
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 17 Sep 17:00: QA Team | 18 Sep 00:30: ubuntu-pa LoCo Team | 18 Sep 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Sep 13:00: Desktop Team | 18 Sep 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 19 Sep 04:00: MOTU Team
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 18 Sep 00:30: ubuntu-pa LoCo Team | 18 Sep 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 18 Sep 13:00: Desktop Team | 18 Sep 14:00: Ubuntu Java | 19 Sep 04:00: MOTU Team | 19 Sep 22:00: Platform Team
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TheMusoGreetings all.16:00
* TheMuso is sitting up in bed attending the meeting, so he can drop straight to sleep afterwards. :)16:00
* slangasek waves16:01
* evand watches TheMuso nod off ;)16:01
TheMusoevand: I am sitting up to make sure I don't nod off.16:02
TheMusoNow if I didn't care, I would lie down. :p16:02
cjwatsonhi, sorry I apparently got disconnected at the most inconvenient time possible16:04
* cjwatson pokes the still-lying topic16:04
cjwatsonArneGoetje,asac,bryce,evand,james_w,liw,TheMuso,slangasek: ping? (I only saw calc saying he was here before I dropped off)16:06
cjwatsondoko is in hospital for scheduled surgery16:06
liwcjwatson, plingelingelingeplong16:06
ArneGoetjecjwatson: pong16:06
TheMusoI'm here.16:06
james_whi all, sorry I'm late16:07
asaccjwatson: hi16:07
* TheMuso is glad its not a very cold night in his neck of the woods.16:09
cjwatsonperhaps somebody local could phone bryce and wake him up16:09
cjwatsonanyway, let's get started16:10
cjwatsonoutstanding actions16:10
cjwatsonChris to upload openoffice.org3 to the ~openoffice-pkgs PPA without Sun branding (pending an agreement)16:10
slangasek(calling bryce)16:10
cjwatsonwe have an agreement now, Chris said he was in progress; ETA?16:10
calccjwatson: not done yet, but working on it16:10
cjwatson(delayed by Hurricane Ike)16:10
calccjwatson: it appears i can upload now with the branding as of last email?16:11
calci'm clearing up enough space to try to do both the 2.4.1 and 3.0 builds on my laptop16:12
calchaving to nuke a bunch of test vm's etc16:12
cjwatsonmorning bryce16:12
asachi bryce16:12
cjwatsoncalc: so this week?16:13
calccjwatson: should be done by next meeting, yes16:13
* calc hopes to be back home in a couple days as well16:13
cjwatsonok, thanks, please let me know of any delay; I would recommend *not* rebasing on rc2 (if released in the interim) until you have rc1 out16:14
calcnext week being beta freeze i'm going to try really hard to get both done16:14
cjwatson# Alexander to write mobile broadband MIRs16:15
cjwatsonwe need to get at least one or two other people MIR review powahs; in the meantime since pitti is away I guess I will arrogate that to myself and seek forgiveness rather than permission16:15
asaccjwatson: yes. its pending. its what i am currently doing in parallel to firefox sec updates16:15
asaccjwatson: how long will pitti be gone? this week?16:16
cjwatsonhe's at the Linux Plumbers' Conference in Portland; I think he's back on Monday16:17
asacok. Ill give you the MIR then as soon as I have it. so we can directly proceed after alpha-6 is out16:17
asaccjwatson: actually its not a hard runtime dependency as its now16:17
cjwatsonI'll carry both those items over then16:17
asacjust build-time and then dynamically loaded16:17
cjwatsonaye, but we want it anyway, right?16:18
asacbut it has to get into main anyway, so i dont think that matters16:18
asaccjwatson: yes. most likely we want that on CD16:18
asacbtw, anyone who has 3g can already pre-test it by using the network-manager team PPA16:18
cjwatsonI have been instructed :-) to get a new phone before release week, since I'm intending to be in London and it's not impossible I might have to get home at short notice16:19
cjwatsonso next time I get a chance to go into town I'll arrange for 3G stuff16:19
ArneGoetjeasac: is the modeswitch stuff implemented already?16:19
cjwatsonok, items from activity reports16:19
asacArneGoetje: i talked to a few guys and from what i understood the modeswitch should be done by kernel team. i sent rtg a mail to sync up on outstanding wifi/3g issues16:20
