
wgrantAnd we will indeed see that Launchpad is written using COBOL on Cogs.00:00
zethbeuno: I am not calling you a liar particularly00:00
beunowgrant, maybe we're using those 11 months to re-write all the visual basic into python00:00
wgrantbeuno: Or vice-versa.00:00
zethit is just that I take any software claims with a large bag of salt00:00
jmlPLEASE COME FROM 1598000:00
thumperbeuno: no perl -> python :)00:00
* wgrant stabs jml.00:00
beunothumper, I'm too scared of perl to even mention it00:01
zethlike how Windows Vista was going to have a database backed filesystem that would revolutionise file storage00:01
wgrantI guess somebody spent a while writing something to convert tracebacks from Language X to very convincing Zopey ones.00:01
zethbeuno: the 3 hour test suite could be on all the open source deps00:02
Nafallowgrant: you're not on jabber. why do you hate freedom?00:02
zethI do not believe in things I do not have evidence for00:02
Peng_jml: So bzr+http works now and is deployed?00:02
wgrantNafallo: I am a freedom hater :(00:02
jmlPeng_: the deployment is in process.00:03
Nafallowgrant: I know. I'll just have to show you the light in Dec.00:03
wgrantThat sounds dangerous.00:03
Peng_jml: One of my new branches was successfully mirrored today. What else needs to be done?00:03
jmlPeng_: there's a known bug with mirroring Format7 branches over bzr+http, but that *should* be it.00:03
* Nafallo packs the infrared laser to eyestab wgrant with :-)00:03
jmlPeng_: I dunno :) The LOSAs are rolling out the new Launchpad _right now_00:03
beunoPeng_, what's the deal with you and bzr+http anyway?00:04
Peng_beuno: I felt like setting it up.00:04
Peng_beuno: I kept it enabled as encouragement to pester jml about fixing it. :)00:04
spmjml: nearly finished rolling out even...00:05
Peng_jml: Well, that was a Branch5 branch.00:05
mwhPeng_: you should check that the branch on launchpad is in the same format as the branch on your server00:05
beunoPeng_, that's good enough reason for me00:05
Peng_jml: What's the bug?00:05
Peng_mwh: Ooh.00:05
jmlPeng_: lemme find it.00:05
zethFor me, what launchpad should have is not open-source the glue code but server side SVN export00:05
mwhPeng_: cause the bug is in this area of fun00:05
Peng_mwh: Yeah, it was upgraded.00:05
wgrantWhat does SVN have to do with anything, zeth?00:05
Peng_mwh: That's the shared repo branch format bug that was fixed recently?00:06
mwhPeng: well, actually, it will be branch6 whatever the source format, i think00:06
Peng_Mine was branch5.00:06
zethwgrant, Well one thing I find difficult is that I develop with bzr, upload to launchpad, but then SVN users cannot download my code00:06
Peng_It takes work to keep Branch5 around too.00:06
mwhPeng: the bad part of this is that when launchpad comes to update the mirror it will go "oooh! the format has changed, i'll remirror the whole branch"00:06
zethso I know using SVN instead of packaging more often is lazy00:06
* wgrant wonders why anybody would voluntarily continue to use SVN.00:07
Peng_mwh: Ahh, that bug. Awesome.00:07
zethbut it is convienient00:07
Peng_So it'll make hundreds of requests every 6 hours? Perfect.00:07
wgrantHow can it be more convenient?00:07
zethwell it is pre-installed in lots of systems00:07
mwhPeng: so we'll probably waste some of your bandwidth until we fix it (aka, upgrade the bzr we use to 1.7)00:07
Peng_mwh: I'm glad I didn't reenable mirroring of my other branches. :D00:07
jmlwhich should be soon.00:07
zethand not everyone has authorisation to install new software in every thing00:07
mwhPeng_: yeah, should be safe in maybe two days00:07
zethwgrant, it is more convenient to give people SVN link instead of alpha/beta release when you are lazy00:08
zethor are developing faster than you can package00:08
zethforcing people to use bzr to get code from launchpad is bundling00:09
beunoor hg, or git, or bzr, or cvs...00:09
zethwell if forcing people to use IE to use Windows update is bad00:09
zeththen why should launchpad forcing bzr be not-bad?00:10
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
beunoshould we force SVN instead?00:10
zethI personally prefer to use Bzr00:10
Peng_LP automatically disabled mirroring all of my old branches because of its bugs. Once this is all fixed, can one of you reenable them all, or do I have to go through and press the "Try again" on each one?00:10
wgrantLP sucks. It doesn't support gopher.00:10
zethno I am saying that launchpad should offer multiple ways to get your code out00:10
Peng_(Since all of them are abandoned, it's a waste of bandwidth and CPU anyway...)00:10
mwhPeng_: we can probably do something00:10
jmlPeng_: we can probably sort something out00:10
zethbeuno: by offering multiple outputs, you are not forcing anyone00:11
* jml hi-5s mwh00:11
beunozeth, sure, if resources where unlimited, why not00:11
zethwhere > were?00:11
