
Phreaksi have compact flash , when i try to mount it says bad superblock of filesystem . its file system JFS  , any ideas ;)00:00
jimv2000it's a cache file, not ram00:00
unopReadyBoost?  isn't that something off of vista?00:00
jimv2000it could be as big as it wants00:00
erUSULarooni-pocketpc: so depending on conf you may be able to use 3.2 or 3.6 GB or whatever00:00
aldaekIn fact, thats the mode I'm mentioning.00:00
chubsThis has turned into a convoluted conversation of misinformation00:00
chubsi'm going to find a link00:00
aldaekSorry, my chat is off-topic.00:00
roukouni have a mounted hard drive nad it doesnt appears in /media, so what file i have to change to make it appears there and why?00:00
unopaldaek, depends on what you mean by "flash memory" there00:00
chubsaldaek, not really, just everyone seems to be confused about it00:01
Phreakssome one know my problem ??00:01
Phreaksi have compact flash , when i try to mount it says bad superblock of filesystem . its file system JFS  , any ideas ;)00:01
aldaekreadyboost for vista counts against that 4 GB. MS and Dell answer to lack of full 4 GB system memory issue when 4 GB is in the system.00:01
unopPhreaks, how are you trying to mount this volume?00:01
Phreaksmount -t jfs /dev/sdb /meda ..00:02
ubuntucan you install a 32 bit os on a 64 bit machine?00:02
Scunizi!mount | roukoun00:02
ubotturoukoun: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:02
erUSULPhreaks: /dev/sdb100:02
aldaekI can install both.00:02
erUSULPhreaks: /dev/sdb is the whol disk you mount only the partition00:02
ubuntujust wondering cuz i have to trade in this laptop00:02
Scunizi!fstab > roukoun00:02
ubotturoukoun, please see my private message00:03
manox_hi can somebody help me with DC++ client for Ubuntu 8.04 I have tried Valknut but didn't work propertly I'm looking for something with segment downloading support I have tried rmDC++ for win and it was perfect00:03
aldaekbe back00:03
chubsaldaek, read this thread http://fixunix.com/ubuntu/506776-32-bit-os-4-gb-limit.html00:03
ubuntuand al the computers in bestbuy are 64 bit :P00:03
aldaekand my freenx server question for hardy?00:03
PhreakserUSUL, yes i know i mount sdb1 , sdb200:03
aldaekbe back00:03
cdecarlohi, I'm looking for a good program that I can use to master new DVDs, any suggestions00:03
|VoidZero|ubuntu: yes on a 64-bit machine you can run both versions (32-bit a 64-bit)00:03
|VoidZero|I don't know the computers on Best Buy00:03
PhreakserUSUL, its just like the superblock is lost  ?00:04
|VoidZero|but nowaday I'd say that 99% of computers being sold are 64-bit capable00:04
ubuntuany idea about 32 bit xp or 32 bit vista on a 64 machine?00:04
Scunizichubs: nice link..00:04
wineothe map thing didnt work00:04
|VoidZero|what do you mean ubuntu?00:04
unopubuntu, that's a question you should ask in ##windows00:04
PhreakserUSUL, any idea?00:04
erUSULPhreaks: have you tried to fsck the filesystems?00:04
ubuntu:P lol00:04
lolufailhas anybody seen this before?: mount.nfs4: Operation not permitted00:05
PhreakserUSUL, it can't even open it00:05
ubuntuwell i still need to use windows00:05
|VoidZero|you can run 32-bit code on 64-bit PCs00:05
lolufaileven strace can't help me00:05
runahey I cannot find the option to install in a LVM in hardy heron. any hints?00:05
* bal está away; banho - site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-00:05
ubuntuty for the help00:05
PhreakserUSUL,  i tried jfs_fsck , but didn't work00:05
unopbal, stop that please.00:05
|VoidZero|the 64-bit architecture is just a superset of the 32-bit architecture00:05
geniusruna: use alternative text-based CD00:05
erUSULPhreaks: :|00:05
Scuniziruna: you get that by default with the alternate install cd00:05
jrib!away > bal00:06
ubottubal, please see my private message00:06
geniusScunizi: too slow! :)00:06
runaScunizi: ahum. so, it's not in the std cd? I need to dload the other one?00:06
zamaraxq: I can't seem to install firefox add on's00:06
PhreakserUSUL, Errors detected in the Primary File/Directory Allocation Table.00:06
PhreaksErrors detected in the Secondary File/Directory Allocation Table.00:06
zamaraxit just stalls00:06
shazzam6999are you trying 32 bit or 64 and what addons00:06
Scuniziruna  yep..00:06
zamaraxwhere I can determine that?00:06
erUSULPhreaks: but does not fix anything?00:06
geniusruna: you can do it from std cd. but you must have skills to do it. alt will give you the easiest way00:06
oklinuxhey Jack_Sparrow I got the printer working ?00:06
Scunizigenius: :) ... can runa install LVM after the initial install from a live cd?00:06
PhreakserUSUL, the flash has important info , so i'm afraid some of the info get lost or something?00:06
shazzam6999you could just re dl it00:07
PhreakserUSUL, no it can't continue00:07
zamaraxin particular this extension https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/6000:07
Scunizigenius: again I was too slow?  must be my old fingers :)00:07
PhreakserUSUL, Errors detected in the Secondary File/Directory Allocation Table.00:07
ubuntuif only linux had direct x support :P00:07
geniusScunizi: only before :) he can initialize LVM from live cd. but it could be only for fun :)00:07
Scuniziubuntu: if only microsoft supported linux00:07
Aval0nguys if in my hosts.deny I have ALL:ALL and in my hosts.allow I have sshd : myhost.com : allow I should be golden correct?00:07
runaScunizi: tnx00:07
shazzam6999zamarax have you tried saving it somewhere and manually putting it into plugins00:07
Scuniziruna np00:07
AbstractScrollLoScunizi dont they support suse or something?00:08
PhreakserUSUL,  can i mount it with specific block size or something?00:08
ScuniziAbstractScrollLo: with direct x?  I doubt it.00:08
AbstractScrollLoScunizi nah, in general00:08
zamaraxshazzam6999 no I haven't, I suppose I'll try that00:08
erUSULPhreaks: i'm looking around some info00:08
CppIsWeirdwhat command will display the task manager like system display that pops up when you click on the cpu monitor that can be added to the bar at the top of the screen??00:08
Aval0ncan someone please answer my question?00:08
PhreakserUSUL,  ok tyt ;)00:08
Aval0nguys if in my hosts.deny I have ALL:ALL and in my hosts.allow I have sshd : myhost.com : allow I should be golden correct?00:08
shazzam6999its probably trying to put it into a folder that atdoesnt exist so try th00:08
deeverjrib: sry...do i have to install also different headers? ;)00:08
cdecarlohi, I'm looking for a good program that I can use to master new DVDs, any suggestions00:09
jribdeever: no, I don't think so00:09
ScuniziAbstractScrollLo: and Novell.. but it's for compatibility of a different type. not necessarily the desktop.. server stuff.00:09
deever$ ldd mytest00:09
deever/usr/bin/ldd: line 117: 29752 Segmentation fault      LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 LD_WARN= LD_BIND_NOW= LD_LIBRARY_VERSION=$verify_out LD_VERBOSE= "$@"00:09
acirhaxlinux still giving absolutely everyone, problems? :P00:09
AbstractScrollLocdecarlo Nero?00:09
daklanAval0n: yes, correct00:09
deever$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH00:09
acirhaxi had faith in ubuntu making life easier00:10
ubuntuyup i still got problems00:10
Scuniziacirhax: no.. but everyone has some type of issue at some point..00:10
shazzam6999hah ubuntu has random problems... no trouble finding wireless but it takes me 2 hours to get flash to work00:10
Wa1i had a hardy heron dvd delivered from on-disk and i installed ubuntu flawlessly...but is it normal that i cant choose between gnome and kde on the login screen?00:10
Scuniziacirhax: even on win$$00:10
daklanAval0n: hosts.allow is checked first, and if there is a match, the access control system stops checking00:10
ubuntuwell i think i may have messed it up through emerlad some how :P00:10
=== scarface is now known as Scarface
acirhaxScunizi, very true but not as scary aka verbose00:10
Morporki need help for pidgin with irc00:10
Aval0ndak: so if I was connecting from myhost.com it would work00:10
=== Scarface is now known as scarface
deeverrelinking/recompiling doesn't work neither?00:10
ubuntui think il may just reinstal00:10
bazzi have a logitech v220.  i've got it working with evdev and i can get button 6 and 7 from the 'tilt' clicks, but i'm not getting a button 2 from just clicking the mouse wheel straight down.  is there some way i can get that?00:10
daklanAval0n: yes00:10
Aval0ndaklan: that is currently how I have it set and it's not working00:11
Morporkwho can help me ?00:11
Aval0nI get connection refused unless I rename hosts.deny to hosts.deny.backup00:11
AbstractScrollLoMorpork I use that00:11
daklanAval0n: remove the ALLOW keyword00:11
Aval0nI think I did that too let me try again00:11
=== scarface is now known as fsdfsfjhku
AbstractScrollLoMorpork I'm ircing trough pidgin so what's your problem00:11
Scuniziacirhax: not sure where you're going with this.. but what I've seen is that most on Linux are trying to do many more things than the average Win user, thus more topics of conversation.00:11
Morporkfor acces to a serveur, i must give a irc key00:11
AbstractScrollLowhat irckey?00:11
Dekansenorme la release de amarok 3 :00:11
chubsMorpork, not that you can't but pidgin is a poor IRC client if you plan on using it often.00:11
=== fsdfsfjhku is now known as scarface
daklanAval0n: make sure that mydomain.com is resolvable00:11
Dekans  Version 3.000:12
Dekans    Estimated Release Date: Released concurrently with the 6th French republic.00:12
daklanAval0n: ping mydomain.com and see if it is resolvable00:12
PhreakserUSUL, any luck :)00:12
Morporkso if i must give a irc key, what can i do ?00:12
maxbHmm, avidemux looks like it will serve the purpose of shifting a/v sync in an avi, but it seems to be exhibiting some very weird behaviour in attempting to preview the shift. I'm having to do it by multiple trial and error processing passes. Are there any other options?00:12
AbstractScrollLoMorpork lemme check my settings00:12
Aval0nit is resolveable00:12
wineohow do i figure out which partition i have my windows on00:12
erUSULPhreaks: not much... try sending a mail to the jfs mailing list00:12
datacrushercan anyone look on my script, where i missed on the dvd iso creation?00:12
Aval0nbut I removed the allow keybword and it's still not working00:12
Murlisguten morgen!00:12
wineoas in hd0,0 hd0,1 etc00:12
chubswineo, sudo fdisk -l00:12
u997799panyone know where to find alien arena cheats at?00:12
Scunizimaxb: check out LiVeS! on http://getdeb.net00:12
Murlishi everybody!00:12
adacWhat is the best way to download recursively an ftp folder over command line?00:13
Scuniziu997799p: google ?00:13
zamaraxshazzam6999, manually doing it worked, not the most ideal solution but still a workaround00:13
jribdeever: I've only used gdb to obtain a backtrace on packages with dbgsym, I'm not familiar with what you are doing00:13
u997799ptried google no dice.00:13
AbstractScrollLoMorpork I have no idea I havent done such thing.00:13
Aval0nhosts.deny = ALL:ALL hosts.allow = ALL : myhosts.com00:13
VenkoCan anyone tell me how I would register an alias along the lines of "sudo apt-get install" as "apti"?00:13
daklanAval0n: format is <daemon>: <domain or ip>00:13
Morporkin a forum of the website, a mod give the command : /serveur irc.voila.fr yourkey00:13
BsimsVenko: man alias00:13
Aval0nI think I had that first before I saw some man example with the space00:13
Morporkbut i don't know how to give it00:13
Aval0nlet me move it back and try00:13
PhreakserUSUL, aha00:13
daklanAval0n: you might wanna change that to .myhosts.com00:13
hazrd11My Mouse3 copy/paste have disappeared in the urxvt terminal :S00:13
chuy_maxVenko add the alias into your .bashrc or bash profile00:13
synapse_jrib: hi there thank you for your help, that worked, but i have another problem right now by loging in as root00:13
wineoi have linux, hpfs/ntfs, extended, and linux swap / solaris00:14
hazrd11My Mouse3 copy/paste have disappeared in the urxvt terminal :S, how to enable it? Oo00:14
=== synapse_ is now known as Boxici
airtonix_u997799p, tried the alien arena irc channel? if there is one00:14
wineontfs is windows correct?00:14
Murlisi have question, maybe someone can help me - I installed on my hdd Windows xp on first partition and ubuntu on second in case I would want to use windows00:14
kevinOu997799p, thats a question for #ubuntu-offtopic00:14
Boxicihi i need som help00:14
PhreakserUSUL, i'm asking if i can make bash script to try to mount it with all blocksize like for loop start (1 to 20000000 ) or something?00:14
daklanAval0n: that rule will only work if you are connecting from the computer whose IP resolves to myhosts.com00:14
Bsimsyeah Murlis?00:14
erUSULPhreaks: see this for instance http://www.mail-archive.com/jfs-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net/msg01344.html00:14
chatticusAnyone know a way of going about diagnosing this mystery? Ubuntu: 99% of sites browse quickly via Firefox/Lynx. 1% don't. Windows: 100% of web sites browse quickly via the same version of Firefox (3.0.1). The only thing I've been able to work out so far is that DNS lookups (via ping) on the slow site are slow00:14
chubswineo, yes ntfs is windows. you're running solaris on there?00:14
jribBoxici: just ask your question, I'll help if I can00:14
Murlisbut since I can do allmost anything in ubuntu :) I dont need that Winxp anymore00:14
ScuniziVenko: you might also check this out for ideas00:14
Aval0ndaklan: still not working, and I am00:14
u997799pit seems everything you say in here is a question for offtopic....00:14
erUSULPhreaks: maybe you can still mount ro ??00:14
Morporkhumm... so no one can help me ?00:14
ScuniziVenko: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26491700:15
chubswineo, oh nevermind, just your swap00:15
datacrusherhi people, i need to make a backup script, but im stucked on the dvd iso part.. look at my script00:15
Morporkperhaps pidgin cannot do that00:15
jorritcan anyone help me with alsa midi on ubuntu 8.04? The mpu401 is detected, but no midi devices are present in /dev/snd00:15
MurlisI want to merge the both partitions, is there a way to do it?00:15
airtonix_u997799p, tried the alien arena irc channel? if there is one00:15
* bal está away; banho - desde[20:05:15] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-00:15
w1ndywhats the smallest install of ubuntu?00:15
wineoso, sda2 would be hd0,1 in grub terms?00:15
VenkoIt's as simple as alias apti='sudo apt-get install', huh?00:15
chuy_maxw1ndy, I guess it would be the server CD00:15
Aval0ndaklan it should work like this correct? sshd: myhost1.com 192.168.0. myhost2.com
deeverjrib: but you don't encounter this error, do you?00:15
chubsw1ndy, that question could have several answers. if you need a gui it's a bit different than if you don't00:15
Bsimsdatacrusher: why not just use mondorescue?00:15
Aval0nI'm not having any luck00:16
PhreakserUSUL, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,00:16
Phreaks       missing codepage or helper program,00:16
MorporkAbstractScrollLo:  thank you :)00:16
ScuniziMurlis: I think LVM will allow that but if it's not already installed .. no idea.. even installed I couldn't tell you..00:16
Boxicijrib:  the thing with the port forwarding worked perfect. but right now i have a problem when i try to sing in as root on my os00:16
VenkoThanks guys00:16
bobertdoswineo: Yes, it would be00:16
datacrusher[Bsims]: tell me about yt00:16
PhreakserUSUL,  sudo mount -t jfs -oro /dev/sdb1 /media/flash1/00:16
w1ndysmalles install of ubuntu with no gui, nothing just get it running with a prompt, id like to install everything manually.00:16
Scunizi!root > Boxi00:16
Scunizi!root > Boxici00:16
ubottuBoxici, please see my private message00:16
erUSULPhreaks: aternativaly you can try photorec to recover the files00:16
Bsimsit makes dvds to recover your system00:16
daklanAval0n: hosts/IP are CSV00:16
daklanAval0n: comma-separated values00:16
erUSUL!info  testdisk | Phreaks00:16
ubottuphreaks: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB00:16
chubsw1ndy, debian ;). I think there's an ubuntu mini iso, gimme a minute00:16
Aval0neven with the 1 host it's still not working00:17
hazrd11My Mouse3 copy/paste have disappeared in the urxvt terminal :S, how to enable it (again)? Oo00:17
w1ndychubs, thanks00:17
Murlismaybe you need partition info in order to give some instructions?00:17
Aval0nall I have currently is sshd: myhost.com00:17
Aval0nand it's not working00:17
Bsimshazrd11: what exactly happened00:17
daklanAval0n: best is to try on a local network ip00:17
PhreakserUSUL,  i did use it00:17
BoxiciScunizi: i understand but the problem is that i don't have permision to put something in /var/www/00:17
hazrd11Bsims, Dunno00:17
erUSULPhreaks: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec00:17
daklanAval0n: firewall blocking?00:17
hazrd11But how to enable it?:D00:17
erUSULPhreaks: any luck ??00:17
datacrusherwow, very nice00:17
Aval0nbecause if I get rid of hosts.deny00:17
BsimsOk whats it doing, your mouse vanished?00:17
Aval0nit works fine00:17
PhreakserUSUL,  but am afraid to lose data , can i back it up or something , and i work on the backup no the original source?00:17
ScuniziBoxici: are you just transferring files there?00:17
ubuntuwhat versian of ubuntu ha00:17
ubuntuso what does this all add up to? did m00:17
datacrusherill use it too00:18
Cheek1hey i just installed ubuntu and i have a nvidia.. 6600  card .. how would i be ablle to get its drivers?00:18
Aval0nif sshd is not configured to use tcp wrappers would the hosts.deny still stop it somehow?00:18
chubsw1ndy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:18
ubuntus the least bugs curretly?00:18
datacrusherbut i need a backup to the files exclusively00:18
datacrusherthe system ill bakcup just montlhy00:18
ScuniziBoxici: sudo cp /filelocation/file /var/www00:18
ubuntulol same name00:18
w1ndywoo, thanks man00:18
daklanAval0n: it still would00:18
Aval0nif that was the case I would think it wouldn't work with the hosts.deny either00:18
erUSULPhreaks: make an image of the disk? use dd00:18
chubsw1ndy, that may still install everything though00:18
erUSULPhreaks: how big the disk is?00:18
PhreakserUSUL,  blocksize ??00:18
chuy_max!nvidia > Cheek100:18
ubottuCheek1, please see my private message00:18
Murlishere is the fdisk -l info....00:18
MurlisDisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes00:19
Murlis255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders00:19
MurlisUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes00:19
MurlisDisk identifier: 0x0577057600:19
Murlis   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System00:19
Murlis/dev/sda1   *           1        2575    20683656    7  HPFS/NTFS00:19
ScuniziBoxici: unless you want to use the file manager to drag and drop00:19
Aval0ndaklan: so if sshd isn't setup to use tcp wrappers hosts.deny WOULD still block?00:19
Murlis/dev/sda2            2576       14593    96534585    5  Extended00:19
jorritDoes anyone know how to detect the model of an analog joypad connected to the gameport? there are no markings on the device and since it's analog there is no chip to search for.00:19
Murlis/dev/sda5            2576       14099    92566498+  83  Linux00:19
Murlis/dev/sda6           14100       14593     3968023+  82  Linux swap / Solaris00:19
BoxiciScunizi: but i want to work with my mouse, copu, paste and all that... also i have to manage to grant permision to all my things00:19
chubsw1ndy, look around there a bit, you shoulb ebe able to configure it onec you boot it00:19
Aval0npastebin please murlis00:19
chubs!pastebin | murlis00:19
=== freqk|away is now known as freqk
ubottumurlis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:19
chuy_maxjorrit, which port?00:19
PhreakserUSUL, the flash is tow parts , 470 mb , and 15 mb , total 512 mb00:19
w1ndyi will, thanks cubs00:19
jorritchuy_max: The gameport00:19
ScuniziBoxici: sudo nautilus to give you a root file manager to change permissions and copy files with drag and drop..00:19
chubsw1ndy, no problem00:19
Murlissorry, what is pastebin?00:19
Aval0ndaklan: so if sshd isn't setup to use tcp wrappers hosts.deny WOULD still block?00:20
PhreakserUSUL,  should i do dd image without specify the blocksize?00:20
BoxiciScunizi: i did this sudo su and after that i was logged in as root in the terminal , and then i've typed there passwd and put a new password00:20
daklanAval0n: afaik, access control is not just checking based on tcp wrappers00:20
Aval0nsorry if you already answered that00:20
airtonix_Scunizi, Boxici when running gtk apps with sudo use gksudo instead00:20
jorritchuy_max, aka, the Midi port (which is not working either). I'm using a via8237 southbridge00:20
wineopaste.ubuntu.com free paste service so you dont flood00:20
erUSULPhreaks: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=image_disk.img bs=51200:20
MurlisI see00:20
scarfaceI just installed IDLE, the Python IDE.  When I start it, the window and font are tiny!  I have installed it on 3 other Ubuntu machines and it looks fine, but on this machine it is ridiculously small.  Anyone heard of this?00:20
Aval0nI can't figure out why the heck this isn't working then00:20
Scuniziairtonix_: true.. .. Boxici sudo su isn't recommended..00:20
erUSULPhreaks: you can use dd without the bs option00:20
daklanAval0n: for example, udp blocking is also implemented using hosts.allow and hosts.deny00:20
jorritchuy_max, It does work on Windoze, but I haven't got it working in Ubuntu 8.04 yet.00:20
BoxiciScunizi: i've done that, so what can i do now?00:20
Murlissorry, here goes the fdisk info as pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/47607/plain/00:21
maxboookay, avidemux has a ridiculous bug, it won't let you type an 8 or 9 into the shift box00:21
PhreakserUSUL, yes , i mean the problem in mounting the flash is the blocksize , so what if i dd with wrong blocksize ?00:21
ScuniziBoxici: not sure.. I've always avoided that situation.. someone else will have to answer it.00:21
erUSULPhreaks: sorry but i have to go 1:20 p.m. here00:21
=== Wa1 is now known as WaaZZaa
chuy_maxjorrit, mmm, ok, maybe you can see something in lspci -vvv or in lshw00:21
PhreakserUSUL,  aa00:21
Aval0nso if sshd is not configured for tcpwrappers would I be getting the symptoms I am now?00:21
mylogicwhat's the compiz setting called that allows you to view all the current windows at once (not desktops) similar to os x's feature?00:21
erUSULPhreaks: the problem is not bs but a corrupted superblock afaik00:21
bobertdosBoxici: sudo -i or sudo -s is better to use if you insist on having a constant root mode.00:21
Scunizimylogic: expose?00:21
PhreakserUSUL,  aha00:21
erUSULPhreaks: good luck.00:22
Cheek1chuy_max: soi dont need to install envyng or anything just clicking the restricted drivers and it should work?00:22
PhreakserUSUL,  so how can i recover the superblock from dd image ??00:22
mylogicScunizi: I'm looking at expose, but the only options I see are letting me see all the desktops at once00:22
daklanAval0n: i don't know why it would matter if sshd is not configured with tcp wrappers00:22
fbcIs there any way to center the wallpaper on screen 0? Instead of sharing it with screen 1? I'm using twinview.00:22
bobertdosBoxici: but for the record, we don't recommend using the root login in ANY form :p00:22
Murlisso the idea is to join the first partition sda1 which is boot with sda2, any ideas is that possible?00:22
chuy_maxCheek1, it should00:22
AbstractScrollLoHuh, nice, connecting to windows shares is just plain not working trough gnome file manager00:22
jorritchuy_max, I'll paste it on the pastebin, just a sec.00:22
Boxicibobertdos: when i try to type sudo su now it gives me " sudo nautilus "00:22
AbstractScrollLoBut it works trough bash00:22
erUSULPhreaks: i really dunno. you should try askin on the jfs mailing list https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jfs-discussion00:22
daklanAval0n: i suppose you can try eliminating that problem first00:22
eidowhat is the easiest way to remove a ubuntu install on a dual boot system?00:22
daklanAval0n: and try something else if it still fails00:23
Scunizimylogic: "super e" in expose should show all open windows on one desktop00:23
Cheek1chuy_max: ok ..i did it and its installing the hardware ..iis that all you have to do ?00:23
chuy_maxeido, reformat the partition, or erase it and expand your windows partition00:23
bobertdosBoxici: If you want root access to Nautilius, it is best to use: gksudo nautilus00:23
chuy_maxCheek1, run glxinfo | grep irect00:24
AbstractScrollLoeido you just delete ubuntu portion from windows diskmgmt.msc and than you boot with recovery cd and run fixmbr00:24
chuy_maxCheek1, if you have something like direct rendering = yes, you are ok00:24
erUSULPhreaks: or even directly on linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org or linux-fsdevel@vger.kernel.org00:24
=== djhash_ is now known as djhash
Aval0ndaklan: tyvm I'll keep playing00:24
erUSULPhreaks: writte an email explaining the issue and asking for help00:24
eidoAbstractScrollLo: I was hoping not to use a recovery cd since this is a eeepc with no disk drive00:24
PhreakserUSUL, thank you ;)00:24
Boxicibobertdos: i understand but what can i do now? i've put a password for root, what can i make to go back to be more secure or something like that....00:24
chuy_maxCheek1, I don't know what's your expertise on linux, but you have to type that in a terminal00:24
daklanAval0n: what are the contents of your hosts.allow file again?00:24
Cheek1chuy_max: i got this error message .. direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)00:25
Cheek1OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect00:25
AbstractScrollLoeido lemme check00:25
* bal está away; banho - desde[20:05:15] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-00:25
chuy_maxCheek1, did you restarted X server?00:25
Murliseido: fdisk could help ;)00:25
Cheek1chuy_max: no .. let me restart my computer00:25
chubseido you'll have to boot something. maybe off of a usb drive, but you can't partition a drive you're using00:25
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ScuniziCheek1: just ctrl+alt+backspace00:25
danopia``wow busy today, my screensaver just turned on and like 10 messages were scrolling at a time00:25
bobertdosBoxici: type sudo passwd  -l root00:25
eidowhat would happen if I just kill the partition with knoppix and reinstall ubuntu.  I installed ubuntueee and do not like the nbr interface and the limited repository sources00:26
chubseido, then you'd be happy I assume :)00:26
bastiso are there any good tools for dvd2xvid?00:26
bastilike gordionknot00:27
Murlisanyone knows how to join partitions in less painfull way? http://paste.ubuntu.com/47607/plain/00:27
Phreakschubs, yep:)00:27
eidowould it mess up the mbr? is there something specific about what ubuntu image is mounting as the second?00:27
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Boxicibobertdos: i get this when i type sudo su  Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator00:27
Boxiciand login00:27
chubseido, if by mess up you mean remove completely than yes. but if you're reinstalling ubuntu it doesn't matter00:27
Phreakschubs, when i try to mount my compact flash , it says wrong fs type or superblock00:28
Phreakschubs, the file type is jfs00:28
Aval0nhey daklan00:28
Aval0nso get this00:28
Aval0nif I manually enter the IP into hosts.allow00:28
Aval0nit works fine00:28
AbstractScrollLochubs he gave up, I'll bet you he wont be reinstalling :)00:28
Aval0nwhen I do the hostname it does not00:28
ScuniziWho was asking about alias' earlier?  I have a link for you http://www.linux.com/feature/14756800:28
Aval0nbut the hostname DOES resolve00:28
Aval0nvia ping00:28
djhashMurlis: try gparted00:28
Aval0ndoes hosts.allow not support hostnames?!00:29
Aval0nI can't belive that's the case00:29
airtonix_Aval0n, dont think so00:29
bobertdosBoxici: Please DO NOT use sudo su. Lock the root account by typing what I have above.00:29
chubsAbstractScrollLo, hm? he said he was00:29
Phreakschubs, any idea??00:29
djhash!enter | Aval0n00:29
ubottuAval0n: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:29
chubsPhreaks, how are you mounting it?00:29
Boxicibobertdos: ok i've done it now00:29
daklanAval0n: try nslookup myhosts.com and see if it resolves00:29
eidochubs: or is there a way I can change the ubuntueee install to include the standard sources that ubuntu uses for example I couldn't install xchat synaptic does not know of this app in ubuntueee00:29
Phreakschubs, mount -t jfs /dev/sdb1 /media/flash100:29
airtonix_Aval0n, i think hosts.allow & hosts.deny are read before resolving00:29
Murlisdjhash: yeah, gparted allows me to delete the boot partition, the question is what heppens after? ;)00:30
Aval0ndaklan: yes it does00:30
daklanAval0n: and btw, i stand corrected. hosts.allow and .deny only works for tcp-wrapped services00:30
chubseido, i think there should be a way. I've never used ubuntueee but i'll check the site for you00:30
jorritchuy_max, Whoa, such a lot lines, what sort of lines are you looking for (obviously related to my VIA chipset)?00:30
bobertdosBoxici: Now please, from now on, use sudo when you need admin privileges in the terminal and gksudo when you need it with graphical applications.00:30
daklanairtonix_: not the case. the ip is resolved before the rules are applied00:30
Boxicibobertdos:  sudo: unable to resolve host SyNaPsE00:30
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Aval0ndaklan: when I do ALL:ALL in hosts.deny and sshd: in hosts.allow it works00:30
djhashMurlis: what do you mean? my response was to your question about joining partitions..00:30
Boxicibobertdos:  ok so from now on i will use gksudo00:31
Aval0nIf I put the hostname it does not, and yes nslookup resolves to it00:31
Phreakschubs, .. ?00:31
Boxicibobertdos: thank you very much00:31
Boxiciand sorry for my english00:31
bobertdosBoxici: Okay, go into System->Administration->Network00:31
Aval0nevery "hosts.allow example" that I find on google is using hostsnames00:31
daklanAval0n: myhosts.com resolves to
Aval0nwell that's just an example IP00:31
Murlisdjhash: please see my partition table http://paste.ubuntu.com/47607/plain/, I want to get join or use sda1 and get rid of winxp on sda100:31
Boxicibobertdos:  done i am there00:31
Aval0nobviously it resolves to something real00:31
airtonix_Boxici, here is an explanation on why to use gksudo for gui apps rather than sudo : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo00:31
bobertdosBoxici: Now, unlock it and go to the Hosts tab.00:32
Cheekychuy_max: hey man i did restart my computer and when i did i got a yellow balloon that poped up next to the time .on the right sayinh "restricted driver in use"00:32
Phreakschubs, any idea?00:32
DasEi Murlis:whats your problem ?00:32
chuy_maxjorrit, maybe look for game, or something like that, sorry but I have never used a gameport, lshw lists all your hardware, and lspci all devices on the pci bus00:32
chubsPhreaks, run sudo jfs_fsck /dev/sdb100:32
Cheekychuy_max: does that mean i works? wats the command you gave me to run.. ?00:32
NutzebahnHello. I want to become a Cisco Certified Network Associate, but, the CD that came with that book does not work with Linux, help?00:32
Aval0nairtonix_: so you think hosts.allow happens before dns resolving?00:32
Murlisdjhash: the best option for me would be to join sda1 and sda2, but other options also would fit00:32
Boxicibobertdos: i am there on hosts tab00:33
daklanAval0n: do you have any entries in /etc/hosts that have different values for myhosts.com00:33
chuy_maxCheeky, glxinfo | grep irect00:33
chubseido, which ubuntu eee are you using?00:33
Phreakschubs, Using default parameter: -p00:33
PhreaksThe current device is:  /dev/sdb100:33
PhreaksBlock size in bytes:  409600:33
PhreaksFilesystem size in blocks:  12019600:33
Phreaks**Phase 0 - Replay Journal Log00:33
Phreaks**Phase 1 - Check Blocks, Files/Directories, and  Directory Entries00:33
PhreaksErrors detected in the Primary File/Directory Allocation Table.00:33
Aval0ndaklan: no I do not00:33
PhreaksErrors detected in the Secondary File/Directory Allocation Table.00:33
Aval0nThe /etc/hosts/ is default00:33
djhashMurlis: just delete sda1 and expand sda2 to fill the empty space00:33
jribPhreaks: do not paste here.  use http://paste.ubuntu.com00:33
Phreaksjrgp, sorry :)00:33
daklanAval0n: try adding an entry for myhosts.com, change /etc/hosts.allow to myhosts.com and try connecting00:33
Murlisall: I installed winxp on first partion and after installed ubuntu, now I wanna get rid of winsp and use that partition for ubuntu00:33
ScuniziMurlis: you might consider making sda1 /home and moving over some of sda2 to make it larger.00:33
bobertdosNow, add a host with the IP Address  and the alias SyNaPsE00:34
Aval0ndaklan: I'm sure that will work00:34
chubsPhreaks, yeah, your cf disk  filesystem got messed up. you may have unmounted it cleanly. If there is nothing on it your best bet would be to reformat00:34
Aval0nthe problem this IP isn't static00:34
Murlisdjhash: it doesnt matter if the sda1 is boot partition?00:34
eidochubs: http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php5?title=Get_Ubuntu_Eee00:34
^Phantom^srsly, ubuntu is being a pain in the rear <_<00:34
chubseido, thanks00:34
Aval0nwhich is why I am wanting to use hostsnames to begin with00:34
Phreakschubs, i have some valuable data on it and i don't want to waste it00:34
daklanAval0n: then the problem is somewhere between the translation of the domain to IP, and passing the IP back to the ACM00:34
Phreakschubs, any another way : ?00:34
^Phantom^it won't mount my shared vbox folder, 'C:\ubuntu'00:34
jorritchuy_max, I tried to filter out the lines that I thought might be useful for perusal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47608/00:35
Boxicibobertdos: i've done it, also i have a question: i have a domain name, how can i make it work with my new webserver that i've just installed right now?00:35
djhashMurlis: just change the boot partition to your linux partition.. you can set partition and boot flags in gparted.00:35
* bal está away; banho - desde[20:05:15] site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[on] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-00:35
chubsPhreaks, i'm not really sure. I don't have much experience with jfs but you may be better off asking in a more technical channel00:35
djhash!away > bal00:35
ubottubal, please see my private message00:35
Aval0ndaklan: yeah and I have no clue where to being fixing that ;)00:35
^Phantom^also, is there any program for ubuntu that can read .daa archives, and possibly convert them to .iso archives?00:35
Murlisdjhash: hmm, oki, I will try, hope it works...00:35
daklanAval0n: are there entries in resolv.conf that point to your dynamic IP's nameserver?00:35
Phreakschubs, any good channels?00:35
Cheekychuy_max: yeah it says yes ..so i guess it works.. but why is there an icon .. on the top right corner .. still there .. ?00:36
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daklanAval0n: your problem might be translating your domain name to its dynamic IP00:36
bobertdosBoxici: Do you need to set that domain name in Ubuntu? If so, that's under the General tab.00:36
Aval0ndaklan: most likely not00:36
chuy_maxCheeky, what do you mean with an icon?, you are ok, you are using the proper drivers, you can now play games, use beryl, etc...00:36
_anthonycanyone here interested in writing articles for a slashdot-style news website?00:36
chubsPhreaks, you could try #linux and ask how to recover a corrupted jfs filesystem00:37
Aval0ndaklan: if I do an nslookup or a ping it's resolving correctly however00:37
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RomanaMentalisI have a question about SSL certificates and Ispconfig - can I use my certificate that I bought for my domain with ISPCONFIG if it is the only website on the ip address?00:37
Aval0nI can ssh myhost.com and be fine00:37
Cheekychuy_max: no wat i mean is that .. the icon .. is still present ... the one that mentions about the restricted drivers ..00:37
nachomaniaDoes anyone here have a Toshiba L300?00:37
daklanAval0n: my suggestion is to hard-code the domain name into your hosts file, and allow (or block) through hosts.allow00:38
Boxicibobertdos: i installed apache2 server and php and all the posible functions i think, i don't know if i did it in the right way but i will find out when i get a error or two :)00:38
djhash!ask | nachomania00:38
ubottunachomania: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:38
^Phantom^i'll say right now, though, that win98 is a complete nightmare on vbox00:38
daklanAval0n: or you can hardcode the ip into hosts.allow00:38
^Phantom^it makes ubuntu shine00:38
Aval0nbut then I have the problem of the dynamic ips00:38
jorritRomanaMentalis, I have some general knowledge about SSL-certificates, please ask.00:38
daklanAval0n: sorry, i forgot the dynamic IP :)00:38
djhash!anyone | nachomania00:38
ubottunachomania: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:38
* bal retornou do away; banho - duração[33m20s] -=[Cyber]=-00:38
Aval0nno problem ;)00:38