cjwatsondoko raised a problem with OpenJDK's compiler targetting Java 1.6 bytecode right now, which breaks older VMs; but he isn't here to discuss it so we'll have to skip that16:21
ArneGoetjeasac: ok, thanks. please keep me posted. :)16:21
asacArneGoetje: i updated the bug yesterday ... didnt i?16:21
asacat least i asked rtg in there for input16:21
cjwatsonTheMuso: you mentioned that we might end up sticking with PulseAudio 0.9.10 for intrepid. What are the consequences of that? I understood earlier that we needed >=0.9.11 to match current ALSA16:22
ArneGoetjeasac: I just saw you modifying the bug title, that's all16:22
cjwatsonTheMuso: also on your activity report, have you had positive test feedback on dmraid so far? I nudged a few of the old d-i bug reports about it16:22
cjwatsonreally glad to hear that Debian are keen to take that16:22
TheMusocjwatson: We don't need 0.9.11 to match current alsa at all. If we were to use libcanbbera's pulseaudio output support for event sounds in GNOME, we would need 0.9.11 or later, but its not imperative.16:23
cjwatsonoh, that was it, event sounds. how are we going to fix those then?16:23
TheMusocjwatson: The only real issue with 0.9.10 is settling on a good set of values to make sure pulseaudio performs ok with different applications, other than gstreamer/native pulse applications, as there is a push to send all alsa applications through pulseaudio when running pulseaudio and GNOME.16:24
cjwatson(I know you said we needed a new sound theme)16:24
TheMusocjwatson: re dmraid, not many d-i people in debian can test, although they are using my empty disks for qemu etc to help with testing. My changes have been committed to svn, with a few improvements. I need to build these improvements and merge them into our packages and test, as they fix a few minor things in partman-base.16:25
TheMusocjwatson: With event sounds, GNOME 2.24 uses a library called libcanberra, which is providing much flexibility wth sound events, including the ability to use ogg files.16:26
TheMusoThe sound events scheme is similar to the xdg icon naming specification.16:26
TheMusoSo I need to modify ubuntu-sounds to contain ogg files, as well as the metadata to make libcanberra happy to play events etc, as well as make a few changes in a few GNOME libraries to make sure libcanberra works as it should.16:27
TheMusoStill testing all of this, but should have it ready in a few days.16:27
cjwatsonwhat backend would libcanberra end up using? just plain alsa?16:27
TheMusocjwatson: Alsa, which would be directed through pulse when pulseaudio is running.16:27
cjwatsonoh, I see, so just indirect16:27
cjwatsonliw: any feedback on system-cleaner so far?16:28
liwcjwatson, no feedback so far16:28
TheMusocjwatson: Yes, and assuming we ship 0.9.12 or greater in jaunty, libcanberra can then use pulse directly, which will give us positioned sounds.16:28
cjwatsonliw: you don't appear to be subscribed to its bugmail ...16:28
liwoh, oops16:28
* liw forgot Ubuntu is different16:29
cjwatsonthere's two bugs for you at least16:29
liwyup, I'll get to those asap16:30
cjwatsonok, I can't see any other meeting-relevant items in activity reports, shout if I'm missing something16:31
cjwatsonthe one remaining milestoned bug for alpha-6 is bug 267682; are you guys still shooting to get that sorted out for alpha-6? if it's truly a kernel bug that sounds ... challenging16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267682 in linux "Hotkeys no longer working in Intrepid on Thinkpads" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26768216:32
bryceyeah I've still be looking at that16:32
bryceaccording to recent comments it's an acpi-support issue16:32
cjwatsonSteve makes a good point that the kernel was that way in hardy as well, unless there's something we're all missing16:33
bryceif the latest comments are correct (and in digging in a little, I believe them), the kernel stopped accepting acpi-fakekey events for keys higher than some number, which I gather includes the hotkeys16:33
cjwatsonso this doesn't entirely make sense16:33
