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davmor2xivulon: ping10:34
davmor2xivulon: wubi is suffering from this bug too but other than that and the cd reporting it's wrong everything seems to be okay :) https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/26107310:37
davmor2cjwatson: why does the installer say "An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from CD failed."  I have a niggling feeling it may be landscape-client still but could be wrong.  Where is the best place to look?10:41
persiadavmor2: At what point did you get that?  Which package didn't install?  Is there anything useful in the install logs?10:41
xivulondavmor2 could you give a second look to 20413310:42
xivulonmounting ntfs with -o syncio and copy a large file to it10:43
davmor2persia: installer says scanning the mirror which log will be most likely to show it up?10:43
xivulonlast time I tried performance was crap10:43
davmor2xivulon: two ticks10:43
xivulonalso if that work it would be nice to try syncio in wubi10:44
persiadavmor2: Hrm.  The bottom of /target/var/log/dpkg.log ought have something, but there may be other more sensible places to discover it.10:44
xivulonto do so delete/deactivate /etc/init.d/lupin-sysctl and add ROOTFLAGS=syncio to the boot arguments10:45
xivuloncjwatson, evand I have also almost finished with the wubi python code rewrite, to the point where it almost works10:47
xivulonstill have some bugs to fix with the freezing, some smaller WinUI fixes (transparency + tabstops), add translations, and code clean-up10:48
cjwatsondavmor2: err, what bug number is this related to? logs?10:49
xivulonnew branch is here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/wubi/intrepid.python10:49
cjwatsonas ever, the installer syslog should have it. I don't think dpkg.log will be useful10:49
cjwatson(apt-get update type operations don't show up in sources.list at all)10:49
cjwatsonxivulon: ok, we've passed the point where it could be accepted for intrepid though I'm afraid10:50
cjwatsonlast I heard you were suggesting jaunty instead yourself10:50
xivulonyep I was aware of that, and I would agree10:50
cjwatsonok, just responding to the branch name :)10:51
xivulonsorry I was late, but was really busy for me these past months (if you read financial news you'll see why), anyway hopefully the new code base would be easier to maintain10:53
davmor2cjwatson: there is some stuff in syslog I'll see if there is a bug if not I'll open one and post it up for you10:54
cjwatsonI mean, specifically, that error means that 'apt-cdrom add' exited non-zero or that 'apt-cdrom ident' produced no output10:56
cjwatsondavmor2: what sort of installation was this? wubi?10:56
cjwatsonhmm, I suppose wubi loop-mounts /cdrom10:57
davmor2wubi but it happens on normal too and you get similar result on other versions.  But you just click okay and the install carries on10:57
cjwatsonyou *sure* it happens on normal installations? the cause would have to be completely different10:57
davmor2cjwatson: would you like me to do a normal install and post both syslog results to the same bug?10:58
cjwatsonno, I'm doing one now10:58
davmor2cjwatson: it happens right near the end of the package install section10:59
xivulonI can confirm I have the same issue in wubi, haven't tried on regular installations, yes in wubi the ISO is mounted as /cdrom10:59
davmor2writing bug now10:59
davmor2cjwatson: I just thought it was the work round for landscape-client and didn't think that much to it so then thought I'd better ask11:00
cjwatsonno, it isn't11:00
cjwatsonright near the end of which package install section? there are two major phases when lots of packages are installed11:01
cjwatsonthis is definitely unrelated to landscape-client11:01
davmor2cjwatson:  scanning the mirror that is what the installer says behind the message box11:02
cjwatsonok, so that's apt-setup as expected11:02
ganesi booted through casper but its not detecting the other partitioon11:03
ganescjwatson, i booted through casper but its not detecting the other partitioon11:03
cjwatsonganes: is this your modified version of Ubuntu?11:04
ganescjwatson, yeah11:04
ganescjwatson, is there any relation with the kernel11:04
cjwatsonsigh, sory11:06
cjwatsonganes: does unmodified Ubuntu work?11:06
cjwatsondavmor2: I can't reproduce this with a normal alternate CD install11:09
