
DanaGArgh!  Every single time I log in, networkmanager asks me for the network passphrase.00:14
DanaGIt's not saving it in the keyring.  What gives?00:14
maennjhi guys00:53
maennjI'm having problem connecting to wireless network using knetworkmanager in kubuntu 8.1000:53
maennjit simply doesn't connect, I don't get any notification messages or anything00:54
maennjanyone getting this problem too ?00:55
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bringatowelhas anyone been using the new 802.11s stuff?00:56
bringatoweljust wondering how easy it is to use and if there are any ubuntu guides on the topic yet00:56
shadowhywind hay all i just upgrade the kernel to the lastest one, and when i go to install the nvidia drivers it says that i am running a xen kernel, any ideas?01:08
DanaGumm... using the packaged nvidia drivers?01:08
shadowhywindno from the nvidia drivers01:09
shadowhywindwhich were working before the update01:09
RAOFAnd won't now.01:09
maennjanyone knows a solution for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/259278 ?01:10
shadowhywindnope, during every kernel update i end up having reinstall them anyways. and when i try to install (using the same nvidia drivers) it errors out stating that i am running a XEN kenerl01:10
RAOFUse the packaged drivers, which work.01:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259278 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager will no longer connect" [High,Confirmed]01:10
RAOFmaennj: use nm-applet from network-manager-gnome?01:11
RAOFmaennj: (As it says on the last comment on that bug).01:11
RAOFshadowhywind: Yes.  The nvidia.com drivers don't like our kernel.  Use the packaged drivers.01:12
shadowhywindRAOF: will they handle opengl stuff? aka compiz?01:12
RAOFshadowhywind: Yes.  They're exactly the same drivers as you get from nvidia.com, but their kernel module is patched.01:13
maennjRAOF: ok thx01:13
shadowhywindRAOF: ok, what would the package be to install then?01:13
RAOFshadowhywind: Depends on your card.01:13
RAOFshadowhywind: I'd use System->Administration->Hardware Drivers.01:13
shadowhywindRAOF: so hardware drivers don't seam to load with a ImportError: No module named kurllabel01:16
RAOFshadowhywind: That's strange.  You might want to file a bug (if your system is relatively clean).01:16
RAOFDo you have any 3rd party repositories enabled?01:17
shadowhywindmaybe, hehe01:17
RAOFRight.  I guessed as such, given manual install of nvidia.com drivers!01:17
RAOFSo, the package you want to install is probably nvidia-glx-177 (Assuming you've got a card > geforce4)01:18
shadowhywindROAF geforce go 7200, hehe01:18
shadowhywindRAOF: would i have to change xorg back to nv?01:19
RAOFshadowhywind: No.01:19
RAOFThey are the nvidia drivers.01:19
RAOFAs in: we take the thing you download from nvidia.com, make it work, and put it in a package.01:19
shadowhywindRAOF: well installing the 177 drivers to see if that might solve some of the glitchs, if nott i saw that they have the 173 drivers that i am currently running01:21
peloverdeI'm having trouble accessing webservers I can get to just fine from windows. It's very strange.01:46
peloverdefor instance I can't connect to nytimes.com from intrepid but i can from vista01:47
DanaGargh, new PulseAudio is so very stuttery.02:34
DanaGheh, metacity compositing on nv == bad.02:36
crd1bs/on nv//02:37
RAOFcrd1b: I don't mind metacity's compositor.  Better than nothing :)02:41
DanaGWell, when you use it on nv17... ouch.02:42
DanaGAnd on a weak CPU, too -- p4-celeron 1.6GHz.02:42
RAOFMmm.  Composite in software.  Yum!02:42
DanaGP4-celeron in a laptop... my brother must not have done much research when buying this laptop (quite a few years ago).02:42
DanaGOddly enough, nouveau is actually... slower.02:43
RAOFEven at compositing?02:43
DanaGLast time I tried, it seemed very CPU-intensive.02:43
DanaGXorg was using like 15% CPU, I think (if I remember correctly).02:44
RAOFI'd expect that, say, a transparent-background gnome-terminal would be well within the "GPU outweighs setup costs" zone.02:44
