=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away === superm1|away is now known as superm1 [01:55] base-installer: cjwatson * r333 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog kernel/i386.sh): Add support for AMD family 17 on i386. === persia_ is now known as persia [04:05] cjwatson: I'm seeing some behavior in grub-installer that I didn't expect.... [04:05] cjwatson: syslog of a RAID install: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47315/ [04:06] cjwatson: the log-blob starting at line 8444 shows that grub-installer finds and executes /sbin/grub-install in the chrooted target OS [04:07] cjwatson: I think this actually makes my RAID and md-related changes to grub-installer moot [04:07] cjwatson: however, grub-installer is still calling /sbin/grub-install with "(hd0)" as the argument, so grub-install is not actually writing the multiple MBR's [04:10] cjwatson: actually, this might be a problem too... [04:10] Sep 15 22:27:42 grub-installer: info: Identified partition label for /dev/md0: loop [04:10] "loop" is not the correct label [04:42] cjwatson: okay, i think i may see the heart of the problem... [04:42] if type dmraid >/dev/null 2>&1; then [04:42] ... [04:43] elif type multipath >/dev/null 2>&1; then [04:43] ... [04:43] elif type mdadm >/dev/null 2>&1; then [04:43] ... [04:43] fi [04:43] cjwatson: those are not mutually exclusive [04:43] cjwatson: my install has dmraid such that "type" returns 0, but i really want the mdadm block to execute [05:08] kirkland: What package? [05:08] TheMuso: grub-installer [05:08] TheMuso: I'm testing a patch now.... [05:09] kirkland: Ah ok. I have yet to debug why it doesn't do its dmraid thing properly, so if you can solve that for yourself, and assuming it gets uploaded, I will base my work from what you've done. [05:09] TheMuso: sounds good, i'll pass my patch by you here, if it works [05:09] kirkland: Ok. [05:11] kirkland: I see what you mean about faulty logic, especially since dmraid is aprt of the disks now. [05:11] TheMuso: oooh, did that change recently? [05:11] TheMuso: I swear this was working for me earlier in Intrepid....... [05:11] kirkland: Yes, when I seeded dmraid. [05:11] As part of my dmraid inclusion work. [05:15] TheMuso: \o/ it works :-) [05:15] kirkland: Nice. [05:18] TheMuso: patch attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/270758 [05:18] TheMuso: I'm making a bzr branch now [05:41] kirkland: Ok. [05:41] Is anyone else able to confirm that persistence support in casper is broken at the moment [05:42] evand: Whats needed to test? I have a USB key I can dig up, but have never played with it before. [05:44] kirkland: Glancing at the diff, I like the extra bit of logic you've added there. My only concern is that a user *MAY* wish to use a dmraid device, multipath, and mdadm simultaneously, but I highly doubt it. :p [05:45] TheMuso: you can either make an ext2 partition on that disk with the label casper-rw, or you can put the full CD on the USB disk and add a casper-rw loopback file in the root. In either case, add 'persistent' to the kernel command line. [05:45] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [05:45] evand: Ok, I'll have to do the former, since my key is only 128MB. [05:46] I'll get back to you in a bit with the results. [05:46] ok, much appreciated [05:53] ...or maybe not. Looks like the key is dead. [05:53] ouch [05:53] thanks the same though [05:53] np [05:54] It wasn't a critical key. I only ever used it for testing/experiments. [05:54] I'd rather carry everything around on either an external HD or on my notebook. Those keys are too easy to lose. [05:57] * evand puts everything in the cloud, lest he lose important information to a disk failure. [06:02] evand: Everything? Even your secret keys? [06:03] ok, so not those :) [06:05] evand: I understand. I recently travelled with a formatted notebook, and an install CD. Was functional again as soon as I had a network connection. [06:06] nice [06:11] Its alright if sed network connection is fast. [06:12] I don't think cloud computing will be worthwhile in Australia till we get some deacent speeds. [06:12] heh [06:12] fair enough [06:12] And local servers that are part of the cloud. [06:12] TheMuso: You just need a local cloud. [06:19] * evand kicks CIA-59 [06:19] ow [06:19] sure, respond