
Rafikhello all00:00
RafikIs this the right place for question about mailing lists on lists.ubuntu.com too ?00:01
mwhudsoni don't think so00:01
Rafikmwhudson, thanks, so where can I find help please ?00:02
ceefourI want to fix a bazaar import URL00:07
ceefourin project https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/eclipse-rap/trunk00:07
mwhudsonceefour: hello00:07
mwhudsonceefour: ah, i updated the url00:08
ceefourthanks mwhudson! :)00:10
ceefouryou also did the import as well, thanks00:10
mwhudsonceefour: seems to be getting somewhere this time00:10
ceefourman that was quick00:10
ceefourthank mwhudson00:11
ceefouri wonder how many nas does launchpad have, i mean, mirroring the majority of OSS projects on earth...00:11
mwhudsonfunny you should mention that, we're installing a newer bigger one right now :)00:12
mwhudsonand it's not _that_ much disk, really, you could easily buy an external hd to take it all00:13
mwhudsonjust not with server grade reliability :)00:13
ceefourbtw i just sent email to bazaar importer@00:15
ceefourbefore I met you00:15
mwhudsonah, i don't think i get that mail00:15
mwhudson(i probably should)00:15
ceefourwas sent to feedback@bazaar-importer.canonical.com00:16
ceefourit's ok, i amended the email00:16
ceefourthanks Michael00:16
mwhudsonhope the import works!00:16
stgrabermwhudson: can you cancel all imports for ltsp-cluster ? I'll import by hand and do some cleaning at the same time.00:17
ceefourlaunchpad is really a cool thing, esp the import00:17
mwhudsonstgraber: can you paste the links here?00:17
ceefourit really frustrates me to see something hosted on a CVS, ... SVN is a bit bearable due to git-svn  ... I tried bzr-svn before and it was ok too00:17
mwhudsonstgraber: and do you want the imports to be suspended or deleted?00:18
stgrabermwhudson: deleted, I'll just send the code through bzr-svn when I'm done and push to LP00:18
mwhudsonstgraber: ok00:18
stgraberhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ltsp-cluster/ltsp-loadbalancer-server https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ltsp-cluster/ltsp-loadbalancer-client https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ltsp-cluster/ltsp-loadbalancer-agent https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ltsp-cluster/ltsp-cluster-client https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ltsp-cluster/ltsp-accountmanager https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-impor00:19
mwhudsonstgraber: you got cut off00:19
stgraberso, basically all vcs-imports shown here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ltsp-cluster00:19
mwhudsonstgraber: done00:22
stgrabermwhudson: thanks00:23
stgraberone of the problem is that our SVN is stored on a slow link, so it'll be a lot faster to just to the changes I want, then start our backup scripts that'll mirror those changes on our backup server that's on a 100Mb/s link, then do the push to LP from there00:24
stgraberanyway, I first have to tech everyone how to use LP+bzr before turning off our SVN :)00:25
mwhudsonstgraber: ok00:26
mwhudsonstgraber: we can do the initial import from a tarball of your repository too00:26
mwhudsonstgraber: though that's lots of manual work for me, so i'd be happy to not do it :)00:26
jmlI wish I had few spare round tuits to give you so you could automate it :)00:27
mwhudsoni should document it, at least00:28
wgrantIs there documentation somewhere on the bugtask conjoining rules?00:30
wgrantThe primary task seems to be conjoined with any task for the developmet series as long as that task isn't marked Won't Fix, but this doesn't seem clear.00:33
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Quozlis there a wiki feature on launchpad?02:55
spivQuozl: not yet, unfortunately.03:00
Quozlspiv: thanks.  oh, hai.  #olpc-au.  ;-)  my question was about #netrek though, we are planning a development migration.03:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240067 in launchpad-foundations "Launchpad needs a wiki" [Wishlist,Confirmed]03:02
