
ompaultuxice, is there anything else?00:37
ompaultuxice, I point you to the topic00:38
ompaulTopic for #ubuntu-ops is: Welcome to the home of the Ubuntu IRC Team operators | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam | This channel   is for operator/abuse questions in the IRC Team domain only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | LoCo channel discussion etc. to #ubuntu-irc |   We reserve the right to remove idlers from the channel | Channel is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Be good!00:38
NafalloI'm always good, no? :-)00:39
ompauli.e. the part about being idle00:39
ompaulNafallo, what kind of an oxymoron is that question? ;-) in general we find the aforementioned Nafallo to be a good upstanding member of the community ....00:40
ompaulNafallo, stand up and be counted, for what you are about to receive - we are the dealers and we give you all the source you need00:40
ubottu_Zeus_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:41
NafalloI haz source in the datacenters ;-)00:41
ompaulNafallo, AC/DC does Free Software?00:41
ompaulthat was a direct misquote of them00:42
ompaultuxice, ?00:46
ompaullast call for tuxice 00:46
naliothelky_work: elky, myrtti  none of the floodbots are on my local server00:56
naliothseems the one in Germany mysteriously disappeared00:56
naliothanyway, fb2 is back now00:56
elky_worknalioth: yeah, and you were not around to un-disappear it00:56
naliothwe still have over 60% of folks w/o power here00:56
elky_workim not surprised00:56
naliothi'm sure the DSL is gonna be upsy-daisy for a while, too00:57
elky_workhas it been saner than katrina?00:57
naliothof course.  we're Texans.00:57
elky_worki mean, the government side of 'oh, you mean there are corpses littering the streets, maybe we should, um, do something'00:59
naliothyou see, we're not welfare people here, who depend on the gov to think and act for us00:59
naliothunlike New Orleans00:59
naliothman o man.01:00
elky_workso you didnt need the army to send help or anything like that?01:01
naliothi am my own army.01:07
mneptokexplains the multiple latrines.02:27
* nalioth reminds mneptok to keep his car windows rolled up when he's not in attendance02:31
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: foo is foo02:34
jribindeed it is02:34
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: orifices is holes02:47
jribI wonder if he missed the part about his request being forwarded to ops02:48
* nalioth wonders if badfish cares02:52
Picijrib: I'd probably ignore that if I said foo is foo.02:52
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:17
jrib!samba ~= s/  Also see bug #212098//03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212098 in nautilus-share ""easy" file sharing not notifying about logout/login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21209803:17
ubottuNothing changed there03:17
jrib!samba ~= s/SWAT./SWAT.  Also see bug #212098/03:17
ubottuI'll remember that jrib03:17
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see bug #21209803:17
jribawww, he doesn't recurse03:18
jrib!samba ~= s!bug #212098!https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/212098!03:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212098 in nautilus-share ""easy" file sharing not notifying about logout/login" [High,Confirmed] 03:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212098 in nautilus-share ""easy" file sharing not notifying about logout/login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21209803:19
ubottuI'll remember that jrib03:19
=== iNutshell is now known as ssss
=== ssss is now known as inutshell
iFvwmhi, anyone here can help me to invite ubottu to #ubuntu-cn03:37
iFvwmJack_Sparrow: ..03:37
naliothiFvwm: do you need an infobot?03:38
iFvwmFlannel: but no one answer.. 03:38
FlanneliFvwm: What?03:38
iFvwmnalioth: i need ubottu only03:38
nickrudnalioth, did you finally move out of houston?03:38
naliothiFvwm: ubot3 and ubot5 are clones of ubottu, would one of those work?03:39
iFvwmFlannel: i do not know who is the master of ubottu.03:39
naliothnickrud: nope, power and phone got repaired today03:39
iFvwmnalioth: clone, all right. if you can help. just invite to #ubuntu-cn03:39
iFvwmnalioth: so thanks. :D03:40
naliothyou are welcome, iFvwm 03:41
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)06:02
ubottuHaSH called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:04
naliothMadpilot: <ahem> klined06:06
Madpilotnalioth, wondered, but hit enter on the +b anywya06:06
