
SyslqJack_Sparrow  and there goes my chance to be good samaritan :)00:00
timounop: http://pastebin.com/m26c958ea00:00
Jack_SparrowSyslq There will be more op's00:00
IrisJack_Sparrow: but look another problme is dual boot.00:00
unoptvanover, don't parse ls like that.. the output of ls wasn't meant to be parsed.   find . -user tvanover -exec chown anotheruser {} \;00:00
Jack_SparrowIris Save your files first00:00
IrisJack_Sparrow: with windows :(00:00
gabbarJack_Sparrow - i want to install ubuntu. will my system work on ubuntu? i mean the ethernet card sound card etc.,00:00
unoptimo, wrong use of sudo00:01
unoptimo, no.   shopt -s extglob; sudo rm -r !(home)00:01
IrisJack_Sparrow: I don't care about the OS but do I gonna be able to get into the ubuntu again and save it ?00:01
Jack_Sparrowgabbar We use a livecd that does not install so people can test thier hardware on this is00:01
spunkg'nite all!00:01
SyslqHeh, dual boot in age of virtual machines :). Just makes no sense00:01
timoFiles are still there00:01
PHAZEi was just kinda of confused with the ubuntu file structure like in windows all your new install go in program files where do your new installs go in ubuntu ?00:01
Jack_SparrowIris save /home and you are well on your way to recovery00:02
tvanoverunop: thanks00:02
onxgabbar, just burn it to cd and try it out. it will boot without making any changes to your system yet00:02
unoptimo,  did the command give you any errors?00:02
tulimaqSyslq: its still needed if u want to play games under windblows and have compiz working under linux...00:02
timoim root now http://pastebin.com/m2857de8a00:03
Jack_SparrowPHAZE the apt-get debs are in /var/cache/apt/archives  but the installed files are all over00:03
timounop:  no errors just no result00:03
airtonixPHAZE, having all your logs in one section of the harddrives lends it self to better hardrive peformance...wouldnt you agree?00:03
PHAZEoh really there isn't just one directory00:03
IrisJack_Sparrow: so let see if I undertood pop the live cd and after when it opens my files will be there...00:03
gabbaronx so u mean i can go to website and download ubuntu and burn it then just insert the cd and ubuntu will start?>00:03
timoits ok i do it by hand00:03
gabbarJack_Sparrow oh i didnt know it !00:04
PHAZEtrue antonix00:04
IrisJack_Sparrow: sorry to ask too many silly question as you see I'm not good on that.00:04
onxgabbar, yes00:04
unoptimo,  try this command first.  set +H00:04
timosudo nautilus and delete the folders00:04
unoptimo, then that one again00:04
timowile im root00:04
Jack_SparrowIris it may take more work but that is where you start00:04
unoptimo, don't use sudo with graphical applications.. use gksudo for that00:04
unoptimo, i.e. gksudo nautilus00:04
Jack_Sparrowtimo gksudo nautilus.. never sudo nautilus00:04
IrisJack_Sparrow: the main problem is how can I do the job... :(00:04
gabbaronx where would i get the drivers for ethernet card grpahic drivers sound card drivers etc.,00:04
PHAZEi love ubuntu but the file structure is confusing to me00:05
Jack_SparrowIris one step at a time00:05
Syslqtulimaq I like windows just fine I just dislike their insane licensing policys etc... But ubuntu seems to be very fine alternative :)00:05
SyslqPHAZE file structure is as in every other linux I think00:05
PHAZEbut windows is so dummy down to anyone can use it00:05
Jack_Sparrowgabbar if supported you wont need to get them yourself00:05
SyslqFilesystem hirarchy standard I mean00:05
timothank you done!00:06
IrisJack_Sparrow: right let see what I can do...00:06
Dormiehow do I connect to a wifi? my card is detecting my router, i'm in KDE00:06
IrisJack_Sparrow: but thanks anyway...00:06
airtonixPHAZE, no reason windows is so simplified is to reduce the amount of help desk requirements and make it easier to employ 'anyone' in the help desk role00:06
SyslqPHAZE you can read a nifty pdf on it, just google, and I think00:06
gabbarJack_Sparrow ok.00:06
PHAZEon what00:06
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview00:07
^Phantom^Update Manager says "You can install 236 updates"00:07
PHAZEi bet you get dummy questions like that everyday lol00:07
keen101Dormie, I havent tried kubuntu in awihle, so i woulden't know.00:08
^Phantom^PHAZE i've seen dumber people00:08
keen101Is the network manager in kde like in the gnome version?00:08
Dormiecan I do so in terminal, keen101?00:08
gabbarJack_Sparrow Do i need to learn some commands to operate ubuntu?00:08
SyslqAirtonix, PHAZE sorry but simplified is positive in my book. But hey, about anyone doing it, well that's simply bullshit. Managing any enviroment requires certain amount of knowledge and I mean general computing knowledge00:09
Jack_Sparrowgabbar no00:09
^Phantom^most people that come here have at least some idea of what they're doing00:09
PHAZEi been trying to learn linux ubuntu for a while on and off through VMware workstation 6 its a really easy way to test it out i have also install it on my system when i had my other hard drive working lol00:09
gabbarJack_Sparrow ok00:09
lns40wtf wtf wtf00:09
zelrikriandolns40, watch your language00:10
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:10
zelrikriandoAm I late?00:10
DigitalKiwithanks that made my day00:10
BBLakewhat is the difference between ubuntu, kubuntu, and edubuntu?00:10
SyslqPeople btw any directions on proper way to install codecs (video, audio) un linux these days?00:10
anom01yhow can I extract a small clip of audio from a .avi file ?00:10
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:10
gabbarSyslq hey hi and is linux = ubuntu ?00:11
SyslqBBLake Ubuntu uses gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE desktop enviroments.00:11
Syslqgabbar linux is kernel not os00:11
BBLakeand edubuntu?  same thing kde?00:11
^Phantom^I have ubuntu 7.1000:11
PHAZEok whats the difference in KDE and gnome00:11
^Phantom^Should I upgrade?00:11
BBLakeSo the ONLY difference is desktop environment?00:11
PHAZEcan't you install KDE on ubuntu?00:12
mneptokBBLake: Edubuntu uses GNOME but bundles a lot of the KDE educational software00:12
TulimaqPHAZE: yes u can00:12
mneptokPHAZE: yes, but then why not just install Kubuntu?00:12
^Phantom^Or rather *should* i upgrade?00:12
gabbarSo what should i install? ubuntu or kubuntu or edbuntu??? iam totally new to his00:12
PHAZEcould you switch back and forth?00:12
mneptokPHAZE: yes00:12
SyslqPHAZE KDE is desktop enviroment that has is based on qt or omething and it's applications need it's librarys, GNOME is based on GTK, if you want to install GNOME app on kde you allso need to install a shitload of librarys that that app depends on00:13
PHAZEkool how so?00:13
BBLakei think i have my BUNTU's mixed up00:13
PHAZEoh so its not easy i can see00:13
mneptokSyslq: "a lot" is preferabel int his channel00:13
keen101Phantom, you should at least upgrade to 8.04 since it is a LTS release. It will be supported until the next one.00:13
PHAZEunless you know linux00:13
BBLakei downloaded a kde theme i think, and it messed with my gnome enviroment, taking forever to load00:13
Scunizigabbar: install ubuntu and after that you can install kubuntu and xubuntu and then on the username screen when booting choose which one you want to use that day.00:13
Dormiekeen101, if I connect to my router in gnome will it carry over to kde?00:13
SyslqPHAZE you can consider them as framework if you like00:13
PHAZEwhat did they change in 8.04 ?00:14
SyslqBut that could be argued I guess00:14
^Phantom^8.04 LTS the one I want?00:14
keen101Dormie, possibly. but, i really don't know.00:14
damijitI want to replace 2 files, but I am getting "permission denied". How do I override this?00:14
gabbarthanks bye00:14
PHAZEhow do you do that syslq?00:14
SyslqPHAZE what?00:14
Scunizidamien_: use "sudo" when issuing the command00:14
SyslqI'm watching tv beside chatting :)00:15
BBLakescunizi, from what your saying, maybe the theme isn't my problem.   Whatever happened destroyed my ability to boot up..takes forever00:15
PHAZEsys: how do you consider them as a framework00:15
damijitI am in the GUI, how do I sudo? Or do I need to use the command line?00:15
keen101dormie, put this in terminal:      network-admin00:15
ScuniziBBLake: once loaded change the theme back to the original and see what happens.00:15
^Phantom^Is it true what I hear, that linux is better for editing video files than windows?00:16
BBLakechange out of the themes, then reboot?  good idea...going to try that00:16
BBLakedo i need to delete, or just not select as an option?00:16
Tulimaqdamijit: what program u want to run ?00:16
Scunizidamijit: what files are you trying to replace and where are they located?00:16
unr3a1_hey all00:16
SyslqPHAZE well it's deskop enviroment and as any desktop enviroment has a lot of librarys available to you wich you can use to build your own apps. And a whole lot of librarys designed to make your coding productive in some direction would be definition of framework, but as said that's arguable, framework is JAVA or .net and they both implement virtual machine but that's out of the topic00:17
unr3a1_I know this is a question for firefox, but no one in there seems to know the answer to my question, so I figure I would try here00:17
ScuniziBBLake: just make the change and apply.. that should do it.. or CTRL+ALT+Backspace which restarts the gui but doesn't really reboot the machine.00:17
BBLakeyep,....be back in 10  (or 2 minutes if this works)  :)   Crossing fingers.00:17
unr3a1_I am running firefox 3.  I have the smart bookmarks plugin installed to allow bookmarks in my bookmarks toolbar to only display the webpage icons00:17
TulimaqScunizi: restarts X server u mean00:17
unr3a1_this toolbar is full00:18
damijitTulimaq and Scunizi: I downloaded the game "Enemy Territory" and installed into /usr/local/games. I downloaded the patch, and apparently what I'm supposed to do is replace the .x86 files with the patched ones. It is when doing this that I am getting permission denied.00:18
ScuniziTulimaq: right.. but for a newbee it looks like a gui reboot00:18
PHAZEwell is this task a big one to do if i wanted to mess with it?00:18
SyslqBtw, I was asking for real what would be the best way to install codecs on ubuntu, (something like codecs pack on windows), is there entire package that covers it all or something?00:18
unr3a1_is there a way for me to expand that toolbar to a second bar?00:18
Scunizidamijit: and you're trying to use the file manager to drag and drop?00:18
^Phantom^Is 8.04 LTS the version I will want to upgrade to?00:18
oklinuxhey Jack_Sparrow I got ubuntu install00:19
keen101damijit, you may need to use the chown command.00:19
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* nullcool_ say hello! :S ......WTF i had never enter this chanel...:P00:19
Scunizidamijit: then you need to start the file manager as "root".. sudo nautilus .. copy your files then close the file manager because it too dangerous to leave open..00:19
bobertdosPHAZE: I don't mean to patronize you, but you are aware that the bookmarks expand into a dropdown meu at the end, right? You could also reorganize the bar to bring the ones you use most often back to the front.......00:20
nateeeee*sigh* ok, i've got no internet in a FRESH install of ubuntu. i'm not at all familiar with linux. i've suplied dns servers, tried static and automatic ip's... i don't understand why i would have no net :( pls help00:20
=== Kabaka[A] is now known as Kabaka
Tulimaqdamijit: Alt + F2 and type "gksu nautilus"  to run file manager as root00:20
Syslqnateeee have you tried ifup eth0?00:20
Syslqor eth100:20
joshuajtlhey folks is there anything I can do to make windows easier to resize in gnome?00:20
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^Phantom^Is 8.04 LTS fully compatible with VirtualBox?00:20
darren__Hi could some one please help or explain why. i have just done two fresh installs of ubuntu yet again, one on my desktop and one on my laptop. on the desktop my wifi works stright away with out doing any thing, but on the laptop it does not even show up, is that normall, same install from same cd00:20
Scunizidamijit: what Tulimaq said.. I forgot about gksu or gksudo before nautilus00:21
Goosemooseso i installed ubuntu over the network, add to late_command to join an AD domain, the computer shows up in AD and domainjoin-cli query shows it's on the domain. But I can't login as a domain user. Any suggestions?00:21
PHAZEyeah the bar with the applications , places and systems00:21
Jack_Sparrowdarren__ Supported hardware?00:21
keen101damijitjoshuajtl, do a defragment00:21
Qwexeranyone know of a python-gasp channel that I could get some answers from?00:21
Syslq darren__ yeah but not same wifi cards :)00:21
PHAZEwhich would be called a taskbar in windows00:21
keen101joshuajtl, do a defragment on you win drive before resizing.00:21
nullcool_hey AMAROK run slowly since i install emesene......any opinion???....(happy independence day....from mexico) :D00:21
Syslqdarren_ check your wifi card in linux lspci|more00:21
darren__Jack_Sparrow, is there any thing i can do about it00:21
SyslqAnd try finding it00:22
nateeeeei don't understand any of that stuff. though iu did try, "/sbin/ifconfig -a" which made very little sense to me as it was merly a readout of what was connected where and the current status'.00:22
joshuajtlkeen101: talking about windows, not Windows00:22
Jack_Sparrowjoshuajtl I agree  with keen10100:22
joshuajtlresizing windows not MS Windows00:22
damijitIt seems to have worked. Thanks for your help!00:22
Scunizidamijit: np00:22
Syslq nateeeee paste it to me on private00:22
Syslqoutput of ifconfig -a00:22
bobertdosPHAZE: I'm sorry, I directed to the wrong person. I hate it when I do that :p00:22
keen101joshuajtl, oh i see. heh lol00:22
darren__Jack_Sparrow, would a new wifi make any dif or is it the hardware in the lapto00:22
joshuajtlJack_Sparrow:  talking about windows, not Windows, resizing windows in gnome... not Windows MS00:22
PHAZElol im confused now00:23
PHAZEits koo00:23
nullcool_hey AMAROK run slowly since i install emesene......any opinion???....(happy independence day....from mexico) :D00:23
DanskmandI was afk....someone answered me ?00:23
Jack_Sparrowjoshuajtl I understand..00:23
darren__Syslq, is there any thing i can do about it would a dif wifi help or is it the hard ware in the laptop00:23
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > darren__00:23
ubottudarren__, please see my private message00:23
OsamaKIn Ubuntu, Is there something like "tasks manger" then I can close some unrespondable software? Firefox tells me " you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."00:24
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:24
myles7897can someone help me get my printer working. I have it installed and it used to work, but now it stops.00:25
DanskmandCAn you actually read what I am typing ?00:25
BBLakeOK, obviously not the issue.  still took forever.00:25
Jack_SparrowDanskmand yes00:25
myles7897It just says printer not connected00:25
OsamaKJack_Sparrow: this is to me?00:25
BBLakeI have disabled all elements of the ubuntu studio theme however.00:25
Tulimaqdarren__: pastebin your "lspci" and "iwconfig -a" output00:25
^Phantom^is 8.04 LTS fully compatible with VirtualBox?00:25
Jack_SparrowOsamaK yes, kill a process00:25
BBLakeThe only other hting major i messed with was the PUlse Audio settings...Is that a boot killer?00:25
OsamaKJack_Sparrow: How to know its IDs?00:25
Tulimaq^Phantom^: yes00:25
ScuniziOsamaK: other than Jack_Sparrow 's suggestion you could also right mouse click on the top bar and choose "add to panel" then choose "System Monitor".. that will give you access to processes and let you kill them.00:25
Jack_SparrowOsamaK ps00:25
DanskmandOh, ok....So, no answers...I guess I have to find out "somehow".....00:25
PersicaI'm not sure I'm in the right channel for this:  Anyone have any experience with using autofs mounts on top of an nfs-root on a diskless box?00:25
^Phantom^Yay, k thankies :D00:26
* ^Phantom^ upgrades00:26
nullcool_hey AMAROK run slowly since i install emesene......any opinion???....it just freeze all windows :S00:26
DanskmandWell, have a nice evening !00:26
oklinuxJack_Sparrow, pm ?00:26
Jack_Sparrowoklinux sure00:26
darren__Tulimaq, ok sorry quite new to linux, i know every one says that must get anoying for people, but where shouls i paste the info00:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:26
KiLl3rCaMhello i have a sound problem I can hear all the sound test but that is the only sound i am getting i typed esd in a terminal and it came up with ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:2 and three other lines just like that any suggestions?00:26
lolmachi, KiLl3rCaM00:26
OsamaKScunizi: That's what I was looking for. Thank you :)00:26
Tulimaqdarren__:  www.pastebin.com00:26
ScuniziOsamaK: np00:27
lolmachi, KiLl3rCaM00:27
lolmachi, KiLl3rCaM00:27
^Phantom^It's a good thing they sent me home from work early today00:27
^Phantom^"this download will take about 1 hours and 50 minutes with your connection"00:27
OsamaKJack_Sparrow: It shows me unnamed processes00:28
PersicaAnyone here know much about why automount is failing with an NFS root even when the root of the automount tree exists?00:29
darren__Tulimaq, ok i pasted it here is this the right link http://pastebin.com/m769bcd1d00:29
keenscreenupon starting up ubuntu i saw: "there is an error starting the gnome settings daemon"   error message:  "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." .... how to fix?00:29
bobertdosKiLl3rCaM: Actually, I think that might be normal because I get that too and all my sound works. What are your settings in System->Preferences->Sound?00:29
drazakPersica: is your syntax right?00:30
KiLl3rCaMits all oss00:30
bobertdosKiLl3rCaM: So do Pulse and Alsa not work for you at all?00:31
PersicaIt's failing on creating the directory for the mount within the autofs.00:31
Persicadrazak: "mount(nfs): mkdir_path /net/sww failed: No such file or directory"00:31
BBLakeWhat is the best way to diagnosis problems with boot-up.   Something changed with my boot-ups now taking forever, not the KDE them as we had thought00:31
drazakPersica: it looks like your local mount path is wrong00:31
Persicadrazak: seems odd.  It can create the original /net, but then it won't create the subdirectories to mount on.00:31
darren__Tulimaq, like i say two laptops both with built in wifi the usb wifi works on one laptop but not mine also works on desktop but not my laptop, tryed a diffrent driver from aircrack can connet to internet but it does not show signal strength, is it the hardware in my laptop that is bad00:31
leachim6how can I have an icon with no text ?00:32
leachim6desktop icon00:32
bobertdosKiLl3rCaM: I kind of doubt any of the current apps support OSS anymore. I could be wrong, but that might be the issue here. What sound device to you use?00:32
timoBed time leachim600:32
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KiLl3rCaMim not sure hold on00:33
leachim6timo, say what now ?00:33
timoicon with no txt I have lots of them00:33
leachim6timo, how ?00:34
lolmachi, timo00:34
NutzebahnI am trying to install a program which has no installation instructions, help?: http://pastebin.com/d4d84d60800:34
lolmachi, Nutzebahn00:34
leachim6when I do no text it names it ".desktop"00:34
cornetcould someone please explain why the unlock dialogue box for network manager insists on stealing ALL keyboard and mouse input !?00:34
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timohi lolmac00:34
cornetthe same is true for the ssh keyring stuff00:34
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favroleachim6: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90285300:34
Vagaswhere can i get configure: error: Could not find jpeglib.h00:34
KiLl3rCaMEnsoniq AudioPCI00:35
timoleachim6: you drink coffee ?00:35
DigiFly_I have a problem. ubuntu nfs let me not copy a large file 60GB to other ubuntu nfs system. file to large. and both use a linux filesystem00:35
talntidhardy freezing on boot.. any ideas? it freezes on xwindows when the mouse shows up, it just stops spinning. mouse works though.00:35
Tulimaqdarren__: u have Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 card and looks like its working .. can u pastebin "iwlist scan" output00:35
tom_Nutzebahn: if you dont know how to install that i would recomend against it, but if you insist on continuing anyway, then you need to ./configure it then make it then sudo make install it00:35
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:35
arttiHow can i add desktops so desktop cube could work?00:35
tom_!compile | Nutzebahn00:35
ubottuNutzebahn: please see above00:35
leachim6timo, nope, hate the stuff, tea is my thing00:35
DigiFly_oh, nice. move a cup to me :)00:36
leachim6and I'm young, so I don't need caffeine ...00:36
NutzebahnThank you, there is no configure file.00:36
leachim6it's ironic how the young ones have the most caffeine....00:36
tom_artti: im not sure what the gnome way of doing it is but if you have ccsm installed its under general options00:36
bobertdosKiLl3rCaM: Well, I don't have any particular suggestions for that one. I'd read the wiki, and otherwise, start googling :p00:36
bobertdos!sound > KiLl3rCaM00:36
ubottuKiLl3rCaM, please see my private message00:36
Scunizi!ccsm | artti00:37
ubottuartti: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:37
arttitom_, i'vr done that. But i just can't get cube work.00:37
darren__Tulimaq,  dont think i need to past it because it just says Interface doesn't support scanning. no scan results00:37
tom_artti: if compiz is running you need 4 horizontal destops and the cube plugin running and that should give you a cube00:37
HaZHow do you usually uninstall programs compiled from source ?00:37
leachim6simple-ccsm is almost useless00:37
r00t_how can i clear the remote host identification warning?00:37
timoI need bed00:38
leachim6HaZ, that's a funny thing...because it's all different00:38
xeonoexI need help. Ubuntu wont boot, it just goes to a DOS screen and has some repeating message with 0x2 and 0x2 and errors...00:38
timoGd ni00:38
darren__Tulimaq,  the built in wireless works no probs just the external usb wifi,00:38
leachim6HaZ, if your lucky, the author of the program was smart and put a deinstall action in the make file00:38
^Phantom^about 2 hours 35 minutes remaining lol00:38
leachim6HaZ, do you still have the source you used to compile it ?00:38
Scuniziartti: have you gone to System/Preferances/Appearance/Visual Effects and switched from None or Normal to one of the other choices?00:38
HaZhmm think so00:38
arttiScunizi, i have expert.00:38
darren__Tulimaq,  http://pastebin.com/m5095fa3a00:39
leachim6HaZ, then you're out of luck00:39
leachim6next time try checkinstall00:39
leachim6"apt-cache show checkinstall"00:39
arttiSomehow i have to add desktops, i think.00:39
xeonoexhelp? "[ 233.312048] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x200:39
PHAZEwhen i download tar.gz and it was on the desktop i click on it show a menu to select to open it what app do you need to open that?00:40
tom_artti: if compiz is running you want a destop with a virtual horizontal size but only 1 desktop00:40
Scuniziartti:  then under System/Preferances/Advanced Desktop Settings/General/Desktop Size the 3 lines should read (from top to bottom) 4 1 100:40
Jack_SparrowInstall ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse00:40
Tulimaqdarren__: u should try ndiswrapper then00:40
HaZPHAZE you unpack it using the console00:40
PHAZEi never understood download files from the internet and running them00:40
PHAZEconsole as you mean?00:40
meoblast001how do you scan a file from a terminal?00:40
HaZterminal *00:41
darren__Tulimaq, I tryed ndiswrapper but it will only connect to a open AP but not wep00:41
HaZtar xzvf xxx.tar.gz00:41
PHAZEdo you use sudo apt - get00:41
leachim6how can I have namless icons on the desktop in gnome00:41
leachim6the icon gets named .desktop if I leave it blank or use a space00:41
PHAZEthat package d/ler00:41
HaZthen ./confgure - make - make install00:41
Jack_Sparrowdarren__ That is a limitation of marginally supported hardware00:41
darren__Tulimaq, makes no sence how can it work on one lap top but not the other if its the same usb wifi00:42
arttiScunizi, already have that,00:42
PHAZEwhat about the other file formats that are on the net that arn't in the add and remove and the sym loader one00:42
Jack_Sparrowdarren__ Sometimes the same card has a different chipset00:42
Scuniziartti: check out the post just below my last one by Jack_Sparrow00:42
tom_same usb wifi doenst always have the same chip or usb chip00:42
HaZ.rpm ?00:43
Jack_Sparrowdarren__ broadcom bcm43xx has at least 4 chipsets00:43
sielnt_anyone have media player recommendations for a fluxbox user? it seems rhythmbox has some issues starting up (takes about 20 seconds)00:43
HaZdpkg for .deb i think00:43
darren__Jack_Sparrow,  but its the same usb wifi card, im just unplgging it from one laptop onto the other00:43
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:43
PHAZEyeah i have red how to install tho on the ubuntu doc site and still didn't quite get it00:43
arooniwhen i installed ndiswrapper it worked; but when i restart;  it doesnt seem to auto load.  in addition, i cant see the friendly wireless network ui on top right (upon clicking network).... and i'm left to manual config... how do i fix these two things?00:43
kosharisielnt vlc00:43
octoberdanYes, alien may abduct you00:44
sielnt_arooni /etc/modules00:44
Jack_Sparrowdarren__ Is there a built in port that is causing issues on the box that it does not work in.00:44
aroonisielnt_, what about second issue?00:44
NutzebahnI am trying to install a program which has no installation instructions, the Ubuntu website isn't helping, and there is no configure file, just configure.ac, help?: http://pastebin.com/d4d84d60800:44
aroonisielnt_, seeing other networks00:44
sielnt_arooni, I think its an issue with ndiswrapper, I usually just go in through the system/administration menu00:44
tom_!compile | Nutzebahn00:44
ubottuNutzebahn: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:44
Tulimaqdarren__: strange00:45
darren__Jack_Sparrow,  i have no idear they both have built in wireless, thats not the problem the built in wireless works fine on both, its just the usb wifi works on one but not the other00:45
PHAZEyes HAz those other file formats the ones you listed you have instal them in the terminal00:45
leachim6how can I have namless desktop icons in gnome00:45
HaZwhat do you want to know00:45
mneptokdarren__: "idea" has no "r" :)00:45
arttiJack_Sparrow, Scunizi: thanks, didn't know how to move it.00:45
Scunizimneptok: it does in Mississippi :)00:46
Nutzebahntom_: That did not help.00:46
Tulimaqdarren__: and how u get it working on another pc ?00:46
darren__also i downloaded a driver from aircrack which i was able to connect to internet but did not show signal strength then downloaed ndiswrapper showed signal strenght but could not connect to wep00:46
tom_what happens when you run ./configure.ac00:46
PHAZEget off subject anyone havin the new ubuntu freeze on the load ubntu screen? its doing that in my VMware workstation 6 any idea why00:46
Scuniziartti: enjoy.. remember if you play some games, they won't render unless you turn off effects..00:46
PHAZEi canload up the 7.10 easy00:47
arttiScunizi, i know, already tried.00:47
luis__hi guys i  really need help i just install ubuntu on a vaio laptop but i just can get it connected to the network (internet) cansome1 help me out to fix this pls?00:47
Scuniziartti: :)00:47
darren__Tulimaq,  it just worked on the laptop and desktop did not touch any thing but on my laptop it did not thats what makes no sence00:47
leachim6can someone answer my question please, not trying to be annoying00:47
PHAZEit just froze !!00:47
erUSULleachim6: maybe you just can't have unnamed ?00:47
Scunizileachim6: if nobody her knows the answer you might try #linux00:48
leachim6tried it00:48
leachim6and #gnome00:48
sielnt_darren__ did you load the appropriate drivers for the laptop card?00:48
Scunizileachim6: gotta be somewhere in gconfig editor.. but I could tell you where.00:48
darren__sielnt_,  have tryed many drivers00:48
leachim6could or couldn't ?00:48
sielnt_darren__ what laptop and network card is it?00:48
Scunizileachim6: could be.. no guarantees though.. just a logical place to check00:49
Tulimaqdarren__: maybe u did something wrong then ? because i use broadcom wifi via ndiswrapper  and WPA2 works just fine00:49
arooniwhat does sudo apt-get upgrade dO/00:49
clouder`grrdoes anyone else have a problem in firefox where drop down menus appear behind flash videos to where you can't click on them00:49
PHAZEHaz hold up one sec00:49
darren__sielnt_, sony vaio with alfa and rtl8187 driver00:49
darren__Tulimaq, ok i will try ndiswrapper again just incase if i can find the driver again more searching00:50
Scuniziarooni: it will upgrade and programs/packages that have an update.. however you should always sudo apt-get update before upgrade or dist-upgrade to get the most recent list of packages.00:50
sielnt_darren__, have you tried using any native linux drivers for the laptop before attempting ndiswrapper?00:50
Scuniziand = any00:50
leachim6how can I get an nbsp character on linux ?00:50
dooglusclouder`grr: yup00:51
CINARtürkçe bilen var mý acaba00:51
mneptok!tr > CINAR00:51
ubottuCINAR, please see my private message00:51
luis__sorry is just that i just don't know how to fix it when i installed ubuntu on my desktop i had no problem at all but now that i just installed on this vaio laptop it won't get connect to inetrnet can some1 help me out to fix this please???00:51
clouder`grrdooglus: no solutions?00:51
darren__sielnt_, yes i tryed a driver from aircrack, and that more or less worked, could connect to internet but it would never show any signal,00:51
dn4git clone http://www.xwax.co.uk/devel/xwax.git00:51
dn4/usr/bin/git-clone: 374: curl: not found00:52
dn4any ideas?00:52
leachim6seriously, how do I have an icon with no name00:52
arooniif i have a realtek 8185 chipset wireless card (not currently supported in ubuntu hardy) and i'm using ndiswrapper... will next version of ubuntu cover this card?  and is ndiswrapper ok enough to use in the meantime?  or should i return the card?00:52
dooglusclouder`grr: only really noticed it today for the first time (a stickam.com redesign, I guess).  luckily I had the URLs that the drop-down menus go to in my Fx history00:52
leachim6I can do it on windows!00:52
dooglusclouder`grr: but generally, no, I don't know of a good solution00:52
luis__so is there some one that can guide me to fix this please??00:52
tom_arooni: the outlook is not good, i havent heard of any major changes in wireless in the new version00:52
meoblast001how do i scan from a remote scanner?00:53
dtoljis there a GUI or semi-gui was to manage services in ubuntu?00:53
Tulimaqdarren__: make sure u blacklist native wifi driver00:53
sielnt_leachim6: Then go do it on Windows.00:53
Scunizidtolj: how do you mean.. processes? shutting them down?00:53
darren__Tulimaq, thats not a problem it a new install have not downloaded any drivers yet00:53
leachim6I didn't mean it like that...00:53
PHAZEseriously did anyone having problems with the new ubuntu version freezing on the load screen in VMware?00:54
aroonitom_, should i return the wireless card to frys and get another one?00:54
dtoljScunizi: actually using xubuntu, want to close some processes on startup00:54
luis__any one that can helpe me please?00:54
leachim6and it's not LINUX that can't do it, it's gnome that can't do it00:54
dtoljScunizi: rcconf sucks00:54
leachim6and it's not ubuntu's fault00:54
darren__after reading in here from time to time linux seems to have a big problem with wireless00:54
myles7897Ubuntu keeps telling me I need to reinstall a package. How do I tell it where it is?00:54
Scunizidtolj: sorry can't help you there.00:54
sielnt_leachim6: I use fluxbox to rid myself of all the problems associated with the mainstream desktops00:54
Scunizimyles7897: what package?00:55
luis__i just install ubuntu on a vaio laptop and just finished but it won't connect to internet like my desktop how can i fix this please help??00:55
myles7897its a deb package for my printer00:55
sielnt_leachim6: I'm a big fan of the K.I.S.S. principle00:55
darren__luis i have the same problem with my sony laptop00:55
dtoljScunizi: how is it done generally on the command line?00:55
leachim6sielnt_, I usually use openbox, but gnome works nicely with all of my laptops peripherals like the sound rocker and brightness control00:55
leachim6I do have a sweet openbox setup00:55
Scunizimyles7897: double click the .deb and it'll reinstall.00:55
luis__God so there is no way to fix it??00:55
leachim6I've been using gnome lately though00:55
erUSULluis__: tell us more info. wired connection wifi? modem? router? what have you tried?00:56
Tulimaqdarren__: i understand but there is a some kinda native kernel module installed already00:56
myles7897then it says that the package is corrupt, I have already tried re-downloading a fresh one.00:56
^Phantom^i have about 1 hours 30 minutes remaining for this update :D00:56
sielnt_leachim6: There are ways to achieve those things with other environments... if you have the time00:56
tom_where do i go to talk about intrepid00:56
leachim6sielnt_, I'm aware of all of that, I just feel like using gnome right now00:56
Starnestommytom_: maybe #ubuntu+100:56
meoblast001tom_: i think it's #ubuntu+100:56
dtoljWhy dosn't Rcconf read all processes in /etc/init.d?00:56
sielnt_oh yea, intrepid ibex00:56
leachim6I know I can use idesk for icons and still use gnome-panel00:56
Scunizidtolj: beyond my abilities.. sorry..  the only thing I can relate it to is apache2 which is done by "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop00:56
PHAZEok i guess not lol00:56
leachim6and gnome-settings-daemon to make it look like gnome00:56
meoblast001anyone know how to do remote scans?00:56
Scunizidtolj: might be similar..00:56
leachim6but I don't wanna!00:57
luis__ook my desktop is conected to cybercable.net.mx i got to connectios so on my desktop i use usb and on the laptop ethernet cable00:57
leachim6and that's what linux is, the choice :)00:57
dtoljScunizi: thats going to start it up when you reboot :)00:57
r00t_no text icons00:57
darren__Tulimaq, no idear there must be it it works stright away on two diffrent computers, thats what strange its just on my laptop00:57
meoblast001with saned.... xsane on my system keeps telling me no devices found.. how do i tell it to look on a remote system?00:57
sielnt_leachim, you can use nautilus without a desktop too00:57
luis__and this is a motorola surboard modem00:57
Scunizidtolj: yep.. didn't say I had the whole answer  :)00:57
=== charlie is now known as Guest20159
Tulimaqdarren__: laptops are always strange :)00:58
luis__what else do i need to give you?? erUSUL?00:58
leachim6also...I hate gconf , it's way too much like the windows registry00:58
leachim6what happened to "everything is a file"00:58
darren__Tulimaq,  i have the linux driver on a cd that comes with the wifi i but i have to compile it and that i have no idear what so ever00:58
myles7897sorry xchat crashed did you get that last message?00:58
erUSULluis__: so is so kind of modem? maybe it only supports one connected device at a time?00:59
Tulimaqdarren__: bios bugs, strange hardware .. u never know00:59
sielnt_leachim6: I'll be building a fluxbox gentoo box soon (I hope)00:59
viakenI have a friend who's having a problem with add/remove. Here's his sources.list: http://pastebin.com/d2f44b22c and the error he's getting: http://viaken.udderweb.com/error.jpg00:59
viakenAnyone have any ideas?=00:59
viakenAs a note: His sources were jm.archive.ubuntu.com beforehand. I changed them back, since he's in the US.00:59
sielnt_Ubuntu's a nice beginner OS, but I crave more00:59