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detHow long from when I upload a package to PPA to when it appears in my repository (typically) ?05:45
beunodet, 15-20 minutes maybe. Depends on how long it takes to build05:46
detahh, k, I just got an email now, apparently it was rejected because it contained a binary pacakge.05:47
detI'll rebuild with -S05:47
beunoI'm off to bed!05:48
pooliejml, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/bzr is timing out repeatedly...08:07
pooliequerying the Revision tabel08:07
jmlpoolie: it's a known bug... looking for the report now.08:08
bugabundo_workI'm getting timeouts08:09
bugabundo_workand LP is really slow08:09
bugabundo_workError ID: OOPS-991EC4608:10
jmlbugabundo_work: I see.08:13
jmlbugabundo_work: looking into it.08:14
siretartthe font on the bugpages are more than funny, close to unusable in epiphany now on edge. is that already known?08:17
siretarton production its fine08:18
jmlpoolie: maybe https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/260140 caused it.08:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260140 in launchpad-bazaar "revisions' rss feed timing out for some projects" [High,Fix committed]08:19
jmlpoolie: as in, the fix for that bug.08:20
jmlvisik7: hi08:20
jmlsiretart: "more than funny"?08:20
visik7I need to mark a bug as duplicate but launchpad complains that I should reroute all other duplicate of this bug to the main bug08:20
visik7it's really annoying why isn't it automatic ?08:20
wgrantBecause somebody hasn't bothered to implement that feature even though we've been asking for it for a looong time.08:21
Hobbseeif i'm reporting a bug on the mails launchpad sends out, where does it get reported?08:21
wgrantHobbsee: Which kind of mail? It depends.08:22
Hobbseewgrant: this particular bug is that the <person> is deactivated by <person> for teams doesn't contain X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale headers.08:22
wgrantHobbsee: launchpad-foundations08:23
jmlnot so.08:23
Hobbseejml: oh?08:23
jmlit depends on which portion the email comes from.08:24
siretartjml: the various titles (bug title, comment subjects) are huge compared to the tiny, hardly readable bug texts08:24
jmlif you file it on 'launchpad', then it will get triaged appropriately.08:24
wgrantjml: Teams == foundations, not?08:24
jmloh sorry, I missed that bit :)08:25
wgrantEr, no?08:25
jmlmea culpa08:25
* wgrant knows fairly well where the divisions lie. Except for strange things like product<->distrosourcepackage linkage pages which are buggy as hell probably for that reason.08:28
bugabundo_workthanks jml. it seems speedy again. what was it ?08:32
jmlbugabundo_work: nothing I did :)08:33
bugabundo_workstrange then jml08:33
bugabundo_workoh darn...08:34
bugabundo_workLP bugs, as lost its package search!08:34
thekornI don't know if you are already aware of it, but staging seems to be donw since about half an hour08:58
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nedkoi've delete package from my ppa about 10 hours ago but my new source uploads are still rejected, what can i do?09:23
nedkoi dont see package when browsing the pool manually09:24
nedkostill, my uploads get rejected09:24
wgrantnedko: With which error?09:25
Hobbseenedko: you still can't upload with the same version number.09:26
nedkoThe source a2jmidid - 4+svn127-ubuntu1 is already accepted in ubuntu/hardy and you cannot upload the same version within the same distribution. You have to modify the source version and re-upload.09:26
nedkoi was able to do that09:26
nedkooriginal upload was wrong09:26
wgrantThat error isn't going to go away.09:26
wgrantIt means precisely what it says.09:26
wgrantAnd exists for good reason.09:27
nedkothis is my personal PPA!09:27
nedkoi use it for tests09:27
nedkonothing is accepted in ubuntu at all09:27
wgrantI'm aware.09:28
