
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
darkhey, is there a program that finds drivers for u automatically?00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers00:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:11
=== synapse_ is now known as Boxici
NickPrestadark, what sort of drivers?00:15
darkwell i just found my wifi drivers00:15
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell00:15
dark!shell lsb_release -a00:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:15
NickPrestaubuntu__, don't spam :)00:16
darkNickPresta: can u help me get my wireless up and runnign?00:17
NickPrestadark, what have you done so far and what do you need help with?00:17
darki just installed kubuntu, hardy00:18
darkand thats it00:18
NickPrestadark, okay. if your wireless supported or do you have to use Windows drivers and ndiswrapper?00:18
darkthe docs say its supported00:19
NickPrestawhich driver or device is it?00:19
darkthts the device according to kinfocenter00:19
NickPrestadark, in the terminal, type: lspci and find the line that says Network Controller: Broadcom ...00:21
darkBroadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI00:22
ofvHi. My net connection goes slow. Pingin'g some other machine on my LAN gives approx. 0.300 ms. Web browsing is very slow.00:22
ofvHow can I diagnose the problem?00:22
htfgJust wondering, if there's any generic help channel, where you can ask qns about other freenode channels?00:24
htfgyou can ask qns = talk about00:24
NickPrestadark, which computer do you have?00:25
darkdell inspiron00:26
NickPrestadark, it looks like http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=0ebe130f8ac2f214f9fd54b6fbf69532&t=769990 will work for you00:27
NickPrestaalthough that isn't the most elegant solution00:27
=== mike is now known as Guest42798
darkk i will try it00:30
Dragnslcrhtfg- #freenode maybe?00:30
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
_2anyone know a good use for a spare computer?00:41
NickPresta_2, server farm? F@H or something similar? *shrugs*00:41
=== JonathanD is now known as voicebot
=== voicebot is now known as JonathanD
_2farm ?00:42
NickPrestai suppose it wouldn't be much of a farm if it is just one spare computer though00:43
_2yeah.  ;/00:43
NickPresta!hi | knusperfrosch00:44
ubottuknusperfrosch: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:44
knusperfroschwanted to install kubuntu to my multi-distro-pc and the installer warns me that /boot will be overwritten. should i have chosen the alternate cd?00:45
_2NickPresta F@H over a dialup connection ?      not like that would help really... more likely to slow things down isn't it?00:46
NickPresta_2, no idea. I don't have many spare (working) computers to play around with. :)00:46
=== kkathman_ is now known as kkathman
knusperfrosch_2: F@H isn't that bandwidth intense00:47
NickPrestaI thought it did all the intensive stuff on your computer then at intervals uploads the results.00:48
_2knusperfrosch probably00:48
knusperfrosch_2: used it for years on 2 PCs with ISDN00:48
_2knusperfrosch to your question,  not to my topic.   you should probably have used the alternate install cd and carefully selected how to boot the thing.  even possabley not installing any new boot loader00:49
_2knusperfrosch isdn is fast though00:50
knusperfrosch_2: well finally switched from ISDN to 30MBit, felt like a stonage-guy who found a time-machine...00:51
=== david is now known as Guest90134
Guest90134Hi I am having trouble viewing youtube videos00:51
_2yeah but...  i mean, i get a full pipe for several minutes just opening the 404 page :/00:52
NickPrestaGuest90134, whats the trouble00:52
maennjhi guys00:52
Guest90134I do not see any videos on youtube00:52
NickPrestaGuest90134, do you have flash installed?00:52
Guest90134I did yesterday00:52
knusperfroschGuest90134: which browser?00:52
NickPrestaWhich browser?00:52
Guest90134yes I do should I reinstallit?00:52
maennjI'm having problem connecting to wireless network using knetworkmanager in kubuntu 8.1000:52
maennjit simply doesn't connect, I don't get any notification messages or anything00:53
NickPresta!intrepid | maennj00:53
ubottumaennj: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!00:53
maennjk thx00:53
NickPrestaGuest90134, in firefox, type: about:plugins and see that it recognizes flash00:53
knusperfroschGuest90134: open "about:plugins" in firefox and watch out for flash00:53
Guest90134ok one sec00:54
NickPresta!pt | marcelo00:54
ubottumarcelo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:54
* Guest42798 sips his coffee'00:55
=== Guest42798 is now known as genii
NickPrestaheh. Identity crisis?00:56
geniiNickPresta: I hadn't used Konversation yet on this install so it of course could not know my default identity, etc etc :)00:57
Guest90134Interesting it says I have "shockwave flash" and "futuresplash player" But I don't see adobe at all in the browser..00:57
knusperfroschGuest90134: you wont see adobe there00:58
Denisewhat about flashing future00:58
_2what can be done to determine what is causing this ?   tty24 [root@dell.~] deallocvt 2300:58
_2VT_DISALLOCATE: Device or resource busy00:58
Guest90134no I just see future splash00:58
knusperfroschGuest90134: application/x-shockwave-flash | Shockwave Flash is what you should see00:58
Guest90134yes I see that one00:59
Guest90134sometimes I have video sometimes I don't but it seems to have gotten worse today01:00
Deniseoh no01:00
_2the process seems to "time out" after a few minutes.  but there is no listing in the process table for anything running in tty23.    i'm at a loss for what is keeping the twenty third console open...01:01
_2somebody doesn't know either ?01:02
DeniseI'll be back01:02
DeniseI thought u were kidding me01:03
Guest90134Denise why did you say oh no?01:03
Deniseit have gotten worse today?01:03
maennjquestion that might sounds silly, how do I search in apt-get :) ?01:03
_2maennj use apt-cache01:04
maennj_2 thx01:04
Guest90134just wondering why you said it01:04
_2maennj something like    apt-cache -n search vlc      for example01:04
maennjdoes it apt-cache search online too ?01:06
_2maennj also aptitude can do that,   aptitude search vlc     but i don't personally like aptitude even if the people in #debian sware by it.01:06
maennjI'll try it01:07
_2maennj no.  only your package cache (list of all avalable package from your listed repositories)01:07
maennjah ok01:07
_2in asnwer to your Q    ^01:07
_2answer even01:07
_2one reason that i have never liked aptitude was re-manafested to me a few days ago.   i was trying to remove python* from a debian system and aptitude can't do it.   apt-get does it just fine.01:09
_2in fact attempting to remove almost any lib via aptitude command line is impossable.   it will only remove something that has dependancies if you are both willing and able to install a replacement/s     sad that it can't just take with it the dependant packages like apt can.01:11
maennjbut how can I search on online sources ?01:14
_2maennj ?   google ?01:15
_2maennj what online source are you refering to?01:15
maennj-.-, I thought apt-get provides some kind of online sources. I used slapt-get in slackware before which had online repositories01:16
_2!repos | maennj01:17
ubottumaennj: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:17
maennjcool that's it, thanks :)01:17
tightdrunkenanyone figure out wireless with unbuntu?01:18
_2repeting ...  maennj no.  only your package cache (list of all avalable package from your listed repositories)  <<< those are "assumed" to be "online"    (bad assumption i know)01:18
tightdrunkeni'm  a newbie01:18
_2!wifi | tightdrunken01:18
ubottutightdrunken: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:18
tightdrunkenwicked thanks01:19
maennj_2 k thanks01:20
_2ubuntu is an "online" distrobution of GNU/Linux    anyone not "online" should actually probably use something else.01:21
tightdrunkeni'm running ultimate edition harty hotrod 1.801:25
S|DE-k|CKhi all01:33
nikamihey everyone. how's it going.01:45
S|DE-k|CKhi all01:46
Denisemarried allowed only01:57
Deniseor the contrary02:00
Deniseu forget that part02:01
Deniseit is hell02:01
favroDenise: whatever you're on can I have a couple?02:05
=== SkEmO|cawking is now known as SkEmO
DeniseI m on red coals02:09
sea_What's the keyboard shortcut to cancel fullscreen mode in konqueror?02:15
sea_I got away with fluxbox's ALT+click moving thing, but these huge fullscreen windows keep flopping around.02:16
artur_what program could i use to convert mp3 files. I have one of rate 320 kbps and i'd like to convert to 128 kbps02:17
BluesKajwhy ...128 sounds like crap02:19
Deniseu play ur movie again02:24
joshuajtlhmm sorry to ask, noone responding in kubuntu-kde4,  anyone know if amarok and konqueror are broken in kubuntu kde 4.1.1 ?02:25
Denisei must be really crazy02:26
Denisedont play sarcasms with me02:27
DeniseI m sensitive02:27
Daisuke_IdoDenise: who are you talking to02:28
Denisei dont know02:28
Denisethe movie producer02:28
Daisuke_Idowell, since there's no one like that here...02:29
Daisuke_Idoif you have a question relating to kubuntu, ask away.02:29
