
sbalneavEvening all04:17
LaserJockhi sbalneav04:18
sbalneavHey LaserJock04:19
jodan20xxAnyone awake tonight?05:14
jodan20xxDo you happen to know if wine works for windows only printers?05:18
sbalneavI've heard of people having some success with them, but you'd have to experiment to find out.05:20
sbalneavWhat type of printer is it?05:20
jodan20xxlexmark x453005:22
jodan20xxnoted as a paperweight for linux on most sites05:22
sbalneavI've never had any success with Lexmarks.05:23
sbalneavYou could try, but I wouldn't hold out much hope.05:23
sbalneavAnd you'd only be able to print from wine applications anyway.05:23
jodan20xxyeah i am going to try ... and i do know that but that is fine ... open office is open office lol05:24
jodan20xxi had a windows box go haywire on me, that was my printing box lol. so i am trying everything in my power to make this work lol05:25
sbalneavHeading to bed05:37
=== michiel_e is now known as Eghie
sbalneavMorning all!13:05
=== calimer- is now known as calimer
LaserJockhappy LTSP Hug Day!!16:41
sbalneavHey hey16:41
LaserJocklast night I got edubuntu-desktop-kde off of http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/intrepid_probs.html  \o/ !16:42
LaserJockdenemo and rasmol should be ready for demotion as well16:42
LaserJockso our part of the archive should be consistent16:42
LaserJockI'm trying to work with mvo on a gnome-app-install issue16:44
LaserJocknormally when metapackages are removed their dependencies are left16:44
LaserJockso you can remove ubuntu-desktop for instance without having *everything* autoremoved16:45
LaserJockbut for our edubuntu-addon-* metapackages we do want to remove the dependencies16:45
sbalneavMakes sense16:48
LaserJockso we're perhaps going to add a flag that g-a-i will use to say "heah, please remove the deps when I remove this metapackage"16:48
LaserJockso I just add that flag to the .desktop files and we should be set, hopefully16:49
LaserJocksbalneav: anybody show up for some LTSP bug action?16:55
Lns" Nick Kendall (Mailbox has been deleted. Try re-entering the address.) " Still happening on list edubuntu-user18:32
sbalneavI sent an email off the the list admin a couple of days ago, haven't heard back.18:33
sbalneavLaserJock: Nope, not so far.  I'm just persuing some bugs I know are there.18:33
Lnssbalneav: ah ok18:33
sbalneavTo be perfectly honest, I'm kinda disappointed.18:34
LaserJockyeah, I know what you mean18:34
sbalneavAh, well.  I long ago gave up working on free software because I sought the accolades of my users :)18:36
sbalneavI do it purely for my own enjoyment.18:36
sbalneavHowever, if end user don't want to step up and help in the process, the results are: I scratch all my own itches, instead of theirs :)18:36
GJHelp! New to Edubuntu. Just upgraded to 8.04. Edubuntu-server could not be installed due to a dependency problem. What do I do?18:48
LaserJockGJ: can you give the dependency problem?19:06
GJHow do I discover what the dependency is?19:07
sbalneavGJ: How are you installing it?19:09
GJI apologize for my ignorance. I just inherited this server administration job a couple days ago. On the edubuntu server I noticed a button that said there were hundreds of updates available. When I clicked on it, the first thing at the top was for ubuntu8.04 upgrade, I think. I selected that and the rest is history. The upgrade was going along fine until it got to moodle configuration.19:13
GJI couldn't answer the configuration questions for moodle so I skipped that. Then the installation of edubuntu-server failed.19:14
sbalneavWell, the moodle's probably thing blocking the upgrade19:15
sbalneavSo, could you go to applications->accessories->terminal19:15
sbalneavShould get a command line prompt19:15
GJYes I have the command line prompt19:16
sbalneavok, lets enter: sudo apt-get update19:17
sbalneavAny errors?19:17
GJSorry. Still downloading stuff19:18
sbalneavLet me know if there's any errors19:19
GJThe satellite connection is very slow at this time of the day.19:19
GJFinished. no errors19:20
Nubaecheck to see if moodle requires some intervention on the web side too19:20
Nubaedatabase upgrade maybe19:20
GJI think moodle is OK. I'm really just wondering how I get edubuntu-server to install.19:21
sbalneavGJ: OK, lets do an apt-get upgrade19:21
sbalneavsudo apt-get upgrade19:22
GJWhat will that upgrade? If it involves downloading anything more than a few megabytes I'll be here all day.19:22
HedgeMageGJ:  you have my sympathy -- I just got to ditch my satellite for a wired connection last week!19:23
GJThat's why I'm trying to convince the owner of this server to let me plug it into the DSL router.19:24
sbalneavGJ: That will upgrade the system, and hopefully resolve any dependency issues you're having.19:24
HedgeMageGJ:  did you know that you can order a CD or DVD with 99% of the packages you need and have it shipped to you?  Or, you could download the image and burn a disc elsewhere19:25
HedgeMageGJ:  Oh, my!  Why use satellite if DSL is available?  And, why run a server via satellite at all?19:25
GJThat is not my decision. I am trying to convince the owner to ditch the satellite. Resistant for some reason, however.19:26
HedgeMagegood luck!19:27
GJThe upgrade command says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove, and 2 not upgraded (ltsp-server, tftpd-hpa)19:27
GJWhat command should I run to install edubuntu-server?19:30
sbalneavok, so do an apt-get install ltsp-server tftp-hpa19:30
sbalneavDo you have any thin clients there?19:30
sbalneavok, well, upgrading ltsp-server's going to end up with you having to rebuild the client images19:33
sbalneavDownloads of about 250 megs of stuff for that.19:33
sbalneavOr, if you have a cdrom of Hardy, you could install from that.19:34