wgrantIt refers to your PPA.09:28
wgrantIt might be better if it explicitly said that.09:28
wgrantBut it is in ubuntu/hardy in your PPA.09:28
wgrantAnd it will refuse to allow upload of the same source multiple times due to the chaos that it would cause to endusers.09:28
nedkothis worked so far09:29
nedkonow i cannot use launchpad anymore :(09:29
wgrantIt did not.09:29
wgrantIncrement the version number!09:29
nedkothe version number is right!09:29
Hobbseenedko: it didn't.  You may have tried uploading it to the wrong place the first time, so it appears to have worked.09:29
nedkooriginal upload was wrong09:29
wgrantThe version number is wrong.09:30
wgrantYou can't upload the same version twice.09:30
wgrantThat doesn't make sense, and breaks things.09:30
Hobbseenedko: if it's the same as anything you've uploaded previously, the version number is therefore *wrong*.09:30
nedkoversion number is wrong but old original tarball was wrong!09:30
wgrantCorrecting a wrong upload with a wrong version number is doubly wrong.09:30
nedkopackaging error09:30
wgrantnedko: Then you need to bump the original tarball version.09:30
wgrantSame as any archive.09:30
nedkoso this will mean version will become wrong09:31
wgrantNo wronger than it is now.09:31
nedkoatm this package is not uploaded at all, nobody sees it09:31
wgrantIt is uploaded.09:31
wgrant"a2jmidid - 4+svn127-ubuntu1 is already accepted"09:32
nedkoi'm using my ppa to upload and then if everything is right to publish packages in other ppa09:32
nedkoso i must create new user for each package that gets wrong?09:32
wgrantnedko: No, increment the version number.09:32
wgrantIt is the same method one would use to fix any packaging mistake.09:33
nedkothat will make version number wrong09:33
wgrantNot unless you make it wrong.09:33
nedkowhen version number is incremented upstream, what will i do?09:33
wgrantUse the upstream version number.09:33
wgrantThat would work fine.09:33
wgrantWhen you update to 4+svn128, use 4+svn12809:34
wgrant(also, you shouldn't be using -ubuntu1, nor -0ubuntu1, as the former doesn't exist and the latter is reserved for Ubuntu)09:34
nedko+ is after - in versioning?09:34
wgrant- is special.09:34
wgrant- separates the parts of the version.09:34
wgrantSo that's really two separate version strings: 4+svn127 and ubuntu109:35
nedkothis is silly, but i'll try :(09:35
wgrantIt is not silly.09:36
wgrantIt's the way things work.09:36
wgrantIn the real archive, and in PPAs.09:36
nedkoi'm supposed to have control on my test ppa09:36
nedkoin fact i dont need to publish them at all, i need to check package build in isolated environment09:36
nedkowill 4+svn127+1-ubuntu1 work?09:39
wgrantThe first part isn't ideal, and the second part is wrong.09:41
wgrantA -ubuntu1 version is never used (it's -0ubuntu1), and you're not uploading to Ubuntu.09:41
nedkowhat is wrong with second second part?09:42
wgrantThe first part should indicate what has happened, not "+1".09:42
wgrantYou are missing the Debian revision, and using an incorrect Ubuntu revision of 1.09:42
nedkothere is no debian revision09:42
nedkowhy ubuntu revision of 1 is incorrect?09:43
wgrantSo it should be 0.09:43
wgrantYou're not uploading to Ubuntu.09:43
wgrantSo it is not the first Ubuntu version.09:43
nedkothis is first ubuntu version for mentioned original tarball, no?09:43
wgrantIt's not an Ubuntu version.09:44
nedkoat some point it will eventually end in ubuntu09:44
wgrantAt which point it can rightly gain the distinction of being -0ubuntu109:44
nedkoi dont get what is wrong with *ubuntu109:45
nedkoi got it about -1*09:45
Hobbseenedko: because it doesn't come from archive.ubuntu.com.09:45
nedkoi got it about -0* (sorry)09:45
wgrantIt's not an Ubuntu package, so it shouldn't be marked as such.09:45
Hobbseenedko: and it's trying to masquerade as an official ubuntu package from there.09:45
Hobbseenedko: which makes it all the harder when we get bugs filed against the official packages.09:46
