
fta[reed], do you have jit on now ?00:13
[reed]on one of my laptops00:14
ftausable ?00:14
fta= are the crashes gone ?00:14
[reed]not all00:14
[reed]but most00:14
fta[reed], both chrome and content or just one ?00:16
ftahm, ok, trying00:16
asacok. i am giving up00:35
asacdebian upload queue doesnt like me00:35
asacit always claims that my upload was already uploaded00:36
gnomefreakJazzva: are you here? i cant remember your time zone06:26
gnomefreakhow the hell do you post a comment on debian's bug tracker?06:41
vk5fossgnomefreak: email bugnumer@06:42
gnomefreakvk5foss: you mean like bug#@bugs.debian.org06:43
vk5fossgnomefreak: yeah.06:45
vk5fossasac: sorry, didnt see your comments 7 hours ago ... i see it says its fixed ... whys that?06:49
vk5fossasac: not sure i follow, tbh :/06:52
gnomefreakthis guy is a real moron :(07:08
gnomefreakasac: its after 0200 and im going to leave irssi open if you comment and im in bed :( how did review go on firegpg and chatzilla. both work on firefoxc 3 and abrowser on this pc07:19
gnomefreakis there  a site that has instructions to get a sponser for Debian?07:26
* gnomefreak taking a break maybe sleep07:27
vk5fosslater maet07:28
asacvk5foss: ?08:28
asacgnomefreak: thanks08:28
vk5fossoh, the nick08:29
=== vk5foss is now known as kgoetz
* kgoetz is Kamping_Kaiser 08:30
asackgoetz: you are really a camelino ;)08:30
asackgoetz: sorry its early and didnt have coffee yet. what are you referring to?08:31
kgoetzasac: sorry, i dont bother to reset my nicks when the 'net drops08:32
kgoetzasac: i was replying to what you said to Kamping_Kaiser ~9 hours ago08:32
mdkeasac: I asked dholbach for some help with removing the alternatives, as he's the guy who has previously helped quite a bit with ubuntu-docs, but he's referred me to you, as you'll see from you mail :)08:35
mdkeasac: if you don't have time to help out with this, let me know, and I'll ask around08:36
mdkeasac: i have to go to work now from where no irc, but I'll be on email if you can discuss08:54
asackgoetz: ah. ok no it appears to be fixed for ubuntu-dev-tools. the debdiff for devscripts is still pending from what i see09:18
asacmdke: ok. got the mail09:21
kgoetzasac: ah, ok.09:21
asacbug 26901009:59
ubottuBug 269010 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/269010 is private09:59
kgoetzasac: just got the emails re: ca-certs. i'll re-read it tomorrow when i'm a bit awake and clueful10:10
asackgoetz: right if you wnat more clarification feel free to ask10:14
kgoetzasac: will do.10:15
* kgoetz gone10:15
gnomefreak@now new_york11:52
ubottuCurrent time in America/New_York: September 16 2008, 06:52:04 - Next meeting: QA Team in 1 day11:52
gnomefreakthats odd11:53
gnomefreak11:00 UTC, 3rd Tuesday of the month11:56
gnomefreakim not crazy :(11:56
asac"crazy" is hard to define12:00
gnomefreakin this case i wish i was crazy i only got 3 hours of sleep so i can be at the meeting12:01
gnomefreakill go back to sleep after meeting or in a few hours12:02
gnomefreakthis extension was pissing me off last night because i couldnt think so i will get to it after nap and i have to add it to our extensions page as well12:03
asacgnomefreak: better rest first ... then work ... the other way around isnt productive ;)12:04
gnomefreakthats true12:04
* gnomefreak doesnt remember why i needed Jazzva yesterday :(12:26
Jazzvagnomefreak, I remember you asked how to send a comment on debian's BTS12:26
Jazzvabut someone already answered...12:27
gnomefreakJazzva: yeah found that one out. this was about one of the extensions i was working on but dont remember what it was12:27
Jazzvagnomefreak, in case you remember, feel free to ask :). I'll be off for next 2-3 hours, need to get some sleep12:27
gnomefreakJazzva: me too im only up for CC meeting that seems to not be happening12:33
gnomefreakasac: is there a site explaining the process to getting a new or fixed package into debian?12:33
gnomefreaki can at least add this extension to the wiki if its not already there12:35
gnomefreakJazzva: how do you feel about dropping mozilla-bookmarksftp for placesync? PlaceSync appeared (which is a cut version of Sync and Sort)12:38
gnomefreakwait on that12:39
asacgnomefreak: the process is to submit a debdiff to the debian bug or open a new one12:40
asacthen hope that the maintainer includes it12:40
asacunless its release-critical there is no way to "just" upload it without the maintainer taking the patch12:40
