
ScottK-laptopheya NCommander00:35
NCommanderhow goes things ScottK-laptop?00:36
ScottK-laptopGoogling Sea Monkey's with my 5 year old.00:37
NCommanderIs it bad that I thought of Mozilla SeaMonkey before the animal?00:37
ScottK-laptopNo, I have trouble with that too.00:38
NCommanderScottK-laptop: good, at least it just isn't me00:45
jtechidnaapachelogger: what do you make of bug 270989?00:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270989 in kdebase-kde4 "cannot configure file association for text / html / Embedding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27098900:50
KDeskhi, I want to test intrepid alpha 5 or the daily cd, but I would like to know the opinions of the people who already has tested or already are using it. According to what I have read, the most unstable part is the kernel. What do you think?01:18
rgreeningit's mostly there. Nothing that would stop you from using it to help iron things out01:27
rgreeningI run it as my main OS and have since Alpha301:28
rgreeningof course, I have a pure Intel chipset and video. best support01:28
KDeskrgreening: I have also pure intel, I will download the daily i think, thank you for your answer.01:33
rgreeningyou may have to blacklist iTCO_wdt (I did).01:34
KDeskok, thanks, i will search for it :)01:34
rgreeningsudo echo "blacklist iTCO_wdt" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-watchdog01:35
KDeskhmm, i have it: lsmod | grep iTCO_wdt01:40
KDeskiTCO_wdt               13092  001:40
KDeskiTCO_vendor_support     4868  1 iTCO_wdt01:40
rgreeningI had periodic hangs on reboot with that mod01:41
rgreeningso have others. If you do not have any watchdog program installed, it shouldn't be used (i.e. blacklist it)01:41
KDeskit that a known bug?01:41
rgreeningyeah. there are a cpouple open on it01:41
rgreeningit's supposed to be in the blacklist (I believe by default it should)01:42
rgreeninganyway, that fixes it01:42
KDeskhmm, I am planing to download the daily cd, but there is only alternative. Is there a difference on the installed system between the desktop and the alternate?01:45
ScottK-laptopRiddell: For solving kdesdk installabiility, cvsservice needs promoted to Main.  I pinged slangasek with the same information already.01:46
ScottK-laptopKDesk: Not after it's installed, no.01:46
KDeskScottK-laptop: ah, ok, thanks. I will then download the alternate daily.01:47
ScottK-laptopKDesk: If you're running Hardy now, you could also just upgrade that directly and then we get an upgrade test too.01:47
KDeskScottK-laptop: that's a good idea :)01:48
KDeskScottK-laptop: Upgrading from hardy like you said is safe like the the clean installation?01:57
ScottK-laptopKDesk: You are upgrading to a development release.  It is not 'safe'.01:58
KDeskand witch command should I use? or only change the hardy with intrepid in the sources.list?01:58
ScottK-laptopKDesk: In general it's hard to say.  There are installation issues and upgrade issue.01:58
ScottK-laptopKDesk: It's probably more risky at this point to upgrade, but we are also more in need of people to try it and file bugs.01:59
ScottK-laptopKDesk: If you do the upgrade, you should be able to open a Konsole shell and do: sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:59
ScottK-laptopI think it's -d01:59
KDeskScottK-laptop: I will test intrepid, but witch way would you recommend me, upgrade or clean installation?02:00
KDeskok, i will see how it goes with the upgrade :)02:00
ScottK-laptopKDesk: If you upgrade your odds of having some trouble is higher I would guess, but if you do a clean install you chances of end up with a dead system are higher.02:01
ScottK-laptopThat's just my guess though.02:01
KDeskScottK-laptop: hmm, I will better do a clean install, if the upgrade doesn't work I will have no OS to use :( But with the clean install in another partition sharing the home I think it will be better for me :)02:03
ScottK-laptopMakes sense.02:04
ScottK-laptopHowever ..02:04
ScottK-laptopIn Hardy .kde is kde3 and in Intrepid .kde is .kde402:04
ScottK-laptopIn Hardy KDE4 prefs are in .kde4.02:05
ScottK-laptopKDesk: I think sharing /home between hardy and intrepid may not be exactly what you want.02:05