Hobbsee(and so have to check version numbers, rmadison output, etc, and go "where the heck is this"09:46
nedkothese ones are marked ubuntu too, i followed same scheme09:46
nedkoare those wrong?09:47
wgrantVery probably.09:47
wgrantBecause they're marked as being from Ubuntu when they are not.09:47
nedkook, i'll ask the other, thanks09:48
wgrantNote that the Ubuntu developer-uploaded package there is appropriately marked as being from a PPA.09:48
nedkolike how?09:51
nedkofor ubuntustudio preview/test packages09:51
wgrantYou could use -0ubuntu0+nedko1 or -0ubuntu1~ppa1 or whatever.09:52
nedkoi mean for ubuntustudio-dev packages, not for ones i (dont) publish in my personal PPA09:53
wgrantA similar scheme is appropriate.09:53
nedkoisnt such scheme making copy of package between repositories wrong?09:56
wgrantnedko: Why?09:56
nedkobecause when you copy to main/real repo of ubuntu package will contain ppaX09:57
wgrantThis is a problem with the current PPA setup, but yes.09:58
nedkoso people workaround it by using target version when uploading to PPA?09:58
nedkoi.e. use -NubuntuM so when copied to main/real repo package version is right10:00
wgrantThen M is going to be very big.10:00
nedkoisnt M the debian version (0 for ubuntu package not derived from debian)?10:01
nedkoor i didnt got it right?10:01
wgrantN is the Debian revision in the -NubuntuM example you gave.10:03
nedkoah, right, sorry10:04
nedkoso why M is going to be very big?10:04
wgrantBecause if you want to be able to copy directly from the PPA you will have to bump it for each upload.10:04
nedkoi do that and i didnt go past 4 or 5 so far10:05
wgrantDo that then.10:06
wgrantThat is relatively large, but still fine.10:06
\shhmm..LP package status: Published 45 mins ago...means: it's published on the archive servers, right?10:50
nanderssonCan I delete a branch under my personal code/junk?10:50
bigjools\sh: yes10:51
\shbigjools: then I wonder why ia32-libs 2.2ubuntu12 is not on the archives ;)10:52
\shneither the source nor the bin pkgs10:52
wgrantWon't it be visible on a.u.c at least 40 minutes after the time it is marked as Published?10:53
bigjools\sh: which ppa, let me check10:53
bigjoolsor is it ubuntu?10:53
\shbigjools: universe ,-)10:53
wgrantPrimary, I suspect.10:53
\shno ppa here ;)10:53
bigjoolsok, so you need to wait for mirroring10:53
\shwe need a mirror time string there ,-)10:54
wgrantNo, we need to give bigjools so much coffee that he never sleeps, so he runs out of things to do and makes Soyuz perfect such that it instantaneously mirrors, causing the world to explode because being universally useful seems to go against some LP principles.10:55
bigjools2nd-tier mirroring happens outside of LP so not much I can do about that10:57
wgrantYou also can't not sleep. Damn.10:58
bigjoolsI have a good try already - I have 2 young kids :)10:58
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jmlkiko: hey! you there?11:59
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Hobbseeyou know, sometimes I really wish launchpad would do a slashdot / presumably digg / youtube-style thing, and let you filter comments based on a system such as karma.13:28
wgrantBut bugs with 400 comments are quite readable!13:35
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thekornhi, is staging supposed to come up again today?14:12
intellectronicathekorn: yes, it's just being updated now14:15
intellectronicathekorn: can i ask you for a favour?14:15
thekornintellectronica, super14:15
thekornyes sure14:15
intellectronicathekorn: i'd love to have an example script using launchpadlib, which you've used for altering attachments. i'm just fixing this now and it would be nice to check that your script stops working14:16
thekornintellectronica, give me a second14:18
thekornintellectronica, I found this in my history http://paste.ubuntu.com/47768/14:24
intellectronicathekorn: cool. thanks a lot14:25
thekornyou are most welcome14:26