gnomefreakhow do i get a debdiff for a new package?12:40
gnomefreaktheres nothing to get a diff from12:41
gnomefreakJazzva: imleaning towards foxmarks for a replacement for mozilla-bookmarksftp12:42
asacbug 22771112:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227711 in hunspell-en-us "hunspell-en-us conflicts with thunderbird (unversioned)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22771112:47
=== ma10 is now known as ma10-NOeULA
gnomefreakthere sent email to firemarks people about licenses now i can feel better to go back to bed.13:11
gnomefreakok bed time ive done enough for now. damn i have one more fast thing to do13:18
gnomefreakthere all done ;)13:18
Volansasac, fta (fta2): is there anyone already working on addons to add abrowser and/or test some large maintenance script?15:12
asacVolans: no. we havent started. but i think we shouldnt be blocked by alpha-6 freeze much no extension is on the CD15:14
asac(abrowser depends transition that is)15:14
asacVolans: for the large maintainer scripts i would suggest that we go on as suggested ... its unlikely that we get the perl framework this cycle ... and blocking because of this shouldnt be required imo15:15
asacVolans: have you tried to implement the scripts i mentioned?15:15
Volans1- can I help you working on abrowser depends transition or you have already planned to do this?15:17
Volans3-(script) I'm working testing some script to do so but I don't knew that you want to do it in PERL... I'm doing it in bash atm15:17
VolansI think that for large maintenance a way to do all automatically can be to add a debian/watch file to the extension's branches with the url of the mozilla watchable folder15:19
Volansin such a way we can use tools like uscan and uupdate like standard packages15:19
VolansI have checked now all the packages in the Wiki list that have the "Repo" = "yes" and only two of them already have a debian/watch file15:20
asacVolans: ad 3. i dont think that "script" is really important which language we use16:17
asacVolans: i think as long as we really need a real scripting language, using basic sh should be fine16:17
asacs/need/don't need/16:18
Volansok, so I go ahead with my tests16:18
Volansyou agree to add a watch file to all extension packages in the long run?16:18
asacVolans: adding a watch file would be one way to do it16:18
asacVolans: the other way would be that we maintain the watch files for the upstream branches in the "bot config" tree16:19
asacVolans: this would solve the bootstrap problem. people could ask someone authoritive to enable a new extension ... which would then create a new upstream branch in the next batch, which the user can base its .ubuntu tree on16:19
asacVolans: let me show you something (which would be fine to completely dump and start from scratch ;))16:20
Volansok, thanks16:21
* Volans downloading the code16:22
asacthe BOT.TASKS is a directory structure that has the idea to allow bot tasks to be configured16:23
asacand in BOT there is a generic runtask script16:23
asacwhich is supposed to load the config for a certain task ;)16:24
asace.g. runtask BOT.TASKS/upstream/amo/flashblock.ubuntu.HEAD16:24
asacthe idea is that the TASKS tree is a hiearchy of config files that allow to overload values ;)16:25
asacso first config loaded would be: upstream/config , that would be supplemented/overloaded by upstream/amo/config and that would get its final shape by the specific task: upstream/amo/flashblock.ubuntu.HEAD16:25
asacanyway. this is all not set in stone and for me it looks suspicious that we reinvent the wheel in some way here ;)16:26
Volansasac: so you want to manage both new AMO versions and upstream versions?16:26
asacVolans: later. the idea is that this will be extensible.16:26
asace.g. we write a UPSTREAM task script ... that can then hook in a AMO script and later something else for another upstream task16:27
Volans(and complex)16:27
asacVolans: might be. but ...16:27
asac_all_ the logic to parse the config in the above way is already in the "runtask" script16:28
asacso we would just need to refactor that to a functions script16:28
asacso the "complex" partis probably mostly done16:28
asacthe only tricky thing is to teach the UPSTREAM script to honour the UPSTREAM_TYPE config and run that script in the same way runtask runs UPSTREAM16:29
asacand AMO would then just implement the watching like it would be done in a normal script16:29
