
knoppix_TheSheep, this is nubuntu, i was here earlier talking to you about this issue.  Changing to a usb keyboard helped somewhat on this machine, but still can't boot xubuntu or ubuntu live cd for some reason.  i put this knoppix live disk on and i wonder if anyone could help me retrieve my friends windows files using knoppix.  the hard drive partition that contains the files is appearing on this desktop, but i'm kind of a newb.  to retrieve and copy the fil01:50
knoppix_es, i need to 'mount' that partition, right??  could anyone help me walk through this?01:50
favroright click the partitions icon and select mount01:51
favroright click again and change read/write access01:52
knoppix_favro, what do i want to change the access to?01:57
favroknoppix_: you want to make it writable so you can access it01:58
knoppix_ok, i did the first mount, now the live disk is spinning and spinning01:58
favroknoppix_: if the hd is large it might take a min or two01:59
favrothe live disk is spinning 'cause it is doing work for you :)02:00
knoppix_favro, the remount command failed.  Maybe there is another process accessing the filesystem currently.02:00
favroknoppix_: I don't use windows but have heard that if windows isn't shut down right accessing it can be hard - maybe ##windows might help?02:01
knoppix_no, i not running windows at all, i have a knoppix live cd running, cause ubuntu nor xubuntu would load properly on this machine.02:02
favro"retrieve my friends windows files" - the disk you want to access is windows right?02:04
knoppix_yes, his dell crashed, and we're tryihg to retrieve his files to go ahead and install linux02:06
knoppix_but i'm running knoppix livecd02:07
favrowell from what I've read accessing a crashed windows install isn't staightforward - but again I've not used windows in years - someone here or in ##windows might no about that02:07
knoppix_k, thanks for trying02:08
knoppix_i doubt they would know how to help in windows room02:13
favrosomeone in #ubuntu might have the experience with this02:14
knoppix_k, lemme try02:15
filipegatti_i'm having a big trouble in watching videos. all videos i try to run display in a strange way, like brightness at 100%, its just impossible to watch.03:03
favrois that with one vid player or others as well?03:10
filipegatti_all vid players03:13
filipegatti_i tried a lot of them03:13
filipegatti_vlc, mplayer, smplayer, totem03:14
filipegatti_and its not only with .mkv (matroska) files, .avi as well.03:14
favrowhat vid card are you using?03:16
favrolspci | grep VGA   will tell03:19
filipegatti_vid card wait03:20
filipegatti_ Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller03:20
favrok I'll have a google :)03:21
filipegatti_the strange is that some days ago it was working ok in totem, but not it just destroyed :D03:21
Tony_DasEi, this is me do you see me?  how to i get to the pm with you?03:24
favrocan't find symptoms like that with google - I would run   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   then logout/in and check a vid03:25
favroTony_: DasEi isn't in the user list03:26
filipegatti_favro, i think i'll do that.. wait a sec and i'll tell you03:27
favrok :)03:27
marchelofavro, what was the command you said to me later? (filipegatti_)03:30
favro sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:30
marchelook. wait up :D03:31
filipegattifavro, thanks, it worked :D03:34
favrowell done :)03:34
filipegattithat's a nice command, need to put it in my notebool :P03:35
filipegattiah, let me ask you one more thing03:35
filipegattieverytime I log in, it ask me to log in in a session, the only option I have is default or to create another one. I always choose default, is there a way to skip this screen?03:35
favroin the settings manager - login  there are options - not using xfce4 atm - save session is what you need i believe03:37
filipegattihmm, sometimes i think i need to search more on my own :(03:38
filipegattithanks again :)03:38
favronp :)03:39
filipegattifavro, do you recommend a video player?03:42
Odd-rationalei like vlc03:43
favroI use vlc xine-ui and mplayer so I can play everything03:44
favrovlc won't play .flv here03:44
filipegattihmm, i'll need to run some flv files03:44
