
=== funkyHat|off is now known as funkyHat
handschuhgeneral question: if a package is in debian and ubuntu, will it be autosynced from debian to ubuntu, so that the maintainer only has to watch at one repository?00:29
nhandlerhandschuh: If it is in Debian and Ubuntu, it will only be automatically synced if no changes have been made in Ubuntu.00:32
handschuhso it would be more efficient to put a package into debian, and file a sync-packages-bug @ launchpad?00:32
handschuhnhandler: btw. thanks for reviewing my package at revu00:34
nhandlerhandschuh: The most efficient thing to do would be to try and get all of the Ubuntu changes applied in the Debian package. That way, the package could be automatically synced from Debian. If the changes are only needed in Ubuntu, and not in Debian, you will have to merge, not sync, the package from Debian00:34
nhandlerhandschuh: No problem. If you make the changes I suggested, feel free to ping me on IRC and let me know. I will gladly look over it again.00:34
handschuhI made them already :-)00:35
icf7How do I encode the ampersand in a URL, like http://ex.org/?a=b&c=d . Tried &, \&, &&, but nothing seems to work and I can't find any documentation00:35
icf7oops: How do I encode an ampersand in a URL in a00:36
handschuhnhandler: so if a program has no ubuntu-specific requirements, debian would be the best point to start?00:36
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nhandlerhandschuh: Yes handschuh. It will then get automatically synced once the Jaunty repositories open up (automatic syncs have stopped for Intrepid).00:39
handschuhnhandler: ok thanks.00:40
handschuhnhandler: so once the package is in the ubuntu repository, it will be synced automatically if the debian version is updated - great. How much time is needed to sync a change?00:41
ScottK-laptophandschuh: If there are no Ubuntu changes it's automatic.00:42
ScottK-laptopIf there are Ubuntu changes then someone has to merge them.00:42
handschuhScottK-laptop: and how long will the change take? (hours, days or weeks)00:43
handschuhScottK-laptop: (i am just interested)00:43
ScottK-laptopIf it's automatic, during the period when autosync runs it's hours to days.  Not weeks.00:43
handschuhScottK-laptop: great - thanks!00:44
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handschuhand a merge has to be performed manually?00:44
ScottK-laptopSemi-automatically.  We have tools to assist, but manual review is required.00:45
ethana2Gyarr, this one package has bad dependencies01:00
handschuhnhandler: did you read the message, that I have made all the changes you suggested at revu? (not want to push; just want to be sure the note here at irc has been read)01:03
nhandlerhandschuh: I am looking over the package now. From looking at the debdiff, it looks like you made all of the changes I mentioned in my comment. I am now looking over the entire package a second time to make sure there isn't anything else that I might have missed the first time around.01:04
handschuhoh - I cordally thank you01:04
nhandlerhandschuh: Just so you are aware, your package probably will not make it into the repositories for intrepid. However, it should have plenty of time to get into jaunty01:05
handschuhnhandler: not making it into intrepid is no problem (ppa and a seperate .deb is available) but jaunty would be nice01:06
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nullackHi MOTUS :) Im hoping someone might be able to answer if the Intrepid kernel has any debugging code that would slow it down?03:07
nullackIm chasing some performance issues03:07
nullackWhile the kernel is in alpha03:07
wgrantnullack: MOTU has nothing to do with this. -> #ubuntu-kernel03:09
nullackwgrant: thanks03:09
nelleryhi, attempting to use debuild on firefox-3.0 fails to succeed.. is there a special way it must be done?04:05
wgrantnellery: No. "fails to succeed" isn't very descriptive.04:07
nellerywgrant, good point, here's a paste04:11
nellerythat's after no changes04:12
wgrantsudo apt-get build-dep firefox-3.004:12
nelleryI get "E: Build-Depends dependency for firefox-3.0 cannot be satisfied because no available versions of package mozilla-devscripts can satisfy the version requirements"04:16
wgrantSounds like you're building it somewhere that you shouldn't.04:21
wgrantnellery: You're not trying to build Intrepid's firefox-3.0 on Hardy, are you?04:21
nelleryAHHH that would explain it04:21
nellerythanks :)04:22
nhandlerIs there any advantage to using dh_install instead of cp in the debian/rules file?04:29