asacVolans: but well. i think its fine to do it different ... e.g. simpler16:29
asacto get things started16:29
Volansif not sure to understand all the details so far, but go ahead16:30
asacVolans: thats why i ment that its easier to start to write the scripts we discussed16:30
asacwe can use them now to hack something that works16:30
asacand later hopefully reuse them in the complete system16:30
asacthough that is of course not guaranteed ;)16:31
Volansis exactly what I am doing.. something that works now :)16:31
asacright. but i would like to maintain the watchfiles in a config branch i think ;)16:31
asaceverything else you can do as you want :)16:31
asacunless you see a reason why maintaining them outside the package is bad16:32
Volansso, don't add the watch file to the source package?16:32
Volansyou already have a tool/script that can download the latest version from AMO directory?16:33
asacVolans: for instance we could ahve a config branch: upstream-syncs/amo/16:33
asacand put all watch files in there16:33
asacVolans: what we want is to download a specific version if possible16:34
asacVolans: but well. in the end i dont really mind how it is done. i would just like to have all releases in upstream bzr somehow and being able to identify which commit was which version16:37
Volanswhy specific and not the latest?16:38
asacVolans: i just assumed that we know the new version through the check-extensions script16:39
asachowever, that isnt really necessary16:39
asacat best we would pull down everything _new_ and import everything up to the last release16:39
asace.g. if there  have been two releases in between we probably want to import both16:39
Volansasac: let me understand a thing.. you want that the script update the bzr branch AND/OR make the changes to the source package?16:39
Volansfor the many releases in between you are right, we have to import all, one at time in the branches16:40
asacVolans: what i suggested was to write a dumb script that just knows how to download a specific version of a .xpi from amo16:40
asacalso write a dump script that upgrades an existing branch from a given .xpi16:41
Volansall separately?16:41
asacand when we have all pieces together write one top level script that orchestrates those "small" tools16:41
asacfor a higher purpose use-case16:41
Volansok, more clear now16:42
asaclike upgrade-upstream-branch-and-attempt-merges ;)16:42
asacbut here: i dont care ;) ... if everything just works i am fine with a monolithic script to get things started16:42
asacbut otoh, i have the feeling that this might block us from doing long term changes through incremental improvements16:43
VolansI agree, many small scripts are easy to maintain and imporve16:43
asacyes. the code would be much mroe stable16:43
asacand also we should always try that whatever we do, something doesnt get completely blocked because one team member doesnt have time16:44
asacand a monolithic script sounds like it might end up in that kind of lock16:44
asacat least after a bunch of upstream methos have been added ;)16:45
asacVolans: anyway. i think i managed to use uscan without a debian package16:45
Volansoh, sounds good16:46
asacbut maybe thats not news for you ;)16:46
asacbut it has been quite a while and i cannot really say what i did16:46
asacmaybe i didnt manage to do that and create a spoof debian tree in a mktemp directory16:46
Volansis not a problem, I can leave it out at the moment assuming that the version to be downloaded will be a parameter given by the fta's script16:47
asacVolans: well. i think we still need watch files16:48
asacbecause its not easy to guess the .xpi filename for all extensions16:48
asacbut i think using uscan --upstream-version=... --download ... --watchfile=...  ... should work16:49
asacmaybe there is still a aparamter missing16:49
Volansok, I will try, or we can manage the watch file externally and at runtime copy the watch file in the debian dir, make uscan and remove the watch file16:49
Volansif I can use uscan "externally" will be better, I will read more in depth it's manpage16:50
asacVolans: if you need different parameters let me know16:50
asaci think its save to assume that we either have a config file with watch expressions (which we could then make a watchfile on the fly from)16:51
asacVolans: well. the contract of the download script16:51
asaci think i suggested download-amo-xpi <amoid> <upstream-version>16:51
asacnot sure if that is enough16:51