cjwatsonthough I don't see the harm in trying a test kernel on sample hardware to try to rule it out16:34
slangasekwell, registername just sent another follow-up indicating he really thinks the problem is present in hardy too, so he's definitely talking about a separate bug16:34
slangasekif someone could roll a test kernel I might squeeze in a reboot today, but I suspect this is a red herring16:35
bryceslangasek: ah okay.  In looking through acpi-support I spotted quite a few "hotkeys don't work" bug reports.  So either there's a fundamental pervasive problem that's been around for a year or two, or there's a number of bugs that have similar symptoms but different causes16:35
cjwatsonthe latter is always a possibility with a package that hasn't been tended to all that well of late16:36
slangasekperhaps both - but mdz was explicit that this was a regression against hardy for him :)16:36
bryceslangasek: how do you think we should go about investigating this further?  Grab a kernel guy?  Or is there someone who knows acpi-support well?16:36
slangaseksladen is the only one I'm aware of that knows acpi-support well, but I've had difficulty getting any answer from him about it besides "set it on fire and kick it overboard"16:37
slangasekanyway, I think the bug is going to end up having to be deferred for obvious reasons, but we should still keep chipping at it16:38
bryceI can talk to timo again about it16:38
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu
bryceI also have hotkey problems on my laptop, although I don't know that it's the same bug, but I can keep poking at that, just in case16:39
cjwatsonultimately, I think somebody on this team is going to have to figure out how the hell acpi-support and pm-utils works, since we keep getting asked about it :)16:39
liwand then teach a few others?16:39
brycecjwatson: am I correct in understanding that acpi-support is a ubuntu-specific package?16:39
slangasekcjwatson: I would like to have this on the agenda for UDS Jaunty16:40
liwbryce, Debian has it16:40
cjwatsonbryce: it originated in Ubuntu16:40
cjwatsonit was the Thom and Matthew show16:40
cjwatsonslangasek: sounds good16:41
bryceah okay16:41
slangasekanyway, I /really/ don't see how acpi-support's presence can be to /blame/ for these keys not working since acpid should AFAIK still echo the events to its socket16:41
slangasekso if something else wants the events, should pick it up that way16:41
bryceso then should we ask tim gardner to take a look from the kernel side?16:41
cjwatsondefinitely, once he digs himself out from under Dell16:42
brycecjwatson: or is there a better kernel guy to talk to?16:42
cjwatsonask pgraner16:42
bryceok will do16:42
cjwatson(tell him I sent you)16:42
cjwatsonon UDS, I should note that I have scheduled paternity leave over UDS; I don't think it's going to be feasible for me to be about 12 hours by plane and train away at that stage in the pregnancy (or infancy)16:43
asaccjwatson: do we have a fall back for wifi on the kernel team?16:43
brycecjwatson: congrats :-)16:43
cjwatsonasac: I'm not certain, ask pgraner :016:43
asachehe ok16:43
cjwatsonso this means that either my replacement manager will have started by then and can run the show, or else somebody else is going to have to sub as best they can16:43
cjwatsonI'm holding out for the former at the moment16:44
liw"holding out" = "assuming"?16:44
cjwatsonanyway, I'll still be involved in planning either way16:44
cjwatsonliw: = hoping16:44
cjwatsonwe have a shortlisted candidate so the chances look reasonable16:45
liwjust checking, my English often fails16:45
cjwatsonsponsorship queue: thank you to several of you for putting this in your reports; I'll not spend time going over it now since the queue is getting very noticeably shorter16:48
cjwatsonfinally, I feel like the last week has been doom and gloom (thanks particularly to asac for putting up with lots of Mozilla-related flak). Anyone have any good news they want to share? :-)16:48
brycehmm, been testing a lot of hardware lately, and with the .27 kernel and latest X bits, a lot of issues notably disappeared16:49