filipegattii'll get mplayer, i used it before and was nice :)03:45
favroI got my fuzzy clock working and showing on all desktops :)04:03
Odd-rationalewhat's a fuzzy clock?04:12
favroOdd-rationale: tells the time in words not numbers04:13
favrohttp://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=datecl7.jpg - bottom left04:13
favroI used conky to show it on the desktop04:13
filipegattifavro, that's avant window navigator or a normal panel?04:14
favroit's xfce4-panel04:14
filipegattigot it04:15
favroI use fluxbox and xfce4-panel comes with thunar04:15
Odd-rationalefavro: heard of qclock?04:15
favroOdd-rationale: nope ?04:15
Odd-rationalefavro: http://www.nethack.net/qclock/04:16
Odd-rationalefavro: for more qclock quotes: http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=4613604:16
favroOdd-rationale: hahaa that looks cool :)04:17
Odd-rationalefavro: pretty funny :P04:17
Odd-rationalei don't think there is a .deb though...04:17
favroOdd-rationale: I wrote a bash script for my fuzzy clock - I'm going to try and get random comments in it now! hehe04:18
Odd-rationaleqclock stands for "queer clock"04:18
Odd-rationalefavro: you should try to get qclock to display with your fuzzy clock... :D04:20
favroOdd-rationale: I'm reading here to add random comments - http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/randomvar.html04:22
krielOkay, so. I got an ubuntu disk from my buddy to install onto  my laptop, only to find out he forgot to write the X in front of the distro name on the disc. Oh well, stuff happens. But now I'm trying to apt-get install gnome and it's saying gnome-desktop-environment isn't going to be installed. apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment says gnome-keyring-manager is not installable. Is there a...04:23
kriel...(relatively) easy way to convert xubuntu to use a gnome desktop, or am I just gonna have to go download (not x)ubuntu?04:23
Odd-rationalefavro: where are you getting the quotes?04:23
Odd-rationalekriel: try installing ubuntu-desktop04:24
favroOdd-rationale: haven't got that far yet :)04:24
Odd-rationalekriel: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:24
Odd-rationalekriel: oh. and before you do that do: sudo apt-get update04:24
krielwoot, no dependency issues. Thanks!04:25
krielalready done.04:25
Odd-rationalekriel: cool. after all that (bloat) is installed, just choose gnome in the session menu from the login screen.04:25
krielIn other news: Who do I talk to about smacking xorg around? Do I speak to #(x)ubuntu in general, or should I head over to #xorg ?04:25
krielOdd-rationale: bloat it may be, but it's bloat that's at least semi-intuitive; at least, to me it is.04:26
Odd-rationalekriel: either, if it might be more *buntu specific, then #ubuntu probably...04:26
Odd-rationalekriel: i was just joking of course... :P04:27
krielOdd-rationale: Mmkay. Thank you. ^^04:28
krielOh, hey. What do you know. -blinks at network settings box- I found the wireless configs. -facepalm-04:29
Odd-rationaleaww... too bad. xfce4.6 won't make it until the jaunty jackalope release... :(04:30
krielSo, I decided to stick with xfce (mostly because I don't feel like waiting for bloody gnome to download, and I found the wifi configuration buttons.) However, my Xorg still isn't working. Here, have a screeny. http://eri.imgoing.thruhere.net/upload/xfcescreen.png  I can still move windows over into the 'not desktop' area, however the toolbars are... out there. Any idea if this is an xfce or...04:44
kriel...a xorg problem?04:44
favrokriel: right click the panel and select customize panel - set them both as fixed and non floating04:49
krielWoah, wierd.04:50
favrowierd ?04:50
krielinside customize panel, there are two monitor settings, 1 and 2. 2 sets the bar to its correct place.04:51
krielI think I have two overlapping screens04:51
favrokriel: you have two panels - top and bottom04:51
krielnono, it says there are two monitors.04:51
krielif I click monitor 1, it's in the middle of the screen, but if I click 2, it puts the bars into the right place.04:52
favrokriel: there "might" be a virtual line in your xorg.conf file in the screen or monitor section comment it out04:52