Peng_There should be a "Try again on all" button or something, in case your server is down for a few days or something.00:11
jmlPeng_: yeah. I also want an email notification of failed mirrors.00:12
zethI doubt it would be that hard00:12
zethsince the work has been done on the client side00:12
mwhthat doesn't mail you for every branch you own when your server goes down :)00:12
jmlmwh: exactly.00:12
Peng_Haha, right.00:12
jmlsabdfl was specific about that :)00:12
zeththere is a plugin that allows you to use SVN using bzr, cannot launchpad adopt the same code?00:13
zethso you can provide choice to users of the code00:13
zethusers of code hosted at launchpad00:13
thumperzeth: github is bundling git00:14
thumperzeth: and sourceforge is bundling svn00:14
zethbeuno: but the where vs were is important, because the "where" inside your company, or "where" in the open source world is different levels of potential resources00:14
zeththumper: two wrongs do not make a right00:14
zethsourceforge should provide more choices then00:14
thumperzeth: but three lefts are a right00:14
cjwatsonbundling is bad when it accompanies a monopoly. Simply providing two pieces of software together isn't evil00:14
zethsourceforge provide two?00:15
zeththey provide CVS and SVN?00:15
slangasekboth of which are terrible :)00:15
zethboth of which have a large installed base00:15
* beuno chuckles00:15
* Peng_ should file a bug00:15
jmlcjwatson: hello. :)00:15
wgrantOh dear, it's the attack of the distrogods.00:16
zethI am not saying I want to use SVN for me, I am saying that if I host code on launchpad, allowing people to check it out using SVN, which often comes in the OS, would be very helpful00:16
Romariohi there, anyone a second to help me ? i am unable to push code to a branch since a few hours00:16
Peng_Romario: Go on00:16
Romarioi am getting a message: Permission denied (publickey)00:16
zethRomario: have you tried after 00:00 ?00:16
mwhRomario: launchpad is being upgraded00:16
RAOFRomario: Launchpad was down, and is still not fully up.00:16
Romarioah, ok00:17
Romariomaybe this is the problem00:17
Romarioit isnt too urgent so i'll try tomorrow00:17
zethRomario: http://news.launchpad.net/notifications/launchpad-offline-2200-2359-utc-17th-september-200800:17
Romariook, thanks guys00:18
RomarioI'll be patient ;-)00:18
slangasekwgrant: just waiting for the green light so I can kick an ubiquity update through soyuz :)00:18
slangasekzeth: uh, I've not heard of any OSes coming with svn preinstalled00:19
wgrantThe topic suggests that it's up, but apparently not...00:19
slangasekand if they do, they have my condolences00:19
cjwatsonthere's nothing to stop somebody writing a subversion plugin that knows how to read from bzr branches (well, apart from it being very difficult to do)00:19
slangasekooh, my cronjob is back, yay00:19
cjwatsonthe bzr/svn integration that I think zeth must be talking about is the reverse of that, a bzr plugin that knows how to read from and write to svn repositories. adopting that code would not magically make bzr branches available by svn00:20
Peng_bzr-svn can push back to svn.00:21
cjwatson"a bzr plugin that knows how to read from and write to svn repositories"00:21
slangasekit can; but bzr is a distributed vcs whereas svn is not, so there's an important asymmetry there00:21
cjwatsonthat doesn't turn a bzr branch into an svn repository00:21
wgrantcjwatson: It can, actually. You can push a branch to an empty SVN repo, AFAIK.00:21
wgrantBut it's pointless.00:22
cjwatsonthat's little good if it's only one-way00:22
cjwatsonyou might be able to set it up but it would be pretty hideous00:22
wgrantThere's little chance of it ever being two-way due to them being... rather different ideas.00:22
slangasekit would give you a read-only svn mirror, I guess00:22
slangasekbut only of select branches00:22
slangasekand with terrible revision history visibility from the svn client00:23
cjwatsonnobody else attempts to make repositories available in multiple formats, anyway. they support multiple revision control systems but you only get to use one at a time. that's because nobody else is quite that insane either :-)00:23
cjwatsonin fact launchpad is the only system I'm aware of that's trying to provide additional ways of checking out repositories on a large scale, by means of making as much of the world as possible available using bzr00:24
cjwatsonbut that's one-way read-only rolling imports too00:26
bdmurray"Duplicate Of:" is optional at a bug's +duplicate page?00:38
jmlbdmurray: yeah, you can make it empty to unset it.00:39
jmlbdmurray: confused me a bit when I first saw it, actually.00:39
bdmurrayright, but if it is already empty should it shouldn't be optional right?00:39
jmlbdmurray: I guess not.. I mean, it'd just be a no-op.00:40
mwhmost of the "(optional)" tags on launchpad are traps for the unwary or something00:41
