use in the meantime?  or should i return the card?00:52
tom_is this the right place to talk about kubuntu 8.1000:57
bsniderarooni, burn a livecd and boot from it. you'll find out00:58
arooniis ndiswrapper bad to have in the interim?00:59
mneptokarooni: what form factor card?01:03
tom_arooni not really, if it works it works but obviously if it doenst theres not much that can be done01:03
aroonimneptok, pci card01:10
aroonimneptok, think it'll work in next version01:21
pwnguinis there a way to discover the debian QA URL for a package from the name itself?01:21
mneptokarooni: i'd avoid anything Broadcom like the plague01:25
arooniits a realtek chipset01:26
arooniis that broadcom?01:26
mneptokRealtek is somewhat better, but often not by much01:27
carandraugarooni: I've a friend with a Realtek card that got it working for INtrepid. It's not the same model but maybe it will come with support for that one as well01:35
aroonicarandraug, intrepid i snext version of buntu?01:36
carandraugarooni: this is the page he had on Ubuntu documentation about it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b01:36
carandraugarooni: yes. Stable version is schedule for 30th October01:36
carandraugarooni: but if you have the chance, it's probably better to return the card and buy one with better support instead01:37
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juan-intrepidif my kernels are missing from /boot how do i put them back there, ive done update-initramfs but i dont think thats enough03:48
danbh_intrepidhow did you loose them, out of curiosity?03:49
danbh_intrepidjuan-intrepid: I assume you could just run a reinstall command on the kernel-image.....2..6.whatever packages03:50
juan-intrepiddanbh_intrepid: i lost them when i installed hardy 32bit to a second partition03:51
juan-intrepiddanbh_intrepid: i tried aptitude reinstall linux-image-generic but it doesnt seam to have put any kernels in /boot03:52
danbh_intrepidjuan-intrepid: and you are sharing /boots?03:52
danbh_intrepidwell yeah, thats an empty package, what do you call those?03:52
* mneptok shuffles uncomfortably03:53
juan-intrepidjuan-intrepid: yeah my entire system is on an lvm so i have to share /boot afaik03:54
crimsunmetapackage.  And it's not really empty, because it has dependencies, but yes, you're vaguely on the path.03:54
mneptokpet peeve. "loose" is the antonym of "tight." "lose" is the antonym of "find."03:54
danbh_intrepidcrimsun: yeah, metapackage, thats the word!03:54
danbh_intrepidjuan-intrepid: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.27-3-generic03:55
juan-intrepidyeah ive done, now i have "abi-2.6.24-19-generic /config-.../ initrd.img-.../ System.map-.../vmlinuz-03:56
juan-intrepidwith all those files there and a corrected grub i should be able to get to the old install right?03:57
danbh_intrepidno  idea.  I've never shared /boots across installs.  I don't even know what LVM really is03:57
juan-intrepidhow do you have multiple installs then? seperate hdd?03:58
danbh_intrepidjuan-intrepid: separate partitions03:58
juan-intrepidbut where is the grub?03:58
danbh_intrepidyeah, I think grub gets a bit hosed with multiple installs03:59
juan-intrepidthat has to point to a /boot (probably on the 1st install) which can then sort it all out by reading other partitions, hmm makes sense to do it your way tbh03:59
juan-intrepidbrb, hopefully04:00
yao_ziyuan1when will alpha 6 be out?04:25
danbh_intrepidyao_ziyuan1: topic is your friend04:28
literalgoogle intrepid release schedule04:28
DanaGOh heyas, how do you get the automount thingy to wait a specified time before trying to mount a device?05:06
DanaGThe thing is failing to mount a /home on a USB drive, because the drive temporarily disconnects for some reason when udev starts.05:06
lufisAnyone else having some strange HD noises in intrepid?05:10
dbglthi. running intrepid with nvidia graphics. I did a dist-upgrade last night, and now X can't find an nvidia module05:58
dbgltis there a way in ubuntu to rebuild it?05:58
dbgltI tried to reinstall nvidia-glx-177. but it didn't build/find a module05:59
burnerdbglt: does dkms pass?  "sudo /etc/init.d/dkms_autoinstaller start"05:59
burnermight have to reconfigure the nvidia kernel header package05:59
dbgltburner: is that new? Never heaerd of that before06:00
