=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away [00:49] I currently have a P4 HT. It runs fine, but has some problems with 1080p. I have the chance to buy a Pentium Dual-Core E2140 machine, and I've been benchmarking it on the 64bit LiveCD Mythbuntu, running mplayer -benchmark.... Would the 32bit be worth a try or no? [00:51] Because the 64bit benchmarks aren't too much better than my P4. [00:53] what are you using to benchmark? [00:56] tgm4883_laptop, mplayer -benchmark, a bunch of options, then a file. The same 1080p mkv I benchmarked on my P4 [00:58] It plays more or less ok on my P4. When I do the benchmark with -vo null, it takes about 30s, the P4 does it in 36s. However, with gl:yuv=6, they are basically equal. Probably because the Dual-Core is a 1.6 and the P4 is 3.4, but I can't find a place to overclock it, or anything, since according to google, it's a underclocked c2d [00:58] hmm [00:59] what you might want to benchmark would be something like transcoding files [00:59] although if you never do that then I suppose it doesn't matter [00:59] do the nvidia drivers work worse on the livecd (I did ctrl+alt+backspace to restart x)? or on 64bit? [00:59] I have my current machine, my quad, to do transcoding [00:59] and I can't hook this up to my TV [01:00] I was just thinking maybe the 64bit drivers could be worse on 64bit/livecd [01:00] well for playback i'm not sure 64-bit computing would offer that much benefit [01:00] i've been known to be wrong though [01:00] You know if nvidia drivers are worse on 64bit? [01:00] they work on my system [01:01] They work here, I just thought they might be worse on 64bit vs 32bit [01:01] I don't know why they would be [01:01] are you using 8.04? [01:01] 8.04.1 [01:01] whichever is the newest [01:02] ah ok [01:02] the 8.10 alpha's have some issues with installing the restricted drivers during install [01:04] I did envy... [01:04] restricted drivers didn't show any hardware [01:09] tgm4883_laptop, is there any way to migrate my existing settings from my old mythbuntu to here, or no? [01:10] you could transfer the db, have you checked the manual? [01:11] tgm4883_laptop, No, I didn't think it'd be possible, I'll check the manual. Also, on 64bit, have you noticed any filetypes you can't play? [01:11] no [01:11] why would I? [01:12] are there some? [01:13] Mplayer gave me some sort of warning about that, but I wasn't sure. === superm1|away is now known as superm1 [02:53] Whenever I go to access my videos under mythweb, I get the following error message: could not create a symlink to /media/500gb/video, the local MythVideo directory for this hostname (server).Please create a symlink to your MythVideo directory at data/video in order to use the video portions of MythWeb. [02:55] !symlink [02:55] Sorry I don't know about symlink [02:58] is anybody here? [03:07] sorry my connection just borked out [03:07] i thought i saw someone messaged me [03:45] i'm trying to figure out what some of the symbols means under the "watch recordings" ... there's the clock (?), the flag (guessing flagged for deletion), 2 speakers facing away from each other with a red & blue dot under it (??), & cc (closed caption)... what's the speaker thingys? [03:46] anyone here have an hvr-2250 [04:18] pteague, if you hit the M key (the green home button on USBMCE2 remote) you can select help and it will show you the icons [04:19] i'm guessing that's the 'windows' button on mine [04:19] probably [04:19] it's the windows one on mine too [04:20] it's a big green button [04:20] but irw shows it as "Home" [04:20] frustrating thing is my page up/page down button on the remote doesn't page up/page down... 3 & 9 do... ^^ [04:21] yea there is a reason for that, I don't remember it off hand though [04:21] you can fix it if you like [04:21] it's an easy fix [04:21] I think it's because some MCEUSB2 remotes don't have this button [04:21] i noticed on 1 of the other screens i think it was 1 & 7 changes the day or something... [04:22] you need to edit your .mythtv/lircrc file and change the chanup/chandown buttons to correspond to the pageup/pagedown buttons [04:22] if your remote actually has pageup/pagedown buttons, that could be different [04:34] I get choppy audio when playing some 720p mkv files with AC3 audio, any suggestions? === Administrator is now known as gomike [04:48] mikal, ping === gbutters is now known as gbutters_zzzz [05:04] how big of a difference is there between 720p (768) & 1080p on a 32" ? [05:05] i