to that and not my attempt to post a commit to you. [06:20] haha [08:13] hi [09:42] cjwatson: ping ? [09:57] saispo: yes? [09:58] cjwatson: can you give me a little help on an lvm partition scheme ? [09:59] it didn't work and don't understand and see no mistake :/ [10:01] you can see it at : http://pastebin.com/m79de50ac [10:01] thks [10:05] saispo: you made lots of that up, didn't you? :-) I don't think device{ /dev/sda } can possibly be documented anywhere. [10:05] i see this in the partman recipe :) [10:06] I don't think I've ever heard of in_vg{ } or lv_name{ } either [10:06] which partman recipe? [10:06] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt [10:07] saispo: ah. I think that's from a newer version of partman-lvm and partman-auto-lvm than Ubuntu has. [10:07] please don't follow Debian documentation on Ubuntu, you'll just get yourself confused [10:07] ok [10:07] it looks neat, but we don't have that stuff yet, sorry [10:08] ok [10:08] no lvm partition scheme work on Ubuntu ? [10:08] sure, just not multiple-disk ones [10:08] i have only one disc [10:08] but needed two lv in a vg [10:08] yeah, I know, but that's the multiple-disk syntax [10:08] let me finish please [10:08] ok [10:09] you write recipes as normal (i.e. largely as if no LVM were involved) - see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu/annotate/963?file_id=21442%4048c42b26-1dd6-0310-b98f-a58d8bce7237%3Atrunk%252Finstaller%3Adoc%252Fdevel%252Fpartman-auto-recipe.txt [10:10] tag the partitions in the recipe that are allowed to be on LVM with $lvmok{ } [10:10] that's it [10:10] there are some specifics around line 88 of the link I just posted [10:11] yes, i see :) [10:11] but $defaultignore{ } and $lvmignore{ } are only important if you want to write one recipe that'll work for both LVM and non-LVM, which you probably don't [10:11] by default, it will put everything in the one VG for you, so you don't need to use the more complicated newer syntax [10:12] ok [10:13] looks like that new syntax will be useful for kickstart; thanks for mentioning it [10:13] sorry I accused you of making it up :) [10:14] no prob :) [10:15] will write a new partition scheme without lvm, i don't need it anymore for my customer request :) [10:15] thanks to take some times for me :) [10:34] kirkland: thanks, uploading [10:54] evand: is bug 182004 in fact in progress (apparently since January ...) or would you mind if I took it over at some point? I have some ideas [10:54] evand: it looks a bit more complex than just partman-auto/init_automatically_partition === davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away [14:01] please go ahead === davmor2_away is now known as davmor2 [14:04] cjwatson, Hello! While edubuntu is usually built as an addon CD nowadays, I am wondering if debian-cd/data/{hardy,intrepid}/preseed/edubuntu/edubuntu.seed needs to be modified? [14:04] cjwatson, edubuntu-desktop got renamed to edubuntu-desktop-addon? [14:05] cjwatson, I mean the "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-server" line. [14:05] cjwatson, Thanks! [14:07] foka: We don't use it any more ourselves, but indeed so. Done, thanks. [14:09] cjwatson, Wow, that was quick. :-) Thanks! That was one problem I ran into: edubuntu-desktop stuff didn't get installed (but I wasn't sure if that was the change that did the trick), and it seems tasksel just quietly skipped it and left no warning in /var/log/syslog. [14:10] yeah, I don't think it warns about unknown tasks unfortunately [14:11] cjwatson, I would like to look into it deeper some time; should I look into the "tasksel" package, or into a certain d-i module, or is it not so easily fixed? :-) [14:12] tasksel [14:12] it's a bit messy because at one point tasksel.pl itself wasn't technically able to use debconf; now I think it could, but nobody's rewritten the workarounds [14:13] so there's a bizarre split between tasksel.pl and tasksel-debconf [14:13] cjwatson, I see. Thanks for the great hint! [16:01] * cjwatson is rather liking the shape of the debian-installer and ubiquity graphs on http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Plots/ [16:01] both of them are at their lowest levels all year [16:02] very nice [16:04] evand: aiming for a usb-creator upload before slangasek wakes up and freezes for alpha-6? :-) [16:05] hmm, you