
Tm_Mhi kids00:48
Tm_Mhi rocket how can we help you?00:54
Rocket2DMnoh, i was just checkin the channel out, dont mind me00:55
Tm_Msee topic00:56
Rocket2DMnah ok, the channel just came up in #ubuntu-mods, ill let you be00:56
Tm_Mer, mods?00:57
jdongTm_M: he meant ubuntuforums-mods00:58
jdongthey're forums staffers, probably not trolls.00:58
Tm_Mi see00:58
Tm_Mi should learn that forum thing00:59
Tm_Mwhats up01:20
omourcoutaseverything is ok thank you very much01:21
Tm_Mtopic then01:21
omourcoutashere i may ask anything about ubuntu developemnt01:22
omourcoutasfor the new ubuntu?01:22
Tm_Mno, sorry01:22
omourcoutasno problem01:23
omourcoutasjust asking01:23
omourcoutasi need to know some things about hardy edition01:23
omourcoutasi have just noticed some problems with gnome01:24
Jack_SparrowRatchet_@99-195-29-55.dyn.centurytel.net)                          ban evader.....01:24
Tm_Mplease do in support channels01:24
Jack_Sparrowomourcoutas this is not the place to ask01:24
omourcoutasok i am sorry01:24
omourcoutasthank you very much01:24
ubottuIn ubottu, iOpera1 said: !imagemagick is the favorite graphic tools.02:01
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:07
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:07
nealmcb1sometime in the last few hours I got a pidgin popup saying "jiggydiggy wants to send you " followed by a what I take to be a long filename made from a religious slur connected with ubuntu which I won't repeate here.  I'm not even sure exactly when, or even if it was IRC, but whowas notes this Nick: jiggydiggy Username: i=flaps@jihad.carbomb.org Real name: DishO     Just fyi in case it helps, or you can tell me more about tracing su02:21
mneptoknealmcb1: that nick is no longer active02:23
ubot3In #ubuntuforums-beginners, Robb_M said: ubot3 is borked or the page is borked02:34
Myrttinealmcb1: anything else we can help you with?02:56
nealmcb1Myrtti: nope - thanks!02:58
Myrttioh, right03:35
Myrttinal is from Texas, right?03:35
mneptok"It's like a whole other country!"03:36
Myrttihe prolly wont be coming online for a while, so we'd prolly better think of something to replace fb203:36
mneptokif we could get rid of the "like" from that slogan, i'd move back to the US :P03:36
tritiummneptok: are you staying put?03:37
mneptoktritium: oh hell no. not with winter coming.03:38
tritiumOh, I had dinner at Ortega's the other night, and the ubuntu sticker you put on that shop's window is still there!  :)03:38
Myrttimneptok: you're bonkers03:39
Myrttijust so you know...03:39
mneptoktritium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AQne0Qu-ek&feature=related03:40
mneptokMyrtti: you know that only makes me more huggable in your eyes03:40
mneptoktritium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Si2nh1K_Y03:41
tritiumYou're not bonkers.  I couldn't live in conditions like that.03:41
tritiumCool snow removal truck.03:41
mneptok"Good morning Montreal! Today will be only -20C and we only have 14 inches of new snow! Get the BBQ out!"03:41
tritiumMyrtti: bonkers in what sense?03:42
Myrttiin the huggable, most random sense03:43
mneptoki think she means "batshit insane, like any sane mind would react to life on this rock."03:43
mneptokor, at least, i manage to sleep at night with that assumption ;)03:44
* tritium hopes it has nothing to do with considering moving here03:44
MyrttiI wubs you,mneptok03:44
* mneptok purrs gently03:44
Myrttihere =?03:44
mneptokNuevo Mexico03:44
mneptoki.e. "someplace warmer and with a sane tax rate"03:45
tritiumMyrtti: it's not a bad place03:47
* mneptok nods03:47
mneptokquite nice, actually.03:47
Myrttiit's US...03:48
MyrttiCanada I could live in03:49
* tritium experienced anti-Americanism in #ubuntu-motu, and has not returned since...03:49
Myrttiweather would be quite sane for me03:49
* Myrtti blinks and checks spelling of weather03:50