krielThis is on a laptop with a secondary vga port, hooking up a monitor to see its behavior04:56
kriel_favro: hm?05:02
=== kriel_ is now known as kriel
favrothought you'd gone :) the xorg.conf is pretty useless for diagnosing stuff in hardy - does    xrandr   tell you options for display?05:03
krielit tells me lots of interesting stuff, but most of it's gibberish to me05:04
krielthough I understand there's VGA connected and a LVDS connected. For some reason it seems to be drawing the VGA stuff on the LVDS screen...?05:05
* kriel is taking shots in the dark05:05
favroyou might need xinerama05:05
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:05
krieloh, hey, ubottu lives here, too. Hi!05:06
favro!twinview | for nvidia05:06
ubottufor nvidia: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings05:06
krielno, it's not an nvidia card. It's an intel.05:06
krielalright, thank you favro.05:07
favrokriel: do you know the vid card model - there might be a howto05:07
krielI have to get going (I've got this thing called work in the morning, it kinda sucks) but thank you for all the help. I'll take a look at xinerama, and I'll certainly be back in here if it breaks.05:08
favrolspci | grep VGA   will tell05:08
krielfor the record, it's an Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller05:09
krielThank you again for all the help.05:09
* kriel bows towards favro. And Odd-rationale, for helping earlier.05:09
krielSeeya later.05:11
J-nI'm not using xubuntu, but was wondering if with the default install if there is a way to search for a file, using the GUI?05:14
favroI've never even tried that - cli ftw hehe05:17
J-nlol it's just someone in #ubuntu is ... complainin' lol ... and i'd like to help... i suspect thunar does it... but i dont have a copy installed to tell him lol..05:18
cody-somervilleJ-n, Thunar doesn't have built in search... yet05:20
cody-somervilleJ-n, I imagine we'll see that in Jaunty05:21
cody-somervilleHowever, for Intrepid, we have the catfish tool05:21
cody-somervilleIF he is using Hardy, I might recommend him installing that package.05:21
J-ncody-somerville: he is using hardy05:22
J-ncody-somerville: though, he's starting to seriously grate on my nerves... lol... not sure if i WANT to help him anymore lol05:23
cody-somervilledoh : (05:23
* cody-somerville encourages deep breaths. :)05:23
J-ncody-somerville: reminded him 2x that i'm just a guy who came here to ask a few questions myself lol05:23
cody-somervilleYou say he is an Xubuntu user? Maybe you could politely point him to this channel and I can try to help him?05:24
cody-somervilleIf he is giving you the "how could you make it this hard to do this? Its all your fault, blah blah blah" rant, just point him to me - I'm the person he'll want to blame ;]05:25
J-ncody-somerville:  sadly while i was here venting to you, he seems to have disapeared :(05:25
cody-somervilleAhwell, thanks for trying J-n. Greatly appreciated! :)05:25
J-nwell, since i've got ya here, and talkin... mind if i ask you in what situations would you recomend xfce over kde or gnome?05:26
favroI'd recommend xubuntu over ubuntu just on the wallpaper...05:27
J-nvery strange...05:29
favrowhy is debtags using all my cpu?05:29
favroseen ubuntu hardy's wallpaper?05:30
J-nI go to www.xubuntu.org/get#hardy and i get DL links for Gutsy and dapper. lol05:30
favrocody-somerville: ^^05:31
cody-somervilleWhat the...05:32
J-nonly page i can get 8.04 from is when i click on the Xubuntu8.04.1 released link... but no link to the 8.04.1 DL05:33
cody-somervilleI will fix that right now05:33
cody-somervilleI wonder when the get page got like that05:34
cody-somervilleI'm positive we updated it for 8.04.105:34
J-ni hope VERY recently05:34
J-nhttp://xubuntu.org/news/hardy.1/release -- is the only place i can find the link for 8.0405:34
J-nbut no 8.04.105:34
J-nlol but i'll be grabbing it via torrent anyway .. and i can find that np :)05:36
J-ngod i love torrents that max my dl speed.05:37
J-npraise be to the seeders.05:37
cody-somervilleJ-n, is the page good now?05:41
J-nbeautiful! :D05:41