DeniseI m in the wrong room then02:29
Deniseplease keep on to talk gentlemen02:29
DeniseI m quitting02:30
favrosea_: in fluxbox you can right click the window title bar for an app and select remember-dimensions+position+save on close   and it will open at that size next time02:38
Denisesounds good02:39
sea_favro: In fullscreen there are no title bars!02:40
Deniseis the sight good?02:40
mneptokDenise: noapte buna.02:40
sea_I managed to close it with that 'taskbar' like thing. I'll just remember not to use fullscreen again.02:41
Denisedo you see the sea02:41
favrosea_: it always starts that way?02:41
mneptokDenise: this channel is for support with Kubuntu. please use #ubuntu-offtopic for idle chatter.02:42
sea_nah,I just accidentaly hit shift+ctrl+f02:42
sea_It starts normal sized.02:42
favrok :)02:42
favrosea_: if fullscreen apps are too big you might have to fix your display02:43
sea_favro: I'm pretty sure that my display is the right size, nothing gets cut off or anything, my wallpapers fit well.02:45
favrosea_: it was only a thought :)02:46
psycholicanyone know of a good iso burning software besides k3b02:47
sea_By the way, is aMSN working yet? There was something preventing it from connecting last time I checked.02:47
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto02:47
psycholicbrasero is the one i wanted but i think i can get it out of the repo or can i  looks like i need to load adept02:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero02:49
favro!info brasero02:49
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.1-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 682 kB, installed size 5036 kB02:49
psycholicgot it thanks02:49
psycholicit was in the repo02:49
psycholicgod i love linux02:50
Daisuke_Idopsycholic: why in god's name would you take clunky brasero over k3b?02:50
Daisuke_Idojust curious02:50
Daisuke_Idobrasero's quirks make me want to hit someone every time i have to use it02:50
psycholicwell i downloaded a iso and the auther said thats what he used ohhh sorry did not work with k3b if it was me thats what i use02:51
Daisuke_Idomy favourite one is that you can't just click and drag something to the project, no, you have to click to select it, THEN click and drag it.  that's p'd me off a few times now02:51
Daisuke_Idoerr...  if it's an iso, you can burn it with anything...02:51
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:51
Daisuke_Idoat least, if the author did it right02:51
psycholicyeah i thats what i said i'm doing this just to  thow it back in his face and say hey you messed up now fess up to it02:52
psycholicwell going to see if we get any errors02:54
matt__I am new to konversation and wanted to ask for some help with apt-get03:13
_2who here knows all about sd cards ?03:13
=== synapse_ is now known as Boxici
_2matt__ so what's stopping you ?03:13
matt__sorry didn't know if there is a specific spot I needed to go to :)03:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:14
matt__so I just installed a package but didn't think I needed it so I did apt-get remove and it started removing a ton of my programs. is there some sort of undo command?03:15
Boxicii need som help03:15
_2matt__ heh. no.  but you can easily reinstall what you want.   also adept is a GUI for that03:15
_2matt__ what package was it ?03:16
matt__yeah I know. i am trying to install acroread but it is broken. I tried installing the file that it said was broken and kind of went down a rabbit hole. Anyway I was tring to remove what I had installed and ended up removing a ton of my packages03:16
matt__sudo apt-get remove slapd libldap-2.4-203:17
_2matt__ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   <<< that should keep the system usable.03:17
_2matt__ and   sudo apt-get install acroread    should do the rest.03:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread03:19
_2!info acroread03:19
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in hardy03:19
matt__okay I think i will just try doing apt-get install and then listing every package it said it was going to remove that I should have read in the first place ;)03:19
_2!info acroread03:19
ubottuPackage acroread does not exist in hardy03:19
_2well it did in dapper...03:19
favro!find acroread03:20
ubottuFile acroread found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)03:20
favroit's in medibuntu03:20
_2an and the bot is ignorant to medibuntu repos03:20
psycholic!info kpdf03:21
ubottukpdf (source: kdegraphics): PDF viewer for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 322 kB, installed size 1012 kB03:21
_2!medibuntu | matt__ see this link please03:21
ubottumatt__ see this link please: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:21
psycholicthats what i use03:21
matt__okay thanks!03:21
_2!info xpdf03:22
ubottuxpdf (source: xpdf): Portable Document Format (PDF) suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.02-1.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 36 kB03:22
_2psycholic ^ here.03:22
psycholiclol better?03:22
_2no  just not kde dependant03:22
_2i also use blackbox03:22
_2!info blackbox03:22
ubottublackbox (source: blackbox): Window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70.1-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 245 kB, installed size 768 kB03:22
psycholiccan i apt get that?03:23
_2if you can't you are at the right place   :)))03:23
_2err i mean yes.03:24
psycholicgot it installing right now03:24
psycholicwell its install just got to power down03:25
Denisepower down03:26
_2power down   for what ?03:26
psycholicwell logout and in03:26
_2oh   :)03:26
psycholicbut i can't right now forgot i was burning a iso03:27
psycholicwell off to the tv my other love :^)03:27
_2how sad03:27
_2i mean how true03:28
_2how true....     sorry bad english you know.03:28
_2anyone know some about sd cards ?     seeing that no expert stepped up...03:30
matt__so how do I know what version of kubuntu I have?03:31
_2i have two sdcards that used to work in digital camera.  but now if either is in the camera i can't mount the camera.      and i have even used both the camera and a friends pc to format the cards but it changed nothing.03:32
_2matt__   lsb-release -a03:32
_2matt__   lsb_release -a03:32
matt__thank you03:32
_2-r for only the release version03:33
favro_2: how are you trying to mount them?03:33
_2favro mount /dev/sda /mnt03:33
_2same way i do if the card is not in the camera.03:33
favrotried mount /dev/sda1 /mnt?03:34
_2why would it change ?03:34
_2camera mounts fine when no sd card is in it.03:34
_2also i have tried a partition and no joy03:35
favroI always thought we mount partitions not drives...03:35
favrodoes it show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?03:35
_2no.  we mount file systems.  not partitions nor drives03:35
matt__okay so I have medibuntu but now it says that acroread has no installation candidate. What should I do now? It shows I am using that in adept03:36
_2favro http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d22ecfba703:37
_2matt__ did you   sudo apt-get update   ?03:37
matt__yea I did.03:38
_2matt__ apt-cache search acroread03:38
favro_2: is the sd using ntfs?03:38
_2favro heh i hope not.03:39
matt__okay I did that and nothing happened03:39
favromount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt03:39
_2favro no.  it's vfat.03:39
_2mount /dev/sda /mnt/disk  ;mount | grep sda << yelds >>  /dev/sda on /mnt/disk type vfat (rw,nodiratime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp03:40
_2and the card is not in the camera   is the reason i can mount it.   when it's in there  the mount command hangs.03:41
favroso when it is in the camera what does   sudo fdisk -l   tell?03:41
_2same output03:41
_2the pastebin03:42
_2yeah me too03:42
favrosee if mount -v gives a clue03:42
matt__the apt-cache search acroread didn't do anything except go down a line. not sure what that means03:42
_2where ?  with the card installed ?   @ favro ?03:42
_2matt__ means it didn't find anything.03:43
favrowhere mount just hangs - when it is in the camera03:43
_2matt__ you followed the instructions on the page ?03:43
matt__yeah. it was pretty easy. just copy and paste. it shows up in the adept in manage repositories, medibuntu that is.03:44
_2favro you mean in another console or add -v to try to see where it hangs ?    i'll check both  but i'm just trying to see what you are fishing for.   and can you help matt__ with arcoread please.03:44
favro mount -v /dev/sda /mnt03:45
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:45
favromatt__: using hardy?03:45
matt__what does !medibuntu mean? I am confused by the exclamation mark. and yes, Hardy03:46
_2!bot | matt__03:46
ubottumatt__: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:46
favrohttp://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/index.html shows acroread03:46
matt__okay, I will try removing it and the key and trying again.03:47
favromatt__: and you're sure you ran this command? - sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list03:47
matt__yes. I just retried it and now I have this message:03:50