cjwatsonwhich is good since that means I think I understand the problem ;-)11:09
davmor2needs to be via ubiquity11:09
cjwatsonwell that's odd too since I thought I'd fixed that in ubiquity 1.9.1211:11
cjwatsondefinitely happening with current desktop images?11:12
cjwatson(I have to go out for a bit, back in <1hr)11:12
davmor2bug 271693 for syslog11:12
davmor2I only got onto live cd's late last night11:13
davmor2xivulon: I'll try out that test you want after testing is out of the way need to get alpha 6 out then I'll have some time again is that okay11:42
davmor2cjwatson: when you get back bug 271693 is present on the latest Kubuntu live cds too11:43
xivulondavmor2 that's fine, thanks a lot.11:53
cjwatsondavmor2: ok, thanks. You said "wubi" in the bug; does that mean these tests are via wubi or not?11:55
cjwatsonSep 18 09:39:08 ubuntu ubiquity: /usr/lib/ubiquity/apt-setup/generators/40cdrom: 77:11:55
cjwatsonSep 18 09:39:08 ubuntu ubiquity: --pass-stdout: not found11:55
cjwatsonhmm, that can't be helping11:55
davmor2cjwatson: kubuntu is a standard live install11:55
ganescjwatson, sorry for late reply ., yeah that is working11:56
cjwatsonganes: OK, then I'm afraid you have to sort it out yourself by applying divide-and-conquer to the changes you've made. We cannot help you.11:57
cjwatsondavmor2: I suspect the fix is http://paste.ubuntu.com/47997/ to ubiquity but will have to test to make sure11:58
* davmor2 fears respins on all live cds :(11:59
cjwatsonthe underlying bug there is http://paste.ubuntu.com/47998/ to apt-setup; I'll commit that upstream though, we don't particularly need it in Ubuntu immediately if ubiquity is fixed anyway12:00
* davmor2 hugs cjwatson12:00
davmor2ara: on testing has just confirmed it on i386 ubuntu install12:01
cjwatsonok, just need to reproduce it myself so I can confirm my fix works12:02
cjwatsonurgh, I need to sync down a newer build first. I wish everything didn't take so long12:19
davmor2cjwatson: I wish installs only took a couple of minutes, but we can't have everything we want now can we :(12:20
davmor2cjwatson: just had it confirmed too that kubuntu ubiquity does exit properly you're left with the last (click to install) page if you try closing it it says exit installation12:29
cjwatsonthere was a bug about that already12:29
davmor2cjwatson: I'll try tracking it down12:30
davmor2cjwatson: that's the one :)12:31
cjwatsonok, this seems to be working better now13:40
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2831 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.9.1713:46
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2832 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/apt-setup):13:52
CIA-50ubiquity: Call apt-setup with --log-output, since it breaks otherwise as of13:52
CIA-50ubiquity: apt-setup 1:0.36 (LP: #271693).13:52
persiacjwatson: Is http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs04.html#preseed-partman the right place to start from to construct a proper preseed file for partman?14:03
evandpersia: you should use our documentation as we diverge from d-i in areas.14:05
cjwatsonWHS; use the installation-guide-i386 package14:06
persiaOK.  Thanks.14:07
cjwatsonor, well, installation-guide-lpia perhaps ;)14:08
persiaheh.  Yeah.  I do hope to make Ubuntu MID work for other architectures at some point, but it's not going to happen for intrepid.14:09
persiaI think Ubuntu Mobile is going to be i386 and lpia for intrepid, but that doesn't need nearly as much preseeding, as it uses GDM.14:10
xivulonevand bumping 258045 :)14:46
evand04:26:49 <katkin> my head hurts :(14:48
evand09:02:17 <evand> aww14:48
evand09:03:26 <evand> I have just the thing for that.  Ibuprofen and kisses.14:48
evandhow embarrasing14:48
evandxivulon: on it now14:58
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2833 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.9.1715:03
xivulonevand thanks, will close the bug then. will it be on alpha-6?15:05
evandxivulon: I imagine so as there's going to need to be a re-roll15:05
cjwatsonwow, 261073 is quite spectacular actually15:09
cjwatsonI bet somebody's been messing around with g-s-d's path again15:10
evandbetween HAL and this it's quite the game of whack-a-mole we've started :)15:11
cjwatsonhmm, or not15:11
* cjwatson peers at ps xw from a normal session15:11