hoopplease, what would this error mean?01:00
hoopPermission denied (publickey).01:00
hoopbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)01:00
mwhhoop: codehosting is not yet back up since the launchpad rollout an hour ago01:00
mwhhoop: will be back soon01:00
hoopoh, okay :) thanks01:01
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | bazaar.launchpad.net not yet back up
hoopmwh, is there a way to know when it is back, or I just try later?01:07
jmlhoop: try now :)01:07
mwhhoop: yeah, it should be working now01:07
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
hoopworked! thank you =)01:08
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
lamalexdoes launchpad's search support wildcards?02:18
lamalexI'm trying to find a bug that I know exists but I can't remember the name, I know it has a < in the title though02:18
lamalexthat's all I know02:18
=== ajaksu_away is now known as ajaksu
lamalexnm, gmail found it for me02:20
vadi2Can someone please help and stop launchpad spam, it subscribed several teams to one and this is not supposed to work that way: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4531302:41
Hobbseevadi2: not at this time of day, but you'd need kiko, etc.02:43
Hobbseevadi2: but i'd expect you should be able to undo that yourself.02:43
vadi2I already searched everywhere.02:44
vadi2I don't recall doing that to begin with.02:44
Hobbseecome on launchpad.  Please don't take 10+ seconds to load a new page.02:45
Hobbseemake that 30+02:45
Hobbseevadi2: is it just bugs, or all of it?02:46
vadi2only bugs that I know of, those questions don't have answers and launchpad doesn't do blueprints02:46
vadi2but bugs are bad enough02:46
Hobbseevadi2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/getdeb-web/+subscribe02:46
Hobbseevadi2: obvious, isn't it?02:47
vadi2okay. I did do that myself. I thought I was signing up myself to those groups, not those groups to getdeb...02:47
vadi2ty Hobbsee02:48
Hobbseevadi2: y/w.  Do you know how to add yourself to the teams?02:48
vadi2yeah, go to the team page and click join team02:48
kirklandhow long does it take a team mailing list to get approved in Launchpad, generally?03:37
thumperkirkland: not sure, but the people to bug are barry, flacoste and kiko (one of them anyway)03:39
kirklandthumper: thanks ;-)03:39
thumperpossibly other people, but likely they are in the same TX03:39
thumpernot texas03:39
persiajml: Moving here to get back on-topic.05:50
jmlahh yes.05:50
persiaIn the specific case of a web service with a public beta interface, I think that "Fix Committed" and "Fix Released" doesn't do well for mapping issues.05:51
* jml neither05:51
persiaEssentially, one wants somehting "Fix Committed" when it hits VCS trunk, and "Fix Released" when it is in a shipping product.05:51
persiaFor projects that have a tarball, this works.05:51
persiaFor a web service, you have a moving target of your public beta, which maps poorly to the set of things that are Fix Committed.05:52
persiaIF you set these things to Fix Released, then you lose the ability to track what is actually in the production web service.05:52
jmlright. the thing here is that 'released' has an implicit destination.05:53
persiaOne possible workaround would be to give a version number to each push to the beta interface (as a "release"), and then indicate which of those happened to apply to the production service, but that might be tricky.05:53
persiaSo the (daily?) updates to edge would be e.g.,,, ...  and when 2.1.9 was finally pushed to lpnet, it would happen to be or something, and edge would get
persiaMind you, I'm not sure how you guys tend to work, so this may or may not actually be a feasible workaround.05:54
persiaAlso, there would need to be some sensible way to gather the set of things that were included in all published 2.1.9 releases for release notes when pushing to lpnet, etc.05:55
persiaAlso, does anyone happen to know the bug number for the exceedingly small fonts?  I've seen a couple mentions about the issue, but none with a bug number, and find myself squinting today.05:56
jmlnot off the top of my head.05:56
persiajml: No worries.  I'm just hoping *someone* does, not you.  I'll search for it later if nobody knows.05:57
jmla quick search found some older bugs.05:57
persiaYeah.  That was my problem too.06:01
persiaThere's some specific change in this series that generated some mail and IRC traffic, but that's not necessarily related to the older font bugs.06:01
jameshjml: out of interest, are you using testresources for anything public?06:04
jameshor just improving it for the hell of it? :)06:04
jmljamesh: not for anything public yet.06:05
jmljamesh: I want it to join my pyunit-friends movement.06:05
jmljamesh: also, I'd like to use it internally in Launchpad.06:05
jameshjml: looks like I'm the only one who has been filing bugs against it ...06:15