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
darren__Tulimaq, thats another question is it possible to change the bios00:59
luis__is for two but still if i use only laptop won't reconize it or whatever the word might be00:59
leachim6sielnt_, I did a few gentoo installs, it's not worth it...00:59
leachim6binary packages all the way00:59
viakensielnt_: I like Arch. It adheres pretty well to K.I.S.S.01:00
viakenAnd is good to learn with.01:00
Tulimaqdarren__: u can check maybe they have some update for it01:00
sielnt_leachim6: I'll always have debian to fall back on. I try out ubuntu every now and then, but it feels to bloated for my taste01:00
leachim6so nobody knows how to create icons with no name ?01:00
leachim6sielnt_, tried ubuntu server ?01:00
mneptokdistro preferences are best taken to #ubuntu-offtopic01:00
sielnt_leachim6: I haven't... I just might have to01:00
leachim6sielnt_, it's bloat-free01:01
skylarhow can I set-up a wireless router behind a 4-port?  any clues01:01
viakenAlso, I've done a bunch of Gentoo installs. I tend to have a more stable system from it, but it's definitely slow and laborous.01:01
skylarthe 4-port was working good.. still is01:01
Tulimaqdarren__: what driver u have on cd, for windows ?01:01
sielnt_leachim6: I've always used etch for my server needs... I'll give the server distro a go for desktop01:01
skylarI plug the wireless router behind it01:01
leachim64-port what ?01:01
viakenAnyone have any ideas what to do with this error? http://viaken.udderweb.com/error.jpg01:01
leachim6yeah, I'd use etch for servers01:01
darren__Tulimaq, iok i used to think i was could on computers but now, lets just say i need a few more years, to update a sony bios i would ned to go to sony home page and update n0?01:01
skylarnr041 lynksis router01:01
johninlexleachim6 have you tried just spaces01:01
leachim6johninlex, yeah, it spits out a ".desktop"01:01
johninlexleachim6 even with 8.04 I just tried it with three spaces and it worked fine for me01:02
darren__Tulimaq, on the cd for windows its a vista driver but also has a driver for linux, but the linux driver needs to be compiled01:02
=== RandomCake______ is now known as RandomCake
leachim6johninlex, seriously, what am I doing wrong then01:03
=== zburns is now known as KD8JGR
leachim6let me check my nautilus options01:03
r00t_8.04 ubuntu01:03
Tulimaqdarren__: if u have sony laptop then yes, download it from their webpage01:03
=== KD8JGR is now known as KD8JGR_Zack
sielnt_anyone have any insider information on x-fi alsa development? OSS is... I'm not going there again.01:03
johninlexleachim6    right click on icon change name and type in three space, try it and let me know ok01:03
Tulimaqdarren__: well compile it then :) its not that hard01:03
r00t_i did F2 hit space three times and it renamed01:04
sevorwhats up everyone01:04
darren__Tulimaq, i think its the bios that is the problem i will have to read into that, it is to me  nevr done it befor and dont fully understant what its asking01:04
=== KD8JGR_Zack is now known as zburns
leachim6johninlex, the name won01:04
leachim6won't stick01:04
darren__Tulimaq, makes no sence compileing to me dont understand01:04
OsamaKHello! I'm trying to play RealMedia files on my Ubuntu computer. I installed win32codecs and mplayer, but it wasn't very useful. I can play rm with audio only, without picture01:05
johninlexleachim6 did that work01:05
lolmachi, OsamaK01:05
Tulimaqdarren__: bios update is easy download it burn on cd and boot from it01:05
leachim6it won't let me name it spaces01:05
=== jackzhou is now known as keepsake
leachim6it just takes me back to the previous name01:05
darren__Tulimaq, ok thanks for the help going to take a look, and thanks again01:06
Tulimaqdarren__: np01:06
johninlexleachim6 ok than I am not sure, you could try to edit the file in a tty, something close to icon name and then put in the three spaces01:06
leachim6tried it...01:06
leachim6no dice01:07
viakenSo, no one's got any ideas on that error?01:07
viakenCan someone at least tell me where jm.archive.ubuntu.com is? :P01:07
johninlexleachim6 than you might have to do it under root, or it isnt able for it to work for everthing my was a created folder01:08
benjickviaken: UK01:08
leachim6no, it won't work01:08
Billy_Shearshello, anyone know a good site for linux & video (convert, cut and so on)?01:08
leachim6I edited the file, and if the icon name is nothing, it just makes the name the file name01:08
lolmachi, Billy_Shears01:08
leachim6which in this case is firefox.desktop01:09
leachim6dang frustrating01:09
leachim6so all of you guys can do it fine ?01:09
Billy_Shearshi lolmac :)01:09
myles7897can someone help me, it keeps saying you need to reinstall a deb package, but when I try it just says corrupt package, I have already tried to download it again and no luck01:10
leachim6ok...I did it...01:10
leachim6somehow...you can create files that have no names01:10
leachim6no idea I could do that01:10
leachim6"cd ~/Desktop; mv firefox.desktop '  '"01:10
leachim6how that works...I have no idea01:11
johninlexI just tried it with foxfire and it didnt work, why dont you install dock and then you can have more icons with no name01:11
skylarwell, that was easy..01:11
meoblast001how do i "Finally, you need to add "saned" group to "scanner" at /etc/group, because of the permissions. "01:11
Jack_Sparrowmyles7897 From our repos or something you found online01:12
myles7897Jack_Sparrow, online, its a deb for my printer.01:12
Jack_Sparrowmyles7897 From our repos or something you found online01:12
myles7897Jack_Sparrow, online, its a deb for my printer.01:13
^Phantom^ still downloading the update lol01:13
OsamaKAgain, how to play RM on Ubuntu? Although I have win32codacs and mplayer, I don't have but audio01:13
myles7897Jack_Sparrow, know the problem?01:13
IndyGunFreakOsamaK: RM, as in, realmedia?01:13
ssdthi i want to know how to make a keyboard layout for my ubuntu01:14
OsamaKyes, IndyGunFreak01:14
Jack_Sparrowmyles7897 Cant help you..01:14
koshar1OsamaK you will need he proprietry realplayer01:14
bobertdosleachim6: I have an idea.01:14
sacamanoQuestion for anyone who's used IE4 4 linux. Is there a way to make it so websites think it's IE6 on XP?01:14
ssdti am going to use one that is already created01:14
ssdtfor my lang which is bengali01:14
Jack_Sparrowsacamano ask in #winehq01:15
OsamaKkoshar1: Before I reinstall by Ubuntu, I played them without it (itself), maybe I need un-free packages?01:15
dtoljfound a program called bum (boot-Up manager)01:15
J-nsacamano: i could tell you how to do that with firefox, but not with IE.01:15
stickboyHi. I don't have a public key for medibuntu repository. I looked online but the ones I found were outdated. Anyone know where I can get?01:16
meoblast001how do i fix "Failed to open device 'net:;dev1': Error during device I/O"01:16
leachim6stickboy, I don't think there is one01:17
ssdtcan anyone help me please01:17
b3lorixxAnyone Foirefox keeps like starting but then nothing displays and its in the System monitor anyone?01:17
leachim6ssdt, what's your problem ?01:17
OsamaKkoshar1: I cannot remember what I did.. But the mojor thing I installed win32codecs, I did that again, with audio problem01:17
blu2How do I change the brightness of display(backlight)? I am using HP dv9000 laptop and using Hardy01:17
ssdti want to change my keyboard layout01:17
dooglussacamano: if I had to do that, I'd use 'privoxy'01:17
ssdtlike want to customize it01:17
bobertdosleachim6: There is a way to create blank launchers.01:17
blu2FN+arrow up and down arent working....01:17
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts01:17
leachim6this is what I wanted to do all along by the way01:17
stickboy<leachim6> there was at some point because I've found outdated ones. any idea why there isn't?01:17
dooglussacamano: I think it can edit the user-agent string in outgoing requests for you01:17
johninlexstickboy you will have to creat your own, the mediubuntu is for all devices but you have to put it together for your device01:18
stickboy<johninlex> how do i do that?01:18
leachim6the sun is firefox,  jupiter is thunderbird, and uranus is gnome-terminal01:18
pan__unable to install network-manager01:19
Mr_Fixitis there a program "like" joost that will run on ubuntu?01:19
johninlexStickboy first you have to learn a program lang. ie pythong C+ C++ and compile your own01:19
bobertdosleachim6: Use the non-breaking space character. Ctrl+Shift+u then type a0 (the hexadecimal unicode value) and hit enter.01:19
benjickMr_Fixit: I've heard you can run joost thru wine, but i haven't found any native linux-like :(01:19
cyphaseleachim6: that's cool :)01:19
ssdtplease help me with customizing my keyboard layout so that i can choose what keys means what01:19
ssdtif i can do that01:19
Mr_Fixitok thanks...01:20
leachim6bobertdos, I knew that's how you did it, that's how I did it on windows01:20
benjick!keyboard | ssdt01:20
ubottussdt: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts01:20
leachim6that's why I asked before how to make an nbsp01:20
Mr_Fixitanyone here tried Joost through wine that can verify???01:20
benjick!google joost wine01:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:20
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:20
stickboy<johninlex> will perl work? i'm tired of c++01:20
PHAZEwhats the keyboard shortcut like in windows cltrl alt delete that bring up task manger does ubuntu have something like that?01:20
Mr_Fixiti'll go look thanks... was just seein if anyone has tried it here01:21
leachim6actually that doesn't work01:21
leachim6it says the launcher must have a name01:21
PHAZEim lookin for the keyboard shortcut for it01:21
johninlexI havent work with Perl I dont know what all it can do01:21
benjickPHAZE: System -> administration -> system monitor01:21
=== r00t_ is now known as r00t__
benjickPHAZE: Oh, sorry01:21
ssdtwhat about wubi01:21
ssdtcause i am using that01:21
BobBhi, can someone tell me if ls --group-directories-first works on your systems?01:21
bobertdosleachim6: You can rename it afterwards. That's what I did.01:21
PHAZEben what about the shortcut if your ubuntu freezes and anytime or another01:21
viaken"Gstraemer ffmpeg video plugin cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)" - Anyone have any clues about that error?01:22
Ratchetzorzjack sparrow attempted to ban me earlier X:01:22
leachim6control-shift-u + hex01:22
RatchetzorzSys still here?01:22
Jack_Sparrowssdt Read up on wubi..  It is not what I consider a long term solution, more just for WIndows users to try ubuntu, not for everyday use01:22
leachim6that's how you do those huh01:22
PHAZElike in windows you have to kill a task to get you computer runnin faster because sometimes there are no responding programs01:22
johninlexPHAZE hold control     ALT      Backspace, just like ctrl alt delete01:22
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:23
mneptok!cn > wangjiwen01:23
ubottuwangjiwen, please see my private message01:23
PHAZEoh ok thanks01:23
ssdtok thanks but there was some problem with the partition that is why i now use wubi01:23
wangjiwen我 第一次用01:23
PHAZEall try that JAck i not using it for everday use , using to for learning purposes01:23
ssdtthanks though01:23
bobertdosleachim6: just ctrl+shift+u by itself. When the underlined lowercase u appears, that's when you type the hex code.01:23
carandraug!cn | wangjiwen01:23
ubottuwangjiwen: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:23
compilerwriterWhere would I go to see if there is a certain wirless adapter supported by Ubuntu?01:24
carandraug!jp | wangjiwen01:24
ubottuwangjiwen: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:24
johninlexphaze I have been using ubuntu for 6 months and i have only one freeze up and that was because I was maxing out my ram01:24
BobBi'm just wondering if --group=directories-first is a patch I applied to ls, or came with hardy01:24
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > compilerwriter01:24
ubottucompilerwriter, please see my private message01:24
PHAZEyeah i have had it freez in the past tho ..01:25
wangjiwen大家好。我第一次用这软件。而且都是英文的 。你们说的话也是英文。我看不懂。01:25
PHAZEbut yeah i know what you mean01:25
PHAZEubuntu is sweet01:25
Jack_Sparrowwangjiwen Please STOP01:25
benjickBobB: It probably works, mine list by name, doesn't care about dir or no dir01:25
Jack_Sparrow!cn > wangjiwen01:25
ubottuwangjiwen, please see my private message01:25
compilerwriterThanks Jack_Sparrow01:25
Jack_Sparrownp compilerwriter01:25
lolmachi, dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf01:25
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfI need help01:25
unopwould anyone know how to troubleshoot this python error?  ImportError: No module named utils  . complete trace here - http://pastebin.com/d1c823e5501:26
beardbarofftopic: i need to transfer a directory from a windwos server to a linux server but i guess you cant use scp for windows servers. anyone know how else i would do the transfer of files if I only have a command prompt?01:26
BobBbenjick, if you do ls --group-directories-first, does it work?01:26
johninlexdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf     we know that no with a name like that    lol01:26
benjickYes, ofc :>01:26
benjickBobB: And i'm running hardy as well01:27
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfI need help setting up internet on Ubuntu with a Broadcom BCMWL5 Model.01:27
BobBbenjick, ah thanks :)  I was trying to patch it into the source when it was already there01:27
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf01:27
ubottudsfhsdlfkhsdfskf, please see my private message01:27
benjickhehe :>01:27
BravewolfHow can I create a pdf file with 2 images per page starting form a directory of jpeg files? Thank you!01:28
mneptokbeardbar: HTTP?01:28
physically_fit!wifi > physically_fit01:28
ubottuphysically_fit, please see my private message01:28
tehborizhey everyone, my ubuntu server install says unable to mount cd rom. I've tried swapping cables, drives, resetting bios, and burned 2 copies on 2 different media. Not sure what to do... any suggestions?01:28
kapace_Hello, i've accidentally made nautilus copy a link in a link to it self thing01:29
lolmachi, kapace_01:29
kevinOBravewolf, i have never had much luck creating pdf's in ubuntu, i think you need adobe pdf creator01:29
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfHow Do I message you Jack?01:29
kevinOi could be wrong though01:29
stickboyi'm trying to update to the new vl. following the ubuntu directions on their site but it's not working. keeps saying i have the latest version when i don't. anyone else having this problem?01:29
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:29
kapace_oh wait, i controlled C'ed it01:29
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf!pm > Jack_Sparrow =-o01:29
ubottuJack_Sparrow, please see my private message01:29
BravewolfkevinO: I don't have adobe pdf creator :-(01:29
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfgot it01:29
kapace_it wasn't responding for a whle, until now01:29
Caruhi can anyone help me with a theme problem??01:30
kevinOBravewolf, now you see the trouble i have had for years now01:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:30
viakenCan anyone ever give me a hint as to which direction to debug this error? "Gstreamer ffmpeg video codecs cannot be instaleld on this computer type (i386)"?01:30
kevinOi think you can view them, but creating them is different01:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:30
benjickBravewolf: Openoffice have a Export as PDF, doesn't it work?01:30
mneptokkevinO: uhhh ... you can create a PDF from any print dialog01:30
meoblast001network saned + my xsane = Failed to open device 'net:;dev1': Error during device I/O01:30
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf!pm Jack_Sparrow Did you recieve this?01:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:31
kevinOBravewolf, did you see that?01:31
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf!pm > Jack_Sparrow Did you recieve this?01:31
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 HAve you looked in supported hardware to see if your priters scanner is supported01:31
ubottuJack_Sparrow, please see my private message01:31
mneptokdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf: please stop01:31
Bravewolfbenjick: yes, of course. but i need to convert lots of images01:31
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfwhat am i supposed to do01:31
benjickYou can try cups-pdf01:31
benjickWhich ads the Export to PDF to some apps iirc01:32
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfI need specific help, like person to person01:32
kevinOBravewolf, get a batch converter to convert all your images at once01:32
HellowHey guys, im having trouble isolating the cause of my hard drive filling up slap full, a du /* leads me to the .wine directory in /home, but it has always been the size it is. I cant find anywhere else it could be going. Help? Oh, and when i free up space, it gets taken up just as fast, so that links to something running, but i dont see anything. Oh, and i just uninstalled the kubuntu-kde4-desktop package01:32
meoblast001Jack_Sparrow: yes... i have the brscan2 which is borhters sane driver installed on both my local system and the scan/print server... it opens directly from the xsane on the server but i dont like to have Xorg open on my server so i want it to work on this computer01:32
Jack_Sparrowdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf Start by reading our supported hardware page01:32
tehborizhey everyone, my ubuntu server install says unable to mount cd rom. I've tried swapping cables, drives, resetting bios, and burned 2 copies on 2 different media. Not sure what to do... any suggestions?01:32
Carucan anyone help me with a theme problem??01:32
mneptokdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf: http://shop.canonical.com and buy a support contract?01:32
Mr_Fixitok... so i've loooked into Joost and it seems more supported in Fiesty and not so much hardy..01:32
Jack_Sparrow!ask > Caru01:33
ubottuCaru, please see my private message01:33
bobertdosCaru: specifically?01:33
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfI just want to know if I can *SOMEHOW* get Broadcom BMCWL5 Model Installed01:33
JackCSGtehboriz, I've had the same problem, are you using SATA Cables for your drives?01:33
BravewolfkevinO: i'm doing that with convert01:33
tehborizno JackCSG i'm using ide lol01:33
Jack_Sparrowdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf You have been told where to start01:33
Juggerlockhellow all!01:33
lolmachi, Juggerlock01:33
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfWhere is that page01:33
jordanhi jugger01:33
Juggerlockhows everyone doing?01:33
IndyGunFreak!wifi | dsfhsdlfkhsdfskf01:33
ubottudsfhsdlfkhsdfskf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:33
Caruuh i want to install a set of icons but there is no index.theme file there is just a folder with all of the icons in it so how do i install them01:34
kevinOBravewolf, mneptok said you can create a pdf from a print dialogue01:34
tehborizkevinO: are you busy :p01:34
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:34
kevinOHello tehboriz01:34
lolmachi, kevinO01:34
JackCSGtehboriz, darn diffrent than what I experenced, I would sugest double checking you cabling, are you using a legacy system?01:34
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfAnd if my driver isn't there?01:34
Jack_Sparrowdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf then it isnt supported01:34
kevinOlolmac. hello.01:34
lolmachi, kevinO01:34
tehborizJackCSG, kevinO i'm using a legacy system01:34
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfSyslq Told me broadcom was supported.01:35
onexusedWhen I try to run gnome-about-me, I get the error: "There was an error while trying to get the addressbook information.  Evolution Data Server can't handle the protocol."01:35
hvgotcodeshow do i tell which version of intel graphics drivers i have?01:35
tehborizi just don't know why i can't mount my cd rom!01:35
kevinOtehboriz, alsa, pulseaudio?01:35
Jack_Sparrowdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf many many chipsets for broadcom01:35
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)01:35
Caruuh i want to install a set of icons but there is no index.theme file there is just a folder with all of the icons in it so how do i install them???01:35
Syslqdsfhsdlfkhsdfskf in general broadcom nices have good support01:35
onexusedThis didn't used to happen, bu I don't know when it started.  I haven't used it lately.01:35
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:35
Juggerlocki just got one question... im trying to intsall an old version of wine by following a tutorial... so i can play Warcraft 3 on battlenet... and i get this error when i try to install the dependencies for wine... "E: Unable to find a source package for wine01:35
Juggerlock" can anyone help me? prety prety please! :D01:35
dmsupermanUsing evolution-webcal, how can I have it alert me when an appointment is happening?01:35
tehborizkevinO: what?01:35
SyslqBut yeah there are many different01:35
Jack_SparrowJuggerlock /j #winehq01:36
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org01:36
Juggerlockkk thx01:36
dmsupermanBasically, I've got evolution-webcal synced with my google calendar, and it reads it fine (I can click my gnome-applet clock and it shows my appointments) but I want it to give me some sort of alarm for those appointments01:36
kevinOtehboriz, oh sorry i thought you were having an audio problem01:36
JackCSGtehboriz, Wish I could help, I'm not familer with legacy drivers but you may be required to use a floppy then.01:36
tehborizno lol01:36
HellowHey guys, im having trouble isolating the cause of my hard drive filling up slap full, a du /* leads me to the .wine directory in /home, but it has always been the size it is. I cant find anywhere else it could be going. Help? Oh, and when i free up space, it gets taken up just as fast, so that links to something running, but i dont see anything. Oh, and i just uninstalled the kubuntu-kde4-desktop package01:36
kevinOstill cant get your cd to mount?01:36
bobertdosCaru: Would the icons happen to be in a tar.gz?01:36
dsfhsdlfkhsdfskfIS that correct?01:36
BravewolfkevinO: i'm trying01:36
tehborizkevinO:  no i can't :(01:36
fitztrevCan anyone tell me the command to change the extension on all files in a folder from *.JPG to *.jpg?01:36
kevinOthe can you paste the full .iso file name01:36
Caruno they are in a regular folder01:37
kevinOtehboriz,  ^^01:37
asmo[B]does gparted usually take a long time to load? (with 8 HD's...)01:37
Mustafa_Kayahi, how can i boot kernel with noacpi?01:37
tehborizubuntu-8.04.1-server-i386.iso kevinO01:37
Jack_Sparrowasmo[B]  yes01:37
asmo[B]ty Jack_Sparrow01:37
kevinOtehboriz,  do you have hghspeed internet?01:37
bobertdosCaru: One way you're sometimes able to do it is to copy the directory to .icons in your home directory, then check to see if they appear in metacity.01:38
tehborizkevinO: yes i do... 10mbit01:38
Jack_SparrowMustafa_Kaya # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"01:38
kevinOthe you should try and download the alternate cd version01:38
Caruok thanks ill try that01:38
tehborizbandwidth isn't a problem i have like 70gb for the rest of the month01:38
kevinOtehboriz, ^^01:38
tehborizlol kevinO01:38
benjickNot unlimited bandwidth?! :|01:38
tehborizwhat's this alternate cd version01:38
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent01:39
tehborizyeah rogers (the only high speed isp) locks us down a lot01:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l01:39
benjick!minimal > benjick01:39
ubottubenjick, please see my private message01:39
lolmachi, sahak01:39
kevinOtehboriz,  i would try the one above. if it doesnt work, then we can rule out at least one thing01:40
sahakhow can I book into ubuntu live cd iso image from a hard drive? (i don't have a cdrom and i don't have a flash disk).01:40
tehborizis there a non torrent01:40
tehborizi'm gonna waste time that way lol01:40
Jack_Sparrow!install sahak01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about install sahak01:40
benjicktehboriz: Go thru the ubuntu.com download page01:40
Jack_Sparrow!install > sahak01:40
ubottusahak, please see my private message01:40
tehborizcan you guys guide me step by step with this alternate cd though01:40
tehborizi'm terrible at command line stuff01:40
Caruno that didnt work :(01:41
physically_fitnewbie question: i see 2 desktops in my task bar, why would i need another desktop?01:41
kevinOtehboriz, its still graphical01:41
Caruall of the other folders in ther have an index.theme file01:41
benjickphysically_fit: Why would you stuff all the things on one when you can use the power of two? Or four?01:41
vbman11ok so i installed sysv-rc-conf then started removing checks from check boxes, how do I change it all back to normalafter closing the program?01:41
tehborizoh kevinO cool01:41
Carubut the one i want doesnt have an index.theme file01:41
tehborizhttp://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/ why is this so complicated? i just want the link to the alternate cd01:42
tehborizand 8.10 is empty01:42
vbman11ok so i installed sysv-rc-conf then started removing checks from check boxes, how do I change it all back to normalafter closing the program?01:42
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent01:42
kevinOtehboriz, look in the hardy folder01:42
tehborizJack_Sparrow: I'm not looking for the torrent01:42
kevinOnot 8.1001:42
physically_fitbenjick, what do you mean with the power? i think that i would be confused with so many desktops01:42
dmsupermanIs there a way to get alerts to pop up or sound with evolution-webcal?01:43
kevinOtehboriz, http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ubuntu-releases/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso01:43
tehborizkevinO: i was just about to clikc that lol01:43
tehborizbut is it server?01:43
azz4rdUciAo gEnTe01:43
kevinOtehboriz, i think you picked the mirrir didnt you?01:43
tehborizi want the alternate server download01:43
bobertdosphysically_fit: Well, if you came up with a bit of a system, like using one for productivity, another for chat, maybe another for surfing, that would be good organization. It's all about multitasking, man :)01:44
wangjiwen大家好。请问UBUNTU有简体中文界面的 马?01:44
tehborizkevinO: i'm lost01:44
kevinOtehboriz, just find a better server if its not fast enough01:44
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:44
tehborizheh my current server is fast... it's just buggy01:44
Jack_SparrowJ-n he has seen that and ignored it repeatedly01:44
kevinOtehboriz, you asked me is it server, i assume you were asking me if the download link i gave you was a server01:45
physically_fitok, thanks bobertdos01:45
asmo[B]would my ipod show up in gparted?01:45
J-nJack_Sparrow: NP :)01:45
tehborizyes kevinO is it?01:45
WelshDragonIs there such a thing as an alternate server cd? I though it was Desktop, Server, Alternate?01:45
kevinOthe i can only assume. it is a mirror for ubuntu01:45
tehborizkevinO: is the link you gave me the server package? :p01:45
Jack_SparrowWelshDragon correct, desktop, alt and server and minimal01:45
tehborizi have a feeling i won't nbe getting the server package01:45
kevinOa .iso yes01:45
kevinOyou want just server?01:46
tehborizthis is for my server01:46
Infinito-the dude back there were speaking chinese, not japanese :)01:46
tehborizyes.... ALTERNATE server01:46
kevinOthen download server edition01:46
tehborizi have it... remember? It won't recognize my CDROM01:46
Caruuh i want to install a set of icons but there is no index.theme file there is just a folder with all of the icons in it so how do i install them????01:46
kevinOis there an alternate server edition?01:46
Infinite88what room could I join to learn information regarding website security and access control?01:46
Jack_SparrowInfinito- he was given both, his IP said jp01:46
Infinito-hm, I see01:47
tehborizis there an alternate server edition of ubuntu?01:47
kevinOhmm, what about the netinst cd01:47
kevinOif you can boot that you can just dl all your packages01:48
tehborizarg i can't install packages from my server the wireless connection isn't great at all01:48
tehborizhow bout just a different distro of linux01:48
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers01:48
tehborizbig words hurt me01:49
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide01:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder01:50
kevinOtehboriz, if you install the minimal cd you can just dl the server package01:50
tehborizi'm gonna need some links, the way these files are organized make me dizzy01:50
tehborizi thought switching to linux would be easy01:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:50
kevinOtehboriz, it really helps to know what you need for the server as well01:51
compilerwriterFolks I have an old Gateway with 64 Meg of memory to work with will Ubuntu work with that little ram?01:51
tehborizwell, i need apache, vnc, php support, and ftp01:51
tehborizthat's all i need01:51
kevinOis there a server package that tehboriz can install like the ubuntu-desktop??01:51
Jack_Sparrowcompilerwriter no01:51
awoanyone know of a good book that shows you how to design web navigation menus and tabs .....? thanks01:51
Jack_SparrowkevinO  lamp?01:52
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:52
kevinOyes thanks01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about devede01:52
bobertdosInfinite88:  http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode -- I'd imagine there's a channel somewhere on freenode to suit you.01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about imagemagick01:53
Infinite88bobertdos, thanks01:53
Jack_SparrowiOpera Please stop abusing the bot01:53
recon69I just installed doomsday, but seem i need the wad file from the original game. Is this available for download?01:53
kevinOJack_Sparrow, is there a net install cd? i cant seem to find it01:53
iOperai just test bot .01:53
Jack_SparrowiOpera   /msg ubottu wine01:53
WelshDragonno !abuse trigger? =D01:53
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:53
Jack_Sparrow!abuse > WelshDragon01:54
ubottuWelshDragon, please see my private message01:54
Jack_SparrowiOpera We dont need you to test the bot thanks01:54
WelshDragonWell..Not that kind of abuse but heh =)01:55
viaken8The following packages have unmet dependencies: libmjpegtools0c2a: Depends: libquicktime1 (>= 2:1.0.0+debian)  which is a virtual package.01:55
kevinOtehboriz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:55
=== boyz is now known as trii
kevinOi think you want the first one on the list01:55
viakenlibquicktime1 isn't a package at all.01:55
Jack_Sparrow!debian > viaken01:55
ubottuviaken, please see my private message01:55
AllNewToMeCan someone tell me why my Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 has kernal 2.6.24-19 generic, and my Mint Linux (Ubuntu Clone) has kernal generic? Thanks01:56
viakenI know Ubuntu's not Debian... why is this package wanting a debian package?01:56
tehborizkevinO: i'm burning it as we speak01:56
Jack_SparrowAllNewToMe Because Mint is NOT Ubuntu01:56
AllNewToMeThought as much Thanks :-)01:56
Jack_Sparrowviaken Did you change any souces in your sources.list01:56
viakenOnly from jm.archive.ubuntu.com to us.archive.ubuntu.com01:57
=== spx2 is now known as bjarne
AllNewToMeDo all Linux Distro's use different numbered Kernels?01:57
Jack_SparrowAllNewToMe no01:57
viakenJack_Sparrow: Here's the sources.list: http://pastebin.com/d2f44b22c01:58
Jack_Sparrowviaken thay should not have made a difference01:58
viakenI know. Hence my confusion.01:58
AllNewToMeWhy dont they all use nthe same?01:58
viakenAllNewToMe: Different opinions about what's stable. Different patch sets, etc...01:58
viakenDifferent distros are different. :P01:58
=== bjarne is now known as spx2
AllNewToMeOk, Thanks.01:58
Jack_Sparrowviaken that looks fine01:59
skylarwhat are the most basic packages to have sound working (I have less than ubuntu-desktop)01:59
Jack_Sparrowskylar /join #alsa01:59
=== iOpera1 is now known as iFvwm
viakenJack_Sparrow: If you have a Hardy machine handy, does your mjpegtools package want libquicktime1 (>= 2:1.0.0+debian) and libsdl1.2debian (>=1.2.10-1)?02:02
Jack_Sparrowviaken on gutsy box atm02:02
viakenfair enough02:02
phantomcircuithi guys02:04
phantomcircuiti just did a wireshark dump02:04
phantomcircuitand it appears that somewhere UDP checksums are being miscalculated02:04
dooglusviaken: you can check that stuff on packages.ubuntu.com02:05
viakendooglus: Good call...02:05
Mr_Fixitintel core duo 1.83ghz <--- is this an x86 architecture?02:06
daklanMr_Fixit: yes02:06
asmo[B]viaken: mine did not require any additional packages, but I do appear to already have the libquicktime102:06
tehborizwhy is it called x86 not 32bit02:06
viakentradition, tehboriz02:07
daklantehboriz: are you familiar with the intel family of microprocessors? you'll notice most of them had the -86 suffix. 386, 486, 586 ... so on02:07
asmo[B]because the guy that made it was dyslexic02:07
WelshDragonDidn't x86 used to refer to the Intel cpu's?02:07
WelshDragonOh yes it did ^^02:07
remuhey everyone! I've been using ubuntu for a while now.....coming on to 8 months. I think I am fairly comfortable with GNU/Linux now and think that I might like to try out kubuntu. But I had a few questions, is there anything in general that I need to be aware of? Second, should I try out kubuntu, or kubuntu with kde4? And last but not least, what is the best way of installing either one with the option to cleanly remove it later if02:08
remuI choose to do so?02:08
tehborizdaklan: but why 86 lol02:08
daklanWelshDragon: x86 meant intel-compatible02:08
krunchyfrogI need setting up sendmail please..  my isp blocks port 25 so I have to use their outgoing mail server.  how can I make my scripts use my isp's smtp server over sendmail?02:08
* viaken wonders why libquicktime1 isn't an option for him...02:08
daklantehboriz: beats me. if i knew, i'd probably own intel02:08
aquhi there02:08
chris_____intel ditched the naming because you couldnt copyright numbers. hence pentium, core2duo and such02:08
Alpha23221:07:41 [freenode] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)02:08
tehborizu guize are smart02:08
Alpha23221:07:41 [freenode] DCC SEND from jiggydiggy [ port 0]: JEWS_CANT_USE_UBUNTU_RUINED_BY_R4L [0B bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu02:08
Alpha232what a retards02:08
asmo[B]tehboriz: are they smart? or are they making it up?02:09
ThanatosAnyone familiar with getting spim or xspim to run in Hardy? It seems to be broken02:09
tehborizasmo[B]: just sounds clever02:09
bderrly_remu, you can probably do something like suod aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:09
asmo[B]tehboriz: I told you it was because the guy that named it was dyslexic... maybe I'm right ;)02:09
bderrly_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86 good grief02:10
tehborizgonna try the minicd02:10
kevinOtehboriz, The generic term x86 refers to the most commercially successful instruction set architecture[1] in the history of personal computing. It derived from the model numbers, ending in "86", of the first few processor generations backward compatible with the original Intel 8086.02:10
WelshDragonviaken, Do you have universe repo enabled?02:10
kevinOpulled from the x86 wiki*02:10
tehborizkevinO: wins again02:10
ThanatosAnyone familiar with getting spim or xspim to run in Hardy? It seems to be broken02:10
daklanasmo[B]: that kinda ruins your supposition that you were right :)02:11
bobertdostehboriz: This is getting slightly offtopic, but as you can see, there's a long history behind this. So, you'd be better off doing your own research if you're curious.02:11