Boxicibobertdos: and yes i have ubuntu 8.04 and now i want the domain boxici.ro to work with my hosting that i've just installed in ubuntu on this laptop.00:38
Murlisdjhash: I deleted the sda1, aplied changes but gparted doesnt allow to resize sda2 nor sda500:38
DasEias no idea came up with my reboot-issue, i will quit now, too and try the 64bit version00:38
RomanaMentalisjorrit - can I use a certificate I bought with Ispconfig?  I bought it using a domain name on my servers...00:39
daklanAval0n: anyways, gotta go. class about to begin :)00:39
Aval0nthis should be working00:39
Aval0nok see ya thanks00:39
RomanaMentalisit is a "shared ip" but it is the only website on that ip address00:39
aljosaanybody here using intrepid and has an ati x1600 (or similar) and has video playback?00:39
droopsta915Does anyone use virus remover 2008 fir ubuntu?00:39
bobertdosBoxici: I'm not much of an Apache expert, unfortunately.00:39
djhashMurlis: sda2 is extended, see if you can change it to a primary EXT3 partition00:39
jorritRomanaMentalis, You know that such a certificate wil only work for one dhostname, no aliases?00:39
Cheekychuy_max: but there is an icon still on the top right corner .. and when i have a mouse over it says properity hardware been used .. cant i get that to go away ?00:39
bobertdosdroopsta915: I generally find AV programs for Linux to be more of a hazard than a help.00:40
Boxicibobertdos:  ok thank you00:40
=== xmagixx is now known as xmagixx^BNC
airtonix_!virus | droopsta91500:40
ubottudroopsta915: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:40
RomanaMentalisjorrit - so if I have a virtual host, will it work for that site?00:40
chubseido, you can go to synaptic and set the repositories to the main ubuntu ones. there may be conflicting packages though, so i'd disable them before running an apt-get update00:41
droopsta915So its just a popup wanting me to get the virus remover, thats what i thought.00:41
jorritRomanaMentalis, it also depends if you still use the same webserver software, like Apache. Virtual hosts should not be a problem here, as long as there is only one hostname bonded to one IP-address00:41
Murlisdjhash: no, I cant change the type :(00:41
Phreakschubs, could i ask u 1 more question ?00:41
chubsPhreaks, yes00:41
RomanaMentalisjorrit - ok that's the case, I'm jsut having a tough time lining up the certificates  I guess - thanks' I'll keep researching :)00:41
chuy_maxCheeky, almost everything is possible, you might have to remove the applet, I'm not using a restricted driver so I can't tell00:41
jorritRomanaMentalis, Comodo has a really nice CSR-viewer that might help you.00:42
Phreakschubs, i'm using Wicd to manage my wireless network ,00:42
RomanaMentalisjorrit - thank you00:42
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jorritRomanaMentalis, np.00:42
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djhashMurlis: what is in that partition?00:42
Phreakschubs, and to see the wireless networks i have to open Wicd and press on refresh then connect00:43
Murlisdjhash: sda1? was ;) winxp, no usefull files00:43
chubsPhreaks, yes00:43
djhashMurlis: no sda200:43
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Phreakschubs, i want to automate this operation :)00:43
=== xmagixx^BNC is now known as xmagixx
* daklan_class loves "screen" :)00:43
jorritRomanaMentalis, you might try on the apache, or apache2 channels, right here on Freenode.00:43
Boxicibobertdos: do you know if there is a romanian channel for help?00:44
chubsPhreaks, choose the network you'd like. click the little arrow. then click automatically connect to this network00:44
Murlisdjhash:  sda2 has sda5 as / and sda6 as swap00:44
djhashMurlis: i've seen this link for the third time.. i meant what FILES are in sda2?00:44
=== funkyHat|off is now known as funkyHat
RomanaMentalisjorrit - good idea, I will thanks00:44
Murlisdjhash:  sda2 has ubuntu and everything I have00:44
jorritRomanaMentalis, don't mention it. ;-)00:44
harleyhey can some one help me i cant burtn iso images or any thing to cd00:44
djhashMurlis: oops.. how did I not notice that.. lol..00:44
Phreakschubs, i did , but it doesn't work :)00:44
rootsnatchharley: what is the error you are getting?00:45
DasEi harley:try krb or nero00:45
Murlisdjhash: funny, huh?00:45
jorritharley, you can use Brasero or a comd-line tool for that. KIIIB is also very nice00:45
chubsPhreaks, I'm not really sure then, maybe someone else can help you out. it's always worked for me00:45
DasEi harley:try kr3b or nero00:45
harleyit says insert a blank cd witch there was a bran new cd in and i know it can burn cd's00:45
bobertdosBoxici: Romanian? I don't know, but there is #apache for English.00:45
Scunizidjhash: looks like Murlis sda2 is an extended partition and sda5 is / & /home with sda6 as /swap00:45
djhashMurlis: what you can do.. is reformat what was sda1 into an ext3 primary and copy the files over (hopefully if the size is not too small)00:45
NutzebahnAre there any router emulators for Linux?00:46
chubsPhreaks, hey, check this bug out00:46
djhashScunizi: yeah.. i noticed that a few seconds ago00:46
harleyo and a nother prob im useing ubunru 5.1000:46
tech_"/join #ubuntu-es"00:46
chubsPhreaks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/wicd/+bug/26340700:46
Boxicibobertdos: thank you00:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263407 in wicd "Autoconnect property not saved if no previous profile exists" [Low,Fix committed]00:46
zibrianybody using ion3, who can help me with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47611/ ? script errors about global nil values or something00:46
Phreakschubs, ok:)00:46
DasEi harley:why that ?00:46
droopsta915my screen blanks out for a second, everytime i highlight a tab or close the internet. I just got a popup, is it possible something has infected my computer?00:46
MurlisScunizi: yeah, right, so what next? I deleted the sda1 and now have free space 20gb and afraid to reboot...00:46
* ^Phantom^ kicks his ubuntu vm00:46
^Phantom^stupid mount command is useless00:46
J-nWhat are you trying to mount phantom?00:47
jorritNutzebahn, try zebra00:47
Scunizidjhash: Murlis why not make sda1 8-12 gigs for / and then expand the extended (if possible) to take up the slack.. THEN make sda5 /home only00:47
^Phantom^my stupid shared folder00:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:47
harleyits the only linux os i can get to run on my crap pentium 4 see my good amd pc fryed so i bought this peace off eabay i had a 8.01 ububtu cd but i lost it ;(00:47
J-n!hello | travis00:47
Murlisdjhash: you must be kiding, on 20gb partition I cant fit 90 gb... hmmm00:47
ubottutravis: please see above00:47
gruikcomment va ?00:47
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:47
Phreakschubs, you may not understanding me00:47
Phreakschubs,  i can't see the wireless networks when i open wicd , i have to press on refresh00:48
djhashMurlis: the question is, do you have more than 20GB of data on the 90GB partition.00:48
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:48
wineook, i have my windows on my first hard disk, on the second partition.  but in my grub menu when i hit boot it does nothing. any help?00:48
uriel_is there a way to run vista on my ubuntu?00:48
djhashMurlis: check what Scunizi said above.. thats a good suggestion00:48
TravisI have read the compatibility chart, but does anyone know for sure that the WUSB54GC USB ethernet device from Linksys works with Ubuntu?00:48
harleyhmmm.. if i get like virtual box with a different os could i burn iso threw that os00:48
djhashScunizi: he tried resizing extended.. but it wont allow him00:48
jorritharley, If your VM supports direct CD/ DVD Drive access, why not?00:49
Scunizidjhash: resizing sda2 or sda5 (inside of the extended.. )?00:49
J-n^phantom^ i'll install ubuntu into a vbox00:49
DasEiuriel:dual-boot ?00:49
chubsPhreaks, does wicd start when ubuntu starts?00:49
Murlisdjhash: yeah, sure, I have something like 6gb free on sda5, therefore I wanted to use sda1...00:49
^Phantom^i am about to just delete the shared folder and use blank dvds to transfer the files back and forth <_<00:49
J-n^phantom^ and see if i can get you a step-by-step :)00:49
chubsPhreaks, follow those instructions anyways, they may fix the problem00:49
Phreakschubs, where :)00:49
chubss/may/probably will/00:49
djhashScunizi: sda200:50
uriel_<DasEi>: i mean like in a window i already duel boot ive seen some people do it on youtube00:50
^Phantom^i never thought i'd use so much money on a free os00:50
harleyidk ill give it a try thanks for the help00:50
nachomaniaCan I test if an ATI card would work on a livecd?00:50
Boxicii get no answer there00:50
djhashnachomania: yes00:50
Boxiciis there anyone in here that can help me with my apache server?00:50
chubsPhreaks, open wicd. click the arrow. check the autoconnect box. click advanced settings, then click ok. then close00:50
Boxicion ubuntu?00:50
DasEiuriel_:multiple boot was no problem for me00:50
bobertdoswineo: I like to show people mine as an example that works. http://paste.ubuntu.com/47613/00:50
chubsall you have to do is open advanced settings then click ok. it's a bug Phreaks00:51
xmagixxi wrote in fstab a new harddisk should mount on /media/stuff but when it mounts it has a name backup, how can i change the name ?00:51
Scunizidjhash: might try expanding sda5 instead.. not sure if it will work or not.. Murlis00:51
djhashMurlis: how about formating that extra 20GB, and then just mounting it onto a folder?00:51
Phreakschubs,  aha :) thnx00:51
Murlisdjhash and Scunizi: I would like to avoid reinstall as I have everything setup and no time for install, I need to work on this pc00:51
uriel_<DasEi>like ive seen people boot ubuntu and open a window that runs XP at the same time without restarting00:51
^Phantom^useless mount command is useless00:51
wineobobertdos: AH, think i may have found m problem00:51
DasEiuriel_ a.c you mean a vm00:52
wineowe will try this00:52
DasEi!vm > uriel_00:52
ubottuuriel_, please see my private message00:52
djhashuriel_: you are looking for Virtual Machines00:52
maxbIs there any gui tool to tweak laptop cpu frequency scaling, like I can do by poking around in /sys ?00:52
Murlisdjhash: is there a safe way for me to proceed with the Scunizi suggested change? I mean step by step as Im not very advanced in linux.00:52
Phreakschubs, im using ndiswrapper for my wireless driver00:53
uriel_<djhash> like this00:53
harleyhey once i get my iso burnt and installed (hopefully) i have a pentium 4 1.6 ghz with 512 mb ram would i be able to run halflife 2 in wine?00:53
J-n^phantom^ i suspect it has much less to do with the mount command than with what you are trying to mount and where :) Which instructions are you using for setting it up?00:53
Murlisdjhash: format as ext3?00:53
chubsPhreaks, i don't use ndiswrapper00:53
ScuniziMurlis: djhash then what I'd suggest is just leave it alone until you can get/borrow an external HD or another internal temporarily.. copy /home to it/them .. then reformat the entire drive and create 3 partitions 8-12 gigs for / .. 1 gig for /swap and the rest /home.. then copy everything from the old /home back to the new location.00:53
chubsPhreaks, did you test the fix?00:54
bobertdosharley: This might be better for #winehq, but those are awfully low specs for HL2.......00:54
Phreakschubs, i have braodcom wireless , HP pavilion 6500 ee00:54
eidohmmm  that didn't work I deleted the ubuntu logical partition in manage under windows, copied eeebuntu to a usb but I get dumped to busybox when trying to boot usb00:54
Phreakschubs, yes i already try before , but no use00:54
jorritharley, HL2 seems to run pretty good in Wine. It depends if you have a video card that is working smoothly under ubuntu.00:54
chubsPhreaks, not sure then. sorry, as i said I don't use ndiswrapper00:54
ScuniziMurlis: djhash make them all primary partitions .. nothing extended.. it's not necessary unless you need more than 4 partitions on the drive.00:54
chubseido, did you copy all the boot files?00:55
DasEiuriel_ running hardy ?00:55
chubseido, i thought you were trying to reinstall full ubuntu?00:55
Phreakschubs, what alter drivers i can use?00:55
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
djhashMurlis: you can format sda1 to ext3 in gparted.. and i'd agree with Scunizi, if its something that can wait, just get yourself another hard drive.. otherwise, trying to change root paritions and then changing mount positions is kinda risky..00:56
|thunderCan someone please help me add "cd ~/Alex\ Jones/ && streamripper  http://www.infowars.com/stream.pls -t 14400" to cron to be run as a user(not root) on weekdays at noon ?00:56
chubsPhreaks, ndiswrapper uses proprietary drivers, you most likely need to use it00:56
^Phantom^mount is unuseful00:56
acirhaxmount isi suis00:56
eidochubs: i had an iso of eeebuntu already downloaded so i thought i would give that a try first since it was built to support all the hardware out of the box00:56
MurlisI formated the 20gb as sda1, here is the current situation http://paste.ubuntu.com/47615/plain/00:56
uriel_<DasEi> im running 8.0400:56
Murlisnow I need to do what to mount it as folder?00:56
J-n^Phantom^: Try the PDF here, page 61 has detailed instructions on how to setup a shared folder between a host and guest OS in Virtual Box.00:56
J-n^Phantom^: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.2/UserManual.pdf00:56
DasEiuriel_ :having a win-vista cd ?00:56
Phreakschubs, should i try network manager?00:57
bobertdos^Phantom^:  Are you trying to mount a Samba share? Do you have Samba filesystem installed?00:57
chubseido, oh I was under the impression that it was already installed. did you extract all of the files in the iso to the drive?00:57
^Phantom^i have been TRYING that method00:57
uriel_<DasEi> i already have vista buisness installed i just wanna run it like the guy in the vid did exept with vista00:57
chubsPhreaks, i honestly do not know. try it out, see if it works00:57
chubsMurlis, what are you trying to do?00:57
J-nbobertdos: He is trying to share a folder on Virtual box from his Guest (ubuntu) and host (Windows).00:58
Phreakschubs, ok thnx :)00:58
ScuniziMurlis: you'll need the UUID of the partition.. type blkid in terminal for all the uuid's of the drives.00:58
jorritPhreaks, try lspci to see which Broadcomm model is in your laptop. Some models are better supported than others. Try lspci | grep Ethernet00:58
BoxiciScunizi: do you know something about apache?00:58
chubsgood luck00:58
^Phantom^'/me is vboxing ubuntu on winxp00:58
Murlischubs: actualy now Im not sure anymore... ;)00:58
ubuntu__help me i do not know how to download using ubunto00:58
notyjoeyanyone know where the Sources.bz2 package data is stored00:58
ScuniziBoxici: a little.. played with it some but not a huge amount.00:58
notyjoeyor all package data is stored00:58
^Phantom^it keeps saying "unknown filesystem:  C:\ubuntu"00:58
=== wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu
chubsMurlis, heh, alright. well let me know if you need help with partitioning00:58
Phreakschubs, i had the wicd working good in 7.4 but on 8 it sux D:00:58
notyjoeyPhreaks: wicd works fine for me00:59
notyjoeynot the newer version though00:59
BoxiciScunizi:  well i have a domain name for example, boxici.ro and i want to make it work with my webserver that i installed on ubuntu right now00:59
Boxicican you help me with that?00:59
Phreaksnotyjoey, it was ok for me too :) but since i upgraded to latest dist , it doesn't :S00:59
J-n^phantom^ it's not the name of the folder on your system, it's the name that Virtualbox shows in the bottom left corner by the shared folder (it'd be "shared folder name" or something then the name, in bold... that's what you use00:59
Cheekyi have a fresh install of ubuntu and i just finished installing my drivers;i was wondering if installing the “ubuntu-restricted-extra" advisable or should i install my plug ins in a different way ?01:00
eidochubs: i used unetbootin to create a bootable usb01:00
J-n^Phantom^: not the actual path to it.01:00
jorritBoxici, is your DNS for your domain setup properly yet?01:00
chubseido, and it just dumped you to a busybox terminal?01:00
Murlischubs: yeah, sure, with partiton deleting and formating Im quite experienced, what I lack is doing it properly...01:00
chubsthat sounds bad :)01:00
DasEiuriel_:googel for vmware workstation, i once got a free trial, so you can create an own vm of vista, the player is free but has less functions than the non-free version, also make shure you have approx 10gig of hd and large ram for it01:00
=== Kabaka[A] is now known as Kabaka
notyjoeyhmm, my friend is getting this error when running sudo apt-get update01:01
notyjoeyW: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/multiverse/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch01:01
* Phreaks brb :)01:01
^Phantom^now i'm getting mount point does not exist01:01
notyjoeyim not sure where the sources.bz2 is so i cant get him to delete that stuff01:01
chubseido, did you use these? http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/index.php5?title=Unetbootin_Eee_Builds01:01
eidochubs: check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev Alert does not exist dropping to shell01:01
J-n^Phantom^: You need to create the mount point locally before using it as a place to mount stuff at, so create your mount point first then you should be all good01:01
uriel_<DasEi> ok thanks will a 2gig ram work?01:02
eidochubs: i had ubuntu-ee then i tried eeebuntu just now01:02
Boxicijorrit: i don't know so much about that, you've lost me there, can you help me with this? and explain step by step what i have to do01:02
ScuniziBoxici: you're domain name was purchased from someone.. they can point it anywhere you want.  The problem is you probably have a dyanmic IP from your ISP. You need to use a service like dynamicdns to track your ip.. You'd tell your isp to forward the domain name to the one given you by dydns.com and it will direct everything to your computer on your lan.. you also have to set port forwarding on your router to something other than port 8001:02
^Phantom^i need to what the who?01:02
BoxiciScunizi:  i have a static ip and when i put my ip in the browser the webserver works, but i want to use my domain not my ip...01:03
DasEiuriel_:think is alower border for vista, as you haven't got it for hardy nomore, then, don't now about minimal vista specs01:03
chubseido, so eeebuntu is giving you that error?01:03
sexcopterhi, is it possible to make the text size in a given gtk application be smaller? I'm using Quod Libet, and I just noticed the only thing that bugs me about it -- the text is much bigger than it needs to be!01:03
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^Phantom^again the stupid unknown filesystem01:03
J-n^Phantom^: The path you are telling ubuntu to mount the share folder, needs to exist.01:03
jorritBoxici: In order to setup your domain, you need to have a webserver, like Apache. Do you have a working Apache yet? Can you access the Apache server locally?01:03
^Phantom^fuck the shared folder, i'll use dvds01:03
eidochubs: yes01:03
ScuniziBoxici: your static ip is probably 192.xxx.xxx.x or something like that.. that's not the ip I was referring to.  That's an internal (lan) ip.  The one assigned to you by your isp is recognized by your router only.01:04
djhash!wtf | ^Phantom^01:04
ubottu^Phantom^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:04
uriel_ok thanks01:04
J-n^Phantom^: the shared folder setup is very simple i thin you're missing something small, what is the exact command you're typing in?01:04
kevinO^Phantom^, i warned you yesterday about your language :|01:04
^Phantom^sudo mount -t C:\Ubuntu ubuntu /root01:05
^Phantom^that ^01:05
jorritBoxici: try www.whatismyip.com to get your current WAN (external) IP01:05
Scunizijorrit: Boxici does have a working apache2 but wants to assign his domain to it.. I just assumed he's running this out of his house which typically has a dynamic IP assigned by the isp01:05
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darrenubottu, hello01:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:05
eidochubs: thanks for the help i think it might just be easier to copy xp to a usb and start from scratch01:05
J-n^Phantom^: okay i see your problem!01:05
darrenubottu, thanks01:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:05
darrenubottu, i know that01:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i know that01:06
^Phantom^i can put up a live feed of the terminal window....01:06
darrenubottu, thats ok no problem01:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:06
J-n^Phantom^: no need for a live feed of terminal window01:06
sjagatI feel silly, I'm trying to delete files in my ~/public_html that don't belong to me.  rm -rf and chown doesn't seem to work, unless I'm missing a switch.01:06
jorritScunizi: dynamic IP's are hard to get working for a webserver. Boxici, do you have a more or less static IP or a dynamic IP from your ISP?01:06
^Phantom^i'm so stupid01:06
Boxicijorrit: and Scunizi i have a static ip address01:07
Qsteranyone use synergy with windows for a gaming pc and ubuntu as main? which would i want to be the server? i would think the windows machine since i would want least amount of mouse lag... ideas?01:07
^Phantom^i'll never get the computer career if i can't work a SIMPLE, SIMPLE linux command <_<01:07
DasEi jorrit: Scunizi: google dyndns01:07
jorritBoxici, is the *external* IP address static as well? 192.168.x.x is internal.01:07
chubseido, i think i may have found a solution01:07
chubseido, still here?01:08
* ^Phantom^ pets his cat, Tigger01:08
Murlisdjhash: Im preparing backup now, I have external drive (should have done that before), I will copy the home to it and then Im ready for experiments ;)01:08
J-n^Phantom^: sudo mount -t         is good.  the rest is formated wrong. - the "sharename" part is in bold in the bottom right hand corner of Virtual box, if i recall it will start with //01:08
jorritDasEi, I know that there is sort of a solution for it, but it still complicates things.01:08
Boxicijorrit: no it is with 8601:08
J-n^Phantom^: and the mountpoint part is a folder that has already been created on your ubuntu system01:08
Boxicijorrit: do you want me to give you my ip address and check it out? i have this ip address for a long time01:09
^Phantom^ubunyu won't let me create a folder01:09
J-nubuntu won't let you create any folder?01:09
^Phantom^oh nvm it did01:09
slewhello i'm using hardy and am trying to connect to my wife's vista laptop to place files upon said laptop. is this possible with ubuntu?01:09
jorritBoxici: Not necessary, just checking to see if you have a dynamic or static IP-address on the WAN side.01:09
^Phantom^created folder 'Shared' on the desktop01:09
jorritBoxici, if it starts with 86.x.x.x, that's quite ok.01:10
Boxicijorrit: i have a static ip address01:10
J-ndo me a favor01:10
Boxicijorrit: so how can i make it work with my domain name?01:10
^Phantom^"mount point /desktop/shared does not exist <_<01:10
eidochubs:  yes01:11
eidosorry reading01:11
J-ntry /home/username/desktop/shared01:11
J-nwhere username is your username :)01:11
jorritBoxici, you can define a VHost within Apache to a directory that represents the root of your website, for instance the directory /var/www/vhosts/boxici.ro01:11
Boxicijorrit: so how can i do that?01:12
^Phantom^k got the mount part figured out01:13
jorritBoxici, you can create a httpdocs directory there to represent www.boxici.ro and possibly a httpsdocs directory for your SSL-secured content.01:13
^Phantom^now it says the mount name is unknown filesystem01:13
* ^Phantom^ ughs and starts to give up01:13
Boxicijorrit: ok but can you tell me step by step how can i make it work?01:13
darrenslew, im quite new to linux my self but i think its possible with a program called samba to share files between ubuntu and vista01:13
jorritBoxici: Did you already assign a full hostname to your computer?01:13
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J-n^Phantom^: show me the command you're typing in again :)01:14
darrenslew, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba01:14
jorritBoxici, it is also know as a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) Host01:14
Boxicijorrit: first of all i want you to know that i am a new user of ubuntu and i installed it today. i don't know so much about all of this01:14
^Phantom^sudo mount -t //ubuntu Ubuntu /home/phantom/Desktop/Shared01:14
Boxicijorrit: you've lost me...01:14
slewdarren, i agree, i have samba and can ping the laptop but cannot get the shared folders on vista to display in linux.01:14
chubseido, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5061465&postcount=2901:15
jorritBoxici, in that case, start by reading howto documents on Apache.01:15
^Phantom^i need to be to the school in like 15 minutes <_<01:15
darrenslew,  like i say im new to linux and have never used samba sorry i can not help01:15
^Phantom^so, i'll suspend my computer at this point and come back when i get home01:15
slewthanks darren i appreciate the heads up.01:16
jorritBoxici, Apache is a nice webserver, but it takes some study to setup correctly.01:16
J-n^Phantom^:  I'll be here, just ask for me, i'll make a few screenshots and somethin' for ya so we can get ya going :)01:16
^Phantom^k well thanks01:16
Boxicijorrit: when i type my ip address in a browser it shows me it works!01:16
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyHat|off
^Phantom^bye for now01:16
DasEi slew:ntfs-3g installed ? no firewall on laptop? eneabled file n foldersharing on vista ?01:17
Boxicijorrit: all that i have to do now is when i type www.boxici.ro in to my browser to show me the same thing. from what i know i have to update the dns name servers or something like that01:17
jorritBoxici, now that's a start, but does it also work from another computer outside of your house?01:17
eidochubs: i cant get back into xp to change that file01:17
chubseido, take out your flash disk01:17
Boxicijorrit: i don't know but we can try01:17
ernanii need to do an advertise about skincare & manicures... itś right if i say "i do nails and skin cleaning?01:18
kapace_hello, is there other ways to install ubuntu (xubuntu) other than CD?01:18
ubottuernani: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:18
Boxicijorrit: i will give you my ip address and you will put it in the browser and tell me if it works, but i've deleted my index page wait a second i will put it there again!01:18
jrib!install > kapace_01:18
chatticuswould any kind people be able to visit http://catalogue.torontopubliclibrary.ca/ and search for a book title? in Windows, a search is executed with results in less than a second.. in ubuntu 8.04 (live CD and installed version) it seems to take 20 seconds.. disabling ipv6 doesn't seem to help response times either01:18
ubottukapace_, please see my private message01:18
DasEi!usb > kapace_01:18
eidochubs: ubuntu error 22 when I remove the usb01:18
darrenkapace_, you can install ubuntu from a pen drive01:18
chatticusthe bizarre thing is that pretty much every other site loads quickly in ubuntu, but that site is sticking for some reason01:19
kapace_oh no boot from USB tho..01:19
jorritBoxici, When I enter your IP, I get one page, displaying the word "look"01:19
chubseido, i haven't used unetbootin but it appears you've messed up your mbr/grub01:19
chubseido, you might just be better off with your other plan :/01:20
Boxicijorrit: i put there a index page with the content txt input look01:20
dewentehi.. my question is about remote access .... i can't connect if i have an ip as
Boxicijorrit: so this means that it works... right?01:20
slewDasEi, yes to all questions01:20
slewDasEi, except no to firewall01:20
slew[as far as i know]01:21
farvahey guys01:21
jorritBoxici, if that's what your test page contains, yes, than it works on IP-level01:21
Boxicijorrit: just refresh the page now!01:21
dewentehi.. my question is about remote access .... i can't connect if i have an ip as
thinkfasthey all01:21
eidochubs: ty for the help, know of an easy way to load xp on usb without bart. I have an xp disk a pc with a dvd drive just no drive on the eeepc obviously01:21
thinkfastjust ditched fedora, going with ubuntu hehe01:21
jorritBoxici: :-D01:21
Emmett192.168 is local, not an internet address.01:21
eidoeverything i google wants me to use bartpe01:21
whileimhereHi there. I might have what some consider a stupid question. If I select in the GDM to use an x session script does that eliminate the overhead of a desktop like GNOME?01:21
airtonix_dewente, thats not a question, it's a statement01:21
Boxicijorrit:  so what now?01:21
dewentei am agree with you01:22
DasEi slew:you have to disable vista-fw or least allow hardy-ip, then you could try places>network....          can you see vista-pc in there ? (from hardy)01:22
dewentehow can i do.. for change it ?01:22
chubseido, np and good luck01:22
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:22
jorritBoxici: So the basics work, congratulations! In order to get it linked to your domain, you need the following DNS-records:01:22
dewentehow about my computer name ?01:22
farvai need a little help with my wireless card connection01:23
jorritBoxici: www.boxici.ro A
airtonix_dewente, in terminal type this : wget https://secure.internode.on.net/webtools/showmyip?textonly=101:23
dewenteEmmett, ?01:23
farvai have an Intel pro wireless and I can only get it to briefly associate with my ap01:23
airtonix_dewente, it will tell you what your ip is as seen from the internet01:23
Emmettdewente: 192.168.*.* will be inaccessible from the internet as it's not a real IP.01:24
mathiasHas anyone here tried the program PCSX2?  Whether it's through WINE or using the source code?01:24
zeroshadefarva: which version of the card?01:24
jorritBoxici: Those records have to present at your nameservers ns3.krond.org and ns4.krond.org for it to work properly.01:24
farvai have an Intel pro wireless and I can only get it to briefly associate with my ap. Any takers on helpin me out01:24
darrenmathias, yes i have tryed it01:24
marinaalguien español?01:24
jorritBoxici: ... to >be< present ...01:24
mathiasWas it any good?01:24
dewenteairtonix, i have some ip now.. let me try out01:24
Cheekywat codecs do i need to get my codecs working ? i used .. ubuntu restricted extra stuff package .. the first tme i installed ubuntu and ppl said that it may cause problems with firefox; so thisismy second installation and i was wondering wat if ishould install the codecs in a different way ?01:25
zeroshadei'll take a crack at it farva, i've had to solve that problem with my own intel card. which version of the card do you have?01:25
physically_fitmarina: #ubuntu-es01:25
Boxicijorrit: so i have to change both ns3.krond.org and ns4.krond.org with my ip address?01:25
zeroshade3945? 4965?01:25
unopEmmett, those are real IP addresses - just inaccessible over the internet as they are private01:25
zeroshadeusing ipw220?01:25
farvathx zeroshade01:25
Emmettunop: and hence not Internet Protocol.01:25
unopEmmett, heh, what do you mean?01:25
Cheekyit had to do somthing with a the font in firefox.. but i didnt experience anything01:26
zeroshadeis it using WEP or WPA?01:26
zeroshadeor open?01:26
jorritBoxici: Probably your provider has a nice control-panel for that. It is hazardous to try and edit the zone-tables yourself if you don't know what you're doing.01:26
farvai have tried all 3 and same thing but i use wpa01:26
airtonix_emma, is a valid IP address.01:26
remuhey every one, I have a HP dv4t laptop, I was having sound issues which were resolved using the "pci=noacpi" kernel option, however now I do not have brightness control, I was also thinking of undervolting the processor to get increased battery life, but I believe that I need acpi in order to do that....does anyone know what I can do to get working audio alongside atleast working brightness controls?01:26
zeroshadeok, associate with it, wait for it to break. then immediately run 'dmesg | grep ipw'01:26
dewenteairtonix, so.. this ip should be my internet ip ?01:27
zeroshadewith some luck you'll find an error being outputted that should help01:27
Boxicijorrit: when i try to put my ip address in there at name servers it says that the name of the nameserver are incorrect01:27
darrenmathias, to tell you the truth not really had to put all settings on low sound was not in sync and had a strange small white ox in top left hand side during game play, but that might have been becaue i was using a laptop01:27
tylerHow can i configure my ipod nano to work with amarok01:27
farva......crap ok you will have to give me a sec i booted back in to win to make sure i diddent acidently screw someting up in my router01:27
slewDasEi, thanks, i found that the firewall was turned on in vista and turned it off, went to places > network, found some network names in there but nothing worked, and also tried to browse directly to the vista ip addy but still nothing. >:(01:27
zeroshadeno prob01:27
jorritBoxici:Domain Name: boxici.ro01:27
jorrit   Registrar: Romarg SRL Auto01:27
jorrit   Whois Server: http://whois.rotld.ro01:27
jorrit   Referral URL: http://www.inregistrare-domenii.ro/01:27
jorrit   Name Server: ns3.krond.org01:27
airtonix_curl https://secure.internode.on.net/webtools/showmyip?textonly=1 will give you your ip address, the one you provided earlier is for use behind your router, same with the range01:27
jorrit   Name Server: ns4.krond.org01:27
jorrit   Domain Status: ok01:28
airtonix_!pastebin | jorrit01:28
ubottujorrit: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:28
DasEislew:see !samba01:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:28
jorritairtonix: Sorry about that, I'll paste it the next time.01:28
dewenteairtonix, my ip opne this website http://www.internode.on.net/01:29
asmo[B]is there a way to have two audio streams playing at the same time with onboard sound?01:29
Boxicijorrit: i have access to manage my domain name but what can i put instead of those domain names?01:29
airtonix_dewente, open a terminal (gnome-terminal) and type : curl https://secure.internode.on.net/webtools/showmyip?textonly=101:29
asmo[B]ie: a game and music01:29
airtonix_asmo[B], investigate the use of aoss01:29
DasEislew: from hardy-terminal, does a : sudo ping <nameOfTheVistaMachine> work ?01:29
asmo[B]will do thanks airtonix_01:30
dewentelet me install curl01:30
airtonix_dewente, sudo apt-get install curl01:30
dewenteyes i got it01:30
dewenteyes i got it01:30
stibilyhi everyone. first time ever using irc so.. yea. anyway, i am looking for some help with sound drivers if anyone is available? many thanks.01:30
emmaairtonix_: why are you telling me this?01:30
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
linfanIf anyone is interested there is a Linux TV show starting up any minute now at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show01:31
Boxicijorrit: do you know how can i install plesk on my server?01:31
airtonixemma, twas a mistell01:31
dewenteairtonix, ok already done .. that show me an ip01:31
DasEistibily:using hardy?  for irc-quests : /join #freenode01:31
Boxicijorrit: i want to install a counter strike server too and i heard that i need plesk for that because it is much more easy01:31
airtonixdewente, that is the ip address others would use to connect to your current machine...you of course have to setup port forwarding on your router to bring the remote access to your computer.01:32
jorritBoxici: Plesk is nice on one hand, but restricts you a lot. You'll need a license for that.01:32
stibilyyes, using hardy01:32
Raylzhi, why isnt iceweasel in the repos?01:32
puffHm, amarok isn't producing audio. Firefox is, so is xterm if I do something that produces a beep,.01:32
DasEi!who | stibily01:32
ubottustibily: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:32
farvazeroshade what is the best way to monitor thw break without having to do iwconfig over and over01:32
chubsRaylz, because ubuntu is not debian. And firefox is01:33
DasEistibily:open a terminal...01:33
dmoernerRaylz, ubuntu is pushing abrowser instead i think. they made a deal with mozilla to get firefox in ubuntu but now there is a big debate over 3.0.2 in intrepid01:33
dewenteairtonix, this is my router website01:33
chatticuscould any kind soul explain why there's such a huge discrepency in *total* ping times between these two sites? http://paste.ubuntu.com/47626/ ... the more bizarre thing is that the "slow" site pings just fine in windows. IPv6 has been disabled01:33
zeroshadefarva it doesn't show the loss of connection in the network manager?01:33
slewDasEi, yes, i can ping her lappy by ping herpcname01:33
Raylzdmoerner: why?01:34
dmoernerRaylz, why? because mozilla makes you agree to a one-time license agreement when you first start firefox 3.0.2 which was deemed "un-ubuntu"01:34
Remorse_I'll think about it01:34
zeroshadewhat happens in the network manager? it thinks you're still connected?01:34
jorritBoxici, try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47627/01:34
Boxicijorrit: so there is nothing i can do to make this work right?01:34
