
lifelessI'd say00:00
amanicaI've never heard of a style to not use query args00:00
lifelesswould be a reasonable use of query args00:00
lifelesswithout that get the raw bytes of the file00:01
lifelessor alternatively00:01
lifelessand without that get the pretty view00:01
amanicawhat pretty view?00:02
lifelessannotated text is the pretty view :)00:02
poolielifeless, spiv, jam, call in 2m00:02
lifelessI think allowing space in the URL's for revision and stuff is good00:02
amanicaas mentioned previously the only problem is: there are special files eg:00:03
lifelessis better IMO00:03
lifelessan alternative is00:03
amanicaso we might need to change ->
thumperwhen is the new bzrtools going to be packaged in the bzr ppa?00:03
thumperright now I'm holding off installing the 1.7rc as it wants to remove bzrtools00:04
thumperand I use bzrtools all the time, and don't want it removed00:04
thumpernor do I want to use a non-packaged bzrtools00:04
amanicain my use case;rev=head:/tools/biobench.py?action=raw is not really an option (I dont know where to split the path)00:04
mwhudsonamanica: well, default would be to show the head revision presumably00:06
mwhudsonamanica: so far i've been restraining myself a little from suggesting you fix gforge instead/as well :)00:06
amanicaand I'd have to add another param for rev=12300:06
amanicaI am busy fixing it :)00:06
amanicaI can do a bzr revno on every folder in my path to determine if it is the branch00:07
* beuno -> home + dinner00:07
amanicabut that didnt work for me00:07
amanicaI have been using `bzr branches` to get a list of branches00:08
lifelessbzr root00:08
lifelesswill tell you where the root is00:08
amanicawhcih I can compare to the full path to see if I can determine which one is in use00:08
amanicaBut I thouth if loggerhead is cleaver enough in any case I dont need to mess with that00:09
johanlifeless: no, just that shell scripting makes a bit more sense than a python plugin, for hooks.00:09
mwhudsonamanica: in any case it's by now pretty easily to write wsgi stuff to do url traversal however you like00:09
mwhudsonamanica: unfortunately the links that get generated will be all wrong :/00:09
mwhudsonif you care to tackle _that_ problem you will definitely be my friend00:10
amanicawhich _that_ problem?00:10
mwhudsonamanica: the link-generation problem00:11
amanicais this wsgi stuff in loggerhead00:11
amanicaor do you mean write a site wrapper?00:11
mwhudsonloggerhead is all wsgi these days00:11
amanicaok, Ive not seen this link generation problem00:13
amanicaso now that I can determine the branch root, I would be able to split up the url.00:14
mwhudsonamanica: well it's the standard thing of making sure that the way you generate urls and the way you interpret them line up00:14
manundergroundhey does bzr support something similar to git's submodules?00:14
manundergroundor bitkeepers ability to reference other repos?00:14
mwhudsonamanica: loggerhead is flexible enough to allow the way you interpret urls to be changed easily00:15
mwhudsonamanica: but the way they are generated is very hard coded and horrible00:15
amanicaoh ok00:15
amanicaI didn't really intend to change the url generation, but mainly just to support alternate urls00:16
amanicamwhudson: I would still need a way to do this for a specific revno00:18
Peng_manunderground: Like svn:external? Something like that has been In Progress for ages.00:18
manundergroundpeng_ dunno if it's the same but I imagine it is, not familiar with svn:external00:18
manundergroundit is simply the abillity to have one repo reference another as another working item00:18
mwhudsonmanunderground: people here may not be familiar with git submodules :)00:18
manundergroundhere's the use case, you have a suite of apps, you want each app to have its own repository00:19
manundergroundyou want the suite to have a repository, too, maybe it has an installer or something00:19
manundergroundso the suite references the app's repos00:19
manunderground(which in turn reference feature repos? AHHH)00:19
amanicamwhudson: BTW I'm not really a gforge guy, but my company is going to use it, and I HAVE TO USE BZR OR I'LL DIE. so I'm writng a plugin....00:19
amanicamwhudson: so I still like/need something like
manundergroundso, it doesn't exist but it's planned and not exactly forthcoming?00:22
mwhudsonamanica: right, it can probably be added easily enough00:23
amanicaI'm ok with that, but I'd prefer to work on something that will have a chance to get merged in the future, than going off into my own little fork00:24
Kilroomanunderground: I was just reading something today about different directory structures you can use for repositories with Bazaar.00:25
amanicathats why I'm trying to get an idea of what others want. and surprisingly its not what I thought00:25
KilrooA couple of them were essentially ways where you have a shared repository for a collection of projects and then separate projects within that repository.00:25
KilrooBut I can't find the page again, so I'm not sure how closely it resembles the organization pattern you describe.00:26
manundergroundKilroo: hm, hard to say, but it'd be cool if you found that again00:26
manundergroundI think this is actually a very important feature00:27
mwhudsonmanunderground: there are kind of two answer to this, there is "nested trees" which i woudn't hold your breath for, and there is "config-manager" which collects branches into one tree on disk00:27
manundergroundmwhudson: so can you explain "collects branches into one tree" means00:28
fullermdmanunderground: And in bzr terms, you mean 'branches', not 'repos'.00:28
manundergroundoh ok00:28
manundergroundbut then I assume that the branch is the entire tree?00:28
manunderground(meaning, you can trace out the entire tree from the branch)00:29
fullermdWell, branches are what you work with.  You never work with 'repos'.00:29
manundergroundalright, let me try to clarify thigns here. when I say repo I mean a tree00:29
manundergroundwith the root00:29
manundergroundand a branch is not the full tree, right?00:30
manundergroundthe tree is a collection of branches00:30
manundergroundand I'd like to have, say, 3 independent trees00:30
manundergroundthen a fourth one which references the other three00:30
manunderground(and ideally doesn't have to put import all their files or history)00:30
manundergroundso it's a reference that I'm looking for, I think :-)00:31
fullermdAs I understand you, you'd have 3 branches, and then a fourth branch with not much in it, but references to those other 3.00:31
fullermd(assuming that nested trees were up and running)00:32
manundergroundalright, that sounds like what I want, so that is supported?00:32
fullermdNow, there's nothing stopping you from arranging the 3 branches however you want on your system.  But the bits that allow automating treating them as a single entity from the outside aren't there.00:33
manundergroundoh ok, so you would have then if I understand you there's no way to track the history of references in your project? You could put some placeholder dirs or readmes, etc, but not actually reference the other projects repo's00:34
manundergroundhaha, minus the "so you would have then" bit...00:35
jmlpoolie: woot.00:46
pooliejml, ?00:47
jmlpoolie: saw the call minutes :)00:47
jml * looking at failure jml is seeing on stacked00:47
pooliewas there any other news on it from your side?00:48
jmlpoolie: I've filed bugs with easy steps to reproduce the symptoms, that's about it.00:54
=== mw is now known as mw|out
LaserJockcan lightweight checkouts be pushed to LP?01:28
jmlLaserJock: only branches.01:28
LaserJockhmm, interesting01:28
LaserJockso the only good way of sharing changes to a lightweight checkout is to send patches?01:29
jmlI'm a little confused.01:29
jmlby 'changes to a lightweight checkout', do you mean 'local edits without commits'?01:30
jmlit's ok, I'm just having a slow day :)01:30
LaserJockI mean, I want to get a branch from LP, make some commits, and then get it back to the author01:30
LaserJockI was wondering if a lightweight checkout would work for that or not01:31
LaserJockcan I make local commits on a lightweight checkout even?01:31
jmlI don't think so.01:31
jmlwell, you can if it's a lightweight checkout of a branch you have write access to01:31
jmlbut they aren't local01:32
* jml should really try today again.01:32
LaserJockI don't think I have write access either01:32
jmlLaserJock: I think you'll need to make a real, honest-to-goodness branch.01:33
mwhudsonsoon, you'll be able to branch --stacked01:34
LaserJockmwhudson: that'll give me partial history?01:34
mwhudsonbasically yes01:34