asmo[B]Thanatos: Try waiting a little longer, someone will get to you if they know the answer02:11
asmo[B]daklan: depends on if enough people believe me we could get it changed on wikipedia02:11
viakenWelshDragon: Yep02:11
daklanasmo[B]: true :)02:11
phantomcircuitim sending UDP packets with incorrect UDP checksums02:12
phantomcircuitwhat gives?02:12
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bobertdosphantomcircuit: Can you think of anything you might be doing on your end that could be corrupting them? Because, that's usually what bad checksums indicate.......02:13
aroonitom_, if i have a ecs mobo that has the cpu freq set to 266Mhz (its a core 2 duo that should be set to 1066Mhz)... and it seems like i cant change cpu freq setting... should i :: reset cmos?02:14
arooniif i have a ecs mobo that has the cpu freq set to 266Mhz (its a core 2 duo that should be set to 1066Mhz)... and it seems like i cant change cpu freq setting... should i :: reset cmos?02:14
aroonioops sorry for repost02:14
phantomcircuitbobertdos, um no im not doing anything weird02:14
kevinOarooni, what is your memory rated at?02:15
bobertdosphantomcircuit: hmm.........Where are you sending them?02:15
daklani doubt it's anything related to memory. i don't think i've seen ddr2 rated at 266mhz02:15
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aroonikevinO, 800mhz02:16
phantomcircuitthey're UPnP packets being sent to a router02:16
daklanarooni: a cmos reset might be in order02:16
phantomcircuitbut every other UDP packet has an incorrect checksum02:16
kevinOphantomcircuit, over wifi?02:16
phantomcircuitthe packet structure seems like it's correct actually02:16
phantomcircuitkevinO, it's being sniffed by wireshark before it leaves the machine02:16
daklanarooni: besides, it's very unusual that the bus is clocked at 266mhz, given that your mobo's core2 compatible02:17
kevinOhmm, i do not know02:17
viakenWell that makes no sense whatsoever...02:17
kevinOyeah 266 doesnt sound right if youve got a caore 2 dou in it02:17
phantomcircuityeah i know02:17
daklankevinO: is that a processor i haven't heard of before? caore 2 dou?02:18
daklanmade by entil, i suppose? :)02:18
bobertdosphantomcircuit: Every other one? It wouldn't be a parity problem, would it?? Hmm..........02:18
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kevinOdaklan, must be02:18
Razerwhat's the closest thing I can get to a task manager?02:18
daklanRazer: top + kill :)02:19
sysdocWould someone ban this dork!! jiggydiggy [i=flaps@jihad.carbomb.org] entered the room.02:19
phantomcircuitbobertdos, let me restate that, every udp packet going out from this machine has an incorrect checksum, note that tcp packets have correct tcp checksums02:19
kevinORazer process manager02:19
Razerdaklan: no idea02:19
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icedteaI'm coming from debian, how come on startup although my interface is listed in /etc/network/interfaces its not brought up with ifup on boot?02:19
daklanRazer: "man top", "man kill"02:19
RazerkevinO: how do I get to that02:19
WelshDragonRazer, System > Administration > System Monitor02:20
asmo[B]arooni: I had read somewhere that ECS usually derates their motherboards, a lot of the time because they can't actually handle the true thruput of the processor itself... weither it is due to a heat issue I'm not sure but ECS has been doing that for years02:20
bderrly_krunchyfrog, does it have to be sendmail? i've never attempted it with sendmail, i know postfix has oodles of documentation and howtos on it though02:20
phantomcircuitkrunchyfrog, #sendmail will be far more helpful02:20
RazerWelshDragon: ty02:20
kevinOhmm, i thought it was process manager :P02:20
asmo[B]arooni: is it a homebuilt system or a prebuilt?02:20
WelshDragonsilly kevinO =P02:21
krunchyfrogoh ok02:21
daklanicedtea: i don't think ubuntu has the same networking scheme as debian. i came from debian too, btw :)02:21
dmsupermanI'm having issues with Evolution alarms. I set an appointment, tell it to alarm 1 minute before the appointment, and nothing happens. I even tried having it execute a script that writes to a log file, the script never gets executed. Any ideas why?02:22
rage__I can go into the "Keyboard Shortcuts" area to change the kb shortcuts for those actions, but how do I change which applications or w/e those actions use/launch/etc?02:22
Mr_Fixitdoes ubuntu need a boot partition or can it be in the root?02:23
icedteadaklan: any idea how to bring up an interface on boot then from the command line?02:23
daklanicedtea: although a quick google search references /etc/network/interfaces as the correct file to edit. i might have to take a look at that myself02:23
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daklanicedtea: have you tried the debian style? edit interfaces and run ifup?02:24
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WelshDragonMr_Fixit, You can just have one partition mounted as /. However, if you encrypt your partitions, you will need an unencrypted /boot partition.02:24
icedteadaklan: oh, I know, I left the "auto" keyword in the interfaces file let me try this02:24
kevinOifconfig eth0 up02:24
hvgotcodesis there any benefit to using the latest intel graphics drivers?02:24
phantomcircuitwell there ya go02:24
icedteadaklan: thanks02:25
phantomcircuitit was checksum offloading02:25
Mr_Fixitthanks WelshDragon02:25
daklanicedtea: ubuntu saves its config somewhere else, i think. but the debian style should work as well02:25
EvilDaemondamn, I just screwed something up. I've got a flash disk, and I pulled it out after the icon mounted itself on the desktop. But when I put it back in, I get two icons. Should I take it out, sudo rm the icons, and put it back in? And then how would I go about using the Linux version of "Safely Remove Hardware"? I'm going to guess it's unmount in the terminal. Anyways, sorry for the long post.02:25
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arooniwhen i boot up the ecs 945GCT-M mobo;  i see:  a 266mhz system bus processor is installed.  this processor is not supported on this system board and it will run at reduced processor clock speed.  system performance will be impacted.  do you wish to continue to boot at 38628Mhz system bus and reduced processor speec?  (Y/N) n is shut down.  ideas?  processor is a core2duo E720002:26
WelshDragonEvilDaemon, As for the safely remove, you can Right click the drive in Nautilus and click Unmount.02:26
daklanEvilDaemon: try unmounting the flash disk again. see if that clears both icons02:26
arooniasmo[B], building yself02:26
dmsupermanI'm having issues with Evolution alarms. I set an appointment, tell it to alarm 1 minute before the appointment, and nothing happens. I even tried having it execute a script that writes to a log file, the script never gets executed. Any ideas why?02:26
EvilDaemondaklan: No, just the one.02:26
EvilDaemonWelshDragon: Isn't naulilus for running a command?02:27
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asmo[B]arooni: I would take a look around on a few overclockers' forums and read up about your mobo before playing with anything, personally it doesn't seem like resetting your cmos is going to do anything...02:27
daklanEvilDaemon: go to a terminal and unmount the directory manually02:28
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daklanarooni: faulty chip, i assume02:28
EvilDaemonAlso, when I'm browsing ~/Desktop, the icon doesn't show.02:28
icedteadaklan: it works!02:28
daklanicedtea: great!02:28
aroonidaklan, gr8 have to go back to frys now :(02:28
icedteadoes the ubuntu server cd include X on it?02:28
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daklanarooni: just bought it? they'll do a swap if it's really busted02:29
asmo[B]EvilDaemon: seems like logging in and out would probably fix your problem02:29
aroonidaklan, i know its just a pain02:29
phpcuriousguys, how do i setup my wireless my card is not supported... ? :(02:29
daklanarooni: which branch? the manhattan beach one is great with swaps02:29
viakenWhat's "zip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file" indicate while trying to do an apt-get update?02:29
EvilDaemonasmo[B]: Alright, I'll try.02:29
asmo[B]or I guess out and in as the case may be02:29
aroonidaklan, seattle, wa02:29
^Phantom^is there a site where i can get different skins for the gui windows?02:29
aroonidaklan, they'll do it; its just time02:29
viakenI think I've found my problem....02:30
daklanarooni: ah, tough luck, then :)02:30
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viakenErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages02:30
viakenmain packages is probably pretty important. :P02:30
dmsupermanI'm having issues with Evolution alarms. I set an appointment, tell it to alarm 1 minute before the appointment, and nothing happens. I even tried having it execute a script that writes to a log file, the script never gets executed. Any ideas why?02:30
daklanphpcurious: tried madwifi or ndiswrapper already? if both don't work, you're out of luck02:30
pokpokhow do i get the $ key to work????? PLEASE help or give a hint...02:30
daklanpokpok: im not sure what you mean by your question02:31
travelyeong1testing msg(ignore me)02:31
phpcuriousdaklan: do i have to install ndiswrapper manually?02:31
daklanphpcurious: seems there are packages available for it in the ubuntu repositories02:31
pokpokdaklan: i have a key with a $ sign on... i would like it to work.. but I'm lost02:32
daklanphpcurious: you can try installing for source, but you'll have to do a bit of reading to get it to work02:32
tyler_is there a program for your ipod on ubuntu that supports album artwork02:32
pokpokdaklan: need it for coding php02:32
phpcuriousdaklan: i tried sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper02:32
icedteapokpok: what type of keyboard do you have?02:32
daklanpokpok: ah, im not sure how to help you on that. which editor? does the $ key work on other programs?02:32
pokpokdaklan: icedtea it's a danish laptop keyboard... model ACER ASPIRE 452002:33
icedteapokpok: does the $ key work in any apps?02:33
daklanphpcurious: try installing ndisgtk. you might find it easier to work in gui02:33
pokpokicedtea: nowhere... at all02:34
icedteapokpok: go to the system menu->Preferences->keyboard02:34
daklanpokpok: does the $ key work in other programs? and did you set the correct keymap in your system settings?02:34
phpcuriousdaklan: cool downloading from apt-get now02:34
icedteapokpok: you'll have to choose the right keyboard for you from there02:35
daklanpokpok: my guess is that you're using the wrong keymap02:35
pokpokdaklan: hmm.. i do not think so02:35
pokpokill try02:35
azz4rdUciAo gEnTe02:36
phpcuriousdaklan: Now , how do I detect my wireless card? still nothing from System>Administration>Network02:36
phpcuriousdaklan: or do i have to reboot?02:36
ubottuIceweasel's homepage is http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ with more detailed information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceweasel02:36
daklanphpcurious: you probably should try02:36
EvilDaemonTo the two that were helping me earlier, l rebooted and it worked.02:36
WelshDragonCool EvilDaemon =)02:37
phpcuriousthanks for the help daklan02:37
dmsupermanI'm having issues with Evolution alarms. I set an appointment, tell it to alarm 1 minute before the appointment, and nothing happens. I even tried having it execute a script that writes to a log file, the script never gets executed. Any ideas why?02:37
daklanpokpok: what do you get when you run "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf|grep XkbLayout" in a terminal?02:37
daklanphpcurious: no problem02:37
KiLl3rCaMi'm getting no sound other than feedback and only out of one speaker anyone know what i should do?02:38
pokpokdaklan: dk... well.. it worked out of the box with gentoo...02:38
daklanEvilDaemon: most probably, when you unplugged your flash drive, the mountpoint was still active, and so gnome still thinks it's still there02:38
pokpokdaklan: not even in the console (non X) i doesnt work02:39
haydn1Could someone help me understand if it is possible to repartition my HDD to include /var /usr /boot etc. after I have installed using the guided method.02:39
daklanpokpok: well, looks like you've got the correct danish keymap selected. either your keyboard does not use the standard dk keymap, or your keymap file is broken.02:39
node357WelshDragon: and AMD02:39
node357damn scroll box02:39
daklanpokpok: is the $ the only key that's not working?02:39
node357I was 2 years behind02:39
WelshDragonSay wha?02:39
Azazel-A2haydn1 you should downlaod gparted iso and burn it to a cd02:40
node357WelshDragon: sorry, you asked about x86 a while back02:40
ethiotechjoin #qt02:40
node357and my IM got stuck there02:40
WelshDragonahhh lol02:40
WelshDragonWell your IM has a better memory than me ^^02:40
vbman11does anyone here use stormbaan, this is the error I get when I run it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47306/02:40
daklannode357: "apt-get install <a better chat client>" :)02:40
Azazel-A2gparted will let you repartition drive02:40
node357daklan: yeah no doubt :/ using Pidgin02:40
daklannode357: ouch!02:41
Azazel-A2daklan, which are you using?02:41
haydn1Azazel: I have gparted in my tool kit already. I guess my question is whether or not Ubuntu will recognize these new partitions if I just create them and place the respected data into them02:41
vbman11does anyone here use stormbaan, this is the error I get when I run it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47306/02:41
daklanAzazel-A2: xchat02:41
Azazel-A2as long as they are type 81 and etc yes02:41
Azazel-A2I run pidgin myself02:41
mneptok!repeat > vbman1102:41
ubottuvbman11, please see my private message02:41
pokpokdaklan: no.. it's a special extra key on my keyboard with a $ sign on02:41
daklanAzazel-A2: although im a big fan of irssi, when i chat through my server02:41
vbman11mneptok: sorry02:42
WelshDragonWhat's with the sudden use of > with ubottu? Has | gone?02:42
Azazel-A2I put a server up myself. no users so I took ti down02:42
daklanpokpok: ah, it might be using an extended dk keymap02:42
DrxBurada Türkçe bilen varm013102:42
pokpokdaklan: icedtea you can see i can use the regular shift + 3 key for the $$$$$$$ sign... it works... nothing to do with the keymap....02:42
dmsupermanI'm having issues with Evolution alarms. I set an appointment, tell it to alarm 1 minute before the appointment, and nothing happens. I even tried having it execute a script that writes to a log file, the script never gets executed. Any ideas why?02:42
bobertdosWelshDragon: No, it's just that it takes up far less space and it helps to not clutter the channel.02:42
daklanAzazel-A2: i use my server for samba and apache02:43
WelshDragoni see =)02:43
EvilDaemonWelshDragon: I personally forget which one's a PM and what's on the channel, so I use either or.02:43
Azazel-A2I have a server at work. run apache and all my interfaces are cgi. really nice.02:43
rootlinuxusrAzazel-A2: after mucking around with mount I finally got it working, works nicely too02:43
Azazel-A2rootlinuxusr: baptism by fire02:43
rootlinuxusrwould require too much effort02:44
daklanAzazel-A2: tried using webmin? im having a lot of fun with it02:44
KiLl3rCaM i'm getting no sound other than feedback and only out of one speaker anyone know what i should do? 0_o02:44
Azazel-A2better than web min, run ssh -X and install gnome-desktop packages.  realyl sweet02:44
rootlinuxusrwhenever I try that it freezes the term.02:45
daklanAzazel-A2: bandwidth-intensive. not much fun02:45
pokpokdaklan: if you try to bind a key with gnome-keybinding-properties it detect alle keys.. even the special "web" and "mail" hot keys works... But no response on the $ sign key... is there something missing in the kernel?02:45
beilabsAnyone here having problems with ies4linux and hardy?02:46
* mneptok stares in mute horror02:46
darren_Hi could some one pease explain whats going on i have a usb wirless and i downloaded the driver for it to work, when i am connected it shows signal strength in network-manager panel icon, but on network-managers drop down menu to select a network there are no coloured bars which show signel strength, and with out that i dont know which one to connect to02:46
jesohello. I would like to know what processor this laptop has in order to know which virtual box should i download....how to know that??? do i need the amd version or the i386 version???02:46
Azazel-A2phone brb02:46
daklanpokpok: does it detect any keycode at all?02:46
mneptokkids these days ...02:46
daklanpokpok: i mean, from that key?02:46
pokpokdaklan: NONE02:46
mneptokjeso: cat /proc/cpuinfo02:46
daklanpokpok: maybe it's stuck?02:46
daklanpokpok: or dirty. it's weird if it used to work02:46
pokpokNO... im sorry to tell you this :-X but it works in Windows Vista... STILL02:47
jesomneptok man thanks a lot!!!ç02:47
daklanpokpok: ok, im all out of ideas. :(02:47
daklanpokpok: is it a usb interface?02:47
chericoi have the  propritary  nivida  and  the opengl drivers installed, but  describe your problem  they may know a screen fix :)02:48
icedteawould domain in /etc/resolv.conf have a form of mydomain.org?02:48
darren_hi can some please explain why my signal strenght does not show in network manager, even though i can connect to internet02:48
ajhanyone have suggestion on utility to manage multiple wifi profiles? preferably gtk based02:48
daklanpokpok: ps2? that is definitely weird, if it doesn't send any keycodes at all02:48
daklanicedtea: you can also use ip4 addresses02:48
jesomneptok ey man, forgive my ignorance: what number do i must see???02:48
usserjeso, uname -p02:49
pokpokdaklan: Well... this is also where im stuck02:49
daklanicedtea: oh wait, you said domain02:49
chericoi have the propritary nivida drivers and opengl drivers installed, but  after installation it wont use the whole screen for the desktop and theres a black bar to the right like an emptyspace02:49
Azazel-A2bk.  daklan, yeah I run samba, apache and all my database stuff in sqlite02:49
usserjeso, uname -m sorry02:49
icedteaKiLl3rCaM: did you check the volume settings?02:49
daklanicedtea: yes. it should be a fully qualified domain name02:49
chericoi do however have the  bototm and top panel.  ,but programs won't show the bottom of them02:49
onxahj, wicd does profiles02:50
jesousser thanks a lot02:50
Azazel-A2Kili3rcam, is the plug fully plugged in.  one speaker sounds like 1/8 jack is not all the way in02:50
EsquiloHow can I install: python-sqlite3 ??02:51
justin__hi, im having problems getting my ati radeon hd 3850 agp card to work in ubuntu hardy 8.0402:51
Esquiloto install FlyBack02:51
justin__i tried to enable the restricted ati drivers02:51
justin__but i get a black screen when i reboot02:51
daklandinner time, bbiab02:51
justin__the resolution gets set to 1600/1200 60hz02:51
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justin__my monitor can handle that res02:51
justin__but i cant do anything with the black screen02:51
tehborizwhos floodbot02:51
JacobianWith python-sqlite3: have you tried using synaptic from the System->Administration menu?02:51
pokpokdaklan_dnr: r u there?02:52
varunvvasistajustin : try to use Linux rescue command02:52
JacobianHey guys? Has anyone set up static IP addresses for their home network?02:52
jesofellows thanks a lot. Great help (as always :) )02:52
Azazel-A2I have02:52
amenadoJacobian-> yes02:52
varunvvasistai dont know more about that02:52
Azazel-A2need help?02:52
jbroome_Jacobian: no one haas done that02:52
EsquiloHow can I install: python-sqlite3 ?? Is this program in repository? I couldn't found this02:53
varunvvasistabut Fadira has such facility02:53
rabiddachshundI'm trying to disable aticonfig's big-desktop mode but aticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf isn't working. It says it works but when I reboot it's right back into big desktop. Am I doing it wrong?02:53
JacobianMmm, yes, I need an idea of what I should be reading to get the static IP addresses to work02:53
varunvvasistau put the sorry02:53
Azazel-A2man networking02:53
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EvilDaemonWhere do I got to get an Ubuntu Server edition, AMD64, i686 LTS download?02:53
varunvvasistasorry some problem with my keyboard02:54
FlannelEvilDaemon: Er, you can't have AMD64 and i68602:54
EvilDaemonWell, I need i686 for sure, so...02:54
jbroome_EvilDaemon: i'd start at the ubuntu home page02:54
rootlinuxusrhttp://pastebin.com/d441cecef can somebody interpret why mysql-server won't install?02:54
JacobianFor static network: I've edited my /etc/network/interfaces file for: auto wlan0\n iface wlan0 inet static\n etc... but I wasn't able to actually connect at all02:54
FlannelEvilDaemon: You want 32 bit or 64bit?02:54
NutzebahnI went through with the distribution upgrade and it said that the upgrade failed and my system may be in an unusable state, what do I do?02:54
sleepy_Hey everyone, I'm new to Ubuntu and Linux, and I was wondering if there was a way to find a list of all of the hardware on my computer, like a hardware manager. Can anyone give me instructions?02:55
FlannelNutzebahn: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:55
JacobianFor static network: Is there anything I should do with my router?02:55
FlannelEvilDaemon: then you don't want i68602:55
cotorruxhello, somebody knows how to fix the problem between ubuntu guste and wine?02:55
cotorruxsorry for my english, i'm speak spanish02:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:55
Azazel-A2man interfaces.  but the solution is really much more simply.  the file is in /etc/network/interfaces  edit file change dhcp to statis, ad under neith it add lines address 192.168.xxx.xxx (your choice) netmask gateway 192.168.xxx.1 and thats about it02:55
Proseanyone use OSSEC?02:55
NutzebahnIt successfully downloaded all the packages, Flannel, I won't need to download them again?02:55
Azazel-A2dhcp to static sorry02:56
powtrixhi. how to check the dependences of a package?02:56
Jacobian@sleepy_: There are some graphical programs in the repository that can list your hardware. Try a search with Add/Remove and you should find a couple02:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:56
FlannelNutzebahn: it won't, no.02:56
FlannelNutzebahn: it'll see they're in the package cache, and use the already downloaded ones02:56
ProseOSSEC  works great for ssh but I am not sure if it's also working with proftpd as in Im not sure if it's 'protecting' proftpd02:56
WelshDragonpowtrix, apt-cache depends <package>02:56
JacobianHi powtrix: You can check dependencies on the Ubuntu repository website. Google for it, and you'll find the packages02:57
EvilDaemonWhere's the location of cpuinfo02:57
node357EvilDaemon: /proc/cpuinfo02:57
EvilDaemonahah, thanks.02:57
powtrixand for generic linux02:57
Azazel-A2after you change to static address sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart02:57
NutzebahnOk, Flannel, it is doing something. I can't believe I waited so long, and now I am going to suffer.02:57
NutzebahnAfter this operation, 561MB of additional disk space will be used.02:58
FlannelNutzebahn: sffer why02:58
Nutzebahnbecause it is going to take forever.02:58
balzCan anybody tell me what a symlink is?02:58
^Phantom^the update seems to have stopped <_<02:58
NutzebahnSo it won't download 561MB now will it?02:58
Flannelbalz: It points to another file02:58
FlannelNutzebahn: Not if you've already downloaded them, no.02:58
JacobianHey balz: A symlink is like a shortcut in Windows02:59
^Phantom^"ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"02:59
onxJacobian, that would be a hard link02:59
balzFlannel:  how do i create one?  i'm getting an error in mythweb that reads "could not create symlink to /media/500gb/vide, the local MythVideo dyrectory.  Please create a symlink to your mythvideo directory at data/video02:59
Flannelonx: No02:59
JacobianYou can google the different between a hard link and a symlink02:59
Flannelbalz: ln is how to make links, -s makes a symlink (soft link).  it's ln -s source dest03:00
JacobianI believe for symlinks: ln -s destination shortcut03:00
node357Jacobian: no that's backwards :)03:00
Azazel-A2router and static network, I would personally would set the DMZ so forward all packets to the static ip address of the machine and use firestarter to firewall03:00
JacobianAh, okay03:00
NutzebahnFlannel: http://pastebin.com/d3852082003:00
balzFlannel:  thanks.  is data/video an actual directory though? that doesn't make much sense to me03:00
node357wait I'm wrong I think03:01
JacobianYou can do: "man ln" to check the order of the arguments. I always look it up myself... easy to forget03:01
balzFlannel:  mostly because there's no / before "data"03:01
ethiotech_join #qt03:01
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:01
techHello  2  all03:01
ethiotech_join #irc.freenode.net03:01
Flannelbalz: You're making a symlink to a file, apparently.03:01
FlannelNutzebahn: What are you upgrading from?03:01
recon69anyone able to help me with kaffeine player, my digital TV option has disappeared03:02
bobbob1016How would I recursively go in a series of folders, and move the contents up one directory?  I have Folder A with folders a b c d..., each with a file in it, and I'd want Folder A to have the contents of folders a b c d.... directly, not through nested folders, without manually moving the files.03:02
Proseso I installed OSSEC right, but was wondering, how can I know it's also taking care of proftpd...03:03
tom_is it possible to access my real /boot from a chroot03:03
FlannelNutzebahn: What?03:03
node357bobbob1016: go into A and type mv a/* b/* c/* d/* .03:03
balzFlannel:  so my syntax should read "ln -s data/video /media/500gb" ?  How do I know which is source and which is destination based on that message?03:03
Azazel-A2mv -r is recursive03:03
onxJacobian, ah mixed up the two03:03
justin__can anyone help me setup my monitor and ati radeon hd3850 in ubuntu 8.04?03:03
JacobianYou could do go to the parent directory, and then run: "mv -i */*.* ." to move your files up to the parent directory. The -i should make it interactive03:03
FlannelNutzebahn: oh, I saw it, yeah.  Do you have any third party repositories enabled?03:03
danbh_intrepidtom_: chroot to the partition where your /boot is located03:03
node357Azazel: yeah good point...03:03
node357I shuld shut up , i keep making mistakes03:04
node357sorry guys03:04
bobbob1016node357, Is there a way to do it without needing to do a/* and so on, I have more than I'd want to manually type in03:04
WelshDragonAzazel-A2, Does mv have -r? How can a move NOT be recursive?03:04
Nutzebahn*checking SYnaptic03:04
tom_danbh_intrepid: im trying to fix a hardy install but my / is not on the same partition as my /boot03:04
node357check what Jacobian suggested :)03:04
Flannelbalz: you want to link data/video to /media/500gb/vide  so, ln -s /media/500gb/vide data/video03:04
balzFlannel:  oh I see. okay... that makes much more sense. thanks03:05
danbh_intrepidtom_: my guess would be to still chroot into your /partion, then mount your /boot partition to /boot03:05
Azazel-A2good point.  I get it confussed.  alias rm='mv --target-directory ~/.local/share/Trash/files' so opps lol03:05
nonewmsgsdoes icecat support ff plugins and is icecat the same as iceweasel03:05
cxoI have a small problem, i have fedora on my pc, and i want to move to ubuntu, but i have taken a lot of time to configure different services, dhcpd, named, mysqld etc.. and i dont know if i want to struggle through that again, is there a way to import/export linux configurations? oh and dont forget my raid+lvm203:05
tom_danbh_intrepid: my chroot says that /dev/sda2 does not exist03:05
ajhwhat options do i need to add to fstab to allow regular users to read/write to a ext partition on a hard disk? i have "user" for options but that doesnt work03:06
danbh_intrepidtom_: you have to mount it03:06
bobbob1016Jacobian, It just gives me a > prompt after I enter that03:06
WelshDragonbobbob1016, What about "mv FolderA/* ./"?03:06
Jack_Sparrowplease dont do that03:06
tom_danbh_intrepid: thats what i get when i mount it03:06
solaroperator𝑺𝑼𝑷 𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺03:06
JacobianFor bob: It may take a while for the command to finish, depending on the number of files you have.03:06
Jack_Sparrowsolaroperator please dont do that03:06
danbh_intrepidtom_: you just said thats what you get when you chroot it.  what are you doing?/03:07
recon69have a TV card in my computer, for some reason kaffeine stopped recognising it, any suggestions as to what might be wrong?03:07
bobbob1016Jacobian, It is just 15 or so folders03:07
bobbob1016Jacobian, and I need the . at the end, right?03:07
JacobianFor bob: If it's frozen, you can kill the command by typing Ctrl+C, but that might interrupt the file movement03:07
mepholic𝑺𝑼𝑷 𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺03:07
JacobianFor bob: Yes, you need the .  I bet that's the reason!03:07
Azazel-A2CTRL Z is kill C is interrupt03:07
mepholicexcuse me sir03:07
Jack_Sparrowmepholic you were warned03:08
WelshDragonWhy does no one ever keep there Ops here?03:08
bobbob1016Jacobian, I left a " at the front...  I feel stupid, thanks03:08
jschiffctrl z is suspend job03:08
phpcuriousi already installed ndiswrapper with the .inf file for my wireless card but still nothing03:08
JacobianFor bob: Ah great, I'm glad you got it :)03:08
Jack_SparrowWelshDragon It shouldnt matter03:08
jschiffctrl c is kill03:08
therealnanotubehey guys... having a little problem with my dual-monitor xinerama setup. any hits would be appreciated. see thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92069003:08
tom_danbh_intrepid: 1st i mount my hardy install then i chroot into it, once inside i try doing mount /dev/sda2 /boot and i get told /dev/sda2 does not exist03:08
jschiffphpcurios: make sure you modprobe ndiswrapper03:09
jschiffphpcurious: then try a iwlist scan03:09
powtrixSynaptic find at experimentals packages too?03:09
lawl𝑺𝑼𝑷 𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺03:09
s0nixhi, i just upgraded my machine and now... i can't connect any more to one local machine.... the ssh promt me password and hangs on without error message03:09
Azazel-A2hardy add firewall03:09
iFvwmscript to kick? so advanced03:10
Jack_Sparrowlawl Unacceptable03:10
NutzebahnFlannel: I am seeing a lot of new repositories...03:10
lawlwhat happened03:10
NutzebahnFor hardy, updates, and so on. Flannel.03:10
phpcuriousjschiff: let's say i already installed ndiswrapper will it be uninstalled if i do modprobe ndiswrapper without warning?03:10
FlannelNutzebahn: right, but I mean non-official ones.03:10
jschiffphpcurious: modprobe loads the module03:10
danbh_intrepidtom_: ah, I see.  I guess that makes sense, because once you chroot, it doesnt exist.  Maybe you need to mount /boot before hand.   So maybe.. .   / gets mounted to /mnt/root and /boot gets mounted to /mnt/root/boot    THEN you chroot03:10
ParanoidAndroidbeep bop03:11
jschiffphpcurious: tell me what ndiswrapper -l says03:11
Xcercais it possible to resize my ubuntu / ext3 partition ,  right now it had 0 bytes free and it's causing sopme problems03:11
JacobianHey guys, I'm trying to set up static IP addresses for my home network. Does anybody know if I need to uninstall the dhcp3-client, or if I need to turn of DHCP in my router?03:11
phpcuriousjschiff: okay please wait03:11
jschiffphpcurious: if it says something like, Driver loaded, hardware detected then modprobe it03:11
tom_danbh_intrepid: ahh makes sense will try that thx03:11
jschiffphpcurious: if it doesn't then you have the wrong driver03:11
Xcercai have another partition on the same disk with free space...   can u resize the one partion to include the free space of the one next to it03:12
jschiffJack_Sparrow: do you represent a part of ubuntu development?03:12
Azazel-A2jacobian.  ayou can leave it running and run static/dynamic, but you can shut it down in firestarter03:12
phpcuriousjschiff: it only said "SiS163u : driver installed"03:12
jschiffphpcurious: that's good03:12
Jack_Sparrowjschiff no03:12
jschiffphpcurious: now run.. sudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:12
phpcuriousjschiff: but not hardware detected.03:12
therealnanotubeJacobian: no need to uninstall the dhcp package, just configure your network interface to have a static ip (e.g., through the gui). leave the router as is.03:12
JacobianThanks Azazel. I've already changed my /etc/network/interfaces file according to the universe instructions on the web... but I'm not able to communicate with my router, even so.03:12
phpcuriousjschiff: what to do next?03:13
tom_Xcerca: assuming your not using lvm then its trickey but you can do it from a liveCD, just backup anything important03:13
jschiffphpcurious: you modprobed successfully?03:13
therealnanotubeJacobian: did you set your comp to be in the same subnet as the router's dhcp subnet?03:13
JacobianYes, thank you03:13
phpcuriousjschiff: it just asked for sudo password then nothing.03:13
Xcercatom_   whats lvm ?03:14
jschiffphpcurious: k that's what usually happens, now try a sudo iwlist scan03:14
JacobianMy router is, and my computer is, both with masks.03:14
PDF_qI need to convert realplayer files into flv files through command line, does anyone know a good tool?03:14
jschiffJacobian: sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.0.x gateway
Azazel-A2try in firefox03:14
jschiffJacobian: sudo dhclient eth003:14
phpcuriousjschiff: nothing03:14
JacobianSo I'll be okay if my router is using DHCP? I can set my static IP address within Ubuntu, and as long as that IP address is available, then I can request it from the router?03:15
jschiffphpcurious: then you need to find a different driver03:15
therealnanotubeJacobian: that looks about right. does "route -n" show the router as the default gateway?03:15
phpcuriousjschiff: lo Interface doesn't support scanning, eth0 interface doesn't support scanning03:15
darren_hi could some one please explain why my usb wirless dows not show signal strength in network manager but i can still connect03:15
jschiffphpcurious: yeah you have the wrong driver03:15
tom_Xcerca: a volume manager that makes resizing and moving partions about easy, but has to be installed at install time, so unless you choose it when you installed ubuntu its not much use03:15
jinettenecesito saber si alguien sabe algo sobre asterisk03:15
jschiffphpcurious: check lspci if it's a pci wireless card to find the model id number03:15
JacobianRight now, the router is my default gateway... but I switched to DHCP so I could write this :) I'll check it again without DHCP as soon as I can03:15
NutzebahnFlannel: http://pastebin.com/d3557ca1e03:15
PDF_qok how about convert realplayer files to avi?03:15
therealnanotubeJacobian: set your static ip to be outside the dhcp range (i.e., if the router is handing out ip addresses of, give yourself, then you should be ok.03:16
iFvwmPDF_q: mencoder03:16
Azazel-A2routere should be gateway. gateway should be your gateway in interfaces should be gateway to get name lookup from router03:16
^Phantom^yep it got stuck03:16
JacobianI've been able to get a static IP address using ifconfig, but it's only temporary... I'd like to get a permanent one03:16
therealnanotube!es | jinette03:16
ubottujinette: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:16
* ^Phantom^ pulls the plug03:16
PDF_qok do you know how to get the codecs required through apt-get?03:16
phpcuriousjschiff: how do I obtain details of my wireless builtin card?03:16
jschiffphpcurious: lspci03:16
therealnanotubejinette: de nada :)03:16
JacobianOkay, thank you nanotube. I'll try narrowing my DHCP range, and then try assigning a static IP address again03:16
iFvwmPDF_q: just install mplayer03:16
PDF_qI did03:16
PDF_qit didnt work03:17
phpcuriousjust lspci ? ok03:17