DanaGgoogle for: nvidia dkms multiple versions06:00
dbgltam running it now06:00
burnerdkms is a new thing in intrepid that wasnt' in hardy06:00
dbgltburner, DanaG: it has worked fine06:01
dbgltbut this should be triggered when updating kernels, right?06:01
dbglt(it didn't for me)06:01
dbgltbrb, restarting X06:02
Raspberrynice to see Dual Displays using the Intel GM965 / X3100 video card working06:52
Raspberryin alpha 506:52
Raspberryis python-libvirt broken in 8.1006:53
RaspberryI'm getting errors06:53
Raspberrywhen I create new Virtual Machines using KVM / QEMU06:53
RaspberryVirtualBox doesn't work either... seems like the modules are compiled for the latest kernel yet06:54
edwinmmooreNot sure where the best place to mention this is, but I performed a clean 8.04 install, applied all updates and then upgraded to Intrepid. It went flawlessly on my Dell D82006:56
edwinmmooreIs there somewhere to report successes to the developers?06:56
Raspberryit's all locked down unless you're on the testing team06:57
Raspberrythey have testing report pages06:57
edwinmmooreok excellent, thanks06:57
RaspberryI tried to update the information on the Thinkpad X61T this morning ... it lets you go ahead and "edit" the page... so I spent 30 minutes doing that... only to tell me "you can't edit this page" after I click save and everything I'd written was gone06:59
RAOFRaspberry: Yes, I see the libvirt error, too.  Kindly file a bug; I've been meaning to!07:04
RAOFAlternatively, search for an existing bug ;)07:05
Raspberrywhat's up with launchpad.com :p07:24
Raspberryah .net07:25
Raspberrydoesn't look to be a bug filed with libvert relating to this issue07:25
gnomefreakim guessing libvret isnt a package on its own most likely it has        different source pakage07:29
Raspberryi'm guessing you're right07:29
gnomefreakbut show doesnt work is it evern in our repos or did you get it from metibuntu or another repo?07:30
kohvHi, I need help creating an USB boot stick. InstallationFromUSBStick instructions (manual) don't work for me, I end up with something that hangs when I select anything at the boot menu.07:31
gnomefreaksearch doesnt show it either07:31
gnomefreakok gone for a couple hours befor a meeting07:32
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virtuelvHm. There's a bunch of glyphs that won't display properly for me09:08
virtuelvr is for instance replaced with a blue square09:08
virtuelvis there a bug open for fonts being screwy in 8.10?09:31
virtuelvI can't seem to get subpixel rendering to work, even though it is set, to full hinting, subpixel antialiasing09:32
doggymenzIt is very important that Adobe Flash gets updated from -beta to -rc, and that VLC gets updated from 0.8.6 to 0.9.2 before the release of 8.10 Ibex09:35
doggymenzthe -beta version of Flash is horrible slow in fullscreen mode, and has crappy performance, this is fixed in the -rc09:36
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MrKenniewhy did I get an invite to ##politics? :P10:16
DanaGArgh, anyone know how to make the system wait a second or two before trying to fsck things?10:17
DanaGIt tries to fsck a drive, then gives up because it can't find the (USB) drive, and then drops me to a root shel..........10:17
DanaG..... and then the drive appears, so I just do mount -a and then ctrl-d, and it goes on.10:17
DanaGI want to delay the fsck so the thing can actually see all the volumes.10:17
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Linux_Galoreanyone know when the first none alpha release ie a candidate test release is due ?10:56
Linux_Galorefor 8.1010:56
TheInfinityLinux_Galore: look at topic10:57
Linux_Galorethats the final not a candidate10:57
TheInfinity... link ...10:57
Linux_Galoreie when do they lock the everything then only do bug fixes10:58
TheInfinityLinux_Galore: just look at wiki article in topic. really :p10:58
Linux_Galore25th Sept11:00
Linux_Galoreseems to be the day11:00
Linux_Galorethe 18th will be fine though11:01
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Linux_Galorethe reason Im asking is a have a nice shiny new system with all the latest bits so I want to go with the newest kernel11:02
darthanubisBug #26980511:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269805 in gnome-control-center "gnome-window-properties gives error about configuration tool not being "registered"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26980511:05