airtonixdewente, yes....the ip address you saw is the ip of your router as seen from the internet..so it is what external people will see you as...I think you need to read up on how network-address-translation works if you wnat to understand what is going on in your network01:34
Boxicijorrit:  i am talking about the domain and webserver now...01:35
Raylzdmoerner: the EULA? whats so particulary bad about it?01:35
DasEislew: sudo mkdir /mnt/vistapc01:35
farvazeroshade ok got it01:35
jorritBoxici: Did you look at my suggestions for DNS records?01:35
nkei0Raylz: It's a EULA, open source software shouldn't have EULA's normally.01:35
chubsRaylz, that there is one01:35
airtonixdewente, but i dont even know what your original problem is or what your trying to achieve01:35
slewDasEi, done01:35
Boxicijorrit: and what can i do with that?01:35
zeroshadegot the error? or got network manager showing the break? lol01:36
evilGUIhey I installed vlc 9.0.2 yesterday and it can't play a few of my files I installed it with the debian sources and can't uninstall it it says it's not installed01:36
evilGUIhow would I go about removing it?01:36
dewenteairtonix, i copy that ... how about i am trying make a connection from windows and is givining error01:36
Raylzdmoerner: so what are the considering to do? use iceweasel?01:36
zeroshadefarva: i've gotta run. i'll be back in about 10 minutes.01:36
Boxicijorrit: i am looking at it right now but i don't know what to do with that info!!!01:36
jorritBoxici: Well, you can enter them at your DNS control panel. If your provider does not allow you to enter your domain name, it is probably substituted by @01:36
airtonixdewente, have you setup samba on your ubuntu machine and have you opened the ports for samba?01:36
dmoernerRaylz, they are considering abrowser01:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abrowser01:37
dmoernerguess not01:37
dewenteairtonix, is just remote connexion i want to do !01:37
DasEislew: sudo apt-get install smbfs01:37
jorritBoxici: This is a very basic setup for DNS to get internet and mail working on your domainname, tied to your server.01:37
airtonixdewente, so i assume your windows machine is not in your local network>01:37
dewenteairtonix, is virtually01:38
asmo[B]is running a program with aoss as simple as adding aoss to the front of the command in the shortcut?01:38
DasEislew: whats the name of the vistapc and wheres the folder located you wanto to exchange with ?01:38
jorritBoxici: Anyway, I need to sleep, it's 2:38 am for me right now.01:38
airtonixdewente, i need more detailed information....what do you mean virtually?01:38
lanahey, can anybody tell me how to get into a spanish forum?01:38
Raylzdmoerner: never heard about it, i thought you wrote a browser01:38
harleyya i need a iso burning software for ubuntu 5.1001:38
dewenteairtonix, virtual machine with windows01:38
dmoernerRaylz, i thought the same thing I don't know why they don't just use iceweasel01:38
airtonixok virtualbox?01:38
linfanIf anyone is interested there is a Linux TV show on now at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-wftl-show01:38
Boxicijorrit: here it is 3:38 do you use yahoo messenger?01:39
jorritBoxici: Good luck on tying your domain to your server. 2) No I use X-Chat01:39
dewenteairtonix, vmware01:39
airtonixdewente, and the vmware is running on your ubuntu machine?01:39
pac1I don't seem to be able to connect to the repositories any more...01:39
chatticuscould anyone running ubuntu 8.04 do a ping of www.tpl.toronto.on.ca (just 5 packets or so) and give me a /msg or pastebin paste of the total time needed to send out/receive the 5 packets? I'm getting drastically different results in ubuntu versus windows01:39
dewenteairtonix, yes01:39
lanahelpppppp, i'm trying to get into a spanish forum01:39
jorritBoxici: Sorry, got to go now.01:39
evilGUIwhen I do apt-get remove vlc libdvdcss2 it says it's not installed :/01:39
harleyand every time i try to use the iso burner that comes with ubuntu it says ionsert a cd and there was a cd in the drive01:40
evilGUIand I can't downgrade it's driving me crazy01:40
airtonixdewente, you need to investigate 'using virtual bridge with vmware'01:40
slewDasEi, jessi-pc c:\users01:40
dewenteairtonix, ok let me turn off the vmware01:41
harleywhat would be a goo iso righting software for ubuntu on 5.1001:41
darrenlana, forum espanol01:41
darrenlana, pero de ubuntu01:41
slewDasEi, jessi-pc c:\users\public\public pictures01:41
DasEislew: sudo gedit /etc/fstab01:41
nadisidanHow can you create a file named -i? Which techniques do not work, and why do they not work? How can you remove the file named -i?01:41
airtonixdewente, here is an example of what you should be looking for : http://scottbarnham.com/blog/2007/08/23/vmware-on-ubuntu-linux-with-bridged-network-to-xp/01:41
dewenteairtonix, in addition i have also virtual box01:41
lanamuchas gracias darren01:41
Cheekycan someone help me with my codecs..i would really like to listen to some music01:42
darrenlana, lo siento me esponal un momento01:42
slewDasEi, editing..01:42
airtonixdewente, http://samiux.wordpress.com/2008/07/30/bridging-virtualbox-162-on-ubuntu-8041/01:42
nadisidanhello, guys . How can I create a file named -i? Which techniques do not work, and why do they not work? How can I remove the file named -i?01:42
darrenlana, save como chambia la canel en chat01:42
nadisidanuse command01:42
airtonixCheeky, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=MP3#Audio01:42
J-nThis is my first time using Gimp, how do i save a file as a jpg, it keeps saving it as a xcf file... i feel silly01:42
laname aparece en chat me aparese una lista01:42
Cheekyshould i install the ubuntutu restriced drivers or should i install another one called medibuntu ?01:42
jribnadisidan: touch -- -i, similarly for your other question01:43
lanapero no se cual es el de espanol01:43
asmo[B]!es lana01:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es lana01:43
airtonixCheeky, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=MP3#Audio01:43
asmo[B]!es > lana01:43
ubottulana, please see my private message01:43
darrenlana, cuanda busca la canel poner ubuntu-es01:43
nadisidanHow can I create a directory named '-i' with command line.01:43
dmoernernadisidan, touch ./-i and rm ./-i01:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:43
DasEislew: add a line : //jessi-pc/users/public/publicpictures  /mnt/vistapc  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  001:43
DasEislew: make shure the folder public pictures has no blank in the name01:44
airtonixCheeky, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP301:44
waterflaskHello everyone. My main HDD seems to be always busy and slower than much older IDE drives I got in my system. I was wondering how I could go about and find out what is causing the constant disk accesses. Ideally it would be something like the top command but for disk I/O. Any suggestions?01:44
slewDasEi, if i remove the pictures part and just keep it //jessi-pc/users/public/public i should get access to all sub folders in that folder, correct?01:45
airtonixslew, providing the servers permissions allow you01:45
darrenlana, servidor,hermientas,buca canel, ubunty-es or server,join chanel,ubuntu-es01:46
DasEislew:gotta reboot into hardy, brb01:46
slewairtonix, DasEi supposedly vista is sharing the folder 'public' and all subs under that01:46
dewenteairtonix, i am reading the page01:46
zeroshadefarva i'm back.01:46
farvazeroshade k i found out I have a firmware prob01:47
panchook so i need some help with my webcam, anyone?01:48
zeroshadefarva whats the problem?01:48
panchoi made my logitech quickcam zoom work(only video)01:48
zeroshademicrocode issue?01:48
panchohow do i enable the built-in mic?01:48
* d0lphin_n0el quem me estava a pedir ajuda para um virus?01:48
Cheekyairtonix: 8.04 is hardy wat the live cd is right "?01:48
lint_can someone help me? i am having trouble playing music file in rhythymbox01:48
farvazeroshade it says firmware error detected01:49
J-n!es | d0lphin_n0el01:49
ubottud0lphin_n0el: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:49
dewenteairtonix, as bridged not connect to internet01:49
lint_i am getting this error01:49
zeroshadeis there any error code? address? numbers?01:49
lint_Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument01:49
jigphello guys.is it really advisable to upgrade mozilla firefox?01:50
d0lphin_n0elJ-n ubottu sorry the ame here loots  it works in all the servers damit for the software to irc in linux lol01:50
jigpi have no problem before without add ons...but now seems like my firefox is missed up..very slow...01:51
farvazeroshade how do I reinstall the firmware01:51
Cheekyhow do i find out which version of ubuntu i am running on the terminal ?01:51
x1250What easy-to-use program can I use to create a movie that has the following components: jpg pictures, text, and some video clips from a camera. Any clues?01:52
stephenbyerley Is there any reason a job might be ended early when run from cron? I'm trying to get dumpcap running an indefinite capture and the command works from terminal, but dies within the first minute when run from cron. I've tried wrapping it in a script to no avail. I can't get any error messages out of cron either.01:52
dewenteairtonix, ?01:52
lanatengo un problema cuando tarto de entrar no me sale nada01:52
zeroshadefarva ipw2200 right?01:52
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x1250lana, #ubuntu-es01:53
farvazeroshade, yes01:53
zeroshadefarva: http://ipw2200.sf.net/firmware.php01:53
farvazeroshade, thx let me try it01:53
zeroshadefarva: good luck01:53
DasEiwhats the correct driver name for stndard intel-hda ?01:54
corunumhey guys, I don't have a shutdown option. Anyone know what the problem may be?01:54
chubscorunum, sudo01:55
DasEislew: fstab ?01:55
corunumchubs, sudo?01:55
Infinito-corunum, "System ->Quit..", no ?01:56
farvazeroshade, how do i find the version of the card01:56
chubscorunum, sudo shutdown -h now01:56
chubscorunum, but if you type that it'll shut down01:56
corunumchubs, I've had to do that all week.01:56
chubscorunum, oh do you mean your button is missing?01:57
b4b3i can't hear sound when play music/film...... what's the matter wiht my ubuntu...?01:57
Infinito-that's weird...01:57
corunumyeah chubs01:57
chubshmm, dno. sounds like a gnome issue01:57
corunumI only have suspend and hibernate01:57
corunumthis is the third time I've installed ubuntu on this computer and haven't had the problem before01:57
chubscorunum, are you using xgl for some reason?01:58
corunumI don't know if I am, I didn't do anything different than the previous installations01:58
farvazeroshade, how do i find the version of the card01:59
J-ncorunum: do you have it set so your account cannot see that particular menu? I'm pretty sure this is an option that can be set, i just can't remember where. Have you played with that sort of thing at all?01:59
chubscorunum, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22136801:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221368 in ubuntu "[Hardy] No power button after upgrading to Hardy x86_64" [Undecided,New]02:00
chubssecond comment down02:00
thomcwhen I attempt to share files between ubuntu and windows with samba, the windows machine can access the ubuntu share, but scrambled filenames are displayed - is there a solution for this?02:00
evilGUIhow is vlc 9.0.2 still installed if I run sudo apt-get remove vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc ?02:00
Jordan_UevilGUI: How did you install it?02:01
evilGUII used that02:01
evilGUII added the sources and ran apt-get install vlc libdvdcss202:02
zeroshadefarva: just use the latest firmware version02:02
zeroshadefarva: sorry i took a bit, got called away.02:02
Jordan_UevilGUI: Those repos only contain libdvdcss2, they don't contain vlc02:02
airtonixCheeky, yes the latest live cd is hardy02:02
=== IamSOGbutnicknam is now known as IamSOGnickused
farvazeroshade, ok one min02:02
zeroshadefarva: and its talking about the driver version not the card version.02:03
farvaoh my bad02:03
evilGUIwould it remove it if I downloaded the source and did ./configure make make uninstall?02:03
b4b3i can't hear sound when play music/film...... what's the matter wiht my ubuntu...?02:04
jribevilGUI: how are you determining it is installed?02:04
corunumthanks chubs, it worked :)02:05
zeroshadefarva: most likely you are using the newer version of the driver so the newest firmware should be fine.02:05
brendanthegreati'm having trouble installing my school's cisco vpn client on my ubuntu machine02:05
evilGUIby clicking the icons on the desktop and app menu also if I type vlc into a command window it starts02:05
jyotsnahey I'm running Ubuntu 8.04...Does this come with compiz fussion effects02:05
chubscorunum, no problem02:05
jribevilGUI: pastebin 'which vlc; apt-cache policy vlc'02:05
jyotsnaIf Yes, where do I find the set up for Compiz fusion02:05
Jordan_UevilGUI: No, if you don't install with dpkg / apt then dpkg / apt won't know anything about it02:05
Cheekyairtonix: hey man .. i cant play this link could you help me "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html"02:06
Jordan_UevilGUI: You need to enter the same directory you installed it to and run "make uninstall"02:06
St0rmcr0wbrendanthegreat: You should be able to use VPNC02:06
slewDasEi, its working. i restarted the linux box and was able to put the oh-so-precious wedding pictures on her laptop02:06
evilGUIthat was a directory in my home folder which is deleted now02:06
Jordan_UevilGUI: Download it again02:07
farvazeroshade, ok so now that I have it where do I PUT IT02:07
jyotsnahey I'm running Ubuntu 8.04...Does this come with compiz fussion effects02:07
airtonixCheeky, from what i know those two formats quicktime and realmedia are two formats that are not totally supported in linux. could be wrong02:07
viniciusanyone knows about icontray notification colors?02:07
viniciuslike this --> http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/538/capturadatelamz3.jpg02:07
jyotsnaIf Yes, where do I find the set up for Compiz fusion02:07
carandraugjyotsna: it should be default. Install ccsm to have a nice menu to edit the effects02:07
mralexandrois anyone familiar with cairo dock?02:07
jribevilGUI: you compiled it?  I thought you said you used videolan's debian repositories?02:08
zeroshadethere should be instructions. but usually firmware goes into /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/02:08
airtonixvinicius, as far as i am aware, the libnotify colorus cant be changed02:08
evilGUII did both02:08
Jordan_UevilGUI: And in the future until you get more experienced you should stay away from compiling from source02:08
slewDasEi, airtonix thanks =]02:08
DasEislew: got it ? np02:08
farvazeroshade, there are no inst. but ill put em there thx02:08
viniciusairtonix: wow... that's perfect... :)02:08
dewenteairtonix, i am having problems with the connectios bridged02:08
pianoboy3333I just upgraded to hardy, and I can't get my monitor resolution up past 800x600, can anyone help me fix this?02:08
jyotsna<carandraug>: I Think I have....where do I find that because it's not showing in the apps02:08
airtonixCheeky, i cant test those links out since I'm speed capped/shaped02:08
lanahi i need son help about asterisk02:09
viniciusairtonix: so isn't libnotify that gives the small notification?02:09
jorgoshi! I'm using hardy; when I start my laptop unplugged from AC sound plays sloooow, I mean it is 1 tone lower. when I start the laptop in AC power, sound plays normally! help anyone?02:09
jribpianoboy3333: did you use the !fixres wiki?02:09
carandraugjyotsna: System > Preferences > Compiz blah blah blah02:09
pianoboy3333jrib: I didn't see anything that could help me02:09
jribpianoboy3333: right...02:09
=== IamSOGnickused is now known as IamSOG
viniciusairtonix: is it a ubuntu or gnome package?02:09
Jordan_UevilGUI: There is a repo you can use to install vlc but *You must uninstall vlc first* with "make uninstall"02:10
=== nate_ is now known as C0L7
farvazeroshade, how do i become root so i dont have to do it with the term02:10
viniciusairtonix: thanks anyway!02:10
pianoboy3333ubottu: hi02:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:10
smokiehey guys, i created a test user account but it doesnt have access to run commands like make install, how can i give it permission so it can?02:10
farvause sudo02:10
smokiefarva, if i use that it will b owned by the user that uses sudo or root, not the test user02:11
farvaoh my bad just guessin02:11
evilGUIYeah I would stay away from the source but you can't get anything new the other way02:11
farvaim still real new to this stuff02:11
jribsmokie: where is it trying to install to?  What error are you getting?02:11
unopsmokie, if you add the user to the admin group, the user can use sudo02:11
J-npianoboy3333: nothing there helped? not running the autodetect script again? neither the instructions on editing xor.conf?02:12
C0L7I cannont read my windows xp partition (NTFS) in Ubuntu. I have tried to use NTFS Configuration tool, it says an error occured please retry. anybody have any ideas? I can boot into windows and when i open Gparted It says "unable to read contents of filesystem"02:12
smokieunop, i dont want to add it to the admin group, thats the thing02:12
NutzebahnI have dynamips nd dynagen now, but, want to know if Cisco charges for the router images? If so, where can I get free ones?02:12
smokiejrib, trying to install it in the home dir i created for the test user02:12
pianoboy3333J-n: I can't find anything help full there, the autodetect thing doesn't do monitor/video driver in hardy02:13
zeroshadefarva: if you really don't wanna use sudo you can use sudo su - to be root. but i don't reccomend it02:13
unopsmokie, adding the user to the admin group does not give the user any special capabilities, except maybe the ability to use sudo02:13
carandraugC0L7: you have ntfs-3g installed? Could you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?02:13
J-nWhat video card driver are you using?02:13
zeroshadefarva: if you do run "sudo su - " to be root, then make sure you type "exit" before you do other things to log out of root02:13
jribsmokie: and my other question?02:13
unopsmokie, you could circumvent the admin group and make an entry for the user in /etc/sudoers - but that's as good as adding the user to the admin group02:14
unopzeroshade, don't suggest sudo su ..  sudo -i02:14
C0L7   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System02:14
C0L7/dev/sda1               1       14593   117218241    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)02:14
C0L7/dev/sda5               1        1288    10345797    7  HPFS/NTFS02:14
C0L7/dev/sda6            1289       14593   106872381   83  Linux02:14
jribunop: his user shouldn't need to use sudo to install to his home directory, right?02:14
zeroshadeunop: oh. ok thanks02:14
unopjrib, errm, depends if the target requires setting things like setuid, etc - but usually no02:15
Jordan_UevilGUI: What new can't you get as a .deb?02:15
evilGUIlike coreavc for linux and things like that02:16
zeroshadefarva: is it working now?02:16
J-npianoboy3333: First thing is to be sure you're using the right driver for video, then set monitor specs. If you know what your video card, and what driver you are using that would be a start.02:17
qmemohi all, Can any one translate this lines into an understandable language to me http://www.pastey.net/9626102:17
qmemoI used tail -n 15 /var/log/messages02:17
knoppix_TheSheep, this is nubuntu, i was here earlier talking to you about this issue.  Changing to a usb keyboard helped somewhat on this machine, but still can't boot xubuntu or ubuntu live cd for some reason.  i put this knoppix live disk on and i wonder if anyone could help me retrieve my friends windows files using knoppix.  the hard drive partition that contains the files is appearing on this desktop, but i'm kind of a newb.  to retrieve and copy the file02:17
knoppix_s, i need to 'mount' that partition, right??  could anyone help me walk through this?02:17
pianoboy3333J-n: I've got a nvidia GT 7600, and right now I have the nvidia-glx-new package installed02:18
pianoboy3333xorg.conf says I'm using "nvidia"02:18
airtonixvinicius, http://daniel1992.wordpress.com/2008/03/02/changing-the-libnotify-theme/02:18
ldiamond_I cant make the "pound" sign...02:18
ldiamond_or "pond"02:19
qmemoknoppix_, you say it appears on your Desktop an Icon of The Partition ?02:19
ldiamond_watever, that number sign.02:19
DasEi knoppix_: do you have an external drive to backup to ?02:19
viniciusairtonix: good! but i found a topic on ubuntuforums at least to turn it back into the gnomes default02:19
ldiamond_My keyboard layout is so messed up, its not even a real keyboard layout02:19
iFvwmpianoboy3333: check: glxinfo |grep rendering02:19
airtonixvinicius, same thing i think then02:19
pianoboy3333iFvwm: a bunch of Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".\02:19
J-npianoboy3333: then you should be good to do the 2nd part in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto to manually set it, if you can't get it to set right with the gui tools i guess.02:19
DasEildiamond_:sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a02:20
knoppix_so, actually i've tryed right clicking to mount the partition, and it says 'mount failed, maybe another app is accessing the filesystem' but i'm not running anything else, just the knoppix live.  does anyone know of another way in to save these files?02:20
MasterShreki shoudl know this but where would a log be located that shows all my services starting?02:20
carandraugC0L7: which one can't you mount? Have you tried mounting sda5?02:20
pianoboy3333iFvwm: J-n: brb, trying something02:20
J-npianoboy3333: the section headed with "Undetected Monitor Specs"02:20
airtonixvinicius, supposedly you can change the colour by changing one of the colours in the system-preferences-appearance-colours02:20
DasEi knoppix_: do you have an external drive to backup to ?02:20
Syco54645_AAOhello, something that i have put into startup programs is not starting when gnome starts.  is there any way to get the error that is produced?  i tried making a bash script that would run it and dump the error to a file, but that didnt work02:20
viniciusairtonix: much better than the ugly ubuntu one at least... that was freaking me out for 3 years....02:20
viniciusairtonix: humn.. ill look for it...02:20
knoppix_DasEi, i bought a 4gb flash usb02:20
iFvwmpianoboy3333: check: glxinfo |grep rendering, if you see "Yes"02:21
qmemoknoppix_, DasEi asked you if you have any external drive or medium to backup your rescued files to?02:21
qmemoany way, you can run in your terminal dmesg | grep hdd02:21
jyotsnahey guys....new to ubuntu....just wanted to know the keyboard shortcut for launching the cube effect02:21
J-niFvwm: he left he'll be back he said :)02:21
knoppix_quemo, and dasei, i just bought a 4gb flash usb02:21
harleyhi every one i have ubuntu 5.10 i know its old but i want to burn a iso and every time i try to burn it its says insert a blank cd im useing black cd's02:21
iFvwmJ-n:  oo02:21
viniciusairtonix: thanks !02:21
DasEi knoppix_: you're in knoppix now ?  up-to date version (ntfs-support ?)02:21
qmemoor do dmesg | more to see what's the name of your harddrive02:22
airtonixjyotsna, ctrl + alt + drag left mouse button on desktop02:22
carandraugjyotsna: you can configure that shortuct. Look under the menu I told you to install. It's there02:22
qmemothen as root or just use sudo mount /dev/sda1 or hda1 or what ever that would be to /mnt/usbstick or your choosen dir02:22
airtonixjyotsna, or ctrl + alt + left/right arrow keys...if you dont have the cube plugin turned on you need to do so with the ccsm02:22
knoppix_DasEi, someone told me they haven't updated knoppix since 2004, i am running a disk i burned sometime back02:22
J-niFvwm: there he is02:23
ldiamond_anyone know how I can enable a driver that I compiled (got a .ko out of it)02:23
harleycan some one please help me02:23
knoppix_qmemo, it seems to be called hda202:23
Revdoes someone know if i can decently and easily (i mean without screwing everything up) downgrade my firefox 3.0 to firefox 1.5 ?02:23
pianoboy3333J-n: iFvwm: sorry guys, was trying the thing it said about dell monitors, cause I think its really teh monitor recognition that's my problem02:23
iFvwmJ-n: y02:24
DasEi knoppix_: thats not really true..., if you start the partition editor of knoppix, does it rcoqnize the ntfs ?02:24
harleyany one02:24
Revthis 3.0 is a real snail of my comp whil 1.5 was great if i remember correctly02:24
justizini'm trying to create a liveusb installer from within parallels in macosx, anyone have experience? the program was running but then just decided there were no usb devices attached after some time..02:24
pianoboy3333J-n: iFvwm: do either of you know how to use the GUI that reconfigures X?02:24
qmemosweet then (sudo root mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/usb or like I said)02:24
airtonixRev, forensically the safest way would be to install 1.5 within a virtual machine02:24
justizinit was a lot of pain to install new packages into the livecd environment so rather seek someone else w/ experience than try to repro02:24
iFvwmpianoboy3333: you cannot entre X?02:24
Revairtonix, i dont have a virtual machine, and i dont intent to install one. does that mean its over for me?02:24
pianoboy3333iFvwm: no I can, I'm on the desktop right now02:25
justizinmy mac's burner is not working, it's quite old, and not under warranty, and i want to install into a bootcamp partition from the usb stick..02:25
iFvwmpianoboy3333: so you need 3D?02:25
iFvwmneed opengl?02:25
airtonixRev, no. just your going to have to be careful. and spend some time scouring the ubuntuforums02:25
pianoboy3333iFvwm: I'm just stuck in 800x600 and I want to make my resolution 1280x1024, getting 3D would be nice, but resolution first02:25
Revairtonix, ok...02:25
acp_!visual Assistance02:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:25
qmemoany one, could give one min to look at this log! (http://www.pastey.net/96261)02:26
iFvwmpianoboy3333: as you said, "nvidia" driver name is in your xorg.conf?02:26
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca
harleyim  in ubunttu 5.10 and when i try to burn a iso it says insert a cd and i did and its not working still pleae help me thanks02:26
pianoboy3333iFvwm: yes02:26
DasEiharley : tried k3b ?02:27
pianoboy3333iFvwm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47634/02:27
harleyill check it out02:27
iFvwmpianoboy3333: you can paste some infor by excute 2: 1, xrandr 2, glxinfo|grep renderding02:27
zhanggood feel02:27
pianoboy3333iFvwm: and this is the Xorg.0.log, http://paste.ubuntu.com/47635/02:27
iFvwmpianoboy3333: aaa. your xorg.conf is bad one02:28
harleywill it work with ubuntu 5.1002:28
DasEi knoppix_:  if you start the partition editor of knoppix, does it rcoqnize the ntfs ?02:28
pianoboy3333iFvwm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47636/02:28
okaygoQuestion: http://pastebin.com/d282fa23 -- I get these errors in my /var/messages/log (after my computer hardlocks), I'm assuming my hard-drive has bad sectors, is there a way to disable these bad sectors?02:28
iFvwmnot any resolution and parameter that must need for 3D02:28
knoppix_i'm not sure i understand the question02:28
pianoboy3333iFvwm: I know, but I don't know how to configure it02:28
knoppix_dasei, i'm not sure i understand the question02:28
ldiamond_anyone know how I can enable a driver that I compiled (got a .ko out of it)02:28
b4b3anybody can tell me how to install package installer file with ekstension .tar.gz in ubuntu.................?02:29
DasEi knoppix_: you're in knoppix now ?02:29
jribb4b3: what exactly are you trying to install?02:29
ubottub4b3, please see my private message02:29
knoppix_dasei, yes, knoppix live .. i also just found this utility on here called 'captive microsoft windows acquire' but not sure if its useful?02:29
b4b3flash player02:30
iFvwmpianoboy3333: 1, you can rename your xorg.conf and reboot system, let system auto-detect and renew a xorg.conf; 2, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh02:30
b4b3plugin firefox02:30
pianoboy3333iFvwm: ok I'll do that02:30
DasEi knoppix_: apps>system>qtparted        ,open it02:30
harleyim a way to big noob for this what k3b package do i want02:30
usserb4b3, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:30
iFvwmotherwise, i am not sure, you can excute sudo nvidia-settings. pianoboy333302:30
knoppix_dasei, ok gimme minute02:30
iFvwmpianoboy3333: install the tools, and gui select something02:30
DasEi!who | harley02:30
ubottuharley: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:31
jribb4b3: just visit http://badgerbadgerbadger.com in firefox and click on the yellow bar at the top.  Install adobe flash, not gnash02:31
DasEiharley : open a terminal...02:31
J-npianoboy3333: i used nvidia-settings to do my video stuff, i've got dual monitors and some other funky jazz its what helped me out02:31
pianoboy3333iFvwm: nvidia-settings says that nvidia driver isn't in use, and to use nvidia-xconfigure or w/e that program is, but then I use it and reboot X, and I open nvidia-settings back up02:31
pianoboy3333iFvwm: and it still says its not in use02:31
DasEiharley : sudo apt-get install kr3b02:31
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pianoboy3333iFvwm: lemme try renaming + rebooting, hold on02:31
DasEiharley :is it installing ?02:31
pibe86hello, how can i start to install ubuntu 8.04 in text mode?02:32
DasEipibe86: use alternate installer cd02:32
harley it say couldnt fin package02:32
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jrib!alternate | pibe8602:33
ubottupibe86: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:33
pibe86DasEi: so my ubuntu only works in graphic mode?02:33
knoppix_DasEi, ok, i have qtparted opened02:33
geniusHow to change runlevel? I want just to change runlevel via sudo w/o init command. just make system think it has another runlevel02:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fvwm02:33
usserb4b3, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree libflashsupport02:33
jribgenius: why do you want to?02:33
usserb4b3, restart firefox and you should have flash02:33
pibe86ubottu: ok, i am downliading, because i have some errores in my lap02:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:34
DasEipibe86:until you don't want a headless server installation, by default yes02:34
iFvwmpibe86: ignore all *bot*. :D02:34
DasEi knoppix_: does it recoqnise ntfs ?02:34
geniusjrib: can i just want to? :) because i have runlevel 6 and it must be 2.02:35
RediXe_Is there anyway to reinstall without a CD? I want to wipe this laptop and start from scratch but don't want to download the CD again if I can help it.02:35
DasEi knoppix_: is ur usb seen ?02:35
pibe86DasEi: so, alternate cd install gnome?02:35
harleyDasei it say package not found02:35
pibe86does alternate cd install gnome?02:35
jribgenius: no, usually people who ask that question don't understand runlevels 2-5 are identical is all...  You can use 'telinit' to change runlevel02:35
DasEiharley :hum, hardy 5,             google nero for linux, get the free installer package from there02:35
knoppix_DasEi, i haven't plugged the usb in yet, should i have?02:35
geniuspibe86: sure.02:35
geniuspibe86: server version CD does not02:36
DasEi knoppix_: yes02:36
geniusjrib: but i have runlevel 6 :) because i partially shut down my system.02:36
ldiamond_anyone know how I can enable a driver that I compiled (got a .ko out of it)02:36
DasEipibe86:the chassis is always the same, but the tops are different, ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu02:37
knoppix_DasEi, k, lemme put the usb stick in02:37
pibe86genius: ok, compaq's laptops are good to install ubuntu desktop?02:37
iFvwmldiamond_: google "insmod"02:37
DasEipibe86:you can change it later (the surfaces)02:37
pibe86DasEi: thanks02:37
harleyDasEi do i want thr\e rpm or debian file becouse i have the deb file but the file manager dosent reconize it02:38
Aaron_Mibbithey all, trying to connect to my VNC setup on my ubuntu machine at home, but it won't let me in... I've tried TightVNC, and RealVNC, both mention something about security types... anybody know of a vnc program that works for connecting to ubuntu's supplied vnc server?02:38
pianoboy3333iFvwm: ok, renaming the file worked, I'm in 1280x1024, should I still do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"02:38
pianoboy3333iFvwm: and do you think you can help me get 3D02:38
iFvwmpianoboy3333: not need more02:38
DasEiharley: deb file02:38
iFvwmpianoboy3333: if you need 3D. some lines need add to xorg.conf02:38
gnomenameCan someone help me add adobe flash player? I don't know how to use ubuntu02:38
gnomenameCan someone help me add adobe flash player? I don't know how to use ubuntu02:38
pianoboy3333iFvwm: such as?02:39
geniuspibe86: all laptops differ. Ubuntu is good for laptops. But you can experience problems with webcam02:39
DasEi knoppix_: is both, usb and ntfs recoqnized ?02:39
harleyDasEi its says archive not supportes02:39
gnomenameCan someone help me add adobe flash player? I don't know how to use ubuntu02:39
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geniuspibe86: anyway the fresh live-cd will show you all that can work plug'n'play02:39
iFvwmpianoboy3333: google for those  "AddARGBGLXVisuals"  "Composite" "Enable"02:39
jribgnomename: just visit http://badgerbadgerbadger.com in firefox and click on the yellow bar at the top.  Install adobe flash, not gnash02:39
harleygnomename what version of ubuntu do you have02:39
gnomenamehardy heron02:40
iFvwmor i can paste some example. but is hard to explain. pianoboy333302:40
pianoboy3333iFvwm: paste an example please02:40
DasEiharley:  sudo dpkg - i  /<Path>/<nerofile.deb> doesn't work ?02:40
knoppix_DasEi, i see the /dev/hda2 ntfs   status active of 71.04GB in the qparted window, but i don't see the usb in that list anywhere.  should i restart qtparted?02:41
pibe86genius: i was installin ubuntu live cd and in 71% shows and error it said something like clean the cd, and before installin i have to use F6 to replace a lice for this one "all_generic_ide"02:41
harleyDasEi if it were download to desktop what would the file path be02:41
iFvwmhttp://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/9458 pianoboy333302:41
iFvwmyou check it yourself02:41
DasEiharley:  assuming you username is harley : /home/harley/Dektop/bblabla.deb02:41
PDF_qI have a question about mencoder, whenever I run mencoder from command line to convert a realplayer file to avi, it works fine, but when I use a program to run it through a "system" command it isn't able to create it, I just get a bunch of "1 duplicate frame(s)!" and nothing else02:41
J-niFvwm: pianoboy3333: here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/47638/02:42
PDF_qanyone know why?02:42
iFvwmnot standard one. but it works . pianoboy333302:42
Freakin_Busyhey is there a ubuntu studio chat?02:42
iFvwmJ-n: you modify it manually?02:42
jribFreakin_Busy: #ubuntustudio02:42
iFvwmadd dual display?02:43
J-ni used nvidia-settings and did some manual modifications as well.02:43
Freakin_Busyty jrgp02:43
geniuspibe86: i am not sure. ask someone else. btw there is option on boot to check cd before installation02:43
Freakin_Busy* jrib02:43
iFvwmJ-n: good. :D02:43
J-niFvwm: the manual stuff was for getting my vid card to work right, then used nvidia-settings to get dual monitors workin' lol02:43
pibe86genius: i used it and it said i was ok02:43
pibe86genius: i am going to try with alternative cd02:44
RediXe_Is there anyway to reinstall without a CD? I want to wipe this laptop and start from scratch but don't want to download the CD again if I can help it.02:44
pianoboy3333iFvwm: J-n: I can't modify my xorg.conf cause I dont' have one right now, after I deleted the old one, and I now have 1280x1024 I don't have an xorg.conf02:44
pianoboy3333iFvwm: J-n: nvidia-xconfig doesn't work, cause I don't have a config file...02:44
J-npianoboy3333 it should have created a new one automatically no?02:44
pibe86genius: does alternative cd include more drivers than live cd? what the difference?02:44
pianoboy3333J-n: no, I dk what it did02:44
iFvwmJ-n: i always use nvidia-settings to enabled my hdmi display. i hate nvidia-settings, for i want use xrandr to control this.02:44
geniuspibe86: maybe you have some hardware issues. for example - bad hdd02:45
harleyDasEi its says bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'02:45
iFvwmpianoboy3333: not nvidia-xconfig02:45
Aaron_MibbitRediXe_: if you can burn a CD, you can get a mini ISO and use that to build a minimal system, if you fancy a hands-on approach'02:45
DasEi pianoboy3333:sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:45
iFvwmbut nvidia-settings02:45
pianoboy3333iFvwm: nvidia-settings says run nvidia-xconfig02:45
Aaron_Mibbithey all, trying to connect to my VNC setup on my ubuntu machine at home, but it won't let me in... I've tried TightVNC, and RealVNC, both mention something about security types... anybody know of a vnc program that works for connecting to ubuntu's supplied vnc server?02:45