RAOFDanaG: Oh, while I'm at it, #nouveau would like you to work out _why_ it's slow; it apparently shouldn't be ;)02:44
DanaGHmm, give me a moment to switch... oh, and to disable nvidiafb by rebooting, unless there's some way to unload fb drivers.02:45
RAOFThere probably isn't :)02:45
DanaGOh yeah, the non-suspendability thing has become a non-issue, because now nv doesn't resume for me, either.02:46
DanaGARGH, stupid glitchy!02:46
peloverdeI'm having trouble accessing various computers on the internet I can get to just fine from windows. It's very strange.02:52
literalpeloverde: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/26401902:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264019 in linux "unable to visit some websites and ftpsites with 2.6.27-2" [Undecided,New]02:57
RAOFDanaG: You going to be staying here this time? :)03:01
DanaGMmm, it's using 40% CPU.03:04
RAOFDoing nothing very much?03:04
DanaGAnd it took ages to log in.... sounding like it was swapping massively.03:04
RAOFWant to pastebin xorg.conf, dmesg, and Xorg.0.log?03:04
DanaGAnd many of my gnome panel applets crashed.03:04
DanaGcpufreq-applet, gnubiff, multiload (that's system monitor applet), and mixer applet.03:05
DanaGjockey-gtk also crashed.03:06
RAOFYeah, it does that :)03:06
RAOFI should file a bug, obivously.03:06
DanaG pastebinit .xsession-errors03:07
DanaGCompositor is off, actually.03:08
RAOFTurning it on may make things faster.03:08
DanaGI wish I had a kvm-over-IP thingy.03:08
DanaGThat'd let me let other people debug stuff.03:08
RAOFAnyway, xsession-errors is uninteresting to me :).  Can I have xorg.conf, dmesg, & Xorg.0.log?03:09
DanaGhold on, dinner time.03:09
peloverdeIs there a way to dig up old packages that aren't in /pool/ anymore?03:21
DanaGraof: /me is back03:48
DanaGpeloverde: look on the launchpad.net page about the package.03:48
DanaGMmm, 53% CPU usage by Xorg.03:49
DanaGxorg log: http://pastebin.com/f60bee39903:49
RAOFDanaG: And I'm off, but will be back later.03:51
RAOFFeel free to pastebin+ping; I'll grab it from backscroll.03:51
DanaGI'll switch to nv for now.03:51
DanaGxorg.conf:  http://pastebin.com/f7ae4b32b          -- note that many of the "nvidia device" options are ones that only do anything when using the binary driver.03:52
danbh_intrepidanyone know about the nvidia refresh bug?03:52
danbh_intrepidie, im looking for the link to the bug report03:53
danbh_intrepidnvm, found it03:55
DanaGRAOF: okay, that's everything for now.  Whenever you get back, give me a ping or something.03:57
DanaGUgh, alc04:06
DanaGIt just took a freakishly long time to log in and start the panel........... something like 10 minutes.04:09
DanaGAnd it was 10 minutes of a freakishly huge amount of disk activity.04:10
DanaGI don't get how the nouveau driver can cause so much massive disk activity.04:10
DanaGRAOF: have you looked in 'man nouveau'?04:14
DanaG"Copyright 1993-2003 NVIDIA, Corporation.  All rights reserved."04:14
DanaG... wtf?04:14
crd1bDanaG: so?04:15
crd1bnouveau was derived from nv04:15
DanaGDoes copyright not make things non-free?04:16
DanaG... perhaps I'm just misinterpreting something.04:16
crd1bsomeone always has the copyright04:16
crd1band nvidia does not have copyright on the new stuff in nouveau, only the existing code04:17
mneptokit's the reserving of rights that is of concern04:22
* DanaG has switched back to nv.04:26
DanaGNouveau is cpu-rapeagey for me, for some reason.04:26
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SwedeMikewhen I dist-upgraded my ibex right now landscape-common wasn't installed even though landscape-client depended on it, I had to apt-get install landscape-common manually06:49
SwedeMikethought apt-get would figure out that by itself06:49
bugabundo_workgood morning08:01
bugabundo_workis fta around?08:01
bugabundo_workI'm having a depency problem with today's updates!08:02
bugabundo_workanybody else ?08:02
bugabundo_workfontconfig, firefox 3.1, pidgin!08:03
bugabundo_workall left unconfigured!08:03
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=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
XDianyone away?09:24
XDiawake even09:24
elwoodhere i am09:31