cant tell the difference [05:05] about 360p [05:06] On a 32" not a lot [05:09] trying to figure out if i want a 32" or 37"... [05:11] pteague, you want a 37" [05:12] I've had both side by side at home [05:12] 37 is much nicer/larger [05:12] 'tis quite a difference. [05:12] although I suppose it's how far you are away from it [05:12] but 12 feet away, the 37 kills the 32 [05:12] just hope i can fit it in my car... [05:13] At least with an LCD you can jam them in lying down. [05:13] pteague, IIRC, you can just squeeze a 37" vizio in the box into the back of a toyota camry [05:14] i've got a '97 honda civic [05:15] hmm [05:15] doubt it then [05:15] the camry is more like the accord [05:15] bigger back seat [05:15] Suprising what you can fit in a hatch [05:17] my current tv is an '80s 26" cube [05:17] if it wasn't cube i could probably fit it in [07:00] hello all. i just got a comcast settop box(scientific atlanta) and im trying to set up the blaster. in the mythbuntu-control-center i checked enable irc transmitter and selected the pvr-150 scientific atlant option. but when i hit apply..it just hung..and in dmesg i see this: http://pastebin.com/m33e933e ...and i dont see my ir blaster blink at all. [07:01] ive used mythtv before and have it working fine with the cable plugged directly into my pvr-150...ive just never used myth with a settop box. [07:06] is there a way to test if my irblaster is working? [10:16] can someone help me setup my myth tv im using hardy [10:16] i get an error that says cannon connect to the database [10:32] can I at least listen to elevator phone wait music while i wait [12:01] !help [12:01] Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs. Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi [12:01] I'm still seeking help [12:06] !status [12:06] I am alive. === gbutters is now known as gbutters|NotHere [13:24] anyone know if there is something like IgnoreEDID for fglrx? [13:24] my tv supports 1080i but doesn't report that on EDID... [13:24] a PS3 didn't have any problems setting up 1080i [13:54] HDHR for 138.99 with newegg promo code today [13:58] What's the promo code? [14:01] yermum [14:08] wjs_ltop EMCAKBGBJ [14:09] you more than likely need to subscribe for the email promos though [14:14] Thanks, got it :-) [14:22] np [14:57] hello [14:58] can anyone tell me how to automatically synchronize my videos so it will show after i downloaded them to the folder? [14:58] thats the million $ question [14:58] really? i don't have million$ [14:59] I asked the same question a few weeks ago and didnt understand the answer [14:59] :) [14:59] the thing is I have to go to preferences everytime I want to see the new files in the folder [14:59] so i just go to video manager it manually resync when i need to [14:59] I'm sure it can be automated (atleast every once in 2 hours or so0 [15:00] yes it can, there is some beta thing i think but dont remember what it is called [15:00] some plugin? [15:00] ive told you all i know :-D [15:00] ok thank you [15:01] someone else? [15:01] but I will be watching for a smarter answer from someone else [15:02] really seems like it would be built in by now, not sure why they havent done that [15:02] yeah [15:02] http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/291872?search_string=imdb%20bulk%20update;#291872 [15:02] may be able to help [15:02] wierd [15:07] cheking it out [15:07] thank you [15:11] jphillip, is the promo code only for HDHR? [15:17] this doen't seem to help me [15:26] any other ideas? [15:26] superm1 as opposed to? [15:27] anything on newegg for XYZ dollars off? [15:28] superm1 just the HDHR, you should sign up for their emails they send a few out a week with different codes in them [15:28] http://promotions.newegg.com/NEemail/Sep-0-2008/Promo091608in/index-landing.html?nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL091608&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL091608-_-email-_-E0-_-HAP [15:29] yeah i never buy stuff from those things though, i'm on tiger directs [15:29] thats the current offers [15:29] and it just feels like spamy all the time [15:29] new eggs is much better [15:29] I get tiger's and buy's and compusa's as well, just filter them all to interweb deals and poke at them when I feel like it [15:29] ooh the prospect of moar filters [15:31] heh [15:31] you need additional accounts or something [15:31] I'm surprised they don't have a filter cap [15:31] well i've got a complex system that has more filters in t-bird