pist0l-fishhi all. Whenever I plug in my USB hard drive, (it is mounted) and two thunars open with the location of the hard drive mount... anyone getting a similar problem?05:42
favropist0l-fish: nope - doesn't happen here05:48
pist0l-fishfavro: turns out two Thunar processes were running. pgrep Thunar returned two pids. Killed one, and now it's fine. I wonder if two Thunar processes will start every time I boot06:07
pist0l-fishgoing to find out right now06:07
pist0l-fishseems like it went away.06:21
favrok again :) bye06:27
jeanfredoi have kind of a problem. i have installed a gtk2 theme on a 8.04 xu and only colors are applied. seems that he doesn't find the engine? i've installed all gtk2-engines to get sure, but this changes nothing. whats about this gtk2-engine-xfce. is this perhaps the only one which is used? do you have any hints for me? thank you in advance07:02
jeanfredothe theme came from xfce-look.org ...07:03
favrowhat parts of the theme aren't being used? or what makes you think they aren't?07:05
jeanfredothe screenshot looks different than my desktop07:08
jeanfredofor example the scrollbars are the basic ones here07:09
favrok - which parts - icons or buttons or...07:09
jeanfredoi'll upload a screenshit07:09
jeanfredothats the one i wanna use http://tinyurl.com/6ae9uc07:11
favroin the theme folder there will be a gtk2 folder that should have the scrollbar pic in it07:12
Myrtti"You will need the Rezlooks Engine and Pixmap Engine."07:13
Myrttido you have those?07:13
jeanfredono i dont07:15
jeanfredothis is an explanation07:15
jeanfredobut they aren't in repo :-/07:15
jeanfredoso i'll get them otherwise07:16
jeanfredoi found a deb on gnome-look.org for ubuntu07:20
jeanfredoin the description they say it is for dapper07:20
jeanfredodoes it matter?07:20
favropixmaps is in the repos hang on07:20
jeanfredoits for rezlooks07:20
favroI dunno about that07:22
jeanfredoand what about pixmaps07:22
jeanfredohave no engine called like that in synaptic07:22
qwerfdi know this isnt a specific xubuntu question but it seems that #ubuntu is flooded now-a-days07:23
jeanfredowhat question07:24
qwerfdi rebooted my box and altered some bios settings. when i booted back up i wasnt auto connected to the network07:24
qwerfdi've tried fiddling with the nm-applet but its not connecting07:24
jeanfredoclean up /etc/network/interfaces07:25
qwerfdtheres nothing in interfaces except for l007:25
favrodid you turn offethernet/change irqs?07:25
qwerfdnope... all i did was turn on SMART HD capabilities and one or two other power management related options07:26
favrojeanfredo: pixmap has a new name and trying to find it one min07:26
qwerfdi am used to manually editing /etc/network/interfaces but it seems that ubuntu doesnt like it when that file is manually altered07:27
jeanfredoqwerd: nm-applet dont like that07:27
jeanfredothats the prob07:27
qwerfdme either...07:27
favroyou need to restart networking when you do that07:28
favrosudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:28
qwerfdthat went fine07:28
jeanfredofavro: thanks07:28
qwerfdwhen i do ifup -a i get these 2 errors:07:29
qwerfd/etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail: line 44: /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic: No such file or directory07:29
jeanfredofavro: pixmaps sounds familiar to me07:29
qwerfdand, run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail exited with return code 107:29
jeanfredofavro: it should be in the repos, right?07:29
favroit should - just had to wait for vbox to fire up and check07:30
jeanfredofavro: okay07:30
qwerfdironically on another xubuntu 8.04 box ifup doesnt give any errors and /usr/share/sendmail doesnt even exist07:30
favro!info gtk-engines-pixbuf07:33
ubottuPackage gtk-engines-pixbuf does not exist in hardy07:33
favro!info gtk2-engines-pixbuf07:33
ubottugtk2-engines-pixbuf (source: gtk+2.0): Pixbuf-based theme for GTK+ 2.x. In component main, is optional. Version 2.12.9-3ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 309 kB, installed size 388 kB07:33
favro^^used to be pixmaps07:33
jeanfredothis one i have07:35
jeanfredodoing a restart after all the other updates07:35
qwerfdany ideas?07:36
qwerfdbah nvm07:37
qwerfdits working now07:37