matt__GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278303:50
matt__W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems03:50
matt__and I ran the command for the key too. not sure what to do03:50
matt__and I ran an update03:50
favromatt__: further down it says to add the gpg key - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update03:51
favromatt__: try it again03:51
matt__I just ran that command again and I get the same message03:51
favromatt__: is it asking if you want to continue without the key?03:52
cgentry72I just installed kde 4.1 in ubuntu and was wondering how I change the window decorations because mine looks like windows 3.103:52
matt__no it just goes back to the command prompt and stops03:52
favrocgentry72: try in #kubuntu-kde403:53
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde403:54
_2note.  the "warning blah blah blah"  does not keep it from installing.03:54
_2@ favro and matt__   ^03:54
favromatt__: try this -     *03:55
favro      With your favourite web browser, go to http://packages.medibuntu.org/.03:55
favro    * Choose the Ubuntu version you're currently using.03:55
favro    * Find the package for your architecture in the listing, and save it to your personal directory on your hard drive. You may need to also download any dependencies that are also in medibuntu.03:55
favro    * Right click on the package you just downloaded.03:55
favro    * Select Ubuntu Package Menu.03:55
favro    * Choose Install Package.03:55
matt__okay it seems to be working now. thanks for all the help. got to go. the wife is calling :)03:55
favrok luck03:56
_2i wish i had an sd card slot on something besides a camera.....04:01
favrodid mount -v help  at all?04:02
_2not yet.   not an option right now.  had to move that to the back burner.04:02
favrok :)04:02
_2i can still wish tho04:02
* _2 can both wish and expect04:03
* favro always espouses the benefits of crossed fingers :)04:04
* _2 points out that wish and expect are commands...04:04
_2surgy yes hi04:05
_2!info expect04:05
surgycan someone recomend a dvd authoring program that will allow me to burn avi files to blank dvd media and make it playable in a regular dvd player?04:05
ubottuexpect (source: expect): A program that can automate interactive applications. In component main, is optional. Version 5.43.0-14 (hardy), package size 305 kB, installed size 620 kB04:05
_2!dvd | surgy04:06
ubottusurgy: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:06
favro_2: I didn't know that haha :)04:06
surgyno no04:06
surgyI can play dvds fine04:06
_2surgy dvdauthor04:06
surgyi want to be able to write video files to a dvd that is then playable on a standard tv type dvd player04:07
_2surgy the later ^ k9copy was the intended portion04:07
favro!info devede04:07
surgy_2: thank you may you have many luaghs04:07
ubottudevede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB04:07
Taggnostris there some program that allows me to edit an existing pdf file? like writing things, draw some lines, circle and other basic things?04:08
_2!info dvdauthor | surgy lets try this one more time04:08
ubottusurgy lets try this one more time: dvdauthor (source: dvdauthor): create DVD-Video file system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.14-1build2 (hardy), package size 153 kB, installed size 392 kB04:08
surgythanks once again04:09
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)04:09
_2Taggnostr i normally would export it to something other than pdf   but i don't like pdf anyway.   however i think evence might04:10
Taggnostrwhat other format do you suggest?04:10
Taggnostrwhat do I need to convert a psf in ps, edit it and possibly convert it back in pdf?04:11
_2nothing   just print it to a postscript file04:11
* SkEmO goes away04:11
Taggnostrlet's see04:12
_2you can later print back to a pdf if you like04:12
_2well   "nothing"   is not accurate.  what i mean is everything should already be in place.04:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oo.org04:13
_2!dumb bot04:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dumb bot04:13
stdin!ooo | _204:14
ubottu_2: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org04:14
Taggnostrwhat can I use to edit a ps?04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps04:14
TaggnostrI already have the pdf (and now the ps too), I need a way to edit it04:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pdfedit04:18
stdinflpsed or pdfedit, both in the repos04:19
intelikeymc can't change dirs into04:24
intelikey 04:24
intelikeyanyone know a way to get there ?04:24
intelikeyheh  mkdir \04:25
intelikey 04:25
intelikeyit seems that mc is totally useless in dealing with dirname \n04:29
=== bobesponjaja is now known as bobesponja
intelikeyit's also interesting that ls calls it "?"04:31
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:34
intelikeydir name == '04:35
intelikeyis most interesting.  i'm not sure what it's useful for yet...04:35
intelikeyhow to put literal tab char in console ?04:43
surgyhow many gb does a standard dvd hold? 4.7 ?04:45
surgyim looking for a semi precise number if you dont mind04:46
favrosurgy: 4.3G is pretty safe mostly sometimes maybe04:50
intelikeyfavro you may be right  i read , and it seems he was asking . insted.   ;/04:52
favrohehe :)04:53
intelikey4,7 != 4.7?04:53
tacosarecoolI've got this weird glitch04:53
intelikeydropping in irc channels and saying that ?04:54
tacosarecoolWhere sometimes I boot and I hear a boot up sound that's how I know skype and flash sound would work04:54
tacosarecoolAnd for some reason my flash sound just stopped I probably need to restart the computer04:55
tacosarecoolBut it's annoying doing that04:55
tacosarecoolAmarok sound works no matter what04:55
tacosarecoolAny Ideas?04:57
tacosarecoolFlash sound is broke until I restart05:01
intelikeytacosarecool weren't you asking the same thing a week ago ?05:02
tacosarecoolI don't remember05:02
intelikeyit still sounds like a race condition to me.05:02
tacosarecoolI was asking a long time ago I think05:02
tacosarecoolRace Condition?05:02
intelikeyyes but that doesn't mean i can fix it for you.05:03
tacosarecoolI know05:03
tacosarecoolI was hoping there was someone who could help in here but I guess not yet well for this issue05:03
tacosarecoolAnd I don't think that flash 10 will help me05:04
tacosarecoolBecause I get the issue with skype also05:04
tacosarecoolWait skype sound is working05:04
tacosarecoolHow weird05:04
tacosarecoolI didn't have the sound turned up on youtube05:04
favroheheha hands up who hasn't done that :)05:05
intelikeyevery one wants a system to post as quickly as possable.   but sometimes a second delay at the right point can prevent "race condtions" from making the boot process a "hit and miss" lotory...05:05
intelikeyfavro you poll failed.   no one responded   ;/05:06
favrointelikey: I couldn't see raised hands even if my poll worked :)05:07
intelikeyi can't see lowered hands tho05:07
intelikeyoh there it is.05:07
intelikeyone thing i have found about irc.   "first smart elic hasn't a chance, someone can always top that..."05:09
intelikeyfirst .* hasn't05:09
intelikeyis it a full moon or what ?   the wirdoz are out in full force today05:10
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intelikey"'hellians, they are.'   i say 'hellians, everyone of them.'"05:13
Daisuke_Idois there a quick way to convert all filenames in a directory to lowercase?05:19
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido for q in * ;do mv "$q" "`echo "$q" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" `" ;done   # you might test that some place safe.05:21
Daisuke_Idointelikey: i actually found a classy solution :)05:21
Daisuke_Idofor i in `find * -depth`; do (mv $i `echo $i|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]`); done05:21
snowmanhi room is there anyone?05:22
intelikeyfails with ; done   but same thing.05:22
intelikeyerr actually it doesn't fail there.  but  it's because it's not quoted.  and so fails on all names with spaces05:23
vbgunzwhen you say su at the command line, is there a default password? I am using my password that works with sudo but it never works for su... the password is always wrong. is there a default? if not, can I reset it?05:23
intelikeyactually mine may fail with spaces too.05:24
intelikeyvbgunz there is no root password unless you set one.05:26
intelikey!sudo | vbgunz05:26
ubottuvbgunz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)05:26
vbgunzsu: Authentication failure05:26
intelikeyvbgunz there is no root password unless you set one.   read the page  ^05:26
vbgunzI am just typing su at $ ... it ask for a password, I must have set it and forgotten it :(05:26
intelikeyvbgunz there is no root password unless you set one.   read the page  ^05:26
intelikeyor keep typing in here..... but you'll learn faster reading the page.05:27
clusbyvbgunz: I think you want 'sudo -s'05:27
intelikeybut actually he wants knowledge.05:28
Taggnostrhello, I'm searching a program to edit pdf or ps files, do you know something?05:29