iFvwmpianoboy3333: ? so strange?02:45
geniuspibe86: no, alt cd have better text gui for advanced users. but imho it will not help to avoid this problems.02:45
iFvwmnot another indicate?02:46
pianoboy3333iFvwm: and dpkg-reconfigure doesn't work, cause md5sum can't find xorg.conf02:46
knoppix_DasEi, i restarted qparted and now on the left hand panel it is showing /dev/hda and below that /dev/sda ... is the sda the usb flashdrive?02:46
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, any reason you cant use ssh x forwarding?02:46
DasEiharley : what about : sudo apt-get intstall /home/harley/Desktop/neroblabla.deb ?02:46
iFvwmpianoboy3333: now your status is: all ok but 3D? right?02:46
pibe86genius: i dunno,  i will tried this, if it works i ll be happy xD02:46
pianoboy3333iFvwm: yea02:46
RediXe_Aaron_Mibbit: I COULD get and burn the CD but would be a little bit of a pain.02:46
DasEiknoppix_:yes, thats fine so far, is the ntfs seen by qtparted ?02:46
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: it's behind a firewall and I don't have access to it at the moment, though I could do that02:46
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, there is a piece of software for windows called xMing, i was using it on XP to have remote x forwarding from windows to a gnome desktop02:46
thinkfasthey guys im having problems finding the "erase entire disc" option in the installation02:47
iFvwmpianoboy3333: so just add some parameter lines into xorg.conf.02:47
thinkfastive got fedora installed and i just want to wipe it off02:47
iFvwmas i paste02:47
Aaron_MibbitRediXe_: a little pain now can save a lot later on, trust me02:47
pianoboy3333iFvwm: I don't have an xorg.conf right now02:47
pianoboy3333I don't know how I can even be on my desktop02:47
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: and that would go over the internet, not just on a LAN?02:47
DasEi pianoboy3333:sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg,           you can manually generate an xorg (empty) before02:47
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, so i could use putty, setup x forwarding and loginto my ubuntu machine, then i could run anything that would normally require a x server, which xMing handles since it is an x server for windows02:47
RediXe_Aaron_Mibbit: Well, I have the CD but it's an hour drive 1 way away from me so .... was hoping to avoid that much trouble.02:48
knoppix_DasEi, it seems to be, in the main panel to the right?  has these partitions listed: first is /dev/hda1 type fat16, then /dev/hda2 type ntfs status active02:48
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, it's connection abilities are using ssh... so anything you can setup ssh to connect to02:48
autumnso I'm fighting with a driver for a GE (sonix) Minicam Pro webcam (SN9C103 and ov7630 chipset)02:48
iFvwmpianoboy3333: so as DasEi said, you try it02:48
harleyDasEi it say couldnt find package i renamed it to 123.deb to reduce all the typeing.. :-(02:48
autumnand I've downloaded a "recent" release driver for it02:48
autumnthat is binary02:48
autumnand should load02:48
pianoboy3333oh now there's one02:48
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, it was the easiest way for me to get gedit running on windows02:48
DasEiknoppix_:yes, thats fine , close qtparted, open a terminal...02:48
pianoboy3333iFvwm: ok now I did the reconfigure, what's next02:49
autumnbut I get an error: dependency is not satisfiable: linix-image-generic02:49
autumnwhich I have02:49
thinkfastcan anyone point me in the right direction?02:49
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, this was when i was using dapper though02:49
PDF_qit also gives me this message [cook @ 0xde0c00]MC_COOK not supported!02:49
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: ah, i get you now, ssh into the box, forward the X11 ports02:49
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, ja02:49
PDF_qits weird02:49
iFvwmpianoboy3333: new xorg.conf here?02:49
knoppix_DasEi, does it have to close or can i leave it open to refer to?02:49
PDF_qI can run it directly but not through a program02:49
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: cool, I'll try it when i get home02:49
DasEiharley: cd to Desktop then, first, try ls to see if it's there02:49
sjovanwhat is the command for findeing out the routers ip? you know... gateway. don't you have something like ipconfig in linux?02:49
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, better peformance than vnc02:49
DasEiknoppix_:if you got enough ram...02:49
pianoboy3333iFvwm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47642/02:50
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: would xMing support xdm?02:50
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, but im not sure about sessions...you could incorporate the use of 'screen' in there somehwere02:50
knoppix_DasEi, closed it :)02:50
sjovanPDF_q: ifconfig doesn't give me the information i need02:50
ldiamond_Wow, how long is sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a supposed to take...?02:50
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, i dont know what xdm is02:50
knoppix_DasEi, looking for a terminal, gimme second02:50
ldiamond_still havent fixed my keyboard02:50
harleyDasEi i under stood cd to destop then what02:50
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, is it like gdm?02:50
harleyDasEi and thanks your vert very very helpfule02:51
chubsAaron_Mibbit, I don't see why not02:51
DasEiharley : ls       (l=L)02:51
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: it is a blanket term for gdm and kdm for gnome and kde02:51
Denisenight roomies02:51
DasEiharley : see 123.deb ?02:51
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, the act of logging in via ssh does the same thing that you would do via gdm/kdm/xdm02:51
St0rmcr0wsjovan: try 'route'02:51
iFvwmpianoboy3333: so simple one? now lauch nvidia-settings02:51
DasEiharley : sudo apt-get install 123.deb02:51
St0rmcr0wsjovan: or 'netstat -r'02:52
pianoboy3333iFvwm: it says run nvidia-xconfig02:52
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, once you are at the remote servers prompt, you just run stuff like : # gedit or # nautilus --no-desktop02:52
pianoboy3333iFvwm: should I do that?02:52
iFvwmjust wait02:52
Ratchet_ArmaIs there any solution to:02:52
Ratchet_ArmaBusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash)02:52
Ratchet_ArmaEnter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.02:52
iFvwmwait a minute02:52
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, or you could just open up the nautilus desktop .... #nautilus02:52
knoppix_DasEi, Konsole ok?02:52
sjovanSt0rmcr0w: thanx, netstat -r did the trick02:52
DasEiknoppix_:yup, type : su02:52
knoppix_DasEi, i wonder if i will have enough priveleges with this konsole02:53
Ratchet_ArmaI am trying to get ubuntu to work:02:53
Ratchet_ArmaBusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash)02:53
Ratchet_ArmaEnter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.02:53
Ratchet_ArmaPlease help02:53
Aval0nI have this server and i'm looking to use public/private keys for ssh except for 1 user. Can anyone either point me to some doc or give me a tip on how to enable password verification for just 1 users?02:53
thinkfastcan anyone tell me where the "erase entire disc" option is in the installation?02:53
evilGUIalso I get  a little black box when playing video in vlc but it can be fixed by going to full screen and back I'm using openchrome drivers02:53
thinkfasti cant find it for the life of me02:53
thinkfastwanna format the entire disc on installation02:53
DasEiknoppix_:are root now ?02:53
harleyDasEi i asume that if i put it in the root directory and then try to instal 123.deb it would work but it says i dont have permisoin witch is odd couse i should have root acc02:53
knoppix_DasEi, ok typed su, then enter?02:53
hellcattravEllo all02:53
Aaron_Mibbitairtonix: a google search revealed that xMing does support XDMCP out of the box02:53
godmode117hi, im having a strange problem, im randomly getting a mounted cd drive i cant unmount it, it also makes my cd drive useless since i cant unmount it02:53
Ratchet_ArmaBusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu7) Built-in shell (ash)02:53
Ratchet_ArmaEnter ‘help’ for a list of built-in commands.02:53
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?02:53
jribRatchet_Arma: stop, use a pastebin02:53
knoppix_DasEi, yes i am root02:53
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, its one of my favourit pieces of software on windows02:54
elexodusRatchet_Arma: I had that problem too.02:54
DasEiharley : sudo chown harley 123.deb, then again...02:54
ldiamond_DasEi, how long is sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a supposed to take??02:54
elexodusRatchet_Arma: boot to a LiveCD02:54
airtonixAaron_Mibbit, providing you are stuck in a windows enviroment and are allowed to install xming02:54
PaulusVictorI need a little help with Samba. My Ubuntu box can see my windows network, but not the shares inside of it. I've tried following the help online but am stuck.02:54
DasEiknoppix_:umount -a02:54
hellcattravis there something comparable in linux(prob with compiz) to Mac's dashboard? to have the widgets not on hte litteral desktop?02:54
elexodusRatchet_Arma: Once you are in the liveCD, backup your /home/ directory, and then reinstall Ubuntu from the liveCD.02:55
DasEiIdiamond_:about 10 min on a 2mhz machine02:55
airtonixhellcattrav, no, not completly02:55
hellcattravairtonix, what is there then?02:55
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godmode117hi, im having a strange problem, im randomly getting a mounted cd drive i cant unmount it, it also makes my cd drive useless since i cant unmount it02:55
airtonixhellcattrav, avant-window-navigator comes pretty close02:55
DasEiknoppix_: mkdir /mnt/uusb02:55
elexodusRatchet_Arma: Once you have reinstalled, Replace your /home/ directory with the old one.02:55
DasEiknoppix_: mkdir /mnt/nntfs02:55
harleyDasEihold on when i installed ubunbtu i had a old dvd drive then after i downloaded the iso i switched to a rightable drive could this affect any thing02:55
Ratchet_ArmaI am completely new to this, Might take a bit more :O02:56
iFvwmpianoboy3333: so sorry, i must on works now. i can ask DasEi or another. :D02:56
hellcattravjust looked on wikipedia and dashboard is something to hold the widgets yes?02:56
elexodusRatchet_Arma: A LiveCD is the ISO you use to boot into and install Linux.02:56
airtonixhellcattrav, but its not a direct clone of dashboard unfortunatly02:56
Ratchet_Armaelexodus, Okay, I have it on a CD Rom02:56
knoppix_DasEi, root@ttyp1[knoppix]# umount -a02:56
knoppix_umount: /mnt/auto: device is busy02:56
knoppix_umount: /ramdisk: device is busy02:56
knoppix_umount: /KNOPPIX: device is busy02:56
knoppix_umount: /cdrom: device is busy02:56
mattw_hey anyone here know why when i run a program in wine while playing music in ubuntu the sound drivers fail in wine?02:56
Ratchet_Armaelexodus, Is that right?02:56
elexodusRatchet_Arma: That should be fine. What distro are you using? Ubuntu?02:56
DasEiknoppix_:just fine :      mkdir /mnt/uusb02:56
airtonixhellcattrav, http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/Ubuntu+Feisty+Repository02:56
DasEiknoppix_: mkdir /mnt/nntfs02:56
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?02:56
Ratchet_ArmaI am on windows XP Trying to install Ubuntu, Yes.02:57
J-nsjovan: route command i think will give you all the info you need and the ability to modify your routing table as you see fit :)02:57
DasEiharley: I never used hardy 5, but that shouldn't be the matter here02:57
airtonixhellcattrav, or sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator02:57
Ratchet_ArmaI got it working for a little while, but swapped back to windows looking for help with wireless internet, and tried to get back on and it would'nt work.02:57
mattw_is there a wine channel on freenode>02:57
elexodusRatchet_Arma: Please type my name "elexodus" in your responses to make it easier for me to spot them.02:57
Ratchet_Armaelexodus,  Okay.02:58
elexodusRatchet_Arma: thanks02:58
chubsmattw_, #winehq02:58
harleyok idc about burning a iso if i could get ubuntu to reconize my sound card02:58
mattw_thanks :)02:58
elexodusRatchet_Arma: so, you have XP installed?02:58
Denisegreen party02:58
knoppix_root@ttyp1[knoppix]# mkdir /mnt/uusb02:58
knoppix_mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/uusb': Read-only file system02:58
knoppix_root@ttyp1[knoppix]# mkdir /mnt/nntfs02:58
knoppix_mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/nntfs': Read-only file system02:58
Ratchet_Armaelexodus,  I have to go soon, I was just asking around if there was a fast response, I will have to find you again, since I have about 5 minutes.02:58
chubs!pastebin | knoppix_02:58
ubottuknoppix_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:58
airtonixhellcattrav, awn wesbite here : http://wiki.awn-project.org/index.php?title=Main_Page02:58
Ratchet_Armaelexodus,  Yes I do.02:58
sjovanJ-n: cool cool, going to wright the command back my ear. maby i'll need that in the future02:59
harleygod if only i had a usb flash drive02:59
knoppix_chubs, sorry, thought it would be ok short02:59
philsfwhere can I get the kernel 2.6.27, that is mentioned in possibly all kernel related bug reports, for hardy?02:59
mike4263I have a xmodmap file that I execute everytime I login to map my caps key to esc (vi user).  where should I put this so it is automatically executed on launch?  rc.d & Xsession didn't seem to work..02:59
Ratchet_Armaelexodus,  I posted on forums, If you have time to post there?02:59
harleycould a mp3 work to boot a os from02:59
J-nsjovan: shouldnt be too hard to remember - to look at your routing table type... route   :)02:59
knoppix_DasEi, did you see the output?03:00
Deniseback to french world03:00
elexodusRatchet_Arma: g'night03:00
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:00
DasEiknoppix_: pm'd you to avoid flood03:00
Ratchet_Armaelexodus,  night03:00
knoppix_DasEi, ok i see you moving over there03:00
elexodusAnyone speak Samba???03:01
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:01
harleyDasEi thanks for the help but im done peace out03:01
sjovanJ-n: that's the reason i'll "wright" it back my ear :)03:01
J-nsjovan:  :)03:02
elexodusDasEi: I meant "I have a specific question with regard to Samba, and need somebody who could take the time to troubleshoot it with me."03:02
rabinitoI have a problem with my webcam... the light in the webcam is on when i try to use it, as it was working... but the image in the software is all black... anyone?03:02
danbh_intrepidelexodus: just ask your question03:02
elexodusrabinito: google the model for ubuntu driver support03:02
omally[9:50:08 PM] Jace Toney: i wanted to tell you that i love you baby03:02
omally[9:50:14 PM] Jace Toney: i like it when you give it to me hardcore03:02
omally[9:50:19 PM] Jace Toney: in my vagina03:02
omally[9:50:23 PM] Jace Toney: cause thats hott like that03:02
omally[9:50:39 PM] Jace Toney: especially when the rats run around the room and shit03:02
omally[9:50:45 PM] Jace Toney: love that shit raw03:02
omally[9:50:49 PM] Jace Toney: raw like bacon03:02
omally[9:51:01 PM] Jace Toney: bitch, i make green eggs and ham in the morning03:02
danbh_intrepidrabinito: try gstreamer-properties to test your mic03:02
omally[9:51:12 PM] Jace Toney: cant see straight cause that shit is so great03:03
omally[9:52:02 PM] Jace Toney: hot damn, my bitch is fine03:03
elexodusdanbh_intrepid: Need help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:03
omally[9:52:12 PM] Jace Toney: smokin blunts like all uh the time03:03
omally[9:52:38 PM] Jace Toney: nigga i puff and pass and puff that grass03:03
rabinitoelexodus, already did that, of course.. but I can't get it working03:03
omally[9:52:58 PM] Jace Toney: as i grab bitches ass03:03
acp_where can I edit my no. of virtual console, seem that 8.04 is not using inittab any more I would like to limit my virtual console to 2?03:03
omally[9:53:04 PM] Jace Toney: get three dollars cash03:03
StylesWere can I get eclipse all in one packaged w/ PHP?03:03
omally[9:53:10 PM] Jace Toney: and spend it on some mo hash03:03
omally[9:53:18 PM] Jace Toney: bitches aint got shit on this shit03:03
omally[9:53:24 PM] Jace Toney: nukka be wearing me out03:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!03:03
omally[9:53:43 PM] Jace Toney: its not puffpuffpuffpuffpuffpuff pass nigga03:03
omally[9:53:56 PM] Jace Toney: so grab that shit and give it to ya hoe03:03
omally[9:53:58 PM] Jace Toney: make her freak03:03
omally[9:54:05 PM] Jace Toney: make her break her elbow03:03
omally[9:54:23 PM] Jace Toney: this shit aint poppin cause the dros on the low03:03
omally[9:54:44 PM] Jace Toney: might eat me an oreooooooo03:03
elexodusrabinito: is there anything else in your hardware that isn't working?03:03
Styleshi danopia``03:03
J-nPici: TY03:03
MyNameIsZohanneed help with cairo dock, I'd like to know how to add system preferences et adminstration menu to it03:03
PiciJ-n: yw03:03
danopia``hi Styles03:03
elexodusMyNameIsZohan: what is it that you want it to do?03:04
MyNameIsZohani want to add the system preferences and system adminstration to cairo dock03:04
rabinitoelexodus, no.. only my webcam... It apparently works, but no image.. all black03:04
MyNameIsZohansince i have no more panel03:04
elexodusMyNameIsZohan: oh, I read that wrong. I thought you said "cairo clock"03:04
danbh_intrepidelexodus: have you checked the link that ubottu gave you?03:05
Denisecairo no good03:06
elexodusdanbh_intrepid: Yes, I've gone through it times and times before. I have a melfunction in my smb.conf that needs to be addressed. Never had this problem before with Vista...03:06
Deniseonly extra situations03:06
rabinitodanbh_intrepid, I tried.. it "works" with v4l... but the captured image is all black03:06
MyNameIsZohancairo no good?03:06
MyNameIsZohanworks well for me03:06
elexodusrabinito: ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Save your work before you do it. See if that helps.03:06
elexodusI like cairo too.03:07
rabinitoelexodus, no.. never worked in ubuntu...03:07
MyNameIsZohandoes work03:07
MyNameIsZohanrunning it right now03:07
Deniseokay then03:07
elexodusrabinito: have you restarted since making changes to the drivers/settings?03:07
MyNameIsZohanso is there anyone who can help me?03:07
=== foob is now known as arooni
MyNameIsZohani want to add system adminstration et preferences menu to the dock!03:08
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:08
rabinitoelexodus, yes03:08
Deniseall under the umbrella03:08
elexodusrabinito: is this an external or internal?03:08
elexodusrabinito: also, what model03:09
rabinitoelexodus, external... a genius eyecam03:09
elexodusrabinito: have a model number?03:09
rabinitoelexodus, let me see03:09
aroonii'm trying to install the nvidia geforce 8600gts on my machine ... but when ubuntu loads up.... i see the loading screen fine, but the welcome screen never shows..... how should i fix?03:09
airtonixMyNameIsZohan, this is not possible, unless you code a plugin as far as i am aware03:09
J-nsjovan: If you're familar with networking in general then this might help for basick networking stuff in linux... helps when i forget a command name and stuff. :)   http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch03_:_Linux_Networking03:09
elexodusrabinito: I'm not familiar with "genius eyecam"03:10
MyNameIsZohanok thanks for the answer airtonix03:10
elexodusrabinito: sorry.03:10
rabinitoelexodus, VideoCam Eye  from Genius03:10
rabinitoelexodus, don't worry, thanks anyway03:10
elexodusrabinito: ohhhhhhh03:10
Denisegood eye03:10
Deniseworks well generally03:10
elexodusrabinito: what version of ubuntu are you running?03:11
sjovanJ-n: nice link. going to bookmark it. thanks mate03:11
AshexI have a thunderbird question03:11
J-nsjovan:  np :)03:11
AshexI have the enigma extension installed via repos03:11
AshexI want to disable the auto-sign feature when I send an email, 90% of my emails I don't want to sign03:12
Ashexer, enigmail03:12
rabinitoelexodus, 8.04.103:12
mralexandrohow do you open an application-x-emerald theme?03:12
elexodusrabinito: have you seen http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75284 ?03:13
elexodusrabinito: looking around I also see a lot of refences to http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html03:13
rabinitoelexodus, no.. is that the chipset of my camera??03:13
=== synapse_ is now known as Boxici
Boxiciis there a helper here?03:14
evilGUInope no ones here03:14
elexodusrabinito: you'd have to see the manufacturer website for that. Check out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-316766.html03:14
Denisebad you03:14
WonderbirdAnyone can explain why iPod Classic 160GB will not play files copied to it from UBU 6.04 64 bit (but will play stuff coming from 32 bit ubu 8.04???)03:14
danbh_intrepidWonderbird: have you tried 8.04 64bit?03:15
elexodusWonderbird: Apple is a scurge?03:15
WonderbirdSorr... typo03:15
Ashexso, what channel should I go to for thunderbird?03:15
elexodusWonderbird: 64 bit?03:16
Boxicii need some help with my server please03:16
elexodusBoxici: what type of server?03:16
geniusWhen apt-get upgrade i've got one undefined package that "1 not fully installed or removed." - how to remove it?03:16
Boxicielexodus: i installed an apache2 server on my ubuntu and i am a new user of this OS type...03:16
rabinitoelexodus, thank! I will check on that03:16
Boxicielexodus: i have a domain name and i don't know how to make it work with my apache2 server...03:17
Denisedo a purge genius03:17
Deniseit is out anyway03:17
elexodusBoxici: I've tried an apache2 server before, and I can assure you that I'm not the right guy to be asking. I gave up. Sorry03:18
elexodusrabinito: No problem. Thanks fo9r asking03:18
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:18
airtonixBoxici, if you apache server is connecting to the internet via router that doesnt have static ip, then you need to investigate the use of dyndns03:18
DeniseI have an apache 2 un deletable03:18
favrois there a fuzzy clock in gnome yet?03:18
geniusDenise: there is nothing to purge :) package is unknown03:18
Boxiciairtonix: but my ip is static03:18
elexodusfavro: cairo clock?03:19
bex_elexodus: your forward slash should be a backslash03:19
Denisehow come i cant remove apache203:19
airtonixthen you need to discuss with your domain name provider on how to point the domain name to your ip03:19
danbh_intrepidDenise: whats the error?03:19
elexodusbex_: you know what I mean. Sorry, I'm tired.03:19
DeniseI deleted it all03:19
favroelexodus: does that use words for the time instead of numbers?03:19
Deniseand it is still running on my top03:19
airtonixBoxici, usually this can be done via a web interface provided by the domain name providor03:19
Deniseon my screen03:20
bex_elexodus: sorry mate no worries.. are you logging on at the ubuntu boxes text console, gdm, or ssh from vista.03:20
danbh_intrepidDenise: reboot?03:20
elexodusfavro: I think there may be an option, but it's more like the clock you see docked on the Vista desktop.03:20
Boxiciairtonix:  i know because i have access to that page, but when i try to change the old nameservers with my ip address it tell's me that the name of the nameservers are incorrect03:20
favroelexodus: heh never seen vista... thnx tho :)03:20
elexodusbex_: My Ubuntu box is the central backup point. I have a Lenovo Vista partition that I want to connect into my Ubuntu box.03:21
elexodusfavro: you didn't miss much.03:21
Denisei deleted it this morning03:21
Deniseshut down two times since03:21
Denisestill there03:21
airtonixDenise, have you tried : sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop03:22
DeniseI dont control my root03:22
Denisebut how come I cant remove it?03:22
airtonixDenise, then your out of luck till the person who does can recitfy the problem03:22
Boxiciairtonix:  i know because i have access to that page, but when i try to change the old nameservers with my ip address it tell's me that the name of the nameservers are incorrect03:22
DeniseI mean I m root03:22
=== Tulimaq__ is now known as Tulimaq
Denisebut there are ghosts03:22
airtonixBoxici, not sure why your changing the nameservers...should just ask for an ip address to associate with your domain name03:22
aroonihow do i mount a flash drive in recovery mode03:23
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Boxiciairtonix:  but i can findout if i run the domain name with a whois program03:23
airtonixBoxici, thats good, but its unlreated to you getting your ip address associated with your domain name...the info you see there is the result of information you submitted to the domain name providor upon registration03:24
=== aguai_ is now known as aguai
Denisethanks anyway03:25
Tony_DasEi, this is knoppix03:26
Boxiciairtonix:  and if i have access to the webpage where i bought the domain from it will help me?03:26
Tony_can you pm me to the room again?03:26
DasEiTony_: I see03:26
DasEiTony_: shure03:27
Tony_i can't keep up with you in the big room too much chatter :P03:27
Jordan_UTony_: Have you noticed that messages with your nick in them are highlighted?03:28
rsc_guys help. anyone know GTK theming here? my theme fails when the colors are set to default. "Invalid symbolic color 'fg_color'"03:28
|Zippo|hello, i think that my wireless switch key on sony vaio is broken, and now I can't activate wireless card, is there any way to do this by software?!03:29
craig__hi all do i have to do anything special to allow my users to use crontab, the stuff i have in there as root works but as my normal user it wont run all i have used is "crontab -e"  as root (using su) its all good03:29
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:29
jribcraig__: nope, should just work03:30
elexodus|Zippo|: The hardware must be activated for the software to recognize it. That being said, you need to repair the switch.03:30
elexoduscraig__: I'm not familiar, but it sounds like a permissions issue. look into the 'chmod -r' command.03:31
jribcraig__: you should give more details03:32
craig__jrib, as my normal user i have added this 1 12 * * * /usr/bin/transmission to crontab via crontab -e03:32
jrib!cron > craig__03:32
ubottucraig__, please see my private message03:32
jribcraig__: read about gui apps in cron on that page03:32
craig__jrib, thanks03:33
desaintsany reason why desktop is only letting me run at 51hz instead of 61hz at any resolution (running 1400x1050 atm)03:33
desaintsusing nvidia drivers03:33
elexodusdesaints: are your drivers restricted or otherwise blacklisted?03:34
danbh_intrepiddesaints: its a bug in the nvidia drivers related to twinview03:34
Boxiciairtonix:  i think that i can make this work... well i am new but i want to learn more... :)03:34
desaintsim using the restricted nvidia drivers03:34
Boxiciairtonix:  i think that i must edit the files from bind and create some nameservers for my apache2 hosting, after that just update the nameservers from my domain03:35
airtonixBoxici, have you ever use dyndns.org before?03:35
elexodusdesaints: because iNvidia resticts usage of the driver, sometimes the developement on the opensource end is well, "restricted."03:35
Boxiciairtonix:  no what's with that?03:35
desaintselexodus: so i can only get 51hz due to restrictions?03:35
crd1bdesaints: it's not really 51Hz03:36
crd1bit just _reports_ 51Hz, which may confuse apps that try to sync to the refresh rate03:36
ScuniziBoxici: airtonix I mentioned that 2 hours ago... :(03:36
airtonixBoxici, it's for people that are behind adsl connections which are not having static ip addresses. you use a program on your server called ddclient which 'pings' the dyndns server with your username and password, in return dyndns updates your record with the ip address it detects via the pings03:36
desaintshow do i find my true rf rate?03:37
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:37
crd1bdesaints: nvidia-settings03:37
desaintscrd1b: where is that located?03:37
Boxiciairtonix:  but i have a STATIC IP address!!!!03:37
desaintscrd1b: i have been looking for such cp or area03:37
godmode117hi, im having a strange problem, im randomly getting a mounted cd drive i cant unmount it, it also makes my cd drive useless since i cant unmount it03:37
airtonixBoxici, yes its ok, nothing to get alarmed about...03:38
BoxiciScunizi: lol still here huh03:38
pibe86elexodus:  i dont  know any thing about samba, but ehat do you mean when you say "my ubuntu box"03:38
crd1bdesaints: it's a command, you may need to install it03:38
Boxiciairtonix:  i am not geting alarmed :)) sorry!03:38
airtonixBoxici, have you tried looking on the website of your domain name providor and checking all its help files?03:38
pibe86elexodus: what*03:38
ScuniziBoxici: just got back from dinner.. if you have static Ip into your router then just contact the folks that sold you the domain name and have them forward it to your ip.. then you're done..03:38
Boxiciairtonix:  they are pore in that...03:39
airtonixBoxici, yeah you see the common element there,, in dyndns the server does the ip -> domain name association, in your case its the people running the domain name servers you have to contact03:39
slashzulwhat ubuntu program can I use for ripping a dvd?03:39
Boxiciairtonix:  i get it now...03:40
jribslashzul: I like dvdbackup, but there are many03:40
Scunizislashzul: dvd:rip03:40
godmode117hi, im having a strange problem, im randomly getting a mounted cd drive i cant unmount it, it also makes my cd drive useless since i cant unmount it03:40
crd1bdesaints: the package name is 'nvidia-settings'03:40
DasEislashzul:k3b or nero or...03:40
cgentry72I just installed KDE 4.1 on ubuntu and was wondering how to change the window decorations because I don't like the default window settings03:40
airtonixslashzul, apt-cache search dvd | grep rip03:40
Scunizislashzul: acidrip03:40
J-nslashzul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVD::Rip03:40
craig__jrib, where is the error log for cron?03:40
complexity__I am having a problem with my display settings being saved after reboot. I am using the nvivia restricted drivers. I have to run display-gtkcongfig (or something to that effect) in order to change the settings back when I reboot. It's not that bad as I do not need to reboot often :) what could be causing this?03:41
jribcraig__: it gets mailed to you, run mutt03:41
hiptobecubicwhen network manager runs scripts in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d   i have it running a python script which calls libnotify but it doesn't show up. When i run the python script manually it works.03:41
jribcraig__: or 'mail' I guess03:41
isiahwhats the best out of the box ubuntu wireless card?03:41
BoxiciScunizi:  well i have more problems now... for example i don't know if my vga driver is installed... i have to read the linux bible i think:)) i have to learn more about this OS03:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bet03:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:42
Tulimaqisiah,  i have broadcom and works fine03:42
elexoduspibe86: Ubuntu box: Slang term used to portray a machine (box) that runs Ubuntu, as aposed to the Vista box (machine running Vista)03:42
isiahwhat model?03:42
BoxiciScunizi:  what do you think about this ? http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/11/07/how-to-setup-a-dns-server-in-ubuntu/03:42
ScuniziBoxici: well.. if your resolution is ok. then "a driver" is working.. If you're looking for the special effects you'll need something that supports glx. If you have nvidia and you enabled the restricted drivers then you're set.03:43
Jordan_Uisiah: Atheros cards are usually well supported03:43
isiahi have an atheros card03:43
isiahnothing but nightmares from it03:43
complexity__I am having a problem with my display settings being saved after reboot. I am using the nvivia restricted drivers. I have to run display-gtkcongfig (or something to that effect) in order to change the settings back when I reboot. It's not that bad as I do not need to reboot often :) what could be causing this?03:43
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:43
Boxiciisiah: i have an atheros card and works great!03:44
Tulimaqisiah: what driver u are using ?03:44
isiahBoxici: what did you have too do?03:44
* ^Phantom^ shakes J-n03:44
ScuniziBoxici: if you want "behind your router" domain names go for it.  If you want access from outside.. well. like we mentioned before.. dydns.com or just point the domain to your ip03:44
Boxiciisiah:  well that deppends on the driver that you use03:44
isiahTUlimaq: i tried a bunch of stuff i found online nothing worked03:44
LinuxKitten-bash /dev/null: permission denied03:45
J-nhey ^Phantom^03:45
* ^Phantom^ whips win98 with a Linux Brand Whip03:45
^Phantom^I'm right at where we left off :D03:45
elexodusLinuxKitten: change permissions in nautilus03:45
J-n^Phantom^:   http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/3306/sharefoldervboxdo2.jpg03:45
Jordan_Uisiah: What model?03:45
BoxiciScunizi:  this is my static ip from my provider if you put it in your browser you will see that the server works03:45
Tulimaqisiah: have u tryed ndiswrapper yet ?03:45
J-n^Phantom^: i think that might help :)03:46
UbubeginLets say i am in the root... whats the diff between these 2 commands. find . -name folderName and whereis folderName03:46
BoxiciTulimaq: ndiswrapper worked for me03:46
isiah Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)03:46
LinuxKitteni can't03:46
LinuxKittenit won't load03:46
isiahyes i tried ndiswrapper about 4 months ago03:46
* ^Phantom^ clicks03:46
Aval0nis it possible to use ssh key generation for all users but 1?03:46
Boxiciisiah: after you installed ndiswrapper the wireless card worked?03:47
airtonixBoxici, for now just send an email to your domain name providor and tell them you want your domain names associated with that ip address03:47
Jordan_UUbubegin: Whereis only looks for files associated with installed applications. man whereis03:47
Aval0nso still have one users on passwords03:47
isiahno i didnt work03:47
J-nUbubegin type man whereis03:47
cgentry72I just installed kde 4.1 and was wondering if I can use emerald with it because the windows decorations look like windows 3.103:47
desaintsinside of nvidia-settings i get error: unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf/backup'. when saving my X configuration file03:47
Jordan_Udesaints: Did you start it with gksudo ?03:48
desaintsno i just ran the program from system03:48
UbubeginJordan_U and J-n : actually, issuing find \ -name folderName seems a bit slow.. actually i wonder whether there is a much faster command03:48
Jordan_UUbubegin: locate03:49
Boxiciisiah: have you tried madwifi?03:49
UbubeginJordan_U: danke03:49
asmo[B]anyone here have experience with steam and aoss? I can't seem to find any info that actually helps...03:49
Jordan_UUbubegin: bite03:49
isiahBoxici: I was planning on trying it tonight03:49
St0rmcr0wUbubegin: what are you searching for?03:49
Boxiciisiah:  what os do you have?03:49
isiahBoxici: but i thought it would be easier just to find a wifi card that already works03:50
UbubeginSt0rmcr0w: just in general...03:50
^Phantom^k still not getting it right...03:50
Jordan_Uisiah: Just do System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers03:50
isiahBoxici: ubuntu, edubuntu03:50
cgentry72I just installed kde 4.1 and was wondering if I can use emerald with it because the windows decorations look like windows 3.103:50
N4chtI just set up a server running 8.04, enabled port forwarding, etc,etc, and i can resolve/view my site from inside my local network, but no one can see it externally.   is there some sort of default firewall in 8.04?03:50
carandraugN4cht: iptables03:50
isiahJordan_U: ok i did that03:51
dunasSo I figured out my X problems, but now, when I go to log in or shut down with the Gnome Panel applet or the option in the menu- Gnome crashes, Metacity crashes, I can't alt-tab I can't do squat except hold in my computer's power button or reset the X server to log out. What gives? :S03:51
St0rmcr0wUbubegin: Then I would suggest 'locate'03:51
Boxiciisiah:  i find it strange because when i had the ubuntu 7.10 madwifi worked for me, but now when i have ubuntu 8.04 it worked only with ndiswrapper03:51
Jordan_Ucgentry72: More likely to get an answer in #kubuntu, though I don't think that the window decorations should look like windows 3.103:51
N4chtcarandraug, ....  a little more verbose?03:51
izinucsN4cht, you might be experiencing the filtering of your isp.. most won't pass port 80 which is the default for Apache.. you'll need to change it to something like 808003:51
cgentry72Jordan_U, they do :(03:51
cgentry72Jordan_U, sorry how do i change channels here03:52
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?03:52
J-nUbubegin: there is but not all linux distros have it the command is locate03:52
Jordan_Ucgentry72: /join #kubuntu03:52
N4chtizinucs, that would make me really angry.   why the hell would verizon fios do that?  lol03:52