KDeskScottK-laptop: oh, that's right, the settings, but i won't be much problem. And I will erase some of the configs that are in .kde and the ones that are not in .kde4 and will se what happends. :) Thank you for your help!02:08
jtechidnaIntrepid uses .kde02:08
Lex79jtechidna: Hi ! :)02:23
=== bobesponjaja is now known as bobesponja
ScottK-laptopAny clue why we ship khelpcenter4 with kdebase-runtime and don't just call it khelpcenter?05:18
ScottK-laptopThe old khelpcenter is NBS right now.05:18
yao_ziyuan1i want to suggest a better icon for kubuntu intrepid's QuickAccess plasmoid.05:58
yao_ziyuan1it is in the Status category, called folder-open05:58
yao_ziyuan1Icon Source -> Status -> folder-open05:58
yao_ziyuan1trolltech must be very rich -- it can hire so good artists...05:58
Hobbseeyao_ziyuan1: might want to file a wishlist bug for jaunty, then.05:59
yao_ziyuan1but i also heard that features have been frozen05:59
yao_ziyuan1are westerners so dead to rules?06:00
Hobbseethe rules are there for a good reason - like so people who are writing books actually get accurate pictures of waht the release looks like.06:00
Hobbseebut your attack on westerners is appreciated, thanks.06:01
yao_ziyuan1yes books - i think the difference between a free ubuntu cd and a paid one is that the latter is with a book...06:16
rgreeningIt's good the logs are posted online, elzse this might get ugly :)06:17
Riddellooh, new build notification11:12
OculusAquilaehey emonkey11:24
emonkeyola OculusAquilae! nice to see you!11:25
ScottK-laptopRiddell: I just noticed that we have a kubuntu-kde4 seed for Intrepid.  That can be removed, can't it?11:38
Riddellor set to hidden11:40
Riddellbzr branches can't be removed as far as I know11:40
ScottK-laptopMade empty at the very least.11:53
Riddellthat would rather defeat the point of a revision control system11:55
ScottK-laptopI suppose.  I guess as long as it doesn't get branched into jaunty.11:57
davmor2Riddell: ping12:45
davmor2Looks like Jockey is crashing on startup12:48
knomeouch, bad one12:49
knomehow is the horse?12:49
* davmor2 too busy for fun so slap knome ;)12:51
Riddelldavmor2: hmm, ok12:56
echidnamanJockey seems to work for me12:57
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
Riddelldavmor2: got a backtrace?12:57
davmor2Riddell: I got and apport report from it so I'm just inputting the info12:57
davmor2Riddell: bug 27131712:59
ubottuBug 271317 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/271317 is private12:59
davmor2Riddell: there's a backtrace on it :)13:00
ScottK-laptopdavmor2: Can you unprivate it?13:00
JontheEchidnaI can't even see it, and I can see private bugs13:01
davmor2ScottK-laptop: Should be changed now sorry13:01
davmor2I didn't clock it :)13:01
RiddellImportError: No module named kurllabel13:02
wesley_hi are there here to people who got upgrade problems in 8.1013:02
Riddelldavmor2: do you have python-kde4 installed?13:02
ScottK-laptophttp://paste.ubuntu.com/47752/ is the traceback.13:02
* davmor2 checks13:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: python-kde4 is a dep of the latest jockey-kde packaging13:02
ScottK-laptopwesley_: If you need help with 8.10, see #kubuntu-kde4 or #ubuntu+113:03
wesley_this is kubuntu-devel ???13:03
ScottK-laptopYes.  This channel is about doing the development, not helping people using the development release.13:04
davmor2Riddell: Yes13:04
davmor2Right Dinner need me to check anything else before I go?13:07
* davmor2 takes the silence as a resounding No13:08
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_dinner
rgreeningRiddell: I see why you are having issues with qtjambi. It's include header hell...13:34
Riddellrgreening: how far did you geet?13:44
rgreeninghmmm... it completeted all the generator part...13:45
rgreeningthen when it started to make it failed part way with redefined size_t, etc...13:46
rgreeningI was trying to figure out where the header/includes were broken (my end or the package)13:46
rgreeningI believe it's actually Qt headers, but can't be 100% sure13:46
rgreeninghow about you?13:46