too [15:32] i think i'm pretty much locked into this account and t-bird for life now [15:32] unless i want to spend a week of evenings redoing it all [15:32] btw new house on tonight everyone [15:58] okay stupid question...I know I used to know this...is there a way to start a main loop type program without logging into the box. I think they call this "running as system" in windows, but I can't remember if you can do this in linux. I also seem to remember setting up a tty in the background, auto login and run program. Then I run into problem that I dont want this program to run everytime root logs in, just once for the syste [15:58] s/root/someone [16:01] init script? [16:01] cron? [16:01] ah...yes...thanks [16:01] LOL...i googled and googled..but without the right terms...nothing...:) [16:07] Does anyone know how to set the channel on the PVR-150? I am trying to use a sat stb with my 150 (via coax)but all I am getting is static when I try a mplayer /dev/video0. [16:10] stevieman you need to irblast for that === superm1 is now known as superm1|away [16:13] jphillip: I need the 150s tuner channel to be set the channel 3. I am getting the same type of static when you hook a VCR up to the tv and set the channel to anything but 3. [16:14] I haven't even got to the point of trying to control the Sat. STB yet. Just trying to get video from the STB to the 150. [16:29] stevieman in mythtv-setup you can tell it which channel to tune to [16:30] superm1|away: if you have some time could you join #lirc, jarod and me are corodinating the lirc submission there and have some questions === superm1|away is now known as superm1 [16:40] jphillip: Yah I tried that but all I get is a blank screen. [16:41] stevieman, is your stb set to channel 4? [16:42] or even better, if you are using an stb, why don't you use composite or svideo [16:43] tgm4883: No it's locked to channel 3, because my 150 only has coax in, ummmm maybe it has svideo, oh now you've got me thinking [16:59] I'll give the svideo connections a try tonight, any special setup I need to do or should it just detect the svideo signal. [17:35] stevieman, you will need to go into mythtv-setup and tell it to use the svideo input [18:30] tgm4883_laptop: Good to know, I'll have to hunt for that, it's so hard t-shooting when you are not on the system. [19:39] hi I just fresh installed 8.04 and installed myth tv and I'm having problems connecting to my database. Everything is Standard as far as my database settings. Mythtv password mythconverg ect... [20:19] hello all. i just got a comcast settop box(scientific atlanta) and im trying to set up the blaster. in the mythbuntu-control-center i checked enable irc transmitter and selected the pvr-150 scientific atlant option. but when i hit apply..it just hung..and in dmesg i see this: http://pastebin.com/m33e933e ...and i dont see my ir blaster blink at all. [20:20] i cannot get the blaster to work..... [20:41] it might help to stick around for a response :) [20:46] I think Wicked assumed they just weren't getting a response [20:47] I'll be messing around with a similar type of box (same manufacturer) so I kinda wanted to hear a response; but I haven't tried to set mine up yet [20:47] I'd say to try out firewire [20:48] best case you can capture the video via firewire, worst case you can tune channels via firewire then capture some other way [20:48] Wicked that applies to you as well ^ [20:49] well right now...i just set mythtv to channel 3..then use the remote that came with the cablebox to change channels..but i have no idea how mythtv is gonna act when it trys to record a tv show for me [20:49] firewire in itself is a headache and a half, but it may be a valid solution depending on how bad comcast is in your area [20:49] no matter what i do.....i cant get the blaster to work....ive followed a few guides and they all dont work [20:50] im following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallLirc/Hardy [20:50] and i dled the firmware and placed it in /lib/firmware....i then rebooted...but i see this in dmesg: http://pastebin.com/mf6f005 [20:51] jphillip: You mean firewire as in IEEE1394? [20:51] yep [20:51] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Firewire [20:52] I kinda want to ask TWC for the hidef card they're legally obligated to provide [20:52] jphillip: neat, thanks [20:52] but my remote works through my tuner card, so who knows [20:53] by law that have to provide you with firewire and access to the OTA