
Tindoi need some help with an 881u usb connect card00:20
Tindono help here i guess00:26
mneptoki need help with my zipper.02:10
elky_workmneptok: nah, just respond to him with his ident.02:13
mneptokident, elky. OK? just ... ident.02:14
elky_workmneptok: no, his ident. which is .... which means you'd say .... to him.02:15
mneptoksee above. ;)02:15
elky_worki'm not understanding you02:16
mneptok(this is where you say "ident, too")02:16
elky_workah. now i get it. sorry. i'm beyond exhausted at the moment02:17
ubottudanbh_intrepid called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:03
danbh_intrepidyes I did03:03
danbh_intrepidbtw, flood bots are broken03:03
Picidanbh_intrepid: we know, thanks though.03:04
danbh_intrepidok, just checking03:04
stdinnow he's flooding the floodbots :|03:11
elky_workwhats wrong with the floodbots?03:20
Picistdin: I'm the one who removed him... weird.03:26
Myrttimeh. poops.04:29
mneptokno thanks. got my own.04:31
MyrttiI hate mornings04:33
Flannelbazhang: is that a timed one? or what?05:44
bazhangFlannel, have him in PM now05:45
bazhanghave him in PM too.05:53
FlannelYou just have a query magnet05:53
bazhang<oneal> here there is american girl ?05:53
elky_workmneptok: oneal would like to have a hot and saucy PM with you ;)05:55
elky_work(if only scarring people for life was allowed under the CoC)05:55
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Macrosoft said: !facepalm is fail06:04
Flannelubottu: tell Macrosoft about scope06:04
Flannelbazhang: That's not necessary.06:12
bazhangFlannel, what?06:12
bazhanghe is in PM with me now06:12
Flannelbazhang: 22:12 < bazhang> ubuntutlups, you still here?06:12
bazhangFlannel, tough love.06:13
Flannelbazhang: Don't be a dick.06:13
bazhangFlannel, myob06:13
Flannelbazhang: No.  Your attitude is my, and everyone else's business.06:13
FlannelYou're an operator, you need to exemplary.06:14
bazhangthree PM's not enough?06:14
FlannelI have *no* idea what you're doing in PMs, but in the channel, that's uncalled for.06:15
FlannelIf you're busy in PMs, then take care of your PMs, don't stretch yourself too thin.06:15
bazhangright; I do the PMs for fun, not to help people.06:16
Flannelbazhang: Don't take help into queries.  We even have a factoid for that.06:17
bazhanghe PM'ed me06:18
FlannelTell him to keep it in the channel.  It happens all the time, you have to remind them to keep it in the channel.06:18
FlannelIf its disciplinary and/or behavioral, there are channels for that too (here would be a good candidate)06:18
bazhangto each his own.06:18
Flannelbazhang: As long as your queries don't cause you to become snippish in channels, I have no problem with them, and yes, you're welcome to do whatever you want.  But "I have queries open" isn't an excuse for becoming a bad citizen.06:19
MyrttiI starting to believe that magnesium/calcium/vitamin supplement might have big deal over my backpains06:20
elky_workyeah, lest the idiots start using it as their excuse too06:20
Myrttijust a thought here06:31
Myrttiwould it be in place to have ops at #u as floodbots don't work?06:31
FlannelMyrtti: we have ops in #u06:31
* Flannel obviously doesn't understand.06:32
MyrttiI've got a feeling some of the floodspammers have made a run'n'flood there because they know floodbots are broken06:32
Myrttiperhaps having visible ops presence would scare them?06:32
FlannelWell, not much we can do about it except stay vigilant.  Ah06:32
Myrttinote: just a thought06:32
bazhangvigilant of whom?06:32
FlannelI'm not sure it'd help.  They know they can probably get off a few lines before anyone reacts anyway.06:33
elky_workthat's what they count on06:33
FlannelWhy is the third floodbot still gone anyway?  Whos is it?06:33