rgreeningI'm going to take another stab today... any info you can pass along would be helpful13:47
rgreeningBTW, I completed the scim project (in case you missed it). ScottK was kind enough to push up along for me13:48
rgreening2 out of 3 ain't bad so far.13:48
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Got your hppa access yet?13:49
NCommanderhaven't checked my mail yet13:49
ScottK-laptopNCommander: This one I think can just be retried, right: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17425639/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-hppa.perl_5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:50
NCommanderScottK-laptop: yes, but it still might flop again13:52
ScottK-laptopYeah.  hppa flopping seems like a good bet these days.13:52
NCommanderScottK-laptop: someone needs to attack the backports queue, people are wondering what the holdup is it seems13:54
knomeJontheEchidna, how is your nick pronounced?13:58
JontheEchidnathen I guess you could look up echidna in a dictionary or something13:59
=== davmor2_dinner is now known as davmor2
JontheEchidnaor better yet, use the dictionary plasmoid, \o/13:59
* knome doesn't use kde13:59
* knome hides14:00
NCommanderJontheEchidna: I think its like E-kid-na14:00
NCommanderThat's how I usually hear it pronouced14:00
JontheEchidnaI just didn't know how to explain it14:00
davmor2Riddell: 20080917.4 Are you just doing a dj impression with your re-spins ;)14:21
rgreeningRiddell: I think my compile issue is in correct setting for JAVA_HOME. I set it to /usr, but this is not 100% correct for the build. I think ... thoughts?14:46
rgreeningRiddell: trying with JAVA_HOME set to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk (crossing fingers)14:57
Riddelldavmor2: no idea, not my doing15:13
rgreeningRiddell: there? I almost got it compiling correctly. Just need a small bit of assistance15:55
Riddellhi rgreening16:00
RiddellI'm testing CDs so not here all the time16:00
davmor2Riddell: are the 20080917.4 cd's okay for testing now then?16:01
Riddelldavmor2: they work for me :)16:01
rgreeningRiddell: ok, so QTDIR points to /usr/share/qt4... correect? however in that dir there's no symlink to lib (/usr/lib) where the QtCore.so exists16:01
davmor2cool updating now :)16:01
Riddellrgreening: right, that rings a bell, you can add that on your local system if that's what it takes16:01
rgreeningRiddell: then I get java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/share/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4 (No such file or directory) in the build from build.xml16:02
rgreeningso, should it exist in the qt package (for completeness) anyway?16:02
Riddellno but if we need to add it we can16:02
rgreeningIt probably should for others to be able to properly build from source.16:03
rgreeningRiddell: I'll manually add for now. But we can bump/patch the qt package to add in the lib right16:04
Riddellrgreening: yes if that's necessary16:04
rgreeningfor source build it appears so. unless you have another suggestion16:05
Riddellif that's the only problem I'll be surprised16:06
rgreeninglol. I'll make a note in my steps. come back to it later.16:06
rgreeningok, back to compiling16:06
rgreeningRiddell: cd /usr/share/qt4; mkdir lib; cd lib; for i in `dpkg -L libqt4-dev | grep "/usr/lib/lib" | grep ".so$"`; do ln -s $i.?; done16:33
rgreeningRiddell: haha... quick temp fix to build it without patching libqt4-dev package16:34
rgreeningBUILD SUCCESSFUL16:37
rgreeningTotal time: 3 minutes 6 seconds16:37
Riddellrgreening: seriously?  that's it?16:42
rgreeningwell, it builds now. Though I need to add in some libraries for phonon and webkit. But the basics build... not sure what to do from here16:43
Riddellrgreening: do you end up with a .jar?16:45
Riddellis there an example programme you can try and run?16:45
rgreeningyeah. do I run java <file>.jar?16:45
Riddellno, the jar needs to go whatever .jars go16:46
Riddelland the programme will be a .java that needs compiled with javac16:46
rgreeningIt created 5 jars..16:47
Riddellwhat are they called?16:48
rgreening1 sec16:48
rgreeningant-qtjambi.jar       qtjambi-designer-4.4.0_01.jar  qtjambi-linux32-gcc-4.4.0_01.jar16:49