ubottuFor an informative description of the Hardware Abstraction Layer , go to this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer11:21
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:21
freaky[t]is it save to upgrade to intrepid yet? i always upgraded 4 weeks before release11:21
darthanubiswhy do ppl still bother to ask that question is amazing to me11:29
freaky[t]darthanubis: that's because i want the new kubuntu ;D11:34
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stdinfReAkY[t]: it's not safe until it's released, up to you if you want to take a risk11:36
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afiefHow can I see what video driver xorg is currently using?11:56
TheInfinityafief: xorg log11:56
afiefTheInfinity, thanks:) anything particular I should grep for?11:58
TheInfinityuah ... dont know, i dont use 3d drivers so it does not metter at all ;)11:58
TheInfinityi just know that its there11:58
afiefTheInfinity, well I am actually hoping that it's using vesa because both my gnome and kde sessions just give me a white screen(of death?) right now, although the xfce session works flawlessly11:59
TheInfinityoh. yesterday we had someone in german ubuntu support with white screen ...11:59
TheInfinityATI card?11:59
afiefTheInfinity, yup11:59
TheInfinityhum ...12:00
afiefTheInfinity, and xorg is loading both "ati" and "radeon" modules12:00
TheInfinityi dont know what the result was yesterday ...12:00
TheInfinityi just ask12:00
afiefTheInfinity, that would be very helpful(I don't speak german, so I can't read the log)12:00
MrKennieisn't compiz enabled by default in Ibex?12:01
afiefMrKennie, I wouldn't know, even when gnome was working compiz didn't and I never tried to turn it on12:02
MrKennieI'm not sure but I don't think xfce has any sort of compiz support, but liek I said, I'm not sure on that.12:02
MrKenniea possible reason why xfce works but not gnome or kde.12:03
afiefMrKennie, I guess not. perhaps some update turned on compiz for my gnome session and it started messing up stuff(that would explain why kde4 never worked, kwin has this stuff built in)12:03
afiefMrKennie, is there a way to disable this stuff from cli or xfce?12:04
MrKennieafief: you might be able to start say the kde system settings panel and sisable it from there12:04
MrKenniefrom xfce12:05
TheInfinityafief: they didnt got a result yesterday12:05
afiefMrKennie, hmmm... did that with the gnome settings, "desktop effects" is disabled12:05
afiefokay guys gotta go:)12:06
afiefthanks for all of your help12:06
MrKennieanyone have any ideas what i can do to get the iwl3945 driver to print some useful debug info?12:10
MrKennieI tried the module option but it has no effect12:11
MrKennieoh wait, I've just seen what I've done wrong12:13
MrKenniemodinfo says int but googleing says it should be a hex value.12:14
MrKenniethat seems better.12:19
tj83can anyone confirm that only one core of two are being reported on kernel 2.6.27-3?12:31
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bill--221hello humans....:-D12:57
matt__i'd love some help trying to get my wifi card working, its a tp-link 353g belive based on rtl-8150?13:20
HUNTER_byteUbuntu fails to set 1280x1024 for TTY(console), GNOME desktop works fine though. The best resolution I can set is 1024x768 in Hardy. But even this resolution doesn't work in Intrepid alpha 5 (black screen).13:43
HUNTER_byteI'd like to know the name of fault package so I could fire a bug report at the launchpad and how to collect as much as possible information for this bug report.13:43
nemowhich version of wine is in ibex?14:14
Pici!info wine14:14
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu10 (intrepid), package size 7309 kB, installed size 54404 kB14:14
nemowas hoping it'd be different than hardy heron14:15
nemowell. looks like it is a little different14:15
nemobut not 1.1.414:15
Hewnemo: 1.1.4 is a development version of Wine. You can always add the Wine repositories if you're after this version though (which is what I do).14:21
kane77isn't the codename for next release already out?14:27
ecarmonaHi guys!}14:29
ecarmonaI switched to intrepid yesterday.... and it's not usable... before you yell at me, I _know_ it's in alpha14:30
