
tommy1234hi guys i have a question about java but i cant get into #java chatroom can some1 plz help00:47
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
slytherinKoon: This is strictly intrepid + 1. I plan to package 2 apps where I could use a helping hand. Let me know if you are interested. jmeter and cruisecontrol.12:10
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox
Koonslytherin: I'll have a look at those apps15:23
slytherinKoon: Oh, I thought you might be already aware of them. :-)15:31
Koonslytherin: I am not really a Java specialist.15:31
slytherinKoon: jmeter is a load testing tool for webapps and web services. cruisecontrol is a automated build tool mainly targeting java projects, but there are version available for .net and c projects.15:32
persiajmeter is fairly useful as an automated test suite.  I've used it several times in various engagements to demonstrate load handling, or test various business logic in an automated way.15:41
slytherinpersia: I explored it mainly as replacement for load runner and found it very easy to use and write tests with. It is another fact that we never replaced load runner. :-)15:49
persiaslytherin: Good luck with the packaging.  It will be a useful tool.  Be nice to get it in squeeze too.15:52
slytherinthanks. there is long time to actually start packaging it. And this time I am thinking about packaging it for Debian directly.15:53
persiaThat's always the best plan.15:55

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