
=== passwd is now known as omolina
nullackping asac03:09
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nullackping asac if your there :)05:13
nullackCan I please appeal for people testing Intrepid to consider adding some ppa binaries for sound and flash experience05:34
nullackIts discussed here05:34
nullackIncluding instructions for the PPA05:34
stgrabernullack: it's 6:34 his time, I'd wait an hour or two before he appears :)05:52
nullackThanks Stephan :) the appeal for testing is open for any Intrepid testers :) Just a shameless bump05:52
nullacksbeattie : along with the other links I just suggested06:04
nullacksbeattie: Can I also give http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/demos/06:04
nullacksbeattie: that URL has a bunch of demos for flash 10 new features06:05
nullackTo get coverage of new functionality06:05
aramorning all :)07:03
nullackMorning :) Or Evening in my case07:03
aragood evening nullack07:04
edwinmmooreCan someone please help me find where to report a successful upgrade from 8.04? I can't seem to find where to submit a testing form.07:50
nullackSuccess is good, I think generally its bugs that are reported07:55
persiaedwinmmoore: Indeed.  Success is the expected case, so there's no need for the reports.  The exception is when there is a new candidate prepared for an Alpha, Beta, RC, or final release, when there is a rush to verify successful installation.07:57
edwinmmooreok thanks07:57
persiaIf you want to participate, you'll want to start downloading the pre-Alpha test images about one day before the next Alpha date.07:57
aradavmor2: ping10:07
davmor2ara: pong10:07
aradavmor2: one quick one, in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Includes there are many applications test cases, i.e. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Includes/Ekiga10:08
aradavmor2: where are those referenced?10:08
aradavmor2: I though they were referenced somewhere below https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases, but I just don't see any10:09
davmor2ara: the idea is to alternate the test by swaping the includes line on the main page.   So I just wrote an includes for every app10:09
aradavmor2: which main page?10:10
davmor2ara: if you look at the main pages ie https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Ubuntu/LiveCd/LiveSession etc. you'll see that is is almost completely made up of include lines10:11
aradavmor2: OK. Thanks, that's what I was looking for :)10:11
davmor2mind you if that process could automated that would be better :)  But I have no idea if it is possible or how to do it :(10:12
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nullackping asac13:12
henoara, schwuk: template for the test coverage page: https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Coverage/Automation13:22
nullackHi heno :)13:23
henocan we link to the actual test cases in some sensible way?13:23
henoHi nullack, you've been looking for me?13:23
henonullack: that was an excellent report you wrote up!13:23
araheno: about the dk one, you mean, the actual results, or the description of the test case. anything else?13:24
nullackthanks, though I cant remember on which one :)13:24
henoara: description and the script itself13:25
araheno: yes, we can add a link to the code of the script: i.e. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apulido/ubuntu-desktop-testing/intrepid/annotate/10?file_id=gedit_chains.py-20080821111816-r0lps6v9asa0u9fc-413:27
araheno: and a link to the description in the wiki13:27
henoara: thanks, see update13:31
asacnullack: ?13:39
nullackHi Alexander13:39
asacnullack: can you remind me about the ia32-libs once alpha-6 is out?13:45
nullackSure, Ive notied it13:45
nullackIve done testing of Conns PPA13:45
nullackAnd I have a test report on the last page of his thread on the Ubuntu forums13:46
asacnullack: for the pulseaudio thing Conn should really come into the dev channels and talk to TheMuso13:46
nullackYeah, hes with him and adding his PPA to his guide so they are working close13:46
nullackBut that thread also deals with flash13:46
nullackMost of the feedback is about flash13:47
asacnullack: in which way? its about flash + pulseaudio isnt it?13:47
nullackFor example, performance is better on the latest flash RC13:47
asacthats TheMuso then. if he isnt cooperative i can surely help to make a point. but i think he is just not aware of the ppa13:47
nullackGenerally the user experience is better13:47
asacand maybe there are issues with it13:47
asacnullack: its just a new flash right?13:48
asac(besides the pulseaudio fixes)13:48
asacnullack: we can do that directly after alpha-613:48
nullackYes, with some 32bit libs13:48
asaclibflashsupport removal for instance13:48
nullackUnderstood, Ive noted it for after A613:48
nullackIve done some comparative platform testing on Mac OSX too13:49
nullackAnd well have to get a new release from Adobe for Linux13:49
nullackStill some functions are broken on linux flash13:49
asacnullack: we will upgrade flash to whatever is out before we release13:49
asaci wouldnt be too bothered that we would be blocked by any beta freeze on this13:49
nullackRight, the current flash updated sept 15 on Linux isnt right13:50
asacnullack: but we should surely get the latest available in the archive for beta ... agreed13:50
nullackGood news13:50
asacnullack: isnt right? in which way?13:50
asacnot final or are there new issues?13:50
nullackThe following URL is a good test site13:50
nullackTry it on Mac OSX, and youll see how the flash has demos of features13:51