ecarmonajust wanted to know if there was some tweaking I could do to get kde4 to start.14:30
ecarmonaor If I can be a guinea pig anyhow14:30
ecarmonaI'm working on xfce meantime14:31
unavailableok, what exact command does the shut down button in the panel use?  not the log out button, but the shut down button14:32
unavailablei need to add the ability to shut down from cairo-dock, and the default shut down applet (quitter) brings up only the log out dialog14:33
unavailablei need to have one bring up the shutdown, restart, suspend dialog14:33
unavailablenevermind i found it, gnome-session-save --shutdown-dialog and gnome-session-save --logout-dialog14:57
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PolitikerNEUecarmona: For me, it helped to NOT change the panel - If I change the panel or even add a new panel, the next time I start Kde 4, panels are floating around and often I got simply a grey screen; so delete some files of .kde (maybe .kde/share/config/plasma* is sufficent) and KDE should start again)15:14
ecarmonaPolitikerNEU: Let me take a look! I'll be back!15:19
eklofAnyone knows if the installation has been redone in Ibex?15:38
eklofI had problems installing to an encrypted partition in Hardy's installer.15:38
nemoHew: aight. thanks.  kinda hoped it'd be in Ibex since Ubuntu does have a history of shoving beta software into the releases :)15:39
WelshDragoneklof, i installed Ibex 2 days ago, using an encrypted partition with the Alpha 5 i386 alternate cd15:40
Hewnemo: Yea, I'd prefer it too, but it's probably best for most users just to use the stable version :-)15:40
nemoHew: in this particular case, I'm only interested in it for Spore15:41
nemowhich, believe it or not, I intend to buy, after verifying the hacks work so I won't get stuck with a piece of software I can use 3 times15:41
nemogiven how often I've dug up 10 year old games, I don't want to be screwed by the manufacturer in that fashion15:41
ecarmonaPolitikerNEU: Got it back, man... thanks!15:41
nemoHew: it appears to require wine 1.1.4 though15:42
Hewnemo: This is probably off topic, but I wouldn't touch retail spore for that exact reason..15:42
Hewnemo: You can still easily grab the 1.1.4 deb from WineHQ15:42
ecarmonahere are some things I've noticed... in case anyone cares.15:42
ecarmonaI can't resize windows15:42
ecarmonaI'll be back15:43
eklofWelshDragon: ok, will try again,15:46
ecarmonaGuinea pig is back15:51
ecarmonaI think I have no sound15:54
PolitikerNEUmom, I think I'll try to start KDE 415:54
PolitikerNEUI have got sound - start kmix and see if your front is enabled15:58
ecarmonakmix is there15:59
ecarmonalet me see with speaker-test15:59
PolitikerNEUI got another problem - not really that major, but a bit annoying: Whenever I switch X-Servers (CTRL+ALT+F7 and CTRL+ALT+F9), the sound stops for a short time15:59
ecarmonathe "front" control was off16:01
PolitikerNEUso you got sound now?16:01
PolitikerNEUgood :-)16:02
ecarmonathanks for your help16:02
ecarmonado I keep nagging with bugs I find here?16:02
PolitikerNEUI do not completly understand this sentence, but of course you can tell your problems here - but if it is really a bug, you should report it (if it hasn't been reported already)16:03
Piciecarmona: no, bugs should be logged to  http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu16:05
ecarmonaok. I'll be posting them there then16:07
PiciThis is a good place to confirm bugs though16:07
PolitikerNEUDoes anyone else have the problem that whenever you want to open a directory using ALT+F2, it is supposed you want to become root and you cannot enter ~ to display your home directory?16:08
PolitikerNEUand if yes, how to fix it?16:08
ecarmonaPolitikerNEU: I meant if it was OK to keep posting on this channel the bugs I found on intrepid16:28
PolitikerNEUfor me, it's ok16:28
MrKenniedo I need a kernel debug image in order to produce debug messages?16:36
MrKenniebecause I do not see one for 2.6.2716:36
MrKenniepackage even, not image16:36
MrKenniewhich is annoying because I can't find out why iwl3945 currently sucks16:37
Zelutanyone else run into a problem of not being able to add a VPN connection in the new network manager?17:20
Zelutall options on the VPN tab are greyed out.17:22
UnksiZelut: i can add, but connection fails for pptp17:29