^Phantom^wait i think i got it03:52
* ^Phantom^ places a file to test it03:52
carandraugN4cht: it's the firewall that comes installed by default. You can install a frontend for it. I've read very good reviews about shorewall03:52
^Phantom^<Drives> Fixed Drives Total:[107GB] Free:[50.4GB] Used:[56.7GB] [47.04% free] <UPP>03:52
^Phantom^omg i got it03:52
carandraug!iptables | N4cht03:52
ubottuN4cht: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:53
nkei0What's a good program to convert large video files?03:53
izinucsN4cht, because part of their agreement with providing you "standard" service it that they will not allow you to run a server..03:53
J-n^Phantom^:  Grats :) did that picture help?03:53
^Phantom^i was leaving the vboxsf part out, my bad <_<03:53
dunasSo I figured out my X problems, but now, when I go to log in or shut down with the Gnome Panel applet or the option in the menu- Gnome crashes, Metacity crashes, I can't alt-tab I can't do squat except hold in my computer's power button or reset the X server to log out. What gives? :S03:53
^Phantom^yes, thankies much :D03:53
elexodusHey Freetown.03:53
N4chtbrb.  gonna go sit at the server and try using firestarter.03:53
izinucsN4cht, so you change the port number or buy "business" class service.03:53
hiptobecubicif have a script that uses pynotify but when it's called by Network Manager the notification doesn't show up. Any ideas?03:53
desaintshow do i get Python OpenGL and Python GTKGLExt support?03:54
pjotrdunas: don't use powerbutton http://fosswire.com/2007/09/08/fix-a-frozen-system-with-the-magic-sysrq-keys/03:54
nkei0dunas: You should try editing your menu.lst to boot with the options "noacpi" "noapci" "nolapci" "acpi=off"03:54
LinuxKittenFOR NO REASON03:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:54
^Phantom^SUHWEET IT WORKED :D03:54
J-n^Phantom^: np! :) it'll all be much eaiser when you install Ubuntu for real. :D03:54
WonderbirdKitten: at what point is restart triggered?03:55
^Phantom^now, can I make a script to have it done automatically when i boot it up?03:55
dunaspjotr: Thanks. When it happens again I'll remember that.03:55
Jordan_ULinuxKitten: Maybe it has to do with your caps lock key being broken03:56
asmo[B]anyone here have experience with steam and aoss? I can't seem to find any info that actually helps...03:56
chris__whahey just freshly re-installed ubuntu and it looks nice! out of the box!03:57
elexodusasmo[B]: steam, like counter strike steam?03:57
Jordan_Uasmo[B]: Might ask in #wine03:57
elexodusasmo[B]: try PlayOnLinux.03:57
^Phantom^Thank you so very much! ^_^03:58
asmo[B]elexodus: PlayOnLinux for gaming? or for streaming audio?03:58
^Phantom^Now I can quickly and easily copy files back and forth for modifying in both OSes :D03:59
* ^Phantom^ hugs J-n \o/03:59
elexodusasmo[B]: gaming. try Wine (winehq.com) for streaming audio.03:59
asmo[B]the issue is sound on 2 audio streams... ie; game+music=whatever opened first gets the sound... was directed to use aoss, read up on what I could seemed straight forward but doesn't seem to work :\04:00
danbh_intrepiddesaints: ping!!  I found an answer04:01
Tulimaqasmo[B]: have u installed "alsa-oss" ?04:01
asmo[B]Tulimaq: yes, aoss :)04:01
^Phantom^uh oh04:01
desaintsdanbh_intrepid: yes?04:02
danbh_intrepiddesaints: you are getting the wrong refresh rates, right, with the nvidia driver?04:02
^Phantom^"major failure of your software management system"04:02
desaintsno that works now thanks to nvidia-tools04:02
danbh_intrepidoh, i c04:02
Tulimaqasmo[B]: i had the same problem with running WoW and Vent at the same time04:02
desaintsdanbh_intrepid: my new problem is i need Python OpenGL and Python GTKGLExt support?04:03
afeijoI use tar -zxvf to unpack a .gz file, but it unpack in a new folder, how to unpack all its files and folder in the current folder?04:03
sazmaHi I just found a guide for improving font rendering and it worked _fantastically_ but  gnome-terminal still looks lousy, is there a guide for improving VTE's rendering? I've been googling, but haven't found anything at all04:03
^Phantom^broke my linux agian04:03
^Phantom^reinstall #2 coming up shortly04:03
J-n^Phantom^: What exactly were you doing when this happened?04:04
BoxiciScunizi: if i have a rar archive how can i open and extract the files from that archive?04:04
sazmaBoxici: apt-get install unrar04:04
Tulimaqasmo[B]: try to run your programs "aoss wine /path-to-program" like this04:04
izinucsBoxici, I'm on a different computer now.. reversed nic.. sudo apt-get install  unrar04:04
^Phantom^loaded the add/remove applications thing04:04
cppmonkeyis there much of an advantage installing the Athlon kernel vs generic? Im running an Athlon64 x2 system04:04
danbh_intrepidcppmonkey: I don't think there is an athlon kernel anymore04:05
aroonii'm trying to get ubuntu to recognize the nvidia 8600gts graphics card......... BUT, when i reboot, the welcome screen doesnt load.... how should i go about fixing this?04:05
elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?04:05
sazmaarooni what do you mean by "welcome screen" ?04:06
^Phantom^update 8.04 LTS is fail and broke my ubuntu04:06
Boxicigreat thanks04:06
danbh_intrepid^Phantom^: whats going wrong?04:06
^Phantom^stupid malicious update is malicious, don't upgrade to 8.04 LTS D:04:07
mib_b0hx4vhi there04:07
J-n^Phantom^:  check out this     https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3603704:07
mib_b0hx4vis anyone around for support04:07
izinucsmib_b0hx4v, about 1300 of us04:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:07
J-n^Phantom^:  read the whole page.04:08
Jordan_U^Phantom^: What exactly is going wrong?04:08
^Phantom^it froze up during the upgrade04:08
aroonisazma, the login screen04:08
mib_b0hx4vI'm having difficulty getting my laptop resolution adjusted. It seems to be correctly configured. Just the theme is huge. Is there a way to globally fix this?04:08
mib_b0hx4vIve looked at system preferences04:09
sazmaarooni you've just installed or you're booting a livecd or ?04:09
aroonisazma, just installed04:09
^Phantom^packages got removed but none replaced during 8.04 upgrade last night D:04:09
asmo[B]Tulimaq: that's how I ran them, rhythmbox and steam... no such luck though04:09
aroonisazma, currently i booted into live cd to try to fix04:09
cppmonkeydandh_intrepid: cheers, id have a look in the package manager but im currently downloading packages using apt-get to compile the latest ATI drivers seeing the repos are soo old, not to mention an odd version... 8.473 must be a hotfix version seeing I cant find it. 8.471 is 8.3 and 8.4 is 8.47604:09
mib_b0hx4v1 point to note also is that im running a thinkpad which is quite small04:09
Tulimaqmib_b0hx4v: which video card ?04:09
J-nJordan_U: phantom  loaded the add/remove applications thing - got  "major failure of your software management system" --- looked to me like same thing that happened to this person https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/36037  --- looks like there is a solution there.04:09
sazmaarooni you might try the restricted driver04:09
aroonisazma, how do i enable that04:10
danbh_intrepid^Phantom^: are you using the update-manager?04:10
mib_b0hx4vwhat is the command for video probing? lcpi or something correct?04:10
=== h4x3ls10r is now known as qweqweqwe
danbh_intrepidcppmonkey: are you running dapper or something?04:10
sazmaarooni are you able to log in at a text console? I'm not sure how to do it from the livecd04:10
Jack_Sparrowlspci or lshw04:11
cppmonkeydandh_intrepid: nope hardy04:11
aroonisazma, no i dont think i can get to text console04:11
aroonishould i install nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new?04:11
qweqweqwehey, i'm trying to run ubuntu in virtualbox, anyone know how to get the screen resolution working?04:11
sazmaarooni text mode doesn't even work?04:11
mib_b0hx4v00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)04:11
cppmonkeyever cchtml wiki says ubuntu hardy repos contains 8.304:11
* ^Phantom^ upgraded to 8.04 but is still on 7.1004:11
jribqweqweqwe: did you install guest additions?04:11
=== LinuxKitten is now known as Victorians
^Phantom^8.04 upgrade was fail D:04:12
qweqweqwejrib, yep04:12
=== Victorians is now known as Data_
elexodus^Phantom^: what?04:12
qweqweqwejrib, but still no 'big' resolutions to choose from04:12
danbh_intrepid^Phantom^: did you use the update-manager?04:12
jribqweqweqwe: you should be able to just drag the window size of virtual box04:12
=== Data_ is now known as Data`
Tulimaqasmo[B]: try to change settings to alsa under preferences - sound (sorry i cant recall how i managed to get it working :( )04:12
airtonix^Phantom^, imo all complete OS upgrades are fail04:12
omally[9:50:08 PM] Jace Toney: i wanted to tell you that i love you baby04:12
omally[9:50:14 PM] Jace Toney: i like it when you give it to me hardcore04:12
omally[9:50:19 PM] Jace Toney: in my vagina04:12
omally[9:50:23 PM] Jace Toney: cause thats hott like that04:12
omally[9:50:39 PM] Jace Toney: especially when the rats run around the room and shit04:12
^Phantom^poo on that04:12
omally[9:50:45 PM] Jace Toney: love that shit raw04:12
qweqweqwejrib, nope04:12
=== Data` is now known as _Data
omally[9:50:49 PM] Jace Toney: raw like bacon04:12
omally[9:51:01 PM] Jace Toney: bitch, i make green eggs and ham in the morning04:13
hellcattravEllo all04:13
hellcattravis AWN in the repos?04:13
airtonixhellcattrav, yes04:13
jribqweqweqwe: you still get black borders around it?04:13
izinucshellcattrav, yep.. also cairo04:13
^Phantom^"Software index is broken"04:13
asmo[B]Tulimaq: no worries, thanks anyway, I'll keep plugging away at it, just figured I'd check here for a quick fix :)04:13
qweqweqwejrib, empty window yes04:13
hellcattravizinucs, what is cairo?04:14
airtonix!cairo | hellcattrav04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cairo04:14
izinucshellcattrav, kinda like AWN but different.. check it out.. nice04:14
airtonix!cairo-dock | hellcattrav04:14
ubottuhellcattrav: cairo-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.cairo-dock.org04:14
hellcattravAm wondering if there was a widgit somethign or other dashboard like thing...Ah04:14
^Phantom^can't even update04:14
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Can you pastebin the output from "sudo apt-get -f install" ?04:14
aroonihow do i reinstall the nvidia restricted driver stuff?04:14
airtonixhellcattrav, avant-window-navigator is as close as it gets to dashboard04:14
hellcattravcould I then replace the bottom panel?04:14
elexodusairtonix: Cairo is the capitol of Egypt...04:14
airtonixelexodus, aye04:15
crd1bizinucs: cairo-dock is not the same thing as cairo04:15
airtonixelexodus, it's also a rendering library in linux04:15
^Phantom^no i closed the vm04:15
airtonixhellcattrav, you could just remove the bottom panel04:15
elexodusairtonix: I know, I couldn't help myself.04:15
izinucscrd1b, sorry.. you're right cairo-doc  .. my bad04:15
hellcattravOk, so appearently does all dashboard do is run the widgits?04:15
hellcattravand not the bottom dock itself?04:15
^Phantom^just going to reinstall os04:15
jribqweqweqwe: hrmm, me too.  This used to work, hold on04:16
airtonixhellcattrav, no....awn is a launcher with applets too...but you will find gnome-panel has the most functionality and applets available to it04:16
izinucs^Phantom^, do you have a seperate /home?  If not make one.04:16
Jordan_U^Phantom^: That's almost certainly not necessary, but if you really want to04:16
^Phantom^8.04 update removed a crapload of packages and crap and never put them back04:16
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest74839
Tulimaqmib_b0hx4v: u can manually add resolution that u need  to xorg.conf04:17
airtonixhellcattrav, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76236304:17
cgentry72so, I installed that stupid kde 4.1 desktop and now I want it removed, how do i do that?04:17
mib_b0hx4vwhere is that file located04:17
danbh_intrepidcgentry72: what do_ you want??04:17
Tulimaqmib_b0hx4v: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:17
cgentry72danbh_intrepid, I want gnome04:17
hellcattravso applet being term for widgit?04:17
danbh_intrepid!puregnome > cgentry7204:18
ubottucgentry72, please see my private message04:18
mib_b0hx4vok, thanks for the help04:18
izinucscgentry72, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:18
* ^Phantom^ has no need to pastebin just one line04:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chk04:18
airtonixhellcattrav, you can drag icons from the desktop onto avants panel04:18
cgentry72izinucs, no im removing it04:18
=== J-n_ is now known as J-n
cgentry72izinucs, i tried the reverse of what i did to install it but its still there04:19
^Phantom^"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."04:19
izinucscgentry72, sounded like you wanted to remove kubuntu the kde version..04:19
cgentry72izinucs, yes04:19
=== peppe is now known as Guest42616
airtonixhellcattrav, for example if i dragged the launcher icon for pidgn to the avant panel, then when i launch pidgn from there....i can then click on that icon to minimisi it to the panel...plugins availble will also change pidgns icon to your current status icon04:19
izinucscgentry72, ubuntu-desktop is gnome... kubuntu-desktop is kde... as for the kde 4.1 install.. not sure.. but on boot you should be able to change sessions.04:20
=== lymeca_ is now known as lymeca
cgentry72izinucs, i can but i don't want it taking up space04:20
Jordan_U^Phantom^: OK, try running "sudo dpkg --configure -a"04:20
lymecaI installed Hardy onto a MacBook and the OS is isntalled but GRUB isn't.  I'm in the live CD, how can I manually install GRUB?04:20
izinucscgentry72, then follow the other link provided for "pure gnome"04:20
hellcattravthanks airtonix04:21
airtonixhellcattrav, its pretty much like dashboard cept not so open ended and powerful04:21
hellcattravbut dashboard and the dock, they are one and the same?04:22
izinucs!grub > lymeca04:22
ubottulymeca, please see my private message04:22
hellcattravmy room mate who has a mac says that the panel and dashboard are different?04:22
^Phantom^holy shit crapload of "installing" messages04:22
izinucs^Phantom^, keep it family friendly.. could be lots of young ones here.04:23
^Phantom^i'll pastebin it04:23
jribqweqweqwe: http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1591 must be why it stopped working.  You'll have to muck around with xorg.conf I suppose04:23
jrib!fixres > qweqweqwe04:23
ubottuqweqweqwe, please see my private message04:23
pibe86hello, i am installing ubuntu in a laptop with alternate cd, it says "no kernel was found" any advice?04:23
craig__hi all i have a large number of files on my nas that are comming up as hidden, is there anyway that i can do some kind of chmod -R 777 to change that hidden file flag04:23
airtonixhellcattrav, if you say the panel is the thing up top with the apple symbol then yes the two are different....when i said panel i was refering to the panel avant craetes....i call it panel because it doesnt extend right across the desktop..it merely sizes itself based on the contents04:23
jimv2000@pibe: it says that during the install?04:24
danbh_intrepidcraig__: no,  but where are they showing up hidden?04:24
pibe86jimv2000: yes, durin coping files04:24
craig__danbh_intrepid, when i look at the folders with nautilus or explorer on windows04:24
Tulimaqpibe86: maybe cd is with errors ?04:24
pibe86jimv2000: installin base system04:25
airtonixhellcattrav, install it and look for yourself...04:25
aldaekI'm having problem's finding the freenx server.04:25
danbh_intrepidcraig__: there is an option to show hidden files in nautilus04:25
jimv2000@pibe: i would try burning the cd again04:25
izinucsdanbh_intrepid, ctrl h04:25
pibe86Tulimaq: i am going to check that04:25
danbh_intrepidcraig__: ctrl h04:25
danbh_intrepidizinucs: ^^04:25
craig__danbh_intrepid, izinucs  ive been using that but i was looking for a way to just dump that permission all together04:25
airtonixcraig__, hidden files are denoted by the period infron the the filename, there is no 'hidden' bit like in dos or windows04:26
=== doy_ is now known as doy__
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Your upgrade probably didn't finish for some reason04:26
airtonixcraig__, not hidden file = "mytextfile.txt", hidden file = ".mytextfile.txt"04:26
pibe86here  i have the complete message "no installablew kernel was found in defined APT sources" , you may try to continiu without  kernel and installing manually04:26
craig__airtonix, nautilus seems to pay attention to the windows method (prob cause the nas is via samba)04:26
airtonixcraig__, most assuredly04:27
* ^Phantom^ bashes head on table04:27
craig__thanks everyone04:27
jimv2000@pibe:yeah, burn the disk again, it seems like it isn't reading it right04:27
pibe86continue without insatllin kernel? go back, yes , no04:27
=== daklan_class is now known as daklan
pibe86jimv2000: ok i wll do that04:28
Jordan_Upibe86: What CD are you using exactly?04:28
Jordan_Upibe86: Did you perform the integrity check at boot?04:28
pibe86Jordan_U: ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i38604:28
pibe86i am installing that without kernel, how can i install a kernel after installation?04:29
* ^Phantom^ wants to know: if i upgraded to 8.04, why does the about still say 7.10?04:29
qweqweqwejrib, so hand-write xorg.conf?04:29
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Because the upgrade didn't finish04:29
airtonixpibe86, no kernel = no operating system04:29
^Phantom^no shit it didn't04:30
airtonixpibe86, no operating system = "no after where you can install kernel"04:30
^Phantom^it just cleaned out a bunch of system stuff and left it broken04:30
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"04:30
Tulimaqpibe86: it can be faulty RAM, CPU, Mobo, CD-ROM u never know04:30
Amerikanwhy does it say 'unable to resolve host everytime I use the sudo command?04:30
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest55657
^Phantom^kinda like winme04:30
airtonix^Phantom^, which is why upgrades on any system always leave lots to be desired...windows, mac or linux04:30
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elexodusNeed help with Samba. My Vista Box can see my Ubuntu box, but Samba won't authenticate the login. I am using username "HappyTrees/elexodus" as my username (Server/Uname), and of course the password I set up using 'smbpasswd'. Any ideas?04:31
pibe86Tulimaq: so what i am installin :( ?04:31
=== aaronMT is now known as AaronMT
daklanAmerikan: did you change your hostname recently?04:31
^Phantom^and winvista04:31
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: strange, you got the host/sudo bug04:31
airtonix^Phantom^, *any* os04:31
Amerikandaklan: No04:32
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: pastebin your /etc/hosts file04:32
jitu3485hi I am running ubuntu hardy 8.04, recently I changed hostname by sudo  vim /etc/hostname , after that system became dead slow hoe to resolv this?04:32
Jordan_U!hostname | jitu348504:32
ubottujitu3485: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab04:32
airtonixjitu3485, thar you go did you also make similar changes in the /etc/hosts file?04:33
vypadkovyyhey there :) I'm trying to unmount a portable hard drive, but no matter what I do I get the error "device is busy". right now it's mounted on /media/disk. umount -f /media/disk also gives the same error. I'm running hardy.04:33
Amerikandanbh_intrepid: http://pastebin.com/d121c631104:34
airtonixjitu3485, tha lag your having is to do with the time it takes to keep trying to resolve hostname that dont match up04:34
izinucsvypadkovyy, do you have a file that is open that is stored on that drive?04:34
jitu3485no I only changed /etc/hostname thanks guys04:34
vypadkovyyizinucs no, i've closed everything that i think could be affecting the file04:34
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: whats your hostname?04:34
daklanvypadkovyy: lsof | grep /media/disk  . look for the process that's keeping it open, and either wait for it to exit or kill it manually04:34
airtonixvypadkovyy, work out what programm is still accessin the drive and stop it...try unmounting when you done that04:34
Tulimaqpibe86: u have Santa Rosa ?04:34
Amerikandanbh_intrepid: Hostname?04:35
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: ?? you there?   just run the command hostname04:35
Amerikandanbh_intrepid: b0x04:35
^Phantom^like i said, the 8.04 upgrade really messed up my ubuntu04:36
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: ok, reboot into recovery mode, and change the second line, getting rid of .mshome       get it?04:36
Amerikandanbh_intrepid: Okay thank you04:36
danbh_intrepidAmerikan: you want it to say  b0x04:36
lymecaizinucs: It didn't work04:36
Tulimaqpibe86: u can try to install it and copy kernel later  with live cd04:37
lymecasetup (hd0) said that grub isntalled fine04:37
lymecaBut I still get the folder with a question mark blinking in it04:37
Cheekyiam haveing touble playing videos in veo.com .. its real choppy..does any one have any experience .. with this or could help me sort this out please?04:37
* ^Phantom^ pounds his head on the wall04:37
daklanCheeky: veo.com uses .flv?04:37
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Can you now try "sudo apt-get -f install" ?04:37
vypadkovyydaklan, the only commands that came up were bash, lsof and grep. i tried to end every one with "kill ####" but that command only worked on the bash on. all the rest returned "no such process" and i still can't unmount the drive04:38
^Phantom^broken things everywhere :(04:38
Cheekydaklan: video like google and megavideo as well04:38
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest102
^Phantom^this is really starting to turn out like my win98 vm :(04:38
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: For future reference, 'fuser' is easier: fuser /path/to/mountpoint04:38
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Can you pastebin the output?04:39
iFvwm^Phantom^: aptitude purge all broken packages04:39
daklanCheeky: you might want to install the non-free flash plugin, and uninstall or disable other flash plugins04:39
vypadkovyyJordan_U, does this unmount or does it list all processes using the device?04:40
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vypadkovyyJordan_U, because I saw no output and the problem persists04:40
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: Lists all processes using the device, and kills them if you tell it to04:40
Cheekydaklan: i already installed the ubuntu restricted extra stuff package .. hoping it would work04:40
daklanvypadkovyy: lsof lists open files, you're looking specifically for a process that's still grabbing on a file inside /media04:40
daklanvypadkovyy: are there any other processes in the output?04:41
vypadkovyydaklan, no04:41
daklanCheeky: i solved my problem with .flv by uninstalling other flash plugins and reinstalling flash-nonfree04:41
^Phantom^well, actually the win98 is broken worse04:41
daklanvypadkovyy: paste the output of lsof|grep /media somewhere, so i can take a look04:42
airtonixdaklan, vypadkovyy that was my first thought too, use lsof with grep, but i cant even find reference to a text file i have open04:42
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: What error do you get when you try to unmount?04:42
vypadkovyythat's the wierd thing... i'm no longer getting an error04:42
* ^Phantom^ watches the screen continue to scroll04:42
vypadkovyybut the drive is still mounted... if i go to /media/drive and ls04:43
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: Make sure you try "sudo fuser /mountpoint" as well04:43
vypadkovyyI still can access all the files on the drive04:43
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airtonixvypadkovyy, you might find that your problem was to do with having no indication of the mounting progress...sometimes it takes awhile for things to come round04:43
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: What happens when you run "sudo umount /mountpoint" ?04:43
=== Guest55657 is now known as AaronMT
Cheekydaklan: i am not that good and setting things with ubuntu as of yet; and i just had to re-install; so how do i do that ?04:44
plouffeIs there any way to use my computer as an answering machine for my regular landline via router?04:44
vypadkovyyJordan_U, nothing. no error. it seems as if it has been unmounted, but if i cd to /media/disk and ls, i still see all the files in the drive04:44
vypadkovyyif i go into thunar, and select *eject disk* it states that it's still in use04:44
J-nplouffe: if you have a modem, there is a way, but not via most routers. as far as i know.04:44
plouffeADSL router04:45
daklanCheeky: use Synaptic to uninstall all flash plugins04:45
vypadkovyyit will unmount if i turn off the laptop tho... so i think i will just stick with doing that for now. it's late and I will try to solve this tomorrow04:45
vypadkovyythanks for everyones help!04:45
vypadkovyy(even if i didn't solve the problem, i still learned some cool terminal commands)04:45
Jordan_Uvypadkovyy: "sudo fuser /media/disk" returns nothing as well?04:45
vypadkovyyJordan_U, right. but don't worry about it. g'night04:45
airtonixvypadkovyy, try again tommorow04:45
N4chtokay.  i think i have my apache/iptables/port forwarding issues all figured out.  any chance someone could test for me?   http://thewretched.ath.cx:8504:46
Cheekydaklan: would i pm you if you dont mind04:46
AaronMTanybody running pulseaudio and pidgin04:46
AaronMTwhy does it lock up when a sound is played04:47
asmo[B]how do I change my sound playback from "PulseAudio Sound Server" to alsa?04:47
izinucsN4cht, yep.. works.. powered by e10404:47
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:47
N4chtthanks izinucs04:47
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions04:47
N4chtapparentlly stupid fios is blocking 8004:47
daklanairtonix: regarding your question earlier, it might be that the name of the file that you have open is not showing up in the output of lsof04:48
evilGUIcan anyone tell me how to automount a ntfs partition on boot and make it where I can write to it I have ntfs-3g installed04:48
^Phantom^eish that took a while for the scrolling to stop04:48
^Phantom^here's what i have up to where it truncated in the terminal04:48
evilGUIwhat do I put at the end of fstab?04:48
OrangeKyohey do I need kubuntu to use kalarm?04:48
Jordan_UOrangeKyo: No04:48
izinucsN4cht, I just submitted a new item for review.. :)04:49
airtonixdaklan, yeah i had a text file in my home folder open with leafpad...but '# lsof | grep filename.txt ' shows no reference to the file, lsof | grep txt | grep $USER doesnt either04:49
J-n^Phantom^: Honestly, what i would do, if you have a few hours, is download the newest version of ubuntu and make a new virtual drive, there's no real need for you to sweat about upgrading from 7.X to 8.04 if you don't have to... again this is my opinion.. and how i'd solve he problem :)04:49
daklanCheeky: i can't really walk you through uninstalling all your flash plugins. you can try going to firefox' plugins menu, and disable all flash plugins except the non-free one04:49
airtonixdaklan, i need to experiment more with lsof04:49
daklanairtonix: tried grepping for the process itself?04:49
Jordan_U^Phantom^: You sure that's the link you meant to paste?04:49
daklanairtonix: see if it lists anything04:49
airtonixdaklan, oh i can see leafpad there... you think that the textfile is there? but listed with leafpads pid?04:50
^Phantom^and i have to type it in04:50
Winston_SmithVTN4cht: Have you checked to make sure it's not your router that's blocking 80? If it uses NAT it won't allow a outside connection to connect to a server behind it04:50
^Phantom^can't just copy-paste <_<04:50
Jordan_U^Phantom^: Why?04:50
N4chtWinston_SmithVT, i set it to forward 80 though.. wouldn't that fix that problem?04:50
^Phantom^couldn't get the stupid shared clipboard to work04:50
NutzebahnI have dynamips and dynagen now, but, want to know if Cisco charges for the router images? If so, where can I get free ones?04:50
^Phantom^so meh04:50
daklanairtonix: this is similar to your case: emacs     6360     daklan  cwd       DIR        8,1     4096 1744899 /home/daklan04:51
asmo[B]if I remove PulseAudio should it default to alsa? or will I have to do some playing around?04:51
Winston_SmithVTN4cht: I would think so yes04:51
Prose_anyone have a ftp client on hand, I need someone to test and see if my ftp works properly04:51
daklanemacs is supposed to have /home/daklan/test.txt open04:51
airtonixdaklan, yeah i see leafpad and all its open files but the text file i have open isnt listed04:51
droopsta915hello, im having a hard time adding an image to the bottom face of my 3d cube, can anyone help me?04:51
izinucsProse_, sure.. gftp04:51
ZMRProse_, what's your ip?04:51
daklanairtonix: which is why it's better to grep for the folder in question (sometimes)04:52
airtonixdaklan, maybe leafpad doesnt lock the file? which is why it wouldnt show up on lsof?04:52
BunTaican anyone tell me the best game in ubuntu?04:52
Winston_SmithVTN4cht: It does look like fios blocks 80, makes sense they don't want people getting it just to run servers.04:53
daklanairtonix: quite possible04:53
BunTaican anyone tell me the best game in ubuntu? idont want install on wine04:53
Flannel!games | BunTai04:53
ubottuBunTai: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:53
* ^Phantom^ grinz04:53
^Phantom^the add/remove works again04:53
Jordan_U^Phantom^: What command gave you that output?04:53
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest63577
blaylockhow do i do that?04:53
* ^Phantom^ will never EVER upgrade ubuntu again04:54
daklanairtonix: but a locked file is not necessarily a condition for lsof to ignore an open file04:54
BunTaican anyone suggest for me the best game on ubuntu?04:54
eightyeightwhat is the way to manually mount what gnome would automount when a device is plugged in? gnome-volume-manager?04:54
Winston_SmithVTN4cht: You could setup a domain to redirect to your server running on a non standard port04:55
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions04:55
asmo[B]!removing pulse04:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about removing pulse04:55
^Phantom^is there any way to convert a .daa to an .iso?04:55
eightyeighti already know about /etc/fstab, and that's not the solution i'm looking for04:55
airtonixBunTai, what kind of game do you want?04:55
daklaneightyeight: you can run04:55
airtonix^Phantom^, yes there is04:56
BunTaiairtonix: mmorpg?04:56
daklaneightyeight: you can run "mount" in a console04:56
airtonixBunTai, i think eve-online has a linux client04:56
* ^Phantom^ smiles04:56
airtonixBunTai, i was able to run wow flawlessy too04:56
^Phantom^how much does it cost, and what is it?04:56
N4chti've had great success with World of Warcraft using Transgaming's 'Cedega'04:56
BunTaiairtonix:  where?04:56
eightyeightdaklan: yeah, that's not what i'm looking for04:57
ASrockis there Yahoo Widgets for ubuntu?04:57
airtonixN4cht, results vary across systems, but on mine vanilla wine from ubuntu repos was great04:57
eightyeightdaklan: i'm looknig for the tool that gnome uses to mount LABEL=foo to /media/foo, for example04:57
airtonixbuntai, one sec04:57
airtonixBunTai, explore this website : http://gaming.gwos.org/doku.php04:58
J-n^Phantom^: poweriso04:58
daklaneightyeight: all mounting utilities, whether gui or console, use mount as a backend04:58
SchmittyDoesItcan someone explain to me how to properly install a theme for gnome. I have read all of the instructions for doing this but still what i see on gnome-look.org and what i actually end up with are two very different things04:58
airtonixBunTai, poweriso should be free04:58
J-n^Phantom^: the linux version was free04:58
daklaneightyeight: so whatever you need to do as far as mounting can be handled by mount04:58
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest83879
eightyeightdaklan: yeah, i'm aware of that. i need to know what gnome is doing specifically04:58
* ^Phantom^ wonders04:58
daklaneightyeight: ah, that's a different question entirely04:59
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, you often find that the authors will make screenshots as an afterthought, or they will dress them up like game companies do with there beta release screenshots...04:59
N4chtairtonix, i ran it on a system with two 2ghz xeons, 512mb ram, and a 128mb video card pretty well with plain 'ol wine.   i was impressed.   i'm still a fan of cedega's game-specific settings though.04:59
=== Guest46784 is now known as AaronMT
airtonixN4cht, and i just got bored of wow04:59
asmo[B]why when I try to remove the PulseAudio package does it want to remove ubuntu-desktop?05:00
eightyeightdaklan: any ideas? 'gnome-volume-mount' package is installed, but does not exist as a binary. something else i should be looking for?05:00
b-relaxedBunTai: http://www.eve-online.com/download/linux.asp05:00
SchmittyDoesItsometimes the icons don't change, sometimes thetoolbars don't change... i would like the slickness theme but it only turned my toolbar's black05:00
airtonixBunTai, that site i linked you will have all you need to know about ubuntu gaming...05:00
BunTaib-relaxed: thanks05:00
=== mattw_ is now known as desaints
AaronMTHow can I force pidgin to use pulseaudio so it doesnt crash when it plays a sound05:00
BunTaiairtonix: thanks05:00
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: have oyu heared of the slickness theme? 85,000 downloads. there has to something i am missing05:00
=== bknoxx is now known as bknox
lwizardlhow can i find out if an IBM cash display pole is supported in linux?05:01
airtonixAaronMT, have you tried prefixing your pidgin command with aoss05:01
desaintsanyone know of a program for ubuntu 8 for blackberry, media manager or any tools for it05:01
AaronMT@Airtonix: What does that do?05:01
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, provide me with a link so i can see what your talking about :)05:01
daklaneightyeight: personally, i use mount in console. sorry, mate05:01
SchmittyDoesItam i supposed the be chmoding these before installing them with theme manager or what? it has ot something so basic that they don't feel the need to mention it in how-tos05:01
=== bknox is now known as bknoxx
viktorkAZHello what would be a good mac 'find' like utility for linux? i install the 'tracker search tool' but its not working.. any ideas? thanks05:01
^Phantom^okay i found it :D yay05:01
airtonixAaronMT, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/alsa-oss05:01
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SlicknesS?content=7199305:02
speedyi'm using wvdial on hardy, to connect via HSDPA USB modem, I can see a successful authentication and an IP assigned to my machine, but default gateway is set to, how can i solve it?05:02
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, looking at it now05:02
SchmittyDoesItall i get is black toolbars05:02
izinucsviktorkAZ, sudo updatedb then use ... locate <filename>05:02
speedyseems like the gateway IP is not detected05:02
viktorkAZizinucs: huh?05:02
SchmittyDoesItno font change, no icons, no nothing, i have never been able to get the whole theme for some reason. i won't make a fuss but it is everytheme i try05:02
daklanviktorkAZ: or you can use "find", very powerful. "info find" for more information05:03
izinucsviktorkAZ, locate is a find utility for terminal05:03
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, btw all icon packages go in ~/.icons , all theme packages go in ~/.themes and all fonts go in ~/.fonts05:03
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, back to checking this out05:03
viktorkAZdaklan: i dont want to use terminal.. i mean if there is a GUI program like05:03
viktorkAZto find files, etc05:03
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, have you got the font he is using in those screenshots?05:04
daklanviktorkAZ: oh, sorry. i won't be able to recommend any gui app05:04
SchmittyDoesIti don't see it. nothing changed05:04
iFvwmviktorkAZ: gnome-search-tools?05:04
daklanviktorkAZ: you'll do better if you practice using command-line, though05:04
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:04
J-nviktorkAZ: if you have ubuntu 8.04 installed if you click places then near the bottom should be a "search for files" button... if you've got a nonstandard install someone else would be best at suggesting05:05
UbubeginI used xchat for my irc... but it doesnt have multi-line input...  which irc client has multi -line input05:05
Prose_how am I supposed to know what app is listening to what port ?05:05
iFvwmUbubegin: opera' irc05:05
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, ok first thing.05:05
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:05
daklanProse_: sudo netstat05:05
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: so do i have to pull the theme apart and install all the icons in ~/.icons and ~/.fonts for fonts and so on?05:06
Prose_daklan: thanks05:06