nullackOn Linux, with Conns PPA and the Intrepid repo flash versions its all broken13:51
asacnullack: anyway. maybe one more word. if there are people really doing technical work in the forums they should surely join the dev channels and talk to the right people how and if we can use their work13:51
nullackThe flash doesnt display menus and no demos13:51
asacthats much more efficient ;)13:52
nullackasac: Ill try to encourage him - he gets a bit grumpy13:52
asacgrumpy about what?13:52
nullackIm not sure he knows who to talk too and gets frustrated about the level of progress13:53
asacnullack: right. thats what i mean. there will be _no_ progress if he does his work in the forums13:53
asaci understand that he might be frustrated.13:53
asacthats why i feel that he might just not know the proper procedures13:53
asacso lets help him13:53
nullackasac : Maybe you could PM him on the forums, coming from a dev it might be more exciting for Conn than coming from me13:54
nullackasac : Or another Dev :) Hes quite a knowledgeable guy13:54
asacnullack: i can do that ... can you give me a post he made?13:54
asacso i can click on it?13:54
henoara: could you add some of your other desktop tests to that page? (https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Coverage/Automation)13:54
nullackFirst post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86696513:54
asacnullack: i couldnt spott him in the thread you gave me13:54
asacpsyke83 ?13:55
nullackOh yes, thats his forum name, his name on LP is conn13:55
henoschwuk: if we add a page in that wiki for each test we can link to them from the mails13:55
araheno: sure13:55
nullackasac : thanks :)13:55
asacnullack: ok ... ping send13:58
persiaHe also uses psyke83 in IRC when he's about.14:00
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schwukheno: we can, but we'll have to create that link in the database where the results are.14:17
henoschwuk: ok, this would make more sense when we get a case ID as well14:18
nullackheno: One of the things I try to decide with test cases is the level of detail that should go into pre requisite conditions, test data, how detailed the test execution instructions should be14:31
nullackheno : What Ive learnt is that less is good for building tests quickly14:32
nullackheno : But it can bite you when you need to bring in new staff to execute tests14:32
nullackheno : Or the team churns14:32
nullackheno : Some my first bit of feedback is that the test cases are pretty light14:32
nullackheno : That may or may not be a problem depending on the objective14:33
henonullack: conversely, I'm worried about defining the cases too strictly so that everyone tests the same thing each time and we don't discover what happens with odd configurations14:33
nullackheno : exploratory testing is good14:34
henohow do we balance those?14:34
nullackheno : But repetability is an issue too14:34
nullackheno : In my experience the balance comes from the test plan - the objectives14:34
nullackheno : And knowing how stable your team members will be in the group14:34
henook, so you would suggest explicitly separating out those activities14:34
nullackWell, theres assumed knowledge in the cases14:35
nullackAnd because input data isnt defined14:35
nullackYou cant be sure the test will pass next time14:35
nullackOften bugs rely on input data14:35
nullackIMHO Id try to have some more formal tests that specify the cases out in a more IEEE standard way14:36
nullackAnd keep some others as exploratory type tests14:36
henowe rarely specify input data in fact14:36
nullackBoudnary cases14:36
henonullack: I take your point about the cases being light - could you walk through an example perhaps (in an ML post ideally) taking it from it's current state to a more formal one?14:38
nullackSure, can I do it later though its 11:38 pm :)14:38
henoright :)14:39
henocgregan has written a bit about this as well - http://ubuntu-mobile-edition.blogspot.com/14:39
nullackSorry, Id love to work on Ubuntu 24/7 :)14:39
henoI hear you14:39
nullackIll share one thing14:40
nullackI was doing a contract for a major Aus government department on a mission critical app14:40
nullackWe were in SIT - sociability testing14:40
nullackI happened to being showing someone in my team some ideas about boundary testing14:41
cgreganheno: :-)14:41
nullackAnd I crashed the app, and it corrupted the DB in the process14:41
nullackIt was a major crisis to resolve14:41
nullackAnd from then on, I really care about input data and boundary test conditions14:41
aradavmor2: ping16:01
davmor2ara: pong16:01
davmor2ara: What's up?16:05
aradavmor2: as you might know, we are moving the ubuntu test cases to testcases.qa.ubuntu.com16:06
aradavmor2: can you please have a look to https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/Applications and tell me if you understand what it is needed? (we want a wider community to help a bit)16:06
aradavmor2: if you also want to pick one, you're more than welcome ;-)16:07
davmor2ara: any reason why most of the images are missing?16:11
davmor2ah it's okay you gone back to adding the images as attachments :)16:13
aradavmor2: reason is because is not yet done. That's the calling for help :)16:14
aradavmor2: Gedit is the one that in completely migrated16:15
davmor2ara: No Prob's I'll add it to my to do for tomorrow if that is okay :)16:15
aradavmor2: sure, but you don't have to do them all :-) we will ask more people to give a hand16:16
davmor2shouldn't take too long anyway :)16:17
henocr3, schwuk: https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Coverage/Automation16:27
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