Myrttithe hurricane might make it difficult to get fb2 up any time soon03:52
Myrttishould figure soethi g to cover it?03:52
mneptokheheh ... "FloodBot" indeed ;)04:02
* ajmitch wonders which oftc admin went a bit trigger-happy04:02
ajmitchrather amusing04:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !catninja is <reply> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2231/2286539977_7e9710b87c.jpg04:08
* ajmitch slips mneptok some more sedatives in his whisky04:08
Myrttimneptok: http://djangopony.com04:09
mneptokNOT unicorn!04:09
mneptokit is, however, Python.04:09
mneptokso ... not entirely fail.04:10
ajmitchMyrtti: I am now suitably disturbed04:10
* mneptok has bad flashbacks to managing "Project Pegasus" in the late 90s04:11
Myrttimneptok: pink too04:13
ajmitchI think my eyes would be clawed out if I tried to use that theme04:13
MyrttiI haz pink emacs!04:14
mneptoki like how you make it sound as if the clawing would be done by someone other than yourself04:14
ajmitchwell I would have to split my personality to survive04:14
mneptok"is that *EMACS*?! in *PINK*?!" *gouge*gouge*04:14
Myrtti♥ HTH, HAND04:16
ajmitchburn the witch!04:16
Myrttiajmitch: I wubs you too ♥04:16
mneptokwho's the hot chick in the photo?04:17
Myrttimoi :-)04:17
elky_workhmm, is there a purple version of that pink theme? :-/04:18
mneptokick. grape.04:18
ajmitchelky_work: you don't want the pink?04:18
Myrttitis mah cv... why would I put someone else's picture in mah cv04:18
mneptokMyrtti: i was only hired by Canonical because Mark though i was Liberace.04:19
elky_workajmitch: too stereotypical04:19
Myrttielky_work: I do remember seeing purple themes too04:20
Myrttielky_work: ;-)04:20
elky_workMyrtti: the purple themes i've seen are like magenta purple04:20
ajmitchelky_work: but think of how calm & soothing it'd be to stare at bright pink all day04:20
elky_worki can find better purple themes for openbox, for crying out loud04:20
elky_workajmitch: think of how calm and soothing it'd be to stare at the inside of a fireball all day.04:20
Myrttielky_work: but they would be good starting points... hmmm04:20
ajmitchelky_work: it'd be really calm for about 0.02 seconds04:21
MyrttiI watch that pink theme all day04:21
Myrttitis my work...04:21
ajmitchthat explains it...04:21
elky_worki dont find pink calming or soothing04:21
* ajmitch likes having a nice boring colour scheme04:22
MyrttiI do... oh well04:22
MyrttiI should get an hour or so more sleep...04:23
Myrttihttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7e/Plan9bunnysmblack.jpg awwwwwwwww04:27
elky_workspeaking of wikis, did the fix of the ultamatix page stay intact?04:29
Myrttihas been so far04:29
mneptoki <3 Glenda04:29
mneptok(in fact, the whole Ed Wood name convention of Plan 9 is awesome)04:29
FlannelEh?  looks like oftc had another ban issue.04:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !bacon is <reply> Press Button. Receive Bacon.05:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !rodserling is <reply> *insert sarcastic remark here regarding pants, mothers, or some other person*05:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !cheese is Cheese is AWESOME: http://www.cheese.com/05:06
Flannelubottu: tell dmsuperman about scope05:13
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything* ;)05:20
jussi01Hrm, weird06:56
jussi01I jsut tried to put a forward in place, but it says the channel banlist is full?? there are only 3 bans on the list for that channel...06:57
Flannelmaybe it just doesn't like you.06:57
Flannelmaybe you need to add please.  /mode +b foo!blah#channel please06:58
Flannelanyone with -ot ops?07:06
DrDerekMartiini is kind of trolling in offtopic07:08
DrDereknvm, he left07:08
FlannelDrDerek: We know07:08
DrDerekYou're an op?07:09
DrDerekMaybe I knew that, and keep forgetting that magnetron is not.07:09