asacthats just what i ment16:51
Volansdepends on what <upstream-version> is16:52
Volansif is only version number, no it will not work16:52
Volansmaybe complete xpi name will be better, this can be done saving in the config file the "master" xpi filename16:52
asacVolans: would it work better that you always download all that are older than a known xpi name?16:52
Volansthat AMO uses16:52
asaclike ... last time you uploaded chatzilla-0.1.x.xpi16:53
asacerr downloaded16:53
asacthen get everything that came after that?16:53
Volansolder or newer?16:53
asacafter - on the time scale16:54
asacVolans: but well. actually why doesnt <upstream-version> help?16:54
asacbecause we dont know if the filename includes the same upstream version that is in install.rdf?16:54
Volansno I hope it's the same, but sometimes AMO use strange name, or the extension change name and I don't know if downloading a file *<upstream-version>*.xpi will be sage16:55
Volanserr... safe16:55
asacok. so maybe watchfiles arent really that helpful?16:56
asacso could we say we dont care how .xpi's are named (except a basic regex pattern?)16:56
asacand just find the "last processed" and download/import everything made after that?16:56
asac(given that we remember the filename of "last processed")16:57
asacor what is your idea?16:57
VolansI think that watch file are helpful if they are manually created with the correct name and if they fails raise an alert to manually check the situation16:57
Volanssome changes I see in the AMO filenames16:57
Volansare strange16:58
asacVolans: yes. i think we should provide two regexp: 1. regexp-active, 2. regexp-ignored ... we only download active obviously16:58
asacand we provide an error/warning when there is a file that doesnt match any of 1. or 2.16:58
asacso we can detect in case the filename has changed to something new :(16:59
asacat least one idea ;)16:59
Volansyes, something like that16:59
asacbut imo only practice will show what is relevant16:59
asacwe shouldnt bother too much with corner cases before starting16:59
Volansfor example the actually watch for all-in-one-sidebar is: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/addons/1027/all-in-one_sidebar-([\d\.]*)-fx\.xpi17:00
asacVolans: i think we could use watchfiles. those are basically just downloads with regexps17:00
asacbut we probably cannot download all right?17:01
Volansall the newer from the latest merge?17:02
asacVolans: well. upstream branch is independent from merging. so to be more accurate i would say "newer from last xpi processed"17:02
asacor "newer than last xpi imported"17:02
asacbut if its really simpler to "just" download the last17:03
asacthen fine17:03
asacwhy not17:03
asacthis shouldnt block all this17:03
Volansok, I make a simple test with uscan and then go ahead with latest if it fails17:04
asacbut i am not sure if that is really easier ;)17:04
asacif uscan fails?17:04
Volansif I fails to use uscan to download all newer versions in a simple way17:04
Volansthe other way is to download the index.html page of the directory and parse it to give the complete list of the files17:05
asacVolans: we could use simple ftp maybe?17:05
Volansbut surely is not quick17:05
asace.g. mget <simpleexpression>17:05
Volansyes the archive is both ftp and http17:06
asace.g. chatzilla-*.xpi17:06
asacwe could do a ls and find the last processed file17:06
asacand download all files that come after tht17:06
Volansgood idea17:06
asacVolans: maybe wget can even do real regexps on ftp17:06
asacVolans: but in the end i think that if we cannot rely on the version number to somehow encoded in a way that allows us to sort them in a strict order we wont have a chance but to download all17:08
asacVolans: can we assume that the version number is available in a sortable fashion for nowß17:08
asaceven if its not the same version number that is in installr.df (which is the actual upstream version)17:08
asaci think we can. so a ls in ftp, then sorting them by version number should be fine17:09
Volansyes, I think so, I have a firefox page with 15 tabs on those directories on AMO and all have sortable version num,ber17:09
asacVolans: ok. would ftp on its own show them properly sorted?17:09
asacusually that becomes an issue if version are like:17:10
asacinstead of 0.08 0.09 0.1017:10
asacVolans: hmm. maybe we should really download all17:10
asaceverything seems too complicated17:10
asacnot sure how much data that is17:11