Myrttimight have something to do with the current situation of Texas - might have not.06:34
elky_workMyrtti: at very least it has to do with his inability to restart it06:35
elky_worki'm waiting for him to return on dialup to say his 2-week old broadband modem died in the hurricane06:36
MyrttiI'm horrified to think what else might have happened06:37
bazhangmaybe one month before they get electricity there06:37
FlannelSo, shouldn't we put some sort of plan (probably already have one, for all I know) for having floodbots 4,5, and 6 ready to step in and fill the gap?06:37
Myrttiwe should - the problem is that Lorenzo's on the Alps with ~no access to his servers and on mobile dialup06:38
Myrttiand Mez hasn't been online on IRC for ~five or six days06:38
Myrttior has been, but not been actively present06:39
elky_workwho here knows how they work? i'll set an account up on my linode for one when i get home tonight06:39
Flannelwell, if we're comign up with something, I've got a fairly reliable connection at home.06:40
bazhangoh wait; I'm a 'bad citizen'. nvm06:40
Myrttiho hum06:40
Myrttiyou kids06:40
elky_workFlannel: home connections are to be discouraged, they're liable to flaking06:40
Myrttimine has stayed up for 6 months and the ip hasn't changed once \o/06:41
Flannelelky_work: Fair enough.  Although I haven't had problems with mine lately.  Although I do think the cleaning lady pulls the plug at least once a year.06:41
Flannelelky_work: But, "flaky" is still better than the current "non-existent", so perhaps in emergencies...06:42
elky_workFlannel: if you've a static ip and a ups and willing to let at least one other person have access, go for it.06:42
Myrttibazhang: take it as a constructive criticism, please don't let words of advice put you down06:42
Flannelelky_work: I have none of those, although wouldn't care about the last.06:43
=== bazhang is now known as bad_citizen
Myrttioh for crying out loud06:44
Myrttican't we just get along people?06:45
=== bad_citizen is now known as bazhang
elky_workbad_citizen: the more you do this, the more true to that nick you're being.06:45
bazhanghmm. didn't fit06:45
MyrttiI forgot what I was doing06:50
* Flannel sets highlight on 'but emergency mode is on'06:51
Myrttiexcellent idea06:52
Flannelhmmmm, how does one do that.....06:57
FlannelAh.  hilight, not highlight.07:00
ubottuIn ubottu, bhindi_ said: wats a hell is that07:11
Tm_Mhail my young padawans 07:48
Myrttihello Tm_M 07:56
FlannelHowdy Tm_M 07:56
Myrttion the road *again*?07:56
Tm_Mye, going to get some massage07:57
Tm_M2 hours each way07:57
Myrttioooh, I'd like that07:58
Tm_M4 hours bus?07:59
Myrttimassage, silly08:00
Tm_Mgonna get some electric too, tens08:01
MyrttiI'd like that *too*08:01
* Myrtti gives everyone a lollipop08:20
FlannelWoohooo.  Real ones? or sugar free?08:21
Myrttireal ones08:22
Myrttiexcept for Seeker` 08:23
Myrttihe gets a sugarfree one, or a fruit of his choice08:23
FlannelMyrtti: and are these ones with straight sticks? or safety round loop sticks?08:24
MyrttiFlannel: pacifiers.08:25
FlannelMyrtti: erm, what?08:25
elky_workcan i has sugarfree too. they're less sticky08:25
gnomefreakring posp ;)08:25
Flannelring pops are good, yes.08:25
Flannelexcept we wont be able to use our computers for an hour or something.  I don't think its possible to eat a ring pop without getting all sticky.08:25
elky_workFlannel: sugarfree ones!08:26
Flannelelky_work: thatd be gross.  I don't want cancer from crazy new fangled fake sugar.08:26
* Myrtti tosses an apple to Flannel, hits his forehead08:27
FlannelMyrtti: Ive got nothing against fruit.  Just fake sugar.08:27
MyrttiFlannel: that's why you're getting an apple too08:28
FlannelIs it a red or a green apply?08:28
Myrttisweet one08:29