qwerfdi guess those sendmail scripts were not supposed to be there....07:37
qwerfdi removed them and rebooted and now its workin07:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!08:15
Vonoris it possible to install xubuntu from another linux, or am i required to use one of the *ubuntu live cds?08:16
Myrttidepends what the another linux is08:16
favroyou can add xubuntu-desktop to the one you have nowif it is ubuntu08:17
favroin vbox then :)08:17
favroor dual boot08:17
Vonori want to install it on another hd08:17
Myrttithen you need an installation media08:17
Vonorthe question is, if i need the cd or if i can install it from my running gentoo08:18
Myrttilive cd, alternate cd, usb, dvd, whatever rocks your boat08:18
squirrelpimpi just really screwed things up09:59
squirrelpimpi ran "rm -rf /usr/lib" (common typo) and hit ctrl+c after about one second09:59
squirrelpimpit's just libs, so i thought i could reinstall them in theory10:00
squirrelpimpcould anyone help me here? it's xubuntu hardy10:00
Catoptromancydesktop or alternate disk?10:00
squirrelpimpi think i'll have to check for all libs, that should be there10:00
squirrelpimpi think i installed from alternate10:00
squirrelpimpbut does that make a difference10:00
Catoptromancyis it possible to reinstall without formatting?10:00
squirrelpimpi don't know10:01
CatoptromancyIm not totally sure about ubuntu10:01
Catoptromancyive done it on slackware10:01
squirrelpimpas long as all applications are running i could try anything else first10:01
Catoptromancyitll leave everything alone, execpt copy over all the original files10:01
squirrelpimpreinstalling will make me lose lots of settings though10:01
squirrelpimpi'd only need all the lib files from all packages installed10:01
Catoptromancywith slackware I didnt lose anything10:01
Catoptromancyyou dont format10:01
Catoptromancyonly copy over,10:01
Catoptromancybut someone probably has a better answer10:02
squirrelpimpi think ubuntu will be different here10:02
Catoptromancyits a bit idle at the moment10:02
squirrelpimpi need a list of all my packages installed and then i need every file in /usr/lib10:02
Catoptromancywell open all your programs10:03
Catoptromancywhatever doesnt work, redownload10:03
squirrelpimpand see what fails10:03
Catoptromancythats best bet10:03
squirrelpimpi thought of reinstalling all that has "lib*" as a name10:03
squirrelpimpoh i hate fast computers10:04
squirrelpimpcouple of years ago it wouldn't have deleted that many files in just one sec10:04
favro"squirrelpimp> i need a list of all my packages" - this might help10:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate10:05
squirrelpimpfavro: thanks10:05
favroI hope it works well :)10:05
squirrelpimpcan aptitude work with selections as well?10:06
squirrelpimpi usually prefer it over apt-get10:06
squirrelpimpthe problem is, my packages are already installed10:06
squirrelpimpand i'd like to only reinstall those having files in /usr/lib10:06
squirrelpimpi could try to bring up vmware an install a copy of my system there using favros trick10:07
favroapt-get will report that an installed app is already installed - and I think that might hang you up10:07
favroapt-get doesn't know what was removed10:07
squirrelpimpaptitude has a reinstall command10:08
favroapt-get --reinstall install10:08
favrosorry I don't use aptitude10:08
squirrelpimpstill this will reinstall even apps without files in /usr/lib10:08
squirrelpimpif this is a problem?10:08
AkshunBoiRecently my xubuntu hardy is hanging, indefinitely, at "Starting Up..." during boot. I have tried using the 'recovery mode,' it hangs after 10s at a line about ACPI PCI Interrupt 11. System previously worked fine.10:09
favroyou won't have the same app twice10:09
squirrelpimpapt-get --reinstall dselect-upgrade10:09
favrosquirrelpimp: ^^10:09
squirrelpimpyes, of course10:10
squirrelpimpbut e.g. reinstalling libexo screwed setting quite a bit10:10
squirrelpimpi need a script to run "dpkg -L" for each package installed and see if it has files in /usr/lib10:10
favroAkshunBoi: do you have an old kernel to boot into?10:10
AkshunBoifavro: I do, they are all exhibiting the same behavior10:11
favroAkshunBoi: does it boot into recovery? - or nothing at all?10:12