=== Burhan is now known as fyrestrtr
iFvwmPDF_q: need soma example?03:17
therealnanotubeJacobian: good luck. ;)03:17
jschiffPDF_q: apt-cache search gstreamer03:17
^Phantom^i hope it didn't fsk up my ubuntu03:17
JacobianDo you know if I need to keep the local loopback, if I have a static IP address? The online instructions seem to omit it...03:17
jschiffphpcurious: yeh then look for wireless something in there and it will tell you your card details03:17
therealnanotubeJacobian: the loopback is always there, and you should leave it that way. :)03:17
Azazel-A2local loopback can't be hacked from outside world!!!!03:17
JacobianOkay, I wonder if that was my problem?03:17
iFvwmmencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -oac mp3lame xxx -o xxx.avi PDF_q03:18
phpcuriousjschiff: okie. will look for the right drivers then.03:18
jschiffphpcurious: you found the details?03:18
PDF_qiFvwm: mencoder Nodame_Cantabile_01_PT2_-_himura_KAORU.rmvb -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=128 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200 -ofps 25 -of avi -o out.avi03:18
^Phantom^ i hope i can get my win98 to run03:18
PDF_qthis was what I wrote03:18
kaimerracan anyone tell my why when i boot up Ubuntu Studio and click a menu or launcer icon the menu bar freezes and i ctl-alt-bksp, log back in and all i get is a black screen with a smaller white box in the upper left?  im on 8.04, ati card, no compiz enabled03:18
JacobianThanks everybody03:18
jschiff^Phantom^: eww03:18
PDF_qand I was told I need DirectShow03:19
Azazel-A2kaimerra, did you load restricted drivers for ubuntu?03:19
^Phantom^at least it's not ME03:19
PDF_qwhere can I get it?03:19
iFvwmPDF_q: you can omit some parameter03:19
phpcuriousjschiff: yeah i think i found it. SiS968 MuTIOL03:19
jschiffphpcurious: k good luck03:19
PDF_qok which ones?03:19
iFvwmPDF_q: you might install w32codecs03:20
recon69anyone able to help me trouble shoot a DVB card?03:20
therealnanotubehaving a little problem with my dual-monitor xinerama setup. any hits would be appreciated. see thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92069003:20
recon69worked yesterday03:20
iFvwmPDF_q: which support rmvb03:20
jessid!kernel | jessid03:20
ubottujessid, please see my private message03:20
phpcuriousjschiff: thanks for your help. i appreciate it!03:21
PDF_qok how can I install it with apt-get"?03:21
PDF_qif it's possible03:21
Azazel-A2install whic hpackage?03:21
=== danopia is now known as danopia``
ParanoidAndroidsudo apt-get sandwich03:21
iFvwmPDF_q: you might search for this. w32codecs is copyright one.03:22
PDF_qah ok03:22
Azazel-A2are win32 codecs in restricted?03:22
jschiffphpcurious: no problem03:22
favro!medibuntu | Azazel-A203:23
ubottuAzazel-A2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:23
ender_I have a data alignment question. I noticed that addresses returned from malloc() are always aligned (end in 0 hex) to the processors native data type. Will this always be the case? Can I rely upon that always being true?03:23
Azazel-A2thanks. thats the one!03:23
Azazel-A2install medibuntu for win codecs03:23
Scunizitherealnanotube: if you're running Hardy don't follow the Feisty thread on xinerama.. video is controlled differently in Hardy.. it uses xRandr.. look for information on that.03:23
recon69PDF_q : i think there is a package that contains most of them, called ugly-codex or something, cant remember exactly03:24
Alpha232I have a PnP ISA modem in a computer, how can i find it lol03:24
iFvwmtherealnanotube: if you used xrandr to setup your dual monitor?03:24
Scunizi!restricted | PDF_q03:24
ubottuPDF_q: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:24
bbeattieAnyone know if it's possible to install dkms on feisty?  I need to install the ati 8.8 drivers but that requires dkms and dkms is not part of the standard mirror locations or any other mirror for that matter.03:24
kaimerraAzazel - A2 I did install restricted drivers03:25
^Phantom^she fucking vacuumed that part of my room anyway03:25
^Phantom^now i have lost my microsd card forever <_<M03:25
jigp^Phantom^ kill her03:26
Alpha232^Phantom^: uhhh, check the bag of the vac?03:26
JacobianYes! dkms is in the repositories03:26
Scunizi^Phantom^: use a magnet when checking the bag03:26
^Phantom^she emptied it out already03:26
JacobianGo to: System -> Administrator -> Software Sources, and enable all of the repositories. Then dkms should be available. It is for me, after doing this.03:26
* ^Phantom^ gives up03:26
Azazel-A2kaimerra time for google03:27
Scunizi^Phantom^: can you say kitchen strainer?03:27
NutzebahnFlannel? :'(03:27
kevinO^Phantom^, please watch your language03:27
bbeattiejacobian: on feisty?03:27
^Phantom^my bad03:27
therealnanotubeiFvwm: i'm using xinerama, because mergedfb appears to have a bug on feisty. (i posted my whole setup and details in the thread)03:27
^Phantom^win98 cd gave me fatal error D:03:27
=== daklan_dnr is now known as daklan
NutzebahnThis is important.03:28
darren_hi does any one know why my signal strength does not show in network manager03:28
bbeattieJacobian: I don't have X running, so using the gui config tool is not possible, do you know what repos dkms can be found in for feisty? packages.ubuntu doesn't reference it.03:28
Azazel-A2using mad wifi or ndiswrap?03:29
darren_also one last thing in network-manager can i get it to read signel strength in a diffrent form03:29
therealnanotubebbeattie: in hardy, it's in universe. in feisty (which i'm also running), it doesn't seem to be available in any of the official ubuntu repos.03:30
Azazel-A2bbeattie: apt-cache search dkms03:30
Scunizibbeattie: Gutsy had it.. http://linux.dell.com/dkms03:30
darren_I have a usb wireless wifi with alfa network rtl8187 driver and it does not show signal strength in network manager03:30
bbeattieYup, seems like it's in anything beyond 7.04 but I need it for feisty03:30
jschiffbbeattie: download the source03:30
Scunizibbeattie: do you want the source to build it?03:31
therealnanotubeScunizi: i'm using feisty, not hardy. so no fancy xrandr hardy stuff for me...03:31
BBLakeI'm trying to load a theme for login window, that i know is installed on my computer for ubuntustudio..but i can't find it..how do i re-add a login theme?03:31
JacobianHey bbeattie, you can get the *.deb file from the Ubuntu repository website using "links" or "curl" from the command line.03:31
JacobianDo you need the URL for the *.deb file?03:32
jschiffBBLake: System -> Administration -> Login Window03:32
BBLakeit's not there as an option unfortunately, but i treid to reinstall and it says it's already installed.  Not sure where it's stored03:32
Scunizibbeattie: wget http://linux.dell.com/git/dkms.git03:32
* ^Phantom^ wanders off to #windows03:33
J-n^Phantom^: GL03:33
carandraug!cn | ubuntufan03:34
ubottuubuntufan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:34
iFvwmubuntufan: who are you03:35
jschiffiFvwm: like you'd know him anyway03:35
NutzebahnCould someone please help?03:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:35
JacobianWhat do you need?03:35
Azazel-A2k. whats problem nutz03:35
ubuntufaniFvwm:I am in china03:35
iFvwmjschiff: i manage the cn channel03:35
skylar_if anyone can see the problem, perhaps quickly if you know apache2 and dyndns/ddclient...03:36
Azazel-A2that would be intresting, get floodbot to kick ubottu lmao03:36
jschiffiFvwm: which channel is that?03:36
ubuntufanwhy ubuntu China 'site cant open?03:36
iFvwmjschiff: ubuntu-cn03:36
jschiffiFvwm: oh cool03:36
pickthecrowdupi know you guys will probably laugh about this.. but i am new to linux and have found gOS and am need of help.03:38
chericothe offical  nivida drivers i have been told are broken in  hardy,  and so  i need to get from  the site for    my  card, but i am not sure where to get from  :(   any help please03:38
kelvin911hi, is geubuntu part of ubuntu?03:38
cherico01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 420 Go] (rev a3)03:38
Azazel-A2anything with ubuntu is legally trademarked as ubuntu03:38
iFvwmpickthecrowdup: gos is besed E1603:38
pickthecrowdupim not a genius when it comes to computers anyways03:38
pickthecrowdupwhat does that mean?03:38
SebNaitsabesgoes is not Ubuntu03:39
SebNaitsabesthis is ubuntu suppourt not gos suppourt however03:39
jribcherico: the nvidia drivers work fine for me in hardy from the repositories03:39
pickthecrowdupgotcha.. i thought it was based on ubuntu03:39
daklancherico: the nvidia drivers in hardy work fine with me03:39
jschiffpickthecrowdup: ask away though, i'll try to help out03:40
pickthecrowdupnobody is in the gos room..03:40
kelvin911http://opengeu.intilinux.com/Home_files/OpenGEU%20LC%20S02.jpg i think geubuntu is beautilful03:40
mnjrib: where can I find out if I can use an nvidia driver with my hardware?03:40
jrib!nvidia > mn03:40
ubottumn, please see my private message03:40
Scunizitherealnanotube: check out http://paste.ubuntu.com/47312/  it's from some old notes I made getting xinerama to work on Dapper and will probably work on Feisty.. it's been a while03:40
pickthecrowdupi need to access my c: drive and am running a live cd. i can't even eject the cd to access my cd rom03:40
jigpkelvin911 : you bet03:40
Azazel-A2pickthecrowdup.  Thats why I use ubuntu :)03:41
jschiffpickthecrowdup: ah i see03:41
chericonot for me cuz i get a big black empt spot on the right side of the desktop its as if it cant use the whole screen i cant use the resolution i use to use and i cant see the bottom of my screens i open03:41
mnmk, thx jrib03:41
chericomakes it hard to install stuff...03:41
jschiffpickthecrowdup: what you need to do is mount your windows partition03:41
pickthecrowdupi think i tried that03:41
juan-intrepidif my kernels are missing from /boot how do i put them back there, ive done update-initramfs but i dont think thats enough03:41
BBLakequestion:  I have a dedicated linux hard drive.  Should my grub.lst have ANYTHING that states windows/vista longhorn in it?   (trying to determine reason for long boot times)03:41
Azazel-A2hi qweerty03:41
jigpkelvin911 : how to put a icon dock there in the bottom?03:41
jschiffpickthecrowdup: type fdisk -l03:41
daklanoh wow, geos looks cool... in a windows 95 kind of way :)03:41
BBLakejigp..avant window manager03:41
jschiffpickthecrowdup: and let me see the output03:41
BBLakecheck it out03:41
Azazel-A2ok, I have step by step instructions if you want to add tehe awn dock03:41
pickthecrowduptype that here?03:41
jschiffpickthecrowdup: in a terminal03:42
jigpBBLake : i dont have avant window manager in System :(03:42
vbman11does anyone here use stormbaan, this is the error I get when I run it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47306/03:42
pickthecrowdupmy c: drive is sda103:42
jschiffok so03:42
Azazel-A2you have to add repository to bottom of sources.list in /etc/apt then they will show up03:42
daklanBBLake: won't make a difference. you can update your menu.lst and run update-grub if you want to test your guess03:42
jschiffpickthecrowdup: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt03:42
juan-intrepidBBLake: when is the delay in the boot bios? grub? spashscreen? login?03:43
Darkkishyarr, I just plugged in my WUSB54G is it supposed to auto-recognize it or something?03:43
BBLakeno idea?  i just believe an older kernel when i choose as default, boots quickly03:43
jschiffpickthecrowdup: then your windows partition should be mounted on /mnt03:43
Scunizijigp: AWN = Avant window navigator.. it's in the repos..03:43
BBLakedon't have access to any grub boot menu, or any start-up scripts..just black screen until the login window03:43
BBLaketried to use the grubeditor, and start-up manager. (still working on the latter)03:44
daklanBBLake: take a look at the contents of /var/log/messages. see if any errors were logged03:44
leighaquariusjschiff, if his c: drive is ntfs.. won't u need to mount it with ntfs3g?03:44
kelvin911is awn the best dock?03:44
BBLakecan i just take out the most current kernels, and try to re-update?03:44
SebNaitsabescario dock is good03:44
jschiffleighaquarius: no mount handles it fine03:44
BBLakekelvin..i think so,  there is cairo dock as well03:44
kelvin911which one uses less resources?03:44
leighaquariusjschiff, sweet thnx03:45
juan-intrepidif you install BUM it should let you choose to see a verbose startup without splash that will give you lots of text, if you look at what it slows down on that will give you a good place to start looking at03:45
jschiffleighaquarius: if you want to be specific you can mount -t ntfs /dev/xxx /xxx03:45
pickthecrowdupok.. it says can't find /dev/sda1/mnt in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:45
pickthecrowdupdo i have to sudo su?03:45
jschiffyou need a space03:45
Azazel-A2never tried others, I run awn03:45
jschiffbetween the /dev/sda1 /mnt03:45
tritiumpickthecrowdup: don't use sudo su.  Use sudo -i.03:45
Darkkishhow do i make my WUSB54G work?03:45
juan-intrepidBBLake: that may work, but i doubt it sudo aptitude reinstall linux-image-generic would be the command03:46
carandraugjschiff: leighaquarius should you use -t ntfs-3g ?03:46
carandraugDarkkish: you'll need ndiswrapper03:46
Jacobiankelvin911: If I remember right, AWN requires compiz. I don't use compiz myself, because I don't to give the system resources. You might look into Cairo...03:46
carandraug!ndiswrapper > Darkkish03:46
ubottuDarkkish, please see my private message03:46
jschiffcarandraug: man mount and check the types if you want03:46
leighaquariuscarandraug, not sure.. i usually do all my windows partition mounting in fstab03:46
kelvin911but the icon in awn is always changing position when u click it03:46
carandraugDarkkish: I did with mine. It's version 403:47
Azazel-A2hey ubuntu with compiz is only pulling 600 megs of ram, :(03:47
BBLakejuan...what about a more current update...would that possibly resolve it?03:47
kelvin911very annoying, it doesnt do that before03:47
BBLakei'm on 19, but i hear .24 is in the repos?03:47
daklanmount should try to autodetect the filesystem type03:47
pickthecrowdupmount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use03:47
EsquiloI'm having a little problem with FlyBack... I configured it to backup my files in /media/disk-1, but it shows me that it can't found this device03:47
Darkkishcarandraug, how do i check what version mine is?03:47
BBLakenot sure which way to go.  i don't want to have to stay on .14 for the faster boot if i can resolve it03:47
Azazel-A2I don;t think linux can reset ntfs dirty flag03:47
Esquilobut it is configured and done03:47
jschiffpickthecrowdup: hmm then it may already be mounted03:47
pickthecrowduplet me add that the reason i am even using this is because windows took a dump03:47
Dusti[n]Azazel-A2 its not pulling that much on mine maybe you should kill it and restart03:47
ushimitsudokiJacobian: awn requires a composting window manager in general, not compiz specifically03:47
jschiffpickthecrowdup: what does mount say03:47
jschiffpickthecrowdup: just plain simple mount03:47
daklanAzazel-A2: you can force-mount it, but the flag will remain03:47
danbh_intrepidBBLake: if you are talking kernels, yes, please update.   The upgrade wont get rid of old kernels, so you can always fall back03:48
jschiffpickthecrowdup: sudo mount03:48
juan-intrepidif my kernels are missing from /boot how do i put them back there, ive done update-initramfs but i dont think thats enough03:48
BBLakequickest way to update?03:48
Azazel-A2awn, compiz, gnome, and all my eyecandy, thats about right03:48
danbh_intrepidBBLake: update-manager03:48
jschiffpickthecrowdup: if there is something in there that says /dev/sda1 then it's already mounted03:48
pickthecrowduphow do i copy and paste from xterm?03:48
carandraugDarkkish: check around the wireless adaptor. Mine has it written beneath the sliding piece with the thing to glue to some place. There's loads of tutorials on how to get it working on the net03:48
jschiffBBLake: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade03:48
danbh_intrepidjuan-intrepid: where did they go?03:48
fLufyzhye guyz03:49
fLufyzwat's up today03:49
* Azazel-A2 1.25 gigs ram. 03:49
therealnanotubeScunizi: yea, besides some nvidia-specific stuff, that's basically what mine looks like as well. the thing is, it basically works, just doesn't use the correct resolution on the external monitor... so i'm guessing i need to figure out what some of those warnings coming out of xorg.0.log mean...03:49
jschiffpickthecrowdup: highlight over what you want, then right click on this window03:49
jschiffpickthecrowdup: sorry i mean middle click03:49
jigpScunizi : done installing..i run System > Awn Manager nothing happen...how to setup this thing? thanks :)03:50
Azazel-A2besides only 64 meg video card, so I'm sure thats alot of it03:50
jschiffpickthecrowdup: middle click in the text box and it should paste03:50
pickthecrowdupproc on /proc type proc (rw)03:50
pickthecrowdupsysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)03:50
pickthecrowduptmpfs on /lib/modules/2.6.22-10-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)03:50
pickthecrowdupvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)03:50
pickthecrowdupvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)03:50
pickthecrowdupudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)03:50
pickthecrowdupdevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)03:50
pickthecrowdupdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)03:50
pickthecrowduptmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)03:50
danbh_intrepid!paste > pickthecrowdup03:50
ubottupickthecrowdup, please see my private message03:50
jribpickthecrowdup: don't do that again please.... use paste.ubuntu.com03:50
danbh_intrepidjrib: why did floodbot fail?03:51
Darkkishcarandraug, I'm pretty sure i just got it working with ndisgtk an nice gui, anywho it doesn't have a version anywhere, does that make it version 1?03:51
jigphello how to setup AWN Manager? like a dock desktop...im done isntall awn manager / navigator03:51
gnychis`uname -r` says i am running 2.6.22-14-generic ... but i've done an update on linux-generic and GRUB still only has .22 , any ideas?03:51
jschiffpickthecrowdup: hmm ok was that all of it?03:51
jschiffpickthecrowdup: so sda1 is not mounted :S03:51
jschiffpickthecrowdup: then i'm not too sure, and i'm tired so i gotta go i'm sorry03:52
pickthecrowdupok thanks for trying!03:52
Azazel-A2if wrong kernel is loading you can change the /boot/menu.list file to boot correct kernel03:52
jschiffpickthecrowdup: no prob, hope you get the problem fixed03:52
jschiffbye all03:52
carandraugDarkkish: I don't think so. But if you got it working with ndisgtk (which sounds like a GUI version of ndisdwrapper), why are you asking? Did you made a fresh install?03:52
gnychisAzazel-A2: i would think that it would have upgraded grub menu03:52
ushimitsudoki!cn | yuwandong03:53
ubottuyuwandong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:53
kelvin911how to hide the mount partition in desktop?03:53
Darkkishcarandraug, I bet my tech teacher $10 I could hack his wep network :p03:53
favrognychis: try   sudo update-grub03:53
Azazel-A2it should.  but things happen.  I used apt-get to install server, remvoe generic and had to manually correct menu.list, so it doesn't always work03:53
kelvin911i dual boot with windows xp and the c: and d: shows up in the desktop, how to hide it?03:53
Azazel-A2which desktop>03:54
kelvin911in ubuntu03:54
kelvin911i want to hide them on other user account03:54
kelvin911and only shows up at the account i am using03:54
gnychisfavro: boom, thank!03:54
Azazel-A2make a mnt point in /mnt ie /mnt/c and /mnt/d and correct fstab media shows on desktop03:54
favronp :)03:54
mnWhy can I not find OO.o-math??03:55
carandraugpickthecrowdup: you need help mounting manually ntfs partitions? I can get you a hand, if you want. Pastebin the iutput of "df -h" and "sudo fdisk -l"03:55
Azazel-A2kelvin, try this.  open a terminal window03:55
Grenyarisanyone know of a reliable SATA RAID Hardware controller (not fake raid, but the real thing) ?03:55
mneptokGrenyaris: stand by03:55
EsquiloHave anybody here used FlyBack?03:56
Azazel-A2kelivn still here?03:56
daklanGrenyaris: i had experience with promise adapters. they're not the best, but are pretty much reliable03:56
kelvin911do i just edit the fstab?03:56
kelvin911i just dont want them to appear on the desktop for some user account03:57
Azazel-A2yes.  but move the mount from media which is auto to /mnt/c and /mnt/d which will not show on desktop03:57
mneptokGrenyaris: PATA? SATA? SCSI?03:57
Azazel-A2.. /media/anything puts an icon on desktop03:58
GrenyarisSATA, the real hardware controller thing, not the fake raid...03:58
carandraugkelvin911: Azazel-A2 wouldn't it be easier to just tell nautilus to not show mounted partitions in the desktop? Gimme a minutes and I'll find that option in gconf-editor03:58
LSD|NinjaGrenyaris: 3ware have a decent rep03:58
daklanGrenyaris: can't remember the model, but it's got 8 SATA ports and great linux support03:58
mneptokGrenyaris: PCI? PCI-E?03:58
DxCHi guys, me again...Heh...Anyway, I was wondering if there's a way to change my username in ubuntu? (*Not* my 'Real Name')03:58
kelvin911but what if i want them to show on my account but not the account for others?03:58
Azazel-A2carandraug, perhaps, but its not correct solution for a perminately mounted drive03:58
GrenyarisPCI or PCIe03:58
Azazel-A2windows c and d are part of his file system not media03:59
LSD|NinjaGrenyaris: 3ware do both now I believe03:59
mneptokGrenyaris: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681611603003:59
kelvin911because i dont want my gf mess with c: and d:03:59
Azazel-A2if you put them in mnt make a private directory and chown it to just you and she can't get to them03:59
LSD|NinjaGrenyaris: If you're serious about this though you may want to consider a SAS RAID controller. You can put SATA discs on it to begin with but have the option to go SAS later on03:59
amrikHi I need a little help with firefox04:00
carandraugAzazel-A2: you think? Why not? I may be wrong but it doesn't matter where it is mounted, it's gnome who's configured to show an icon on the desktop, you just turn that option off.04:00
amrikthe mimetype for opening rm files is set to realplayer but i uninstalled realplayer; how can I reset it back to the way it was ie. get it to default to totem?04:00
Azazel-A2because he might want to see his mp3 player someday04:00
JacobianDxC: It looks like this will help you change the username: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/04:00
kelvin911carandraug: how to trun it off?04:00
DxCJacobian - I'll check that out04:00
Azazel-A2you turn it off, you loose usb drives on desktop04:01
mneptokAzazel-A2: "lose" O:)04:01
Azazel-A2noted ;)04:01
mneptok(pet peeve)04:01
kelvin911maybe i will figure this out later04:01
kelvin911anyway how come movie has screen tearing?04:02
kelvin911is it the compiz?04:02
Azazel-A2kelvin, my suggestion is fstab and mount them off something like /mnt/windows/what ever and make windows chown for you only so gf can;t see mount points04:02
GrenyarisThanks guys, I will look into the 3ware ones, they have a raid 6 and 10 supporter, and that is where I was going to go...also one with SAS, but I don't really wanna spend over $800...however...well, I gotta do what I gotta do...04:02
carandraugkelvin911: Azazel-A2 is right. You'll also lose usb drives on desktop. If you want to, open gconf-editor and go to Apps > Nautilus > Desktop04:02
GrenyarisNext question...04:02
GrenyarisIs there a "parental control" suite for Linux?04:02
kelvin911i dont wanna lose usb04:02
kelvin911i have many usb external drives04:02
mneptokGrenyaris: to filter web content?04:03
Azazel-A2kelvin fstab04:03
Azazel-A2only viable solution04:03
Azazel-A2yes mneptok I know04:03
GrenyarisI need to filter web stuff...04:03
mneptokGrenyaris: http://www.opendns.com/  <--- do it at the DNS level04:03
Jacobianamrik: Did you get your question answered yet?04:03
GrenyarisI have heard about "Dan's Guardian" ...04:03
danbh_intrepidGrenyaris: you should look into the Christian Ubuntu.  It has lots of censorship apps04:04
kelvin911UUID=6AA0A5CBA0A59DD7 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0       1  <------- do i change /media/sda1 to /mnt/c ??04:04
mneptokGrenyaris: don't bother. use OpenDNS and protect any and all devices on your network.04:04
amrikJacobian: no not as yet04:04
Azazel-A2ok, first make /mount/windows then make /mnt/windows/c and d04:04
Azazel-A2you;ll understand the /windows in 1 sec04:04
amrikJacobian: basically my real problem is i made the mistake of installing real player04:04
kelvin911and do i have to manually mkdir /mnt/c ??04:04
GrenyarisOk, thanks, I will look into OpenDNS...04:05
Azazel-A2sudo -s04:05
Azazel-A2mkdir /mnt/windows04:05
Azazel-A2mkdir /mnt/windows/c04:05
amrikJacobian: and now i am trying to get rid of the last traces of it. one of these traces is that it tries to default to /home/amrik/RealPlayer/realplayer to playback real media files04:05
kelvin911why /mnt/windows?04:05
Azazel-A2chown root:your_user_name /mnt/windows04:05
Jacobianamrik: You can set this in Firefox, by going to: Edit->Preferences, and then Applications04:05
kelvin911why not just /mnt/c and /mnt/d ?04:05
Azazel-A2chmod a-rwx /mnt/windows04:05
Azazel-A2gf can't see them now04:06
amrikJacobian: oh i see the menu. but it isnt letting me get rid of the realplayer option04:07
Azazel-A2chmod ug+rwx /mnt/windows04:07
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap04:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk04:08
Jacobianamrik: There should be two columns, Content Type on the left, and Application on the right. If you click on the line with Application, are you able to change the Application that is used?04:08
amrikoh i see now04:08
kelvin911if i delete file in c: by deleting it using gui, does it move the file to c:\.trash ?04:08
Jacobianamrik: Ah, excellent :)04:08
amrikJacobian: however it still has RealPlayer as the default value04:08
amrikJacobian: not quite sure what the realplayer install script did to make it this way but I would like to undo that04:09
kelvin911and what if i do rm /media/sda1/myfile?  does it gone 4ever?04:09
Azazel-A2no I beleive it will be ~/.local/share/Trash/files as mnt is part of your filesystem and not media04:09
Jacobianamrik: I would manually change Firefox back, to make sure that it opens with the Application you like. Then you can go to Synaptic, and see if there are any other files that could be deleted. By default, Ubuntu leaves the configuration files when you uninstall a program. But you can remove them through Synaptic (or the command line).04:10
Azazel-A2kelvin.  I suggest you add an alias line to .bashrc04:10
pickthecrowduphelp sudo apt-get04:10
kelvin911what alias line?04:10
vaportrail124anyone know how to use ssh in ubuntu, namely with a haxed iphone04:11
Azazel-A2in alias section add alias rm='mv --target-directory=~/.local/share/Trash/files'  then if you use rm is moves delted files to trash barrel and you can empty them on desktop. good for accidental rm *'s and stuff04:11
kelvin911my c: now is mounted to /media/sda1, if i do rm -r /media/sda1/* what happen?04:11
Azazel-A2bad idea.  umount /media/sda104:11
amrikJacobian: alright I guess I can live with having an entry in that menu that does nothing. =\ but lesson learned, never install crapware knowingly04:11
Jacobianamrik: There should be an option to Open with another application... you should be enter Totem there04:12
kelvin911even if the file is moved to ~/.local/share/Trash/files if i undelete will the file goes back to the original dir?04:12
Azazel-A2 .. /media/sda1 folder is not a real mount point and will disapear after umount04:12
Jacobianamrik: Sorry it got changed on you04:12
Azazel-A2proof.  eject /media/sda1 also will work04:12
jigphello how to setup a dock icons in ubuntu 8?04:12
jigphello how to setup a dock icons in ubuntu 8? - i already downloaded awn manager/navigator04:13
Azazel-A2how do eject a hd.  lol04:13
kelvin911what eject /media/sda1 does?04:13
Mu5  /,,,,\_____________/,,,,\04:13
Mu5          |,(  )/,,,,,,,,,,,,,\(  ),|04:13
Mu5           \__,,,,___,,,,,___,,,,__/04:13
Jacobianjigp: Check out AWN or Cairo for the dock04:13
Mu5             /,,,/(')\,,,/(')\,,,\04:13
Mu5            |,,,,___ _____ ___,,,,|04:13
Mu5            |,,,/   \\o_o//   \,,,|04:13
Mu5            |,,|       |       |,,|04:13
Mu5            |,,|   \__/|\__/   |,,|04:13
emanuel1i just installed ubuntu what program do i use to install new software?04:13
Mu5             \,,\     \_/     /,,/04:13
Mu5              \__\___________/__/04:13
sdwrageuh oh04:13
sdwrageI smell banhammer04:13
jigpjacobian : i already installed awn04:13
danbh_intrepidsee, floodbots are broken04:14
iFvwmjigp: simdock or adesklets04:14
Azazel-A2.. //media/anything is considered removable media, thats why I suggest /mnt in lieu of04:14
Jacobianjigp: I don't use awn myself... perhaps someone else can help?04:14
Azazel-A2I got awn running04:14
iFvwmawn need compiz jigp04:14
panchoum, i need some help04:14
panchowith my webcam04:15
panchoi made it work04:15
Mu5                              /~~~\04:15
Mu5                            -/     \--\.04:15
Mu5                          ./           `.04:15
Mu5                        .-/             |\04:15
Mu5                       / /                \04:15
Mu5                    .-/                    \04:15
* jrib sighs04:15
panchothe video is ok, but the built in mic doesn't work04:15
daklanoh gosh, this dude is really pesky04:15
jigpiFvwm how to run compiz?04:15
panchoits a logitech quickcam04:15
emanuel1is this where i get ubuntu help???????????04:15
iFvwmjigp: ....so big topic04:15
Starnestommyemanuel1: yes04:15
jribemanuel1: yes, just ask the channel your question04:16
panchocan someone help me with this?04:16
iFvwmi like someone flood.04:16
kelvin911i also got awn installed04:16
emanuel1 i just installed ubuntu what program do i use to install new software?04:16
kelvin911its beautiful04:16
jrib!software > emanuel104:16
ubottuemanuel1, please see my private message04:16
panchoum, help?04:16
kelvin911almost like osx but osx dock is way better04:16
daklanemanuel1: synaptic, aptitude, dselect, apt04:16
Jacobianpancho: If nobody here knows, you might try the Ubuntu forums!04:16
Azazel-A2I wrote an nvida script that gets everything and updates all files.  its installs everything including ubuntu-desktop if necessary :)  Wrote it from scratch. works nice.04:17
Azazel-A2one command and you get evrything04:17
panchoits just a little issue with my webcam's built in mic04:17
daklanpancho: it might be that support is only available for the video feed, not the audio feed04:17
panchojust that :S04:17
emanuel1thanx ........................respect04:17
emanuel1one love04:17
nkei0anyone here use vuze?04:17
panchoi have seen other people using the voice thing, but can't find any tutorial04:18
kelvin911nkei0: azureus??04:18
oupaHi. I'm trying to create an openssl CA, following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL. I get an error: Unable to load config info from /home... The file is there, so why can't openssl find it?04:18
daklanpancho: if that's the case, there's gotta be someone who cared to write about it04:18
BBLakeOK, so why do some kernel's take forever to boot, and other kernel04:18
nkei0kelvin911:  nah, Vuze, it's basically the same thing though, Vuze is the java version that's all pretty04:19
BBLake's boot quick04:19
kelvin911i installed vuze in windows in a new pc.  i think it has lots of useless feature04:19
kelvin911the old 1 is a lot better04:19
nkei0i just liked how easy it was to access all of the HD content on vuze with it04:20
Jacobianoupa: It might be that there is a problem with the data inside the CA that is preventing it from being loaded. Is there any way you could check the contents?04:20
daklanany bittorrent feature other than file sharing is useless04:20
kelvin911daklan: yes04:20
gbear14275hey guys, I'm getting LBA and CHS mismatch errors after I partition my dual boot setup and when I rewrite the MBR using testdisk it skips my grub bootloader and boots right to windows...04:20
gbear14275any ideas or anyone come across this problem before?04:20
carandraugdaklan: selective download is not useless04:21
danbh_intrepiddaklan: thanks for your opinion, but thats not true, nor particularly relevant to #ubuntu04:21
kelvin911i like torrent client jsut be torrent client, not file browser or internet browser04:21
blogger08any good, firefox extension to download youtube video?04:21
oupajacobian: I don't know of a way. only eyeballs. it looks right to me04:21
nkei0daklan:  Yeah, but all of the content on vuze is legal, so i like that part...04:21
kelvin911or even media player04:21
gbear14275daklan... newcomer to bittorrent huh?04:21
Azazel-A2they all beat the windows dock04:22
oupajacobian: the openssl site says that this erro means that the file is not found04:22
Jacobianoupa: Well, the main things I can think of that might prevent the file from opening are unexpected permissions or a file path problem. Could either of those be the problem?04:22
daklangbear14275: not quite. just don't care about "features"04:22
nkei0danbh_intrepid: Anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew of a sound way to get vuze to work with ubuntu 8.04, i had it working earlier today but my dual boot with windows crashed everything so now i'm ubuntu only04:22
kelvin911i dont use torrent anymore04:22
kelvin911torrent is slow most of the time04:22
gbear14275what do you consider  "features"?04:22
gbear14275torrents are slow?  compared to what kelvin?04:22
chubsblogger08, search the firefox extensions page04:22
iFvwmkelvin911: benliud is good software on bottorrent.04:23
Azazel-A2not for firefox 3 or better :(04:23
kelvin911i can download rapidshare at 1250 KB/s04:23
iFvwmor rtorrent04:23
kelvin911compare to torrent 60KB/s most of the time04:23
blogger08its not there, but there is one i use but cant remember the namechubs,04:23
oupajaconian: the file is in my home directory and I'm running openssl as me and I'm using the full path04:24
oupajacobian: the file is in my home directory and I'm running openssl as me and I'm using the full path04:24
gbear14275well if you can find everything on rapidshare at 1250kbps then i'd go for it then04:24
kelvin911not everything but almost04:24
bazhangplease take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic04:25
kelvin911movies, games, computer stuffs, etc04:25
Jacobianoupa: Are you using absolute paths beginning with a '/'?04:25
oupajacobian: yes04:25
Jacobianoupa: And it sounds like you've already checked for spelling errors04:25
oupajacobian: yes04:25
gbear14275ok, so having problems getting a dualboot online after partitioning... anyone have any dualboot experience in here?04:25
Wolf23hello friends04:26
kelvin911i dual boot04:26
Jacobianoupa: I wonder if you could check the logs, and see if there was an access attempt at another location?04:26
oupajacobian: I cut and paste the path from the error message and open the file with nano04:26
bazhanggbear14275, did you install xp second04:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernels04:26
Wolf23somebody help me please!04:26
gbear14275kelvin, you ever run into any chs and lba mismatch errors?04:26
Jacobianoupa: That would tell you where the certificate was expected to be04:26
gbear14275no, xp first then ubuntu afterwards04:26
chubs!anyone | Wolf2304:26
ubottuWolf23: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:26
Jacobianoupa: Hmm, I see04:26
kelvin911gbear14275: what?04:26
bazhanggbear14275, what is the exact prob then04:26
gbear14275partition out some extra space and run testdisk.... come back with a slew of chs and lba mismatches04:26
Jacobianoupa: All right, you're running this from your own user, and the file was also created by you?04:27
oupajacobian: yes04:27