Flannelalso, "straight stick" lollipop wouldve been a better answer tan the safety one.  There's something to be said about candy that can kill you.08:29
gnomefreakscriptassist update08:29
gnomefreakdamn :(08:29
Myrttiring pops are good for kids that behave like babehs08:29
MyrttiI should make some coffee08:40
Myrttifeel like someone has whacked me in the head with a thick pillow08:41
Tm_Mwas me not08:51
Myrttiyou're making me hungry08:56
Tm_Mim eatable08:56
Tm_Mand huggable09:01
Tm_Mand in a bus09:16
Tm_Mand talking to myself too! <309:20
Flannelnah, its just a soliloquy09:20
Tm_Mwuts that?09:21
FlannelTm_M: monologue09:21
Seeker`Myrtti: fruit is usually just as bad09:49
MyrttiSeeker`: which is why I said "of choice"09:50
Myrtti(and you can stash it :-* )09:50
lockei thought i was supposed to be allowed back in #ubuntu-offtopic today..10:17
Myrttigood point10:17
bazhanglocke, no reason to be offtopic in #ubuntu10:17
MyrttiI've forgotten that altogehter10:17
Myrttihold on10:18
lockebazhang, i'm always offtopic in #ubuntu10:18
lockebut i want to be allowed back in #ubuntu-offtopic10:18
lockeand today is the day10:18
lockei screwed up by talking about this chick that i'm completely obsessed with and got banned10:19
lockebut i want to be allowed back in10:19
Myrttithere, took a while to spot it10:19
Myrttihold on10:19
elkylocke, did you seek professional help like we suggested?10:20
lockeelky, no10:20
lockebut i still have that chick hanging all over me10:21
elkylocke, you're giving me no reason to trust that you will not simply go back to your old ways10:21
lockeand she came over at 7am today to spend a few hours in bed with me bfore class, which she skipped10:21
lockei'm a reformed guy110:21
lockeI have no reason to talk about stuff that has nothing to do with this channel10:21
elkynot according to your previous line, you're not.10:21
lockei'm just not gonna lie10:21
lockei have no reason to talk about it, and i wont10:22
elkyyou just did. i really dont want to know who shares your bed with you10:22
lockeand i wont say anything about it10:22
lockeyou asked though10:22
lockeand i'm not a liar10:22
ubottustdin called the ops in #ubuntu (rQVUws)10:22
lockebut she has no influence on what i say in this channel10:22
lockethis channel is about linux for me10:23
lockeand the only reason i was a dumbass is because i was drunk10:23
lockeand i'm not anymore10:23
lockei have school to deal with, and i have classes i have to put in work for10:23
elkyyou're on very very tight probation. no slipups.10:23
lockeand have programming to do10:23
lockeand it has nothing to do with that stuff10:23
elkyand no verbal diarrhea please. like what's happening here now10:24
lockebesides, anything i have to do with her is gonna be in my free tmie when i'm not even on my computer, so don't worry about that10:24
lockeno, i just have programming to do10:24
lockei already finished my java programming assignments10:24
lockenow i only have data structures and algorithms and networks10:24
elkylocke, you're not listening to me10:24
lockeso i have some linked lists to code and a basic web server to write10:25
lockeand thats it10:25
elkyread up my previous three sentances before you speak again10:25
lockeand thats all i am concerned with as far as this has to do with10:25
elkyand see what you do. you ignore what i said completely so you could talk about yourself non-stop.10:25
* gnomefreak shakes head and goes for smoke10:25
lockei already said that the only thing that i want to talk about is my assignments...10:26
bazhanglocke, you were chatting on that very subject today10:26
bazhangin #ubuntu10:26
elkybazhang, what subject?10:26
lockei have a webserver and another program i gotta write that i'm gonna want to talk about10:26