liwgood news: none of my hardware has physically broken this week16:50
TheMusoMyself and Jordi from Debian are merging Ubuntu alsa bits back into debian, to reduce the delta there. With luck, we can make at least some alsa packages syncs for jaunt.16:50
TheMusoAnd I finally feel I am getting a handle on audio stuff for Ubuntu, and dealing with upstream. Just got to sort out the kernel side for hardware enablement, but I don't think that will be much of a problem, and, I am getting to like git...16:51
TheMusoIf that could be considered good news... :p16:52
cjwatsonI'm getting to like git fast-export | bzr fast-import -, if that's close enough? :-)16:53
cjwatson(that's how I'm maintaining ubuntu-policy)16:53
calcthe good news from my area is that they are now down to 33% outage in my zip code (61% for houston area overall) :)16:54
* TheMuso counts the numer of upstream projects tat he tracks that use git... Hrm most of them, if you include their subcomponents.16:54
cjwatsonoh, I suppose I have one: if you're interested in content that the BBC (the UK's government-funded broadcaster) puts out, there is now a chunk of current/archived content available for free via a totem plugin16:55
TheMusoI saw the changelogs for that.16:55
TheMusoSounds nice.16:55
cjwatsonedit -> preferences -> plugins and enable the BBC plugin, then click on the Playlist dropdown and select BBC, if you want to try it out16:55
evandTop Gear?16:55
cjwatsonmost of it's audio-only so far16:55
evandah, rats16:55
cjwatsonno Top Gear AFAICS right now, although my stepson asked me about that too ;-)16:55
liwcjwatson, for everyone or only UK residents who have paid their TV license?16:55
cjwatsonliw: different feeds depending on geoip16:55
evandPirate Bay it is16:55
cjwatsonit's still running off a staging server and hasn't had anywhere near all the content fleshed out yet16:56
calcgoogle has some of the topgear episodes, not sure if they keep it up to date though16:56
cjwatsonbut should be pretty cool once that happens16:56
TheMusoThere were aso some good music/audio entries for the free culture showcase.16:56
cjwatsonanyway, that's all I have; any other business?16:57
TheMusoI was fortunate enough to be on the selection panel, and was impressed with what I saw.16:57
ArneGoetjeFosscamp: any list out yet who is going/approved?16:57
evandWhat's our policy regarding packages coming from Debian where the maintainer decided to not use a patch system (eject)?16:57
TheMusoevand: I thought it was to patch the package the same way?16:58
cjwatsonArneGoetje: oh, not so far, I should do something about that16:58
cjwatsonevand: what TheMuso said, just apply the patch directly16:58
evandTheMuso: I figured, but I wanted to be sure before I uploaded.16:58
evandok, noted16:58
cjwatsonI think we're done, then17:00
cjwatsonthanks all, will do minutes tomorrow morning17:00
ArneGoetjethanks... good night17:00
liwthank you17:00
TheMusoThanks, and good night.17:01
* slangasek waves, thanks17:02
pedro_hello everybody!17:57
davmor2hello everybody17:59
* mvo waves18:00
arahi all :-)18:00
henoogasawara, schwuk: ping18:01
schwukheno: pong18:02
bdmurrayI believe ogasawara is at the LPC today18:02
henoright, she may not be able to attend18:03
henothe first agenda item is her's18:03
henohey ogasawara :)18:03
ogasawara_just in time then18:04
henohm, I though the bot was fixed :(18:04
heno[TOPIC] Automated bug replies18:04
henoHas anyone worked on a meta-can-text?18:04
henoI think a note saying the reply is scripted would be good18:05
bdmurrayDo you mean a message to include in automated replies?18:05
ogasawara_that hasn't been written yet - I'd like to get ideas about what we should try to include when we do send these automated replies18:06
ogasawara_like heno mentioned - clearly stating this is an automated reply18:06
henoif the bug is closed in the process it should probably be suggested it be reopened for a human to read any replies18:06
henobeyond that, I don't know if we can predict the likelihood of a response18:07
ogasawara_the one issue I wonder about is if the automated reply will be ignored if the reporter knows it wasn't coming from a "real" person18:07