jmljamesh: I toyed with using it in Twisted a few years ago06:16
jmljamesh: but I find it really hard to change Twisted, even when it's a good idea.06:16
jameshhaving an example of best practice use of the code would have been useful ...06:16
jmljamesh: *nod*06:16
jmljamesh: the reason I started working on it again is that we do a bunch of things that are kind of close to testresources06:17
jmljamesh: but I felt that writing my own separate version wasn't the best approach.06:18
jameshI wonder if it'd be easier to use if there were some constraints on the actual resource objects06:18
jmljamesh: well, my next plan is to have a base class for the resource objects.06:18
jmljamesh: which will have setUp, tearDown and addCleanup.06:18
jameshresource dependencies would be nice too06:19
jmljamesh: it won't be a constraint, per se, but it should make it easier to write them.06:19
jmljamesh: that's in the revised todo, I think.06:19
didrocksHi there!07:08
didrocksI have uploaded in my ppa, two days ago a wrong version number of a package for iptables (1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy1)07:09
didrocksI ask for a removal, what has be done in LP07:09
didrocksI know that we have to wait for 24 hours to have it removed from the archives07:09
didrocksbut it's still not done by the cron, apparently:07:10
didrocks2008-09-18 06:07:58 WARNING     iptables_1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy1~ppa1_i386.deb: Version older than that in the archive. 1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy1~ppa1 <= 1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy107:10
didrocks(an so, my build failed because of upload)07:10
persiadidrocks: Indeed.  This is by design.  There is no way to recover sensibly.07:15
persiadidrocks: You could bump the version to something like 1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy2~ppa1 but users will not then upgrade to 1.4.0-4ubuntu2~hardy1 if it is pushed to backports.07:16
didrockspersia: during a ppa presentation, it seemed to me that there were an automatic removal within the 24 hours from the archives, did I dreamt ? :)07:16
persiadidrocks: Removal of the packages doesn't remove the listings from the blacklist07:16
persiaYou could put it in a different PPA.07:16
persiaNo today.  Just sign up for a new account.07:17
didrocksI was so dum to forgot this ~ppa…07:17
persiadidrocks: Well, maybe.  maybe you're using the PPA for something different than that for which it was designed (and no, I don't know towards what end it was designed, and don't think anyone currently does)07:17
didrockspersia: so, a possible bypass is to use another ppa (I do not want people testing iptables can't then upgrade to the backport one, if accepted)07:18
persiadidrocks: Yep.  Each PPA has a different blacklist.07:19
didrocksthx persia07:19
wgrantYou could also create a teamk.;07:19
persiawgrant: Easier to make a new user go away when testing is complete from a merge than to make a team go away, isn't it?07:19
wgrantpersia: True.07:20
wgrantOh my god. Is there really no way for me to remove all of the CVEs on bug #270404 without severe pain?07:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270404 in vlc "Please update VLC to 0.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27040407:25
wgrantWhy are there not checkboxes on +unlinkcve!?07:25
imyojimbohi, im trying to push a branch to lp , and i get "The server's host key is not cached in the registry"08:37
wgrantThat is normal if you're doing it for the first time on Windows.08:37
imyojimboso what do i do? it errors08:39
imyojimbobzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)08:39
wgrantimyojimbo: Bug #237297 seems to give a workaround.08:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237297 in bzr "Win32: The server's host key is not cached in the registry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23729708:40
wgrantBut I'm not sure about how this stuff works on Windows.08:40
_mhhi all -- I've been trying to lookup if bazaar has any tag replacement like svn for $Id$ $author$, etc -- is there some documentation anyone can point me towards pls?09:53
poolie_mh, there's a plugin09:53
pooliei think09:54
_mhI thought the plugin was called 'um' ; how clever am i? :)09:54
_mhpoolie, many thanks, checking it out09:54
jamesh_mh: there is also the "bzr version-info" command you could use as part of your build process10:04
* wgrant dislikes things like $Id$10:04
wgrantThey make for useless noise in diffs.10:04
_mhjamesh, I'll check that out as well, thank you10:05
jameshif you're doing a Python program, "bzr version-info --python" will generate a Python module that'll provide the info10:05
imyojimbo0(i was disconnected, can u write again)10:15
imyojimbo0im using bzr+windows. bzr push to launchpad fails on me, errors something about "The server's host key is not cached in the registry." and after that "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions"10:20