rgreeningqtjambi-4.4.0_01.jar  qtjambi-examples-4.4.0_01.jar16:49
rgreeningI think I need to ant build the demo .xml16:50
rgreening1 sec16:50
rgreeningrunning ant -f build_generator_example.xml see if that's itr16:51
rgreeningI'm soon going to be having nightmares of ants swimming in coffee cups16:53
knomeok, this is what i hate about kde:16:55
knomei want to install krec on my xubuntu machine -> install 77megs of files16:56
rgreeningPackages are spelled with a K as in Knome?16:56
rgreeningRiddell: well, that didn't help. It just build another jar (qtjambi-generator-example-linux32-gcc-4.4.0_01.jar)16:58
Riddellrgreening: there's probably some way to run that then16:58
rgreeninglol... prob. still lookin16:59
Riddell/usr/share/java seems to be the place for .jar files16:59
Riddellso try putting them in there then java -jar qtjambi-generator-example-linux32-gcc-4.4.0_01.jar17:00
rgreeningjava -cp qtjambi-4.4.0_01.jar:qtjambi-linux32-gcc-4.4.0_01.jar:qtjambi-examples-4.4.0_01.jar com.trolltech.launcher.Launcher17:03
rgreeningit was in the install.html17:03
* rgreening does a happy dance around the room17:04
Riddellwell done rgreening17:05
rgreeningSo, now we need to package it up17:05
Riddellrgreening: didn't you say you had phonon and webkit to fiddle with first?17:06
rgreeningI also need  to add in the correct lib for phonon and opengl...17:06
rgreeningwebkit was built. was opengl17:06
rgreeningso, only those two to figure out the deps17:06
Riddellopengl probably needs libqt4-opengl-dev installed17:06
rgreeningbeside that though, how do I go about packaging this up for deb17:06
rgreeningI'll test the opengl with that17:07
Riddellphonon will need libphonon-dev but it may also need symlinks playing with since we have it in /usr/lib/kde4/plugins or something and it wants /usr/lib/qt4/plugins or something17:07
rgreeningk. will check that also17:08
Riddellfor packaging download the existing one, copy over the debian directory and update debian/rules17:08
rgreeninghmmm.... already had libqt4-opengl-dev17:08
Riddelldebian/rules is a makefile, it's full of the usual ugly mix of Make and Bash that you find in makefiles as well as debian specific dh_ commands17:09
rgreeningah... it's one of those missing symlinks...17:09
rgreeningqtjambi uses ant and a build.xml17:09
Riddellbefore it used qmake and its own generator, look at the existing debian/rules and replace the old build-stamp bits17:11
rgreeninghmmm... this may be a bit over my expertise. I'll give it a go :)17:14
Riddellrgreening: it's totally diving in at the deep end of packaging, don't spend too long on it if you get stuck, the important thing is we have the instructions for compiling it somewhere17:15
rgreeningthe steps are export some env vars. then run ant -f build.xml and ant -f build_generator_example.xml. Then it's just install/cp the jars to the correct location I assume.17:15
rgreeningCan I e-mail them somewhere?17:16
rgreeningor open a bug?17:16
Riddellbug would work, report a wishlist on qtjambi17:17
Riddell"package new version"17:17
rgreeningkk. I'll do that after I get the opengl and phonon bits.17:17
rgreeningHow do I tell which packages (-dev) that it actually required? I used the build-dep from the old qtjambi-4.3.1. I guess I could remove them all and manually add till it builds again :017:18
Riddellthat's about the only reliable way17:19
RiddellI expect it still needs the same ones though17:19
rgreeningkk. will do that then. probably.17:19
rgreeningok, so once this is done, I'll need my next project :)17:19
rgreeningI'm very task oriented as you can see17:20
rgreeningRiddell: added proper symlinks to /usr/share/qt4 for libphonon-dev and libqt4-opengl-dev and libqt4-dev and the qtjambi ant build.xml picks up everything now. rebuilding from scratch to test.17:27
Riddelleveryone test alpha 6 candidates!20:12
* Arby rsyncs20:13
davmor2I'm testing, I'm testing20:13
ArbyI've been running through some upgrade tests recently20:15
Riddelldid they work?20:15
Arbyhas anyone come across https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/270636 recently20:15