jmlalthough I imagine that for heavy hacking you'll still probably want a shared repo model — not sure.01:34
lifelessLaserJock: if youwant to commits you need write access; a stacked branch will work, or a normal branch01:35
LaserJocklifeless: right, I was wondering if I could do a lightweight checkout and then push it to my bzr space01:36
LaserJockmakes sense though that that wouldn't exactly work01:36
LaserJockok, another question. when I'm branching I get a notice that the branch format is old01:39
lifelesscomplain to the branch owner01:39
lifeless(they should upgrade it)01:39
LaserJockI wondered if I should upgrade it or if they should01:39
lifelessunless you have write access, you can't01:40
LaserJockbut I'm not sure if it's just because I'm using newer bzr or not01:40
lifelessif you do, then you can [with some tricks if its on launchpad]01:40
LaserJockis there a table of formats vs bzr version?01:40
lifelesscore formats have versions in them, that indicate the introducing version01:41
lifelessformats that don't have a version in them are either very old (0.8 or so)01:41
LaserJockso this ones says: RepositoryFormatKnit101:41
lifelessor plugin formats that you need a specific plugin for01:41
lifelessthere should be a line at the top01:42
lifelesssometing like 'knits' - anyhow, thats a very old format01:42
lifelessbzr 0.8 and above read and write it, but its slow.01:42
LaserJockyeah, this branch is taking *forever*01:42
LaserJockI'll perhaps mention it to mvo tomorrow01:42
LaserJockif you upgrade a branch how does it know what to upgrade to? does it just go to the latest default?01:43
lifelesswith the exception of bzr-svn branches, it goes to the current default, which we are conservative about changing01:44
lifelessthe current default works with bzr 0.92 and above01:44
LaserJockah, ok good01:44
lifelesswith bzr-svn branches it will error, as you need to manually specify what to upgrade to01:45
LaserJockI was wondering if it's easy to get a situation where a person upgrading via bzr.dev ends up doing bad things for other users01:45
lifelessLaserJock: if we were silly, it would be :P01:46
LaserJockwell ... :-)01:46
LaserJockjeeze, this thing is using like 2 KB/s01:47
lifeless"slow" :P01:47
LaserJockI guess I could start like 10 branches at the same time :-)01:49
fullermdWell, using bzr.dev caused bug 261339, frex   :p01:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261339 in bzr "Upgrade from knit to pack fails on revision not present" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26133901:58
fullermd(well, maybe not precisely caused, but caused to exhibit anyway)01:58
LaserJockhmm, has the idea of combining init-repo with branch come up?02:03
jmlLaserJock: kind of.02:05
jmlLaserJock: rockstar and I have talked about a plugin that does the init-repo when fetching a branch for the first time.02:05
LaserJockyeah, something like that02:06
LaserJockI always forget02:06
jmlLaserJock: it's slightly complicated by the fact that some people like to keep their local branches separate from their working trees.02:07
LaserJockso like you would have ~/branches/* and then  ~/working ?02:08
jmlLaserJock: something like that.02:13
jmlLaserJock: to do that manually, you'd go 'bzr init-repo --no-trees ~/branches; cd ~/branches; bzr branch <whatever>; cd ~/trees; bzr co --lightweight ~/branches/<whatever>'02:15
jmlmaybe there's an easier way.02:15
* jml shrugs02:15
jmlI mix trees and branches with merry abandon.02:15
LaserJockoh woah, that's interesting02:16
jmlthumper, abentley and others use that layout02:17
jmland can help you more if you're interested02:17
LaserJockjml: why do init-repo in ~/branches ?02:17
LaserJockinstead of just doing individual branches02:18
jmlLaserJock: it creates a repository (that is, a bucket for revisions) that can be shared between branches.02:18
jmlLaserJock: this saves space and also makes certain operations faster02:19
LaserJockso I guess if you had branches with similar history it'd help02:19
jmlin particular, making new branches and fetching branches from remote hosts02:19
jmlLaserJock: right.02:19
RAOFAnd, by "certain operations" jml means "branching".  And by "faster", he means "like a hojilion times faster".02:19
jmlLaserJock: so actually, you _wouldn't_ do "init-repo ~/branches"02:20
jmlyou'd probably do "init-repo ~/repos/<my-project>"02:20
jmland then "init-repo ~/repos/<another-project>"02:20
LaserJockI was reading about a science professor who was using bzr repos for papers02:24
rockstarjml, LaserJock it just so happens that I'm polishing that plugin right now.02:24
LaserJockso if he had a new paper or presentation he'd bzr branch02:24
LaserJockseemed like a really cool idea02:24
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
jmlI know at least one PhD student who uses Bazaar for their thesis.02:26
jmlmaybe two.02:26
LaserJockthat's what I'm doing right now ...02:26
LaserJockit's nice to know what revision I gave my advisor to read02:27
LaserJockthe idea of a presentations bzr repo is interesting, since often they are a fairly linear progression02:28
rockstarHom do I get a branch's format in bzrlib Branch?02:30
mwhudsonrockstar: from a branch object?02:30
mwhudsonb._format.get_branch_format() i think02:30
spivLaserJock: I habitually make branches for any slides I'm working on02:30
jmlassuming a certain modernity.02:31
jmlthere isn't actually a consistent way across all formats, I don't think.02:31
rockstar*gasp* An API where I have to access the a property starting with _02:32
spivLaserJock: I don't think I've ever looked at the old revisions, but just knowing that I *can* lets me relax and delete unused ideas and whatever from my slides rather than leaving them floating around until the last moment in case I decide I might want to use them after all.02:32
LaserJockspiv: yeah, exactly02:32
rockstarjml, the use case is this:  I have my plugin, and I'm getting repository/branch format conflicts02:33
jmlrockstar: that's not a use case :)02:34
jmlrockstar: what are you doing to get these conflicts?02:34
LaserJockI wish I could go back in time 6 years and input everything into bzr :-)02:34
rockstarjml, let me finish!02:34
* jml does so02:34
jmlLaserJock: putting Bazaar back in time six years would solve a lot of my problems.02:34
rockstarSo, I get conflicts when I create a repository with the default format, and then try to put a branch in the repo that doesn't have a compatible format.02:36
rockstarSo I needed to open the branch to check the format BEFORE I create the repo.02:36
jmlrockstar: so, you need to open the url as a BzrDir and then check the repo format02:39
jmlI guess.02:39
rockstarjml, yes.  However, mwhudson's response seems to be incorrect.02:39
mwhudsonrockstar: i think you can look at the cloning metadir for that02:39
rockstarmwhudson, Would this help? http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/bzrlibapi/bzrlib.branch.BranchFormat.html#find_format02:41
poolieok, really focussing on 270738 now02:49
jampoolie: the patch you posted conflicts with spiv's remote error fixes (bug #2613515)02:50
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2613515 could not be found02:50
jambug #26131502:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261315 in bzr "getting a stacked branch over the smart protocol fails with "Could not install revisions"" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26131502:50
jambug #27073802:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270738 in bzr "AttributeError when branching stacked branches" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27073802:50
jamjml mentioned it, I just confirmed it02:50
pooliejam, i intentionally did mine off an old branch to ease integration into 1.702:50
pooliei guess i should merge it into 1.7? or just into trunk?02:50
jamjust that the 1.7 branch *has* spiv's changes02:51
poolieor rather, merge them into me02:51
jampoolie: right, just 1.702:51
jampoolie: the change to "get_stacked_on_url" seems like it should be a per_branch test02:52
pooliejam, do you mean that you can still get it even if the repo can't accommodate it?02:53
rockstarOkay, so it looks like the branch is a RemoteBranch object.  Is there a way to get the format of the RemoteBranch?02:53
pooliehm, maybe02:53
jampoolie: right, just that it changes the API of the function02:53
jamto always return the config value02:53
poolierockstar: remotebranch._real_branch.format unfortunately02:53
poolieif you want the on-disk format02:53
jamPersonally, I prefer it to return None rather than raise an exception, but that is a long-ago discussion that got missed02:53
rockstarpoolie, _real_branch is apparently None02:54
pooliecall ._ensure_real then02:54