channels [20:53] which most places seem to do [20:53] sometimes you get lucky and they aren't encrypting others, for instant I can get most of my HD channels [20:54] also for those of you who may have missed it newegg has the HDHR on sale for $138something today if you sign up for their email newsletter [20:55] There's a port on the back labelled "IR" weird [20:55] bah brb. [20:56] jphillip: this reuqires firewire on the mythbox too, no? [20:58] jphillip: So the pro is that you don't need IR blaster, and the con is that it's flaky and you won't get encrypted streams? [21:05] can anyone help me [21:07] maybe [21:08] :) [21:08] ok well i installed mythtv with all the default settings and stuff and i cant connect to the database [21:08] no root password for mysql database name mythconverg username mythtv and password [21:09] ive been reading the forums all night/morning [21:09] tried commenting out some shit in mysql conf file [21:10] Anusien pretty much [21:10] another pro is you can get actual HD out of it [21:11] channel tuning is very safe with it, just getting the stream is the problem [21:11] localhost is the same thing as loopback right [21:11] yes [21:11] I dont understand why im having so many problems here with mysql server [21:12] barlrol you are positive you didn't set a root password for mysql? [21:12] positive...but is there a way i can prove it to you [21:12] do this mysql -uroot mythconverg [21:13] ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) [21:13] tyler@Intel:~$ [21:13] does it log you in? [21:13] seems it has a password [21:13] ok well what happened is I installed it once with a password then i read a guide that said you want to leave the password blank [21:14] so i uninstalled it with package manager and chose complete removal...2nd time i installed it i left it blank [21:14] barlrol not necessary, if you leave it blank then you answer blank when it asks you later [21:14] well do you remember what the password was? [21:14] do mysql -uroot -p mythconverg [21:14] and type that password in [21:14] where does the password go in that command? [21:14] it will ask then [21:14] k [21:14] or you can type it right after the p, your choice [21:15] thanks for the help so far btw [21:15] tyler@Intel:~$ mysql -uroot -p mythconverg [21:15] Enter password: [21:15] ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'mythconverg' [21:15] oops [21:15] jphillip: Unless you have an HD card, that is [21:16] wait why am i getting that error [21:17] ok good barlrol [21:17] good? [21:17] do sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [21:17] and type in the root password when it asks you [21:17] it should make your db then [21:18] well i seem to be suffering from this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/222359 [21:18] on what host does the mysql server reside.....localhost right? [21:18] and i have no idea what i can about it :( [21:19] barlrol yep [21:20] This information will be used to create a database and user for MythTV. │ [21:20] │ │ [21:20] │ Unless you have explicitly changed this on the MySQL server, and │ [21:20] │ understand MySQL's privilege system, use the default of 'root'. │ [21:20] │ │ [21:20] │ What is the name of the MySQL administrator account:??? [21:20] sorry spam [21:21] jphillip...im doing this step by step with you cause ive done this before and when it doesnt work i want you to know exactly what i did [21:21] did we conclude that I did have a mysql root password or didnt? [21:22] cause after i typed that one thing earlier i got that database not created error or whatever [21:22] you do [21:22] if it let you login with the password then it exists [21:22] just the mythconverg db doesn't exist [21:22] this should create it [21:23] what do i type in this box....what is the name of the mysql admin account? [21:23] root? [21:24] Unless you have explicitly changed this on the MySQL server, and understand MySQL's privilege system, use the default of 'root'. [21:25] yes root [21:25] and then the password when it asks you [21:26] ok done [21:26] tyler@Intel:~$ mysql -uroot mythconverg should i do this again? [21:26] now try to mysql -uroot -p mythconverg again [21:26] to test it [21:26] yep [21:26] don't forget the -p [21:27] ok should i try running the frontend setup again [21:30] did that work? [21:30] the mysql command? [21:30] you should then be able to do: show tables; [21:30] woot worked dude! thanks [21:30] and it should show a bunch of tables [21:30] np [21:30] i