Arbynot really no20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270636 in xorg "Kubuntu hardy-kde4 -> intrepid upgrade test X server fails to start after upgrade" [Undecided,New]20:15
Arbykde3 failed due to problems with landscape20:15
Arbynow fixed I believe20:15
Arbyor in progress20:16
Riddelloh that should be fixed this afternoon20:16
Riddell(by removing it from the seed)20:16
Arbyhardy-kde4 failed with that ^^20:16
ArbyI also tried kde4 with members ppa enabled20:16
Arbyit fails with a similar error, I was just about to file the bug20:16
Riddelllanscape issue?20:17
Arbyno the bug I linked20:17
Arbyon my to do list is kde4 with adept3, see how it plays with update-manager20:18
davmor2using virtualbox I thought there were issues with that anyway?20:18
Arbydavmor2: I understood that it had been fixed20:18
davmor2ah right :)20:18
Arbythe problem was the intrepid kernel not booting in Virtualbox20:18
Arbythe VMs boot now20:19
Arbythe kde3 install actually worked fine apart from landscape being broken20:19
ArbyRiddell: any other upgrade cases you'd like to see run through?20:20
Riddelldunno, I plan to do upgrade testing myself tomorrow20:20
Riddellexcept my ISP is being smelly so I don't know how far I'll get, may need to borrow from someone else20:21
ArbyI have a similar problem with iso testing :)20:21
Arbymy pipe can barely keep up with the respins20:21
Arbyespecially when we near release20:22
Riddellhmm, live fails after the language step for me20:42
ArbyRiddell: boots fine for me20:43
RiddellArby: ubiquity I mean20:43
davmor2Riddell: I'll check it after20:43
Arbyah, I'm running live session, my bad20:43
Arbyadept is missing it's icons in the menu20:44
Riddellthat's known20:44
Riddellfix committed20:44
Arbycool :)20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271467 in ubiquity "freeze on kubuntu install" [Undecided,New]20:46
ArbyRiddell: ubiquity fails to even start from the live session20:54
Arbyjust testing from the cd menu20:55
Arbyif it fails here as well I'll confirm the bug20:55
Arbyhmm, seems to have stopped at keyboard layout for me21:00
davmor2Arby: Riddell: are you both test i386?21:00
Arbyruns the scanning disks progress bar then stops21:00
Arbydavmor2: yes21:00
Arbylack of 64 bit hardware21:01
Riddelldavmor2: i am on amd alternate now21:01
davmor2I'll try 64bit and see if it happens there then :)21:01
ArbyRiddell: how did you generate the ubiquity back trace?21:02
ArbyI can confirm that bug I think21:02
davmor2try apport-cli ubiquty21:02
davmor2only add an extra i21:03
knomedavmor2, do you want to buy a vowel?21:04
davmor2knome: I'm tired leave me alone :P21:05
knomehaha :)21:05
davmor2Arby: any good?21:08
Arbydavmor2: don't know yet, world's slwest vm boot21:08
Riddellarby /var/log/installer/debug21:10
Arbyah ha21:10
alleeArby: 0917.4 i386 CDROM installed fine a Latitude D830.  Problem started after reboot ;)21:12
davmor2confirmed the bug on 64bit21:12
davmor2stops a keyboard layout21:13
Arbyallee: errm ok, which problem?21:13
alleeArby: language not completly install -> 'dead' dialog after installing pkgs21:14
allee^^ lanuage was 'de'21:14
alleeArby: later a 'python 2.5' crash21:15
ArbyI don't recognise that, got a bug number?21:15
Arbysorry I'm a little confused21:15
Arbynot unusual :)21:15
* Arby starts on the alternate cd, entire disk first21:19
Arbydavmor2: is it just a mistake that the iso tracker still says testing for alpha5?21:21
Arbyok, wasn't sure whether to enter results or not :)21:22
davmor2result dates are correct it's only the description that's off21:22
alleea know bug? qt-language-selector --mode select  -> type error: decoding unicode not supported21:26
jtechidnaallee: bug 10337421:33
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/103374/+text)21:33
jtechidnaactually several reports exist21:34
alleejtechidna: thx for the info!21:34
jtechidnayou're welcome21:35
* jtechidna marks some dupes21:35
* goatsocks is a dupe21:36
sitoi need the sources of intrepid ibex kubuntu21:47
jtechidnasource for which program?21:47
jtechidnaah, that type of source :P21:50
sitojaja, i'am spanish and my english is bad21:51
jtechidnaTu puedes tener mio sources.list21:52