persianhandler: You're significantly less likely to make a mistake with the target name, it sets the permissions correctly, and you can use a debian/package.install file if you have lots of things to install.04:33
persiaIf you don't have debhelper, consider using install to install the files.04:33
nhandlerpersia: I'm actually looking at a package on REVU. They use cp and chmod to install the files to the correct location with the correct permissions. They already depend on debhelper. Should I advise they switch to dh_install? Or can they leave it as is?04:35
persiaAdvise to switch to either install or dh_install.04:35
nhandlerOk, thanks persia.04:35
persiadh_install may be slightly preferable because it avoids tracking the install location, but that's a matter of packer convenience, rather than being a case of doing it the hard way.04:36
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fabrice_spHi. I've asked for sponsorship for Bug 180384 (FTBFS for a Thunderbird add-on), but as it's an add-on for Thunderbird, should I suscribe first Mozilla Extension Team?06:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 180384 in mozilla-traybiff "Please merge mozilla-traybiff 1.2.3-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18038406:33
Hobbseeoh, sweet.  i didn't realise we had -traybiff in the archives.06:34
fabrice_spHobbsee: only as sources until now :-)06:34
fabrice_spI had to change references from icedove back to thunderbird to be able to build it06:36
persiafabrice_sp: Probably good to subscribe both teams.  The Mozilla Extension team will know the code best, and can either upload or comment positively, increasing the chance that a sponsor will push it.06:37
persia(or maybe you've already caught someone's interest)06:37
* Hobbsee notes the patch, while long, looks correct.06:38
* Hobbsee notes there's a newer versino now, but doubts it affects us.06:40
fabrice_spHobbsee: it's a long patch because of all the reference to icedove and iceape :-/06:40
Hobbseefabrice_sp: yeah, i can see that.06:41
ScottK-laptopWe'll all be loving ice* soon perhaps.06:47
Hobbseefabrice_sp: uploaded, thanks.06:47
HobbseeScottK-laptop: it looks like they've removed the eula requirement for firefox, btw.06:47
ScottK-laptopAh.  Good.06:47
* ScottK-laptop waits for them to insist it must be called "Ubuntu with Firefox".06:48
ScottK-laptopAlthough I kind if wish they'd just stuck with it and we'd switched to something else.06:48
Hobbseefabrice_sp: i ended up grabbing the debian revision, and merging your changes against it.06:48
ScottK-laptopI'm very uneasy having code in the main archives I can't patch.06:49
persiaScottK-laptop: Well, you can patch it: it's just that every patch needs an upstream ACK.06:49
ScottK-laptoppersia: That's why I can't.  I've no idea how to deal with this outside entity.06:50
ScottK-laptopSo it's no longer a package that a generalist can do anything with.06:50
persiaOh.  I'd recommend just shoving patches to the mozillateam, and letting them coordinate with upstream06:51
ScottK-laptoppersia: Agreed as a practical matter, but that's beside the point.06:51
ScottK-laptopWhat about packages licensed like this that have no team?06:51
persiaDo we have any of those?  In the absence of such a team, I don't see how we can support it.06:52
persiapq is a good example of such a package.06:52
ScottK-laptopI don't know if we do or not.  Policy currently allows such a thing.06:52
persiaI suppose.  If we do, it's likely to be an ubuntu-unique package.  Perhaps worth a general copyright & licensing review of those anyway.06:53
ScottK-laptopWhat worries me a bit more is that since I'm not in the habit of reading debian/copyright for every package I touch, I may do something legally bad without knowing it.06:53
ScottK-laptopI generally assume i have the right to modify and distribute packages in the Main archives.06:54
persiaThat's a habit you must change: it's dangerous to not read debian/copyright06:54
persiaEven in cases of GPL & BSD, etc.  Sometimes one can't just apply a patch from somewhere else that solved the issue.06:55
ScottK-laptopI'd prefer to be protected by policy and the archive admins.06:55
ScottK-laptopThe irony is that in some cases I'm not even allowed to pull from the upstream VCS unless it's been fully vetted and approved upstream.06:56
persiaSince the problem exists with DFSG licenses, I'm not sure how you're going to get any protection unless you decide to relicense everything GPL, and drop anything which can't be relicensed.06:56
ScottK-laptopThere are potential mixing problems with DFSG licenses.  That's true.06:56
persiaPersonally, I'd rather read the contracts I accept, rather than assume someone else did, and that they are a trusted proxy.06:56