tucozHi. Regarding nvidia driver bugs, is that something that is entirely in nvidia's hands or does the ubuntu bug-squad have a say in those cases. I am thinking of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-177/+bug/26990410:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed]10:22
RAOFtucoz: Fixing it is generally entirely up to nvidia; we don't have access to the source.10:23
tucozah. too bad. let's hope they monitor launchpad then..10:25
Bauldrickhow can i change the resolution? it's stuck at 800x600, nvidia GeForce 6150 LE10:31
marlunIs it possible to remove the highlight at the top of the windows in Intrpid?10:40
marlunI'm using NewHuman and it has an orange highlight at the top.10:40
literalin the Appearance thing you can click Customize, and change the Window Border10:42
gaminggeekwhen does intrepid go beta?11:20
marlunWhat does the {a} mean in the package names? is it for alpha?11:23
literalgaminggeek: google intrepid release schedule11:27
DrHalandid upstart break?12:03
DrHalani got an update on it and now i cant boot any kernel12:09
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wesley_hi are here to having people upgrade problems ?13:03
mvowesley_: what kind of upgrade problem?13:06
wesley_wesley@Grimmjow:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade13:08
wesley_Pakketlijsten worden ingelezen... Klaar13:08
wesley_Boom van vereisten wordt opgebouwd13:08
wesley_De status informatie wordt gelezen... Klaar13:08
wesley_U kunt 'apt-get -f install' uitvoeren om dit op te lossen.13:08
wesley_De volgende pakketten hebben niet-voldane vereisten:13:08
wesley_  tasksel-data: Vereisten: tasksel maar het is niet geïnstalleerd13:08
wesley_E: Er zijn vereisten waaraan niet voldaan is. Probeer -f te gebruiken.13:08
wesley_whats libpam-runtime ? because thats causing the problems13:13
milos_I ssh-ed in one of my servers and upgrade it to intrepid. If try to 'sudo apt-get install package' and then say 'no', it install it again. Is this a bug?13:18
wesley_debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process:  this is what i see in konsole13:19
cypherdelicMy TV Stick is detected as a Keyboard in 2.6.27, with 2.6.26 everything is all right!  USB HID v1.01 Keyboard [Afatech DVB-T 2] any ideas? Firmware is in right place. v4l-dvb frech compiled installed and rebooted! :(13:23
cypherdelicIts a MSI DigiVox mini II (V3.0) state of the art working in hardy!13:24
cypherdelicany suggestions?13:24
Bauldrickshould I have start-up links for kdm-kde4 in intrepid or is it just kdm13:28
cypherdelicMy TV Stick is detected as a Keyboard in 2.6.27, with 2.6.26 everything is all right!  USB HID v1.01 Keyboard [Afatech DVB-T 2] any ideas? Firmware is in right place. v4l-dvb frech compiled installed and rebooted! :(14:02
cypherdelicIts a MSI DigiVox mini II (V3.0) state of the art working in hardy!14:02
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:02
cypherdelicoh i didnt know its a bug i thought maybe its a new incompatiblity feature of the new kernel ;)14:02
PiciWhy would that not be a bug?14:03
PiciRegressions are bugs too14:03
gnomefreakregressions == worst type of bug14:42
PiciYeah, those make the users mad the most.14:42
digiforI have alpha 5 installed on an eeepc 4g15:12
digiforIt is not picking up wireless15:12
digifori have turned off encryption. I have another laptop running hardy on the same network so the wireless access is fine.15:13
digiforifconfig shows I have wlan015:13
digiforbut iwlist scan shows No Scan results15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271367 in ubuntu "Intrepid and Kernel 2.6.27: MSI Digivox mini II (V3.0) false-detected as Keyboard [Afatech DVB-T 2]" [Undecided,New]15:16
cypherdelicany ideas for that?15:17
cypherdelici want to provide further informations as far as possible15:17
Picicypherdelic: I reassigned it to the 'linux' package, which is the package for the kernel15:19
cypherdelicthanks dude, that should speed up bugtracking :)15:20
snirpKubuntu 8.10 seems to drop into busybox every time I start installation....15:22
snirptryning to install alpha 5 on a system that runs 8.04 and 7.10 just fine15:25