bazhangthe girl elky 10:26
elkybazhang, so he hasnt learned anything10:26
lockei'm done talking about her :P10:26
lockeshes really hard to not think about, but this isn't the place for it10:27
elkylocke, if you were talking about her in #ubuntu, then no, you're not done.10:27
lockei have actual assignments that i want to finish that are way more important though10:27
elkyyou are completely lacking the ability to handle modes10:27
bazhangelky, clearly not10:27
lockeno, i'm done10:27
lockeyou never mind about that stuff, and you'll never hear about it again10:27
lockeif you do, bring it up and kick me out again10:28
lockebut it's not gonna happen about10:28
elkylocke, then read up to the part where i said you were on probhation, count the number of minute ago that was, and realise how much time you've wasted sitting here yapping at me10:28
bazhangit was just a short while ago locke ; how can we ignore it?10:28
elkysince when i said that, you were already unbanned10:28
lockeagain i mean10:28
elkyyour problem is you're not listening10:28
elkyyou're still not listening10:28
lockei'm listening, and yeah maybe i was talking about her a minute ago, but i'm done i promise10:29
lockeif i say a single word about it again i'd rather you never talk to me again10:29
lockebut i'm done with that i promise10:29
lockejust give me a chance to prove it please10:29
elkylocke, no, you're not listening, because 10 minutes ago i told you you were on probation and yet you're still here talking about how you're not talking abotu her.10:29
elkyTHAT is you not listening10:30
lockeyeah i'm telling you i got nothing to say about that shit10:30
elkyyou have 20 seconds before i RE ban you10:30
lockebut i can't tell anybody that i don't want to talk about that10:30
lockeso anyways10:30
elkyrunning out of time...10:30
lockei really just want to talk abotu my programming assignments10:30
lockedone. period.10:31
elkyi was done 10 minutes ago10:31
lockeyou guys remember that band 'ugly kid joe'?10:31
elkywould someone like to tell him why that just happened, because i have no patience left today10:33
elkyhe just used it all up10:33
Myrttiyou know...10:37
bazhanggot him in PM now elky 10:37
elkythank you10:37
bazhangdoing my good_citizen on him :)10:37
Myrttibazhang: thank you10:37
elkyexplain that if he does what he did here, he will not be back in -ot long10:38
bazhangMyrtti, its mon plaisir :)10:38
elkyhe has gone from being obsessed with the girl, to being obsessed with pretending he's not obsessed about her10:39
elkywhich is of course just an extention of the former10:39
bazhangand bragging about being offtopic with it in #ubuntu10:40
elkyi just read the backscroll and saw that10:40
bazhangsorry, was away at work :(10:41
gnomefreakelmo is 4710:53
Myrttijono's birthday today :->10:53
elkyMyrtti, ah, so tomorrow we talk REALLY LOUD?10:56
* Myrtti looks at elky quizzically10:58
Myrttito him perhaps11:02
elkythats what i meant11:04
elkyeating icecream trumps making sense11:04
MyrttiI need more coffee11:09
elkybazhang, he still hasnt figured out?11:10
bazhangelky, still in the heat of it so to speak11:10
Myrttielky: 24K     irkkiloki/freenode/locke freenode20080903.log11:11
Myrttiquite possible he hasn't11:11
Myrttiwhich reminds me I should compress my logs11:12
elkyok, im re-implementing his ban. he can come back when he's had professional help, which he sorely needs11:12
elkythe ban has been re-set11:13
bazhangwhat was with all the comcast users quitting with haraaaaaami?11:16
bazhangjust a bunch of them joined and immediately quit an hour or so ago Myrtti 11:17
Dave2-!- Irssi: /LASTLOG would print 12234 lines. If you really want to print all these lines use -force option.11:17