pooliejam, i know02:54
pooliei wonder if it would be better to just change it anyhow though02:54
poolielike, will there really be that many external callers of it?02:55
jampoolie: why do you have the "self._remote_path()" instead of "self.bzrdir._path_for_remote_call()" ?02:56
jamI think it is *better* I just don't see why it was important for this patch02:56
pooliei just didn't want to copy & paste it again02:58
pooliei feel a tension between doing focussed patches and cleaning things as i go02:58
jamI was mostly just trying to understand the patch and where I needed to focus02:59
jamI'm fine with the cleanup02:59
jamthough generally for a rc hotfix I would avoid them02:59
LaserJockis there a possibility of a branching from LP just stalling?03:02
LaserJockI'm going on 1.5 hrs now and I'm not sure if there's any progress03:03
lifelessLaserJock: strace the process03:03
lifelessLaserJock: is it a big project?03:04
LaserJockI didn't think so03:05
LaserJock600 or so revisions03:05
LaserJockbut the actual size shouldn't be bad03:05
lifelessits more file-count that breaks knits03:05
LaserJockok, strace says it's still doing stuff03:05
abadger1999When using relative directories for workingtree.add() and workingtree.smart_add(), what is it supposed to be relative to?03:05
lifelessabadger1999: add is relative to tree root03:06
abadger1999My test is showing it's relative to the cwd, but the documentation says it should be relative to the wt root.03:06
lifelesssmart_add is a little broken, its relative to pwd03:06
abadger1999Ah... maybe add is giving me a different error then.03:06
abadger1999lifeless: To make smart_add work as expected, do I need to os.chdir() to the tree root and then back after the call?03:07
LaserJocklifeless: 227 files for 2.7MB is the source tree03:07
abadger1999relpath() broken too?03:08
lifelessabadger1999: no, just give the relpath from cwd03:09
abadger1999Ah. rigt.03:09
abadger1999lifeless: Thanks03:09
jampoolie: BB:tweak sent to the list03:09
lifelessLaserJock: so it will be ~ 227 * 2 * RTT + BW*(history size)03:09
pooliei'm just working on the test merge, thanks john03:09
LaserJocklifeless: well, as long as I know it's still working I'll stick with it. I just didn't see the progress bar or "pinwheel" moving so I wondered if somehow it got hung up03:11
lifelessbbs, lunching03:12
poolieLaserJock: over ssh or http?03:19
* rockstar is having a hell of a time creating a repository with a format compatible with this branch03:22
=== mwhudson is now known as mwh
spivrockstar: source_branch.repository._format.initialize(target_bzrdir) ?03:27
rockstarspiv, well, the way it works on branches that use a something besides knitpack is:03:29
rockstarformat = bzrdir.format_registry.make_bzrdir('default')03:29
rockstarnewdir = format.initialize_on_transport(to_transport)03:29
rockstarrepo = newdir.create_repository(shared=True)03:29
spivThe default repository format isn't compatible with all branches, though.03:30
LaserJockpoolie: ssh03:32
rockstarspiv, yea, experiencing this now.03:33
lifelessrockstar: what are you trying to do?03:33
spivrockstar: so what problem are you trying to solve?  If it's "make a branch into a new shared repository", then you probably want to preserve the original format.03:33
rockstarspiv, yes, that's why I'm fixing the bug.  :)03:33
spivrockstar: if so, I'd make a new *empty* bzrdir, then use my suggestion above (passing shared=True), then just branch.sprout into a directory under that.03:34
rockstarlifeless, I've been sitting on this plugin for a while that creates a shared repository and puts a branch inside.03:34
lifelessrockstar: create the repo by using the source repo's bzrdir to sprout03:36
rockstarlifeless, wow, I think you just took out most of my code with that (provided it works)03:37
poolieLaserJock: i'm hoping to work soon on better progress messages for ssh03:40
pooliespiv, jml, lifeless, Functional Programming Sydney is on tomorrow at 6:30 at google03:41
LaserJockpoolie: are they different than for http?03:41
poolieLaserJock: without going into detail yes the codepath is a bit different03:41
spivpoolie: d'oh.  It's a birthday dinner for my mother tomorrow night.03:42
jmlpoolie: ooh.03:47
LaserJockwhat's the 0/4 step in branching? copying over revisions?03:53
rockstarlifeless, remote_branch.repository.bzrdir.sprout() seems to be sprouting the branch, not a repository.04:11
lifelessah yes, I was a bit quick there :P04:12
lifelessLaserJock: file texts04:12
wgrantIt is ridiculously slow. I can't see how it could be so slow even if it is plain knits.04:13
pooliespiv, i know it's probably in a message somewhere but04:13
lifelessrockstar: so the source.repository.bzr._format object should be parameterised correctly04:13
pooliewhat is the point of the error translation change in your landing to 1.7?04:13
pooliejust asking to know, not cause i disapprove04:13
jmlwgrant: what is?04:15
wgrantjml: Checking out the branch that LaserJock is attempting to check out.04:15
jmlwgrant: from Launchpad?04:16
LaserJockwgrant: oh, it finished!04:17
LaserJockBranched 616 revision(s).04:17
LaserJockreal    147m15.237s04:17
wgrantLaserJock: How big is it all up?04:17
LaserJock.bzr is 33MB04:18
rockstarlifeless, parameterized correctly how?04:18
lifelessLaserJock: run 'bzr upgrade' in your copy04:19
lifelessLaserJock: it will at least make your push, when you publish to LP, nice and fast :)04:19
wgrantWhat is the status of stacked branches (with LP)?04:20
LaserJocklifeless: do I run upgrade in the branch or in the root of the share repo?04:21
jmlwgrant: the next rollout will support them and have a default stacking policy set up for certain projects.04:21
lifelessLaserJock: oh, if you have a shared repo already, its probably already packs04:22
wgrantjml: The rollout in a few hours?04:22
LaserJocklifeless: oh, so was it taking so long because it was converting as it was branching?04:22
wgrantDo we get docs on how to use them, or do we have to work to actually discover that they are supported, and work harder to work out how to use them?04:22
AfCoh, snap04:23
jmlwgrant: that rollout, yes.04:23
lifelessLaserJock: it shouldn't have no, the conversion from knits to packs is trivial - we just strip off some metadata04:23
LaserJockhmm, this doesn't look good. bzr info in the branch gives: Repository tree (format: unnamed)04:23
wgrantjml: Aha.04:23
jmlwgrant: using them is a Bazaar issue :)04:23
wgrantjml: How does LP define a stacking policy?04:24
wgrantOr is that a branch property?04:24
wgrantYour statement about doing it for certain projects above has me confused.04:24
jmlwgrant: a branch can be stacked on another branch. Bazaar has a feature where new branches can be automatically stacked on a preconfigured branch.04:24
lifelessLaserJock: there is a bug on that04:24
lifelessLaserJock: just run 'bzr upgrade' in the new branch04:25
lifelessLaserJock: that will upgrade it to a tags-supporting branch04:25
wgrantjml: Right, that makes sense, but I wondered how LP came into the configuration equation.04:25
jmlwgrant: roughly speaking, Launchpad will stack branches on the development focus branch by default.04:26
wgrantI fail to see how Launchpad can decide that, but I guess I've no choice but to trust you!04:27
lifelesslp tells bzr what to stack on04:27
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
jmlwgrant: I'm not sure I follow.04:31
wgrantjml: Normally when I push a branch to LP, LP doesn't interfere. I just upload the branch over sftp or bzr+ssh, and LP eventually scans it. LP has no say in the upload.04:32
LaserJocklifeless: yeah, bzr upgrade was trivial and got me a recognizable format04:32
jmlwgrant: so, Launchpad tells the client 'you should stack your branches on URL', and the client says 'OK'04:33
wgrantjml: Aha, that makes sense.04:33
jmlwgrant: except actually because bzr is request / response, Launchpad only answers questions04:33
wgrantI presume that this doesn't work unless I use bzr+ssh.04:34
jmlactually, sftp works fine too.04:34
spivpoolie: It was for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/26352704:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263527 in bzr "ErrorFromSmartServer should not cause a traceback" [Medium,Fix released]04:34
spivpoolie: basically it doesn't scare users with a client-side traceback when it's (probably) the server that's having the problem.04:35
jmlwgrant: it won't work for old formats. they'll just upload normally.04:35
wgrantjml: So it speaks bzr over sftp somehow?04:35
wgrantI thought pushing over sftp was just copying things with sftp.04:35
jmlnot really.04:36
wgrantWell, at least it didn't use anything bzr-specific.04:36