naliothyou can see it in the channel06:06
jussi01ooh, nalioth is back :D 07:35
jussi01nalioth: good to see you :)07:36
* nalioth waves07:41
jussi01wow #u is dead...08:49
jussi01I mean 4 mins without a word... in #ubuntu?08:49
* nalioth breaks out the crash cart08:51
jussi01hrm, what happened to ubottu :(10:14
stdinwell, that's the reason then10:17
stdinnow wait 5 mins and do a test :p10:18
elkynalioth, might pay to move ubot3 to connect to a different leaf?10:19
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.10:21
elkydid they both connect to the same place?10:21
jussi01no idea. 10:22
jussi01stdin: do you know?10:22
stdinI think ubot3 is on brown and ubottu is on zelazny10:23
stdinno. ubottu is on wolfe10:23
elkythanks, i coulnt get an ubot3 /wii to respond10:25
stdin!kopete ~= s/and IRC/and, in KDE 3, IRC/10:27
ubottuI'll remember that stdin10:27
sykopomphttp://www.kroah.com/log/linux/lpc_2008_keynote.html Please help linux development. The community would appreciate it if ubuntu stopped acting like a fork and more like part of a community.10:29
stdinumm, what?10:29
stdinI wonder if you generated your stats fairly...10:30
sykopompthis is not news.10:31
stdinin fact, I'd just say "no you didn't" now10:31
sykopompI didn't generate it. I'm just linking.10:31
sykopompjust letting you all know ;)10:31
stdinwhy did you link it then?10:31
sykopompbecause it's important for people to be aware of this?10:32
stdinso what's with the message with the link10:32
stdinthat page is not a fair representation, and I'll prove it10:32
sykopompgo ahead10:32
stdinhow long has Red Hat been around? and, how long has Canonical been around?10:33
stdinthere. done10:33
sykopomphow long has linux existed?10:33
elkystdin, stop feeding10:33
sykopompelky: "if it doesn't like ubuntu or the Ubuntu Way, it must be a troll!"10:34
sykopompelky: makes sense.10:34
elkysykopomp, no, if it comes in here to bait, it must be a troll.10:34
sykopompelky: label things however you like.10:35
elkyand since you are very clearly in here to bait reaction...10:35
stdinhow long the Linux kernel has existed is besides the point, and is irrelevant. if you agree with the page, fine whatever.10:35
sykopompstdin: Look at the sheer proportion of Red Hat contributions vs. Canonical's. That can't be brushed off as 'red hat has been around longer'10:35
elkystdin is right however. you are quite free to use Debian or Red Hat if you really think they have a better product or are better contributors. We're certainly not going to stop you leaving us alone.10:35
stdinsykopomp: yes it can, as I've proven. thanks, bye10:36
sykopompelky: I'm not talking about the distros at all. Ubuntu is a pretty huge distro in the community, and has plenty of active developers. The fact that so much work is being put into something, and so little is being given back, is a downright shame.10:36
elkysykopomp, you realise this is not a developer's channel, right?10:37
elkythis is an irc operators channel.10:37
sykopompelky: Shhhhh10:37
elkykeep an eye on motu and devel10:38
elkysomeone give me ops in -devel already :(10:42
stdinnow I know it's a troll for sure10:42
jussi01for anyone after the auto_bleh script you can get it at: http://jussi01.com/upload/uploads/auto_bleh.pl11:34
gnomefreakjussi01: you have a diff for the new one11:38
gnomefreakcompared to older one11:38
jussi01gnomefreak: was that a question?11:39
gnomefreakjussi01: yes but i made a diff already11:40
jussi01was gonna tell you to do that anywya.. :P11:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, tuxice said: !xsystem is The X System for ubuntu is responsible for your Graphical Environment, To reconfigure XORG (the configuration file) look here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/12:20
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.12:34
tuxiceam i able to have my bot join #ubuntu-bots12:50
tuxiceor no?12:51
Picituxice: Its my understanding that #ubuntu-bots is only...12:56
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore12:56
Piciubottu seems to be ignoring me for factoids in pm and @ commands everywhere.12:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:57
Picioh quiet you12:57
bazhangubottu coc13:01
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/13:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:03
bazhangPici, at some point ubottu quit, a relogin has it working again here at least (ie @login)13:04
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu (pasteluv)13:08