TaggnostrI tried to open the pdf with writer but it only show the source05:30
vbgunzI thought I had su to root... actually, I just wanted to check if I could switch to root cause truth is, I am trying to login as another user... I am trying to log a user out without actually switching over to there account. I found skill but that tells me to check killall, etc05:30
Taggnostrsame with the ps05:31
Taggnostris there a way to import them directly from ooo? I just did open with -> ooo05:31
=== Trevi is now known as Trevinho
intelikeyvbgunz sudo username kill -9 -105:33
intelikeynot clean but forceful05:33
vbgunzyeah I saw that but question does it do it safely? I don't just want to kill the user. I'd like to log them out.05:33
TaggnostrI also searched with the adept manager but I can't find anything05:33
TaggnostrI just need to write some text on a pdf or ps file05:34
Taggnostror also export it in any format that allow me to do that05:34
intelikeyvbgunz it's kinda hard to excort a user to the door without a fight, if they don't want to go.   so either ask them  to logout or, pitch their butts out in the street      so to speak.05:34
intelikeyescort maybe05:35
Taggnostrany ideas?05:36
vbgunzintelikey: heh, it's my 3 year old boy... I do want to kick him into the street but don't think authorities would like the excuse 'he forgot to log out of the linux box'... I forgive him and thought I look into it... well, not like he is working on IDs Rage or something... I'll find out in the morning :)05:36
Jordan_UHow can I remove what seems to be the gnome network-manager applet from the KDE 4.1 panel ?05:36
intelikeyvbgunz heh.  yeah my examples were to be taken in a vertual way ya know :)05:37
favro!kde4 | Jordan_U05:38
ubottuJordan_U: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:38
intelikeywith any luck someone in   #kubuntu-kde4   will tell you Jordan_U05:38
Jordan_Uintelikey: Thanks05:38
Taggnostrit seems I have to do a screenshot of the page and use gimp :\05:39
intelikeyvbgunz there is a program that will automaticly logout any user that is idle for X amount of time...  you might look into that.05:39
vbgunzI am curious. I am still on 3.5.9. does KDE 4* have any kind of parental controls at all?05:39
intelikeyvbgunz i really don't know.   ask in   #kubuntu-kde405:40
vbgunzI am itching a bit for an upgrade. I am reading plenty of great stories about KDE 4 ... I thought I wait it out though and do have years of work on the system05:40
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intelikey 06:31
intelikeyreboot will fix anything      ;/06:40
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illmortal_uhm.. can someone help me?... I installed Kubuntu 8.04.1 and during the installation I receieved an error.07:18
illmortal_and now I cannot log into kubuntu, I'm using the Live CD07:19
matt__Hi, does anyone know how to get gnash working in Konqueror?07:19
matt__i dont want to install flash, and I want to use youtube!07:19
favroillmortal_: hard to say if anyone can help not knowing the error07:23
illmortal_well.. how would I check the system log?07:23
illmortal_wouldn't it show the error in there? :X07:23
favroillmortal_: /var/log is where the logs are - depending on the prob Xorg.0.log might be a start07:27
favrohi andres_07:34
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illmortal_favro... what else can I use other than nano?07:35
favroillmortal_: I've found nano easiest - there is vim, joe as well07:37
illmortal_I'm trying to copy/paste so I can pastebin it in hopes someone can see the error :X07:37
Darkrift2anyone heard of issues with ktorrent using massive amounts of ram?07:44
Darkrift2and cpu07:44
Darkrift2brings my system to a halt after a while07:44
favrothe cpu could be due to hash checking the torrent07:45
raymearshey everyone. i've got a slight problem with my konqueror: when i try to do google queries, instead of displaying the page, it tries to download it. any idea what setting i messed up?07:46
rebeckaSo, I'm using knetworkmanager to connect to a mighty strange wpa2-enterprise network and I wonder if there is any way to extract a wpa_supplicant.conf from knetworkmanager (since it uses wpa_supplicant to connect).07:48
chairmanchairman here08:06
chairmancan i put myspace IM on here08:06
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uncleanguys how can i run a '.run' file08:12
mag-chmod +x file.run; ./file.run08:13
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uncleanhmm is this right?08:15
uncleanchmod +x /home/unclean/Desktop/et-linux-2.55.x86.run08:15
uncleancause nothing happens when i do that08:17
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uncleanto run a '.run' file is this command correct?08:18
uncleanchmod +x /home/unclean/Desktop/et-linux-2.55.x86.run08:18
danishhy some 1 there08:20
danishi need help08:20
danishsome 1 there08:21
dhqi have an internal mic but it doesnt work  Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller08:21
freaky[t]what is a good desktop search for kubuntu?08:22
favrounclean: no that makes able to run - now you type the path to it - /home/unclean/Desktop/et-linux-2.55.x86.run08:23
favrohit enter08:23
favro!ask | danish08:24
ubottudanish: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:24
favrodhq: in konsole type   alsamixer   and make sure the mike is turned up08:24
uncleanthanks favro!08:27
dhqfavro: its is on08:27
favrounclean: great :)08:27
favrodhq: I would suggest turning all them up  - but I never use mics so am limited there08:28
dhqfavro: all are up08:28
favrodhq: I wouldn't know the next step for a mic - is it skype that's the issue or it never works?08:31
dhqit worked before i ungraded to hardy08:32
uncleanfavro: i went to start (its a game) and i get errors saying"cannot load visuals"could not open OpenGL  subsystem"and my ny screen is huge08:32
favrounclean: try logout/in08:33
favroit might be you need to set your graphics08:34
uncleanfavro: how can i tell if x86 is the right file for my comp?08:38
favrounclean: is it less than ten years old and intel, amd, or via - it is x86 then08:40
uncleanokay i have an AMD08:40
uncleanstill not able to run the game08:41
uncleani open it wit  Wine and my screen gets all huge08:41
uncleanand nothing happens08:41
favrounclean: how old is it - you might need dosox08:42
favrodosbox even08:42
uncleanAmd 1800+ 64mb Geforce2 mx 1--/20008:42
uncleanmaybe my vid card isnt installed right?08:43
favrounclean: how old is the game?08:43
favroold games can't use recent cards08:44
favrowhat's the vid card08:44
favrolspci | grep VGA   will tell08:44
uncleanmy cards older than the game Geforce2 mx 100/20008:44
uncleanGeForce2 MX20008:46
favro!info nvidia-glx-legacy08:46
ubottunvidia-glx-legacy (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 71.86.04+ (hardy), package size 3003 kB, installed size 9796 kB08:46
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favrounclean: try that ^^08:47
uncleani think i have the legacy driver installed let me check08:47
Darkrift2anyone know if ktorrent has a repo that might have newer versions than what comes in 8.04?08:47
Darkrift2my current version is performing very badly right now, high cpu/ram usage, low speeds (even with high seed/leech ratio) and at 40kup/40k down its basically choking my internet connection (that is 15mb/3mb)08:48
uncleanfavro: yea i have legacy08:49
Darkrift2i can handle 4000k down and 300-450k up normally, but right now hitting anything over 20k either way brings my system to a halt (cant even load google)08:49
favroDarkrift2: they'd have a website08:49
favrounclean: see if   glxinfo | grep render   gives a return08:50
Darkrift22.2.9 is what i have, 3.1.2 is current :S08:50
Darkrift2oh, thats for kde408:51
favrothat happens08:51
unclean"GLX" missing on display :0.008:51
favroI don't think ktorrent would be the issue - maybe a choice in it's settings that was made08:51
favrounclean: try   glxinfo   - any errors there?08:52
uncleanXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:53
Darkrift2their site says the kde4 version works in kde3, so ill try that08:53
Darkrift2ive checked settings, dont see what could cause this08:53
favroDarkrift2: good luck :)08:53
uncleanfavro: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".08:53
favrounclean: I don't know how X expects people to install the legacy driver but it seems that you have but aren't using it08:54
favrohave it even08:54
raymearshey everyone. i've got a slight problem with my konqueror: when i try to do google queries, instead of displaying the page, it tries to download it. any idea what setting i messed up?08:56
favrounclean: seems envyng-gtk is the way08:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envyng-gtk08:57
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk08:57
uncleanshould i try that?08:58
favrounclean: tried the restricted driver manager?08:58
favroI took that for granted silly me...08:58
uncleanim not sure08:58
favroit's in the menu I beleive08:59
cassiopieaI hve problems wiht my wlan after upgrade... someone cann help?08:59
uncleani went into synaptic and getting envyng now09:00
favrounclean: get the qt one for kde09:02