jmlBazaar delegates to format objects, which do file operations more intelligently than dumb copying.04:36
jmlhere, the new format checks the remote configuration file.04:37
lifelesswgrant: lp synthesises a file at the project/ path in the sftp tree04:37
lifelesswgrant: bzr reads that file04:37
* jml has a mental picture of himself standing at a keyboard wearing a devo hat.04:38
wgrantlifeless: Ahh.04:38
wgrantlifeless: That explains it - I wondered how bzr could get information from LP from an empty directory.04:39
LaserJockwgrant: LP is full of "magic" :-)04:45
jmlwe try to keep it to a minimum.04:46
jml(alternatively, "You think that's files you're reading?")04:47
abentleypoolie: Thanks for setting up bzr-core.  I have gotten herb to zap bazaar-overall04:48
pooliei saw, thanks04:49
pooliespiv, so I was wondering about TestBranchSetLastRevisionInfo.test_unexpected_error04:55
pooliebut maybe i understand more now04:55
pooliespiv, could it be that the comment at the top of that test is wrong?04:55
poolie        # A response of 'NoSuchRevision' is translated into an exception.04:55
poolieactually it's testing when we get a random unexpected error04:56
LaserJockok, so pushing the same branch (now upgraded) took 16 min04:56
LaserJockso a total turn-around for branch-push of 163 minutes04:56
mwhwell, the time to upload is ok i guess...04:57
LaserJockand so now I dont' have any time to hack on it04:57
LaserJockwgrant: are you gonna time a branch from mine?04:58
jmlalso, if you could do -Dhpss, that would be great.04:58
LaserJockmwh: I might have been limited by my upload bandwidth04:59
LaserJockholy cow, wgrant got my branch in 2.5 min05:00
wgrantAnd I'm in .au. Not too bad.05:00
LaserJockhmm, 147 vs 2.505:00
wgrantJust a tad faster.05:00
wgrantI think knits need to die.05:00
pooliewgrant: well, you should get a warning about them with the current code05:01
poolieeither 1.6 or 1.7?05:01
spivpoolie: yeah, the comment does seem to be a copy & paste mistake.05:01
mwhi think the version of bar running on the server is _particularly_ bad with knits05:01
wgrant(oh, and this is with Hardy's bzr over HTTP, so it's probably rather slower than it should be)05:01
mwhwgrant: oh05:01
wgrantI was using Intrepid's bzr of bzr+ssh to get the knit branch, IIRC. But that machine doesn't have direct Internet access now, so I'm doing it on another box.05:02
mwhwell, for the initial branch, bzr+ssh probably doesn't beat http by much05:02
jmlif at all.05:03
wgrantHow much faster should bzr 1.6 be than 1.3.1?05:03
mwh(there's limited opportunity for cleverness after all, it's a "get all this data from here to there" operation)05:03
wgrantProbably not much, I guess.05:03
jmlalso, encryption :)05:03
mwhwgrant: for bzr+ssh, "a bit"05:03
mwhwgrant: for http, not much at all i expect05:03
poolieinitial push is pretty close to the underlying bandwidth for packs05:03
poolieabout 90%05:03
LaserJockyeah, I was at my bandwidth max when pushing 40KB/s05:04
* jml goes to get coffee05:04
LaserJockbut when branching I was only using ~ 2KB/s05:04
pooliespiv, i'm not so sure the distinction between ErrorFromSmartServer and Unexpected& is really worthwhile...05:05
pooliei mean if you get the former and it's not matched, surely it's unexpected?05:05
poolieanyhow i've resolved the merge for 1.705:05
spivpoolie: if an ErrorFromSmartServer escapes from a Remote* object, that's a bug in the client -- it means the error translation isn't being invoked.05:06
spivWhereas Unexpected& is "the client tried to translate and couldn't, so it appears the server is talking nonsense".05:07
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pooliejml, spiv, jam, the integrated fix for 261315 is now submitted to pqm for 1.705:36
pooliei'm going to take a break then look at05:36
poolieum, that keyerror thing05:36
pooliespiv, i want to use the updated wiki roadmap page in my meeting tomorrow night05:37
pooliei'll work with you on it later or tomorrow if you want05:37
poolieoh foo, i guess it clashes with fpsyd05:37
abadger1999Thanks a bunch guys!  transifex will have a working bzr submission backend courtesy of your help.05:51
vilahi all07:01
pooliehello vila07:08
pooliehow's things07:08
vilafine, many mails to write today :)07:09
poolieoh, what kind of thing?07:09
vilaoh, summaries for python-2.6 compatibility, the ones I mentioned the last time, november meeting, etc07:11
vilaI will try to clear my mailbox a bit more today :D07:11
lifelessmwh: are there docs on the generator protocol for C extensions?07:20
spivlifeless: 'generator protocol'?  AIUI, it's just the iterator protocol.  Are you asking about creating generators or something?07:24
lifelessspiv: pyrex doesn't support yield07:35
lifelessspiv: I'm looking at how to make a pyrex module behave like its yielding with the least possible overhead07:35
spivThe yield keyword is just a convenient (and efficient) way to build an iterator.07:37
lifelessI just had to restrain myself from sarcasm07:37
pooliewonders never cease :)07:38
spivSo if I'm understanding you correctly, the answer to your problem is "write an object that conforms to the iterator protocol".  I feel like I'm missing something?07:38
lifelessspiv: we need tp_iternext in the C object set to the next in the C level code, for instance07:39
spivRight.  It sounds like you understand the C end of things just fine, so I'm not sure what you're asking about.  :)07:44
spivOr maybe it's how to do it in Pyrex that's the issue?07:45
lifelessspiv: indeed07:45
spivAh, ok.07:45
lifelessspiv: and with lowest overhead I can achieve :P07:45
spivI think Pyrex lets you define __next__ on your class.07:45
spiv(http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Pyrex/version/Doc/Manual/special_methods.html mentions it)07:47
lifelessyes, just been reading that :P07:47
spivOh well, that exhausts my expertise on the topic, so I'll shut up now :)07:48
lifelessjohn did an iterator for win3207:51
lifelessso there is stuff to cargo cult07:51
lifelessbut I was hoping to know more about e.g. marshalling and reentry overhead etc07:51
spivTake a peek at the C translation I guess.07:53
spivI can make some guesses, but that's probably not very helpful :)07:53
thumperplease can we have bzrtools in the bzr ppa?08:52
speakmanhi folks! :)08:54
speakmanhow is --fixes supposed to work?08:54
speakmanI'm using Trac, and even if it doesn't work with Trac for the moment, I'd like to use it anyway in case it will be supported later on.08:55
speakmanbut "bzr commit -m "message" --fixes 30" results in a "bzr: ERROR: Invalid bug 30. Must be in the form of 'tag:id'. Commit refused."08:56
RAOFspeakman: --fixes=$BUGID.  So, for launchpad, I pass --fixes=lp:1234508:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30 in malone "comments on bugs require subjects" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3008:56
* spiv knocks another 10s off pushing 1 new rev to a bzr.dev branch. (Now down to 51s over 500ms latency link, down from 73s with 1.4)08:56
speakmanRAOF: I see. How can I use it in my local repo? Or even with trac if it's supported nowadays?08:57
spivspeakman: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#bug-tracker-settings08:58
spivspeakman: note that all --fixes does is set a property in that revision.  It's then up to your Trac/Bugzilla/whatever instance to interpret that property.08:59
speakmanspiv: ok, I'd just like it to be set in the changeset, no matter if it's interpreted or used. :)09:01
speakmanregarding the docs; am I supposed to edit the .bzr/branch/branch.conf by hand?09:02
spivI think so, although it's not something you'd need to do very often.09:06
spivI can't remember the last time I edited one, if ever.09:07
* jml can09:08
jmlbut I was trying to break stuff :)09:08
lifelessspiv: great news09:08
lifelessspiv: I know I'd love to hear about such things on-list too :>09:08
spivlifeless: and it's only a bit of a hack, too ;)09:09
speakmanreading the doc twice I found setting trac-url into ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf works great too :)09:09
pooliejml, re bug 27073809:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270738 in bzr "AttributeError when branching stacked branches" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27073809:10
speakmanNow my latest changeset is commited with --fixes project:bugno, but I can't even see it with "bzr log -r -1 -v". Isn't it supposed to show up?09:10
jmlpoolie: yes.09:10
pooliethe attribute error is obviously just hiding something else09:10
poolieassuming that it's not already fixed in the branch09:10
bob2speakman: afaik it is only shown by 'bzr viz'09:10