elky_workhe does elicit that sort of reaction on a regular baiss07:30
jussi01yes... (if you mean martiini)07:33
FlannelOh, not I.  I was referring to the group of helpful (yet a little uninformed regarding best practices) people in #ubuntu07:33
Flannelchubs_: How can we help you?07:36
chubs_being redirected to read-topic. I'm connecting to freenode at port 8001 but it's not validating me07:36
Flanneljussi01, you want to handle it?07:37
Flannelchubs_: You followed the full instructions?  regarding having the floodbots test you and such?07:37
chubs_Flannel, ^07:38
Flannelchubs_: Well, if jussi01 (or anyone else, hint hint) doesn't wake up, I'll hobble my way through it.07:40
Flannelhmm, was that a failure then?07:41
chubs_sorry Flannel. I forgot i had shutdown -h 30'ed... well you can guess how long ago :)07:45
Flannelchubs_: no worries07:45
ubottuIn ubottu, J-n said: !happiness is a warm gun. Or a well running Ubuntu desktop/server.07:53
=== chubs_ is now known as chubs
Flannelfloodbots still not working?  Who are we missing?09:28
stdinnumber 2 still09:38
elky* FloodBot1 removes exempt on Andrew!i=7d101198@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e2d57f80f4aec2ab10:25
elky* FloodBot3 removes exempt on Andrew!i=7d101198@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e2d57f80f4aec2ab10:25
elkywe have 1 and 3 both letting in, which could get spammy if the same happens with 210:26
elkyi agree with the newbies in -ot. can someone actually explain the !u factoid please?10:35
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.10:38
Myrttiprolly goes with that10:39
elkywe need to pull rodserling up again i think10:42
Seeker`is he slouching?10:43
elkyno, trolling by contributing what is effectually white noise, waiting for someone to get annoyed and pull him up on it10:44
jussi01hello TiredWolf, how can we help today?11:28
TiredWolfjussi01: kick me until my irc client explodes11:28
jussi01TiredWolf: try /quit ;)11:29
* Myrtti huggles TiredWolf 11:29
Myrttiwe need to find a replacement for fb2, dontcha think?11:29
TiredWolfis nalioth mia?11:29
elkyTiredWolf, i think that whole region of the US is11:29
jussi01He is in texas... so yeah, likely11:30
TiredWolfoh... uhm, i didn't think about that detail, i don't connect things that happen in the real world to irc11:31
jussi01heh :)11:31
Myrttineither did I until this morning11:31
Myrttiabout 0530 EEST to be exact11:32
TiredWolfis nalioth-the-nickname on a machine of his own as far as you know?11:32
stdinI think most staff use a bouncer11:32
TiredWolfyeah i was afraid so too11:33
elkyyep. i suspect he has something like a linode somewhere, but not sure11:33
TiredWolfanyway, i can't provide a replacement for bot2, nor can i tell the other two to stop caring about it. i'm in the alps again and this time i've just completely forgot to enable remote access to my server11:34
TiredWolflast time it didn't work properly, this time it's just disabled11:34
TiredWolfalthough, maybe it's not strictly true i can't tell the other two to stop caring11:38
TiredWolf^whoopsie, i forgot that little USB cord that goes to my cellphone is actually important when i'm connected through it...12:03
TiredWolf^computer doesn't have it12:04
TiredWolf^besides, when connected, the phone goes out of battery in about 30 minutes, i can't imagine what would happen with bluetooth ;)12:05
=== TiredWolf^ is now known as TiredWolf
jussi01ooh, PriceChild is back :D13:19
PriceChildlooks like the internets are fixed13:21
PriceChildi'm going tto sort ot this irssi instance tonight i think13:22
=== TiredWolf^ is now known as TiredWolf
TiredWolfi think GPRS uses a laser or something to communicate13:27
TiredWolfthe phone both gets hot and runs out of battery after like 30 minutes of use, meh13:27
jussi01TiredWolf: N95?13:27