ZelutUnksi: I realized I needed the network-manager-vpnc package and now I can at least config.17:30
UnksiZelut: you might need -openvpn or -pptp as well depending on the server17:31
ZelutUnksi: thanks17:32
cypherdelicPlease help, my Brother MFC210 with all correctly installed drivers incl brscan2 does not work without administrative rights. with sudo xsane, everything works. Any ideas?17:57
tretleHi, I'm having a problem with xserver as of late... I can only run at 800x600 and when I try changing my graphics card to vesa and to a generic sceen to get higher resolution whenever I restart I get that annoying dialog which does absolutely nothing useful18:14
tretlethe you are running is failsafe mode one?18:14
tretleall my settings get reset18:14
sodokuwhat is the password for the guest session?18:24
sodokuif you lock the screen as a guest, you cannot login anymore18:24
mattiktretle: what is your graphic card?18:27
tretlegeforce 7600gs18:28
tretleworked up until recently18:28
tretleTrying to use vesa not the propietary nvidia driver18:29
mattiktretle: how about nv18:30
tretlethat doesnt work either18:33
mattikDo you have help about launchpad if you put your card name to search?18:34
mattiktretle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting, please report this bug and follow these instructions. thank you18:39
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RyanPriorSo, I read that Mozilla is saying they're rethinking the EULA but still say they want a license agreement. Does that mean it will be invisible to the end user? (Otherwise it would be stupid not to call it an EULA, but Mozilla has been a wee bit stupid lately...)18:50
nonniiis the new guest account working for others at the moment, I only get orange/brown background colour on vt9 when I try it out? I don't see anything alarming at the tail of Xorg.20.log. I am using the "radeon" driver on ati radeon mobile x160019:05
nonniiI mean the guest session in "gdm-guest-session", not some virtual os guest19:07
elwoodnonnii: dunno about the guest, but your framebuffer works without splash?19:07
nonniiwhat do you mean?19:07
elwoodnonnii: booting a kernel with vga=791 quiet nosplash19:08
elwoodnonnii: i get no video or strange colors until gdm19:08
nonniiI have not changed the kernel boot parameters and everything works for me like that (meaning that I can boot to my normal account OK)19:09
ScislaCis anyone here testing Psyke83's Flash PPA package?19:11
dimpananyone here tried boxee ?19:53
mattikdimpan: what about it19:57
mattikI haven't tried yet20:06
mattikIs it better than jaiku20:07
dimpanmattik: i havent tried jaiku, but i couldnt even get boxee to run on intrepid20:08
dimpanmattik: jaiku is just social networking ?20:09
mattikit is microblog maybe20:10
mattikused by phone or by computer20:10
mattikdimpan: Maybe you have to report straight to boxee developers because it is alpha?20:12
dimpanmattik: probly but its not supported for intrepid, thats why i was wondering if anyone is actually using with intrepid20:14
mattikdimpan: ok. What is the microblog what you can use on KDE4 desktop? that widget? I don't know20:16
punkrockguy318hey how stable is the latest 8.10?20:18
nonniipunkrockguy318: I have been using 8.10 for 2 weeks and it has been stable for me, not everything works thoug, but no crashes20:23
nonniiprobably would not have upgraded if I would have noticed that fglrx is not working in intrepid, but that's not so bad anyway20:25
Tamagotonoanyone here using an intel x4500MHD (aka cantiga, aka G45) video chipset?  I am having problems and want to compare results.20:28
chakieTamagotono: i tried to20:28
Tamagotonochakie: you run into problems too?20:29
chakieon hardy, not recognized at all20:29
chakieon intrepid out of the box: solid freeze20:29
chakiewith a new driver from git: crash20:30
chakiethen i gave up20:30
Tamagotonodid you get any display on intrepid before it crashed?20:30
chakieusing the vesa driver, yes20:30
chakiei did have a case where kdm would actually try to start20:30
TamagotonoI am only getting a white screen using the intel driver20:31
chakieie the mouse became active and the screen black20:31
chakiebut the X process sat in an eternal loop20:31
Tamagotonoit thinks it is working but I just can't see anything.  Works fine on an external display!20:31