pooliecould you make a trivial change like say changing the last parameter to repr(self) or ""09:10
poolieand tell me what happens then09:11
pooliebecause i cannot reproduce it at present09:11
jmlpoolie: sure. gimme a second to finish off this thought.09:11
jmlpoolie: actually, do you have an updated non-conflicting version of your bundle?09:11
* jml becomes curious as to how zope orders its layers09:13
jmlLarstiQ: hello.09:13
LarstiQjml: hello :)09:13
spivspeakman: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/25172909:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251729 in bzr "It would be nice to have bugs informations in logs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:14
pooliejml, i sent it in to pqm09:15
poolieif you pull bzr.1.7 you'll get it09:15
jmlpoolie: ahh ok.09:16
poolieor http://sourcefrog.net/bzr/261315-into-1.709:16
jmlpqm is empty, so I'll try pulling now.09:16
jmlwhile my machine thrashes for these tests09:16
jmlpoolie: did you try to reproduce with the same branch?09:18
jmlpoolie: I get that same error with bzr.dev09:20
jmlI'll update to use repr09:21
jmlpoolie: I wonder why you can't reproduce the bug.09:21
jml$ bzr branch bzr+ssh://localhost/tmp/e g09:23
jmlbzr: ERROR: Revision {set([('Arch-1:walters@verbum.org--2003%tla-pqm--mainline--0.1--patch-10',), ('Arch-1:walters@verbum.org--2003%arch-pqm--main--0--base-0',), ('Arch-1:walters@verbum.org--2003%tla-pqm--mainline--0.1--patch-1',), ('Arch-1:walters@verbum.org--2003%tla-pqm--mainline--0.2--base-0',), ('Arch-1:robert.collins@canonical.com--general%arch-pqm--main--0--base-0',), ('Arch-1:robert.collins@canonical.com--general%arch-pqm--main--0--patch-1',), ('A09:23
jmlrch-1:walters@verbum.org--2003%tla-pqm--mainline--0.3--base-0',)])} not present in "KnitVersionedFiles(_KnitGraphIndex(CombinedGraphIndex()), <bzrlib.knit._DirectPackAccess object at 0x882194c>)".09:23
jmlpoolie: feel free to call me on my mobile if you want to talk more, I'm off.09:28
pooliethanks very much09:29
matkorHi !10:24
matkorHow can I resolve such strange to me confilcts: Conflict adding file semantics_cserver.py.BASE.  Moved existing file to semantics_cserver.py.BASE.moved.10:25
matkorI do not remember adding semantics_cserver.py.BASE10:25
matkorI have valid content in semantics_cserver.py10:25
matkorwhich I would like to commit10:25
LarstiQmatkor: that sounds like a second round of conflicts on top of the existing one10:26
LarstiQmatkor: when do you get this conflict?10:27
matkorLarstiQ: I worked over checkout ..10:27
matkordid unbind , commited some changes and bind later10:27
matkorresult was pretty surprising to me10:27
matkoranyway how can I force resolve it ?10:29
matkorbzr resolved semantics_cserver.py does not help with that ...10:30
LarstiQmatkor: use status and diff to find out where you are, and resolve to resolve conflicts10:30
LarstiQmatkor: no, the message says your conflict is on semantics_cserver.py.BASE, not semantics_cserver.py10:31
matkorLarstiQ: Yes , I am not interested in semantics_cserver.py.* - I have valid (merged) content in semantics_cserver.py10:32
matkorI just want to commit it10:33
matkorLarstiQ: If confilict is10:34
matkorbzr revert semantics_cserver.py.BASE10:34
matkorbzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: semantics_cserver.py.BASE10:34
LarstiQmatkor: could you pastebin `bzr status` output please?10:34
matkorLarstiQ: sure , but pastebin.org seems to be dead for me, here it is http://wklej.org/id/4724/10:39
matkorbzr 1.510:39
* LarstiQ doesn't care _which_ pastebin it is :)10:39
LarstiQmatkor: so, `bzr resolve semantics_cserver.py` doesn't remove those .BASE conflicts, what does `bzr resolve semantics_cserver.py.BASE` do?10:41
matkorLarstiQ: Oh, it removes from conflicting files ! Thank you very much !10:44
LarstiQmatkor: no problem :) If you can give a recipe for how to reproduce this situation, that might be nice.10:46
matkorLarstiQ: I doubt it. I did several post unbind/bind merges and it worked great as for now ...10:50
LarstiQmatkor: any reason you're not using commit --local; update instead of unbinding/rebinding?10:51
matkorLarstiQ: Propably only my ignorance about commit --local ...  Reading now how it works.10:52
imyojimbocan some1 please explain to me the idea of --no-trees repository, i didnt get it10:59
AfCimyojimbo: Branches created in it won't have Working Trees present. Gives you a way of storing lots of branches without taking up lots of space. It's just a variation.11:04
matkorLarstiQ: Yeah bzr commit --local is doing exactly what I wanted by doing bzr unbind commit bind cycle. Thank  you very much again !11:14
LarstiQmatkor: np :)11:16
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jmljamesh: actually using testresources?11:46
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vxnickHi all - got a bit of a strange one here, hoping you can help12:09
vxnickDo you know how I can embed the revision number within a PHP file? Presumably, this would need to be done as part of a post-commit hook?12:10
AfCvxnick: have a look through the mailing list archive. There was recently some discussion of ids or version strings or something like that. Not sure if they were talking about a plugin or a hook or what.12:19
vxnickAfC: thanks - I'll take a look12:20
LarstiQvxnick: how about `bzr version-info`?12:28
vxnickLarstiQ: that's what I thought it'd be - I found the thread in the mailing lists :-)12:28
vxnickI wasn't sure how I would hook this in though, as I'm not a Python dev12:28
LarstiQvxnick: a good place is in your build or deployment process12:29
vxnickLarstiQ: I assume a hook would do this well then? I'm using PHP, so there's no build process as such12:31
LarstiQvxnick: imo, doing it every commit is often not what you need, but yes, you could do that if you really wanted12:32
LarstiQvxnick: no deployment proces either?12:32
vxnickLarstiQ: What I'm basically trying to do is add the revno into something like "version.php", so I can call it within the application12:33
LarstiQvxnick: let me try to phrase the question differently. What do you plan to use that version for?12:33
LarstiQvxnick: right12:33
LarstiQvxnick: so, when you're developing locally, it isn't important to have that information?12:34
vxnickLarstiQ: I'm comfortable with the process of doing it, but I'm just not familiar enough with Python to actually do it12:34
LarstiQvxnick: there isn't much python to `bzr version-info`12:34
vxnickLarstiQ: True, but I don't know any Python whatsoever :)12:34
LarstiQvxnick: ok, there isn't _any_ python to it ;P12:35
LarstiQvxnick: if the default output isn't usably, you can supply a template12:35
awilkinsmarkh: Is building the .exe version hard?12:35
LarstiQvxnick: see `bzr help version-info`12:35
awilkinsmarkh: I'm building the python-installer version but I'd quite like to try my users on TBZR12:35
vxnickLarstiQ: that's fine, but what I want to do is put that (or `bzr revno`) within a Python hook which is then called upon every commit, etc12:36
awilkinsmarkh: Does it preclude you using any plugins, etc?12:36
vxnickLarstiQ: would it be wise to use `bzr ignore` on the version file, so it doesn't artificially bump up the revno every time bzr notices it's been changed?12:36
LarstiQvxnick: is this a webapp?12:37
vxnickLarstiQ: it could be any sort of app12:37
LarstiQvxnick: ok12:37
vxnickLarstiQ:  although, for completeness, yes12:37
LarstiQvxnick: for any sort of app, I would only run version-info when you make a tarball to ship to your users12:37
LarstiQvxnick: for a webapp, I would call it only when you deploy it at your server12:38
vxnickLarstiQ: makes sense, thanks. What about for something that's ongoing?12:38
vxnickLarstiQ: in the sense that it doesn't get tarred up, but rather commited to a production branch, etc12:38
LarstiQvxnick: ok, so your deployment process is just committing?12:39
vxnickLarstiQ: basically yes12:39
LarstiQvxnick: maybe you'd be better off with keyword expansion12:40
* LarstiQ sighs12:41
LarstiQvxnick: Basically, I think it's a bad idea.12:41
LarstiQvxnick: but let me see if I can cook it up12:41
spivvxnick: How does committing to the branch cause the new version of your webapp to be deployed?12:42
vxnickLarstiQ: keyword expansion would be good enough if that's do-able12:43
vxnickspiv: sorry, I'm pretty new to all this so I might be wrong12:43
vxnickLarstiQ: I think I looked into keyword expansion a while ago but discounted it for one reason or another12:44
LarstiQvxnick: my advice would be to have a discrete deployment step12:44
vxnickLarstiQ: what would you suggest?12:45
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vxnickspiv: sorry, I think I was using something like `bzr rsync` or similar to push commits to a web area12:46