heno(I should mention that the agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings)18:07
ogasawara_so I think it would also be good to explain how replies to automated posts will be handled18:07
bdmurrayIt might help to have it as a footnote to the message too18:08
henosome people may even filter on a fragment of the canned text :)18:08
ogasawara_I'll try to write something up in a wiki and send it to the ml18:09
henook, thanks18:10
henowe can take it from there18:10
henoTopic: Getting QATeam/ReleaseReports in shape for the next release meeting18:10
henosee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports18:11
henosbeattie made a landing page for this18:11
henoI've separated out individual report pages18:12
pedro_when is the next release meeting? 26 or 29?18:12
ara26 is Friday18:12
henowe have some regression candidate bugs we should look at and also the list sent to the ml by nullack18:12
araso I guess is 26th18:12
pedro_ok so maybe there's a typo there at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/20080926 ?18:12
sbeattielooks like it.18:13
henowery possibly :)18:13
arafridge agrees on the 26th: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/162118:13
sbeattieheno: do you mind if I <<include>> the upcoming report in that landing page?18:14
sbeattieakin to having the current agenda show up on the qa meeting page?18:14
henosbeattie: will that be confusing in that you can't edit it there? perhaps add a comment in the wiki source as well to clarify18:15
henobut, yeah sure18:15
henobdmurray, pedro_, ogasawara: could you look at the bugs nullack suggested for this list?18:16
ogasawara_heno:  sure18:17
pedro_yep no problem18:17
bdmurrayheno: sure18:17
henoslangasek: I know there was a discussion about this in #u-bugs earlier - would you prefer we milestone/nominate these in-our-view-hot-bugs before the meeting or just bring a wiki page with candidates to the meeting18:18
bdmurrayheno: last week slangasek and I talked a bit about the problems with nominations - specifically that a denied nomination can't be renominated18:20
stgrabersorry, I'm late.18:21
henobdmurray: what was the conclusion?18:21
* heno waves to stgraber18:21
bdmurrayheno: not nominating due to the amount of noise there18:22
henoand only a few of us have the power to milestone, right?18:23
bdmurrayheno: actually it's all of bug control18:23
bdmurrayfewer people have the ability to deal with nominations18:23
henoso an internal discussion in the QA team before the meeting seems appropriate18:23
henoyes, I remember you've pointed out that to be a bit backwards18:24
henoslangasek may be afk - let's talk about regressions:18:25
henothey should also be considered for that list18:25
henosbeattie has made a lovely overview page: http://people.ubuntu.com/~sbeattie/regression_tracker.html18:26
henomany of them have unknown importance etc though - how should we triage these?18:27
henoshould we do a weekly pass over them? make it a topic of this meeting?18:28
henobdmurray: thoughts?18:28
cr3"regression potential"? what's that?18:28
aracould it be a candidate for a hug day? regression bugs18:28
bdmurraythere sure are a lot of new ones on there18:28
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cr3I mean, how are potential regressions evaluated as such?18:29
henocr3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RegressionTracking18:29
pedro_sbeattie: you're not listing the ones without a package at your page right?18:29
sbeattiepedro_: hrm, I suspect not.18:29
henosbeattie: perhaps your page should link to the explanation18:29
pedro_ara: i'd say no, there's not a lot for hug day IMHO18:29
sbeattieheno: yeah, agreed18:30
henopedro_, ara: I also think we need to look more often than that18:30
bdmurraysbeattie: where does release come from?18:30
pedro_heno: yup18:30
henoturaround time is important as we near release18:31
sbeattiebdmurray: whether it's been nominated for that release.18:31
bdmurraysbeattie: nominated and not approved? or an approved nomination?18:31