have no idea if my tv tuner card is reconized...whats my next step [21:31] i have a pinnacle HD usb card [21:31] that might be rough [21:32] its a stick right and is it the pro? [21:32] its a stick yes [21:33] http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Special:Search?search=pinnacle&go=Go [21:33] you can try following those [21:33] sadly I don't have one so I can't help you much with that [21:33] ok ill give it a shot [21:33] other than that google might be your friend [21:33] !mailinglist | barlrol [21:33] barlrol: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-mythtv [21:33] np ill check back later if i have any other questions...googles everyones friend [21:33] !forum | barlrol [21:33] barlrol: The Mythbuntu forum is located at: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=301 [21:33] or those [21:37] Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Stick HD TV Tuner is what i have fyi [22:10] i seem to be suffering from this bug and have no idea what i can do to make my pvr-150 ir blaster work https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/222359 [22:10] id really really like to get this to work. [22:14] tyler@Intel:~$ mythtv-setup utility [22:14] * Stopping MythTV server: mythbackend [ OK ] [22:14] * Restarting MythTV server: mythbackend No /usr/bin/mythbackend found running; none killed. [22:15] how do i get to the setup utility [22:15] so i cant get my ir blaster to work...and i have shows scheduled to record later on.....how is mythtv gonna handle this? will it switch channels on the tuner card from channel 3 to the channel of what show want to record?. will it just record static and snow?. Id like to figure this all out [22:17] barlrol mythtv-setup? [22:17] just type that [22:17] or are you referring to MCC (mythbuntu-control-centre) [22:19] nm jpphillip i got it stupid question sorry...i think i got mythtv to reconize my card now [22:53] Hi all, what is the VNC server used in mythbuntu and is there a way to install/configure it from the shell? [22:56] You can use whatever vnc server you want, and yes there is [22:57] x11vnc is the one used by default [22:57] <3 x11vnc [22:58] ah ok - its just the backend server has no monitor and I don't think i setup the VNC setting in the config [22:59] I tried to run x11vnc -display :0 but it can't find the X Display [23:00] x11vnc lets a user connect and see the current session in use. So if there isn't one, x11vnc won't work for you [23:00] ah, i'll check the X11 log to see why its not started [23:01] if you haven't logged in, for example, I don't know that x11vnc will work [23:01] there are other vnc servers that will run as independent X displays that would be more interesting to you [23:01] vnc4server is an example [23:01] ah, the log shows: AUDIT: Tue Sep 16 22:28:58 2008: 5981 X: client 4 rejected from local host (uid 1000) [23:01] it might also be that a vnc session is in use [23:02] Which is a horrible way of saying that if you're trying to run it on a certian display, and there's already a server sitting on that display, things will go badly for yuo [23:02] ps -aux | grep x11vnc shows no entries so its not currently running [23:02] fbnts, you can always X forward MCC to enable it for you [23:05] can I configure the autologin from the shell - If I recall the backend doesn't auto log in so that'll probably be stopping x11vnc [23:06] you'll have to hand modify /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf then [23:06] to do that [23:07] Wahoo that worked! [23:08] is there a reason you want to autologin and x11vnc instead of just running a vnc server that starts a new X session? [23:12] well x11vnc is already installed and configured so i guess its cleaner than having to uninstall x11vnc [23:13] its only rarely I have to log into the back end graphically - just my tuner card has screwed up again so need to get to the graphical backend [23:14] for firewire from a Scientific Atlanta box, I juts need some sort of male-male firewire cable that fits both holes, right? [23:17] there's no special cable needed ,right? [23:43] regarding setting up satellite and mythv, is there any way to have mythtv change the channels on a dish receiver? Would it use some type of infrared to do it? [23:50] ok, time to play with my AT&T box hardcore for the next hour [23:55] centrex: I know in cable-land, they call them IR Blasters [23:55] Anusien, yeah someone informed me of that, and I found a great tutorial on how to make one. Thanks!