gbear14275would like to fix them but this is the second time that after rewriting the mbr its killed my boot partition04:27
Wolf23chubs:  thanx : ) , but please i have a video .avi and i want to cut from it the begining of the movie,how can i do this on ubuntu plz?04:27
Jacobianoupa: Is there any chance the certificate is being accessed by root? I know with apache, the server is started by root, and then switches over the user account that you specify.04:27
Azazel-A2boot partition is not in mbr...04:27
=== Circs_ is now known as Circs
gbear14275hmm... maybe thats my problem...04:28
justin__does anyone know how to make a crt monitor support more than 60hz on any resolution?04:28
gbear14275so if I use testdisk to rewrite an mbr is it going to automatically default whatever partition its running to be the default boot?04:28
oupajacobian: there is no certificate yet. I am trying to create a CA which I will use to create the certificate04:28
Azazel-A2you need to add both boots to your menu.list for grub04:29
CircsAfter a bit my ubuntu starts experiencing huge slowdowns and begins making excessive use of virtual memory, I have 768 megs of ram and was wondering why this is happening04:29
keeviecan anyone here help with mysql and torrentflux-b4rt?04:29
oupajacobian: I just tried running openssl with sudo. it seems to work04:29
gbear14275azazel... I can get the menu to load right and show both the boot options... but I'd like to be able to fix the chs and lba mismatches... is that something I'm just going to have to overlook with a dualboot?04:29
Jacobianoupa: Hmm, very interesting04:29
danbh_intrepidCircs: try usiiing top to check what is eating the memory04:29
Jacobianoupa: It sounds like you solved it04:30
nlksghow to get back Add/Remove application on Applications menu?04:30
=== sean is now known as Guest16753
danbh_intrepidnlksg: right click04:30
Guest16753Hi. Does anyone know if it is bad to shutdown a system with an encrypted loopback mounted?04:30
carandraugnlksg: System > Preferences > Start Menu04:30
Azazel-A2circs, how much memory is being used just sitting at desktop.  I noted there is a huge disparity between top and the memory tool in gnome.  top always does that where the memory evaporates, but the memory monitor in gnomestill shows it free04:30
BBLakewhere do i learn about kernels?04:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kernels04:30
oupajacobian: yeah, it's not ideal but maybe that's how it's supposed to be. would be nice if the howto said so :)04:30
Jacobiannlksg: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu will let you get Add/Remove back again04:31
justin__!monitor frequency04:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:31
oupajacobian: Thanks for the help04:31
keeviecan anyone here help with mysql and torrentflux-b4rt?04:31
Jacobianoupa: I'm glad you got it, oupa04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about frequency04:31
BBLakeI don't understand why one kernel is slow, and the other is fast04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hertz04:31
Jacobianoupa: It was smart of you to think of that :)04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hz04:31
CircsAzazel-A2: Well even the gnome system monitor says 93% or more is used but doesn't show what app has it04:31
Azazel-A2bblake, depends what is in kernel04:31
nlksgJacobian : i dont' have that entry also :(04:31
Azazel-A2go to terminal and type top04:31
BBLakehow can i determine that?04:32
Azazel-A2that will show what app has it04:32
Jacobiannlksg: What do you have in your main menu?04:32
CircsAzazel-A2: I should probably wait until i encounter the issue again then huh.04:32
Azazel-A2no, you now know how to figure it out lol04:32
Wolf23chubs: any result?04:32
gbear14275azazel, any ideas04:32
nlksgJacobian: i think i some how removed from synaptic04:32
Azazel-A2sorry gbear, on what wasn't paying attention04:33
carandraugnlksg: you can add that menu back to your panel. Right click on it and select add to panel and search for the Start menu04:33
Jacobiannlksg: If there is no main menu at all, you can right click on a toolbar, and then choose Add to Panel. There are two different menus that you can include in your toolbar.04:33
chubsWolf23, sorry. try avidemux04:33
CircsAzazel-A2: It says 741732k total 674788k used04:33
BBLakeazazel - if i delete out all the kernels but the one i'm using (the one that works),  can i upgrade without having issues?04:33
gbear14275oh I said I was able to build my grub menu so it showed both boot options correctly but I was hoping to figure out how to resolve the chs and lba mismatches04:33
BBLakethe one i'm using is .14   all the rest are newer, but don't function well04:33
chubsWolf23, sudo apt-get install avidemux04:33
CircsAzazel-A2: And I just have my chat client and one firefox window open04:33
slangocan anyone help me answer a gnome question:  I completely hosed my gnome configuration, and now, I get no panels, window decorations etc, and I'm presented with tons of error messages reading "An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-component-name-here. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly."04:34
Azazel-A2you need what ever kernel is in your sources for apt04:34
tienhnI have some question about SATA disk performance on ubuntu. Anyone here is an expert in this topic?04:34
slangoI'd be happy to just refresh the entire thing04:34
BBLakehmmm. interesting.  So my system might be using more than one kernel at a time?04:34
Wolf23chubs: ok i have it installed04:34
Jacobiannlksg: Let me know if that works. If it's removed from synaptic, then I can give you the command you need to reinstall it.04:34
Azazel-A2my machine is around 600 meg maybe more w/ firefox.  I had 1 gig, added just another 1/4 gig and it got 10x better04:34
ajaihi.i have a question on network connection in ubuntu04:34
FlannelNutzebahn: Your sources look fine.  And, it looks to be a bug in something.  Let me take a look to see if there's a workaround04:35
BBLakeso i just default my system to the old one to boot from, and leave everything else as is?04:35
ajaii seems having problem in my roaming in ubuntu04:35
danbh_intrepid!home > slango I say, have a separate /home, then you can just reinstall04:35
ubottuslango, please see my private message04:35
chubsWolf23, i don't have it installed right now and don't know it off of the top of my head. It should be trivial to just trim the beginning of a video though04:35
carandraugnlksg: you can check if you have it installed or not by running "gnome-app-install" in the terminal04:35
Guest16753BBLake, no. Unless you switch between two, you probably only use one and the others have just not been removed. At least, that was true in debian.04:35
CircsAzazel-A2: That seems a little extreme04:35
nlksgJacobian: can you give me the command to reinstall?04:35
ThipThipI need a little help brainstorming.  Yesterday (and even earlier today) I was able to play warcraft iii with no problems whatsoever.  Then, later today, when I came home from work, it started exhibiting the following behavior:  It will load fine, but every so often, seemingly at random, it will lock up very tight for between 5 and 20 seconds.  I cannot move the mouse during this time.  I've tried everything I can think of.  Anybody h04:35
ThipThipave any ideas?04:35
=== Guest16753 is now known as anonusr
FlannelNutzebahn: Let me know when you're around.  There appears to be a workaround here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cyrus-sasl2/+bug/19414004:35
ThipThip(using wine, btw, of course)04:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194140 in cyrus-sasl2 "Dependency cycle prevents upgrade of libsasl2-2" [Undecided,New]04:35
Azazel-A2why do you think macs have 2+ gigs for all the eye candy.  compiz is memory hog04:35
ajaiwhenever i bring up the network connection box, it gives me two checkbox for Wirelss and Wired connection.04:36
chetnickCircs, paste your "top" output on http://pastebin.com/04:36
slangodanbh_intrepid: not a bad idea, but that's not really an option at this point04:36
Wolf23chubs:  ok i try, thank u :)04:36
BBLakei just don't want to delete the ones that don't work, and the one that DOES work not work...(i know that makes sense)04:36
ajaibut i only wanted wirlress connection..even thougb i uncheck the wired ..but it is not workiong04:36
danbh_intrepidslango: why not?04:36
Jacobiannlksg: Were you able to try carandraug's suggestion?04:36
Azazel-A2ubuntu 8.04 out of the box w/ no advance effects manager is like 250 megs of ram04:36
anonusrBBLake: what? is the kernel you are using now working?04:36
slangodanbh_intrepid: don't have a free partition for it, and I'd have to do a lot of partition resizing and juggling to get all of my data copied over04:36
slangoI'm not running on a very large hard drive here, so moving partitions after the fact is a big pain04:37
Azazel-A2bblake what kernel are you using?04:37
FlannelAzazel-A2: out of the box includes effects.04:37
BBLake.14 is the one that boots nicely04:37
Circschetnick: Not to sound like an idiot, but it doesn't seem to want to let me copy/paste04:37
BBLakeanything .18 , or .19 etc. takes 12 minutes to boot04:37
Azazel-A2I guess since I hadn't immediately loaded restricted drivers they never loaded lol04:37
nlksgJacobian: no, can't also04:37
chetnicktry top > top.txt04:37
danbh_intrepidslango: yeah, if you are low on disk space...04:37
anonusrBBLake: 2.6.14?04:37
ThipThipajai: What do you mean it is not working?04:37
Azazel-A2bblake uname -a plz04:38
ajaiit is not connection04:38
slangodanbh_intrepid: yeah, I'd have to resize a gigabyte at a time04:38
chetnickCircs, try , "top > top.txt" and than opent top.txt file and copy04:38
ajaii check ed with ifconfig04:38
slangoand it'd take twenty resizes04:38
slangoby that time, I'm sure I'd have lost something04:38
ajaiand the eth0 and eth1 gives me no packets Rx and Tx04:38
RickZillaOk, just so I get this straight...d/l ubuntu, install it, then d/l the edubuntu addition and install that. Do I understand that correctly?04:38
ajaionly on the local loopback i have seen some figures for rx and tx packets04:38
BBLakethat's right04:38
FlannelRickZilla: That's correct.04:39
Azazel-A2bblake you running generic, server etc04:39
chubsCircs, could also highlight it and middle click in a text field04:39
FlannelRickZilla: And you don't necessarily need an edubuntu CD, you can install straight from the repositories.04:39
BBLakehow do i determine the exact kernel so i can post it04:39
Circschetnick: I put that in and then where does the file go?04:39
chetnickBBLake, uname -a04:39
anonusrBBLake: uname -a. Also, what version of ubuntu are you using?04:39
RickZillareally..I'll have to look into that...thanks Flannel04:39
Jacobiannlksg: Try this: sudo apt-get gnome-main-menu04:39
chetnickCircs, in the current directory04:39
carandraugnlksg: what happens then you run "gnome-app-install" in the terminal? Are you using gnome?04:40
Azazel-A2I am interested in his complaint thats the new kernel is slower04:40
visuhello every body04:40
FlannelRickZilla: Everything on the addon CD is also in the repos (although I'm not sure what sort of metapackages it has)04:40
ajaiany idea?04:40
Circschetnick: Well it just stops and doesn't give me a new line or a file04:40
anonusrAzazel-A2, on powerpc's some of the newer kernels had a major sound bug that cause major system slowdowns.04:40
RickZillaFlannel:  Too late, I just finished downloading it.  :-)  Glad I've got some options though!04:40
nlksgcarandraug: if i type "gnome-app-install" will say is currently not installed04:41
carandraugnlksg: anyway, to install it "sudo apt-get install gnome-app-install"04:41
chetnickCircs, thats ok you will have output in file. Just do now ctrl - c04:41
Azazel-A2bblake you on i386 or powerpc?04:41
chetnickctrl + c04:41
carandraugnlksg: are you using gnome?04:41
tienhnHello. On a Lenovo laptop T61p with SATA AHCI controller. File copy at the speed of 20Mbytes/sec is this typical?04:41
SingerI have a problem - I got my bluetooth mouse to work; but I have to turn on/off the mice everytime my PC reboots04:41
Singercan anyone help?04:41
Circschetnick: I must be doing something wrong04:41
nlksgcarandraug: yes, i am sure i am using gnome04:42
gbear14275anyone resolve lba and chs errors before?04:42
chetnickCircs, ok follow me now.04:42
* Circs follow chetnick04:42
carandraugnlksg: then run that to install it. Should work04:42
nlksgcarandraug: thank, now started installing04:42
chetnickCircs, First open terminal. Than type "top > top.txt" than open home folder and find top.txt file. Open it and copy.04:42
Circschetnick: Oh ty, I was being dumb sorry04:43
nlksgThank every one!! i just get it back :D04:43
chetnickCircs, np04:43
anonusrwhile waiting for bblake, does anyone know if it's safe to leave encrypted lookbacks mounted at shutdown?04:43
anonusrunmounting them can be annoying.04:44
Azazel-A2encrypted lookbacks?04:44
Azazel-A2lost me04:44
=== cody_ is now known as icedtea
Circschetnick: http://pastebin.com/m6d6fc8d1  (Hope it makes more sense to you than me)04:45
Singerthis is buggering the hell out of me04:45
Azazel-A2the normal shutdown unmounts everything I believe04:45
anonusryeah. basically I use losetup so I can use a file as a device. Then I can use cryptsetup as though it were an encrypted harddisk.04:45
=== rudy is now known as Guest24201
Azazel-A2linux should unmount all mount points during shutdown04:46
Azazel-A2its in fstab right04:46
anonusrnope, I mount it manually, as necessary.04:46
chetnickSinger, you need to turn off and on mouse or bluetooth?04:46
Singerchetnick: I have to turn the mouse off and then on again04:46
Singerthen it works04:46
Azazel-A2add it as a manul mount in fstab then it will unmount when you shut down04:46
Azazel-A2if mounted04:47
chetnickSinger, hold up04:47
chubsanonusr, add noauto to the options04:47
zigzag2can someone tell me what the name of the codec to view real media video files is?  .rmvb04:47
anonusrwait, does automatic unmounting require fstab, or does it do it for everything? I ask because it wasn't the mount I was worried about as much as the losetup and cryptsetup steps.04:47
Azazel-A2I don't know answer, so safe bet is add it to fstab.  I'm sure on that one04:48
Azazel-A2plus less typing to mount it again!04:48
chetnickSinger, here is a good link where it says how to setup your mouse to start automatically when you startup. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-582186.html04:48
Azazel-A2mount /mountpoint/directry04:48
chubsanonusr, no reason not to add it to fstab, but i think everything is unmounted04:48
Singerchetnick: I've followed this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227057 (except without the keyboard part as I only have mouse)04:48
anonusrokay. does anyone know how to add a block file into fstab?04:49
Singeroka, let me try the last part about the adding to /etc04:49
Azazel-A2in unix filesystem is in userland, but linux filesystem in in kernel so it shoudl unmount when kernel goes down04:49
bravo7How i do a remote desktop04:49
bravo7in ubuntu04:49
bravo7can someone trig me the help of remote desktop04:50
Azazel-A2from a windows machine to ubuntu or ubuntu or mac to ubuntu?04:50
bravo7Azazel-A2 using windows machine to my home ubuntu04:50
Circschetnick: So did I bork it?04:50
zigzag2whats the codec for realmedia files04:50
chetnickCircs, what is bork? :P04:51
Circschetnick: Broken, except done by a newb :)04:51
Azazel-A2download xming for windows, free x server, download putty.exe ssh client.  putty -X username@remoteaddy and log in then you can run gui apps from command line on windows desktop04:51
=== fukox is now known as ughabugga
Azazel-A2its safe and ssl encrypted, plus only transmits changes not whole desktop04:52
fyrestrtrOR -- you could just enable remote desktop in Windows.04:52
anonusrokay, I think I found what I need online to add the stuff to fstab. thanks for the help Azazel-A2, and chubs04:52
Azazel-A2later guys..04:54
Azazel-A2stage right04:55
skylar_when I go to my dyndns page it is like going to my network gateway but I don't have password to modem from dyndns page as I do if I go directly to modems IP04:58
skylar_seems like this is almost working.  sound like a problem with ISP blocking?04:58
bobertdoszigzag2: I think w32codecs (in Medibuntu) handles realmedia, if I recall correctly.04:59
bobertdos!hello | aldana05:00
ubottualdana: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:00
tienhnHello. On a Lenovo laptop T61p with SATA AHCI controller. File copy at the speed of 20Mbytes/sec is this typical?05:03
bullgard4[Organizing bookmarks in Firefox 3] In what path does Firefox 3 store its bookmarks?05:06
pjotrbullgard4: ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/bookmarks.html05:07
bullgard4tienhn: I don't think so. Please do 'sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda' and tell me the results.05:08
tienhnbullgard4: Timing cached reads:   5970 MB in  1.99 seconds = 2992.72 MB/sec05:12
tienhn Timing buffered disk reads:  182 MB in  3.01 seconds =  60.40 MB/sec05:12
=== dirjenpajak is now known as b4b3
b4b3hey guys05:13
b4b3help me please05:13
skylar_is the dyndns nameserver the wan ip address or the destination in the host routing table, those are the only two possibilities I see for nameserver in resolv.conf.  Anyone know anything about this?05:13
b4b3how to set 2 gateway in ubuntu05:13
skylar_b4b3, what do you mean?05:13
skylar_b4b3, I have a wireless router behind a wired router, is that 2 gateways?05:14
b4b3i have 2 connection05:14
b4b31 > for intranet05:14
b4b32 > for internet05:14
b4b3there is 2 gateway05:14
skylar_on one computer?05:14
b4b3one card05:15
bullgard4tienhn: These 2 values are normal. So I believe that your  File copy at the speed of 20Mbytes/sec is obtained at special circumstances and might be all right at your special circumstances.05:15
skylar_so you want to enable sharing your connection through the second gateway?05:15
bullgard4pjotr: In my ~/.mozilla/firefox/k4xxxx.default/bookmarks.html there are no bookmarks. Rather, an introductory text to bookmark administration.05:16
Flannelbullgard4: I believe in FF3, everything is in the db now, including bookmarks05:17
bravo7Azazel are you there05:17
bravo7Someone told me too download xming for windows, free x server, download putty.exe ssh client.  putty -X username@remoteaddy and log in then you can run gui apps from command line on windows desktop.05:17
bravo7Where should i start05:17
tienhnbullgard4:  is there circumstance where the speed could be faster? I am copy one large 3Gbytes file from one folder onto another folder05:18
bullgard4Flannel: (I am new to Firefox.) What do you mean by 'the db' (= the database)? I have found a Firefox 3 window 'Library'. Do you mean this?05:19
skylar_https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing b4b3 I don't think it is that hard, have you seen this?05:19
bullgard4tienhn: Yes, I believe so. But I am no expert on this matter.05:20
cheekyif i have a router; do i need to set up iptables?05:20
Flannelbullgard4: as of FF3 (and the advent of the awesomebar), everything is kept in a database (which is accessed via SQL), I believe including the bookmarks.05:20
baberwhen i want installed ubuntu 8.4 don't ask me any pass for root but now when i want use root have to type pass what's pass?05:20
tienhnok, thanks05:21
hwilde!root | baber05:21
ubottubaber: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:22
skylar_apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName05:22
skylar_does anyone have this?05:22
skylar_I am getting It Works! from computers in the network, but not having it serve through the dyndns name..05:22
bullgard4Flannel: Ok. How to peek and poke into this database directly via SQL?05:23
skylar_bullgard4, SQL is a pretty in-depth topic05:23
pjotrbullgard4: I have mine there.... weird05:23
evilGUIis 70c after 45mins on a celeron m 1.6ghz bad?05:23
hwildebullgard4, is it mysql05:23
Flannelbullgard4: its sqlite, so you'd use SQL05:24
vocxcheeky, I believe not. A lot of people think that. That you need to harden your Linux firewall, even if they already have a router.05:24
Flannelhwilde: its not mysql05:24
hwildebut mysql is the bomb :)05:24
fyrestrtrevilGUI: that's quite cool.05:24
fyrestrtrhwilde: a very explosive bomb05:24
evilGUIlol it's jot as crap05:24
FlannelNutzebahn: Your sources look fine.  And, it looks to be a bug in something.  Let me take a look to see if there's a workaround05:25
bravo7How i setup putty05:25
FlannelNutzebahn: Let me know when you're around.  There appears to be a workaround here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cyrus-sasl2/+bug/19414005:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194140 in cyrus-sasl2 "Dependency cycle prevents upgrade of libsasl2-2" [Undecided,New]05:25
vsd what's a good firefox extension for saving sessions?05:25
bravo7Or setup remote desktop05:25
Kompuntuhey everyone!05:25
cheekyvocx: yeah man i was trying to figire out iptables and stuff .. but then i came across ..router= firewall ..so ..iam like in no mans land05:25
Kompuntuanyone knows if its possible to get all mouse buttons to work when using Synergy and sharing a mouse from another machine?05:26
WalkingAsteriskHmm, i had never had a problem with it Kompuntu05:26
bullgard4Flannel: Thank you for your information.05:26
Kompuntui can't get the back/forward buttons to work...05:26
vocxcheeky, I guess it's extra paranoia from Windows days. But in reality, Linux has no ports open by default, and if you have a router, that's already pretty good security.05:27
WalkingAsteriskYou mean the whell Kompuntu  ?05:27
Kompuntui'm very problem-free05:27
cheekydid anyone get an error .. when burning audiocds.. "you dont have permission to...." this keeps happening to me when i used brasero to burn05:27
Kompuntuthe wheel works fine05:27
Kompuntubut the side buttons don't05:27
vocx!enter | Kompuntu05:27
ubottuKompuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:27
Kompuntui use Razer Diamondback05:27
WalkingAsteriskKompuntu, is there a synergy channel you could try ?05:28
cheekyvox: yeah i was from windows... i have that paranoia .. coz this system is still new to me05:28
hwildecheeky, make backups.05:28
Kompuntuhmm...i'll look into that, thanks05:28
=== dmsuperman_ is now known as dmsuperman
WalkingAsteriskKompuntu, i would certainly help. But i am unsure why you are experiencing that problem05:28
bullgard4skylar_: I am using SQLite in Kexi. So I know this.05:29
acrouseyI've been using ubuntu for a few months now, and after playing around with the live CD for the alpha version of Intrepid, I get a thing that says "GRUB Loading stage 1.5.                       GRUB loading, please wait. . .          Error 22"05:29
hwildeKompuntu, have you used the mouse on both machines05:29
WalkingAsteriskError 22 eh05:29
cheekyhwilde: from wat i started to read .. and gain .. knowledge ..was as a security measure you could actually move your home directorey to a different partition ..which i thought was hella neat05:29
Kompuntuwell...i have two boxes: XP and Ubuntu Hardy. XP being the Synergy server. When i switch the kbd/mouse to Ubuntu - the side buttons on the mouse no longer work.05:29
acrouseywalking asterisk: do you know what error 22 is?05:29
KompuntuAnd on XP the mouse works fine, probably because the drivers are installed on XP...05:30
hwildeKompuntu, does the mouse work on both machines independently05:30
hwilde!fixgrub > acrousey05:30
ubottuacrousey, please see my private message05:30
Kompuntui haven't tried connecting the mouse to the ubuntu machine05:30
WalkingAsteriskim googling acrousey,05:30
Kompuntubut i did have an MS Explorer there05:30
Kompuntuand it worked fine, all the buttons worked05:31
acrouseyWalkingAsterisk: thanks!05:31
hwildeKompuntu, put the mouse on ubuntu.05:31
WalkingAsteriskacrousey,  are you still using a live cd or did you install ?05:31
hwildeacrousey, it means grub is pointing at the wrong partition, did you see the message from ubottu05:31
KompuntuOk, hang on, i'll try that. brb05:31
vocxacrousey, you should not ask questions about intrepid in this channel. Go to #ubuntu+1 for more support. Booting errors are common in unstable releases.05:31
acrouseyWalkingAsterisk: I decided not to install05:31
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!05:31
acrouseyvocx: I didn't install it05:32
WalkingAsteriskAre you running the latest live cd acrousey  ?05:32
acrouseyWalkingAsterisk: the cd isn't in the drive, I removed it so that I could get into 8.0405:32
WalkingAsteriskacrousey, if its a live cd you need the cd in the drive05:33
WalkingAsteriskit needs to read from the disc to run05:33
acrouseywalkingasterisk: I have 8.04 installed on the computer05:33
acrouseyi'm not on that computer now05:33
WalkingAsteriskso is it the 8.04 thats installed giving an error or the live cd ?05:33
acrouseyno live cd05:34
WalkingAsteriskbased on google. The grub config is borked. Its pointing to the wrong drive or not seeing a master. I really dont know how to springboard you though. Maybe someone else mite know.05:35
acrouseyi restarted the computer from the live cd... it then asks you to remove the cd and push enter... I did that... upon the reboot, i get the Error 2205:35
Nutzebahn_Flannel: I was disconnected, the last message I got was the one saying that you need to take a look for a workaround.05:35
WalkingAsteriskWhy do you need a live cd if you have ubuntu installed acrousey05:35
Monotokohiya guys05:35
FlannelNutzebahn: There appears to be a workaround here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cyrus-sasl2/+bug/19414005:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194140 in cyrus-sasl2 "Dependency cycle prevents upgrade of libsasl2-2" [Undecided,New]05:35
WalkingAsteriskit is the installed os thats giving the error ?05:36
acrouseywalkingasterisk: I wanted to see if there were any differences between 8.04 and the new alpha of 8.1005:36
acrouseywalkingasterisk: I guess05:36
Monotokoim having a few problems mounting my drives, i just get "unable to mount drives" whenever i try and access my drives05:36
WalkingAsteriskAgain its your grub config file. Its pointing to the wrong drive05:36
WalkingAsteriskIm unsure of how a live cd would make that happen though.05:36
WalkingAsteriskTry not putting the cd in at all and doing a clean reboot05:37
jthanI'm trying to reconfigure my fileserver, and It's going well up to this point, but when I plug in my external hard drive it auto-mounts it.  I want to unmount it, but it keeps saying "umount: /: device is busy" can someone please help me?05:37
Monotokohow do i fix that? (im running vista and ubuntu)05:37
acrouseysounds good05:37
acrouseysame live cd?05:37
WalkingAsteriskDont put any cd in05:37
WalkingAsteriskJust reboot with no cd and see if your installed OS boots.05:37
acrouseyi tried it about three times... same results05:38
WalkingAsteriskUnfortunately beyond that. I don't have the skill to aid you further. All i can suggest is google. If all else fails a clean install maybe.05:38
WalkingAsteriskIf there are things on the drive you dont want to loose. You mite be able to mount it in another computer and pull the data05:39
vocxacrousey, you can most probably edit the grub file with the live cd, you may have to check the UUID of the partition.05:39
vocxWalkingAsterisk, doing a reinstall seems a little excessive.05:40
vocx!uuid | acrousey05:40
ubottuacrousey: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:40
WalkingAsteriskIt would be vocx, I just ment that as a last resort if he cant fix it. Its better then a dead machine05:40
Monotokoguys, how do i mount my drives, as my C drive sint showing >.>05:40
Monotokowell, its showing05:40
acrouseyvocx: sound i'd just have to run that command from the a live CD?05:40
Monotokoi just get "unable to mount drive"05:40
linux_hello there05:41
acrouseyvocx *so i'd just have to run that comman from the shell in the live CD?05:41
linux_need help05:41
linux_would like to set up an ubuntu print server with lpd service05:42
vocxacrousey, the UUID appears in the file /etc/fstab, maybe when you ran the Live CD, the UUID changed, so now when you try to boot normally, grub doesn't find the correct disk because of it. Then you need to change the file.05:42
linux_is there a howto I can refer to?05:42
skylar_my dyndns name sends a browser in my network to the modem set-up page/screen/IP.  What do I need to do to get "It Works!"?05:43
linux_you see it's important that the other linux clients be able to find the printers within the network via queue names05:44
vocxacrousey, I would advice on reading "man fstab" for more information.  Also, grub sometimes throws errors because something happened to the drive. Try unplugging it, and plugging it back. Check the BIOS for changes. Seems odd that it would just stop working like that.05:44
skylar_for anywhere on the www....05:45
acrouseyvocx: yeah, that's what i was thinking05:45
WalkingAsterisklinux_, Google for ubuntu print server05:45
evilGUIanyone think liteon chargers a are cheaply made I've been through 3 this year...05:45
WalkingAsteriskThe word ubuntu in front of anything normally finds grea tutorials05:45
FlannelevilGUI: That'd be a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks.05:45
vocxacrousey, you may also reinstall grub with the aid of the live cd, or with supergrub disk. I would try this first. But you need to read on it, since I don't reinstall grub every day, I don't remember the exact commands off the top of my head.05:46
Nutzebahn_Flannel: No such file nor directory, when I try the dpkg -i thing.05:46
linux_walkingasterisk, tried that, too, there were a couple that I followed but I haven't been successful still05:46
vocx!grub | acrousey05:46
ubottuacrousey: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:46
linux_anywaty I'll try again  :)05:46
WalkingAsteriskTry googling for ubuntu cups server05:47
FlannelNutzebahn_: pastebin the output of ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/ (yes, it will be long)05:47
WalkingAsteriskI think thats whats used05:47
WalkingAsteriskcould be wrong though05:47
vocx!enter | WalkingAsterisk05:47
ubottuWalkingAsterisk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:47
FlannelNutzebahn_: ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives > ~/Desktop/temp.txt  will put it in a temp.txt file on your desktop05:48
bullgard4What is the path and filename of the database that keeps the bookmarks of Firefox 3?05:48
Prez00I am running Ubuntu 8.04 and when I started running custom kernel 2.6.26 + sometimes when I boot up I get a black screen instead of GDM login screen.  Even if I switch to text terminal, it is black, but machine is up, i can ssh to it and all seems to be working.  It is a thinkpaad with intel GM965/GL960 graphics card.  if i use the recovery menu option to boot and then just hit resume, it will always work ok into GDM, any ideas?05:48
Nutzebahn_Flannel: http://pastebin.com/d29b627ce05:49
Flannelbullgard4: ~/.mozilla/ something.  Youmight try asking in #firefox on irc.mozilla.org, or check the internets!05:49
=== Nutzebahn_ is now known as Nutzebahn
vocxPrez00, seems like a bug? what do you expect us to do? hack the kernel and fix it? right now?05:49
FAJALOUhi currently my computer has been freezing up really bad (i have to manually reboot)  can anyone think of any reasons why?05:49
linux_walkingasterisk, I followed this, HOWTO: Setup A Headless Ubunutu CUPS Print-Server05:49
linux_it worked, but it's not exactly what I need05:50
FlannelNutzebahn: that's only from m on.  pipe it to a textfile, then grab it from there05:50
Prez00vocx: Nope, just wondering if anyone had seen anything like this.. maybe it is a timing thing, as it always works right when i go to recovery menu first05:50
fyrestrtrFAJALOU: bad power, failing memory, dust, heat, the phase of the moon, your cat rubbing up against it.05:50
WalkingAsterisklinux_,  What do you need that it does not do ?05:50
vocxFAJALOU, PC or laptop? Enough memory? Run a memory check when you boot grub.05:50
NutzebahnHow do I pipe it to a text file?05:50
linux_well, I need to be able to configure LPD for my printserver05:50
chickenhaving an issue using a custom modeline in hardy. seems xorg keeps using auto detect and i can't use the proper modeline for my plasma. any way to dump the auto-detect?05:51
FAJALOUfyrestrtr:  ya i thought of all these things.  no cat an no moon this week ;)  the power stays on,   and i have 1 gb of memory (which is almost never full)  it's an old computer05:51
WalkingAsteriskMan this place is busy. I havent seen anything like it05:51
linux_because the application that runs on the clients look for printer queue names05:51
fyrestrtrFAJALOU: power, heat, failing components.05:51
FAJALOUi am lookking in syslog, but nothing that I can see......05:51
vocxFAJALOU, it doesn't matter if you have 1 GB memory, if it is faulty memory it won't work, so run a memtest05:52
FAJALOUthe power stays on so i am ruling out power b/c it stays on even after 'crash'05:52
FAJALOUvocx; how long will mem test take normally?05:52
WalkingAsterisklinux_, Im not sure what to suggest man05:52
FAJALOUand if it crashes that bad will something normally show up in syslog?05:52
fyrestrtrFAJALOU: I mean there is power failure IN your computer.05:52
fyrestrtrFAJALOU: not on a system halt.05:53
linux_it's okay, just hoping someone here could help me out :)05:53
fyrestrtrFAJALOU: boot from the livecd and run the memcheck05:53
vocxFAJALOU, 30 min max. I had a very old PC and it took like 1 hour to run the memtest.05:53
FAJALOUi've also noticed that my wifi, when it crashes, does one flash long, then long flash over and over.... i have two wifi's plugged in,, only one running, the other one disabled.05:53
FAJALOUi also run compiz with a pci nvidia card?05:53
jim_plinux_: mind you repeat your question?05:53
linux_thanks jim_p05:54
linux_I am wondering how to configure an ubuntu printserver with lpd service05:54
Kompuntuoh well, that didn't work :-(05:54
chickendoes anyone know how to stop xorg from doing any auto-config and simply use an xorg.conf file in hardy?05:54
* EvolutionXtinct is needing help w/ 8.04 LTS and Adaptec 2410SA :( ANyone have any good links to things about adaptec05:54
NutzebahnFlannel: http://pastebin.com/d2592f87205:54
linux_becauset there is an application in the linux clients that have to print via pinter queue names05:55
jim_plinux_: let me search05:55
FAJALOUchicken; copy and paste your working xorg to xorg.conf, then restart x?05:55
linux_thanks jim_p05:55
chickenfor some reason not working. log shows it sees my deivce then auto detects a device and monitor and loads05:55
chickennever uses my modeline05:56
bullgard4Flannel: I find it difficult to subscribe my Irssi to yet another IRC network. Otherwise I would be glad to discuss in #firefox. (It is also rare to get help in #irssi: Answers yes, but help rarely.)05:56
FlannelNutzebahn: Oh, the bug report solution has a typo.  Try this instead: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/libsasl2*05:56
Flannelbullgard4: you want /connect [server] (/server [server] disconnects you from this one)05:57
Flannelbullgard4: then in your status window, you can use ctrl-x to switch between them (to specify which server to join channels on)05:57
NutzebahnFlannel: Successfully installed libsasl.. :)05:58
skylar_Trying  telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused        Anyone got an idea?05:58
NutzebahnFlannel: WHat now?05:58
iFvwmbullgard4: better way is use opera05:58
Flannelbullgard4: But, as for the helpfulness of #firefox, I'm not sure.  But google should help (and trying .db files in your firefox profile ought to be short too, there can't be too many)05:58
FlannelNutzebahn: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:58
FlannelNutzebahn: theoretically, that'll work (so says the bugreport)05:59