henosbeattie: can we get this on qa.u.c and ogasawara, can we in turn parse it and add the regression count on each package page?18:32
sbeattiebdmurray: I *think* approved nominations; that is, it would show up on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/[release]/+bugs18:32
ogasawara_heno:  I'll need to take a closer look at the parsing but it should be easy enough to add to the pkg stat pages18:32
sbeattieheno: yes, and I can have it emit something more parseable than html.18:33
bdmurrayCould we split it up btwn milestoned and not milestoned and also by importance?18:34
henoah, that would be good18:34
sbeattiebdmurray: sure.18:35
henois Wouter Stomp here? (what is his nick)18:35
henoI think I tagged many of these18:35
henohe, not I !18:36
henosorry, stealing credit there :)18:36
bdmurrayits too bad there is no record of who or when something was tagged18:37
davmor2he did my ndiswrapper one18:37
sbeattiebdmurray: agreed!18:37
henoDoes anyone want to take ownership of the regression list, coordinating with others to get it triaged and added to the support list?18:38
henosbeattie? can you check with Wouter and nullack if they want to help you with that?18:39
henogreat, thanks!18:39
bdmurraysbeattie: we might be able to check the mailing list for taggers and tag dates18:39
henowe should probably look at the list briefly at each weekly meeting between now and release18:40
sbeattiebdmurray: yeah, was thinking the same thing.18:40
henothat covers both the regression and reporting topics18:40
henoTopic: Testing day preparations18:41
henoara: has just announced Monday's big testing day18:41
henoara: you're not on planet yet - do you have access to the QA blog?18:42
araguys, those with a blog, please, post about it :-)18:42
henothis would be appropriate for that18:42
araheno: never tried18:42
henothat too :)18:42
henostgraber: can you get ara set up?18:42
jcastrowhich list was it posted to? I must have missed it, I can blog it though18:43
bdmurrayjcastro: ubuntu-qa18:43
pedro_jcastro: ubuntu-qa i think18:43
henoI'll be around to give advice on testing day - anyone else?18:44
arame too18:44
pedro_count me in18:44
jcastroI'm always around18:44
bdmurrayit'll be in #ubuntu-testing correct?18:45
henocr3, schwuk: how about we run a session on how the auto install work is progressing?18:45
arabdmurray: yep18:45
henoit's still very opaque to people18:45
henowe are in the process of opening it up, it takes time18:46
bdmurraythe kvm testing documentation is quite sparse too18:46
stgraberara: what's your Ubuntu QA username ? (ISO tracker or Brainstorm)18:46
arastgraber: areta18:46
cr3first, we have been working on adding installer testing which consists of checkbox-log packaged as a udeb which monitors the syslog for particular phases of the installation18:46
henowe could run a session or two in a different chan (classroom or u-qa)18:46
henocr3: right, can you prepare a little session about it for Monday?18:47
schwukheno: here or as part of the testing day?18:47
cr3the checkbox-log is called from a daemon forked at early-command time which first reports that the machine has booted and then reports various phases18:47
henolike the devel week or open week sessions18:47
cr3heno: sure, what's on Monday?18:48
henoas part of testing day (sorry if that was unclear)18:48
henocr3: read scrollback :)18:48
cr3heno: installer testing will not be available for community though18:49
jcastrogetting people set up with the rsync script ahead of time might be a good idea.18:49
henoara: can you coordinate the timing of those? perhaps we can do one on SRU testing and one on desktop testing too18:50
araheno: sure18:50
bdmurrayjcastro: it'll be alpha 6 testing though so I'm not certain rsync is necessary18:50
stgraberara: done, you should have access to the blog18:50
henocr3: right, I'm just asking for an overview presentation given on Monday18:50
jcastrobdmurray: ok18:50
schwukjcastro: so running posts about how to get setup for testing day as well as publiscising it?18:50
cr3heno: will do18:50
arastgraber: thanks18:50
henocr3: It's quite informal - look at some examples logs from open week18:51