spivvxnick: so that's the point where you could be running bzr version-info (or whatever) to put the revision info in a php file.12:47
vxnickspiv: surely that'd be a hook then?12:47
LarstiQvxnick: something like `bzr export path/to/production; bzr version-info --custom --template "version = {revno}" > path/to/production/version.php`12:47
vxnickLarstiQ: thanks12:48
LarstiQand probably something more appropriate than export12:48
LarstiQbut that really depends on the rest of your infrastructure12:48
vxnickLarstiQ: do you think it's still feasible to update this version file as and when commits happen, as I've (kinda) been discussing with spiv?12:49
LarstiQvxnick: doing the same as cm_version_info is a little bit more involved than trivial12:49
spivvxnick: Just having a script that does "bzr version-info ... ; rsync" seems simplest to me.12:49
LarstiQ(in a hook)12:49
LarstiQvxnick: it is possible, I just think it's useless12:49
vxnickLarstiQ: many thanks12:49
spivvxnick: I don't know of a plugin that provides a 'bzr rsync' command, but there is a 'bzr rspush' in bzrtools I think.  You could write a plugin that hooks that.12:49
vxnickspiv:  many thanks also12:49
LarstiQvxnick: but more work than a 5 minute hack for me I'm afraid12:49
vxnickguys - I think I'll just script it then and use that as my staging step12:50
LarstiQvxnick: however, it sounds like it might be worthwhile addition to the bzr-upload plugin12:50
spivvxnick: you're welcome12:50
spivLarstiQ: that's true12:50
vxnickLarstiQ: that's what I'm using - sorry, forgot what it was called!12:51
LarstiQdoh :)12:51
vxnickLarstiQ: when I was referring to `bzr rsync`12:51
LarstiQvxnick: that's excellent then :)12:51
vxnickthanks a lot for your help guys, much appreciated!12:51
LarstiQvxnick: thank me when it actually works for you12:52
vxnickLarstiQ: fair enough ;)12:52
* LarstiQ files a request on bzr-upload12:52
vxnickLarstiQ: could you link me to the request once done, so I can stay in the loop12:54
LarstiQvxnick: sure12:54
LarstiQvxnick: nothing complex, but bug 27131612:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271316 in bzr-upload "feature-request: optionally produce a versin-info like file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27131612:56
vxnickLarstiQ: sorry, one more thing - would it be worth ignoring the version.php file, or keeping it revisioned?12:56
vxnickLarstiQ: cheers :)12:57
LarstiQvxnick: with the bzr-upload approach, you would never have the version.php in your working tree, only in the production area, so you wouldn't have to ignore it.12:57
vxnickLarstiQ: gotcha12:57
LarstiQvxnick: if you were to produce a version file on every commit, I'd ignore it12:58
vxnickLarstiQ: understood, thanks!12:58
Leonidaswhen I have a path and it is a directory, and a revision tree, how can I get the contents? Do I have to filter the inventory?13:01
LarstiQLeonidas: something like bzr.dev export does?13:10
LeonidasLarstiQ: I am currently doing inventory.iter_entries() and filtering out InventoryDirectories + checking thether the path.startswith the director that I want to check.13:12
LarstiQLeonidas: bzrlib.export._export_iter_entries does: 'subdir_id = inv.path2id(subdir); entries = inv.iter_entries(subdir_id)'13:13
LeonidasI'm looking for something like inventory.get_path_subitems('mydirectory/myotherdirectory/') or something like this.13:13
LeonidasLarstiQ: looks good, I'll try it after lunch, thanks!13:13
awilkinsVerterok: Ignore that patch until I can make it pass tests  ;)13:41
speakmanwill bzr-trac support --fixes soon?14:06
LarstiQdoes bzr-trac still exist?14:07
speakmanhopefully it does :)14:07
speakmanlatest commit 2008-08-3114:08
LarstiQokay :)14:09
LarstiQspeakman: I'd take it up with whomever is working on it then.14:10
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speakmanI think they're inhere. Afaik the project doesn't have it's own irc chan.14:19
LarstiQspeakman: there seem to be multiple projects doing bzr-trac integration, which one did you mean?14:22
speakmanhttps://launchpad.net/trac-bzr - where do you find more?14:22
LarstiQhttps://launchpad.net/bzr-trac is one14:23
LarstiQspeakman: I'd probably ask a question on that project then14:24
LarstiQbut it is surprising to me it doesn't already work14:25
LarstiQspeakman: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/trac-bzr/+bug/12047014:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 120470 in trac-bzr "Support for bug-fixed metadata" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:25
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speakmanthanks. can I push for a certain wish on launchpad?14:28
LarstiQspeakman: add a comment to that bug asking for that status :)14:28
LarstiQspeakman: and well, if you add a patch that implements the feature, that should bump it up ;)14:29
speakmanif I was skilled enough I would ;)14:31
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VSpikeGot a situation where even after a commit bzr st shows a change.  But when I try to commit again, it says there are no changes to commit15:27
VSpikeChange is a directory being removed15:27
VSpikeWhat can I do?  Or should I just ignore it and hope it goes away?15:28
grutte_pierdepends on the change that bzr st shows15:31
VSpikegrutte_pier: it shows "removed: images/Devices/"15:31
VSpikegrutte_pier: that has persisted through the last couple of commits15:32
VSpikeright now it's the only change in the list15:32
bob2have you only been doing selective commits?15:32
grutte_piervspike: I'm trying to reproduce your situation, but maybe you have been deleting stuff using system rm instead of bzr rm?15:33
fullermdI always delete stuff with system rm, and I've never seen that happen.15:33
grutte_pieractually... I notice now as well that bzr seems smart enough to delete files that are not present anymore from the branch as well15:34
grutte_pierthat's nice! I don't think other VCS can do that15:34
uwsVSpike: What happens if you try "bzr commit images/Devices" ?15:34
VSpikeIt's windows, which may be an issue.  I renamed the directory from "Devices" to "devices". I then did "bzr move --after images/Devices images/devices"15:36
fullermdThat sounds like a source of trouble...15:36
fullermdI'd move it back, then bzr mv it.15:36
grutte_pierand if that works, file a bug, because it _should_ work according to the help I guess :P15:37
LarstiQit should15:37
LarstiQVSpike: which version of bzr?15:37
grutte_pierbut how is windows with case?15:38
bob2preserving but not distinguishing15:38
VSpikeyeah, i can imagine case could be a windows specific issue.  Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesnt15:38
grutte_pierright.... so maybe Devices and devices look like the very same dir to begin with?? causing bzr commit to state that no changes have to be committed?15:39
grutte_pierand maybe bzr st Does see this, because it is slightly different implemented?15:39
VSpikehow can i query the detailed history of a file?15:39
* grutte_pier is just guessing15:39
grutte_piervspike: i guess bzr branch-history should work (from the bzrtools plugin)15:40
LarstiQVSpike: bzr log <file>15:40
gourhi, i've to work on some web sites all based on same codebase (cms made simple). does it make sense to use one shared repo with branches representing different sites and/or different states like production/test etc. ?15:50
VSpikeSorry, just trying to figure out how to install bzrtools on cygwin :)16:00
awilkinsVerterok: ping?16:07
grutte_piergour: i guess that's precisely what vcs is supposed to do......16:07
LarstiQgour: yes16:08
grutte_piervspike: bzr log probably does what you actually want (I forgot the most obvious :P )16:08
VSpikegrutte_pier: any idea where that hides in windows? :)16:09
VSpike(Not cygwin - I've just switched from windows version to cygwin, but those commits were made under windows)16:10
VSpikeJust doing "bzr diff images/ -r 54..55" which is the relevant commit shows this http://pastebin.com/m7d771fe316:12
VSpikeso it added the directory with the new name (images/devices) and renamed each file in the old directory (/images/Devices/) to the new location, but did nothing with the old directory itself16:13
VSpikeSo I can see why it's reporting it as removed16:13
VSpikeWhat is strange is why commit won't commit it, and I guess that is probably to do with case16:14
Verterokawilkins: pong16:14
pysquaredHi, I'm evaluating bazaar for use in our company, and like it a lot.  However I cannot figure out how to combine 2 branches that have no common ancestor.  Anyone help please?16:15
awilkinsVerterok: Hi there, I'm trying to get the tip of bzr-eclipse working on Callisto by merging my previous "remove the non-callisto bits" patch16:15