Volansthey seems to be sorted on ls on ftp17:11
asacis there a ftp sync tool that does smart things?17:11
asacVolans: yes. but i think there will certainly be too many versioning schemes that might break the "basic" ls17:11
Volansevery extension have it's own version scheme but if we save it in a "watchable" regexp we can use it, and all seems to be ordered17:12
Volansdownload all for older extensions can be very useless17:13
Volansdownloading 20 versions to upgrade just one :)17:14
asacVolans: ordered by the uscan tool?17:15
asacor by plain ls?17:15
asacdoes ls order by timestamp?17:15
Volansby plain ls on ftp17:16
Volansthe timestamp problem is that all version prior  Mar 25  2007 have the same date17:16
Volansmaybe is the creation time of the archive17:16
asacVolans: yeah. what is the ftp address?17:17
Volans ftp ftp.mozilla.org17:17
Volanslogin anonymous17:17
Volanscd /pub/mozilla.org/addons/AMOID17:17
Volansfor example 3917:17
Volans(mouse gestures)17:17
asacVolans: have you found any extension with lots of releases?17:18
Volansalso 427  scrapbook17:19
asacVolans: ok. so how big is amo?17:21
asacis mirroring too much?17:21
VolansI think they have the whole history17:22
asaclet me try ;)17:22
asacmirror AMO ;)17:23
asacjust to see how big it is17:23
Volansah.... :)17:23
Volanswe have only some 15-30 extension at the moment17:23
asacyeah. that make things even better17:24
Volansasac: you want to mirror AMOID directories of our packages?17:25
asacwget -m --recursive ftp:/...AMOID/17:26
asacworks nicely ;)17:26
asacVolans: so i think we can just do:17:26
Volansyou have a server where all those script and work will be done?17:26
asacfor i in $AMOIDs; do17:26
asac wget -m --recursive ftp://..../$i/17:27
asacand then process all .xpi's and introspect them for the upstream version17:27
Volanswith zgrep for example17:27
asacVolans: i could put that onto something if it works17:27
asace.g. something that branches the CONFIG branch on every run17:27
asacand then processes17:27
asacVolans: yes. zgrep appears to be available everywhere17:28
* Volans doing some schema to organise (hoping with some logic) the script and tasks17:31
asacsure feeel free to innovate17:32
Volansasac: what are the steps between an updated bzr branch and an updated package? i.e. just download the source package and replace/merge the content with the updated branch?17:54
Volans(not to mention packaging stuff like debuild, etc...)17:54
asacVolans: "updated bzr branch" .. meaning "updated upstream bzr branch" ?17:54
asac"updated package" == " updated package bzr branch"17:55
Volans1: yes17:55
Volans2: I was forgotting the .ubuntu branches... sorry, I was meaning the dsc, debdiff, etc...17:56
Volansasac: I change my question... if we have 3 newer versions, you want in the upstream branch 3 commits, right?18:02
Volansand in the .ubuntu branch? only the final one?18:03
asacVolans: you dont need to care for dsc and such anymore18:05
asacall that matters here is ubuntu and upstream branches18:05
asac(for now)18:05
asacVolans: so we have a cronjob that runs and updates upstream branches18:06
Volansthis is already done?18:07
asacVolans: no thats what i think you should implement18:07
asacthe rest is indpendent ;)18:07
Volansah ok :)18:07
asaconce we ahve that we can do the "auto-merging" and "propose for merging" quite easily i think18:08
asacdo you need al the details now?18:08
asacthe algo is simple (might have rough edges):18:09
asacfor all BRANCHES:18:09
asacfor all UBUNTUBRANCHES:18:09
asac    try to push ubuntu branch U to U.merge18:10
asac  if that fails we just trash U.merge and push U there anyway18:14
asac  then we merge upstream onto if18:14
asacforget it ;)18:14
asaci think i forgot something important ;)18:14
asaci think i documented it on the wiki18:14
asacbut for now upstream branches are important to auto produce ;)18:14
Volansfor extension there are added in future?18:14
Volansasac: I have done a simple schema to be sure to do useful things... http://pastebin.com/d589a105618:15
Volanscan you see if there is something relly wrong?18:15
asacVolans: i think download.sh shouldnt checkout the branches18:17
asacwe could introduce a script initbranches.sh or something18:17
asacVolans: i think download.sh is actually mirror.sh <amoid1> [<amoid2> ...]18:18
asacor maybe even18:18
asacmirros.sh <mirror-dir> <amoid1> ...18:19
asacso it doesnt have to assume that any particular directory structure exists18:19