AkshunBoifavro: the recovery mode option hangs 10 seconds into boot10:12
favroAkshunBoi: if it is a new thing it might be h/ware10:13
favrounless there was a bios change maybe10:13
AkshunBoifavro: the only change is that I installed a bunch of updates from the automatic updater, this is the first reboot since installing those10:13
AkshunBoinone of those 'required' a reboot though10:14
AkshunBoiand the system worked fine for at least a day after installing those (without rebooting)10:14
AkshunBoiI'd start pulling hardware to see if it would boot bare-bones, but it's a laptop :/ only thing I can pull is the pcmcia wifi card, and I already tried without it :/10:14
favroAkshunBoi: does the live cd boot?10:15
AkshunBoihaven't tried, guess I should go find the live cd, and the cd drive while I'm at it. I always forget about that thing, too used to windows I suppose :P10:16
squirrelpimpok... of the 2075 packages installed, 1162 have files in /usr/lib10:18
favroomg... hehe10:19
squirrelpimpnow... i could as well check if all files are present10:19
squirrelpimpthat would be faster as i only lost 1sec of rm -rf10:19
favrosounds good10:19
AkshunBoican't believe I actually found the cd drive so easily, too bad the system doesn't want to boot from it right now, grrr :/10:24
AkshunBoiwhoah, I'll be damned it just booted to the splash screen10:25
squirrelpimpAkshunBoi: isn't that quite normal?10:25
AkshunBoiI've been messing with this thing for close to 3 hrs now, hangs EVERY TIME, I do what amounts to nothing and all of a sudden it boots10:25
favroAkshunBoi: it might just be mem issues10:26
AkshunBoinormal, yeah, just not normal that it magically fixed itself! I'd really prefer if I had done something to make it suddenly work :P10:26
AkshunBoifavro: good call, I'll let it memtest overnight and see if it turns anything up in the morning, thanks for your help :P10:26
favroAkshunBoi: a quick check if the cd boots is open a terminal and type free10:27
squirrelpimpfavro: my scan actually works... however it's slow as ...10:28
AkshunBoi'free' seems to show me memory/swap information?10:28
favroit should - and if it shows all that should be there that's a good start10:30
AkshunBoioooh, nevermind, when you said "if the cd boots" I thought you meant to "check if the cd boots" not to check [memory issues] if the cd boots10:31
AkshunBoiit seems to have booted perfectly fine this time, though, so, I'll cross my fingers that it was just a big 3 hour fluke that kept me from booting :P10:31
favroAkshunBoi: I thought you couldn't get into the system so from the cd would be the only option10:32
AkshunBoiyeah, I understand now, I just got a bit confused there :P10:32
favrosquirrelpimp: "my scan" is a script?10:32
favrowell done :)10:33
squirrelpimpa shell one-liner10:33
squirrelpimpfor package in $(cat packages); do for file in $(dpkg -L $package); do echo $file | grep -q "^/usr/lib/"; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -e $file ]; then echo "$package: $file"; fi; fi; done; done | tee lib-packages-missing10:33
AkshunBoifavro: thanks again10:34
favroAkshunBoi: np :)10:34
squirrelpimpbut it takes long...10:35
squirrelpimpso i added some progress-display now10:35
favrohehe :)10:35
favroI think that's cool10:35
favromy little fuzzy clock script is giving me base errors causing grammar errors :)10:39
favro./progs/fuzzy1: line 6: ((: 09: value too great for base (error token is "09")10:41
squirrelpimpcan you paste the script?10:42
squirrelpimpi don't have a browser atm10:42
squirrelpimpso here or /query10:42
favro /j #favro ?10:42
squirrelpimpfavro: look at the advanced bash scripting guide11:09
squirrelpimpit is the most usefull documentation for bash programming11:09
favroyep am working slowly through that - it's hard reading11:11
favroseems to work with your recommendations - I'll change the clock to look at 9 past again :) thnx11:13
favrosquirrelpimp: ^^11:13
favrook I buggered my time and sudo - I set the time back five min with sudo date -s 08:08 - now trying to set it back or anything sudo I get11:31
favrosudo: timestamp too far in the future: Sep 17 20:16:25 200811:31
