
Wickedwell i got my pvr-150 ir blaster to work when i use the cli...but now i cant figure out how to make it work my remote. any ideas on how i can do this?01:17
MersaultI've got a black Antec Fusion case with an iMON LCD display. Has anyone had success getting this to work with 8.10 Alpha 4?03:29
foxbuntuMersault, yes.03:34
Mersaultactually, I just rebooted and it works03:35
MersaultI'm not sure what I did03:35
foxbuntuMersault, same thing happened with mine too03:35
foxbuntuMersault, I need to reload it sometime and document it better03:35
foxbuntuits one of my test machines03:35
Mersaultwell, it's just reading out LCDproc server, now how do I  get mythtv to load info into it?03:37
Mersaultis there any way to get it to stop displaying LCDProc Server when idle? I found the settings in mythtv, and it showed the time for a minute03:50
Mersaultbut now we're back to default display03:50
totohi all, today my mythtv doesn't render my tv sound. I believe it is caused by a recent package update of mythtv, does anyone know about it ? the log is :04:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.715 Opening audio device 'default'. ch 6(2) sr 4800004:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.715 Opening ALSA audio device 'default'.04:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 Mixer unable to find control Master 104:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 Mixer unable to find control Master 204:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 Mixer unable to find control Master 304:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 Mixer unable to find control Master 404:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 Mixer unable to find control Master 504:48
toto2008-09-17 23:43:03.757 mixer unable to find control Master 104:48
EkodudeSo, i'm using a Hauppauge HVR-950Q. As far as i know, everything is working driverwise and whatnot. I can scan for channels, but only for ATSC channels. All i have is basic NTSC cable, and can't figure out how to scan for channels so i can fill my mythdatabase with all the good stuff from schedulesdirect.org. can anyone help on scanning normal channels? "Fetch channels from listings source" doesn't do anything. at all.07:29
marcus_hello everyone08:13
marcus_i was wondering if anyone could answer a few question for me...?08:14
marcus_i am trying to force mythfilldatabase to use the output file 'xmltv.xml'  from zap2xml.pl using this command format:08:17
marcus_ mythfilldatabase --file 1 -1 xmltv.xml08:17
marcus_all i keep getting is the error:08:17
marcus_illegal option: 'xmltv.xml' (use --help)08:18
chrisbrl88I keep getting a "cannot login to database?" error when I try to run the configuration... can anyone help?08:22
marcus_hi chrisbrl88, i had the same problem, turns out i hadn't configured my tuner card and video input08:23
marcus_did you setup any channels yet before running the fill database?08:24
chrisbrl88I can't even get far enough to set up channels08:24
chrisbrl88this is happening during the initial configuration08:24
marcus_oh, sorry, i am new to ubuntu myself, sounds like something for a more experienced user08:26
chrisbrl88there don't seem to be any awake and in the room at the moment haha08:27
marcus_eheheh, it appears we are the only 2 who aren't snoring08:27
chrisbrl88this has been driving me insane for 2 days and there's never anyone in here :-(08:28
marcus_did you redownload your iso again?08:28
marcus_i had a problem with my first burn, it kept crashing during install08:29
marcus_i burned it again at the lowest speed setting i could do, and it did the trick for me08:29
chrisbrl88im adding mythtv to an existing ubuntu desktop08:29
marcus_sounds like a lot of fun ahead08:32
chrisbrl88well, it normally shouldn't be an issue08:32
chrisbrl88it basically converts the system to mythbuntu08:32
chrisbrl88but since I don't know anything about mysql, I don't know how to correct the issue08:33
marcus_i am a window-guru, ubuntu is new to me08:33
chrisbrl88haha im better with windows08:33
chrisbrl88as much as I hate vista08:33
marcus_getting back into shell command brings back fond memories of dos08:34
marcus_v1.1 to 6.208:34
marcus_you are so right about vista, a real pita08:34
toorimachrisbrl88: did you follow any guide to add mythtv to ubuntu?08:36
toorimahttp://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu ?08:36
toorimayou installing on gutsy or hardy?08:38
chrisbrl88whichever 8.04 is08:39
toorima8.04 is hardy so guessing that is why its not working for ya08:40