ScottK-laptopYes, well that's probably the smarter strategy.06:57
fabrice_spHobbsee: thanks! :-)06:57
persiaAnd remember, publishing a patch can count as redistribution, especially with common patch techniques that include context.06:57
ScottK-laptopI don't think that there's a package in Debian Main that I couldn't write my own patch and add it to though.06:58
ScottK-laptopIf there is, it's a bug.06:58
persiaFor users, it's probably safer, as they don't tend to be redistributing, but as soon as one runs apt-get source, one ought read the license.06:58
* ScottK-laptop needs to be awake again in a little over 3 hours, so I should probably go to bed.06:58
persiaSure, for your own patches, but you're accepting any liability for claims that the patches aren't yours :)06:59
persiaHave a good night.06:59
ScottK-laptopGood night.07:00
\shdoes anyone know nullack?07:45
persia\sh: How do you mean? keysign-know, or seen traffic on IRC?07:45
\shpersia: the irc/lp user "nullack"07:46
persiaI've seen a fair bit of traffic on IRC, ML, and LP.  Tends to be in #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-testing, and #ubuntu-quality07:46
persiaAlso active in the forums07:46
* \sh just needs some vacation or some drugs to calm down..but I wonder why bugsquad people are going sometimes wild...or I just don't understand bugwork anymore...07:46
\shcould also be that I'm using the braindevice sometimes...07:47
\shbug #246911 <- just explain to me, why we need to nomniate "in progress and assigned bugs" now for the latest ubuntu development  release?07:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246911 in ia32-libs "[Wishlist] please add libnspr4-0d to ia32-libs" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24691107:48
\shthis gives me a shitload more work to fiddle around with a simple report...07:49
\shand I wonder how long I have to tell people "don't touch already assigned bugs"07:50
persia\sh: nullack was addvised not to do that recently, and has stopped.07:52
persia(or claimed to have stopped).07:52
RAOFHe's perhaps a _little_ too enthusiastic, but seems willing to learn.07:53
persiaYou might review the BugSquad documentation, and add a note in the triage guidelines that 1) nominating for the current release is only meaningful when also nominating for other releases in the expectation of SRU, and 2) there's typically little point in nominating tasks for bugs in-progress unless you're in communication with the assignee07:54
persiaHe's from a long QA background, but just dipping into open-source and development.07:54
\shpersia: it's not the first time that those things are happening and actually I'm tired of repeating the problems all the time08:02
persia\sh: Understood.  I believe the only way to fix it is to adjust the bugsquad documentation.  The previous attempt was apparently unsuccessful, as it created a confusing class of "workflow" bugs.08:02
persiaA more correct adjustment might be the one you just suggested, of not adjusting bugs that are In-Progress, and especially not without discussion with the assignee.08:03
Hobbseepersia: oh, it was eventually successful.  after a revert & hissy fit was thrown, it got discussed at UDS, and then my original changes were made again.08:03
persiaI suspect that discussing such an adjustment at tonight's QA meeting would be the best path to success.08:03
Hobbseetrouble is, the next UDS is rather far away.08:03
persiaHobbsee: No.  It reduced the volume.  It didn't solve the issue, or \sh wouldn't be happy today.08:04
Hobbseepersia: well, excluding nullack.08:04
persiaHobbsee: It's iterative: we need to look for better and better definitions and ensure they are shared between all interested parties.08:04
Hobbseepersia: that's true.08:04
\shpersia: you forget one thing about documentation: most people don't read long documents...they want to start right away...08:05
persia\sh: I know, but not adjusting the docs, and not getting buy-in from the bugsquad leaders means you have to teach each person yourself :)08:06
\shpersia: na..I'm just tired to do that...I wouldn't bother anymore to take care  about bugs...I would just randomly upload crack ;)08:08
\shpersia: who is bugsquad liason for MOTU?08:09
persia\sh: OK.  If you're feeling pain, I recommend you attend the meeting and complain (I'm asleep during that meeting).08:09
persiaWe don't have one specifically.  Most MOTU are part of bugsquad, and a number of bugsquad members (including me) are MOTU.08:10
\shpersia: when is it? if it's in the evening..no way...I need sleep, I'm already under heavy workload these days (real life work)08:10