Dave2comcast's just a large mainstream ISP, so a large number of vulnerable machines are on their connections.11:19
bazhangweird that they all had the same part message though11:19
Dave2It was a botnet.11:20
bazhangthat is scary.11:20
elkyDave2, when they dont actually do anything, it's scarier than when they do11:21
Dave2hm, I missed a bit - I don't see any quitting with that message.11:21
elkyDave2, about an hour and 10 mins ago11:22
elkythe number of a's is not the same as what baz said11:23
Dave2oh yeah, the same botnet11:23
Dave2They were doing something, join/part spam11:23
bazhangright many more; did not want to flood here :)11:23
ubottuUm thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...12:25
bazhangthat was fun.12:25
bazhanglocke says he will stay away from irc for the next 3-4 weeks. lets see how well that holds up though.12:26
Myrttihow many kilobytes do the logs take?12:26
Myrttiwe can compare and see how much you got12:26
bazhangfrom the PM?12:27
elkybazhang, probably fairly well. he disappears for fair stretches of time12:27
bazhanglemme check12:27
bazhang16.7 kb12:30
MyrttiI win!12:31
bazhangwhats the prize?12:31
MyrttiI get a lunch break12:31
bazhangthought it was sanity12:31
Myrttiyeah, all he flooded me was about the girl12:32
elkybazhang, did he ever actually figure that he wasnt listening and it cost him his ticket back in?12:32
bazhangelky, hard to say; he was going off on that tangent for so long. He finally did see that broadcasting was not good--but again have to see if it sticks over time.12:33
elkyif you bust him in #ubuntu doing the same, he's to be removed from there too12:33
bazhangI told him so.12:33
bazhangif the bible guy can be converted, then locke should be able to also12:34
elkythe bible guy12:34
bazhangwas with Hobbsee12:35
Picibazhang: I never removed my bans for that fellow iirc.12:35
bazhanghe entered spamming huge amounts of bible tracts12:35
bazhangPici, okay12:35
gnomefreakbot broke?12:37
gnomefreakbug 26965612:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26965612:38
gnomefreakit works now but was giving me a error that he couldnt parse it12:38
Myrttioh great, the egyptian stalker again12:39
elkyMyrtti, who and where?12:39
Myrttiin my pm12:39
gnomefreakkick and ban12:39
gnomefreakah thats a bit harder12:39
bazhangoh not him again12:39
elkyMyrtti, who?12:39
MyrttiVinterbound... he found me on last.fm >___<12:40
PiciPeople are weird.12:40
Myrttiand I'm too nice to say "sod off from my /query"12:40
bazhangthought it was martiini12:40
Myrttithat's my estonian stalker12:40
bazhangone in every port12:40
* gnomefreak not that nice ill be glad to tell him ;)12:40
* Pici is nice, but would be glad to tell him as well ;)12:41
* gnomefreak dont get paid enough to be nice12:41
Myrttiand I can't ignore him since I was vocal on -ot12:42
gnomefreakis he in -ot now? and yes i will be nice and not say anything12:42
elkyMyrtti, sure you can. you have a long list of channels and people, and v is very low in the list12:42
Myrttihe is on window 40 atm.12:43
PiciMyrtti: /wc12:43
gnomefreaki only have 30 :(12:43
gnomefreakincluding server window ihave 3012:44
elkysomeone bring the creepy person in here12:44
Myrtti/wc worked fine, thanks fellers12:45
gnomefreakcreepy? there are tons of them12:45
elkythe one that is the current subject of discussion12:45
elkyif not, i'm going to bed early12:46
Myrttinini :-)12:46
gnomefreakelky: /invite nick i thnk is it12:46
elkyi was hoping to avoid transferring fixations from one female to another12:47
* Pici is disgusted by people12:47
Myrttielky: oh, don't worry... the egyptian has fixation about FINLAND too.12:47
* elky bites her tongue as she holds a skirt up against mneptok12:47