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, that file you downloaded, needs to have its filename changed so you extract it properly05:06
viktorkAZJ-N: IM USING XUBUNTU 8.0405:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about storethemes05:06
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: i did. i adusted the commands accordingly05:06
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, so, see how it has .gz at the end of its file name? change it so its .tar.gz05:06
Pnuxdoes anybody know in which folder my personalized theme is stored?05:06
UbubeginiFvwm: i mean chatzilla (firefox) also has multi line.. but i was looking for a standalone irc client not linked to the browser05:06
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, what that will do is extract it properly when you use nautilus right click : extract-here05:07
Jordan_U^Phantom^: For converting .daa to iso: http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz/daa2iso.zip05:07
iFvwmUbubegin: irssi?05:07
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, the folder you get after that, just move to ~/.themes05:07
viktorkAZizinucs: OMG i type.. locate + a filename and hundreds of lines appear! i dont want that.. i just want to search for the file and open it!05:07
J-nviktorkAZ: if it's a standard install, then there is a handy search function there already... on your menubar you should have applications  places  system .. no? click on Places, near the bottom should be "search for files" or similar.05:08
geocacheranyone know any good website that walk you through on building a customized kernel?05:08
iFvwmviktorkAZ: locate support regex05:08
Pnuxairtonix: thanks a lot05:08
Flannel!kernel | geocacher05:08
iFvwmviktorkAZ: locate support regex search05:08
ubottugeocacher: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:08
Prose_daklan: so something like     netstat | grep vsftpd       would tell me where it's listening?05:08
SchmittyDoesItok it's there05:08
UbubeginiFvwm: okie.. will chk it out..05:08
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: it's there05:08
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, i just did what i described and enabled it in the theme manager...i get glossy black panels on my gnome-panel05:08
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, theme-manager is at system->preferences->appearance05:09
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: and that is it right?05:09
=== AaronMT is now known as Guest36200
J-nviktorkAZ: oh didnt see Xbuntu - all caps sometimes throw me off .05:09
daklanProse_: no, netstat isn't what you need, then05:09
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: got it05:09
viktorkAZiFvwm: what you mean with locate support regex search?05:10
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: i have done that but i have got no farther than you. you got no fonts right? no background like he is describing05:10
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, looks like the theme entry in that one describes some icon theme i dont have...check the webpage to grab the one he suggests if you wnat all his theme.05:10
viktorkAZoh god.. i just want a GUI utility to search my files!!!05:10
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: no icons05:10
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, that is correct05:10
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: ok one sec05:10
viktorkAZi install tracker search tool.. but its not working.. maybe there is some way to make it work?05:10
iFvwmviktorkAZ: if you want more accurary find. locate -r "someregex", will do it.05:10
AaronMTAirtonix sorry I missed out on your message, how do I force pidgin to use pulseaudio05:10
geocacherthanks flannel05:11
iFvwmviktorkAZ: gnome-search-tools, just try05:11
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, dont follow his instructions for installing.05:11
cjsstableshey all.  while booting I see a fail message that scrolls to fast for me to read.  where do I find this in the log files05:11
daklanProse_: i take that back... netstat --listen should give you the output you want05:11
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: i have the icons05:12
iFvwmbeagle and tracker are all large things. bad one. viktorkAZ05:12
Prose_daklan: thanks again :)05:12
airtonixAaronMT, my suggestion wasnt about forcing pidgn to use pulseaudio, as i assume it already does that...my suggestion was about getting "sound using apps" that make use of oss to operate in parralell. as the alsa driver only allows one apps to access it at a time05:12
daklanProse_: you're welcome05:12
AaronMTWhat do you suggest I do. Any sounds played through pidgin and it crashes.05:13
airtonixAaronH, ie...when i ran wow and ventrilio, i had to prefix both with aoss or only the first app gets access to the alsa driver05:13
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AaronMTI'm using pulseaudio though not alsa05:13
airtonixAaronMT, not sure sorry, i dont use sounds in pidgn05:13
harleyhey guys can ubuntu extracy tar files?05:14
harleyim a noob05:14
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: so i extract that to ~/.icons05:14
daklanProse_: most daemons listen on specific ports, unless you change them. you can grep /etc/services for a particular service and its corresponding standard port05:14
izinucsharley, yep.. right mouse click and "extract"05:14
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, yep.05:14
harleyizinucs thanks ive use manly vector linux soo im a lil out touch with other linux distros05:15
daklanharley: of course it can. the "tar" command does exactly what you want05:15
izinucsharley, np.05:15
Prose_daklan:  yeah but I made some changes to the weird vsftpd.conf and Im trying to find out if it's listenting to the ports I told it to listen to05:15
harleydaklan i know bear im mind ive used windows for ever and dont even have 3 months working with linux well ubuntu atleast05:16
daklanProse_: hmm, maybe you can compare the output of "netstat -l" and "netstat -ln"?05:16
izinucsProse_, are you behind a router? do you have the same ports forwarded to your machine? you might need to change the configured port if your isp block the standard ones05:16
daklanharley: my bad. archive manager opens tar files, i think05:16
BunTaihow to connect on LCD projector using UBUNtu?05:16
BunTaihelp me plz05:17
Prose_izinucs: yeah Im working on that, Im not sure what ports my ISP is blocking and Im port forwarding as much as I can05:17
Prose_daklan: ill do that netstat thing now05:17
=== IamSOGnickused is now known as IamSOG
circsWhy does top show all my ram as used on a fresh install with just an IRC client and add/remove applications open?05:17
harleydaklan long as i can extract it and put it on usb im download slax05:17
izinucscircs, not to worry.. it trys to cache what it thinks you might need.. it won't slow you down05:18
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: it's coming alive now...he he05:18
Macrosoftare the package repositories down?05:18
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: now i'll i need is that font05:18
circsizinucs: Oh ok05:18
Macrosofti cant get a ping response from archive.ubuntu.com or any of the others05:18
circsizinucs: I'm probably far from the first person to ask that one huh?05:18
izinucscircs, :)05:19
BunTaianyone help me...i want to install LCD Projector on my Laptop..but i dont know how to setup using UBUNTU05:19
BunTaiplz help me05:19
FlannelBunTai: Have you tried just plugging it in?05:19
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: no iconsontior on there?05:19
MacrosoftBunTai, it should install the same way as a monitor would05:19
BunTailike window?05:19
izinucsBunTai, before turning on the computer?05:19
iFvwmBunTai: restart X is useful.05:20
BunTaii must restart when i plugin in it?05:20
Razerif I burn a movie .ISO will my dvd player be able to read it?05:20
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, is that the name of the font?05:20
iFvwmnot reboot. just ctrl-alt-backspace.05:20
izinucsBunTai, not good to plug in a dvi or vga thing without the power off05:20
harleyRazer ya05:20
MacrosoftBunTai, if you do, X will autodetect the projector, and theres a good chance it will work05:20
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: woops. i mean, what is that gizmo on the right side of his screen with the clock, cpu and ram montior thing?05:20
harleyRazer my freind dos that stuff all the time05:20
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, one sec05:20
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: i have seen many of those things and i don't know how they go about doing that05:21
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, are you looking on gnome-look or deviant art?05:21
thinkfasthey ive got a problem05:21
Macrosoftanyways, could someone ping us.archives.ubuntu.com or similar05:21
thinkfastubuntu is telling me to activate my nvidia driver05:21
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, ahh thats conky05:21
Razerharley: cool, what if I have  a dvd player that can read dvix, can I burn the dvd to xvid?05:21
thinkfastbut when the screen comes up to download it, it gives me a 404 error05:21
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, sudo apt-get install conky05:21
Prose_thinkfast: you gotta do an apt-get update05:21
Prose_thinkfast: or sudo apt-get update05:21
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: what if im running fedora 9 will it still work?05:21
thinkfastso just apt-get update in the terminal?05:22
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: using yum of course05:22
Prose_thinkfast: yeah05:22
BunTaiit still cant function05:22
iFvwmSchmittyDoesIt: gkrellm is good than conky. maybe05:22
b-relaxedhehe conky i forgot i have it thanks05:22
harleyRazer so its riped from a dvd witch i asume to be pirated idc if its pirated but ya its should05:22
Prose_thinkfast: for a strange reason, repos come naked05:22
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, you would have to refer to the fedora site on how to install conky05:22
thinkfastrepos come naked?05:22
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SchmittyDoesItairtonix: thanx for all of your help05:23
Razerharley: haha, not this time :P, I have a real copy of "the bukkit list"05:23
|thunderhey all, if I run crontab -e as user(me), will those jobs be run as me with ~ resolving to my user dir ?05:23
=== Guest54872 is now known as bobboy
izinucsBunTai, sometimes my laptop will not connect correctly to my 42" tv without shutting down completely then turning back on.. for some reason ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't always work05:23
thinkfastah yes its working05:23
airtonixiFvwm,  gkrellm cant show results from a commandline05:23
thinkfastubuntu is great, i installed fedora and had endless problems05:23
airtonixiFvwm,  conky can05:23
harleyRazer just a geus i download movies nottin wrong with a free movie lol05:23
wx9j_each time I delete bookmarks in firefox, they return next time I call the program up05:23
BunTaiignore that problem...i've got i question05:23
iFvwmairtonix: but can do some operation. hehe. that' important05:23
* daklan goes back to working on his homework05:24
iFvwmconky of course, can output my script result05:24
airtonixiFvwm, like mounts disks?05:24
harleyi cant wait till slax is done downloading05:24
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|thunderizinucs; there is a safer way to shut down if ctrl-alt-backspace does not work, rather than hard shut down via power button i mean.05:24
BunTaiwhy my wireless cant auto connect on next restart if the wireless is WPA Personal?05:24
iFvwmairtonix: many plugins for gkrellm05:24
MacrosoftBunTai, what version are you using, hardy has a detect displays option in the screen resolution settings05:24
Flannel|thunder: shutting down the normal method?05:24
Prose_thinkfast: congrats05:24
BunTaiMacrosoft:  hardy05:25
harleynoob qeustion what keys do i hit to use barrel05:25
* ^Phantom^ bashes the keyboard with head <_<05:25
izinucs|thunder, i'm aware.. he doesn't have an issue shutting down .. just getting a LCD projector to be recognized by X05:25
|thunderFlannel; izinucs i mean if no keys respond.05:25
^Phantom^can't work this stupid poweriso file05:25
MacrosoftBunTai, goto system>preferences>screen resolution and click "detect displays"05:25
BunTaiMacrosoft: where the menu?05:25
airtonix|thunder, have you tried the sysreq + r ?05:25
ushimitsudoki|thunder: Alt+SysReq+REISUB05:25
bobboyhey can someone help me get my HP DV6648SE WXGA High Def BrightView Widescreen working correctly?05:25
airtonix|thunder, sysreq = printscr button05:26
Flannel|thunder: hold left alt, sysreq, then slowly press r e i s u b05:26
BunTaiThe X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.05:26
|thunderushimitsudoki; izinucs; Flannel , ohh, i thought he was hard shutting down.  and EUIB is best05:26
BunTaiMacrosoft: The X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.05:26
* ^Phantom^ got the file but command (terminal) won't run it05:26
lonejackhi, I've installed a new raid disk. Does somebody know if exist a tutorial on how to move image disks? Thank you..05:26
BunTaiany solution?05:26
iFvwmBunTai: if you use nvidia card?05:27
^Phantom^poweriso is fail D:05:27
BunTaiiFvwm: yes05:27
Razerpoweriso is awesome05:27
Emmetthey, folks05:27
MacrosoftBunTai, in short, it sounds like you cant change resolutions while X is running05:27
|thunderlonejack; try to find an open source alternative to norton ghost05:27
Emmettdo you guys know if ubuntu server will attempt to automount USB drives plugged into it?05:27
iFvwmBunTai: so just lauch nvidia-settings. so simple05:27
^Phantom^poweriso doesn't fsking work!05:27
Prose_Emmett: mine does05:27
iFvwmBunTai: not need restart anything. just install this soft05:27
Flannel^Phantom^: please watch the language05:27
BunTaiiFvwm: where? help me plz05:27
|thunderMacrosoft; BunTai, you cant change res while running. its not windowa05:27
izinucslonejack, partimage is part of the Rescue live cd05:28
harleywho need help with a lcd progector05:28
BunTai|thunder: so i must restart?05:28
iFvwmBunTai: you need install this soft05:28
MacrosoftBunTai, you could plug the projector into the main monitors port to make sure it works05:28
iFvwmBunTai: not need restart05:28
|thunderBunTai; just restart X. log out,. then hit ctrl-alt-backspace05:28
iFvwmfor nvidia05:28
^Phantom^poweriso is just a useless file with no extension05:28
izinucs|thunder, that doesn't always work for external video displays05:28
BunTai|thunder: what is restart X? im new in ubuntu05:28
^Phantom^u lie Razer05:29
lonejack|thunder, izinucs:thank you. I'll try partimage05:29
harleydude you can burn a iso to cd without downloading power iso05:29
BunTaiiFvwm: where should i download.05:29
MacrosoftBunTai, ctrl + alt + backspace restarts X05:29
EmmettProse_: Where does it mount?05:29
iFvwmBunTai: synaptic05:29
BunTaiMacrosoft: ive do it before05:29
bobboyhey can someone help me get my HP DV6648SE WXGA High Def BrightView Widescreen working correctly?05:29
Prose_Emmett: mine mounts in /media05:29
BunTaibut nothing happen05:29
Vezirdoes anyone know whyn Brasero is only recognizing any of my assorted empty disks as 576.6 MB05:29
gord_any recommendations for a rhythmbox-like media player with a significantly lower download size and similar features?05:29
EmmettProse_: Okay, cool. Thanks!05:29
|thunderBunTai; linux is all command line based, Xwindows is an application that runs so that you have graphical stuff that you are confusing with linux.05:29
^Phantom^harley it's a flipping .DAA FILE05:30
Prose_BunTai: really, Ctrl Alt Backspace (not Delete)05:30
Flannel^Phantom^: What on earth are you even talking about?  Are you trying to burn an iso?  try infrarecorder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:30
iFvwmBunTai: you do not know how to install soft?05:30
Razerharley: what is creating local image checksum?05:30
Flannel^Phantom^: ah, the daa stuff.  Linux doesn't *need* file extensions.05:30
Emmett(I'm going to sneak into the CTO's office, steal his hard drive and rsync our SVN.)05:30
corradociao a tuti05:30
the_zemoI have a small problem. When I changed my screen resolution my log on screen is zoomed up and not centered. How do I fix that?05:30
BunTaiProse_:  ive do it before05:30
Emmett"What happened to my hard drive?"05:30
gord_burning isos is integrated into nautilus now... just right click the iso file and click write... can't get any easier05:30
MacrosoftiFvwm, he may not be able to, i havent been able to connect to any of the repositories in the last 30min05:30
Flannelgord_: been integrated forever, he's talking about converting a daa05:30
xtrememertxIFvwm:hi sup ?05:30
Prose_BunTai: and this time, nothin happens ?05:31
harleyRazer idk you right clicked then clicked right to dvd ?05:31
Flannel^Phantom^: yes, it works.  What are you having trouble with?05:31
|thunderthe_zemo; your monitor does not support that high of a resolution possible.05:31
corradonessuno parla italiano?05:31
izinucs!it | corrado05:31
ubottucorrado: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)05:31
iFvwmMacrosoft: ee05:31
BunTaionly restart Xchat05:31
gord_hmm... does gnomebaker have that option?05:31
corradook sorry05:31
iFvwmMacrosoft: let me try05:31
BunTaiiFvwm: what software i must download?05:31
* ^Phantom^ ughs05:31
^Phantom^i navigated to the directory containing the poweriso file and the .daa05:31
harleyonly40 seconds left05:31
MacrosoftiFvwm, quickest way would be to apt-get update05:32
iFvwmMacrosoft: i use a locate repository. it ok. hehe05:32
iFvwmBunTai: nvidia-settings05:32
MacrosoftiFvwm, which one05:32
xtrememertxhi ifvwm05:32
iFvwmMacrosoft: www.cn99.com05:32
Flannel^Phantom^: Alright, and whats your problem?  And we can live without the extra lines too.  They aren't really necessary.05:32
karayanHello all, how can I find what display driver my machine is using. I am using 8.04. Cant find anything useful in xorg.conf.05:32
* Macrosoft tries oinging them again05:32
iFvwmxtrememertx: hi05:32
BunTaiiFvwm: ok05:32
BunTaion the way05:32
=== Trevi is now known as Trevinho
the_zemothunder: I changed it to one I know works, it was set to a high resolution, like 1600 x 1200 and I changed it to 1152 x 864. then the log on screen turned the way it did.05:33
bobboyHow can I make my screen larger? It seemed Vista had a bigger screen size.05:33
gord_bobboy, probably using the screen resolution option05:33
Razerharley: I right clicked the dvd then copied as target image, then burned the image to a dvd05:33
^Phantom^i navigated to the directory containing the poweriso file and the .daa in terminal and tried to get the poweriso file to output05:34
bobboygord_ , i am on the top resolution as is and it still is small compared to vista05:34
^Phantom^output any info*05:34
Flannel^Phantom^: what line did you use?05:34
harleyRazer throw it in you dvd player and see if it works if it said its done05:34
gord_bobboy, try changing your appearance settings to find a more compact theme. I always found default settings to be a bit bloated as well05:35
Realcoolguybobboy: have you installed any ati/nvidia drivers asuming you have one of those cards?05:35
Razerharley: butit's right in the process of doing whatever "local image checksum" is05:35
* ^Phantom^ d'ohs again05:35
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: where was the fonts directory again? ~/.fonts isn't working for me05:35
gord_bobboy, also that ^ (Realcoolguy)05:35
the_zemodo I have to set the resolution so high again to fix this problem?05:35
Flannel!font | SchmittyDoesIt05:35
ubottuSchmittyDoesIt: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:35
harleyRAzer then chill and wait05:35
^Phantom^hang on i gotta type it all out05:35
Flannel^Phantom^: copy and paste works fine.05:36
harleyhey how do i acces my usb drive05:36
^Phantom^NO IT DOESN'T05:36
^Phantom^not when the shared clipboard doesn't work05:36
Macrosoftharley, goto places>computer and see if it shows up05:36
Razerharley: k, but damn it's slow :(05:36
bobboyRealcoolguy , I have an Intel GMA X3100 and default installation of Ubuntu 8.0405:36
harleyRazer we must be paitent young grass smoker05:37
Macrosoftharley, if it doesnt, you'll have to mount it manually05:37
bobboygord_ , I have an Intel GMA X3100 and default installation of Ubuntu 8.04 and changed the appearence but it does not really help05:37
Flannelharley: eh?05:37
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, if it doesnt exist, create it05:37
Realcoolguybobboy: i think there's some sort of intel driver too, also you might need to edit xorg.conf to add your specific resolution to it05:37
harleyMacrosoft it showed up before05:37
Razerharley: haha, kk05:37
gord_bobboy, are you running at native resolution?05:37
^Phantom^phantom@phantom-laptop:~Desktop/Shared$ poweriso vista.daa05:37
bobboygord_ , yes05:37
^Phantom^bash: poweriso: command not found05:37
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, ~/.fonts is the place users can install fonts and make use of them without hassling the sysadmin05:38
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: ok05:38
bobboyRealcoolguy , ill have to try to hunt down that intl driver than05:38
OdaintyIQuick question. New to Linux. I'm trying to get an apt but when I type in the command, it says unable to lock the administration directory. Arey ou root?05:38
Flannel^Phantom^: In the future, we only need the stuff after the $, and also, you need to prefix it with ./  so, ./poweriso [whatever]05:38
gord_bobboy, how exactly is it larger? do you mean by having 2 "task bars"? you can customize that05:38
FlannelOdaintyI: prefix the command with sudo  (sudo apt-get whatever)05:38
|thunderthe_zemo; make a back up of /etc/X11/xorg.conf then run "sudo sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg", if it fails you will have to manually restore your old xorg.conf which is not straight forward for those new to nix05:39
OdaintyIAnd if it's unable to find it, I have to manually download and install?05:39
FlannelOdaintyI: Probably not.  What are you trying to install? is this a fresh install?05:39
harleyok how do i mount a usb floash drive05:39
^Phantom^now it says /poweriso: No such file or directory05:39
the_zemoI'll try05:39
OdaintyIFlannel: amarok05:40
onealHi all , ðóññêèå åñòü ?05:40
Jordan_U^Phantom^: "./" not "/"05:40
FlannelOdaintyI: its in the repos.  Have you do "sudo apt-get update" yet?05:40
^Phantom^permission denied05:40
bobboygord_ , no its not the other taskbar it just feels smaller as if my computer can go past the 1280x800 resolution.. i have a WXGA High Def Bright View  Widescreen display05:40
karayanHello all, how can I find what display driver my machine is using. I am using 8.04. Cant find anything useful in xorg.conf.05:40
Flannel!ru | oneal05:40
ubottuoneal: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke05:40
harleyhow do i mount a usb flash drive05:40
bobboygord_ the website says by that 1280x800 but i think vista can go past that05:41
OdaintyIThanks, Flannel.05:41
karayanharley, it should mount automatically05:41
dekushrubdoes firefox use gstreamer?05:41
karayanharley, which version are you using05:41
WildCaterpillarargh....my touchpad just froze...anyway to restart it without restarting05:41
|thunderharley; should be mounted automatically, try "mount -l" to see wether it was05:41
onealFlannel - What !ru ?05:41
gord_bobboy, I know it can't, and if it tried it would need to scale and would look like garbage on an lcd display05:41
|thunderharley; it will be mounted in /media/disk most likely05:41
harleykarayan i did before but now it wont05:41
Flanneloneal: This channel is english only, if you want to speak russian, /join #ubuntu-ru05:41
Macrosoftharley, you need to find out the drive location (sda, sdb, etc)05:41
onealïî ðóññêèé áîçàðèò êòîíèáóòü ?05:41
Macrosoftand the partition number05:42
harleyi know its sda05:42
aroonii have two identical boxes with a geforce  8600 GTS and i can't get ubuntu to work with it.  box 1: boots up and says "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode: your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly." ... box #2: box has a white box frozen on the screen that follows the mouse, and i cant get into text console.  nvidia-glx-new is installed on both boxes, and xorg config was made with nvidia-xconfig05:42
WildCaterpillareg,  can I do /etc/init.d/something restart    to get my synaptics touchpad working again?05:42
gord_bobboy, screen size was one of the main reasons why I switched to fluxbox. I'm a minimalist person05:42
karayanharley, are you sure? I think it will be sdb.05:42
onealWhat is 50 cent ?05:42
bazhangoneal, please stop.05:42
Flanneloneal: Do you have a support question?05:42
Macrosoftharley, then try sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk05:42
|thunderarooni; make sure in xorg.conf the driver is nvidia, not just nv05:42
harley100% i had it working before when i just plugged it in05:42
gord_arooni, try installing the nvidia drivers05:43
|thunderharley; did you unplug it with out unmouinting it first ?05:43
=== lordfdisk is now known as LordFDisk
onealbazhang - no !05:43
arooni|thunder, yes its 'nvidia' not 'nv'05:43
^Phantom^the permission denied error is probably something from that faulty 8.04 upgrade <_<05:43
harleyum i think?05:43
bobboygord_ , it doesnt make sense though, i have a 1024x768 desktop wallpaper that is too big for ubuntu yet in vista I had to stretch the image05:43
|thunderarooni; and you restarted Xwindows ?05:43
gord_arooni, alternatively you can try using nv or use vesa as a backup while you fix the driver issue... just edit the "Driver" property in xorg.conf05:43
|thunderharley; you probably did not. and if you, you may have ruined it05:44
arooni|thunder, yes have restarted05:44
|thunderarooni; thats weird......05:44
dekushrubhey does anyone know if firefox use gstreamer because i have problems when i have rhythmbox and firefox open at the same time05:44
karayangord_, in hardy, the ubuntu folks have modifieds xorg.conf drastically?05:44
LordFDiskQ: is there a command I can type ... to see what kind of hardware I have ?05:44
iFvwmMacrosoft: :D05:44
gord_bobboy, if you need to scale that image downward then you are not running at 1280x80005:44
moti just bought the dell mini last week and i'm wondering if there's an ISO of the modified "mini os" version of ubuntu (8.04?) floating around?05:44
^Phantom^why is the stupid bash denying me permission to modify MY filea?05:44
FlannelLordFDisk: lspci and lsusb05:45
harleythunder theres a led light on it when i plug it in the light come on for a lil bit but then it turns off05:45
|thunderdekushrub; your audio card probably does not support multiple audio streams playing simultaniously.... this is a sympton of old hardware.05:45
Razerharley: didn't work05:45
MacrosoftLordFDisk, try lspci05:45
arooniif i have 4GB of RAM should i be running ubuntu 64 bit?05:45
LordFDiskFlannel,  Thank you05:45
bobboygord_ but ubuntu says i am05:45
Timberwolf5578What distro you all use?05:45
Flannel^Phantom^: You're either doing it wrong, or your permissions are messeed up.05:45
harleyRazer google nero for linux05:45
gord_karayan, they did? I never noticed. But I'm stubborn05:45
harleybrb i need to grab my laptop05:45
LordFDiskMacrosoft,  Thank you05:45
Flannel^Phantom^: first of all, what command are you using?05:45
iFvwmLordFDisk: sudo lshw or gnome-device-manager05:45
=== kiosk is now known as andara_m
MacrosoftLordFDisk, flannel beat me to it05:46
dekushrub|thunder, no i have a new computer and it will do other streams playing at the same time, i have only had this problem with firefox playing media(youtube, etc...) and rhythmbox05:46
LordFDiskiFvwm,  THank you05:46
airtonixarooni, you can use the server kernel to make use of all your ram...this gives you the added benefit of having a kernel that will be upgraded when you use apt-get05:46
^Phantom^i fsking give up with the poweriso05:46
xyblor_When I mount a network share using nautilus, what directory does it mount to?05:46
Flannel^Phantom^: again, watch your language.05:46
karayangord_, I cant find what video driver I am using. All they say in xorg.conf is configured video device05:46
gord_bobboy, try entering "xrandr" into terminal05:46
airtonixarooni, there are guides out there that suggest you compile your own kernel, but this isnt required and precludes your kerenel from being updated during "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"05:47
|thunderharley; yes.....   restart your system and plug it in.....  it may have been that you didnt unmount it properly.....   and before you unplug it, click "Places at the very top and click the drive, when it opens rightclick the drive on the left of the window and click unmount.05:47
^Phantom^gonna find a windows program that won't deny ME permission to modify MY files05:47
rroblakdoes anybody know how to turn off the nagios web service?05:47
harleythunder ya i was about to say it works in my laptop05:47
|thunderharley; other than that i'd say test it on another system.....05:47
airtonixarooni, besides...64bit isnt all its cracked up to be...05:47
gord_karayan, You can specify the driver under the video device section05:47
rroblakI installed the apt package, and now the nagios web service is on my server05:47
Flannel^Phantom^: Good luck, we wish you the best, but if youre going to be belligerent, please do it elsewhere.05:48
|thunderharley; it should be working automatically......05:48
rroblakbut I can't find any obvious way to disable it, while still retaining nagios05:48
airtonixrroblak, most services can be turned off via the system -> admin -> services05:48
Razerharley: haha it's playing in spanish audio but no video05:48
rroblakairtonix: I using ubuntu server05:48
harleythunder what do you mean by that05:48
^Phantom^i'm fed up with ubuntu saying this is broken, that won't work, permission denied at every corner i turn05:48
rroblakairtonix: do services=init.d scripts?05:48
airtonixrroblak, have you tried using : sudo /etc/init.d/nagios stop05:48
^Phantom^I'm quite frustrated at the moment <_< D:05:48
Macrosoftharley, he means it should mount automagically05:48
J-n^Phantom^: What is the DAA of? if it's ubuntu, i'm pretty sure they distribute it on an ISO not a DAA file. If you've got a torrent client setup, the dl via torrent is VERY fast.05:48
bazhang^Phantom^, /join ##windows then05:48
|thunderharley; it should auto mount and be available in the file manager (nautilus)05:49
harleyRazer hhmmm....im not shere what you can do tghen05:49
gord_karayan, alternatively if you install the drivers directly from the nvidia website, they will create a new xorg.conf for you. I'm not sure if the more experienced ubuntu users would recommend this route however.05:49
Flannel^Phantom^: You haven't made it exactly easy to help you.  But this is off topic for this channel.05:49
bobboygord_ ok.. im at 1280x800 and max is 1280x1280, says VGA disconnected, says LVDS connected 1280x800+0+005:49
karayangord_, there is no video device section in my xorg.conf05:49
* ^Phantom^ goes to #vent05:49
gord_karayan, can you put your xorg.conf in a pastebin?05:49
airtonixbobboy, the max resolution of your screen will be limited by the linux drivers of your video card.05:49
harleyidk im gonna restart my system05:49
Razerharley: I'm using Brasero, why does every linux have a problem with everyday things05:50
bobboyairtonix , so what do i do, i have an intel GMA x310005:50
gord_bobboy, do you have the option of selecting 1280x1280 in the screen resolution menu? That seems like an odd resolution... I've never seen a 1:1 monitor05:50
Macrosofthe could have tried running gparted or something first05:50
airtonixbobboy, lots of investigation and imploring to your hardware vendors05:50
^Phantom^k i'll try this again05:51
bobboygord , no i dont have that option.. biggest option is what im on.. 1280x80005:51
^Phantom^i got the poweriso file from here:  [22:46] <^Phantom^> i'm fed up with ubuntu saying this is broken, that won't work, permission denied at every corner i turn05:51
* ^Phantom^ kicks his clipboard :(05:51
Macrosoft^Phantom^, use sudo05:51
FlannelNo, don't use sudo.05:51
rob__pidgin randomly crashes, is there a fix for this at all?05:51
gord_bobboy, I'd recommend you leave it at 1280x800. Make sure you have the appropriate drivers installed for your video card05:51
Macrosoftsudo chown <user> /stuff05:52
* iFvwm funny ^Phantom^05:52
gord_rob__, Depending on what is causing the crash, most likely there is05:52
xtrememertxeven my pidgin and firefox crash randomly05:52
airtonixbobboy, usually (providing the linux driver of your video card allows it) the next limitation on obtaining your desired resolution is the lack of frequency settings...there is a prog you can use to fullly cat out the capabilities of your card whilst under the influence of the linux drivers05:52
Flannel^Phantom^: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-open-daa-direct-access-archive-files-under-linux-or-unix-oses/  explains a few ways to use poweriso05:52
ubuntutlupshi there i got a serious problem05:52
rob__gord_ where can I find the source of it?05:52
FlannelMacrosoft: no, that's not necessarily right either.05:52
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ubuntutlupsmy Firefox does not execute.05:52
karayangord_, please chech this http://pastebin.com/d1d7612c905:52
iFvwmxtrememertx: perhaps you can try opera instead of firefox.05:53
airtonixbobboy, bu i forget what that command is since inow have a nvidia 8800gt05:53
gord_rob__ you can try running an strace on it, have it pipe its output to a file for later viewing and find the critical errors causing the crash05:53
ubuntutlupscan some please be kindfull and help me.05:53
ubuntutlupsi love firefox05:53
ubuntutlupskarayan ...05:53
iFvwmi like opera05:53
rob__how do i run a strace?05:53
gord_rob__ "strace pidgin 2> errortrack.txt" , or something like that05:53
xtrememertxifvwm, yea i was thinking of that05:53
bobboygord_ how can i check if i have the proper drivers install for my video card?05:53
ubuntutlupssorry i got 2 hours on Ubuntu05:53
gord_then just run it as usual until it crashes05:53
xtrememertxbut i'm planning to move on to windows05:53
xtrememertxi have no oteher option :(05:53
karayanubuntulups, yes05:53
Macrosoftubuntulups, i wish i hadnt upgraded to 3.0.1, it segfaults all the time and other weird crap05:53
bobboyairtonix , so that proggie will help me?05:54
xtrememertxi cant watch vidoes or play games :(05:54
ubuntutlupsi updated to i dont know version05:54
ubuntutlupsi follow so many tutorials that i dont know what i have done05:54
gord_bobboy, I'm going to assume you haven't gone out of your way to install drivers, so depending on what video device you have installed (find out with lspci), there is most likely a better driver than the one you are currently using.05:54
airtonixbobboy, in a debug kind of way yes....it may have just been the cat command used on the right /dev path05:54
iFvwmxtrememertx: of course, video, game, important thing05:54
SchmittyDoesIthow do i put a terminal on hotkey?05:54
tony_Can anybody help me out, I can't get my wireless card working in Ubuntu05:55
airtonixbobboy, you should examine the post made by tselliot on the ubuntuforums05:55
iFvwmxtrememertx: but why need windows05:55
airtonixbobboy, posts*05:55
Flannelubuntutlups: That's not a good place to be.  We can't really help much with software that you got outside of the repos.05:55
xtrememertxi'm getting low fps on ubuntu05:55
Macrosoftubuntutlups, if its working i would just leave it as is, no need to have to beta version05:55
Flannelubuntutlups: Especially if you aren't sure what you've done.05:55
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, alt + f2, then type : gconf-editor05:55
gord_SchmittyDoesIt, I believe gnome has its own hotkey program, but xbindkeys is a more classical solution05:55
xtrememertxu were there yesterday right ?05:55
ubuntutlupsi cant run firefox05:55
^Phantom^i need to be typing this in terminal, right?05:55
Flannel^Phantom^: yes05:55
Macrosoftubuntutlups, any error message05:56
iFvwmxtrememertx: yes, but i forgot sth.05:56
tony_Can anybody help me out, I can't get my wireless card working in Ubuntu05:56
SchmittyDoesItok thanx05:56
gord_commands you recieve here will 99% of the time need to be in a console05:56
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, navigate to : apps -> metacity -> keybinding_commands05:56
gord_(whenever they cant be done using a run dialogue)05:56
Flannel^Phantom^: and in the directory with poweriso, and the .daa file (if you were to use those command directly)05:56
xtrememertxanyways even a small avi file is laggy :(05:56
iFvwmxtrememertx: so sad05:56
ubuntutlupscan some one take 5 minutes05:56
Macrosoftubuntutlups, what did you mean you cant run firefox? can you give more detail?05:56
ronnaldI'm getting something that looks like codec problems while playing movies, how do i fix it?05:57
^Phantom^i got poweriso 1.1 from softpedia.com in a .tar.gz file05:57
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, actually (close all that ) easier way is : system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts05:57