NutzebahnFlannel: Do you think it will take more hours? I don't have hours.05:59
jigphello how to install a dock panel icon in the desktop ubuntu 8.04? thanks05:59
FlannelNutzebahn: It shouldn't need to download anything.06:00
fyrestrtryou want to create a new icon on the desktop?06:00
FlanneliFvwm: When helping, be helpful.  Thanks.06:00
RickZillaA little bit of a learning curve to this Linux, but so far ubuntu is rocking my face off06:00
vocxskylar_, I'm under the impression you can't telnet to localhost, can you?06:01
azwillnjis anyone there?06:01
=== richard is now known as Guest83520
Guest83520nickserv richard06:01
skylar_vocx, that is right06:01
bullgard4Flannel: Thank you for your valuable information. I need now some time to digest it.06:02
Kompuntuhey guys! quick question: i mounted a second HDD and now there's an icon on Desktop : 40GB Media06:02
azwillnjim a super linux noob and i need to install my schools vpn client so i can connect to the wireless network tomorrow06:02
Kompuntuhow do i get rid of it and why is it there?06:02
RickZillaazwillnj:  I think everybody left for the evening.06:02
azwillnjcan someone help me please06:02
skylar_I haven't changed that much from default, just trying to get a dyndns up06:02
jigpfyrestrtr : like a dock icons that can be found in the bottom of the desktop...how to do it?i.e when you open mozilla it will display in the dock bottom...06:02
jim_pKompuntu: kde or gnome?06:02
iFvwmbullgard4: an embeded irc client within opera. it's very simple to use. irssi is not so pleasure to use.06:02
Guest83520i need to know one thing how do i configure in a seperate build directory?06:02
jim_pKompuntu: if on gnome, there is a setting in gconf-editor06:02
EvolutionXtinctdoes anyone have experience getting adaptec performance up????? Currently transfers are taking forevero06:02
vocxEvolutionXtinct, what's adaptec?06:03
fyrestrtrjigp: add the active window list panel dock item to the panel at the bottom.06:03
EvolutionXtinctadaptec is RAID hardware06:03
* EvolutionXtinct sighs.....06:03
vocxazwillnj, nobody is going to setup your vpn for you, no matter if you are in a hurry, not our fault06:03
iFvwmbullgard4: if you need perl script, then use irssi is good idea.06:03
NutzebahnI am upgrading now, Flannel.06:03
EvolutionXtinctNo one knows anything about performance right now :(06:03
jim_pKompuntu: open up gconf-editor and go to06:03
vocxEvolutionXtinct, I just love when people think other people should know everything you are talking about06:04
NutzebahnThank you. :)06:04
bullgard4iFvwm: I believe, it is much a matter of preference if one uses Opera or not. I like Irssi's small footprint. I dislike that there is no comprehensive User manual for Irssi.06:04
Kompuntualready there, what am i looking for? VM?06:04
EvolutionXtincti would hopefully think atleast 1 person otuta 100 would know06:04
jigpfyrestrtr : yes but how to remove the duplicated session? when i open mozilla, i have 1 mozilla icon in dock and i have also 1 icon in the left bar... :(06:05
jim_pKompuntu: go to apps > nautilus > desktop and uncheck the "volumes_visible" setting06:05
EvolutionXtinctplus adaptec is something atleast people in the IT industry should know.06:05
J-nEvolutionXtinct: yeah but you've only given those people 2 min to respond to your questions. i see about 1200 users.. but most are probally afk.. only see about 20 actively talking.06:05
azwillnjvocx: thanks for the help06:05
iFvwmhttp://scripts.irssi.org/ can make your irssi powerful. bullgard406:06
MaplerIs it possible to edit crontab over an FTP connection?06:06
Guest83520i need to know one thing how do i configure in a seperate build directory?06:06
EvolutionXtinctJ- i know :P i've periodically asked the past week :)06:06
vocxGuest83520, configure what? what build?06:06
Kompuntugot it, do i need to log out and come back?06:06
J-nEvolutionXtinct: K :) Wish i could help ya :(06:07
jim_pKompuntu: i thing the change is instant06:07
Kompuntuhmm...the icon is still there...06:07
EvolutionXtinctits ok google doesn't know much people reference certain aacraid modules but no one talks about how to implement it06:07
Guest83520glibc 2.7 when i run the configure script it say i need to configure in a seperate build directory06:07
jim_pKompuntu: :| try unmounting and remounting it06:08
vocxGuest83520, why do you want to install glib 2.7?06:08
Guest83520glibc 2.7 is required for fakeroot which is required for qt-x11 which after all that i can fianlly compile and install smplayer-0.6.206:10
FlannelNutzebahn: Let me know if it works06:10
iFvwmsmplayer need compiled?06:10
NutzebahnI will.06:10
Guest83520running ubuntu 5.10 so yes06:10
Flannelbullgard4: Theres plenty of information out there for irssi.  #ubuntu-offtopic is generally a good place to ask06:11
FlannelGuest83520: You need to upgrade.06:11
Guest83520they only have .deb for ubuntu 7.0406:11
bullgard4Flannel: OK.06:11
Guest83520minimum requirements are too high06:11
FlannelGuest83520: 5.10 is no longer support (and hasn't been for over a year), you should upgrade to 6.06. and then consider upgrading straight from 6.06 to 8.0406:11
Guest83520my machine only has 266mhz processor and 128mb memory06:12
iFvwmFlannel: 6.06 can directlly upgrade to 8.04?06:12
FlanneliFvwm: LTS to LTS, yes.06:12
Kompuntunope, same story, as soon as i mount it - its back on the desktop...06:12
jim_piFvwm: i think its already packed to a .deb06:12
FlannelGuest83520: You should think about xubuntu then.  But 6.06 should be fine with Ubuntu for your machine.06:12
crd1bGuest83520: so use Xubuntu; the system requirements of ubuntu have not changed dramatically between 5.10 and 8.0406:12
vocxGuest83520, but you don't even need glib 2.7, you can use 2.6 or a previous version, right?06:13
Flannelcrd1b: Between breezy and hardy, yes they have.06:13
bullgard4iFvwm: I will visit ~/.mozilla/firefox/[profile]/bookmarks.html occasionally. Thank you for your information.06:13
Guest83520i just used the first one i found06:13
Aaron_Maso1hey all, trying to use CUPS to do network printing, and I've set up a socket on the main IP address, but when I try to access the printer info, I get a message saying I don't have access... it06:13
Aaron_Maso1its the PDF printer06:13
Aaron_Maso1ubuntu 8.0406:13
iFvwmbullgard4: :D06:14
jim_pKompuntu: do your other partitions appear on the desktop?06:14
FlannelGuest83520: regardless of that package, you really do need to upgrade to 6.06.  You've got a number of vulnerabilities that will never be patched06:14
Kompuntunope, just this one...i found a second drive, plugged it in, created an ext3 partition, formatted and mounted06:14
FlannelGuest83520: 6.06 will give you about eight months to figure out what you're going to do from there.06:15
Kompuntuanything wrong?06:15
num1I have a problem with samba, I keep getting a "session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)" error message when I run "smbclient -L" and various other errors if I try mounting, etc.06:15
shishioanyone can help me, i got an error in installing teamspeak it says "Error, Either an old instance of teamspeak is still running, or06:15
shishio       an other application is using the tcpquery port!06:15
shishioError, Server was not started!"06:15
crd1bFlannel: I can't imagine why06:15
jim_pKompuntu: i dont think so06:15
vocxGuest83520, and why do you even want to have smplayer for your old PC, are you going to run movies in that hardware?06:15
num1nautilus mounts it perfectly, but I need it to auto mount a samba share at boot up and I can't get anything to work.06:16
Flannelcrd1b: well, bare minimum no, but recommended have gone up considerably.06:16
crd1bFlannel: well sure, but you can turn off compiz :P  If anything gnome has gotten lighter06:16
Flannelcrd1b: but I wouldn't wish anyone to use full blown Ubuntu (even without eyecandy) on bare miniumum.06:16
shishioanyone can help me, i got an error in installing teamspeak it says "Error, Either an old instance of teamspeak is still running, or06:17
Flannelcrd1b: Not from dapper, no.  Dapper's pretty light06:17
shishioError, Server was not started!"06:17
=== Kabaka is now known as Kabaka[A]
Guest83520i have an hdd that a lot of shows on it in various different formats and i heard smplayer is the closest thing to communit codec pack out there06:17
Flannelcrd1b: However, he says he has a 266MHz, and bare reqs are now 300MHz06:17
Guest83520community codec pack is for widnows only06:18
iFvwmGuest83520: mplayer is enough. if you also install w32codecs package.06:18
vocx!info smplayer | Guest8352006:18
crd1bFlannel: the requirements don't really mean much, but certainly he should be using something lighter than gnome (or perhaps even lighter than xfce)06:18
ubottuguest83520: smplayer (source: smplayer): complete front-end for MPlayer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.0~rc2-1 (hardy), package size 751 kB, installed size 1768 kB06:18
vocx!info mplayer | Guest8352006:18
ubottuguest83520: mplayer (source: mplayer): The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13 (hardy), package size 4244 kB, installed size 9892 kB06:18
ledenbyi think ubuntu is 2 much of a resource hog06:19
vocxGuest83520, smplayer is juts a frontend, what you want in the mplayer program06:19
J-nledenby: what do you prefer?06:19
Guest83520okay thank you for clearing up the confusion there.06:19
ledenbyi prefer a lighter version of linux06:20
shishiocan anyone help me in installing teamspeak? i got an error :S06:20
J-nledenby:  Which distro do you use then? :)06:20
iFvwmledenby: fvwm/xfce/awesome/ion/fluxbox06:20
ledenbyi'm on ubuntu rite now but i really like puppylinux....it's a lot faster06:21
iFvwmjust install an lighten wm. ledenby06:21
num1can anyone here help me with troubleshooting samba?06:22
LSD|Ninjanum1: what trouble are you having?06:23
kaiwenHi guys, I need help, my gdm and kdm have the wrong resolution for my monitor, and configuring the xorg.conf in /etc/X11 doesn't do anything, even by setting the correct modeline06:23
kaiwenThe desktop itself is the correct resolution, just the gdm and kdm isn't06:24
LSD|Ninjakaiwen: wrong resolution? too big, too small, resolution right but gdm to boog?06:24
ramiel77what's the repository with dvd read?06:24
LSD|Ninjatoo big*06:24
kaiwenLSD|Ninja stretched i need 1280x1024 but I get like 1280x76806:24
iFvwmkaiwen: delete all resolution higher than your want.06:24
iFvwmin xorg.conf06:24
kaiweniFvwm they are06:25
LSD|Ninjadelete and virtual lines too06:25
num1LSD|Ninja: I want to set up a backup to a drive mounted on a window computer, since I want this to be automatic preferably it'll automount on boot. But whenever I try to mount, or evn use smbclient I get errors. While I know the server's working because I can use it through nautilus.06:25
iFvwmdel 1280 lines06:25
kaiweniFvwm They originally didn't have them06:25
LSD|Ninjanum1: what's the error you get?06:25
LSD|Ninjabbiab, update just finished06:25
iFvwmkaiwen: you can add yourself06:25
kaiweniFvwm, that's what I did, but still the same problem06:25
capitoli have a slight problem, "hostname -f" only displays my machines name, and not the fqdn, do anyone know how to fix this?06:26
ramiel77what is the ubuntu multimedia repository?06:26
Aaron_Maso1capitol: did you set a fqdn?06:26
iFvwmkaiwen: if here some higher resolution in xorg.conf? or paste your xorg.conf06:26
kaiweniFvwm, the other computer doesn't have internet access, but let me try one thing and i'll get back to you.06:27
num1LSD|Ninja: in smbclient I get "tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME" or "session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)" when I run either "smbclient "//" -U tina" or "smbclient -L "//" -U tina" respectively. being the ip address of the server06:27
capitolAaron_Maso1: i have a domain set in /etc/resolv.conf and a hostname in /etc/hostname06:27
num1LSD|Ninja: when I try to mount with "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=tina "//" /mnt/backup" I get "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //"06:28
erichammondcapitol: What is the order line in your /etc/host.conf ?06:28
SingerI give up on unbuto06:28
capitolerichammond: order hosts,bind06:28
jkumy inbuild webcam doesn't work anymore, is it possible that it doesn't work with the newest v4l-drivers but it does work with those ones that come with ubuntu cd. I compiled new v4l-drivers to get my dvb-stick working.06:28
Singernow I get an wierd error message when I try to scan for my bluetooth mouse06:28
Singer"can't create hid interrupt channel: connection refused"06:29
Singergoogle isn't much help and I'm stuck06:29
num1Singer: was your mouse already connected to another computer, or does it require a key to use?06:29
kaiweniFvwm, the new intel driver was the problem06:30
erichammondcapitol: You can set the fqdn in /etc/hosts06:30
kaiweniFvwm, i switch to i810 driver.06:30
kaiweniFvwm, now everything is pretty again :D06:30
capitolerichammond: ok, thanks06:30
Singernum1: it was, but I put it in pairing mode.. I did a hcitool scan and then hidd --connect [MAC]06:30
erichammondcapitol: After the IP address, it should be the first name followed by other aliases06:30
kaiweniFvwm thanks ;)06:30
Singerno key reqired06:30
kaiwenby guys.. I'm gonna play w/ my pretty desktop06:31
capitolerichammond: works, thanks06:31
num1Singer: then I don't know anything else that might be a problem, sorry06:31
=== nostferka^ is now known as nostferka
anom01yanyone here use tovid ?06:32
num1LSD|Ninja: so what do you think? I just figured out nautilus doesn't work either, it mounts but attempting to move any files results in a  "permission denied" dialog box.06:33
Singernum1: I got it to work.. but it didn't make sense..06:33
Singernum1: I took the battery out, waited 10s, put it back in, and put it back on pairing and now it works again06:33
Jordan_UAre there .debs available for vlc 9.2 ?06:34
num1Singer: huh, I hate unreproducable bugs, they're nightmares to solve.06:34
num1Singer: but at least it's working now ;)06:34
Singerit took me 2 days to figure out that avahi = bonjour06:35
iFvwmJordan_U: perhaps compile from svn.06:35
Singerthat was painful06:35
Singeror avahi worked similar enough to bonjour that it was bad06:35
Jordan_UiFvwm: It's stable, I would think there was a .deb somewhere06:35
iFvwmno idea. Jordan_U you can goto www.getdeb.com to find it. good luck.06:36
=== Kartagis_ is now known as Kartagis
Jordan_UiFvwm: Not there06:36
ledenbyiFvwm:  how do i install awesome/fluxbox?  is it in synaptic packages??06:36
iFvwmso ....06:36
shishiohi guys i got a newbie question ^^, how can i kill this process " /usr/lib/teamspeak-server/teamspeak-server.real -ini=/etc/te"? i used pos aux06:37
iFvwmledenby: yes. but before install, you may take a shot on those wm.06:37
anom01yhi, I installed the tovid package, and I noticed it is not working because a critical program dependency is missing. The name of that program is makedvd, and I am not sure what package that is included with06:37
iFvwmawesome is tiling wm.06:37
anom01yI also noticed that growisofs is not in the repositories..06:37
anom01y does anyone here use tovid ? and if so, how did you get it working ?06:37
iFvwmis not so easy to use. ledenby06:37
iFvwmxfce is more easy. ledenby06:37
iFvwmand faster06:37
ledenbyi'll look for xfce too....tnx06:38
Singervpnc is an package!06:38
num1that's odd, findsmb returns an empty list06:38
shishiohi guys i got a newbie question ^^, how can i kill this process " /usr/lib/teamspeak-server/teamspeak-server.real -ini=/etc/te"? i used pos aux06:38
Jordan_Uanom01y: growisofs is in the repos06:38
anom01yhmm I don't see it in mine06:38
anom01yyeah it is not there..06:39
sfer3You sure you have the right repos?06:39
Jordan_Uanom01y: dvd+rw-tools06:39
sfer3Could anyone help me with my problem here?06:40
Jordan_Uanom01y: The package name is not always the same as the command ( many packages contain multiple commands ), to find a package to go along with a command either try running the command and Ubuntu's command not found magic should tell you what to install or use "apt-file search <command>"06:41
num1shishio: run pa -aux to find the process number of the process, then run kill -kill [process number]06:41
BimmerBoyPlease tell me where is yast in ubuntu? If no Yast what is the ubuntu proggy06:41
shishionum1,  ty ill try now06:41
iFvwmsfer3: perhaps you lauched some QT software. and which occupied your sound card?06:42
shishionum1,  ty it works06:42
num1shishio: no problem06:42
sfer3iFvwm: Nope, not any software I launched... have restarted several times.06:42
anom01yJordan_U: I had that makedvd+rtools package installed, and, apt-file search give me command not found06:43
iFvwmor you had upgraded kernel? sfer306:43
FlannelBimmerBoy: YaST isn't in Ubuntu06:43
anom01yJordan_U: nm I got apt-file now duhhh06:43
BimmerBoyno Yast? I changed display drivers and cant boot properly. gives me the tty everytime.06:44
BimmerBoyHow do I change display settings then if there is no setup program  ?06:44
iFvwmBimmerBoy: nvidia' card?06:44
iFvwmati? intel?06:45
BimmerBoyintel 915 laptop HP nx611006:45
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh06:45
tyler_how do i remote another compputer?06:46
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: Sorry, that should be "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"06:46
iFvwmtyler_: vnc/ssh06:46
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: You can also accomplish the same thing by booting into "recovery mode" and choosing fix X06:47
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BimmerBoybooting into recovery - howto please?06:48
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:48
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:49
negativeradIs there a program for linux that does this? http://mion.faireal.net/BES/06:49
BimmerBoyOk gotit  - jusst hit esc - simple06:49
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: When you see "GRUB" at boot hit escape, choose the "recovery mode" option ( you will also be given the option to boot into any older kernels you still have installed, choose the first recovery mode option )06:50
BimmerBoyOK, I got the prompt. Now what?06:50
sfer3iFvwm: Yes, I think it was after I updated something with the kernel...06:51
sfer3(sorry about such a delayed reply)06:51
J-nnegativerad: which features spesifically are you looking for?06:51
chiprhow do i reconfigure X server for my hardware?  i ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org but it gives a failsafe config that does vesa 800x60006:52
ushimitsudoki1negativerad: have you already looked at 'renice' and 'cpulimit'?06:52
iFvwmsfer3: sometimes when kernel upgraded, would bring hardware problem. uname -r. show your kernel version plz.06:52
negativeradushimitsudoki1... cpulimit for each process06:52
Jordan_Uchipr: What GPU ?06:52
sfer3uname -r results: 2.6.24-19-generic06:53
BimmerBoyrecovery mode takes me to the cmd prompt. It now expects some kind of input. Why is there a pain with display settings? Everytime I try to change it I end up at the cmd prompt.06:53
iFvwmsfer3: so find if  linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-generic has been installed.06:54
ushimitsudoki1negativerad: cpulimit lets you target a pid i'm not sure what more you need06:54
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negativeradushimitsudoki... oh so there is something on linux called cpulimit ?06:54
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: What version of Ubuntu are you using? It shouldn't take you to a command prompt in hardy IIRC. Either way, while you are there try running "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"06:55
ushimitsudokinegativerad: yes. please check out 'renice' and 'cpulimit'. One or the other may do what you need06:55
sfer3iFvwm: linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-generic is not installed, should I install it?06:55
iFvwmsfer3: yes06:55
negativeradushimitsudoki... thanks !06:55
Jordan_Usfer3: You should install the package "linux" that way your kernel and restricted modules will automatically stay up-to-date06:56
BimmerBoyHi Jordan_U. I tried your command, but it did not fix this. After a reboot I still hang up at the 'Running local boot scripts )/etc/rc.local).06:56
Jordan_UBimmerBoy: It may not be a graphics problem then06:57
Jordan_Uchipr: Have you tried System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers ?06:57
orificewhat happens when you write an MBR from a drive to a larger drive directly (i.e. with dd)06:57
Remorse_I'll think about it06:58
BimmerBoyfrom cmd? thats all I have now06:58
orificewill the partitions be created and leave left over free space ?06:58
sfer3Installed - should I restart?06:58
sfer3I will.06:58
BimmerBoyI will try to goto recovery mode choosing an even earlier version: Ubuntu 7.10 kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recvery mode)06:59
schnooworkanyone know of a good program on ubuntu to view .flv files ?06:59
Seveasorifice, iirc yes06:59
Seveasschnoowork, mplayer06:59
jim_pschnoowork: mplayer +some frontend07:00
comicinkerschnoowork: vlc media player07:00
iFvwmbrower with plugin also do it. schnoowork07:00
BimmerBoyTakes me straight to the cmd prompt...07:00
iFvwmBimmerBoy: kaiwen use intel' card. you can ask him.07:02
BimmerBoyI tried your command again. Tells me it is over writing the custom config. I think this may work - let's reboot07:02
iFvwmsimplly delete xorg.conf. maybe more easy07:03
BimmerBoyThanks all, I have to leave now. I will have to return later to wrap it up - i am late...07:03
sfer3Problem solved - thanks iFvwm!07:05
BimmerBoyHey Jordan_U, your command worked 2nd time round! I typed lime my #$ss. Thanks I got it back.07:06
BimmerBoylime =like07:07
the_zemohello, is it ok to ask questions about ubuntu in here?07:07
Seveasthe_zemo, of course :)07:07
J-n!ask | the_zemo07:07
ubottuthe_zemo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:07
malcolm_hey i got a question07:08
the_zemook, sounds good. I am downloading ubuntu 8.04 i386 and I want to know how is the flash player working on it? I used it before and was unable to view youtube videos in full screen. Is it still the same?07:09
J-n!ask > malcolm_07:09
malcolm_flash player works fine07:09
ubottumalcolm_, please see my private message07:09
malcolm_yea i read your message07:09
malcolm_ill try fit it in one line07:09
UbubeginI have a password for a sudo user... So i typed sudo -s.. But the console says " John is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." .. So shld i use someother sudo command07:10
sfer3sudo su for the superuser?07:10
roflno sudo su for the soup user07:10
malcolm_i have installed lamp , in a directory /opt/ when i save a file it saves to /home/malcolm/ how do isave it to /opt/lamp/07:10
iFvwmUbubegin: add yourself to admin group07:10
haelenHi. How do I "unblacklist) something (i.e. my sound card) after blacklisting it?07:11
cosmoI am fairly new to ubuntu and clueless when it comes to setting up Samba so that the windows xp machines on my home network can share files back and forth, anyone have a guide or willing to walk me through it? I tried using GSAMBAD but I think I might have just made things worse07:11
J-nthe_zemo you do have to install the non-free flash player and the plugin for firefox, if i recall.. but i can watch youtube in fullscreen np07:11
pendo you have any favorite to-do programs?07:11
UbubeginiFvwm: my colleague just told me to type "su" .. and it works... :D07:12
penhave anyone here know any to-do programs for ubuntu?07:12
the_zemoJ-n: how do I know which is the non-free flash player?07:12
iFvwmUbubegin: of course, su also can do it07:13
thenetduckI was wondering if anyone here has experience with a ThinkPad? I get clicking from my hard drive is that normal?07:13
Flannelsu won't work on Ubuntu, because there's no root password.  Use sudo instead.07:13
malcolm_has anyone beaten the pc in four in a row ?07:13
J-n!flash | the_zemo07:13
ubottuthe_zemo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:13
FlannelUbubegin: did you mess up your groups on that user/07:13
iFvwmsudo su07:13
J-nthat should talk ya through it pretty well :)07:13
penhave anyone here know any to-do programs for ubuntu?07:14
the_zemothanks to all who commented. I really appreciate it. I find using the IRC better than the forums.07:14
FlanneliFvwm: No.07:14
iFvwmgtodo? pen07:14
waanUbubegin, you can use "sudo su"07:14
iFvwmFlannel: ?07:14
FlannelUse sudo -i instead.07:14
Flannelor sudo -s, depending on what you're looking for.07:15
iFvwmi like echo xxx|sudo -s. :D07:15
Ububeginwaan: so many sudo commands.. so whats the difference.07:15
peniFvwm, ?07:15
peniFvwm, is that really for ubuntu?07:15
FlanneliFvwm: please don't give out bad information in this channel.07:15
waanUbubegin, sudo uses root, su just uses elevated priviliges07:15
Flannelwaan: No, that's backwards.07:15
thenetduckcan anyone help me understand what's going on with my hard drive?07:15
iFvwmpen: you can search software by excute aptitude search ~dtodo07:15
waanFlannel, Ububegin  ohh my bad07:15
peniFvwm, ~dtodo??07:16
peniFvwm, why ~d07:16
iFvwmFlannel: bad infor?07:16
iFvwm~d is search in descript07:16
peniFvwm, k thx07:17
waanUbubegin, the other way around07:17
Ububeginwaan: huh... :S ... i think i just stick to su...07:18
FlannelUbubegin: no, stick with sudo.07:18
malcolm_what does changing the home folder within managing users do ?07:18
J-nububegin - better just use sudo it's safest and probally all you'll need.07:18
waanUbubegin, sudo is safer07:19
chubsit's not like su will kill him07:19
thenetduckis it normal for my hard drive to make clicking sounds?07:19
sfer3malcom_: Change the user's home folder location07:19
waanchubs, it might..07:19
u-haulthenetduck: I don't know about yours, but mine doesn't click normally.07:19
UbubeginFlannel: but sudo -s... alone .. doesnt let me enter the password07:19
J-nthenetduck depends... does it usually do it? ;) ... to me that sounds like a bad thing, but it could be that your drive is just noisy?07:19
Flannelchubs: this channel, and many other Ubuntu resources, assume you have the root account locked.  We don't support enablingthe root account.07:19
FlannelUbubegin: What?07:19
malcolm_how do i grant my self access to change files not within my home folder ? like /file/07:20
J-nububegin  do "sudo -s thingyouwannado"07:20
FlannelNo.  sudo -s is like sudo -i07:20
sfer3malcom_: sudo chmod 0777 (directory)07:20
sfer3From terminal07:21
FlannelIt gives you a shell.  If oyu wnat to do a single command, sudo [command]07:21
Flannelsfer3, malcolm_: no, DO NOT do that.07:21
J-nmy mistake07:21
chubsdon't forget your -r for recursiveness07:21
sfer3I suppose all I do is pretty insecure...07:21
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.07:21
chubsand don't do that on /07:21
Flanneler, dag nabbit07:21
Flannelwrong one.  Anyway, *dont* chmod, use sudo.07:21
sfer3But he said he wants to grant himself access? I thought he meant more than just a one-off.07:22
FlannelSorry sorry, everyone whos wondering what that factoid is for, its just me being stupid.07:22
Flannelsfer3: that would be done through other means, and likely should *not* be done on a permanent basis to begin with.07:22
sfer3Flannel: Just out of interest, what should I use instead?07:23
thenetduckJ-n, well it's a new ThinkPad and I didn't think it was noisy, but I installed ubuntu and I and worried if it has something to do with improper heads being loaded/unloaded. See this bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/5969507:23
iFvwmmaybe all newbie would use gui instead it. :D07:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59695 in dell "High frequency of load/unload cycles on some hard disks may shorten lifetime" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:24
chubsIt's still good to know. malcolm_  there are certain situations where chmod and chown (change owner) are appropriate, but in most cases shouldn't be used on files outside of your home directory07:24
Flannelsfer3: If it really is on a permanent basis (which it likely isn't), it depends on what you're doing, but you'd likely set the groupto somethign appropriate, and add yourself to said group.07:24
iFvwminstall nautilus-sudo script.07:24
malcolm_so whats the solution ?07:24
Flannelmalcolm_: What file is it? Why do you need to access it?07:24
chubsmalcolm_, sudo gedit file if it's a text file. or whatever program you need. It depends alot on where and what the file(s) is07:25
malcolm_im doing web development and everytime i want to save a file i have to logon as root , copy to the directory and then reload ?07:25
Flannelmalcolm_: so, this is inside /var/www07:25
malcolm_it gets a bit much after a while07:25
chubsmalcolm_, you should probably set up a separate user for a webserver07:25
malcolm_no i installam lamp in its own directory07:25
Flannelmalcolm_: Why'd you do that?07:25
kohvHi. I'm looking for help for creating an Intrepid boot USB stick, where should I go with that?07:25
malcolm_didnt know any better07:25
Flannelchubs: www-data already is set up.07:25
Ububeginhi folks, i have used sftp to login to a remote server via the nautilus windows.. but i said save the password forever.. how can i logout from the sftp07:26
chubsmalcolm_, you should probably use www-data :)07:26
Flannelkohv: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support07:26
Flannelchubs: No, that's still not the solution.07:26
skiquelhi, I'm trying to permanently change the time on my ubuntu server but it keeps changing on reset, is there a tutorial you can point me to?07:26
iFvwmmalcolm_: you also can sudo ln -s ~/log/xxx /var/www/xxx07:26
kohvThanks, Flannel :)07:26
chubsFlannel, and why not?07:26
Flannelchubs: use the www-data group, not the user.  Wait and see.07:26
iFvwmmalcolm_: add to www group07:27
rkviraniWhat is a good reliable dynamic dns service out there?07:27
J-nthenetduck did ya read all the way down on that page you sent me, it looks like maybe people have posted some solutions?07:27
iFvwmwww-data group07:27
chubsjust adding yourself to a group is strange for a webserver, but i guess it doesn't matter07:28
malcolm_iFVwm: is thta as a user ?07:28
iFvwmwww-data ←07:28
Flannelmalcolm_: Alright, first, you'll want to use apache (and the rest of LAMP if you need it) from the repos.  Then, your stuff will go in /var/www by default, which is a reasonable enough place for it.  you'll want to add yourself to the www-data group (adduser username www-data) and then make it so /var/www is writable by group (chmod g+w /var/www)07:28
rkviraniany ideas?07:29
Flannelrkvirani: I've never had problems with dyndns07:29
rkviraniFlannel: cool thanks07:29
Flannelskiquel: What is it changing to? what timezone are you in?07:29
Flannelmalcolm_: Also, if this is just for hosting stuff from you, you can make use of userdir, which allows stuff in ~/public_html to be visible at host/~username/07:30
iFvwmsomeone type is so faster...07:30
cheekyhey does any one have a script to clear .. your current iptables settings ?07:30
naughtykid001hi, can I have users which sharing the same home directory???07:31
skiquelcentral, I think I may have found something, is it about setting up a symbolic link to /etc/localtime... and central07:31
Flannelnaughtykid001: What are you hoping to accomplish?07:31
sfer3naughtykid001: Probably, set it in users/groups - but you may have some sort of conflict with programs. Why do you need to do this?07:32
thenetduckJ-n thanks07:32
negativeBhow to open in wine drive c?07:32
J-nthenetduck np :)07:32
sfer3negativeB: it should be in your home folder07:32
FlannelnegativeB: ~/.wine/drive_c/07:32
sfer3Under .wine07:32
negativeBI mounted it on /mnt/drive_c07:32
naughtykid001Flannel: I'm hoping to create users who shared one directory as their home directories instead of each one of them having their own.07:33
negativeBI can open in from /mnt/drive_c07:33
negativeBbut not from wine menu07:33
UbubeginAnyone uses sftp:// here... i accidently clicked on save my password forever.. how can i reverse it now..07:33
negativeB~/.wine/drive_c/  acnnot07:33
negativeB~/.wine/drive_c/ cannot open07:33
FlannelnegativeB: right, but hoping to do what with that?07:33
iFvwmUbubegin: gftp is easy07:33
naughtykid001sfer3: u mean /etc/group? what kind of conflict do you mean?07:33
FlannelnegativeB: Why have everyone share one?07:34
sfer3Flannel: Regarding that group permissions for /var/www, how do you make that group have write permission to that folder? It doesn't seem to be working for me the way you said....07:35
negativeB... now it's open )07:35
naughtykid001sfer3: actually I'm learning how to setting the access control for cvs users, which do not have access to the server itself.07:35
negativeBmaybe it was hard drive bug07:35
supersakohey guys, anyone figure out how to make laptop-mode-tools and cpufreq scale the cpu differently when on AC or Battery??07:35
negativeBbut now its open ) thanks07:35
Flannelsfer3: You need to make sure you're in said group, which won't happen until you log in again (see "groups")  but chmod g+w /foo/bar/ will do it.07:35
zenherohi , how would i fix my flash on my web browsers  if the flash content covers the drop menu and links in a website?07:36
sfer3Flannel: Oh, okay. Haven't logged in again.07:36
sfer3zenhero | !offtopic07:36
eddieftw!ugrade | eddieftw07:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ugrade07:36
sfer3Oops, wrong way :P07:36
eddieftw!upgrade | eddieftw07:36
ubottueddieftw, please see my private message07:36
sfer3!offtopic | zenhero07:36
ubottuzenhero: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:36
Kelderkeukenhow do i give limited resources or a low priority to a process?07:36
tsoloxwhere does unicode support reside? Does it reside in a per application basis? or what...07:37
void_pointerKelderkeuken nice pappy07:37
node357yeah, nice07:37
vegagthey guys... i'm a teacher at a middle school. I'm thinking about buying 4-5 Dell mini laptops for my classroom but I want to run a remote desktop kind of program where I can monitor and/or lock student computers on the fly.. like if I want them to watch the board and then go back to their computers. does an app for ubuntu exist?07:37
Flannelvegagt: You should check out edubuntu.07:38
sfer3Yes, that does exist07:38
sfer3vegagt: edubuntu has that all installed07:38
sfer3Beat me to it :P07:38
penanyone know why I can't delete tasks from tasque?07:38
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vegagtFlannel, edubuntu would probably work great but standard ubuntu comes preloaded on this laptop.. it's the Dell Inspiron Mini 907:39
vegagti don't want to void the warranty :D07:39
tsoloxanybody here heard of Nixstaller?07:39
Flannelvegagt: Edubuntu has been moved to an addon CD, so you can install edubuntu (or just pieces of it) overtop of any Ubuntu installation07:39
J-n!edubuntu | vegagt07:40
Flannelvegagt: Its basically just adding packages (and it wouldn't void the warranty anyway).07:40
ubottuvegagt: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org07:40
vegagtsweet.. what is the application called? can i administer the laptops remotely via a Macbook or would I also have to run ubuntu on a computer?07:40
vegagti run PCLinuxOS at home (shoot me) so I'm somewhat familiar with Linux already07:40
sfer3vegagt: Probably have to run Ubuntu on a computer, from the one I've used07:40
iFvwmtsolox: aptitude is good.07:40
vegagtI alrready run linux on my notebook, too.. I can just have that and my Macbook at my desk..07:41
sfer3Good solution07:41
wooboy77HE I NEED HELP07:41
sfer3!ask | wooboy7707:42
ubottuwooboy77: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:42
sfer3(Hey, I'm getting the hang of this!)07:42
wooboy77when i minimize my window it dispapears... it doesn't show on the deskbar thats below07:42
wooboy77i have to use alt+tab07:42
sfer3Right click07:43
sfer3"Add to panel"07:43