elkyPici, try to suppress that, otherwise leaving the house gets too depressing12:48
jussi01Who is "eight"?13:00
Myrttigood question13:00
jussi01eight: can we help you with something?13:01
jussi01sykopomp: can we help you with something?13:02
jussi01oh run, its TiredWolf :P13:02
TiredWolfWOOF ROAR13:02
jussi01who isnt identified again... :D13:02
TiredWolfoh elky, elky, i used to believe our phone companies were a ripoff.13:03
TiredWolfjussi01: why aren't you voiced?13:04
Myrttithis is crack!13:04
Myrttiwhat are you doing with the chanserv?"13:04
Pici!jdong | Myrtti 13:04
ubottuMyrtti: <Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!13:04
TiredWolfMyrtti: we have sex sometimes13:04
* Pici palms13:05
elkyTiredWolf, our internet is even more so13:05
TiredWolfonly, that pesky nickserv always gets in the way >:13:05
MyrttiTiredWolf: please don't make me sigh and say "Italians" in a tired voice13:05
TiredWolfuh oh13:05
jussi01TiredWolf: cause im +o13:05
Myrttijussi01: put the +c back while your at it13:06
TiredWolfnow what was the akick syntax like...13:06
Myrttithese pesky italians abuse the mIRC colours anyway13:06
Myrttioh for gods sake13:06
TiredWolfoh yeah, i forgot to tell you about that new mlock.13:06
TiredWolfwhat do you have to complain13:07
TiredWolfi don't know how to use colors to begin with13:07
Myrttibut you're italian... don't all italians know how to flood channels with mIRC coloured CIAO RAGAZZI! COMO STAI! and Italian flags?13:08
PriceChildTiredWolf: why are you using a random unidentified nick?13:08
* Myrtti hides13:08
TiredWolfPriceChild: random?13:09
TiredWolfmeh, my random number generator must have been stuck for the past 4 months...13:09
TiredWolfMyrtti: no, only those who use mirc scripts13:10
* Myrtti shivers13:11
TiredWolfMyrtti: i am, i admit, using mirc, but it was long ago since i used a script...13:11
jussi01TiredWolf: you should be using something open source!13:11
jussi01like quassel!!13:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silverex13:11
Myrttiwhat was I doing...13:12
Myrttioh yes, foodzor13:12
TiredWolfjussi01, i'm sorry, but after using konversation all the time on my own computer, some time on mirc is refreshing. i mean, heck, you click on a tab and it refreshes *instantly*... you don't even see the text redrawing!13:13
TiredWolfi can even have a netsplit and not notice at all13:13
TiredWolfwhen i get a netsplit on konversation, everything is stuck for half a minute13:13
* jussi01 hugs quassel13:13
elkyTiredWolf, for ages konversation on fedora 8 would loop me, it was arguing with bip.13:13
elkyfor any connection boop13:14
Myrttieight: may we help you?13:14
jussi01fogobogo: can we help you?13:15
PriceChildTiredWolf: i'm sure there is a reason we identify.13:15
PriceChildTiredWolf: can we help you?13:15
jussi01PriceChild: you are begining to sound like nalioth... :P13:16
Myrttithat's cute13:16
bazhanghope he is okay.13:16
Pici!idle | eight fogobogo 13:17
ubottueight fogobogo: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.13:17
PriceChildi'm sure he is fine13:17
bazhangHouston is a wasteland atm13:17
Myrttifogobogo: I can see you're not idling elsewhere13:19
PriceChildoff for a bit13:19
Piciwell then13:19
Myrttisame to you, eight 13:19
Myrttieight: state your business or be removed by force13:20
eightwell, I was just kinda.....13:20
eightmissing PriceChild 13:20
Myrttiand what about?13:20
eighthaven't seen him on #archlinux-offtopic lately13:21
Myrttiand did you consider PM'ing him?13:21
elkylast time i checked, he doesn't bite.13:21
Myrttihe knows you've missed him, did you have something else we can help you with?13:21
eighthow did you check that?13:22
elkyeight, when i met him in Spain about 18mths ago13:22
elkynow, anything else?13:22