snirpWhat to do?15:25
snirpmatches this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/19552415:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195524 in linux "[alpha4 and 5] I get a busybox on one of my computers" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:26
snirpThat is the bug. Wait and see...15:33
Bauldrickcan I get my nvidia card to work properly yet in intrepid?15:56
void^define properly.16:00
Bauldrickwell, actually work. I'm stuck at 800x600 and can't seem to get anything else16:02
StevkoI have nvidia, intrepid and 1600x1200, so it is possible16:02
StevkoWhen I sarted II first time, I also had something like 800x600. I removed xorg.conf and it somehow started to work. But I am not really sure why.16:03
CarlFKxserver-xorg-core or something does a good job of detecting16:04
CarlFKxorg.log: (EE) Unable to locate/open config file;16:05
CarlFK(II) Loader magic: 0x81d8a4016:05
Bauldrickxorg.conf is very minimal, but it's supposed to be, no?16:05
CarlFKBauldrick: if by minimal you mean not there :)16:06
CarlFKdelete it, restart X16:06
StevkoMine was also minimal, when it did not work.16:06
CarlFKdo you have a 00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7150M (rev a2)16:07
CarlFKif so, the nv driver has issues https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/26197716:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261977 in xorg-server "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [Medium,Incomplete]16:07
rskiis 3g internet connetion supported?16:14
Bauldrickthat didn't work, hardware drivers doesn't have anything in it, should it for my card16:18
BauldrickStevko: what did you install/do again to get yours going?16:24
StevkoI just deleted xorg.conf.16:27
StevkoBut I do not know why it worked (it worked once before and if it hadn't I would not have minded.)16:28
CarlFKStevko: it worked because of new thing: (II) Loader magic:16:29
StevkoI think it worked some time ago, when II probably did not have name, but I may be wrong (my memory is failing more and more in last few years)16:32
bsniderjust wanted to confirm that as of this morning's ia32-libs update, flash is now broken for everybody on amd6416:56
hateballI'm trying to install the latest PS3 build of Intrepid, but it keeps failing to configure libc6 during install. What could be wrong?16:58
void^bsnider, worksforme (unless the update hasn't hit de.archive yet)17:01
void^sadly, flashblock doesn't seem to work anymore since that last firefox update. pain.17:02
bsnidervoid, which version of ia32-libs do you have?17:02
bsniderDONT UPGRADE17:03
bsnider2.2ubuntu12 is hte latest17:03
bsnidercan you do me a favour17:03
void^i'll switch to the main mirror17:03
bsniderlook in synaptic under that package. click the installed files tab17:03
void^dpkg -L will do, right? :)17:04
bsnideri don't know17:04
bsnideryou can't use synaptic?17:04
void^i suppose i can. i never do.17:04
void^yes, seems to be the same as dpkg -L17:05
bsnideri want you to see if as part of the package you've got, there's a file called libxcb-render-util.so.017:05
void^no, only libxcb.so.1, libxcb-xlib.so.0, libXrender.so.117:06
bsniderwell, then it's not a lack of files17:08
bsniderbut something about the new one breaks flash because it can't find that file17:08
CarlFKwhat nvidia-glx should I install?  I am guessing either nvidia-glx-177 or nvidia-glx-new-envy ?17:09
void^-177 for "modern" hardware17:09
CarlFKthanks.  and should it just work (ibex), or is there still some workaround I need to do ?17:10
CarlFKlooks like the install worked.  I need to reboot the kernel, not just X, right?17:11
void^uh, depends. restarting X should be enough. perhaps depmod first, and check if it succeeded building the module17:13
ghindoDoes anybody know if Kubuntu 8.10 runs KDE 4 by default?17:25
mattikghindo: yes, it runs17:34
CarlFK(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)17:34
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.com/78663/  /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:35
DanaGargh, I'm in the pulse-rt group... yet for some reason, it can't get realtime priority.17:35