schnooworkshould usb sticks mount by default on ubuntu. i tried adding a 3g dongle and i dont know if its mounted or not :\07:43
wooboy77right click what?07:43
resindoes anyone know how to get s-video out working with fglrx?07:43
sfer3and then window list07:43
wooboy77ok got it07:43
sfer3Then drag the window list to the area of the panel you want it to be on07:43
resinyes, s-video07:44
iFvwmdvi/hdmi i know. resin07:44
iFvwmbut not s-video07:44
schnooworkdoes anyone know at all ?07:44
resinwouldnt is essentially be the same concept?07:44
iFvwme, perhaps make mistaken. :D07:44
sfer3schnoowork: They should, but 3g dongles are different things completely.07:45
schnooworksfer3, yeah i am looking at how to actually get it working. Does it require manual mounting. If so how would i do that :\07:46
void_pointerschnoowork look at /var/log/messages07:46
sfer3Hmm, I'm not into that too much... you might want to search around the forums to see if someone has already gotten your particular 3g dongle to work under Ubuntu.07:46
airtonixschnoowork, i think your mistaking usb storage devices with usb communication devices07:47
Kartagiswhen will mysql server 5.1 be available in repos?07:47
schnooworkairtonix, im just following http://polishlinux.org/linux/ubuntu/three-uk-3g-modem-in-ubuntu-linux/ but he never says anything about mounting it07:47
airtonixschnoowork, the way the two types of devices are used in linux are different07:47
jeettuhow can i block only chat in gmail using iptables07:47
void_pointerschnoowork its not something you mount07:47
resindoes anyone know how to get s-video out working with fglrx?07:47
airtonixjeettu, gmail uses its chat over port 5222 by default07:48
airtonixjeettu, but you wont be able to block the chat that occurs from within the website of gmail07:49
orificehas anyone done any remastering of ISO LiveCD Images ?07:49
orificeI want to customize the boot menu but I can't find where the /boot/grub is stored07:49
jeettuok how to block yahoo messanger from pidgin07:49
Ububeginevery linux system, has a superuser right.. Is he "su"... or something else07:49
void_pointerschnoowork so check if the modem has been detected by looking at /var/log/messages, then use whatever program to communicate with the modem ... wvdial or one of the GUI ppp ones07:49
xtrememertxgo to manage account on pidgin07:50
airtonixUbubegin, !sudo07:50
jeettuusing iptables07:50
airtonix!sudo > Ububegin07:50
ubottuUbubegin, please see my private message07:50
Flannelvegagt: italc07:50
schnooworkvoid_pointer, it says airprime has attached it self to many ttyUSB* and not one07:50
schnooworkand i tried doing sudo wvdialconf and it doesnt seem to find it07:51
airtonixjeettu, easiest way is to install the iptables gui: firestarter07:51
airtonixjeettu, work out which ports your offending chats is using and prevent traffic on those ports07:51
orificeI found it!07:51
wooboy77why cant i connect a network on my laptop?07:51
void_pointerschnoowork use gnome-ppp07:52
naughtykid001_Flannel, sfer3: any suggestioN?07:52
schnooworkyeah i am trying that aswell, and in setup that cant find my modem either lol07:52
void_pointerwooboy77 because you are woefully inadequate?07:52
void_pointerschnoowork you have installed wvdial, right?07:53
wooboy77wifi works but not when i put a cable07:53
schnooworkvoid_pointer, yes i have07:53
jrgpwhat is the command that brings up gnome's picture viewer?07:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about actionparsnip07:54
nahiancan anyone tell how can I install flash player in firefox ???07:54
schnooworkvoid_pointer, it just doesnt seem to connect to anywhere so none of my ppp programs seem to find it :\07:55
clarence_how to edit /etc/modprobe.d of the blacklist07:55
jrgpThanks iFvwm !!07:55
void_pointerschnoowork ok. Can you unplug it, plug it back in and pastebin the last 10 lines of your /var/log/messages?07:56
nahiancan anyone tell how can I install flash player in firefox ???07:56
void_pointernahian no07:56
nahianHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.07:56
airtonix!flash > nahian07:56
ubottunahian, please see my private message07:56
void_pointernahian i choose not to turn on javascript. Stop hassling me about it.07:56
stodanvim does not load plugins in /usr/share/vim-scripts, right?07:57
void_pointerschnoowork and you are running a kernel at least 2.6.20 or later, right?07:58
stodanfrom vim-scripts package?07:58
=== chubs_ is now known as chubs
nahianvoid_pointer: how can I view youtube videos ???07:58
airtonixstodan, i dont use vim, but maybe its looking in your home folder ?07:58
=== SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie
void_pointerstodan yes, your home folder07:58
stodanairtonix, in home yes, but i dont know about that package in ubuntu07:58
airtonixnahian, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash07:58
xtrememertxI'm getting low fps ,can anybody help me07:59
ljsoftnetxtrememertx disable desktop effects07:59
xtrememertxi dont have any desktop effects on07:59
void_pointernahian by installing flash. Did you look at the pm?07:59
chubsare your graphics drivers enabled xtrememertx07:59
airtonixnahian, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash07:59
ljsoftnetxtrememertx what game are you playing?07:59
xtrememertxglxgears gives me just around 200 fps07:59
stodanvoid_pointer, i have to copy scripts from vim-scripts to my home, to make it work? or are yhey autoloaded if some option is set?08:00
nahianairtonix: I got it08:00
xtrememertxbattle tanks08:00
xtrememertxi'm not even able to watch youtube08:00
void_pointerstodan dunno, i always just use my home folder08:00
chubsxtrememertx, what graphics card have you?08:00
airtonixxtrememertx, and have you donw anything about video drivers?08:01
clarence_excuse me08:01
xtrememertx810 integrated chipset08:01
void_pointerxtrememertx ah08:01
xtrememertxi'm using i810 driver08:01
void_pointerxtrememertx there is a driver08:01
void_pointeroh ok08:01
xtrememertxand i tried intel08:01
xtrememertxu want to see my xorg conf ?08:01
void_pointerxtrememertx no. i don't even like looking at my own too much08:02
chubsxtrememertx, pastebin it if you want08:02
void_pointerschnoowork are you going to pastebin messages or what?08:03
neggeI'm having problems with me home server. When I run "apt-get update" the CPU maxes to 100% and the computer gets unusable, only a reboot seems to make it work again, I can't even kill apt-get. What could be wrong?08:03
xtrememertxchubs: my xorg conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/47352/08:05
chubsxtrememertx, looks fine to me, but i can't compare line by line08:07
chubsnot on the ubuntubox08:07
ahtmly2ksince there are a bunch of bugs for compiz (at least on my laptop), is there a channel specific for compiz?08:07
chubsit seems as if it'd be a driver issue or something (i.e. compiz) using your graphics card08:08
chubsbut both of those possibilities check out it seems08:08
chubsyou were able to watch videos/play games/etc. before you had ubuntu?08:08
xtrememertxi used play counter strike 1.6 on xp08:08
xtrememertxi posted on forums too but no help08:09
xtrememertxeven a avi file lags sometimes08:09
waanWhen I put ubuntu into sleep mode, it shut's down instead and boots normally08:09
xtrememertxi'm not using compiz .. its not working  some error with aiglx08:10
chubsxtrememertx, what error?08:11
xtrememertxchubs: i have these warnings in my log http://paste.ubuntu.com/47148/08:11
tobagowas war nochmal er befehl, um die ausführende "exe" zu einem programm zufinden?08:11
iFvwm!vnc > iNutshell08:11
ubottuiNutshell, please see my private message08:11
chubsubuntu-de tobago08:11
chubsbut wine should help08:12
chubsxtrememertx, are you positive you're using the right driver? how did you install it08:12
tobagochubs, wine is for emulating window programs for linux isn't it?08:12
aldaekhow do I tell what verson is installed?08:13
xtrememertxthe driver came with ubuntu08:13
xtrememertxi810 and intel i tried both of them08:13
chubstobago, yes. i don't speak german though, i just saw exe08:13
xtrememertxin the log file it seems to be loading the driver correctly08:13
ubuntuNORwhere can i get help about external monitor.. on ubuntu(gnome) Thinkpad T30.. ?08:13
aldaekhow do I tell what verson of ubuntu is installed?08:14
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell08:14
chubsxtrememertx, yeah stick with intel. what model computer do you have?08:14
xtrememertxceleron mendocina 466 mhz08:15
chubsxtrememertx, did you try dropping to 16-bit depth?08:15
xtrememertx384mb ram08:15
xtrememertxdri is enabled08:15
chubsand that didn't help?08:15
aldaekHow do I fix this message? " unable to resolve host darkblade"08:15
chubs466mhz is pretty slow by today's standards. you might be better off with xfce but in all honesty that shouldn't be affecting video performance that much08:16
xtrememertxi'm using xfce currently08:16
g0g0r1nin what package is smbclient on hardy ?08:17
mgolischaldaek: is that your hostname?08:17
mgolischaldaek: if yes add it to /etc/hosts08:17
xtrememertxyea 466mhz is slow .. but i had no problem on xp ..on cs 1.6 i used to get 40 fps  in opengl mode08:17
chubswell that's good. did you add lines 82-88 yourself in xorg.conf xtrememertx ?08:17
mgolischwith as ip08:17
comicinkerg0g0r1n: samba08:17
xtrememertxyes i added myself08:18
comicinkerg0g0r1n: or better: smbclient08:18
xtrememertxi have been trying various things ..08:18
iFvwmcs16 can give 40fps. so goooood08:18
chubstry removing them. I don't think those should be necessary anymore.08:18
chubsdid you try dropping your screen res to 800x600 or lower to see if that changes anything?08:19
=== prateek is now known as Guest50479
xtrememertxiFvwm: when sombody nades the fps drops for a moment  to 20 or soemthing08:19
xtrememertxi tried changing the resoultion too08:19
iFvwmbut i dont think so. i remember my 386 machine, run quake3, only 40fps?  xtrememertx08:19
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:20
xtrememertxquake 3  runs well on my stsem08:20
iFvwmso you got how much fps with q3? xtrememertx08:20
xtrememertxi dont remember08:21
=== prateek is now known as Guest22815
xtrememertxi  played quaker 3 at that time when i dint know what fps  means08:21
iFvwmanother games you like? xtrememertx08:22
iFvwmsuch as etqw?08:22
DuftpunkHi, Would anybody know how to change file attributes?08:22
xtrememertxi like many games ... but unfortunately since i'm stuck with  this system i can only play cs 1.608:22
cemchi. is there a recovery function in ubuntu ? something happened to my hdd, and i ran a fsck, and it found some problems, now it won't boot anymore08:22
chubsiFvwm, there's no way etqw would run on that system08:22
kaiwenHi, I have a p4 dell pc with an embedded speaker within the chassis in addition to its onboard sound device on the motherboard. The thing is, the sound is only coming from the embedded speaker than through the motherboard output, anyone know what I can do?08:22
xtrememertxwhats etqw ?08:23
cemcit says that /etc/defaults/rcS is missing or something like that08:23
iFvwmxtrememertx: why... all idsoft.com' games can lauched on ubuntu.08:23
iFvwmchubs: i play etqw well08:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about playonlinux08:23
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega08:23
xtrememertxdont know ifvwm08:24
kaiwenanyone know where i can mess with the sound dries?08:24
chubsiFvwm, he's got a 446mhz celeron, 384mb of ram, and integrated graphics. etqw wouldn't even install08:24
kaiwendrivers*? I need to switch from the embedded speaker to my onboard speaker08:24
=== LGKeiz is now known as Keith
iFvwmafter get rid of the fps_limit. etqw can also get 4xfps.08:24
iFvwmchubs: ooo. that right08:24
xtrememertxI dont want to go  back to xp ... but this problem makes me  weak08:24
iFvwmperhaps et can fit your machine. enemy-terrortory. xtrememertx08:25
xtrememertxwhats etwq  anyways ?08:25
iFvwmsystem require is low for et08:25
chubsiFvwm, if we don't figure this out he won't be playing anything :)08:25
xtrememertxyea lol08:26
J-nI play GTA:SA WWIIOL COD(2,4) Civ4 AOE2 and WOW occasionally with wine.08:26
Jordan_Uxtrememertx: You should probably be using the "intel" driver rather than i81008:26
kimmey2k3http://pastebin.com/d754b510f why is it like this?08:26
xtrememertxi'm using intel currently08:27
chubsxtrememertx, did you remove all those modifications you made?08:27
xtrememertxso many times08:27
kevin_okay so this is a very obvious question -- but once answered I'll forever know: with a given tar.bz2 file (downloaded) that contains an app I want installed -- how do I go about installing?08:27
chubsxtrememertx, you know for those changes to take effect you need to restart x irght?08:27
chubsso why don't you do that now08:27
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:27
iFvwm384mb of ram, perhaps is hard for gnome. xtrememertx08:28
chubshe's on xfce08:28
Jordan_Ukevin_: What are you trying to install?08:28
iFvwmadd one ram chip?08:28
jim_phello again08:28
xtrememertxalright ill try and come back08:28
kevin_Jordan_U, a third party application08:28
xtrememertxtwo slots08:28
xtrememertx256 and 12808:28
Jordan_Ukevin_: What third party application08:28
iFvwmtime to driver.08:28
jim_pi used to run ubuntu 6.06 with 256MB of ram08:29
kevin_Jordan_U, a chatting program08:29
J-nkevin_ most will have a README file or some such with instructions08:29
jim_pit was a bit laggy, but ok08:29
OrangeKyohow do i make all my desktop icons smaller? they look fat and ugly08:29
Hosstestif my mother board has a raid controller, do I need to provide drivers while installing, and do I need to use the alternate cd?08:29
iFvwmjim_p: stronge man08:29
KelderkeukenOrangeKyo: stretch icon08:29
Jordan_Ukevin_: What chatting program? ( There is likely a .deb available )08:29
jim_pOrangeKyo: open up a nautilus window and go to Edit > preferences. There on the 1st tab i think is the zooming llevel for the icons08:30
OrangeKyoKelderkeuken: yea but thats just for one icon. i want it to be universal. my icons should not be this big for the resolution i have08:30
b4b3why i can't hear sound in my ubuntu...?08:30
kevin_Jordan_U,  you were right -- a readme with install instructions were included -- i was just so used to ubuntu automating everything as it has thus far.08:30
Hosstestno one for the my raid question>08:30
kevin_Jordan_U, thanks for the hlp.08:30
chubsb4b3, is your speaker muted?08:30
jim_pb4b3: there are loads of reasons for it08:30
jim_pHosstest: if the kernel has raid drivers built in, then yes08:31
kevin_Jordan_U, the chatting program is called SecondLife08:31
b4b3in win normal08:31
u-haulb4b3: is your computer on?08:31
Jordan_Ukevin_: You should try to find a .deb, that way it will stay automatically updated and tracked by the package manager08:31
kevin_Jordan_U, as it turns out -- the program is entirely out of box -- in that no install is required.08:31
Jordan_Ukevin_: I am pretty sure there is a .deb for second life available, and I wouldn't call it a chatting program :)08:32
jim_pHosstest: *if the kernel has the drivers for YOUR raid08:32
stevencan anyone tell me how I can tell hellanzb to download sfv files as well as par2s? It doesn't seem to want to do that.08:32
J-nKevin_ actually it was I who suggested the readme file, but what jordan_u is saying is correct08:32
kevin_Jordan_U, well i think WoW is a chatting program -- so i guess its just a matter of perspective.08:32
Hosstestokay, where in the install do I provide the drivers if they arent provided in the keral?08:32
prodigelHi all. Anyone used webdav? I'm having problem connecting to some https://foo.bar.etc/something server08:32
Jordan_Ukevin_: Here is a .deb version BTW: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Second+Life08:33
b4b3i have checked system>preferende>sound08:33
chubsprodigel, that server doesn't exist08:33
kevin_J-n, sorry Its this "XChat" ..throws me off as to who im chatting with.08:33
kevin_Jordan_U, thanks -- I'll give it a try.08:33
prodigelchubs, sure it doesn't exist, the protocol, and url schema exists :)08:33
Jordan_Ukevin_: np08:33
=== jim_p is now known as jim_p_busy
prodigelchubs, ever used webdav?08:34
chubsprodigel, I figured you were confused by some tutorial. But what exactly is the problem then?08:34
J-nkevin_ i guess irc can be offputting at first, it is a bit oldschool, being that it does predate the web :)08:34
J-nkevin_ have fun :)08:34
TrashlordHi, I use Ubuntu 8.04, and I'm trying to install the XMMS module for Perl, so I can get info about currently played tracks, with Perl scripts. It won't install though, it says I don't have xmms installed, but I do, in fact it's running right now. Note: I installed XMMS from source, because there is no .deb package for it. Here is the problem output when I'm using CPAN to get Xmms::Bundle: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2029308:35
maxx09question: given that update manager alerts me of new updates, do i ever need to "reload" synaptic?08:35
chubsprodigel, no, sorry. but it'd help to mention which part you're having trouble with (like does that work with http://)08:36
marlunAnyone know if you can save an openoffice spredsheet as a tab-seperated text file? You can do it in MS Office but I can't find the option in OO.08:36
lukeoconnellNope, you would only ever need to refresh Synaptic if you change repositories etc08:36
kevin_J-n, actaully I'm quite familiar with irc -- just not this particular client.  btw .deb => distribution?08:36
Jordan_Ukevin_: You may also want to look at playdeb: http://www.playdeb.net/08:36
maxx09lunkeoconnell, awesome.... cheers08:37
Jordan_Ukevin_: Debian ( it's the distribution Ubuntu is based on )08:37
xtrememertxi'm back08:37
J-nkevin_ cool, what client are you used to? if ya dont mind me askin' :)08:37
xtrememertxchubs:no change  :-(08:37
davidzhangubuntu 8.04 desktop live cd always show screen out of range, who could tell me why?08:38
kevin_Jordan_U,  lol wow playdeb looks like a site for ubuntu noobies (like me!)08:38
chubsxtrememertx, =/08:38
kevin_J-n, windows standard w/ anaconda mod08:38
Trashlorddavidzhang: most likely it is bad resoultion08:38
davidzhangany body could help me?08:38
richardnickser richard08:39
=== richard is now known as Guest59408
maxx09marlun, you could save the OO spreadsheet as a CSV (comma seperated values) and then just replace all commas with tabs08:39
Jordan_U!anyone | davidzhang08:39
ubottudavidzhang: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:39
lukeoconnelldavidzhang: try starting in safe graphics made, that should allow the distro to load08:39
Trashlordto adjust it, go to System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution08:39
kevin_Jordan_U, ah --  i keep hearing that name "Debian" -- good to finally know what it means.08:39
prodigelchubs, I don't know what's causing problems. The idea is to connect by ssl (https), accept some certificate, and fill in user and password. In practice none of this happends08:39
chubsprodigel, but it works without encryption? or have you not tested?08:40
OrangeKyoda**, the guy who helped me logged off, didn't get to thank him. oh well here *general gratitude to everyone here*08:40
chubsxtrememertx, I guess your best bet right now would be to wait and see if anyone can help you on the forums. You seem to have a peculiar problem08:41
Guest59408okay i install mplayer but when i click the menu item it says "failed to execute child process file:///home/richard/apps/mplayer (no such file or directory" i'm confused what should i do?08:41
xtrememertxi bumped it twice08:41
prodigelchubs, for the moment none is responding. Yesterday I managed to view an empty dir. on firefox. Still I haven't found any working webdav plugin08:42
chubsxtrememertx, mind linking me?08:42
Guest59408okay i install mplayer but when i click the menu item it says "failed to execute child process file:///home/richard/apps/mplayer (no such file or directory" i'm confused what should i do?08:42
xtrememertxnp thx08:42
prodigelchubs, I was curios how could I define the url so that nautilus understands it. I saw that when creating a new webdav connection by wizard nautilus uses dav:// instead of http. I'm willing to give it some tries08:43
Trashlordso, I'm trying to get the XMMS module for Perl, so I can retrieve information about currently played tracks. It says I do not have xmms installed, but I do, I have installed xmms from source. I use Ubuntu 8.04, and here is the paste of MCPAN's problems: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2029308:43
chubsprodigel, I don't have any experience with webdav but have you configured apache correctly?08:43
prodigelchubs, it's not my server, why should I configure apache?08:43
chubsprodigel, I assumed it was08:44
croivzebahey I have a little problem, i have a 9800GX2 and it runs hot, nvclock does not support it :( so i cant up the fan speed, anyone know any other solution?08:44
Guest59408i added mplayer to the menu manually08:45
Drag0nLordmake sure you have intake and outtake fans in your case, make sure you have all your cables and etc... out of the way08:46
Drag0nLordand don't overclock....hehe08:46
J-nIf you smoke clean your case fans often!!08:47
Guest59408the mplayer app is in binary form08:47
croivzebai can't improve airflow any further since i have all optional fan spots full and the intake is being blocked by all my hard drives which i dont want to rip out, and overclocking on this card is suicide LOL08:48
Guest59408i made sure the owner and group are mine08:48
Guest59408anyone out there able to help me?08:49
chubsxtrememertx, do you still have direct rendering?08:49
xtrememertxit only works in 16 bit08:49
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:49
puffEver since I dist-upgraded and got the new kernel 2.6.24-19, suspend has been broken and hibernate has been only semi-functional.  I have a vague idea from reading various emails that it's possible to try different kernels, does anybodyknowmore about this?08:49
Guest59408okay i install mplayer but when i click the menu item it says "failed to execute child process file:///home/richard/apps/mplayer (no such file or directory" i'm confused what should i do? added to the menu manually, i own the file.08:50
b4b3please help me sombody. i can't here sound in my ubuntu08:50
chubsxtrememertx, if you have direct rendering there's no reason it shouldn't be running08:50
Guest59408have you loaded your sound driver08:51
OrangeKyothe text on my icon labels is too big. how do i make em smaller?08:51
Guest59408have you loaded your sound driver b4b308:51
puffb4b3: Did you ever have sound?08:51
=== freqk is now known as freqk|away
xtrememertxit says direct rendering enabled08:52
Jordan_UGuest59408: Why /home/richard/apps/ ?08:52
puffb4b3: Okay, back to Guest59408's question, have you loaded your sound driver?08:52
xtrememertxbattle tanks 2d game i get around 5-10 fps08:52
waanHmm I'm having a problem where windows dissapear from view and the taskbar, but still run. Is there any way to recover these?08:52
chubsxtrememertx, what about bzflag?08:53
xtrememertxthat doesn't  run smoothly wither08:53
Guest59408i thought that it couldn't find the file due to root ownership so i moved it and changed ownership and group08:53
xtrememertxand the colors  suck08:53
chubsthat should fly on your system08:54
xtrememertx  thats what i thought08:54
xtrememertxonly nibbles works smoothly08:54
scuserhi all, does anyone know what should I install to have x11/xlib.h available on ubuntu 8.04 ?08:54
xtrememertxin bzflag i cant even spot tanks08:54
Guest59408b4b3 have you installed your sound drivers yet08:55
xtrememertxchubs: does it have anything to do with video ram ?08:55
b4b3i don't know it08:55
chubshow much do you have?08:55
chubsxtrememertx, ^08:55
xtrememertxits automatic ?08:56
Guest59408b4b3 the system could have mistaken your card for something else08:56
xtrememertxi n bios its 64 mb i think08:56
chubsxtrememertx, i'm not sure man. it should be working08:57
Guest59408so any ideas on my problem with mplayer08:57
chubsbut i have to go sleep, maybe someone else with an i810 chipset can help you out08:57
b4b3i can here beep when i push "backspace" button in chat08:57
xtrememertxi tried adding  video ram in xorg  and tried different values08:57
xtrememertxthx a lot chubs gnite sweet dreams08:57
chubsi wouldn't mess with that too much08:57
b4b3but when i push test button in sound setting it doesn't sound08:58
sfer3What's the problem you've got, b4b3?08:58
Trashlordso, I'm trying to get the XMMS module for Perl, so I can retrieve information about currently played tracks. It says I do not have xmms installed, but I do, I have installed xmms from source. I use Ubuntu 8.04, and here is the paste of MCPAN's problems: http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=2029308:58
sfer3Sorry, I wasn't here when you explained08:58
Guest59408b4b3 has no sound08:59
=== Evill_ is now known as Evill
b4b3when play music/film08:59
scuserhi all, does any one know where to find the a LINPACK program to run on a cluster ?09:00
hcMythHey I just installed sensors-applet it shows a RD1 temperature of 54 degrees C, what is RD1?09:00
Guest59408heres my problem i install mplayer but when i click the menu item it says "failed to execute child process file:///home/richard/apps/mplayer (no such file or directory" i'm confused what should i do? added to the menu manually, i own the file. i chose /home/richard/apps because i thought that the file couldn't bee seen under root ownership09:01
titai need help!09:02
sfer3!ask | tita09:02
ubottutita: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:02
sfer3Guest59408: Can you navigate to file:///home/richard/apps/mplayer? If so, what is there?09:03
titai am new in ubuntu and dony know much about this os09:03
hcMyth(and I did google for RD1 but have no idea what it is so far)09:03
Trashlordsfer3: any idea about my problem?09:03
Guest59408yes the binary file mplayer is whats there09:03
sfer3hcMyth: It may be some sort of identifier for the sensor? I'm not sure...09:03
BunTaican anyone teach me how to make my AWN dock like leopard?09:03
sfer3Trashlord: Sorry, don't know much about those kind of things09:04
titai dont have sound09:04
hcMythsfer3: hm ok, well cpu temp shows to be zero all the time so perhaps RD1 is in fact the cpu09:04
Trashlordoh, alright09:04
hcMyththanks anyway09:04
sfer3Guest59408: If you'd like, you can download mplayer from the repositories, can't you? Unless it's some kind of custom build... that may be easier to do.09:04
BunTaiis anyone can help me to setup AWN dock like mac leopard?09:05
Guest59408i'm on breezy can't upgrade not enough processor09:05
Guest59408only 128mb memory09:05
Guest59408but over 150gb hdd09:05
sfer3BunTai: What are you trying to do? I followed a tutorial on the internet some time ago, it was pretty helpful.09:06
Guest59408and another 290gb on 2 other drives09:06
sfer3Guest: Still, can't you apt-get install mplayer?09:06
Guest59408i didn't try that09:06
TrustNoOneim looking for step by step to install freenx09:06
Guest59408breezy isn't supported anymore09:06
BunTaisfer3: i want it to be like mac leopard09:07
DjViperTrustNoOne: nomachine nx ?09:07
sfer3BunTai: Yeah, I think the tutorial was specific to that. I'll try and dig it up.09:07
BunTaithe folder can be like necklace09:07
os2macafter running apt-get update; apt-get upgrade I still have one package that got held back... how do I update that one package?09:07
danbh_intrepidos2mac: dist-upgrade09:07
BunTaisfer3: where do you get it? can u give it to me?09:07
sfer3Guest: What does it do when you try an apt-get install mplayer?09:07
TrustNoOneDjViper i dont know what you are asking09:07
sfer3BunTai: Yep, just looking for where it was09:08
os2macdanbh_intrepid: tried that as well and it was still held back.09:08
psypher246hey all, has anyone else had this problem, when i try browse windows pc using samba i cannot see any shares, ie ipc$ share is just not working. if i specify the specific share name then it's fine. this is not verey usefull09:08
Guest59408i've open synaptic now09:08
BunTaisfer3: can you give me the web link?09:08
DjViperTrustNoOne: http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=609:08
DjViperTrustNoOne: dl and install client, node and server in that order, then you should be set :-)09:09
clarence_How to edit /etc/modprobe.d of the black list09:09
danbh_intrepidos2mac: well, you can always try dselect-upgrade      But, if you are running -proposed, or  intrepid, you may not want to force the install of the package.  Sometimes it depends on other packages updating themselves09:09
Guest59408couldn't find package mplayer09:09
sfer3Hmm, It's in my synaptic... :/09:10
sfer3BunTai: What was it you were using? awn?09:10
os2macdanbh_intrepid: I am not running -proposed or intrepid I am running Hardy09:11
BunTaisfer3: yes09:11
sfer3Check this out:09:11
sfer3May not be what you want, though09:11
kevin_how do you close an unresponsive program (i.e. the equivelant of Window's Ctrl-Alt-Del)?09:12
sfer3Go to...09:12
sfer3System > Administration > System Monitor09:13
jim_p_busykevin_: killall name_of_hang_program09:13
sfer3And then there's the "Processes" tab, that's if you want a GUI way to do it09:13
resinanyone know how to get s-video out to work with fglrx?09:13
kevin_kk i'll try both thanks09:13
Guest59408i'll check my sources.list09:15
jim_p_busyresin: i think it is something in xorg.conf09:15
jim_p_busyOption"DesktopSetup" "single"09:15
jim_p_busysomething like that09:16
jokibrokihello to everyone :)09:16
resinand then how would i enable it?09:16
jim_p_busyhello jokibroki09:16
jokibrokii m new to ubuntu, trying to install hellanzb09:16
jokibrokifollowed some installation how to on internet09:16
jokibrokibut no luck09:16
jim_p_busysearch ati's options09:16
jokibrokianyone can assist09:16
resini already tried using atitvout09:17
resindidnt work09:17
A[D]minShow i can extract file.tgz ?09:17
sfer3jokibroki: halanzb?09:17
psypher246hey all, has anyone else had this problem, when i try browse windows pc using samba i cannot see any shares, ie ipc$ share is just not working. if i specify the specific share name then it's fine. this is not very usefull09:17
jim_p_busyA[D]minS: double klick on it!09:17
jokibrokiits for nzb files09:17
sfer3A[D]minS: Archive Manager should do that for you, so just double click it > extract09:17
sfer3What is the problem with it?09:18
sfer3jokibroki: Can you just do this to install it? Open Terminal, then type "sudo apt-get install hellanzb"09:18
sfer3It's in the repos09:18
A[D]minSsfer3, i have no GUI09:18
sfer3Aah, okay09:19
sfer3So then that would be...09:19
jokibrokiok, did that09:19
jokibrokiand where do i find it now09:19
jokibrokito open it09:19
sfer3It should be in one of the menus....09:19
jokibrokithats the thing09:20
jokibrokilooked at all application menus09:20
orificeI've seen some terminals in text mode (i.e. ctr-alt-F1) that have been customized with a background image and different text colors09:20
jokibrokiand no hellanzb09:20
orificewhere can I set those options ?09:20
Guest59408whats the repository address for the most recent repositories09:20
sfer3A[D]minS: try this: tar -xvzf filenamehere09:20
LSD|NinjaGuest59408: you wait until October for Intrepid09:20
Xeppowow, hellanzb sounds awesome09:20
=== CoJaBo___ is now known as CoJaBo_
XeppoI didn't know linux had a decent newsreader for binaries09:21
Guest59408no i just need the address so i can get mplayer09:21
sauvinIt's got a few, actually.09:21
jokibrokianyone know anything better for nzb files ? that can automaticly fix files and extract09:21
orificewith with grabit is way betyter than hellanzb09:22
LSD|NinjaGuest59408: you get what you're given until the next release. If you want bleeding edge, all the time then Gentoo is over there -->09:22
bakaratfor some reason my system monitor's resources tab doesn't seem to be working correctly09:22
orificeErr grabit with wine09:22
jokibrokigrabit can be used on ubuntu hardy 8.0409:22
bakaratit states in processes that vmware is taking up like 1.5G of ram, but in the resources tab it says that it is using 400 meg09:22
Guest59408okay i do some research09:22
jokibrokiwith wine09:22
jokibrokii ll do it09:22
Guest59408into proper manual installs09:22
Xepponewsleecher is a nuch more robust option09:22
Xeppomuch, rather09:22
karayanHello all, how can I view remote x apps in my machine? I am using 8.04. Any pointers?09:23
LSD|Ninjawhat's the bet he comes in later after breaking his system something cruel? XD09:23
nlksghi, any way to resize partition that i booted?09:23
jim_p_busykarayan: with some vnc client??09:24
psypher246hello, please could someone help me with a weird samba problem09:24
Ace_NoOneanyone familiar with JavaScript Lint, and how to install/build it on Ubuntu?09:24
jim_p_busynlksg: depends on how are other partitions made09:24
LSD|Ninjakarayan: Ubuntu supports X forwarding like anything else09:25
nlksgJim_p_busy : how to check?09:25
karayanjim_p_busy, not using vnc, I can do this using X isnt it. I tried, but without success09:25
karayanLSD|Ninja, do you know any good tutorials for this?09:25
nlksgI want to resize and move my / and home partition that i booted... my laptop don't have CD drive09:25
LSD|Ninjakarayan: ssh -X ubuntubox from a terminal running under the remote X server and then run your app in the ssh session09:25
LSD|Ninjakarayan: google it, there's plenty around. It's not an uncommon thing09:25
sfer3nlksg: What does it have?09:26
The_Codehi, i have a problem i installed ubuntu 8.04.1 in a vmware somehow during installation vmware locked the screen asking for password, is there any?09:26
jim_p_busynlksg: at a terminal do a fdisk -l09:26
sfer3jim_p: Might not be able to do that while you're using the disk09:26
jim_p_busykarayan: vnc is the only way if you want to run gui apps on a remote pc09:26
jim_p_busysfer3: i can do that even with all my partitions mounted09:27
jim_p_busyit will just list them09:27
karayanLSD|Ninja, I have tried that, but was not working. Will try once more.09:27
nlksg jim_p_busy: fdisk -l only show my 512 MB usb thumb only09:27
jim_p_busy   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:27
jim_p_busy/dev/sda1   *           1        7649    61440561    7  HPFS/NTFS09:27
jim_p_busy/dev/sda2            7650        9473    14651280   83  Linux09:27
jim_p_busy/dev/sda3            9474        9716     1951897+  82  Linux swap / Solaris09:27
jim_p_busy/dev/sda4            9717       38913   234524902+   7  HPFS/NTFS09:27
jim_p_busytahts mine09:27
Flannel!paste | jim_p_busy09:27
ubottujim_p_busy: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:27
jim_p_busycan i talk now?09:28
sfer3jim_p: Really? Mine doesn't seem to work like that because when I tried it last time on the main partition it was locked because I was using it and couldn't be unlocked...09:28
sfer3Yes, you're talking. :D09:28
jim_p_busynlksg: are you doing fdisk -l with sudo in front?09:29
=== jim_p_busy is now known as jim_p
nlksgjim_p_busy : http://paste.ubuntu.com/47372/09:31
nlksgthat is the output. :)09:31
lockei've had some crazy stuff to deal with lately09:31
lockei go to colege and i met this chick first day of school09:31
sfer3!offtopic | locke09:32
lockeand she's really made life difficult for me, my best friend, and a few other people09:32
ubottulocke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:32
lockeyeah i'm not talking about that :P09:32
lockei was going to talk about the cahnges in the newest ubuntu version09:32
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Xeppothat's a rather intelligent bot.09:32
locketheres been some real crazy changes09:33
Xepposeriously, is someone controlling that bot?09:33
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to install vsipl on ubuntu 8.04 ?09:34
lockeman the spawn soundtrack is so awesome09:34
lockeno, but whatever it involves, it is much more worth it to install ubuntu than deal with wahtever windows problems that might exist09:35