awilkinsVerterok: What's the dependency on org.eclipse.core.expressions 3.2.100 ?16:16
Verterokawilkins: hi!16:16
Verteroklet me check16:16
VerterokI think, that nothing depends on expresions :)16:16
awilkinsVerterok: I've fixed a bunch of windows-specific issues in the client library (I made all the status methods return forward-slashes regardless of platform because that's what the CLI client does)16:17
awilkinsVerterok: I can't get it to start and the preferences page is unavailable16:17
pysquaredThe only thing that "works" so far is to create an empty branch to be used as the basis for all new branches I ever create, which then allows for possible future merging.16:17
Verterokawilkins: great, patches are more than welcome. :)16:18
pysquaredI come from CVS, so I guess the confusion is natural16:18
awilkinsVerterok: I think it still has issues when the default implementation of "bzr" is not "bzr" on the PATH16:18
Verterokawilkins: I 've been working on the client also, adding support for pending merges in the status and some enhancements in the xmlrpc client interface16:18
Verterokawilkins: what do you mean with 'bzr is not bzr'? :)16:19
awilkinsVerterok: On windows, my default implementation is "c:\python25\scripts\bzr.bat"16:20
jelmerpysquared, hi16:20
jelmerpysquared: You can merge one into the other by using something like "bzr merge -r1..-1 <other>"16:21
jelmerpysquared, or if one should be a subdir of the other, you can use "bzr join"16:21
LarstiQ-r0..-1 that is16:21
awilkinsVerterok: I think at some point bzr-eclipse became unable to configure itself unless it can find bzr... which it can't16:21
Verterokawilkins: ah, I get it. I fixed some issues with bzr.bat a few weeks ago. (when the path to bzr.bat contains spaces)16:21
jelmerah, right - thanks, LarstiQ16:21
LarstiQpysquared: but merging branches that have no common ancestor is a very unusual thing to do16:21
LarstiQpysquared: so if you find yourself doing that a lot, I'd take a step back and look at your workflow16:22
awilkinsVerterok: I think I've got that ; I'm running off tip of trunk with a small anti-europa patch16:22
Verterokawilkins: at the preference page, bzr-eclipse needs bzr to test if the xmlrpc service can be run, and if xmloutput is installed, etc16:23
pysquaredThanks, will check out "join" now.16:23
Verterokawilkins: do you have a stacktrace?16:23
awilkinsVerterok: Those things pass when running the library16:23
awilkinsVerterok: Alas, no, it just fails16:23
pysquaredI have a CVS repo with a tree of various sized projects in, some dependent on others.  I was wondering if I could start small, and bazaarify a subtree at a time, and then combine them later.16:24
awilkinsVerterok: I saw the pretty new menu once, then it spewed the "requiremnts update" dialog once, as well as the "this operation is not enabled" and the menu is greyed now16:25
Verterokawilkins: the dependecy update popup use the IWorkbenchBrowserSupport16:26
Verterokawilkins: maybe in callisto is different to show a browser?16:26
awilkinsVerterok: Aha, it is trying "bzr" and not working, I just got a stack dump in another plugin16:27
Verterokawilkins: the  "revision-info" patch is the one I should ignore?16:28
LarstiQpysquared: random subtrees don't work very well as branch units, but distinct projects are a very good choice for that16:28
awilkinsVerterok: You may as well, It's included in the second one16:28
awilkinsI think16:28
VSpikedamn.. even bzr commit --unchanged doesn't fix it :/16:28
Verterokawilkins: ok, I'm looking the second one ATM16:28
LarstiQVSpike: can you move the directory back to what it was?16:29
awilkinsVerterok: No prefs page in the Team prefs for Bazaar16:29
Verterokawilkins: hmm, it seems that it can't find the bzr file in Scripts/bzr16:29
VSpikeLarstiQ: what about the files in it?16:29
LarstiQVSpike: just move the entire dir16:30
VSpikeLarstiQ: with bzr mv or just mv?16:30
LarstiQVSpike: just mv16:30
LarstiQVSpike: this is exploratory in nature, not a fix yet16:30
awilkinsVerterok: I thought this was to do with the difference between the length of the list of args16:30
pysquaredWell, I got this to work: banana$ bzr merge -r0..-1 ../apple  (thanks jelmer)16:31
VSpikeLarstiQ: http://pastebin.com/mcb8e14316:31
* LarstiQ blinks16:32
grutte_piervspike: I'm getting confused a bit16:32
LarstiQVSpike: and what does bzr st show if you move Devices to devices again?16:32
LarstiQVSpike: this is not the output I'd expect with what you just told us16:32
grutte_piervspike: I don't manage to reproduce your situation16:32
Verterokawilkins: it would be great to have the value of cmdLine16:33
jelmerpysquared: you're welcome16:33
grutte_pierwell, that pastebin makes sense16:34
grutte_pierbecause you didn't yet do the bzr mv --after in that one16:34
awilkinsVerterok: I'm just trapping it ; it's probably to do with cmdLine having 1 more element on windows using the batch file16:34
awilkinsVerterok: cmdLine is "bzr","xmlversion", "--short"16:35
Verterokawilkins: mmm, that's bad16:35
Verterokawilkins: that's the default value16:35
awilkinsVerterok: This is the default config ; problem is, if it doesn't survive this first check, it doesn't work16:35
LarstiQVSpike: this is rather weird16:35
grutte_piervspike: but if i try to do something similar on some test-stuff, I also get a: unknown: image/device16:36
awilkinsVerterok: Let me hop through and see if it's called again16:36
Verterokawilkins: I'll try to replicate the config and debug it16:36
awilkinsVerterok: That's interesting, it's getting called from an SVN provider16:37
grutte_piervspike: did you by any change add the image/devices dir with bzr add, before you did the sysm mv command?16:38
VSpikegrutte_pier: yes, I would think so - it won't let you do the move otherwise16:38
VSpikeOh.. system move16:39
VSpikeLooking back at logs, I think the sequence was: create new dir, system mv files from old dir to new, bzr add --no-recurse <new dir>, bzr mv --after each file <oldpath> <newpath>16:40
LarstiQVSpike: ah16:41
LarstiQVSpike: I'm not sure how well it would deal with that16:41
VSpikeSo i did bzr mv --after for each file in the directory, and I bzr add'ed the new dir, but didnt remove the old one16:41
Verterokawilkins: hmm, that's weird16:41
VSpikeLarstiQ: I don't think I've had problems with that when the names differ by more than case16:41
LarstiQgrutte_pier: mind trying to reproduce it that way? Ie, version files in old, commit, mkdir new, mv old/* new/*; bring files under version control in new, and then bzr mv --after old new16:42
Verterokawilkins: about the ..core.expresion dependency, it's used in the refresh command hook: RefreshExecutionListener16:42
VSpikeLarstiQ: it's something I do quite often - move files around, then try and tell bzr about it after the fact16:42
LarstiQVSpike: could be, I don't know what the code does atm, but I can see it having two sets of fileids it needs to resolve16:42
LarstiQVSpike: right, just system mv and bzr mv --after, or also bzr add before the after?16:43
VSpikeLarstiQ: have to bzr add, otherwise it bitches at you that the target is not versioned16:43
awilkinsVerterok: Is there a reason why the version is at 3.2.100 ; I can't find a package that has that version in the Callisto updates but the version number looks callisto-ish16:43
LarstiQVSpike: ok16:43
VSpikeLarstiQ: hence the --no-recurse (which I recently discovered) otherwise it adds all the files too in the new location, and you have to then bzr remove each one before you can do the bzr mv16:44
grutte_piervspike: it's on win right? On linux mv old/* new/* is not allowed :P16:44
grutte_piervspike: mv old new is allowed, but that places the old as a subdir in new16:44
Verterokawilkins: there is no reason, it's just the version available in 3.416:45
VSpikegrutte_pier: I did it with a gui tool :)16:45
BasicOSXWould be nice if there was a section on the bzr web page with template for tailor configuration for converting other RCS repos to bzr repos16:45
LarstiQVSpike: doh, I overlooked the --no-recurse. Yeah, that is exactly what I had in mind.16:45
grutte_piervspike: i think i need to cp instead of mv :P16:45
LarstiQBasicOSX: well, tailor isn't exactly the most recommended solution16:45
BasicOSXLarstiQ:  oh? What is recommend for darcs to bzr?16:46
LarstiQBasicOSX: ok, specifically for darcs tailor is :)16:46
BasicOSXheh :-)16:46
LarstiQunless there is darcs-fastexport now?16:46
Verterokawilkins: starting in a fresh workspace seems to work in *nix (actually OS X)16:47
Verterokawilkins: I'll start a VM in my Linux box try this on windows16:47