ubuntutlupson once i click on the firefox icon it says  Failed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)05:57
gord_xtrememertx, you're probably missing video drivers, or the codecs you're using are horrid. try either getting new drivers if you havent already, and for the love of FSM get VLC05:57
iFvwmSchmittyDoesIt: need keybind? xkeybinding is good one.05:57
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, scroll about 1/3 the way down till you find " Run a terminal"05:57
physically_fit!wifi | tony_05:58
ubottutony_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:58
bobboygord_ how would i find such drivers? and if i have them installed? lol05:58
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, you can set your keybind to open a term there05:58
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: excellant05:58
Macrosoftubuntutlups, open a terminal window and type firefox, it might give some more info05:58
xtrememertxgord_ i tried using i810 and  intel drivers .. i cant even watch youtube   or play simple games like bzflag05:58
tony_physically_fit: I've tried that already05:58
bobboyairtonix , im looking at his posts now05:58
gord_bobboy, try "lspci|grep video"05:58
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, the gconf way i was about to lead you through is for other keybindings you cant find in that simple gui05:58
favroubuntutlups: did you unpack the tar.gz?05:58
bazhanghttp://maketecheasier.com/how-to-extract-daa-files-in-ubuntu/2008/06/19 ^Phantom^05:58
ubuntutlupsThe program 'firefox' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:05:58
ubuntutlupssudo apt-get install firefox05:58
ubuntutlupsbash: firefox: command not found05:58
gord_xtrememertx, what is the card and what drivers are you currently using?05:58
SchmittyDoesItairtonix: and you know i like simple05:58
Netham45I'm trying to put a bunch of files into a tarball, but I can't get it tarred. Anyone got an idea?05:58
bobboygord_ comes up blank lol05:59
xtrememertxgord_  integrated i810 chipset05:59
ubuntutlupsbut i just installed it05:59
iFvwmxtrememertx: nnn, i remember sth, but not skill at intel video card.05:59
ubuntutlupslook this tutorial please.05:59
Macrosoftubuntutlups, yeah, if you run that command it gave you it will download and install it for you05:59
airtonixSchmittyDoesIt, that gui really needs a blank etry down the bottom that is for entering a path to a script and designating a hotkey05:59
ubuntutlupsmmm.. i cant execute FFX05:59
gord_bobboy, probe "lspci" yourself then, check for things that might resemble a video device05:59
gord_the list wont be that long05:59
kushalsejwalGreetings Friends, I created a hello world program in C, when I compile it using CC hello.c and then ./a.out its works fine but today I installed Geany and then when I clicked Compile its showing some kind of error05:59
Macrosoftubuntutlups, run sudo apt-get install firefox in a terminal05:59
^Phantom^i can't understand why i'm being denied permission to modify MY files06:00
xtrememertx i have been trying to get it run properly for  about a month now06:00
gord_^Phantom^, what files specifically?06:00
Macrosoft^Phantom^, did you try changing the permissions?06:00
iFvwm^Phantom^: ?06:00
J-n^Phantom^: is it saying you dont have permission? or something else concerning your share between your ubuntu guest and the windows host?06:00
ubuntutlupsit says this.06:00
ubuntutlupsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:00
ubuntutlupsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:00
RazerCan I format DVD+R's?06:01
iFvwmxtrememertx: so, back to windows. it is no bad thing for your work06:01
tony_I don't have a wan0 device in ifconfig, but I do in iwconfig06:01
FlannelMacrosoft: please don't suggest things like that without knowing the reason for the error.06:01
kushalsejwalcan anybody help me with the problem?06:01
kushalsejwalI created a hello world program in C, when I compile it using CC hello.c and then ./a.out its works fine but today I installed Geany and then when I clicked Compile its showing some kind of error06:01
gord_ubuntutlups, Do you have an update or a synaptic open?06:01
^Phantom^Permission denied.06:01
Macrosoftubuntutlups, it means you have another package manager open already06:01
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Flannelphysically_fit: What command are you using?06:01
bobboygord_ 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile PM965/GM965/GL960 Memory Controller Hub (rev 0c)06:01
bobboy00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)06:01
bobboy00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)06:01
bazhang^Phantom^, read the link I gave you.06:01
airtonixubuntutlups, check if synaptics is already running, if not check your not already apt-get'n something....lastly you can run : sudo killall apt-get -906:01
harleyok i can get my flash drive to work in my laptop but6 not my desktop its driveing me crazy06:01
xtrememertxiFvwm:yea...but i  miss ubuntu :(06:01
gord_bobboy, please do not flood. If you have multiple lines use a pastebin06:01
iFvwmnever mind06:02
bobboygord_ sry i forgot about pastebin06:02
airtonixubuntutlups, it will then tell you to run another command that will clean up the operation taht previously caused apt-get to stall06:02
bazhanghttp://maketecheasier.com/how-to-extract-daa-files-in-ubuntu/2008/06/19 ^Phantom^ read this link06:02
ubuntutlupssudo apt-get install firefox06:02
ubuntutlupsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:02
ubuntutlupsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:02
ubuntutlupslobsang@lobsang-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox06:02
ubuntutlupsReading package lists... Done06:02
ubuntutlupsBuilding dependency tree06:02
ubuntutlupsReading state information... Done06:02
ubuntutlupsfirefox is already the newest version.06:02
ubuntutlupsThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:06:02
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:02
airtonix!pastebin | ubuntutlups06:02
ubottuubuntutlups: please see above06:02
ubuntutlupssorry.. i am new on this IRC talk06:03
iFvwm3 or 5 lines is flood?06:03
airtonixbtw gnome-do has a pastebin function...06:03
gord_we all were at some point, just remember to use it from now on06:03
bazhang2 lines is06:03
ubuntutlupsi just looked at ubuntu.com some basic instructions06:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about facepalm06:03
xtrememertxgord_ any idea ?06:03
harleymy flash drive worked in ubuntu but now it dosent please help me thanks06:03
gord_Macrosoft, ubottu never makes mistakes, he has no need for facepalm or headdesk06:03
bobboygord_ here is the pastebin http://pastebin.com/d596ae7d006:03
ubuntutlupsi cant paste  code over there kuz i got no web browser06:03
Macrosoft!facepalm is fail06:04
bazhangubuntutlups, just close add remove06:04
bazhangMacrosoft, /msg ubottu for fun if you wish (ie not here)06:04
aroonii have two identical boxes with a geforce  8600 GTS and i can't get ubuntu to work with it.  i have two boxes with same hardware.  on both: i can't get to text console; and the login screen shows the screen messed up (its like green and red and white).  nvidia-glx-new is installed on both boxes, and xorg config was made with nvidia-xconfig06:04
brolly81whats up my ubuntu people06:04
Macrosoftbrolly81, is your power maximum?06:04
ubuntutlupsi got onliy this IRC channel open06:05
brolly81i got a problem, here it is.  i tried to move files from06:05
harleysome one please tell me how i can ghet my flash drive to work06:05
alexbookerwhats wrong with them06:05
FlannelMacrosoft: This isn't a chat channel.  Please keep it on topic06:05
ubuntutlupsit says this06:05
brolly81no, glad u know about where i got the name. there coming out with a movie soon06:05
xtrememertxbye everyone06:05
Macrosoftharley, try running gparted and look for the drive in the list06:05
ubuntutlupsUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:05
gord_My favourite Operating System is Linux because it's power is maximum.06:06
xtrememertxcya iFvwm06:06
iFvwmxtrememertx: bye...06:06
ubuntutlupsit installed it06:06
ubuntutlupsbut still cant open it06:06
brolly81i justed partioned my drive and i tried to move files to it but ubuntu tells me i dont have permission to do this, how do i fix it?06:06
gord_ubuntutlups, what does it say when you attempt to open it?06:06
Macrosoftubuntutlups, what error do you gt now?06:07
ubuntutlupsonce i click on the icon it says this06:07
brolly81i justed partioned my drive and i tried to move files to it but ubuntu tells me i dont have permission to do this, how do i fix it?06:07
ubuntutlupsFailed to execute child process "firefox" (No such file or directory)06:07
didymus7777Real quick question, when setting up a raid 1 system, does the drives the you want to "raid" need to be unmounted?06:07
Jordan_Uubuntutlups: sudo apt-get install firefox06:08
Cheekywat are the flash codecs ineed to watch stuff on veoh and megavideo?06:08
brolly81i justed partioned my drive and i tried to move files to it but ubuntu tells me i dont have permission to do this, how do i fix it?06:08
ubuntutlupsi did that already06:08
MacrosoftJordan_U, he did06:08
Jordan_Uubuntutlups: What happens when you try to run "firefox" in a terminal?06:08
iFvwmnot fx installed? ubuntu?06:08
ubuntutlupsfirefox is already the newest version.  The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:    xulrunner-1.9 it says that06:08
harleyuhh. ... i cant gety any thing to work on here06:08
favrobrolly81: how are you mounting the partition?06:08
tony_Can anybody help me out, I can't get my wireless card working in Ubuntu06:09
brolly81i dont know, its /et3 or something06:09
iFvwmi A xulrunner-1.9                             - XUL + XPCOM application runner ubuntulog06:09
iFvwmhere is you need.06:09
Cyb3rAssasinwhats ubuntu?06:10
Jordan_Uubuntutlups: What happens when you try to run "firefox" in a terminal?06:10
didymus7777Does anyone here know anything about raid and setting it up with mdadm06:10
bazhangCyb3rAssasin, an OS06:10
Macrosoftubuntutlups, you could try "sudo apt-get install firefox-gnome-support" but i doubt it will help06:10
brolly81favro, what do you think?06:10
Cyb3rAssasinreally? who knew?06:10
bobboygord_ if you look at the pastebin, http://pastebin.com/d596ae7d0 , it looks like it installed the right drivers.. in wikipedia it says it is those ie GL960 and GM96506:10
bazhangCyb3rAssasin, this is the support channel; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat06:10
iFvwmubuntulog: change your source.list06:10
ubuntutlupsi dont understand why...06:11
bazhangubuntutlups, open a terminal06:11
ubuntutlupsi think ill just move to windows06:11
favrobrolly81: not much to go on - can you paste your /etc/fstab file?06:11
favro!paste | brolly8106:11
ubottubrolly81: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:11
ubuntutlupsgotta format my hard drive again :'(06:11
bazhangubuntutlups, help in ##windows then06:11
ubuntutlupsi did open the terminal06:11
gord_bobboy, then everything should be working correctly. My only explanation is that windows set an incorrect resolution or that your system is for some reason defaulting to a lower resolution. Xrandr should give you your current resolution, however you can check by opening an image of a known size and comparing it at 100% size to the area of your desktop06:11
ubuntutlupswhat do i do now ?06:11
Jordan_Uubuntutlups: What happens when you try to run "firefox" in a terminal?06:12
bazhangubuntutlups, you still here?06:12
ubuntutlupsi dont know how to run FFX on a terminal06:12
iFvwmubuntulog: if you know how to open ssh. we can help you.06:12
Flannelubuntutlups: type "firefox" and hit enter06:12
gord_ubuntutlups, you simply type "firefox" and hit enter06:12
brolly81i get 148gb media on my desktop06:12
Macrosoftubuntutlups, its just "firefox"06:12
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iFvwmi remember sometime, fx is "firefox-3.0"06:13
gord_I think that's when 3.0 was still in beta06:13
gord_I may be wrong06:13
brolly81favro, what the command so i can get that info06:13
bobboygord_ alright thx man06:13
MacrosoftiFvwm, he just installed the non 3.0 verion06:13
favrobrolly81: gedit /etc/fstab06:13
iFvwmubuntulog: so learn how to open ssh first.06:14
gord_Macrosoft, ancient software06:14
iFvwmor learn open vnc06:14
favrobrolly81: it's just a system file - you can browse and open it06:14
gord_bobboy, no problem06:14
iFvwmall things will be done, while you sleep.06:14
erat123ubuntu gods i need some wireless help, anyone knowledgeable in linksys wmp54g cards??06:14
MacrosoftiFvwm, what will?06:15
iFvwmmaybe someone here can help him thr ssh06:15
Jordan_Uerat123: Do you know the chipset?06:15
gord_erat123 there are probably several ubuntu forum threads on the subject which would be easier to find than the random change that some one here knows the driver/ndiswrapper driver to use06:15
gord_chance, even06:15
aroonican i ssh into a box when no user has logged in yet?  (i.e. login screen shows)06:16
Flannelarooni: Yes06:16
daklan_hmwarooni: yes06:16
Macrosoftthere may be a restricted driver for it06:16
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iFvwmof course06:16
Flannelarooni: ssh is logging in (even before the login screen shows, actually)06:16
Macrosofttheres one for my atheros06:16
J-nWhat is the diffrence between the 8.04 desktop and server editions? Could one just upgrade to server via packages or should one just grab the server edition?06:16
AllNewToMehow to install a tarbz file to ubuntu?06:16
FlannelJ-n: yep.  The difference between any flavor/edition is just the default packages installed.06:16
brolly81i can browse and open it but i cant move files, movies or anything into it06:17
arooniFlannel,  ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused  ... shows ... though i'm pretty sure thats the box's ip address ( i cant get x to start so i'm trying to debug from another comp)06:17
MacrosoftJ-n, i think server is less gui and more utilities06:17
FlannelJ-n: you can turn one into the other (or add one to the other, etc) without any trouble06:17
brolly81i want to use it as my download spot06:17
harleydude this is soo not cool i cant get my falsh drive to work my sound to work flash player,java omg06:17
Flannelarooni: try ctrl-alt-f1 on the original computer (with the issues)06:17
J-nFlannel: Cool, i figured as much but.... being lazy i figured i'd ask lol06:17
erat123gord_: thanks for the comment.  i understand that ubuntu ships w/ the needed drivers and ndiswrapper is not necessary for this card.  ubuntu recognizes it, but i cant get it to connect.  i'm running an lsusb command now to find out info...06:17
arooniFlannel, no results;  it looks forzen :(06:17
brolly81favro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47662/06:18
rroblakwhat's the best way to disable an init script on ubuntu server?06:18
Macrosoftharley, have you tried using it on another machine to make sure the drive isnt the problem06:18
daklanrroblak: update-rc.d <script> remove06:18
iFvwmrroblak: or sudo sysv-rc-conf?06:18
favrobrolly81: it's not the windows partition? or is it?06:19
ganeswhat about the swap space if i boot the live cd06:19
Macrosoftsudo umount /dev/sdd106:19
Macrosofterr, wrong window06:19
harleyMacrosoft dude all i have at the moment is this pentium 4 1.6 ghz half a giog of ram a laptop sames specs as my pc im on now and a dual pentium 3 server witch way about 5 billion pounds06:19
favrobrolly81: can you paste /etc/mtab then please06:19
rroblakdaklan: according to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto, that's not a good idea06:19
airtonixbrolly81, by paste he means pastebin06:20
harleyiFvwm what do you mean dude?06:20
tony_When I copy firmware drivers to /lib/firmware for bcm43xx-fwcutter, do i copy the inf file or the sys or both?06:20
daklanrroblak: you said you want to disable a script in init.d, right?06:20
iFvwmi dont know06:20
Macrosoftharley, the specs dont matter, just anything that runs06:20
Macrosoftharley, what filesystem is on nthe drive?06:21
harleyMacrosoft at this very moment im installing ubuntu on my laptop06:21
rroblakdaklan: yeah, I was just noting that that method is not advised06:21
harleyMacrosoft its like sda1 it worked before06:21
iFvwmnow is uuid time06:21
harleyimiss vector linux :(06:21
brolly81favro, im not following what you want me to do.  Im new at this06:22
circsWhen i am poking around for themes for ubuntu what should I be looking for? I tried every category on gnome look and nothing seems to work, did I break it by installing compiz-fusion?06:22
Macrosoftharley, i mean what type of filesystem is it (fat, ntfs, ext3, etc)06:22
rroblakiFvwm: thx for the tip :)06:22
harleyMacrosoft my usb flash drive idk06:22
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Macrosoftharley, probably fat then. that should work on any machine06:23
iFvwmdf -hT -x tmpfs06:23
favrobrolly81: it's not mounting how you want - I don't know how it is mounted - trying to find out06:23
Flannelcircs: Ubuntu uses gnome, so any gnome themes ought to work06:23
harleyMacrosoft it works on my laptop when i boot into my live cd but not on my desktop06:23
daklanrroblak: it's funny, if you notice on that howto, removal of init scripts via update-rc.d is not advised, but addition of init scripts is done via update-rc.d06:23
Flannel!theme | circs06:23
ubottucircs: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:23
fo_x86is there a way to automatically arrange and add includes in CDT? (much like one would do Shift+Ctrl+M  and Shift + Ctrl + O in java for imports?)06:23
favrobrolly81: the /etc/fstab file is for things mounted at boot - mtab for things mounted anytime06:23
brolly81favro:  this it what it looks like  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=abo2g1&s=406:23
harleyMacrosoft theres a led light in the usb drive when i plug it into my pc it turns on for a lil bit then off06:24
circsFlannel: I found plenty of them I just can't get any to work06:24
Macrosoftharley, try running sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/disk06:24
iFvwmharley: dmesg|tail after plug in06:25
Flannelcircs: I believeyou just drag the theme tgzs to the theme window thing.  I think thats how it works.06:25
brolly81favro:  that last one on the pic is what i cant save stuff to06:25
Macrosoftharley, you said it usually shows up as sdd, right?06:25
bazhangcircs, sometime you need to extract archives06:25
circsFlannel: It tell me that the theme is invalid, either that or emerald sees it and imports it then does nothing whatsoever06:26
Macrosoftharley, than sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/disk06:26
sfer2Hi everyone06:26
iFvwmcircs: emerald theme you download?06:26
rroblakdaklan: yeah, seems a bit mixed up06:27
harleyi did when i noticed you typed sda06:27
favrobrolly81: and the /etc/mtab file should tell how it is mounted atm06:27
circsiFvwm: I tried every type of theme and nothing seems to play nice06:27
harleythen it said you must specify the filesystem type06:27
shaun_anyone here a wireless expert i see my ssid for my router but cant connect and no its not secure so no pass needed...  shaun@MRMAKULIT:~$ sudo dhcpcd wlan006:27
shaun_Error, wlan0: timed out06:27
brolly81where do i find that info at or go to so i can see if it is /etc/mtab file06:28
iFvwmcircs: before you download any theme, i make clear what kind is?06:28
Macrosoftharley, it might be ntfs then. try "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/disk06:28
falloreI'm trying to play mp3 files with Rythmbox. The files are on a partition used by my Windows XP boot, sda5. They will often play but sometimes instead of playing it skips over them as if they are not there. Does anyone know why this sometimes happens and/or how to fix it?06:28
circsiFvwm: I didn't know what kind I needed so I downloaded a couple of each type and tried them all to no avail.06:28
=== poon is now known as l3r1k
iFvwmcircs: hehe06:28
favrobrolly81: the mtab file is in the same directory as the fstab file - try gedit /etc/fstab06:28
circsiFvwm: Yeah i was like, hmmm well let's try ALL of them....06:29
favrobrolly81:  gedit /etc/mtab06:29
linuxbob56hello, anybody using a acer aspire 6920 notebook?06:29
harleyya i think this is more a hard ware issue im never buying a board off ebay agin06:29
Macrosoftharley, what error did you get this time?06:30
daklanfavro: /etc/mtab is NOT static. /etc/mtab is a dynamic table listing all filesystems currently mounted06:30
harleyMacrosoft idk its all good ill just try some stuff on my laptyop and pole a all nighter06:31
=== Macrosoft is now known as Macro_Zzz
harleyMacrosoft thanks allot for trying thow06:31
circsI don't even know how I broke this one....06:31
favrodaklan: we're trying to find out how a disk IS mounted hehe06:31
daklanfavro: the mount command should suffice06:32
sfer2linuxbob56: Is that the small one?06:32
brolly81favro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47665/06:32
daklanfavro: "mount" should list EXACTLY what's on /etc/mtab06:32
spicyjdoes anyone know why I might get a ping response for a domain but not an IP?06:34
brolly81favro:  i can access its sitting right on my desktop as an icon that but i cant drag and drop or save to it06:34
favrobrolly81: of course - it is mounted - just not with permissions to let you write to it06:35
anagramspicyj: I'd suspect the domain is resolving to something different. what happens if you do nslookup domain.com ? does it resolve?06:35
Father_Fibularestarting and insstalling Kubuntu, be back in a while06:36
spicyjwell, what I did was ping google.com06:36
brolly81favro:  yeah, it seems like a quick thing to fix, is it?06:36
spicyjit gave PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.06:36
spicyjand continued to get responses06:36
spicyjthen I tried a ping
spicyjand it just hangs there06:36
daklanbrolly81: unmount it as superuser, and remount as regular user. see if it mounts properly06:37
daklanspicyj: maybe that host is down at the moment?06:38
anagramspicyj: check that first octet (each number inbetween dots is an octet).06:38
spicyjanagram: what?06:38
falloreI'm trying to play mp3 files with Rythmbox. The files are on a partition used by my Windows XP boot, sda5. They will often play but sometimes instead of playing it skips over them as if they are not there. Does anyone know why this sometimes happens and/or how to fix it? Happens with all media players and even if i attempt to copy the mp3 to the ubuntu partition.06:38
brolly81daklan: im using partion editor, is that ok to use to unmount and remount06:38
spicyjanagram: oh, got it! whoops.06:38
daklanbrolly81: are you in the process of installing, or partitioning?06:38
daklanbrolly81: what was the problem again?06:39
brolly81daklan: you told me to unmount as a superuser and remount as a regular user06:40
favroI thought it was installed06:40
daklanbrolly81: if you are partitioning, that volume shouldn't be mounted06:40
brolly81daklan:  i could not save files to it, but i could open it and browse it06:40
favrofrom the live cd?06:40
daklanbrolly81: if the volume is mounted, you risk losing data by partitioning06:41
linuxbob56anybody know how to get sound on a HHD notebook?06:41
brolly81i already partitioned and mounted it06:41
daklanbrolly81: it's mounted as read-only06:41
aroonipastebinit and pastebin.com dont seem to be working .. ideas?  they give me a url but there's nothing there when i go there.06:41
daklanbrolly81: and probably by a user other than yourself06:41
=== Agent_bob is now known as _2
daklanbrolly81: in that case, cancel whatever partitioning that you're doing, and unmount06:41
phantomcircuitpulse audio isn't working06:42
phantomcircuitim getting this error in /var/log/user.log06:42
falloreAlso I just finished downloading a 350mb file with ktorrent and after completing ktorrent gives the error "cannot open home/austin/filehere: no such file or directory" the file just disappeared, i can't find it anywhere.06:42
phantomcircuitSep 11 21:59:11 patrick-laptop pulseaudio[19390]: shm.c: shm_open() failed: No such file or directory06:42
phantomcircuitSep 11 21:59:11 patrick-laptop pulseaudio[19390]: pstream.c: Failed to import memory block.06:42
brolly81daklan: it is unmounted06:42
daklanbrolly81: is it a flashdrive?06:43
Taiga-SKi get the following error when trying to access settings: (zapping:8263): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_list_store_get_value: assertion `VALID_ITER (iter, list_store)' failed06:43
Taiga-SK(zapping:8263): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.16.4/gobject/gtype.c:3362: type id `0' is invalid06:43
Taiga-SK(zapping:8263): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: can't peek value table for type `<invalid>' which is not currently referenced06:43
Taiga-SKSegmentation fault06:43
Taiga-SKplz help06:43
sfer2!paste | Taiga-SK06:43
ubottuTaiga-SK: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:43
brolly81daklan:  its a hard drive 160 gigs06:43
brolly81daklan: its unmounted, now what?06:43
favrobrolly81: first   sudo umount -v /dev/sda106:43
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Taiga-SKsfer2, yes ok but it's only like 5 lines or so...06:44
daklanbrolly81: mount it, but as regular user. see if you can mount it properly06:44
daklanbrolly81: by regular user, i mean don't use sudo06:44
DCPomdoes anyone know the terminal command to disable the PC speaker?06:44
sfer2Taiga: Yeah, sorry. Thought there were more and my window wasn't scrolled. ;) When exactly does that error happen?06:45
daklanDCPom: you can mute the PC speaker using your mixer settings06:45
=== bad_citizen is now known as bazhang
Taiga-SKsfer2, when i access edit- preferences either in zapping or kazehakase06:45
linuxbob56anybody using a acer aspire 6920 notebook???06:45
sfer2So it's a program specific error?06:45
Nom-Hi all.  I've got an issue with Ubuntu Hardy having high context switch in VMware ESX Server in a completely idle guest.  Is there any documentation describing how to fix this?06:46
sfer2linuxbob56:  Is that one of the mini ones with a SSD?06:46
Taiga-SKsfer2, samwe error 2 programs06:46
bhindiwill any body help me plz06:46
linuxbob56no, has HHD06:46
sfer2!ask | bhindi06:46
brolly81daklan: does it matter if ext3 or ext2 for filesystem06:46
ubottubhindi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:46
linuxbob56no frigen sound06:46
chubsbrolly81, do ext306:46
daklanbrolly81: no, and you probably can skip specifying the filesystem type06:47
sfer2linuxbob: Is that the one with the... Which sound card does it have in there? I was having problems with the sound on my Aspire laptop...06:47
daklanbrolly81: fyi, ext3 is ext2 with journaling enabled06:47
Stylesext3 ftw06:47
Taiga-SKalso after the Segmentation fault line the program terminates06:47
StylesTaiga-SK, reset the apps settings / reinstall06:48
StylesTaiga-SK, also they probably have fixes for what ever app you have somewhere but its a pain..06:48
* iFvwm like Segmentation fault06:48
StylesTaiga-SK, happens to me too with a few apps06:48
linuxbob56sfer, not sure, think intel built in....just got ether card to work with ubuntu 10.006:48
StylesI <3 segmentation faults!06:48
OrangeKyook, don't know how to phrase this but: the linux machine I'm connecting to is really slow, is there a command to see the users connected and what processes they're doing and stuff?06:48
Taiga-SKStyles, i installed them via synaptic. tried dpkg-reconfigure but w/o success06:48
daklanOrangeKyo: "users" to display who is logged in06:49
_2OrangeKyo pstree06:49
phantomcircuitBluetooth appears to be broken for me06:49
sfer2linuxbob: Can you do sudo lshw -C sound and paste the output in pastebin?06:49
jimv2000just pull the network cable out...that will fix em06:49
anagramOrangeKyo: also useful:  top06:49
daklanOrangeKyo: you can also use "who" to display how each user is logged in06:50
_2daklan or 'w'06:50
OrangeKyook thanks guys06:50
matthewyax_hello all06:50
linuxbob56sfer..... *-multimedia06:50
linuxbob56       description: Audio device06:50
linuxbob56       product: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller06:50
linuxbob56       vendor: Intel Corporation06:50
linuxbob56       physical id: 1b06:50
Rat409OrangeKyo: also ps aux is handy06:50
linuxbob56       bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.006:50
linuxbob56       version: 0306:50
linuxbob56       width: 64 bits06:50
linuxbob56       clock: 33MHz06:50
linuxbob56       capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list06:50
sfer2!paste | linuxbob5606:50
ubottulinuxbob56: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:50
daklan_2: thanks, that's a good one too ;)06:50
linuxbob56       configuration: driver=HDA Intel latency=0 module=snd_hda_intel06:50
sfer2Yes, I've seen problems with them (including mine)... was this on a fresh install?06:51
phantomcircuitBluetooth appears to be broken for me06:51
daklan_2: it's dangerous to irc as root :)06:52
SchmittyDoesIthow do i make a program run on startup, like for instance conky?06:53
_2daklan it's also silly to trust /whois   to give accurate information :)06:53
daklan_2: true :)06:54
iFvwmSchmittyDoesIt: system>preference>session?06:54
daklananyways, time for bed06:54
bhindi_plz help me06:54
darklordbillok i have ubuntu instyalled on my laptop but it dosent go onlione it dos the same thing with every os06:54
linuxbob56sfer...ok pasted it...now what will that accomplish???06:55
darklordbilli was formly harley06:55
=== daklan is now known as daklan_zZz
_2daklan_zZz gooday06:55
daklan_zZz_2: and to you as well06:55
SchmittyDoesItthanks iFvwm06:55
igor__Why do many apps not open on Ubuntu 8.04 such as Xchat06:55
Taiga-SKdarklordbill, wifi or eth?06:55
bhindi_will u help me f06:55
igor__it ops for split second then closes06:55
falloreI'm trying to play mp3 files with Rythmbox. The files are on a partition used by my Windows XP boot, sda5. They will often play but sometimes instead of playing it skips over them as if they are not there. Does anyone know why this sometimes happens and/or how to fix it? Happens with all media players and even if i attempt to copy the mp3 to the ubuntu partition.06:56
darklordbillwell wifi to06:56
sfer2linuxbob56: Could you give me the link to it?06:56
sfer2!repeat | fallore06:56
ubottufallore: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:56
Taiga-SKigor__, i'm using xchat right now and i have ubutu 8.0406:56
bhindi_how i can install tar.gz files06:56
igor__I kno it worked before when i used ubuntu...now its acting weird06:56
sfer2Linuxbob: thanks06:56
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:56
igor__its not just xchat its many other programs too06:56
igor__Just refuse to open or open and close extremely fast06:56
darklordbillo and its a dell latitude 60006:56
_2bhindi_ why would you when there are almost 30k deb files for ubuntu ?06:57
Taiga-SKigor__, try opening in terminal window06:57
falloresfer2: it's been a while, i'm not repeating it quickly.06:57
* iFvwm doubt: not anyone mention about bash script? i want sell my scripts. :D06:57
igor__i will but, even it were to open in terminal...still thats a hassle having to open everything that way06:57
bhindi_liplz help me06:57
Taiga-SKigor__, at least you'll get the error messages06:57
StylesTaiga-SK, sorry what app? I was on the phone with a colo company :P06:57
igor__:( might have to reinstall maybe06:57
igor__ok i'll try06:57
StylesTaiga-SK, those silly people messed up my billing by accdent ;P06:58
_2iFvwm #bash maybe06:58
Taiga-SKStyles, it was zapping and kazehakase06:58
brolly81favro: im still having problems with my hard disk, it is  still saying you do not have permission06:58
StylesTaiga-SK, humm hold on let me see something06:58
darklordbilli dont get it my internet never works on this laptop06:58
airtonixfallore, i would also spend some time searching through the ubuntuforums.org website06:59
Taiga-SKdarklordbill, HOW do you connect to the internet?06:59
bhindi_plz plz help me06:59
brolly81favro: i am using partion editor also06:59
darklordbillsecond time ethernet06:59
medusacan someone help me dvds on hardy distro?06:59
favrobrolly81: you don't own /media/disk - unmount the drive06:59
bhindi_some one there06:59
airtonixbhindi, where di you get the tar.gz06:59
StylesTaiga-SK, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zapping/+bug/3984506:59
Flannelbhindi_: What are you trying to install?06:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 39845 in zapping "Zapping TV viewer crash (will be fixed by updating from Debian)" [Medium,Fix released]06:59
sfer2!ask | bhindi_06:59
bhindi_frm net06:59
ubottubhindi_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:59
Stylesubottu, omg wtf?06:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about omg wtf?06:59
airtonixbhindi, ie: what is the purpose of the package06:59
Stylesubottu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zapping/+bug/3984507:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:00
_2bhindi_ i asked you why you wanted to install a tar ball    is there no .deb for what you want ?07:00
airtonixbhindi, btw .tar.gz = tar ball07:00
favrobrolly81: why the partition editor?07:00
brolly81cause it easier for me07:00
sfer2linuxbob: Check this out, it might help: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12256007:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 122560 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22 "no sound with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller" [Medium,Fix released]07:01
airtonixbhindi, first thing to do is extract it to your home folder, somewhere seperate from all the other guff in there07:01
favrobrolly81: do you have ubuntu installed or are you using the live cd?07:01
Taiga-SKStyles, so i have to compile from CVS? (pain in the ass) ok, thanks.07:01
_2!source > bhindi_07:01
ubottubhindi_, please see my private message07:01
bhindi_i do07:01
brolly81its installed07:01
airtonixbhindi, second thing to do is search for the website of proxychain07:01
StylesTaiga-SK, yes with the patch ;)07:01
airtonixbhindi, thirdly, have you tried searching for "proxychain" on the ubuntuforums?07:01
favrobrolly81: when the disk is unmounted do   sudo chown -Rv /media/disk07:02
Cm101Hello everyone. I am having a small issue, and was wondering if any might be able to offer some guidance.  The screen on my laptop is temporarily disabled, so I am using an external monitor. When I try to use the Live CD version 8, the system goes through the loading phase on my external screen, but then the screen goes blank, as if it defaulted over to the laptop monitor. However, on the Live CD version 6, the external monitor wor07:02
favrobrolly81: wait07:02
bhindi_i hane soft how i can i install07:02
bhindi_i m new bee07:02
_2!info proxychain > bhindi_07:02
ubottubhindi_, please see my private message07:02
darklordbillomfg how do i set up a file server i have a file on my de3sktop a iso and i want it on my laptopo how would i go abouy doing that with out cd's/flashdrivews07:02
favrobrolly81: sudo chown -Rv you:you /media/disk   - where you = your login name07:02
_2bhindi_ just use the package manager and install your app07:03
brolly81favro:  ok07:03
favrobrolly81: then mount -v /dev/sda1 /media/disk07:03
iFvwmchown a mount point?07:03
J-n !info proxychain > J-n07:03
ubottuJ-n, please see my private message07:03
sfer2darklordbill: I usually just use apache to achieve that, but you may want a proper file server solution, if you want to do it vice versa?07:04
fallorewhat's the quickest/easiest way to check what version of ubuntu i'm running?07:04
Flannelbhindi_: proxychains is in the repositories07:04
Flannelfallore: lsb_release -a07:04
J-n_2 proxychain does not exist in the repositories07:04
Flannel!info proxychains07:04
fallorethanks flannel07:04
ubottuproxychains (source: proxychains): proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-5 (hardy), package size 16 kB, installed size 128 kB07:04
J-ndon't listen to me.07:04
phantomcircuiti seem to be having a dbus problem here07:04
Rat409bhindi_:  docs here http://proxychains.sourceforge.net/ probly07:04
sfer2fallore: you can also go to System > About Ubuntu07:05
qwerfdi recently rebooted my box and turned on SMART monitoring in the bios and some other minor settings, then when i loaded xubuntu again the networking wasnt working07:05
airtonixsfer2, you also have to wade through quite a bit of text before you find the not so obvious words that represent your distro version07:06
qwerfdwhen i do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart i get a lot of errors with /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/sendmail07:06
_299% of the time someone comes in here asking how to install tar.gz    there is a .deb in the repos of what they are trying to do the hard way.07:06
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.07:06
qwerfdand /etc/netowrk/if-up.d/sendmail07:06
sfer2airtonix: Yes, but it is a simple way to find it without opening terminal etc.07:06
brolly81favro  it unmounted and i did the command and an error came back  No such file or directory07:07