favrocassiopiea: an upgrade can overwrite files and has a new kernel so redo the steps you did before09:03
cassiopieathat ok but the files exits and my Wlan works, but it dosent starts automatic09:05
uncleanfavro: no luck screen just gooes black then back to X09:07
favrocassiopiea: I don't use wireless so am clueless about it - but this might help09:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:08
favrounclean: seems it might be the game then - is there a faq on there site?09:08
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v6lurhi: when compiling ktt (kde tengwar tool), i get this error: "configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found"09:19
v6lurlibqt3-mt-dev and qt3-dev-tools are installed09:19
v6lurwhat else must i install?09:19
goldmetalanyone know what /dev/md is?10:15
nikamianyone know what the quickest and easiest way to fix a dual boot pc that is giving and NTLDR error message on boot?10:17
nikamiThe only functioning pc i have right now is a kubuntu desktop (with Gnome installed as well) that has no CD drive. Thus, everything would have to be performed via bootable USB.10:17
favronikami: someone in ##windows might - they'll prob say remove linux and reinstall tho :)10:21
chairmanhow do i get kubuntu KDE410:22
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!10:23
favroit still installs ok I here10:23
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nikamianyone have any other answers for my NTLDR problem?10:31
aris__i got problem with kmail. with making my post downloadable10:31
aris__however it seems all settings are made ok10:32
aris__anyone will help me with this issue?10:35
aris__kmail give me message: no new message on account but in the fact there is plenty of them not read10:36
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testiIt looks like an update for gtk-qt-engine broke gtk-qt-engine (It now displays default gtk theme). Was the update properly tested? How can I fix that?11:43
testion my system11:43
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:45
favrotesti: I had to add my icon theme to the two qt-gtk files in my home folder to get it used11:58
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chairmanhow do i install KDE4?12:16
howtooadd this to your /etc/apt/sources.list file12:17
howtoodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main12:17
howtooand do full system upgrade from adept or apt, or whatever you like12:17
knusperfroschhow do i check in bash if any file like "${HOME}/prefix-*" exists?12:18
knusperfrosch"if [ -f" doesn't work for *12:18
favroif [ $? -f  maybe12:19
LeeJunFanafter repartitioning an NTFS volume to ext3 and formatting mount complains the new UUID doesn't exist, is there some way to trigger a refresh of some type?12:19
favro!kde4 | chairman12:22
ubottuchairman: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:22
knusperfroschfavro: still get a "too many arguments"12:22
favroLeeJunFan: with a format it gets a new uuid afaik12:23
LeeJunFanfavro: it's not that I don't have the new UUID for it, it's that mount complains that one isn't there. ie. blkid shows the old UUID.12:24
cosmofieldHow do I uninstall firefox on my Kubuntu? I tried sudo apt-get remove firefox but it says that 'package firefox is not installed so not removed' But Firefox can still be started, it has a start button in the program menu and I don't want Firefox because I use Gnu Icecat. Any ideas? :/12:24
tobor_cosmofield: how did FF get onto the system in the first place?12:25
_-Jay-_cosmofield: Depends on the version    try sudo aptitude search firefox12:26
cosmofieldI installed firefox and later installed Icecat and remove firefox with apt-get, but its still somewhere in the system :/12:26
_-Jay-_and find the version with an i next to it12:26
_-Jay-_you may find you have to remove firefox-3.012:26
favroknusperfrosch: LeeJunFan tried the old uuid? - seems it's not so old then - and sudo blkid works better here12:26
favrowell sorry knusperfrosch12:27
favroknusperfrosch: what's the rest of the script or relevant section of it?12:27
LeeJunFanactually blkid shows the new one, I mis-spoke. But /dev/disk/by-uuid/ lists the old one. udev doesn't realize I reformatted.12:27
tobor_cosmofield: "how" did FF get onto the system in the first place?12:28
tobor_did u apt-get install, or did you download it from a website?12:28
knusperfroschfavro: got a directory, "${HOME}/somewhere" and i'd like to check if it contains any files matching "some-name-*.ext"12:29
cosmofield[solved] Anyway, it's gone now, it was firefox-3.0  that was still left, I didn't noticed earlier that it was a version difference, thanks for the help :)12:30
favroknusperfrosch: does  ls ~/ | grep prefix ext   work12:31
favrothat'll be command line12:31
knusperfroschfavro: if [ "$(ls some-file-*.ext)" == "" ];then echo "no ex"; else echo "ex"; fi12:31
knusperfroschwould be a solution but not really nice...12:31
senorpedrohi folks12:34
LeeJunFanfavro: udevtrigger12:38
favroknusperfrosch: LeeJunFan it's working?12:42
LeeJunFanfavro: well, it did. I found a page with someone who had the same problem and that solution, I ran it - I mounted my device, then X locked up. Could be something kde4 or compiz doesn't like.12:47
LeeJunFanfavro: so of course it cost me a reboot I Was trying to avoid in the first place.12:47
favroknusperfrosch: if [ ! -f 'prefix'"*"'ext' ] ; then  echo found ; else echo not found ; fi12:53
wesley_Are there people who also have upgrade problems in 8.10 ? with12:59
wesley_ update-motd12:59
tobor_hi all, the wiki says to use kbuntu-restricted-extras package for playing restricted formats, but apt-cache search doesnt find the package (fresh install of Kubuntu 8 (heron) Ubuntu 8.04.1 )  Is there a suggested alternative?13:02
Piciwesley_: Intrepid issues should be discussed in #ubuntu+113:02
Picitobor_: Do you have the multiverse repositories enabled?13:03
tobor_Pici: I don't know.  Haven't changed anything about the repos.  Using it exactly as installed from CD-ISO13:03
tobor_Pici: how can I check?13:04
Picitobor_: Is there a source menu in Adept? (I'm more of a gnome guy so I'm not sure of the KDE interface)13:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bug113:05
tobor_Pici: looking13:05
tobor_Pici  I dont use adept either, (I'm a CLI guy! 30+ years on various "UNII" :-) ) adept shows that restricted repors are enabled in the repo manager13:09
Picitobor_: okay, what does apt-cache policy say about kubuntu-restricted-extras then?13:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:11
tobor_Pici: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47755/13:11
tobor_Pici - I see multiple entries in the output from apt-cache policy showing both restricted and multiverse13:12
Picitobor_: How about apt-cache policy kubuntu-restricted-extras ?13:12
tobor_Pici: looks like multiverse is on.13:14
tobor_says none installed (apt-cache policy kubuntu-restricted-extras)13:14
Picitobor_: try installing it again then13:14
tobor_Pici: so it seems like there are two candidates. .. trying13:15
Picitobor_: Maybe a typo the first time around13:15
Picitobor_: Yes, but it will pick the newer version from hardy-updates13:15
tobor_Pici: typo. Couldn't find package kbuntu-restricted-extras13:16
tobor_Pici: heh, thanks13:16
Picitobor_: no problem :)13:16
ocshi. is there a way to launch, with kde4 the old gui of adept (the same in kde3) ? In this new gui I can't see many features that were in the old one13:19
EagleScreenocs i think it is not possible13:21
EagleScreenAdept 3 is a new software in Beta phase, it is incomplete13:22
ocsEagleScreen: ok, but does it mean that i'm forced to use this new adept?13:23
EagleScreeni think yes, Adept 2.1 is broken and not mainteined anymore13:23
EagleScreenyou can install synaptic, I recommend you to install it with command: 'aptitude -R install synaptic' in order to do not install gnome things13:23
ocsi see.. thnks EagleScreen13:23
tobor_Interesting, htop shows 40 or so "console-kit-daemon" processes, but ps ax shows only one, and trying to kill the 40 or so in htop even using  signal "9" has no effect.13:24
favrotobor_: they might be zombies and you can't kill a zombie13:27
favroshould be a column with sr and z in it13:27
tobor_favro: nope, not zombies.  Seems to be a common problem as well. Looks like a design issue. We do keep getting Stupid "Machine resources are there to be wasted" MS style thinking in Linux as time goes on. :-(13:38
HoriIs there speaking here?13:39
tobor_54 processes, each using .2 percent of the system memory, == "Stupid"  :-)13:39
tobor_!ask > hori13:40
ubottuhori, please see my private message13:40
favroI agree - does running   sudo htop   help kill 'em?13:40
tobor_favro: Nope.13:40
favrotobor_: k13:40
tobor_favro: I stand corrected, as root, htop can kill them.13:41
tobor_tobor_: Well, you should have waited till I tried it!13:41
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tobor_tobor_: yeah, I know....13:41
favrotobor_: hehe :)13:41
tobor_tobor_: and stop talking to yourself in public...13:41