CarlFKcreating a xorg.conf with driver          "nvidia" fixed it.17:36
CarlFKyay - nvidia on ibex just-works again.17:36
danbh_intrepidCarlFK: are you using 177?17:39
CarlFKdanbh_intrepid:  yep: (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver  177.70  Wed Aug 27 12:55:53 PDT 200817:41
danbh_intrepidcool, Ill have to try it out  : )17:42
CarlFKthere is a chance that all the push/pulling/hacking I have done to supply data for bug #261977 is needed, but my guess is it will work out of the box17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261977 in xorg-server "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26197717:43
CarlFKnv is still hosed, but nvidia works17:43
gribouilleis it possible to have two versions of libc on the system ?17:53
CarlFKhow do I disable the "crash report detected" gizmo that i think is crashing...17:55
DanaGUgh, PulseAudio 0.9.21 is glitchy when I'm running update-manager.,17:56
pibe86hello i have downloaded intrepid-alternate-i386 beta 5, does it have more support for laptops?18:13
danbh_intrepidpibe86: in general, it will support newer hardware18:18
pibe86danbh_intrepid: because i have some problems installing 8.10 so i will try this intrepid-alternate-i386 beta18:22
danbh_intrepidpibe86: what problems?18:25
pibe86danbh_intrepid: and after installing is there any difference ?18:26
danbh_intrepidpibe86: shouldnt be18:26
danbh_intrepidpibe86: but what are the problems?18:26
pibe86danbh_intrepid: please wait me a second  i write the error18:27
pibe86danbh_intrepid: when i start to install livec cd it says "BusyBox can't access tty: job control turned off"18:28
pibe86danbh_intrepid: and i tried to install alternative cd and it said "no installable kernel found"18:29
pibe86so i am going to try beta 518:29
danbh_intrepidpibe86: ah, I see, the live cd is failing.  Well, yeah, if the alternate cd works, it will install the same thing.    I've heard rumor that the  alternate cd supports more older hardware18:30
danbh_intrepidpibe86: try the daily18:30
pibe86i have just downloaded it18:31
net_maskgood day18:36
net_maskhey guys i have a problem with the gtk or maybie the x11 enviroment on ibex18:39
net_maskall my hw works really good but the gtk drawing is soo slow and the cpu is almost of the time at 50%18:40
nemonet_mask: what's your graphics card?18:43
net_masknvidia 9100mg18:43
net_maskwell is included with the chipset18:43
net_maskim using the nvidia driver all the OpenGl things works relly good but the gtk drawings18:44
nemonet_mask: mind sharing your Xorg log file?18:52
DanaG!info pastebinit18:53
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB18:53
pibe86i am back18:54
nemonet_mask: that's not your log file18:57
net_maskooo one se18:58
pibe86i am backhello, any help for this http://paste.ubuntu.com/47845/ it happens while installing alternative cd18:59
net_maskdam i having some troubles with the paste.ubuntu.com19:18
_Zeus_skype just stopped working19:18
_Zeus_intrepid 8.10a5, x64 system.  i'll paste the error19:19
_Zeus_skype: error while loading shared libraries: libQtDBus.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:21
DanaGUgh, I keep getting quite a lot of underruns.19:26
DanaGI: module-alsa-sink.c: Underrun!19:26
e\ectro__does anyone else get errors in X that "Maximum number of clients reached" ?19:29
pibe86please help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5807299#post580729919:32
RyanPriorI've got a question about the Firefox EULA plans for anybody who's in the loop. I hear that an EULA, per se, may be ruled out -- but will there still be a pop-up on first run?19:49
PolitikerNEUI thought the EULA would only be changed, but has to be displayed anyway19:50
PolitikerNEUBut there is abrowser, a non-branded firefox without eula, for all ubuntu-users19:50
PiciTake a look at bug 26965619:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26965619:55
RotlausI just tried Intrepid on my Netbook. On the gdm login screen keyboard is not working. I can switch with ALT-F1 (NOT ALT-CTL-F1) from the login screen to a console. How can i check what is broken? I don't see errors int the X Log.19:57