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glade88hello.. how long does it take for a mailing list to be approved? We applied for https://edge.launchpad.net/~64-bit18:57
kikoglade88, when?18:59
glade88I applied for it about 4-5 days back..19:00
kikobarry, ^^^19:11
kikoglade88, let me get to the bottom of that19:11
glade88okay.. ty19:11
barryglade88: are you sure? i do not see a mailing list request for ~64-bit19:13
cgregankiko: ping19:14
glade88it says it has been declined! :(19:14
barryglade88: don't know why that would have happened, but here's what you should do19:14
kikocgregan, yo19:14
barryglade88: open a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad explaining the situation19:15
barryglade88: subscribe me ('barry' on lp) to the question19:15
cgregankiko: hey....just got off an OEM Services call with ChrisK and an idea came up19:15
glade88barry: Jorge O. Castro mailed tuxxy that we cant have the mail-list19:15
barryglade88: oh, well, i can't help with that :/19:15
cgregankiko: we are looking for a way to get priority on the emails from LP19:16
barryglade88: you should talk with jcastro and get that cleared up19:16
kikocgregan, priorities?19:16
cgregankiko: Is there a system in the works where as a subscriber to a bug you could get a "high priority" email when you are also the assigned resource19:16
barryglade88: if the decision is reversed, we will be able to fix that, but it will likely be about a week before we can do it19:16
kikocgregan, the priorities are available in the email headers. is that what you want?19:17
barryglade88: (from a technical standpoint, not until after lp 2.1.9 is released)19:17
glade88jcastro: ping19:17
cgregankiko: I get 200 emails or more but the ones assigned to me for comment look the same as those that are sent just because I am subscribed19:17
glade88barry: ty, I'll ask him :)19:17
barryglade88: np.  if the decision is reversed, do open up that question and assign it to me.  cheers!19:18
cgregankiko: Need a way to scan my lp email and quickly see the ones that need me to comment on them19:18
kikocgregan, so highlight based on the email header19:19
cgregankiko: something like that....yes.19:19
kikocgregan, I'm saying you can already do that. :)19:19
kikocgregan, look at the X-Launchpad-Bug header.19:19
jcastroglade88: hi19:19
glade88jcastro: 'lo.. we applied for the ~64-bit mail list19:20
cgregankiko: Ah-ha!19:20
glade88it has been declined19:20
jcastroright, I declined it this morning. Is there any reason you're not having these discussions on existing lists?19:21
cgregankiko: now...evolution or Thunderbird can look for that and highlight?19:21
glade88jcastro: we though we could have a separate list exclusively for 64-bit users19:21
tuxxy__we have no other mailing list alternatives19:22
kikocgregan, absolutely, it can.19:22
jcastroI just don't see why you would need a seperate list for 64-bit users that can't be done on existing lists.19:22
tuxxy__and would fond it time consuming sending a message out manually to 100+ users19:22
cgregankiko: you are a god!19:22
kikocgregan, am not! am not!19:23
* cgregan hugs kiko19:23
jcastroI mean, I don't care too strongly, if you guys really want it then I guess we could but I would recommend that discussions happen on existing lists so it benefits people who are already subscribed to the main ubuntu-users list19:23
glade88heh.. I just realized that I dont have much to say19:24
glade88jcastro: it would be always nice if the team has a mail list. since the forums froup has about 118 members, its not very tiny I must say.. rest on you! :)19:25
tuxxy__we ideally would like a list with peoples expertise being 64-bit Ubuntu19:25
jcastroyeah, I just think that having things that are discussed should be on the main lists.19:25
tuxxy__and to keep in contact with the 64Bit Team19:25
jcastroIf I'm a 64-bit user I would like to see that expertise on the main lists.19:25
glade88hmm okay :)19:27