GJOK, did the apt-get install. Results: 1 upgraded (ltsp-server), 2 newly installed (openbsd-inetd, tftp-hpa), 1 removed (netkit-inetd), and 1 not upgraded)19:35
sbalneavok, try doing the apt-get install edubuntu-server19:36
GJDid that. Result: edubuntu-server already newest version so it was not upgraded.19:40
GJNow assuming that edubuntu-server is good, you say I have to download the client image. How do I do that?19:44
sbalneavWell, you'd build it with the ltsp-build-client command.  But first...19:45
sbalneavI'd back up everything in /opt, and /var/lib/tftboot19:45
GJTreat me as a newbie. I haven't worked with linux for the last four or five years. Suggest how to do the backup.19:47
sbalneavWell, does this server have regular nightly backups?19:48
sbalneavtape backup or the like that you can restore from?19:48
Goosemooseanyone figure out how to put icons on ALL user desktops?19:50
GJWe are talking about a server in a private school here. The school basically has no money. There is definitely NO backup system.19:50
sbalneavGoosemoose: New users, or existing users?19:52
Goosemoosewell new to the machine. the ubuntu machine actually authenticates users against the AD domain19:52
sbalneavGJ: Is this machine currently being used in the classroom?19:53
GJYes, it is the classroom server. Would it be possible to backup on a CD-RW?19:54
sbalneavDepends on how much data there is.  What does the output of df -k give.  And, is it in use *right now*, i.e. are students logged into it as we speak.19:55
GJThe df command gives a lot of info. What do you need? No one is logged in on any of the thin clients.19:57
sbalneavHow much time until they are?  On a really fast connection, it'll take at least 30 minutes to rebuild the image, and if you've got a slower connection, it could take hours.  Students will be unable to log in until it's done.  I'd recommend grabbing a USB hard drive from somewhere, doing a system backup (you've already upgraded, and that's an irreversible process now, as you didn't have a backup before) but I'd be reluctant to step 20:00
GJIt appears that the hard drive has just under 9GB in use. There is nothing around here that will hold that much. I could go home and get my USB hard drive, but I hate to lose my own computer's backup.20:03
GJI have as much time as needed to get the clients going again. The students won't be using this room until next week.20:05
HedgeMageGJ:  If you are in the US I could burn most of what you need to CD or DVD and mail it to you.20:05
sbalneavGJ: It's your call.  I can get you going on the process.  I have to leave in a few hours, so if it doesn't get resolved before then, you'll either have to wait until I'm on again, or try to get help from someone else.20:07
sbalneavI'd (at a bare minimum) do the following:20:07
sbalneavsudo mkdir /backup20:07
GJI should be able to download anything I need on my laptop (WinXP) and burn the CD/DVD myself shouldn't I? After all, my laptop is connected via a fast DSL connection. Where would I download the needed client files?20:08
HedgeMageGJ:  sure, that will work20:08
sbalneavsudo tar czvf /backup/ltsp-backup.tgz /opt/ltsp20:08
sbalneavsudo tar czvf /backup/tftpbackup.tgz /var/lib/tftpboot20:08
sbalneavYou'd need an ISO image of the distro.20:09
GJThat's the client distro?20:11
sbalneavWell, You've upgraded to Hardy, and building the client image is done from the same distro as the server.20:11
sbalneavSince you upgraded to 8.04, which is hardy, that's the cd image you'll want.20:12
GJOh. So once I've done the backup you suggested above and downloaded the edubuntu distro, I have to create the client image. Right?20:13
GJOr do I have to download the whole Ubuntu 8.04 distro again?20:15
sbalneavIf you download the distro's ISO, we can create the image from that.20:17
GJI can do that on my laptop through my DSL connection fairly rapidly, I guess. Where can I find the ISO image?20:18
GJAt edubuntu.org???20:19
sbalneavAn ubuntu image will do you fine.20:22
LaserJocksbalneav: have you seen http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download ?20:23
LaserJockthey've got a little downloader thingy like Ubuntu has20:23
LaserJockthe Ubuntu webmaster offered to have that for Edubuntu too20:24
GJThe server says it used Intel Xeon processor. Should I just assume it is NOT an 64 bit processor?20:27
LaserJockGJ: if you run: uname -a in a terminal it can help you figure out20:28
LaserJockGJ: if at the end it says x86_64 GNU/Linux your running 64 bit20:28
GJSays i686 GNU/Linux. So guess it's not 64 bit20:29
GJThanks to all who have helped, esp. sbalneav! I could not have got this far without your help. I will try to figure out how to rebuild the client just as soon as I have that ISO image in hand. I may be back at a later date!20:31
GJOh, one more question. It's the server install image that I need rather than the desktop image right?20:33
GJAnd one more! I see an alternate install CD referred to which says it's for systems with less than 384 MB of RAM. Although the server has 2 GB of RAM the thin clients have only 64 MB of RAM. Does that affect which install image I should download?20:36
sbalneavGJ: Safest bet would be the desktop cd20:38
LaserJocksbalneav: oh wait, GJ needed the Alternate disk21:01
LaserJocksbalneav: the Desktop CD doesn't have really much of any .debs on it21:02
sbalneavah, right21:06
Goosemooseanyone have their students home dir pointing to a windows share?21:45
sbalneavGoosemoose: Nope.  Problems?22:02
Goosemooselol, yeah can't get it to work22:03
Goosemooseim trying to work off the pam_mount.conf.xml file rightn ow22:03
Goosemooselogin via likewise-open is working fine22:03
Goosemoosebut im trying to make some of the users directories22:03

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