toorimatry the link I posted08:40
toorimayour trying 7.10 install on 8.0408:41
chrisbrl88I see...08:41
chrisbrl88there doesn't seem to be a guide for 8.04 yet08:41
chrisbrl88this isn't doing much to help my migraine... lol08:42
toorimayeah wierd there isn't anything on the wiki, i think there used to be a link to mythbuntu08:43
chrisbrl88seems to be an installation guide for hardy08:46
marcus_toorima, do you have a minute to check this guide (http://vanvalkinburgh.org/blog/644) to setting up a data guide from zap2it?08:46
chrisbrl88any idea how to clear the mysql root password?08:46
toorimachrisbrl88: that guide looks ok08:49
toorimatry mysqladmin -u root -p oldpass blank08:50
toorimanever tried clearing it, just changing08:50
chrisbrl88access denied08:51
chrisbrl88this is getting bothersome08:51
chrisbrl88if I just downloaded and installed mythbuntu, could I configure it to act as a desktop?08:51
chrisbrl88it can be mythtv first and a desktop second instead of the other way around08:52
toorimau sure you set a password? can you find it in /etc/mysql or something like that?08:52
toorimayeah u can add gnome or kde desktop to mythbuntu08:52
chrisbrl88that's the thing... im not sure if I set one or not08:52
toorimado cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt08:53
toorimait should hold your password08:53
chrisbrl88it shows the particular database password08:54
chrisbrl88not the mysql user password08:54
chrisbrl88I wish I knew how to use mysql haha08:54
toorimamarcus_: u dont want to use schedules direct?08:55
marcus_not for now, i am testing mythbuntu08:56
marcus_i'm not sure if i will be using it or moving to a satellite service soon08:56
marcus_schedules direct that is08:57
toorimaisn't free for 2 weeks or something?08:57
chrisbrl88GAH - my log has grown to half a gig08:57
marcus_that is a good question, i haven't registered with the service yet08:58
marcus_but since i have an account with zap2it i wanted to try making it work using the zap2xml perl script i found08:58
toorimachrisbrl88: what happens if u do mysql -u root08:58
toorimamythbuntu dont set a mysql root password so mysql will give access without password08:59
chrisbrl88access denied for user root@localhost09:00
chrisbrl88and now there's a bigger problem! I don't know which episode of law and order: CI to watch! its on 2 channels!09:00
chrisbrl88if I could get mythtv working, my problems would be solved!09:01
toorimayou could try this, i have never tried it myself tho http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html#resetting-permissions-unix09:01
toorimamarcus_: ok where in the guide do you have problem?09:02
marcus_the first mythfilldatabase commande was where i hit a brick wall09:03
marcus_but it was because of the -1 in the line that it kept bugging out09:05
marcus_i think09:05
marcus_i am learning fast by bashing my head straight onto mythbuntu, and i am still getting my bearings using a ubuntu system09:06
marcus_i guess reading the mythfilldatabase --help queued me onto my problem of the -109:09
toorimahmm yeah it seems it should only take one number there09:09
marcus_aside from that, i am puzzled by crontab command09:10
toorimawhat about crontab?09:11
marcus_when i do crontab -e, and exit from the editor, where can i find a list of all the task i have scheduled?09:12
marcus_and which are currently running09:12
chrisbrl88whoa... when I rebooted the splash changed to mythbuntu09:12
toorimamarcus_: try sudo crontab -l09:13
toorimachrisbrl88: did you clear the mysql password?09:15
chrisbrl88it won't let me09:15
chrisbrl88I think im gonna try downloading the mythbuntu iso and add gnome to it after the fact09:17
chrisbrl88im gonna have to remember what boot parameters I used to get into the system setup again though... ugh09:17
chrisbrl88I really should take notes09:17
toorimayeah i tell myself the same thing but i never do hehe09:18
marcus_thank-you toorima, that showed me the list of planned task09:18
chrisbrl88before I take notes I should probably clean my desk, too haha09:19
chrisbrl88its become more of a shelf since I got my laptop and stopped using the desktop09:19
marcus_is there a good book you'd recommand, or wiki i should read to get a good cross-reference to the good old days of Dos09:19
chrisbrl88marcus_: http://www.ss64.com/bash/09:20
chrisbrl88good starting point09:21
marcus_mainly, file organisation tree structure, authorisation level and so forth09:21
chrisbrl88oo! I have something you'll like for the file tree structure09:21