awilkinsVerterok: not here ; I shall apply my (evil) patch and see if this fixes it16:47
awilkinsVerterok: In a dead HEAD I have a patch that patches the preference initializer to use a valid path on Windows16:48
BasicOSXLarstiQ:  looks to be a fastimport16:48
awilkinsVerterok: Ok, if you cheat and use a valid path it works fine16:49
Verterokawilkins: mm, ok. bzr is not a valid path in windows? :)16:50
awilkinsVerterok: Try patching org.vcs.bazaar.eclipse.PreferenceInitializer to use a bad name like "bzr_chicken" and see it it works on *nix16:50
awilkinsVerterok: Windows doesn't read #! and work out what to pass a file to16:51
grutte_piervspike,larstiq: I can't reproduce it that way; the olddir is placed as subdir in newdir16:51
* Verterok try that 16:51
awilkinsVerterok: I'm not even sure that you can use ProcessBuilder.start() without an absolute path16:52
jamvila: poke with a soft stick16:52
awilkinsVerterok: You should at least be able to access the prefs page to set it up properly, but I think it's a chicken and egg scenario ; can't set up a valid config without a valid config16:53
vilajam: ponk ?16:53
jamgood afternoon :)16:53
vilahi ! :D16:54
LarstiQgrutte_pier: mv old/* new/ ?16:54
Verterokawilkins: ok. so we need to check if the config invalid, and show the pref page anyway16:54
jamI just wanted to verify16:54
VSpikeI can reproduce it16:54
jambug #233817 is bzr-1.8 not 1.7, right?16:54
VSpikeIt is dependant on case16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233817 in bzr "missing doesn't show merged revisions" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23381716:54
vilajam: checking16:55
grutte_piervspike,larstiq: I do remember that windows way of moving is quite different than *nix... since I'm on the latter16:55
* LarstiQ nods16:55
LarstiQgrutte_pier: I'm on *nix myself16:55
grutte_piervspike: but how many commits did you do after rev 54? What if you revert to the latter? and then use proper bzr commands do move the files around??16:56
awilkinsVerterok: I have to catch a train now, but I'll touch bases with you later.16:57
grutte_pierlarstiq,vspike: so i set up a Device-dir with two files, which was commited to the branch, then created a device dir, --no-recurse added the thing and moved Device/* to device16:59
VSpikegrutte_pier, LarstiQ : http://pastebin.com/m1d98a78e17:00
grutte_pierlarstiq,vspike: at this time bzr st says: removed: Device/file1 Device/file2 unknown: device/file1 device/file217:00
grutte_pieraah, let's check that pastebin first :P17:01
VSpikeit works under linux: http://pastebin.com/m12a59bda17:05
VSpikeJust seems like a Windows issue with case of file names17:05
VSpike(possibly insert "yet another" in there somewhere)17:05
VSpikeIt may make a difference, but the windows version is 1.517:07
VSpikeUsing a newer version after the fact doesn't seem to change anything17:08
VSpikeLet me try in Cygwin with 1.6117:08
grutte_piervspike: I have indeed just repeated all your steps, but the last bzr st gives just nothing17:09
grutte_piervspike: what's weird though, is that I also get an explicit warning 'missing old' on the second commit17:10
VSpikegrutte_pier: on linux or windows?17:10
VSpikegrutte_pier: on linux with the latest version, the last bzr st gives me nothing too17:11
grutte_piervspike: there is another difference: i get: 'deleted old' in the output of the second ci17:12
grutte_piervspike: you don't have that, so the ci doesn't remove the old/ dir17:12
LarstiQVSpike: I'll boot up my windows laptop after I get back from training17:12
VSpikegrutte_pier: did you see my second pastebin?  http://pastebin.com/m12a59bda17:12
* LarstiQ is afk for a while17:12
VSpikegrutte_pier: I get the same as you.. it shows "deleted old"17:13
VSpikeon linux that is17:13
grutte_pieri get more and more convinced that this indeed some strange case-problem17:13
grutte_piervspike: to me it seems a very academic situation though.... why not move the whole dir at once instead of moving first the dir and then seperately moving the files?17:15
grutte_pierwait.... without the 'not' :P17:15
fullermdEh?  How can you move the dir then separately move the files?  Where are the files in the middle?   :p17:15
grutte_pieraah, that's wrong choice of words......17:16
grutte_pierwhy would you set up a new dir, which you add seperately to the branch, and then mv the files explicitly to that new dir17:16
grutte_pierif you can also just bzr mv the whole thing at once......17:16
fullermdWell, they're semantically different operations; it depends on which you want to do.  But usually, you'd want to move the dir...17:17
grutte_pierwell, I guess the thing in http://pastebin.com/m12a59bda is in the end just a move I would say??17:18
VSpikegrutte_pier: true, "bzr mv --after old Old" is permissible, does the right thing, and works as expected on windows17:19
VSpikeso yeah, I'd say it was a better way to do it17:19
VSpikeStill probably counts as a bug though :)17:20
grutte_pierbut still... during the commit, apparently bzr does not delete a dir(maybe file) on Win if there is another file that has the same name except case17:21
grutte_pierthat's still a bug I would say, yes17:21
fullermdNo, that's a move of a file into a different (new) directory, and removal of an old directory.  That's a different thing that keeping a file in the same directory, and moving the directory.17:21
fullermdBut anyway, I always think of move --after like a barbed-wire necklace   :p17:21
grutte_piersame here.... outsjj17:21
VSpikeif you are working in a command line enviroment it would be more natural to use bzr mv, but my dev environment gives me a file-manager like tree of the project files, so the natural way to move things around is with that17:22
VSpikeThen you have to reconcile it with the source control afterwards17:22
VSpikeNo-one would voluntarily use the windows command line if an alternative were available :)17:23
grutte_pieryep..... time for TortoiseBzr?? :P17:23
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grutte_piervspike: but have by now managed to repair the branch?17:25
* grutte_pier is off to get some food17:31
VSpikegrutte_pier: yeah fixed it17:31
VSpikehad to go bzr mv it to tmp/ and commit, then bzr mv it to devices/ and commit17:32
grutte_pier'it' being the Devices/ dir?17:35
VSpikeIf I want to check the latest windows version before filing a bug, should i try 1.7rc1 or 1.6.1?17:36
VSpikegrutte_pier: yep17:36
grutte_piervspike: 1.6.1 is the latest 'stable' version, but 1.7rc1 has even more bugs fixed.... but my suspicion is that this bug is not fixed in any, so I'd probably try the 1.7rc117:41
VSpikegrutte_pier: thanks.. glad you said that, cos I just d/l and installed it:)17:41
imyojimboguys, i need your advice. im about to push my project to launchpad. Im developing using Visual Studio and im not sure what to do about the ide files vs put in my project files (some settings files). should i ignore them, or u think i should version them too?17:52
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VSpikeimyojimbo: which files?  As a rule, you want it so that everything required to build your code is included.  Someone should be able to check out and build your project and end up with the same result that you did.18:08
VSpikeimyojimbo: i don't version .suo files, because they seem to be automatically regenerated if missing18:09
VSpikeimyojimbo: .csproj and .sln file I include18:09
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imyojimboVSpike are u there?18:44
NfNitLoopI'm doing `bzr branch http://host/svn/repo/trunk` and getting the error SubversionException "REPORT request failed on [the latest version]."18:51
NfNitLoopHas anyone seen this before?18:51
NfNitLooptrunk/ checks out fine via svn.18:52
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NfNitLoopand the changes in that rev are pretty minor.  (just a few lines in a file.)18:53
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bpierreLarstiQ: I've branched https://code.launchpad.net/~larstiq/bzr/nested-trees, how do I use it? I've created a shared repository with the development0-subtree format, and 2 branches inside, how do I nest one of the branch in the other?22:06
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beunogooooooooooood morning poolie23:13
lifelesswhat where when, did I sleep through to the avo?!23:14
beunoevening lifeless23:14
pooliejam, hi23:15
lifeless43 tests to go23:19
poolieto where?23:19
LeoNerdAren't these things traditionally on a wall, to be taken down and passed around one at a time?23:24
Peng_jam1: Hiya23:58
=== jam1 is now known as jam
Peng_Whatcha testing?23:59
jamMy nick :)23:59

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