lockei don't know what vsipl is though09:35
miccantinohi, I have a problem with my AMD Turion X2 Ultra... In Ubuntu the CPU is always at 100% and powernowd doesn't work. I think the kernel doesn't recognize my CPU. There is a way to make it to work?09:35
Xeppolocke: hey now, Windows isn't THAT bad.09:36
lockeyes it is..09:36
lockei havent been even almost satisfied with a version of windows since 3.109:36
Xeppotried server 2003?09:36
lockeand 3.11 windows for workgroups even had its problems09:36
lockei've used every version since windows 2.009:37
lockeincluding all the NTs09:37
miccantinowindows is very bad but it works with any hardware without much hussle... this is its power ($$ power)09:37
Xeppo'03 was one of the most stabe and compatible OSes I've ever used09:37
Xeppoapart from OSX, that is09:37
lockewindows has problems with hardware that i've never had a problem with in linux09:37
sfer3Xeppo: No, no-one controls the bot, as such. Anyone here can give it a command, for example:09:37
lockelinux supports all hardware i have ever seen lately09:38
sfer3!askthebot | Xeppo09:38
ubottuXeppo: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.09:38
miccantinolocke: I have many problems to install linux on my new laptop...09:38
Xeppoah, cool09:38
lockewith a simple, next-next-next button install iway easier than any windows or mac install i've ever seen09:38
lockei've installed it on many laptops with way less problems than any version of windows09:38
miccantinoyes, but only on old hardware09:38
Xeppolocke: really?09:38
Xeppogot a RIAD5 driver for my ich7 chipset?09:39
Xeppocause last I checked, it wasn't working properly09:39
miccantinolocke is a very lucky guy with linux and the hardware he tries09:39
lockein fact, i've installed it on macs with apple hardware that were suppoesed to be falwless because the OS was made by the same company as the hardware, and it took like 45 mins to install OSX correctly and had to install one driver off the net afterwards, but I installe dubuntu on the same hardware with the disc in like 15-17 mins with full hardawre support and didnt have to install any updates and it worked perfectly09:40
XeppoI was looking through the hoops you had to jump through to get linux working on the macbok09:40
Xeppoand decided I'd be better off without the hassle09:40
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miccantinoas I said, locke is very lucky09:40
lockeand then i installed the updates which were all automatic, and they were like 200mb of updates to make it work perfectly and fix all security issues, and it took about 20 mins to do all that09:40
sfer3!offtopic > locke09:40
ubottulocke, please see my private message09:40
lockeno, i'm very unlucky09:40
lockeusually most people who i'm not alreayd helping won't even talk to me09:41
Xeppolocke: OS X wasn't MEANT to be installed on anything other than macs09:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:41
Xeppoand with a properly set up installer disk, it takes less time to install OS X than ubuntu on the proper hardware09:41
perfectorare there any additional packages in ubuntu-studio that are not available in standard ubuntu repositories?09:41
sfer3perfector: No, I don't think so....09:42
lockebut being unlucky it is very surprising to me that some 18 year old chick decided to make me her entire support group and guidance in everything for the rest of this year or whatever09:42
miccantinohi, there is a way to try the last beta of ubuntu on my laptop? Maybe it will recognize my cpu...09:42
lockei didnt anticipate anybody using me as any sort of reference or help at all09:42
sfer3miccantino: Is it available as a live CD?09:43
Orchid`hello i am using hardy heron and i need to use  VPN client, to connect to a school. can anyone direct me to how to isntall and operate one please?09:43
lockebut instead i have this chick that wants to spend like 12 hours a day every day with me and wants me to do everything with her09:43
perfectoroh Thanks sfer3 i was in search fora package called graveman09:43
miccantinoI don't know09:43
Orchid`locke do it.l09:43
blue-frogmiccantino: download an try the intrepid-desktop alpha 5 release09:43
lockeand wants me to let her come over and stay at my place in the middle of the night or the morning whenever she wants09:43
miccantinowhere I can download last ubuntu snapshots?09:43
Xeppolocke, that is seriously offtopic.09:43
lockebut i can't really say i have any problem with having an awesomely hot chick stay with me all sorts of nights whenever she wants09:44
lockeso yeah09:44
lockethast no problem09:44
blue-frogmiccantino: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-5/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso.torrent09:44
lockeshe can stay whenever she wants lol09:44
miccantinothanks, there is a 64bit version too?09:44
Xeppobeat me to it :-P09:44
blue-frogmiccantino: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-5/intrepid-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent09:44
Xeppobeat me again >.<09:45
comicinkerOrchid`: you can try the network manager applet to connect to your vpn network09:45
miccantinothank you very much :-)09:45
miccantinodo you know if I could install it with wubi?09:45
Orchid`comicinker,  errrm, do i stay concted with my local network as well?09:45
miccantinoI have installed 8.04 with it09:45
comicinkerOrchid`: But I recommend to use the Cisco VPN client, as this the one which will work best probably09:46
Orchid`comicinker,  found it haha thank you alot!09:46
Orchid`comicinker,  err okay then how?09:46
Orchid`comicinker, i found the one under wired conection but if you think that would work where do i find it?09:46
blue-frogmiccantino: don't know anything about windows09:46
comicinkercisco vpn client for linux 2.6.19.x: http://www.rz.uni-konstanz.de/uploads/media/latest_linux.tar09:47
miccantinoit's only an installer that allow to not repartition your hd to install ubuntu09:47
Xeppoanyone know the best solution for a small firewall for a <20 computer business09:47
miccantinoit works very well with the official release of ubuntu09:47
XeppoI've heard decently good things about m0n0wall09:48
miccantinothe amd64 version of ubuntu was incredible fast on my laptop...09:49
johnweddmiccantino: i've had trouble removing vista and installing ubuntu without loosing my personal files09:50
chattanhi every109:50
miccantinojohnwedd, wubi is there just for this...09:51
miccantinowith wubi you will not loose anything09:51
miccantinoand uninstall linux will be easy as for uninstalling of every other app in your windows machine09:51
miccantino(sorry for my bad english)09:51
Fireballfireball_ - sorry for the taken nick...09:52
johnweddlast time i tried wubi it ghosted on that machine indefenantly09:52
johnweddeven after uninstall09:52
johnweddand your english is superb09:52
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
chattanhow about the Artwork of ubuntu 8.1009:53
chattananyone known it ?09:53
sfer3chattan: explain?09:53
kosharijohnwedd you should have a bulletproof backup stratergy to protect your data in NAY event09:54
danbh_intrepidchattan: next week09:54
kosharinay = ANY09:54
chattannext week,get it ,thanks09:54
johnweddi know09:54
kosharijohnwedd: iam glad, many dont09:54
chattani will go on yellow????  :)09:54
johnweddi backup all personal files when i screw with the OS09:55
chattanthe Artwork of ubuntu 8.10 will go on yellow????09:55
sfer3!offtopic | chattan09:55
ubottuchattan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:55
reel_Hi all, I want to know the serial number of external HDD. I could not use hdparm -I /dev/sdb on it like the internal HDD. It exits with a message    "  HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Invalid argument ", any ideas ?09:56
miccantinothis is the link to install ubuntu 8.10 with wubi!!09:56
johnweddawesome miccantino09:56
miccantinoI hope this version will recognize my CPU (and my Marvell Yukon ethernet card)09:57
DannyKingIs there a program to change what the buttons on my wacom graphics pen do?09:58
sfer3Try keyboard shortcuts?09:58
johnweddi'm not worried about my hardware, i have a laptop with a USB mouse09:58
johnweddi am, worried about my games09:58
DannyKingWell, I'd like it to pan /scroll pages in text documents & firefox09:59
DannyKingDon't think there's a shortcut for that09:59
sfer3Hmm, I'm not sure about that...09:59
DannyKingOkay thanks09:59
koshar1johnwedd gaming isnt really one of linuxs strengths09:59
johnweddi know, but the core os is perfect for gaming09:59
johnweddbut not to many developers10:00
miccantinommmh... someone knows if after I have installed an alpha version of Ubuntu, it will update to the official stable release, in the future, without loose anything?10:00
centyxmiccantino: just keep apt-get dist-upgrade'ing10:00
johnweddi would mount another drive for your personal files just in case10:01
DannyKingmiccantino: yes but it will probably not be as stable than if you just download the stable when it is released10:01
g0g0r1nis there any way how to run vmware-server on hardy ?10:01
koshar1miccantino the only real problem is that updates tend to come fast and furious, especialy if you havnt logged on for a few days10:01
miccantinothanks guys10:01
miccantinokosharl: there will be updates with the alpha too?10:02
centyxi ditched my intrepid install b/c everything depended on xcb-util and the version installed was too old for awesome 3.010:02
johnweddwhat is the name of the latest edition, btw?10:02
centyxmiccantino: constant updates, daily10:02
DannyKinglatest stable is Hardy herron10:03
DannyKingbeta version is called iterpid ibex10:03
johnweddwhat in the world is an ibex?10:03
miccantinowow, then it means that ubuntu developer community is very active10:03
sfer3Bird. :P10:03
LSD|Ninjajohnwedd: 8.1010:04
LSD|Ninjajohnwedd: it's a weird goaty thing10:04
sfer3Isn't it a...10:04
sfer3Oh yeah. Confused.10:04
koshar1miccantino effectively by using the pre-release you are alpha-beta testing10:04
* LSD|Ninja notes noone in here will get that and those that do will know they were Onyxes :P10:04
jsmith101i can't change my screen res can sumone help?10:04
johnweddit won't be long until we'll  be downloading Nighttime Neko10:05
sfer3jsmith101: Could you give some more information?10:05
miccantinoi tried to compile the alpha kernel but it halted on half way... (after 1.5 hour)10:05
miccantinowith an error10:05
LSD|NinjaI wonder what'll happen in nine years when they run out of letters? Will Ubuntu even be around then? :P10:06
miccantinothen I think it's better to download a binary snapshot10:06
centyxwhat fonts do you all use in your terminal windows? I'm having trouble getting a decent looking/sized one at work. I use xft:smoothansi at home, but on the monitor at work this is too small10:06
centyxI've tried DejaVu Sans Mono, Andale Mono, and a couple others, but they don't seem to scale well10:06
MaxJayanyone that can help me out with a ethernet problem?10:06
johnweddwhen i use linux, i give the kernal a wide berth, not really good at fiddling with such things10:06
miccantinoI think the best font ever is Windows Tahoma10:07
sfer3!ask | maxjay10:07
ubottumaxjay: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:07
koshar1LSD|Ninja they will just reuse letters, they ghave alreadyu10:07
g0g0r1nis there any way how to run vmware-server on hardy ? .. i cant find kernel modules for 24 kernel10:07
centyxg0g0r1n: won't it build the modules for you?10:08
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:08
MaxJaysorry, i have a working ethernet card. on my computer, but today i got internet, and i want to share the internet. but my linuxcomputer does not recognice the other ethernet card. just one of them, i got two.. any ideas?10:08
johnweddkoshar1: or start with numbers or abstract symbols10:08
LSD|Ninjakoshar1: I suppose in 9 years everyone will have forgotten the early ones :P10:08
erUSULMaxJay: paste "lspci | grep - Net" on pastebin10:08
erUSUL!paste | MaxJay10:08
ubottuMaxJay: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:08
sfer3When did you put the second one in? After installing?10:08
koshar1who remembers hoary these days?10:09
centyxi tried vmware server on feisty once, but uninstalled so I could virtualbox10:09
MaxJaysfer3, yes. after10:09
MaxJayi have been running ubuntu for some weeks and it's the best!10:09
sfer3That's good to hear. :)10:10
koshar1MaxJay by what measure?10:10
philchow can I hide the output from this command? touch 1 &10:10
johnweddi'm a gamer, it would be hard for me to upgrade10:10
philcthe [1]  pid info that bash spits out10:10
miccantinoI have to go. See you guys... Thanks for all.10:11
MaxJayi'm a little bit of a newbee on this so i dont really know all the commands and so on... do i need to reinstall the ubuntu system to get it recognice the other ethernet card?10:11
sfer3No, not at all10:12
erUSULphilc: touch 1 &> /dev/null10:12
erUSULMaxJay: no; just do what i asked you to do10:12
sfer3I was just wondering, because if you put it in there before installing it should have recognized it and configure it, but don't worry about that.10:12
koshar1MaxJay you shouldnt have to reinstall, modprobe will generally do the trick,10:13
philcerUSUL: I'm trying to run the touch command as a background process, something more like this: tail -f /etc/hosts & &> /dev/null10:13
philca simple &> doesn't seem to do it10:13
centyxhi max... what model card is it?10:13
johnweddi will see you lovely people later10:14
MaxJaycentyx, it's a regular card.. 10/100.. i dont know the name10:14
erUSULphilc: what's the point on dong a tail without whatching th output?10:14
MaxJayi have test a feew cards10:14
centyxmax: do you see it in the output of sudo lshw | tee lshw.txt10:14
philcerUSUL: I want the output of tail; I just do not want the output bash spits out when you start a job in the background10:14
centyxMaxJay: ah10:14
philcit looks like this: [1] 1504310:14
nachHi ! i can I check whether a package is installed or not with APT ?10:15
MaxJaywhat's the pastbin?10:15
PizarroMorning everybody10:15
centyxMaxJay: what makes you you think it's not working?10:15
koshar1MaxJay you really need to know the chipset it uses so as to load the correct driver/module10:15
tomas_Hi all, guys i cant get my Atheros wireless card working :(10:15
erUSULphilc: but again tail. needs the control of the terminal you launch it there is no point on leaving it on background10:15
tomas_can anybody help me please?10:15
erUSUL!paste | MaxJay10:15
ubottuMaxJay: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:15
philcerUSUL: tail does not need control of the terminal. Doing tail /etc/hosts will spit new lines in /etc/host to stdout whenever it changes, and you can continue running commands in bash while tail runs in the background10:16
ghalebhello, I have scheduled a cron task with the config */4 * *  * * root  /bin/updateStatus.sh > /home/log.log  but it's not working10:16
centyxMaxJay: try   ifconfig -a|less  in a terminal window ... what all devices do you have there?10:16
philcs/tail/ tail /etc/hosts &10:16
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jyotsnaHey! Does anyone know how to change the keyboard country layout10:17
nachHi ! i can I check whether a package is installed or not with APT ?10:17
sfer3It should be in...10:17
PizarroI am having big issues with the installation of Ubuntu Server. Yesterday I couldn't manage the network to work, I though it was because the network card I vas using (VIA and realtek), today I bought a NEW COMPUTER, I just unpacked it and I am trying to install this crap, now the INstallation hangs ant the very begining saying: "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd"....10:18
sfer3jyotsna: System > Preferences > Keyboard10:18
notwistnach: try installing it and see if it already exists :P10:18
PizarroCan anyone help me???? I just donwloaded yesterday Ubuntu Server 8.04,10:18
sfer3(and then "layouts")10:18
notwistPizarro: just ask the question :)10:18
sfer3!ask | Pizarro10:18
Pizarronotwist, it's above10:18
comicinkernach: If you have a running X, you can use synaptic10:18
Pizarromy question is above10:18
Dabbuif my cd drive is not working can i install ubuntu on my laptop10:18
MaxJaycentyx, i cant find the card.. in network settings10:18
sfer3Oh, didn't notice10:18
nachcomicinker: thank but i want it in CLI10:18
notwistsfer3: somethings up with your messages. < sfer3> \ufeff!ask | Pizarro10:18
jyotsnaYeah...I tried changing the layout from UK keyboard layout but it won't let me10:18
nachthat why i want ot know the apt command !10:19
DannyKingjyotsna: or easier, right click on your panel, click add to panel then add the 'keyboard indicator' applet. that lets you change layouts by clicking like in windows10:19
pyrohotdogI've run apt-cache clean since install, which seems to have rendered aptoncd useless?10:19
comicinkernach: I'm still researching, I did it already...10:19
sfer3notwist: Yeah, I was wondering why the bot didn't respond. Is it still doing it now?10:19
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:19
notwistsfer3: nope10:19
notwist < sfer3> notwist: Yeah, I was wondering why10:19
PizarroThis is a new desktop computer, just out from the vendor, with and it hangs just after selecting the installation language¿?¿?¿?¿?10:19
MaxJayif i reinstall ubuntu. will the two network cards work then?10:19
sfer3That's alright, notwist10:19
ActionParsnipsfer3: ask the bot again10:20
MaxJayit's so fast to reinstall so i can do that..10:20
ActionParsnip!hcl | MaxJay10:20
ubottuMaxJay: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:20
nachcomicinker: thanks for the help !10:20
MaxJayi like to install this beautyful system..10:20
notwistPizarro: it's hard to say, it could be a lot of reasons. Some computers are simply not compatible with Ubuntu, it's happened to me a couple of times10:20
sfer3MaxJay: Probably, but only if you don't want to go through this.10:20
sfer3!ask | test10:20
ubottutest: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:20
sfer3There we go10:20
comicinkernach: you can retrieve a list of all installed packages and their description by using: COLUMNS=200 dpkg-query -l > packages.list10:20
nachcomicinker: i know the dpkg -l show the status of the package10:20
ActionParsnipcomicinker: easier to use dpkg -l | less10:21
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to install hpl on ubuntu 8.04 or just give me guidance on how to do so ?10:21
nachok, so you think there is no apt commande ?10:21
Pizarronotwist, well, it seems that several computers aren't compatible, yesterday a compaq was unable to make to work, and today a new Acer10:21
erUSULMaxJay: why are you ignorin what people says?? just do what i asked to do 10 mins ago if you want help...10:21
sfer3scuser: hpl?10:21
Pizarronotwist, I really don't want to go with Windows Server10:21
notwistPizarro: are you sure there is nothing wrong with it? Can you install Windows?10:21
scusersfer3: high performance linpack can be found at http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/10:21
Pizarronotwist, the computer is NEW, today I just unpacked it, and it is comming already with Vista wich is working10:21
comicinkernach: you can create a list of installed packages to reinstall them later with this command: dpkg --get-selections | awk '!/deinstall|purge|hold/ {print $1}' > packages.list10:22
scusersfer3: I just want to measure the performance of my clustre10:22
sfer3scuser: Aah, okay. Not familiar with that one.10:22
erUSUL!clone | nach10:22
ubottunach: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate10:22
scusersfer3: never mind :)10:22
MaxJayerUSUL, i did do the pastein, but i did not really understand...10:22
sfer3Pizarro: Just because Vista works on it, doesn't necessarily mean Ubuntu will.10:22
sfer3Are you sure the install disk is free of defects?10:22
erUSULMaxJay: you have to give me the url of the pastebin you did with the output of the "lspci | grep -i net"10:23
ActionParsnip!md5 | Pizarro10:23
ubottuPizarro: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:23
nachthanks all !10:23
Pizarrosfer3, well yesterday I could finish the installation in other computer for 3 times (but without the network) using the same disk10:23
MaxJayerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/47383/ :)10:24
notwistPizarro: is there no error message? It just hangs?10:24
sfer3ActionParsnip: You can also do it in the CD menu, can't you? (Just in case it wasn't burnt correctly)10:24
elkyPizarro, it could have got damaged in that time too, you know10:24
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sfer3Pizarro: Aah okay, that probably rules out the disk.10:24
Pizarronotwist, just after the INSTALLATION LANGUAGE selection, it hangs saying: "Starting system log daemon: syslogd, klogd"10:24
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to install hpl on ubuntu 8.04 or just give me guidance on how to do so ?10:24
ActionParsnipsfer3: yes but if the image is screwed then the md5 on the cd for cecking itself my be damaged too10:24
sfer3But, of course, it could have gotten some scratches between the 2.10:24
sfer3Good point10:24
ActionParsnipscuser: what is a hpl?10:24
Pizarroelky, it could be,10:24
notwistPizarro: have you tried different languages and see if the error occurs on all of them?10:25
notwistPizarro: it sounds like a typical broken disc to me10:25
sfer3!repeat | scuser10:25
ubottuscuser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:25
notwistscuser: have you tried googling?10:25
erUSULMaxJay: lspci | grep -i Net (you typed it wrong... Go to Aaplications>Accesories>Terminal open it type "lspci | grep -i Net" hit enter and paste the "output"10:25
Pizarronotwist, ok let me try to clean the cd10:25
scuserActionParsnip: high performance linpack can be found at http://www.netlib.org/benchmark/hpl/10:25
scusernotwist: yes, but in vain :(10:25
notwistPizarro: if it's a CD-RW or DVD-RW it might be that the disc is permanently bad. I tried burning Linux on 3 year old discs once and it took me a while to figure out that they were all dead10:26
ActionParsnipscuser: you got a few spare machines eh? looks fun10:26
MaxJayerUSUL,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/47385/10:27
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome crash problem?i can see only a white screen and a cursor on login10:27
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde410:27
scuserActionParsnip: yes I have 13 machine and I want to test their performance using hpl or any other method if you can help with it ?10:27
Pizarronotwist, it is strange, the disc looks ok, and I yesterday in the other computer was working fine, I cleaned it but I still geting the same message on screen10:27
ActionParsnipscuser: sownload the tar.gz and compile looks to be the way forward10:27
notwistPizarro: is it a re-writable disc?10:27
ActionParsnipscuser: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-776318.html10:28
Pizarronotwist, no it isn't, it's a CD-Rç10:28
ActionParsnip!compile | scuser10:29
ubottuscuser: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:29
DannyKingcould someone tell me where my X logs are?10:29
notwistPizarro: when you boot the cd, choose the alternative to check the disc. There is a built in function for it. It might take a little while but then atleast you'll know that the disc is 100 % ok and can look for other problems10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xlogs10:29
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:29
KazaLitehow can i find vendor id and product id of hard drive attached to my computer?10:29
Pizarronotwist, I already did that, and the same message, I am going to burn it again10:29
DannyKingI mean my X display logs on my system :)10:30
notwistPizarro: you got an error message while checking the disc? That pretty much settles it. Try burning it at a lower speed10:30
ActionParsnipDannyKing: /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:30
notwistPizarro: lower speed takes more time but it lowers the risk of data corruption10:30
ActionParsnipDannyKing: also try dmesg | tail10:30
DannyKingthanks :)10:30
Pizarronotwist, yes, I get the same messasge trying to check it, I am burning another new one10:30
notwistPizarro: if the other one fails as well you probably need to look for a reason on the computer you're burning on. Maybe bad type of CD-Rs or too high speed, etc.10:31
=== eltech- is now known as eltech
ActionParsnipPizarro: if you burn slower you'll have more chance of a successful burn, I always burn 8x for bootable media10:32
erUSULMaxJay: you pluggeed the new ethernet card incorrctly... open the computer case and check it10:32
Pizarronotwist, I am burning now at x12, but if the computer I am using as recorder is faulty, the cd wouldn't worked yesterday for 3 times in other computer10:32
notwistPizarro: maybe it went bad overnight or something then :)10:32
ganeshcan any one help me with gnome crash problem?i can see only a white screen and a cursor on login10:32
sfer3Pizarro: I was going to point that out :P10:32
Pizarronotwist, yeah, who knows,10:32
reel_kazalite, sudo  lshw -C disk10:33
sfer3!repeat | ganesh10:33
ubottuganesh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:33
sfer3Ganesh: Can you  log in using a different session?10:33
PizarroI am using Verbatin CD-R disks, so I don't thinkg they are such bad10:33
notwistganesh: is it right after a clean install?10:33
sfer3And can you give some more information about the problem?10:33
* Kondensuotas_pie hau!10:33
MaxJayerUSUL,  my computer does not have anything to open, the card is plugged in on a extensiocard on my motherboard.10:33
notwistPizarro: probably not in your case. but sometimes brands of burners work bad with certain brands of CDs10:33
MaxJaybrb.. it can be bios..10:34
Pizarronotwist, the recorder I am using is a Lightscribe one (DVD/CD, etc..)10:34
erUSULMaxJay: then check there. the card does not show on lspci that means that the problem is phisical there is no conection10:34
ganesh sfer3:notwist: its same with all accounts except failsafe...it was working fine before10:34
nandemonaiHi guys, how come sudo update-manager -d gives the option of 8.10 already? Shouldn't that only happen on release?10:34
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ActionParsnipnandemonai: are you running intrepid?10:35
nandemonaiNo, Hardy.10:35
notwistganesh: did you change any configuration?10:35
Pizarronotwist, once ubuntu server is installed, how stable is it? I mean, am I goint to get some weird surpraises like this in the future??10:35
notwistganesh: install any new packages?10:35
ActionParsnipnandemonai: well if the repos are offering it then i'd take it, you should run updae-manager with gksu too10:35
notwistPizarro: I'm running it on my router box right now and it's been running for 20 days atleast :P10:36
mgolisch-d, --devel-release Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible10:36
nandemonai(I am testing under vmware though but I'm talking about my hardy desktop)10:36
mgolischthats why10:36
Pizarronotwist, I am asking because I spent 2 days trying to install this without success, and it is not the first time I installa Linux10:36
nandemonaiOhh right.10:36
notwistPizarro: one great tip is to install the package called "ebox", that helped me a lot. It's a web interface that lets you configure the server with network sharing and stuff10:36
ganesh notwist: dont remember...how can i check which is the last installed package?10:36
ActionParsnipnotwist: webmin does that sort of thing too10:37
bullgard4[Organizing bookmark directories in Firefox 3 > Library] How can I rename a bookmark directory?10:37
notwistganesh: not sure. the quickest way might be to reinstall gnome or something10:37
Pizarronotwist, OK, I was thinking about installing somethign to let me control the server from other network computer, like VNC, etc.. taht might work10:37
notwistActionParsnip: I heard webmin was insecure10:37
erUSUL!webmin | notwist10:37
ubottunotwist: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.10:37
ganeshnotwist: how do i do that?10:37
notwisterUSUL: yeah, what about it?10:37
ActionParsnipnotwist: not sure, i just know of it. I just use ssh :)10:38
Pizarronotwist, ok a new CD ready!, I am going to tray again the isntallation10:38
notwistganesh: if you go into a command prompt like shift+F1 or something, you can apt-get remove the gnome-desktop package and then install it again10:38
notwistPizarro: you should use SSH for text based remote admin and ebox for the network config (or just iptables if you're good at it, which im not)10:38
notwistActionParsnip: ebox saved my day, i tried to get my computer up as a router for an entire day and with ebox it just worked10:39
notwistActionParsnip: I wanted to kill myself over all the iptables documentation10:39
ActionParsnipnotwist: or you could forward X over ssh ;) and use firestarter :D10:39
ahtmly2khow come when i have the audio enabled on the mana world i cant hear sounds from other media players?10:39
freaky[t]!ubuntu +110:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu +110:39
=== Sipingal is now known as Liubing
notwistActionParsnip: well forwarding X on ubuntu server seems weird doesn't it :)10:39
ganesh notwist:what exactly is the command?10:39
freaky[t]why can i not join #ubuntu+1?10:39
ActionParsnipnotwist: not massively10:40
Pizarronotwist, now it didn't hang after selecting the isntallation language, but when the "Choose language" text windows appear....I give up10:40
notwistganesh: sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop and then replace "remove" with "install"10:40
erUSULnotwist: iptables is to low level for most uses... just use something like shorewall; firehol or other firewall script10:40
ActionParsnipfreaky[t]: /join #ubuntu+110:40
=== Liubing is now known as Sipingal
notwistPizarro: did you check the CD?10:40
notwisterUSUL: firewall is not only for port blocking but also for forwarding (ie routing) right?10:40
ganeshnotwist: E: Couldn't find package gnome-desktop10:41
erUSULnotwist: yep firehol and dhorewall do all that stuff (or a firewall distribution like ipcop or zeroshell)10:41
Pizarronotwist, yes, the same issue, same message, and hangs again10:41
notwistPizarro: when you boot there is an option to check the CD, that hangs it?10:41
Pizarronotwist, yes10:42
freaky[t]ah now it seems like i got a huge lag10:42
ActionParsnipganesh: try tab completing the package name10:42
Pizarronotwist, if the issue was in the cd, the cd-reader should be working, however it's off, no light10:42
notwistPizarro: maybe its broken? Not impossible even if its new10:42
Pizarronotwist, let me try with a cd of Xp10:43
ganeshActionParsnip: didn't get you10:43
Pizarronotwist, no, I am going to try with a debian genuine cd10:43
ActionParsnipganesh: just like tab completing anything in linux, you can tab complete package names when you are playing with apt-get10:44
jyotsnaHey! what's a good site for freeware apps10:44
jyotsnadoes anyone no!10:44
notwistjyotsna: for ubuntu?10:44
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
DannyKinggeb.org is pretty good10:44
DannyKinger, getdeb.org *10:45
ActionParsniphey xtrememertx10:45
jyotsna<notwist>: YEAH10:45
DannyKingactually it's getdeb.net10:45
ganeshnotwist:is it gnome-desktop-data?10:45
jyotsnai'll try that one10:45
erUSULjyotsna: anything more appart the thousans of apps aviable through apt/synaptic ??10:46
xtrememertxActionParsnip: i met st3ph10:46
Pizarronotwist, well, with a Debian distro, burned on the same brand Cd, using the same CD recorder, it is working FINE10:46
Pizarronotwist, so the issue is Ubuntu Server10:46
erUSUL!software | jyotsna10:46
ubottujyotsna: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:46
jyotsna<erUSUL: Well I just wana browse some cool software10:46
jyotsnafor ubunty10:46
xtrememertxActionParsnip:  I saw her config file  she has an 865  and i have 81010:47
erUSULjyotsna: tried Aplications>Add/Remove ??10:47
blue-frogjyotsna: open synaptic package manager to start with10:47
notwistPizarro: seems weird why it would lock up at such an early stage but sure, try debian instead then10:47
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: do you mean st3ph's?10:47
blue-frogjyotsna: or better as erUSUL said10:47
jyotsnaYeah I tried that...got some pretty good stuff there....Just wanted to bookmark site that you guys no for future for10:47
Pizarronotwist, I really give up, now Debian installation says than no CD-ROM was detected....but it is using the CD-ROM to load it self....pufff10:47
ActionParsnipjyotsna: or websearch round for what you wanna do. e.g Ubuntu map software10:47
jyotsnasoftware download10:47
xtrememertxActionParsnip: yes10:48
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: she has an i810 driver running which is giving her full res10:48
st3phActionParsnip,  but its a different chip we found out10:49
st3phhe has 810 i have 86510:49
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ActionParsnipst3ph: but your xorg.conf is using the i810 driver yes?10:49
xtrememertxActionParsnip:i'm getting full resolution  but low fps10:50
xtrememertxyes she isusing i81010:50
st3phi look10:50
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: doesnt hurt to have a go, you can always roll back if you backup your current xorg.conf10:50
PizarroIt's really a pitty situations like this force some users to still stuck on Microsoft osftware10:51
ActionParsnipPizarro: i dont use any, what software do you need?10:51
ganeshnotwist:is it gnome-desktop-data?10:51
erUSULst3ph: some drivers (intel and i810) can drive many chip revisions/versions10:51
xtrememertxActionparsnip:her busid is different10:51
erUSULst3ph: man intel or man i810 for details10:51
PizarroActionParsnip, none, I am just trying to install Ubuntu Server in a new computer, that's it10:51
st3pherUSUL,  ty10:51
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: xorg.conf will always be the same10:51
davidis htere a way to set the desktop effects to be disabled when on battery power?10:51
notwistganesh: i think it should be just gnome-desktop10:51
=== david is now known as Guest5467
PizarroActionParsnip, however, the results are forcing me to move to Windows Server10:52
notwistganesh: maybe its ubuntu-desktop10:52
st3pherUSUL,  what do i type in terminal now10:52
ActionParsnipPizarro: what results?10:52
notwistPizarro: Sounds like your CD drive is defect10:52
notwistPizarro: or atleast a bit weird10:52
erUSULst3ph: what are you trying to do?10:52
notwistPizarro: perhaps you could try installing ubuntu server in a different way, from a usb stick for example10:52
xtrememertxActionParsnip: i mean my bus id is different from hers its 0:1:0 where as she has 0:2:010:52
RowellenHi, I am having problems doing a ping to eg. www.google.com. on the IP I get replies but on the name nothing10:52
st3pherUSUL,  to see my config10:52
Pizarronotwist, well, yesterdqay in other computer this stuff didn't work...so I don't think two computers, one very new (just a cuple of hours working) are the reason10:53
erUSULRowellen: dns isuues ?10:53
ActionParsnipxtrememertx: then leave that line in yours and change the rest10:53
erUSULst3ph: less /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?10:53
xtrememertxok ill brb  ty10:53
notwistPizarro: you said installation worked on the other computer10:53
Pizarronotwist, yes, but not the network10:53
st3phxtrememertx,  u need any info now again?10:53
Guest5467is htere a way to set the desktop effects to be disabled when on battery power?10:54
notwistPizarro: the network has nothing to do with either the CD or the CD-rom10:54
Pizarronotwist, everything was installaed in the other computer, but I was unable to ping even my router10:54
xtrememertxno st3ph  ..ill brb10:54
st3pherUSUL,  ty10:54
notwistPizarro: you cant compare the two "not working" because one of them actually installs and the other wont10:54<