Tamagotonoit does lock up if I plug in or remove a monitor while the driver is loaded20:32
ronnymy wpa just stopped working after the last updates20:32
ronnyanything known about that20:32
ronny(eth1 doesnt enable envryption any more)20:32
chakiei tried some patches from the x.org bugzilla for g45, but they just changed the crash backtrace20:33
chakieand the intel engineer that closed my bug report (a dupe) said i was to expect more bugs after this initial crash was solved20:33
chakieso i went and bought a nvidia card20:34
Tamagotonogood call20:34
chakieno more intel crap20:34
chakiemy intel audio doesn't work either20:34
chakiebut i think intrepid's partially at fault there :)20:34
TamagotonoI like intel just because they are open source, but not the best performance20:34
Tamagotonomy intel audio works fine except the speakers are not disabled when I plug in my headphones20:35
mattikchakie: hda intel doesn't work perfect me, too20:35
chakiemattik: same stuff here, i think20:35
mattikNo system sounds20:36
chakieamarok1 happily plays music :)20:36
chakiebut no output. and i have fiddled with alsamixer *a lot*20:36
TamagotonoI want to try the latest drivers from git but I have never used it.  Any suggestions on where to find a good tutorial or howto for using it?20:37
chakiei just followed the docs given by intel20:38
Tamagotonocool, I'll check it out.  Thank you20:38
chakiei got the driver and the drm module and compiled against my existing x.org 7.3 installation20:39
chakiecompiled ok, but did not run ok. no idea if the version "mismatch" was a problem20:39
Tamagotonomy wife just served lunch.  I'll be back in a few minutes...20:39
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arooniis nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new .... the same thing as dloading the binary drivers from nvidia?20:44
TamagotonoOK, I'm back!20:52
tonyyarussoSay, has anyone been using epiphany-webkit lately?  I'm curious about how it's progressing.20:53
Tamagotonoarooni: basically yes, but they will get updated when the kernel is updated so you don't have to do it yourself.  There may also be a delay from when Nvidia releases a new version and when ubuntu does.20:54
aroonii am trying to get the geforce 9400gt or 9500gt to work on ubuntu hardy..... i tried dloading nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new packages.... no dice.  then i tried dloading driver from nvidias site and compiling it... but got an error that it was "Unable to load kernel module "nvidia.ko" .... happens frequently when module is built against wrong or improperly configured kernel sources)..... any ideas?20:54
TuTUXGarooni, you have to remove the restricted-module package if you gonna build the driver yourself (that's my understanding)20:57
TuTUXGarooni, also make sure you have cleaned up any previous installed driver before you do that20:58
aroonihow do i do that20:58
TuTUXGremove them use aptitude purge or synaptics20:59
TuTUXGbe aware of removing the restricted-module, if your system is using any other close source drivers, it may remove all of those as well21:00
TuTUXGsuch as some wireless card's driver21:00
TuTUXGarooni, is the 177beta driver in hardy's repo?21:01
aroonihmmm i dontk now/21:02
TuTUXGwait, isn't this the intrepid channel?21:03
TuTUXGi know that driver is certainly in intrepid's repo, im using it right now ;)21:04
Saikidoes this channel cover xfe as well?21:04
* chakie uses the 177 version too21:06
chakienvidia could optimize the driver a bit, it's darn sluggish21:07
chakieseems no gfx drivers on linux are good. some work, but none are really good21:07
TuTUXGbetter than ati's drivers21:08
SaikiNvidia's drivers are good21:09
chakiethey are *slow*21:09
Saikiat least for me 710021:09
chakiebut thay are stable21:09
SaikiI haven't had any issues of late21:09
chakiemy 8400 is lots slower than the old 6600, even on a 5 years newer machine21:10
crdlbthe problem is that nvidia tries to do everything themselves, so now that X infrastructure is catching up, they have to do twice as much work as everyone else21:10
Saikiwell, thtat's nvidia's fault, sin't it?21:12
TuTUXGchakie, according to http://www.notebookcheck.net/Comparison-of-Graphic-Cards.130.0.html, 6600 is faster than 840021:13
chakieTuTUXG: oh, ok. but it should not matter on a 2d desktop and a five year newer dual core cpu should make it scream anyway21:14