persia\sh: I'm 7 hours ahead of you :)  Maybe you can get someone else to attend?08:10
Hobbsee\sh: you could just try complaining at nullack in -bugs now.08:11
persia(and maybe get nullack to take it to the meeting)08:11
Hobbsee\sh: with the hope that he'd update documentation.08:11
ss_Hi folks I want to create a deb package of a c# software (created in Monodevelop 1.0), plz refer me some links08:12
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports08:13
persiass_: You probably also want to look at the cli-common package.  I've never done any work with C# packaging, but it seems to be a common build-dependency, so I suspect there's useful stuff there.08:14
RAOFcli-common-dev is likely what you want, yes.08:15
RAOFGah.  I was about to point him to http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/08:15
persiaRAOF: As time passes, everyone learns that idling can be informative :)08:16
RAOFFor those playing at home, the CLI policy is not only the policy you need to conform to, it also includes examples!08:17
* Hobbsee sighs.08:23
directhexalso look at the packaging for a "simple" c# app, such as, say, graphmonkey08:25
ajmitchall helpful suggestions, if people stick around08:36
persiaAnd useful for those idling :)08:36
directhexis there a browser plugin packaging policy?08:39
persiadirecthex: Yes, but I forget the URL.  I suspect that those in #ubuntu-mozillateam have it handy08:43
RAOFdirecthex: Planning on doing a moonlight package?-08:44
directhexRAOF, yes, but i'd like to wait for mono 2 and an updated upstream tarball where they don't forget to include LICENSE08:44
didrockshi there o/08:44
RAOFdirecthex: It's always nice when the code's distributable, yes :)08:45
directhexRAOF, it was the usual error in EXTRA_DIST_FILEs or whatever it is. but i'd rather not need to pull from svn or make awkward explanations in debian/copyright08:46
RAOFIndeed.  In a similar vein, I wonder whether I should ping google to see if they'd like to release a gdata-cil tarball which contains a build system. :)08:47
directhextry it08:50
directhexyay, ssl certificates updated across the board. took my time, it's been using a debian-made cert for ages08:56
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\shok..I hope I didn't mess up ia32-libs ... this was my first upload of it...*pressthumbs*10:12
savvas0Hi, anyone to help me to build a package? What's the best way to make links of the executables in /usr/local/bin ? to add them in debian/links ?10:14
directhexdon't use /usr/local in packages10:14
directhex/usr/local should be considered sacred by a package manager - it's where a user shoves random crap10:15
directhex\sh, does it contain curl libs? i think flash 10 needs it, and iirc it wasn't in the hardy release ver10:15
\shdirecthex: yes.10:15
\shdirecthex: could be that curl is needed for the rtmp connects...because that's one thing which didn't work on x86_64 properly..on i386 it worked10:16
directhexjms@osc-franzibald:~$ ldd /opt/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so | grep curl10:16
directhexlibcurl.so.3 => not found10:16
savvas0directhex:  I put the files in /usr/share/timekpr - or should I place the executables directly in /bin ?10:16
directhex10 explicitly links to libcurl.so.310:16
\shdirecthex: latest ia32-libs 2.2ubuntu2 ?10:16
\sh2.2ubuntu12 is on it's way...10:17
\sh(intrepid :))10:17
directhexsavvas0, generally executables go into /usr/bin, unless it's a .net app10:17
savvas0ok thank you very much :)10:18
RAOF(In which case wrappers go in /usr/bin ;))10:18
directhex^^ i'm with stupid10:19
quadrisprohi guys, can someone proceed with this? bug 26805910:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268059 in pygtkmvc "Please sync pygtkmvc 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26805910:19
quadrisproIt has been approved from motu-released10:20
\shdirecthex: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17689132/ia32-libs_2.2ubuntu12_amd64.deb <- new version...if you would like to test now :)10:23
AnAnt_is there a place where can I find old debian packages (.diff.gz files) ?10:32
StevenKsnapshot.debian.net if you're very lucky10:32
AnAnt_old = not in oldstable even10:33
wgrantOh. Ooooold.10:33
azeemAnAnt_: archive.debian.org, if that version got released10:35
capiscuas1982hi people, i need to MOTU persons to try and approve my package11:31
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 200232 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Subdownloader 2.0.6 deb to be included in repositories" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:31
capiscuas1982it's a 1.000.000 downloads GPLv3 multimedia project to get subtitles11:32