wgrant17:40:35 < wgrant> imyojimbo: Bug #237297 seems to give a workaround.10:21
wgrant17:40:43 < wgrant> But I'm not sure about how this stuff works on Windows.10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237297 in bzr "Win32: The server's host key is not cached in the registry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23729710:21
wgrantimyojimbo0: ^^10:21
imyojimbo0i've read that page. i still dont understand how to fix this10:22
imyojimbo0i understand i need to load the keys into the cache or something. dont know how10:22
wgrantTry opening up PuTTY and connecting to bazaar.launchpad.net10:23
wgrantThat should ask you to confirm the key.10:23
wgrantOnce you do that, you should be able to use bzr.10:23
imyojimbo0is bazaar.launchpad.net a valid ssh server?10:23
wgrantIt won't let you get a shell.10:24
wgrantBut it will let you connect.10:24
wgrant(and throw you out, but that doesn't matter here)10:24
imyojimbo0ok, its doing something now10:27
imyojimbo0taking quite along time10:27
imyojimbo0Created new branch!10:30
imyojimbo0wgrant cool, thanks alot10:30
wgrantimyojimbo0: Excellent! No problem.10:30
=== Hobbsee` is now known as Hobbsee
imyojimbo0is this something thats gonna be fixed in the future, or is this the way it should be?10:31
wgrantimyojimbo0: It's the way it should be.10:35
wgrantbzr should perhaps prompt you better.10:35
wgrantBut it does fine on !Windows, AFAIK.10:35
Hobbseedear launchpad....what the hell?  No love, me.10:49
Hobbseecan someone explain to me how bug nomination works please?10:49
Hobbseekiko: can you help me with this?  This used to work in an obvious way.10:52
Hobbseehttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/246269 - if you hit approve/decline on the last one, it pops up an approve button, and a decline button, on initramfs-tools.  What I want to know is which task i'll actually be changing, and hwo to change the lower tasks.10:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 246269 in linux-meta "Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d" [Undecided,Invalid]10:53
gmbHobbsee: That's very weird behaviour. Let me see if I can reproduce it.11:00
Hobbseegmb: and the only reason the url is like that (re. flashplugin-nonfree) is because there's no obvious rune (such as bugs.lp.net/<bug number> or similar) to load a bug without a source package.11:04
gmbHobbsee: https://launchpad.net/bugs/246269 should work (though why we do that but not bugs.lp.net/$bug I don't know)11:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 246269 in linux-meta "Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d" [Undecided,Invalid]11:05
gmbyes, thanks ubottu.11:05
Hobbseegmb: oh, so I tried everything but.  right.11:05
gmbWell, we wouldn't want to make your life easy...11:06
wgrantgmb: It's because distro nominations are stupid and broken.11:06
wgrantgmb: They are across all sourcepackages.11:06
wgrantThis is broken, annoying, stupid and longstanding.11:07
wgrantThe similar JS bug just makes it more obvious, perhaps.11:07
Hobbseegmb: yeah, well.  I knew that much.11:07
gmbwgrant: Are there bugs filed about this?11:07
wgrantgmb: Of course.11:07
* wgrant digs them up.11:07
gmbwgrant: Sorry, silly question.11:07
wgrantBug #11019511:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110195 in malone "Nomination for a release on one source package shouldn't affect any others" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11019511:09
wgrantBug #162411, bug #262577 are also relevant.11:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 162411 in malone "Cannot target a task to a release if another task already targetted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16241111:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262577 in malone "Nomination acceptance buttons shouldn't be hidden behind an almost-link with identical text" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26257711:09
gmbwgrant: Right, thanks.11:10
Hobbseeoh, that's only 17 months old.  A young bug!11:10
* Hobbsee --> dinner.11:11
wgrantgmb: You're not likely to find an LP complaint of mine that hasn't been filed. Hence the "Of course".11:11
gmbwgrant: As it should be :).11:12
gmbHobbsee, wgrant: So, JS problem is quite simply shonky JavaScript, but it arises, I think, from the fact that nominations are created at the bug level (even though they're approved or rejected at the bug task level).11:13
wgrantThat is a misfeature, but it looks that way.11:14
gmb(Because the area that's supposed to be expanded is named after the nomination object, and there's only one of those for the bug, so all the approve/decline areas are named the same thing).11:14
wgrantThat's what I suspected.11:14
Hobbseewgrant: can you file the lack of relevant headers bug then too?  :P11:15
Hobbseegmb: right, OK.11:15