haven't pushed your changes I think [16:05] for usb-creator? It's a bound branch. [16:06] ... but mine isn't and I was using 'bzr up'. Whoops. [16:06] re upload> I'm going to try to squeeze one more upload in before he calls freeze, assuming he does that later than an hour from now. [16:07] I suspect you can get away with it [16:08] it should be fairly stable and functional at the moment, though I need to investigate why persistence support in casper isn't working. === superm1 is now known as superm1|away [16:14] UI looks loads better [16:14] does the Format button do anything? there's no feedback [16:16] oh, I suppose it only works if I select the partition rather than the disk [16:18] indeed, I need to put in a progress dialog for that [16:19] I think the problem is that it offered me the disk at all [16:19] it should only offer the disk if there are no partitions on it [16:20] that wasn't true in this case, there was already a partition [16:20] if it's helpful, I inserted the stick after starting usb-creator [16:21] hrm, what's your partition table look like? Perhaps I can reproduce this. [16:21] after starting usb-creator> slightly different code path, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. [16:22] oof, it seems to have finished installing and still be running but have no windows up [16:22] it's hidden [16:23] you most likely clicked on something else [16:23] definitely not [16:23] oh? yikes. [16:23] I haven't seen that bug in a good long while in my tests. [16:23] I've minimised everything; there are windows shown by alt-tab but actually alt-tabbing to them doesn't cause them to be displayed [16:23] last few things in the output: [16:23] [16:20:27] device_udi: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_3433_3231 [16:23] [16:20:27] num_changes: 2 [16:23] [16:20:27] change: volume.mount_point [16:23] [16:20:27] change: volume.is_mounted [16:24] is there a traceback in /root/.usb-creator.log (I know, I need to fix the write location)? [16:24] no [16:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/47481/ from two successive invocations (I thought the first one had crashed, but actually this had happened to it) [16:25] http://paste.ubuntu.com/47482/ <- partition table [16:27] odd, I have quite a similar setup with a 4G disk. I'll see if I can get to the bottom of this quickly. [16:28] thanks === superm1|away is now known as superm1 [18:24] any ideas on why the following brings me to the terminal in preseed.cfg instead of installing edubuntu-desktop? tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, edubuntu-desktop [18:29] I suspect you want to change to edubuntu-desktop-addon, although I may be mistaken [18:32] hmm, what i list the possibilites edubuntu-desktop is one [18:32] nothing about addon [18:32] maybe i need to install it as a package as well you mean? [18:35] i'm pretty sure that is expecting a task name, and the task is indeed called edubuntu-desktop-addon [18:35] just take a look at tasksel --l | grep edubuntu [18:36] u edubuntu-server Edubuntu server [18:36] u edubuntu-desktop-kde Edubuntu KDE desktop [18:36] u edubuntu-desktop-addon Edubuntu desktop [18:36] damn, that's changed since feisty! no wonder, i was looking at the old docs [18:36] ok so what's the difference between kde and addon? [18:37] one is gtk based and the other is kde based [18:38] er gnome based vs kde based is a better way to put it [18:38] ok [18:38] well one down one problem to go [18:38] then im finally done with thi [18:38] this [18:39] do you know anything about likewise? [18:40] not familiar with it, sorry [18:41] no problem [18:52] grub-installer: cjwatson * r743 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer): merge from lp:~kirkland/grub-installer/270758 [18:57] anyone with experience with likewise? I have it joining the domain via preseed.cfg over the network. The installer logs show it's sucessfully. domainjoin-cli query shows it's joined, AD shows it's joined, but I can't log in to the domain. If I leave and rejoin it works fine. Any ideas on why that would be? [19:00] Goosemoose: #ubuntu-server would be a better place for that question. [19:03] evand: asked it there, no answer [19:07] odd [19:16] 123 people there, no one talks [20:44] Goosemoose: ask dendrobates about likewise [21:00] ok kirkland