marcus_i am in your debts guys, i never dreamt to learn so much tonight09:22
chrisbrl88im sending you a file09:22
chrisbrl88its a pretty basic diagram, but it helps me remember what does what09:23
marcus_thanks chrisbrl8809:23
marcus_it'll help me understand this monster of a system, it's seems so powerfull(linux) compared to windows09:24
marcus_can't for the life of me think why i never made the jump to any linux system09:25
marcus_say, does anyone know if the small games from www.gamehouse.com can work on ubuntu?09:26
toorimacould maybe run in wine09:30
toorimadepends if its a .exe or09:31
toorimashockwave games will not work09:31
marcus_they are .exe file, with a a few .dll in a directory09:32
marcus_windows is looking less and less interesting the more i read and understand everything you've sent me guys, thanks a bunch!09:33
marcus_i have one last question on mythbuntu 8.04, about transcoding and comercial detection09:33
toorimacould work with wine, check here http://appdb.winehq.org/09:33
marcus_i've added this page for my next reading09:35
marcus_i did a few test today, but all of them returned an errored code in the frontend, is there a way for me to find out what is the error?09:35
toorimatranscoding used to be problems with, not sure how it is now, dont used it, commercial detection works fine tho, once a while it will detect wrong but09:37
marcus_ah, ok09:39
marcus_is there a way to find out what the error was about?09:40
toorimau mean commercial detection?09:40
marcus_yes, in the information screen(frontend) it said the task was errored09:42
marcus_that is where the error message appeared about commercial detection task09:43
toorimashould be in /var/log/mythtv/09:44
toorimayou should have some logfiles there u can read09:44
marcus_alright, i'm going there right away, curious to find out what it was all about09:45
marcus_say, whenever i try to open a file, it always ask me what program i want to use to open it09:46
marcus_what should i install to have similar fonction to wordpad from windows, or better?09:47
chrisbrl88marcus_: wordpad or MS word/office?09:47
marcus_just a quick file reader, so wordpad would be best, i do not need the higher function of word/office(which i've heard called openoffice in linux)09:49
toorimavi, nano, gedit, openoffice09:49
toorimafirst 2 are command line text editors, gedit is notepad/wordpad but better09:49
chrisbrl88ubuntu installs with most everything you'll need09:49
marcus_no wonder i couldn't read anything from files, gedit wasn't installed09:51
toorimait wasn't? comes default with most linux distros09:51
chrisbrl88whoo! mythbuntu iso is downloaded and burning09:51
marcus_the only software installed i could choose was firefox09:52
chrisbrl88that's... really unusual09:52
marcus_so it should have been installed with the mythbuntu image i used.. right?09:53
chrisbrl88ill let you know shortly when I start installing it lol09:53
toorimait should have come with it yeah09:54
toorimaprobably it lost the settings, what files are opened with09:54
marcus_maybe it's because i didn't check in the setup option a different desktop?10:03
marcus_i know i saw that option in the setups somewhere10:05
marcus_well, time's up for me, now i will attack my pillow10:07
marcus_thank-you chrisbrl88 , toorima10:07
marcus_your help is very much welcomed10:07
adacThe satandard layout for mythbuntu...how is this called? can i install this "theme" also in ubuntu?13:12
chrisbrl88hey I installed the ubuntu desktop overtop mythbuntu... how do I get into gnome now?13:51
adacI thibnk mythbuntu is dead chrisbrl88...noone answers here ;)14:43
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superm1kees, from what i understand, the binaries only run suid now, when the package was built without them that way - it wouldn't run, and would spit out an error saying that they need an effective id of root15:47
superm1let me find the upstream changelog entry talking about it15:47
superm1kees, well i'm having a hard time finding the changelog entry that brought it up - if you look in configure however, http://paste.ubuntu.com/48055/15:53
superm1so upstream had wanted it done that way15:53
superm1kees, but if you have other suggestions on what to do about it or how to handle it more gracefully, i'd like to hear15:58
chrisbrl88hey is anyone awake?16:00
ZinnPlease don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.16:00
chrisbrl88ah ic ok16:00
chrisbrl88well... I've got mythbuntu working16:00
chrisbrl88but when I go to scan for channels, it says I have no signal on any of them16:00