gmbHobbsee: to answer your question, then, if the buttons appear for initramfs-tools then they'll affect initramfs-tools.11:15
Hobbseeand not the rest?11:15
wgrantI wish.11:16
gmbChecking now...11:16
gmbHobbsee: No, they'll affect everything. Which is bonkers.11:16
Hobbseegmb: oh, lovely.11:17
wgrantThat is bug #110195.11:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110195 in malone "Nomination for a release on one source package shouldn't affect any others" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11019511:17
Hobbseegmb: bonkers is better than what I was thinking.11:17
wgrantIsn't it?11:17
Hobbseeanyway, --> really @ dinner.11:17
* gmb files a bug about the JS, looks into 110195 in more detail.11:18
wgrantAFAICT the misfeature in #110195 is quite deliberate. There must have been quite some extra work to make it create all those tasks.11:19
gmbwgrant: Well, I'm not sure yet that nominations aren't just working on the bug level and appearing to look like they work on the task level, which really would be crackers.11:19
wgrantRight, I guess it could well just be that the entire bug is nominated for the series. That would only manifest itself where one could have multiple tasks sharing the same set of series, ie. distributions...11:21
wgrantBut it is still surely extra work to make it work on a bug level.11:21
wgrantDon't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by LP's annoying project-centricity, I guess.11:22
* Hobbsee finally gets back from dinner.12:07
Hobbseegmb: oh good.  I'll hope for a less bonkers LP then.12:07
\shlooks like I don't get it somehow12:08
gmbHobbsee: it's going to be our codename for 3.0: "Now with 50% less crack"12:08
Hobbseegmb: woot!12:08
Hobbseegmb: but with 50% more useless features, which introduce more crack?12:08
* Hobbsee still routinely goes for any new people / team URL's she visits, and sticks their people in random countries.12:09
* gmb confesses he's been tempted to do that more than once12:09
gmbI'm sure there's a team somewhere all of whose members are in Antarctica.12:10
\shif somebody can enlighten me, why http://paste.ubuntu.com/48000/ <- this is not working?12:10
Hobbseegmb: i'm in antartica.12:10
Hobbsee(which I placed.  but still)12:10
mwh\sh: you need to pass the service root in to the constructor don't you?12:11
* mwh is not here12:11
\shmwh: not reading the introduction.txt12:11
\shthere it's just pass the credentials12:12
\shbut reading launchpad.py yes12:12
gnomefreakwhat version of LP are the launchpad-beta-testers on?12:17
gnomefreaknevermind i see it in lower right corner12:19
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
Hobbseegmb: will it also be "and 50% faster"?12:30
Hobbseegmb: do you think you could get launchpad to load in under 6 seconds, on my machine?  :)12:30
Hobbsee20 seconds for the extremely long firefox bug.12:31
wgrantAlmost identical for me.12:34
* Hobbsee wonders how to list all open bugs, in everything.12:34
Hobbseeoh, you search with an empty string.  right.12:34
Hobbseeargh.  that incredibly stupid milestone bug isn't fixed yet either.12:35
Hobbseeless maps, more fixes for incredibly stupid bugs, please :)12:35
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
NCommanderThe Hardy, Gutsy, and Fiesty backports project is getting hit with a load of spam13:09
NCommanderIs there any way to magicially get close roughly 15-20 bugs on two projects?13:18
HobbseeNCommander: spam from what?13:19
NCommanderHobbsee: This person opened 15 needs-packaging bugs, then added fiety and gutsy backports to all of them13:19
NCommanderAll in bulk it seems13:19
HobbseeNCommander: have you tried speaking to the person yet?13:19
NCommanderNo contact address on his LP profile13:19
HobbseeNCommander: you can use the mail interface, or py-lp-bugs somehow.13:19
NCommanderWhat mail interface13:20
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
NCommanderUgh, now my mailbox is at 8013:20
NCommanderIt was at 10 just 20 minutes ago13:20
NCommanderHe's adding it to EVERY needs-packaging requests13:21
HobbseeNCommander: what's the user ID?13:22
Hobbsee(not that I can do anything, but hopefully the bugsquad knows about him)13:22
intellectronicaNCommander: using the api?13:22
intellectronicaNCommander: getting the list of bugs is not available yet (hopefully early next week), but if you have the list of bugs you can use the api to close them13:22
Hobbseeintellectronica: i have a request for LP3.0.13:23
intellectronicaHobbsee: file a bug?...13:23
Hobbseeintellectronica: it's bigger than that.13:23
intellectronicaHobbsee: what is it, b.t.w?13:23
intellectronicaHobbsee: write a blueprint?...13:23
Hobbseeintellectronica: I want to see launchpad load times cut in half.  That means, loading a page on an australian connection, in under 6 seconds.  Do you think it's doable?13:23
Hobbsee(australian broadband, that is)13:24