capiscuas1982anybody to review ?11:33
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capiscuas1982is everybody alive ?11:45
wgrantcapiscuas1982: You would likely have more luck if you were to wait until Jaunty opens.11:48
capiscuas1982intrepid is closed already?11:49
wgrantFor new packages, yes.11:49
wgrantSome weeks ago.11:49
capiscuas1982i see, thanks11:49
ScottK-laptop\sh: I see you touched ggz-grubby last.  It's one of the very few packages keeping perl 5.8 from going away.  I was wondering if you'd have a look at rebuilding it?11:58
quadrisprocan anyone proceed with this? bug 26805912:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268059 in pygtkmvc "Please sync pygtkmvc 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26805912:06
quadrisproit has been approved by motu-release12:06
\shScottK: ggz-... this is something from gnome + this strange game package, right?12:08
\shScottK: I'll have a look just now../me needs to resolve some strange video stuff now12:08
ScottK-laptop\sh: Some kind of not IRC but like IRC thing.  Dunno.12:08
ScottK-laptop\sh: Thanks.12:09
ScottK-laptop\sh: Other than some hppa specifc pain, that's the only package keeping perl5.8 in the archive.12:09
* pochu waves12:27
infinitois it possible to get a sync from debian yet?12:56
ScottKinfinito: Yes.  For bug fixes or new features with a Freeze Exception.12:59
ScottKFor bug fixes it's not only possible, it's encouraged.12:59
infinitoScottK: 'till when?12:59
infinitountil when, i meant....13:00
ScottKIt depends on exactly what it is.  The final freeze is usually the weekend before release.13:00
infinitoa liitle python app13:01
ScottK-laptopinfinito: New package are not possible now without a really compelling reason.13:03
infinitoit's not new, it's already on ubuntu13:04
ScottK-laptopIs it a new upstream release or a new debian revision?13:04
ScottK-laptopIf the former and it also provides changed/new features (not just bugfix) it will need a freeze exception.13:05
infinitonew upstream release with new features and bugfixes13:06
ScottK-laptopinfinito: Then you'll need to look into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess13:07
infinitoScottK-laptop: ok, thanks13:09
infinitoScottK-laptop: but do i need to do all the process just for a sync?13:10
wgrantYes. A sync is no different. Why would it be?13:11
quadrisprodoes anyone work on bug 268773?13:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268773 in nanourl "nanourl "unnaturally" depends on Apache" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26877313:24
* ScottK-laptop pokes jdong about backports.13:55
\shScottK: ggz-grubby doesn't build anymore14:04
\shScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47763/14:05
\shScottK: but sid has a new upstream...checking if that builds nicely14:06
ScottK-laptop\sh: Great.  If it builds I'll be glad to be the first ack on FFe.14:07
\shScottK: forget it...it FTBFS at the same location14:08
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Got an FTBFS for you ^^^14:11
NCommanderScottK-laptop: should I run?14:12
ScottK-laptopNah, it's not even hppa.14:12
NCommanderbuild log?14:12
NCommanderthat's it?14:13
ScottK-laptop\sh has more.14:13
ScottK-laptopThat's where it dies14:13
NCommandershould I fix the one in Ubuntu, or do a sync/merge?14:14
ScottK-laptopNCommander: For motivation, this is the last source package rebuild needed to get Perl 5.8 out of the archive (It's now cruft).14:14
ScottK-laptopNCommander: If the new one has features, just fix ours.  Otherwise, it's probably be better to update.14:15
NCommanderI'll just fix it14:15
NCommanderLess effort usually than a full merge + FFe14:15
NCommanderSomething is strangely broken]14:20
ScottK-laptopPerfect for you then, right?14:21
NCommanderthis looks like a bug with /usr/share/ggz/modules/ggz-grubby14:22
NCommandersince it is not respecting DESTDIR14:22
NCommanderfound the "issue"14:27
NCommanderI have no idea how to fix it however ATM\14:31
ScottK-laptopLess Excellent.14:31
ScottK-laptopWhat's the problem?14:31
NCommanderggz-config isnt' respecting DESTDIR14:32
NCommanderIF you set destdir via an environmental variable, and then add -D, it works14:32
NCommanderThis works on Debian14:32
NCommanderThis doesn't work on Ubuntu14:32
NCommander(via the makefile)14:33
ScottK-laptoplibtool difference?14:37
\shNCommander: do the fix in the new of sid14:37
NCommanderScottK-laptop: unlikely14:45
NCommander\sh: yes sir, fi your willing to write to FFe :-)14:45
\shNCommander: fix it first, I'll write the FFe14:46
NCommander\sh: yes sir :-)14:46
\shNCommander: thx14:46