PriceChildoh ignore me13:31
TiredWolfPriceChild, it was a hyperbole13:31
jussi01PriceChild: dont worry, we will continue too... :P13:32
PriceChildwho are you anyway?13:32
TiredWolfi used to be the lazy dog the quick brown fox jumped on13:33
TiredWolfMyrtti, PriceChild needs a coffee a believe, stop being selfish and give him one13:36
* Myrtti goes to fill up the pink moka13:36
Myrttihaven't had any myself either today13:36
MyrttiI need to buy a new laptop harddrive13:39
TiredWolfMyrtti: you dropped yours due to lack of coffee? :(13:39
MyrttiTiredWolf: you really should identify to nickserv :-/ not everyone has lazer eye sight skillz13:41
MyrttiTiredWolf: no, this just makes funny noises and freezes from time to time13:42
TiredWolfMyrtti: no, nickserv should identify to me!13:42
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | myrtti smells
TiredWolfi hope that's enough13:44
Picier, :O13:44
ubottupajamian called the ops in #ubuntu (ailson)13:44
Myrttiyou're mean.13:45
Myrttijussi01 smells.13:45
TiredWolfme? but i'm the sweetest hearted bastard in the world...13:45
MyrttiI don't13:45
jussi01  Myrtti: what was that for?13:45
Myrttihe confesses he smells13:45
jussi01I do smell though...13:46
jussi01with my nose... ;)13:46
Myrttihere I am, ridiculed in the topic for a mistake not done by me13:46
elkyjussi01, unlike Myrtti who smells with her elbow13:46
* Pici sniffs13:46
* elky cuddles Myrtti13:47
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti13:47
Myrtti7part I'm not going to play with you people anymore13:47
* Pici reminds himself he needs to write something for Myrtti 13:47
elkywe wubs woo13:47
elkyMyrtti, you got hit on by mneptok, and you're worried about a silly italian saying you smell.13:48
Myrttijussi01: I expect you to fix the topic since I'm taking the blame for your mistake.13:48
elkyi know which i'd be more worried about :Þ13:48
Myrttielky: but they're both cuddly13:48
jussi01Myrtti: Sorry, IM not getting involved in this...13:49
MyrttiI'll fix it myself and ridicule you then myself.13:49
=== elky changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | myrtti smells like coffee
TiredWolfelky: hey now, turn the tone down13:50
TiredWolfi just jokingly said she smells13:50
TiredWolfi didn't call anyone an italian13:50
jussi01- !topic-#ubuntu-ops is <reply> The topic is not for insulting people!13:50
elkyooh, you mean ops are people now?13:51
TiredWolf!topic-#ubuntu-ops is <reply> \r\n/msg chanserv topicappend #ubuntu-ops Myrtti smells13:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:51
PiciWe dont.13:51
elkygyawwwww.. http://icanhascheezburger.com/2008/09/15/funny-pictures-hedge-fund/ soo kyoooooot13:53
TiredWolfelky: i told sister to waste a 50c and try that who-knows-what-city number but she didn't call, the meanie :(13:53
Myrttitiny and spiky too13:53
elkyTiredWolf, heh. she is aware that the size of our coins is not actually relevent to their value, right?13:54
jussi01elky: awww13:54
TiredWolfelky: oh, don't even mention that. your money is stupid, she had to change wallet because it wouldn't fit13:54
TiredWolfthe paper kind i mean13:54
* jussi01 giggles at: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=4-3EyMPzMoo13:55
Myrttijussi01: I pasted that for you yesterday!13:55
jussi01Myrtti: you know as well as I do I dont look at half of what you write :D :P13:55
Myrttijussi01: with all love and tenderness: SOD OFF.13:56
jussi01Myrtti: *hus*13:56
jussi01Myrtti: *hug*13:56
Pici(I think he was trying to spell *hush*)13:57
TiredWolfthe euro is stupid too, it will cause me bone illness. i never carried kilograms of coins before it13:57
elkyholy crap smart pup13:57
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ops to: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc | We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Be good!