evandI've had g-s-d crash on me fairly regularly on intrepid live CDs15:12
cjwatsonI don't think it's a crash though, that usually results in a dialog box doesn't it?15:12
evandah, good point, it does15:12
cjwatsonI suspect the problem might be that we aren't starting up a session bus15:13
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evandxivulon: done15:15
davmor2cjwatson: Have you seen it, its ugly15:16
davmor2but only happens on the automated (don't know what else to call it) side of things15:17
evandindeed, so it's most certainly ubiquity-dm's fault.15:18
cjwatsonI'm working on a patch to make it start a dbus daemon now, and see if that helps15:18
cjwatsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/48050/ WIP15:21
evandI thought KDE uses dbus now, no?  Or is it just an optional dependency?15:23
cjwatsonI wasn't sure ...15:24
evandgah, why on earth is this looping back to partman-commit15:26
evandoh, somehow post install I ended up back on the summary page15:27
cjwatson(out for 15 minutes)15:27
evand10:21:23 < cjwatson> http://paste.ubuntu.com/48050/ WIP15:33
evand10:23:54 < evand> I thought KDE uses dbus now, no?  Or is it just an optional dependency?15:33
evand10:24:37 < cjwatson> I wasn't sure ...15:33
evandRiddell: ^ Can you clairfy this.15:33
evandIt looks like gnome-settings-daemon requires a dbus session (which we currently don't provide in the Install Ubuntu mode), and we want to be sure we make the change for both kde and gtk if it's required for the former.15:34
Riddellkde uses dbus15:35
Riddelli need to start dbus for oem installer15:35
evandok, noted15:37
evandinteresting, I somehow managed to crash X by using less.15:38
cjwatsonRiddell: so you do. Does that mean that your "Install Kubuntu" mode is broken right now?15:44
Riddellcould well be havn't tried15:45
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cjwatsonI'm not sure I believe your dbus-launch code in oem-config-dm though :)15:48
cjwatsonsurely you need to extract and set environment variables from them - and I think it needs to be run with --exit-with-session15:48
Riddellit certainly made it work15:59
cjwatsonin my case metacity is segfaulting so I may have more than one problem16:00
davmor2Riddell: oem worked fine for me :(16:00
Riddelldavmor2: is that a cause for a sad face?16:01
davmor2I couldn't be bothered to to click on the confused face :)16:02
cjwatsonthey're two characters. wouldn't it be easier to type them?16:02
davmor23 according to pidgin and I never seem to get it right :( Fail on my part me thinks16:04
cjwatsonyour IRC client is rendering them as two characters16:06
davmor2evand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/migration-assistant/+bug/180309 I'm confused why would M-A have anything to do with localisation?16:13
cjwatsonthis is tedium squared to debug16:13
evanddavmor2: that's a hard one to fix without pulling in some additional dependencies.16:14
cjwatsonthis is YA reason why localised directory names are a stupid idea16:15
evandbut basically, it needs to write to the proper xdg directories16:15
evandwhat is? the g-s-d bug?16:15
cjwatsontedium squared? yes16:16
davmor2https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/261073 that one16:16
cjwatsonexcept I think I fingered g-s-d incorrectly, but 261073 anyway16:16
cjwatsonI'm trying to fix metacity falling over and hoping that'll be good enough to fix the rest16:17
cjwatsonit seems to want gconfd to be running16:19
evandwhy do I have the feeling we're going to end up running most of GNOME ;)16:19
superm1would it be worthwhile to perhaps ship another more lightweight WM on the disk to run instead?16:20
cjwatsonI'd rather have it look pretty much like Ubuntu at least at the window management level.16:21
davmor2Riddell: when you could get the end message on the installer was it on a dual boot or single install?16:22
cjwatsongconfd is not very heavy in terms of memory use16:23
Riddelldavmor2: single install16:25
davmor2I've just finished auto resize and I got the end message :-?16:26
davmor2:-/ even16:26
RiddellI've not been able to recreate it this afternoon16:29
Riddellmaybe it's a morning problem only..16:29
davmor2Riddell: great tell every to only install in the afternoon :D16:29
evandhrm, "Language: 10 languagechooser/language-name doesn't exist" - I thought cjwatson fixed that.16:30