chrisbrl88its  bt848 chip16:00
chrisbrl88I've checked the cable connection to the wall and it works perfectly16:01
chrisbrl88im wondering if there's some setting im missing somewhere16:01
chrisbrl88capture device is /dev/video016:01
chrisbrl88im going crazy trying to figure this out16:03
jphillipchrisbrl88 I'd search around for some info on the card, and try to tune it to a channel outside of mythtv first if thats the case16:03
chrisbrl88what program would you suggest trying for that?16:04
chrisbrl88it worked 2 days ago when I had windows xp on this system16:04
jphillipchrisbrl88 let me see if I can find info for how I've done it with my pvr-xxx card16:05
chrisbrl88same in tvtime16:09
chrisbrl88no signal16:09
jphillipwhat happens if you do at /dev/videoX > test.mpg16:10
jphillipcat /dev/videoX > test.mpg16:10
jphillip ^c that after a bit and then try to play back the video16:10
jphillipobviously replace X with the propper number16:11
chrisbrl88tvtime froze the system.... I have to reboot16:11
chrisbrl88ill stick my second card in there in the process16:11
chrisbrl88nothing happens16:22
chrisbrl88lspci is seeing both cards16:22
jphillipit doesn't capture anything?16:23
jphillipsounds like your cards aren't up and running16:23
chrisbrl88I know they both work though16:24
chrisbrl88and where would the capture file be?16:24
chrisbrl88the composite in works fine on both16:25
chrisbrl88I hooked a gamecube up to them16:25
jphillipworks fine in mythtv, or when cat'ing them16:26
chrisbrl88mythTV and tvtime16:26
jphillipit would be wherever you were when you ran that command16:26
jphillipperhaps you need to set the input in mythtv-setup?16:26
jphillipif it works with composite, it may just not be set to use the tuner16:27
chrisbrl88all I can do is change the settings in the program to "tuner" or "cable" and that was the first thing I did16:28
chrisbrl88no signal on scans16:28
chrisbrl88on either cards16:28
chrisbrl88and id rather not break out the ATI tvwonder because you can't even use that for live tv16:29
jphillipif its an ivtv card you can try this: http://ivtvdriver.org/index.php/Troubleshooting#Use_.22cat_.2Fdev.2FvideoX_.3E_test.mpg.22_to_test16:31
chrisbrl88ones pinnacle and the other is pixelview16:32
keessuperm1: ah-ha, okay, so it's using it's own thing that it calls "hardening".  this isn't related to intrepid's compiler hardening options.  cool.16:46
superm1kees, yeah exactly16:47
superm1kees, i think actually the concept of vboxusers owning /dev/vboxdrv might be able to go too w/ this16:48
superm1kees, since the binary is launched suid16:48
* kees nods16:49
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adacwhat is a program with a grafical interface which allows me to manage the mysql databases18:42
tgm4883_laptopthrough a web interface that is18:42
adactgm4883_laptop. ok thx18:42
adacweb interface is fine18:43
toorimaanyone missing rating in mythvideo? i get 0.0 on all movies i,ve added in the last week19:10
toorimacan't find anything about it either, I've managed to fix the lowres poster problem without, dont know if that is fixed in weekly builds, i dont use that19:11
toorimafixed it20:25
leeko_hello! first time in this channel21:09
leeko_is this the correct place to ask questions re: setting up mythbuntu?21:10
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jphillipleeko_ sometimes, if people are paying attention21:19
jphilliptry asking your question and wait a bit to see if anyone answers, if not hit the forums21:20
jphillip!forums | leeko_21:20
ZinnSorry I don't know about forums21:20
jphillip!forum | leeko_21:20
Zinnleeko_: The Mythbuntu forum is located at: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=30121:20
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leeko_hi - sorry, i didn't realise it wouldn't alert me when there was a response!21:27
leeko_thanks for the info21:28
jphillipleeko_ in the forums?21:38
leeko_yeah i've used the ubuntuforum before21:48
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abarbaccia1anyone have audio sync issues when playing back mkv files? the audio always falls behind about 30min into the playback22:59
hadsI don't think mkv playback is quite as well supported as some others.23:02
abarbaccia1hads: gotcha. its all h264 i thought23:16
abarbaccia1just mkv is the wrapper23:16
linkhey, I managed to break nfs on my mythbox, I did some googleing and there is a bug in nfs? so i cant just reinstall it?23:38

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