TiredWolfjust, since when is this channel -t?13:57
Picisince... never?13:57
TiredWolfwell it is not13:57
TiredWolfi mean, you don't want nafallo to start adding stuff to the topic, really13:59
TiredWolfi knew that13:59
Myrtti ♥  13:59
TiredWolfwas about to suggest it, but then i didn't since i don't know how to use colors on mirc13:59
TiredWolfwait, i don't know how to use colors in general13:59
PiciThats a green heart here.13:59
TiredWolfthanks for translating to my non-utf client pici13:59
PiciMyrtti: yay13:59
PiciTiredWolf: anytime14:00
jussi01we are really going to keep -c here?14:00
Myrttijussi01: shush14:00
Myrttiwe need that floodbot :-<14:01
TiredWolfjussi01: feel free to remove it14:01
TiredWolfMyrtti: i'll try to do something14:01
Myrttiunfortunately Mez seems to be MIA too14:02
_MMA_Hey guys. Could I get a factoid done?14:05
Myrttiask and you shall receive14:05
Myrttiyou might14:05
NafalloTiredWolf: lol14:06
_MMA_Where: !artteam = The Artwork Team is a community effort that aims to enrich Ubuntu by designing high quality, original and beautiful themes to be available in the repo as an *alternative* to the default look.14:06
PriceChildtiredwolf you may identify to any acovnt regardless of current nick14:07
TiredWolfi know PriceChild14:07
* Myrtti slaps TiredWolf, jussi01 14:07
TiredWolfand i have, or that pesky chanserv wouldn't have changed the topic14:07
jussi01_MMA_: Ill do it right away. In future, you can just pm ubottu with: !factoid is foo 14:09
jussi01Anybody got any objections to that factoid?14:09
* _MMA_ never remembers all the crazy commands.14:09
jussi01_MMA_: is the a wiki link for more?14:10
TiredWolfjussi01: perhaps a launchpad link...14:10
_MMA_jussi01: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art14:11
PriceChildTiredWolf: you don't look identified from where i'm stood?14:11
_MMA_I didn't see the need though.14:11
TiredWolfPriceChild: that's because i'm not14:11
TiredWolfmeh, i hate splits. especially when i pay for every byte received.14:12
_MMA_jussi01: The text was thought to be enough and intended for use in the art channel. But I could see it being used elsewhere with the link.14:12
PiciTiredWolf: lucky you weren't on the other side of the split then.14:13
jussi01!artteam is <reply>The Artwork Team is a community effort that aims to enrich Ubuntu by designing high quality, original and beautiful themes to be available in the repo as an *alternative* to the default look. For more info please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork14:13
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi0114:13
ubottuThe Artwork Team is a community effort that aims to enrich Ubuntu by designing high quality, original and beautiful themes to be available in the repo as an *alternative* to the default look. For more info please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork14:13
TiredWolfPici: yeah quite14:13
jussi01_MMA_: ^14:13
_MMA_Killer. \m/14:14
TiredWolfPriceChild, i suppose you can't retrieve a nickserv password without changing it in the process?14:15
Dave2We don't store any passwords unencrypted.14:15
Dave2Or, rather, in plaintext, since hashing isn't exactly encryption.14:16
TiredWolfDave2: i figured as much, just thought i'd ask14:16
TiredWolfbut the password is strong enough that i couldn't really use the hash14:16
jdongwhat's the point of a strong NS password anyway?14:16
jdongnot like it's not seen by everyone en route to irc.freenode.org14:16
Dave2You couldn't use the hash anyway, it's salted.14:16
TiredWolfjdong, masochism14:16
TiredWolfwho the hell14:16
Dave2(And we wouldn't provide any services data to third parties)14:17
PriceChildwhat is going on?14:18
TiredWolfthere's two things i need, that password and a certain line of code, and i have no real clue how to obtain either >:14:18
TiredWolfPriceChild: i'm attempting to make the floodbots stop worrying about bot214:19
PriceChildnot that14:19
PriceChildhow do you have + ?14:20
TiredWolfPriceChild: like this14:20
PriceChildthat isn't an explanation14:22
TiredWolfpfff, you can figure it out easily14:23
jussi01Im going home. talk to you all laterz 14:23
jussi01PriceChild: still around?15:47
ubottuIn ubottu, netdevil said: any help is apprieciated17:04
PriceChildOk need to do something about the floodbots... *looks in -r-t*19:38
PriceChildMeh I'll just change the topic in there for the time being.19:39
PriceChildWhat was going on earlier with TiredWolf?19:46
PiciPriceChild: eh?19:46
PiciPriceChild: Do you not know who that is?19:46
Myrttihe does19:46
Myrttibut I believe it was about how he could have voice without being identified19:47
