
hadscentrex: The MS MCE remote is popular and comes with a blaster that works out of the box.00:01
hadsAlthough it looks like they may be discontinued now.00:01
centrexhads, I'll check that out, thanks.00:01
=== foxbutnu is now known as foxbuntu
gomikeI am having trouble getting a 720p and 1080p mkv files when using the internal player, the video is fine but the audio cuts in and out, any suggestions?01:05
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
Wickedi seem to be suffering from this bug and have no idea what i can do to make my pvr-150 ir blaster work https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/22235901:53
Wickedwould compiling lirc from source fix this?. and would it break other things?01:53
tgm4883_laptopif anyone can help make some sense of this  it would be greatly appreciated  http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m1706407f03:06
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, it appears that you have some mis defined vars in a function or you are improperly calling them from your included ones03:09
foxbuntutgm4883_laptop, be back in a sec though...just installed VB03:09
bert_Does anyone know where I can get a sample irblaster file so I can make one for my STB?03:16
kwilliamHi, I've got a Mythbuntu Frontend+Backend machine, and I'm trying to connect to it with a frontend on my laptop. I get sound but no video??03:22
kwilliamAny idea why/how that would happen? Too slow a connection?03:23
hadsCheck the logs03:23
kwilliam_brb, going to try a quick experiment in switching DEs.03:42
kwilliamAh, well, I've figured out the problem. MythTV's frontend doesn't like window managers very much.03:56
kwilliamNo video with KDE4's window manager (probably conflicts with the OpenGL effects)03:56
kwilliamand choppy video in KDE3 with compositing03:56
kwilliamworks fine as it's own log in03:56
kwilliam(several entries were added to kdm, including OpenBox and a MythTV one)03:57
tgm4883_laptopkwilliam, works fine here on Kubuntu 8.1003:59
kwilliamtgm4883_laptop: Are you running KDE4?03:59
kwilliamtgm4883_laptop:  What video card?04:00
tgm4883_laptopintel 965 I believe04:00
kwilliamD@#$ #@$ &*.  I'm never going to live down buying an Nvidia card for my laptop instead of sticking with Intel.04:01
hadsYeah, works here fine here with nvidia04:01
kwilliamHuh... can either of you guys share a copy of your xorg.conf? Maybe mine is missing some options.04:02
hadsOf course I'd rather have an Intel chipset but I need dual DVI for this desktop.04:02
hadsThere's nothing special about my xorg.conf04:02
tgm4883_laptopnothing special in mine either, it's stock 8.1004:02
kwilliamWell, I've "upgraded" since Edgy here, so maybe stock is what I need. :-)04:03
kwilliamhads: since you've got nvidia, yours might be more helpful. paste bin, maybe?04:03
hadsThis desktop is upgraded from about dapper or something :)04:05
kwilliamwell, you must have edited xorg.conf then, right?04:05
hadsThat's the (not) interesting part of my xorg.conf; http://paste.pocoo.org/show/85489/04:06
tgm4883_laptopstock  http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/d68197e5204:06
kwilliamthnks, I'll take a look........04:07
hadsProbably loads of cruft in there from days gone.04:07
kwilliamtgm4883_laptop: Lol, I noticed when I installed mythbuntu that the new xorg.conf files don't tell you anything do they? All configured automagically by hotplugging or something?04:10
tgm4883_laptopkwilliam, this is the new way of doing it, I believe because of bulletproof x04:12
kwilliamtgm4883_laptop: well, how does a user figure out what his X settings are then?04:14
kwilliamhads: I notice I have AddARGBGLXVisuals in a different section04:14
kwilliamHere's my xorg http://pastebin.com/md9154c04:15
kwilliamwell, at least it works in it's own log in. I'll save getting the frontend working nicely an app in the KDE4 environment for another day.04:20
kwilliamhads: wait, are you running KDE4 or just tgm4883?04:21
hadsI'm running Gnome at the moment. I have run both KDE3 and KDE4 though.04:21
kwilliamdoes the frontend work in KDE4?04:22
kwilliamMine runs, but has black video04:22
kwilliamWell, thanks hads and tgm4883_laptop; you've narrowed the problem down considerably.  Now I know the problem is X or DE related, and not a prob with my Myth configuration.04:27
hadsYes, it works fine in any desktop env.04:27
kwilliamHuh, I'll have to google around and see if anyone else has experienced my problem and twiddle with X settings. Another day though, I've got to get some sleep. Thanks again guys! hads, you've given me hope!04:28
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