HoriI want to install some software, a game more specifically that I cannot find in the repositories, I have downloaded extracted all the bits and pieces to a folder, now I have 'autoexec.cfg' and other config files. However, I do not know what I need to do from here. Can anyone assist me?13:42
tobor_Hori: does the directory for the doftware havea README file?13:42
tobor_Hori: or an "Install" file ?13:42
Horiit has 2 Readme files13:43
Hori"Run the program like this: ./phun" < ReadmeLinux.txt13:43
Hori'phun' being the name of the software13:43
tobor_what happens when you do that?13:43
Horiand the other readme file mentions updates and terms of use etc13:43
Horitobor_: Well, I don't know. I don't know how to run the program like that.13:43
tobor_Hori: type in what it says to do. :-)13:44
HoriI have no knowledge of code whatsoever, which makes Linux even more fun.13:44
tobor_Hori: do you have an open shell?13:44
HoriNow I do,13:44
tobor_cd to the directory where the program is and then type in what the readme file said.13:45
tobor_Hori: also - add the idea that in Linux you do a lot (most) of your work more efficiently from the command line so you should always have terminal open.13:46
tobor_Hori: "cd" its a command.13:46
ubottuA desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training13:46
ubuntu_ubuntu or kubuntu+ quad core+up to 4gb ram ddr3,+ nvidia geforce 8600 gt+ 600gb hdd= a good pc13:47
HoriGiven this computer isn't my workhorse, I dont' want to spend a lot of time reading and learning how to use the terminal.13:47
favroHori: where's the file?13:47
HoriHowever, if I can be pointed in the direction to reading how to do the simple stuff I'm happy13:47
ghostcubeHori: this is essential for linux13:47
tobor_Hori: OK, you wont be able to do anything but use pre-packed tools then.13:48
ghostcubeHori: linux isnt an M$ replacement it works different und u need to know some things13:48
Horiund, das ist deustch. As far as my poor german goes.13:49
ghostcubeHori: yeah it is :D13:49
HoriI realise the importance that code has in operating linux effectively. B-b-but13:49
HoriRight now, I just want to install this game,13:50
Horifun first, lessons later13:50
ghostcubeHori: cd is in windows too13:50
ghostcubedos and terminal behave same sometimes13:50
ghostcubebut if u never used dos ...13:50
ghostcubepuh thats bad13:51
Horiwindows being a relatively GUI capable OS13:51
ghostcubewindows = not acceaptable at all13:51
HoriThe lack of need to use DOS, and being raised on GUI OS's doesn't help13:51
favroHori: in konsole you type the path to phun e.g. /home/Hori/PHUN/phun13:51
w8tahgood morning folks - how do i add a program to the K menu?14:00
ghostcubew8tah: just click right on any entry14:02
ghostcubeedit entry14:02
ghostcubethis will open an menu where u can add new progs14:02
ghostcubeu can change the order of the tools in there too14:02
ServaHello. How do I register my nick?14:12
Pici!register | Serva14:12
ubottuServa: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.14:13
ServaThis /msg command has to typed from Konversation itself?14:14
Fermio91salve a tutti14:15
Pici!it | Fermio9114:15
ubottuFermio91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:15
KRFServa, yes14:16
Fermio91sorry i've wrong channel14:16
KRFServa, its mostly the same for all IRC clients14:16
ServaIn the command "/msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>", do I specify my nick in nickserv field?14:18
ServaI can see the password ad and the email fields, but not the nick field14:19
ghostcubeServa: u are logged in with the nick14:19
ghostcubeso no need for14:19
ServaooO, for a second it got me scared when it printed the password on konversation but then I realized only I could have seen it.14:20
ServaKRF, Can I change the password in future?14:23
KRFServa, /nickserv help14:23
Servatks KRF14:24
=== roozbeh_ is now known as roozbeh
Assurbanipalguys cannot login in kubuntu.i get error saying : "no write  access to /home/nikolas/.ICEauthority "14:27
ServaKRF, the "SETPASS <nickname> <key> <password>" requires a key, and it says it is the same key that was mailed to me but in the registration activation email I didn't get any specific key.14:27
KRFServa, maybe the pass you passed to REGISTER?14:28
ServaSETPASS allows you to set a new password using a key emailed to you. The key is valid for one time only, and also becomes invalid if you identify with your old password.14:29
Assurbanipalguys cannot login in kubuntu.i get error saying : "no write  access to /home/nikolas/.ICEauthority " can someone plz help?14:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iceauthority14:31
tobor_Assurbanipal: is easy to fix14:35
Assurbanipaltobor_, how??14:36
Assurbanipaltobor_, and why happened?14:36
tobor_use ctrl-alt-F1 and login to the first virtual console14:36
tobor_Assurbanipal: you dont have write access to the ICEauthority file that tells X-windows you are allowed to have access to the display14:37
Assurbanipalwhy happened??and how to fix?14:37
tobor_so after you login, you will be in a shell, running on a virtual terminal, examine the file and change its protection so you have write access to it.14:37
isprinshello, does anyone know how i get tomtom home ( running in wine ) to detect my tomtom GO 730 ?14:38
Assurbanipalhow i do that mate?14:38
tobor_Assurbanipal: I have no idea how it happened, most likely its something you did.14:38
tobor_Assurbanipal: you dont know how to change protection on a file in the shell?14:38
Assurbanipaldid nothing mate... power went off and then tried to login again14:38
Assurbanipalno mate-newbe here14:38
tobor_owch. use the chmod command see "man chmod' for instructions14:39
tobor_How did the power go off?  Where is your UPS? :-)14:39
Assurbanipalpower offs in crete mate...come more often that hte rain....14:40
Assurbanipaltobor_, can u please guide me to it?14:41
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tobor_Assurbanipal: sorry - too much RSI here14:41
tobor_Assurbanipal: if you get a lot of poweroffs you definitely need a UPS ! :-)14:41
tobor_Assurbanipal: read the man page14:42
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Assurbanipaltobor_, mate,can't make this out...14:46
Serva_Hello. Where can I request a generic "unaffiliated" user cloak?14:47
xxno se14:49
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xxme voy14:49
ghostcubeServa_: this is done by setting up 2 nicks and main and en fallback one14:50
jussi01Serva_: #freenode14:51
ghostcubethen go to freenode and msg a stuff to cloak u14:51
=== Serva_ is now known as Serva
noaXesshow can i see what's happend if i press my extra button on my laptop to disable the touchpad?14:58
noaXessi want disable it automatically on kde start..14:59
ghostcubenoaXess: xev14:59
ghostcubeand press the key it will show u the key id14:59
isprinsi found the problem, " autodetect from devide" is not implemented yet in wine..15:00
ghostcubeisprins: on getdeb.net is an 3dmark patched wine15:01
noaXessghostcube: xev doesn't see this key.. it's a FN key on my notebook.. function key..15:04
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noaXessis this the qt4 dev package: qt4-dev-tools? gmake and so on?15:28
noaXessmariano_: hola15:30
noaXess#i think #kunbuntu-es is your choice :) with hola :)15:30
noaXess#kubuntu-es sorry..15:31
noaXesshi :)15:35
noaXessis qmake only in qt3-dev-tools included? what about qt4-dev-tools? is qmake also included if i only install qt4-dev-tools?15:35
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
SilentDisquestion:  I'm on EVDO 'net access.  Currently, i use KPPP to make my connection.  While this works fine for the most part, sometimes my cellphone likes to reboot, and of course kppp crashes out.  I'd like to switch it over to a 'permanant' connection, whereas if the OS can't find the EVDO modem, it just retries in a few moments again to establish connection.  Ideally, then, i'd not have to 'dial up' each time, just plug the phone in.  suggestions?15:41
=== weyland is now known as dny
sobczykis there any firefox support channel?16:18
trappistsobczyk: have to connect to irc.mozilla.org and /join #firefox16:21
rczPessoal, que tao diferente e' o KDE 4? alguem usa? vale a pena?16:24
rczPessoal, que tao diferente e' o KDE 4? alguem usa? vale a pena?16:31
JackWinteri have a problem with exporting mpg2 from kino.  the error i get is "Error writing to KINO/MJPEG audio filter - aborting."  i suppose it has something to do with my mjpeg codecs ?16:34
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digit_alhi - how can i get to the german-kubuntu-channel ?17:06
digit_al(i'm here on irssi with big problems)17:07
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:07
liamcan anyone help with my alsamixer problem?17:10
digit3hi, it seems like i'm banned - is it forbidden to use irssi in the german channel (no problems with an graphical irc-interface 2 minutes ago)17:10
liamwhenever i open it i get module-assistant17:10
liamwhenever i try to open it i get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory17:11
digit3can anyone help me - login-function for kdm-kde4 doesnt work17:12