asacmirror.sh that is ;)18:19
asacnewer.sh could be18:21
ftawhat a day!18:21
asacget-import-jobs.sh <mirror-dir> <last-version> <amoid>18:22
asacget-import-jobs.sh <mirror-dir> <amoid> <current-version>18:22
VolansHi fta18:22
asacfta: what happened?18:22
ftabah, another though day18:24
asac_19:22 < asac> fta: what happened?18:30
asac_19:29 < asac> Volans: and 3rd. update.sh would then get a .upstream branch name and the .xpi file to import18:30
asac_19:29 < asac> so maybe import-xpi.sh18:30
Volansyou have lost only: (19:24:59) fta: bah, another though day18:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[reed]asac: note that we're not shipping tomorrow19:12
[reed]or today19:12
[reed]or whatever19:12
[reed]it'll be next week at the earlier19:12
[reed]build6 coming up19:12
asac[reed]: shipping == shipping beta you mean?19:13
[reed]we shipped beta last week19:13
asacthats fun19:13
[reed]final was supposed to go out today19:13
[reed]then got moved to tomorrow19:14
[reed]and now it's next week19:14
[reed]because we have to respin19:14
asacgood luck then19:14
jcastrowow, this bug just never ends19:14
asacagain an information problem19:14
[reed](this is for 3.0.2 /
asaci know19:14
ftafinal of what ?19:14
[reed]are you on release-drivers@/19:14
[reed]if not, you should be19:14
asac[reed]: silence on the security list on anything ... at least not a few days ago19:14
[reed]caillon is on there19:15
asacgreat. that explains a bit19:15
asacthanks for the info19:15
[reed]I'll get you added to release-drivers, if you want19:16
[reed]if so, what address should be used?19:16
asac[reed]: if that is low traffic then that would be great19:16
asac[reed]: my bugzilla address19:16
[reed]which is what again without me looking?19:17
[reed]it's low traffic except for when a release is about to happen19:17
[reed]and then it becomes high traffic19:17
asacyeah. thats exactly what i am looking for ;)19:17
asacfinally i can see by graphical visualization of the inflow of messages what is going on ;)19:17
asaclike staring at the matrix ;)19:17
asacfta: yeah. maybe a good sign :)19:19
[reed]Successfully subscribed:19:19
[reed]    * asac@jwsdot.com19:19
asac[reed]: rock ;)19:20
[reed]fta: that just means things that aren't named Firefox don't see the EULA :)19:20
[reed]if it's Firefox, EULA still applies19:20
asac[reed]: ok ml is working. thanks. got my first "live-mail" ;)19:29
Volansasac:  mirror.sh script done, you want to take a look or that I put it somewhere?19:31
asacVolans: just push it to a branch19:32
asacwhy not ... the first script of a series  ;)19:33
VolansLOL... I have to put some license statement?19:33
asacVolans: maybe push to lp:~volans/firefox-extensions/med-auto-scripts19:34
asacVolans: usually we use GPL v3 or later19:34
ftadamn, i updated the wrong branch19:35
[reed]asac: I prefer GPL v5.519:35
ftaasac, plz ignore the last ff3.head commit19:35
asac[reed]: you never know ;)19:35
asacfta: did you overwrite something?19:36
asacthen there shouldnt be a big problem19:36
Volansasac: putting also the standard GPL preamble? is a simple script :)19:36
fta-firefox-3.0 (3.0.2+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low19:36
fta+firefox-3.0 (3.0.3~cvs20080916t0411+nobinonly-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low19:36
asacfta: feel free to bump to build6 ;)19:37
ftanew src tarball then19:37
[reed]stuff hasn't landed yet19:38
asacfta: sure. not sure if the tag is set yet19:38
[reed]so, don't go pulling build6 just yet :p19:38
asacbut it surely will soon19:38
asac[reed]: is the tag set?19:38
[reed]patches haven't landed yet19:38
ftai monitor the tags, there's not 6 yet.19:38
asacyeah. thats why i thought we could directly go to build6 and wait with the respin until its tagged19:38
asacfta: if you want to do a tarball just now go to build5 then.19:40
ftai wanted to update 1.9.1/3.1 as i'm interested by some new cool features19:41
ftamy tired brain updated 1.9.1/3.0 instead19:41
ftanew cool features or cool new features??19:42
[reed]cool new features19:42
ftastill no sign of linux patches for chrome... only tons of bug/crasher fixes for windows19:42
[reed]Google doesn't care about Linux, obviously.19:43
ftamost of their apps are win only19:43
ftathere's only Google Earth for linux19:43
ftathat's sad19:44
ftaasac, http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/4b9f9c1f7e1deb1d2c5b566c538dfe200dbdded619:49
Jazzvafta, there's google picasa for linux, but that's still running on wine.19:54