favroapart from waiting 12 hrs what's my choices?11:31
favroI set the time back 12hrs 5 min with sudo date -s 08:0811:32
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
=== danopia`` is now known as danopia
nubuntui thought all this time with xubuntu on this box that i had a faulty screen, as there is about an inch and a half black margin unused at the right of the screen, but last nite i was playing with a couple other live disks, suse, and knoppix, and i noticed that they utilized all the screenspace.  somewhere i found a utility that i guess is sposed to set the margins, but they were all four set...13:37
nubuntu...to '0' already, and i was too tired to go into it any further ... anybody know how i can fix this?13:37
squirrelpimpnubuntu: does it work with ubuntu-livecd?13:41
squirrelpimpwithout the x?13:41
nubuntuya, i just found it again, 'workspaces and margins' but they're all set to '0'13:42
nubuntusquirrelpimp: this box too old for ubuntu.13:42
squirrelpimpso the live-cd does not even start to check the borders?13:43
squirrelpimpwhat version of xubuntu?13:43
pleia2nubuntu: have you played with your monitor settings? monitors sync up to different screens differently, I tend to have to change mine between OSes (it's even different between the gui and command line)13:44
favronubuntu: any buttons on the front of the monitor?13:44
nubuntuhmmmmmm, pretty sure i upgraded to hardy13:44
pleia2yeah, buttons on the monitor13:44
nubuntuya, some buttons on the front, never touched them or lookd at them b413:45
squirrelpimpso looking and touching them might help... especially if one was labelled "auto"13:46
nubuntulemme get a flashlight, there *do* seem to be some horiz controls there13:46
favroor menu13:46
nubuntuthanks guys13:46
squirrelpimpi'd really like to see this room where you need a flashlight to see the monitor-controls13:47
nubuntunow its worse than it was before.  i found the horiz control,, but as i pushed it right it also expanded left, where it was already too far left to begin with.  so to have a completely visible workspace, i ended up shrinking it back smaller than it was! :P13:55
squirrelpimpwell done13:56
squirrelpimpthere should not only be horiz zoom but also horiz position13:56
squirrelpimptry that13:56
favroor press the other button13:58
nubuntuomg, can anybody say 'extenze'? haha, just got two more inches on the ferrari  :)14:02
favrohehe well done :)14:03
nubuntuthanks again squirrel and favro14:03
=== coldhak is now known as Pete_I
=== Pete_I is now known as Coldhak
favro!tab | nubuntu14:04
ubottunubuntu: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:04
favroI type nub and hit the tab button and get nubuntu14:05
nubuntuhow does that work on filenames and programs in the command line?14:17
nubuntufavro: , and squirrelpimp ?14:18
nubuntuhow could it know how to complete a filename?  there are so many in the descentding order?14:19
favrothe same but if there is more than one you  tab twice and see the options14:19
favrokeep hitting tab14:19
favrosometimes it's easier to type it :)14:20
nubuntuso if i entered /var then hit tab it would keep going down the line?14:20
nubuntuya, i think so ,14:21
favrojust replays the options14:22
nubuntuya, just tried it, don't like it :P14:23
nubuntubut good to know14:23
favroI use it to find long named tar files and such14:23
favrothen highlight them with the mouse and middle click14:24
favro^^ works when there's alot of files rtoo14:25
willluongoHello, I thought I remembered being able to click and drag items from the menu onto the top panel in a previous version of Xubuntu, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. How can I add shortcuts to regular applications to the panel?15:02
willluongoOh I think I have figured it out, thanks anyway15:04
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
ron_owhat's the best setting for cups so it uses the least amount of ink?16:29
ron_ofastdraft gray scale?16:30
ron_omandje, I have a hard time of this. Like you need any more than fastdraft ever.16:30
ron_oI mean man..16:30
ron_odon't know why it goes to "mandje" what the hell.16:31
ron_othere's this huge conspiracy, I know, to make sure more ink is fricking used. ;->16:32