bazhangthat was strange13:13
bazhangdoing a !ko had that response13:14
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:16
Picibazhang: ah, now shes responding to me, weird.13:16
bazhangPici, heh13:18
bazhangkamozin is in mediation but so far no response; has a .de isp but was speaking broken russian.13:18
PriceChildis in mediation?13:35
PriceChildbazhang: ?13:43
Picimaybe he meant meditation 13:44
Tm_Tmedication... I need that, btw13:45
jussi01I guess if you s/mediation/pm/ then the sentence works...13:47
Picijrib: :D13:48
TiredWolfubottu's stopped responding to my PMs again...13:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
TiredWolfit works in the channel13:56
PiciTiredWolf: same thing happened to me until I did a @login13:57
TiredWolfwell i don't have a problem going to -bots13:58
TiredWolfbut that's no good for random people wanting to use the bots13:58
Picijussi01: ping13:59
jussi01Pici: pong13:59
Picijussi01: See above regarding the bots inability to respond in PM13:59
jussi01!wfm | Pici14:01
ubottuPici: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/14:01
Picijussi01: It only started to work for me when I did @login14:01
jussi01see this is weird, works fine for me. 14:01
TiredWolfthis happened another time during the summer14:01
TiredWolfturned out you needed to be identified to services14:01
PiciI am IDed though.14:02
jussi01stdin: ping14:02
TiredWolfor at least, the bot had to believe you were14:02
TiredWolfi suppose nal's back?14:05
TiredWolfor at least his machine is14:06
bazhangPriceChild, sorry; he was flooding with ot broken russian; muted him and was trying to mediate14:07
PiciTiredWolf: yes, just yesterday14:08
TiredWolfPici: everything alright with him?14:08
PiciTiredWolf: He seemsed okay14:08
Picier, seemed.14:09
PiciWhenever we're done playing with the topic in -ot, can we make sure that the guidelines url and a something about support being in #ubuntu gets added to it.14:29
PiciI may not be active to add those points.14:30
TiredWolfPici, do you think i'm *that* irresponsible14:33
PiciTiredWolf: Of course not, but you're also busy14:33
TiredWolfoh yeah, so busy14:33
TiredWolfikonia: as long as it's just "ls" and not the complete sequence of sudo / password / sudo halt / password, like i did once because i couldn't be bothered turning on the monitor...15:39
ikoniaTiredWolf: laughing hard15:51
ikoniajust managed to gain access to my box from a clients site, so pleased15:51
stdinjussi01: one character out of place :|16:10
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: recover-pass is if you have forgotten your user/root password follow these steps http://linuxconfig.org/Recover_-_Reset_forgotten_linux_root_password16:15
FlannelIdleOne: surely you mean this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword16:16
IdleOneFlannel: indeed. I should have searched wiki before hand ;/16:17
IdleOnethanks, and sorry16:17
FlannelMmmm, we still don't have a lost password factoid, do we.16:18
IdleOnewe do16:18
ubottuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:18
FlannelThats not really a lost password one16:18
IdleOnewell it can be edited to add the wiki page16:18
FlannelBetter to make a new one.16:19
FlannelI'll take care of it16:19
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords16:24
FlannelI guess it didn't get too much longer.16:24
FlannelIdleOne: anything else we can do for you today?16:25
Picimethinks hes an idle one.16:25
IdleOnenope that is good thanks16:26
IdleOnePici: :P16:26
IdleOnelater folks16:26
Picidanielm_mc: How can we help you today?19:35
Pici!idle | danielm_mc 19:40
ubottudanielm_mc: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.19:40
danielm_mcsorry, was just hanging out to get the ubottus19:40
danielm_mctrying to work my way up to being an operator on #ubuntu19:40
danielm_mcand #ubuntu-server19:40
Jack_Sparrowdanielm_mc Please dont idle19:42
Picidanielm_mc: Well, we usually pick a helper from the community when we feel that we need more operators.  The source code for the bots are also available if you want.19:42
ompaulseekingtruth found truth about o4o at the end of my ban stick22:38
Seeker`the internet would be a much better place without all the other people22:39
Seeker`sadly, i'm not joking22:43
ompaulSeeker`, consider that a knowing chuckle22:53
Seeker`almost time for bed22:57
Seeker`otherwise it will be time for interview before i actually get to sleep22:57

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