ftaif it's with wine, it's not a linux app19:55
ftai would love to the see the new version of picasa under linux19:55
ftaor a clone19:55
ftafree clone19:55
Jazzvai would live to see picasa in gtk19:56
fta[reed], i hate to see commits without descriptions19:58
ftasuch as "Bug 430394, r+sr=roc"19:58
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 430394 could not be found19:58
* fta wiping a 350G build-area directory...20:00
ftai can't stop laughing since i read "If ubuntu drop firefox, I will drop ubuntu and tell anybody near me : don't use ubuntu, it is a bunch of blind zealots."20:26
asacfta: huh?20:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed]20:29
fta382 now20:30
asacgood laugh20:31
asaci laugh when i read: "I'm disgusted by all these people, these fanatics. Sorry, I have to go outside and puke."20:31
ftaload average: 13.11, 5.83, 2.5420:42
ftapa/alsa are killing me, locking every apps using sound20:43
ftaboom ff3.1 crashed20:45
ftawith a 110M crash file20:46
ftaseems ff3.1 is leaking fds for /tmp/jemalloc.XXXXXX20:49
ftaa lot20:49
fta241 in my crash file20:50
asacfta: why jemalloc?20:51
asacis that in-process flash?20:51
ftadonno, i got a lot of :20:51
fta 9a900000-9aa00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476919   /tmp/jemalloc.gIo6eB (deleted)20:51
fta 9ac00000-9ae00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476948   /tmp/jemalloc.0Xetwg (deleted)20:51
fta 9ae00000-9af00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476947   /tmp/jemalloc.C192GX (deleted)20:51
asacfta: you dont know if you are using in-process flash?20:52
ftai crashed with 70+ tabs open20:52
ftasome probably had flash in them but not 24120:52
asacif so its likely that flash doesnt like jemalloc. most likely in combination with alsa20:52
asacah ... ok thought you said its related to pa issues ;)20:53
ftawell, difficult to say, sound regressed a lot for me in intrepid20:55
ftai'm not using the alsalib patch from crimson and the pa from luke's ppa, it seemed better but it's not20:55
fta-i'm not+i'm now20:56
ftaok, a zombie of prism was holding the dsp21:00
ftaso it was xul 1.921:01
ftasound is back, and load is dropping21:01
fta[reed], seems trunk is leaking fds of /tmp/jemalloc.XXXXXX21:04
fta<fta>  9a900000-9aa00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476919   /tmp/jemalloc.gIo6eB (deleted)21:04
fta<fta>  9ac00000-9ae00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476948   /tmp/jemalloc.0Xetwg (deleted)21:04
fta<fta>  9ae00000-9af00000 rw-p 00000000 08:01 28476947   /tmp/jemalloc.C192GX (deleted)21:04
fta<fta> 241 in my crash file21:04
ftaseems like a mmap on a deleted file21:14
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
ftaasac, prism is no longer building fine with my xulapp build-system :(21:31
ftansPrismStub.cpp:42:49: error: nsXPCOMPrivate.h: No such file or directory21:32
asacfta: nsXPCOMPrivate.h sounds wrong21:33
asacif thats in nsPrismStub.cpp then either its a bug or that stub isnt supposed to be build21:33
asaci assume its the latter21:33
fta#include "nsXPCOMPrivate.h" // for XP MAXPATHLEN21:33
asacmost likely its a xulrunner stub that prism tries to build ... but which we shouldnt need (e.g. just cp xulrunner-stub should be enough)21:34
asacfta: try to not build that stub21:34
asace.g. fix prism makefiles21:34
asacand see if that works better21:34
asacand maybe replace for libxul sdk builds that stub building with cp xulrunner-stub ...21:34
asacof course take a look at the nsPrismStub.cpp thing21:35
asacfta: so yes. as i guess. just a copy of nsXulStub21:37
asacprism wants to use copy in libxul-sdk builds21:37
asacand dont build it on its own21:37
Lnsasac: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=453704#c8 - for my debugging yesterday. I'm also in irc.mozilla.org/#firefox w/mzz right now trying to hone in, if you're interested21:38
ubottuMozilla bug 453704 in General "Extreme slowness, "Firefox is already running" error for >3 users launching Firefox in LTSP environment" [Critical,Unconfirmed]21:38
ftaasac, there's a stub.rc now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47572/21:41
asacfta: i think you dont need to build the client at all21:43
asacit should just be a copy21:43
asacor are you saying that that doesnt work on 1.9.1 anymore?21:43
ftabefore, it was copying the stub from xul21:43