NCommanderScottK-laptop: I live21:52
jtechidnasito: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47893/21:52
sito#thanksssssssss jtechidna you are the best!21:52
alleesito: in case you want to update to intrepid, please don't update only sources.list.    There's an update manager or something like that21:53
sitook, allee i stay in intrepid ibex now21:54
sitobut i deleted de sources.list ->  error21:55
ScottK-laptopNCommander: would you please do a test build of wireshark and tell me if you end up going WTF at the end?21:56
NCommanderScottK-laptop: why would I?21:57
ScottK-laptopNCommander: The story ends like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47895/21:58
NCommanderScottK: thanks, now my eyes bleed21:59
ScottK-laptopNCommander: So if you would add that one to your list.  Wireshark has a sufficiently consistent security reputation that I'm certain we don't want to release with one that can't be rebuilt after patching.22:02
NCommanderScottK-laptop: its at the top of my list now ;-)22:03
* arby_ waves from alpha6 testing land22:27
arby_well that works anyway22:28
Arbyhmm starting amarok results in 'xine cannot initialise any audio drivers'22:29
Arbyanybody else seen this?22:29
Arbythis laptop has always had dodgy sound so it could be me, or the fact it's a vm, or both22:29
Riddellworking here22:30
Arbymust be my lappy then22:30
Riddellon fresh alpha candidate install22:30
ArbyI'll ignore that22:30
Arby'Update Information: Incomplete language support'22:32
Arbythat's a new one22:32
Riddellthat's a good thing, it's supposed to happen22:33
Riddellassuming you do have incomplete language support in some language22:33
Arbywell I only chose english22:33
Arbyand it won't let me choose english in the language installer22:34
davmor2Arby: which vm you using?22:34
Arbywith brand new alpha622:34
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidan
=== JontheEchidan is now known as JontheEchidna
ArbyI may have to look for a new virtualisation program22:34
ArbyVB has been trouble recently22:35
davmor2look under devices you'll soon see if the sound module is enabled22:35
Arbythat would explain that then :)22:36
ScottK-laptopArby: It just got updated to 2.0.2 today, so it may change yet.22:36
goatsocksdoes alpha 6 boot on virtualbox now?22:36
ArbyScottK-laptop: thanks, that would be great22:36
Arbygoatsocks: yes22:36
NCommanderRiddell: when LP comes back, I have the wireshark fix23:15
RiddellI'm about to go to bed23:16
ScottKNCommander: I have some other wireshark changes too.  Would you please mail me your debdiff and I'll integrate it with the others.23:32
NCommanderScottK: Its simply a change to rules23:38
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Pastebin works too then.23:38
NCommanderComment out line 4223:38
NCommanderthe cp line23:38
ScottK-laptopYou mean 39?23:39
NCommanderI added a comment explaining why23:39
ScottK-laptopI know that 42 is the ultimate answer to the ultimate question about Life, the Universe, and Everything, but ....23:40
ScottK-laptopNCommander: OK.  Pastebin then please so I can get your comment.23:40
NCommanderScottK-laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47904/23:41
* ScottK-laptop runs off to do more schleping of kids around town.23:41
NCommanderand, see, more verbose changelogs messages :-P23:41
ScottK-laptopYep.  Great.  I thought that one was good.23:42
ScottK-laptopSee you later.23:42
crimsunwhy not "-cp /usr/share/misc/config.guess /usr/share/misc/config.sub ." ?23:43
NCommandercrimsun: autogen.sh does that23:46
NCommanderNo reason to do it twice23:46
crimsunNCommander: right.  In that case, it really would make more sense to just remove it instead of commenting it, no?23:46
NCommandercrimsun: if its removed, it might get readded on a merge, and then possibly break the build again. By commenting out and leaving the comment, its clear why that change was made23:48
crimsunNCommander: shrug, I would have documented it in the changelog, but you're the one making the change.23:49
NCommandercrimsun: Yeah, I understand your view point, and I accept it23:49

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