
Nggallium sounds like the right kind of thing00:02
emmaI use Ubuntu intrepid. Ever since Edgy the following link enabled the scroll wheel effect in my Logitech Marble Mouse --  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16942300:51
emmaHowever, now something has changed, and making that edit does not change the behavior of the mouse.00:51
emma Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?00:51
emmaIt stopped working in Intrepid.00:52
tjaaltonemma: we went through it yesterday..07:23
tseliottjaalton, mvo: I'm working to make sure that the nvidia branch of dkms tree is cleaned up by the drivers so that older versions (left there by that bug which I fixed) are removed. What do you think about this preinst file? http://albertomilone.com//ubuntu/newlrm/nvidia-173-kernel-source.preinst10:31
tjaaltontseliot: if it works, looks ok :)10:39
tseliottjaalton: yes, I tried it with echo "rm, etc." instead of rm10:40
tseliotand it prints the right output10:40
tjaaltonok then10:41
tseliotof course I'll do some real testing here ;)10:41
tjaaltonnah, why bother ;)10:43
tseliotoh, wait, a simple "rm -rf /" would be a lot easier10:55
tseliotcan you test it for me? :-P10:55
emmatjaalton: you said look at xinput, it's sort of opaque and does not seem to translate directly from the xorg.conf lines to anything you put in xinput.12:28
emmamaybe i'm wrong, could you tell me how do you put those xorg.conf lines into xinput?12:28
tjaaltonyou don't put any lines anywhere, you run the command12:30
tjaalton'xinput list' shows your devices12:30
tjaalton'xinput list-props $id' shows the properties of the device12:31
tjaalton'xinput set-int-prop $id $property 32 $value' changes the setting12:32
tjaaltonor, you add 'Option AutoAddDevices "false"' to your ServerFlags, and configure the device in xorg.conf like before12:33
tjaalton$id can also be the full name12:36
tjaaltonoh what fun it is getting winxp working on thinkpad X6116:53
tjaaltoneven with sp3 had to use a driver disk to get the hd recognized16:54
bryceheya tjaalton16:54
tjaaltonand all this because vista sucks16:54
tjaaltoneven more16:54
tjaaltonhey bryce16:54
bryceas long as vista sucks people over to ubuntu that's fine16:55
tjaaltonI've been fighting with my hardware.. got a new phone yesterday and have been trying to make a dump of the contents, but gave up hope getting MMS's or bookmarks out of the old one16:56
tjaaltonnokia pc suite == crap16:56
tjaaltonoutsourced crap, a nokia employee added ;)16:56
tjaalton(a friend)16:56
bryceI've still been banging my head on that keyboard hotkey bug from last week16:57
bryceI made the mistake of looking in acpi-support and got bewildered by all the other hotkeys-don't-work bug reports :-)16:57
tjaaltonyeah, it's a dead-end16:57
brycebug 26768216:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267682 in linux "Hotkeys no longer working in Intrepid on Thinkpads" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26768216:58
brycedo you have any other ideas on that?  I'm going to contact the kernel team next16:58
brycetjaalton: you'd mentioned that switching from evdev to kbd made the issue go away - did you ever sort out why?16:59
tjaaltonno, but I think it's a simple matter of different scan/keycodes17:00
tjaaltonsome of them don't match17:00
tjaaltonI'd need to know more about how this all is glued together17:00
tjaaltonbut pitti is on leave until next week17:00
bryceactually I think he's at the plumber's conference this week17:02
tjaaltonoh right17:02
tjaaltondebian has eight revisions on top of our acpi-support.. wonder if those would help17:03
tjaaltonie. sync the version from unstable17:03
tjaalton* Reinstate thinkpad_acpi.modprobe to fix "Many Thinkpad X60 keys stop working" (Closes: #481253)17:12
tjaaltonthat's from the debian changelog17:13
tjaaltonalthough, since it was reported that they worked on hardy..17:13
brycethere's been so many contradictory comments I'm not sure who to believe17:25
brycein any case it seems there are multiple bugs.  Perhaps pulling the dell version of that would fix at least some.  I'll put that on my todo for today.17:34
superm1hi guys, could you check that this bug's fix got pulled in for 8.10: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=461666 ?18:42
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 461666 in xorg-x11-server "Crash in X.org server during a resolution change (monitor hotplug) in VirtualBox" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease] 18:42
jcristau"Note that this bug is fixed in the release version of X.org server 1.5.0."18:45
torkelbryce/tjaalton: re #267682, suddenly Fn-F2 (lock screen) works for me, even after a reboot, on my T6119:25
superm1jcristau, i wasn't aware whether we were on the release version of xorg server 1.5.  i'm packaging the new vbox to upload, and dynamic adjustments weren't working still for me19:30
tjaaltonsuperm1: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core ;)19:41
tjaaltontorkel: like it does on my X6119:41
superm1ah tjaalton, the easy solution, so yeah indeed release version of 1.5.0.  thanks19:43
jcristaumeh. bad virtualbox19:53
jcristau"- Bump provides of guest-utils to xserver-xorg-video-2.9"19:53
superm1it's "supposed" to work according to upstream's changelog19:55
jcristauhardcoding the abi version is bad19:55
jcristauseeing how it was bumped to 4 anyway.19:55
superm1it was hardcoded in the original debian package...19:55
jcristaui don't care whose fault it is :)19:56
jcristauwow. they ship copies of the xserver headers.20:09
brycejcristau: oh that sounds safe20:10
jcristauthe 'here, a sigsegv' sort of safe20:11
jcristaui'll try to chat with the debian maintainer...20:19
brycetjaalton: could the recent change in hotkey behavior on thinkpads perhaps have something to do with the sep 1st change to hotkey-setup in bug 256887?21:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256887 in hotkey-setup "thinkpad_acpi complains that hotkey-setup is doing the wrong thing" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25688721:25
tjaaltonbryce: doubt it, since it still works without evdev21:29

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