ftamake[5]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/prism-0.9+svn20080610r15085/prism/client'21:44
ftacp /usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-1.9/bin/xulrunner-stub ../../dist/bin/prism21:44
ftamake[5]: Leaving directory `/build/buildd/prism-0.9+svn20080610r15085/prism/client'21:44
ftanow it builds its own21:44
ftano, it's not 1.9.1, i'm still using 1.921:44
ftafor prism21:44
asacfta: yes. i think thats really just for in-source builds21:44
asacplasticmillion probably got that wrong21:44
asacmost likely he tried to speed up the build by not requiring complete xulrunner build21:45
asacor something similar21:45
asacbut if you are unsure, ask him before patching.21:46
ftabouhh, a dll21:48
asacfta: yeah21:52
asacif not XULSDK21:53
ftait's not my patch, but the diff between my last and the current21:53
asaccp .... ;)21:53
asacfta: yeah21:53
Volansasac: sorry I was dinning ... lp:~volans/+junk/med-auto-scripts for the first script, I can make the second tomorrow22:00
asacVolans: why do you use +junk? (just curious)22:00
Volansbecause LP was refusing my push :)22:01
asacwhere did you try to push?22:01
Volans bzr push bzr+ssh://volans@bazaar.launchpad.net/~volans/med-auto-scripts/trunk22:01
asacthe idea was lp:~volans/firefox-extensions/med-auto-scripts22:01
Volansand also without /trunk22:01
asacthere is no project med-auto-scripts ... so it wont work22:02
asacuse what i suggested ;)22:02
Volanssorry, I have remeber that path... pushing now22:03
asacVolans: ok. so what do we need next? ;)22:15
asacan example config file22:15
asacmaybe a amo-upstream-branches.txt file ;)22:16
asacAMOID .upstream branch ?22:16
Volansyes, if you don't want to use the actual structure you have already done22:17
asacnot sure ;)22:18
asacyou can decide. in the end is the config format used by the top level script i think22:18
asacso it doesnt matter what we use to test that ;)22:18
Volansas discussed I'm trying to do scripts that can be used in a simplies way, whatever the "master script" will be structured22:19
asacVolans: hmm. usage might be improved for mirror.sh22:19
asacthe "folder" is nowhere named22:19
asacbut thats detail22:19
Volansthe AMO public folder?22:20
asacno .. sh mirror.sh --help ;)22:21
asacisnt really verbose ;)22:21
VolansI dont' have implemented it... and is curious the output :)22:22
asacsh mirror.sh 10 23 output22:23
asacsh mirror.sh 10 23 output/22:23
asacdidnt put the result into the output/ folder22:23
asacwell ... it should have created it22:24
VolansI have understand that you have choose the first version22:24
Volans mirror.sh <amoid1> [<amoid2> ...]22:24
Volanswithout the folder, assuming that the master script will do the right cd /path/ before run the script22:25
Volansbut if you want I can add it very quickly22:25
asac<folder> <amoid> ... that was the lasti posted i think22:25
asacVolans: no ... please no "cd" in master script22:25
Volansok, as you want, it's the same for me22:26
asacwell. it would be ok if really needed. but i think a <output-folder> should be fine22:26
asacok. whats next22:27
asacget-new-queue <amo-directory> <current-version>22:27
asacwhich then just dumps the sorted list of .xpi files ;)22:27
asac(sorted according to versions from install.rdf that are greater than current-verseion)22:28
Volansyes, where current version is upstream branch install.rdf version22:28
Volans <amo-directory> =  <amo-id>22:28
asacVolans: right. for that we probably also want a script "get-install-rdf-version"22:29
asacnot sure if we want to reuse that in the get-new-queue script22:29
Volansgiven a branch path?22:29
asacbut maybe we do22:29
asacVolans: yeah22:29
Volanswhat name?22:30
asacwe could also implement med-xpi-get-upstream-version path/to/tree22:30
asacwhich then would look at path/to/tree/install.rdf22:30
asacbut we can later decide i think22:30
asacdepending on what we need/not-need in other scripts22:30
Volansget-install-rdf-version.sh or something shorten?22:31
fta[reed], http://glandium.org/blog/?p=20722:32
[reed]fta: he's wrong again22:38
[reed](really! this time)22:38
Volanssorry asac I have to go now... see you later or tomorrow22:43
ftabug 24313023:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243130 in fontconfig ""/etc/fonts/conf.d/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf", line 17: invalid constant used : lcdfilterlegacy" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24313023:25

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