
AliTabuger7I still have yet to get the files/access i need to start working. When I do, would it be acceptable for me to create "test" nodes of different content types?04:18
juliuxhey katkin 10:17
katkinjuliux: hey10:25
juliuxkatkin: how are you?10:31
katkinjuliux: I'm good thanks, ridiculously busy, but good :) you?10:32
juliuxi am good, but very busy with work and ubuntu stuff10:32
juliuxi want to ask you if it is possible to get some ball-pens for ubucon again?10:32
AliTabuger7Is anyone from SU here? I'm worried it seems to be taking 'pep' a while to get me what I need to start working.15:57
=== shahriar86 is now known as shahriar_away

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