stgraberara: http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/add/story18:51
davmor2heno: is the idea to get people to sign up to the tracker if so it might be good if we could get a fresh batch of iso's listed for the monday18:51
henoa short intro followed by Q&A18:51
jcastroschwuk: well, the mirrors get slower as we get closer to release, if people want to start on monday and chip in when they can we can get them syncing the ISOs and registered on the tracker ahead of time18:51
henodavmor2: we should list the Alpha 6 (released) images18:52
henowe don't do that often, but the tracker can do that18:52
davmor2I think it will be best then we get a fresh set of readings :)18:52
bdmurraywould we get more duplicate bug reports though?18:53
henojcastro: I agree that it's important to show people how to be prepared18:53
bdmurraycould we link to the alpha 6 caveats to avoid that?18:54
henonot such a big deal for this testing day but for later milestones it's crucial18:54
henoright, let's link to that on the testing day page18:55
henocan we also make it easy for people to search for recently filed bugs somehow?18:55
heno'ubuquity bugs filed since sept 19th', say18:56
bdmurraymaybe iso-testing tagged sorted by newest first in LP18:56
henoI know bughelper can do that, should that be what we recommend?18:56
henobdmurray: many alpha 6 bugs may be reported by the general non-iso-testing public though18:57
henoduring the weekend, say18:57
bdmurrayright, the bugnumbers query can be a bit slow but we could pregenerate a list for some packages I imagine18:58
henoone more point relating to testing day: Tidying up the test documentation - what should we prioritise before the even and what is suitable for editing during it?18:58
henobdmurray: can you do that for top 10 packages, say?18:59
henoara: what's your view on the current state of the testing docs now?18:59
araheno: I think that the most important page, ISO/Procedures is quite clean. About what is suitable, I had proposed to clean and improve the test cases19:00
araheno: as explained in https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/Applications19:00
henonot all have had the pedro_/jcastro makeover :)19:00
bdmurrayheno: yes19:00
davmor2I've started adding the screenshots which I can finish off once testing is out of the way19:01
henoara: ok, so the how-tos are in good shape IYO and well ask for help with the cases on the day?19:01
henothanks davmor219:01
bdmurraymaybe we should focus on 1 type of testing like Live CD?19:02
davmor2ara: temporarily I've not added the screenshot to it's holding page I'll wizz through those at the same time19:02
aradavmor2: ok19:03
henobdmurray: good plan, we can always expand on the day if we need to19:03
henothat gives us a better chance of getting a full test result matrix :)19:04
henolet's wrap up19:04
henoany other business?19:04
henoAlpha 6 candidates need some testing love of course!19:05
henothanks everyone!19:05
slangasekheno: I would prefer that, for bugs the QA team believes need to be on the radar, they be milestoned and targeted in advance20:19
nizarusping stgraber22:22
stgrabernizarus: pong22:46
nizarussorry stgraber but is there any news about the next emea cuncil ?22:47
stgraberIIRC it was rescheduled to this tomorrow22:47
nizarusthe wiki page is not updated yet !22:49
stgraber20:39PriceChildWe won't hold it today, but will put the new ate on our page and the fridge22:49
stgraber20:39 PriceChild: We won't hold it today, but will put the new ate on our page and the fridge22:49
stgraberso that won't be tomorrow either, it'll be when we'll announce it :)22:49
nizarusi was present on 9/1122:50
nizarusand PriceChild sayed that he will tray to get new emea meeting this week22:51
nizarus20:22PriceChildThat's 20 minutes. We'll send a mail around and set a time for late next week hopefully, and get that announced on the wiki page & fridge by this weekend (i'll make sure to email the right list this time)22:54
stgraberno mail has been sent to our list so far22:54
nizarusso for this week it will be impossible i think :/22:55

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