Hobbseeand no more of these 20-40 second page loads.13:24
intellectronicaHobbsee: load times are a combination of many things. but rest assured, this is one of the things that are high on our priority list for 3.013:25
Hobbseeintellectronica: i'm aware of that - but the rest of the pages i load take nothing like 12 seconds to load :)13:25
Hobbsee(from a non-LP site)13:25
Hobbseeand none take 40.13:25
NCommanderI never get these mythical 20-40 second loads13:26
intellectronicaHobbsee: 40 seconds to load? that's terrible. please please please file bugs about such cases. we don't always know, since we only measure the time it takes to render the pages on the server, not how long it takes to actually load them from various places around the world13:27
Hobbseeintellectronica: yeah, I had one of them earlier.13:27
intellectronicaHobbsee: b.t.w you do cache, right? you're not loading all the images, etc, with every page?...13:27
NCommanderHobbsee: the firefir EULA page :-)13:27
Hobbseeintellectronica: I can try - i only recently started using the extended statusbar extension, which actually files them.13:27
Hobbseeintellectronica: correct, i do - but that doesn't seem to help when starting from a non-LP site.13:27
HobbseeNCommander: that bug?  No, that takes 21 seconds.13:28
Hobbseeer, s/files/times/13:28
Hobbseehm, 13 seconds this time.  It was taking 21 seconds when i loaded it before.13:29
NCommanderreboot time13:29
intellectronicaHobbsee: also, to isolate load time from desktop slowness, try timing the load of the same page with wget or curl13:30
Hobbseeintellectronica: that's true.13:31
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|AFK
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
flacosteThis is a bit tricky, as Wiki pages, many times, are a result of lengthy phone/in person discussions, so decisions like14:09
flacostepriorities may be controversial with users.14:09
flacosteI guess I'm a bit afraid that if the doors are too wide open, we may end up with hundreds of "PLAES IMPLAMANT THIS!!!"14:09
flacostecomments. OTOH, that could happen with LP bugs today, so maybe it's just me being overly paranoid.14:09
flacostedamn button 2, i shouldn't select everything i read14:10
wgrantGood to see it is being discussed, however.14:17
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
NCommanderHobbsee: Well, two emails sent, and he still spams our tracker14:22
HobbseeNCommander: you might try to poke someone into finding an admin and asking them to remove his account, then.14:23
* NCommander looks to see if any admin is awake14:24
=== glade88|AFK is now known as glade88
* beuno pokes kiko-afk and Rinchen14:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
radixis there a way to share milestones between two projects?15:08
andrea-bsradix: are they subprojects of the same superproject?15:08
radixandrea-bs: they could be, but they're not now15:09
radixandrea-bs: would that help?15:09
radixI couldn't find a way to create a milestone in a superproject15:09
beunoandrea-bs, I don't think you an share milestones among projects, no15:09
andrea-bsradix: if the milestones of two (or more) subprojects have the same name, they can be considered "shared"15:10
radixandrea-bs: does launchpad do something special, or are you just saying I could treat them as the same?15:10
andrea-bsradix: you'll geto something like this: https://launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+milestones15:10
andrea-bsin a sense they are shared because you can view bugs and blueprints targeted in the same page, but actually they aren't -- they only have the same name and superproject15:12
radixI think probably one of my biggest annoyances is that you can't edit the details of two bug tasks at the same time15:13
detDoes Launchpad have any advantages over Opensuse build service? IOW, why not use OBS for your repo for all you packages (fedora/suse/ubuntu/etc)?15:24
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
persiadet: As a competitor to PPAs, it may make sense.  For LP-hosted distros, it probably makes more sense to use Soyuz for the integration with Malone (uploads-close-bugs).15:34
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
DnaXHi, please, anyone can do it? https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4465615:39
DnaXrequire a DB patch15:39
* beuno pokes kiko-afk again ^15:44
DnaXwho are launchpad admins?15:45
andrea-bsDnaX: https://launchpad.net/~admins15:47
DnaXthank you andrea-bs :P15:47
DnaXkiko-afk: can you do a DB patch?16:02
kirklandflacoste: kiko-afk: how long does it take a team mailing list to get approved in Launchpad, generally?16:35
flacostekirkland: it depends, can be instantaneous if you ask here!16:36
flacostekirkland: what list?16:36
flacostebarry: ^^^16:36
kirklandflacoste: ecryptfs, thanks!16:36
flacostekirkland: officially, we look at it daily16:36