brolly81failed to change ownership of `/media/disk' to anthony:anthony07:07
falloreI'm trying to play mp3 files with Rythmbox. The files are on a partition used by my Windows XP boot, sda5. They will often play but sometimes instead of playing it skips over them as if they are not there. Does anyone know why this sometimes happens and/or how to fix it? Happens with all media players and even if i attempt to copy the mp3 to the ubuntu partition.07:07
qwerfdit appears that certain commands and scripts are not found... such as: /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic, update_interface, update_provider, update_host, update_sendmail... does anyone know how to fix this?07:07
qwerfdi am using exim4 instead of sendmail on my system07:07
favrobrolly81: you can make a dir - sudo mkdir /media/anthonys_troublesome_disk07:07
iFvwmqwerfd: or perl script can do send mail well.07:08
iFvwmperl module07:08
favrobrolly81: then chown it - it might be easier if it was an "always connected" disk to add an entry to fstab07:08
qwerfdiFvwm, i dont understand what you mean.... these errors were generated when i tried to restart networking... the problem is that i cannot connect to my network07:09
iFvwmjust connect problem?07:09
sfer2Ugh, now I need to ask a question...07:09
sfer2Applications like Rhythmbox, VLC and Movie player just won07:09
sfer2't play my MP3 files anymore, for some reason?07:09
morningwalkerunable to run compiz07:10
airtonixsfer2, done anything to gstreamer latley?07:10
harley_ok im on the serg of going insanr\e i cant burn a iso my usb flash drive dont work my laptop cant go online so i can download the iso and burn it with that07:10
qwerfdiFvwm, when i boot up it is not automatically connecting to the LAN, when i manually add auto eth\n iface eth0 inet dhcp to /etc/networking/interfaces and restart networking it gives those errors with sendmail07:10
sfer2airtonix: Nope, I don't think so - my sound is working, though (just recently fixed it)07:10
Taiga-SKsfer2, mplayer ftw. it just HAS TO play any mp3 file07:10
_2!adeptcrash > bhindi_07:10
ubottubhindi_, please see my private message07:10
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:11
phantomcircuitmy bluetooth mouse has stopped working07:11
sfer2Taiga: that's not the problem, the media player... it's just that they've all stopped working all of a sudden.07:11
harley_please some one just tell me how i can burn a iso to cd in ubuntu 5.1007:11
phantomcircuitit was working yesterday07:11
medusaI cant get dvd movies to play in hardy07:12
iFvwmqwerfd: sendmail is hard to me. but why not auto connect to LAN?07:12
CatEaterphantomcircuit: did you try adjusting the rabbit ears07:12
_2lol good quit message   :)))    "An Irishman walks out of a bar... Yeah right!")07:12
brolly81favro anthony@anthony-desktop:~$ sudo mkdir /media/anthony_troublesome_disk07:12
brolly81mkdir: cannot create directory `/media/anthony_troublesome_disk': File exists07:12
sfer2harley_: try k3b, then burn cd image07:12
Myrtti!paste | brolly8107:12
ubottubrolly81: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:12
phantomcircuitCatEater, what? it's an internal mini-pcie bluetooth07:12
qwerfdiFvwm, the problem is that it will not auto connect to the LAN.07:12
phantomcircuitthere aren't any rabbit's ears07:12
CatEaterreplace batteries07:12
phantomcircuitno it's bluetooth that's the problem07:13
favrobrolly81: hahaha07:13
phantomcircuitthe icon has disappeared07:13
phantomcircuitand once more07:13
=== MOAR-f00li5h is now known as f00li5h
CatEater"it's wireless, it shouldn't need batteries"07:13
phantomcircuit$ hcitool scan07:13
phantomcircuitDevice is not available: No such device07:13
iFvwmqwerfd: so this is the main problem. and i think is easy to solved.07:13
favrobrolly81: did you already make one/07:13
harley_if i download nero for windows run it in wine will that work07:13
CatEaterrestore previous disk image07:13
qwerfdiFvwm, can you help with that?07:13
brolly81favro no hahaha07:13
sfer2And no, now mplayer won07:13
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phantomcircuitCatEater, what is this, windows? you want me to reinstall?07:13
Taiga-SKi get the following error when invoking autogen.sk when trying to build zaping from cvs source. i don't understand the error please help. http://paste.ubuntu.com/47672/07:14
sfer2And now mplayer won't play any MP3s on my computer now. Can anyone help?07:14
phantomcircuitharley_, no07:14
iFvwmqwerfd: your condition is not clear.07:14
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falloresfer2: it'd be easier for everyone to answer your question if you typed it all up in one message.07:14
phantomcircuitharley_, the default install comes with "Brasero" cd burning thing07:14
favrobrolly81: do you still have the partitioner open?07:14
_2harley_ there is a nero for linux   but why do you want nero ?07:14
iFvwmnot xbuntu here. qwerfd07:14
Taiga-SKsfer2, what is the error msg it complaints about?07:14
brolly81no it was unmounted and then i saw it under my places and double clicked it and then it poped up on my desktop, wth?07:14
qwerfdiFvwm, when my computer starts it will not automatically connect to the wired LAN07:15
phantomcircuitharley_, applications->sound/video>brasero07:15
sfer2fallore: Yeah, I was referring to my previous problem07:15
thinkfastwow thats awesome, ubuntu is only using 200mb of ram with two instances of firefox open07:15
iFvwmi donot know how it works during start07:15
sfer2Taiga: It doesn't give any message, it just won't start playing.07:15
phantomcircuitCatEater, wait where you serious?07:15
CatEaterif it's the bt interface that's absent and not just the mouse, hardware reset07:15
brolly81partitioner is still open, i just deleted my it and now it unallocated07:15
Taiga-SKthinkfast, how come?07:15
phantomcircuitCatEater, i already restarted the system07:15
qwerfdiFvwm, when i click on the little networking icon in the taskbar and select wired network i see the little green dots as if its trying to connect but it always fails07:15
phantomcircuitCatEater, did a full reboot07:15
_2thinkfast why is it so heavy ?07:16
CatEater"reboot" = power off?07:16
phantomcircuitall the lights go out07:16
_2thinkfast http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7a41903d07:16
harley_nero for linux is weird and dosent work and makes my head hurt07:16
Kingbuzzohow do you look in as root?07:16
qwerfdKingbuzzo, sudo su07:16
FlannelKingbuzzo: you don't want to.  Use sudo instead.07:16
Taiga-SKharley_, don't use it - simple as that07:16
harley_well duh07:16
brolly81fresh start favro so what now, dude i would have never of thought it would be this complicated07:16
phantomcircuitharley_, Applications --> Sound & Video --> Brasero CD Burning07:16
sfer2harley_: the best burning software I've found is k3b07:17
Kingbuzzothen how do I save files to my /usr07:17
CatEaterthat might do it, but just rebooting sometimes doesn't reset pci devices07:17
iFvwmqwerfd: what' the name of the network icon in xubuntu?07:17
sfer2It burns iso images easily too07:17
iFvwmthe soft name qwerfd07:17
CatEateri would remove power and battery for 10s07:17
_2harley_ but why do you want nero ?    xcdroast "nautilus burring app" k3b  devede    there are lots of apps native to linux.07:17
qwerfdiFvwm, it is the 'nm-applet' it is not specific to xubuntu....07:17
phantomcircuitCatEater, alright well i guess ill power down and unplug the power?07:17
qwerfdiFvwm, version 0.6.6 of the nm-applet07:17
iFvwmqwerfd: ok.07:17
Taiga-SKimo xubuntu is way too broken for regular use.07:18
Kingbuzzohow can I save files to /usr/local/share/games/mame?07:18
qwerfdiFvwm, this should be a standard applet installed with all ubuntu 8.04 versions07:18
harley_ok simple qestion if i download a nero for windows run it in wine will it work07:18
CatEateralso briefly disconnect battery from both laptop and mouse07:18
phantomcircuitharley_, i already said no07:18
_2Kingbuzzo save to home and   sudo mv file /new/path07:18
harley_why not?07:18
Taiga-SKKingbuzzo, only under root unfortunately. but you could try changing the ownership of the folder07:18
qwerfdKingbuzzo, sudo cp what_ever_file_you_have /usr/local/share/games/mame/07:18
favrobrolly81: clean disk? - make it ext307:18
iFvwmqwerfd: so, you can right click it. and select "editor"07:19
CatEaterharley_: same reason you can't run windows drivers in wine07:19
Kingbuzzo_how can I save files to /usr/local/share/games/mame?07:19
phantomcircuitharley_, because wine doesnt support sending ACPI msgs over ATA07:19
harley_k then07:19
FlannelKingbuzzo: use sudo to copy them there.07:19
favrobrolly81: is this a disk in the comp or a usb etc disk?07:19
Cm101might anyone be able to render assistance with regards to an external monitor not working when booting from a live cd (version 8) on a laptop?07:19
Taiga-SKKingbuzzo, use chown07:19
qwerfdiFvwm, i have 4 options when i right click: enable networking, connection information, edit wireless networks, and about07:20
harley_sorry iuf i was kinda a jerk when i logged on just im like going crazy07:20
_2harley_ you "might" be able to use it in a vmware vbox or qemu  vertual machine   but    again i have to wonder why.07:20
qwerfdKingbuzzo_,  sudo cp what_ever_file_you_have /usr/local/share/games/mame/07:20
harley_the iso or i could burn a cd in it07:20
brolly81favro: logical, primary, extended partion?07:20
iFvwmqwerfd: and check if "roaming mode" is in your "manaul config" menu.07:20
favrobrolly81: is this a disk in the comp or a usb etc disk?07:21
brolly81its in the comp07:21
_2harley_ linux can natively mount .iso files   and there are serveral good burning apps.07:21
favrobrolly81: logical is what I'd use07:21
harley_ya but the one that on linux ubuntu 5.10 yes its old dosent work07:21
qwerfdiFvwm, yes it is enabled07:21
Flannelharley_: have you considered just upgrading?07:22
Flannelharley_: you can go from 5.10 to 6.06, and then straight from 6.06 to 8.0407:22
harley_are you being smart i cant i cant burn a friggin iso07:22
Flannelharley_: You don't need an iso to upgrade.07:22
_2harley_ cd or dvd iso ?07:22
brolly81favro: i dont have that option with my partition editor only primary is available, does it matter?07:22
phantomcircuitharley_, this is very easy to do07:22
harley_even if i did upgrade my sound drivers dont work07:23
_2harley_ try xcdroast   it works in 5.1007:23
sfer2!etiquette > harley_07:23
ubottuharley_, please see my private message07:23
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phantomcircuitCatEater, nope still doesnt work07:23
Flannelharley_: When you upgrade, you'll get newer drivers whcih may work, *or* you'll be able to successfully burn a CD07:23
airtonixharley_, shipit.net07:23
favrobrolly81: nope- just went with what you gave - you can only have 4 primary partitions07:23
harley_hhmm.... how do i upgrade07:23
CatEaterdid you disconnect battery from both laptop and mouse?07:24
airtonixharley_, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/07:24
harley_ok so i order a cd wait 8 weeks hget then a nother upgrades out07:24
Taiga-SKdoesn't sudo aptitude dist-upgrade do the trick07:24
Flannelharley_: Which state do you live in?07:24
airtonixharley_, wont be that soon07:25
WIGGMPkso today I decide to leave my laptop suspended, come home from work, open the lid.. as I expected the graphics were messed up so I restarted the GDM via CTRL+ALT+Backspace.. it hangs.. restart the computer and now the root LVM is missing... wtf is going on???07:25
Flannelharley_: contact the minnesota LoCo team, they can get you a CD a lot quicker.07:25
sfer2harley: Up the top you should be able to see an "Updates Available" icon, then when you click that just follow the steps (because it will say there is a newer distro available)07:25
Taiga-SKwow he lives in us&a07:25
harley_were did you think i lived07:25
_2harley_ most of these guys don't remember all the breakage in upgrading from 5.10 to 6.6   if you aren't prepared to fix things, i can't with a clear conciense advise upgrading from 5.10 to 8.4 reguardless of the number of steps.07:25
phantomcircuitCatEater, i did for the laptop07:25
Taiga-SKharley_, europe at least07:25
Flannelharley_: #ubuntu-minnesota07:25
phantomcircuitCatEater, bluetooth device is still not even registered on the laptop though07:26
CatEaterpreemptive warning, after all the physical stuff i know 0 about bt07:26
harley_dude i dont even want ubuntu this was like a emergency i want to burn my puppy linux iso and use that07:26
Flannel_2: There wasn't any breakage going from Breezy to Dapper07:27
Taiga-SKharley_, btw what's a puppy linux?07:27
ASrockwhen using audacity with ubuntu i cant hear anything...audio works for everything exept audacity, any ideas?07:27
CatEaternext i'd try messing with the battery in the mouse and placing it farther than six inches away from the base at two different angles07:27
harley_i personaly would rather use bck tracks then this07:27
phantomcircuitCatEater, crap i think it's physically broken07:27
_2Flannel heh  then why were the channels swamped with people asking how to fix things  ;/07:27
phantomcircuitCatEater, lspci doesn't list it07:27
WIGGMPkCan ANYONE help me.......!!!!?????? My computer NO LONGER see's my ROOT partition.. after coming back from "suspend"07:27
harley_google it its a linux for slower computers and there like a billion versoins07:28
CatEaterwon't klist the interface or the mouse?07:28
Taiga-SKASrock, audacity seems unstable try using XMPP or BMP. they're similar07:28
Flannel_2: Because they used third party repositories, and did other unsafe things.  Breezy to dapper was no worse than any other upgrade.  But we're getting offtopic.07:28
phantomcircuitCatEater, lspci should list the bluetooth mini pci controller07:28
phantomcircuitbut it doesnt07:28
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, mount -a07:28
ASrockTaiga-SK: what exactly is XMPP and BMP?07:28
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: im sorry can you be more specific...?07:29
Taiga-SKASrock, programs of course. alternatives to audacity07:29
CatEatersince it's mini pci, you could check that it's still socketed07:29
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, well just try using the mount -a command07:29
_2Flannel "no worse than any other upgrade." != "no breakage"     but rather == the usual amount of breakage07:29
ASrocksrry i thought you said it seems unstable using xmpp or bmp07:29
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: it returns with no feedback.. im in the liveCD right now07:29
ASrockTaiga-SK: which do you think i should try first?07:30
Flannel_2: Your earlier statement implied there were more issues than normal going to dapper.  But again, we're getting offtopic, if you'd like to continue, I'm in #ubuntu-offtopic07:30
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, oh then mount it the usual way then07:30
harley_ok i have the k3b thing now what07:30
Wickedwhen i install lirc...it just freezes up when it goes to load the lirc modules....and i see this in dmesg: http://pastebin.com/m783c5f2807:30
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: when i try to us "mount /dev/sda1" it returns... mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:31
Taiga-SKASrock, BMP is newer but XMMS (or whatever the name is) should be more stable.07:31
Wickedi found the same bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/222359 ....but there is no solutin07:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 222359 in linux-meta "Hardy: sysfs: duplicate filename 'i2c ir driver' can not be created" [Undecided,New]07:31
brolly81favro my partition now says /dev/sdal07:31
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, add sudo before it07:31
brolly81favro whats next07:31
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: this is an LVM setup.. so after sitting and waiting for the boot process to kick to a shell.. I try "mount /dev/mapper/luggs--mbl--root" and it returns the same07:31
harley_i have k3b now what do i do07:32
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: i always use sudo07:32
favrobrolly81: shut the partitioner07:32
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, shit bad luck then. i can't help you. maybe you could get to the grub console by adding init=/bin/sh (as far as i remember) to the kernel options at boot time (not from live cd) and then trying to repair.07:33
harley_yo i download k3b now what do i do07:33
Taiga-SKharley_, burning an iso shouln'ŧ be so hard07:34
brolly81favro ok it closed07:34
harley_i understand that07:34
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: this is ridiculous.. all i did was "suspend" my laptop now its junk07:34
favrobrolly81: we'll make a dir and mount the disk there every boot ok?07:34
harley_im about to sell this thing on ebay for a dollar07:35
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, reboot and try again. and never suspend again ;)07:35
favrobrolly81: sudo mkdir -v /media/newdisk07:35
psypher246hey everyone, please could someone tell, is it possible to NOT use gvfs in the latest ubuntu or should i rather just go back to gutsy to get the stable desktop i used to have07:35
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: never suspend again.. thats like says.. dont use the mouse on  your laptop.. its stupd07:35
WIGGMPkTaiga-SK: rebooting does nothing but recreate the problem again and again07:36
Taiga-SKWIGGMPk, sorry for helping you then07:36
harley_can some one please tell me what to do after i got k3b!07:36
WIGGMPkSomeone PLEASE HELP!!!! My laptop returned from suspend and now my ROOT LVM Partition will not load and can not be found07:36
Taiga-SKharley_, well i don't have k3b but you should just click help and read it07:36
airtonixWIGGMPk, is your swap drive large enough to store the entire contents of your ram?07:37
harley_there is no help just a redad me that use less07:37
falloreI'm worried installing Ubuntu on my 9 year old brother's computer will ruin his childhood because he won't be able to play computer games and will turn him into a nerd. Is my concern reasonable?07:37
brolly81favro ok i did07:37
iFvwmairtonix: i think that true07:37
_2harley_ run k3b    you will notice at the bottom of it's screen burn cd iso to disk07:37
Flannelfallore: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, and no.  There are plenty of games.07:37
iFvwmotherwise suspend will died. airtonix07:37
_2harley_ click that   select the iso file and burn it.07:38
harley_i got this all in a tar file07:38
_2it's all point and click.07:38
_2ah man why a tar file07:38
favrobrolly81: now we add an entry to fstab to mount it on every boot - gksu gedit /etc/fstab07:38
WIGGMPkairtonix: how do I determine that?07:38
Taiga-SKfallore, we need moar nerdz 1nd33d07:38
_2does no one know how to use the package manager07:38
WIGGMPkairtonix: wouldnt the parititoner take care of that during the install???07:38
harley_what one do i need07:39
unimatrix9any news on the firefox issue?07:39
iFvwmsuspend is a big bug always07:39
psypher246am i the only person i the world who finds that hardy (since having gvfs) is slow unstable, crashes nautilus when copying files onto samba server, slow usb drive copies and just generally is not what i would have expected from a LTS veersion??07:39
Dolittleenybody know enything bout installing ax25 for amatuer radio packet?07:39
WIGGMPkiFvwm: bug is one thing... im missing partitions.. thats a lil bit more then a bug07:40
friendlysyshi, how dangerous is it to just move/copy your /var/lib/mysql/[database] without shutting down your mysql service?07:40
iFvwmWIGGMPk: miss partition...07:40
iFvwmi lost sound card before, suspend. WIGGMPk07:40
brolly81favro a second screen poped-up, sort of resembles notepad, do i need any info or need to do anything with that07:40
WIGGMPkiFvwm: i put my laptop in suspend.. when it returned.. my root LVM parition can not be found07:41
ganeswhat about the swap space if i boot the live cd07:41
iFvwmsome version kernel. WIGGMPk07:41
favrobrolly81: add this line - /dev/hda1       /media/newdisk     ext3    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       107:41
illmortal_Hey guys... I'm about to install Ubuntu, do I need to set the primary partition as "/" and then the secondary partition as the /home partition?07:41
harley_dude im going crazy all i wanted to do is watch youtube and play half life 2 mods07:41
jigphello is there a way or shortcut key in order for you to show the icons and the tool bars "Accessories, System , etc" ? i tried to install key candy dock in ubuntu gnome..and now all icons are gone..all i can see is plain desktop with no icons even Accessories / System etc...07:41
brolly81favro where?07:41
airtonixWIGGMPk, i dont believe it automatically adjusts the prospective swap size according to the amount of ram you have07:41
Flannelillmortal_: That'll work, yes.07:41
favrobrolly81: that should be the file that you pasted earlier07:41
illmortal_thanks flannel07:41
favrobrolly81: check your spelling in terminal07:42
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thinkfastis it possible to trace an ip to a user instead of their ISP?07:42
jim_pjigp: press Alt+F2 and type "gnome-panel"07:42
falloreWhen I play youtube videos there isn't any sound. They were working before I restarted X, and now they don't. Anyone know why?07:42
WIGGMPkairtonix: ok, so if i have 4GB of RAM and less then 4GB of SWAP.. ..... what happens? how is this related to my LVM partitions not being found???07:42
brolly81favro i just copied and pasted what you wrote07:42
favrobrolly81: gksu gedit /etc/fstab opens the fstab file with admin rights to edit it07:42
jim_pjigp: not 100% correct but it will get you the panel back07:42
jigpjim_p : how to work with eye candy dock?why after i enable eye candy dock or awn all icons gone...07:43
psypher246does everyone think hardy is the best ubuntu so far? 5 months now and i'm starting to think I should go back to gutsy, this is very frustrating, i  make forums posts and irc chats but no reesponse at all from anyone07:43
BunTaisomebody help me...ive install nvidia setting for my LDC projector.....then the dialog at nvidia setting come out like this07:43
BunTaiYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.07:43
airtonixWIGGMPk, because when you suspend or hibernate the contents of ram are poured into the swap drive...then re-poured back to ram when you return. if you cant save all the ram to the swap drive you will be missing somethings...possibly system operations taht where in ram...07:43
brolly81do i still need to add this any where /dev/hda1       /media/newdisk     ext3    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       107:43
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favrobrolly81: yep07:44
Taiga-SKpsypher246, hardy is my first linux and i thing it §s just great. (not xubuntu though)07:44
airtonixWIGGMPk, just something to think about07:44
WIGGMPkairtonix: system operations is one thing.. what about missing paritions?07:44
favrobrolly81: you can add it at the bottom if you like07:44
WIGGMPkairtonix: well i appreciate the knowledge but that acctually doesnt give me anything useful07:44
psypher246Taiga-SK: so you are perfectly happy, no issues at all, feel like i'm running Win 3.1 on a 286, it's terrible07:44
airtonixWIGGMPk, isnt lvm controlled by a daemon? that lives in ram?07:45
xInCasinoOutxpsypher246: hardy is also my first linux and ive been pretty happy with it so far; whats so bad about it that you dont like it?07:45
Taiga-SKpsypher246, i can'ŧ acces my printer but it's a linux-wide problem.07:45
brolly81favro i pasted it, now?07:45
arooniwhat do folks think of envy?07:45
harley_please how do i install k3b07:45
favrobrolly81: save the file then in terminal   sudo mount -av07:45
BunTaiiFvwm: are you there?07:45
airtonixpsypher246, i've been using ubuntu since breezy...hardy is the best out of them all...07:45
Hamledwhat is the correct way to switch between several alternative versions of an executable? (is it okay to just recreate the symlink in /etc/alternatives?)07:46
harley_and link :-)07:46
airtonixharley_, sudo apt-get isntall k3b07:46
FlannelHamled: update-alternatives07:46
WIGGMPkairtonix: even so, restarting would correct the issue... it does.. my root partition is GONE.... 10 707:46
psypher246nautilus crashes bout 6 times a day, usb copies are terrible slow, can't browse windows pc that have passords, firefox crashes and is terrible slow, apps constanly grey out when you do anything related to disk access07:46
WIGGMPkairtonix: err it doesnt...07:46
Taiga-SKarooni, that envy works and is good enough07:46
ganeswhat about the swap space if i boot the live cd07:46
WIGGMPkairtonix: i sit there and watch a splash screen.. eventually it tells me that it cant find my ROOT partition07:46
xInCasinoOutxpsypher: i haven't had any of those problems; you tried hardy on another machine?07:46
airtonixWIGGMPk, have you tried booting up wit ha livecd and looking to see what might be occuring?07:46
WIGGMPkairtonix: im on the LiveCD right now07:47
harley_couldnt find package07:47
BunTaisomebody help me...ive install nvidia setting for my LDC projector.....then the dialog at nvidia setting come out like this07:47
BunTaiYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.07:47
psypher246airtonix: also been using it since breezy, and gutsy was the  most stable, hardy is a TERRIBLE07:47
airtonixWIGGMPk, just ideas since i dont use lvm...07:47
WIGGMPkairtonix: but i dont know what to look for? or how for that matter07:47
airtonixpsypher246, strange gutsy was the worst for me07:47
psypher246i feel bad everytime i i convince someone to use it07:47
WIGGMPkairtonix: LVM is nothing more then a partitioning scheme07:47
harley_ok how about virtual box for ubumtu 5.1007:47
airtonixWIGGMPk, first you can check if you root partition is acutally gone07:47
WIGGMPkairtonix: its just logical instead of physical.07:47
psypher246and worries that i'm going to have to support them if they do07:47
marlunI want my server to access a shared folder on my other computer but I don't want the server to have my username and password. I want to create a specific user for the server to access this folder. However I don't want the new user to have a home directory and all that.07:47
WIGGMPkairtonix: well i see the paritions with "sudo fdisk -ls" but i cant mount them07:48
Taiga-SKhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c81bcjyfn6U breezy video. a little off-topic though. :)07:48
harley_do they even make virtual box for 5.1007:48
xInCasinoOutxby the way, anyone know of a way to keep windows from going below cairo-dock? im talking about having some sort of barrier for example to keep them above it07:49
psypher246so no-ones nautilus crashes when u look at it funny? your whole pc does not freeze when you copy something anywhere, samba, usb, the same hard drive07:49
brolly81favro http://paste.ubuntu.com/47679/07:49
Taiga-SKmarlun, it's possible.07:49
airtonixWIGGMPk, have you thought about using fsck on the partition?07:49
xInCasinoOutxpsypher246: samba has never worked for me; always crashes07:49
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psypher246i'm trying to copy a file to  samba linux server and can't even get a 300mb to finish07:49
airtonixpsypher246, yes i have ahad my nautilus crash when i look at a folder full of videos07:49
harley_what ever im done07:49
Taiga-SKxInCasinoOutx, it works for me. used it trough a guide.07:49
WIGGMPkairtonix: what exactly is that? im not familiar with the command sorry07:50
psypher246xInCasinoOutx: what crashes?07:50
airtonixWIGGMPk, it stands for filesystem check07:50
psypher246copying to or from?07:50
airtonixWIGGMPk, it also might pay to search through the ubuntuforums for similar cases07:50
favrobrolly81: my bad - the /etc/fstab line needed hda1 changed to sda107:50
xInCasinoOutxeither, it won't let me get any further than opening a file07:50
marlunTaiga-SK: any ideas? :)07:50
Taiga-SKwhat do you think is better? reiserfs or ext307:51
incadudeFHey im tired of pirating vista. How do i start using Ubuntu?07:51
WIGGMPkairtonix: already been at the forums.. google.. tried system check and boot returns fine but the other error07:51
psypher246yippeee, yet another: sudo killall nautilus, and a 2 min wait for the machine to waked up07:51
xInCasinoOutxits not like its not responding, the entire program just closes07:51
airtonixTaiga-SK, reiserfs kills your wife :)07:51
brolly81favro so what do i do07:51
ganescompiling the uclinux throwing error arm-linux-gcc command not found07:51
Taiga-SKairtonix, wery funny but i'm single07:51
favrobrolly81: sorry - gksu gedit /etc/fstab again and change hda1 to sda1 on the line you added07:52
cih997hi, i use auto proxy with firefox with ubuntu - can I somehow get info about this auto proxy configuration server and port?07:52
prince_jammys!install | incadudeF07:52
ubottuincadudeF: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:52
WIGGMPkairtonix: i need information off of these partitions,.. i need this fixed so bad07:52
airtonixTaiga-SK, i prefer ext307:52
friendlysysok heres my situation, i have a copy of my entire /var/lib/mysql from couple days ago.   i was doing some stuff on my database earlier i deleted a row and i need to recover it.  only backup i have is that /var/lib/mysql/[database]  ,  am i safe to just replace that folder in my /var/lib/mysql/[database] ?  will doing this have any catastrophic event like breaking all the other databases in it?07:53
Taiga-SKmarlun, it could be done in console. i read a samba guidde a while ago and i can't help you but i know it's possible so search the net07:53
psypher246and anyone else having this slow usb copy problem i reead so much about on the forums and bug reports that just does not seem to be getting fixed?07:53
Taiga-SKairtonix, why ext3?07:53
marlunTaiga-SK: Ok, will search some more :) thanks!07:53
favrobrolly81: then sudo mount -av again07:53
airtonixTaiga-SK, because reiserfs isnt being maintained anymore07:53
xInCasinoOutxpsypher: i haven't had any problems at all with it :/07:53
prince_jammysfriendlysys: there's  #mysql07:54
Taiga-SKairtonix, uh huh so how do i switch to ext3? :)07:55
iFvwmreiserfs /home , ext3 /07:55
brolly81favro http://paste.ubuntu.com/47681/07:55
airtonixTaiga-SK, by backing up your dataz and making new partitions07:55
airtonixTaiga-SK, only sure way i know...07:55
airtonixanyway...time to scoot...real life calls07:55
Taiga-SKyah that's like a week's work07:55
Taiga-SKi envy him for having a real life :)07:56
favrobrolly81: hmm - can you paste what   sudo fdisk -l   returns?07:56
brolly81favro http://paste.ubuntu.com/47682/07:58
incadudeFis there anyway i can check to see if my drivers are compatible with ubuntu?07:59
favrobrolly81: from that sda1 is your last partition?07:59
incadudeFalso can i play Unreal Tournament GOTY on ubuntu08:00
favrobrolly81: and you made it ext3 in the partitioner - or ext2?08:00
brolly81favro yes its the only large one that i have and it is ext3 like you said08:00
Cheekyhey iam haveing a huge problem i first installed the hardware drivers in ubuntu (i enabled the retricted driver for my nvdia card); but my online videos were choppy even with the ubuntu restricted extra stuff codecs ... so i thought it was my driver problem and tried to install envng..i did throught synapitic .and restarted .. but nothing happened.. i how do check if my envng was installed ?08:00
Taiga-SKincadudeF, what drivers in particular? and for windows games check the winehq.08:01
favrobrolly81: try in terminal   dmesg | tail08:02
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:02
incadudeFatheros wireless card driver and intel chipset graphics driver also realtek audio drivers08:02
johnweddgreetings open sourcerers08:02
favrobrolly81: now that we have changed /etc/fstab can you paste it again please?08:03
lunat1queciao tlm08:03
Taiga-SKi ran a command under root and it said: Bad boy! Drop out of the root account and try again.08:03
Taiga-SK :)08:03
brolly81favro http://paste.ubuntu.com/47683/08:04
BunTaiwhy my wireless using WPA Personal Cant connect again when reboot?help pls...08:04
johnweddi was under the impression that root could do anything Taiga-SK08:04
favrobrolly81: now that we have changed /etc/fstab can you paste it again please?08:05
brolly81favro you lost me, paste what?08:05
favrobrolly81: "EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "utf8" or missing value" - the /etc/fstab file we added the line to08:05
allenit seems like i have a problem with something called dcopserver, the result is that ubuntu change language on my keyboard and other preferences... what should i do_08:06
brolly81favro what the command for that i dont remember it08:06
brolly81sudo something08:07
prince_jammyscat /etc/fstab08:07
prince_jammysand paste it08:07
BunTaiwhy my wireless using WPA Personal Cant connect again when reboot?help pls...08:07
favrobrolly81: gedit /etc/fstab08:07
johnweddsudo bang bang, by fav08:07
Cheekycould anyone help me with then envy..problem?08:07
prince_jammysare you coveting?08:08
brolly81favro change what on fstab?08:08
prince_jammysbrolly81: just paste the contents in the pastebin08:08
johnweddcoveting is fun08:08
favrobrolly81: I just want to have a look incase copy/paste didn't work right08:08
=== J-n_ is now known as J-n
johnweddi do it on a regular basis08:09
prince_jammysjohnwedd: maybe you can help the guy who has problems with envy08:09
allen it seems like i have a problem with something called dcopserver, the result is that ubuntu change language on my keyboard and other preferences... what should i do_08:09
Cheekyok how can i run a test to check if i have gfx acceleration enables in my computer08:09
prince_jammysallen: have you tried #kubuntu. you're using kde, right?08:09
favrobrolly81: tip - if you use the up arrow with an open terminal it will scroll back through the commands you have used08:10
allenprince_jammys no i think i am ussing gnome08:10
prince_jammysallen: oh, ok.08:10
balrogstarcraft wont run on wine. :-( i keep getting a vidinimo_PC.cpp line 160 SetDisplayMode error.  its a real version (bought and paid for, ran on earlier versions of wine).  help?08:10
johnweddnot likely, i encourage envy, such competitive natures allow for movements such as the FOS and GNU/Lunix08:10
prince_jammysbrolly81: are you unable to mount the windows partition?08:11
chrisbrl88hey... I just managed to get ubuntu running on this desktop I haven't touched in a while... and the screen resolution won't go higher than 800x60008:11
brolly81favro ok but i closed and reopened it, i dont have a windows partition08:11
prince_jammys!fixres | chrisbrl8808:11
ubottuchrisbrl88: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:11
Taiga-SKbalrog, it works! (btw http://img1.abload.de/img/bild1dwl.png )08:11
favrobrolly81: now that we have changed /etc/fstab can you paste it again please?08:12
brolly81prince_jammys i dont have a windows partition08:12
balrogTaiga-SK: thanks, thats awesome.08:12
=== patrick is now known as Guest53985
favro!paste | brolly8108:12
ubottubrolly81: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:12
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
Guest53985help me please08:12
favroprince_jammys: it is a partition that was formatted and mounted readonly08:12
favroprince_jammys: brolly81 's issue that is :)08:13
Guest53985in trying to get tablet features using linux08:13
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
Guest53985can any 1 help me08:13
prince_jammysfavro: which, /dev/sda1?08:13
favroprince_jammys: yep - had the same reaction08:13
favroprince_jammys: maybe he said goodbye to windows08:14
Guest53985i cant get the tablet features to work08:14
balrogGuest53985: did you enable the tablet in xorg.conf?08:15
brolly81prince_jammys no i just did not have that as a option with my awesome partition editor, but that a whole new issue for tommorrow08:15
Guest53985i went threw the steps08:15
brolly81favro what now08:15
Guest53985but mybe ive done something wrog08:15
balrogGuest53985: what steps did you do?  and what model do you have?08:15
johnweddis there a specific room to trade wallpapers for ubuntu and what have you?08:16
Guest53985i got it off the ourms on ubuntu08:16
favrobrolly81: was waiting for you to tell us the url of the pasted fstab file :)08:16
sfer2Could you give a link?08:16
Guest53985i have the fujitsu stylistic st503208:16
balrogGuest53985: can i have the link?08:16
jigphello guys how to configure the desktop?i dont see icons even Accessories or Menus... :(08:16
Guest53985let me find it08:16
brolly81favro if you have a command or !paste, let me know where to but that command, i dont if it's for the terminal or something else. i am completely new to this08:17
prince_jammysdidn't you just paste it a couple minutes ago in http://paste.ubuntu.com/47685/08:18
favrobrolly81: you pasted the file the file before - http://paste.ubuntu.com/47682/08:18
sfer2jigp: Could you explain your problem a little more?08:18
Taiga-SKhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/47686/ please help08:18
favrobrolly81: gedit /etc/fstab will open the file