=== Fersure is now known as Fersure|Away
armornickhey guys, how do I put a menu to access my folders on the top bar (like gnome)?18:03
zoredache_armornick: add the 'Places' item to the panel?18:05
Odd-rationalearmornick: perhaps one way would be to add another xfce4 menu and edit the menu to launch spcified folders...18:06
Odd-rationalethere really isn't a "Places" plugin for xfce...18:06
armornickis there a documentation project or manual for xfce?18:06
zoredache_eh?  I think I have one on my system...18:07
zoredache_!info xfce4-places-plugin18:07
ubottuxfce4-places-plugin (source: xfce4-places-plugin): quick access to folders, documents and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 29 kB, installed size 552 kB18:07
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
Odd-rationalehmm cool18:08
Odd-rationalezoredache: hey. it is even beter than the gnome places menu!!! :P18:10
MyrttiI shut the wrong window >___>18:51
=== Fersure|Away is now known as Fersure
zz2Z3zzhey guys, need some help!20:37
Odd-rationale!ask | zz2Z3zz20:38
ubottuzz2Z3zz: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:38
Odd-rationalezz2Z3zz: most be a long question you're typing there... :P20:39
zz2Z3zz^^ sry... the question is how can I access Files on other PCs (Windows) with xubuntu? (Like local network in XP)20:40
zz2Z3zzno just bad english (;20:40
zoredacheif you mean across the network then you will need to install and use something like fusesmb, or manually mount what you want20:41
zoredachefuse smb - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb20:41
zz2Z3zzthanks alot (; sry for this nooby question, cya20:42
zoredacheno worries... it is a faq20:42
MyrttiI bet he comes back20:43
zoredachewe really need to make it easier to access smb shares...20:44
Odd-rationaletalk to the thunar dev...20:45
* Myrtti giggles20:45
zz2Z3zzme again... one more question: ALWAYS when I try to do anything in Terminal where I need Sudo it asks me for the sudo password, but i  just cant type it20:46
Myrttiit's your own password?20:46
Myrttihow do you login without your password? do you have autologin enabled?20:47
zz2Z3zzi know, i mean i cant type... i press a button and nothings appears on screen, no, autologin is disabled20:47
zoredacheOdd-rationale: someone started working on something to make it easier to setup.  I don't think it was working though...20:48
Odd-rationalezoredache: yeah i remember... someone was working on it...20:49
Myrttizz2Z3zz: the password isn't echoed on the terminal20:49
Myrttizz2Z3zz: you can't see even stars when you type it - it's supposed to be like that.20:49
zz2Z3zzo0 ur right sry this is confusing... but thx (;20:52
squirrelpimpok... i seem to have fixed all the mess i wrote about today21:11
Odd-rationalegood for you :D21:11
squirrelpimplinux ftw21:11
squirrelpimpone second of rm -rf in windows would probably be harder to fix21:11
zoredachethe question is, why would you want to fix windows?  :p21:17
indiics problem here... xubuntu on the net with ppp0 connection, Windows vista Lan connected to xubuntu and can't go to net... any suggestion???22:33
squirrelpimpindi: firewall, masquerading, iptables, shorewall, ip_forward22:36
squirrelpimpgoogle each, read first 10 hits, then you should know22:36
indigot a solution for my question? or it's enough talk about firewalls, masquerading exc...???22:46
indiif i'm here its bcoz i've alredy try a google search and the official ubuntu getting start guide to ics22:47
indiat the end of this working day i've never find a solution to this damn issue22:48
zoredacheindi: generally most people in this channel are more familair with 'desktop usage' of linux.  Setting up connection sharing, routing and firwalling tends to be a server issue.  You might get more help in #ubuntu-server.  The question is fairly advanced.  To make it run well you need to understand how many things work like routing, firewalling, dns....23:13
zoredacheAlso, since you said you read the howto, and google, perhaps you should tell us if you had problems with a particular step, or something...23:14
=== Fersure is now known as Fersure|Away

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