flacosteso a turnaround of one day16:36
flacostebut, we sometime slack on that16:36
flacostebut that should be fixed next week16:36
kirklandflacoste: gotcha16:37
barrykirkland: done!16:37
kirklandbarry: rock on, thanks ;-)16:37
barrykirkland: np!16:38
kirklandone more unrelated question....16:38
kirklandis there a way to reverse sort the list of files at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kirkland/ecryptfs/release_tarballs/files for example?16:38
kirklandi see sort=filename16:39
kirklandbut i want to reverse sort on filename16:39
beunokirkland, hm, no. But, if you file a bug, I will make it happen!16:39
kirklandbeuno: cool, thanks ;-)16:39
kirklandbeuno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/27178716:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 271787 in loggerhead "reverse sort by filename in bzr browser" [Undecided,New]16:41
kirklandbeuno: thanks ;-)16:41
beunokirkland, your welcome  :)16:42
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
ignashi, how do I send a question to another project?16:55
ignasi have https://answers.launchpad.net/schooltool/+question/4559316:56
ignasbut I think launchpad people are more qualified to answer it...16:56
andrea-bsignas: go to https://answers.launchpad.net/schooltool/+question/45593/+edit and change the "Project" field16:57
intellectronicaignas: yes, this question would be more appropriate in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar16:57
ignasandrea-bs, intellectronica: thanks16:58
\shI just approved an app via api on stable launchpad...but logging in via credentials is not possible...now I wonder why17:06
thekornthis happens for me sometimes too,17:08
thekorndo you get an httperror or something17:08
\shthekorn: 401 Unauthorized17:08
\shthe same credentials file on edge works flawlessly17:09
thekornoh on stable17:09
thekornis it even possible to use stable?17:10
\shthekorn: that I don't know..I can see my auth tokens on stable and on edge...17:10
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
infinitois there any place where i can find some docs about ubuntu's launchpad-integration libs??17:40
beunoinfinito, https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib17:41
infinitobeuno: thanks!17:41
infinitois it possible to use it to search for packages inside ubuntu??17:42
infinitoor is it just for bugs?17:42
beunoI'm not sure how much of that is done in the API17:43
bigjoolsthere's no Soyuz API yet17:44
beunoinfinito, that's a17:44
beuno"not yet"17:44
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
infinitohummm so no way to access...17:50
beunono, but there will be eventually17:50
\shat least...leonov works now with launchpadlib (at least on edge) now for the GUI parts (http://leonov.tv/content/leonov-launchpadlib-your-data-thats-me <- a first glance of what that can be)17:50
beuno\sh, oh, very cool!17:52
beunocongrats, it's looking good17:52
bigjoolsbeuno: right sorry, I was on a call17:54
\shbeuno: well, it needs more, but that's just UI work and some bits of code writing ,)17:54
beunobigjools, sorry for what?  we got our answer, so thanks!  :)17:55
bigjoolsbeuno: for being terse :)17:56
beuno\sh, if you'd like some UI tips, I'll grab a branch and take it for a spin17:56
beunobigjools, no worries  :)17:56
\shbeuno: kde4 style and later on gtk/gnome style :) would be a cool idea...I'm a donkey regarding UI :)17:57
beuno\sh, will give it a go then!17:59
\shbeuno: just wait for a "go"...I need to push some stuff still to lp:leonov/leonov-kde (this is my kde branch)18:00
beuno\sh, sure. Just poke when you're ready18:00
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
=== gord_ is now known as gord
kikothekorn, \sh: the API only works on edge; ask leonardr or flacoste for details.19:27
\shkiko: just found out :19:27
\shthekorn: we need to change py-lp-bugs...edge support is broken ;)19:27
\shcu tomorrow19:27
flacoste\sh: you should19:27
flacostetest on staging first anywya :-)19:27
leonardrkiko, flacoste: what? is this a bug?19:28
thekornbut staging is terribly slow these days19:28
kikothekorn, shouldn't be at least from my usage19:29
flacosteleonardr: no, it's not19:29
leonardroh, kiko's saying that it only works on edge *and staging*19:29
leonardrand not on produciton19:30
leonardrspeaking of which i should publish that blog entry19:30
thekornone other think: is it possible to not sync the oauth token of edge and staging?19:30
thekornproblem with testing on staging is: yyou have to regenerate your oauth tokens each day19:30
salgadothekorn, but you could use a token from edge on staging, as long as it was authorized at least one day ago19:31
thekornoh, sounds like a good idea19:32
=== danilos is now known as danilo-home
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=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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