jcastroI mean, if you guys really wanted I guess we could, but like I said, I think it's better for everyone if that is consolidated onto existing lists.19:27
jcastrothen you end up with things like "ubuntu-parallel-port-users"19:28
glade88jcastro: guess we really wanted .. lol19:28
tuxxy__ok no problem, but an you exaplain to me how we are emant to mass message the group19:28
jcastrohmm, I see, one sec19:29
jcastrotuxxy__: I see what you mean.19:30
tuxxy__ye would take forever to manually do it so hoped you had an alternative19:30
jcastroyeah. Ok, I guess a list will have to do19:31
tuxxy__if you are sure19:31
jcastrotuxxy__: unfortunately once a list is declined it's stuck in a bad state and I can't just reapprove it right away, can you subscribe to bug 237210?19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237210 in launchpad-foundations "should be a way to delete/disconnect a mailing list" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23721019:33
jcastrowhen that is fixed, please reapply19:33
detI uploaded a package to the a ppa and it builds successfully on i386/amd64 but only amd64 is in the repo so far. It finished 13 minutes ago, is this normal ?19:34
tuxxy__jcastro: ok completed that, how long does ti usually take a week or so?19:35
jcastrotuxxy__: I have a phone conference to go to now, can you follow up with me on email if you have more issues? jorge@ubuntu.com19:35
jcastrotuxxy__: after the bug is fix just prod me and I can approve it19:35
tuxxy__no problem jorge, again thanks for that you have been a great help =)19:35
jcastrono worries, cheers!19:35
tuxxy__ill e-mail you in future then, goodbye19:35
tuxxy__hmm am I correct in thinking that bug has been up since june heh19:40
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kikobarry, what's the status for the patch to fix the bug above? ah, it failed to land, right?19:54
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barrykiko-phone: it failed 3 times due to unrelated causes.  well, it actually /landed/ once only to be disappeared by pqm/bzr :)19:54
barrykiko-phone: so, 2.1.10 it is19:54
tuxxy__ahhh so its close to fix then19:56
barrytuxxy__: so close you can taste it19:56
tuxxy__hehe yes, I think I can!20:00
Ursinhabarry, no more time to have it for today's release so20:04
barryUrsinha: yeah, and kiko-phone wouldn't rc it :)20:05
Ursinhaoh, kiko-phone is a bad bad guy :P20:06
kiko-phoneBAD BAD BAD20:08
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kikobarry, so if that branch lands on edge does it help us at all?20:36
barrykiko: we'd need to land it on the mailman server too20:37
barryand xmlrpc-private20:37
kikobarry, I'd be okay with it landing as an RC after we roll out tonight fwiw.20:37
kikobarry, remind me of the bug number?20:37
kikofound it20:38
barrykiko: bug 237210 but 251368 bug 255845 and bug 191899 :)20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237210 in launchpad-foundations "should be a way to delete/disconnect a mailing list" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23721020:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255845 in launchpad-foundations "Allow LP admins to delete a mailing list request that has been DECLINED" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25584520:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191899 in launchpad-foundations "renaming a team with a mailing list should be possible by admin" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19189920:39
kikobarry, so.. let's land it post-rollout.20:39
barrykiko: fantastic thanks20:39
kikoUrsinha, ^^20:40
kikoPQM n bzr allowing of course20:40
Ursinhakiko, sweet!20:40
Peng_What what? bzr+http support has been deployed?20:42
Peng_Pfft, good job bzr. You read bits of signatures.knit about 225 times, then read the whole file.20:45
kikobarry, how about getting some mailman branding love on its launchpad project? :)21:17
barrykiko: thought there was!21:18
barrytime to break out the gimp?21:18