favroliam: des   aplay -l   give a return?17:12
liami get17:13
liamaplay: device_list:205: no soundcards found...17:13
favrodigit3: #kubuntu-kde4 will know about that17:13
digit3favro: thank you17:14
liamim also having probels with my sound, but im trying to get alsamixer to wor first17:18
favroliam: alsamixer can't find a soundcard17:18
favroliam: in konsole try    sudo lshw -C multimedia17:19
favroto find the card17:19
|markie|anybody is known with freenx/nomachine and kde417:22
zetthi ppl17:23
liam*-multimedia UNCLAIMED17:23
liam       description: Multimedia audio controller17:23
liam       product: IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller17:23
=== zett is now known as omgz00r
liam       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc17:23
liam       physical id: 14.517:23
liam       bus info: pci@0000:00:14.517:23
liam       version: 8017:23
liam       width: 32 bits17:23
liam       clock: 66MHz17:23
liam       capabilities: msi cap_list17:23
liam       configuration: latency=64 mingnt=17:23
liami now i need the atiixp driver but it wont work17:23
omgz00rI have problem with flash if i want run any flash video on youtube example sound in video doesnt work17:23
omgz00ranyne can solv my problem ?17:24
omgz00romfg ?17:26
omgz00ris here anzone ?17:26
liamomgz00r: What browser are you using?17:27
omgz00rIn tutorial was that i must install "libflashsupport but i install it and it doesnt work17:28
liamdownload it from here: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/flash-plugin-
Githzeraiomgz00r: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:28
zanberdoI have installed linux to my laptop using an encrypted partition configured with lvm.  I've discovered I need to free up some space on the drive in order to install another OS.  gparted does not appear to handle resizing of encrypted partitions, so even if I resize my lvm partitions I can't seem to resize the overall encrypted partition.  Are there any tools for resizing an envcrypted partition?17:29
liamines better though17:29
omgz00ri hate adobe17:29
liamwell its the best options17:29
Githzeraiomgz00r: as we all do, but unfortunately it's sort of a standard...17:30
omgz00rHow to install it ?17:30
omgz00ri forgot :D17:30
Githzeraisudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:31
omgz00rnot this17:31
omgz00ri have alreadz plugin nonfree installed...but mz problem is that i can hear sound from flash videos17:31
omgz00ri thought liam's file17:32
favrothat's an rpm17:33
omgz00rhow to install it ?17:33
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)17:33
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.17:34
omgz00rso i need deb package ? :-/17:35
mifaunacual  es el canal en español17:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cy17:37
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.17:37
ubottuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.17:38
Githzeraihttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz, there is a README inisde which will explain how to install17:38
inigoalguien me puede ayudar con un problema?17:49
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:49
v6lurwhy can't i install kdelibs4-dev? adept manager shows it will break if installed17:49
v6luron kubuntu hardy17:50
favrousing kde4?17:50
geniiv6lur: You probably want kdelibs5 and not kdelibs417:51
v6lurno, i want them for kde3, thus kdelibs4 should be the right one17:51
newbbhi guys i put a usb pendrive in but it doesn't regularly appear on the desktop... how can i do?17:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:53
geniiv6lur: Perhaps you've installed a newer version of kdelibs4 than the -dev package is for (perhaps from hardy-proposed repo, ppa or similar)17:54
newbbhi guys i put a usb pendrive in but it doesn't regularly appear on the desktop... how can i do?17:54
v6lurhmm, i did indeed have hardy-proposed enabled...17:56
quentin_Hey there17:59
quentin_Anyone familiar with pdflatex and bibtex?17:59
v6lurso... is there a way i can get kdelibs4-dev without downgrading kdelibs4?18:00
v6lurthe exact error message, btw: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47823/18:01
v6lurand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47827/18:03
geniiv6lur: Please pastebin result of:   apt-cache policy kdelibs                         and: apt-cache policy kdelibs4-dev18:03
w8tahhow can i control the compiz stuff under kubunutu?18:04
v6lurhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47828/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47829/ , respectively18:05
geniiw8tah: With compizconfig-settingsmanager      (ccsm for short) Ask them in #compiz-fusion channel for details18:05
geniiv6lur: Reading18:05
w8tahthank you18:05
v6lurPaigaldatud: (ei ole) means "Installed (is not)"18:05
v6luror similar18:05
w8tahgenii: what is the command to start it -- i cant find it in the K menu?18:06
geniiv6lur: Ok, same versions. So the groaning is from the libasound2 saying it needs specifically an earlier version than what wants to be installed by default18:06
v6lurso i'll try to downgrade asound?18:07
geniiw8tah: Install package named compizconfig-settings-manager    then after, alt-f2  and put in    ccsm18:08
w8tahgot it18:08
v6lurgosh, that wants to remove half my system :o18:08
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geniiv6lur: You could specify version to install like     sudo apt-get install libasound2=1.0.15-3ubuntu418:09
v6luroh, one can do that? cool :D18:09
geniiYes :)18:09
geniiwork requires me, AFK a while18:09
v6lurkdelibs4-dev is installing its dependencies. thanks a million :D18:11
testiI want to deny one kvpnc profile (that uses vpnc) to overwrite /etc/resolv.conf - Unchecking DNS_UPDATE (Network -> General) does not help.18:13
newbbhi guys i'm not able to see my usb pendrive, usually when i jack it in it automatically appears on my desktop, not this time, i also tried to reboot but nothing happens... how can i do? thanks18:15
=== jake_ is now known as Firestorm
FirestormHey, my wireless refuses to work and I'm on KDE 3.5 I believe, anybody wanna take this one?18:29
Gladycheck it again18:30
GladyI bet it works now18:30
FirestormHope you weren't talking to me18:31
FirestormBecause it doesn't automagically work lol18:31
Gladysometimes u just check it too quickly18:32
FirestormNo, I don't believe it has the right setup going, I've tried everything18:32
Gladyu dont let it time to get on18:32
Gladywhat is the setup18:32
FirestormAn Atheros 5007 I think18:33
asktobyMy /var/log/messages is full of "hdd: status error: status=0x58 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest }"18:35
asktobyI'm guessing one of my hard disks is on it's way out.18:36
asktoby...but how can I tell which one?18:36
babeckIs there was a way to force users to have to change their passwords after X days?18:36
digit3hi - back from kubuntu-kde4.. it seems to be a X problem (my problem: when i try to log in by kdm, it jumps back to login)18:42
digit3is there a possibility to re-install X ?18:43
digit3or a better solution ?18:43
digit3glady: was this for me ?18:46
=== trd_ is now known as Riham
v6lurhas anyone succeeded in compiling this: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/taskbar-compiz+for+kde-3.5.10?content=8950018:50
v6luri managed to get past ./configure, but make stops with errors18:51
tobor_hmm - new behavior - when a command is issued (cli) that is not present you get a long blurb: The program 'aa' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:18:54
tobor_sudo apt-get install astronomical-almanac18:54
tobor_Any idea how to turn that off?18:54
tobor_does anyone know what package is doing that?18:58
Gladyno it was for arthero19:00
Gladyit is orbit19:01
Gladywhos doing that19:01
FalahI'm having a problem with kicker19:02
florin_who has a demonoid invitation?19:02
Falahwhen a window closes, it doesn't get removed from kicker sometimes until another window is opened19:02
GladyI have a lot of them19:02
FalahGlady: problems with kicker or demonoid invites :p19:03
florin_could you give me one?19:03
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Piciflorin_: This is a support channel, please don't.19:04
Falahas a matter of fact, it's happening right now19:05
FalahI have a window "Confirm Quit From System Tray - Power Manager"19:06
Falahit's listed on kicker, but it's been gone for about 10 minutes19:06
sancho21I got my shell mess up when doing this: echo "INSERT INTO story_$lang VALUES ('', '$russian_text');"19:11
sancho21I got ');ERT INTO19:11
sancho21How to fix this?19:11
KaalfQuestion: how long is the gnome-desktop-environment package going to be broken?19:12
KaalfIt's been about 6 months since I last tried19:12
Kaalfand it still fails because the gnome-keyring-manager package doesn't exist19:12
HappySmileManIs there a reason why Konveresation 1.1 isn't in the repos?19:13
jussi01HappySmileMan: when did it come out?19:16
florin_how I can play games in ubuntu? or best question, where I can download cedega?19:17
HappySmileManjussi01: August 6th19:17
HappySmileManSo it's been over a month19:17
jussi01!info konversation intrepid19:17
ubottukonversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 4716 kB, installed size 12552 kB19:18
jussi01its in intrepid...19:18
KaalfAnyone know on what I asked?19:18
HappySmileManOh ok19:18
KaalfOr if not, is there any way to sucessfully install GNOME as well?19:18
jussi01Kaalf: install the ubuntu-desktop package19:18
HappySmileManflorin_: Cedega isn't in the repos, I think it's commercial? You can get Wine, which is what Cedega is based on19:19
jussi01!games | florin_19:19
ubottuflorin_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:19
Kaalfjussi01: ok, I shall try that, if that works, will that replace KDM with GDM (which I don't want), but how would I switch between the two anyway?19:19
HappySmileMan"sudo apt-get install wine" would work but best to follow their instructions at http://winehq.org for Ubuntu if you want the most up to date Wine19:20
venikHow do I get the Dashboard in kde4 to show up?  Cntrol-F12 does not work here19:20
florin_yes i know how to install19:20
jussi01venik: please use #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support19:20
HappySmileManflorin_: Was just advising you to use their repo, not the default19:20
florin_I thought I can find cedega on torrent trackersd19:20
venikI asked there, but no one knows... ;-(19:20
jussi01Kaalf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm19:21
jussi01venik: people here are not likely to know either - best to just wait.19:21
Kaalfjussi01: and to go to GDM, I'd "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm"?19:21
jussi01Kaalf: you could do that, but either will give you a choice between them...19:22
Kaalfah ok, thanks19:22
florin_how can I see effects like linux cube?19:25
jussi01!compiz | florin_19:27
ubottuflorin_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion19:27
sudeepaanybody here19:33
=== florin_ is now known as me
=== me is now known as florin__
sudeepahi florin19:36
__-osh-__USB? My usb-device keeps dieing on me. I can copy a file or two but then I have to reconnect it again. Bloody annoying. Any ideas?19:39
__-osh-__Doesn't matter if I mount it through gui or cli. Still dies. Only if I do something on it though.19:41
surgyhow do i get the very latest nvidia driver?19:42
surgyis there a repo im missing?19:42
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk19:43
surgyjussi01: so i just sudo apt-get install envy?19:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:45
__-osh-__Bah. Nothing there.19:45
surgyafter i install envy do i need to restart X? or is it done at this point?19:46
__-osh-__Another annoying thing is that it keeps upping the device name. Was /dev/sdc, now up to /dev/sdg19:48
__-osh-__sorry, /dev/sdh. Argh.19:49
__-osh-__It's not even consistent. I hate computers.19:49
Bikerbobanyone have time to help me get X setup?19:49
Bikerbobrunning dpkg-reconfigure  xserver-xorg - goes through questions till I get to Keyboard options.. after I say OK.. it drops out and gives me a19:50
Bikerbobxserver-xorg postinst waring: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008091714341419:50
BikerbobFATAL: Module battery not found.19:50
Bikerbobany ideas?19:50
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__-osh-__Bikerbob: battery? Never seen that before. Sorry, can't help.19:55
Bikerbobthis is a desktop to boot.. so not sure on the battery thing19:55
__-osh-__Bikerbob: Don't most ubuntus run quite well without and xorg.conf-file? Just rename it and try without. :-)19:59
__-osh-__Bikerbob: It's not like you're worse off if it doesn't work, right?19:59
v6lurhas anyone succeeded in compiling this: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/taskbar-compiz+for+kde-3.5.10?content=89500 ?20:00
__-osh-__Anyone got a good script for removing spaces in filenames?20:00
v6luri managed to get past ./configure, but make stops with errors: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47842/20:01
v6lurkubuntu hardy, kde320:01
__-osh-__v6lur: You sure you got all the libs you need to compile? Looks like a missing lib to me, but I haven't compiled things in over a year.20:03
v6lur./configure went fine (had a little hassle with that)20:06
v6lurso "dev dependencies" should be ok?20:07
__-osh-__v6lur: depends on how the makefile is written I think. So configure might work even if some libs are missing. But you really should ask someone who knows more than I do. I might be full of sh*t.20:07
__-osh-__And for the record I still fscking hate my damn usb-player that keeps dieing on me as soon as I do some disk operations on it. Don't know if I should blame the fscking player or fscking linux. :-(20:11
v6luri asked in #compiz-fusion, was advised to install libtool, but the error stays the same20:11
__-osh-__v6lur: There's some QT-things in there. You got all QT-libs you need? Ask in KDE or QT.20:12
v6lurok, thanks...20:14
=== genii-2 is now known as genii
* genii sips a coffee20:17
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__-osh-__Why does my usb-connected mp3-player die when I get files from it but not when I put things there?20:37
__-osh-__FAT: Directory bread(block 535) failed20:39
__-osh-__that's the dmesg error.20:39
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jack__ho un problemino chi mi aiuta?21:08
ironmanhola buenas tardes a tod@s21:08
jack__qualcuno mi puo' aiutare??21:09
ironmanalguien que conozca problemas de instalacion de turboprint?21:09
jack__I need some helpS?21:10
IppatsuMan!es | ironman21:10
ubottuironman: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:10
IppatsuMan!it | jack__21:10
ubottujack__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:10
Reformer81I've installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a system that does not have internet access.  I would like to know how I would go about downloading packages and updates to put on a CD and then bring them to the other computer to install them.  I'm particularly interested in installing the Nvidia drivers and multimedia support.21:10
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ironmantks lppatsuMan21:10
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ubuntu_ok i'im on a live cd on a laptop21:11
ironmani have instaled turboprint but igot a message21:11
ubuntu_and for one the resolution is really low21:11
ironmanof an error qhen i send a print wotk21:11
ubuntu_and for two i can hardly see the screen cuz the ambient light sensor is making it dim as hell21:11
ubuntu_it will randomly go bright and then super dim again21:12
ironmanthe erro is about the usb21:12
v6lurubuntu_: and your laptop's make, model is...?21:20
ubuntu_asus m7021:20
ubuntu_i just did a workaround so the display is fine now but apparently it won't stay like tha21:21
ubuntu_the workaround only fixed the extremely dim screen21:21
ubuntu_now i am still at 800x60021:21
ubuntu_the xorg config keeps asking me for all these keyboard parameters and since i dont know what to do it will exit if i dont put the right ones in21:22
Reformer81I've installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a system that does not have internet access.  I would like to know how I would go about downloading packages and updates to put on a CD and then bring them to the other computer to install them.  I'm particularly interested in installing the Nvidia drivers and multimedia support.21:23
ubuntu_last time i had to reboot a few times for it to detect my internet settings21:24
ubuntu_unless you're saying it will not be using the internet in which case i suggest you hook it up and do updates then bring it back21:24
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers21:24
Daisuke_IdoReformer81: might want to take a look at that21:25
ubuntu_now, how do i fix my screen resolution?21:25
Reformer81Daisuke_Ido: I've looked at the before, but I don't see any listings for nvidia-glx-new or the mp3, wmv, etc. codecs.21:25
sitoi need the sources of intrepid ibex kubuntu21:44
geniisito: Ask in #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu-devel please21:45
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sitothanks genii21:47
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Cole_Chamberhi i have a question about playing DVDs22:34
jussi01Cole_Chamber: ask22:35
wesley_where can i find X11_Xscreensaver_LIB ?23:02
noaXessdoes anybody now, when the next kernel image comes out for hardy?23:04
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wesley_how can i force to install a 32 bit deb ?23:32
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mn_Hello.  Could anyone help me find the equation editor by open office.org?  I have installed it via apt-get, but it doesn't appear anywhere I see.23:45
alistairHi can anyone tell me what 'config' file this refers to: http://pastie.org/27457023:47
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geniialistair: likely some file in /etc for ndiswrapper23:55
alistairgenii, tks23:56
g2g591I found a bug on the website. the shipit link points to the site to get ubuntu cds (shipit.ubuntu.com) when it should point to shipit.kubuntu.org23:56

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