foxbuntuhads, my applogies then, I ended up at the wrong FAQ05:24
hadsfoxbuntu: No problem05:24
=== HaSH is now known as Wicked
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
rockhoundhi everyone ... is there a solution for the audio buffer underrun issues? I am suffering severly via SPDIF ...19:13
steviemanDoes anyone know what I need to do to create a irblaster file to control my STB? I have the remote hex codes but I don't know where to even begin to look for a sample file I can change.19:27
rockhoundgoogle for mythbuntu lirc19:28
rockhoundlirc is a remote daemon ...19:28
steviemanSo mythbuntu uses Lirc... Good to know19:29
rockhoundwork well here19:33
steviemancool, I wasn't sure as I didn't see any reference to Lirc in the mythbuntu menus (that I can remember)19:36
rockhoundit works by creating a lircrc in the .mythtv directory of the user running the frontend ... check the official mythtv docs, it details it a bit ...19:38
steviemanSo I should be able to grab a file from my machine a mod it with the hex codes correct?20:01
steviemanI was very excited last night when I finally got video in myth from my STB. It was cool to see such old hardware functioning fine as a PVR.20:05
rockhoundyes that is basically the way to run20:14
jphillipstevieman till you want to do HD and then said hardware becomes the best in your house :)20:14
steviemanhe he20:15
steviemanI've been looking at a number of STB config files for Lirc and I am noticing that all of them I've seen say they have been automatically generated by lirc.20:16
steviemanIs there a way to have lirc read my STB remote and create a config file I can then select in mythbunutu control center?20:17
jphillipstevieman a config to read in or blast out?20:18
steviemanto blast out. the read portion of lirc is working great with my hauppauge remote, except for stopping a recording...20:19
steviemanI was hoping that I could run lirc with some command, point my stb remote at the sensor, start pressing buttons, tell lirc what each button is and generate a config file.20:20
steviemanthen select that file and have myth blast the codes when I need to change channel, power on/off the unit20:21
rockhoundstevieman: irrecord IIRC20:48
rockhoundjupp thats corect20:48
jphillipirreord will capture IR inputs, I'm unsure if it is usable for blasting20:48
rockhoundoh read his request wrong20:48
MythbuntuGuest10anyone got sasc to compile under kernel 2.6.27?20:52
steviemanuggg sasc, gave up on that moons ago20:59
MythbuntuGuest10what are you using instead?20:59
steviemanI'm using a STB going into a pvr-15020:59
steviemanIt's been a hassle to setup but having to recompile sasc every few weeks was becoming a nightmare21:00
MythbuntuGuest10ok, you dont know of another softcam that works with mythtv and 2.6.27?21:03
Zinnsasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device.  It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv.  If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to it's developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.21:04
Zinnjphillip: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device.  It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv.  If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to it's developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.21:04
steviemanNot really, when I was doing that sasc was the only game in town. I gave up and sold my DVB-S card21:06
steviemanjphillip: So irrecord won't create a blaster config file?21:11
jphillipstevieman I'm not entirely sure, I know it will create your lirc configs for READING in a remote21:18
jphillipI have never blasted before21:18
steviemancool, well I'll give it a try21:23
steviemanIs there a way to stop a manual recording?22:05
steviemanI pressed the record button this morning and thought I had stopped it by pressing the stop button the remote when I left for work. I happened to check mythweb and it's been recording all day long22:06
steviemanI cancelled the 'scheduel' in mythweb and the recording is still going but says it will stop at 17:3022:06
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
chrisbrl88im lost22:48
chrisbrl88I keep getting a "cannot login to database?" error22:48
chrisbrl88anyone here?22:52
keessuperm1|away: what does this mean in virtualbox-ose changelog?  "Set VirtualBox binaries to suid root per new hardening requirements in this release."22:53
chrisbrl88kees: I don't think there's anyone in here...22:55
keeschrisbrl88: yeah, I figure he'll see it when he's back.  :)22:55
chrisbrl88I can't figure out what's going on with mine and its driving me insans22:56

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