RotlausTouchpad is working, external USB Mouse not.19:58
RyanPriorIn case anybody else was wondering, I found the relevant link: http://lockshot.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/licensing-proposal/20:03
_Zeus_anyone know how to fix this error?20:06
_Zeus_matthew@POGO:/$ skype20:06
_Zeus_skype: error while loading shared libraries: libQtDBus.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:06
_Zeus_i'm running 8.10a5x6420:06
DanaGHeh, while using a USB audio device.... I get both overruns and underruns!20:11
DanaGHeh, I tried oss4... and it just hard-locked my system.20:18
DanaGCan't use it with PulseAudio, also.20:18
_Zeus_so no one knows why skype is being weitrd?20:19
_Zeus_i think it's an interpid issue20:19
void^there's 64bit skype?20:19
_Zeus_it was working fine yesterday20:20
void^!info libqt4-dbus20:20
ubottulibqt4-dbus (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 D-Bus module. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 211 kB, installed size 608 kB20:20
_Zeus_now it gives that error.  i'm going to report a bug, i'm pretty sure it was an update that did it20:20
_Zeus_  Installed: 4.4.1-0ubuntu220:21
_Zeus_  Candidate: 4.4.1-0ubuntu220:21
_Zeus_i used getlibs, everything i could find20:21
void^maybe i'm blind, can't see a 64bit download on their site20:23
_Zeus_from medibuntu20:23
_Zeus_it works fine on both architectures20:23
_Zeus_or it did20:23
void^well, are you sure it doesn't just install 32bit binaries?20:24
_Zeus_i have no idea, but i know i'm on an x64 system20:24
_Zeus_it probably does20:24
_Zeus_but they work anyway20:24
void^ia32-libs might be missing libqt4-dbus stuff20:25
_Zeus_i have ia32-libs installed, if that's what you mean20:25
net_maskhello wow here is my xorg log http://paste.ubuntu.com/47867/20:30
_Zeus_wanna tell us the problem?20:30
_Zeus_so what's the problem?20:30
net_maskthe gtk refresh20:31
net_maskis soo slow20:31
net_maskthe draw of widgets20:31
net_maskall the compiz open gl things works really fine20:31
_Zeus_paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:31
net_masksry was a problem with my conection20:36
net_maskhere are my xorg.conf20:40
_Zeus_hmm... i don't see anything about refresh rate there20:43
_Zeus_have you tried reconfiguring your xorg.conf?20:43
_Zeus_i don't know what to tell you20:45
net_maskthe refresh rate of the monitor influes on the gtk rendering?20:45
net_maskand i get a lot of glitches on the gtk applications20:45
_Zeus_you said it's refreshing too slowly20:46
net_maskwell the drawing20:47
LynoureI have Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG wifi card which has worked fine before, but Ibex live-cd just shows it as disabled. Any idea what to do?21:18
Lynourehmm, seems I'm not the only one, and #270199 is about it21:19
mattikLynoure: It worked me in installed system, but I didn't try live cd21:26
Lynouremattik: in alpha5 too?21:27
mattikI have reported bug about it in hardy21:27
LynoureWorked fine for me in hardy...21:27
mattikLynoure: They asked is my wireless working with new kernel21:27
mattikI updatet kernel and it worked. But I didn't try fresh install21:28
Lynouremattik: Which kernel you have now?21:29
mattikI'm on second computer. But it was newest for intrepid21:29
mattikwhat is your kernel?21:30
mattikI could try and confirm if you need21:31
Lynoure2.6.27-2-generic (just livecd still)21:31
mattikLynoure: 64 bit or 32 bit21:32
Lynoureoh, not a kernel bug, says the guy in this... hmm21:32
mattikI have had problems in firs connecting to wireless network in Hardy and in Intrepid21:33
mattiknetwork manager is not the best app what I know21:34
LynoureI haven't had much trouble with it... but now even iwconfig says "radio off" though it's not... not the best time for troubleshooting (sleepy)21:35
Lynoure[   57.347638] ipw2200: Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On:21:36
Lynoure[   57.347641] Kill switch must be turned off for wireless networking to work.21:36
LynoureBut it's just not. At least if they mean the physical wlan off -thing21:37
mattikI download alpha 5 and try21:37