PiciI'm not sure19:47
Myrttime neither19:47
PiciI'm guessing that he had ssh access to his regular connection but was using a local irc client.19:48
pleia214:49:08 -!- CANTV [n=CANTV@] has joined #ubuntu-women19:50
pleia214:49:14 < CANTV> Ubuntu-ar-Cafe - charla OT (Off Topic) - Respetá al CoC -  RESPETÃA A LOS DEMÃAS, Respetá a los demás usuarios - NO hagas flood: pega tu texto aquí -> http://rafb.net/paste/ - sé feliz :)19:50
pleia2just removed them, but in case they spam elsewhere19:51
MyrttiI just have to wonder again (I wondered about it yesterday on #lugradio), why is it, that when you've got the urgent need for a metaphysical philosophical discussion, the person you'd like to have it most is not available20:17
PriceChildMyrtti: afaict mneptok is online and well?20:18
* Myrtti larts PriceChild 20:18
PiciPriceChild: Are you sure about the second one?20:19
Tm_TI see20:24
PiciSaid the blind man?20:25
Tm_TPici: exactly20:25
Tm_Tthat reminds me that noone has anything to say to me, dunno if its good or bad thing20:30
mneptokhow nice. someone considers me "well."20:31
Myrttimneptok: since you're there...20:32
mneptokpart of me is. most of me is in 1343, fighting Asian hordes in the Muscovy steppe.20:33
Myrttimneptok: in your opinion, do you consider it possible, that dietary supplements, such as magnesium and calcium as well as omega fatty acids, vitamins b and c could have an effect on sciatic nerve pain and lumbago?20:33
Myrtti[ ] yes [ ] no [ ] maybe [ ] HUH?20:33
Tm_Tthey do20:33
mneptokhang on. gouging leg with cuttlebone ....20:34
Myrttino, I forgot it20:36
MyrttiI thought about this yesterday20:36
Myrttioh well.20:36
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 20:39
Tm_TI should fix my CRT monitor20:39
Tm_Tbut I don't have tools20:39
Myrttiperhaps it was about men and geeks again20:39
MyrttiI had a steamy conversation in pm about feminism20:39
Tm_Tshare with me?20:40
Myrttithe other party was somewhat surprised when I said I've got nothing against men being in power... given they've gotten that power by merit and skills.20:40
mneptokMyrtti: you will bathe in my raw masculine virility when i repel these Mongols in the name of our Mother Church.20:45
mneptokbut first, have some cuttlebone!20:45
Myrttisilly mneptok20:45
Tm_Tmneptok: har20:45
* Myrtti gives mneptok a pony20:46
Myrttimneptok: http://www.auntyanimal.me.uk/PonyPink.jpg20:46
mneptokmonkey want!20:49
mneptokit could sit next to my fluffy pink pen20:50
Picisteamy eh?20:56
nickrudnalioth, you're back! I'd left my phone at work last night, missed your call21:11
PriceChildnickrud: I don't believe nalioth is back online... but I may be wrong as my shell going walkabouts has let me miss a few things.21:13
nickrudPriceChild, yeah, probably not. Just a remote server still active21:14
Myrttiooh ooh21:24
Myrttithe CC is tonight?21:24
Myrttihas been today?21:24
Myrttihas been, apparently21:24
nickrudDefinition of meh : (mē')   1.     1. (n.) A multi-purpose response, primarily used to imply a degree of indifference. Tone of voice and circumstance often implies a meaning. Can be used when you don't want to answer an awkward or embarrassing question, or if you just plain have nothing else to say, and you want the other person to interpret the "meh" however he/she chooses. As in: Q: "What do you think of my new dress?" A: "Meh." o23:01
nickrudr Q: "What do you want to do tonight?" A: "Meh."23:01
Seeker`I know what meh is23:11
Seeker`I was wondering why Myrtti said it23:11
MyrttiI've got multiple reasons23:12
PiciMyrtti is a fickle being.23:12
MyrttiI wish I had a personal polar bear23:15
Boxicihi 23:16
Boxicii need some help23:16
nickrudBoxici, hi, but support questions are in #ubuntu not here ;)23:17
nickrudI fear that soon the only polar bears will be personal ones23:17
ompaulBoxici, is there something else?23:17
Boxicino thank you 23:18
Boxicii try to contact an helper on ubuntu but...23:18
ompaulBoxici, in that case, permit me to draw your attention to the topic 23:18
ompaulBoxici, this is not a help channel for normal help 23:18
ompaulTopic for #ubuntu-ops is: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel   is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc |   We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Be good!23:19
ompaulBoxici, so if you have no specific question, I ask you not to idle here so we can see when someone who needs our attention is here23:20
Boxiciok thank you and sorry for disturbing23:21
Boxicii will leave now23:21
Boxicihave a nice day 23:21
Boxicitake care23:21

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