TuTUXGi thought you were just comparing the vcards21:15
chakiebut i rather have sluggish and working than fast and buggy21:15
chakiei know the older card and a kde3 desktop wasn't "hit" by the same slowdowns as an 8400 on a kde4 desktop21:16
TuTUXGanyway, nvidia has the right to do whatever they want with their product, end of story21:16
chakietouchy subject?21:16
TuTUXGya, there are problems with kde4 and nvidia drivers21:17
mattiksame with ati21:17
`Matirso for some reason, nspluginwrapper keeps breaking on my system.... somehow the link in /usr/lib64/firefox/plugins keeps pointing to a non-existent file21:17
TuTUXGmake the link manually21:18
TuTUXGthat' could be a workaround ;P21:18
TuTUXGchakie, not touchy, but time wasting21:20
`MatirTuTUXG, well yes, but the problem is that somehow the link keeps getting set back... not sure if it's an upgrade thing or what21:20
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TuTUXG`Matir, file a bug report (if there isnt one already)21:21
RyanPriorDoes anybody know what the updated plans for Firefox are? I hear that Mozilla doesn't want an "EULA per se", but still wants a license agreement, so I'm confused.21:24
chakieTuTUXG: true, we mere users can but whine and complain :)21:24
SaikiTuTUXG: I beg to differ21:27
SaikiKDE4 handles nvidia lowend cards much beter than GNOME does21:27
TuTUXGthen i dont know, i dont really use kde421:28
SaikiI was playing with it21:29
ali1234ok where's me desktop gone? ;)21:35
punkrockguy318Does proprietiery nvidia drivers have any issues in intrepid?21:36
punkrockguy318well i mean rather do they work for the most part?21:36
crdlbpunkrockguy318: as long as you don't have something older than the FX series21:37
punkrockguy318alright cool21:37
punkrockguy318openoffice is generally stable?21:37
Exilantis there no gphoto >2.4.0 in ubuntu? not even for ibex?21:38
Exilantgphoto2 even21:38
emet!info gnome-do21:39
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 158 kB, installed size 1060 kB21:39
emetbad idea having gnome-do 0.621:39
emetbad idea21:39
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfe421:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfe21:45
ubottuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.21:45
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto21:46
SaikiIbex is going to be 8.10 isn't it?21:49
ephracisSaiki: of course it will.. what made you think it wouldn't?21:52
ikthow long till alpha 6 ^^21:54
ephracisikt: thursday if I am not misinformed.21:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roadmap21:55
ubottuA schedule of Intrepid Ibex (8.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule21:56
iktthought it was sep 16th21:57
chakieit is. for 2 more minutes21:58
iktI mean I thought they were going to release alpha 6 on sep 16th21:58
RyanPriorHow radically different is the Intrepid artwork from the Hardy artwork? Does it live up to the hype generated by all the mockups?22:00
iktafaik it's using the human murraine theme from hardy atm22:01
RyanPriorikt: Well, we're past user interface freeze - does that mean no artwork change after all?22:02
ikthttp://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu810alpha3-large_016.jpg <- was how it looked in alpha 1 iirc22:03
RyanPriorThat would be a disappointment. A big change was promised for Hardy, but then the art team said it wasn't quite ready and that it would come through in Intrepid. :-(22:04
ikthttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Alpha-5-Screenshot-Tour-93089.shtml <- how it looks alpha 522:04
RyanPriorNo way, that's more like stock Gnome stuff.22:05
RyanPriorWell, that was before user interface freeze though.22:05
iktI think they mention it's a bit broken22:05
RyanPriorAlpha 6 should look like the final.22:06
iktcan't wait :P22:06
miloszWhat's happened to ALSA?22:45
miloszi can't use it at all anymore22:45
Turskimilosz: huh?23:01
Turskiafter what?23:01
miloszlast update + relogin is suppose23:01
miloszGNOME mixer allows me to only mix Pulseaudio now23:01
miloszand using ALSA from any app just makes libasound error out23:02
Turskii am having latest alsa working fine23:02
miloszow cripes23:02
miloszi hope this coaster ride takes an end in oct!23:02
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