Myrttineener neener, I met him in July13:22
elkyMyrtti, i met him first13:22
eighthmm... not really13:22
Myrttioff you go then13:22
Picieight: This is a channel for Ubuntu Channel business, not for checking up on people, a PM would be the best course of action here.13:23
eightam I not allowed to idle here?13:23
ubottuPlease keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.13:23
elkyeight, we rather not, it gets us confused with people needing help13:24
Myrttithere we go13:24
Myrttiand so.13:24
Myrttican I haz foodzor now?13:24
elkyafter i bedzor13:25
Myrttioh for gods sake13:30
Myrttiwhy am I so nice to people?13:30
PiciI dont have any answer that is nice.13:30
Myrttithen please give me the not so nice answer13:31
PiciJack_Sparrow: Do you have ljf in PM? he seems to be messing the floodbots now :/14:25
Jack_SparrowOne sec14:25
Jack_SparrowStill no response to pm and b was removed14:27
PiciJack_Sparrow: but not the ip ban nor the realname ban14:27
ubottuIn ubottu, heidi said: this xchat is new for me14:28
Jack_SparrowDOuble check14:28
Jack_SparrowPici ljf handled...  HE mostly wanted a !cn support room14:35
PiciJack_Sparrow: Ah, I see.14:35
Jack_SparrowIN the xchat script.. I hit   /cs l nick....  instead of k   what all does L do?  Multiple bans different ways?14:36
Pici'lart', it sets pretty much every ban type.14:37
PiciI hate the option.14:37
Jack_SparrowI didnt even know it existed until this typo14:37
Piciompaul tends to use it14:38
Jack_SparrowI'll try to get back here later on....14:38
PiciOkay, :)14:38
PiciMyrtti: Talk like a pirate day isn't until Friday.15:56
Jack_SparrowYar, it is what it is..  It must be Friday somewhere..15:57
MyrttiPici: MEH16:42
MyrttiI seriously feel like screaming17:25
=== SportChick is now known as deressy
=== deressy is now known as SportChick
Myrttiok, since I'm going through a rather busy patch at work and stuff, I'm cutting down my irc majorly. If you need me, I'll still be online, so /query can reach me fine.18:47
PiciMyrtti: Okay18:47
Myrttiso - take care. I'll be at -offtopic though if you think it's necessary18:47
ompaulvent vent vent vent vent vent vent vent vent 19:39
jussi01/slap ompaul19:40
* Pici groans20:32
PiciCheeky is making a big deal because I devoiced him in -ot.20:33
ompauldevoiced or muted20:33
ompaulwhat was he doing with a voice in the first place 20:33
PiciAnd he wasn't even voiced in the first place.20:33
* ompaul pours a cold one for Pici 20:34
ompaulPici, now you can really do it ;-)20:35
Piciompaul: Now hes really confused.20:35
ompaultell him chanserv pawns you20:36
ompaulohh dear I can be so silly some times20:36
PiciHe says that his client showed that it was me.20:36
ompaultell him that his client is wrong20:37
ompaulhe can ask anyone to paste who it was to im 20:37
ubottuIn #ubuntu, frith said: ubottu, how is what i asked not relevant?21:07
Jordan_U"!find" isn't working ( with ubottu at least )22:37
Jordan_UHmm, maybe it's only having problems when nothing is found22:38
jussi01!find Jordan_U22:41
ubottuFile Jordan_U found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)22:41
jussi01works here22:41
Jordan_Ujussio1: so the packages I need to install to get myself are: Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others) ? :)22:44
jussi01Jordan_U: read without the commas... :P22:45
jussi01Jordan_U: installing you would be a disaster....22:45
jussi01Jordan_U: anyway, anything else we can help with?22:46
Jordan_UBut obviously something is returning an error where the string should be a list of packages. There needs to be some error checking22:46
dde1ri01986hello can anyone here test me to see if i've fixed the DCC exploit problem so i can join the table again?22:48
dde1ri01986*room not table22:49