evandoh whoops16:32
evand1.9.7 != 1.9.1716:32
bdmurrayI did an OEM install and had not internet access and now have no finalize icon on the desktop for the oem install.  Is that expected?16:45
cjwatsonbdmurray: could well be a consequence of bug 27169316:49
cjwatsonthat would mean that apt doesn't know about the CD during installation (could also break localisation etc.)16:49
bdmurrayI did see that error message16:50
bdmurraycjwatson: thanks16:51
_rubenhrm .. my installation seems to hang at "validating coreutils..." .. nothing to happen .. performing installation over remote kvm with a virtual cdrom over the network .. any hints on how to troubleshoot?16:52
_rubeni thought perhaps it'd have troubles reading the virtual cd, but that doesnt seem to be the case .. ls in /cdrom works fine, and no timeouts or anything in dmesg16:52
bdmurraycjwatson: do you have time for a ssh question?16:53
_rubenhmm .. apparently it doesnt hang, but is just dogslow16:54
_rubenloadavg of 1 .. cant be good16:56
cjwatsonbdmurray: probably16:57
bdmurraycjwatson: I see the following when ssh'ing to systems16:58
bdmurraydebug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed16:58
bdmurraydebug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>16:58
cjwatsonunfortunate that it doesn't say in what why, but that suggests that your private key is corrupt17:00
bdmurraythat's time impression I'd got from what I'd read17:01
cjwatsonin the sense that it no longer parses17:02
cjwatsonit's the OpenSSL function to read the key that's failing17:02
evandI can confirm that 270423 isn't occuring every time.17:21
cjwatsonanyone else remember typing in 8-bit micro programs out of magazines?17:36
cjwatsonthis is JUST LIKE THAT.17:37
cjwatsononly took 2.5 hours :-/17:46
cjwatsonmay break a11y, I'm not sure17:46
cjwatsonI think probably post-a617:46
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2834 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.9.1817:59
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2835 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):18:09
CIA-50ubiquity: Start dbus and (in the case of the GTK frontend) gconfd in only-ubiquity18:09
CIA-50ubiquity: mode (LP: #261073). I'm not entirely certain that accessibility will18:09
CIA-50ubiquity: keep working with this ...18:09
davmor2cjwatson: this is the other bug in xubuntu that I couldn't find earlier https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/26134018:52
vincouillehi all19:19
vincouilleI've got a problem with tasksel when trying to install ubuntustudio-desktop with a netboot install.19:28
vincouillehere is the corresponding syslog:19:30
vincouilleSep 18 11:36:59 in-target: Couldn't find task ubuntustudio-desktop19:30
vincouilleSep 18 11:36:59 in-target:19:30
vincouilleSep 18 11:36:59 in-target: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)19:30
vincouilleis this bug already known ?19:30
cjwatsonvincouille: no, I hadn't heard of that; could you put the full syslog somewhere, please?20:09
cjwatsonoh, actually, yes, it is known20:10
cjwatsonvincouille: bug 19964920:11
cjwatsondavmor2: that's a germinate bug that I've fixed, but we're deferring the fix until after alpha-6 'cos it's quite invasive20:11
davmor2cjwatson: np's I just couldn't find it before so was just highlighting it so it wasn't forgotten :)20:12
cjwatsonbug 27130920:13
davmor2cjwatson: that's the one I couldn't find before :)20:23
evandNot sure what relevance this has, but 270423 only occurs the first time you run ubiquity.20:57
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CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2836 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/tzsetup):23:46
CIA-50ubiquity: Set OVERRIDE_SHOW_ALL_LANGUAGES while calling localechooser on the23:46
CIA-50ubiquity: timezone page as well as on the language page itself (LP: #253749).23:46
persiaDoes that fix the oddity of preselected location based on language?23:47
cjwatsonwhich exact oddity? :)23:47
cjwatsonyou mean how the location is always Algiers for many languages?23:48
persiaPerhaps.  I was thinking about how it was never Japan for English.23:58
cjwatsonnot quite sure I understand you. Why would Japan be a sensible default for English?23:59
persiaIt wouldn't.23:59

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