kikobarry, not that I can see, so yeah :)21:19
MrKennieis launchpad itself an open project or is it all written behind closed doors?21:24
Peng_MrKennie: It's closed-source.21:27
MrKennieuh, ok21:28
beunoMrKennie, it's being planned to be opened next year21:28
Ursinhabeuno is always ahead of me21:29
beunoUrsinha, I have template answers!  (I don't, but I should)21:29
MrKenniethe reason I ask is because I'm looking to become involved with something.21:29
Peng_beuno: Oh, really? That's neat.21:30
beunoPeng_, that's what Mark said at OSCON21:30
MrKennieIt's like I've been using some for of Linux for over 8 years now and I feel I want to give something back. (I have no money ;) )21:31
beunoMrKennie, well, there's hundreds of open source projects around, so it really depends on what skills you have, and what you're passionate about21:31
MrKennieeverything but my skills are probably limited to web related stuff21:32
MrKennieer, html etc.21:32
beunoI wouldn't know where you point you at21:34
beunobut I do know the marketing team is taking on a few projects21:35
beunoso maybe you can drop by #ubuntu-marketing21:35
beunoand see if anyone can fill you in21:35
MrKennieOK, thanks.21:35
beunoMrKennie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam21:36
beunois a good start as well21:36
MrKennieOk, thank you. It's a start :)21:36
beunogood luck!21:36
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=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down from 22:00 UTC until 23:59 UTC for a code update | https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
_Zeus_crap down23:41
wgrantYay, LP.23:42
wgrantIt just came back up for me.23:42
beunoyeap, it's up again23:43
* wgrant wonders why read-only-launchpad still remains to be seen.23:43
jmlinstructions! sweet, comforting instructions.23:43
wgrantjml: Hm?23:43
jmlwgrant: bugs that tell me what to do :)23:44
wgrantlaunchpad = good except when it does stupid things23:44
_Zeus_i want it go to open-souce, though23:46
wgrantThey've said it will... and nobody will ever trust them again if they break their word.23:47
RAOFGah.  bzr-lp, accept my public key!23:48
_Zeus_wgrant: i'm sure it will eventually23:48
RAOFjml: bzr branch lp:do trunk fails with "permission denied (publickey)"23:48
jmlRAOF: yeah. it might be that other systems are still being rolled out. I'll check.23:49
jmlRAOF: "patience" :)23:50
zeth_Zeus_: on open source launchpad http://tinyurl.com/launchpad-conspiracy23:52
* jml raises an eyebrow23:53
beunowell, Launchpad will be open source next year, so all those concerns should go away23:55
zethso that fits in with my theory23:55
zeththey took two-three years to "open source", i.e. three years to write something *to* open source23:56
wgrantThe rest probably *is* just some Python and shell scripts... that what Python webapps often are...23:56
wgrant+1 mwh23:56
mwhan interesting theory23:56
zethone that no one has ever explicitly denied23:57
wgrantMaybe their big secret is that it's actually written in Java. I wonder what other craziness I can come up with.23:57
wgrantAh, I know. .NET!23:57
zeththat is not a bad one23:57
beunozeth, let me put it this way: today, Launchpad's full test suite, takes about 3 hours to run on a very powerful machine23:58
* NCommander smacks wgrant23:58
zethbut if you had it in Java, it would not take you three years to port it to Python23:58
NCommanderEven Canonical can't be that evil23:58
jmlwgrant: actually, it's written in a custom Lisp implementation backended by PHP and this potato kiko found one day.23:58
zethbeuno: fiction23:58
beuno"a few python and shell scripts" probably doesn't fit it correctly23:58
wgrantbeuno: sleep 1080023:58
zethshow me the proof23:58
wgrantjml: Oh, right, forgot that. Sorry.23:58
beunowgrant, lol23:59
beunozeth, well, if you're going to call Launchpad developers lyiers...23:59
wgrantI'm sure we'll all be happy in < 11 months.23:59

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