aguitelhow install xmms in intrepid?21:39
mattikI have downloaded 64 bit version, but my laptop is 32biy21:39
kienzan__hey guys21:39
kienzan__has anyone been trying to update compiz to 0.7.8?21:43
laughtearwill the firefox gonna be fixed? (hi all)21:46
laughtearit's so very much slow and lockin21:47
Lynouremattik: Which laptop you have, by the way? Seem that many laptops with non-physical killswitches have had this problem, alas HP NC8230 has a physical wlan kill switch and at least the led responds21:53
mattikLynoure: Asus M6000, I have switch what I can disable/enable wireless. I go to sleep now. See you tomorrow22:06
Lynouremattik: good night. I must sleep too.22:10
larry_what's the best message board for issues with Ubuntu 8.10?22:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:18
larry_Also: I'm having problems with my system crashing really hard, multiple times per day.  When it happens the screen is dead, the keyboard and mouse are dead, and the Caps Lock light is flashing.  Is that a kernel panic?  And where might messages related to such a crash be logged?22:18
bsniderlarry_ nowhere, most likely22:30
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__mikemwhere can I get an ISO for the beta?22:49
Bauldrickthis nvidia things driving me cookoo; I install 177.70 and add driver "nvidia" to xorg.conf and i get out of range on monitor, anything else I get 800x60023:04
outbrimilkem: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-5/23:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nouveaux23:27
RAOFI think you're after23:28
ubottuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive23:28
zniavrethank you23:30
zniavreLaunchpad is offline for scheduled maintenance.           We should be back soon.         :o(23:31
zniavredoes this experimental works with fx5500 ?23:31
void^should (or rather, might)  work. pretty much 2d only for now, though23:32
ephracisHi, I am gonna make my first ubuntu package from the sources of my own project and put it on my PPA on launchpad. I am using cmake as the build system and so my question is: will I need to convert the build system to gnus autotools and gnu make instead?23:35
ephracisMaybe this is not the right place to ask such question, please point me to the right direction if so. :)23:36
RAOFzniavre: Yes, it should work.  It should work pretty well.23:38
zniavre3d ?23:38
RAOFephracis: No, you won't have to convert.  Also, no, this isn't the right place; #ubuntu-motu is likely to be better.23:39
RAOFzniavre: for some value of 3d.23:39
ephracisRAOF: thanks.23:39
zniavrewow RAOF thank you23:39
RAOF(nouveau's 3d support is best for nv4x - the fx is a nv3x.  Even the nv4x support is at the status of "we know a large class of things are broken, don't bug us")23:40
zniavream i wrong or nvidia driver are quite broken now?23:40
RAOFI think you're wrong; the nvidia drivers are working fine for me.23:41
zniavreho ?23:41
RAOFWell, they were working fine a couple of days ago, when I was using them.23:41
RAOFYou need the nvidia-glx-173 drivers, I believe; I think fx support was dropped from the -177 drivers.23:41
RAOFAnd you can't use the -96 or -78 drivers, because they don't support our X server.23:42
zniavreyep this i knews before23:42
zniavrebut i can't managed them working23:42
RAOFI _believe_ the 173 drivers should work for you.  I certainly don't know of a reason why they shouldn't.23:42
zniavremee too  :o)23:42
zniavrei ll try another time if i can't i ll try nouveau  (at least something new to learn)23:43
zniavrethank you for answering23:44
__mikemthe new human theme is nice but the round corners on the windows still have pixelation and it still feels arhaic23:53
outbri__mikem: so you got the iso to work?23:54
__mikemoutbri: yes23:54
__mikemThe problem is, this is hardly the nice shiney new UI I was promiced.23:55
outbri__mikem: quick download. you should be able to change the window edges with compiz23:55
__mikemoutbri: I understand, but the fact is, It is my oppinon that i really shouldn't have to do that. It should be good to go out of the box23:56

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