jussi01dde1ri01986: have you followed the instructions in #ubuntu-read-topic ?22:52
Jack_Sparrowdde1ri01986 try to join now22:53
dde1ri01986yes i followed22:53
dde1ri01986i'm connected on port 8001 now22:53
Jack_Sparrowdde1ri01986 You should be able to join22:53
dde1ri01986yay i'm in now...thnx22:53
danielm_mccan i please be allowed back in #ubuntu?22:58
danielm_mcit's my only source of entertainment22:59
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc How may we help you today?22:59
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc whp banned you22:59
danielm_mci don't entirely know, i keep getting stuckin in #ubuntu-read-topic22:59
danielm_mcsomething about a DDC exploit, maybe?22:59
danielm_mci'm at work behind an enterprise firewall, and like three NAT boxes, I think i'm safe22:59
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc Did you read topic, it may because you got dcc's and need to fix the vulnerability22:59
danielm_mcwhat vulnerability?23:00
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc read the topic and change the port #23:00
danielm_mccan you test me and see if i'm vulnerable?23:00
danielm_mc(03:00:53 PM) Jack_Sparrow: Received CTCP ' DCC SEND aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ' (to danielm_mc) from Jack_Sparrow23:01
danielm_mci don't believe i was disconnected? 23:01
danielm_mci don't feel like i was disconnected23:01
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc read the link, go to that page, the bots willtest you and remove the ban for you23:01
danielm_mck i changed my port to 800123:02
danielm_mctcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED23:03
danielm_mcautomatic tests are failing23:04
Jack_SparrowI removed the ban...  lets hope you fixed it and the bots are wrong23:04
logjoncan anyone tell me why i was banned in #ubuntu?23:06
Jack_Sparrowlogjon when were you banned23:06
logjonyou told me about irc clients23:07
logjonand accessing /etc23:07
logjoni was in there long enough to ask 3 questions then i left to go set stuff up23:07
Jack_Sparroware you getting a message about exploit etc23:07
logjonin motd?23:07
Jack_Sparrowah, I was talking ubuntu23:08
Jack_SparrowI dont deal with motd23:08
logjonwhen i try to join it just says "Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned)."23:08
logjoni think i was in there as badfish earlier23:08
Jack_Sparrowone sec.23:09
Jack_SparrowI only see three bans in my list and none of them are you..  still checking23:10
logjoncould it be because my whois says fuck off?23:11
logjonthat's just my sense of humor23:11
logjonand i'm on xchat now where i was on chatzilla earlier23:12
logjonthat's the only thing that's changed23:12
Jack_Sparrowlogjon I would change the whois..yes23:13
logjongonna try a reconnect23:14
ubottuIn ubottu, Kamus_Show said: This is an autoreply: Away23:29
tuxicecan a user add factoids to the bot ubottu23:31
ompaultuxice, no23:32
tuxiceok thanks23:33
ompaulbut if someone says !foo is bar it echos here23:33
ompaulthen if it is useful we add it23:33
tuxiceoh ok23:33
ompaulif it is useless then not 23:33
ompaul(kinda obvious)23:33
ubottuIn ubottu, tuxice said: !usbmodem is A modem that connects your computer to the internet through USB23:34
tuxicehow about that23:34
ompaul!search usbmodem23:39
ubottuFound: 23:39
ompaultuxice, that would be useful if there was a config script 23:39
ompaulfor instance23:39
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto23:39
ompaulso there is value in it for the user, it is not a glossary it is a resource to solve things23:40
tuxiceok ill try to find one23:40
tuxicethen ill come back23:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:48

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