james_wis anyone having a problem in Intrepid with upgrading ttf-dejavu-extra?14:48
james_wit's meaning that I can't currently build anything in a chroot14:48
james_wmaking it quite hard to submit an FFe14:48
NCommanderjames_w: not here14:49
iulianIt's working good here too.15:00
james_wthanks, I'll give it a kick15:02
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* iulian stares at bddebian15:10
bddebianheya gang15:11
bddebianHi iulian15:11
bddebianWhy are you staring at me? :)15:11
iulianbddebian: Hey... I was just waiting for your message :-)15:15
iulianbddebian: If it's not polite, I won't stare at you anymore ;)15:15
* iulian hides15:15
sorencody-somerville: Do you know if anyone is working on packaging Xfce 4.6?15:23
cody-somervilleYes, its done.15:23
sorenOh. In a PPA, I presume?15:24
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sorenAh, xubuntu-dev.15:25
cody-somervilleyup but I'm not sure if they're outdated15:26
* cody-somerville pokes NCommander.15:27
sorencody-somerville: I presume this is Jaunty material?15:28
cody-somervilleYea, it won't make it for Intrepid : (15:28
sorencody-somerville: Are you using the packages in the PPA?15:30
cody-somervilleme? not on this machine15:30
geserHi bddebian15:37
bddebianHeya geser15:37
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ScottK-laptopNCommander: Do you have a moment to look at another package (I was in the middle of this one and just found someone filed a grave bug against one of my packages in Debian).16:06
NCommanderScottK-laptop: sure, but not at the moment, need to run in a few minutes16:07
geserScottK-laptop: re your bug closure for libb-size-perl: does NBS also list virtual packages? because libb-size-perl still depends on perlapi-5.8.816:07
ScottKgeser: Urgh.16:07
ScottKI guess it doesn't.16:08
ScottKThanks for looking.16:08
NCommanderScottK: I also got a HPPA account ;-)16:09
ScottKGreat.  BTW, Perl FTBFS on hppa last time.16:09
NCommanderMore fun ;-)16:10
NCommanderScottK: probably the test is just taking an insanely long period of time. We have that issue with perl on m68k to the point we had to bump the timeouts16:10
NCommander(the default m68k timeout is 12 hours)16:11
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* ScottK says what the heck and subscribes to the firefox bug.16:46
liw_the_ firefox bug? there's only one left?16:46
ScottKliw: The one about the EULA.16:51
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taconeScottK: if you need junk mail I can send you some without any kind of subscriptions16:53
taconeno problem, really.16:53
ScottK-laptopYeah, well I finally had what I thought was a useful comment, so I added it and thought to see if there were replies.16:54
* tacone checking the useful one.16:58
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=== chuck__ is now known as zul
savvashello! anyone with init.d packaging experience? I'm trying to run a bash script as a service, which I've done successfully, but it doesn't create the pid file in /var/run20:02
savvashere's the file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~timekpr-maintainers/timekpr/trunk/annotate/8?file_id=timekpr.init-20080917152032-3674lebcfed9ceve-420:03
savvas(or trunk > folder testing > timekpr.init)20:05
sebnerhuhu norsetto :)20:11
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=== funkyHat|off is now known as funkyHat
slytheringeser: there?21:39
slytheringeser: did you miss bug #269074?21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269074 in cglib2.1 "Please sync cglib2.1 2.1.3.dfsg.2-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26907421:40
geserslytherin: yes, I'm here21:41
geserslytherin: I didn't ack it because I don't see changes worth syncing21:42
slytheringeser: Ok. So do you think I should instead make a small ubuntu specific change to make it compiler with openjdk?21:42
geserslytherin: does it need changing? the changelog doesn't mention anything about changing to openjdk?21:48
geserslytherin: it looks it got stuck in Debian contrib due to dependencies21:48
slytherinahh, let me check again.21:49
slytheringeser: right, aspectwerkz2 is still in multiverse in Ubuntu.21:51
slytherinNo point in syncing then. I shouldn't file sync requests in night. :-(21:52
verwilstemgent: ping21:56
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
* directhex goes postal on bugs22:32
crimsun\sh: Flash plugin also appears to need libxcb-render-util0 and its deps added to ia32-libs, too22:57
directhexin before the lock!23:00
directhexdown from 47 open bugs to 1823:00
directhexand now LP is down23:00

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